Chihi Chihi Ce>n
Chihi Chihi Ce>n
w~rC'e>m~ be> Chihi Chihi Ce>n Brought to you by the Giant Robot Appreciation Society Chibi chan "" chibi Kun "" T~h!~ e>t - 1i~t £"~Dt~ C~Dt~Dt~ e>t &- !{cti"iti~~ Opening Ceremonies Lsi of Evenls & Adivilies.......................................................2 DDR/Karaoke Revolution Anime Fashion show Descriplion of Events...............................................................3 Anime Dating Game Anime Info.............................................................................7 Japanese Karaoke Sponsor Page........................................................................ 14 Japanese Film Festival Acknowledgments................................................................... 15 Anime Showings Video Games workshops Key: LH=Ledure Hall Lb=Lbrary Budding Manga Reading Room Dance Chibi cosplay Yaoi &- Hentai 2 1 s 1)~~eriptie>D 1)~~ eriptie>D e>f £"~Dt~ <:)f £"~DtS We kick off Chibi Chibi Con wilh Opening Ceremonies slarling 01 noon on Sal Can be done in the DDR Room where Karaoke Revolution will be set up. Japanese Film FeshYal urday. Our coordinatOrs There are other cinemalic marvels that come out of Japan than just Anime. we will feature severa l DDRI Hosted b., DDR live Adion Japanese Films startinq at 0:00. \Ve will be shOWing the following films: 6attIe Roqal. POfeJ Rfor edreme violence. kmquaqe and MXUClI sltuahons: It's Japan Adin in the near futul'e. The Country has gone to pot and the ljouth have no resped for anything anlj more. What the government has decided to do to deal with Japans sorid ljouth is the BR Ad Ihe "BATTLE ROYAL" ACT. A random doss from a random sd,ool is chosen. TheIl are taken, to cool mixes, even the Japanese a deserted island and thelj must kill each other off until there is onllj onel.k olive. There's a time Our DDR ma.ter make. the that we use. limi!. Three daljs. 1f there i.n't a "winner" blj the end of the Ihree do 'IS then the special trackinq If 'Iou a.k him nicely collar around their necks explode and everljone dies. Everyone gel. a weapon, It could be a good might be able to commission one weapon like an 11,.'116 machine gun or a lame weapen like a pot lid . Friends are set against each him Anime Fashion Show If 'lou wear a co.tume 'lou con in the Anime Fashion S~ow and com - ,./'\ .'.J, .:'" ". .Jh~'J" " j. >. -.I"" '., / , pele for fabulous prize •. Everyone who praelicolities gets a prize /\ _ /\ but the top i. ' "'~" • ~\ (\<\ winners get first pick. This was our winner b ' , ., . " ' "', participate la.t 'lear. This wasn't one of the prizes ~t but she thought it wa. cool and wanted it anywoy. /\_/\ Dahnq Game: If 'lou wear a ~. 'lou have a chance to participate in the Anime Dating Game. The only catch other, a llianc.s are made and broken. Who will survive? GO, rated PG13 for and sa:wld.,: ''I'm nol a Korean, I'm not a Japanese. Just gra.s without reols" Even though Sugihara was born and raised in Japan, his po rents are of North Korean Decen!. For this he is called "zainichi" a Japanese born Kerean. So fer this he is comidered different, but Sugihara dee.n't thin~ he'. any differenl. One dalj his father Change. his Citizenship for North Korean te South Korea to get a passport to toke a trip to Hawaii. Later hi. father pulls Sugihara aside, "You can be anljthinq, Russian or American if 'lou have enouqh mane 'I' Decide for yourself." Sugihara thinks about this "Turing South Korean." He tells his father. "But not 10'10 to Hawaii. Goinq 10 Japanese scheel" "So sudde n?" asks his falher "See ing the world" saljS Suqihara " But wait, this is suppose to be mlj love slorlj." Tanpopo, Rated PG13 for sa: and WlIencr.It's a mevie all abeut food. Tanpopo has a Ramen is 'lou MUST stay in charaeler /\ _ /\. The winning couple. get the "Ultimate Oaku Dinner shop. Bul not a wry qocd ramen shop. She is determined 10 have the besl gourmet ramen shop Basket". ever. The move follows her quesllo learn Ihe waljs on ramen making and have the besl ra Kmaobl Anime and J pof1'Jrock songs onl'y! No lyrics! Sing 'lour favorite anime theme song or do a sonq 6 y your favorite Japanese sinq p.r. Bring your own music or choose from our selection of Anime& Jpop music. W.'II have a Iljric book fOf those who desperatellj need one. English Seng Karaoke 3 men around. But the movie also foll ows other foed related sides slories, like the Gang.ler and his Girlfriend with a fcod fetish , The "how to eal spaghetti with oul slurping " eliquette closs and the "Ramen Masler"lhal has be studyinq Ihe arl of ealinq ramen for lurtle is killed dUI'inq the movie. 