Stars in Georgia - Mercedes-Benz Club of America | Peachtree Section
Stars in Georgia - Mercedes-Benz Club of America | Peachtree Section
Stars in Georgia Mercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section Volume 36 Number 4 2015 Upcoming Events Aug 15 – Membership Appreciation in Augusta – Bring your car for a casual car show and at Mercedes-Benz of Augusta. Lunch will be provided and a group dinner is planned. See article in this issue. Aug 8 – Concours Judging School – Pete Lesler, National Concours Chairman will be certifying and recertifying Concours judges. Come learn what goes into Concours judging. See article in this issue. Sept 12 – Defensive Driving and Autocross – Hone your defensive driving skills with MBCA instructors Frank and Mary Alice Cozza. See article in this issue. Sept 19 – Concours 2015 – Start prepping your favorite Mercedes-Benz and show it at our annual Concours to be held this year at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame in Dawsonville, GA. See article in this issue. Oct 3 – Board of Directors Meeting – Contact Doug Geganto for location and time. Oct 3 – Renaissance Euro Fest 2015 – Join the Mississippi section for this fun event in Ridgeland, MS. Oct 16-17 – EURO Auto Festival – Celebrating 20 years. BMW will be the featured marque. See article in this issue. Oct 23-24 – Fall Tour 2015 – Come join us and the Carolinas section for a colorful drive that will begin with brunch in the Gazebo of the King’s in Salem, SC and will end in Cashiers, NC. See article in this issue. Oct 31 – Hilton Head Concours Dinner – Don’t miss out one of the best Concours car shows in the south. Join the Peachtree Section for dinner at the Old Oyster Factory. Dec 5 – Holiday Luncheon – This year’s luncheon will be held the Chattahoochee Country Club in Gainesville, GA. Come and enjoy the company of your fellow members and support the Marine Corp “Toys for Tots”. August August, 2015 View Through The Star T by Doug Geganto, Section President he past six months has been a roller coaster journey for the Peachtree VHFWLRQ:HVWDUWHGWKH\HDUKDYLQJVRPHGLI¿FXOW\LQJHWWLQJRXUZLQWHU WHFKVHVVLRQVRQWKHFDOHQGDUZH¿QDOO\JRWRXU¿UVWHYHQWVFKHGXOHGLQ February, after several mis-queues and reschedules. Nevertheless, we now have a full calendar of events throughout 2015 and are looking forward to seeing many of you at one or more of them this year. Don’t forget that our annual Concours d’ Elegance is being held this year on September 19th, at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame in Dawsonville. This will be a truly fun venue, which includes admission to the museum as well as lunch for each participating car. Concours Chairpersons, Craig and Teri Bierman, have been working hard to make this one of our best Concours ever. Details are in this newsletter. I’m looking forward to seeing some new faces at one or more of our events this year. 5HÀHFWLRQV “It’s more than a car club.” I recall reading that phrase somewhere to describe our club. I believe this one phrase truly embodies who we are as an organization! As you know we ended last year with our president, Charles Burrage, being ill and not able to participate in our events much less oversee the operations of the section. Fortunately, your board of directors stepped up and kept things moving forward. Now some of you may be thinking that as Vice-President, I did it; but you would be totally wrong. The entire board contributed to the success we had at the anniversary dinner and the operation of the section in Charles’ absence. As I once read there is no “I” in Team and your Charles Burrage leadership team pulled together to keep the section moving forward. Charles was admired and loved by many members in the Peachtree Section. +HZDVDJRRGIULHQGWRDOODQGDQXQVHO¿VKDQGJLYLQJSHUVRQ0DQ\RIXV enjoyed his and Pam’s hospitality at our fall foliage tours in 2012 and 2013. continued on page 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changes and/or additions may occur between issues, so please check our website at to insure you have the latest information. -2- View Through The Star continued from page 1 He always had a smile and especially loved being with his Mercedes-Benz friends. ' A discount of $500, when you buy your next new Mercedes-Benz vehicle after 12 consecutive months of Club membership ' 10-20% off parts and service from many dealers ' 15% off parts from the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center in Irvine, CA. ' Worldwide rental savings from Avis® and Hertz®. ' Visa Platinum Rewards Card (customize the Card with a photo of your car) ' A subscription to our award-winning magazine, The Star® ' )UHHFODVVL¿HGVLQ7KH6WDU® and online ' Free advice from some of the world’s most experienced Mercedes-Benz owners and enthusiasts at Unfortunately, Charles left us much too young. He passed away on May 19th in the company of his family. Those of us who were blessed to have known and spent time with him will tell you that we all have lost a dear friend. On May 26th a memorial service was held for Charles in Meridian Mississippi. Eight members of the Peachtree Section were joined by members from Mississippi Section and our Regional Director, Jim Roberts to share in the celebration of Charles’ life. ' Unique apparel, accessories, gear and gifts from our expanded Club Store Charles left a legacy of love and caring which was eulogized during his memorial service. I know we shall miss his laughter and smile. He always ended his conversations with, “The Best is yet to come”. Our hearts and thoughts go out to his family and we want them to know that they will forever be a part of our Mercedes-Benz family. Please join me in thanking the Peachtree members that our new members credited for their decision to join. ' Member-only access to unique drives, rallies and special events ' 3OXV«UDIÀHVWULSVWR*HUPDQ\DQGPRUH ' The Peachtree Section’s newsletter, Stars In Georgia will come to you six times per year z Doug Geganto z M-B