for finer things in life
for finer things in life
������ RS. 20 | ISSUE 1 | jan 28-feb 3, 2010 AND Mo Re ���������������������������������� ECS MEDIA PUBLICATION EVERYTHURSDAY 3 4 7 8 10 13 PAGE3 PEOPLE METROPOLIS HALFWAY TIMEOFF GIZMO Just Asking... Spotlight Window Shopping Love em’ Shoes! Undercover Gourmet Pimp My Ride They are coming out of their closets, almost literally! A talk with a young banker who sees the brighter side of things. Smart casuals are your safest bet in a wadrobe dillemma. we give you the options. Diamonds be damned, shoes are a woman’s best friend. our undercover agent rates eateries around town. Check out the various options available for the modification of your car. CHOCOLAT With the advent of Valentine’s Day, as lovebirds around the globe prepare to celebrate their love, Annabelle Ray gives you an insight on the aphrodisiac properties of lovers’ favorite indulgence - Chocolate. S hrawan Shrestha, 32, is a banker by profession who tied the nuptial knot only recently. His profession sometimes demands irregular working hours, which upsets his new bride who has to wait alone at home. However, he has sought resort to the mighty chocolates and, whenever possible, drowns his damsel in distress in its tempting glory. And especially now, after Friday informed him about the positive impact of chocolate on sex life, he is planning to please his wife with loads of chocolates even on days he gets home on time. “I have always used chocolates to make my near and dear ones happy. And now, after coming to know about this insightful info, I might as well end up making my wife and myself chocoholics,” Shrawan said with the wry smile on his face. According to a recent study conducted by Italian researchers, women who ate chocolate regularly had a better sex life X E S & than those who abstain from the treat. The study, which was presented at the European Society for Sexual Medicine in London recently found: “Women who have a daily intake of chocolate showed higher levels of desire than women who did not have this habit. Chocolate can have a positive physiological impact on a woman’s sexuality.” Even women who have a low libido could become more amorous after eating chocolate. Contradicting the idea, however, Dr. Subodh Pokhrel, a Senior Sexotherapist, opines, “There is no direct relation between eating chocolates and sex. But if you’re referring to those chocolates that are prepared with sexual-enhancing components nowadays, then there’s no denying the fact. These chocolates are taking up a huge market in major cities around the world and it could soon hit the Nepali market too.” Although, today, studies are being carried out to justify, prove ECS Media turn to page 2 for more of it! 2 or challenge whether chocolate is in fact related to sexual enhancement, many civilizations, since a long time back, have embraced chocolate as a powerful aphrodisiac of some sort. Ever since the time the first cocoa beans were harvested by the Mayans, people have believed chocolate to have a euphoric impact on the body’s senses. The Spanish invaders saw the Emperor Montezuma of the Aztecs consuming a large quantity of cocoa in the form of a beverage called “chocolatl” before entering his harem. The conquistadores later carried the emperor’s belief of chocolate being a sex booster all the way to Europe. This belief was also shared by one of history’s most famous lovers, popularly known as Giacomo Casanova. So what exactly makes chocolate a sex food that the legendary lovers embedded in history so strongly swear by? On exploring its properties, scientists have found chocolate to contain a chemical called typtophan, which works as a serotonin precursor in the brain. Serotonin, popularly referred to as the cover Issue 1 Jan 28 -Feb 3, 2010 When Choosing a Chocolate… Not all types of manufactured chocolates offer good health benefits. Here’s how to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth when you shop for a chocolate bar. Concentration Counts: To get the most health benefits from a chocolate, choose the darker varieties.The compounds that benefit your health (antioxidants and phenols) are in the cocoa solids.Then again any chocolate can be labeled dark.Therefore, choose a product that contains at least 70% cocoa. “happy hormone”, is a naturally produced chemical by the brain, and which is known to reduce anxiety and uplift one’s mood. Chocolate also contains phenylethylamine that induces euphoria and excitation during sexual prelude by turning on the brain’s pleasure nucleus. This chemical increases one’s feeling of excitement, causes giddiness and boosts sexual drive, consequently giving more or less the same high as alcohol, but without the secondary effects of the latter. Or it is, perhaps, the rush of endorphins produced by eating chocolates (particularly dark chocolates) that human beings, especially women, most identify with heightened sexual pleasure? Although studies have consistently suggested that women who consume large amounts of chocolate enjoy satisfying sexual lives, the opposite, where women with satisfying sex lives tend to eat more chocolate, may also hold true. Regardless of which one may be closer to the truth, however, chocolate and sex have long been associated to Avoid the Milky Way: Most varieties of mass-marketed chocolate bars are made with milk, which unfortunately inhibits the absorption of the beneficial compounds in cocoa (as does drinking milk along with the chocolate). If it contains milk (milk fat, lactose, whey and other mild derivatives), the chocolate no longer retains its healthenhancing benefits. Go natural: Choose a chocolate that is free of unnecessary additives for a better, healthier product. be a powerful twosome. Women especially stand to benefit from the sex-enhancing properties of chocolates to up their libido in a bid to match up with that of their male counterparts who are biologically and, by default, designed to have a higher sex drive. So for couples seeking to reignite their passion in bed, it seems like consuming chocolates is the way to go about it. Having said that though, it’s not like chocolate cannot be eaten just for the heck of it like in the old days when you popped one simply to melt away in its heavenly sensation without having to feel guilty later (see box above). After all, this is only an attempt to show what a commonly available and often taken-forgranted food (experts argue it’s a drug) such as chocolate can be an endless abyss of pleasure for both the mind and the body if rightly consumed with full knowledge of its useful properties. And now you know what to do the next time you’re not quite all in the mood for some fun-inthe-sack right? Yes! It should be chocolate and chocolate all the way for you. n Five reasons why chocolate is good for your health n Chocolate reduces blood pressure. The flavonoids found in cocoa help in the control of arterial tension by increasing the amount of nitric oxide in the blood. n Dark chocolate can decrease the risk of a heart attack by 50%, coronary disease by 10% and premature death by 8%. And it also helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes. n Chocolate improves blood circulation in the brain, which lasts for about two to three hours after you’ve eaten one. This way, the brain fights off exhaustion, chronic fatigue, insomnia and aging, improving memory and learning. Improved circulation also boosts erection in men. n Chocolate increases “good” cholesterol and lowers the “bad” one due to the antioxidants present in it similar to those found in fruits, vegetables, tea and wine. n Studies have shown that chocolate impedes cell