Arts Center of Yates County


Arts Center of Yates County
Arts Center of Yates County
Volume 41 Issue 2
March and April 2015
B&B Tour Tickets on Sale
A blend of tradition and new vision characterize the homes on the Arts Center of Yates
County’s fourth annual Bed & Breakfast Tour this year. Tickets for the fundraiser,
scheduled for Saturday, April 25th, are now on sale at the Arts Center.
This year’s B&B tour includes visits to two Seneca Lake, two Keuka Lake, and one
B&B overlooking Branchport’s Guyanoga Valley. The Arts Center is pleased to introduce visitors to the pleasures that await at Country Comforts, New Vines, Steamboat
Castle, Tudor Hall and Weaver View Farms.
Overlooking the quiet town of Branchport, Country Comforts B&B provides a tranquil
setting for a vacation or a craft or quilting event weekend. Innkeepers Brenda and
Gary Bonisteel have spent more than a decade upgrading and fine-tuning their historic
stone house.
Dani and Todd Eichas designed New Vines B&B from the ground up. Set in the midst
of its own vineyard, guests can wind down after a busy day exploring the area enjoying
spectacular views of Seneca Lake amidst the vines.
The tiered galleries on Steamboat Castle B&B’s lake side were built to resemble the
prow of steamboats that used to make frequent trips up and down Keuka Lake. Ginny
Turner and Jamie Sisson have restored and updated this classic early 20th century
“tourist home” to create a one-of-a-kind experience.
One of Keuka Lake’s first bed and breakfasts, Tudor Hall began life as a grape warehouse in the mid 1800s. Innkeepers Don and Priscilla Erickson began welcoming
guests in 1994, celebrating the best of lakeside summers on the Bluff.
Run by a “horse and buggy Mennonite” family, Weaver View Farms B&B provides a
unique connection to a mostly bygone era. In the midst of a working farm overlooking
Seneca Lake, guests can relax on the classic wrap-around porch or visit the country
store behind the inn for handcrafted items created by local Mennonite artisans.
In addition to meeting the innkeepers and learning something about the history of the
homes and their unique brands of hospitality, regional artists will be on hand at each
site to share their work. Artists on the B&B Tour this year include painter Barbara
Doyle, jewelry designer Sue Holm, woodworker Tom Scott, sculptor Jamie Sisson,
photographer Nancy Ridenour and fabric artist Pauline Weaver.
Top to bottom:
Country Comforts,
New Vines,
Steamboat Castle,
Tudor Hall
Weaver View Farms.
Tickets are $28 each if purchased in advance and $32 each on the day of the
event. Groups of three or more signing up together can get their tickets for $25
each. Tickets can be purchased at the Arts Center at 127 Main Street Penn Yan during regular business hours – Monday through Friday 10 am to 4 pm and Saturdays 9
am to 1 pm – or by calling the Arts Center at 315-536-8226.
For more information check our website at or email us
at .
YCAC Board Members:
Class of 2015
Daniel Crozet
Howard LeVant
Karen Morris
Karen Payne
Kent Salisbury
Class of 2016
Dick Barney
Caryl Flickinger
Dion Johnson
Cindy Kowalski
Anita Maroscher
Dick Murphy
Kim Paddock
Sandra Young
Class of 2017
Dexter Benedict
Joyce Herbert
Sandy Murrin
Kristin Packard
Susan Peck
Dick Murphy Pres.
Sandra Young VP
Anita Maroscher Treas.
Joyce Herbert Sec.
Newsletter Editor
Bonnie Barney
Executive Director
Kris Pearson
Art and Apathy
As the editor of Perspectives likes to remind people “Earth without “art” is just
I was thinking about that “Eh” just the other
day. It seems to be the time of year for that
response – to braving the cold, to more
shoveling, to adventure. The cold, the gray
days, the dark evenings – all add to that
sense of seasonal apathy for which summer seems the only cure.