Dealers z Airstream z Independent M-B shops z Other members not named Welcome New Peachtree Section Members by Daryl K. Williams, Membership Director Please join me in welcoming the 22 new MBCA Peachtree Section Members! T Robert Anderson Larry Burgess Marc Ebersole Fritz Hammersen Mark King John Mattox Freddy Mitchell David Neary John Pendleton Ferguson Rood Grayson Striebel Roger Benjamin Rudolf Chalmers Cory Gaskin James Harvey Freda Lewis Thomas McCarthy Dick Montagne Amish Patel John Ratliff Russ Steele Vincent Tobia o you new members, I look forward to meeting you all at one of the club’s many events. Those events include driving, socializing and technical/restoration themes. Take a look elsewhere in this newsletter to see what is upcoming and join other members for a good time and a chance to make new friends. Jean and I have made many new friends during our years in the club and to me that is the most important EHQH¿W RI PHPEHUVKLS ,Q DGGLWLRQ FKHFN RXW WKHVH DGGHG EHQH¿WVWKDWPDNH\RXUPHPEHUVKLSYDOXDEOH Article and photos by: Germany Greer Buds Benz 7773 Strickland Rd. Douglasville, GA, 30134 770 942-8444 Bud’s Benz started out in 1977 as a mail order parts business by a man named Bud Johnson. In 1997 Bud he died from injuries sustained from a motorcycle accident. In 1998 David Latham and his wife Sandy purchased the business. David had worked for Bud’s previously starting in 1996 and stated he did not know a “bumper from a fender”, but Bud hired me. David had to learn everything from the ground up and he claims that he still doesn’t know it all. David is fortunate to have a very good team at Bud’s and they can cover for what David doesn’t know. Bud’s supplies parts and pieces for the older Mercedes-Ben]HV VWDUWLQJ LQ WKH ¿IWLHV WKURXJK WKH HLJKWLHV DQG QLQHWLHV They do restorations and also do local service work on later continued on page 4 -3- models cars including BMW’s and Mini-Coopers. David really likes this part of the business because it gives them the opportunity to meet and know the local customers. Bud’s also has cars coming from all over the country and throughout the world. Bud’s business is very fast paced business. David‘s most enjoyable part of his business is the “people”. Getting to know his customers, knowing the automotive issues they are dealing with and being able to help them in ways that they probably did not know “that a company in Douglasville, Georgia could do”. Buds Benz restoration in progress. -4- Need we say more? 678.825.6337 345 McFarland Pkwy Alpharetta,GA 30004 -5- – NEXT EVENT – Mercedes-Benz Owners Appreciation Day in Augusta Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 9:30 a.m. by Marie Penn, Tracy Moorman, Al Farlow, John Parish, Daryl Williams, Event Planners M ercedes-Benz of Augusta (3061 Washington Rd., Augusta, GA 30907) and the Mercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section are jointly sponsoring this event to show our appreciation for all Mercedes-Benz owners at this special event. It will be an opportunity for club members and those who have not yet joined the club to enjoy the hospitality of the club and this outstanding dealership. We will start our day with a car show at Mercedes-Benz of Augusta from 11:00 a.m. until noon. Set up will begin at 9:30 a.m. Because all Mercedes-Benz Automobiles are special, they are all desired for this show from the newest to the oldest and everything in between. At noon, lunch will be provided at no charge to all registrants. There will also be door prizes. Mercedes-Benz of Augusta mechanics will be offering a technician’s information class and you can submit questions with your registration. A Mercedes-Benz representative from Jacksonville will discuss the certi cation process for the mechan- ZZZP\PHUFHGHVSODFHFRP ics and how warranty parts are tested, among other topics. Kendrick’s Paint & Body, the only authorized Mercedes-Benz shop in Augusta, will be there to explain their expertise on painting and repairing Mercedes-Benz Vehicles. There will also be an overview of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America German tour including a slide show of some of the treasures displayed at both the Mercedes-Benz Museum and the Museum Dr. Carl Benz. Information about the Mercedes Benz European Delivery will be explained as well. We have made plans to meet in a private dining room for dinner at T-Bonz 601 N Belair Square Evans, GA 30909. Each party will be responsible for cost of their meal. The restaurant will provide separate checks. If you need hotel we have been offered discount reservations ($119 per night) for Friday, Saturday or Sunday at the newly renovated historic Partridge Inn, 2110 Walton Way Augusta, Georgia 30904. 1-800-476-6888 (Ask for the Mercedes Club Special Rate) To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Registration closes on August 1, 2015. Questions? Please contact Marie Penn at or by phone 706-210-0405 or FAX 706-650-2836 or contact Daryl Williams 678-425-5171. 4345 GA Hwy. 400 Cumming, GA. 30028 -6- Concours Judging Clinic August 8, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. L by Doug Geganto, Event Planner earn the nuances of judging a Mercedes-Benz vehicle from Pete Lesler, MBCA National Concours Chairman. This class will prepare and certify you to judge in our annual Concours on September 19th. The clinic will be held at Bud’s Benz 7773 Strickland St., Douglasville, GA 30134 starting at 10:00 a.m. The class will be broken into two segments. In the ¿UVWVHJPHQW\RXZLOOOHDUQWKHEDVLFVRIMXGJLQJZKDWWRORRN for and the appropriate deductions for items that do not meet WKHVWDQGDUGDVGH¿QHGE\0HUFHGHV%HQ]&OXERI$PHULFD After Lunch everyone will get hands on experience judging all aspects of a vehicle including: exterior paint, interior, engine, and trunk. You will be divided into teams to judge several vehicles in David Latham’s shop as well as several participant YHKLFOHV $IWHU HDFK VHJPHQW WKHUH ZLOO EH D GHEULH¿QJ WR discuss how each team