ppbso Newsletter March 2011-revC
ppbso Newsletter March 2011-revC
PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 NEWSLETTER Table of Contents Knockout Final 2011! 1 ... Newsletter Changes 2 ... News and Announcements ... and some new executive members 3 ... For Sale 10 ... Results 10 ... Upcoming Events 11 ... Branch Executive 11 ... Event Calendar 12 ... Contest Information (Left) Piping and drumming finalists (l-r): pipers Michael Ahronson, MacGregor van de Ven, Branch President Ross Davison, drummer Brendan Kelly (Right) Knockout Final Judge, the incredible Gail Brown. Robert MacLeod (picture unavailable) The PPBSO Eastern Branch Knockout Final was held March 12, 2011 with Gail Brown and Robert MacLeod presiding as the competition adjudicators. The Walkley Armouries hosted the piping and drumming final for the knockout series held through the fall and winter months. The competitors demonstrated a very high standard of play, entertaining an enthusiastic audience. See page 10 for details. “Name the Newsletter” Contest! The new newsletter needs a new name. Submit your ideas to the editor, James van de Ven. The top five ideas will be announced in an upcoming newsletter. Vote for your favourite and win! Prizes will be provided for the winning name and one lucky voter. Stay tuned! james.vandeven@gmail.com MARCH ELECTIONS RESULTS Elections for the Branch Executive were held at the March meeting following the Branch Knockout Final. Some Branch Executive positions have new faces. Vice-President-2 position was filled by Ron Graham and the Branch Secretary position was filled jointly by James van de Ven and Susan Lunn. Returning for another term are Ross Davison (President), John Wright (Treasurer), and Will Ridley (Vice President-1). All positions were acclaimed. Thanks to the previous Branch Executive for their service. Renew your PPBSO membership online! Go to http://www.ppbso.org ! PAGE 1 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Concert - April 10, 2011 RCMP Pipes, Drums and Dancers and Ottawa Police Service Pipe Band will be performing in concert at the Dominion-Chalmers United Church. Also featuring the 2010 Northern Meeting Gold Medal winner and Ottawa Police Pipe Major, Andrew Hayes, who will perform a solo of light music. Please see the advertisement below for more details. Tartan Day Celebrations - April 10, 2011 On Sunday 10 April 2011, the Sons of Scotland Pipe Band will host the National Tartan Day Celebration from 12 noon to 1pm on Parliament Hill, Ottawa. All tartans are welcome. There will be speeches, Scottish Country, highland and step dancing demonstrations and a massed fling at the end of the show. Meet at 10AM onwards at the Booth Building at 165 Sparks Street. All information on the event is available on the Sons of Scotland band site at www.sospb.com.2 ! PAGE 2 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 FOR SALE Bagpipes for Sale 1. Set of Robertson bagpipes (pre-WW1); wood-mounted projection mounts with nickel ferrules; casein ring caps; recently refurbished; MG drone reeds; Gibson pipe chanter with Elliott reed; cords, cover and case. 2. Set of Glen bagpipes (80-90 years old); button mounted, celluloid ring caps; nickel ferrules, drone reeds; cords, cover and case Both sets of pipes in excellent playing condition. Prices available upon request. Contact Jack Yourt at Phone/Fax: 613-774-3622 or at Email: jcyourt@gmail.com ! ! Items for Sale 1. Heavyweight kilt; Maple Leaf tartan; perfect condition; W 42” Drop 27”; $350.00 2. Heavyweight military kilt; Royal Stewart tartan; good condition; W 36” Drop 26.5”; $200.00 3. Heavyweight piper's plaid-MacPherson tartan; excellent condition; valued at $500-$600; $200.00 4. Vintage (1900) cocus wood David Glen bagpipes with original chanter, zip bag, synthetic drone reeds, Kinnaird moisture control system, chanter reed, cover, cords and case. $4900.00 as described or $4500.00 as sticks only. 5. Vintage blackwood Glen bagpipes (? 1920's)-professionally restored with new imitation ivory mounts. Being sold as sticks only for $2000.00 6. Used Scottish made military horsehair sporran $150.00 or best reasonable offer. 7. Used Scottish made sealskin dress sporran $150.00 or best reasonable offer. 8. Used HLI brown leather sporran-best offer over $60.00 9. Used day dress green tweed jacket-size 36; good condition; best offer over $125.00 *Please add 13% HST to the above prices. Contact Ross Brown at rbrown06@cogeco.ca ! PAGE 3 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 FOR SALE (CONTINUED) Bagpipes for Sale Two sets of silver (fully hallmarked) and (elephant) ivory bagpipes for sale: Both sets are completely original with no cracks, warps, or replacement pieces, and both stands are in immaculate condition. 