Feb - New England Carnivorous Plant Society
Feb - New England Carnivorous Plant Society
NEW ENGLAND CARNIVOROUS PLANT SOCIETY (www.NECPS.org) February, 2012 Newsletter This month’s meeting will be held on Saturday, February 11 at 12:30 PM* at: Roger Williams Park Botanical Center 1000 Elmwood Avenue Providence, RI http://www.providenceri.com/botanical-center/ *If you want to help prepare for the ICPS show, please arrive at 11:30 AM For a special preparatory meeting (same place). NECPS Mission Statement "The mission of the New England Carnivorous Plant Society shall be to share, to gain knowledge of, and to achieve expertise in all phases of growing, education, appreciation, and conservation of carnivorous plants in both culture and in native habitats." President’s Message 29 Days. Leap year, 29 days. No matter what the calendar says, February is the LONGEST month of the year in New England. Forget the 28 (or 29 this year) days that stare at you from beneath the picture on the wall. Try to make it through a New England winter, a New England February, and you will realize: February is the longest month of the year. For southern New England, the ‘snow window’ where we get the most snow is the first 2 weeks of February. Even though the sun is getting higher (it has been adding time to each day since the December winter solstice) the days cannot go by fast enough. Many of us still go to work or school in the dark, and come home in the dark. Get enough vitamin D, the Sun Vitamin? Not anywhere close in a New England February. Any of you old enough to remember the ‘Blizzard of ’78’? Yes, it was in February. Yet, if you look, February has it’s beauty. The snow on the trees after a night snowfall, with the sun all ablaze. The sight of snow on the beaches. The bright red berries of Winterberry (Ilex verticilatta) that one can see as you motor past places that will be wet in the spring. We get winter visitors occasionally, like the Snowy Owl that has come down from the tundra to spend time along our shore (The closest thing we have to tundra here are the rocky beaches) And the Flower Shows. We are lucky here in Southern New England to have some great flower shows, in Providence and Hartford. Shows the NECPS participates in and exhibits in. And, we have the February NECPS meeting, an exciting meeting with a program of dividing Sarracenia rhizomes. More plants, what can be better on a cold February afternoon, a week after the Super Bowl is over (thank you, N.Y. Giants!). Spending time in a meeting working hands on with plants, or spending time at a flower show talking about amazing plants. 29 days this year. The longest month of the year it seems. But I know a few days that will make it easier and happier this time round. See you at the NECPS meeting, and at the flower shows! John Phillip, Jr NECPS Founder and President NECPS Program for February: February 11 at 12:30 PM “Splitting Sarracenia” To follow our January meeting on propagating Nepenthes, this meeting will focus on dividing Sarracenia, along with other tips for growing carnivorous plant bogs! If you bring your own overgrown bog, you may just multiply your collection! We will also discuss our participation in the two upcoming flower shows in Providence and Hartford, detailed below. Announcements for February • RI Spring Flower and Garden Show, in Providence RI on Feb 23 thru 26. We will have a display garden (Vignette) at this year's Providence Flower Show. We will need artistic help BEFORE the show working on a display for the plants, and we WILL NEED PLANTS FOR DISPLAY for the show itself. The plants will need to be in the display Wednesday 22 Feb and will NOT be available to be removed before Sunday evening. ALL plants will be safe, but we need great looking plants of all size! Please look over your collections and let John Phillip (johnatthebeach@cox.net) know what you have available. This is a huge opportunity for the NECPS to show off and publicize the ICPS show! The NECPS is getting help financially from the flower show itself setting up this display so we need to do a FANTASTIC JOB. Thank you. • Connecticut Flower Show at the convention in Hartford. We have had booths here in the past, and we plan to again. The show will take place from Thursday, Feb. 23 to Sunday, Feb. 26. More information at the following link: http://www.ctflowershow.com/pages/welcome.asp Library News: Below is the current NECPS Library Listing: Title Lost Worlds 2 DVD set (copy) Carnivorous Plants of the World Gardening with Carnivores Growing Carnivorous Plants cryptozoo crew Pitcher Plants of the Americas (softcover) Pitcher Plants of the Americas (hardcover) The Nature and Properties of Soils ICPS Newsletters, multiple Media Date Date Taken Returned Signed out by NECPS Member Magazine Author Redfern Natural History Productions Limited James and Patricia Pietropaolo Nick Romanowski Barry A. Rice allan gross & jerry carr Book Stewart McPherson Shaun Montminy Book Stewart McPherson John Phlllip,Jr. Book Magazine Nyle C. Brady Random authors Monica Halpen, National Geographic Science Chapters Bob Rafka Shaun Montminy Random authors Warner Home Don