scored the individual vehicle components. During the judging segment, Pete will circulate to offer insight as to what to look for and review how each of the teams scored their vehicles. With the possibility of the Atlanta Motoring Festival becoming a National Concours event in 2016, this would be a good opportunity to prepare to judge the Mercedes-Benz Marque in WKDWHYHQW6SDFHZLOOEHOLPLWHGWRWKH¿UVWUHJLVWUDWLRQVVR register early. Lunch will be provided. Menus will be available to pre-order your lunch when you arrive for the clinic. There is no charge to attend to the Judging School, but registration is required. To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Registration for this school closes on August 2nd or whenever we reach 25 registrants. Entries after we reach 25 will be put on a waiting list. If you register and cannot make it PLEASE notify the organizer so a spot can be opened for someone who may be on the waiting list. Questions? Contact Doug Geganto at 404-754-9955 or at Directions to Bud’s Benz: Defensive Driving and Autocross Saturday, September 12, 2015 by Geri Whaley-Ewers, Event Planner DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE RETURNS TO ATLANTA, GEORGIA M ercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section is organizing a Defensive Driving course with instructors Frank and Mary Alice Cozza, members of MBCA in Ohio, to be held at BUD’S BENZ, (7773 Strickland St, Douglasville, GA 30134) in Douglasville, Georgia, on Saturday, September 12, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This course is a low-speed simulation of a variety of highway driving situations. The course comprises two parts. In the morning, there will be a brief classroom session. Afterwards, there will be in-car instructors to guide participants through the course while they learn alternative maneuvers to their driving knowledge when an emergency situation occurs. Sandwiches from the bakery Maison Robert in $WODQWDZLOOEHVHUYHGDIWHUWKH¿UVW part of the course. Participants will be required to pre-order. In the afternoon, Frank and Mary Alice will redesign the course, into a slow-speed autocross, so that participants can practice the skills they have acquired in the morning session. Mary Alice will share with you how this defensive driving course saved her life. The objective is for participants to know what their cars can do and what they can do with their cars; thereby, making them safer and more alert highway drivers. PARTICIPANTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO BRING THE CAR THEY DRIVE DAILY. The registration fee is $10 per person. All participants must be 18 years or older and will need to sign a standard MBCA waiver form to participate in this event. From Atlanta: Take I-20 West to Exit #34 Highway 5 Douglasville. When you get off at Exit #34, turn right. Go approximately 200 yards and where the road “forks,” turn left and follow Highway 5 until it dead ends. Take a right onto Highway 7. Then take your ¿UVWOHIWRYHUWKHUDLOURDGWUDFNV7DNHDQLPPHGLDWHOHIWRQWR Strickland St. Bud’s Benz is approx. 3/4 mile down on right. Please note: Google and Yahoo Maps may not provide accurate directions! continued on page 8 -7- RBM of Atlanta - Sandy Springs φ New State-of-the-Art Showroom and φ Complete Service Menu Service Facilities φ Competitive Prices φ Same convenient location in φ Factory Parts Sandy Springs φ Factory Trained and Certified φ Great Selection of New and Technicians Pre-owned vehicles φ Home to over 735 years of Classic Car φ Convenient service options, including experience, waiting to help you Express Service and Star Mobile Introducing the All-New 2015 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG & Brand-New 2016 GT AMG® Introducing the All-New 2015 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG® Introducing the Brand New 2016 Mercedes-Benz GT AMG® Coming soon, Spring 2015. Pre-production model shown with optional and non-US equipment. Coming soon, Spring 2015. Pre-production model shown with optional and non-US equipment. Take 15% off your next repair or parts and accessories purchase at RBM of Atlanta - Sandy Springs Excludes specials, tires, and certain menu items. Offer good thru 12/31/2015 on one service visit per member. Discount available to Club Members only & you must show Club ID at time of use. 7640 Roswell Road, Atlanta, GA 30350 | 770-390-0700 | -8- Defensive Driving and Autocross continued from page 6 Registration deadline is September 5, 2015.To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail! Questions? Contact Geri Whaley-Ewers by phone (770) 558-1219 or by email Directions to Bud’s Benz: From Atlanta: Take I-20 West to Exit #34 Highway 5 Douglasville. When you get off at Exit #34, turn right. Go approximately 200 yards and where the road “forks,” turn left and follow Highway 5 until it dead ends. Take a right onto Highway 7. Then take your ¿UVWOHIWRYHUWKHUDLOURDGWUDFNV7DNHDQLPPHGLDWHOHIWRQWR Strickland St. Bud’s Benz is approx. 3/4 mile down on right. Please note: Google and Yahoo Maps may not provide accurate directions! 2015 Concours d’Elegance Saturday, September 19, 2015 T by Craig and Teri Bierman, Concours Chairs he Mercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section is hosting an all Mercedes-Benz Concours d’Elegance on Saturday September 19th, 2015. Location This year’s Concours will be held at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame 415 Highway 53 E, Dawsonville, GA 30534 There will be ample parking for those participants who want to trailer their vehicles to the show. All participants will receive a ticket for admission to the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame museum and a ticket for lunch. Pre-Concours Judging Clinic We will have a judging class on August 8th at Bud’s in Douglasville GA. National Concours Chairman, Pete Lesler, will teach this class. There is no charge for the judging class, however registration is required. Attendees do not have to