1. Henderson/Hardie - hallmarked 1978 2. Grainger and Campbell - hallmarked 1971 Asking $6000 (but will consider offers ) CDN for each set. For further information, or to arrange a viewing, please contact Troy Guindon at: troyguindon@xplornet.com or 613-930-2286 ! PAGE 4 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! ! APRIL 7, 2011 PAGE 5 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! ! APRIL 7, 2011 PAGE 6 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! ! APRIL 7, 2011 PAGE 7 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! ! APRIL 7, 2011 PAGE 8 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! ! APRIL 7, 2011 PAGE 9 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 RESULTS 2010/2011 Ottawa Branch Knock-Out Finals Many thanks to the competitors, Judges Gail Brown and Robert MacLeod, the organizers and of course the audience. This event was a great success and the competitors demonstrated why they were finalists. The Winners of each of the Divisions is as follows: “A” Division Piping MacGregor van de Ven “B” Division Piping “A” Division Drumming Michael Ahronson Brendan Kelly 2010/2011 Toronto Branch Knock-Out Finals Ottawa Branch Members, Brendan Kelly and MacGregor van de Ven, won their respective events at the Toronto Knock-Out finals. Congratulations and job well done! UPCOMING EVENTS Bruce Gandy Seminar - April 9, 2011 Cartier Square Drill Hall, Ottawa. See details in the advertisement in previous pages for details. Glengarry Cup - April 9, 2011 This event features invited top-level area pipers all competing for the Glengarry Cup. If you want to listen to some truly exceptional musicians, this event is a must. Cartier Square Drill Hall, Ottawa. Spring Fling - April 16, 2011 To be held at Smiths Falls District Collegiate Institute in Smith’s Falls. Weather permitting, band competition will be held out doors. Judges: Jack Coghill Jr, Brian Williamson, Amy Garson and Robert Waugh. Bands register early to ensure warm up rooms are available. Ottawa Branch Indoor Games - Kemptville - May 7 See contest details on Page 16. Kingston Scottish Festival sponsored by OPG - May 28, 2011 Solo piping and drumming events in the morning, pipe band competitions in the afternoon. Highland dancing competition all day. Beer tent, food, vendors & fun. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the day! New this year: PPBSO CHAMPION SUPREME POINTS for solo competitors, Bass and Tenor competitions and a non-competitive pipe band category. Entry forms in this newsletter or visit http://www.robroypipeband.com ! PAGE 10 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 Your Branch Executive - 2011 President Ross Davison President:$ Vice-President(2) Vice-President(1) Ron Graham William Jacob Ridley $ Ross Davison$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (613) 858-7449 $ $ (613) 233-4089 (email: rjgraham@kiltfox.com) Treasurer:$$ John Wright$ $ $ $ $ (email: thesoundofthepipes@gmail.com) Vice-President 2:$ RonGraham$ $ (613) 219-3369 (email: rossdavison@gmail.com) Vice-President 1:$ Will Ridley$ $ $ Treasurer John Wright $ $ (613) 692-2612 (email: john.wright061@sympatico.ca) Secretary:$$ James van de Ven$ $ (613) 536-7152 $ $ Susan Lunn $ $ $ (email: james.vandeven@gmail.com) ! ! ! (email: susan.lunn@gmail.com)! Secretary James van de Ven Susan Lunn Calendar April 9, 2011 Bruce Gandy Seminar April 9, 2011 Canadian Content Competition Glengarry Cup Open Piping Contest April 16th, 2011 Spring Fling - Smith Falls May 7th, 2011 Eastern Branch Indoor Games (Kemptville) May 28th, 2011 RESPONSIBILITIES Kingston Scottish Festival - Sponsored by O.P.G. (formerly known as Kingston OPG Celtfest) The Branch Executive is elected every spring and serves the branch members by organizing Branch events and workshops. Throughout the late fall and winter months, “Knock-out” competitions are held to keep players sharp as well as boost participation in piping and drumming in the Eastern Ontario area. Occasionally, workshops with guest instructors, as well as other non-competitive events can be held throughout the year. During the competition season, the executive organizes and/or assists with in-door and outdoor games. Other responsibilities include the newsletter, and website although these tasks are sometimes performed by volunteers. If you have ideas or feedback, the executive is there to listen. If you would like to help out by volunteering, let the executive know as they are always happy for the assistance. ! PAGE 11 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 Contest Information Kingston Scottish Festival Sponsored by Ontario Power Generation Saturday May 28, 2011 Rideau Acres, Kingston, Ontario We are