KSE Top - Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL)
KSE Top - Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL)
A monthly publication of Pakistan Petroleum Limited Vol.LIX No.7 February 2015 59th year of publication A tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL), Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) and Turkish Petroleum Anonim Ortakligi (TPAO) in Islamabad on February 17 at a simple event presided over by Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu. PPL, OGDCL & TPAO sign MoU The documents were signed and exchanged by Secretary Petroleum and MD and CEO Arshad Mirza representing the two local companies and President and Acting CEO, TPAO Besim Sisman on behalf of the Turkish oil and gas major. A PPL initiative led by the Business Development Function, the MoU is one of ten accords inked between the two countries on the occasion to enhance bilateral cooperation for exploration and production activities for mutual learning and business benefit. The memorandum will also enable the three national 25 KSE Top INSIDE (left to right) President and Acting CEO, TPAO Besim Sisman and Secretary Petroleum and MD and CEO Arshad Mirza exchange documents presided over by (back left to right) Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and Adviser to the PM on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz 2 Turning up the heat 3 Managing risk P companies to tap farm-in/ out opportunities in existing exploration licenses under swap arrangement, joint bidding in upcoming domestic and international rounds as well as exploration and development of Pakistan’s offshore blocks. n akistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) retained its position among Karachi Stock Exchange’s ‘Top 25 Companies’ for 2013. This is the eighth consecutive year PPL has been on the list. Companies featuring on the list are selected annually on the basis of a comprehensive criterion, which includes managerial and financial performance, dividend payout, capital efficiency, profitability, free-float of shares, transparency and investor relations besides compliance with listing regulations and good corporate governance. n 4 MRP implemented across company locations 6 Annual Awards 11 Adhi Plant III project clocks one million safe man-hours 12 Way ahead T o optimize production and reserves replenishment, Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has turned up the heat to expedite drilling targets ahead of schedule by deploying a mix of latest technology and processes across its operational areas. The momentum is clearly evident in Gambat South Block, where the seventh exploratory well Faiz X-1 reached target depth of 3564 metres (m) in 45 days, improving on the 47-day drilling period at the previous well Kinza X-1, setting a record for the shortest drilling timeframe among all wells ever drilled in the Lower Indus Basin. This was achieved by using power drive Rotary Steerable System (RSS) and Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (PDC) bits on the one hand and minimizing nonproductive time on the other. At Adhi Field, concurrent drilling of development wells Adhi-20 and Adhi-21 in the Tobra and Khewra (T/K) formations was completed much ahead of schedule, resulting in an estimated cost Turning up the heat saving of about USD 8 million. Similarly, Adhi-22, the first directional well in the same On the spud front N asr X-1, the eighth exploratory well at company-operated Gambat South Block was spud on February 17 to test hydrocarbon potential of Basal and Massive Sand units of Lower Goru formation. The well is scheduled to be drilled to a target depth of 3737 metres (m) and will take around three months for completion. Two 3D seismic surveys were carried out in Gambat South, earlier with recording of the second one concluding in March 2014. As a result, additional drillable prospects have been identified and are in the process of being firmed up for drilling. Earlier, Kotri North X-1, the first exploratory well in Kotri North Block was spud on February 3. The block is located over the Lakhra Uplift in the western part of the prospective Sindh Platform in Lower Indus Basin, straddling Jamshoro, Matiari, Thatta and Hyderabad districts. The well is planned to be drilled to a target depth of 3632 m over the next four months to test hydrocarbon potential of Lower Goru and Sembar formations. In addition, data will also be acquired to evaluate tight and shale gas potential of the block. About 600 line kilometres 2D seismic data was acquired in Kotri North Block, leading to identification of two prospects, one being Kotri North X-1. Preparations are underway to drill the second