have a car entered in the Concours. Lunch will be provided to all who attend. See separate article for details. Mercedes-Benz Car Classes for the 2015 Concours will be: z Concours Cars in this category must be at least 25 years old and represent the most perfect examples of the Mercedes-Benz marque. These cars are in excellent original condition, or are restored to original show quality standards. They will be judged according to strict Mercedes Benz Club of America judging rules (undercarriages will not be judged) and by Mercedes-Benz &OXERI$PHULFDFHUWL¿HGMXGJHV$SRLQWV\VWHPZLOO be used to determine the best of the best. continued on page 9 -9- Concours 2015 continued from page 8 z Street Cars in this class are usually driven on a regular basis. Street cars should be driven to the event. Street cars will be judged in two divisions, Early Modern and Late Modern to determine those cars that are in the best original condition for their age and mileage. Engine and trunks will be judged, undercarriages will not be judged. Judging will be performed Mercedes-Benz Club of America FHUWL¿HGMXGJHVXVLQJWKH0HUFHGHV%HQ]&OXERI$PHULFDGH¿QHGSRLQWV\VWHPGHVLJQHGIRU6WUHHWFDUV z Pre-merger AMG &DUV LQ WKLV FODVV DUH FDUV WKDW DUH $0* PRGL¿HG Mercedes-Benz automobiles before Mercedes-Benz acquired AMG. Pre-merger AMG cars will be judged to determine those cars that are in the best condition for their age and mileage. Cars will be judged against a PRGL¿HGYHUVLRQ of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America 100-point Street car system that will take into considerDWLRQWKH$0*PRGL¿FDWLRQV Registration 5HJLVWUDWLRQIHHIRUWKLVHYHQWLVIRU\RXU¿UVWFDUDQG $35 for additional cars and includes one ticket to the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame and one lunch ticket. Additional tickets for the museum may be purchased for $6.00. Lunch may also be purchased for spectators or guests from the food vendor for $10.00 per person. To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail! Registration closes on September 11, 2015. All show participants must be a member of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America and will need to sign the standard Mercedes-Benz Club of America waiver form to participate in this event. If you have any questions contact Craig and Teri Bierman 770-424-5598. Renaissance Euro Fest 2015 Ridgeland, Mississippi Saturday, October 3, 2015 z 6LOYHU6WDU3UHVHUYDWLRQ&HUWL¿FDWLRQ This is not a judged category but is designed to recognize and “Certify” cars 25 years of age or older that have not been restored or may be in progress of being restored. A Silver Star Preservation Class Mercedes-Benz must be driven to the Mercedes Benz Club of America event and have all of its safety items operating. It must KDYHD¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHU$OOVDIHW\LWHPVZLOOEHFKHFNHG and must be totally operational to qualify your car as a Silver Star Preservation vehicle. Mercedes Benz Club of America ’s Concours Chairman will use a point system KDV EHHQ GHVLJQHG DV D JXLGHOLQH DQG TXDOL¿FDWLRQ RI SRLQWV RU EHWWHU LQ WKUHH RI ¿YH FDWHJRULHV WR HDUQ WKH³6LOYHU6WDU3UHVHUYDWLRQ&HUWL¿FDWH´,I\RXZDQWWR UHFHLYHD6LOYHU6WDUFHUWL¿FDWLRQSOHDVHFRQWDFW7HULRU Craig Bierman so that the appropriate forms can be sent to you. z Special Class (W124 Chassis) This year we will honor the W124 E class. Cars entered in this class will be judged using Mercedes Benz Club of America judging rules (undercarriages will not EHMXGJHGE\0HUFHGHV%HQ]&OXERI$PHULFDFHUWL¿HG judges. A 100-point system will be used to determine the best of the best. z Ordinaire Class (new this year) Cars entered in the Ordinaire class will not be judged RQ WKH SRLQW VFDOH +RZHYHU WKHUH ZLOO EH D ¿UVW second and third place award for the Ordinaire class. All Participants in this class will judge these vehicles. Cars may be of any age or condition. They are for the enjoyment of all and will represent the average MercedesBenz’s that are driven daily. All cars entered in the show should be in place and ready for judging by 10 a.m. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. Awards for all classes will be presented between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. T Free, Fun, Family Event he great automobiles and motorcycles of Europe will be coming to Renaissance at Colony Park in Ridgeland, MS for the 7th annual Renaissance Euro Fest Classic European Auto and Motorcycle Show. Entries in the show must EHWZHQW\¿YH\HDUVRUROGHUEXLOWSULRUWRH[FHSWIRUD selection of newer special interest autos. For European auto enthusiasts, this is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beauty of British, Italian, German, Swedish and many other European vehicles. If makes such as Rolls-Royce, Volkswagen, Ferrari, Porsche, Land Rover, BMW, Alfa Romeo, Daimler, -DJXDU1RUWRQ'XFDWL5R\DO(Q¿HOG%0:%XJDWWL7DOERW Lago, Mercedes-Benz, Marcos, and Henson (to name just a few) excite your senses, then get all in! It’s a perfect time of year to be outside, strolling around the Renaissance, and viewing gorgeous autos and motorcycles. This year the event will be held on Saturday, October 3rd, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The show is open and free to the public. Over 15,000 spectators are expected to view 150 entries PDQXIDFWXUHGLQ¿YHGLIIHUHQWFRXQWULHVFRPLQJIURPQLQHGLIferent states. For entry and more information, contact Mike Marsh at (601) 946-1950. -10- Fall Tour 2015 October 23 and 24, 2015 In and around Cashiers, Highlands and Sapphire, NC P by Jim Mitchell and Richard King, Event Planners lease join us for a fall tour that will include MBCA members from the Carolinas and Peachtree Sections. The tour will take place on Saturday, October 24th. We will gather at the home of Richard and Donna King near Salem South Carolina at 10:00 a.m. for “brunch” at their gazebo and then depart from there at around noon for what will be about a three-hour drive through some very beautiful, rural countryside. Detailed