santoro romualdo
santoro romualdo
Massimo Caccia Universita’ dell’Insubria @ Como Multi Pixel Photon Counters: introducing the digital age in low light detection The Malmo lectures, October 19-21, 2015 Outline 1. Introduction 2. A review of the basic parameters 2.1 Photon Spectrum & Gain 2.2 Dark Counts & Cross Talk 2.3 After Pulsing 2.4 Photon Detection Efficiency 2.5 Gain Stabilization 2.6 What’s next? 3. Applications 3.1 Volcanoes & Nuclear Threats 3.2 More about Nuclear Waste 3.3 Radiation protection 3.4 Homeland Security 3.5 Response to a constant flux 3.6 PET 3.7 BioImaging 4. Conclusions 1.Introduction Photomultiplier Tubes: amazing devices since 1934 Since then, the PMT continuously evolved, serving the industrial and scientific community with a wealth of different design & specification Assembling the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter at LHC, CERN, Geneva The Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment CT / PET/ Combined images Devices, facilities, experiments as beautiful as the ENIAC, back to 1946, based on another solid rock technology But soon after, a bright discovery changed the world…. Photon absorption and avalanche ignition in a Single Photon Avalanche Photodiode: (SPAD)an artist’s view Ceci n’est pas un PMT….. Pioneering development by S. Cova et al at Politecnico di MIlano … and when you get to an array, a matrix of SPAD, you get to the main subject of this talk, with a clearly growing interest in the scientific & industrial community: No. of papers in Google Scholar with the exact match of “silicon photomultiplier” in the title/abstract.body Year # papers 2000-2001 11 2002-2003 31 2004-2005 82 2006-2007 211 2008-2009 366 2010-2011 603 2012-2103 1117 E. Charbon & S. Donati, OPN Optics & Photonics News, February 2010 Multi Pixel Photon Counters, a.k.a. Silicon Photon Multipliers (SiPM) SiPM = High density (~104/mm2 ) matrix of diodes with a common output, reverse biased, working in Geiger-Müller regime When a photon hits a cell, the generated charge carrier triggers an avalanche multiplication in the junction by impact ionization, with gain at the 106 level Courtesy genuine Photon Number Resolving Detectors… (1/2) Multi Pixel Photon Counters, a.k.a. Silicon Photon Multipliers (SiPM) genuine Photon Number Resolving Detectors… (2/2) SiPM may be seen as a collection of binary cells, fired when a photon in absorbed “counting” cells provides an information about the intensity of the incoming light: With an unprecedented Photon Number Resolving power: SiPM: simplified electrical model - C. Piemonte, NIM A 568 (2006) 224–232 - S. Seifert et al., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 56, NO. 6, 2009 - P. Hallen, bachelor thesis, Aachen University, 2011 exponential recharge with t = RqCD Gain: Vbias - VBreakdown ) CD ( G= e Typical values: Rq ~ 200 kΩ CD ~ 100 fF (30x30 μm2 ) τ ~ 20 ns Vbreakdown ~ 70V G ~ 106 As of today, MPPC come in different flavours………. So, being able to understand what’s being offered on this Menu a’ la carte is more and more important… The MPPC line-up by size Linear array, 1x4 mm2, 4 channels Single Channel Squared array, 4 side buttable, Trough Silicon Vias technology 1x1 mm2 3x3 mm2 6x6 mm2 Ceramic package & SMT 4x4 elements,12x1 2 mm2 8x8 16x16 on the way The MPPC line-up by cell pitch Koei Yamamoto, HAMAMATSU, March 2014 100 μm is available as well! 2. A review of the basic parameters Characterization protocol I-V measurements (leakage current, quenching resistor, breakdown voltage) Noise measurements (vs over voltage and vs temperature): dark counting rate (DCR) vs bias voltage optical cross-talk (DCR vs threshold) afterpulse Analysis of (Poissonian photon) spectrum (vs temperature) resolution power (how many photons can I distinguish?) & gain working point optimization (at low and large flux) noise measurement (not DCR; essentially system noise and cell-to-cell variations) optical cross-talk (deviations from the Poissonian distribution) linearity & dynamic range Spectral response (PDE vs λ, PDE vs temperature) timing properties and time resolution (currently O(100ps)) 2.1Photon Spectrum & Gain Light source: CAEN ultra-fast LED (SP5601) OR Pico Quant PDL 800 light at ~ 510 nm (green) being kAMP is the ampli factor ∆peak > 20 peaks @ room T Peak width: System noise Cell-to-cell gain variation (process uncertainties) Ileak fluctuations Spurious hits in the QDC integration time Gain ~ 106 width ∞√cells Xtremely good resolution power! Telling the difference between a good & poor detector Guess who is who? • the front-end is the same • the light source