Minutes - Central Savannah River Chapter
Minutes - Central Savannah River Chapter
South Carolina - Central Savannah River Chapter Serving the entire Central Savannah River Area of South Carolina and Georgia as well as the Midlands and Coastal South Carolina Judie’s Journal www.asgsouthcarolina.com Inside This Issue: CAB & Committees Newsletter Information 2 2nd Annual Chapter GiveBack Sewing Event 3 Neighborhood Group Contact Information 4 Highlights from the 5th Annual Chapter Picnic Threads Renewal Offer 5-6 Chapter Annual Meeting 7 Chapter Election of Officers Proxy Ballot 8 Highlights from ASG Convention in San Diego News from Neighborhood Groups State Fair Information Teach Another Generation— 4H Camp New and Renewing Members Louise Cutting Event Info. Membership Information Classified Ads Membership Application Pantone Colors for Fall 3rd Annual Sewing Retreat A Word from our Advertisers 9-11 12-18 19 20 21-22 Calendar of Events 23 National Sewing Month 24 Seams Sew Simple Hello to our Award Winning Chapter!!!! If you have not already heard, our chapter received the National Award for Chapter growth for 2015! Thanks to all of our members that made this possible. We are a great chapter and have a lot to be proud of with our Neighborhood groups, our programs, our educators, our charity projects and continued membership increase. Keep up the good work! It is now time to switch from our summer sewing and get in gear with fall things since cooler weather is just around the corner! (well…..maybe someplace) While at the National Conference in San Diego I picked up some new patterns and fabric and hope to get started on these things soon. The conference was educational, informative and fun. Please read the article inside the newsletter to see all that took place. The Annual Picnic was a great success (photos inside), a little on the warm side, but still a great day with 19 members in attendance. Great food, wonderful quick gift ideas, very cute decorations made by Moonlight Stitchers and a stash sales that brought in $50.00 for the chapter. NGs were permitted to take fabric for the charity projects for use in September for National Sewing Month projects that are being made for various organizations. It was a great use for fabric that was donated to the chapter. There are still several events to attend before the year starts winding down. Don’t forget about the Clutch purse event in Aiken on September 12th and the Annual meeting on Halloween. Check out the details on the flyer and make sure you get your registration form sent in. This event required advance registration so the food and supplies for our program can be ordered. Any ideas for future programs that you have are always welcome! Just let me know what you would like for a program. Always open to new ideas and suggestions. Speaking of Halloween; I had no idea costumes were such a big thing at times other than Halloween and in theatrical productions. As I learned at the conference Cosplay, (expressing yourself with clothing not considered normal street wear) is gaining momentum. Andrea Schewe, a keynote speaker and commercial pattern designer, spoke on how popular cosplay is with adults. I was amazed to see some of her designs and how intricate the work is in costume sewing. I have made many children’s costumes but now I look at this from a totally new aspect. Costumes could bring out the adventurous spirit in all of us! Have fun and try making a cosHappy Stitching, tume! Happy sewing with whatever you are working on. Judie Travis Judie Travis 1 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Chapter Advisory Board 2014-15 President Judie Travis 803-798-5479 oneonta76jst@yahoo.com 1st VP—Communications/Outreach VACANT 2nd VP —Education/Events VACANT Secretary Becky Smith 706-228-3051 rhsmith1011@comcast.net Treasurer Mary Plexico 803-781-5271 maryplexico@yahoo.com Committee Positions Advertising & Publicity VACANT Chapter Give-back Event Planner VACANT Education Programmer Cheri Dowd 803-644-0576 dowdinsc@aol.com E-Mail Coordinator Chris McDowell 803-279-7078 vcmcdowell@comcast.net Group Communications Coordinator VACANT Historian Filled for 2016 Membership Coordinator Rhonda Wise 803-348-1291 rwwise@hotmail.com Neighborhood Group Leader Ellen Macklin 803-617-7909 ellemack@bellsouthlnet Newsletter Editor Sandy Costanzo 803-644-8140 scostanzo@atlanticbb.net Nominations Diane Zielinski zielinskidiane@yahoo.com Retail Liaison Filled for 2016 Retreats & Trips Organizer VACANT Social Events Coordinator VACANT Website Coordinator Marie Lussier 843-875-6633 mlussier@sc.rr.com Newsletter—Seams Sew Simple Editor—Sandy Costanzo Seams Sew Simple is published six times a year: Jan/Feb; March/April; May/June; July/Aug; Sep/Oct & Nov/Dec Advertising Rates for CameraReady Ads — 6 editions/Yr. E-Mail all ads to Editor: scostanzo@atlanticbb.net Full Page $50 - $175 Half-Page $25 — $90 Quarter Page $15 — $50 Business Card $10 — $35 (Discounted rates available for multiple ad placements) Advertising Checks Payable to: ASG SC/CSRA Chapter Mail to: Mary Plexico 112 Caladium Dr Columbia, SC 29212 Classified Ads (Sewing Related) Newsletter Deadlines: Members: Up to 40 words— FREE Non-Members: (Up to 40 words) $10.00 December 10 Jan.-Feb. issue February 15 March-April Issue April 15 May-June Issue June 15 July-August Issue August 15 Sept.—Oct. Issue October 15 Nov.—Dec. issue All Paid Advertising will be posted as soon as Treasurer confirms payment. Service Directory Ads Members: Up to 40 words—Free Non-Members: (Up to 40 words) $10.00 Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) Meetings Meetings are open to all members. Non-Board members are asked to call the President in advance to RSVP. Meetings are normally held every other month and alternate between cities where our NGs are located. Thursday-Dec 3rd- @ 11:00 at Oscar’s Restaurant, 207 West 5th Street, Summerville, SC 29483. An optional shopping trip to local stores has been arranged after the meeting. ASG Membership For Changes of Address or Chapter Affiliation: Master membership data is managed at ASG Headquarters in Texas. If your address changes for any reason, you must notify ASG directly. Otherwise, you may not receive your newsletter or other important information. If you want to change your chapter affiliation to a different chapter other than the original one you joined, you must notify ASG to that effect in addition to any address changes. The changes can be made on-line or you can mail them using the address below. Send address changes to: The American Sewing Guild 9660 Hillcroft, Suite 510 Houston, TX 77096 Contact ASG: E-mail: info@asg.org Website: www.asg.org New members joining ASG or anyone needing to renew their membership, please use the form in this newsletter or renew on-line. The SC/Central Savannah River Chapter of the American Sewing Guild is a local chapter of a national nonprofit organization. Its officers and leaders are all volunteers. Our purpose is to provide education on sewing to our members and the community. We hope to encourage and inspire people to sew. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in sewing. For more information, contact the President or Membership chair. The American Sewing Guild, Inc. (ASG) is a not-for-profit education-based organization, founded in 1978. ASG is comprised of 136 chapters plus over 1,000 community and special interest groups within the chapter umbrella. ASG’s over 20,000 members promote the mission to “Advance sewing as an art and life skill” by providing a network of sewing education and support for sewing enthusiasts of all skill levels, serving as preservers of the sewing arts in America., promoting community engagement through service projects, sharing sewing arts with new generations and being key participants in key consumer & industry-wide sewing events. Membership in the Guild is open to anyone. Dues include quarterly publications of the Chapter Newsletter & ASG’s Notions Seams Sew Simple 2 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Sewing Saturday, September 12, 2015 — 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Cedar Creek Community Center, Club Drive, Aiken SC *Minimal Cost to Members (this is the chapter's way to "give back" something to our members for their dues, loyalty and support of the chapter) Metal frames, heavy interfacing, batting & adhesive provided. Easy Sewing Techniques Participants will bring medium weight fabric (outer), lining, decorative elements and threads. Instruction by our Chapter’s own Cheri Dowd. Bring your own lunch! Your purse should be finished when you leave! Chapter Give-Back Workshop This opportunity is available to SC/CSR Members ONLY for one month. Other chapters and non-ASG members can sign up after July 31st. Forty-two frames are available. (Please submit form with payment—must be received by September 8, 2015) Name Phone Number Membership No. E-Mail: □ ASG/CSR Member $5.00 □ All Others $20.00 Brown Bag Lunch Send checks to: Cheri Dowd 3191 Montcastle Drive Aiken, SC 29803 Make Checks Payable to: ASG/CSR Chapter Seams Sew Simple 3 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Neighborhood and Special Interest Groups Your opportunity to share your passion, grow your skills and make new sewing buddies. Plan to attend as many NG meetings as you can fit into your schedule. See calendar for dates and topics for each month. Material Girls — Aiken Sewn Sewn Together Together —— North North Augusta Augusta NG Cheri Dowd (803) 644-0576 Marge Mitchell (803) 226-0165 Meets 2nd Monday @ 10:00 a.m. Community Room, Harbor Chase, Silver Bluff Road, Aiken SC Margaret Margaret Shearhouse Shearhouse (706) 860-4763 (706) 860-4763 Roxanna Roxanna Mills (706) Mills 868-5995 (706) 868-5995 MeetsMeets 2nd Tuesday 2nd Tuesday @ 10:00 @ 10:00 a.m. a.m. Fairview Fairview Presbyterian Presbyterian Church, Church, 1101 Carolina 1101 Carolina Ave., North Ave., North Augusta, Augusta SC SC Rockin’ Bobbins — Columbia Moonlight Moonlight Stitchers Stitchers —— Lexington LexingtonNG Lillian Lester 803-364-5039 Sally Kluttz Sally Kluttz 803-808-6997 803-808-6997 Meets 3rd Monday @ 6:00 p.m. Meets 3rdLexington Monday County @ 6:00 Library p.m. Lexington County Highway Library 1, Lexington HighwaySC 1, Lexington, SC Meets 2nd Thursday @ 10:00 a.m. Hilton Garden Inn Harbison Boulevard Columbia, SC Garment Garment Group Group — Special — Special Interest Interest Designing Women— Greenwood Diane Lackey — 803-960-9859 Diane Lackey — 803-960-9859 Marie Raab — 803-778-2258 Meets 3rd Saturday @ 10:00 a.m. Sue McFarland 864-227-8175 Meets 3rd Monday @ 2:00 p.m. The Paper Rabbit, 1835 Montague Avenue, Ext., Greenwood SC Creative Sewing@ Machine Center Meets 3rd Saturday 10:00 a.m. 519 12th Street, West Columbia Creative Sewing Machine Center SC 519 12th Street, West Columbia SC Seaside Stitchers — Beaufort Seaside Stitchers — Beaufort Mary Corsaro — 843-379-5731 Connecting Threads — North Charleston Louise Schmidt 843-559-1103 Meets 3rd Monday @ 7:00 p.m. Life Industries, 4060 Bridgeview Drive North Charleston SC Mary Corsaro — 843-379-5731 Meets 1st Tuesday 10:00—2:00 p.m. Meets 1st Thursday 10:00—2:00 p.m. Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club Beaufort Public Library 30 Yacht Club Dr. Beaufort, SC Sew-n-Sew —Myrtle Beach Sew Little Time—Summerville Eve Hutchinson — 843-450-0848 Meets 2nd Saturday at Accent Fabrics Myrtle Beach SC Ann Mace 843-553-7372 Diane Zielinski 843-563-4404 Meets 3rd Tuesday @ 6:00 p.m. People, Places and Quilts, Summerville SC If you are interested in starting a new Neighborhood Group our a Special Interest Group, contact Ellen Macklin, our NG Coordinator Seams Sew Simple 4 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Seams Sew Simple 5 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 TAUNTON PRESS MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION DISCOUNTS Is it time to reorder your Threads? 