March 2009


March 2009
March 2009
Operation Scarlet, Inc
Chinese Shar-Pei Rescue of Lancaster, PA
Scarlet’s News
Introducing Operation Scarlet’s 2009
King & Queen of Hearts
Friendly’s Night
Page 2
Guardian Angels
Page 2
Tai Tai
was rescued in 2003
and has been living like a queen
ever since she was adopted by
Donna & Rick Rotandi.
Anniversary Donors
Page 3
From the Heart
Page 4
Meet Lucy
Page 4
Casper’s Birthday
Page 5
Happy Tails
Hold the Onions
Page 7
Meet Puggy
Page 7
Membership News
Queen Tai Tai
Page 8
Rainbow Bridge
Page 8
Upcoming Events
Page 8
Shar-Pei Trivia
Page 8
The Doctor is IN
King Vander
Page 9
King & Queen
Page 10
I Rescued a Human
Page 11
Vander was rescued in 2008 and
ever since his adoption has been
treated like royalty by his new mom
and dad, Don and Robin Moyer.
Honorable Mention
Page 10
Scarlet’s News
Friendly’s Restaurant Night
Friendly’s night on February 11th was the best night ever for Operation
Scarlet. Friendly’s presented Operation Scarlet with a donation of
$223 and donations from generous customers was $57, making the
total donations $280! Many thanks to Friendly’s and to Debbie who
scheduled the event and set up the table with all the material. Many
thanks also to Joe, Trish, Dawn W., and Gwen who represented
Operation Scarlet by standing at the table to greet and thank the
people for coming. Lots of thanks also to those Operation Scarlet
people who came out that night to enjoy a wonderful meal and to
support Scarlet’s kids. Friendly’s nights are always a lot of fun and a
great opportunity to see some of the local adopters and hear
wonderful stories about their adopted kids.
Guardian Angels
There is a loving circle of guardian angels that give so much to help
Operation Scarlet save homeless Shar-Pei and give them a second chance
at a good life in a forever home. It is through the efforts and dedication of
these people that not only are these Shar-Pei placed in loving homes, but
that all of us within the circle become a part of a truly meaningful
expression of human compassion.
Every rescued Shar-Pei that comes to Operation Scarlet meets the
guardian angels at Smoketown Veterinary Hospital. It is here that Dr.
Hall and the staff at Smoketown help these newly rescued Shar-Pei
begin the journey to their forever homes.
Dr. Hall examines every Shar-Pei and ensures that every dog is given
the very best medical attention. Whether it is shots, tests, neutering,
or treatment of any other health concerns, Dr. Hall gives them a clean
“Bill of Health” so that they are ready and able to start their new lives.
Dr. Hall, Thank you so much for the care and compassion
that you give to each one of Scarlet’s Kids!
No Better Way to Celebrate the Day
Than to Rescue a Shar-Pei
Muffin, a 10 month old Shar-Pei was rescued on February 21, 2009.
Scarlet commemorated Operation Scarlet’s 18th anniversary by saving
a Shar-Pei in need. Miss Scarlet certainly knows how to plan for
special events. Karen and Jerry Dalton were her guardian angels.
They transported Muffin from the shelter to the safety of Operation
Page 2
I’m Home!
Lucy Lu (aka Gabrielle)
has found her forever
home in New Jersey
with her new parents
Margaret & Walter.
Almost Home
Merlot is enjoying his
new life in Delaware
with Cindy & Rick. He is
scheduled to be
adopted in March.
"A dog is the
only thing on
earth that
loves you
more than you
love yourself."
