Chinese Shar-Pei Rescue of Lancaster, PA The 2014 Operation
The Monthly Newsletter for Celebrating 22 Years and 1150 Rescues September 2013 Chinese Shar-Pei Rescue of Lancaster, PA The 2014 Operation Scarlet Calendars Are Here! The calendars have arrived and are ready to mail, so place your order now. These beautiful full color calendars will sell out quickly. Just complete and return the order form located at the end of this newsletter. These calendars are great for home or office and are super gifts for the Pei lovers on your gift list. Remember that all proceeds from the sale of these calendars will go to helping the kids at the rescue. Pennies From Heaven Just a reminder that Pennies from Heaven will end on Labor Day. That was really a fast summer. Pennies from Heaven began on Memorial Day. If you were saving your pennies for the kids, please count your change and mail a check payable to Operation Scarlet PO Box 8463, Lancaster, PA 17604. Pictured is Samson Hall who helped count change for his Pei friends. Operation Scarlet has experienced several critical situations this year. First the computer crisis, nearly losing all files from the past 22 years. Thanks to so many of you who sent donations toward a new computer and for recovering the files, we were able to rise above the problem. Then in May, water pipes broke in a wall at the OS headquarters. Water damage was extensive – ceiling came down, wall was removed and flooring was ripped up. We are now again faced with a crisis situation. OS is presently in desperate need of funds. The reps, volunteers and yes, even the four legged kids would appreciate any help you can possibly give. We have not been able to hold any events at the headquarters due to the damage and appointments needed to be postponed. The extent of damage amounted to almost $10,000. We are not in a very good place right now. All help will be greatly appreciated. Dawn and Scarlet’s Kids Operation Scarlet Headquarters during water damage repairs that occurred in May. Please Donate! Help Operation Scarlet Continue To Help Dogs Like Happy Jack Operation Scarlet has rescued over 1150 Shar-Pei in the past twenty-two years, including Happy Jack pictured on the far left with his ladies, as they watch the cat on the front porch...the cat adopted us last winter, and so far, Jack is the only one who is super welcoming of him! Happy Jack was rescued in 2011 and needed to have his rear leg amputated and total ear ablation. Thanks to Operation Scarlet Happy Jack has found a loving forever home. Wrinkles was found as a stray and taken to a shelter so her background is unknown. She’s shy when meeting new people but has taken all the new faces and experiences at OS in stride. She has become more confident and is beginning to show a sweet personality. She’s looking for a home where she can feel safe, secure and loved. In that home, she’ll surely come out of her shell and be the best dog ever. Jasmine is an adorable mini Pei. She weighs only 33 pounds and is a beautiful apricot dilute brushcoat. According to her owners she is about 7 years old. You would never know that because she is full of energy and exudes a bubbly, bouncy personality. Jasmine is absolutely adorable. She would be an even happier little dog if she had a forever home. Charlie Brown is 2 years old, very well behaved, quiet little guy who was an owner surrender. He is longing for a forever home with someone to love. Albert Shayna & Mulligan are, I am a Pug-Shar Pei Mulligan My heart was broken when my family sisters and very bonded. mix, making me a one of a kind cutie! half is a shaded black Pei and is five yrs old Shayna moved and could not is chocolate take me with them. a dilute and is four years old. They are very sweet that would loved to be Glory placed together. I am a friendly 4-5 year girls girl who is looking for a home and someone to love. Brisky – She is friendly, well behaved, very healthy and quite intelligent. She will be a terrific friend and companion for the one dog family. Tom is as big (55 pounds!) and as handsome as they come. He’s young, approximately 2-3 years old, and full of fun. He seems to know how to behave in a home, playful but mannerly. Mark Your Calendars! Fall Luncheon – Sunday, October 13, 2013 Held at The Lancaster Host Resort Luncheon invitations and raffle tickets have been mailed. If you have not received your invitation, please contact Operation Scarlet at (717-397-6362 or Friendly's Meet and Greet Wednesday October 23, 2013 5:00pm to 8:00pm Please see the flyer at the end of the newsletter for more information. If you are in the Centerville area, please print and distribute this flyer to friends and co-workers. All proceeds from this event will help the kids at the rescue. Friendly's will donate 10% of the sales during this event to the rescue. Leola Flea Market Beautiful weather, a terrific turnout and the team work of those who donated their time and sale items, made this one of our best flea markets ever! Kevin, Gwen and Kate arrived at about 6AM and set up the canopy and unpacked lots