March Newsletter - St. Joseph School Belize
March Newsletter - St. Joseph School Belize
The Librarian VOLUME 1 ISSUE 4 MARCH 1, 2013 St. Joseph/Simon Lamb Street Belize City Phone: 203-4623 website: email: Newsletter Fun Corner Calendar of events Spotlights To view more pictures of the stories, visit our website. Aamon Segura came in second place for the District North Zone Finals on the Coca Cola Spelling Bee. Congratulations to Aamon !! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: LIBRARIAN OF THE MONTH 2 OUR BULLETIN BOARD 2 STORY TELLING EDUACATINAL AND ENTERTAINING ACTIVITIES BIRTHDAYS 2 $0.50 St. Joseph School, Belize City Children Our Sacred Trust ST. JOSEPH FEAST DAY SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: . Lots of food and fireworks will also be part of this great event. May March 19th is rate our patron saint will St.Joseph Feast take place at God bless each family in Day. Everybody Belizean St. Joseph’s name. school from the is invited to parsingers with 11th,to the 18th. ticipate on this mariachis will The feast day will The Pallottine Sisters are celebrating their anniversary great event. There be there to at St. Joseph compounds on be grand. Belizwill be a mass inaugurate ean singers with Sunday March 10. We are invited! every day after the St. Joseph mariachis the novena which Shrine. will be Students of the upper division starts on the 11th there to Having a workshop on Kite MakMarch. A week of inaugurate the St. ing, at the school compound. activities to commemoJoseph Shrine. HISTORY ABOUT KITES The kite was invented Where’s the Chemistry? Chemists have used 3000 year ago. kites to collect air in the What is it? A lightweight frame covered with material that can be flown in the wind. atmosphere. They can History: People in China discovered kites. Because they were invented so long ago, no one knows study the air to measure exactly by whom or how certain types of chemithey were developed. cals, like carbon dioxide and oxygen. Interesting fact: Kites have been used in many different ways: to fish, to help build a bridge and to deliver messages. The Librarian wants to correct two of the names placed on the last issue of the newsletter. The names are Std 4 Mellissa Montejo first place and Mikayla Wade in second place. The Librarian Team offers its apologies to the two students. THE LIBRARIAN PAGE 2 TATA DUENDE BY MS. KELLY LUI . Mrs. Kelly Lui Hungry Tata Duende by K. Lui Tata Duende was a hungry creature, he always wanted to eat. Everybody in the village of Flowers Bank knew about his appetite. It was as huge as an elephant. He was greedy too, and always wanted more than his share of things. So the people of that village steered clear of him. One day a stranger came to Flowers Bank. His name was Brer Fish. He was a long way from his home, which was all the way in Placencia. He had been swimming all day in the hot blazing sun, and he was tired and hungry. So Tata Duende had invited him into his house and offered him something to eat. He hated to do it, but if he didn’t extend hospitality to a tired traveler it would get around the village like a wild fire. Tata Duende said, “There is water in the well for you to shower. Follow the trail and you’ll get there. I’ll get the dinner ready.” Brer Fish turned and dipped some of the refreshing water over his body. Then he followed back the trail. But the trail was dusty since he was visiting during the dry season. By the time Brer Fish got back his fins were covered in dust and dirt again. To be continued in the next issue of the newsletter. ”Belize inheritance from Baron Bliss was $1,850,000.00 DID YOU KNOW ? Baron Henry Edward Ernest Victor Bliss, JP. Day, March 9, Did you know that Baron Bliss original surname was actually Barretts? He was born in the Buckingham England on the 16th of February, 1869. His name was changed to Bliss just about the time that he acquired the title of fourth Baron of the former Kingdom of Portugal. Did you know that the will left by Baron Bliss is a meticulously worded document which is quite specific in its dos and don’ts ? Only the interest is to be spent and no loans can be raised on the security. An interesting stipulation is that no U.S. national is to be a trustee or an employee of any trustee. The