Stars in Georgia - Mercedes-Benz Club of America | Peachtree Section
Stars in Georgia - Mercedes-Benz Club of America | Peachtree Section
Stars in Georgia Mercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section Volume 36 Number 3 2015 Upcoming Events Jun 6 – Fried Green Tomato Rally – Join us for a fun day of driving, no questions or tricks but just a fun drive along a predetermined route. See article in this issue. Jun 11-14 – Highlands Motoring Festival – Mercedes-Benz will be the featured marque at this years Car Show. Plan to participate in this event for charity or just come as a guest. See article in this issue. Jun 27 – Membership Appreciation – Mark your calendars for this FREE lunch, open to all MBCA Peachtree members. See article in this issue. July 11 – Aviation Museum – Interested in planes? A caravan drive and visit to the Aviation Museum in Warner Robbins is your destination on July 11. See article in this issue. July 18 – Event Planners Workshop – Come bring your ideas for a future event and learn the ropes on how to organize and conduct a successful event. See article in this issue. July 25 – Board of Directors Meeting – Contact Doug Geganto for location and time. Aug 8 – Concours Judging School – Pete Lesler, National Concours Chairman will be certifying and recertifying Concours judges. Come learn what goes into Concours judging. See article in this issue. Aug 15 – Membership Appreciation in Augusta – Bring your car for a casual car show and at Mercedes-Benz of Augusta. Lunch will be provided and a group dinner is planned. See article in this issue. Sep 12 – Defensive Driving and Autocross – Hone your defensive driving skills with MBCA instructors Frank and Mary Alice Cozza. See article in this issue. Sep 19 – Concours 2015 – Start prepping your favorite Mercedes-Benz and show it at our annual Concours to be held this year at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame in Dawsonville, GA. See article in this issue. Oct 3 – Board of Directors Meeting – Contact Doug Geganto for location and time. Oct 2-4 – Euro Fest Classic European Auto and Motorcycle Show – Join the Mississippi section for this fun event in Rigeland, MS. Oct 23-24 – Fall Tour 2015 – Come join us and the Carolinas section for a colorful drive that will begin with brunch in the Gazebo of the King’s in Salem, SC and will end in Cashiers, NC. See article in this issue. Oct 23-Nov 1 – Hilton Head Concours Dec 5 – Holiday Luncheon June, 2015 – NEXT EVENT – Fried Green Tomatoes Rally Saturday, June 6, 2015 G by Doug Geganto, Event Planner et your navigator and take a leisurely drive through the backcountry roads of Southern Georgia. Our journey will begin at the original Chick-Fil-A Dwarf House located at 461 N Central Ave, Hapeville, GA 30354. Restrooms and food are available. Our meeting time will be 9:00 a.m. with a roll out time at 9:30 a.m. From this historic starting point we will proceed to old GA 85 and head south to the quaint town of Senoia,, the location of the town of Woodbury in the popular TV show, The Walking Dead. In Senoia you will have time to walk around the town and visit the many shops along Main Street. From Senoia we will continue south along historic GA 85 stopping for a photo opportunity at historic Star’s Mill Park. Just a bit south on GA 85 we’ll drive through another set location from the Walking Dead. From here we’ll continue on to historic Barnesville www. Barnesville was once dubbed the “Buggy Capital of the World” as the town produced about 16,000 buggies a year around the turn of the century. As we enter Barnesville you’ll pass a number of old antebellum homes along Thomaston Street. After visiting Barnesville we’ll continue onto Juliette where parts of the movie )ULHG*UHHQ7RPDWRHVZHUH¿OPHG-XOLHWWHLVDOVRWKHKRPHRIWKH:KLVtlestop Café where we’ll have a late lunch or early dinner. Lunch will be on your own at the Whistlestop. After a relaxing meal and fellowship we’ll head home. Juliette is close to interstate 75 so getting back to Atlanta should be easy. This will be a pure driving event, not a timed event. Drivers and navigators will follow a set of rallye directions and a leisurely journey along the back roads of rural Georgia. No questions or tests; just the enjoyment of being on the open road. Registration for this event is $5.00 per person. Snacks and beverages will be provided at the start. Registration is required, a nominal registration fee of $5.00/per person. To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail! Registration closes on May 31st. All registrants will need to sign the standard MBCA waiver form. Questions? Please contact Doug Geganto at or at 404-754-9955. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changes and/or additions may occur between issues, so please check our website at to insure you have the latest information. -2- View Through The Star W by Doug Geganto, Section President e are almost halfway through the year and the health of the Peachtree Section is good. Membership continues to grow, as does the participation at our many events. Best yet there’s still more to come for the remainder of the year. Welcome New Peachtree Section Members by Daryl K. Williams, Membership Director Please join me in welcoming the 17 new MBCA Peachtree Section Members! On a more serious note: Your Board of Directors wishes to inform you that our President, Charles Burrage, has tendered his resignation effective April 11, 2015. All of us certainly thank Charles for his leadership, guidance and friendship over the many years he has been DI¿OLDWHG ZLWK WKH 3HDFKWUHH 6HFWLRQ &KDUOHV KDV ZRUNHG hard over the years to contribute to the growth and success of our section and it is with great sadness that we accepted his resignation. Vice President, Doug Geganto, will assume the club presidency until our elections on September 19th at our annual Concours. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to reach out to anyone on the Board or directly to Doug by phone at 404-754-9955 or Coming Up )ULHG*UHHQ7RPDWRHV5DOO\-XQHWK :DUQHU5REELQV1DWLRQDO$LUPXVHXPRQ-XO\WK 2XUDQQXDOPHPEHUVKLSDSSUHFLDWLRQOXQFKHRQLVVFKHGXOHG for June 27th at the Ridges Resort in Hiawassee. Full Details of all these events are in this edition of the Stars in Georgia. I certainly hope I’ll see you at one of our upcoming events. Check the list of events that are coming up in this edition of The Star and make plans to attend one of the events. Developmental Workshops Do you want to learn how to plan a club event? The upcoming event planners workshop on July 18th will provide you with the skills and knowledge on how to plan, organize, execute and wrap up a section event. If you indicated on the member survey that you were interested in planning a section event we will be contacting you to invite you to the session. Everyone interested in being an event organizer should attend. Learn the nuances of Concours Judging from Pete Lesler, MBCA National Concours Chairman. This workshop will be held on August 8th at Bud’s in Douglasville, GA. Both of these developmental workshops are free with lunch provide. Full details are in this edition of the Stars in Georgia. Plan to attend one or both. There are lots more exciting events coming up through the end of the year. Remember, the only thing missing from our events is YOU. T Jeff Allen John Atlas Jerry Bewmont Federico Castrellucci Phillip Collins William Davidson Bill Forrest Alvin Gairy Bonnie Hare Thomas Koch James Laue Mark Olas Robert Rankin James Ratliff John Shaeffer Brent Smith Joseph Taura o you new members, I look forward to meeting you all at one of the club’s many events. Those events include driving, socializing and technical/restoration themes. Take a look elsewhere in this newsletter to see what is upcoming and join other members for a good time and a chance to make new friends. Jean and I have made many new friends during our years in the club and to me that is the most important EHQH¿W RI PHPEHUVKLS ,Q DGGLWLRQ FKHFN RXW WKHVH DGGHG EHQH¿WVWKDWPDNH\RXUPHPEHUVKLSYDOXDEOH ' A discount of $500, when you buy your next new Mercedes-Benz vehicle after 12 consecutive months of Club membership ' 10-20% off parts and service from many dealers ' 15% off parts from the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center in Irvine, CA. ' Worldwide rental savings from Avis® and Hertz®. ' Visa Platinum Rewards Card (customize the Card with a photo of your car) ' A subscription to our award-winning magazine, The Star® ' )UHHFODVVL¿HGVLQ7KH6WDU® and online ' Free advice from some of the world’s most experienced Mercedes-Benz owners and enthusiasts at ' Unique apparel, accessories, gear and gifts from our expanded Club Store ' Member-only access to unique drives, rallies and special events ' 3OXV«UDIÀHVWULSVWR*HUPDQ\DQGPRUH ' The Peachtree Section’s newsletter, Stars In Georgia will come to you six times per year Please join me in thanking the Peachtree members that our new members credited for their decision to join. z Doug Geganto z Roye Gaha -3- Need we say more? 678.825.6337 345 McFarland Pkwy Alpharetta,GA 30004 -4- Article and photos by: Germany Greer My Mercedes & Bimmer Place 4335 Ga. Hwy 400 Cumming Ga. 30028 770-205-4011 Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Owners: Adrienne Patterson-CEO Danny Brewer-President My Mercedes & Bimmer Place Entrance My Mercedes & Bimmer Place has been in business for twelve (12) years. Six years in the current location. After six years in business My Mercedes & Bimmer Place outgrew their original location. Danny designed the current building and Adrienne did the decorating. My Mercedes has a staff of HLJKWWKUHHZRUNLQJLQWKHIURQWRI¿FHDQG¿YHWHFKQLFLDQVSOXV 'DQQ\'DQQ\LVD)DFWRU\WUDLQHG&HUWL¿HG0HUFHGHV%HQ] and BMW mechanic. My Mercedes & Bimmer Place basically does just about anything and everything except for bodywork. They do have a body shop that they highly recommend. Tires, alignments, service and maintenance and just about anything that needs to be done on these cars, “WE Can Handle”. Their most recent technician Ryan provides full service for all German cars as a factory trained Porsche, Audi, and VolkVZDJHQ&HUWL¿HG7HFKQLFLDQ The Peachtree Section would like to thank Adrienne Patterson CEO for the wonderfully hospitable reception and support for the MBCA Peachtree Section. My Mercedes & Bimmer Place also supports many local Canine shelters in the area. Editors Note: Periodically Stars in Georgia will feature one of our sponsors and provide the members of the Peachtree Section with some further information about a particular sponsor. We want to thank all our sponsors who continue to support the Peachtree Section. Highlands Motoring Festival 2015 June 11-14, 2015 T his summer will, once again, feature the Highlands Motoring Festival. Enjoy the cool climate of the highest Motoring Festival in the Eastern United States. Dates of June 11-14th have been selected for the 8th Annual Highlands Motoring Festival. As in the past, Saturday, June 13th, is the featured classic car show, at the Highlands Recreation Park. The 2015 Highlands Motoring Festival will recognized Mercedes-Benz, 1989 and older, as the Marque of the Year, in addition to many other makes and models of both American and foreign vehicles that will be on display. But, in addition to the show on Saturday, many other activities are also planned. On Thursday will be a full day with multiple events. A golf outing and social at Highlands Cove Country Club, as well as the Opening Party later that day, at the Ugly Dog Pub, with live music. Drives, parties, and music, through the Sunday Road Rally and Brunch, there are plenty of opportunities for car lovers, spouses, and family. All events are open to the public. Friday, features the repeat of last year’s popular day drive EHQH¿WLQJWKH/LWHUDF\&RXQFLORI+LJKODQGVWKHFKDUity), his year’s One Lap of the Mountains will provide a full day of driving in the beautiful North Carolina mountains. The day will include a light breakfast at Creekside, a lunch stop midway, and return to Highlands late afternoon that evening My Mercedes & Bimmer Place Lobby continued on page 5 -5- Membership Appreciation Saturday, June 27, 2015 Highlands Motoring Festival continued from page 4 is the special Welcome Party, Motoring to Motown, with meal featuring Bar-B-Que, hosted by the Literacy Council of Highlands, featuring City Street Band. Saturday, features the aforementioned Classic Car