Josh Billings
American humorist
Scarlet’s News
Page 3
Operation Scarlet’s 18th Anniversary Donors
Steve & Rose Wilcox
In Honor of
Prancer & Sabrina
Irene Williams
In Memory of
In Honor of
Mollie Golden
In Memory of
Misty Ann
and Wilbur
Pat & Ronald Bloss
In Memory of
Lucy Bloss
Mary & Gary Hewes
In Memory of
Mr. Clyde
Mary Ellen &
Ken Berry
In Memory of
Sonia Rose
Dawn Hertzog
In Memory of
Sue Spitz
In Honor of
Snuggles & Chopin
Kathy Long &
Lazara Cuza
Glenn & Catherine Hall
In Honor of
Gwen & Kevin
In Honor of
Shisan, Lao Tzo & Mei Mei
Kristi & Bill Dietz
In Honor of
Pam Wert
In Honor of
Lucy Lu Clark
Terry & Fred Antonacci
In Honor of
In Honor of
Chloe Snyder
Thank You for
Operation Scarlet
Over the Past 18 Years
Holly & Jeremy McCavera
In Honor of
Bill & Toni Lumadue
In Honor of
Gwen & Kevin
In Memory of
Lotus, Wushu, Shanghai & Juniper
Gerre Davis
In Honor of
Qi Lin
In Memory of
Mai Ling Clark
In Memory of
Sophia & Ben Snyder
In Memory of
Buster Bo
In Honor of
Millie Fretterd
Lenamarie Natale
Paula Burkholder “Shar-Pei Savers”
In Memory of
Donations received after 2-25-09 will be acknowledged in the April newsletter.
Scarlet’s News
Hi! My Name is Lucy,
I’m the New Gal at
Operation Scarlet
I am a very sweet 2-yearold girl. I was rescued
along with Puggy from a
shelter in Ohio. I am very
house broken and crate
trained. Please contact
Operation Scarlet if you
would like to adopt me.
Page 4
From The Heart
Operation Scarlet recently celebrated another milestone. On February
21, O.S. celebrated its 18th anniversary.
It seems like only yesterday that I met that fabulous mahogany red
Shar-Pei by the name of Scarlet. Little did I know then that I would
have the honor of befriending over 1,000 more wonderful wrinkled
kids just like her.
It has been a wonderful 18 years filled with fond memories, exciting
accomplishments and yes, some heart wrenching experiences, too.
Joy, sorrow, laughter and tears – all memorable and not to be
The candle lighting ceremony was a momentous occasion. It was a
very heartwarming experience. As I lit my candle, I could feel a
special connection with all of you and all of your kids – past and
present. The energy was intense and the joining very real. A truly
profound experience.
It was a very special moment in time that I will always remember,
cherish, and hold close to my heart.
Apply Online
Adoption Application
Sponsor a Pei
Donations to the Sponsor a
Pei program help to pay for
boarding when OS is full.
Boarding enables OS to
rescue dogs that might
otherwise be euthanized.
Sandy Klees
Roseann &
Art Pettinato
Donna Rotandi
Diane Tota
Many of you sent me very touching emails that were sincere and
heartfelt. I saved every one. Some of you sent me pictures of your
kids. I saved every one. Others sent me cards with very warm
messages. I saved every one.
I would like to thank all of you very special people who I have come to
know over the past 18 years. You have opened your hearts and
homes to Scarlet’s homeless kids. You have given of yourselves by
volunteering your time. You have been very generous with your
donations. You have been supportive, concerned and caring. Because
of you, O.S. remains proud and strong. O.S. will continue to realize its
rescue endeavors as long as it has all of you in its family. Yes, it was a
memorable night on February 21. Many candles were flickering in the
night; sending a warm glow to the heavens in remembrance of Scarlet
and those other little wrinkled souls that have since joined her. Thank
you for being a part of that night.
I would like to thank Kathy for offering the blessing. Also thank you to
all who participated in the candle light vigil. The circle of love created
a very heartwarming and memorable night.
Dawn and Scarlet
Scarlet’s News
Page 5
Happy Birthday Casper
Mug Shots Wanted!
Do you have a
picture of your
Operation Scarlet
Shar-Pei that you
would like to share
with our readers?
Please send pictures
with caption to:
Casper Breighner celebrated his one-year anniversary with us on
January 27. We are considering that this is his birthday since he
started his new life that day. He got a new toy and had a mini
chicken frank cake.
