Apr. - IPMS
Apr. - IPMS
Only 65 months until our next National This month’s meeting of IPMS Tidewater will be on the first Friday of April —the 3rd. As usual we will be meeting at 6:30pm at the Virginia Air and Space Center (www.vasc.org) but feel free to come a bit early to chat. Joe Koenig will cover any pressing business. The demo for this month is “Digital Stash Management” by Jared Nuss . Maybe now Bill can figure out how many Tonys and Tojos he has in his stash. Hopefully this will also include digital encryption techniques because we don’t want this information falling into the wrong hands! We are also welcoming a new sponsor - Pig Figments! Show n’ Tell will follow under the strict time limits imposed by Generalissimo Koenig. He is bringing a tazer this month so be succinct please. After our show n’ tell where everyone shares their current and completed projects we will have our monthly raffle, presided over by raffle master Scott. After we finish loading all of the raffle kits in Bob and Gary’s trunk, we will then retire to Anna's (www.annasva.com/annas_3) to finish the evening with good food since, judging by our waistlines, we never miss an opportunity to eat. Mike Schine send his regards and a nice picture: “I'm down in Pascagoula working on USS JOHN FINN (DDG 113). She is being "launched" today/tonight. For the uninitiated, launching means floating the dry-dock out into the river, sinking the dry-dock, and the ship floats (hopefully) off. The ship will get towed pier side, where construction will be completed.” Chapter Officers President: Joe Koenig jkdakoenig@aol.com 1st VP: Dennis Tennant - DennisTennant@gmail.com 2nd VP: Jack Cairns - JLC6950@COX.NET Treasurer: John Kelly - jpkelly18081@cox.net Chapter Contact: Bill Brickhouse - billbipms478@cox.net Guest Editor: fresh from his brief stay in the hospital - Clint Mills Special thanks to Dennis Tennant for the graphics and editorial support! Steve Simmons brings us a report from the 35th annual MDA Car Show and Model Car Contest Here are some pics from the 35th annual MDA Car Show and Model Car Contest which was held on March 6-8 at the Berglund Civic Center in the Star City. I think I was the only Tidewater representative there but there were plenty of familiar faces, many of which we saw in Richmond only a week before. My profound apologies if I miscredited anyone’s model. When Robert Doss’s skills are a little rusty it’s a good thing. “Humble” Hunter Selby’s latest work in process. The dang TV works. Scott’s next Willys Obviously Rodney Jefferson’s eye-poppin’ work. The only vehicle that would still fit in the Berglund (formerly Roanoke) Civic Center’s ridiculously inadequate parking lot by 9:10 YEEEEEEE-HA But folks, there ain’t nobody in them cars. This here must be the Haints of Hazzard. Either John Kelly’s next build or Andy Goddin’s recent one. My next build. But where will the anime girl’s sit? My knees got wobbly and my eyes got misty. My knees buckled and I fell to the floor openly weeping. Setting the scene Dave Garcia has been setting up scene shots with some older kits to create shots that bring to mind England in 1944. The photo-etch bike is by Flightpath and has about 20 pieces. On the other photo the figures are by Prieser and P -38 is Hasegawa, Jeep by Academy. The Defiant is the old, old Airfix version with many updates. Academy B-17G along with some Airfix ground personnel on the tarmac. Bastard - can’t even show his face... And now - a word from our sponsor! From the makers of a vast array of finishing products that you had no idea that you needed - Pig Figments brings you a ground-breaking new series of finishing products in partnership with Febreze: Do you want to give your model that added dimension? Do you want judges to notice your model like there is a $20 bill stuck under the landing gear? Just spray over your model to create a sensual experience for both the eyes and your nose! Look at these product offerings: Sherman Mist: A blended aroma of sweat, fear and flammability. Available in large quantities. Panzer Spring: a heady aroma of leather and arrogance with underlying tones of machine oil and bigotry. Limited supplies available. Toad in the Hole: A British concoction of tea, sausage and flatulence… Belgian Winter: A frosty mix of C-rations, body odor and NUTS! Arrogant Bastard: An affluent concoction of leather, expensive cologne and hand jobs – perfect for that scale Ferrari or fighter jet! NASCAR: A straightforward blend of apple pie, baked beans and suntan lotion with a hint of piety and testosterone. Exciting at the start but does put you to sleep after a while… Nothing says quite like Tom Cruise or a fighter pilot! Stalin’s Mustache: Vodka forms the body of this intoxicating scent with undercurrents