1 year 2 years 3 years If your subscription is up sometime this year or early Threads $26.36 $43.96 $63.16 next, consider ordering through the chapter and saving 20%. We usually send in one order per year. Fine Cooking $23.96 $39.96 $55.96 Fine Gardening $23.96 $39.96 $55.96 Fine Woodworking $27.96 $47.96 $67.16 Fine Homebuilding $30.36 $52.76 $75.16 Taunton Press offers ASG members a 20% discount on their magazines. We need at least 10 subscriptions to renew at this special ASG member rate. Please look at your address label for the month and year your magazine subscription expires. You will receive an email when the subscription has been sent to Taunton Press. Name Phone No. Address Clip the subscription label on the right and make your check payable to Lillian Lester (we need to send in one check to Taunton Press. Mail to: 461 Harbor View Dr, Prosperity, SC 29127-9715 Questions: LillianSews@hotmail.com, or 803-364-5039 Seams Sew Simple City, State & Zip E-Mail Is this: 6 □ New □ Renewal □ Gift Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Saturday, October 31, 2015, 11:00 a.m. The Country Club of Lexington 1066 Barr Road, Lexington, SC Masks optional bring a hand-held mask, either purchased or created by you. Chapter Annual Meeting (Please submit form with payment—must be received by Oct. 19, 2015) Name Phone Number Membership No. E-Mail: Lunch Selections □ Salad Plate □ Grilled Chicken □ Quiche Please be sure to register before the deadline so that the country club can prepare the correct meals □ ASG/CSR Member $20.00 □ All Others $30.00 Send checks to: Judie Travis, President 501 Valmire Dr. Columbia, SC 29212 Make Checks Payable to: ASG/CSR Chapter Seams Sew Simple 7 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Proxy Ballot SC/CSRA Chapter of the American Sewing Guild Annual Elections of Chapter Advisory Board Positions October 31, 2015 Lexington, South Carolina President □ Judie Travis ST 1 Vice President □ Kristy Granberg 2nd Vice President □ Ellen Macklin Secretary □ Becky Smith Treasurer □ Joyce Sinclair The Nominating Committee Chair, Diane Zielinski, is the proxy holder until the time of the election. All valid proxy ballots will be voted as submitted by the member. Please either: 1) Mail your proxy to Diane Zielinski, 152 Enoch Lane, St. George, SC 29477 2) Cast your ballot in person at the annual meeting If not casting in person, all proxy ballots must be returned to the Nominating Chair by October 23, 2015. The Annual Meeting will be held at The Country Club of Lexington, 1066 Barr Road, Lexington, SC Your Proxy Ballot is not valid without your signature to assign your votes to the Nominating Committee Chair. If it is not signed, your votes will not be counted. Member Name (please print) Member Signature ASG Member Number Seams Sew Simple 8 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Three members attended from our Chapter— Judie and Marge have submitted their observations here. Cheri was probably still recovering from teaching at the conference at press time. Judie’s Observations — Spending a week in San Diego at the ASG Conference was a wonderful experience. As the Chapter President I had the opportunity to meet other presidents from all over the country and share similar experiences and learn from those that do things differently. Being able to meet the people from National Headquarters in Houston and the Board of Directors was such an enlightening event. I have spoken to almost all of these ladies at some point over that last year, but being able to put a face with a name will certainly be valuable in future dealings with the Board. The entire week was informative and educational, but I must admit the best part of the week was at the President’s meeting on Thursday when it was announced that our chapter received the Chapter Membership and Growth award for 2015. The certificate states: “Membership growth is the tangible evidence of a vibrant, effective chapter fulfilling the mission of ASG in the local community”. Thanks to all for all the work you have done to achieve this award and to all our members for renewing your membership and recruiting new members for our Cheri and Judie at dinner in San Diego Neighborhood Groups. As was stressed many times during the corporate meetings, NGs are the heart of ASG, and your dedication keeps them going!! Other awards presented were Newsletter award, which went to Plano, TX and website award to Placerville, CA. Take a look at these on line if you have time. Although I was not looking forward to all day corporate meetings and workshops on the first day of the conference I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was. The board did an excellent job of presenting information and clarified so many things, and chapter presidents all made new friends and networked . I hope to use some of these ideas in planning for our chapter. The board issued a challenge for chapters to focus on the TAG (teach another generation) program. Our reward for a full day of meetings was an ice cream party in the afternoon. On Friday through Sunday I was able to take the classes and meet national ASG educators. I had classes with Sue Hausmann (quick techniques), Mary Jo Gabel (machine embroidery), Kandi Christian (make a name tag holder and decorative stitches workshop), Linda McGehee (purse and bag construction), Peggy Sagers (fitting yourself), Katrina Walker (scarf savvy) and Connie Crawford (Let’s teach sewing). What a great way to learn about educators and possible future events for our chapter. In the vendor hall I was able to speak with many more educators and learn about them and their products. One evening I had the pleasure of having dinner with three ASG educators, one being our own Cheri Dowd, who taught 4 classes and had a vendor booth in the exhibit hall. Photos Above, Right #1- Sue Hausmann from Arizona, teaching quick, quicker and quickest techniques for garment ans craft sewing (www.sewandquiltwithsue.com)Sue was as entertaining in class as she was on her TV show! #2-Peggy Sagers, from Dallas (www.silhouettepatterns.com) instructs how to alter garments bu yourself using only three areas of measurement:length, circumference and depth) #3-Linda McGehee, from Louisiana, (www.ghees.com) has a trunk show with tips on how to make great purses and totes and how to use specialty hardware for a professional look. #4- Connie Crawford,now residing in Arizona, is a fashion forecaster that spent most of her career in the LA fashion industry. Her lecture was how to teach sewing and all that is involved with starting instructing as a business. Connie has her own line of patters (www.fashionpatterns,com) and also designs for Butterick. #5- Katrina Walker, from Texas, demonstrates Scarf Savvy with creative ways to tie and wear scarves of all sizes. #6- Kandi Christian, from California shows the sachet I made in her class that demonstrated how to make the best use of the decorative stitches on your machine. Kandi specializes in heirloom sewing (www.sewtimeless.com) Seams Sew Simple 9 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Another