maps will be provided at the gazebo. Please see the attachments for driving directions to the King’s home. The drive will conclude at a location that will be suitable for on foot sightseeing, hiking. An optional dinner that evening will be arranged at a restaurant in Cashiers. There is nothing planned for either Friday or Sunday. Feel free to organize what ever you may choose for those days. For those of you planning to stay overnight for this event, it is time to make room reservations, NOW. There are no properties that will block off any number of rooms for groups during this very popular time of the year and all require a 2 night minimum stay. Two options that do have availability are: 2. The Mitchell’s lodge in Highlands (rates run from$ 169$224 per night). Contact them online or at 828 526 2267. They offer a variety of lodge type cabins. Both properties have quite a few rooms available now but will ¿OOXSYHU\TXLFNO\IRUWKLVEXV\WLPHRI\HDU There are a number of privately owned properties for rent in the Cashiers/Highlands area. You can check with Vacation Rentals By Owner at or Flip Key at KWWSZZZÀLSNH\FRP . Depending on your location, it would be possible to make this a one-day turn around trip. To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Registration closes on October 10th, 2015. The registration fee is $20 per person. All participants will need to sign a standard MBCA waiver form to participate in this event. Questions? Contact Jim Mitchell at: or by phone at 770-883 2316 Driving Directions (click on the link): Atlanta to the King’s Ashville to the King’s Charlotte to the King’s Columbia to the King’s 1. The Hampton Inn, in Sapphire Valley (rates start at about $215). You can reserve online or by calling them locally at 828 743 4545. What is PermaFinish? ? PermaFinish is a one ee-time treatment that p protects an automobile’s finish for a J JXDUDQWHHG G six years, y completep ly eliminating the need for waxing! g!! UP TO SIX YEARS! S! RESTORE & PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT AGAINST: T: $FLG5DLQŏ6WRQH&KLSVŏ6FUDWFKHVŏ7UHH6DSŏ%LUG'URSSLQJVŏ$JLQJ3DLQW 2DNEURRN3DUNZD\ŏ6XLWHŏ1RUFURVV*$ŏŏZZZSHUPDILQLVKRUJ -11- Hilton Head Island Motoring Festival and Concours d’Elegance October 23 to November 1, 2015 S by Daryl K. Williams, Event Planner ave the date and plan to attend the Hilton Head Island Concours d’Elegance in its third year in the new venue at Port Royal Golf Club adjacent to Port Royal Plantation. We will have a Saturday night dinner at the Old Oyster Factory for our members on October 31. It’s not too early to secure your rooms for this great event. See the next issue of the Stars in Georgia for more details. While there are events all week, for many of us the real action begins on Saturday with the car club displays. Area car clubs are invited to show off their special cars, the Motoring Midway will display items of interest including antique boats and planes well as the cars of an honored collector. Saturday night, October 31st we will meet at The Old Oyster Factory at 6 p.m. for dinner. Once again we will have the upstairs with the beautiful view of the marsh. We will order off the menu and will be able to have separate checks. There is no fee for this event but we do need reservations from you so the restaurant will be ready for us. To register for dinner on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Registration deadline is October 15, 2015. Sunday is the Concours d’Elegance. The featured Marque for the 14th annual event will be Chrysler. You may purchase event tickets on-line. It is not too early to secure your lodging. Many use timeshares or rent condos or for hotel lodging. You may wish to consider: Main Street Inn & Spa 1 mile away 800-471-3001 Holiday Inn Express Bluffton 8 miles 843-757-2002 Hilton Garden Inn - 5 minute drive 843-837-8111 Park Lane Hotel & Suites - 10 minute drive 843-686-5700 Questions? Contact Daryl Williams 678425-5171. Feel free to contact me for more information or directions. Holiday Luncheon Saturday, December 5, 2015, 11:30 a.m. S by Ernie and Barbara Smallman III, Event Planners aturday, December 5th, 2015 has been set aside once again as the day to celebrate members of the MercedesBenz Club Peachtree Section as well as recognizing our loyal newsletter advertisers who will again be our guests for lunch. This year’s luncheon will be held at the Chattahoochee Country Club (CCC) located on Lake Lanier near Gainesville, GA, and made available by the generosity of Peachtree and CCC sponsoring member Stu Virgin. This unique venue has long been a private gated member only dining destination featuring in their own words “worldclass chefs”. The Club was organized in 1950 and chartered in 1954 as Chattahoochee County Club on 700 acres that comprised the club facility, golf course, and home sites that surround the golf course. The club today has over eight hundred members with several being Peachtree Section members, among those is Bob Watson of Gainesville. The clubhouse is situated on a peninsula that provides scenic views of the lake on three sides with lush landscaping. The private dining room reserved for Peachtree seats seventy comfortably with the club agreeing to move us to their ballroom if we exceed that number. Since the venue is further north than any of our prior holiday luncheon functions, we have purposely scheduled that lunch to be served a half an hour later to allow extra travel time for our “southern” members. A cash bar will open at 11:30 a.m. for those more than punctual early arriving attendees. Lunch will served at half past noon with attendees being treated to a duo entrée surf and turf presentation of demi-glace beef tenderloin and lemon EXWWHU %HXUUH %ODQF URDVW VDOPRQ ¿OOHW 7KH HQWUpH LV SUHceded by a house mixed green salad with ranch dressing and CCC’s own honey balsamic dressing on the side accompanied by asparagus and buttermilk mashed potatoes plus bread and choice of coffee or tea. Dessert is