deterioration and cancer. Research has also shown that chocolate eaters live almost one year more than those who do not. page3 page just asking… “How many pAIRS of SuITS do you own?” hall of frame Saurav Jyoti ROUP DIRECTOR, Not impressed at all JYOTI G asking this You see, you’re ro w ng person. question to the its. I am all I hate wearing su ut yes, I .B for casual wears 15 suits to 10 t ou ab do have wear them I d an et os cl y in m solutely ab am I only when . required to do so She’s definitely got the looks Rajendra Khetan EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, KHETAN GROUP (laughs) I think I have about eight to 12 suits.Yes, a dozen suits.The striped navy blue suit from Yves Saint Laurent is my favorite. irola SubashDN IRECTOR, SENIOR ISM BOARD NEPAL TOUR ell I Now suits….wearing w er ef pr y tl mos work daura suruwal toal occaand other form t I am sions. Err… buve about pretty sure I hasuits five to six with me. Bhushan Dahal Is it surprising or what? Spa me up With wine, cheese and spa-licious relaxation, the crème of Kathmandu sure knows how to unwind! Anybody got a different opinion? Kailash Sirohiya CHIEF EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, KANTIPUR TV MD, KANTIPUR MEDIA It’s pointless to make suits of the same color over and over again. And there are only five to seven shades a man can wear. So, yeah, I have that many shades of suits with me. It has to be about eight to nine. you have to know I am not much of a suit person, I like to mix casual with formal coats for my daily wear. but I have a black suit with golden stripes. I don’t know what brand it is, but I like that the best. e Can you be mor precise please? Binod Ratna Tuladhar MANAGING DIRECTOR, BLUEBIRD COMPLEX About 4o pairs. I wear it everyday to my office, which I think sets an example to my employees to dress smart. I have my own tailor who custom makes my suits because honestly, branded and readymade apparels don’t fit me. In parties, however, it’s the other way round. unlike most people I prefer wearing casuals. The very rotund person. Things can get serious... sometimes flaunting thoses er nt de al make-ov Basanta Chaudhary CHAIRMAN, CHAUDHARY GROUP OF COMPANIES I have never really counted the number of suits in my possession. This question actually makes me want to raid my closet and see how many suits I have. but to make a guess, I say about 60 to 70? The black-striped Austin Reed woolen suit is my favorite, which I especially adore during winters. A tip or two on the fashion trend 4 people Issue 1 Jan 28 -Feb 3, 2010 spot light The Brighter side of things SHIVANTH B. PANDE Head of Research & Development at Nepal Investment Bank H ead of Research & Development at Nepal Investment Bank, Shivanth B. Pande, after completing his studies from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland followed by a twoand-half-year working stint in London, decided to come back to Nepal for good. Son of two prominent figures in Nepal’s social circle, Pande talks, among others, about bringing in new technologies and professionalism in his work place. Excerpts: Having the background that you have, you could probably have worked anywhere you wanted. What made you come back? Having worked for Deloitte Touche, one of the best accounting and consulting firms as a Consultant, I felt that my knowledge on development consultancy could While the rest are worried about the possible changes in Nepal’s banking sector, this optimistic young banker sees the long term benefits and has good things to say instead. — Ayusha Nirola be best put to use back home. So I decided to come back. Also given the opportunity, I think a lot of other people would want to come back as well since it’s quite challenging to live abroad and adjust, settle down and enjoy the lifestyle that you can have here. The public seems pleased with the banking sector. But as an insider, do you really think we have made progress? There are many countries which have higher GDP than us but lack the services we provide. So we are lucky in that sense. But difficulties in infrastructure and technology, along with regular bandhs and power cuts, hinder us from making real progress. Is Nepal Rastra Bank’s recent announcement that money from international donors be transferred to government banks a good idea? If different INGOs and NGOs have local banking partners, then that is good news for Nepal’s economy. At the moment, a majority of these agencies are putting money into one single bank, which doesn’t contribute much to the nation’s economic growth. With the recent bad press that the banks are getting, should we be worried? I think the central bank has come to the rescue so far. But that, in turn, has encouraged certain banks to take more risks. So, I would do my research properly before investing anywhere. I would advise people to put their money in two banks - one which gives a decent interest rate and another that provides good service. Where do you see yourself with NIBL in the future? If I were to invest, where would you advise I put my money in? I have been very busy to contribute any decent article. Hopefully, I can go back to writing very soon. Buy shares that are undervalued in the stock market and then hold them for about five years because I look at the stock market as a long term investment.Then put some money into bonds and then into gold and other commodities. Real estate is also a good option but I wouldn’t advise it at the moment. “I woulD ADvISe people To puT THeIR MoNey IN Two bANkS - oNe wHICH gIveS A DeCeNT INTeReST RATe AND ANoTHeR THAT pRovIDeS gooD SeRvICe” I see myself introducing new customer-friendly technologies and services. You have published a lot of articles in the past, where is that heading? Art plays a vital role in your family. How much of an influence does that have on you? Huge! I find Thangka paintings very fascinating. I am fortunate to be surrounded by art. Are you a party animal? Not really. I like going to places that I find safe and are not too crowded. n in focus On a people Different Path At a time when new night clubs are mushrooming all over town, the proprietors of Bourbon Room have made a move away from promoting nightlife to more sober get-togethers and cocktails I f you are meeting Navin Tuladhar and Suresh Manandhar, proprietors of Bourbon Room Restro-Bar, for the first time, their down-to-earth attitude makes you feel at ease in no time. As we start to talk about the emergence of lounges and clubs in Kathmandu, Manandhar has a quick laugh before saying, “We were probably the first ones to introduce the ‘lounge’ concept in Kathmandu.” Indeed, as they were the brains behind Liquid Lounge, one of the most popular places for Kathmandu nightlife, a few years ago. “We wanted to continue the lounge, but we could not find a proper place for it,” says Manandhar. With plans of opening the lounge at a later date, they introduced Bourbon Room instead. “The purpose of the place was to provide a safe and comfortable environment for people — Ayusha Nirola “we pRefeR To lAy low AND go STeADy RATHeR THAN be THe ‘Hype’ oNe MoNTH AND pHASe ouT THe oTHeR” who do not prefer the ‘clubbing’ scene. We wanted it to be a place where even families could come for an enjoyable evening,” says Tuladhar. When asked about their secret of success, Manandhar says, “In this business, it’s necessary to know people.” So does having a good PR translate to success? “Not necessarily,” says Tuladhar, “We have been successful so far not just because of our patrons but also because of the environment and the service we provide.” Having had their share of experience with the restaurant and