Show. &DUVWRYLHZDQGDFWLYLWLHVIRUROGDQG\RXQJDOLNHZLOO¿OOWKH day. On Saturday evening, we will have an evening to relax with the Saturday Night Social - Buffet and the Big Screen (party and dinner at SweeTreats restaurant, followed by a movie at an automotive venue). The ever popular Sunday Road Rally, proven a “must” in years past, will give the opportunity to drive some great roads (at a moderate pace), have a great brunch and return to he Ugly Dog Pub, Highlands, for some “war stories” and awards. This year’s festival will feature, in addition to many outstanding cars, some very rare and special motor vehicles, including vintage motorcycles. Already, committed are two of the fastest production vehicles of the early 50’s, just to name a few. Registrants from as far away as Mississippi and Maryland will be present with their cars, and this is an opportunity to see cars that generally only appear in magazines. Make plans to attend our Festival with an Altitude (4118 ft.) during your visit to Highlands. For more information, visit ZZZP\PHUFHGHVSODFHFRP S by (I¿H6DWWHU¿HOG(YHQW3ODQQHU aturday, June 27th has been set aside once again as the day to celebrate the members of the Mercedes-Benz Club Peachtree Section. The location this year will be The Ridges Resort and Marina in beautiful Young Harris/Hiawassee. The resort is located directly on Lake Chatuge with views of the North Carolina Mountains. We will meet at 11:30 am for a lunch catered to us in the High Cove Ridge room in the Lodge. Driving Directions: Take Hwy 515 through Blairsville, follow Hwy. 76 through Young Harris towards Hiawassee. Resort is just before you get to Hiawassee. Address for your GPS is: The Ridges Resort and Marina, Fieldstone Road, Young Harris, GA 30582 The lunch is free of charge for members and one spouse/ guest. Additional guests will be $15 per person. Please include your membership number on your registration. To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail! Registration closes on -XQHWK4XHVWLRQV"3OHDVHFRQWDFW(I¿H6DWWHU¿HOG by e-mail 404-520-0852. 4345 GA Hwy. 400 Cumming, GA. 30028 -6- Aviation Museum at Warner Robbins AFB Saturday, July 11, 2015 V by Germany Greer, Event Planner isit the second largest Aviation Museum in the world located just outside Robbins AFB in Warner Robbins on Saturday, July 11th. A private tour of the museum’s most popular attraction has been arranged for us. Afterwards you will have time to explore the museum on your own. After touring the museum we will have a late lunch at the Greek Village Restaurant in Warner Robbins The owner has promised a sampling of traditional Greek Cuisine. Each participant will pay for his or her own lunch. The cost for this event will be $7.00 per person; this will cover the admission fee to the museum, tip for our tour guide and starting refreshments. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Truett’s Grill (Chick-Fil-A) 1785 Jonesboro Rd, McDonough, GA (exit 221 on I-75). Our departure time will begin once all the paperwork has been signed and ya’ll have had breakfast we will begin our drive down I-75 to Warner Robbins. We must be at the museum by 10:30 a.m. for our 10:45 tour. Refreshments will be available at the start. To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail! Registration closes on July 8th. All registrants will need to sign the standard MBCA waiver form, as we will be driving to Warner Robbins as a group. Questions? Please contact Germany Greer at or 404-429-9257. -7- RBM of Atlanta - Sandy Springs φ New State-of-the-Art Showroom and φ Complete Service Menu Service Facilities φ Competitive Prices φ Same convenient location in φ Factory Parts Sandy Springs φ Factory Trained and Certified φ Great Selection of New and Technicians Pre-owned vehicles φ Home to over 735 years of Classic Car φ Convenient service options, including experience, waiting to help you Express Service and Star Mobile Introducing the All-New 2015 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG & Brand-New 2016 GT AMG® Introducing the All-New 2015 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG® Introducing the Brand New 2016 Mercedes-Benz GT AMG® Coming soon, Spring 2015. Pre-production model shown with optional and non-US equipment. Coming soon, Spring 2015. Pre-production model shown with optional and non-US equipment. Take 15% off your next repair or parts and accessories purchase at RBM of Atlanta - Sandy Springs Excludes specials, tires, and certain menu items. Offer good thru 12/31/2015 on one service visit per member. Discount available to Club Members only & you must show Club ID at time of use. 7640 Roswell Road, Atlanta, GA 30350 | 770-390-0700 | -8- Event Planners Workshop Saturday, July 18, 2015 “I by Daryl Williams, Diana Quinn, Doug Geganto, Event Planners want to organize an event, but how do I get my idea from concept to fruition?” How many of us have had an idea for a club event and have had the same thoughts; how do I get it started? On July 18th we will be conducting an event planners workshop for everyone interested in planning, organizing, conducting and wrapping up a club event. The workshop will be facilitated by Daryl Williams, Membership Director and organizer of numerous events during his tenure, Diana Quinn our Newsletter editor and who has also organized many events for the club; and Doug Geganto our current events coordinator. This workshop will provide everything you need to know to get your event on next year’s calendar. So bring your ideas and join us on July 18th. We will be the guests of RBM of Alpharetta located at 345 Mcfarland Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA 30004. The workshop will start at 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided to all. This is a FREE event. To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail! Registration closes on July 11th. Questions? Please contact Doug Geganto at or at 404-754-9955. Concours Judging Clinic August 8, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. L by Doug Geganto, Event Planner earn the nuances of judging a Mercedes-Benz vehicle from Pete Lesler, MBCA National Concours Chairman. This class will prepare and certify you to judge in our annual Concours on September 19th. The clinic will