Bourbon Pecan pie with caramel and chocolate sauces. The cost is $40 per attendee as it was last year. Again consider bringing an unwrapped toy that Peachtree Section can contribute to the Maine Corp “Toys for Tots” Christmas Drive. Program details and directions to the Chattahoochee Country Club, 3000 Club Drive, Gainesville, GA 30506 will be provided in the October edition of the Stars in Georgia. Please make reservations on-line at or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Please register by November 25, 2015. CCC has agreed to accept a limited number of late registrations as space is not as constrained as last year, but availability of specially purchased ingredients for this chef designed special menu is a limiting factor. Stars in Georgia is the official Newsletter of the Peachtree Section, Mercedes-Benz Club of America. Publication months are February, April, June, August, October, and December. Publication deadline for material VXEPLVVLRQLVWKH¿UVWGD\RIWKHPRQWK preceding the month of publication. All material for publication should be sent to Diana Quinn, Editor, 442 Chowning Place, NW, Marietta, GA 30064-1404, phone (770) 635-8112, e-mail -12- Atlanta’s BEST OF THE BEST Dealer Two Years Running 2012 & 2013 People Drive Us. | 2799 Piedmont Road | Atlanta, GA 30305 | 404-846-3500 -13- Atlanta Motoring Festival Inaugural Event by Doug Geganto, Event Planner Photos by Germany Greer Veni, Vidi, Vici W "We Came, We Saw, We Conquered" e were invited to participate in the Atlanta Motoring Festival Inaugural "Soft Event" on May 17, 2015 at the Chucker Polo Fields in Roswell, GA. The purpose of the May 17th event was to introduce the venue, location and provide information about how this can become an annual Concours on the national tour. Live jazz bands entertained the crowd throughout the day. For years many Atlanta car enthusiasts wondered why Atlanta doesn’t have a premier Concours on the same scale as Hilton Head and Amelia Island. Philip Carroll, a motoring enthusiast and visionary, wondered the same thing so last year he organized the Atlanta Motoring Festival, which he hopes will evolve into an annual Concours event on the national Concours tour. It looked like a Mercedes-Benz show is what some of the spectators were overheard saying. As I thought about writing this summary the historic phrase attributed to Julius Caesar popped into my head because we truly conquered WKHVKRZZLWKDWRWDORI¿QHDXWRPRELOHVRQGLVSOD\7KH Mercedes-Benz display by far was the largest marque on display. We ended the day with a champagne toast to celebrate the club and all who participated. Fried Green Tomatoes Rallye by Doug Geganto, Event Planner 32 Photos by Germany Greer PHPEHUVPHWDWWKHRULJLQDO&KLFN¿O$LQ+DSHYLOOH to begin the journey to Juliette, Georgia on Saturday, June 6, 2015. The weather couldn’t have been better, sunny with beautiful blue skies. Stops along the way included Senoia, the current home for the Walking Dead TV series. There was time to stop and get out and enjoy the historic district of Senoia. From there we headed up GA Hwy 85 to view the Historic Starr’s Mill and take some pictures of the beautiful old mill. We moved on to another scenic stop, Red Oak Creek Covered Bridge, one of the oldest covered bridges in Georgia. Our journey continued through middle Georgia over to Barnesville and once again was able to stop and enjoy the town. Barnesville was once known as the carriage capital of the world. From Barnesville we drove onto Forsyth and on then over to Juliette, which was the set for the award winning movie, Fried Green Tomatoes. Many of the buildings along the main street were sets for the movie and have since been converted into boutiques and gift shops. Once in Juliette, we enjoyed a late lunch at the famous Whistle Stop Café. Let me tell you, the fried green tomatoes were delicious!! After lunch some people explored the shops and the rest of us headed to I-75 and back to Atlanta. It was an enjoyable day and a wonderful day to spend with old friends and meet some new ones as well. © Germany Greer © Germany Greer Starr's Mill Photos - continued on page 14 © Germany Greer -14- Fried Green Tomatoes continued from page 13 © Germany Greer John and Ruth Diestel © Germany Greer Red Oak Bridge © Germany Greer © Germany Greer Whistle Stop Cafe © Germany Greer Members enjoying lunch Membership Appreciation Saturday, June 27, 2015 O by (I¿H6DWWHU¿HOG(YHQW3ODQQHU Photos by Germany Greer n Saturday, June 27th, 75 members of the Peachtree Section and their guests gathered at the Ridges Resort on beautiful Lake Chatuge, Young Harris GA for our annual Member Appreciation luncheon. The weather held off long enough to enjoy the ride to and from, meet and greet new and old friends and admire cars. Members engaged in an activity by asking other members to sign their name next to a list of things they have (e.g. own and dog or cat) or places that they have visited (e.g. Russia, more than 3 countries in Europe etc.). Fun was had by all! © Germany Greer Ridges Resort and Marina © Germany Greer from l to r Jim and Mary Jo Mitchell, Ken Jarrett, Diana and Jim Quinn President Doug Geganto engages the group with questions -15- 1RWLFHRI(OHFWLRQRI2I¿FHUV and Board Members Peachtree Section, MBCA 2I¿FHUVDQG%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV and Leadership Support Members KH DQQXDO HOHFWLRQ RI 3HDFKWUHH VHFWLRQ 2I¿FHUV DQG Board members will take place on September 19, 2015 in conjunction with the annual Concours on the grounds of the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame in Dawsonville, GA. Stars in Georgia is the newsletter of the Peachtree Section, Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. T The nominating committee will announce the candidates for all positions at that time. All members are welcome to attend and vote. Volunteers and recommendations may be sent to the Nominating Committee Chairman Ken Jarrett at: or by phone at 706-202-5565. Nominations will also be