Countdown to Pope Francis arrival to the US: 80 days!


Countdown to Pope Francis arrival to the US: 80 days!
n keeping with our Cycle B year's reading theme,
"struggle," our weekend readings are filled with it. The
first reading gives us the words of a prophet to the nation of Israel when it was about to be engulfed by an enemy army
and taken into slavery. He was among the first deportees 11 years
before the rest of the nation fell, so probably this poem was written
in Babylon, but addressed to the inept government still ruling in
Judea. The first half of his book is an unrelenting indictment of
Judea, the second half, written after Judea has fallen, is a constant
encouragement for those fallen people--assuring them that God will
come to the rescue. Talk about a man who struggled with his times!
Paul struggles with some sort of "imperfection." Whatever it was
(he doesn't say), it seemed insurmountable to him, and he prayed
night and day to be relieved of it. Anyone who has stood with Paul,
praying for a flaw to be taken away, knows that it just doesn't happen! God has made us as He wants us, and so it's best to make
peace with ourselves and love the flaw--for it will probably turn out
to be our saving grace! The Gospel is a window onto a very rough
day for Jesus--rejected in His own home town--imagine going home
and having your class mates and teachers all denounce you and go
for your blood! Who of us, hasn't, like Ezekiel, struggled with what
to say to those we love? We want to kill them one minute, then,
when they are down, all we want is to help them. And, with Paul,
we all long for a perfection no human can have. And with Jesus, we
struggle with acceptance and rejection by those we care for. Somehow, in all of it, God is found, and blessed, and we are made whole.
On this weekend of our national holiday, we see our nation struggling to be all it can be--we sometimes want to wring its neck, other
times we love it! We want it perfect--but that cannot be. We struggle with accepting and rejecting, and in it all we grow, and the nation grows. Let's pray for God's guidance and grace, shall we?
- Fr. Bill Axe
as lecturas del Ciclo B siguen con el tema de la lucha
para este fin de semana. La primera lectura nos dice
sobre las palabras de un profeta de Israel cuando iba
a ser aprehendido por un enemigo de guerra y llevado a la esclavitud. Él fue uno de los 11 que fueron deportados antes de la
caída de Israel, y aunque el poema fue escrito en Babilonia, fue
dirigido hacia el gobierno inepto de Judea. La primera parte del
libro fue una acusación continua en contra de Judea, la segunda
parte, después de la caída de Judea, es un ánimo continuo para
quienes han caído, asegurándonos que Dios vendrá a su rescate.
¡Éste es un hombre que batalló en sus tiempos! Pablo habla de
una lucha insoportable, no nos dice qué es, pero reza noche y
día para ser aliviado. Quien ha estado como Pablo, rezando a
que una debilidad desaparezca sabe que simplemente no se quita. ¡Dios nos ha hecho como somos, y es mejor aceptarnos y
amar nuestras debilidades, puesto que pueden ser nuestra salvación! El Evangelio nos habla de un día duro para Jesús, en donde es rechazado por su tierra natal, sus compañeros y maestros
lo rechazan. ¿A poco no han batallado qué decirles a quienes
amamos así como Ezequiel? Un día los queremos matar y otro
queremos lo mejor para ellos. Y como Pablo, todos deseamos
una perfección que no podemos alcanzar. Y como Jesús, batallamos con aceptación y rechazo de parte de quienes queremos.
Lo bueno es que ahí está Dios entre medio, y somos bendecidos
ya que Él nos completa. Durante este fin de semana festivo,
vemos que nuestro país lucha en ser todo lo mejor que puede, a
veces no estamos conformes y a veces estamos tan orgullosos
de nuestro país. Lo queremos perfecto, pero no puede ser así.
Luchamos con la aceptación y el rechazo, y así crecemos y el
país crece. Recemos por la guía de Dios y por su gracia.
-Padre Bill Axe
Countdown to Pope Francis
arrival to the US: 80 days!
¡Faltan 80 días para que llegue el
Papa a los Estados Unidos!