Happy Tails Prancer’s Story
Steve and Rose are new Associate Members that live in New York.
They recently adopted Prancer from Operation Scarlet to join
Sabrina, who they had rescued from another shelter several years
ago. Due to the abuse Sabrina suffered in her first home, there
were some issues of trust that were very deep in her nature. Steve
and Rose had tried everything they could think of to get her over
her fears. Recommendations of friends and vets alike failed to help
Sabrina……..until a very special Shar-Pei named Prancer arrived.
Prancer has had a very profound and positive effect on Sabrina in their
short time together. We owe a lot to a very special and intelligent
black brush coat that we all love very much. Normally when my son
Shawn and his family come to our home, Sabrina hides behind Rose's
chair and peeks out at what is going on with our family instead of
joining us. Last weekend when Shawn came, Prancer played with
Shawn and got lots of good loving from him while Sabrina looked on.
When Shawn held that beautiful black head in his hands, and talked to
Prancer nose to nose, Sabrina sneaked out and sniffed Shawn close up.
Con’t page 6
Scarlet’s News
Happy Tails
Page 6
Shawn slowly put his hand out and she smelled it, but shied away from being touched several
times. Several days later, Shawn and his family returned. This time, Shawn sat a little closer to
where Sabrina hides. While Prancer was getting rubbed and loved, he kept looking at Sabrina
and snorting. I don't know if he made her jealous, or mad, but whatever it was, it worked! She
came out from behind Rose's chair, and laid beside it, only about a foot from Shawn. The next
time when Shawn put out his hand she smelled it, and put her nose right on it. After she was
done, he slowly reached out in her full view, began petting her head, and gently talked to her.
After just a few strokes, she totally relaxed and began enjoying her new friend’s affection. Then
Sabrina really came out of her shell. Sabrina even took a cookie from my granddaughter Kylie.
Her little face lit up and she kept saying “nudder one.” Sabrina got quite a few cookies. She let
all of the defenses down and really became the part of our whole family that I always knew she
could be. Well, what none of us humans could accomplish in years, Prancer did in a matter of a
couple of minutes! He's a wonderful boy and we love him more and more each day!
Prancer is a dad's boy. He dearly loves
everyone in the family, but I’m the one he
follows upstairs and down. It’s me he finds
when he wants a rub, or just to lay down
and have a nap near where I’m sitting at the
time. He loves to wrestle and box. Yes, I
said box. He and I play fight from time to
time and he really enjoys it! He lets me
know when he wants to do this by coming
over and gently taking hold of my arm or
hand. I’ll say, “What do you want mister?”
He then runs over to the middle of the living
room floor, snorts, prances, and runs in
circles until I go to the middle of the floor
and sit down. Then he comes over and
takes hold of my forearm again gently. Then he starts to clamp down ever so slowly until I say
"owwwwwww.” That's how he gauges how hard he can bite, and he never bites that hard no
matter how long or hard we play. I do this little thing where I push him back then he comes
back, up on his hind legs and the boxing match is on. My dad was a dog whisperer of sorts in
that he understood how they think. He taught me that the most important thing is to gain a
dog’s trust, and spend lots of time in lots of different situations with your dog so you learn your
dog’s language. And let me tell you, Prancer speaks volumes. He requires a lot of attention,
which I just love to give him. Like my dad told me when I was a young boy, always
acknowledge your dog. Speak to him, and pet him first thing when you see him. Whether your
tired, depressed, don't feel good, or whatever your mood, he'll worship you for it, and Prancer
does. Thank you to all the people at Operation Scarlet who make families complete. We just
can't thank you enough for putting us together with Prancer. He’s just a wonderful addition to
our family. Scarlet must be truly happy looking down from above, knowing she inspired her mom
to do all this, and in her name!
