KGB TOUR 2015 24 . 0 4 . B erli n - P o s tb a hn h of 25 . 0 4 . H am b urg - Ü b el & Ge fä hrli c h 26. 0 4 . Ha n n o ve r - Mu sik z en tr u m 28 . 0 4. E s s en - T ur o ck 29. 0 4 . Fra nk fu rt a. M . - N ac h tl eb e n 01 . 05 . L o nd o n – U n de rw orl d ( UK ) 0 3. 05 . K a rls ru h e - S ub st ag e 0 4 . 05 . Mü n c h e n - Ba ck st ag e 05 . 05 . N ür n b erg - Hir sc h 06 . 05 . S o lo t h ur n - K of m e hl (C H) 07 . 05 . L u z er n - S c h ü ür ( CH ) 0 8 . 05 . D or nb ir n – C o nr a d S o h m ( AT ) 09 . 05 . Vi e n na – Sz e n e W ie n (A T) FACEBOOK | WEBSITE | PRESS KIT BIO What does KG do when he’s not playing with the Greatest Band in the World? He assembles an otherworldly super-team of badass dudes to back him up in his own project, The Kyle Gass Band. Along with The D’s longtime electric guitarist, John Konesky, resident Sasquatch and guitarist/vocalist, Mike Bray, mythical bass legend,“Uncle Jazz” and percussion genius/international heart-throb Tim Spier, the rollicking gentlemanly ensemble traverses hill and dale to bring earth-shattering rock and roll to the wanting 100`s. If you’re lucky enough to catch this man-herd on the road, you’ll surely count it as one of your finest living days. If you’re less lucky (but still quite fortunate) to have only cast ears on the debut recording, then consider yourself nothing short of pregnant. 2 years off-and-on, and in between Tenacious D mega-tours, the accomplished men honed their sound and forged a master-work only craft-able by the deepest knowledge of a master. Men, women, children, domesticated house pets, earth roaming wild mammals, sea-dwelling creatures of the deep, insects, species yet unknown, gods and leaders, universal truths, and earthly lies; all lay wanting in subjugation to the new interstellar constant that is the Kyle Gass Band. Get the record today, throw on some headphones, and take the journey, friends, for you have something the band can never have… The ability to listen, with child-like wonder, to the magic of song, while having no earthly clue how to create such brilliance… Such is the albatross of genius.. Such are the chains of unparalleled skill… Such is the KGB. press contact ROBERT KAMPF M.A. EAT MUSIC ARTIST MANAGEMENT | BOOKING | MUSIC MARKETING cell: +49 (0)173 525 49 70 | office: +49 (0)251 – 98 29 60 35 email: | LINE UP Kyle Gass - Vocals | Guitar | Flute The man needs no introduction or explanation. One half of the mighty Tenacious D, Kyle Gass has literally made history, co-invented a genre, and created a substantial body of work over the years. Mike Bray - Vocals | Guitar Singer/Guitarist/Multi-instrumentalist Mike Bray was hand-selected by KG to front The Kyle Gass Band. John Konesky – Guitar | Vocals Guitarist/Singer John Konesky has been with KG since the very beginnings of his first side-project Trainwreck. In that time he’s had the distinguished pleasure of backing up Tenacious D live, and in the studio on Pick Of Destiny and Rise Of The Phoenix. Jason Keene - Bass Jason Keene (Bassist, Harmonica) has toured throughout the United States, Japan, and Canada with Tupelo Chain Sex, Cruis-O-Matic, Maggies Farm, and David Halliday, and has recorded with Russ Kunkel, Joey Altruda, Waddie Wachtel, Benmont Tench, Michael Landau, Alison MacLeod, Molly Bryant and other great artists. Tim Spier - Drums Drummer Tim Spier joined forces with KG and the boys in May of 2014 after being referred to John Konesky by Tenacious D bassist and studio wiz John Spiker. press contact ROBERT KAMPF M.A. EAT MUSIC ARTIST MANAGEMENT | BOOKING | MUSIC MARKETING cell: +49 (0)173 525 49 70 | office: +49 (0)251 – 98 29 60 35 email: | RELEASE KYLE GASS BAND self titled debut produced by KGB and John Spiker [Tenacious D & Filter] length: 39:00 minutes 1. Manchild 2. Dying Day 3. Bro Ho 4. Our Job To Rock 5. Tremendous 6. Ram Damn Bunctious 7. Questionable 8. Getting The Band Back Together 9. Road Chops 10.Gypsy Scroll press contact ROBERT KAMPF M.A. EAT MUSIC ARTIST MANAGEMENT | BOOKING | MUSIC MARKETING cell: +49 (0)173 525 49 70 | office: +49 (0)251 – 98 29 60 35 email: | TOUR 24.04. 25.04. 26.04. 28.04. 29.04. 01.05. 03.05. 04.05. 05.05. 06.05. 07.05. 08.05. 09.05. Berlin - Postbahnhof Hamburg - Übel & Gefährlich Hannover - Musikzentrum Essen - Turock Frankfurt a.M. - Nachtleben London – Underworld (UK) Karlsruhe – Substage München - Backstage Nürnberg - Hirsch Solothurn - Kofmehl (CH) Luzern - Schüür (CH) Dornbirn – Conrad Sohm (AT) Vienna – Szene Wien (AT) PRESENTED BY TICKETS: WWW.EVENTIM.DE press contact ROBERT KAMPF M.A. EAT MUSIC ARTIST MANAGEMENT | BOOKING | MUSIC MARKETING cell: +49 (0)173 525 49 70 | office: +49 (0)251 – 98 29 60 35 email: |
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Jason Keene - Bass
Jason Keene (Bassist, Harmonica) has toured throughout the United States, Japan, and Canada with Tupelo Chain Sex, Cruis-O-Matic,
Maggies Farm, and David Halliday, and has record...