exploration well within the block. In continuation of the ongoing field development programme to increase production from PPL-operated Adhi Field, development well Adhi-23 was spud on February 26 for completion in the Tobra and Khewra formations. The well is planned to be drilled to a depth of 3442 m, which will take an estimated 10 months. n 2 formations, was also completed 100 days before target date. Early completion of Rig at Nasr X-1 these development wells was made possible by implementing methodology of risk prevention in place of mitigation in addition to optimization of bit performance, use of improved mud system infused with loss control material and mud motor in the latter section of wells. The company deployed PDC bits with RSS for the first time at Kandhot Gas Field for Kdt32(M), successfully drilling the longest lateral section of almost 500 m with a constant hold-on inclination of 87° in the Sui Main Limestone reservoir. In a bid to tap unexplored acreage in Balochistan, PPL successfully drilled two wild cat wells – Aro Khan X-1 and Karkh X-1 – in Barkhan and Khuzdar blocks, respectively, and is currently drilling a high pressure-high temperature ultradeep exploratory well with target depth of 5974 m, using RSS, oilbased mud and underreamers, at Dhok Sultan Block, which straddles Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and Punjab provinces. Looking ahead, the company will be focusing on exploiting unconventional reservoirs with a tight gas well planned in Gambat South in the second quarter, among others. n February 2015 Managing risk W ith most organizations operating in an uncertain business environment, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) can play a crucial role in effectively identifying, assessing and containing this uncertainty factor within acceptable parameters, in turn, achieving returns that meet, or even exceed, stakeholder expectations. In line with efforts to implement ERM best practices at Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL), a workshop, facilitated by noted international expert Christopher Whittle was organized for selected Risk Champions and heads of both technical as well as nontechnical functions on February 20 at Mövenpick Hotel, Karachi. The programme was especially geared to addressing practical ERM implementation challenges. As such, participants were briefed on how to negotiate or avoid potential pitfalls and determine optimal management techniques for success. Practical insights and guidelines were also shared along with hands-on experience in risk identification with special focus on assessment Step into the light From the Editorial Desk A midst the deepest tragedy sometimes descends a beam of light, much like a benediction renting the darkness. As it has, following the heinous December 16, 2014 attack on a Peshawar school that claimed 141 innocent lives, including that of 132 uniformed children. The source of illumination, in this instance, is the citizen web movement known as 141schools.org, now registered as a Canadian not-for-profit organization. It all began when 33-year-old Pakistani-Canadian Zaki Patel heard about the attack. In the cascade of fury and despair coursing through social media, he came across a tweet suggesting the best way of channeling popular sentiment constructively would be to build one school each for every victim of the tragedy. Sold on the idea, Patel shortly created a webpage to gauge interest of others. The suggestion clearly touched a nerve: within three days he received some 15000 responses with generous offers of cash and in-kind donations as well as volunteer service. It was then that Patel pitched for collaboration with The Citizens Foundation (TCF), which has extensive infrastructure and outreach in the education sector. TCF wasted no time in joining hands and committing to taking the idea forward. So was birthed 141schools.org. Thanks to overwhelming pledges pouring in since then from February 2015 Enterprise Risk Management Expert Christopher Whittle (centre front row) with participants techniques. Risk treatment options and the effective use of risk registers were also dealt with in detail. n across the globe, the project has steadily gained momentum and entered its execution phase. In fact, TCF has already received commitments for two schools, construction process for which has begun. Beyond the brick-and-mortar work, 141schools.org has spawned a global community rallying around the common cause of education irrespective of geography, race, religion and politics, replacing despair with hope, anger with purpose. “This is a defining moment in Pakistan’s history,” says Chief Executive Officer, TCF Syed