be held at Bud’s Benz 7773 Strickland St, Douglasville, GA 30134 starting at 10:00 a.m. The class will be broken into two segments. In the ¿UVWVHJPHQW\RXZLOOOHDUQWKHEDVLFVRIMXGJLQJZKDWWRORRN for and the appropriate deductions for items that do not meet WKHVWDQGDUGDVGH¿QHGE\0HUFHGHV%HQ]&OXERI$PHULFD register early. Lunch will be provided. Menus will be available to pre-order your lunch when you arrive for the clinic. There is no charge to attend to the Judging School, but registration is required. To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Registration for this school closes on August 2nd or whenever we reach 25 registrants. Entries after we reach 25 will be put on a waiting list. If you register and cannot make it PLEASE notify the organizer so a spot can be opened for someone who may be on the waiting list. Questions? Contact Doug Geganto at 404-754-9955 or at Directions to Bud’s Benz: From Atlanta: Take I-20 West to Exit #34 Highway 5 Douglasville. When you get off at Exit #34, turn right. Go approximately 200 yards and where the road “forks,” turn left and follow Highway 5 until it dead ends. Take a right onto Highway 7. Then take \RXU¿UVWOHIWRYHUWKHUDLOURDGWUDFNV7DNHDQLPPHGLDWHOHIW onto Strickland St. Bud’s Benz is approx. 3/4 mile down on right. Please note: Google and Yahoo Maps may not provide accurate directions! Mercedes-Benz Owners Appreciation Day in Augusta Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 9:30 a.m. by Marie Penn, Tracy Moorman, Al Farlow, John Parish, Daryl Williams, Event Planners M ercedes-Benz of Augusta (3061 Washington Rd., Augusta, GA 30907) and the Mercedes-Benz Club of of America Peachtree Section are jointly sponsoring this event to show our appreciation for all Mercedes-Benz owners at this special event. It will be an opportunity for club members and those who have not yet joined the club to enjoy the hospitality of the club and this outstanding dealership. We will start our day with an old to new car show at Mercedes-Benz of Augusta from 11:00 until noon (an area will be available at 9:30 a.m. for those who wish to wipe down their cars.) Since all Mercedes-Benz Automobiles are special, they are all desired for this show from the newest to the oldest and everything in between. After Lunch everyone will get hands on experience judging all aspects of a vehicle including: exterior paint, interior, engine, and trunk. You will be divided into teams to judge several vehicles in David Latham’s shop as well as several participant YHKLFOHV $IWHU HDFK VHJPHQW WKHUH ZLOO EH D GHEULH¿QJ WR discuss how each team scored the individual vehicle components. During the judging segment, Pete will circulate to offer insight as to what to look for and review how each of the teams scored their vehicles. At noon, there will be a lunch provided at no charge to all registrants. There will also be door prizes. With the possibility of the Atlanta Motoring Festival becoming a National Concours event in 2016, this would be a good opportunity to prepare to judge the Mercedes-Benz Marque in WKDWHYHQW6SDFHZLOOEHOLPLWHGWRWKH¿UVWUHJLVWUDWLRQVVR Kendrick’s paint and body the only authorized Mercedes-Benz paint and body shop in Augusta will be there to explain about their expertise on painting and body parts for Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz of Augusta mechanics will be offering a technician’s information class. Mercedes-Benz owners can learn about their own cars. Please submit questions with your registration. A Mercedes-Benz representative form Jacksonville will discuss how all Mercedes-Benz Mechanics become certi¿HG+HZLOOWDONDERXWWKHVFKRROLQJKRZZDUUDQW\SDUWVDUH WHVWHGDQGWKHXSGDWLQJRIWKHLUFHUWL¿FDWLRQV continued on page 9 -9- Mercedes-Benz Owners Appreciation Day continued from page 8 There will be a discussion about the Mercedes-Benz on European Delivery program. Information will be provided about going to Germany to see and drive your car before it ships to you in the United States. There will also be an overview of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America’s Germany tour including a slide show of some of the treasures displayed at both the Mercedes-Benz Museum and the Museum of Dr. Karl Benz. We have made plans to meet in a private dinning room for dinner at T-Bonz 601 N Belair Square, Evans GA; you will be able to order from the menu and they will provide separate checks. If you need hotel we have been offered discount reservations ($119 per night) for Friday, Saturday or Sunday at the newly renovated historic Partridge Inn, 2110 Walton Way Augusta, Georgia 30904. 1-800-476-6888 (Ask for the Mercedes-Benz Club Special Rate). To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail! Registration closes on August 1, 2015. Questions? Please contact Marie Penn at or by phone 706-210-0405 or FAX 706-650-2836 or contact Daryl Williams 678-425-5171. -10- Defensive Driving and Autocross Saturday, September 12, 2015 by Geri Whaley-Ewers, Event Planner DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE RETURNS TO ATLANTA, GEORGIA M ercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section is organizing a Defensive Driving course with instructors Frank and Mary Alice Cozza, members of MBCA in Ohio, to be held at BUD’S BENZ, (7773 Strickland St, Douglasville, GA 30134) in Douglasville, Georgia, on Saturday, September 12, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please note the change of location. This course is a low-speed simulation of a variety of highway driving situations. The course comprises two parts. In the morning, there will be a brief classroom session. Afterwards, there will be in-car instructors to guide participants through the course while they learn alternative maneuvers to their driving knowledge when an emergency situation occurs. Sandwiches from the bakery Maison Robert in Atlanta will be VHUYHGDIWHUWKH¿UVWSDUWRIWKHFRXUVH3DUWLFLSDQWVZLOOEH required to pre-order. In the afternoon, Frank and Mary Alice will redesign the course, into a slow-speed autocross, so that participants can practice the skills they have acquired in the morning session. Mary Alice will share with you how this defensive driving course saved her life. The objective is for participants to know what their cars can do and what they can do with their cars; thereby, making them safer and more alert highway drivers. PARTICIPANTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO BRING THE CAR THEY DRIVE DAILY. The registration fee is $10 per person. All participants must be 18 years or older and will need to sign a standard MBCA waiver form to participate in this event. Registration deadline is September 5, 2015.To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail! Questions? Contact Geri Whaley-Ewers by phone (770) 558-1219 or by email Directions to Bud’s Benz: From Atlanta: Take I-20 West to Exit #34 Highway 5 Douglasville. When you get off at Exit #34, turn right. Go approximately 200 yards and where the road “forks,” turn left and follow Highway 5 until it dead ends. Take a right onto Highway 7. Then take your ¿UVWOHIWRYHUWKHUDLOURDGWUDFNV7DNHDQLPPHGLDWHOHIWRQWR Strickland St. Bud’s Benz is approx. 