December 13, 2015 - St. Patrick`s Old Cathedral


December 13, 2015 - St. Patrick`s Old Cathedral
The Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral
The Corner of Mott & Prince Streets, New York City
Tel: 212-226-8075
Fax: 212-226-1219
The Shrine Church of Most Precious Blood
109 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-226-6427
Fax: 212-226-1837
Third Sunday of Advent ~ December 13, 2015
Saturday Vigil
5:30 PM English
9:15 AM English 10:15 AM Chinese
11:30 AM Spanish
12:45 PM English
7:00 PM English
8:00 AM Spanish, 12:10 PM English
Masses at St. Michaels’s Chapel on Mulberry Street North of the Basilica
8:00 AM Spanish
VESPERS (Evening Prayer)
First Sundays at 7:00pm with Mass
Saturdays 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
Sundays 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament
Every First Friday from 7:30 pm
with Benediction at 9:15pm in the Cathedral
Spanish Prayer Group
Fridays 7:30pm
Cursillistas Meeting
Sundays after the 11:30am Mass (Spanish)
Pastor - Monsignor Donald Sakano
Rev. Andrew Thi – Resident Vicar
Deacon Paul Vitale
Visiting Celebrants:
Rev. George Kuhn
Rev. Brian McWeeney
Rev. Umberto Bordoni
Rev. Carlos Mullins
Rev. Edward Hopkins, LC
Rev. Jason Smith, LC
Msgr. Roman Russo
Rev. Fabian Grifone, OFM
Rev. Louis Troiani, OFM
Rev. Philip Phan, Vietnamese Apostolate
Director of Music - Jared Lamenzo
Wedding Coordinator - Rosa Jimenez
Saturday/Sabado-December 12, Our Lady of Guadalupe
8:00AM (Eng)
Por el alma de Maria Filomena Nuñez y Floiran
Collado invita Agustina Rodriguez
5:30PM (Eng)
For: Lorrain Christiansen
By: Patricia Fersch
Sunday/Domingo-December 13, Third Sunday of Advent
9:15AM (Eng)
For: Lena Ciffo
By: Anthony Ciffo
10:15AM (Chi)
In Thanksgiving to the Blessed Virgin Mary
By: Lin Pin
11:30AM (Spa) Por el eterno descanso de Marisa Nuñez y Rafael
Grullón invitan sus familias
12:45PM (Eng) In Thanksgiving to God and St. Lucy
By: Gussie DiFranco
7:00PM (Eng)
For: Maria Bianca DiMillo
By: Maria Santangelo & Edward Schwarz
Monday/Lunes-December 14, Saint John of the Cross, Priest and
Doctor of the Church
8:00AM (Spa)
En acción de gracias al Gran Poder de Dios invita
Margarita Diaz
12:10PM (Eng) For: Michael Joseph Heanue
By: Douglas Lavelle
Tuesday/Martes-December 15, Advent Weekday
8:00AM (Spa)
Por las almas de Coralia A. Beltrez, Jose Mauricio
Beltrez y Manuel de Los Santos Beltrez invita
Margarita Diaz
12:10PM (Eng) For: Connie Sciarra
By: Fran Cotona
Wednesday/Miercoles–December 16, Advent Weekday
8:00AM (Spa)
For: The people of the parish
12:10PM (Eng) For: Kathryn Gordon
By: Flatz Family
Thursday/Jueves–December 17, Late Advent Weekday
8:00AM (Spa)
Por todos los miembros de nuestra parroquia
12:10PM (Eng) For: Yvette Coehlo-Adam
By: daughter, Daphne Coehlo-Adam
Friday/Viernes-December 18, Late Advent Weekday
8:00AM (Spa)
En acción de gracias al Divino Niño y a La Virgen
de La Altagracia por el cumpleaños de Mirian
Rodriguez invita Agustina Rodriguez
12:10PM (Eng) For: Catherine LaRocco
By: Friend
Saturday/Sabado-December 19, Late Advent Weekday
8:00AM (Spa)
Por todos los miembros de nuestra parroquia
5:30PM (Eng)
For: Caterina Parmentola
By: Toni Pulice Pati
Sunday Offerings
Music at the Basilica
When Will We Sing Christmas Carols?