Asad Ayub Ahmad. “With the formidable challenges facing the nation, we passionately believe that only education has the power to enlighten minds and unleash the potential of every Pakistani.” Step into the light. n For Correspondence: Editor, Progress Pakistan Petroleum Limited, 4th Floor, PIDC House, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road, P.O. Box 3942, Karachi 75530, Pakistan Email: info@ppl.com.pk Website: www.ppl.com.pk UAN: 111-568-568 Fax: 92-21-3568-0005 & 3568-2125 Design and Production: Corporate Communications Department Photography: Abdul Hannan 3 2D seismic completed at Nausherwani T he company’s exploration team completed 2D seismic at Nausherwani Block, located in remote areas of Kharan and Washuk districts in Balochistan on February 28 • with acquisition of 644 line kilometres (L.Km) of good quality seismic data. Recording began in August 15, 2014 with average daily production of around 3.7 L.Km with vibroseis source in extreme weather condition and desert terrain. Data processing is already underway since January and is expected to be completed around July. Nausherwani is one of the blocks granted in February last MRP implemented across company locations Vibrators at work during the survey year. Among others also granted around this time, seismic surveys have been completed in Malir and Karsal, is ongoing in Shah Bandar Block and about to be initiated in Bela West. n T o further procedural automation in line with best industry practices, Information Technology and Material and Contracts jointly implemented Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) at several locations across the company. A critical SAP functionality to ensure optimal replenishment of in-stock Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul material for prompt plant and equipment maintenance, MRP eliminates manual stock monitoring and procurement requisitions, in turn enabling uninterrupted production. The process got underway with pilot deployment at Sui Field Hospital in November 2013 followed by regular workshops at different locations to achieve buy-in of plant users and store officers. Realizing the potential and associated business benefits, store officers at Sui Purification and Adhi Field volunteered to deploy MRP, implementation of 4 (clockwise) DBA Shahzad Shakoor, ASO Jawed Ghani, CSO Bilal Ahmed, DCBA Faraz Ahmed and TrBA Manoj Kumar during a MRP project meeting at the head office which was carried out in April and May 2014, respectively. The functionality was subsequently rolled-out starting with Sui Production in July 2014, Sui Field Gas Compressor Station in September of the same year and a month later at Kandhkot Field Gas Compressor Station and Production. To date, there have been more than 85 MRP runs, generating over 7500 purchase requisitions across several company store locations. Thanks to this effort, store officers can now focus on inventory management and optimization just as end-users have more time available to spend on process and data quality improvement rather than material availability and follow-up. n February 2015 Board of Directors Note of hope K The Board of Directors met at the head office on January 29. (clockwise) GMF and CFO Kamran Wahab Khan, Imtiaz Hussain Zaidi, Muhammad Ashraf Iqbal Baluch, Nadeem Mumtaz Qureshi, Chairman Waqar A. Malik, Shahbaz Yasin Malik, Asif Baigmohamed, Aftab Nabi and Company Secretary Saqib Ahmed were present at the meeting. Saeedullah Shah and MD and CEO Arshad Mirza participated from Islamabad through video conferencing Board Audit Committee PPL Audit Committee met at the head office on January 28. (clockwise) HIA M. Arshad Siddiqui, Nadeem Mumtaz Qureshi, Muhammad Ashraf Iqbal Baluch and Aftab Nabi were present on the occasion whereas Saeedullah Shah participated in the meeting from Islamabad through video conferencing Women — front and centre P akistan Petroleum Limited co-sponsored two conferences focusing on achievements of working women. Pakistan Society for Training and Development (PSTD) hosted its annual ‘Women in Business and Leadership Conference’ (WIBCON) at Mövenpick Hotel, Karachi on February 24. The event, attended by over 300 women professionals from across the country, included talks and panel discussions revolving mostly around the theme ‘The Courage to Change’ by speakers in senior management roles at leading organizations as well as industry experts such as, President, First Women Bank Tahira Raza, February 2015 Director Foods, Unilever Pakistan Limited Fariyha Subhani, Managing Director, Pak Brunei Investment Company Ayesha Aziz and President and CEO, Engro Corporation Mohammad Aliuddin Ansari. “With WIBCON 2015, PSTD