4 20 ljears. \Val'lling : a live r- 1)~~eripti~D 1)~~eripti~D ~f £"~Dt~ ~f £"~Dt~ KikuJlPO, Rat.! DG: A IiHle boy is livinq wil~ ~is GronJporents. He 'leis Ihings senllo him !?Very Yael once in a while from his molher. O ne summer he decides Ihol he wonls 10 '10 and see her. A friend of the family lolks (bullies) her husbnJ Kikujiro, 10 loke Ihe boy 10 see his mother. Before Ihey even set oul, Kikujiro qombles away all ef Iheir travel money. So now they have 10 ~ilchhike Iheir Also by popular demand we will show Vaoi as well. Though Vaoi does depict sexual WQ4 across Japan on a hilorious journey. Sbaolin Soa.r, Rat.:I mere? DG: It's Shaolin monks usinq Ihei r zen powers 10 play Seccer. Need I say Rtnqu, Rat.:I J6 The oriqinal Jopanese Version of T~e Rinq Yc:;lmbo, Rat.!?1 Cool Old Sc~ool Samurai ~lovie. Need I soy More? BallI. Rap!. II, Rat.! R for ih.same _ as BRlI I hoven'l seen il bullel me lake a quess. Urn Dealh, Killinq, Blood, Killinq, Romance, Killinq, Killinq, more killinq, Fuzzy Bunnies (II could happen) Urn hOlm. Ooh somelhinq qeHinq Blown Up. Tale of Genj;! (inside joke ;p)Um did I say killinq already? umm and1lhal's when everyone dies ....ya 1\ _ 1\ intercourse, the style and depidion of it is done in a way where you don't actually see anything. But just to cover our bulls we will card for some point. \X/e will show some ya oi that we clearly won't need to card for like Gravitation and things like thaI. ALSO Wcmtinql Viewer discretion is advised. for those of you who are unfamiliar male male, bolJ bolJ, qalJ, homosexual content. If with Vaoi, Vaoi is you're nol into that sort of thing, I greatly adVise AGAINS T going into the yaoi viewing. CukUfOI wo.lcshops We are planing to have several Cultural workshops during Chibi Chibi Con Anime Anime will be showinq Ihrouqhoullhe day in Ihe Leclure halls and Ihe library BUildinq. We'll olso have a session of AMVs -leam Hiraqana: Learn the first step of learning how to read Japanese. Hiragana Video Games -~han's happq fun lime adwntu.. In To~: See my workshop by Kelly manga presentation You can ploy 'lome, on Playslaion, Xbo. and Gamecube in Ihe Game Room localed in lib Rm 1612 . The room will be open all day and all niqhl so you can blow up zombies all niqhllonq lill you 're hea rls conlenl 1\ _ 1\ Japanese Culture. Along with: Hentai -Lmt in Transition: How chanqinq one cukuJlOI esthehc to fit another cukuJlOlestbelic can datroq tbe OPlqinal ideal. aka My Rant on how Dubbing, Editing and Censor We will once again have a Hentai Room. ShOWings will start at Midnight and go ship Destroyed until our Hentai Goddess Criis so desires. The shOWings are opened to people 18 owp only. We WILL be carding. Only valid state 10's or Drivers licenses will about my adventure in Tokyo. See what one experiences the first time one encounters 0 101 of ccol anime. o. be Manqa Readinq Room: We'll have a variety of English Translated Mango for your reading pleasure accepted. 5 6 ADlm~ IDt~ 1 J Air Master Aikawa Maki, 16 years old, is a first year senior high school student known as the ADlm~ IDt~ S oul to a suil or armor... Wilh his arm and leg replaced bll the robotic auto-mail, and hii bPOiher no b. baving Air ~1aster. An invincible streel fighter. M ost of the time, she is just like a normal ~~~bo\J' e~tin~, the two ~o~ their th~~K~~;~dwo~ s '1001 girl but she's a different person when she' s out in the streets. Once a gymnast of Japan, M aki is now establishing and reviving the legend of "airborne street fighting" as an Air Moster. A fighting style based on one' s jumping strength and movement while airborne. So she can once again seeks the strongest opponents ta, ,-.,.