money is not to be used for churches, dance halls or schools, except agricultural or vocational school. Did you know that at the time of his death, the Baron’s donation to Belize was valued at One million, eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars? Close to 2 million dollars. WHAT THE BULLETIN BOARD IS ABOUT Our Bulletin Board Of The Month Some projects completed in the past century with the help of the Fund were The Baron Bliss Institute and Promenade, The Bliss School of Nursing, Belize City Water Supply System, Intransit Lounge at Belize International Airport, the Corozal Town Hall and the purchase of land for the building of Belmopan. Did you know that the Baron requested that 100 pounds be set aside annually for a sea or river regatta in one or two towns in the country? 100 pounds is equal to $309.80 bz. At the time of his death that was a lot of money. In case you are wondering, the trustees of the fund are the Governor General, the Attorney General and the Financial Secretary. Lent is the time of our lives where we are most especially called to reflect on our own lives and ask ourselves, how much do we thirst for an intimate relationship with our loving Jesus who is just waiting for us to respond to His love? It is the time that we must deeply ponder how much do we thirst for a life that is life-giving to others? Happy Baron Bliss and Nat'l. Heroes Day to all !! VOLUME 1 ISSUE 4 PAGE 3 INSIDE STORY HEADLINE March 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 3 4 10 11 Basket Ball Competition 17 18 PSE 19 St. Joseph Fast Day 25 26 “To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.” INSIDE STORY HEADLINE Caption describing picture or graphic. The Librarian of the Month Lehlany Beet 24 Family Mass 31 Easter Holiday begins 5 6 12 13 Teachers Department Meeting 7 Staff Meeting 14 Inf. II City Tour 20 Casual Day 27 21 Report Card Dis- tribution 28 8 2 9 Std 4 class trip to Spanish lookout Natl.Heroes and Benefactors 15 16 22 23 29 30 Std II class trip Belmopan School Closes Public Catholic School St. Joseph School Place your advertisements on The Librarian for as low as $2. dollars. Interested persons or groups contact : The Library Club Corner : St.Joseph/Simon lamb Street Belize City Phone: 501-203-4623 E-mail: Birthday Greetings: Happy Birthday to: Paola Sabido March 1 Johanna Zuniga March 1 Giselle Rosado March 3 Giselle Gongora March 4 Sade Penner March 5 Latrell Solis March 8 Brianna Bennett March 10 Karisa Lino March 10 Kelsie Castellanos March 13 Maite Acuña March 15 Rowina Cal March 17 Joweah Mariano March 17 Pierce Bowman March 18 Elderick Usher March 24 Daryl Palacio March 27 Sonique Morgan March 28 Adam Tillett March 29 The Librarian a Monthly Publication Publisher: The Library Club Editor: Edilma Leal (Teacher) Reporter: Lehlany Beet Std V Writers: Breann Young Justin Chen WE’RE ON THE WEB!! WWW.STJOSEPH.EDU.BZ Sports Day is here! T-Shirts are here! Cheer leaders are ready with their slogans. Banners are ready too. ARE YOU READY ?? Competition has started for table tennis, volley ball. Football and Basket ball. OUR LADY OF FATIMA VISIT TO BELIZE Our Lady of Fatima was visiting the country of Belize. They brought her from a village in Portugal called Fatima. Where it is believed that the virgin appeared to three children. While in Belize City a mass was offered to her. The mass was celebrated at Holy Redeemer Parish Church. Students of St. Joseph also took part in the celebration. Varsha Landaverde, Georgia Henry , Kelsey Codd, Marceline Ramirez and Alyssa Godfrey did the offering . Daniel Turton and Mark Heredia were alter boys for this special mass. The history of Fatima is associated with three children: Lucia and her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto who, on 13 May 1917, while guard- ing their sheep in Cova da Iria witnessed an apparition of a lady dressed in white. Cova da Iria is now the Chapel of Apparitions. The lady, later referred to as Our Lady of the Rosary, indicated that she was sent by God with a message of prayer, repentance and consecration. She visited the children each month on the 13th. The last apparition occurred October 13th and was witness by 70,000 pilgrims. The statue of Our Lady of the Rosary now travels the whole world.