-Alfio Mazzei
-Allie Smith
-Alicia Jimenez Bravo
-Anabel Manriquez
-Andres Luna
-Archie Brown II
-Arlasha Allen
-Barbara Harvey
-Barbara Viramontes
-Bertha Antee
-Carlos Antonio Vasquez
-Christina Paul
-Constantino Perez
-Damacio Horta
-Darwin Varela
-Dulce Maria E. Saviñon
-Dustin, Gabriel,
Carmelo, and Jorge
-Theresa and Marie Guillian
-Devina Molette-Ford
-Dominique Barksdale
-Edwin Raland
-Edwin Rivas
-Edy Becker
-Elsa Perez
-Elvia Herrera
-Gabriel y Miralda Tahan
-Georgie Davis
-Giovanni Garcia
-Gladys Green
-Glen Arellano
-Gloria Sanguillen
-Guadalupe Morales
-Henre Dorsey
-Jack & Michael Stokes
-Jaime Rubalcava
-Joan McLaughlin
-Joseph & Denise Guillian
-Juanita Rubalcava
-Julia Ureña
-Linda Guillian
-Lorraine Duperon
-Lucy Rodriguez
-Manuela Montenegro
-Maria Luna
-Maria Perez
-Mariana Reynoso
-Martha Dorsey
-Maura Fitzgerald
-Michelle Porter
-Miguel Alfredo Piliado
--Mykhail J. Thomas
-Norma Barker
-Oscar Barbosa
-Pam Terry
-Patrick Fitzgerald
-Paula Dupre Moore
-Peggy Anderson
-Penelope Mendoza
-Rafael Segura
-Raymond Almeida
-Ricardo Morales
-Rita N. Ashe
-Ronald Mayberry
-Rose Thierry
-Sophie Demarcos
-Sergio Villanueva
-Sevarina Legaspi
-Silvia Esquivel
-Sylvia Smyles
-Teresa Casaus
-Timothy Akens
-Juan Madariaga
-Terry Ally Sr.
-Juanita Orozco
-Virginia Gadison
-Nyniece Micheaou
“Surrender, for in God’s hands
we rest untroubled"
- Lesson 194 from A Course in Miracles
“To remember that you are part of God, that
you are loved and lovable, is not arrogant.
It’s humble. To think you are anything else
is arrogant, because it implies you’re something other than a creation of God."
- Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love
To build and foster a Christian Community that
offers the opportunity to experience God’s unconditional love and acceptance to all who come into
contact with it.
ur readings this week give us an insight
into what a prophet's job is. It is certainly
not to get honor and fame!! We hear in
the first reading and the Gospel, how God tells the
prophet not to look for success but rather to be faithful to the message. A prophet who looks for success
and appreciation will soon be disappointed.
I think in today's world we may be called to
be prophets. Can we hold high the message of peace
that Christ has given us and strive to hold all people
in equal light? Our world today is so broken with
hatred, prejudice and ignorance. Is God asking all of
us to be prophets to those we meet and help them see
the path faith offers? Can we hold firm and not give
in to the pressures of society? These are questions we
need to ask ourselves. Hopefully we can say yes, and
St. Agatha's can truly be a place of peace, acceptance
and love.
Have a blessed week,
Sr. Karen Collier
Parish Picnic Sunday, July 19th, 2015
At Veteran’s Park in Culver City
Second Collection: San Benito
We are sending $2,119.00 to San Benito,
Mission in Guatemala. Thank you everyone for your contributions, your support
will help the mission to continue.
“The giver of alms should
be free of anxiety and full
of joy. His gain will be
greatest when he keeps
back least for him/herself.”
- St. Leo the Great
Construyendo y alimentando una comunidad cristiana que ofrezca la oportunidad de experimentar
el amor incondicional de Dios y la aceptación a
todos con quienes nos encontremos.
as lecturas de esta semana nos dan una idea
del trabajo de un profeta. ¡No se trata de tener honor y fama! Escuchamos en la primera
lectura y en el Evangelio, como Dios le dice al profeta
que no busque al éxito, pero que sea fiel a su mensaje.