-..;-;)_.. feel the excitement of being a gymnast, she i IL . H , , ON Angle as it can On Daisuke Niwa's cruel. ~T;- I ou re'a glMxl Iove Ieller to, to Id him, "Yo' nentl y Daisuke thinks of Risa, he suddenl~., ron: .pt'S)! thief, Dark. And he has to go, acco,,;]i + t~ Sacred his identify than death J:1[wi ll Edward and ~1aiden.!? It's Daisuke an4-c;;'Q1JlOlillclventu~n altTo bring down this evd ma~, ~nd restore each other's bodies as well? Or will they fall viclim to the ambitious plans of Colonel Europe! Mustang and the military? Full Metal Alchemist Grave of the Fire Flies ~,dure of moller, breaks if down, and then rebuilds il. AI1€ In the laller part of World War II, a boy and his sister, orphaned when their mother ~in lead into qold. However, since If used correc is LUed in the firebombina of Tokuo, are left to survive on their own in what remains it is a science, the principles of nature still apply. You con only create something of a certain moss from something with the some mass. trade. Edward and Alphonse Elric, the sons - LI':Iworse in the war, things It is the principle of equivalent and Setsuko as they of a famous alchemist, were only 11 unger, prejudice, and and 10 when they allempted to bring bock their dead melher. After spending much ", and "great" all of their childhood searching and pryingr for answers, they finally reached what they Fireflies "one of the t~ought was the perfee! solution for a problem that had long puzzled even the most greatest war movies ~~~e ·~ unflinching look at diligent of alchemists -- bringing bock a person from the dead. That fateful night, with the rain pouring down the windows, the Elric brothers gave it their 011. .. and were punished by the heavens. Edward lost onl'y his right arm and left leg -- but his brother lost his body. With his last breath before fainting, Edwa.rd cost his brother's 7 J ngs and a quiel but of a war, Grove of 're ever likely to see, the Fireflies is one ot~i~mj!~~t~r'KJ~ni~l~ . d h ,......- _ .... ~· f' £ - ........ d I animate or ot erwise. In many coses,1he lad hal il is a nimate gives simp e aelions and scenes a beauty and innocence that would not have existed otherwise, creating all 8 At)im~ It)f~ the more contrast with the harsh and painful realities experienced by the charaders. At)!m~ It)f~ Extremely incapable student in Ihe over-peaceful Japan. His mission is 10 walch over and proted Chidori, which he seems to be doing very poorly, since Chidori always notices him following her. And she doesn'l buy that whole "It's only a coincidence that I jumped out of a moving train after you ran off, IIjust suddenly realized that this was my stop" excuse. I guess Sosuke failed Ihe stealth port of his mililary train ing. Full Metal Panic Fumofu Fumofu, really has nothing to do with the first session. In fad, you could walch the second season without seeing the firs!' All you have 10 know is Sagara Sosuke was raised as a military, special ops person all of his life, and is trying (poorly) to fit into · .MIpries~ missiOns tb weeJ out cyber crimes, with state of the art i herself is one, Sec Initial D in Ihe Shell: Siand Forget the Fast a ",,,rA.TIJt.,1f"'~ bdlnllitlT.alth1mntd:Milm by Memory Oshii takes place in a Faral lei universe in which M~~_"IIIn:tMUMppel Master, and where she conlinues 10 carry oul her duties at Sedion 9. High School life. The second season is hilariOUS. You won't stop Ilaughing Initial D is an ther Bunla Fu ing M!. Akina 13 years old. His when the mcing SpeedStars for a ~ra~~ the pradice night and ....... My Neighbor Totoro A story about childhood innocence, frienJship and the belief that magic is all around born (thus his age is us. Satuski and Mei have recently moved to a countryside area of Japan with their Afghan guerilla and Father. Their Mother has been rehabilitating at a nearby hospital and the move was very young. This made so that thetj could be closer to her, as well as to provide a beHer environment 9 10 ill P c1tD rm ~ IDte) First frightened by their new strange c1tDim~ IDte) beceme the best ninja around. Hewever, all the aJults in the Village give Narute ca l presence there. Soon, they meet cold looks. The truth is, Naruto has a secret about his birth. 