continues to work towards changing perceptions and encouraging leadership roles for women to bring about societal change,” said President, PSTD Aamir Niazi, in his opening remarks at the conference. He termed the event as a day of inspiration, reinvention and networking. Deputy Governor, State Bank of Pakistan Saeed Ahmad, who also spoke at WIBCON, shared the same sentiments, adding that women’s role was pivotal in enhancing economic well-being of the country. Other speakers explored the arwan-e-Hayat (KH)’s annual fundraiser ‘Umeed-e-Sahar ki Baat Suno: Songs of Hope and Freedom’, a musical performance under the able stewardship of acclaimed composer Arshad Mahmud presented by National Academy of Performing Arts students and musicians, was held between February 21 and 22 at Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture. Along with other corporate supporters, Pakistan Petroleum Limited cosponsored the well-received event attended by 800 guests, who were regaled by the inspirational verse of poets such as Faiz Ahmad Faiz. A not-for-profit organization providing treatment and rehabilitation to deserving psychiatric patients free of cost or at highly subsidized rates, KH began work in 1983 in a small outpatient clinic in Punjab Colony, Karachi. Thanks to its management and supporters, KH has since then acquired two more facilities – a 100-bed hospital in Keamari and a Community Outreach Clinic in Korangi – and annually treats an estimated 45,000 patients. n shift in the gender landscape accruing from more women joining the workforce and greater acceptability regarding their enhanced role. Earlier, New World Concepts organized International Women Leaders’ Summit themed ‘Explore, Energise and Enhance Success’ on February 11. The conference brought together leading women professionals and entrepreneurs from around the world working in diverse fields such as medicine, government and entertainment to share their experiences with participants. The forum concluded that women everywhere could be drivers of change and progress, as they have the potential to enhance their own economic positioning as well as that of their community. n 5 A nnual Awards 2014-15 for head office- and West Wharf-based staff was held on February 7 at the Marquee, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi and drew a large number of current and retired staff along with their spouses. The event is an annual feature hosted by Human Resources to recognize loyalty, commitment and outstanding accomplishment of employees by giving long service and performance excellence awards. On HR’s behalf, MIR Khalid Waheed Khan welcomed guests and spoke on major milestones achieved by the function, followed by a brief overview of the programme for the evening, which included a Annual Awards 2014-15 (left to right) GMF and CFO Kamran Wahab Khan, former GMCS Rizwan Hafeez Qidwai and GM Projects Ghulam Farooq Maniar (left to right) MIR Khalid Waheed Khan and GMHR Masroor Ahmad Humera Arshad Striving for Excellence T he Performance Excellence Award (PEA) scheme recognizes outstanding performance by employees both in the tangible and intangible category. Achievements resulting in measurable savings to the company on account of cost of labour, supplies, equipment, energy and time fall under the tangible category. The intangible DCE (Elect) ME (E3) SGeol DBA Nayab category, on the other hand, is for outstanding Maqsood Ahmad Syed Firasat Shah Siddiqui performance that cannot be measured directly but leads to overall improvement in systems, procedure, environment or working conditions. Accordingly, DCE (Elect) Maqsood Ahmad received the PEA in the tangible category and ME (E3) SGeol Syed Firasat Shah and DBA Nayab Siddiqui were winners in the intangible category. In addition, the contribution of MFO Atta Mohammad Khakwani, E(Prod) Rashid Naseer, SE (Inst) Amir Channa, SE(D) Muhammad Mohsin Usmani and SE(D) Ahmed Ghaffar, who were nominated but not selected for PEAs, was recognized through Certificates of Appreciation. n 6 Rahim Shah “We are in a transformation phase and must step outside our comfort zone to make it meaningful …” — DMD and COO Moin Raza Khan Directors Muhammad Ashraf Iqbal Baluch and Aftab Nabi (second and third left) with their spouses (left to right) GMCS Sultan Maqsood, MHR Shaikh Waqar Ahmed and DCIRO Valeed Ali Vice President Pakistan Petroleum Workers Union Mohammad Arif (third left) with colleagues brief speech by Vice President, Pakistan Petroleum Workers Union (PPWU) Mohammad Arif, February 2015 a speech by DMD and COO Moin Raza Khan, distribution of awards and dinner ending with a music programme. The proceedings began with a recitation from