3/4 mile down on right. Please note: Google and Yahoo Maps may not provide accurate directions! 2015 Concours d’Elegance Saturday, September 19, 2015 by Craig and Teri Bierman, Concours Chairs T he Mercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section is hosting an all Mercedes-Benz Concours d’Elegance on Saturday September 19th, 2015. Location This year’s Concours will be held at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame 415 Highway 53 E, Dawsonville, GA 30534 There will be ample parking for those participants who want to trailer their vehicles to the show. All participants will receive a ticket for admission to the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame museum and a ticket for lunch. Pre-Concours Judging Clinic We will have a judging class on August 8th at Bud’s in Douglasville GA. National Concours Chairman, Pete Lesler, will teach this class. There is no charge for the judging class, however registration is required. Attendees do not have to have a car entered in the Concours. Lunch will be provided to all who attend. See separate article for details. Mercedes-Benz Car Classes for the 2015 Concours will be: z Concours Cars in this category must be at least 25 years old and represent the most perfect examples of the Mercedes-Benz marque. These cars are in excellent original condition, or are restored to original show quality standards. They will be judged according to strict Mercedes Benz Club of America judging rules (undercarriages will not be judged) and by Mercedes-Benz Club of America certi¿HG MXGJHV$ SRLQW V\VWHP ZLOO EH XVHG WR GHWHUmine the best of the best. z Street Cars in this class are usually driven on a regular basis. Street cars should be driven to the event. Street cars will continued on page 11 -11- Concours d’Elegance continued from page 10 be judged in two divisions, Early Modern and Late Modern to determine those cars that are in the best original condition for their age and mileage. Engine and trunks will be judged, undercarriages will not be judged. Judging will be performed Mercedes-Benz Club of America FHUWL¿HGMXGJHVXVLQJWKH0HUFHGHV%HQ]&OXERI$PHULFDGH¿QHGSRLQWV\VWHPGHVLJQHGIRU6WUHHWFDUV z Pre-merger AMG &DUV LQ WKLV FODVV DUH FDUV WKDW DUH $0* PRGL¿HG Mercedes-Benz automobiles before Mercedes-Benz acquired AMG. Pre-merger AMG cars will be judged to determine those cars that are in the best condition for their age and mileage. Cars will be judged against a PRGL¿HGYHUVLRQ of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America SRLQW6WUHHWFDUV\VWHPWKDWZLOOWDNHLQWRFRQVLGHUDWLRQWKH$0*PRGL¿FDWLRQV 5DFLQJ+DOORI)DPHDQGRQHOXQFKWLFNHW$GGLWLRQDOWLFNHWV IRU WKH PXVHXP PD\ EH SXUFKDVHG IRU /XQFK PD\ also be purchased for spectators or guests from the food venGRUIRUSHUSHUVRQ To register on-line go to: ZZZ0RWRU6SRUW5HJFRP or visit WKH 3HDFK 3DJH WR UHJLVWHU E\ PDLO 5HJLVWUDWLRQ FORVHV RQ 6HSWHPEHU$OOVKRZSDUWLFLSDQWVPXVWEHDPHPber of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America and will need to sign the standard Mercedes-Benz Club of America waiver form to participate in this event. If you have any questions contact Craig and Teri Bierman )DOO7RXU 2FWREHUDQG ,QDQGDURXQG&DVKLHUV+LJKODQGVDQG6DSSKLUH1& z 6LOYHU6WDU3UHVHUYDWLRQ&HUWL¿FDWLRQ This is not a judged category but is designed to recognize and “Certify” cars 25 years of age or older that have not been restored or may be in progress of being reVWRUHG$6LOYHU6WDU3UHVHUYDWLRQ&ODVV0HUFHGHV%HQ] must be driven to the Mercedes Benz Club of America event and have all of its safety items operating. It must KDYHD¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHU$OOVDIHW\LWHPVZLOOEHFKHFNHG and must be totally operational to qualify your car as a 6LOYHU6WDU3UHVHUYDWLRQYHKLFOH0HUFHGHV%HQ]&OXERI America ’s Concours Chairman will use a point system KDV EHHQ GHVLJQHG DV D JXLGHOLQH DQG TXDOL¿FDWLRQ RI SRLQWV RU EHWWHU LQ WKUHH RI ¿YH FDWHJRULHV WR HDUQ WKH³6LOYHU6WDU3UHVHUYDWLRQ&HUWL¿FDWH´,I\RXZDQWWR UHFHLYHD6LOYHU6WDUFHUWL¿FDWLRQSOHDVHFRQWDFW7HULRU Craig Bierman so that the appropriate forms can be sent to you. z 6SHFLDO&ODVV:&KDVVLV This year we will honor the W124 E class. Cars entered in this class will be judged using Mercedes Benz Club of America judging rules (undercarriages will not EHMXGJHGE\0HUFHGHV%HQ]&OXERI$PHULFDFHUWL¿HG MXGJHV$SRLQWV\VWHPZLOOEHXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKH best of the best. z 2UGLQDLUH&ODVVQHZWKLV\HDU Cars entered in the Ordinaire class will not be judged RQ WKH SRLQW VFDOH +RZHYHU WKHUH ZLOO EH D ¿UVW second and third place award for the Ordinaire class. All Participants in this class will judge these vehicles. Cars may be of any age or condition. They are for the enjoyment of all and will represent the average MercedesBenz’s that are driven daily. All cars entered in the show should be in place and ready for MXGJLQJE\DP5HJLVWUDWLRQRSHQVDWDP$ZDUGV IRUDOOFODVVHVZLOOEHSUHVHQWHGEHWZHHQDQGSP Registration 5HJLVWUDWLRQIHHIRUWKLVHYHQWLVIRU\RXU¿UVWFDUDQG IRUDGGLWLRQDOFDUVDQGLQFOXGHVRQHWLFNHWWRWKH*HRUJLD P by -LP0LWFKHOODQG5LFKDUG.LQJ(YHQW3ODQQHUV lease join us for a fall tour that will include MBCA members from the &DUROLQDV DQG 3HDFKWUHH 6HFWLRQV The tour will take place on 6DWXUGD\2FWREHUWK. We will JDWKHUDWWKHKRPHRI5LFKDUGDQG'RQQD.LQJQHDU6DOHP 6RXWK&DUROLQDDWDPIRU³EUXQFK´DWWKHLUJD]HERDQG then depart from there at around noon for what will be about a three-hour drive through some very beautiful, rural countryVLGH'HWDLOHGPDSVZLOOEHSURYLGHGDWWKHJD]HER3OHDVH VHHWKHDWWDFKPHQWVIRUGULYLQJGLUHFWLRQVWRWKH.LQJ¶VKRPH The drive will conclude at a location that will be suitable for on foot sightseeing, hiking. An optional dinner that evening will be arranged at a restaurant in Cashiers. 