Scarlet’s News
Page 7
Hold the Onions
Raw or cooked onions are toxic to dogs. Onion toxicity causes a
Heinz body anemia, which decreases the life span of the red blood
cells. Anemia can result if numerous red cells are affected and
they rupture prematurely.
Onion toxicity is dose dependent, so body weight and the amounts
consumed are a factor. Additionally, repetitive feeding of onions
could have a cumulative effect due to ongoing formation of Heinz
bodies versus an isolated exposure which would allow the bone
marrow time to regenerate new red cells. These two factors could
explain why your dog might have consumed onions without ever
showing any signs of distress. This causes many dog owners to
dispel onion toxicity as a falsehood and allow their dogs to
consume onions.
The fact is onions are toxic to dogs. So when preparing Fido’s
dinner, don’t forget to hold the onions!
Hi! My Name is Puggy,
I’m the New Guy at Operation Scarlet
I am a very nice,
well-behaved boy
and as you can see
I am a real looker!
I am crate trained,
house broken and
obviously very
intelligent. All I
need now is a
loving family and
a forever home!
If you would like to adopt Puggy, please contact
Operation Scarlet at 717-397-6362
or at .
Good for People
Toxic for Dogs
Onions are a
ingredient in a
lot of foods that
we eat. They are
one of many
foods that are
healthy for
people to eat,
but are toxic for
your dog.
Would You
Like to
Donate to
Online donations
can be made using
Click Here to
Donations are
greatly appreciated
and are tax
Scarlet’s News
Page 8
Upcoming Event Reminders
Visit our web site for more information
A “Bear Coat”
looks like
what other
breed of dog?
Answer page 10
Did You Know?
Statues bearing a
strong resemblance
to the Shar-Pei have
been found dating
back to ancient times,
and Chinese
manuscripts with
references to
“wrinkled dogs”
Spring Luncheon Sunday, April 19th
Lancaster Host Resort, Lancaster, PA
Dr. John Hall will be speaking on
Swollen Hock Syndrome and Shar-Pei Fever
Membership News
Associate Renewal
Follow Me There!
Shelby Snyder
Rep Renewal  Dawn Witmer
New Members  Stacy Lindemuth Rose & Steve Wilcox
Operation Scarlet would like to welcome back
Irene Williams as representative.
Thank you for supporting Operation Scarlet!
Rainbow Bridge
An eternal flame is glowing in loving memory of the following rescue
Chinese Shar-Pei.
Momo Barnes  Tessy Leonard  Teddy Sica  Leo
Juniper  Yoko Apelman  Mojo Smeltz  Coco Stahl
May they find peace and happiness while they await the arrival
of their loved ones at the Rainbow Bridge.
Please visit the Rainbow Bridge page on our web site for pictures and
stories about the lives of these Shar-Pei
Operation Scarlet's Rainbow Bridge
Scarlet’s News
Page 9
The Doctor is IN
Chocolate Poisoning
If you find yourself with a house full of candy over the holidays, don’t feel you must
share it with your pet. Be particularly careful about letting dogs chow down on
chocolate. Chocolate contains a stimulant called Theo bromine which can make dogs very ill,
and could even cause death if consumed in enough quantity. Baking chocolate and semi-sweet are the most
toxic. A toxic dose in a 40 lb. dog is 40 oz. of milk chocolate and 4.5 oz. of baker’s chocolate.
Call your vet or emergency clinic immediately with the following information:
1. The kind of chocolate the dog ate i.e. baking chocolate, semi sweet, milk, white, etc.
2. How much the dog ate i.e. if there is an empty 16 oz. bag of semi-sweet chocolate on the floor and it is
empty – assume the dog ate it all or give the maximum amount the dog could have possibly ingested.
3. Give length of time since the dog ingested the chocolate.
Symptoms of Toxicity
Early stages – gastrointestinal – vomiting or diarrhea.
These symptoms may occur anywhere from 2 to 4 hours after ingestion.
Later stages – muscle stiffness, hyperactivity, racing heart, seizures, coma and even death. Death may
occur 12 to 36 hours after ingestion.