But it turns out that art is an answer to
“eh.” My dictionary defines “apathy” as
“lack of emotion; indifference; listlessness.” Those are qualities that one seldom
associates with art or artists! Artists are
almost defined by their passion for their
craft…and good art has a way of eliciting
emotion and interest from the audience,
whether they’re viewing or participating.
Art is not “indifferent” – it is often a new and
vibrant take on every day interactions. And
it’s difficult, if not impossible, to be “listless”
when interacting with art. It pushes buttons
and awakens us to possibilities.
So if you’re feeling those winter
blues – feeling a bit “eh” – stop by
the Arts Center for some anti-apathy
treatments! Come in and look
around or sign up for a workshop
and reignite that energy laid low by
the season. We’re just around the
corner – a simple step in the right
direction! We look forward to seeing
you here!
Kris Pearson, Executive Director
From the President:
YCAC‘s programs are
supported in part with
public funds from the
New York State Council
on the Arts.
The mission of YCAC is
to enrich the quality of
life of Finger Lakes
residents, artists, and
visitors by providing
opportunities for active
participation in the arts.
To this end, we plan,
promote, and develop
art programs and
projects; coordinate,
schedule, and publicize
events; develop & maintain physical facilities.
Even during the cold winter months things are heating up in the Arts Center. The second
Sunday in February was no different. Over 60 visitors attended the opening reception for
the current exhibit, “Cabin Fever”. The featured artists of this exhibit are Mary Arthur, John
Slivjak, and Ruth Connell. It’s not too late, this exhibit is open until March 16th, for your
viewing enjoyment. The next opening reception is
March 20, from 5pm – 7 pm. This exhibit will feature
textiles and pottery, and will be open until April 17th.
The first educational workshop of “The Art of Wine”
series was a great success! It’s not too late to participate and learn. This tasty, ongoing workshop is being
held the 1st and 3rd Thursday during the months of
February, March, and April!
There’s always activity at the Center. Please continue to visit us, and Thank You for your ongoing support. We’re looking forward to a busy, and exciting
Dick Murphy
ACYC President
“The Sisterhood of the Scissors” Master Works
Opening Fri. March 20, 5-7 PM
An impromptu visit to a Matisse exhibit at Rochester’s Memorial Art Gallery sparked a chord in a handful of regional fiber artists and resulted in the creation of a loosely organized bevy of fiber artists from various points of western NY
calling themselves “The Sisterhood of the Scissors.” The upcoming Master Works exhibit running from March 20 to April
17th at the Flick Gallery will feature work done by these seven fiber artists, as well as Raku fired pottery by Mike Carroll
of Avon. The exhibit will also include work in many other media created by member artists.
Enthralled by the line work of the great masters, the Sisterhood’s initial challenge to each other was to create a 12 x 12
study in the style of Matisse. It was an interesting exercise
with few rules – 12 x 12 and to be executed in fiber - and
great fun to share the results. Each member of the group has
favorite artists and together they’ve continued this adventure
one foot at a time. On occasion one or more of the group will
be unable to stay within the confines of the one foot square –
a sort of ‘runs with scissors’ rebellion that they all embrace.
Members include Caren Betlinski of Rushville, Julie Brandon
of Williamson, Stephanie Ferris of Rochester, Ann Hawkins of Penn Yan, Elaine Ross
of Batavia, Valerie Schultz of Honeoye, Liz
Scott of Dundee and Kate Wylie of Farmington.
This exhibit includes a selection of their
exploration of favorite artists as well as
pieces that showcase their personal fiber
art. The exhibit opens Friday March 20th
from 5 to 7 pm with wine tasting, live music,
and hors d’oeuvres and is free and open to
the public.
Quilting Detail
Coming in June:
the Marvelous Minis
Sunny Point Fundraiser!
Here's a fun challenge! Lend your creative juices (be they two or
three dimensional) to the creation of petite works of art (or craft) to donate to the Arts Center in support of a
very, very good cause - raising money for necessary renovations to Sunny Point - our wonderful lakeside facility.