7KHUH LV QRWKLQJ SODQQHG IRU HLWKHU )ULGD\ RU 6XQGD\ )HHO free to organize what ever you may choose for those days. )RUWKRVHRI\RXSODQQLQJWRVWD\RYHUQLJKWIRUWKLVHYHQWit is WLPHWRPDNHURRPUHVHUYDWLRQV12:. There are no properties that will block off any number of rooms for groups during this very popular time of the year and all require a 2 night PLQLPXPVWD\7ZRRSWLRQVWKDWGRKDYHDYDLODELOLW\DUH 7KH +DPSWRQ ,QQ LQ 6DSSKLUH 9DOOH\ UDWHV VWDUW DW DERXW<RXFDQUHVHUYHRQOLQHRUE\FDOOLQJWKHP ORFDOO\DW 7KH0LWFKHOO¶VORGJHLQ+LJKODQGVUDWHVUXQIURP SHU QLJKW &RQWDFW WKHP RQOLQH RU DW 2267. They offer a variety of lodge type cabins. Both properties have quite a few rooms available now but will ¿OOXSYHU\TXLFNO\IRUWKLVEXV\WLPHRI\HDU There are a number of privately owned properties for rent LQ WKH &DVKLHUV+LJKODQGV DUHD <RX FDQ FKHFN ZLWK 9DFDWLRQ5HQWDOV%\2ZQHUDWKWWSZZZYUERFRPRU)OLS.H\DW KWWSZZZÀLSNH\FRP . 'HSHQGLQJRQ\RXUORFDWLRQLWZRXOGEHSRVVLEOHWRPDNHWKLV a one-day turn around trip. continued on page 13 -12- Atlanta’s BEST OF THE BEST Dealer Two Years Running 2012 & 2013 People Drive Us. | 2799 Piedmont Road | Atlanta, GA 30305 | 404-846-3500 -13- Fall Tour 2015 continued from page 11 To register on-line go to: or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Registration closes on October 10th, 2015. The registration fee is $20 per person. All participants will need to sign a standard MBCA waiver form to participate in this event. Questions? Contact Jim Mitchell at: or by phone at 770-883 2316 Driving Directions (click on the link): The Butler tire staff provided in-depth demonstrations on wheel-alignment; touch-less tire mounting, road balancing, and high-speed balancing. President Doug Geganto provided his car for the wheel alignment demonstration. After the demonstrations and detailed questions about each were concluded a representative from Michelin Tires answered varied questions about tires. Members were encouraged ahead of time to submit questions and these were answered during this time. Atlanta to the King’s Ashville to the King’s Charlotte to the King’s Columbia to the King’s Hilton Head Island Motoring Festival and Concours d’Elegance October 23 to November 1, 2015 S ave the date and plan to attend the Hilton Head Island Concours d’Elegance in its third year in the new venue at Port Royal Golf Club adjacent to Port Royal Plantation. We will have a Saturday night dinner at the Old Oyster Factory for our members on October 31. It’s not too early to secure your rooms for this great event. See the next issue of Stars in Georgia for more details. T Peachtree Section Holiday Luncheon Saturday, December 5, 2015 he section ‘s annual Holiday Luncheon this year will be at the Chattahoochee Country Club in nearby Gainesville, GA. The facility is located in a lush setting overORRNLQJ/DNH/DQLHUDQGKDVEHHQDGHVWLQDWLRQIRU¿QHGLQLQJ since its inception in 1959. Please reserve this date on your calendar and anticipate details in the next newsletter plus registration information. Butler Tire Saturday, April 18, 2015 O Butler Tire Manager explaining alignment techniques by Diana Quinn, Event Planner Photos by Germany Greer n Saturday, April 18, 21 members of the Peachtree section met at the Butler Tire facility in Marietta, GA. The afternoon began with a delicious BBQ lunch from Williamson Bros provided by Butler Tire. Each member attending was provided a $50 discount coupon compliments of Butler Tire. Cut away of a Michelin tire showing tread pattern as tires wear away Stars in Georgia is the official Newsletter of the Peachtree Section, Mercedes-Benz Club of America. Publication months are February, April, June, August, October, and December. Publication deadline for material VXEPLVVLRQLVWKH¿UVWGD\RIWKHPRQWK preceding the month of publication. All material for publication should be sent to Diana Quinn, Editor, 442 Chowning Place, NW, Marietta, GA 30064-1404, phone (770) 635-8112, e-mail -14- Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance March 13-15, 2015 T by Germany Greer Photos by Germany Greer he three-day event was well staged and was presented with exceptional activities for everyone to attend from: Seminars Test Drives Receptions Porsche’s Wine Maker’s Dinner Gooding Auction Auctions: ³ RM Auctions ³ Goodings ³ DuPont Registry ³ Silent Auction Television Car Guys: ³ Wayne Carini Chasing Classic Cars ³ Ray Everham, Americarna ³ Peter Klutt - Legendary Motorcars ³ Barry Meguiar, - Meguiar’s Car Crazy ³ Bob Scanlon, GM - Velocity Network ³ Dale Walksler - What in the Barn The Honoree this year was Sir Sterling Moss. This year marked the 60th anniversary of his record setting victory in WKH0LOOH0LJOLDKLV¿UVW:RUOG&KDPSLRQVKLS)RUPXODYLFtory and the dual World Championships of Mercedes-Benz in the World Sports Car and Formula 1 drivers championships. Mercedes-Benz Exhibit The Mercedes-Benz exhibit was a salute to the Mercedes-Benz SL’s of the past. The Cars & Coffee exhibit showed over 250 classic and exotic cars on the fairway. Let’s attend next year! Mark your calendars March 11-13, 2016. Cars and Coffee Cars and Coffee Cars and Coffee -15- 1RWLFHRI(OHFWLRQRI2I¿FHUV DQG%RDUG0HPEHUV Peachtree Section, MBCA 2I¿FHUVDQG%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV DQG/HDGHUVKLS6XSSRUW0HPEHUV KH DQQXDO HOHFWLRQ RI 3HDFKWUHH VHFWLRQ 2I¿FHUV DQG Board members will take place on September 19, 2015 in conjunction with the annual Concours on the grounds of the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame in Dawsonville, GA. 6WDUVLQ*HRUJLDis the newsletter of the Peachtree Section, Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. T The nominating committee will announce the candidates for all positions at that time. All members are welcome to attend and vote. Volunteers and recommendations may be sent to the Nominating Committee Chairman