September 2004 - Arts Center of Yates County
September 2004 - Arts Center of Yates County
YATES COUNTY ARTS CENTER Volume 30 Number 5 September & October 2004 Board Members: Class of 2004 Bonnie Barney Joyce Hunt Nancy Langford Beverly Oben Dick Rickman Class of 2005 Willie Bilancio Bob Darling Bob Kinney George Mathewson Gene Parsons Class of 2006 Fran Bliek Peter Loughnane Allison McKenzie Ray Noble Norma Pealer The vision of YCAC is to enhance and enrich life in Yates County through education and the advancement of the arts. To this end, we plan, promote, and develop art programs and projects; coordinate, schedule, and publicize events; develop and maintain physical facilities. Programs of YCAC are supported by an annual grant from the Yates County Legislature, from commissions collected on Gallery sales, Open Studio Tour Free Event Visit 18 working artists in their studios Oct. 9 & 10 (See Insert) Upcoming Workshops To register, Call during Gallery hours: 315-536-8226 Yoga with Angela Fishbaugh every Thursday, 5:45-7:00 PM, in The Gallery. Members $5, nonmembers $7, payable monthly. Sandy Cline: Soapstone Carving, Sept. 25 & 26, 9 AM—3 PM, carving either a loon (beginners), dolphin, bear, or eagle. Cost is $50 for members, $60 for non-members, plus materials. Dorothy Goldman: Paper Making - September 18 Paul Allen Taylor Watercolor Workshop, October 18, 9 AM—3 PM, $40 members, $45 non-members. Children’s Arts Through the Seasons, designed for home-schooled children, resumes in September, on Thursdays 1:30-3:30, at The Gallery. Cost: $30 per student for a 6-week session EXPLORE ART: (September 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7 & 14) - Thursday afternoons 1:30-3:30 at the Gallery Instructor: Robin Secrest Description: This course presents a wide range of visual activities working with 2-dimensional materials at times in a 3-dimensional manner. Each class begins with a brief look at the work of a master artist. This introduces new ways of seeing and expressing an artist's vision thus allowing the young artist to expand his world of seeing. Next comes the hands-on-fun, a project that explores (cont. page 3) The Gallery The Penn Yan Art Guild Annual Exhibit, this year giving special attention to the oil paintings of Charlie Northrup, will open with a reception on Friday, September 17, 5:00-7:00 PM. This is an opportunity to see the work of many local artists, both veteran and new exhibitors. “Luminous Landscapes”, featuring the work of Kurt Feuerherm and many others, continues through September 11. Kurt comes to us with very impressive credentials, his works at the Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester, Everson in Syracuse, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. V O L U ME 3 0 N U M B E R 5 PERSPECTIVES PAGE 2 Record Attic Art Success $1913.27 Raised Jean Welch, chairperson for this year’s Attic Art Sale, hands a check for over $1900 to Bonnie Barney, YCAC Board member, as the proceeds from the sale. The entire amount will be awarded in $200 increments to Yates County groups who submit proposals for art-related projects. Watch the next Perspectives for the application and details. Youth groups, school classes, senior citizens programs, after school programs, etc. might apply. YCAC thanks all those who donated items for sale, especially Dick Rickman for his large donation of art related items which had been Mary’s. This put our efforts over the top this year. Scholarship Fund Grows The scholarship fund for YCAC’s memorial to Mary Rickman continues to grow, toward our goal of $2500. Thanks go this month to Peter & Judith Loomis for a generous contribution. The next Perspectives