clubbing scene in Kathmandu, Navin Tuladhar says, “The night life in Kathmandu has received bad reviews because of that small percentage of the rowdy crowd. Also, people want the flavor of the month. It’s human nature I guess. But we prefer to lay low and go steady rather than be the ‘hype’ one month and phase out the other,” says Manandhar. So make your way into the Bourbon Room for a wonderful night with your friends for its exquisite cocktails and soulful Sufi. And while you’re at it, sing along with Ciney Gurung on one of their “open mic” nights. n 6 metropolis bazaar buzz New Year, New Dreams Spice Nepal has made public its intent to reach out to more Nepalis. It plans to double its market base and even target rural Nepal in the near future. event highlights Kutumba Goes Cross-Country kathmandu-based folk band kutumba is touring Nepal from Dadeldhura in the far west to phidim in the east. The tour kicked off on 5th january and will culminate on 20th february. Called “Celebrating Cultural Diversity: A Musical Caravan”, the band and janakpur-based theatre troupe MINAp (Mithila Natyakala parishad) have visited five locations around the country: Dadeldhura, kapilvastu, kalaiya, lahan and phidim. Spearheaded by leAD International, the tour was aimed at celebrating the unique cultural and ethnic groups of Nepal by playing to various audiences in different parts of the country. McDonalds heading to Kathmandu The success of kfC in the Nepali market might have propelled more MNCs to invest in Nepal. everything is set and we can expect to see McDonalds in town by the end of 2010. “we have a common identity which is ‘being Nepali’, and the best way to reflect this would be through music,” said Robin Sitoula, executive Director of leAD International. Speaking after the phidim leg of the tour, kutumba percussionist pavit Maharjan felt proud of the band’s cross-country journey. The first telecom to introduce the 3g service in South Asia, Nepal Telecom is all set to fulfill customer dreams by expanding its 3g service in the kathmandu valley and pokhara. It costs Rs. 4,195 to acquire this service in which the user will get a talk time worth Rs. 3,500. women in Concert (wIC), an annual musical event, will soon make waves in the city once again as the organizers are back with its 7th edition this year. wIC part I was first held in September 2003 at the Dechenling gardens, kathmandu.what began as an Investment awareness campaign Sb Company pvt. ltd. organized an investment awareness campaign in kathmandu on 23rd january. This campaign mainly focused on making the people aware about investment benefits and risks. This year’s event will be held on 30th March, 2010 at the garden of Dreams and will be dedicated in memory of one of wIC’s core members and foremost supporters vidhea Shrestha. Also, a part of this year’s proceeds will be donated towards the “vidhea Shrestha Music Scholarship” for women who wish to pursue an education in music at the kathmandu jazz Conservatory. around the globe Chocolate YouTube’s New Fashion Show Video-Viewing Page youTube has unveiled its new and improved video viewing page so that customers can derive the best possible video experience. but that’s not all. beginning january 22nd, the video-sharing site has dipped its toe into the movie-rental business, starting with five films from the past two Sundance film festivals. by paying a rental fee of a few dollars, users will have 24 to 72 hours (depending on the length of the film) to watch the movies as many times as they want. Two new branches of Nabil bank were opened in Satdobato and kuleshwor. These branches were inaugurated by Satyendra prasad Shrestha, former governor of Nepal Rastra bank. Chitwan jungle lodge,Temple Tiger, Island jungle Resort and Narayani Safari have resumed services after the government extended their operating licenses till the end of 2011. However, three other resorts were not granted the licenses as they did not clear their taxes. Concluding the tour will be a double-header in kathmandu - on february 19th at the garden of Dreams, and on february 20th at basantapur Durbar Square. wIC is a one-of-a-kind event with the aim of providing a platform for young aspiring female Nepali musicians to sing and perform in public, and, perhaps, even make a career of it. This yearly musical extravaganza, however, is more than a mere concert as wIC contributes a certain percentage of the proceeds towards a deserving social cause. Nabil Bank Opens New Branches Four Resorts In Chitwan National Park Reopen “The band has gained a lot, musically and culturally. we worked with more than 100 local artists and we’re the first ever instrumental band to have toured Nepal.” idea among friends, proved to be a highly successful evening. Since then, there has been no looking back. besides being a 35-year-old stationary company based in India, DoMS is also a philanthropic organization as it promotes education. It plans to contribute a part of its sales to those children in Nepal who are deprived of education. Sundance Film Festival TwentyTen The Chinese version of Salon du Chocolat at Shanghai was held recently where models walked down the ramp in lip-smacking creations made from chocolates. The chocolate fashion show not only saw chocolate dresses, skirts and shirts, but the models even sizzled down the ramp flaunting delicious chocolate handbags, masks and shoes. the week that was Classical Music on 21st january, the Indian Cultural Centre organized a classical music performance - Antarang: from the Heart. The event featured a variety of performances within the genre. Book-a-Bee wIC - In memory of vidhea DOMS - Now In Nepal Nepal Telecom All Set To Establish Its 3G Service Issue 1 Jan 28 -Feb 3, 2010 One of the largest independent cinema festivals in the US, Sundance Film Festival, is taking place from January 21st to 31st at Park City, Utah. The annual festival is held every January where new work from American and international independent filmmakers is showcased. Harley Davidson’s new addition to the Dark Custom Line Harley Davidson (HD) has just announced a new addition to its entry-level Sporster family. Called the Forty-Eight, the new machine is the latest motorcycle to slot into HD’s Dark Custom series, which also includes the Nightster 1200, Iron 883, Cross Bones, Fat Bob and Street Bob. educating while entertaining was the main theme of the event ‘book-a-bee’, which was held in Moksh, jhamsikhel on 23rd january. Around 60 children from various schools, accompanied by their teachers, participated in the event. The bookshop, Quixote’s Cove, was the organizer of the event where children’s book author Simon Arthy also shared his thoughts with the children and teachers present. The event was a fundraiser for the esther benjamins Memorial Trust. The Mahabharata at Siddhartha Art Gallery Siddhartha Art gallery organized a solo exhibition of an Indian artist kurchi Dasgupta from India on 23rd january. The exhibition was called ‘The Mahabharata: An Impression’ where the Hindu epic - The Mahabharata - was depicted in the paintings. Art Competition in Chelsea The Second Chelsea junior Art Competition was held on 23rd january at the Chelsea International Academy. The competition was intended for children aged between three to eight years in order to encourage them to embrace their creative side. Award-Winning Film Screened vintuna, a 100-minute-long Newari movie was screened at the Rastriya Nach ghar on 23rd january. The film was such a big hit that it even won the critics’ choice for The best film 2008 at the Nepal International Indigenous film festival ’08. The Shakya brothers - Sabin on the flute and Niroj on the tabala - gave added flavor to the event. Lekhnath Mahotsav Kicks Off The lekhnath Mahotsav started on 22nd january and will continue for 10 days. The main purpose of the festival is to promote tourism, trade and local products. metropolis offers window shopping Smart Casuals Get a Picanto for Rs. 1,699,000 only As part of their New year offer, kIA Motors is giving picanto lovers a hefty discount on its purchase. get a kIA picanto worth Rs. 1,899,000 for just Rs. 1,699,000. offer is valid for limited units only. Whenever you’re caught up in a wadrobe dilemma as to what to wear for the day, smart casuals is the way to go. It doubles up for both an office setting and outdoor events, be it day or night. In this edition,Window Shopping cruises you through in an array of smart casuals to choose from. Ride with style on Anna Lifan get a fastrack eye gear fRee along with attractive cash discount when you purchase Anna lifan’s new model, Desire-110. CROSS PEN. 5th Avenue. Price on Request. CROSS SMALL. 