The parameters of this exercise in creativity are to limit the size or your creation to no larger than 20 inches
(width plus height framed) for paintings, drawings, pastels, fiber art etc. and a 9 inch height for sculpture, ceramics etc. (Jewelers, you're off the hook - at least in terms of size).
Get to work early and be prolific! Your donated pieces will be due at the Flick Gallery by noon on June
12. Ginny Deneka and Daryl Davis are looking forward to building a "marvelous" show with your contributions. This mini-show will run from June 12th through June 20th.
THANKS for your support for the Arts Center and for your help in making Sunny Point the true community asset
Artists Invited to Apply for Summer Residency
The Arts Center of Yates County is once again inviting working artists to apply for one of two summer residency
programs at our lakeside facility, Sunny Point.
The artist in residence program provides an opportunity for an artist in any medium to spend 10 days focusing on
their work while at our Keuka Lake property. The residency offers free room and studio space and is awarded on
a competitive basis. Artists from around the country are invited to apply.
The dates for this year’s artist residencies are June 28th to July 6th and September 5th to September 14th. The application for the residency program can be found on our website, and is due May
The Arts Center also makes Sunny Point available for teaching artists who are looking for a place to bring their
students to work. These “host residencies” are available on an “as available” basis throughout the summer and
fall. Registration forms for the host residency program can also be found on our website.
For more information on the artist and host residencies, call 315-536-8226.
Painting and Photography Juried Show
WHY, you ask, A JURIED SHOW? Many galleries have built their reputations around the artists
they attract for juried shows. This being our first such show, please help us spread the word among
your artist friends.
-It is open to any artist in New York and Pennsylvania who wishes to apply.
-It is an honor to be selected by professional jurors.
-Prizes will be awarded.
-The show will attract a wide audience, since many new artists will be on display.
-The show will support our gallery with the artists’ jury fees.
If you’ve never entered a juried show, now is the TIME! Important Dates:
April 20th, 2015 Entries Due
May 20th, 2015 Notification of Acceptance
June 26th, 2015 Reception and Awards Presentation
Entries must be submitted on-line via the Art Center of Yates County website.
( ) All instructions for photography of your artwork as
well as details of on-line submission are available in the Prospectus. If you need help with the photography of your work or the submission process please call Kris at the art center and make an appointment to get the help you need. The week before submissions are due there will be volunteers at the
art center to help you with the submission process.
The Vision for Sunny Point
For a small Arts Center in a remote area, the Arts Center of Yates County is exceptional. In addition to our Main Street home, housing the Flick Gallery,
the Rosenfeld Studio workshop space as well as office and meeting space, we
are fortunate to have a lovely seasonal property on beautiful Keuka Lake.
“Sunny Point” was a gift to the Arts Center from the late Dr. Annie Smith,
an art historian, author and professor, who summered on Keuka Lake for most of
her life. A vibrant and dynamic woman, she hoped her summer home could be a
place of “art and healing” for our community.
Now that work is substantially complete and we’re settled into our new Main Street facility, the Arts Center’s board has begun to consider how to make the most of the unique community asset that is Sunny Point. The
Arts Center uses the property, which includes a summer cottage, a “studio barn” and a small boathouse, to house
visiting art instructors, to provide a place for concentrated work through an artist residency program, for seasonal
classes and to host special summer events.
Work to improve the property began last summer as volunteers transformed the boathouse into a seasonal
ceramics studio. A new floor, new windows and a new door began the process, which we hope to complete in the
spring, along with equipping the space.
For several years we’ve realized that the porch on the back of the “red barn” needs to be replaced, so the
volunteers on our Sunny Point committee have been working with architects, engineers and builders to come up
with an affordable plan that will also enable us to expand the workshop space on the first floor of the studio barn
and support future improvements to the building. We hope to begin that work in the spring as well.
The beauty of Keuka Lake has been inspiring artists for generations. The Arts Center continues to make
improvements to this lovely and unique lakeside property in order to attract and serve the arts well into the future. Keep watching to see what happens next!