exciting happening during the conference was the Fashion Show on Friday with over 50 entrees. Cheri and Marge Mitchell both modeled several of their outfits and Marge won the Threads Magazine Editors choice award with a garment she made from one of Cheri’s reversible patterns. The garment will appear in Threads magazine. Our chapter has a lot to be proud of! On Monday, the bus trip to Los Angeles was an experience. Three buses headed out for the 2 ½ hour trip to Michael Levine’s where you could purchase fabric in the showroom by the yard or in the discount room by the pound. Most people had their arms full in the discount room. Now I know why they said to bring an extra suitcase!!!!!!!! Lunch was provided by Levine’s so we were ready to shop, shop, shop! We also had several hours on our own in the downtown fabric/garment district of LA. What an eclectic choice of fabric shops…everything from home dec to theater costumes. If you want feathers, fur or sequins, LA is the place to shop. I was a little more conservative and bought linen and knits. In addition to the great classes I took at the Conference I learned some sewing tips that hopefully will speed things up. Just would like to share a few with you. Did you know: If you place a piece of white paper behind the eye of a needle it magnifies the hole and makes it easier to thread. Instead of stay stitching curved edges you can serge the edges or cut out fabric with pinking shears. use a straight stitch and a walking foot when sewing on knits use tissue paper as a pressing cloth-it is inexpensive, steam goes through it and it is disposable use a new dryer sheet to remove gook from fusible that gets on your iron and ironing board use a Steady Betty pressing board to hoop your embroidery projects; the hoop won’t slide I highly recommend the conference to all ASG members. There is something for everyone at the conference. In 2016 the conference will be in Indianapolis, IN and then in 2017 it will move a little close to us in Orlando, FL at Disney World. Sounds like a road trip!!!!! Hope you can join me! Judie Travis Marge’s Observations: Our Chapter was represented by our President, Judie Travis as well as Cheri Dowd and Marge Mitchell. Judie had some Board responsibilities at the beginning of Conference and Cheri taught 4 classes. Marge just had fun. All in all we had a great time, met wonderful fellow sewers, and learned a lot. It was also a great success for the Chapter as a whole. Of 3 Chapter awards that are given annually , we won the award given for the greatest amount of growth in 2014 - yippee. Marge won the THREADS Editor’s award for one of the garments she modeled in the fashion show - her jacket was based on an asymmetric vest/pattern created by Cheri! Look for it in a future edition of THREADS. Cheri and Marge shared their adventures with the Material Girls at their last NG meeting. A big first was that Cheri, a Chapter member, taught 4 classes: 1) LBB: The Little Black Bag, 2) Reversibles with Style and Versatility, 3)Reversible, Fulled Sweater Vests, and 4) Chanel Shortcut ). Ann Marie Soto, Editorial Director of Notions visited the class on reversibles and took photos; Sarah McFarland, editor of THREADS attended Cheri’s Chanel class. They were very well received and Cheri has already been requested to consider teaching in 2016. Seams Sew Simple 10 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Marge learned about the ancient traditional Korean textile art of pojagi. It is a Korean technique that allows one to create a single-layered design that uses a special seaming technique to create a reversible piece (see attached photo) and can be used in Photos from Cheri’s class “The Little Black Bag”. quilts, garments, etc. In a serger class with Pam Leggett Cheri and Marge backstage at the fashion show. we constructed a lace trimmed halfslip and a lingerie laundry bag—learning new techniques in the process. A class in bra fitting provided invaluable information in choosing a bra - either ready or custom made. The same teacher, Monica Bravo, taught DIY panties - we no longer have to settle for boring ill fitting garments. By the way this class was standing room only. You can also check out her wonderful article in the May 2015 issue of THREADS. Marge attended a hands on pocket class taught by Marsha McClintock - a won- Below: Class Schedule directory board showing our own Cheri Dowd as an educator at the national derful teacher. Whether you conference. Congratulations Cheri. like functional pockets or like me, as a design element she had many creative ideas. Speaking of creative, Marge also attended 2 classes given by Ruth Ciemnozoloski : 1) Crochet Meets Sewing - combining crochet and woven garments and 2) Embellished Buttonholes and Buttons. Enough ideas to last a lifetime but I must admit that my crocheting skills could use some improvement! It’s hard to describe adequately the wide variety of classes Marge showing her piece of fabric made and teachers that were at our disposal. We encourage all of you to using pojagi go at least once. Next year the conference will be held in Indianapolis and in 2017, Orlando. Both destinations are drivable, making attendance more affordable. I have already begun to save my pennies. Happy sewing everyone. Marge Mitchell Seams Sew Simple 11 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Neighborhood Group (NG) Coordinator Report Hello my sewing sisters! I have heard it being spoken on the hot summer wings of hummingbirds and dragonflies that many of us have not been able to sew as usual due to updating sewing spaces! Just think what we will be able to do once our new spaces are complete! Oh, to dream of large cutting tables and organized cataloged cloth with sewing diaries matching patterns and cloth! That is a fairytale! Seems like I'm forever purging because I get side tracked not by my own will but “other” forces like my husband want my attention to oversee a new family room renovation which will be extended into the front room, dining room, bathroom floors and THEN my beloved sewing room! Ellen Macklin There will be time to sew soon and I will treasure every second. Be brave all you other renovators and movers, we will soon be at our machines! Meanwhile, please check out our list of Neighborhood Groups. We have had some venue changes and I