5th Avenue. Price on Request. VERSACE SHADES. 5th Avenue. Price on Request. A pen more often than not 1GB Memory Card for FREE with the purchase of Samsung are the most subtle yet e2120b at Rs 4,850 only, get a 1gb memory card absolutely powerful status symbols! fRee.The offer is applicable VERSACE SHADES. 5th Avenue. Price on Request. MEN’S LONG JACKET. I.P Zone. Rs. 6,990/- MEN’S CHECK JACKET. I.P Zone. Rs. 9,990/- Checkered patterns scream outdoorsy yet disciplined. The perfect combo for a smart casual! WOMEN’S LONG BLAZER JACKET. I.P Zone. Rs. 2,590/- VERSACE SHADES. 5th Avenue. Rs. 19,000/- DIRECTORY 5TH AVENUE, DURBARMARG, 4231687. I.P ZONE DURBAR MARG 4226957 CROSS SMALL. 5th Avenue. Price on Request. ��������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� Get Nokia 2330 Classic for FREE Now, with the purchase of xenon inverter and exide battery, get a Nokia 2330 Classic for fRee. Also get 24 months’ warranty and 100% maintenance for fRee on every purchase. Stereo Speaker worth Rs. 1,199 FREE BAIENO SHOES. I.P Zone. Rs. 6,990/- on purchase of other Samsung mobile models as well. VOGUE SHADES. 5th Avenue. Price on Request. with the purchase of Nokia 5230 xpress Music worth Rs. 17,720, get a stereo speaker worth Rs. 1,199 absolutely fRee. with a one-year warranty, buy the stylish cell phones that come in vibrant colors are available at its authorized distributors, Neoteric Nepal and paramount electronics. ����� ��������� ������ ��� ������ ������ ���� ��� ��� �� � � �� �� � � � �� � � � � � � �� ����� ����� ������ ������ 8 Love em’ shoes! It gives us confidence and makes us feel like a million dollars. Forget diamonds. Be it stiletto heels or just pumps, shoes are a girl’s best friend. — Ayusha Nirola halfway Issue 1 Jan 28 -Feb 3, 2010 w ant to make a girl happy? Then gift her 5-inch stilettos that will make everyone’s head turn. For a girl, her shoes reflect her personality. While the more sassy and trend-diva might go for colorful and runway-ready statement shoes, an elegant pump should do the trick for a fashion conscious working woman. Heels are a favorite for every buyer, but with almost every big fashion house from Prada to Marc Jacobs shifting from sky-high heels to lower ones this runway season, there is bound to be a big shift in the fall footwear fashion in 2010. But what do our own fashionistas around K-town look for while investing in a pair? In a survey of over 20 girls, a majority rated comfort as the prime factor while buying shoes. These girls are also ready to spend, on average, 1,500 to 2,500 rupees on one pair. And more than 60% stated high heels as the style of choice. “I love stilettos because they are sexy. It’s as simple as that,” says Trishna Lama, who currently works at an international humanitarian organization in the city. A trend-setter herself, she adds, “Stilettos never fail to add oomph to any ensemble. They are not always the most comfortable shoes and they surely are not for everyone. “Stilettos never fail to add oomph to any ensemble…. you just have to match the sky-high heels with a truculent attitude and panache to do justice to these sexy creations” You just have to match the sky-high heels with truculent attitude and panache to do justice to these sexy creations.” Amen to that! Winter, however, gets a little tricky for a shoe freak. A diva doesn’t want to freeze her toes wearing adorable summer heels but, at the same time, wants to look stylish. So during winter, boots become the savior for a glam goddess. Be it Ugg boots, the slouchy boots, the flat boots, the overthe-knee boots or that one boot that can make you want to rob a bank and you wouldn’t regret it later on; we love it all. Although it has been around for a while, Booties, the chic and adorable ankle-length boots, are what everyone is talking about this season. You can find them in leather and suede, and also in many different styles that can make you go gaga over them. It’s the perfect piece for a girl who wants to look stylish this winter but is not a fan of the knee-high boots. But if you just cannot do without strappy heels even in this chilly weather, then make sure you buy shoes made of suede or leather with a firm strap that not only keep your legs in place but also warm. Platform heels and pumps can also be worn this winter, and pairing it with classic black stockings would be classy and diva-like. For those who find high heels unimpressive, going for equally stylish and comfortable footwear like ballet sandals and colorful sneakers - looks that anyone can carry out well – is a great option. So girls, hurry up and invest in a pair of “to-die–for” shoes because in Kathmandu’s shops these elegant footwear are selling like hot cakes! n ECS M edia 10 timeoff Undercover Issue 1 Jan 28 -Feb 3, 2010 gourmet We’re sending out our most refined pallets - to see, sniff, eat, drink and report on the good, the bad and the ugly of restaurants in Kathmandu. No holds barred.Their undercover eye for detail will miss nothing. Nothing will be swept under the table, giving you the most realistic picture of the restaurants they visit. Check out this space every fortnight. book preview YALTA Writer: S.M. plokhy Release date: february 4, 2010 Pages: 448 yalta by S.M. plokhy is a revisionist look at history from a prominent Harvard scholar. plohky looks at Russian sources and other accounts to challenge the notion that fDR gave away too much at the historic meeting at yalta. photography LANDSCAPE SlR cameras are ideal for landscape photography since they have changeable lenses, shutter speeds, aperture adjustments, white balance and ISo settings. using a wide lens of 18 mm or less would be the best option to take any landscape photograph. good composition and proper knowledge on the subject is also essential. It is not necessary that good photos can only be taken on a sunny CAUTION: Read well before you dine. day. If you know how to play with the white balance setting and the shutter speed, then you can get the best shots even on a gloomy day. worried about where to find the best place to take the photographs? “The kathmandu valley has plenty of places for good landscape photography. Taudaha, Nagdaha, Kakani, Shivapuri and Halchowk are the best ones,” suggests a veteran Nepali photographer. rejuvenation T he Red Dingo, located at Jawalakhel behind the Standard Chartered Bank premises, is a quaint little café boasting a quiet neighborhood, with wrought iron chairs and cold marble top tables on the patio. The interiors are much warmer but the noises of the servers and bartender made sitting outside a lot more comforting. The menu was a rather