the Holy Quran by Sr. Asst Zafar-ul-Haq followed by Arif reiterating PPWU’s commitment to S peaking extempore, DMD and COO Moin Raza Khan gave an informed speech on the occasion, tracing the company’s recent trajectory, highlighting challenges and suggesting how best to meet them. “I would like to say the last couple of years were volatile yet eventful, taking PPL forward to becoming a fully integrated Exploration and Production (E&P) company. We made a whole series of new oil and gas discoveries and initiated high-value projects. And we made key strategic choices that strengthened the value of our business portfolio. All this was made possible due to teamwork by the core and support functions under the supervision of an able management.” The company, said Khan, was going through a transformational phase during which it is important for staff to step outside their comfort zone and come up with innovative, value-add ideas and solutions to make a difference. “If we apply this strategy to a portfolio where the watchwords are ‘quality’ and ‘enhancement’ – matching enhanced high-quality performance to enhanced high-quality assets – we will be able to make this transformation meaningful.” In this context, he particularly outlined PPL’s role as a public sector organization in supplementing the government’s efforts to bridge the prevailing energy crisis as reflected not only in the revision of its production targets but also in execution of the company’s corporate social responsibility programme to fuel sustainable development of the country. Despite these challenges, he expressed full confidence in the company and staff to deliver on commitments. “PPL’s stability can be gauged by how far we have come: starting from three operated producing fields in 1989 – Sui, Kandhkot and Adhi – to our current 30 producing assets and discoveries besides 47 exploration blocks, totalling an E&P portfolio of 77.” Khan concluded by thanking the Board of Directors and welcoming the new MD and CEO-designate Syed Wamiq Bokhari, who, he added, “is a thoroughbred E&P professional who will surely steer the company through his international leadership experience.” Similarly, Khan lauded retired MD & CEO Munsif Raza and Khalid Rahman as well as ED Asim Murtaza Khan for their contribution to the company’s growth. n 7 support and work with the management in taking the company forward. He also urged management to reciprocate accordingly by investing further time and effort in ensuring well-being of employees. Later, Moin Raza Khan, GMP Syed Kaleem Akhtar and GMF and CFO Kamran Wahab Khan distributed long service awards among 68 employees on variously completing 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of service with the company. Moin Raza Khan also gave performance excellence awards and certificates of appreciation for outstanding merit to staff. The entertainment segment was emceed by popular satirist and television host Abdul Hakeem Nasir who kept the Long Service Awards guests regaled with his wit and tongue-in-cheek comments. Singer Humera Arshad’s folk tunes and Rahim Shah’s popular Pushto numbers were also received enthusiastically as was the LED light dance performance. n 35 Years Administration Material & Contracts Shaikh Mohammad Kaleem Syed Azhar Ali Administration Harjiwan Compression - (H.O) Fazal Elahi Material & Contracts Mohammed Arshad Siddiqui Design & Construction Material & Contracts Compression - (H.O) Finance Ayaz Ahmed Drilling Operations Muhammad Abu Bakr Head Quarter Maintenance Mohammed Arif 30 Years Finance Commercial & Supply Chain Sadiqain Haider Javed Siddiqui Rosemary Fernandes Human Resources Rao Azmat Ali Khan Finance Mohammad Taufiq Mohammad Jawed Ghani Material & Contracts Material & Contracts Iraq Office Internal Audit Abdul Wahid 8 Yasmeen Muntazir Zaidi Finance Syed Mahmood Shah Security Mohammad Arfeen Khan Internal Audit Internal Audit Prince Najmi Irshad Abdul Aleem Malik Wasi Ahmed DMD Office Abid Mahmood Material & Contracts Haseen Ahmed Syed Javed Zahoor Khursheed Anwar Mohammad Rafi Nanji Khan Administration Head Quarter Maintenance Material & Contracts Syed Arshad Ali Material & Contracts Mir Ali Raza Rizvi Mohammed Ashraf Head Quarter Maintenance Design & Construction Mohammad Abdul Qadir (Late) February 2015 25 Years Compression Project Projects Administration Shahid Saadat Mohammad Aslam Khan Finance Administration Anwar Habib Siddiqui Joint Operations Sagheer Hussain Ghulam Farooq Maniar Finance Syed Asim Alam Finance Naveed Ahmed Jilani Industrial Relations Nadeem Afaq Mohammad Asad Khan Industrial Relations Internal Audit Abdul Israr Muhammad Afzal Siddiqi Human Resources Joint Operations Masroor