don't want anyone to miss out on the fun and educational experiences our leaders provide for us all. Just a reminder if you are not in a Neighborhood Group or want to start one, please call or email me and I promise to get you all the help you need to get started! Check out the State Fair this year! We had so much fun last year and it is free for us! Happy Sewing! All of you who love ASG, the perfect opportunity for you to share your enthusiasm is the State Fair! I hope you will come and join us. The days we need you are Thursday, October 22; Friday, October 23; and Saturday, October 24. We need 5 to 7 people each day and you will get free special parking and free access to the fairgrounds. Bring your family or best friend or come with your spouse. It is most important that I get a head count for special parking permits so email me or call me and lets have so fun! Heading for the roller coaster, Ellen Macklin Seams Sew Simple 12 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Sew Little Time — Summerville, SC What’s Been Happening: In June, one of our members, Claire Singletary (pictured below), demonstrated various zipper installations. At the far right you can see some of her visual aids. Handouts were provided as well as great tips for that perfect finished look. scallops, Kari Mecca’s Whimsey sticks, and a flower made by attaching folded fabric to a stabilized piece. Claire is an instructor at a local high school and teaches classes for all ages and levels. We all benefitted from her expertise. In August, we will be preparing Pillowcase Dresses for a charity: cutting, patterning, etc. In July we shared ideas on embellishing projects. We have welcomed two visitors in the last two months and hope they will become members! PPQ has been helping us spread the word at the store and in their newsletter. Shown at left What’s Ahead: Then in September, we will put the garments together at a are a monogrammed tote, NG Sew-In. an apron decorated with Rockin’ Bobbins — Columbia, SC What’s Been Happening: Rockin’ Bobbins met in July at Becca’s Sew Suite Studio and cut out and kitted 30+ walker bags to be sewn. In August Sondra Hines brought her sample of our annual meeting centerpiece and we discussed how many, how to make them, etc. Also, Lillian put together everything you always wanted to know about fleece. Sondra’s granddaughter visited with us and showed us two summer dresses that she sewed. Faith is only 7 and Sondra is starting to teach her to sew. Judy Travis is also teaching a couple of adopted grandchildren which then led to a discussion of junior ASG Seams Sew Simple 13 membership and starting a “teach another generation” class in the future. What’s Ahead: September – Rockin’ Bobbins will be making the center pieces for the annual meeting. October – Our meeting will be at the fairgrounds and we will be working on the annual meeting favors. Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Sewn Together — North Augusta, SC What’s been happening in North Augusta: tin boards. We finished by gluing the felt (or poster board and felt) to the back for a nice finish . Each one was unique Well, Sewn Together NG has been very busy creating and and very personal. Due to the variety of stash items creating. In July, we made casserole carriers using an brought, we had a great selection of fabric, ribbon and online tutorial from “Two Little Hooligans.” Roxanna Mills buttons, in fact, there was so much to choose from it took led the meeting and we all worked diligently to get as far each of us a bit of time to decide on exactly how we wantalong as we could during our time together. Chris McDowed our spool bulletin board to look when we were finished. ell, Margaret Shearouse, Marilyn Bendorf and Becky Smith This was really a fun different project and we can’t thank were all there to conquer the task! A few folks finished John enough. He is an “adopted” member of our group! their carriers at the meeting and the rest took them home to complete. (There were some things in the tutorial that What’s Ahead: were vague and had been reworked, and as we worked we September at our regular meeting we be sewing for the found some more. A fully corrected copy can be requested mission in Honduras. We will be making pillowcase dresses from Roxanna for anyone interested.) for the girls and tees and shorts for the boys. We will be In August we mixed things up a bit and with the generosity using fabric from our personal stashes and contributions of and woodworking skills of John Shearouse - Margaret’s fabric, time, etc. are welcome. husband - we made spool shaped bulletin boards complete Also, in honor of National Sewing Month, on September with large wood needles! Sandy Costanzo, Chris McDow23rd we will be giving a 15 minute presentation at the Auell, Marilyn Bendorf, Becky Smith, Tammy Newman and gusta Christian Women’s luncheon about our charity sewRoxanna Mills each made one under the tutelage of Maring. We will be encouraging those who want to begin to garet. We first used the wood spool cutouts as a pattern sew for charity. Who knows, maybe we will gain a memfor cutting our two layers of batting, fabric for the “spool” ber or three from this. All in all Sewn Together is having a as well as poster board and brown felt for the back. Then great time sewing and crafting together!! we stapled our batting and fabric around our wood spool shapes. Ribbon and buttons were stapled and glued to decorate the front of our bulleFrom Left, Chris McDowell, Tammy Newman, and Marilyn Bendorf show off their “spools.” Seams Sew Simple 14 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Seaside Stitchers — Beaufort, SC What’s Been Happening: learned and the different techniques that are used in the The Seaside Stitchers met at Mary Corsaro’s house in July. We different row. At the last meeting we thought we would choose one of the rows or techniques and work on it in Octotook advantage of this location to watch the You Tube inber or November. structions for the Chicken Pincushion posted by Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Company. In addition, as a suggestion It looks like we will have a new place to meet. Thanks to Suon one of our guests we watched how to make “Self binding san Cosby, we will be Baby Quilt”. Once we finished, we went into Mary’s sewing meeting