Ken Jarrett at: or by phone at 706-202-5565. Nominations will also be acFHSWHGIURPWKHÀRRU 3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQ1HZVOHWWHU(GLWRU:HEPDVWHU Diana Quinn, e-mail 3UHVLGHQW Doug Geganto, e-mail 9LFH3UHVLGHQW Vacant 6HFUHWDU\ Ernest Smallman, III, e-mail 7UHDVXUHU Dan Marlowe, e-mail 'LUHFWRUV Dr. Bob Crow, e-mail Ken Jarrett (Past President), e-mail David Latham, e-mail Uwe Nischan, e-mail Shiela Richey (Past President), e-mail JoAnne Taylor, e-mail Harold Wilson (Past President), e-mail $GYHUWLVLQJ'LUHFWRU Roger McKissick (Past President), e-mail 0HPEHUVKLS'LUHFWRU Daryl Williams, e-mail 7HFKQLFDO'LUHFWRU Mark Richey, e-mail 7(5062)3$57,&,3$7,21 This agreement pertains to driving events of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc (MBCA) in which I desire to participate, whether as a driver, SDVVHQJHURI¿FLDOYROXQWHHURUWRDWWHQGDVDVSHFWDWRURUYLVLWRU,QFRQVLGHUDWLRQIRUSHUPLWWLQJPHWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQRUREVHUYHGULYLQJHYHQWVZKLFK may consist of time trials, autocross, acceleration runs, defensive driving, road rally and/or tours or to attend the event as a spectator or visitor, I knowingly and voluntarily agree as follows: 1. I CERTIFY, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that if I am driving, a passenger or otherwise participating in the events: a. The vehicle I am driving or in which I am a passenger in the events is insured with at least $100,000.00 per person bodily injury and property damage insurance that will be in effect for the entire duration of the events b. Any participant violating the competition and event rules may be expelled from the event and forfeit all competition privileges. 2. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that excessive consumption of alcohol or possession or consumption of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. 3. I HEREBY GRANT TO MBCA and the event organizer the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs and video images RIPHRULQZKLFK,PD\DSSHDUIRUHGLWRULDOWUDGHDGYHUWLVLQJDQGDQ\RWKHUERQD¿GHSXUSRVHVLQDQ\PDQQHUDQGPHGLXP,KHUHE\UHOHDVH MBCA, the event organizer, the photographer and videographer from all claims and liability relating thereto. 4. MBCA cannot be held liable for cancellation, delays or other lack of performance with respect to the event under any “force majeure” circumstances (including, but not limited to, wars, riots, insurrection, terrorism, acts of god, strikes or labor stoppages). 5. I authorize and consent to treatment, hospitalization and other care rendered to me in the event of my illness, injury or other emergent circumstances that may occur while participating in the event and assume full responsibility to pay for all costs and expenses for any such treatment, hospitalization and care (therefore agreeing to hold harmless and indemnify MBCA and the event organizers therefore). HAVING READ THIS TERMS OF PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT, I HEREBY BIND MYSELF AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS AND NEXT OF KIN BY THIS AGREEMENT. -16- THE PEACH PAGE FRIED GREEN TOMATOES RALLY - SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2015 - 9:00 A.M. Chick-Fil-A Dwarf House, Hapeville, GA Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of attendees $___________________ x $5.00 = $________________ Registration Deadline: May 31, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Doug Geganto 3211 Black Gum Lane, Gainesville, GA 30504. For more information contact Doug Geganto 404-754-9955 or by email at MEMBERSHIP APPRECIATION - SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2015 - 11:30 A.M. The Ridges Resort and Marina Fieldstone Road, Young Harris, GA 30582 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of MBCA Members attending ___________ (max 2) $ No Charge Number of Guests Attending ___________ x $15 = $ ________________ Registration Deadline: June 20, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: (I¿H6DWWHU¿HOGDW5XVVHOO6FHQLF+Z\%ODLUVYLOOH*$)RUTXHVWLRQVSOHDVHFRQWDFW(I¿H 6DWWHU¿HOGE\ 404-520-0852. AVIATION MUSEUM - WARNER ROBBINGS, GA - SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 - 9:00 A.M. Chick-Fil-A Truitt Grill, McDonough, GA (Exit 221 on I-75) Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of attendees ___________________ x $7.00 = $________________ Registration Deadline: July 8, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Germany Greer, P.O. Box 670021, Marietta, GA 30066. For more information contact Germany Greer at or at 404-429-9257. EVENT PLANNERS WORKSHOP - SATURDAY, JULY 18, 2015 - 10:00 A.M. RBM of Alpharetta – 345 Mcfarland Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA 30004 (678) 637-2333 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of attendees ____________ Registration Deadline: July 8, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Doug Geganto: 3211 Black Gum Ln, Gainsville, GA 30504. For more information contact Doug Geganto at or at 404-754-9955. Registration for MBCA Peachtree Events are subject to “Terms of Participation” (see Terms on Page 15) -17- THE PEACH PAGE CONCOURS JUDGING CLINIC - SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 2015 - 9:00 A.M. Bud’s Benz, 7773 Strickland St, Douglasville, GA 30134 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of attendees ____________ $ NO CHARGE Registration Deadline: August 2, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Doug Geganto 3211 Black Gum Ln, Gainsville, GA 30504. For more information contact Doug Geganto at or at 404-754-9955. MEMBERSHIP APRECIATION DAY IN AUGUSTA - SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 2015 - 9:30 A.M. Mercedes-Benz of Augusta, 3061 Washington Rd Augusta, GA 30907 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of people for car show and lunch _____ $ No Charge Number of people for dinner ________ $ Separate Checks Questions for Technicians: Please include any question(s) that you may have for the Mercedes-Benz of Augusta technicians with your registration. Registration Deadline: August 1, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Marie Penn at 5767 Carriage Hills Drive, Martinez, GA 30907. For questions, please contact