12 years age, "Kyuubi Totoro who lives in the forest behind no Vouko" (NineTailedFex - A kind of evil spirit who termented the village, was begins. sealed within Naruto's body who was, at the time, a baby. The head of the academy, M izuki, uses Naruto to steal the "Fuujin Scrolls" and makes Naruto understand his past. Naruto is outraged. Even with Iruka's help, Naruto just barely defeats Mizuki. Knowing Naruto's secret, Iruka knows Naruto will meet someene who'll help him KiL's Delivery Service and so, makes a decision. Naruto is allowed to gPQduate safely from Ninja Academy. Kiki is a young witch trying to make A long with his classmates, Uchiwa Sasuke and Harune Sakura together, they make liVing for herself until and new friend suqqest~ , with her broom. Another Masterpiece bLJ Miozar.l~ their first step as Ninjas! One Piece Movie It's the dawn of the Pirate Age. One boy, Monke,\! D . ReofYJ embarks on a quest to fulfill his dream of becoming the King of Pirales. In his journey he meels up with friends as enthusiastic as he is, bul with differEnt q@il1~oll lheif own. As they parlake in each other's adventures, they are dl'Owo loqelhl!~ 05 (J team, sailing onwards to the pass through the storm known GRAND LINE, Ihe place where their dreomnon {i(1ally C~I! lrue. Alvis Hamilton, aged 11 is get dragged into a baHle that . -of wind and clouds shieh out. Read or Die The TV Series A few years offer the army's "Human Seledion Campaign". In aislreel somewhere in Hong Kong, Ihere was a deledive office, Thll nome of it was~The-Three Sisters Detedive Company". The 3 beauliflJt~i'$te';s th~~e.wepe working dOlj and night to settle an incident regarding a book. ,The Q11'1s' names ore-Anila, M~qg y and Michelle. The oldest sister Michelle who likes all kinds of books, Maggie and even the youngest sisler Anita who doesn'llike adult boeks, in Iruth possesses the special power of a "paper user", Using and nol using their powers, what will happen 10 the cases they get? 11 12 j{Dim~ IDf~ ~pe>D~e>r~ Chibi Chihi Ce>lJ Scrapped Princess VI'» ~Ul"~m De:> ~Ul'e:>DS;} e:> t~ky(') d~ (')kUl"i~hi11J;}S 1\ 1\ An or-acie predicled, Ihallhe qirl OP queen would deslroy Ihe world on Ihr'Own of a cliff. Bul she su ~jved. her from Ihe assassins Ihal are nc~He~J Wolf's Rain . The Book of Ihe Moon lalks a~}lt 0 po~diSE the eOlT'on paradise were wol~es rule anJ bJx.ppy. But it 0150 soylthgNJ Ihis paradise, Ihe world will be destroyed. In this time, wolves have sad to be exlincl for over 100 years. But in reality, wolves have simply been able 10 cast the outer appearance of humans 10 hide and blend in. A pack of wolves have a goal 10 find eon ~!~!!!~! ilWi I!, ......7 _ ..Ill ........ ----..... . . 1::::'- : ~ ; ~:r Jaq's 801me ww paradise. Jt.l .....,........ j ~ -- --- 'o... ·..... OIIr . .,,.r"'·...... "'_ _ w» -r Q. .. . . . . . . . ,,, f#' .ulltt'..... lilt ""'"'''' "to:! 11 ._- - ._- . (OLYMPIC "!!!r".WiIAnd . ~ .............. .,.,.,,~ .. .....I'IIIIIIPII .~CMfc.... . "'--_:;;;.. eo....-o~... ..., to.". . .... .. •-a-. '.~ to''''' -_0.,.. 1--- _ _.,.,....., ~ 1*-.....___ ~=~= ~,.-......., §r Qjjf i .. Sail)' Parlee ~lo\anap 0I 1Yai1o...... _U. Archibala ~~m , . ) I'"'' J , _.'"",' ~~~ 911501 l360171IWl!O To Shop f'oatImiIe Q6III_ .....a,eirlt-lody..... ......1IHIdy.tmn ti-~~<l/1Co". ~Books"" ....... 1MJeI,....-".-.. '''---.r-~ Sweet Kitty UHil t. ~~:r,,!i~; The Anime Store "J~ : '!H , l;B b r O>i O/~~ ' - v,.d, 0uI ofPri.. & A........ IIUT • ~ . , lAO( Ho.... Mon. •."., ,,. .10' ...'.... 11.1 S(;1fj £. 4U.",.. • OI~lj WA_OI • tltiOtU:l-OI:) e~_ ·F... j J,,"W.14H .~ 13 4lo.J91 ~'~ Ib \jour Fa'iOr"' t :;' tDrt: f Ill!.11ur,~ J~ A~IUI'\Of'OI"t . ;'MrI::' Gotl ts, PhOlO ..,"<1 /o\DthlnU and rlllnC\ ',o11DP'9Qry j{ekn~wr~d~m~ntg Wfi'd W~fi te> th~nk thfi tc>~LC>Win~ l'fie>l'Lfi tC>1" hfi~l'in~ e>ut with Chibi Chihi Cc>n. Withc>ut thfim ~LL e>t thi~ we>uLdn't h~fi hfien l'c>~~iMfi Coordnaters Ken.:J Vincent & Mike "Vash" Luttmer Secretar.:J Core.:JYoung DDR Gu.:J Aiden Graphic Designer Grace Lee Hentai Goddess Criis Yaoi Providers Katie & Christina Gaming room E:vergreen Gaming Guild and Game Elros. AVGu.:Js Mike philips & "Vash " vendors Criis & E:verett Comics Much love to Danger Room Comics tor the Manga Packs and Prizes We'd also like to thank all ot our wonderful volunteers And a Special Thanx to our Biggest sup porters Vivian & And~ Carter A_A And thank ~ou For Coming to Chibi Chibi Can Hope to see ~ou next ~ear "- 15 "