Trunk Show and Loaner Program Service
Trunk Show and Loaner Program Service
Trunk Show and Loa n e r P r o g r a m S e r v i c e From Pronovias Fashion Group, as a Premium Dealer customer, we put at your disposition all the necessary tools to make this campaign a total success. This year as part of this program we have launched the loaner program; a tool we believe will help in your business, because: 1. Allows access models not chosen in your initial assortment. 2. Offers an exclusive service to the bride by requesting the dress for its fitting. Also, you can still enjoy a wide range of dresses for holding events. The Trunk Shows program aims to increase your initial assortment with the selection of dresses that suits you for the bride to find what she needs for the day of the event. As simple as calling Customer Service for availability of models and dates. We take care of the rest! Do not hesitate to contact your Sales Agent or Customer Service for details on the conditions of the program. The models that we offer you are: DADO DEDALO DORADO UGENA URIZAR DAGA DELTA DORNELA ULAGA URKE DAGEN DEUSTO DOROTHY ULDAR URKIDI DAHIR DEVESA DRACMA ULEY URO DAIMIEL DIANGO DUENDE ULUA URTIAGA DAINA DICIEMBRE DULCE UMERO URTURI DAKAR DIETRICH DUQUESA UNION URUGUAY DALAMO DINAR DURBAN UNIVERSO USIRIA DALIA DIOSA UBERLY UNZUE UXUE DALILA DISCO UBIDE URBAN VAINICA DANESA DOGMA UCRANIA URDA VAIVEN DANGO DOMINGO UDINE URDANIZ VERSO DARSENA DOMINIC UGALDE URDIEL VINILO DAUCO DONAIRE UGARTE URI DECADA DONOSTIA UGAZ URIKA Sincerely, Commercial Department, Pronovias Fashion Group DADO DAGA DAGEN DAHIR DAIMIEL DAINA DAKAR DALAMO DALIA DALILA DANESA DANGO DARSENA DAUCO DECADA DEDALO DELTA DEUSTO DEVESA DIANGO DICIEMBRE DIETRICH DINAR DIOSA DISCO DOGMA DOMINGO DOMINIC DONAIRE DONOSTIA DORADO DORNELA DOROTHY DRACMA DUENDE DULCE DUQUESA DURBAN UBERLY UBIDE UCRANIA UDINE UGALDE UGARTE UGAZ UGENA ULAGA ULDAR ULEY ULUA UMERO UNION UNIVERSO UNZUE URBAN URDA URDANIZ URDIEL URI URIKA URIZAR URKE URKIDI URO URTIAGA URTURI URUGUAY USIRIA UXUE VAINICA VAIVEN VERSO VINILO