Por lo contrario estaría decepcionado.
Pienso que en nuestro mundo somos llamados a ser
profetas. ¿Podemos poner en alto el mensaje de paz que
Dios nos ha dado para lograr que todos sean tratados
con igualdad? Nuestro mundo está roto con odio, prejuicio e ignorancia. ¿Será que Dios nos está pidiendo a
que todos seamos profetas con quienes conocemos y
ayudarles a ver el camino de la fe? ¿Podemos seguir
con firmeza sin dejar que nos venzan las presiones de
la sociedad? Éstas son preguntas que nos debemos
hacer. Esperemos que podamos decir que sí, y que Santa Águeda sea un lugar de paz, de aceptación y de
Que tengan una semana bendita,
Hermana Karen Collier
Picnic Parroquial Domingo, 19 de julio
En Veteran’s Park en Culver City
Segunda Colecta: San Benito
Mandaremos $ 2,119.00 a San Benito,
Misión en Guatemala. Gracias por sus
contribuciones, su apoyo ayudará a que
continúe la misión.
Sunday, June 28
$ 7,920.00
Online Giving
$ 838.00
Sunday, June 21
$ 7,166.50
Online Giving
$ 460.00
"El que practica la caridad
debe estar libre de ansiedad
y lleno de alegría. Su recompensa será mayor cuando
deja lo menos para sí mismo"
-San León Magno
Registration Dates for First Communion
Fechas de Inscripciones para Primera Comunión
Saturday Registrations:
July 18 & 25 –St. Martin de Porres Room,
9:00 am-5:00 pm
Sunday Registrations:
July 26—St. Martin de Porres Room,
8:00am-2:00 pm
The registration forms for the First Year are in the
vestibule of the church entrance. For more information Gricelda De la Cerda at (323) 933-0963 or email
her at
Inscripciones en Sábado:
18 y 25 de julio—Salón San Martin,
de 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Inscripciones en Domingo:
26 de julio—Salón San Martin,
de 8:00am—2:00 pm
Las formas de inscripción para el Primer año están
en el vestíbulo a la entrada de la iglesia. Para mas información: Gricelda De la Cerda al (323) 933-0963 o por
correo electrónico
Fingerprinting here at St. Agatha
Toma de Huellas Digitales (Dactilares)
Friday, July 10, from 12:00 -7:20 pm
(Closed from 4-5 pm for dinner)
To make your appointment for fingerprints, please
call the Faith Formation office at (323) 933-0963.
Viernes 10 de Julio de 12:00 -7:20 pm
(Cerrado de 4-5pm para cenar)
Por favor llame a la oficina de
Formación de Fe al (323) 933-0963
para hacer su cita para tomar las huellas dactilares.
How do I register my child for Confirmation?
Registre a su hijo(a) a la Confirmación
Once you have made a mutual decision with
your (15 to 17 years old) child, make an appointment with the Office of Faith Formation:
(323) 933-0963. LIMITED SPACE.
Una vez que hayan estado en acuerdo ustedes y
sus hijos (15 a 17 años de edad), favor de hacer cita
con la oficina de Formación en la Fe:
(323) 933-0963. CUPO LIMITADO
A Year Encounter with the Pope
Un Encuentro con el Papa
In light of Pope Francis visit to the United States,
we would like to create small group discussions focusing on the Pope’s message and more specifically
from The Joy of the Gospel. More details to come.
Anticipando la venida del Papa a los Estados Unidos,
nos gustaría tener pequeños grupos de discusión sobre
el mensaje del Papa, y específicamente sobre La
Alegría del Evangelio. Tendremos más detalles pronto.
You are invited...
Estás Invitado…
Formation of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Monday, July 13, 2015 7PM - Guadalupe Room
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a new ministry group
at St. Agatha Parish. The new group will begin formation
this Monday. The presentation will be focus on the mission
and essential elements of a Vincentian in the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul.