acFHSWHGIURPWKHÀRRU Peachtree Section Newsletter Editor/Webmaster: Diana Quinn, e-mail President: Doug Geganto, e-mail Vice-President: Vacant Secretary: Ernest Smallman, III, e-mail Treasurer: Dan Marlowe, e-mail Directors: T EURO Auto Festival Greenville, South Carolina October 16-17, 2015 he EURO Auto Festival, celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, is a place for car enthusiasts to gather at the largest European-only automotive festival in the country. Over 15,000 car enthusiasts view 400+ cars each year. This fully volunteer-driven event introduces the love of Euro autosports to the masses in a family-friendly atmosphere all ZKLOHEHQH¿WWLQJORFDOFKDULWLHV In order to accommodate a larger number of entries, we are moving our show from the Zentrum at BMW to the Embassy Suites. Vehicles entered in the show will be displayed on the fairways of The Preserve at Verdae golf course. The show, amenities, and host hotel will be in one location, making it easier for our entrants and attendees to enjoy the full experience of the EURO Auto Festival. To show your car or for more details visit their website at Dr. Bob Crow, e-mail Ken Jarrett (Past President), e-mail David Latham, e-mail Uwe Nischan, e-mail Shiela Richey (Past President), e-mail JoAnne Taylor, e-mail Harold Wilson (Past President), e-mail Advertising Director: Roger McKissick (Past President), e-mail Membership Director: Daryl Williams, e-mail Technical Director: Mark Richey, e-mail TERMS OF PARTICIPATION This agreement pertains to driving events of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc (MBCA) in which I desire to participate, whether as a driver, SDVVHQJHURI¿FLDOYROXQWHHURUWRDWWHQGDVDVSHFWDWRURUYLVLWRU,QFRQVLGHUDWLRQIRUSHUPLWWLQJPHWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQRUREVHUYHGULYLQJHYHQWVZKLFK may consist of time trials, autocross, acceleration runs, defensive driving, road rally and/or tours or to attend the event as a spectator or visitor, I knowingly and voluntarily agree as follows: 1. I CERTIFY, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that if I am driving, a passenger or otherwise participating in the events: a. The vehicle I am driving or in which I am a passenger in the events is insured with at least $100,000.00 per person bodily injury and property damage insurance that will be in effect for the entire duration of the events b. Any participant violating the competition and event rules may be expelled from the event and forfeit all competition privileges. 2. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that excessive consumption of alcohol or possession or consumption of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. 3. I HEREBY GRANT TO MBCA and the event organizer the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs and video images RIPHRULQZKLFK,PD\DSSHDUIRUHGLWRULDOWUDGHDGYHUWLVLQJDQGDQ\RWKHUERQD¿GHSXUSRVHVLQDQ\PDQQHUDQGPHGLXP,KHUHE\UHOHDVH MBCA, the event organizer, the photographer and videographer from all claims and liability relating thereto. 4. MBCA cannot be held liable for cancellation, delays or other lack of performance with respect to the event under any “force majeure” circumstances (including, but not limited to, wars, riots, insurrection, terrorism, acts of god, strikes or labor stoppages). 5. I authorize and consent to treatment, hospitalization and other care rendered to me in the event of my illness, injury or other emergent circumstances that may occur while participating in the event and assume full responsibility to pay for all costs and expenses for any such treatment, hospitalization and care (therefore agreeing to hold harmless and indemnify MBCA and the event organizers therefore). HAVING READ THIS TERMS OF PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT, I HEREBY BIND MYSELF AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS AND NEXT OF KIN BY THIS AGREEMENT. -16- THE PEACH PAGE CONCOURS JUDGING CLINIC - SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 2015 - 9:00 A.M. Bud’s Benz, 7773 Strickland St, Douglasville, GA 30134 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of attendees ____________ $ NO CHARGE Registration Deadline: August 2, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Doug Geganto 3211 Black Gum Ln, Gainsville, GA 30504. For more information contact Doug Geganto at or at 404-754-9955. MEMBERSHIP APRECIATION DAY IN AUGUSTA - SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 2015 - 9:30 A.M. Mercedes-Benz of Augusta, 3061 Washington Rd Augusta, GA 30907 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of people for car show and lunch _____ $ No Charge Number of people for dinner ________ $ Separate Checks Questions for Technicians: Please include any question(s) that you may have for the Mercedes-Benz of Augusta technicians with your registration. Registration Deadline: August 1, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Marie Penn at 5767 Carriage Hills Drive, Martinez, GA 30907. For questions, please contact Marie Penn at or by phone 706-210-0405 or FAX 706-650-2836 or contact Daryl Williams 678-425-5171. DEFENSIVE DRIVING AND AUTOCROSS - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 - 10:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. Bud’s Benz, 7773 Strickland St, Douglasville, GA 30134 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of attendees $___________________ x $10.00 = $________________ All participants must be 18 years old or older. Sandwiches will be provided. There will be a choice of Ham, Turkey and Roast Beef. Please indicate the number and your choices below # _________ Ham # _________ Turkey # _________ Roast Beef Registration Deadline: September 5, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Geri Whaley-Ewers, 3580 Yarmouth Hill, Lawrenceville, GA 30044For More Information contact Geri Whaley-Ewers, or by phone (770) 558-1219. Registration for MBCA Peachtree Events are subject to “Terms of Participation” (see Terms