unique offering of light lunchtime food with soups, salads, pastas (including home made ravioli) and a small selection of main courses. As food critiques, we love short menus, which usually denotes that the chef is constantly looking for the freshest seasonal ingredients to make up his menu. But sadly not in this case; the menu has remained the same for a very long time… So seated down on a freezing winter afternoon and eating a chilled salad of smoked chicken and avocado (sparingly introduced) was not exactly a heartwarming meal. There would not be any special time to visit the Red Dingo. With no views and no scenery, oNe SHoulD, HoweveR, NoT be Too ADveNTuRouS wHIle oRDeRINg fRoM THe MeNu. the restaurant located behind a tall luxury apartment building has nothing special to offer in the external ambience department. After a short confusion with the service guy over house wine - where he offered an Australian sherry in place of house white - we decided to just order beer and headed straight for the food. We ordered a smoked chicken salad and requested the server to recommend a main course, but to no avail, we had to choose for ourselves. Vegetarian ravioli, which was meant to be cottage cheese, mushroom and spinach, had all the ingredients but for the cottage cheese which made a mere guest appearance. But I must admit that the tomato sauce served with it was rich and I would rate it exquisite… full marks for that. However, I would have enjoyed it a lot more if the ravioli itself was heated as much as the sauce. We also ordered a meat pie, which the server said was great. UNFORTUNATELY it was nowhere close to fresh and seemed like it had been made earlier and reheated; the flakiness of puff pastry was replaced by tough leathery dough. The meat filling, however, was DETOX WITH A BODY WRAP into your dress perfectly, then we definitely recommend the body wrap. It easily takes away two to three kg and keeps it that way for at least a week,” says Sadhna Tuladhar, Spa Manager at Spa Prana, Durbar Marg where this service is available. body wraps that use In need of some rejuvenaalgae, seaweed, mud or clay tion? And while you’re at it are detox treatments that help do you want to lose a couple rid the body of toxins through of pounds? body wrap might metabolic stimulation. but do just be the right option for not expect a body wrap to be you. with the introduction of a can, however, spa services around the city, get both treatments – body these “slimming” body wraps wrap and massage, or look that lead to temporary loss of for signature treatments that weight and extra inches, are include scrub, body wrap and the latest hype. “If you have a massage. So anybody up for party to attend and want to fit some easy slimming? interestingly seasoned, but we did find a hint of ketchup in the mix. It was served with fries and a raw vegetable salad on the side. And, oh, not to forget the swirl of ketchup on yop that we tried hard to remove before we began our meal. All said the desserts were wonderful. Meal done, bill paid, but why was the server hovering around later? Waiting for his tip I guess. A wonderful place to hang around with a book or VERDICT: some pending work over coffee and cake maybe - or even good for a quiet date. One should, however, not be too adventurous while ordering from the menu. n MeAl foR 2 peRSoNS: Rs. 1,500-2,000 CReDIT CARD/DebIT CARD accepted food beverage Hygiene Ambience Service value for money timeoff the weekender n Four Seasons Restaurant and Bar, Thamel. Chicken with Cashew Nuts: Rs. 270/-. 4701715 eATeRIeS KATHMANDU n Arniko RoomHotel Annapurna, Durbar Marg. Spicy ginger prawn: Rs 1,200/-. 4222190 n Bhumi Restro Lounge, Lazimpat. Mixed Chatamari: Rs. 90/-. 4412193 n Garlic Café and Bar, United World Trade Centre,Tripureshwor. Chicken a la kiev: Rs. 180/-. 4117010 n Gazebo Restro Lounge, Durbar Marg. kitchen Alakeb: Rs. 340/-. 9841397603 n Hot Breads, Food Court @ Bluebird Mall, Bluestar Complex,Tripureshwor. Spaghetti Napolitano: Rs. 135/-. 4228833 Hungry Sam. Durbar Marg. Nasi grorery (Malaysian fried Rice): Rs. 125/-. 4720895 n Café Olla Restaurant and Bar, Kantipath, Jamal. golden fried prawn: Rs. 320/-. 4232673 n Chez Caroline Restaurant, Babar Mahal Revisited. pepper Steak, french fries, Salad: Rs. 700/-. 4263070, 4264187 n Coffee Shop, Durbar Marg. Chicken kathi Roll: Rs. 250/-. 4221711 n Cosmopolitan Café, Basantpur. Tuna egg Salad: Rs. 115/-. 4225246 n Courtyard Restaurant, Kamaladi. Mix pizza: Rs. 220/-. 4253056 n Dechenling Garden, Thamel. gyakok Tibetan Hot pot: Rs. 700/-. 4412158 n Delicatessen Centre Café, Durbar Marg. oven baked Roast Chicken: Rs. 180/-. 5525903 n De Mask, Khichapokhari. jhinge Machha: Rs.100/-. 4215675 1905 Restaurant, Kantipath. Chicken pansrde: Rs.650/-. 4215068 n Jeans Café, Basantpur. Reshmi kabab: Rs.225/-. 4221324 n Lobsters’, Sherpa Mall. Durbar Marg. Thad Thai: Rs.300/-. 4231323, 4231437 n Mughal Kitchen Restaurant & Bar Pvt. Ltd., New Baneshwor. Mughal Smooch: Rs. 80/n OR2K,Thamel. Stuffed vegetables Combination: Rs. 290/-. 4422097 n Club Platinum, Yak & Yeti. Salsa night with jimmy and Masha. every wednesday, free workshop, 8 pm onwards. 4248999 n Himalatte Café, Thamel. Cloud walkers playing live. Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. 4256738. U2 and the Police from the Eternity. every friday, 7:30 pm onwards. 4256738 n Rynibs Food Corner, Lazimpat. Chicken Sautee: Rs. 75/-. 4419832 n Silver Wok Chinese Cuisine, Panipokhari, Lazimpat. pork Chivi: Rs. 185/-. 4438728 n TFC, Radisson Hotel, Lazimpat. Sesame Chicken: Rs. 500/-. 4411818, 4788888 PATAN n Bakery Café, Pulchowk. buffet Set lunch: Rs.310/-. 5010110 n Panas Restaurant And Café, Khichapokhari. buigal Set: Rs.210/-. 4212593 n Café de Patan, Mangalbazar. Newari Samay with Chicken: Rs.175/-. 5537599 n Red Roof Café, Sankhamul Road. Choyela (duck): Rs. 130/-. 4784786 n Chopstix, Kumaripati, Patan. golden fried prawns: Rs. 325/-. 5551118 n Rice & Bowl, Tripureswor. Hakka prawn: Rs.550/-. 4251678 n Road House Café, Thamel. Toasted goat Cheese Salad: Rs. 205/-. 4260187 n Rox Restaurant, Hyatt Regency, ALJAZEERA ENGLISH Counting the Cost Counting the Cost provides background to the economic stories that shape our world and their impact on the lives of ordinary people. 8:15 pm, Friday 29th January, 2010 Cambodia Surgical Ward The film is a gritty, fly-onthe-wall profile of a small Anglo-American-khmer surgical team trying to save lives among Cambodia’s poorest and most desperate in phnom penh 1:55 pm, Saturday 30th January, 2010 n Brunchilli - The Acoustic Lounge, Thamel. live music. Sundays and Thursdays, 7:30 pm onwards. 9851035437 Bouddha. Char grilled prawns: Rs. 1450/-. 4491234 worth a watch BBC NIGHT OUT n Dhokaima Café, Patan Dhoka. grilled Rainbow Trout: Rs.399/-. 5522113 n Ezer Book Café, Sanepa. kim bob: Rs. 200/-. 5546578 n Haddock Dining and Bar, Pulchowk. Chicken wings Momo: Rs. 120/-. 5554631, 4232673 ANIMAL PLANET n Irish Pub, Lazimpat. ladies Night. every Tuesday, 7 pm onwards. 4416027 n Kakori, Soaltee Crowne Plaza. experience the varieties of biryanis, Curries and mouth watering kebabs. for Dinners only, 7 pm -10:45 pm. 4273999 n Lhasa Restaurant & Bar,Thamel. live band. every wednesday, friday and Saturday, 7 pm onwards. 9851010431 n Porch Bar, Soaltee Crown Plaza, Soaltee Mode Relax and enjoy some of the finest drinks. every day, 6 pm - 10 pm. 4273999 n Jazzabel Café, Chakupat, Lalitpur, African whole fried/grilled Snapper with plain Rice: Rs. 400/-. 2114075 n Patan Museum Café, Patan Durbar Square. grilled Chicken served with french fries, Seasonal vegetable: Rs. 260/-. 5524694 n The Ambience Restaurant & Bar, Mangalbazar. Newari Set: Rs.250/-. 