Formación de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl
Lunes 13 de julio, 2015 a las 7PM - Salón Guadalupe
La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl es un nuevo ministerio
en la parroquia de St. Agatha. El nuevo grupo empezará formación este lunes. La presentación se enfocará en la misión y
los elementos esenciales de un Vicentino de la Sociedad de
San Vicente de Paúl.
Bulletin Editor’s July 2015 Reading
Lectura para Julio—Elección del Editor
Pope Francis: Life and Revolution
by Elisabetta Piqué
Ever wonder how Pope Francis became the person
he is now? Learn about our Pope, an inspirational
and revolutionary life.
Papa Francisco. Vida y revolución,
por Elisabetta Piqué
¿Se han preguntado cómo Jorge Mario Bergoglio
llegó a ser el Papa Francisco? Lean más sobre la vida
de nuestro Papa, una inspiración y revolución.
Night of Praise & Dinner
Noche de Alabanza y Cena
Saturday, August 22, 2015,
From 5:00pm to 10:30pm
Sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015,
De 5:00pm a 10:30pm
Tendremos música en ingles y en español!
Vengan y disfruten de la música maravillosa!.
Comenzando el próximo domingo, 28 de junio,
los boletos ya están disponibles
en la carpa que se encuentra atrás de
a iglesia y en la oficina de la placita.
Pre-venta: $20 por adulto y $10 por niño(a).
En la puerta: $25 por adulto y
(Niños de 5—10) $10 por niño(a)
Niños menos de 5 años son GRATIS
Praise with joy and enjoy the wonderful Music!
Starting next Sunday, June 28, tickets will be
available after each mass in the back of the church
parking lot and Pastoral Center during the week.
Pre-Sale: $20 per adult and $10 per child.
At the door: $25 per adult
and $10 per child. (5—10 years old)
Children younger than 5 are FREE
“Let everything that has breath
praise the
Lord” - Psalm 150:6
“Que todo lo que respire alabe al Señor”
- Salmo 150:6
Summer Choir Concert
This Wednesday, July 8, 2015 The St. Agatha Gospel Choir
will be heating up your summer once again! Holy Spirit Retreat Center
4316 Lanai Road Encino CA 91436 Phone: 818-784-4515
July 11—Eucharistic Ministry, Contact Ruby A.
High school
*** Karla G. Espinoza
Guzmangraduated from Bright
Star Secondary Charter Academy
with recognition from president
Obama for achievement of eduPlease join us in recognitionhonor-celebration and love the cational excellent. Will attend
UC Merced major in English and
St. Agatha church 2015
Spanish minor Psychology
*** Andrea Villata graduated
from Palisades high school will
attend Santa Monica College
*** Rigoberto Marquez Jr.
major nursing
Graduated from UCLA with a
*** Melissa Barrientos graduPh.D in education will work as a ated from University High
professor at Columbia University School will attend Cal State Long
in NY
Beach and major in nursing
*** Eddie and Michelle
*** Cesar Gabriel graduated
Graduated form Loyola Univer- from Bright Star Secondary
sity in advanced pastoral liturgy Charter Academy will attend
will serve St. Agatha
Vanguard University California
*** Enrique Reyes
major business finance minor
Graduated from Loyola Univer- sport science
sity in parish business admini*** Angelica Reyes graduated
stration will serve St. Agatha
from Bright Star Secondary
*** Adrian Cuvera
Charter Academy honor cord for
Graduated from California State being among the top ten in her
University of Long Beach in
class and obtaining a GPA above
electrical engineer
July 18—English Lectors—Contact Charlotte R.