will detail the application process and deadlines. For fall travels...or a trip on the new fast ferry: Picasso and Ceramics September 29, 2004 - January 23, 2005 Presented by the Gardiner Museum in partnership with the University of Toronto Art Centre University of Toronto Centre, 15 King's College Circle Picasso and Ceramics will feature 80 unique pieces of Picasso's ceramic art, examples of the historic pottery that influenced his work, posters he designed for the annual Vallauris potters exhibitions in which he participated, as well as photographs of the artist working in clay. For more information visit For tickets: 1-800-461-3333 or Gallery Show Dates for Artists: (Remembering to pick up work at the close of a show is equally important to dropping it off. Storage and bookkeeping become a problem for art left over long periods.) August Featured Artist Kurt Feuerherm Pick up art September 13, 9-noon, or by arrangement. the Penn Yan Art Guild Show Drop off art Sept. 13, 1-5. Hanging Sept. 14-15. Reception Friday Sept. 17, 5-7 PM Pick up art Nov. 1 & 2 Coming: Holiday Show of Mennonite Art If you will be bringing art for a following show, you may do so when picking up from the previous show. V O LU M E 3 0 N U M B E R 5 PERSPECTIVES PAGE 3 Open Studio Tour October 9 & 10 Visit Artists at Work 10:00 AM—5:00 PM Yates County and the surrounding areas support many talented artists. Here is your chance to visit them where they work, see creations in progress, and talk to them about their inspirations and frustrations. This is a free event, so enjoy a fall drive and take a studio tour. The enclosed brochure will provide your map and details. Sponsors helping defray the cost of this event include: Keuka Spring Winery, Glenora Winery, Woodbury Winery, Wagner Restaurant, Penn Yan Diner, Feather Tick & Thyme B & B, Ravines Winery, Bellangelo Villa Winery & Restaurant, Keuka Restaurant, whom we thank. We’re also grateful to Lyle and Lynn Conrad for chairing this event. Artists: Leon Applebaum , "Sahaj Glass Studio" Hannelore Wolcott-Bailey , watercolorist Bonnie Barney , watercolorist Billie Bauman, Gallery and glass lamp work Diane and Sheldon Berlyn, fine art restorer and painter Barbara and Eric Havill, potters Charlie Kingsley, glass artist Mud Lust Pottery, Hammondsport Richard Musso Gallery, Paintings, Ceramics Sculptures and other mediums Bev Noble, portraits and paintings Charles Northrup, oil painter Matt Robbins, acrylic artist Rochester Folk Art Guild Norma Rugg, stained glass art studio Don Sottile, sculptor (by appointment only) Curt Wright , oil painter Holiday Cards Again...Plan on it! The Gallery’s annual fund raiser, selling boxed holiday cards, will begin in October with eight new designs reproduced in a painterly manner on high quality card stock. A box of 8 cards will sell again for $10, or buy 4 boxes and receive the fifth box free. Special orders of all one design or of retired designs from previous years will be accepted. Bev Oben, project chair, reports that art from Mark Verna, Hannelore Wolcott-Bailey, Charlie Northrup, Bonnie Barney, Gwen McCausland and herself have been selected, and several other artists’ pieces are being considered. (Continued from page 1) the ideas seen in the work of the discussed artist. For example, the class may look at the work of Gustav Klimt's use of patterns, design, and large simplified figures or Paul Cezanne's landscapes and then create their own masterpiece. DRAMA: (October 21, 18, November 4, 11, 18, December 2) Instructor: Kathy Gill This course involves 6 sessions with each session developed to introduce the child to all aspects of theater, from movement, improvisation, paper