Marie Penn at or by phone 706-210-0405 or FAX 706-650-2836 or contact Daryl Williams 678-425-5171. DEFENSIVE DRIVING AND AUTOCROSS - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 - 10:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. Bud’s Benz, 7773 Strickland St, Douglasville, GA 30134 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number of attendees $___________________ x $10.00 = $________________ All participants must be 18 years old or older. Sandwiches will be provided. There will be a choice of Ham, Turkey and Roast Beef. Please indicate the number and your choices below # _________ Ham # _________ Turkey # _________ Roast Beef Registration Deadline: September 5, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Geri Whaley-Ewers, 3580 Yarmouth Hill, Lawrenceville, GA 30044For More Information contact Geri Whaley-Ewers, or by phone (770) 558-1219. Registration for MBCA Peachtree Events are subject to “Terms of Participation” (see Terms on Page 15) -18- THE PEACH PAGE CONCOURS d'ELEGANCE 2015 - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015 - REGISTRATION OPENS 8:30 A.M. Georgia Racing Hall of Fame, Dawsonville GA 30504 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Please check the category in which you wish to participate: Concours Street Class W124 Chassis Judged Pre-merger AMG Silver Star Preservation Ordinaire Class W124 Chassis Non-Judged Vehicle:____________________________ Model: _________________________Year:_____ Miles:__________________ Yrs. Owned:______ Tell us something special about your car: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ First Vehicle $35.00 $35.00 Additional Vehicles ____________ x $25.00 ea. $ ___________________ Additional Lunches ____________ x $10.00 ea. $ ___________________ Each registered car will receive one ticket for lunch. Additional tickets for the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame Museum Each registered car will receive one ticket for admission to the museum ____________ x $6.00 ea. $ ___________________ Total enclosed $ ___________________ Please use one form for each vehicle registered. Registration Deadline: September 11, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Teri Bierman, 2124 Whitekirk St NW, Kennesaw, GA 30152 Questions? Please call Teri or Craig Bierman at 770-424-5598 or by e-mail: 2015 FALL TOUR - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 15 2015 - 10:00 A.M. Richard and Donna King’s Gazebo, 198 Kings Ridge Dr. Salem, SC 29676 - 864-723-0607 Name(s) of Member(s) Attending: __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ Phone: __________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Membership #: ___________ Number Attending ___________________ x $20.00 = $________________ Registration Deadline: October 10, 2015. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration form to: Jim Mitchell, 357 Mountain Valley Drive, Hendersonville, NC 28739. For questions please contact Jim Mitchell at or at 770-883-2316 Registration for MBCA Peachtree Events are subject to “Terms of Participation” (see Terms on Page 15) -19- THE PEACH PAGE MBCA Membership Application Please print clearly ________________________________________________________ Full name ________________________________________________________ Associate member (spouse or dependent) ________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City State Zip ( _______ ) _________________ ( _______) _________________ Home phone Business phone ________________________________________________________ E-Mail address ________________________________________________________ Occupation ________________________________________________________ Mercedes-Benz cars now owned (model/year, list additional cars elsewhere) FNew Member or L Renewing Member (check one) If renewing, member number: ________________________________ Interests: please check Fdriving events Fcar care Fcar shows Ftechnical Fsocial events FThe Star Enroll me as a member for (check one): U.S. and possessions: F1 year ($49) F2 years ($95) F3 years ($139) Make check payable to MBCA (U.S. funds only); Visa or Mastercard also accepted. All other countries (including Canada): F1 year ($59) F2 years ($115) F3 years ($169) Canadians and overseas:: use Visa, Mastercard, or American Express, Discover, international money orders, or checks payable in U.S. funds. MBCA NAME BADGES Name badges are available from the MBCA Club Store in three types of backing (magnetic, safety pin, or tie tack) and can be ordered in blue, silver or gold. Costs range from $10.00 for two lines to $11.00 for three lines (25 characters maximum p/line), and includes mailing costs. You may order by completing & mailing this order sheet (see address below), or you may order through the MBCA website by going to and choose Club 6WRUHIURPWKHPDLQPHQXFKRRVH0HPEHUVKLSDQG2I¿FH,WHPV / Section Events from the next window, scroll down to the desired name badge and make your selection. Please send ______ name badge(s). Specify type of backing: ______ Magnetic ______ Safety Pin _____Tie Tack Specify color: ____ Blue ____ Silver ____ Gold NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA NAME: __________________________________________________ Peachtree Section, MBCA Please mail to: Name: ___________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Applicant’s signature Date Enclose appropriate dollar amount and mail with this application to: ________________________________________________________ Applicant’s section preference (see list in magazine) MBCA 1907 Lelarary Street Colorado Springs, CO 80909 ________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s signature and member number (optional) Membership dues include six issues of The Star magazine yearly. If using a credit card, please complete the following: FVisa FMastercard FAm. Express FDiscover __________________________________________________ _______________ Account number Expiration Date or 800-637-2360 MBCA, 1907 Lelaray St., Colorado Springs, CO 80909-2872 719/633-6427, Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM Mountain Time MBCA - Peachtree Section 442 Chowning PL NW Marietta, GA 30064
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