4.0 all four years of high school
will attend Cal State Fullerton,
major in psychology and minor
in communication
*** Oscar Carreon graduated
from Bright Star Secondary
Charter Academy will attend Cal
Poly Pomona major Criminal
Justice minor Business
*** Noe Carreon graduated
from Hamilton High will attend
El Camino College, major Fire
Protection & technology
*** Maria Celeste Flores graduated from Venice High will attend Cal State Northridge, major
*** Laura Lopez graduated
from Hamilton High will attend
UC Berkley major Math
Junior high school
*** Simone R. Bergeron graduated from LASUD/USC/CAE
silver honors received honor roll
through the year received top
honors in music achievement will
attend Hamilton High Music
Magnet School
*** Nicholas Coleman graduated from St. Jerome Catholic
School student council, altar
sever, perfect attendance, will
attend Loyola Catholic High
*** Jason Franco graduated
from Emerson Middle School
Mathematics and will attend University High School
*** Rina M graduated from Paul
Revere Middle School, St.
Agatha 2015 Festival Queen, will
attend Palisades High School
*** Christian Culmer-Evans
graduated from John Burroughs
Middle School, received honor
certificate gpa 3.6, will attend
Hamilton High School
Grammar school
*** Jairo Franco graduated
from Brockton School Mathmatics will attend Emerson Middle
The S.H.A.R.E.
Pope Francis Corner
Reflections from The Joy of the Gospel
Espacio para el Papa Francisco
Reflexiones de La Alegría del Evangelio
“The Holy Spirit knows well what is needed in
every time and place. This is what it means to be
mysteriously fruitful! (280)”
"El Espíritu Santo sabe bien lo que hace falta en
cada época y en cada momento. ¡Esto se llama
ser misteriosamente fecundos!" (280).
“Works of love directed to one's neighbor are the
most perfect external manifestation of the interior grace of the Spirit…. (37)”
"Las obras de amor al prójimo son la manifestación externa más perfecta de la gracia interior del
Espíritu..." (37).
“We have to state, without mincing
words, that there is an inseparable bond
between our faith and the poor. May we
never abandon them (48).”
Help Children Be Aware
"Hay que decir sin vueltas que existe un
vínculo inseparable entre nuestra fe y
los pobres. Nunca los dejemos solos" (48)
Ayude a los niños a identificar
Children have more opportunities to be out of your immediate sight during the summer. It’s important to remind
your child that if another child or adult – including people
they know and trust – try to touch them inappropriately
they should: Say NO and GET AWAY from any person
or situation that makes them feel scared, uncomfortable or
confused. Tell them to TRUST THEIR FEELINGS and
be sure to TELL a trusted adult. And it’s never too late to
tell a trusted adult what happened. For a copy of the article called “Know the Rules…Summer Safety Tips to
Teach Children” from the National Center for Missing
and Exploited Children,
Durante el verano hay mayores posibilidades de que los
niños no estén directamente bajo su supervisión. Por eso
es importante recordarles a sus hijos que si un niño o
adulto – aunque sea conocido y de confianza – trata de
tocarlos de manera inapropiada, ellos deben decir NO y
HUIR de la persona o situación que los hizo sentir asustados, incómodos o confundidos. Diles que CONFÍEN EN
SUS INSTINTOS y HABLEN con un adulto de confianza. Nunca es demasiado tarde para decirle a un adulto de
confianza lo que pasó. Para obtener una copia del artículo
completo del National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children, escriba a:
Prevención del Suicidio
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Bulletin Ads
Businesses or individuals who wish to purchase a “back
page” ad may do so by contacting Nettie Felix . Our bulletin is published offsite through the Mission Publications
Co., and Ms. Felix is their local Advertising Sales Executive. Many varieties of ad sizes are available for your individual needs. She may be reached at (951) 202-8835
and her email:
Baldwin Hills Library provides access to online
homework help, computers, and free homework
printing for students in grades K-12.
We also provide live demonstrations on
how to use computers
Monday - Thursday 3:00-5:00 pm
(323) 733-1196
St Agatha is a special place, where we are touched daily by God’s presence among us. Rooted in the legacy of our founding
parishioners, we have become the dynamic faith community we cherish today. A gift to the future of our parish will support
its spiritual richness and many good works for generations to come. Please remember St Agatha in your will or trust. For
further information please contact the rectory or Richard H. Closson, Director, Trust & Estate Programs, LA Archdiocese,
213-637-7472, e-mail or Our legal title is: The Roman
Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole for the benefit of St. Agatha Parish.