bag skits, to the history of theater, the basics of acting, to scene writing for skits or puppet plays, to performance including set and costume design. The culminating activity will be a performance of original puppet plays and skits, written and directed by the children for parents and invited guests. Save the date! The Hamstead Players production of "A Christmas Carol" will take place Saturday, December 4th at 2:00 pm at the Penn Yan Middle School Auditorium. This will culminate our CATS study of drama and offer a holiday treat. The production is geared for grades K-8. The unique approach of the Hampstead Players uses mainly classical or historical plays, which educate while entertaining and uses audience participation to eliminate the distance between actor and audience. PAGE 4 PERSPECTIVES VOLUM E 30 NUMB ER 5 Red Jacket Writers’ Club ... We welcome writers! Want to join us? Dues are $1 per month for those attending, and are donated yearly to the Yates County Arts Center for the use of their facility. We share our joys and woes, successes and rejections, and read from our current writing projects. Most of all, we encourage each other to keep writing! Can’t think of a subject? Try one of the notations on the following list. These are words lifted from familiar nursery rhymes. Maybe they’ll suggest something entirely different that will spark your imagination. Note to the Art Guild and Photography Club: do any of these words bring a picture to mind? Red Jacket Writers meet the third Monday of each month, from 7-9 PM, at The Gallery. Call Barb Wohlschlegel (585-526-5787) or Alice Moriarty (585-526-6569) with questions. September 20 So Many Children February 21 In the Parlor October 18 Up the Hill March 21 November 15 December 20 January 17 Went to Sea Together Again Pretty Maids April 18 Some Other Day May 16 A Little Mouse Over the Wall June 20 Cupboard was Bare Memoir Writers Anyone interested in learning more about the memoir writing group, or dropping in various Tuesdays at 7:00 PM to see if it’s something you’d enjoy, call Bonnie Barney, 315-536-0483. YATES COUNTY PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB President Gene Parsons 315-789-4563 Vice President Lyle Conrad 607-868-4673 The Yates County Photography Club will meet at 7:30 P.M., September 16th at The Gallery, 119 East Elm Street, Penn Yan, N.Y. The program will be a display and critique of photos taken this summer by club members and anyone else interested in having us look at your efforts. Photographs may be slides, prints or snapshots. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. The Yates County Photography Club will meet at 1.30 P.M., October 16 for our annual fall foliage photo tour. We may try a new location this year to be decided at the September meeting. We will let you know our decision by E-Mail, newspaper, and or, telephone. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. PAGE 5 VOLUME 29 NUMBER 6 Contact President Elaine Stefanik, 607-243-8852 Penn Yan Art Guild programs Announced for 2004-2005 The executive committee has arranged the following programs for the upcoming year: September 22 (note a week later than usual) Char DiGennaro, watermedia October 20– Brandi Arno, oil painting demonstration November 17– Slides of the Old Forge National Watercolor Exhibit December, no meeting January 19– Dexter Benedict, meeting at his studio February, no meeting March 16– Bob Gillespie, drawing...pen, ink, charcoal, pencil April 20- Mary Coupe, painting on fabric May 18– Banquet June 15– Studio Art Glass collection, lecture & tour by Bob Turissini July, no meeting; August 17– Picnic & Peer Art Display The Penn Yan Art Guild