Volunteer Spotlight
Michele (She pronounces it like
“Michael”.) Farrell is one of our docents at the Arts Gallery. Although she
is quick to point out her lack of formal
art training, it is evident that Michele's
background paints a rich portrait of
creativity and passion for the arts.
"My mother was a skilled portrait
artist at the Memorial Art Gallery, as
well as a plein air painter around the
Finger Lakes. When I was a little girl,
she used to take me with her when
she painted outside. I had a little basket with oil paint and a tiny easel, and
we would sit up on a hill overlooking
Seneca Lake where she would show
me how to mix color and paint. Any
education that I have, I owe to her
wonderful talent and magical mind.
“At Mercy High school I received first place awards for my posters and storybook illustrations. This led to a
wonderful career in interior design. After I won "best in show" for an Interior Design Society contest, stores such
as Lauers and Ruby Gordon contacted me upon referral and offered me jobs.
“I went to an Ethan Allen Gallery in L.A. where I got most of my hands-on training. I worked for Emmess Regency Fabrics in New York City doing contract bidding on commercial drapery jobs, and from there to my own
business in L.A. I became successful in display, arranging store front windows in Aspen, setting up gift shows for
George Good Gift Importer in NYC, and creating photographic magazine displays in L.A. I've done volunteer art
from painting gym walls for school proms to painting sets for PYTCO in Penn Yan.
So...I've had no formal education, but I've been at the right place at the right time. Volunteering at the Arts
Center, while continuing my painting for pleasure, is the next step in my artistic expression."
“Palm of the Hand” Writers
Mon. March 2 & April 6,
Winter Hours: 4-5:30 PM
The first Monday of every month, 2-3:30 PM, “Palm-ofthe-Hand” memoir writers meet, in the Board Room of the Arts
Center. The concept of “Palm of the Hand” is to write about a
single anecdote of your life expressed in no more than one
page. If you’ve wanted to put down memoirs of your life, but
didn’t know how to begin, this is a great format to start. We
each read and offer feedback if requested. (And we each kick
in $1 to ACYC.)
2015 Exhibits Planning Calendar,
Subject to Change of Course!
Sisterhood of the Scissors featuring fabric artists–
Drop off Mon. March 16; Opens Fri. Mar. 20, 5-7
Pick up art Friday, April 17
Yates County Scholastic Art Exhibit– Opens Fri. Apr. 24, 7-9
Pure Pigment featuring Mark Verna’s paintings, Sandy Cline’s Soapstone–
Drop off art Monday May 4; Opens Fri. May 8, 5-7
Miniatures, A Fundraiser– Drop off Fri. June 12
First Annual Juried Show– Entry Deadline April 20
Drop off art Monday June 22, Opens Fri. June 26, 5-7
Art in the Finger Lakes– with Bill Mowson, Bob Magee
Drop off art Mon. July 27; Opens Fri. July 31, 5-7
Penn Yan Art Guild Annual Exhibit–
Drop off art Tues. Sept. 8; Opens Fri. Sept. 12, 5-7
Plein Air Harvest– with George VanHook
Drop off art Mon. Oct. 12; Opens Oct. 16, 5-7
Celebration 2015– Drop off art Mon. Nov. 23; Opens Sun. Nov. 29, 1-3.
Annual FLCMF Sunday Brunch/Concert/Auction...Sunday, March 15, at Noon
Belhurst, Route 14, Geneva
Tickets $55 at
Sumptuous Brunch, Pops Quartet with Electric Violins, Keyboard, Bass
Auction to support community outreach into schools and youth camps
Auction items will include bread baking with an expert, handmade
basket, art photo tiles, painting, hand made Raggedy doll, dinner party
with the musicians, concert rehearsal w/ cocktails in a home, etc.