This question always comes up this time of year as Christmas approaches. The quick answer: at
Christmas! Currently, we are in the penitential season of Advent. Beginning the Church’s liturgical year, Advent (from, “ad-venire” in Latin or “to come to”) is the season encompassing the four
Sundays (and weekdays) leading up to the celebration of Christmas. The Latin word itself comes
from the Greek word parousia, commonly used to refer to the Second Coming of Christ. To the
right is the empty throne symbolizing the parousia in a mosaic in Ravenna, Italy from the early
6th century.
Advent devotions, such as the Advent wreath, remind us of the meaning of the season, and so do
our Advent hymns, such as: O Come, O Come Emmanuel; O Come Divine Messiah; Wake,
Awake!; etc. All these hymns point to the coming of the Messiah and our preparations. The modern liturgical practice in the Roman Rite divides Advent in two: the first half (through Dec 16)
retains the oldest theme of Christ’s Second Coming, while the privileged weekdays, as well as the
Sundays, of the second half (Dec 17-24) focus more specifically on the fulfillment of the messianic prophecies. The first time we sing Christmas carols is on the Vigil of Christmas on Dec. 24,
after the sun sets.
December 24, 10:30 PM:
Our annual concert of carols
followed by midnight Mass at
11:00 PM.
Always a special event!
Need Christmas Gifts?
Pick up a rosary or history book
today before or after mass.
The Basilica Schola is back for the
2015-2016 season. We already have
We are in great need of financial support to
welcomed some new members, but
restore and protect the Erben. Donations to
hope you will join us too! We schedule
the organ fund can be made to St. Patrick’s
informal "auditions" during the year for
Old Cathedral, with the memo “Erben Organ
anyone interested in joining. It is a
Restoration Fund.” Join the “Erben Renewgreat way to enhance your spiritual life,
al” Facebook page to find out about music at
meet fellow parishioners, and deepen
the Basilica, and the world-class 2,500 pipe
your understanding of the tradiHenry Erben organ, one of the great pipe
tion. Contact Joshua, our Cantor: canorgans of America: to lear n mor e.
Hear our latest recording, available on
iTunes, and find out more about the
Contact Director of Music (Jared)
music ministry at for more info.
Rosary: $40
Book: $10
You can also purchase during the
week at the Parish House
Just go to our website
We are looking to start new small
groups in the coming year based on
your careers or interests.
Book Clubs
Wednesday December 16th
Our Lady of The Rosary
7 State Street NYC
Join other NYC young adults for an
evening mass and drinks!
We work with ACE and Bowery Mission and other charities all year long. Give back to those that need it
the most.
For further details, please contact Jill Gadwood
Bulletin Board
Midnight Mass ~ Christmas Eve
The Mass begins at 11:00 PM
With caroling at 10:30 PM
Sunday, December 13
12: 45 pm - Mass at the Basilica
1:45 pm - Procession down Mott St.
2:15 pm - Arrival at the Church of the Most
Precious Blood for Blessing of the Holy
Doors, Hymns and Blessings.
Other Christmas Masses
Dec.24 - 5:30 PM Vigil
Dec. 25 - 9:15 AM,
10:15AM (Chinese)
11:30AM (Spanish), 12:45 PM
The Holy Doors of Mercy will r emain
open 24/7. A plenary indulgence may be
Every year, during the four weeks of
gained for all who pass through the doors
and fulfill the prerequisites (confer website at Advent, there are TWO TREES in
back of the church.
The Nativity of Mercy is a finely cr afted
arrangement of Neapolitan figurines
displaying the universal reach of God’s mercy. It is on view at the Shrine Church of the
Most Precious Blood.
The Pilgrimage to the Holy Door s of
Mercy begins at the Basilica and ends at the
Shrine Church of the Most Precious Blood.