Pastoral Staff Directory
Sat July 4 ╬ Sábado 4 de Julio
5:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Sunday July 5 ╬ Domingo 5 de Julio
Ez 2: 2-5/ Ps 123: 1-2. 2. 3-4/ 2 Cor 12: 7-10/ Mk 6: 1-6
7:00 a.m.
José Armando Covarrubias †
- A petición de su familia
7:00 a.m.
Juan Abel Westbrook †
- A petición de su familia
7:00 a.m.
Iván Pérez †
- A petición de Esperanza Sánchez
8:30 a.m.
Our Parish Family
10:00 a.m.
John B. Jaso †
- Requested by Irene Jaso
12:15 p.m.
Salvador Vera †
- A petición de su familia
12:15 p.m.
José Sánchez García †
- A petición de Silvia Sánchez
12:15 p.m.
David Zúñiga †
- A petición de su familia
12:15 p.m.
Jesús Estrada †
- A petición de su hija Sara Rodríguez
5:30 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Monday, July 6 ╬ Lunes 6 de Julio
Pastoral Office (323) 935-8127
(323) 743-8127 (text messages)
St. Agatha's Web:
Sr. Karen Collier
Parish Life Director
Ext. 227
Fr. Bill Axe
Priest Ministry
Ext. 223
Dn. Ricardo Recinos
Hispanic Apostolate
(323) 935-1308
Enrique Reyes
Parish Business Manager
Ext. 224
(323) 933-0963
Teresa Amezcua
Director of Faith Formation
Gricelda de la Cerda
Faith Formation Assistant
(323) 933-0963
Emmanuel Montenegro
Ext. 221
Maggie Arellano
Youth Ministry
Ext. 240
Eddie Hilley
Music Ministry Director
(323) 935-2853
Gn 28: 10-22a/ Ps 91: 1-2. 3-4. 14-15ab/ Mt 9: 18-26
Our Parish Family
6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 7 ╬ Martes 7 de Julio
Gn 32: 23-33/ Ps 17: 1b. 2-3. 6-7ab. 8b and 15/ Mt 9: 32-38
Domingo Sacalxot Coyoyo †
6:30 p.m.
- A petición de Rosario Elías
Wed, July 8 ╬ Miércoles 8 de Julio
Gn 41: 55-57; 42: 5-7a. 17-24a/ Ps 33: 2-19/ Mt 10: 1-7
8:00 a.m.
Our Parish Family
Thursday July 9 ╬ Jueves 9 de Julio
Gn 44: 18-21. 23b-29; 45: 1-5/ Ps 105: 16-21/ Mt 10: 7-15
6:30 p.m.
Pastoral Office Hours
Monday - Friday • Lunes - Viernes
10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday • Sábado
9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Servicio de Comunión
Friday, July 10 ╬ Viernes 10 de Julio
Gn 46: 1-7. 28-30/ Ps 37: 3-4. 18-19. 27-40/ Mt 10: 16-23
6:30 p.m.
Nuestra Familia Parroquial
Next Sunday Readings
-Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 12, 2015
Am 7: 12-15/ Ps 85: 9-10. 11-12. 13-14 (8)/ Eph 1: 314/ Mk 6: 7-13
Mass Times / Tiempos de Misa
Mon: 6:30pm (En) Tues: 6:30pm (Sp)
Wed: 8:00am (En) Thurs: 6:30pm (Sp)
Fri: 6:30pm (Bl) Sat: 5:30pm (En/Vigil)
Sun: 7:00am (Sp), 8:30am (En)
10:00am (En/Gospel) 12:15pm (Sp) 5:30pm (En)
Confession / Confesiones
Welcome to St. Agatha Catholic Church!
Saturday/Sábado: 4:40pm
We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here
celebrating with us, whether longtime residents or newly arrived in the
New: [ ] parishioner [ ] address [ ] phone [ ] email
Name: _________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
Submit a bulletin Announcement