5538980 n Vesper Café, Pulchowk. Stuffed barbeque Chicken: Rs.230/-. 5548179 n Shambala Garden, Shangrila Hotel. Starry Night barbeque with live performance by Ciney gurung, inclusive of a can beer or bottle of Soft Drink. every friday, 7 pm onwards. 4412999 n The Café, Hyatt Regency. Taste the culinary delights from the Mediterranean region of greece, Italy and the Middle east. fridays, 6:30pm. 4491234 n Bamboo Club Restaurant,Thamel. Robin and The New Revolution playing live. every Tuesday 7 pm onwards. 4701547 n Bottles ‘n’ Chimney, Thamel. Dharmendra HAVE YOUR SAY banning vehicles inside Thamel area has forever been a matter of DebATe. Do you think Thamel should be turned into a complete pedestrian locale? For Yes type Y space poll, for No type N space poll and send it to 3276. n Upstairs Jazz Bar, Lazimpat. jSC QuARTeT and group playing live. every Saturday, 8 pm onwards. 9851040276 geTAwAyS KATHMANDU (Nepali Tara) playing unplugged. fridays, 7 pm onwards. 2123135 n Bourbon Room, Lal Durbar Marg. Chill out lounge, Music by Dj Miriam. every friday. 4441703 n Brunchilli,The Acoustic Lounge, Naxal. blues with Nekhvam. Mondays, 7 pm onwards. 2123135, 9851046604 n Celebrations Restaurant and Bar,Thamel. live music by Robin and The New Revolution. every friday 7 pm onwards. 9841347613 n Jatra Café and Bar,Thamel. ladies night with live Sufi and Indian Contemporary music. every wednesday. 4256622 n Kausi Restaurant, Hotel Wood- n Godavari Village Resort, Godavari. Special packages available for Nepalese and expatriates. 1 night, 2 days package. for couple: Rs 3,500/plus taxes, which includes bed and breakfast. 5560675 n Hyatt Regency, Bouddha. Relax package for two, including breakfast at the Café.1 night package, maximum for 3 nights, for Nepali citizens only. for couple: Rs. 7,700/- inclusive of all taxes. 4491234, 4489800 n Park Village, Budhanilkantha. weekend package with accommodation on half board basis. Couple: Rs. 4,900/plus tax. 9851070936, 9851057642 17 Januuary16 February An exhibition of paintings by birendra pratap Singh. Time: 11 am - 6 pm.venue: kathmandu Contemporary Art Centre: jhamsikhel, lalitpur. 5521120 DHULIKHEL n Dhulikhel Mountain Resort, Dhulikhel. palanchowk bhagwati Darshan package. 1 night, 2 days. for Single: Rs. 4,500/-, which includes accommodation, transportation and three meals. 4420774 n The Dwarika’s Himalayan Shangri-La Village Resort, Dhulikhel. overnight package. 1 night, 2 days. Single: Rs. 3,500/- plus 10% tax. Double: Rs. 5,000/- plus 10% tax. great escape package. 2 nights, 3days. Couple: Rs. 12,666/- plus 10% tax. 4479488 NAGARKOT n Club Himalaya, Nagarkot. Chiso Chiso Hawa Ma Special package. 1 night, 2 days. for Single: Rs. 3,200/- plus tax inclusive of dinner and breakfast. for Couple: Rs. 4,000/- plus tax inclusive of dinner and breakfast. 4410432 POKHARA n Fulbari Resort, Pokhara. Sense and Serenity package. 2 nights, 3 days. per person on twin sharing basis. Single supplement room: Rs. 4,999/- plus 10% service charge and 13% vat. package includes buffet breakfast, buffet dinner, boating, gorge walks, 30 minutes foot massage 25% discount on golf, Health farm, Spa, and Tennis. 4461918 uS MISCellANeo n Big Pagoda Hall, Hotel Vajra, Chhauni. Tantric Dance, The god Dance of Nepal.Tuesdays, 7 pm onwards. 4271545 n Bottles ‘n’ Chimney, Thamel. watch Soccer live on big projected Screen, Saturdays & Sundays. 9851046604 n Comfort Zone Bar & Grill,Thamel. Movie Night. Mondays, 8 pm. 4700080 n Cozy Café and Restaurant,Thamel. exciting Adventure Movie show. every day, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. 4259367 n Eden Lounge Bar, Kathmandu Mall. enjoy every Day Happy Hour. 3 pm – 7 pm. 4150062 n Himalayan Buddhist Meditation Centre, Keshar Mahal,Thamel. Tai Chi,yoga and Meditation. weekdays, 10 am - 6 pm. 4410402 n Pathibara Art Gallery, Arcadia Apartment Hotel, Chaksi Bari Marga,Thamel. exhibition on Authentic Traditional Tibetan Thangkas by prominent artists Nabin krishna Chitrakar, gyalze Sherpa, urgen Tensing, Amir lama to promote real Tibetan Thangka and Newari paubha Art. 9:30 am - 7:00 pm. 4256004, 9841418871, 9851026064 n Rock Climbing. NexgeN Adventure program, Daily departure. 6914541, 9841283385 The details provided in the listings are tentative and are subject to change. for classifieds & advertisements contact: Tel: 5011571 friday picks It’s Me or the Dog: The Fickle Five ElectroCardiogram: Internal Stories n The Green Valley, Tokha. far away from the maddening crowd. A holiday package for 1 night and 2 days with a meal and transportation. per person: Rs. 2,500/- plus taxes. 4220245, 4228288 n Grand Norling Hotel’s Resorts Country Club and Spa, Gokarna. Country side weekend package.1 night, 2 days package. for single: Hotel Space Rs. 3,500/- inclusive of Mountain, Nagarkot tax. for couple: Rs. exclusive package Rates for 4,500/- inclusive of expatriates and Nepalis. for tax. 2 Night, 3 days Single: Rs. 1,700/- plus tax package. for single: inclusive of dinner, breakfast Rs.5, 500/- inclusive of and room. for Couple: Rs. tax. for couple: Rs.7, 2,500/- plus tax inclusive of 000/- inclusive of tax. dinner, breakfast and room. 4910193, 4910296 4430812, 6680071 HISTORY CHANNEL Hitler’s Bodyguard: Jewish and Émigré attempt to kill Hitler HBO Hitler’s enemies were large Eagle Eye in number and his bodyguard jerry Shaw and Rachel feared revenge attacks from Holloman are two all of them. As determined strangers thrown individuals killed Nazi officers together by a mysteriand sympathizers, an extraorous phone call from a dinary plan was prepared to woman they have never send an aircraft to bomb Hitmet. Threatening their ler during a military parade. lives and family, she pushbut his security proved equal es them into a series of world renowned british dog trainer victoria to the task of keeping the increasingly dangerous Stilwell arrives at an fuehrer alive. situations. As the situation escalates, these two engaged couple’s house 9:15 pm, Monday 1st ordinary people become with the hope of bringing February, 2010 into control their five the country’s most ESPN emotionally distressed, wanted fugitives who Barclays Premier must work together to poop-eating pugs who League 2009/10 are putting a strain on discover what is really the couple’s pre-marital Match: liverpool vs. bolton happening and, more wanderers relationship. importantly, why. 6:45 pm, Sunday 31st 8:45 pm, Sunday 31st 12:15 pm, Monday 1st February, 2010 January, 2010 January, 2010 poll-o -meter n Nanglo Café and Pub, Durbar Marg. Crossfire playing live. every friday. 4222636 n The Corner Bar, Radisson Hotel, Lazimpat. offering an array of sumptuous snacks, exotic drinks and cocktails. 3 pm - 11pm. 4411818 n D’Lounge, Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant, New Baneshwor. Melodious Nepali gazals and Songs. Thursdays, 6:30 pm onwards. 4468589 MuSIC land Complex, Durbar Marg. Acoustic Session by forth face . wednesdays. 9851038275 The Edge of Darkness, (Drama/Thriller) TRAVEL & LIVING World Café: Asia – Kuala Lumpur A stretch of weird and wonderful street food awaits Chef bobby Chinn in kuala lumpur, including satay, chicken rendang and Queen of Nonya cuisine. 