at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club for room and made our pincushions. September and October on We decided to take vacation during the month of August. the first Tuesday of the What’s Ahead: month. Hopefully this will We will start up in September. If you look at page 45 of the become our new meeting current Notions magazine you will see "Celebrate Sewing in September”. ASG has designated the project for the year to be sewing Anti-Ouch pouches. Several years ago we made these and I had the pleasure of delivering them to the Cancer Society in Baltimore MD. They were trilled to receive them! The pouches are not hard to sew and we set up an assembly line to work on them. The “Row by Row bug” at the quilting stores has bitten several of us. In October we will be sharing what have Above, Left, Here is our collection of Chicken pincushions. We had a great time making them. Above right, Mary Corsaro shows off her tuffit that she made for her living room. Below Left to Right: Bobbie Elder shows off her name badge; Bobbie Elder shows Vicki Fraser how to put the chicken pincushion together. Bonnie Fell is in the background sewing; Corinne Hagood and Shirley Woods, working on their pincushions. Seams Sew Simple 15 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Material Girls — Aiken, SC What’s been happening in Aiken: August - Marge Mitchell and Cheri Dowd shared their adventures at ASG Conference. See article on conference page. Our sharing included: 1)Mary Adams showed off a black and red poppy flounced skirt, 2) Lynne Ulreich had a tunic top that she created from an embroidered cotton garment from Goodwill, 3)Joyce Sinclair modeled a linen blouse made from fabric recently purchased at Farmhouse Fabrics, 4) Marge Mitchell made a long vest using a pattern and button purchased at Conference, and 5) Cheri Dowd showed off a new jacket and top. July - In 2014 Ellen Macklin had whetted our appetite for accessories, namely belts. At that meeting everyone drafted a customized pattern for a shaped belt. This past meeting was phase II in our belt making. Ellen and Marge made a number of belts using various materials and hardware, ranging from webbing and ribbon to garment self fabric. The group discussed the ability of everyone to wear a belt - Pam Leggett’s ‘essence of waist’. Enjoy the photos of their creWhat’s Ahead: ations. Joan Haviland, one of our newer September - SAQA trunk show and turn in lap quilts members, modeled a lovely apron she for Harbor Chase residents created from a garment discovered at Goodwill and Cheri Dowd shared with us a bias dress and coordinating reversi- October - Pattern changes as a basis for re-design ble jacket. Designing Women — Greenwood, SC What’s Been Happening: where paper products are not available. We found out how Designing Women have had a good summer, with lots of sew- they are distributed, and how pictorial instructions are handed out with them, so language is not a barrier. Hearing the ing activities. Gail Murph graciously donated her time and talent to assist a Clemson Extension Agent in teaching a sew- stories of the women's appreciation motivates us to continue ing class to children participating in 4-H. You can learn more making these pads. about this in a separate article. Thanks, Gail, for your willingness to help teach another generation how to sew! Part of What’s Ahead: Gail's motivation was that she had two grandchildren particiIn September, we will view a DVD titled "More Sewing With pating. (see full article and photo on page 23) Whimsy", which will be a follow up of our July meeting. For our July program, we viewed a DVD titled "Sewing with Then in October, Sue McFarland will teach a "quilt-as-youWhimsy" by Kari Mecca. Kari's classes and products were go" quilt square, which when done in multiples, can be comvery popular at the Atlanta Sewing Expo. We were all inbined in various ways to give different geometric patterns. spired to try some of her fun embellishment ideas. Our NG has four ladies attending the Chapter Give Back class For our August meeting, The Paper Rabbit was not available, in September, so we look forward to seeing many of you! so we met at the Alcoves Tea Room. We enjoyed tea and other beverages while Sue McFarland gave a report on the missionary who distributes the feminine pads we have been sewing. These pads are distributed in third world countries Seams Sew Simple 16 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Moonlight Stitchers — Lexington, SC What’s Been Happening: What’s ahead: We were low in numbers at our July meeting, but we had a good time at Becca Robinson’s Sew Suite Studio in Lexington. Becca demonstrated different serger feet and all the fun things that the serger can do. We will be meeting at Becca Robinson’s Sew Suite Studio in Lexington for our September and October meetings. At our August meeting we made plans on making quilts for our charity, Daybreak Pregnancy Center. We have a couple of quick and easy quilt patterns we will be making, plus receiving blankets and other “sew projects” for newborns. Jeanne Kingsley has already made several quilts and Rhonda Wise has made some receiving blankets, and we look forward for more to be made! In October Lillian Lester will teach us how to make a spiral notebook cover at Sew Suite Studio in Lexington. September will be at Becca Robinson’s Sew Suite Studio with Becca teaching us an Interchange Bag. We are looking forward to the next 2 months, learning new projects not only for ourselves but maybe for Christmas presents. Garment Group — West Columbia, SC What’s Been Happening: Garment Group continues with upcycling projects and monthly Sew & Tell of garments made or in progress. During our August meeting, Marie Lussier provided a demonstration of zipper installation techniques. I don’t know about you, but I always seem to need to refresh my skills whenever it’s time to install a zipper! It might be a good idea to make practice samples for my future zipper install reference. What’s Ahead: A few of us have had other household projects or personal commitments keeping us from our sewing! Summer does tend to get filled with travel plans, family visits and the like. Hopefully, we can get our “mojo” going again now that school is back in session! At the September meeting the Garment Group will be celebrating National