Confer our website
One tree will enable you to give a
gift to a hospitalized child. Tags
describe gender and age.
The other tree is a an opportunity
for you to give a gift to a homeless
person at The Catholic Worker, established by Dorothy Day
New socks, underwear, scarves
gloves and hats for The Catholic
Toys for children who are
It’s time to go the Confession
and prepare for
The Mission consists of volunteers from
Regnum Christi, a lay movement associated The Basilica and the Shrine Church
of the Most Precious Blood is
with the Legionaries of Christ, going into the
streets of our parish to invite people to visit sponsoring a Pilgrimage to Naples
the Basilica and The Shrine Church of Most and Rome from May 3rd to 13th in
Precious Blood. Catholics are urged to go to 2016 (4 days in Naples / 4 days in
Rome). Consult our website for
The Mission started on Friday, Dec. 11
more information or call the parish
On Sunday, December 13
priests will be hearing confessions in the
Church of the Most Precious Blood After
Opening the Doors of Mercy .
On Monday, December 14
the mission continues with more street evangelization and priests in the
confessionals at The Basilica of
St. Patrick’s Old Cathedra..
There will be lots of priests hearing
Confessions in the Basilica on
Friday, December 11, 5-9 PM
And Monday, December 14, 5-7 PM
office and ask for a brochure. Keep
in mind that it will be a Holy Year
in Rome enabling us to visit the
Holy Doors in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Also, there will be renewal of wedding vows in Naples.
Our 200th Anniversary is over!
Now that we are back in the church for
Sunday Masses, please be aware that
there is work that is still not finished.
Among the items are: the Altacracia
Chapel, the elevator, the stain glass
windows, the painting of the walls, the
Friday’s Schedule , December 11
finishing on the wainscoting, the court4:00 PM Mass in the Basilica
yard ramp for the mobility impaired
5:00-9:00 PM Street Evangelization
7:00 - 9:00 PM - Adoration of the Blessed and the stones for the entrance steps.
Today is the Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete
Sunday), the four-week liturgical season that prepares for the Incarnation of the Son of God. While
not a penitential season like Lent, we are called
nevertheless to enter into a mindset of reflection,
restraint and renewal. The vestments that the
priest wears is violet and the altar is decorated
sparsely, usually with branches or simple purplecolored flowers.
The ADVENT WREATH reminds us of God Himself, His eternity and endless mercy, which has no
beginning or end. The green of the wreath speaks
of the hope that we have in God, the hope of newness, of renewal, of eternal life. Candles symbolize
the light of God coming into the world through the
birth of His son. The four outer candles represent
the period of waiting during the four Sundays of
Advent, which themselves symbolize the four centuries of waiting between the prophet Malachi and
the birth of Christ.
Three of the
candles are violet
and one is pink.
Each candles represents one of the
weeks in Advent,
the pink one is represents the Third
Sunday of Advent,
known as Gaudete
Benefactors will be sought for many of the
restored sacred objects in the church, including the
Cross above the Altar, the Tabernacle, the Stations
of the Cross and Resurrection painting by Frank
Plaques - The existing plaques on pews and other
places within the church will be respected and
restored. The pews are due back into he church in
If you are expecting a new born baby or if she/he
is already here, be sure to let us know. Then go to
our website and acquaint yourself with what to do
next to be prepared for the renewal of your own
baptismal vows and the baptism of your child.
Next Session for parents and godparents is
Monday, January 4 at 7:00pm.