7:15 pm,Tuesday 2nd February, 2010 As homicide detective, Thomas Craven (Mel gibson) investigates the death of his activist daughter. He uncovers not only her secret life, but a corporate cover-up and government collusion that attracts an agent (Danny Huston) assigned to clean up the evidence. When In Rome, (Romantic Comedy) beth is a young, ambitious New yorker who is completely unlucky in love. However, on a whirlwind trip to Rome, she impulsively steals some coins from a reputed fountain of love, and is then aggressively pursued by a band of suitors. RELEASING ON: RELEASING ON: january 29, 2010 DURATION: 1 hr 48 mins DIRECTOR: Martin Campbell STARRING: Mel gibson, Danny Huston DURATION: 1hr 31mins DIRECTOR: Mark Steven johnson STARRING: kristen bell, josh Du- january 29, 2010 hamel , Anjelica Huston mark your calendar The Mahabharata: An Impression 23 January-11 February A Solo exhibition of paintings by kurchi Dasgupta. Time: 4 pm.venue: Siddhartha Art gallery, babarmahal Revisited. 4218048 Travellers and Magicians 1 February Movie Screening Time: 5:30 pm venue: lazimpat gallery Café. 4428549 Dumji Festival 2010 9-11 February location: Tengboche, everest base Camp The Dumji festival celebrates the anniversary of guru Rinpoche’s birth on the lotus flower. There is much dancing, drinking and merry making in addition to the more serious rituals performed by buddhist monks. for more information, contact: Sahara Holidays Nepal Treks & expedition, Thamel. 4444196 Maha Shivaratri 12 February location: pashupatinath Temple Time: Throughout the day one of the key Hindu festivals, Maha Shivaratri is dedicated to lord Shiva. Thousands of devotees throng the pashupatinath temple to celebrate the festival. gizmo PimpMyRide ALLOY WHEELS: Light- er in weight but having the same strength as steel, alloy wheels have improved cosmetic appearance and are better conductors of heat. Friday gives you a glimpse of modification accessories for your car offered in the stores of Kathmandu. — Samriddhi Rai A re you unhappy with the way your beloved oldie looks like? Maybe its time you give it a little sprucing up; the term rightly called “Cosmetic Modification”. Not that the procedure only applies to old cars. You can even give your ordinary car the cosmetic touch to add that extra flair. Simply cruising through the lane of Kuleshwor alone will give you at least 40 to 50 stores that will cater to your needs. “We can give your vehicle the kind of makeover depending on your budget. It can start as low as Rs. 20,000, but there have been customers who have gone overboard spending lakhs on it,” puts one such store owner diplomatically on our query about the possible cost for modification. Momo handle (steering): It has nothing to do with Nepal’s favorite delicacy. It’s simply the name of the company that pioneered this “designer” steering wheel. BOOSTER SILENCER: Also Full body Stickers (vinyl): Car paints are exciting but what’s more hassle-free is the full body stickers for your vehicle. The sticker comes in a thick aluminum-like sheet called vinyl, which is as tough as it is appealing. called mufflers, these are added to cars to give it a sporty sound - that loud “vroomvroom” sound you might have heard, to be precise. Side Skirtings: Enhance the “sexy zing” of your automobile by installing side skirtings. These add volumes to the sidelines of your car, giving it a curvaceous shape. Emblem: Jaguar, Lamborghini, Mercedes... you name it. You can now proudly show off an emblem of some of the most expensive of cars on your bonnet. Here’s a list of some of Friday’s exciting finds LCD, DVD: Install an LCD, DVD inside your car and get relaxingly Sporty Spoilers: Installed in the bum- entertained as the rest fume with per of the car, sporty spoilers, as the anger in the constantly jammed name suggests, gives your ordinary streets of Kathmandu. car that “sporty” look. NEON LIGHTS: These neon hued lights are placed below your seats or on the underside of the car. With these installed, you’re sure to turn a lot of heads as you zoom around in your car at night. BUCKET SEATS: You may not ANTI-THEFT (GSM): Installing an antitheft (GSM) is more of a necessity than a modification.This system comes with a mobile phone where you install a regular sim card. In case your vehicle gets lost, you can lock the car from anywhere, provided you’re within its network. be able to afford a Formula 1 car, but you sure can get yourself its prototype seat for your automobile. PROJECTION HEADLIGHTS: Are customized headlights that replace your boring, original lights, giving your car that one-of-a-kind look. Big pictures Barely the size of a handphone, Pico Projectors are the new darlings of the tech world. LIM YAN LIANG takes a look at why you should care about these diminutive boxes of light. I magine being able to share with friends the latest photographs of your holiday not on your puny camera display or mobile phone, but as a blown up picture wider than your arm span. Now, imagine being able to do that anywhere you are, unfettered to cumbersome computers or power sockets. The technology of pico projection promises this and more, including being able to watch movies and play videogames on-the-go without being limited by the size of your device’s screen. As mobile phones and portable media players become ever more powerful yet compact, the challenge facing device makers is how to increase the size of the display without sacrificing mobility. Enter pico projection. By using DLP technology (millions of microscopic mirrors with is each measuring less than one-fifth the width of a human hair) and lasers instead of cumbersome bulbs found in conventional projectors, manufacturers are bringing to consumers projectors as small as a pack of playing cards. Pocket projectors that have hit the market in recent months run the entire gamut, from the candybar Samsung MBP200, which comes with a microSD slot to pull media right off your memory card, to the one pound Dell M109S, which outputs a best-in-class 50 lumens of light enough to rival some desktop projectors. With Sanwa’s newly released PRJ-001, a shirt-pocket friendly projector of just 85g that is available now for just US$119, such technology has never been more affordable. The start of 2010 also marked the start of Pico projection technology being integrated into other mobile devices. Texas Instruments showcased an attachment that empowered the user to project videos anywhere directly off a camcorder at the Consumer Electronics Show 2010, while both Samsung and LG released handphones with pocket projection capability, the W9600 and Expo respectively. However, as with any first-generation technology, pico projection is not without problems. Such projectors are unable to output as much light as their deskbound brethren, meaning they work best only in pitch black environments. Because they are meant to be mobile, manufacturers are also grappling with ways to improve battery life beyond a couple of hours. So look out, readers, we may someday soon have HD-capable projectors in our pockets, making squinting at a tiny screen a thing of the past. n 14 yourmoney Issue 1 Jan 28 -Feb 3, 2010 GADGETS HOW MEN WASTE MONEY Friday is here to stop you from throwing away your precious rupees on things you don’t really need — NK A ccording to one study, humans have carried with them some of their ancient, gendered instincts when it comes to shopping, Men Buy, Women Shop. And while women tend to browse around, “gathering” up the best from various sources, men tend go straight for the “kill”. It’s not that either sex is better or worse: they’re just different. However, there certainly are things that guys spend more on and more ways men waste money. So, here we are in an attempt to prevent you from throwing away your precious earnings on things you don’t really need. Spend Wisely Gender wars aside, the moral of this story is to spend wisely and to know what it is that you spend on - and what businesses and advertisers want you to spend on - so that you can live more of the good life down the road. CARS It