of wool, borscht and peasants. That’s Amore: A Mediterranean concoction of olive oil, bombast, dust and mud that captures the halcyon days of the Italian campaign. Foxy: A hot mess of sand, sweat, oil, liverwurst and bully beef that brings long desert days and cool desert nights. Spitfire: A mixture of German tears and motor oil that is guaranteed to get the heart pumping. Seam Fixer A hazy application that makes any model look good in a photo from 3 feet away. All sharp edges and seams…. A boring tiger in the snow….. Now feel the howling wind with Now it is a winner with Pig Figments - because we can bottle air and you’ll buy it because you see our bottle next to a really nice model in a magazine! This Month’s Model Review - A Blast from the past: DML M103A2 by Ben Guenther Starting January, I've been working on the DML M103A2 for an IPMS review. I had hope to been done by now, but the work has been slow at times and then fast for awhile and then slow again as you know how that can be at times. Anyway, the hull and turret are done and the only thing holding me up are the tracks. The kit has DS tracks, which in the past I have used without any problems, but with this tank I decided that I can't use them. Too much flash around the teeth and along the edges makes them unusable. You can't really sand or cut this flexible material very well, so I'm waiting for some AFV Club T87E2 tracks. They should come tomorrow and then once on the hull I can mount the tank to the base and finish it off. The DML kit, as you may already know, has a lot of problems - dimensionally, etc... as a review kit I decided that I wasn't going to change the hull, but I couldn't resist to make other many corrections on the turret and a few on the hull as well. All too numerous, but I've sent some photos of some of them. Also didn't like DML M2 50cal MG so I used Tasca's with a scratchbuilt ammo can, ammo mount and added chains to pins that I had added. A nice little mini model. added material to widen mantlet and front of tank More work done on turret view from rear Making rear barrel cover that goes over taper used plastic card to fill hole on underside of fenders painted fender extensions & phone box Show n’ Frikkin Tell…. Photos by Kludge-san The Bregi Collection: Sword 1/73 F-94 Starfire; Tasca 1/35 M32B1; AMT Gasser: Fujimi Fararri The Brickhouse Collection: Hasagewa 1/72 Rex and Beaufighter That's a Shapeways 3D printed HansaBrandenburg W.29 by Jim Hassler A nice Beaufighter by Kevin Farris using Maltese orphan labor... Tom Jett’s award winning 1/16 scaleTakom FT-17 The highly esoteric Kelly Collection: Monogram 1/24 Mac tanker; 1/72 Caproni CA-3; Anatolian Infantryman The Ritger Collection: 1/32 109s from Hasegawa and Werner Wings converted S-199 Mule, with Trumpeter 1/48 Wyvern and Classic Airframes Attacker Gary Griffith's Trumpeter 1/350 USS New York Ken Flick's Tamiya 1/48 Lancaster and Revell 1/24 Gemini Kayleigh Stevens and her toothy monster model Kevin Crist's Dragon 1/16 13thSS Grenadier Charles Landrum's 1/48 AMK Aero L-29 Delfin Andy Goddin's Langley Research Center photo archive demo Thanks from IPMS Richmond March 6th, 2015 Dear IPMS Tidewater, On behalf of IPMS Richmond, I want to thank all the members of IPMS Tidewater for not only your financial support, but also your moral support of the 2015 Old Dominion Open, known affectionately to many as the “ODO”. Ah, maybe we should be rethinking that moniker to read…“The ODO Winter Carnival” from now on, hmm? The show was a resounding success in spite of the winter storm, which came barreling through just 48 hours before show time and dumping 6 inches of snow, from Charlotte, NC. to Virginia Beach, VA. and north to Richmond. In light of that, we still managed to have 139 modelers display 624 models. Fortunately for us, Mother Nature could not thwart the passion of this yearʼs general admission attendees nor our vendors. We experienced significant increases in them and when combined with the model contestants, there were still well over 850 folks having a great time. Whether you measure success by shopping with great vendors, admiring beautifully built models, or taking home an award, the ODO did indeed accomplish many goals. Perhaps the ODOʼs greatest success is its fellowship with old friends, and the making of new ones. Take care and many thanks to each and every one of you for making the February 28th, 2015 “ODO” a resounding success and a venue of good cheer. With warm regards, Chazz Klanian Next Month - an exciting new line of paints gets reviewed A Look Ahead: Chapter Meeting April 3 HRSM Meeting April 17 Model Classic Fairfax, VA Apr 25 AMPS April 30 to May 2 IPMS/USA Convention Columbus, OH July 22-25
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