The Shrine Church of
Most Precious Blood
109 Mulberry Street, New York NY 10013
Secretary: Emily DePalo Email:
Tel: 212-226-6427
Fax: 212-226-1837
Week of December 13, 2015
Saturday, December 12, Our Lady of Guadalupe
5:30 PM (Vigil) For: Concetta Fama By: sister Anna Esposito &
5:30 PM (Vigil) For: Jo DiPilato, Frank Rinaldi & Joe Pascarelli
By: Andy Marmo
5:30 PM (Vigil) In Honor of St. Lucy/In Memory of Fannie &
Nicholas Elluzzi By: Elluzzi Family
Sunday, December 13, Third Sunday of Advent
10:00 AM
For: Louis Cestaro By: Nancy Coletti
10:00 AM
In Thanksgiving for Prayers Answered By:
Jeanie Sama
2:00 PM
Mass in Vietnamese
Monday, December 14 - St. John of the Cross
12:10 PM
In Honor of the Immaculate Conception
By: Mary Rizzo
Tuesday, December 15, Advent Weekday
12:10 PM
For the Faithful at Most Precious Blood Church
By: concerned parishioners
Wednesday, December 16, Advent Weekday
12:10 PM
In Thanksgiving By: Zhi Yun Liu
Thursday, December 17, Late Advent Weekday
12:10 PM
For: The Faithful at Most Precious Blood Church
By: concerned parishioners
Friday, December 18, First Friday, Weekday
12:10 PM
For: Rose Florio By: Nancy Newell
Saturday, December 19 - Our Lady of Guadalupe
5:30 PM (Vigil) For: Marie Fabiani (1st Anniversary)
By: Frances & Barbara
5:30 PM (Vigil) Fanny Pontillo (1st Anniversary)
By: Frances & Barbara
Saturday Vigil
5:30 PM
10:00 AM English
2:00 PM Vietnamese
12:10 PM English
Vigil: 5:30 PM
8:00 AM & 12:10 PM
Office Hours:
10AM—6PM Daily or by Appointment
Before Masses or by Appointment
By Appointment
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
St. Anthony of Padua
San Gennaro
St. Jude
St. Padre Pio (1st Friday)
The Shrine Church of
Most Precious Blood
109 Mulberry Street, New York NY 10013
Secretary: Emily DePalo Email:
Tel: 212-226-6427
Fax: 212-226-1837
December 12-13, 2015
DECEMBER 8, 2015: This past Tuesday, December 8th,
was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, which was a Holy Day of Obligation. This
also happened to be the day that the Presepio (Nativity of
Mercy), which was hand-crafted in Naples, Italy, was officially installed. A few members from the Scuotto family,
the Italian artisans who created this incredible piece, were on
hand to witness the blessing by Bishop O’Hara. Immediately
after the blessing, Bishop O’Hara celebrated Mass at 6:30
PM. A tremendous amount of work went into preparing
Most Precious Blood Church so that there would be sufficient room for the massive sculpture. Additionally, the
church had to be cleaned above and beyond its usual level of
care for this special event. While all that was taking place, a
new sacristy was being built and prepared for immediate
use. While we all can look around and see how clean and
shiny everything is and how beautiful the Presepio looks in
its place at the Baxter Street entrance of the Church, we
don’t think anyone realizes just how much physical work
went into getting this done, and getting it all done on time.
We would like to thank John Amerise, our Operations Manager, for coordinating this huge undertaking. He, together
with his staff, put in so many weeks of long-hour days moving furniture, constructing, repairing, polishing and shining,
and everything in-between. Monsignor Sakano had a plan;
everything was discussed with John and Bill Russo, our Projects Manager; connections were made with electrical companies and contractors for certain portions of the project, and
John was responsible for scheduling all of it and making
sure everything was completed for the very special event –
the blessing of our new, magnificent, hand-crafted Presepio. We congratulate him on a job well done!
We also wish to thank Angelo’s of Mulberry Street for donating food for the private reception held for Bishop O’Hara
in the dining room of Most Precious Blood’s rectory. Angelo’s was very generous in sending their delicious
Italian fare for this special occasion, and we hope the proprietor and her staff will be blessed for their generosity and
Church name & address:
St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral #747300
263 Mulberry St.
New York NY 10012-3305
Contact person & phone number: Natalie 212.226.8075
Date & time transmitted: Thursday 12;51PM
Sunday’s date: December 13, 2015
Number of pages transmitted: Cover + two full page + two half-pages + this page = 6 (5-4-JL)
Special instructions for Production: 700 Bulletins