The vet may instruct you to induce vomiting. It is important to always have either Ipecac or hydrogen
peroxide on hand.
For a 45 lb. dog give 4 to 8 teaspoons of Ipecac or 4 to 20 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide. Start out by
giving the lowest dose. If the dog does not vomit within five minutes, give an additional dose of 2 to 4 more
teaspoons and wait another 5 minutes. Repeat until the dog vomits. Do not exceed the recommended
dosages given above.
If you are having trouble locating help, or help is quite a distance away, it is recommended that you go ahead
and induce vomiting.
Note: DO NOT induce vomiting if the dog is going into seizures.
If the dog is in advanced stages, get medical attention ASAP. Fluid therapy may be required.
Good if treated in the early stages (within 2 to 4 hours after ingestion), or if the dog had not ingested lethal
Guarded in dogs in advanced stages of seizures and arrhythmia.
Have your veterinarian’s phone number at hand (speed dial is recommended)
Also, have in easy reach a pet emergency phone number (in the Lancaster area it is 295-PETS).
In an emergency, call to be sure the vet is available. You would not want to make an emergency trip to find
out that the clinic is closed. Also, by notifying the vet of the emergency situation, the vet may want to give
instructions before leaving with the dog and also it gives the staff time to prepare for the dog’s arrival. A cell
phone is highly recommended in case you run into a problem on the road.
John Hall, VMD, approved this article. Smoketown Vet Hospital, Smoketown, PA
Scarlet’s News
Page 10
Operation Scarlet’s
King & Queen of Hearts 2009 Contest
Operation Scarlet would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2009
King & Queen of Hearts Contest. A total of $729 was raised for the kids at the
rescue. The 2009 prize package was the best ever. The winners, Tai Tai Rotandi
and Vander Moyer will each receive the following prize package:
New member T-shirt with King and Queen appearing on shirt
Doggie Goodie bag - $30 value
Silpada sterling silver dog charm for the dog’s collar
30 min reading by animal communicator, Kathy
Hand turned wooden pen crafted by Kevin Bedgood
King and Queen will appear in 2010 O.S. calendar
King and Queen will appear in newsletter and web site
King and Queen will be invited to the spring luncheon for crowning
The King & Queen would like to honor these members of their court:
The King’s Court
Barney Dalton
Bruno Kreider
Casper Breighner
Choppie Rotandi
Ice McGinness
Qi Lin Davis
Rupert Lumadue
Sampson Hall
Slugger McGinness
Sumo Dushanko
Bugz Raniolo
The Queen’s Court
Allee McGinness
Chyna Davis
Luci Dunkle
Lucy Lu Clark
Mushu Rotandi
Yoda Hlubny
Scarlet’s News
Page 11
I Rescued a Human Today
Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering
apprehensively into the kennels.
I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail,
not too exuberantly, so she wouldn't be afraid.
Operation Scarlet, Inc
P.O.Box 8463
Lancaster, PA 17604
E mail
Web Site
Dawn Hertzog
As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I
had in the back of my cage.
I didn't want her to know that I hadn't been walked today. Sometimes
the shelter keepers get too busy and I didn't want her to think poorly of
As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn't feel sad about my
past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a
difference in someone's life.
She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me.
I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort
Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for
A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all
would be well. Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright
that I instantly jumped into her arms. I would promise to keep her safe.
I would promise to always be by her side.
I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and
sparkle in her eyes.
I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are
out there who haven't walked the corridors.
In memory of “Scarlet”
Our first Rescue Shar-Pei
So many more to be saved. At least I could save one.
I rescued a human today.
Janine Allen
We Rescued Humans (We’re Home)
Scarlet’s News
Gerre Davis, Editor
Please send comments,
contributions or suggestions
This Month’s Trivia Answer
Chow Chow
Sweet Pea (aka Nena)
Rescued Lisa Wentling
Princess rescued
Tammy & Lee LaFrance

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