Dec - New England Carnivorous Plant Society
Dec - New England Carnivorous Plant Society
NEW ENGLAND CARNIVOROUS PLANT SOCIETY ( December, 2012 Newsletter This month’s meeting will be held on Saturday, December 8th at 12:30 PM at: Roger Williams Park Botanical Center 1000 Elmwood Avenue Providence, RI NECPS Mission Statement "The mission of the New England Carnivorous Plant Society shall be to share, to gain knowledge of, and to achieve expertise in all phases of growing, education, appreciation, and conservation of carnivorous plants in both culture and in native habitats." New Members A warm welcome to some of our newer members: Lauren Houck, James Maclachcan, Eric Weldon, Jackson Daab, and Bill Smith! Vice-President’s Message It’s hard for me to believe that 2012 is drawing to a close. This has been a life-changing year for me in several ways, and I’m sure it has been a year full of ups and downs for you all as well. One of the most memorable parts of 2012 for us in the NECPS has, of course, been the ICPS Conference. Though it took lots of time, brainpower, frustration, patience, blood, sweat, and tears, I think that we all agree that the many, many hours of work that we put in were so very worth it in the end. If there is any downside to the Conference, however, it is that the stress from all this work took its toll on everyone. I am so happy to say that, in many cases, I feel my friendships with society members have grown even stronger because of the work we did together. However, in other cases, those friendships were tested or even strained. Perhaps tested friendships are inevitable with so many people working on a project like this. But, I still very much take it to heart. One of my absolute favorite aspects of this society is the fact that such a highly diverse group of individuals – with all manner of backgrounds, political beliefs, ages, genders, religions, hobbies, and interests – gets along so very well. The fact that the stress of this conference has perhaps upset that wonderful harmony is heartbreaking to me. So, what better time of year to try and put our differences aside, let bygones be bygones, and mend those ties? To that end, I want to first thank EVERYONE who worked their butts off to make this such a great conference. Matt Kaelin, thank you so, so, so much for the many long hours you spent organizing all the speakers and the field trips...these were so important and you did such an incredible job. John Phillip, thanks for the dozens of morning coffee meetings, and for talking me off the ledge at least once per meeting! Shaun Montminy, thank you for all your work with the audio/visual equipment, and for doing so many important things at the last minute. Dave Sackett, thank you for brilliantly (and calmly!) handling the budget for this huge endeavor. John Lombardi, thank you so much for setting up the website and Paypal account, and for the great job you did talking about the show on the local news. Emmi Kurosawa, all your kind help was extremely appreciated, particularly with translating! Charlie MacDonald, Margie Matteson, Ken Matteson, Aubra Palazzo, Jeff Matteson, Frank Meglio, Priscilla Purinton, Ken Mayo, Dave Schloat., John Twomey, Bill Matthews, Mark Todd, Doug McGrady, Ben DeMeo, the Tolppi family, Toni…(I know I’m forgetting so many more, and I apologize!)…EVERYONE…You did it…and Thank You for all the amazing things you did!! Second, thank you all for the opportunity to lead this fantastic group! I apologize that I didn’t do a better job of leading the planning. I tried my best, but I know at times folks were frustrated that I didn’t delegate better or stay on top of goal dates that we set. I think we all learned so many things from this whole experience, and I know I learned a LOT! And third, I want to invite you all to our annual Holiday Yankee Swap meeting this coming Saturday, December 8. This meeting is one of the most highly-anticipated of the year, and is always a wonderful time. I’m looking forward to celebrating with you all! In the spirit of the holiday season, I wish for Peace on Earth, and for Peace to be with all of us in the society. …That is, of course, unless you take the gift I want in the Yankee Swap. In that case…game on. ;) Sincerely, Emily Troiano, Vice President NECPS Program for December: Saturday, December 8th at 12:30 PM Annual Holiday Yankee Swap This month’s gathering will feature our annual holiday Yankee Swap! Members are asked to bring a plant related gift, wrapped, valued at about $10 ( or more if you’d like) Some of the hot items over the years were: - the first NECPS knit winter caps which changed hands several times - Cephalotus - Nepenthes singalana - Nepenthes hamata - propagation heat mat (snagged from Wild Bill at the last minute by Priscilla...) - Emily's handmade winter nepenthes cap Anyone and everyone who brings a gift can take part in the wonderful fun of the Yankee swap. This is one of the best events of the year and everyone is encouraged to take part. For those who have never attended a Yankee swap, all you need to do to participate is bring a gift wrapped carnivorous-plantrelated gift. Food will be available, and members are encouraged to bring food as well to add to the party! Library News: Below is the current NECPS Library Listing: Title Lost Worlds 2 DVD set (copy) Carnivorous Plants of the World Gardening with Carnivores Growing Carnivorous Plants cryptozoo crew Pitcher Plants of the Americas (softcover) Pitcher Plants of the Americas (hardcover) The Nature and Properties of Soils ICPS Newsletters, multiple Media Magazine Author Redfern Natural History Productions Limited James and Patricia Pietropaolo Nick Romanowski Barry A. Rice allan gross & jerry carr Book Stewart McPherson Shaun Montminy Book Stewart McPherson John Phlllip,Jr. Book Magazine Nyle C. Brady Random authors Monica Halpen, National Geographic Science Chapters Bob Rafka Shaun Montminy Random authors Warner Home Video Wilhelm Barthlott, Stefan Porembski Nature Mary Batten, Step into Reading Mary Batten, Step into Reading Don Gallant DVD Book Book Book Venus Flytraps, Bladderworts, and Other Wild and Amazing Plants Book ICPS Newsletters, Apr 1972 Dec 2006 (copy) CD Little Shop of Horrors (DVD) copy DVD The Curious World of Carnivorous Plants Book Death Trap (copy) DVD Kids Hungry Plants (grades 2-3) book Kids Hungry Plants (grades 2-3) book Glistening Carnivores The Savage Garden Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume One Pitcher Plants of the Old Signed out by Date Date NECPS Taken Returned Member Book Book Book Book Book Donated by John Phlllip,Jr. Shaun Montminy Shaun Montminy Shaun Montminy Dave Sackett Black Jungle??? Shaun Montminy Black Jungle??? Shaun Montminy Black Jungle Black Jungle Stewart Stewart McPherson McPherson??? Peter D ' Amato Shaun Montminy Stewart Stewart McPherson McPherson??? Stewart Stewart McPherson McPherson Stewart McPherson Stewart World Volume Two Allen Lowrie - Scientific papers/photos, Oct 2008, CP Presentations at ICPS Conference - Sydney Sep CD 2008 (copy) Lost Worlds 2 DVD set (original) not to be taken out DVD ICPS Newsletters, Apr 1972 Dec 2006 (original) CD Little Shop of Horrors (original) not to be taken out DVD Death Trap (original) not to be taken out DVD Allen Lowrie - Scientific papers/photos, Oct 2008, CP Presentations at ICPS Conference - Sydney Sep CD 2008 (original) McPherson Allen Lowrie x x x x x x x x x x Kenneth Sicard Redfern Natural History Productions Limited John Phlllip,Jr. Don Gallant x Random authors Warner Home Video x x Nature Shaun Montminy x x Allen Lowrie Kenneth Sicard Shaun Montminy - Please contact me to suggest books that should be purchased or if you have books to donate. - The NECPS Library inventory and library policy has been attached to the end of the newsletter. ~ Don Gallant, Librarian NECPS Officers and Contact Information: President Vice President Secretary Membership Secretary Treasurer Librarian Webmistress Newsletter Editor John Phillip, Jr. Emily Troiano John Lombardi Position Empty Dave Sackett Don Gallant Nicole Syrlik Ben DeMeo NECPS Website: NECPS Yahoo Group: NECPS Library Policy The loan period for all items including: books, magazines, and videos are 1 month with one renewal period. No renewals are allowed for books, magazines and videos on reserve. All material will be stored at a secure location deemed by the library committee and confirmed by the Executive board. Failure to bring back books within 2 months will result in loss of borrowing privileges! Any member wishing to check out any NECPS library materials must present a valid membership number. Cards are not transferable. You are responsible for any materials checked out in your name. NECPS library patrons may take out one (1) item, as they are willing to be responsible for. NECPS library patrons may sign up for one (1) additional book such that at the end of the meeting if no one has already signed up for the item you will be allotted to take that item for the duration until the next meeting. When there is a high demand for a particular item, there will be a limit of one (1) item per person. The only exception to the above rules are for approved functions by the Executive board that are sponsored by the NECPS may reserve any and all material providing a months notice is given to guarantee that material will be available. The NECPS Library reserves the right to determine charges for lost or damaged materials and the right to deny borrowing privileges to anyone who has library materials overdue for more than two (2) months to the NECPS library or owes fines amounting to more than ten dollars ($10.00) from the NECPS. The NECPS library also reserves the right to deny borrowing privileges to any parent or guardian whose child and/or children have the above delinquencies. All material taken from the NECPS library is the responsibility of the NECPS library patrons. For one of a kind items NECPS library has the right to refrain from loaning the material and may keep it as a reference item to be viewed solely at meetings and functions. Please be kind. Rewind the videos before returning them to the NECPS library. Patrons are responsible for damage to videos, so please be careful. Never leave the tape partially rewound as this can cause damage to the tape. Also, videocassettes and equipment are to be used at room temperature as extremes of heat and cold may damage the video or equipment. Also exposure to magnetic fields can cause erasure or distortion. The NECPS library is not responsible for damage to patron's VCR that may result from damaged or defective videos. The copyright proprietor has licensed the picture contained in these videocassettes for private home use only and prohibits other use, copying, reproduction, or performance in public, in whole or in part. (U.S. Code, Title 17, Sec. 501 & 506).
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