Ahmad Syed Intesar Abbas Rizvi Industrial Relations Syed Muniruddin Operational Technical Internal Audit Support Farida N. Wadia Habib Sarfaraz Finance Finance Finance Internal Audit Material & Contracts Administration Nadeem Akram Danish Shafique Burney February 2015 Muhammad Aslam Muhammad Ziaul-Bari Qureshi Human Resources Kamran Wahab Khan Finance Finance Administration 15 Years Finance Zahid Ullah Khan Faseehuddin A. Ansari Syed Ali Mohtashim Zaidi Reservoir Engineering 20 Years Joint Operations Internal Audit Muhammad Nawaz Irshad Ahmed Internal Audit S. M. Asad Jaffri Mohammad Mazheruddin Syed Sajid Muhammad Shahid Siddique Abdul Rehman Design & Construction Murtaza Bugti Administration Burhan Khaliq Land & Licences Abdul Ateeq Khan Material & Contracts Sarfaraz Ali Khan Muhammad Irfan Khan Administration Material & Contracts Muhammad Irfan 9 Safety Circuit A workshop on electrical safety was organized by Training and Development at Sui Gas Field (SGF) between January 26 and 28 with Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Management Services Saman Khalil – the first Pakistani woman to be accredited by Register of Certificated Auditors, UK for Quality, Health, Safety and Environment training globally – as facilitator. As the workshop was geared to those working close to electrical systems rather than electricians, Khalil gave an overview of various aspects of electrical safety in line with Occupational Health and Safety and other work environmentrelated guidelines. This was followed by an introduction to electrical hazards and injuries, static electricity, control measures for electrical equipment, electrical protective systems and inspection, testing and maintenance strategies. Khalil also discussed practical aspects such as classification Up to speed P Cut to the chase T raining and Development organized a two-day workshop on effective business writing at Pakistan Society for Training and Development, Karachi between January 22 and 23 attended by over 20 employees. “Effective business writing is concise, accurate, unambiguous, logical and easily understood,” said Senior Consultant, Learning Minds Group Feryal Zahid, who facilitated the workshop. Accordingly, she shared tips on developing clarity, purpose and brevity in AGO Ayaz Ahmed Jafri receives a certificate from business writing on the ML&D Naveeda Mahmud premise that no one in the contemporary business environment has the time to read long-winded, convoluted letters or emails that are unable to convey the message simply and directly. n 10 and maintenance of hazardous areas and installation of explosion-protected equipment and wiring systems. n rovided it is based on realistic objectives and carried out equitably and transparently, performance appraisals can boost productivity and morale on the one hand and decrease absenteeism and turnover on the other. Given its direct impact on work environment and output, Training and Development organizes regular workshops on objective setting and appraisals as it did between January 28 and 29 for 22 employees at Sui Gas Field. Facilitated by Fauzia Kerai Khan of ExecuTrain and ML&D Naveeda Mahmud, the objective of the workshop was not only to raise awareness regarding performance management and its role in staff development and career progression but also to build capacity of staff to set SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely – objectives linked to organizational goals and carry out fair and constructive evaluations, providing corrective feedback and follow-up after the process. n Trainer Fauzia Kerai Khan with participants February 2015 ENERGY BRIEFS Prime Minister holds talks on TAPI project P The Senate Standing Committee on Petroleum and Natural Resources chaired by Senator Mohammad Yousaf met at the head office on February 19. (left to right) Secretary Petroleum and MD and CEO Arshad Mirza gives a memento to Yousaf . (left to right) GMCS Sultan Maqsood, MCD&L Muneer Kamal Jadun, ED Asim Murtaza Khan and GMHR Masroor Ahmad are also present Adhi Plant III project clocks one million safe man-hours P resson Descon International (Private) Limited (PDIL), project coordinator of Adhi Liquefied Petroleum Gas/ Natural Gas Liquid Plant III, hosted an event on site to mark the completion of one million safe man-hours with Zero Loss Time Injury (LTI) (left to right) Site Manager, PDIL Sharafat on February 24, attended by from SM (QHSE) SM (QHSE) Rehan Mohiuddin Hussain receives a memento Rehan Mohiuddin Ahmed Ahmed along with SE (HSE) S. Danish Ali, MCP Sagheer Ahmed, who also spoke briefly Hussain and AE (Pr) Arsalan at the event, emphasized the Shaikh from head office. importance of reporting near