is a regional association of active artists who share programs, critiques, and exhibit opportunities which may improve their work. Visitors and new Art Guild members are always welcome. Just visit a meeting, or, if joining, bring 3 pieces of your work to a meeting and send 2003-2004 PYAG dues to Sally Thomas, 3598 Sid White Rd., Keuka Park, NY 14478. Yearly dues are: Active member $15 (one time initiation fee $3) , Associate member (not displaying art) $10. Through 2004 the meetings will be held on the second floor of the Baptist Church meeting hall, next to the Public Library, Main Street, Penn Yan. Art Guild Show at The Gallery September 15– October 30 The annual Penn Yan Art Guild Exhibit will be at The Gallery in September and October. Plan to drop off 3-5 pieces of work September 13, 1-5 PM, help hang September 14 & 15, bring your friends and neighbors (and perhaps an hors d’oeuvres) to the reception Friday, Sept. 17 from 5:00 to 7:00. Pick-up dates are Nov. 1 & 2. Interested in setting up a stained glass studio? Call 315-531-8644 and ask for Cindy, who wants to sell off the studio, tools, sheets of glass, which she has. STORK & MANAHAN INSURANCE A division of Beaumont & Stork, Inc. 136 Main St., Penn Yan NY 315-536-2363 Email: Our appreciation to LinkNY for our on-line hookup. PAGE 6 PERSPECTIVES V O LU M E 3 0 N U M B E R 5 Penn Yan Art Guild Roster August 2004 Penn Yan Art Guild Roster August 2004 President: Elaine Stefanik President: Elaine Stefanik Vice President Norma Pealer Vice President Norma Pealer Secretary Kathy Rood SecretarySally Kathy Rood Treasurer Thomas ThomasBonnie Barney Corresponding Treasurer Secretary Sally (Newsletter) Corresponding Secretary Bonnie Members-at-large: Gwen(Newsletter) McCausland, Fran Barney Bliek Members-at-large: Gwen McCausland, Fran Bliek Name Address Phone E-Mail Barney,Name Bonnie 341 W. Lake Rd., Penn Yan 14527 315-536-0483 E-Mail Address Phone Barton,Bonnie Virginia 15 W. White Springs La., Geneva 14456 315-789-0835 Barney, 341 Lake Rd., Penn Yan 14527 315-536-0483 Beauchamp, Ferris Hill, Canandaigua, NY 14424 585-396-3389 Barton, VirginiaJune 15226 White Springs La., Geneva 14456 315-789-0835 Benjamin, Sharon 3879 VineHill, Road, Box 395, Keuka Pk., NY 14478 Beauchamp, June 226 Ferris Canandaigua, NY 14424 585-396-3389 Bilancio, Willie 122 Vine E. Steuben St., Bath Benjamin, Sharon 3879 Road, Box 395, 14810 Keuka Pk., NY 14478607-776-6813 Bliek, Fran 3146 Ravena Rd., Himrod 14842 607-243-7425 Bilancio, Willie 122 E. Steuben St., Bath 14810 607-776-6813 Brown, Ruth 2481Ravena Fullager Rd., Penn Yan 14526 315-536-3687 Bliek, Fran 3146 Rd., Himrod 14842 607-243-7425 Buisch, Elaine 1452Fullager Rt. 89, Rd., Seneca NY 13148 315-568-0025 Brown, Ruth 2481 PennFalls, Yan 14526 315-536-3687 Clark, Elaine Carolyn 7 Church Hammondsport 607-569-2747 Buisch, 1452 Rt. 89,St. Seneca Falls, NY14840 13148 315-568-0025 Conrad, Lyle W. Lake Rd., Branchport, 14418 607-868-4673 Clark, Carolyn 7 283 Church St. Hammondsport 14840 607-569-2747 Corwin,Lyle Marjory POW. Box 217,Rd., Keuka Park 14478 315-536-7188 Conrad, 283 Lake Branchport, 14418 607-868-4673 DeGennaro, Charlotte 663 E. 217, BluffKeuka Dr., Penn 14527 315-531-8201 Corwin, Marjory PO Box ParkYan 14478 315-536-7188 14266 Sharon FL DeGennaro, Charlotte 663 E. Bluff Dr., Dr., PennLargo, Yan 14527 315-531-8201 Doyle, Barbara 4851 Sharon E Lake Dr., Rd, Rushville 585-554-6233 14266 Largo, FL14544 Emmick, Elinor 234 E E Lake Lake Rd, Rd, Rushville Penn Yan 14544 14527 315-536-7083 Doyle, Barbara 4851 585-554-6233 Guo, Shao Fen 212ENorth Avenue, Yan, NY 14527 315-536-6143 Emmick, Elinor 234 Lake Rd, Penn Penn Yan 14527 315-536-7083 Hall,Shao