is the same • the cell-to-cell variation is definitely not the same … and the resolution power as well.. Gain vs overvoltage for the current products Vbias - VBreakdown ) CD ( G= e 2.2 Dark Count Rate & Xtalk Threshold scan The Dark Counts (DCR) measure the rate at which a Geiger avalanche is randomly initiated by thermal emission. > 0.5 ph 0.5 ph 1.5 ph 2.5 ph > 1.5 ph DCR @ fixed threshold (0.5 phe-) > 2.5 ph an avalanche generation can fire another cell by a photon; measuring the DCR for different thresholds is possible to define and evaluate the Optical Cross talk as: Where is the optimal working point? Where are the MPPC today? (1/2) DCR vs overvoltage Dark Count rate: ~ 100 kHz/mm2 with the possibility to reduce it considerably by cooling: The dark count decreases by half for every approx. 8 °C drop in temperature Where are the MPPC today? (2/2) Optical cross talk: Larger pixels have a higher gain higher probability to have a secondary photon to trigger a neighbouring cell Not yet the end of the story…. Introducing TRENCHES 2.3 After-pulsing - Y. Du, F. Retiere (NIM A 596 (2008) 396–401 - Eckert et al., arXiv:1003.6071v2 (2010) - M. Caccia et al., JIINST 9 T10004 (2014) Delayed avalanches triggered by the release of a charge carriers that has been produced in the original avalanche and trapped on an impurity; the release of the trapped carriers is characterizated by a typical decay time ~200 ns Current after-pulsing figures: Resulting from a continuous improvement in the material & the technology 2.4 Photon Detection Efficiency (PDE) (1/2) PDE Obviously, knowing the number of impinging photons is due but not necessarily trivial Quite Often, <n>ph is measured using an integrating sphere and a reference detector [e.g. Otte et al. NIM A567 (2006) 360–363] [but not only; see for instance Y. Musienko, et al.,NIM A 567 (2006) 57] Photon Detection Efficiency (PDE) (2/2) Once the number of impinging photons is known, the number of photoelectrons can be measured by looking at the 0 photon peak probability: Eckert et al., arXiv:1003.6071v2, 2010) Account for the bias on the estimate of npe due to the DCR The method, originally due to Otte et al.(NIM A567 (2006) 360–363), has the advantage of being insensitive to cross-talk and afterpulse.. PDE vs Gain Spectral response Photon Detection Efficiency of the MMPC: 2.5 Temperature variations of the gain Pico Quant PDL 800 – light @ ~ 510 nm Cooling Box + Temperature control Gain vs bias voltage Gain vs temperature Temperature drift of V breakdown: ~ 60 mV/oC Gain stabilization vs. T Breakdown Voltage rescaled accounting for the temperature variation tomorrow Cross Talk (%) today DCR (kcps) yesterday AfterPulse (%) 2.6 What’s next? A significant noise reduction… The MPPC can be operated at higher over-voltage values The avalanche triggering probability is approaching the asymptotic value The PDE stability against T variations is increased! A new high fill factor design O(80%) 2.7 What matters most in the quality of the spectrum? [a simulation game by dr. Romualdo Santoro @Uni.Insubria] Examples of simulated signals, corresponding to: SNR=10 Signal decay time constant: 70 ns CellToCell gain variation: 0.1 p.e. Signal sampling time: 1 ns Integration gate =320 ns Is the DCR relevant? DCR=100 kHz DCR=0, Xtalk=0 after pulse=0 DCR= 1 MHz R. Santoro 35 How about the other stochastics terms? DCR=100 kHz, Xtalk=2% + after pulse = 2% DCR=0, Xtalk=0 after pulse=0 DCR= 1 MHz, Xtalk=20% + after pulse=20% R. Santoro 36 It does not look so dramatic, unless the development time of the signal gets longer [because of the sensor OR the crystal scintillation time!] Tau = 70 ns gate = 330 ns Tau = 150 ns gate = 750 ns R. Santoro DCR=1 MHz, Xtalk=20% after pulse=20% DCR=1 MHz, Xtalk=20% after pulse=20% 37 2.8 HAMAMATSU vs TheRestOfTheWorld [I might have added Excelitas & PHILIPS digital counting …] HAMAMTSU S13360-1350CS Sensor dimension [mm2] sensL c series KETEK PM1150 +trenches 1.3x1.3 1.0x1.0 1.2x1.2 Cell pitch [μm] 50 50 50 Vbreakdown [V[ 53 ± 5 24.5 ± 0.2 25 ± 3 Voperational [V] Vbr +3 (Vbr +2.5) ±2 (Vbr +5) Gain@Vop [*106] 1.7 6 8 PDE@Vop 40 35 >50% (!) λ@PDEmax [nm] 420 420 420 DCR [kHz] 90 30 <400 Xtalk [%] 1 10 15 <3 0.6 NA AfterPulse [%] IMHO (InMyHumbleOpinion)…… A good example... …. sensL is your main competitor today, not only because of the quality of the sensors but for a few clever design features, packaging, tiling (even if they do not offer TSV yet, to my knowledge), stability of the main figures [I cannot comment about pricing, you know it better than I do…] A pictorial view of why a fast