Speaking on the occasion, Site misses to establish authenticity Manager, PDIL Sharafat Hussain of LTI free safe man-hours as per appreciated the presence of PPL international norms. He staff on the grounds that it not congratulated PDIL staff on this only boosts morale but also landmark achievement and underscores the significance of encouraged them to aim for two Health, Safety and Environment million safe man-hours at Adhi practices and standards by both Plant III project site with the organizations. same enthusiasm. n PPL People Retirements n n n M. Imamuddin Siddiqui, Deputy Engineer (Electrical), Sui Field Gas Compressor Station, retired with effect from February 1, after 25 years of service Lal Bakhsh, Sweeper, Sui Gas Field, retired with effect from January 31, after 25 years of service Sabzal, Sweeper, Sui Gas Field, retired with effect from January 26, after 25 years of service Births n A girl, Aeera Khan, was born to February 2015 n n n n Sumair Khan, Assistant/ Computer Operator, Design and Construction, on February 18 A boy, Muhammad Aayan, was born to Shakil Ahmad, Technician (Shift), Sui Gas Field, on February 8 A boy, Suleman Haider, was born to Zaheer Tahir, Human Resources Officer, Human Resources, on February 2 A girl, Inaya, was born to Said Khan, Assistant System Officer, Sui Gas Field, on January 23 A girl, Anam Zehra, was born to S. M. Ali Haider, Assistant Stores Officer, Material & Contracts, on December 20, 2014 rime Minister Nawaz Sharif chaired a meeting on the TurkmenistanAfghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project at the Prime Minister’s House in Islamabad on February 12, terming it of vital importance to regional countries. Director, State Agency for Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources, Turkmenistan Yagshgeldi Kakayev, Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Afghanistan Daoudshah Saba, Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas, India Dharmendra Pradhan, Director General, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines Klaus Gerhaeusser and other senior officials attended the meeting. Sharif emphasized that concerned states should take all steps necessary to start the project as soon as possible as its cost would continue to increase with the passage of time. “We have pinned a lot of hopes on this project and want it to be completed as soon as possible.” Visiting ministers of the member countries shared Sharif’s views of Pakistan on the importance of the project for the region and called it a win-win for all concerned. The participants also agreed that a consortium leader would be finalized soon. — APP Oil tops USD 60 O il rose above USD 60 a barrel on February 13 for the first time this year, bringing gains to 4 percent, supported by signs that deeper industry spending cuts may curb excess supply. Also supporting oil, euro zone economic growth accelerated unexpectedly in the final quarter of 2014 as its largest member, Germany, expanded at more than twice the expected rate. The price of Brent crude collapsed from USD 115 in June 2014 to USD 45.19 in January 2015, the lowest in almost six years, due to oversupply. Since January, mounting signs of lower industry spending have helped prices rally by more than 30 percent. Apache Corporation, a top US shale oil producer, said on February 12 it would cut capital spending and its rig count in 2015 following price collapse, keeping its output growth mostly flat. Brent for April delivery was up USD 1.12 at USD 60.40, after trading at a high of USD 60.54 earlier in the session. — Reuters Higher oil forecasts suggest OPEC tactics are paying off T he world’s three big energy agencies are forecasting higher demand for Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) crude oil this year, a sign the producing nations’ strategy to let prices fall is starting to win back market share from rivals who are cutting output. After an oversupply of world oil sent prices tumbling in 2014, top OPEC exporter Saudi Arabia urged fellow members not to prop up the market and try to knock out competing sources such as US shale, which, because of higher production costs, had to cut output due to the fall in prices. In reports this week ending February 13, the International Energy Agency and OPEC have raised their estimates of demand for OPEC crude in 2015 by at least 200,000 barrels per day (bpd). The US government’s Energy Information Administration forecasts OPEC will pump 140,000 bpd more. At the same time data suggesting a forthcoming economic recovery has raised hopes for improving oil demand. OPEC officials have expressed cautious optimism about price recovery and noted signs of higher