Sewing Month by “giving back” and sewing pillow case dresses for a local church charity effort. Please feel welcome to participate with us at our regular meeting. Bring your sewing machine and basic sewing supplies. If you’re interested and don’t regularly attend Garment Group, please contact Diane Lackey at dianelackey@att.net to ensure you get the information needed for this meeting. October 16 will be another demo (TBD); November 21 will be our final meeting for the year and we will have a cookie exchange and plan for the coming year. Happy Sewing!! Seams Sew Simple Becky Smith, Kathy McCartney, Gloria McSorley, Charlene McDaniel, Lillian Lester, Judie Travis, and Ellen Macklin look on as Marie Lussier presents zipper demonstration 17 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Connecting Threads — North Charleston, SC What’s Been Happening: Connecting Threads remained active during the summer months. June’s meeting was rescheduled for the fourth Monday of the month. Members discussed plans for projects that include the Mother-Child Sew-In that is scheduled for October 10, 2015. Members had the opportunity to swap fabric and patterns. The July meeting was cancelled in lieu of the Summer Picnic that took place in Columbia, SC scheduled for July 11. ject. HALOS provides resources and special opportunities to abused and neglected children. What Is Ahead: September 21: Members are to bring a sewing machine and/ or serger, as well as scissors, pins, etc. to continue sewing on backpacks for HALOS, or to work on a project of choice. September is National Sewing Month and all members are encouraged to bring an item for “Show and Tell.” October 10: “Mother-Daughter Sew-In:” Location and time is August: This meeting was a sew-in for members who worked to be announced. This event will be the monthly meeting for on a project of choice, or made backpacks for the HALOS pro- Connecting Threads. Ricki Silveria (left & center), Renee Thomas (center), and Louise Schmidt (center & right) worked on backpacks for HALOS. Teaching Another Generation (TAG) The Greenwood 4-H sewing camp for beginners and advanced sewers was held July 29-31. One of the ASG members, Gail Murph, volunteered to help with the program. There were 7 beginners (2 males and 5 females) and 4 advanced (1 male and 3 females) students. The beginners learned to pin a pattern onto fabric, cut around the pattern, sew the fabric pieces together, and serge the raw edges. After the shorts were completed, each participant modeled their finished product. The attached photo shows each student wearing their shorts. Gail Murph the students ask what project they will do next year! The advanced class made magic pillowcases using French seams. They also learned to make quilted squares, then attached the product to a dowel for hanging. This is the third year Gail has volunteered to help with this program. Each year it is so satisfying to see enthusiasm and excitement from every participant. At the end of each camp Seams Sew Simple 18 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 2016 National Educator Event April 15 and 16, 2016 Ashland Methodist Church, Lexington SC Louise Cutting is coming for a 2-day Chapter Event! Save the Date — Full Details & Registration Forms in the November Newsletter Full program or Friday/Saturday only options available Shop for Louise’s fabulous fabrics & patterns Sandra Miller will be there too! Welcome New Members 7/01 thru 8/27/2015 Angela Humphreys Dale Kastle Sharon Kimber A Warm Welcome to our First Junior Member Alexis Stoudemire Transfers—7/01 thru 8/27/2015 Thanks for Renewing 7/01 thru 8/27/2015 Marilyn Bendorf Joyce Bowers Barbara Candido Carol Dickerson Seams Sew Simple Barbara Dorn Betsy Gunter Martha Long Anne Mace Bonnie Merriman Diane Miller Paula Somers Donna Yesky Renewal Reminders for Sept./Oct. 2015 Renew Early—Please don’t let your membership lapse or you will miss all the fun! September Renewals: Marcella Baggetta Claudia Blakely Constance Davidson Terry Davis 19 Keven Ellis Linda Fraser Judy Freeman Evie Galloway Margaret Harrell Patricia Hartman Mary Hawkins Cindy Jacobus Donna Killion Loey Krause Laura Lindler Marie Lussier Linda Mabry Chris McDowell Marge Mitchell M.Christine Monical Shandra Patterson Earline Ross Ricki Silveria Claire Singletary Jennifer Sturgell Sheila Tindall Shea Werner Betsy Wood Diane Zielinski October Renewals: Sondra Hines Karen Madden Jackie Morgan Gail Murph Debbie Phillips Lenaya Raack Paggy Rutland Jeanette Smith Cordelia Story Diane Walker Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION word.” Enter your email address and submit. Your password on file will be sent to your email in box. The National ASG website (www.asg.org) has been modified to allow each of us to change our own membership information. If you update your contact information, you can access the website, enter the membership information page and change your mailing and/or email address. The update will be in effect until you change it again. This will also ensure that you receive all newsletters and emails from the national organization and our Chapter. Your email address may be incorrect or different than you think if you get the message that “Username/Password doesn’t match, please try again”. Please send an email to Rhonda Wise (rwwise@hotmail.com ASG/CSR Membership Coordinator, to have her verify the email associated with your membership as recorded with the ASG Headquarters database. New members: the username is your email address that you supplied on your application and the password is your membership ID# found on the card sent to you by ASG via US Mail. Once you log on to www.ASG.org your password should be changed by you. Existing/renewing members: the username is the email address associated with your ASG Membership and your membership ID#. Once you have entered the member’s only area, you should change your password to something meaningful to you. If your membership ID# or what you think is your password does not work, select “Forgot Pass- ASG Members Only Discounts Systems aren’t currently available to synchronize membership information from national to the local chapter. When you make changes to your mailing or other contact information at National, please also send an e-mail with the changes to rwwise@hotmail.com. This will help insure