Gallant Shaun Montminy DVD Book Book Book Venus Flytraps, Bladderworts, and Other Wild and Amazing Plants Book ICPS Newsletters, Apr 1972 Dec 2006 (copy) CD Little Shop of Horrors (DVD) DVD Donated by John Phlllip,Jr. Shaun Montminy Shaun Montminy Shaun Montminy Dave Sackett Black Jungle??? copy The Curious World of Carnivorous Plants Death Trap (copy) Hungry Plants (grades 2-3) Hungry Plants (grades 2-3) Glistening Carnivores The Savage Garden Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume One Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume Two Allen Lowrie - Scientific papers/photos, Oct 2008, CP Presentations at ICPS Conference - Sydney Sep 2008 Video Wilhelm Barthlott, Stefan Porembski Nature Mary Batten, Step into Reading Mary Batten, Step into Reading Book DVD Kids book Kids book Black Jungle??? Shaun Montminy Black Jungle Book Black Jungle Stewart Stewart McPherson McPherson??? Peter D ' Amato Shaun Montminy Stewart Stewart McPherson McPherson??? Stewart Stewart McPherson McPherson Stewart Stewart McPherson McPherson CD (copy) Allen Lowrie Book Book Book Book Lost Worlds 2 DVD set (original) not to be taken out DVD ICPS Newsletters, Apr 1972 Dec 2006 (original) CD Little Shop of Horrors (original) not to be taken out DVD Death Trap (original) not to be taken out DVD Allen Lowrie - Scientific papers/photos, Oct 2008, CP Presentations at ICPS Conference - Sydney Sep CD 2008 (original) x x x x x x x x x x Kenneth Sicard Redfern Natural History Productions Limited John Phlllip,Jr. Don Gallant x Random authors Warner Home Video x x Nature Shaun Montminy x x Allen Lowrie Kenneth Sicard Shaun Montminy - Please contact me to suggest books that should be purchased or if you have books to donate. - The NECPS Library inventory and library policy has been attached to the end of the newsletter. ~ Don Gallant, Librarian NECPS Officers and Contact Information: President Vice President Secretary Membership Secretary Treasurer Librarian Webmistress Newsletter Editor John Phillip, Jr. Emily Troiano John Lombardi Position Empty Dave Sackett Don Gallant Nicole Syrlik Ben DeMeo johnatthebeach@cox.net Emily.troiano@gmail.com john_elle@hotmail.com Bid2win1@yahoo.com d.gallant89@gmail.com selkie@hvc.rr.com 30howland@gmail.com NECPS Website: www.necps.org NECPS Yahoo Group: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/NECPS/ NECPS Library Policy The loan period for all items including: books, magazines, and videos are 1 month with one renewal period. No renewals are allowed for books, magazines and videos on reserve. All material will be stored at a secure location deemed by the library committee and confirmed by the Executive board. Failure to bring back books within 2 months will result in loss of borrowing privileges! Any member wishing to check out any NECPS library materials must present a valid membership number. Cards are not transferable. You are responsible for any materials checked out in your name. NECPS library patrons may take out one (1) item, as they are willing to be responsible for. NECPS library patrons may sign up for one (1) additional book such that at the end of the meeting if no one has already signed up for the item you will be allotted to take that item for the duration until the next meeting. When there is a high demand for a particular item, there will be a limit of one (1) item per person. The only exception to the above rules are for approved functions by the Executive board that are sponsored by the NECPS may reserve any and all material providing a months notice is given to guarantee that material will be available. The NECPS Library reserves the right to determine charges for lost or damaged materials and the right to deny borrowing privileges to anyone who has library materials overdue for more than two (2) months to the NECPS library or owes fines amounting to more than ten dollars ($10.00) from the NECPS. The NECPS library also reserves the right to deny borrowing privileges to any parent or guardian whose child and/or children have the above delinquencies. All material taken from the NECPS library is the responsibility of the NECPS library patrons. For one of a kind items NECPS library has the right to refrain from loaning the material and may keep it as a reference item to be viewed solely at meetings and functions. Please be kind. Rewind the videos before returning them to the NECPS library. Patrons are responsible for damage to videos, so please be careful. Never leave the tape partially rewound as this can cause damage to the tape. Also, videocassettes and equipment are to be used at room temperature as extremes of heat and cold may damage the video or equipment. Also exposure to magnetic fields can cause erasure or distortion. The NECPS library is not responsible for damage to patron's VCR that may result from damaged or defective videos. The copyright proprietor has licensed the picture contained in these videocassettes for private home use only and prohibits other use, copying, reproduction, or performance in public, in whole or in part. (U.S. Code, Title 17, Sec. 501 & 506).
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