Dick Kane’s painting class has been holding forth on Mondays in the Rosenfeld Studio, weather permitting. Hence
the Art Guild winter painters and friends who otherwise paint together on the first and third Mondays of the month,
9AM-noon, will try painting on Wednesday March 4 & 18.
2015 plein air painting days have been scheduled, thanks to Fran Bliek:
May 4 Miles Wine Cellars, Randall Crossing Rd., Himrod
May 18 Watkins Glen State Park, 1009 N. Franklin St., Watkins Glen
June 1 Borglum's Iris Farm, 2202 Austin Rd., Hall
June 15 Himrod Farm (Smoker's), 3751 Chubb Hollow Rd., Himrod
June 29 Keuka Yacht Club, 12890 W. Lake Rd., Hammondsport
July 13 Champlin Beach, South end Keuka, Rt. 54, Hammondsport
Aug. 3 Wagner Mansion, West side Skyline Dr., Southern Tip of Bluff Pt.
Aug. 17 Rosehill Mansion, 3373 State Rte. 96A, Geneva
Aug. 31 Lana Grauer, 10339 E. Bluff Dr., Penn Yan
Sept. 14 Sunflower Field, Route 364
Sept. 28 Ravine's Wine Cellars, 14630 Rt. 54, Hammondsport
All artists are welcome to join our activities. Monthly meetings resume in April. PYAG exists to encourage all artistic endeavors. Dues are Active Member $20 , Associate Member (not displaying art) $15. Send dues to Sally
Thomas, 3598 Sid White Rd., Keuka Park, 14478 .
Classes Coming this summer – Save the Dates, Sign up Early
Soapstone Sculpting with Sandy Cline, Wed, June 10 – Sun June 14 Sunny Point
Create elegant or whimsical animal sculptures with Canadian master stonecutter Sandy
Cline. Take one day to create a simple stone sculpture or several days to work on larger or multiple pieces.
Painting with George Van Hook, Monday June 29 – Tuesday, June 30 9 am – 4 pm
Sunny Point
A rigorous review of painting in any medium with an award-winning plein air painter.
Study laying out a palette, laying in, designing, composing and blocking in with lots of personal attention to your own style.
$250 members, $300 not-yet-members
Painting with Paper with Elizabeth St Helaire Nelson, Wed, July 22 – Fri, July 24 9 am- 4
An intensive three day opportunity to learn a vibrant and unique collage technique from an
internationally recognized, award-winning artist. $300 members, $350 not-yet-members
New Techniques in Painting with GC Myers
Thurs, Sept 17 & Fri Sept 18, 9:30 am – 4 pm,
Award winning artist GC Myers shares some of the unusual techniques for using acrylics he has developed in creating his highly
unique and recognizable style. $250 members, $300 not-yetmembers
Arts Center Winter-Spring Classes and Workshops
Rosenfeld Workshop Space above the Flick Gallery, 127 Main Street, Penn Yan
Annie Smith Studio at Sunny Point , 868 W. Lake Rd., Dundee (on Keuka Lake)
Kreative Kids with Marsha Devine
Thurs. Feb. 26– Mar. 26, 4-5:30 at Arts Center
Have fun exploring painting & other 2-dimensional
art forms. For grades 1-5. No class March 17.
$7.50/class or $25 for all four sessions
Kids Kreations with Marsha Devine
Thurs. Apr 9-Apr. 30, 4-5:30 at Arts Center
Build your imagination through sculpting & other 3dimensional pieces. For grades 1-5.
$7.50/class or $25 for all four sessions
The Art of Wine
Thursdays, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16
6:30 – 8 pm at Arts Center’s Flick Gallery
While away the winter evenings learning about the
art of Finger Lakes wine making with some of the
area’s premier vintners. Each workshop is unique –
take one or two or take them all and become an
area wine expert!
March 5- Keuka Spring’s August Deimel talks
about roses
March 19 – FLCC Viticulture program director
Paul Brock talks about the new science of winemaking
April 2 – Master Sommelier Christopher Bates
talks about the mystique and training of a sommelier
April 16 – Rooster Hill’s Amy Hoffman explores
white wines of the world
April 30 – Kemmeter Wines’ Johannes Reinhardt
explains Rieslings
Must be 21 to take this class – registration is limited
and some classes wait-listed already!