Alison 74 North WaterAvenue, St, Dundee 14837 Guo, Fen 212 Penn Yan,607-243-7196 NY 14527 315-536-6143 Harder, Cavalene Williamson Ter., Bath607-243-7196 14810 607-776-6786 the Hall, Alison 74106 Water St, Dundee 14837 Hodge,Cavalene Lynn 457Williamson East Water Street, PA 17737607-776-6786 570-584-2309 the Harder, 106 Ter., BathHughesville, 14810 Lipani,Lynn Carole 524East W Bluff Dr,Street, Bluff Point 14478 PA 17737 570-584-2309 315-536-0561 Hodge, 457 Water Hughesville, 11835 Quail Naples, FL 34119 315-536-0561 Lipani, Carole 524 W Bluff Dr,Ridge Bluff Way; Point 14478 Maciag, Phyllis 19 Harpending Ave., Dundee 14837 607-243-7191 11835 Quail Ridge Way; Naples, FL 34119 Maitland, Blonda Rd., Seneca Falls,14837 NY 13148 315-568-8559 Maciag, Phyllis 19Stevenson Harpending Ave., Dundee 607-243-7191 Marjama,Blonda Pat PO Box 116, 607-243-5334 Maitland, Stevenson Rd.,Dundee Seneca 14837 Falls, NY 13148 315-568-8559 McBride,Pat Catherine 3629 St., Stanley 585-526-6366 Marjama, PO BoxGoose 116, Dundee 1483714561 607-243-5334 McCausland, Gwen 4811Goose Post Rd, 14463 585-526-6119 McBride, Catherine 3629 St., Hall Stanley 14561 585-526-6366 378 Post W Bluff Bluff Pt 14478 315-531-8865 McCausland, Gwen 4811 Rd,Dr, Hall 14463 585-526-6119 McGregor, Stacey 4830 County 25,PtDundee, 607-292-3388 378 W Bluff Dr,Rd. Bluff 14478 NY 14837 315-531-8865 Northrup, Stacey Charles 450 County Main St,Rd. Penn 14527NY 14837 315-536-4225 McGregor, 4830 25,Yan Dundee, 607-292-3388 Oben, Beverly 620Main W Bluff Dr, Keuka Park 14478 315-536-8629 Northrup, Charles 450 St, Penn Yan 14527 315-536-4225 Pealer, Norma 909WRte. Yan 14527 315-536-6404 Oben, Beverly 620 Bluff54, Dr,Penn Keuka Park 14478 315-536-8629 Poreda, Helga I. 637Rte. Oliver Penn14527 Yan, NY 14527 315-531-8963 Pealer, Norma 909 54, Road, Penn Yan 315-536-6404 Richards, Dale 3854 Castle Point Rd., Himrod, NY 14842 315-531-8963 607-243-7664 Poreda, Helga I. J. 637 Oliver Road, Penn Yan, NY 14527 Robbins,Dale MattJ. 28 Hillcrest Dr., Penn 14527 315-536-8499 Richards, 3854 Castle Point Rd., Yan Himrod, NY 14842 607-243-7664 Rood, Tom Angus Rd, Penn Yan 14527 315-536-2556 Robbins, Matt& Kathy 281064 Hillcrest Dr., Penn Yan 14527 315-536-8499 Rugg,Tom Norma 94 Stocum Rd, Penn Dundee 607-292-3102 Rood, & Kathy 1064 Angus Rd, Yan14837 14527 315-536-2556 Shepherd, Crystal Valley Rd,14837 Dundee 14837 607-292-3452 Rugg, NormaAnna 94754 Stocum Rd, Dundee 607-292-3102 Shepherd, Anna 754 Valley Rd, Dundee 14837 14837 607-292-3452 Sisson, Ed 630Crystal Dundee-Lakemont Rd, Dundee 607-243-5583 Sisson, Stefanik, EdElaine 630 19 Dundee-Lakemont Hollister St, DundeeRd, 14837 Dundee 14837 607-243-5583 607-243-8852 Sullivan,Elaine Claudia Red St, Cedar, Dundee 607-243-8888 Stefanik, 194800 Hollister Dundee 1483714837 607-243-8852 Tascarini, Sandra 2041Red W Seneca St, Ovid 14837 14521 607-869-9920 Sullivan, Claudia 4800 Cedar, Dundee 607-243-8888 Terry, Jane The W Manor, Liberty Penn Yan, 14527 Tascarini, Sandra 2041 Seneca St, St. Ovid 14521 607-869-9920 Thomas, 3598 Sid White KeukaYan, Park 14527 14478 315-536-6814 Terry, Jane Sally The Manor, LibertyRd, St. Penn VanAtta,Sally Vera 1170Sid W White Lake Rd, 607-868-3731 Thomas, 3598 Rd, Branchport Keuka Park14418 14478 315-536-6814 Wilkes, Vera Ralph 26 Hillcrest Yan 14527 315-536-0356 VanAtta, 1170 W Lake Dr, Rd,Penn Branchport 14418 607-868-3731 Wilsey,Ralph Bill Kashong Rd, Geneva 14456 315-789-1663 Wilkes, 26300 Hillcrest Dr, Penn Yan 14527 315-536-0356 Wolcott-Bailey, Hannelore300 251Kashong E Lake Rd, Yan14456 14527 315-536-8784 Wilsey, Bill Rd, Penn Geneva 315-789-1663 Wolcott-Bailey, Hannelore 251 E Lake Rd, Penn Yan 14527 315-536-8784 (PYAG members: Please save this list for reference throughout the year.) (PYAG members: Please save this list for reference throughout the year.) Thank you. ٱSenior $15 ٱInd/Family $30 ٱArtist $30 ٱAssociate $50 ٱBusiness $100 + ٱSponsor $100 ________ Check your mailing label for your expiration date. Exhibiting Artist ($30) Charlotte DiGennaro Phyllis Maciag Norma Pealer Lisa Saether Jane Terry Ralph Wilkes I prefer to have my Membership billed to my: Expiration date: ____________ ٱMasterCard ٱVISA Account # Signature: Associate ($50) Red Jacket Writers’ Club Senior ($15) Alice Anthony Jeannine Clark Barbara Coffman Carol Guyett Mary Kay Judd Lynn G. Kent Ed Kiml Beverly Lyon Patricia Owen Eleanor Parker Peg Rockefeller Janet Rowan Doris Scherer Alice VanBuren Make check payable to: YCAC, 119 E. Elm St., Penn Yan, NY 14527 Business ($100-$1000) Long’s Cards & Books __________________ E-Mail Sponsor ($100) Dora & Paul Lang Susan & Norman Lindenmuth Patrick & Claudia Sullivan Carol Worth Phone: Patron ($250 David C. Schirmer, DDS Individual/Family ($30) Burean-Ettington Family Diane Burke Carol Conti John & Victoria Cooley Paul & Gay Coon Oppie Donaldson Susan Eisenhart Michael J. & Kim Healy Anetta Opelt Loretta Parker Elizabeth & Horace Perry Dwight & Jeanette Simpson Marie Wilkins ٱPatron $250 New and Renewing Members since the last Perspectives PAGE 7 PERSPECTIVES Name: Address: V O LU M E 3 0 N U M B E R 5 Mary Rickman’s Heritage… We gratefully accept the donation of Mary Rickman’s art video tapes, CDs, and extensive library of art books. We now have nearly 100 tapes, 9 crates of books, and many computer CD programs available for soon as we inventory them and set up a sign-out system. This volunteer opportunity is short-term, at your leisure, and fun: sort and shelve the collection, and set up a system for signing out materials, such as a card file. Please...we need a volunteer. With so many materials to share, we’re thinking it would be fun this fall to start a “sandwiched in” sharing time, brown-bag it over lunch and watch a video with friends. Interested? Please call. Volunteer Opportunities ____Tend Gallery (Sat. 9-12, 12-3, or weekday 12-4, regularly or occasionally) ____Maintain Facilities (painting, cleaning, carpentry, etc.) ____Help Exhibit Committee organize and hang a “Show” ____Help Host a Reception (cookies, cheese & crackers, greeter) ____Distribute Gallery Fliers to Area Sites ____Present Workshops in your Field ____Serve on Board of Directors ____Assist in Phoning, Copying, E-mailing ____Serve as an Advisor (long range planning, finance, program) ____Write Grant Applications ____Write features to publicize YCAC’s activities ____Work on Attic Art Sale ____Maintain Scrap Book of YCAC clippings ____Letter signs and labels for The Gallery ____Gather arts events info for “Out & About” in newsletter ____Join Chamber Music organizers, assist at concerts ____Be a workshop host: check registration, open & close facility, collect money, set up tables, etc. ____Contribute article to newsletter Yates County Arts Center 119 E Elm St Penn Yan, NY 14527 Forwarding Service Requested PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PENN YAN,NY 14527 PERMIT NO. 169 Tues-Fri noon-4:00, Sat 9-3 315-536-8226 E-mail: On the web: Members’ renewal dates appear on their mailing labels. Please take a minute to check yours now and see if it is time to renew your support for the arts in Yates County. Our programs depend on your membership contribution. Thank you. The Loomis Barn & Country Shops 4942 Loomis Rd, Rushville “Make it a day in the country” Prejean Winery Springledge Corporation
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