on Page 15) -17- THE PEACH PAGE CONCOURS d'ELEGANCE 2015 - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 - REGISTRATION OPENS 8:30 A.M. Georgia Racing Hall of Fame, Dawsonville GA 30504 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Please check the category in which you wish to participate: Concours Street Class W124 Chassis Judged Pre-merger AMG Silver Star Preservation Ordinaire Class W124 Chassis Non-Judged Vehicle:____________________________ Model: _________________________Year:_____ Miles:__________________ Yrs. Owned:______ Tell us something special about your car: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ First Vehicle $45.00 $45.00 Additional Vehicles ____________ x $35.00 ea. $ ___________________ Additional Lunches ____________ x $10.00 ea. $ ___________________ Each registered car will receive one ticket for lunch. Additional tickets for the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame Museum Each registered car will receive one ticket for admission to the museum ____________ x $6.00 ea. $ ___________________ Total enclosed $ ___________________ Please use one form for each vehicle registered. Registration Deadline: September 11, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Teri Bierman, 2124 Whitekirk St NW, Kennesaw, GA 30152 Questions? Please call Teri or Craig Bierman at 770-424-5598 or by e-mail: Registration for MBCA Peachtree Events are subject to “Terms of Participation” (see Terms on Page 15) -18- THE PEACH PAGE 2015 FALL TOUR - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 15 2015 - 10:00 A.M. Richard and Donna King’s Gazebo, 198 Kings Ridge Dr. Salem, SC 29676 - 864-723-0607 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number Attending ___________________ x $20.00 = $________________ Registration Deadline: October 10, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Jim Mitchell, 357 Mountain Valley Drive, Hendersonville, NC 28739. For questions please contact Jim Mitchell at or at 770-883-2316 HILTON HEAD DINNER AT THE OLD OYSTER FACTORY - OCTOBER 31, 2015 101 Marshland Rd., Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number Attending Dinner: ____________ Registration Deadline: October 15, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Daryl K Williams 'XVN\6DS&W*ULI¿Q*$)RUPRUH,QIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW'DU\O:LOOLDPV 678-425-5171 HOLIDAY LUNCHEON - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2015 - 11:30 A.M. Chattahoochee Country Club, 300 Club Drive, Gainesville, GA 30506 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Total: $40.00 per attendee $_____________ x $40 = $__________________ Registration Deadline: November 25, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Ernie Smallman, III, 184 Cadence Trail, Canton, GA 30155. Questions? E-mail or 404-275-1419 Registration for MBCA Peachtree Events are subject to “Terms of Participation” (see Terms on Page 15) -19- THE PEACH PAGE MBCA Membership Application Please print clearly ________________________________________________________ Full name ________________________________________________________ Associate member (spouse or dependent) ________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City State Zip ( _______ ) _________________ ( _______) _________________ Home phone Business phone ________________________________________________________ E-Mail address ________________________________________________________ Occupation ________________________________________________________ Mercedes-Benz cars now owned (model/year, list additional cars elsewhere) FNew Member or L Renewing Member (check one) If renewing, member number: ________________________________ Interests: please check Fdriving events Fcar care Fcar shows Ftechnical Fsocial events FThe Star Enroll me as a member for (check one): U.S. and possessions: F1 year ($49) F2 years ($95) F3 years ($139) Make check payable to MBCA (U.S. funds only); Visa or Mastercard also accepted. All other countries (including Canada): F1 year ($59) F2 years ($115) F3 years ($169) Canadians and overseas:: use Visa, Mastercard, or American Express, Discover, international money orders, or checks payable in U.S. funds. MBCA NAME BADGES Name badges are available from the MBCA Club Store in three types of backing (magnetic, safety pin, or tie tack) and can be ordered in blue, silver or gold. Costs range from $10.00 for two lines to $11.00 for three lines (25 characters maximum p/line), and includes mailing costs. You may order by completing & mailing this order sheet (see address below), or you may order through the MBCA website by going to and choose Club 6WRUHIURPWKHPDLQPHQXFKRRVH0HPEHUVKLSDQG2I¿FH,WHPV / Section Events from the next window, scroll down to the desired name badge and make your selection. Please send ______ name badge(s). Specify type of backing: ______ Magnetic ______ Safety Pin _____Tie Tack Specify color: ____ Blue ____ Silver ____ Gold NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA Please mail to: Name: ___________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Applicant’s signature Date Enclose appropriate dollar amount and mail with this application to: ________________________________________________________ Applicant’s section preference (see list in magazine) MBCA 1907 Lelarary Street Colorado Springs, CO 80909 ________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s signature and member number (optional) Membership dues include six issues of The Star magazine yearly. If using a credit card, please complete the following: FVisa FMastercard FAm. Express FDiscover __________________________________________________ _______________ Account number Expiration Date or 800-637-2360 MBCA, 1907 Lelaray St., Colorado Springs, CO 80909-2872 719/633-6427, Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM Mountain Time MBCA - Peachtree Section 442 Chowning PL NW Marietta, GA 30064
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