signal makes a difference: the outcome of a filtering procedure we apply to digitized signals while characterizing the sensors in our lab Testing the Excelitas 6x6 mm2, 50 micron pitch cells And timing may be expected to benefit as well, due to the reduced time walk 3.Applications bioluminescence Quantum standards Detector Calibration Single molecule detection Hyper-spectral imaging imaging Primary radiometric scales Metrology biotech Single photon Sensitive device Imaging Military Meteorology Nuclear Medicine Night Vision Remote Sensing Lidar Security IR detectors Environmental monitoring Robust imaging devices Single photon sources radioactivity Space Ch. Telescope Array computing Medical Physics Electronics Entertainement cryptography Quantum info processing Lighting Displays imaging Chem-Bio Threat Summary Table from 3.1 Volcanoes & Nuclear Threats: MU-RAY: a geo-particle physics experiment • G. Ambrosi et al , NIM A 628 (2011) 120–123 • GOAL: to probe internal structures of volcanoes using almost horizontal muons cosmic muons MOTIVATION: Foreseen eruption dynamics mostly depends on: • Gas content • Conduit dimensions and shape • Chemical composition of magma Mt. Vesuvius Stromboli METHOD: investigate the inner structure of the volcano by cosmic ray muon radiography MU-RAY: not exactly a piece of cake… Volcano model Data rate MU-RAY: design and construction 3 x,y stations, 2 planes each, 4m2 area 4 modules/plane 32 scintillating bars/module 1 SiPM/bar 768 SiPM, read-out by the SPIROC chip MU-RAY: state of the art First plane done! Mounting the planes Photoelectrons/cosmic/plane A nice muonic image of the mt. Vesuvio Beyond Volcanoes… Partnership with the UK National Nuclear Lab & Sellafiedl ltd for imaging Nuclear Waste silos, filled up in 50’s and 60’s Cosmic muons allow as well to inspect something smaller… [Riggi& Riggi, The MUONPortal collaboration,] Two possible designs of the extruded scintilator bars, embedding wls fibers Scanning a 6x3x3 m3 volume [in a reasonable time] Design: • 8 planes (4x + 4y, crossed strips) • 6 modules/plane [3x1m2 each] • 100 strips/module [300x1x1cm3 each, sensors @one hand only] 4800 SiPM’s Current results [simulation; 1 test module constructed so far] Results for ~10’ scan [i.e. 5x105 muons] My Point of view: this technique may be very interesting for spotting orphan sources in scrap material 3.2 More about Nuclear Waste Paolo Finocchiaro, Nuclear Physics News, Goal: online monitoring of radiation emitted by nuclear waste drums Method: “annular” detector, made out of a plastic scintillating fiber connected to SiPM at both ends Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) & SOGIN s.p.a Qualification results: 60Co, 35 kBq 22Na, 243 kBq 241Am, 36 MBq 137Cs, 231 kBq • efficiency for depositing at least 50 keV ~ 0.5% • mean deposited energy ~ 180 keV, i.e. 1800 photons (light yield ~ 104 photons/MeV) • mean detected signal ~ 40 photo-electrons • random coincidence rate ~ 1Hz 3.3 radiation protection [by a couple of significant players in the field (1/2)]: Personal gamma radiation detector based on a SiPM coupled to a CsI crystal (battery operated, 120h up time) PDS-GO by Mirion Technologies, Munich, Germany Radiation (2/2): TN15 TM by KROMEK, Sedgefield County Durham, UK 3.4 Homeland security: Silicon photomultiplier readout of a scintillating noble gas neutron detector (2012-2014) [M. Caccia et al. ANIMMA2013, MODES-SNM DOI: 10.1109/ANIMMA.2013.6727974 Project Objectives Special Nuclear Material detection by identifying a flux of fast neutrons in a highpressure tube filled with high pressure (180bar) 4He scintillating gas Main drive: • increased light detection efficiency • engineering optimization MPPC for MODES Qualification of a prototype detector Signal by a neutron Signal by a gamma Main Result Corresponding to: fast neutron detection efficiency ~3% gamma rejection at the 106 level 3.5 Response to a constant flux: Dosimetry in mammography C. Cappellini et al., 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record & NIM 607 (2009), 75–77 Dosimetry in mammography is utmost important and this is somehow proven by the ongoing debate on the relevance of mammography screening …but currently existing instruments are limited: Standard Termo-Luminescent Detectors require to be analyzed after examination, degrade with time MOSFET detectors suffer from low stability and degrade with each irradiation Ionization chamber devices need relatively high voltage (cannot be used in contact with the patient), not tissue equivalent precise measurements of the actual dose being received by a patient without