and lots of items. Mary, Helen, Pam and Dotty also worked very hard at drawing the people to the tables and selling the items. It was well run, very organized and the shoppers were impressed. Gwen’s delicious giant cookies and whoopee pies were as usual a hit and extremely delicious. All baked goods were sold. Not one cookie was left. Many thanks to Gwen for donating the $16 for the rental space, and to Pam and Nancy for donating water and soda. Everyone's hard work paid off, raising a total of $424.25 for the kids at the rescue. The many donated items for sale. Pam & Dotty at the Leola Flea Market Hello Dawn, Samson celebrated his 10th birthday June 10th and wanted to send you a picture of him and his cake. He's doing great. He sends a big hug to you! Cathy Our boy, Java, who Denise Brodhecker adopted, is making friends with an 18 month old Great Dane named Preston. Denise is fostering him. I met him last night and he is an awesome dog. He puts new meaning into the term "Gentle Giant". Denise said Java really likes Preston because he is not high energy. Java is a laid back kind of guy. Star very much enjoyed our cross-country road trip to get here, and I've attached a picture of him at the Dunes National Lakeshore in Indiana, as well as one of his first time in the Pacific Ocean from over the weekend. I hope you are doing well - I'm sure Scarlet's kids are keeping you busy. As we approach the one year mark with Star, we just want to thank you again for giving us the opportunity to bring this special guy into our life! We love him so much and are so grateful that he had so many wonderful people looking out for him until we were able to find him. He sends lots of big smiles your way! Best regards, Nora Bella Gal is watching Shar-Pei puppies on Animal Planet Associate Renewals John and Chris Minninger Robert and Trudy Shinn Denise Wilson Melvin and Robin Smith John and Paula Leister Elvin and Dotty Arment Darlene Sills Debbie and Pat McGinness Lynn Hayes Lynn Hayes Barbara Rhoads Roseann and Art Pettinato Rep Renewals Gwen Goldfarb Sponsor a Pei Heather and Dan Dushanko Stacy Lindemuth There is a story told by the American Indians that the Great Spirit decided to divide the worlds of animal and man, so he gathered all the living beings on a great plain and drew a line in the dirt. On one side of the line stood man - on the other side stood all of the animals. And that line began to open up into a great crevasse - and at the last moment before it became unreachable, dog leapt over and stood by man. ~~Unknown Our Beloved Pei That Have Recently Crossed the Rainbow Bridge Sasha Crowle Sienna Ford Mei Mei Goldfarb Dillinger Arment China Mergo Gus Moyer Ming Carpenter Tang Washko Mollie Golden Mollie Drumheller Emma Worrell Yoshi OPERATION SCARLET 2014 SHAR-PEI CALENDAR ORDER FORM Operation Scarlet’s 2014 calendar are ready for mailing now! The calendar contains adorable photos of Shar-Pei that were once homeless and are now enjoying a second chance at life. The Shar-Pei appearing in the calendar are winners of the spring photo contest. There are collage pages of all the contestants along with featured pages of the Rescue Dog of the Year and Lucky 13. Don’t delay – They sell quickly Makes a Great Christmas Gift Too To receive your calendar(s), please complete the form. Mail it along with your check (payable to Operation Scarlet) to Operation Scarlet, Inc., P.O. Box 8463, Lancaster, PA 17604-8463. The cost of the calendar is $19.00 plus shipping and handling. Postage and Handling - $3.00 for 1 calendar $6.00 for 3 to 4 calendars $4.00 for 2 calendars $8.00 for 5 to 6 calendars Number of calendars ordered _____________ Total amount for calendars $ _______________ Plus shipping and handling $ _______________ TOTAL ENCLOSED $ _______________ Mail to: Name __________________________________________________________ Street __________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________ Phone ( ) _____________________ Email ______________________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!! We Have Been Placed! I Have Been Adopted! Chum Lee in his new home with adopter, Mary Hewes Jack and Blinkin were returned to the rescue after being in the same home for two years due to the divorce of their owners. Lucky for the pair, Sue Crowle was on standby at the rescue to meet them and offer them a home immediately. Sue's kindness not only spared them the stress of losing their home for a second time, but also allowed them to remain together. Look for our pictures in the next newsletter. I have been placed! Thank you, Max Letters to Editor I loved reading all the stories of the Pei who have been adopted and seeing the pictures of them with their new families! And of course I also loved the collage of Pei from the luncheon! Too cute! Stacy Lindemuth Questions, Comments or Submissions For Scarlet's News? Email Gerre Davis, Editor Operation Scarlet, Inc. Email Us P.O. Box 8463 Lancaster, PA 17604 Phone 717-397-6362 Fax 717-399-9220 Visit Our Web Site
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