Jul - Northern Virginia IPMS
Jul - Northern Virginia IPMS
www.novaipms.org July 2014 Newsletter Editor: Tom Henderson The IPMS Northern Virginia Modelers monthly meeting took place on 18 June 2014 at Fairfax High School. Fifty members attended the meeting, with 20 models entered into the contest. A highlight of the business meeting was a report on the chapter’s participation in the Smithsonian’s annual Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center Become a Pilot Family Day. For those who have not yet visited the museum on Become a Pilot Family Day, the event is full of aviation fun and education for the family. Event tables such as ours were scattered around the whole museum. The event tables ranged from model clubs to special stations designed to teach children about aviation. Outside in perfect weather, the ramp was full of general aviation aircraft and a couple of warbirds with several antique and modern racy cars parked between them. The pilots were there to talk about their aircraft and flying, as were the owners of those fantastic cars. Back inside, we were at our usual location in the hall between the museum center where the SR-71 sits and the space hanger. The chapter display was excellent. We had six tables which we filled with a large number of well built models. Chapter members who brought models could not have planned it better if they tried. We had subjects from WWI to today. We placed a stack of chapter flyers on one of the tables, and spent the day talking to passers by from all walks of life about the hobby and about IPMS. There is a picture collage on pages 5 and 6 of this issue. I did not think to count the models but there were a lot. Many thanks to the following members who participated: Tim Barb, Mike and Carol Fleckenstein, Merry Robert, Jim Fitzgibbon, Aris Pappas, Mark Tuttle and Jim Rotramel. Speaking of Jim Rotramel, he delivered the program at the June meeting. As one of the planners for operation El Dorado Canyon, which was the punitive raid against Libya in April 1986, Jim walked us through the now legendary mission from take-off to landing. Jim Rotramel delivering his excellent presentation on Operation El Dorado Canyon, the 1986 punitive raid against Libya in response to its active involvement in terrorist activities. Following Jim’s presentation, the meeting wrapped up with Walter Schlueter announcing the winners of the evening’s contest, after which Mike Poreda ran the raffle drawing. Remember, if you plan to attend the national convention and would like to bring some models to populate our IPMS NoVA chapter display, please let Tom Henderson know. The next meeting was on Wednesday, 2 July 2014. It was one of those rare months when Fairfax High School scheduled us for the third Wednesday. That did not give me enough time to crank out the July issue in time for the meeting. The August issue, which will document the July meeting , will be out as soon as I can get it to you. We are always in need of program ideas and volunteers to give presentations. See any club officer for details June Contest Winners 1/72 & Smaller Aircraft, 2nd Place Emily Patrol Plane by Dennis Forrest 1/72 & Smaller Aircraft, 1st Place F-86 by Nhan Do 1/48 Aircraft, 1st Place A-1 Skyraider by Scott Bricker 1/48 Armor 1st Place Char B1 bis by Gary Drovbay Sci-fi 2nd Place TIE Interceptor by Anthony Alvarado Sci-fi 1st Place USS Enterprise NCC 1701 by Mark Wilson Ships, 1st Place Liberty Ship by Anthony Alvarado Figures, 2nd Place Dark Eldar by Andrew Do Figures, 1st Place Zoids Geno Saurer by Kane Lee Master, 2nd Place Jagdpanther Zerstorer by Marcin Slusarz Master, 1st Place Bf-109G-2 by Mike Larson Special, 2nd Place USS Enterprise NCC 1701E by Walter Schlueter Special, 1st Place Red October by Tom Dunbar Out of the Box Liberty Ship by Anthony Alvarado See more images from the June meeting on our website www.novaipms.org Best of Show Cromwell Mk. IV by Neal Gause IPMS NoVA Participation in the Stephen F. Udvar-Hazy Center Become a Pilot Family Day 14 June 2014 IPMS NoVA Participation in the Stephen F. Udvar-Hazy Center Become a Pilot Family Day 14 June 2014 Kit Build: ARII 1/48 P-40 Warhawk “Pins and Needles”: Improving the Arii 1:48 P-40E Landing Gear and Spinner Text and Photos By Rafe Morrissey Overview: The kit review noted that the kit landing gear and wheels leave a lot to be desired. In addition, the spinner, while nice in shape, lacks a prominent panel line. Fortunately, both of these issues are fairly simple to fix. The Problem: According to Matt Swan’s nice build article (http://www.swannysmodels.com/P40E.html ), the kit main landing gear struts are 2.5mm too long. This affects the “sit” of the completed model. With regard to the spinner, on the real thing the spinner was divided into two sections, front and rear, by a panel line that is absent on the kit part. The Solution: I followed the recommendation to shorten the struts by removing the existing position guide with a sprue cutter and sand paper. I then created a new position guide with a strip of Tamiya tape 2.5mm further down the strut. The photo should make this clear and in essence, the modification allows the strut to be inserted 2.55 millimeters further into the wing. This is much easier than trying to cut and shorten the oleo strut and torque link and makes for a simple, elegant fix. I also added brake lines with solder and substituted a True Details wheel for a much improved appearance. The replacement wheels are really nice although my sample contained pin holes that were annoying to fill. Adding the panel line around the spinner poses a different challenge- scribing a straight line on a complex curve. I am no scribing genius and this is difficult for even the most accomplished modelers. Fortunately, again a simple solution is available. I made a temporary jig by taping together a number of business cards onto which I taped my scribing tool. The height of the stack as set to put the tip of the scriber at the correct spot on the spinner. Then resting the spinner and the scriber on a glass surface, I simply rotated the spinner against the tip and, voila, a perfect line formed! Regrettably, this doesn’t help scribing the lines around a Wildcat fuselage, but that is another challenge for another day. Conclusion: Hopefully, these easy techniques will help you with your P-40 or another project. The model is now painted and decaled and I will be back with a wrap up as soon as the weathering and final assembly is done. Editors’s note: Rafe recently sent me the final installment of his P-40 build. Due to its size I may need to spread it over the August and September issues, so be sure to tune in next month as we get closer to the finish line. July Meeting Program and Contest Theme Program: John Holman - Photographic Tour of the Musée des Blindés : Saumur, France Contest: Sand and Stone - any desert conflict, any time frame Visit the club website at www.novaipms.org and join the club Yahoo group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/novaipms Both locations will allow you to access the monthly Contest/Program Schedule as well as information about IPMS Northern Virginia Modelers. IPMS Northern Virginia Chapter Officers President: Tim Barb Vice President Mike Fleckenstein Treasurer: Mike Neyland Secretary/Historian: Mike Larson Join IPMS/USA: www.ipmsusa.org Chapter Volunteers Contest: Walter Schlueter Webmaster: Sunil Gupta Chapter Contact: Tom Henderson tomhenderson51@verizon.net Raffle Coordinator: Mike Poreda Make & Take Coordinator: John Figueroa Upcoming Events in our area August 6-9, 2014 50th Anniversary 2014 IPMS USA National Convention, Hampton Roads Convention Center, Hampton, VA September 13, 2014 53rd Annual National Capitol Model Soldiers Society Show Thomas Edison High School, 5801 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310 September 20, 2014 IPMS Central Pennsylvania PENNCON 2014 Model Show and Contest US Army Heritage Center Carlisle, PA November 15, 2014 IPMS Washington, DC & IPMS Baltimore, MD Maraudercon 2014 Hilton Garden Inn at White Marsh 5015 Campbell Boulevard Map IPMS DC and IPMS Baltimore Gary Michel 301-922-5308 April 25, 2015 Northern Virginia Modelers Model Classic 2015 Fairfax High School, Fairfax, VA
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