pleased to announce that we will be running the 7th annual Kingston Scottish Festival on May 28, 2011 at Rideau Acres Campground. Please join us this year in our continued efforts to improve and expand the contest. No admission will be charged; Parking charge of $5/vehicle. The contest will commence at 8:30 a.m. and will finish no later than 6:00 p.m. We will again be offering a beer tent and lots of good food. In order to promote drumming entries, we will accept entries on the day FOR DRUMMING ONLY (time permitting) NEW THIS YEAR: FULL PPBSO CHAMPION SUPREME POINTS FOR SOLO EVENTS BASS AND TENOR SOLOS NON-COMPETING BAND EVENT Timetable (tentative): Registration Solo Piping & Drumming Commences Non-competitive Bands Grade 5 Pipe Band Contest Grade 4 Pipe Band Medley Contest Grade 3 Pipe Band Medley Contest Grade 2 Pipe Band Medley Contest Closing Ceremony Directions: Exit 401 at Highway 15 Follow Highway 15 north 1 mile to Cunningham Road Turn left onto Cunningham Road. Inquiries: Scott Bell swb1@bell.net ; 613-542-7287 Rob Roy Pipe Band www.robroypipeband.com Accommodation: Camping accommodation available at Rideau Acres Campground. Bring your family and stay the weekend! Check out the website at www.rideauacres.com ! PAGE 12 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 Contest Information (continued) Kingston Scottish Festival 2011 Band Entry Form Band Events Event #1 Event #2 Event #3 Event #4 Event #5 Non-competitive Pipe Band Grade 5 Pipe Band Grade 4 Pipe Band Grade 3 Pipe Band Grade 2 Pipe Band March Medley March Medley Medley Medley Medley Pipe Band Band Size & Tune requirements – As per PPBSO regulations Judges – Andrew Berthoff, Bob Worrall, Kahlil Cappuccino, Others TBA Entry Fee - $50.00/event, if paid in advance Cheques Payable to the Rob Roy Pipe Band Prize Money Non-Competitive Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 1st $200 1st $250 1st $300 1st $350 1s t $400 2nd $100 1st $150 2nd $200 2nd $250 2nd $300 Note 1: Bands are not permitted to play up a level, due to time constraints Note 2: All judges will be asked to prepare sheets from an ensemble perspective (i.e. there will be 4 ensemble sheets). All judges’ results will have equal ranking in the final result. Band Name: _________________________________________________________ Pipe Major: __________________ Drum Sergeant: __________________________ Band Address: ________________________________________________________ E-mail address: _________________Phone Number: _________________________ Events Entered: __________________ Fee Enclosed: ____________________ Please mail completed entries to: Scott Bell 470 McCallum St. Kingston, ON K7K 7L9 ! PAGE 13 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 Contest Information (continued) Kingston Scottish Festival 2011 Solo Entry Form Solo Events Event # 6 Event # 7 Event # 8 Event # 9 Event #10 Event #11 Event #12 Event #13 Practice Pad Grade 5 Snare Grade 4 Snare Grade 3 Snare Grade 2 Snare Grade 2 Snare Grade 1 Snare Grade 1 Snare Rudiments March March M/S/R M/S/R Hornpipe & Jig M/S/R Hornpipe & Jig Event #14 Event #15 Event #16 Event #17 Event #18 Event #19 Event #20 Event #21 Event #22 Practice Chanter Grade 5 Piping Grade 4 Piping Grade 3 Piping Grade 3 Piping Grade 2 Piping Grade 2 Piping Grade 1 Piping Grade 1 Piping March March March March Strathspey & Reel March Strathspey & Reel March Strathspey & Reel Event #23 Event #24 Event #25 Event #26 Novice Piobaireachd Junior Piobaireachd Intermediate Piobaireachd Senior Piobaireachd Event #27 Event #28 Event #29 Event #30 Amateur Solo Rhythm Tenor Drumming Novice Solo Rhythm Tenor Drumming Amateur Solo Bass Novice Solo Bass Entry Fee - $10.00 flat fee per person, regardless of number of events entered Cheques Payable to the Rob Roy Pipe Band Prizes – Medals for 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each contest Note 1: All competitors must register in their PPBSO recognized grade Note 2: No competitor will be permitted to play up a grade. Note 3: Competitors in the practice pad and practice chanter events must never have played in a piping or drumming event and may use music. Note 4: All tune requirements and rules as per PPBSO rules ! PAGE 14 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 Contest Information (continued) Solo Entry Form Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ E-mail address: _________________ Phone Number: __________________ Events Entered: __________________ Fee Enclosed: ____________________ Please mail completed entries to: Scott Bell 470 McCallum St. Kingston, ON, K7K 7L9 ! PAGE 15 PPBSO OTTAWA BRANCH NEWSLETTER! APRIL 7, 2011 Contest Information (continued) ! PAGE 16
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