$12/session members, $15/session not-yetmembers
Creations in Clay with Faith Benedict
Tues. & Thurs., Feb. 24-March 19, 10 AM – Noon
Allen Hall basement at Keuka College
In an “open studio” environment, create functional or
sculptural forms using hand building, wheel throwing,
and glazing techniques. Perfect for beginners or
those with some experience who wish to improve
their technique.
$155 members, $195 not-yet-members
Basic Earring Design with Janis Long
Saturday, March 21st, 1-3 pm Arts Center
Learn the elements of earring design, the use of metal elements and tools to create consistent loops and
clean finishes. $10 materials fee
$20 members, $24 not-yet-members
Creations in Clay with Faith Benedict
Tues. & Thurs., Mar. 24-Apr. 16, 10 AM – Noon
Allen Hall basement at Keuka College
(See description above, Feb. 24-Mar. 19)
$155 members, $195 not-yet-members
Wire Links, Charms & Clasps with Janis
Saturdays, March 28 & April 4, 1-3 pm Arts Center
Manipulate wire in a variety of shapes to create 6
charms, 4 different types of wire clasps and 6 wire
links to create a one-of-a-kind charm bracelet or pendant using silver, brass and copper wire.
$15 materials fee
$40 members, $48 not-yet-members
Painting Essentials with Barb Doyle
Wednesdays, April 8-29, or
Wednesdays, May 13-June 3, or
Wednesdays, June 17 – July 8,
10 AM – 1 PM, Rosenfeld Workshop at Arts Center
Build your skills to create magical works of art using
elements of composition and design. We will explore
topics such as unity, balance, movement proportion
and color. This series will be composed of critique
and instruction with peer evaluation concluding each
segment. Use the medium of choice; oil, watercolor
pastel, etc. and bring your own materials plus a
painting support, photos for landscape reference,
sketch pad and pencils.
$96 members, $120 not-yet-members
Business Members:
Willie Bilancio
Opera House Antiques
Birkett Mills
Century 21 ,Mark Malcolm
Church Creative Flooring
2448 Rte 54A Penn Yan
D J Builders & Remodelers
Bellona, 315-531-9074
Eire by Bev Faulkner
2389 Widows Hill Rd Penn Yan
Finger Lakes Bed and Breakfast
128 South Ave, Penn Yan
Knapp & Schlappi Lumber
Lake St. Penn Yan
La Belle Vie B&B
208 Main St, Penn Yan
Thomas Scott Woodwork
2524 Old Bath Road
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Steamboat Castle B&B
2893 West Lake Rd.
Penn Yan NY 14527
Sommerville Pottery
Tudor Hall B&B
7603 East Bluff Drive,
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Capital Campaign Donors:
Basin Park Marina, LLC
5194 West Bluff Drive
Keuka Park NY 14478
Finger Lakes Realty
140 Main Street
Penn Yan NY 14527
Fire Works Foundry
1554 Baker Rd.
Penn Yan NY 14527
Valery G. Gardner, Attny at law
215 Main Street, Penn Yan
Hough Constructions
573 East Lake Road
Penn Yan NY 14527
Los Gatos B&B
1491 Route 14A
Penn Yan NY 14527
Longs’ Cards & Books
116 Main St. Penn Yan
Merritt Hill Manor B&B
2756 Coates Rd. Penn Yan
Marbles Automotive
1698 Rte 14A Penn Yan
Morgan Marine
2 Rte 54 E. Lake Rd.
Penn Yan NY 14527
Morgan’s Grocery
Hamilton St., Penn Yan
Penn Yan Plumbing & Heating
100 Horizon Park Drive
Penn Yan NY 14527
Nothnagle Realtors
Dick Murphy 315-270-2002
229 Lake St Penn Yan
PixelPreserve, LLC
34 Chablis Drive
Fairport NY 14450
Paul Knapp Water Systems
425 N Main St, Penn Yan
315-536-9136, 374-0368
Seneca Foods Foundation
3736 South Main Street
Marion NY 14505
Rooster Hill Vineyards
489 Rte 54 Penn Yan
Seneca Shore Wine Cellars
P.O Box 551
Penn Yan NY 14527
Wine Trail Properties
312 Hamilton Street
Penn Yan 14527
Double thanks to businesses
which are BOTH
Business Members and
Capital Campaign Donors:
Finton’s Landing B&B
661 East Lake Rd.
Penn Yan NY 14527
Hunt Country Vineyards
4021 Italy Hill Rd.
Branchport NY 14418
Douglas B. Miles Agency, Inc.
23 Main Street, P.O Box 237
Dundee NY 14837
Stork Insurance
136 Main St., PO Box 443,
Penn Yan
Water Street Pharmacy
14 Water Street
Dundee NY 14837
Potters wheels – electric or kick
Electric Kiln – cone 5 or 6
Large postal or food scales (for
weighing clay)
Industrial or laundry sink
Call the gallery 315-536-8226 if you
can help us. Thanks.
We are grateful that
Memberships Support The Arts Center
These members joined or renewed between Dec.15, 2014 and Feb.15, 2015. Thank you!
Benefactor $500+
Individual / Family $35-$49
Sherri Borglum
Tom & Virginia Braun
Business $100+
Matthew Burnell
Donald & Priscilla Erickson,
Jack and Barbara Clarcq
Tudor Hall B&B
Jim & Cindy Gorham Crevelling
Luanne Graulich and Terry ChanContributor $150-$299
Dr. John & Carol Condemi
Lynn Hazlett-Beach
Mindy & Nick Misnick
Glenn and Joyce Herbert
Thomas & Sandra Murrin
Cheryl Kish Swift & Wallace Gor- Peter & Linda Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Komer
Drury & Malcolm MacKenzie
Sharon L Mooney
Associate $50-$149
Karen Morris and George Sifo
Donald and Jane Banzhaf
Shirley Owens
Fred Brockway
Harry & Deborah Rubin
Gary & Dorothy Emmick
James & Deborah Tifft
Donald Lovejoy, DDS
Martha Treichler
Mary & Sidney J. Mann
Vincent & Josephine Valicenti
David Healy & Eileen O'Reilly
John and Betty Wahlig
Kim & Tim Paddock
Patron $300-$499
Senior $25-$34
Elizabeth & Robert Armstrong
Lyle Conrad
Rob & Sharon Corcoran
Carole Dinmore
Mary Anne Felker
Carolyn Hoff-Winters
Bobbi & Keith Kappel
Charles Kingsley
Anne Klaeysen
Louise Payne
Molly Pearse
Mary Sherman
Ed Steinhilper
Jean Thompson
Emil Timilione
Sharon A. Tyo
Virginia & Josef Wagner
Joanne & Richard Smith
Bud & Peg Stenzel
Donn Vickers and Sharon Sachs
Claudia and William Welbourne
Workshop Registration Information and Refund Policy
· Full class fee is required at registration. Absolutely NO partial class fees. One may make up missed class if available. ·
Class size is limited; please register early to avoid closed classes. Classes with inadequate enrollment are cancelled 1 week
before the first class meeting so please register early. All fees refunded when ACYC cancels a class. · Refunds of class
fees, less $10 administrative fee, are made for withdrawals prior to 2 business days before to first class or 2 weeks prior for
full week workshop.
Arts Center of Yates County
127 Main Street
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Open Mon.-Fri 10:00-4:00, Sat 9-1,
or scan
Call for Artists
Arts Center of Yates County
Paintings and Photography
First Annual Juried Show
June 22nd-July 27th, 2015
on-line registration at
George Van Hook
Juror, Painting Category
Gary Thompson
Juror, Photography

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