is unfortunate but true: Men do the majority of the car buying and they tend to purchase the less energy efficient models. At a time when we most certainly know that our choice of cars affects not only our pockets but our environment as well, it’s better to let the head rule over the heart Men tend to spend a substantial amount on “audio and visual equipment”. (Yes, we all spend more on such equipment rather than on drinking, thankfully.) There’s enormous evidence that this is changing as all of our lives are becoming become more digital as everyone relies on technology to navigate life and do business, but men still seem more willing to spend on high-end “guy gears”. Instead of always having to acquire the latest, go shopping for secondhand electronics. We met up with a guy at an event, and he was singing praises about some incredible deals found by just enquiring among friends about cameras, phones and laptops that have barely been used. DRINKING Men spend almost twice as much per year on alcohol than women.we can just hear the bad jokes now: Men drink to counter women’s shopping, right? Since the price of a drink is usually marked up at least 50% if you’re out in a bar, a night out can get seriously expensive as many people are probably aware of. Instead, check out some awesome drinks database for inspiration on making your own coktail. or, plan a “house crawl” with your friends, where each person prepares a special cocktail and appetizer and you migrate from house to house (responsibly, of course), instead of bar to bar. EATING OUT According to a recent poll, men spend more than women while eating out. Is the significant difference because so many men are treating ladies to dinner? Possibly! We find that cooking at home and taking the leftovers to work for lunch helps us save quite a lot every month. yourmoney different strokes Of Bikes And Butts — Samriddhi Rai Budgeting Blues To get some fresh insight on ways to manage your financial life, it helps to dig below the surface of conventional wisdom. Friday looks at a few to set things straight. — NK M ost of us can repeat some of the mantras that finance gurus advocate in our sleep. “Pay off your credit card debts.” “Make a budget and stick to it.” Sure, most of what they say is true, it’s also common sense. To get some fresh insight on ways to manage your financial life, it helps to dig below the surface of conventional wisdom. Friday looks at a few to set things straight. Exercise discipline while budgeting Budgeting is all about spending less than you earn: This means you shouldn’t go around buying stuff you don’t need while, at the same time, spending less on the stuff you do need. However, not all stuff. Often, it is better to pay more for quality stuff because they last longer and perform buDgeTINg IS All AbouT SpeNDINg leSS THAN you eARN:THAT MeANS you SHoulDN’T go ARouND buyINg STuff you DoN’T NeeD wHIle, AT THe SAMe TIMe, SpeND leSS oN THe STuff you Do NeeD. better than cheaper ones. For example, a cheap rice cooker costs Rs. 1,500; a more expensive one might cost Rs.4,000. But the Rs. 1,500 one will go kaput in a year while the Rs.4,000 cooker might last for 10 years or even more, that is if handled carefully. So, which purchase is more cost-efficient? The more expensive one looks better and probably makes the rice tastier as well. It’s Not The Same For Everybody “Cut down on fast food lunches,” is one of the rallying cries of financial gurus who want you to budget like a freak. If you’re struggling financially, then you do need to cut down on most of the unnecessary expenses. But if momos from Nanglo’s is one of life’s little pleasures that get you through the day, then go ahead. After all, if you have a high performance car it makes sense to spend on the higher performance fuel. So making your own momos at home and bringing that to work in a box sound more sensible. Say what? n financial pointers — Rahul Shakya Although spending your money might bring momentary bliss, it won’t do you much good in the long run. ever thought that this money can double and how? Invest. “It doesn’t really matter how much money you have to invest.The trick is to get into the game” is a popular phrase, rather an inspirational quote for many aspiring investors. Mr. Subash b. Shrestha, who looks after the Credit Marketing Department for Hima- layan bank in Maharajgunj, recommends: n Do some research on where you want to invest. Teens, who get into the habit of investing at an early age, are more likely to become financially responsible adults. n build a circle of friends for investing. More friends is equal to more money. Investing like this is also a safer option. Invest in gold. It is easily accessible, and investing in it has long term benefits. n When I got myself a scooty for the very first time, besides that feeling of finally having a prized possession of my own, I was excited about how my commute was going to be so much easier. Little did I know that I was setting out on an adventure so unpredictable, it would have me fuming most of the time and silently smiling to myself a few others, witnessing the “show” humanity offered. The ill-managed traffic, the broken roads and the rowdy riders; there’s a reason why the streets of Kathmandu have been named one of the deadliest in the world. However, scooting around the city, no matter how agitating, sometimes brings little surprises along your way. Like those times when, out of nowhere, a butt crack is sort of like shoved right on your face for display! And if you’ve been a K-town rider long enough, it’s highly likely that you’ve fallen victim to it already. It’s funny how the butt parade, however exceedingly prevalent in our society, has been a hush-hush matter when it comes to talking about it openly. Not until I posted a facebook status that read: “What’s up with the pillion riders showing off their butts in the middle of the street?”, which, incidentally, received a dozen thumbs-up and a series of comments, did I realize that there are many people who relate with it. Which meant, there are as many butts out there putting up a show for everybody, everyday. So how can we break what seems to be a very unbreakable relationship between bikes and butts? Here are a few suggestions. n FOR THE LADIES: I know wearing low-cut jeans is all the rage right now, but always team up your pants with a long tee, to avert, well you know what. n FOR THE GUYS: Kindly ask your woman pillion rider to check if she is showing. You’re making an honest suggestion and she will take it that you care about her. n FOR THE SLEAZE BALLS: Stop drooling over some poor woman’s negligence. Get a life! ������ ���������������������������������� ECS Media Pvt. Ltd, Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal, 5011571 No. 1 n 28 JAN- 3 Feb 2010 Publisher: ECS MEDIA PVT. LTD. Managing Editor: SUNIL SHRESTHA Director, Editorial & Marketing: NRIPENDRA KARMACHARYA Sr. Manager, Editorial & Marketing: SUDEEP SHAKYA Manager, Editorial & Marketing: NEERAZ KOIRALA Consulting Editor: VIVIAN YONZON Editorial Assistant: SAMRIDDHI RAI InhouseEditor: Writers: AYUSHA NIROLA, AYUSHMA BASNET Assistant UJEENA RANA, NANDITA ELIZExecutive: MANANDHAR Design &RANA, Production SANJEEV SHRESTHA Editorial Photographer: DASH B. MAHARJAN Asst. Managers, Sales & Marketing: BIJENDRA PRADHAN, ANGIRAS MANANDHAR Asst. Manager, Business Development: SWETA BUDATHOKI Ad Enquiries: Color Separation: CTP Nepal Pvt. Ltd, HATTIBAN, 525.0466, 525.0468 Printing: Jagadamba Press, Hattiban, 525.0017/18/19 Distributor: Kasthamandap Distribution Pvt. Ltd. 201.0821, 01.622.0785
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