demand. OPEC pumps about 30 million bpd of crude, roughly a third of the world’s daily requirement. Resultantly, rising demand for their oil is generally taken as a bullish sign in the oil market. — Reuters US oil rig count falls to lowest since August 2011 T he number of rigs drilling for oil in the US fell by 84 this week to 1,056, the lowest since August 2011, a survey showed on February 13, a clear sign of the pressure that tumbling crude prices have put on oil producers. This was the second biggest weekly drop on record, according to data going back to 1987, and the tenth straight week of declines, oil services firm Baker Hughes Inc said in its widely followed report. US oil prices fell nearly 60 percent from June 2014 to late January 2015 due to a combination of oversupplied markets and lacklustre demand, forcing oil firms such as Apache Corporation and Anadarko Petroleum Corporation to cut spending. But prices have rebounded over 15 percent since late January, partly due to expectations the lower rig count will eventually shrink US production, curtailing the supply glut. — Reuters 11 PRODUCTION PPL-operated Fields January, 2015 Way ahead Candidates selected for the Extended Internship Programme with PPL and NED management O ver 100 internees enrolled in Pakistan Petroleum Limited’s (PPL) Extended Internship Programme (EIP) completed their first three months of academic training at the Norwegian Center of Excellence in Petroleum Studies at NED University of Engineering and Technology (NED), Karachi on February 4 and are currently getting on-job training at different field locations and offices. PPL initiated the EIP in collaboration with NED as a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative for capacity building of young Pakistani professionals from a cross section of society with special consideration for less privileged communities living in underdeveloped areas of the country, including those Mission Vision P akistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) together with Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital (ASTEH), Sukkur held a four-day free eye camp between February 3 and 6 at District Headquarters Hospital, Kandhkot for local communities. Thanks to awareness raising beforehand, the camp drew some 2500 patients, who were examined and treated for impaired vision and other ophthalmological issues. Besides free glasses for near and distant vision given to about 1700 patients, 300 cataract surgeries were carried out at the camp and referred for follow-up at ASETH, Sukkur, where required. Earlier, PPL and ASTEH held similar camps for communities around Mazarani, Dera Bugti, Adhi and Gambat South, collectively treating approximately 6500 patients over the last three months. A regular feature of the company’s annual community healthcare outreach efforts, eye camps are organized at all operational areas. n 12 around operational areas held by the company and its joint venture partners. As outlined in the EIP agreement, NED is responsible for managing and leading the programme in addition to providing academic training whereas PPL is obliged to make available structured practical training facilities for the internees. n Building blocks A s part of the infrastructure development portfolio under its Corporate Social Responsibility programme, Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has constructed two buildings for Government Girls High School (GGHS), Miana Mora and Government Boys Primary School (GBPS), Ghaibi Dero, near Sui Gas Field Raw Gas Average/Day Balochistan (Million Cubic Feet) 430 Maximum/Day 437 Adhi Field Punjab (Barrels) NGL Average/Day 2683 Crude Average/Day LPG Average/Day GAS Average/Day 3759 (Tonnes) 162 (Million Cubic Feet) 43 Kandhkot Gas Field Sindh Raw Gas Average/Day (Million Cubic Feet) 158 Maximum/Day 185 Mazarani Gas Field Sindh Raw Gas Average/Day (Million Cubic Feet) 5 Maximum/Day Government Boys Primary School, Ghaibi Dero Adhi and Mazarani fields, respectively. Nearing completion, the building at GGHS, which has a covered area of about 3750 square feet (sq ft), will house three separate laboratories for physics, chemistry and biology, facilitating nearly 750 students. Earlier, the company had also built an academic block at GGHS with five classrooms. PPL has also built and handed over a building, comprising three rooms fronted by a corridor together covering 2000 sq ft, to GBPS. n 5 Chachar Gas Field Raw Gas Average/Day Maximum/Day Hala Field Gas Average/Day 2 3 Condensate Average/Day LPG Average/Day Sindh (Million Cubic Feet) Sindh (Barrels) 158 (Tonnes) 3 (Million Cubic Feet) 11 February 2015
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