distorting the X-ray beam and introducing any artefacts in the image Some functional requirements: dose rate range (2 ÷ 150 mGy/s) dose range (0.5 mGy - 180 mGy) sensitivity (5%) overall accuracy (±10%) tolerance to environmental variation & stability Prototype qualification Conceptual design of the prototype tested @ PTW – secondary standard lab for dosimetry: Scintillator (tile or fiber) Ligth guide Ø 1 mm clear fiber FC connector & SiPM Electronics Trace plot: typical mammo SiPM output PHISYCAL OBSERVABLE: “buffered” signal sum Sum of samples signals selected by an edge detector algorithm + left & right buffer (continuous photons flux – pulse duration of each sample100 ms) BUFFERED SUM proportional to the DOSE ~TIME summary of the results Two different set-up (optimized for dynamic range & λ): 1mm scintillator tile Blue scintillator fiber coupled with MPPC (400 cells, 1x1 mm2) Irradiation: 0,22 ÷ 217 mGy/s Fiber + Hamamatsu MPPC Precision(%) 2.31 ± 0.03 SensitivityA (mGy/s) 2.05 ± 0.03 MDSB (mGy/s) 0.458 ± 0.007 Linear Dinamic range (mGy/s) > 200 ASensitivity: BMDS: Precision / system gain minimum signal distinguishable from the noise 3.6 Time-of-flight Positron Emission Tomography (TOF-PET) & LIDAR M. Conti, Physica Medica (2009) 25, 1-11 No indication about the position of the β+ along the Line Of Response (LOR) THE functional imaging tool, based on the detection of pair of γ rays emitted backto-back by the annihilation of the β+ emitted by the 18F, chemically bound to FDG Identify the position of the β+ along LOR by the differenc ein the time of arrival of the photons TOF-PET is a HOT topic: 1510 papers in 2008-2013 (Google Scholar) + significant investments by funding agencies & companies The gain in the image quality between a conventional and a TOF-PET system may be quantified as [ Conti]: • D = volume being inspected • c = speed of light • CTR – Coinicidence Time resolution Current machines TARGET [S. Gundacker et al., NIM A 737 (2014) 92–100] SiPM do play a role, since the timing resolution of a sensor my roughly be written as: s t = (output signal fluctuations) / (signal slope)trigger Exemplary illustration of results obtained with the HAMAMATSU SiPM [R. Vinke et al. NIM A 610 (2009) 188–191 ]: Time resolution wrt a laser shot (worth thinking of it for LIDAR) [1x1 mm2, 50 micron cell pitch] Timing properties of the sensor are not the full story and the scintillator does play a role [S. Gundacker et al., NIM A 737 (2014) 92–100]: mm2, •[3x3 50 micron cell pitch] • 2x2x10 mm3 LSO crystal Actual resolution, accounting as well for the Photon Travel Spread (PTS) resulting by the point-of-interaction and scintillation light time spread Actually, HAMAMATSU is well aware of the relevance of crystals: Small animal PET/CT scanning is also a significant market (valued $790 million in 2012, and estimated to grow at an annual growth rate of 14.5% over the next five years) The price for different smallanimal PET systems ranges between $400,000 and $1,200,000, depending on the PET system configuration No. of crystals/scanner:~ 30000 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY • Vol. 40 • No. 3 • September 2012 * • based on a single pair of detectors (LYSO + SiPM) • detectors mounted on rotating structure with 2 degrees of freedom, allowing reconstruction of source position • axial FOV: small animals (mice/rats) • system geometry removes parallax errors, eliminating the need of DOI measurement * Patent pending (University of Aveiro) • allows highly granular detector assemblies for enhanced performance easyPET provides a very cost-effective solution for entry level systems, due to the extreme reduction in the nr. of detectors and complexity of the overall apparatus • 2D prototype designed, engineered and commissioned • Arduino UNO microcontroller • MATLAB interface: control and online imaging • Two 22Na sources, 5 µCi • 2.7 mm Ø, 9 mm apart • forward projection (no filtered reconstruction) Licensing under way for didactic/educational purposes • position resolution < 1.5 mm FWHM, uniform over the whole FOV • Phantom with 18FDG • 5 and 2 mm Ø, 2 mm apart • < 3 µCi • forward projection (with average filter) 3.7 Bio-imaging (last but not least), e.g. flow cytometry Techshot Inc & Purdue University 4. Conclusions What is SMART in a SiPM? Not yet the end of the story…. Please turn the page one more time… The live show is based on a modular kit co-developed by my team and CAEN s.p.a. More info typing in Google “CAEN SiPM kit”. The second link is addressing the info on the company web site. Guess where is the first link taking you?