that the local chapter information will get to your information in a timely manner. Classified Ads Jeff’s Sewing & Vacuum Center in Martinez, GA — 15% excludes machines & maintenance Southern Fabrics in Aiken, SC — 10% off It is important to visit the Members Only portion of the national website to get detailed information about programs, learn about special events and access discounts from national vendors. Do you have a sewing-related item you would like to sell? ASG Notions advertisers are making very special offers on sewing -related products, events, and services only to ASG members. The list of offers will change quarterly to correspond with the mailing of each new issue of ASG Notions. Check out all discount offers at this link: http://www.asg.org/members/specials.php Classified ads are free to our members. Non-members please see rates & instructions on page 2. SC/Central Savannah River SC/Central Savannah River Seams Sew Simple 20 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Pantone Colors for Fall 2015 Our 3rd annual sewing retreat has just been scheduled at the St. Christopher Retreat and Conference Center on Sept 18, 2016 for 4 nights. Details of pricing and registration will be in the November newsletter. Seams Sew Simple 21 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 SOUTHERN FABRICS Quality Fabrics & Laces Custom Children’s Clothing Embroidery & Alterations LIBBY’S DOLL CLOSET 18” Doll Clothing for American Girl or My Generation Dolls Accessories and Furniture (803) 648-9664 1613 Whiskey Road, Aiken, SC 29803 Mon.-Thurs.: 9:30-4:30 ▪ Fri.: 9:30-5 ▪ Sat: 10-3 Introducing your newest source of creative inspiration 120 Ellis Avenue, Suite A ▪ Lexington, SC 29072 (on the street next to the post office and near Food Lion/Kmart Shopping Center) Sewing & Quilting Classes for all ages Custom Embroidery & Monograms Monogram Jewelry ▪ Team Spirit Wear Embroidery Software & Designs by Designs in Machine Embroidery (see our insert for a special invitation event coming in November) www.sewsuitestudio.com 803-957-0677 www.facebook.com/sewsuitestudio Sew Suite Studio is looking for talented teachers for classes (any & all fiber arts) starting in the first quarter of 2015. If you would like to be placed on the teacher list please contact Becca at create@sewsuitestudio.com or 803-957-0677. Seams Sew Simple 22 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 Chapter Events Shown in Red — NG Events Shown in Black Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER 2015 September 1 — Seaside Stitchers (Beaufort) - Charity Sewing ProSun ject — Anti-Ouch Pouches. Mon September 8 — Sewn Together (N.Augusta) - Charity Sewing — Pillowcase Dresses & Shorts for Mission Project September 10 — Rockin’ Bobbins (Columbia) — Making centerpieces for Annual Meeting Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 September 12 — Member Give-Back Workshop (Aiken) September 12 — Sew-n-Sew (Myrtle Beach) September 14 — Material Girls (Aiken) - SAQA trunk show & turn in lap quilts for Harbor Chase Residents September 15 — Sew Little Time (Summerville) — Assemble pillowcase dresses for charity project. September 19 — Garment Group (W. Columbia) —Bring your machines to sew pillowcase dresses for a charity project. September 21 — Designing Women (Greenwood) — “More Sewing with Whimsy” DVD September 21 — Moonlight Stitchers (Lexington) - At Sew Suite Studio for Interchange Bag September 21 — Connecting Threads (N.Charleston) September 23 — Sewn Together will give a presentation for National Sewing Month at the Augusta Christian Women's group OCTOBER 2015 October 6 — Seaside Stitchers (Beaufort) — Row-By-Row quilting Sun techniques. Mon Tue Wed October 8 — Rockin’ Bobbins (Columbia) — Rescheduled to Oct. 22-24 at the Fairgrounds to work on Annual Meeting Favors October 10 —Sew-n-Sew (Myrtle Beach) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 October 19 — Moonlight Stitchers (Lexington) At Sew Suite Studio 18 for Spiral Notebook Cover 19 20 21 22 23 24 October 19 — Designing Women (Greenwood) — Quilt-As-You Go 25 quilt squares. 26 October 12 — Material Girls (Aiken) Pattern changes as a basis for re-design October 13 — Sewn Together (N.Augusta) — Home Dec Pillow with a holiday theme October 17 — Garment Group ASG Days at the State Fair 27 28 29 30 31Annual Meeting October 19 — Connecting Threads (N.Charleston) October 20 — Sew Little Time (Summerville) October 22-24 — SC State Fair Days for ASG October 31 — Annual Meeting & Election of Officers, Lexington Country Club NOVEMBER 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 December 8 — Sewn Together (N.Augusta) — Holiday luncheon & 29 craft item 30 November 3 — Seaside Stitchers (Beaufort) November 9 — Material Girls (Aiken) November 10 — Sewn Together (N.Augusta) Work on your UFOs November 12 — Rockin’ Bobbins (Columbia) November 14 — Sew-n-Sew (Myrtle Beach) November 16 — Designing Women (Greenwood) November 16 — Connecting Threads (N.Charleston) November 16 — Moonlight Stitchers November 17 — Sew Little Time (Summerville) December 3 — CAB Meeting at 11:00 — Oscar’s Restaurant, Summerville Seams Sew Simple 23 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015 501 Valmire Drive Columbia SC 29212 TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL— PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY Policy for Re-Use of Information: We do appreciate being asked when another Chapter intends to re-use our articles. Articles and other material in this publication are intended for the benefit of ASG members only. When reprinting, credit should be given to the authors by including the author’s name and the Chapter newsletter name. Use of information contained in our articles for any other purpose must have permission from the author and/or newsletter editor. Our 10th Anniversary Membership Directory Is Now Under Construction Our Chapter is preparing an updated Membership Directory. Every member should have received a questionnaire via e-mail within the last two months. Please respond quickly so your information will be included. If you did not receive a questionnaire via e-mail, you can download one from the Chapter’s Yahoo Group or request one from our newsletter editor. NG Leaders, please encourage your members to respond. Seams Sew Simple 24 Volume 11, Issue 5, September 2015