Legal Advic ! Vol.1 S T H G I R R KNOW YOUe by Fans for Fans Issue 03 – June 2013 07______ Austria 11______ Bulgaria 13______ Croatia 17______ England & Wales 19______ Greece 23______ Israel 27______ Italy 31______ The Netherlands 35______ Serbia 39______ Switzerland This RTR edition includes legal advice for the following countries (in alphabetical order) in English and the respective national language (except for Bulgaria): REVIVE THE ROAR 03 Know your rights! Vol. 1 Also, this Revive the Roar! Issue with the KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Vol. 1 edition is only the beginning! At the time of writing we’re already gathering the info for all those countries still missing. So, we’ll be back with the next KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Vol. 2 hopefully soon! We know many fans who have found themselves trapped in such situations, where some basic knowledge of local legislation would have been of great help to avoid certain situations altogether. And since we know that situations like this happen, in some places on a more or less regular basis, we hope that with the help of this legal advice you’ll be enabled to maneouvre yourselves around most of them in the respective countries covered in here in the future! As many football supporters will know, it’s sometimes unfortunately very easy, especially for a travelling supporter, to get into trouble with local authorities and/or security forces, whether that’s because you’re not familiar with the local conditions, the do’s and don’ts in the respective countries, or simply because you don’t speak the language. In other scenarios, as our members have encountered, entire groups of fans have been treated very badly by the police for no reason, subsequently been jailed and some of them had to sign written confessions without being able to contact a lawyer just to be allowed to leave the country as soon as possible. Because in line with the title “Know Your Rights!”, this issue will provide you with legal tips and hints for your football tripsin more than 10 countries across Europe. and welcome to the latest issue of Revive the Roar!, the Fanzine of FSE which we hope you’ll never need…. Hi there folks, WE HOPE YOU’LL NEVER NEED THIS If you have any contacts to lawyers dealing with fans rights or defending supporters on a regular basis in YOUR country, let us know about them via email at! At the moment it consists of 28 lawyers from 12 European countries who specialise in football-related legislation and helping fans in trouble. And we need more of them to join the team! Now if you’re thinking “Haha, yeah, right, they copied this info from a fans’ forum or something…” rest assured, we’re a bit more clever than that: this legal advice was put together by the experts in our European Fan Lawyer Network, which was set up at the 5th European Fans Congress in Istanbul in 2012. THE EUROPEAN FAN LAWYER NETWORK Each of these A5 sheets for 10 countries is designed in a way that you can simply cut off the page at the cutting line. Fold it like a flyer along the marked lines and put it in your pocket or wallet. This way you will have it available in (the hopefully unlikely) case that you need it. Each KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Flyer is available in English and the local language of the respective country it covers. In here, you’ll find answers to what we thought were the most common questions about regulations and legislation related to football games for us as fans. The info for one country is squeezed together on the front and rear of one A5 sheet of paper. HOW DOES IT WORK? For violation of the laws against pyrotechnics you could get fined up to 3.600 € or a prison sentence of up to three weeks, in the case of breaking these rules around a sporting event you could be fined up to 4.360 € or given a prison sentence of up to four weeks. If I don’t have a lawyer in the country, will I be provided with one? No, not automatically. PYROTECHNICS Is the usage or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? The following bans apply to pyrotechnics of all sorts and categories. t Possession, usage, giving to third parties, putting into circulation of irritant pyrotechnics is forbidden; t Using pyrotechnics is generally forbidden in town. Exceptional permissions for certain parts of the city could be given by the respective mayor. t Pyrotechnics are not allowed to be in your possession or used at or around sporting events. There is the possibility of getting a governmental special permission for professional pyrotechnic displays or a „fans’ choreography“. ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? Alcohol is no problem at the grounds. There’s even lite beer being sold in the grounds. But WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in Austria? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? At the moment there is a restructuring of the police forces. Basically every Policeman has the same powers. At sporting events policemen from the whole county will be concentrated and be supported by special forces such as WEGA and Cobra. REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to Name: Manfred Arthofer Chancellery: Anwaltssozietät Sattlegger Dorninger Steiner & Partner Office address: Harrachstraße 6, 4020 Linz Office number: 0043/676/588 15 94 e-mail: GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! YOUR FAN LAWYER! This legal advice was put together with the help of our European network of fan lawyers. In case you require legal assistance in Austria, the members of our fan lawyer network are happy to help: EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl. intl. dial code): Police: ++43 133 Fire service: ++43 122 Ambulance: ++43 144 Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) ANYTHING ELSE? Anything else I should consider in Austria in any case? Normally it’s quite cosy in Austria, only at international games or games between big rivals you have to watch out. Policemen are often a bit overstrained and are taking more liberties than they are actually entitled to. Give statements only if a person of trust or a lawyer is present. Don’t sign anything, as statements are often recorded wrongly or even the interpreters are translating something incorrectly sometimes. Don’t sign anything you haven’t read AND understood! 07 drunken people could be banned from entering the stadium. The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via KNOW Y O U R RIGHTS! in Austria BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the „black market“? No problems occur for the buyer, as you’re buying from a private person. As a seller you could get into trouble with the trade office. Even an attempt at use will be punished, which means that even certain activities of preparations Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Police are allowed to keep you in custody for identity verification for up to 48 hours. Detention without judicial ruling is only possible if you are caught red-handed or in cases of imminent danger, meaning the danger of escape, the suppression of evidence or the danger of further crimes being committed. This is possible for up to four days. Am I allowed to make a call? Am I allowed to contact a lawyer immediately? Yes. STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in Austria and on the basis of which (legal or regulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? Responsibility for stadium bans lies basically with the League and the Austrian FA, though this is often bypassed by public authorities and the League through putting pressure on the clubs. has to happen at the latest at the Police station. Furthermore he has the right to call a person of trust or a lawyer. At the interrogation it is possible to remain silent, though this could end in detention awaiting trial. There must be breaks during the questioning; you have also the right to go to the toilet and to get something to drink. could be an offence. Producers and retailers of pyrotechnics could get a fine of up to 10.000 € or a prison sentence of up to six weeks. Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens in case I’m arrested? For how long can you be held at the police station/in prison at maximum? If being arrested the suspect has the right of being informed about the reasons of detention and the criminal acts he is suspected of. This Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? Name, date of birth, and place of residence. DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? There’s no obligation to carry an ID for Austrian citizens. This means you don’t have to be able to show an ID and you don’t have to carry an ID with you. As a foreign citizen you have the duty to carry your ID with you all the time. TEILT FSE EURE ERFAHRUNGEN MIT! Wir werden sicherstellen, dass wir diese mit den zuständigen Institutionen und/oder Partnern teilen werden. Schickt uns eine Mail mit Euren Erfahrungen an Der FSE Kenne Deine Rechte! Flyer ist auch als Download erhältlich unter LADE DIE FSE FAN GUIDE APP RUNTER Erhältlich für Android und iPhone bei Deinem Appstore oder über Stadion Guide (auf Englisch & Polnisch) Stadion Guide Info (auf Englisch) STADION GUIDES VON FANS FÜR FANS Sämtliche Informationen wurden von FSE Mitgliedern gesammelt und sind umsonst erhältlich! NOTRUFNUMMERN (inkl. internat. Vorwahl) Polizei: +43 133 Feuerwehr: +43 122 Rettungswagen: +43 144 Name: Manfred Arthofer Kanzlei: Anwaltssozietät Sattlegger Dorninger Steiner & Partner Adresse: Harrachstraße 6, 4020 Linz Telefon: 0043/676/588 15 94 e-mail: DEIN FAN ANWALT! Diese Rechtshilfetipps wurden mit der Hilfe unseres Europäischen Fananwälte Netzwerkes zusammengestellt. Im Fall, dass Ihr anwaltliche Vertretung in Österreich benötigen solltet, wendet Euch an unsere Mitglieder des Netzwerkes, die Euch gerne helfen werden: SONST NOCH ETWAS? Was sollte in Österreich auf jeden Fall noch beachtet werden? In der Regel ist es in Österreich eher gemütlich, lediglich bei internationalen Spielen oder bei alten nationalen Rivalitäten ist erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit geboten. Polizisten sind leicht überfordert und nehmen sich gern mehr Rechte heraus, als sie eigentlich dürften. Aussagen immer nur mit Vertrauensperson oder mit Anwalt. Nichts unterschreiben, da diese Aussagen oft nicht richtig aufgenommen werden, bzw auch die Dolmetscher falsch übersetzen (nichts unterschreiben, ohne es gelesen und auch VERSTANDEN zu haben.) 09 Nachstehende schlagwortartig angeführten Verbote gelten für pyrotechnische Erzeugnisse aller Art und Kategorien. t Besitz, Verwendung, Überlassen und Inverkehrbringen von reizerzeugenden pyrotechnischen Gegenständen sind verboten; t Pyrotechnische Gegenstände dürfen im Ortsgebiet generell nicht verwendet werden; Ausnahmemöglichkeit für bestimmte Teile des Gemeindegebietes kann durch Verordnung des jeweiligen Bürgermeisters erfolgen; t Pyrotechnische Gegenstände und Sätze dürfen in sachlichem, örtlichen und zeitlichen Stadion Guide für behinderte Fans: K E N N E D E I N E RECHTE! in Österreich Wird mir ein Anwalt gestellt, wenn ich keinen habe bzw. aus dem Ausland bin? Nein, nicht automatisch. im Falle der Missachtung der Bestimmungen im Zusammenhang mit Sportveranstaltungen droht eine Verwaltungsstrafe bis zu 4.360 € oder eine Freiheitsstrafe bis zu vier Wochen. SCHWARZMARKT TICKETS Wie sehen die Bestimmungen für den Verkauf / Kauf von Tickets auf dem „Schwarzmarkt“ aus? Als Käufer unproblematisch, da ich von einem Privaten Karten kaufe! Als Verkäufer könnte es zu Problemen mit der Gewerbebehörde kommen. WO IST DIE POLIZEI? Eine Auflistung der verschiedenen Polizeieinheiten der Länder und ihrer Verantwortungsbereiche. Im Moment ist eine Neuorganisation im Gange; Grundsätzlich hat jeder Polizist in Österreich dieselben Befugnisse. Bei Sportveranstaltungen werden Polizisten aus dem ganzen Bundesland zusammengezogen und mit Spezialeinheiten (WEGA, Cobra) verstärkt. PYROTECHNIK Wie sieht es mit der Legalität von Pyrotechnik innerhalb und außerhalb der Stadien aus? Darf ich telefonieren? Darf ich einen Anwalt anrufen? Ja. Der Versuch ist strafbar, d.h. dass bereits bestimmte Vorbereitungshandlungen eine Verwaltungsübertretung darstellen können! Erzeugern und Händlern, welche die Bestimmungen über das Inverkehrbringen (etwa die CE-Bestimmungen) missachten, droht eine Verwaltungsstrafe bis zu 10.000 € oder eine Freiheitsstrafe bis zu sechs Wochen. Wer die allgemeinen Verbote missachtet, dem droht eine Verwaltungsstrafe bis zu 3.600 € oder eine Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Wochen, ALKOHOL Wie sieht es mit Alkoholkonsum auf öffentlichen Plätzen und im Stadion aus? Wenn er nicht erlaubt sein sollte, was könnten die Konsequenzen sein? Ist in der Regel nicht vorgesehen. Es wird sogar Leichtbier und dergleichen verabreicht. Ist kein IM FALLE EINER VERHAFTUNG Was passiert, wenn ich festgenommen werde? Wie lange darf man auf der Wache festgehalten werden, ohne einem Haftrichter o.ä. vorgeführt worden zu sein? Ist es zu einer Festnahme gekommen, hat der Verdächtige das Recht, spätestens auf der Polizeistation Haftgrund und Tatverdacht in einer ihm verständlichen Sprache zu erfahren. Ebenso darf er eine Vertrauensperson oder einen Anwalt anrufen. Bei der folgenden Einvernahme gilt das “Entschlagungsrecht”, sprich, es ist möglich, die Aussage zu verweigern, was allerdings in einer U-Haft-Zelle enden kann. Während des Verhörs müssen Pausen gemacht werden; auch Trinken und der Gang auf die Toilette sind erlaubt. Polizeigewahrsam zur Identitätsfeststellung ist Welche Daten sollte ich auf der Wache auf jedem Fall angeben? Name, Geburtsdatum, Wohnort Zusammenhang mit einer Sportveranstaltung nicht besessen und nicht verwendet werden; behördliche Ausnahmemöglichkeiten gibt es für professionelle Pyrotechnik-Darbietungen und für die sog. „Fan-Choreographie“. Thema! Veranstalter könnten aber Besuchern, die betrunken sind, den Zutritt verweigern. nur über eine Dauer von maximal 48 Stunden zulässig. Verwahrungshaft ist ohne richterliche Bewilligung nur möglich, wenn man auf frischer Tat ertappt wird, oder aber bei Gefahr im Verzug, soll heißen bei Flucht-, Verdunklungs-, oder Tatbegehungsgefahr. Sie darf maximal vier Tage dauern. STADIONVERBOTE Wer verantwortet Stadionverbote in Österreich. Und welches sind die rechtlichen Grundlagen, von wem, dafür? Für Stadionverbote ist grundsätzlich die “Bundesliga” und der ÖFB (Österreichischer Fußballverband) zuständig. Wird aber gern von Behörden und Bundesliga “umschifft”, in dem man den Vereinen Druck auferlegt bzw. Auflagen erteilt. AUSWEISPFLICHT? Wie ist die Ausweissituation im Land? Bin ich verpflichtet, ein Ausweisdokument mitzuführen? Was passiert wenn ich das nicht tue? Für österreichische Staatsbürger besteht keine allgemeine Ausweispflicht. Soll heißen, generell muss man sich nicht ausweisen können; man muss nicht in ständiger Erwartung einer möglichen Kontrolle einen Lichtbildausweis griffbereit haben. Die Polizei darf lediglich mutmaßliche Täter bei Verdacht auf eine strafbare Handlung kontrollieren, oder mögliche Zeugen einer solchen. Anders verhält es sich in Bezug auf Nichtstaatsbürger: Sie sind laut Fremdenpolizeigesetz dazu verpflichtet, sich jederzeit ausweisen zu können. Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? There is no general obligation on what information you should give. It is conceivable even saying nothing about yourself. Am I allowed to make a call? Yes, you can call your lawyer and if you are a foreigner you could insist your consulate be informed about your arrest (my personal advice is to use this opportunity) Anything else to consider? Always ask for a translator in your language – from the very first moment. GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl. intl. dialcode): POLICE: +359 112 AMBULANCE: +359 112 ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? In Bulgaria the import and consumption of alcohol in the stadia is strictly forbidden. Normally three hours before the game and one hour after it in the surrounding areas the selling of alcohol is forbidden. However, you can drink in public and this is possible even in places where selling is not allowed. Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to 11 Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) KNOW Y O U R RIGHTS! in Bulgaria WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in Bulgaria? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? There is no special football police unit outside of the Police itself. Am I allowed to contact a lawyer immediately? If i don’t have one in the country, will i be provided with one? Yes, you can contact your lawyer immediately. If you don’t have any in Bulgaria you could ask the State appointed one. Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: PYROTECHNICS Is the usage or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? Although there are some restrictions the usage and possession of pyrotechnics is legal in Bulgaria (it has to be CE marked and there are different types of pyrotechnics with different levels of restrictions). Pyrotechnics in stadiums have to be declared before entering. However, at this moment in the Parliament there is a proposal for amendments to the Public Order Protection During Sports Events Act. According to these amendments importing them into the stadium will be strictly forbidden. BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the „black market“? As far as I know there is no regulation about buying/selling tickets on the „black market“. However, when there is high interest for an event, normally there is a restriction on the number of tickets one can buy. This is done by the football clubs themselves not from some regulations. STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in Bulgaria and on the basis of which (legal orregulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? The stadium banning orders are issued by the Court. The legal basis, the procedure and the legal consequences are regulated in Public Order Protection During Sports Events Act. However, there are indirect consequences. When someone does not carry his/her ID card, there is a possibility they could be detained up to 24 hours in order to be identified (Art. 63 (1) (5) of Ministry of interior Act). WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens in case I’m arrested? For how long can you be held at the police station/in prison at maximum? Normally, no longer than 24 hours, however, if the deed you are arrested for is considered as a crime it could be longer - 72 hours with an order of a Public Prosecutor and more by the decision of a Judge. DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? In Bulgaria there is a general obligation to carry your ID card when you are outside your home. The direct consequences if one does not present his documents to the competent officials he could be fined between 50 and 300 levs (approximately 25 to 150 Euro) (Art. 80 of Bulgarian Personal Documents Act). OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? Yes, you are obliged to carry an ID card, or some kind of form of ID that has picture on it i.e. passport, driving licence. If not, you are violating the Law on ID card, and if found you can be punished with 100 HRK fine. Misdemeanors against Public Order and Peace) you can be arrested and detained for a maximum of 12 hours in which time you should be brought to a judge or set free. If you are arrested after the working hours of the Court, you could be detained longer, with written explanation, but no longer than 24 hours. The Judge can decide to detain you longer but some conditions have to be fulfilled: the risk of repeating the misdemeanor. PYROTECHNICS Is the usage or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? Possession of pyrotechnics is not legal at the stadium, if you try to carry pyrotechnics into the stadium you are violating the Law on the Prevention of Violence at the Stadium and you Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? You only have to give your personal details. could be punished from 2.000 to 15.000 HRK or with prison sentence of up to 30 days. any other person that you determine, and if you are examined as a suspect or defendant inform you that you are not obliged to give testimony and that you have the right to professional assistance to defense counsel of your own choice. WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens in case I’m arrested? A person arrested or detained on suspicion of having committed an offense must be immediately informed about the reasons for his/ her arrest or detention. For how long can you be held at the police station/in prison at maximum? There are too many variables to answer this question in a few sentences; it all depends on the actions that you conducted. If you are arrested in doing a misdemeanor (i.e. drinking in public place represents a violation of the Law on Am I allowed to make a call? Upon your request a competent authority of the arrest or detention should inform your family or Am I allowed to contact a lawyer immediately? If I don’t have one in the country, will I be provided with one? The practice has shown that people detained for misdemeanors are not sometimes allowed immediately to call a lawyer, especially if they want to call a lawyer before questioning in the police station. You also have to have in mind that if Court working hours are finished your lawyer will not be able to do much to prevent detention up to 12 hours. BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the „black market“? All tickets from the Croatian National League are issued in the name of the buyer so if you want to enter the stadium with a ticket that is not in your name, there is a chance that you will be identified and removed from the stadium. WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in Croatia? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? There are different units in the structure in the Croatian Police from the Road Safety units, Intervention police, Traffic Police Mobile Unit, Department for Organized Crime and Corruption and its units etc. Police have a special Department of Public Order in which the Department for the Prevention of Violence in Sport Competitions which organizes and maintains police cooperation on measures of prevention of violence on sports competitions, maintains constant contact with the national information centers for other sports countries, etc. There is no special football police unit but there was previously. DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: on the Prevention of Violence at the Stadium and you could be punished from 2.000,00 to 15.000,00 HRK or with prison sentence of up to 30 days. If reasonable, police can subject you to Alco-test and detain you till two hours after the match if you have more than 0.5 g/kg alcohol in your breath. That represents a violation of the Law ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? Drinking in public places (parks, etc.) represents a violation of the Law on Misdemeanors against Public Order and Peace and you can be punished with a fine of up to €100. Alcohol is forbidden at sport stadiums and only allowed in exceptional cases. The consumption of alcohol refers to the period of arrival at the stadium, during the match and while leaving the match. Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to POLICE: ++ 385 192 AMBULANCE: ++ 385 194 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl. intl. dial code): 13 If you are caught carrying alcohol in the stadium or drinking alcohol in the stadium you are also in violation of the Law on the Prevention of Violence at the Stadium and you could be punished from 2.000,00 to 15.000,00 HRK or with prison sentence of up to 30 days. It could be imposed together with the fine/prison for the unlawful conduct or could be imposed on the proposal of the Police if there is some information about the previous unlawful conduct of the person regarding the arrival, attendance or departure from the stadium. STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in Croatia and on the basis of which (legal or regulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? In Croatia, the Misdemeanor Court (and Criminal court if the act in question is criminal) can impose protective measures by which the access to the stadium is forbidden on the grounds of the Law on the Prevention of Violence at the Stadium. KNOW Y O U R RIGHTS! in Croatia OBAVEZA NOŠENJA INDETIFIKACIJSKIH DOKUMENATA? Moram li sa sobom nositi osobne dokumente i da li je to zakonom određeno? Ako ih nemam kakve su zakonske posljedice? Da, obavezni ste sa sobom nositi osobnu iskaznicu ili neku drugu vrstu identifikacijske iskaznice koja ima sliku na sebi, npr. putovnicu, vozačku dozvolu itd. Inače kršite Zakon o osobnoj iskaznici i možete biti kažnjeni za prekršaj sa 100,00kn. PIROTEHNIKA Da li je posjedovanje ili korištenje pirotehnike legalno na i/ili van stadiona? Ne, posjedovanje pirotehnike na stadionu nije u skladu sa zakonom, a ako pokušate unjeti pirotehnička sredstva u stadion kršite Zakon o sprečavanju nerada na sportskim natjecanjima i za taj prekršaj možete biti kažnjeni sa kaznom od 2.000,00 do 5.000,00 kn ili kaznom zatvora do 30 dana. ŠTO KADA TE UHITE Kakav je policijski postupak ako me uhite? Osoba uhićena ili zadržana pod sumnjom da je počinila prekršaj mora biti odmah upoznata o razlozima uhićenja ili zadržavanja. Koliko maksimalno policija ima pravo zadržati uhičenika na stadionu ili pritvoru/zatvoru? Previše je varijabli da bi se mogao dati jednostavan odgovor; sve ovisi o tome zbog čega su vas priveli / uhitli.Ako su vas uhitili u činjenju prekršaja (npr. ukoliko ste pili na javnom mjestu što predstavlja prekšaj prema Zakonu o prekršajima protiv javnog reda i mira) mogu vas uhititi i zadržati do maksimalno 12 sati i u tom vremenu vas dovesti pred suca ili pustiti na slobodu. Ako navedeni rok za uhićenje pada izvan radnog vremena ili dežurstva suda, uhićenik će se dovesti pred sud do kraja vremena u kojemu sud radi. Ako to nije moguće zbog okolnosti uhićenja ili drugih važnih razloga, policija će uhićenika, uz pisano obrazloženje, dovesti sucu početkom radnog vremena ili dežurstva narednog dana. U svakom slučaju, zadržavanje ne može trajati dulje od 24 sata. Nakon toga sudac može donjeti odluku da vas se zadrži i duže, međutim trebaju se ispuniti određeni uvjeti: npr. da postoji rizik da će te ponoviti prekršaj…. KARTE NA CRNOM TRŽIŠTU Kakve su zakonske regulative o kupnji ili prodaji ulaznica za sportska natjecanja “na crno”? Sve karte Hrvatske nogometne lige se izdaju na ime osobe koja ih kupuje, jedna osoba može kupiti najviše dvije karte. Ako pokušate ući na utakmicu sa kartom koja ne glasi na vaše ime, postoji mogućnost da će vas identificirati i na temelju toga udaljiti sa satadiona. Koje osobne podatke sam dužan dati policiji? U obavezi ste samo da date osobne podatke. Imam li pravo na poziv? Na vaš zahtjev, tijelo nadležno za vaše uhićenje će obavijestiti vašu obitelj ili neku drugu osobu koju vi odredite a ako se ispitujete kao osumnjičenik ili okrivljenik i poučiti vas da niste dužni iskazivati te da imte pravo na stručnu pomoć branitelja kojeg sami možete izabrati. Imam li pravo odmah pri uhićenju kontaktirati svojeg odvjetnika? Ako nemam odvjetnika da li će mi biti dodjeljen? U praksi se pokazalo da osobe koje su zadržane pod sumnjom da su počinile prekršaj nisu odmah mogle zvati odvjetnika pogotovo ne prije nego ih policija ispita u policijskoj postaji. Također trebate znati da će vas zadržati ukoliko je sudu završilo radno vrijeme vaš odvjetnik neće moći spriječiti vase zadržavanje u periodu do 12 sati. POLICIJA Koliko različitih policijskih postrojba postoji u Hrvatskoj? Koja su njihova područja djelovanja i odgovornosti? Postoji li specijani odred policije za sportska natjecanja? U Hrvatskoj postoje različiti odjeli policije: od službe za sigurnost cestovnog prometa, interventne policije, kriminalističke policije, odjela za organizirani kriminal i korupciju. Također policija ima posebni službu za javni red pri kojoj se nalazi služba za prevenciju sprječavanje nereda na sportskim natjecanjima koja organizira i održava policijsku suradnju u vezi s mjerama prevencije nereda na sportskim natjecanjima; održava stalne kontakte s nacionalnim informacijskim centrima za sport drugih zemalja itd. Dakle, ne postoji posebna nogometna policija ali postoji ranije spomenuti odjel koji koordinira policijsku djelatnost u tom području. PREUZMITE APLIKACIJU FSE VODIČ ZA NAVIJAČE! DOSTUPNA JE NA ENGLESKOM ZA Android i iPhone preko App Store ili na Vodič za osobe s invaliditetom Vodič za stadione (na Engleskom i Poljskom) Ukoliko okolnosti upućuju na to, policija vas može podrgnuti alko-testu i zadržati vas do 2 sata nakon završetka natjecanja ukoliko imate vise od 0.5/kg Zabrana konzumacije alkohola proteže se na period od polaska na natjecanje, putovanje, trajanja natjecanja i povratka sa natjecanja. ALKOHOL Kakav je zakon što se tiče konzumiranja alkohola na stadionu ili u javnosti? Ako nije dopušteno a ulovnjeni ste s alkoholom što će se dogoditi? Opijanje na javnom mjestu predstavlja prekršaj prema Zakonu o prekršajima protiv javnog reda i mira i možete biti kažnjeni sa do 100 eura kazne. Alkohol je zabranjen na sportskim natjecanjima i može biti dozvoljen u iznimnim slučajevima. Opsežan vodič (na Engleskom) VODIČ ZA NAVIJAČE OD NAVIJAČA Sve informacije pružene su od članova FSE-a i dostupne su besplatno! JAVITE NAM VAŠA ISKUSTVA U FSE! Pobrinut ćemo se da vaša iskustva stignu na adresu relevantnih ustanova i/ili naših partnera. Pošaljite nam email sa vašim iskustvima na TELEFONSKI BROJEVI DEŽUNIH SLUŽBI POLICIJA: 192 AMBULANTA: 194 Mogu se odrediti zajedno sa novčanom kaznom/ kaznom zatvora na temelju protupravnog ponašanja ili na prijedlog policije ako postoje saznanja o prijašnjem protupravnom ponašanju osobe prilikom polaska na natjecanje, putovanja, trajanja natjecanja ili povratka sa natjecanja. ZABRANE PRISUSTVOVANJA SPORTSKIM NATJECANJIMA Tko izdaje mjere zabrane prisustvovanja sportskom natjecanju u Hrvatskoj i na osnovu kojih zakona se te mjere izdaju? U Hrvtaskoj zaštitne mjere zabrane prisustvovanja sportskim natjecanjima može donjeti Prekršajni sud (ili Kazneni sud ako je kazneno djelo u pitanju) na temelju Zakona o sprečavanju nereda na sportskim natjecanjima. 15 alkohola. To je prekršaj prema Zakonu o sprječavanju nereda na sportskim natjecanjima i možete biti kažnjeni od 2.000,00 do 15.000,00 kn ili sa kaznom zatvora do 30 dana. Ukoliko ste uhvaćeni da unosite alkohol na stadion ili da pijete na stadionu također kršite Zakon o sprječavanju nereda na sportskim natjecanjima i možete biti kažnjeni od 2.000,00 do 15.000,00 kn ili sa kaznom zatvora do 30 dana. FSE znaj svoja prava dostupan je za preuzimanje Znaj svoja p r a v a ! u Hrvatskoj Accepting a caution or a Fixed Penalty Notice is admission of guilt. Do not accept this if you believe you are innocent of the offence. ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? At a match it is an offence to drink alcohol anywhere other than the concourse of the stadium (i.e. in the designated bars). Entering a stadium when drunk is also a criminal offence. You cannot drink on buses or chartered trains en route to or from football matches. ANYTHING ELSE? Anything else I should consider in England and Wales? STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in England and Wales and on the basis of which (legal orregulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? A football club can ban a person from their property. Police Football Banning Orders (FBOs) ban a person from all football matches for a period of time. A person convicted of an offence related to football can have an FBO imposed on them by the Court on the application of the police (section 14A Football Spectators Act 1989). An FBO can also be applied for by the police on the basis of a dossier of information other than a conviction. (Section 14B). It is possible to have a lawyer and contest the application. It is usually not possible to get free legal advice. A ban can last between two and ten years. Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! Police and Ambulance: ++ 44 999 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl. intl. dial code): REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to Name: Lochlinn Parker Company: Deighton Pierce Glynn Office address: 8 Union Street London SE1 1SZ Phone number: (0044) (0) 207 407 0007 email: YOUR FAN LAWYER! This legal advice was put together with the help of our European network of fan lawyers. In case you require legal assistance in England, the members of our fan lawyer network are happy to help: Filming by the police – Overt filming for intelligence or evidence gathering and to deter crime is allowed. Force cannot be used to capture a person’s face. Covert filming is subject to much greater regulation. Anti-social behaviour - Section 50 Police Reform Act 2002 – Police can demand personal information if they believe the person has acted in an anti-social manner (caused harassment, alarm or distress). You can be arrested if you refuse. person is likely to cause or contribute to alcoholrelated disorder. 17 Other penalties If you have been arrested for a minor offence then you can be ‘cautioned’, which is a final warning. You can also be given a Fixed Penalty Notice. This is a fine. Legal advice in the police station is free. You can contact your embassy and have a free interpreter. Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via in England and Wales KNOW Y O U R RIGHTS! Am I allowed to contact a lawyer? If I don’t have one in the country, will I be provided with one? Yes but this can be restricted in certain circumstances. (section.58 of PACE). You should get legal advice before any police interview and you should not talk about the offence until a lawyer is present. Will I be taken to Court? If you are charged with an offence then you will either be held in custody until the next court hearing or released on bail. Stop and search powers. You normally do not have to give personal information - Section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act(PACE) – if you are suspected of possessing banned or stolen property (Police need to have reasonable suspicion). WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in the UK? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? The body with overall control is the United Kingdom Football Policing Unit. Each force has a Football Intelligence Unit of a few officers. They liaise with local police forces and the British Transport Police on match days. can also use force to take fingerprints in the street but only for the purpose of verifying a person’s ID. Intimate samples cannot be taken by force. Am I allowed to make a call? Yes but this can be restricted in certain circumstances. (section.56 of PACE ) Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the “black market”? It is illegal to sell a ticket to another person, they have to be returned to the club. The most recent law is the Ticket Touting (Designation of Football Matches) Order 2007. Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? You are not obliged to give any personal information but you may be held for longer while your identification is established. Fingerprints, DNA, and photos can be taken by force in a police station. This information can be retained indefinitely. The police DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via PYROTECHNICS Is the use or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? Fireworks are banned inside stadiums - section 2A Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act 1985. Outside the stadium there are restrictions regarding the time of day, age of person with the firework and strength of the firework. Fireworks should not be let off in public spaces. WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens if I’m arrested? How long can I be held at the police station at maximum? You should be told why you are being arrested. You can be held for up to 24 hours but this can be extended up to 36 hours (with the approval of a senior officer), and then up to 96 hours (by a Court) if you are arrested for a serious offence and there are outstanding investigations. Section 60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act. Power must be authorized in specific area where there is a concern about violent crime. Allows searches without reasonable suspicion Alcohol related violence - Section 27 Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 – A person can be banned from an area for up to 48 hours if the police consider the OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? There is no requirement to carry ID in the UK. OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? In order to travel to Greece (as an EU citizen) you need either a passport or a valid ID. If you’re not able to show any of these at the border you won’t be let into the country. WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens in case I’m arrested? For how long can you be held at the police station/in prison at maximum? Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? Am I allowed to make a call? Am I allowed to contact a lawyer immediately? If I don‘t have one in the country, will I be provided with one? Usually you can be held from the time of your arrest until next midday. Afterwards you’ll be brought to a custodial judge, who brings up the charges. If no charges are brought up or the suspect is at the station for „identification reasons“, you should demand a lawyer immediately. The imprisoned person has the right to demand a lawyer and to give him a call. BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the “black market”? Selling and buying tickets on the „black market“ is strictly forbidden. The offender could get up to 5 years in prison for breaching the “counterfeit rule“. (Greek criminal code) PYROTECHNICS Is the usage or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? Pyrotechnics are strictly forbidden, in and outside the grounds. A violation could lead to arrest due to an infringement of the pyrotechnicand weapon law. Until the lawyer shows up he has also the right to remain silent until he had a chance to speak to his lawyer. YOU SHOULD DEMAND A LAWYER IN ANY CASE. The state only provides a lawyer at the questioning at court, but not before. WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in Greece? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? There are different police units. The most important ones are the MAT with special equipment, who intervene during troubles, and the “normal” police forces. Normally their responsibility lies only outside the grounds, but in case of trouble also inside of the grounds. Furthermore there’s also a special unit “unit against sports violence”, which has no special uniforms, come to the grounds in civil clothing and are hard to identify. The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl. intl. dial code): Ambulance: ++ 30 166 Police: ++ 30 100 Fire service: ++ 30 199 ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? Alcohol is strictly forbidden inside grounds within view of the pitch. If you’re caught drinking you could face a stadium ban by the police in cooperation with the club. DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to Name: Aristidis Panagiotidis Office address: Fragkon 1, 54621 Thessaloniki Phone number: 00306939500300 e-mail: or YOUR FAN LAWYER! This legal advice was put together with the help of our European network of fan lawyers. In case you require legal assistance in Greece, the members of our fan lawyer network are happy to help: 19 GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in Greece and on the basis of which (legal or regulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? The Greek courts and the respective football club are responsible for stadium bans. The regulations are inhabited in the Greek criminal code about sport events. A stadium ban is valid if a court rules that the suspect did something against the law and the ban has a certain length which also the court will decide on. The football clubs only have the right to prevent people from watching the game who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. KNOW Y O U R RIGHTS! in Greece ̏̋̊̑̌̀̓̍̂˾̄˼ ̀̉˼̅̌̄˽̓̍̂̍̎̊̄̑̀̄̓̈ Πως μπορεί κανείς να ταξιδεύσει στην Ελλάδα; Είμαι υποχρεωμένος να κατέχω ένα ταξιωδιοτικό έγγραφο; Τι συμβαίνει εάν δεν το έχω μαζί μου; Για να ταξιδέψει κανείς στην Ελλάδα , χρειάζεται είτε ταυτότητα (για υπηκόους κράτη μέλη της Ε.Ε.) είτε διαβατήριο. Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση, μπορεί να του απαγορευτεί η είσοδος και να παραμείνει στα σύνορα. ̅˼̎˼̎̂̈̍̏̆̆̂̒̂ Περί σύλληψης: α. Πόσο μπορεί να διαρκέσει η κράτηση στην αστυνομία μέχρι να παρουσιασθείς στις δικαστικές αρχές β. Ποια προσωπικά στοιχεία πρέπει να δώσω στις αρχές σε κάθε περίπτωση;Τι πρέπει να προσέξω; γ. Επιτρέπεται να τηλεφωνήσω; δ. Επιτρέπεται να καλέσω δικηγόρο; ε. Μου καλεί το κράτος δικηγόρο , ακόμα και όταν είμαι στο εξωτερικό; Κανονικά από τη στιγμή της σύλληψης μέχρι την επόμενη μέρα το μεσημέρι μπορεί να κρατηθεί ο δράστης, όπου και εμφανίζεται στον εισαγγελέα ποινικής δίωξης, που θα του εξηγήσει την κατηγορία που του προσάπτεται. ̋̏̌̊̎̀̑̈̂̇˼̎˼ Τι προβλέπει η ελληνική νομοθεσία περί βεγγαλικών γενικότερα πυροτεχνημάτων εντός και εκτός των αγωνιστικών χώρων; Βεγγαλικά και πυροτεχνήματα απαγορεύονται ρητά τόσο στους αθλητικούς χώρους όσο και στο περιβάλλοντα χώρο τους. Η σύλληψη για τη χρήση αυτών απαγορεύεται στο νόμο για τη χρήση όπλων και πυρομαχικών. Εάν “συλληφθεί”-κρατηθεί ο οποιοσδήποτε με τη αιτιολογία της “αναγνώρισης στοιχείων” ή χωρίς να του απαγγελθεί κατηγορία, συνίσταται η απαίτησή του για συνήγορο υπεράσπισης. Μέχρι εκείνος να εμφανισθεί και να μιλήσει μαζί του, έχει ο κρατηθείς το δικαίωμα να ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙ την παρουσία συνηγόρου, να μην απαντήσει σε οποιαδήποτε ερώτηση, να ζητήσει ΑΜΕΣΑ τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία με το συνήγορό του. ΣΕ ΚΑΘΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΣΥΝΙΣΤΑΤΑΙ Η ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΗ ΝΑ ΠΑΡΑΣΤΕΙ ΣΥΝΗΓΟΡΟΣ. Η πολιτεία θέτει συνήγορο μόνο στο δικαστήριο και όχι πιο πριν. Το φυλλάδιο της FSE – Μάθε τα δικαιώματά σου είναι επίσης διαθέσιμο για κατέβασμα μέσω του αστυνόμευσης. Οι τομείς ευθύνης τους είναι έξω από τα γήπεδα εκτός των προαναφερόμενων περιπτώσεων επεισοδίων, στις οποίες ενεργούν και μέσα στον αγωνιστικό χώρο. Παραπέρα υπάρχει ειδικός τομέας ευθύνης “μονάδα αστυνόμευσης για την αθλητική βία, η οποία δρα με “πολιτική αμφίεση” και δεν εμφανίζεται στα γήπεδα τουλάχιστον διακριτά. *5281'*8,'(6%<)$16)25)$16 All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! ̎̂̆̀̐̓̈̄̅˼̈̊̏̇̀̌˼ ˼̋̊̏̋̂̌̀̍̄̀̍˿̄˼̍̓̍̂̍ Ασθενοφόρο (στην Ελλάδα) 166 Αστυνομία ( “ “ ) 100 Πυροσβεστική (“ “ ) 199 ˼̆̅̊̊̆ Τι προβλέπει η νομοθεσία με τη πώληση του αλκοόλ σε δημόσια μέρη και στα στάδια; Εάν δεν είναι επιτρεπόμενη ποιές είναι οι συνέπειες; Αλκοόλ απαγορεύεται στα γήπεδα και στο δράστη του επιβάλεται ποινή απαγόρευσης παρακολούθησης αγώνα από την αστυνομία και την διοίκηση της ομάδας μετά όμως από καταδικαστική απόφαση Δικαστηρίου. '2:1/2$'7+()6()$1*8,'($33 Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) ̇̊̄̌˼̍̎̂̎̀̎̂̈̀̇̋̀̄̌̄˼̍˼̍̍̎̂̈)6( Μπορούμε να διασφαλίσουμε ότι θα τη χρησιμοποιήσουμε με τα αρμόδια θεσμικά μας όργανα και με τα μέλη μας. Στείλτε μας ένα εμαιλ με την εμπειρία σας για το Όνομα: AristidisPanagiotidis Επαγγελματική Διεύθυνση: Fragkon 1, 54621 Thessaloniki Τηλέφωνο: 00306939500300 εμάιλ: ̊˿̄̅̂˾̊̌̊̍̍˼̍̎̓̈̊̋˼˿̓̈ H παροχή νομικών συμβουλών τέθηκε με βοήθεια από το δικηγόρο μέλος του Ευρωπαικού δικτύου της οργάνωσης για τους οπαδούς. Σε περίπτωση που χρειαστείτε βοήθεια στην Ελλάδα, τα μέλη του δικτύου μας δικηγόρων θα είναι στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας βοηθήσουν. 21 ̋̊̏̀̄̈˼̄̊̄˼̍̎̏̈̊̇̄̅̊̄ Ποιά είναι τα διαφορετικά είδη των αστυνομικών δυνάμεων στην Ελλάδα; Ποιοί οι τομείς ευθύνης τους;Υπάρχει κάποια ειδική μονάδα αστυνομίας του ποδοσφαίρου εκεί; Υπάρχουν διαφορετικά είδη μοναδας αστυνομίας. Υπάρχουν ως σημαντικότερη μονάδα τα Μ.Α.Τ. Τα οποία επεμβαίνουν σε περιπτώσεις επεισοδίων και οι απλές μονάδες ˼̋˼˾̊̌̀̏̍̂̀̄̍̊˿̊̏̍̎̊˾̂̋̀˿̊ Ποιός είναι αρμόδιος να επιβάλλει απαγόρευση παρακολούθησης αγώνα ;Ποιό το νομικό υπόβαθρο, από ποιόν και με ποιά δικαιολογία; Αρμόδιος για επίσημη απαγόρευση παρακολούθησης αγώνα είναι τα ελληνικά Δικαστήρια και η αντίστοιχη ΠΑΕ. Η αιτιολογία βρίσκεται στον ειδικό ποινικό νόμο περι εξωσχολικού αθλητισμού, αρμόδιο είναι το ελληνικό Δικαστήριο ΜΕΤΑ από καταδικαστική απόφαση και για συγκεκριμένο χρονικό διάστημα που επιβάλλεται ανάλογα την κρίση του Δικαστηρίου. Η εκάστοτε ΠΑΕ εκτός δικαστικής απόφασης μπορεί μόνο για συγκεκριμένο αγώνα να απαγορεύσει την είσοδο σε “προφανώς άτομα που είναι επηρεασμένα από αλκοόλ ή τοξικές ουσίες με βάση πάλι τον ειδικό ποινικό νόμο. ̇˼̃̀̎˼ ˿̄̅˼̄̓̇˼̎˼̍̊̏ ̡̧̛̭̮̥̥̖̞̀ ̀̄̍̄̎̂̌̄˼̍̎̂̇˼̏̌̂˼˾̊̌˼ Τι προβλέπουν οι διατάξεις περί αγορά-πώληση εισιτηρίων στην “μαύρη αγορά”; Τόσο η αγορά όσο και η πώληση “πλαστών εισιτηρίων” είναι απαγορευμένη. Τον δράστη απειλεί ποινή μέχρι πέντε χρόνια από τον ελληνικό ποινικό κώδικα. OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? There is a requirement in Israel to carry ID/ passport. However it is common that fans attending games do not carry one. PYROTECHNICS Is the usage or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? Pyrotechnics in and around stadiums in Israel are illegal and are enforced to the full extent of the law. WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens in case I’m arrested? For how long can you be held at the police station/in prison at maximum? If you are arrested in Israel, the law mandates that the police can hold you up to 24 hours before bringing you in front of a judge. Depending on the severity and complexity of the crime alleged, the magistrate can extend the investigation stages for an additional 24 hours. The police can retrieve DNA and fingerprints from any person arrested and it can be taken by force pending upon approval of the officer in charge of questioning. This information can be held indefinitely. Am i allowed to make a call? Yes, you are allowed to make a call to inform whomever of your arrest, in case of foreign citizens it is wise to make a call to the national embassy or consulate to guide you through the procedures. BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the “black market”? It is illegal to sell tickets at any price other than the price indicated on the ticket, However you are able to sell tickets at the registered price. Buying tickets on the black market is legal. Am I allowed to contact a lawyer immediately? If I don’t have one in the country, will i be provided with one? In Israel any person arrested is entitled to be represented by an attorney, if you cannot contact an attorney, one will be provided to you from the public defense. However, this does not mean that you are entitled to an attorney present at questioning, nor does this mean that the questioning will begin only after consultation with an attorney. Depending on the circumstances or the hour of the arrest (up to 11pm) the officers can continue with your questioning before your consultation with an attorney. WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in Israel? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? There is no football police in Israel, however all the games are monitored by policeman along with security guards. Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? The suspect has an absolute right to remain silent. However you are required to give Personal details such as name and identification number. The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via Name: Guy Zaks, Advocate (MBA) Office address: Tel-Aviv, 50 Sokolov st’ Phonenumber/s: Mobile ++ 972 52 3258826 Office ++ 972 3 6054962 email: Ground Guide info for disabled supporters Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! YOUR FAN LAWYER! This legal advice was put together with the help of our European network of fan lawyers. In case you require legal assistance in Israel, the members of our fan lawyer network are happy to help: ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? You are not allowed to consume alcohol inside the stadium and you’re not allowed to drink on public transportation. You can be arrested for this offense. Also there are no designated drinking areas within the arena. However, you can consume alcohol prior to entering the stadium within the legal drinking areas, bars, restaurants, etc. 23 STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in Israel and on the basis of which (legal or regulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? In Israel, football clubs are not allowed to ban any spectators or fans. However the police and the courts can ban an individual from attending football games for different periods of time, and then only after a fan has been determined guilty of an offense within or around the football field. REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl intl. dialcode): POLICE: ++ 972 110 AMBULANCE: ++ 972 101 ANYTHING ELSE? Anything else I should consider in Israel in any case? The police in Israel are quite tolerant of football fans recently especially for away supporters from Europe. The stop and search powers in Israel are only enforced if there is a reasonable reason for the search. KNOW Y O U R RIGHTS! in Israel #¦²³£¦¬ª©³¡´¡±¦³£³«ª² ¦¥¦´££´³³ª¦§£«¡££´¨°£¥ §²±¨#²£°©£¢°§¡´ #²«§±¨´³¤´§£«®´ #³¨¬ ¦¥¦ ´££´³©¥©£¢°¤´¦¥¦´££´³ §£²«§ª£´£²£°²¡´¦¥¦ ´´³¦©´£ª§¦¤¥©£²°¬¨¬°¦©´£ª §££´³§´¨±¨±¡³¨£ª®¦¦¥¦ °£¥´¬«¨§£®´¨´²´¨ ´²££´£®¦¥´ª¦«¦¨¦²³£´²¢³¨ ®²£¨¦²¥£ ³¡¦³¨£±²¡¦±²³®£¡²°¬¨¬°£ ³®£¡´£«¦¬ª²£« ´¬ §¥£´£¥ ¦²³£ §²£¡¦§£ª®¦¢ ²¢³¨ ª¦¨ 25 ©£¢°£¨±¡² #§£ª£¢°¨§£´±¡²´£ª£¨¨ #±£¡²¦´¥¨«³££¨¦ ´²³®¦²¥£ª¬¨¦©£¦²³£ §´¦¥£¤°±£±¡³¨¨§±£¡²¦ §£±£¡²¦²¢³¨¢®³¨£´¦³ §££±³²¡¦±²´ ´ª³©¨ ´®±´¦ ¤¦¨²£¬¬°£´£¥³¡ ±¡³¨¦²³±´¦¬±¡³¨ ´³²¬£«´¥ª ©¦¬´£¢®³¨ª¥ £¨§£©¬¨¦©££¥²¬¦³´£®²£ ´³²¦³©££¥²¬£¢®³¨¬£«¦±± ´ ² ¬¦¡¨³£ ©£¢°£´ª´¦§¦³¤£²¨ ´£¦ª ¤¦³§£©£¤²¬ §£§£¨¬°¨¦©´£ª§£®£±¨§£¥¨«¨ ´£¦ª§£ª£¢°£¤£²¨ ´£ª¦® £¦¬¦§£ª£¢°£¤£²¨ ´£¦¨ FSE FAN§£¤£²¨´££°±£¦®´² £²ª¦£®²£§£©²¦³GUIDE©®££¦ Guy Zaks, Advocate (MBA) §³ Tel-Aviv, 50 Sokolov st’ ²³¨´´¥ Office ++ 972 3 6054962 /Mobile ++ 972 52 3258826©®¦¢ ¦££¨£´´¥ §£©²¦§¥¦³²±¨¦¬¡¦²¥ ª ¦££¨£(FSE)£®²£ ´«¨¦¨§§¥²¬±¦ª¦¬££«£¬£¨ §££¢ª¦²§£®´³ Á§¥£´£¥ ´¬Á©¦¬ £®²£§£©²²´¨§²¦©´£ª §©£¤²¬¦³°££¦£³²§¦¥¦²³£ £²ª«¨©£¤²¬¤¦ª¨£²£¥¨¦´ ¦³°££¦£³²¤ª£´ §¬¡£´£²£° ´¥¬¦©´£ª¦²£±¡©¨ ©£¤²¬ ©£¤²¬§¬¯¬£´³²¡¦±²²£±¡ ´²°¬ª³¬¨´£«ª£¦´³ª ²«©£¢°¦¯¡¨¤´±£ª¥¢²£® ¬£±³¨²¢³¨³¤´´£±¡£´¦ ¬®´§¡¦£¦§£²§£°¨¨ #©£¤²¬§¬²³±²°£¦£³²£ª§ #£²¬©£¤²¬ª¨£§©£¤²¬£¦©£§ ±²¤´¦®¢¨²¢³¨©£¦²³£ §£¡¥ª¦²¥£±¡³¨§¦¦²¥ §£¡¢¨§°¦§£²¢³ ±£ª¥¢²£® #²³±´¦£³²£ª§ #§£²¢³®£§±¨¦¥§£²«®« ¯¡¨±£ª¥¢²£®³¨´³¦²´¨§ ©£¢°§¡´ ¦¬¬£¦£³²´´²°¬ª£¨©¥ ²³±´¦¯¦¨¨² ¡² ¦³²±¨¤²°¬¨ ££¦¤´¡ª£³£¦«ª±¦´²£²³¦ ¤£¦´ ³£§¦²¥§£¨££±§£²¢³£« £ #¦²¥²¬´¡£¨²¢³¨´£¡£ §¬¡£±£´³¦¬²¨³¦´¥ ³¡¦³£ §£ ¨§£¢²®²«¨¦£¡¨´ ´¨£´¡±¦´¥ ³£²¢³¨¦DNA´¬£¢ £ª¨¨©£°±²³£³¡¨¬° ¡¥´ ´³¬¦´£³² ´¬´ ¨¬´´³¦££¡¨±¡ §£²³§£§¦©¥²´ £¨¯®ª² ¨¬´¦¦±¡³¨¦ ´ª¬£¦££¡¤ª£²£¬³¡¤ª£ ´ ´¬´£°¦²¢³´³£²¦ #²«¨¦£¡¨£ª§££³£§£¢²® £ ²¢³¨¦¬¦²³£§¦³²°¬¨¬²¨ ¥¬¦©´£ª´¬³¤´¢®³£ª®£¦ §¢®³£ª®©£´´®«ª´¬³ ´£¡££´¥²¨²£±¡²£¬²¨ ´ ´¬´´£³ª´¡ ²°¬¨´¬ª´¦¤£ #´ ´¬´´³¦££¡£ª§ ©£²³¥§´¥¦³¨# ¥¡³£§ #´ ´¬´£´³² #²°¬ª£ª£¨²±¨ ª£±ª²£¡¨¨²´£«£¢²¥´²£¥¨ ¯¡¨«£¢²¥²¥¨¦©´£ª§¦´£±¡£´¦ ±ª²£¡¨²¥¨ª²³±¡³¨©£¢°¦ §£«£¢²¥´²£¥¨££¦±¡¨ #´²«®«Â²¡³±³Â BLACK MARKET TICKETS ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? In Italy you can drink beer inside the stadium (light beer, usually, 4-5%) in a plastic glass. Also in public you can drink. In the stadium they sell a coffee with alcohol inside too. It’s difficult to see someone drunk in Italy in the stadium. If you see someone drunk it is probably because he drank outside the stadium. If you’re caught drunk you can be ejected, but only if you do something wrong. In public you can be fined or also arrested if you’re drunk and you disturb someone. Actually you can get bans in Italy for ridiculous reasons, as well to expose a banner that says that someone is innocent. Against the stadium banning order you can only make an action in front of the Regional Court which is very expensive, and the Police know it. ANYTHING ELSE? Anything else I should consider in Italy in any case? If you see trouble in Italy, stay away from the police and get to a safe place to remain until it’s all over. KNOW Y O U R RIGHTS! in I t a l y EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl intl. dialcode): POLICE: ++39 113 AMBULANCE: ++39 118 GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) 27 STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in Italy and on the basis of which (legal or regulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? Stadium banning orders in Italy are issued by Police. Only if a ban has the presentation order (it means that you have to go to a police station when your team plays) then it must be checked regularly by a judge. Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via It can happen that some policemen don’t behave in a correct way. Try to keep calm and don’t answer. Always use a correct way to ask things to them. When you’re arrested, best thing to do is to keep silent unless there’s a lawyer with you. You only have to give them your ID. Actually you can be banned, before being judged, not only if you commit a crime in the stadium or around it (like using violence, throwing objects, using fireworks, bringing weapons etc.), but also if your behavior is considered dangerous for public order. YOUR FAN LAWYER! This legal advice was put together with the help of our European network of fan lawyers. In case you require legal assistance in Italy, the members of our fan lawyer network are happy to help: Name: Avv. Lorenzo Contucci Tel. 0039 0639725397 - Fax 0039 0639038777 Office address: Via Candia 50, Roma Office number: 0039 3478306836 (24/7 hrs) Mail: Homepage: REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via If they are not polite with you, just stop and let the time pass. You have the right to inform someone of your arrest and to appoint a lawyer, otherwise they will give you a lawyer appointed by the Court. PYROTECHNICS Is the usage or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? It’s illegal. The use of pyros is a crime: from 6 months to 3 years in prison, a fine from 1000 to 5000 euros plus a ban from 2 to 8 years with presentation at the police station during the matches of your team. If you haven’t an ID at the stadium, stewards can’t check if the ticket belongs to the ID owner, because in Italy to purchase a ticket – beside thousands of other restrictions – you need to show the original of an ID, and the ticket has your name printed on it. OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? Italian law says that every person must have an ID with him, not only at the stadium but also if you’re walking on the streets. If you don’t have an ID, police can take you at the police station to get your photo and fingerprint for identification. WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in Italy? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? In Italy we have Police, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza. Police rules the public order, with the help of Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza. In Italy we only have “Digos Squadra Tifoserie” (Digos Football Squad) but they don’t make public order services. They’re a specialized unit with an investigative role. Usually, if the crime is not so serious, they bring you in front of the judge the very next day. At that point, it is the judge that decides your freedom, not the police. WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens in case I’m arrested? For how long can you be held at the police station/in prison at maximum? Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? Anything else to consider? If you are arrested, police must advise the prosecutor immediately. He has 48 hours to ask the judge to validate the arrest. The judge has 48 hours more to do it. BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the “black market”? It is not legal and if you buy a ticket you can be fined thousands of euros. The same if you sell tickets: in this second case you can be banned too. l’originale di un documento di identità, e il biglietto ha il tuo nome stampato sopra. ARTIFIZI PIROTECNICI Il possesso o l’utilizzo di artifizi pirotecnici è legale dentro e fuori gli stadi? E’ illegale. L’utilizzo di artifizi pirotecnici è un reato punito con la reclusione da 6 mesi a 3 anni, una multa da 1000 a 5000 euro e una diffida da 2 a 8 anni con obbligo di firma durante le partite della squadra del cuore. Di solito, se il reato non è grave, si viene portati avanti al giudice il giorno successivo. A quel punto è il giudice che decide se liberarti o meno, e non più la polizia. Quando si viene arrestati, la cosa migliore da fare è stare in silenzio e non rispondere ad alcuna domanda fino a quando non c’è un avvocato. E’ solo necessario dare le proprie generalità. Può capitare che qualche poliziotto non si comporti correttamente. In questi casi bisogna cercare di mantenere la calma e non rispondere alle provocazioni. Usare sempre educazione quando ci si rivolge ai poliziotti. Se non sono gentili, semplicemente smettere di fare domande a fate passare il tempo. Si ha il diritto di avvisare qualcuno dell’arresto e di nominare un avvocato di fiducia, altrimenti ne verrà nominato uno d’ufficio. I volantini “conosci i tuoi diritti” della FSE sono anche scaricabili da Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Guida completa per gli stadi GUIDA DEGLI STADI FATTA DAI TIFOSI PER I TIFOSI Tutte le informazioni sono fornite da membri dell’FSE e disponibili gratuitamente! RIPORTA LA TUA ESPERIENZA A FSE! Assicuriamo che saranno usati con istituzioni di rilievo e/o partners. Manda una e-mail con le tue esperienze a Name: Avv. Lorenzo Contucci Tel. 0039 0639725397 - Fax 0039 0639038777 Office address: Via Candia 50, Roma Office number: 0039 3478306836 (24/7 hrs) Mail: Homepage: IL TUO AVVOCATO DEL TIFOSO! Questo avviso legale è stato predisposto con l’aiuto del nostro network europeo di avvocati dei tifosi. Nel caso di necessità di assistenza in Italia, i membri della nostra rete sono lieti di aiutare: DOVE SONO I POLIZIOTTI? Quali differenti unità di polizia ci sono in Italia? Che competenze hanno? C’è una unità speciale per il calcio? In Italia abbiamo la Polizia, i Carabinieri e la Guardia di Finanza. La Polizia gestisce l’ordine pubblico, con l’aiuto dei Carabinieri e della Guardia di Finanza. In Italia abbiamo solo la “Digos Squadra Tifoserie” come unità specializzata, ma non fanno servizio di ordine pubblico perché hanno compiti investigativi. ALCOOL Cosa si può dire riguardo il consumo di alcool allo stadio o in pubblico? Se non dovesse essere permesso e vieni sorpreso a bere cosa accade? In Italia si può bere birra allo stadio (leggera, circa 4-5 gradi) in un bicchiere di plastica ed anche in pubblico. Allo stadio vendono anche del caffè alcoolico. E’ difficile vedere qualcuno ubriaco allo stadio e se accade è perché di solito ha bevuto fuori. Se vieni sorpreso ubriaco puoi essere espulso dallo stadio, ma solo se fai qualcosa di molesto. In pubblico è punita con una multa o anche con l’arresto l’ubriachezza molesta. 29 DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via TELEFONI DI EMERGENZA POLIZIA: 113 AMBULANZA: 118 QUALCOS’ALTRA? C altro che devo considerare in Italia? Se vedi disordini, stai lontano dalla polizia e riparati in un posto sicuro fino quando tutto è finito. sicurezza pubblica. Allo stato in Italia si possono prendere diffide per ragioni ridicole, come l’esporre uno striscione che dice che qualcuno è innocente. Contro la diffida si può ricorrere al Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale ma ciò è molto costoso, e la Polizia lo sa. Conosci i tuoi diritti! in Italia BIGLETTI AL MERCATO NERO Che regole ci sono riguardo il comprare/vendere biglietti al mercato nero? Non è legale e se compri un biglietto puoi essere multato per migliaia di euro. Lo stesso accade se vendi biglietti: in tal caso puoi anche essere daspato. DIFFIDE Chi emette le diffide in Italia e su quali basi? Le diffide in Italia vengono emesse dal Questore, vale a dire dalla Polizia. Solo se una diffida (Daspo) ha l’obbligo di presentazione alla polizia durante le partite della squadra del cuore, tale ultimo obbligo deve essere convalidato da un giudice. Se non porti un documento di identità allo stadio, gli stewards non possono controllare se il biglietto appartiene al suo possessore, perché in Italia per comprare un biglietto – oltre alle altre mille difficoltà che ci sono – devi mostrare QUANDO SEI ARRESTATO Cosa accade se vengo arrestato? Per quanto tempo posso essere tenuto alla stazione di polizia o in carcere al massimo? Quali informazioni sono obbligato a fornire? C’è altro da considerare? Se si viene arrestati, la polizia deve avvisare immediatamente il pubblico ministero che ha 48 ore di tempo per chiedere la convalida dell’arresto al giudice. Il giudice ha altre 48 ore per convalidare l’arresto. Attualmente si può essere diffidati, prima ancora di essere giudicati, non solo se si è commesso un crimine allo stadio o nelle sue vicinanze (compimento di fatti violenti, lancio di oggetti, utilizzo o possesso di artifizi pirotecnici, possesso di armi, ecc.), ma anche se tieni un comportamento considerato pericoloso per la OBBILGO DI CARTA DI IDENTITÀ? Devo portare una carta di identità con me? E’ obbligatorio? Se non lo faccio quali sono le conseguenze? La legge italiana dice che ogni persona deve portare con se un documento di riconoscimento, non solo allo stadio, ma anche per la strada. Se non si ha un documento di identità, la polizia può portarti alla propria stazione per identificarti,anche con impronte e foto segnaletica. OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? It’s not compulsory to carry an ID, but under certain circumstances it is compulsory to show an ID to an officer when asked to do so. A professional football game is such acircumstance. A person who’s arrested for not showing an ID can be held by the police for 6 hours. The hours between 0:00 and 9:00 a.m. are not taken into account for these 6 hours. Not showing an ID when required will mostly result in a fine of € 90. before an investigation judge who will decide if the suspect has to stay detained for another 14 days. If so a suspect will brought to a jail. During the hearing at the investigation judge the suspect will be supported by a lawyer. The lawyer will receive the file just before the hearing. PYROTECHNICS Is the usage or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? Pyrotechnics are forbidden inside as well as outside stadiums. Am I allowed to contact a lawyer immediately? If I don’t have one in the country, will I be provided with one? A suspect is allowed to contact his lawyer before the first interview. If a suspect doesn’t have his own lawyer, he will be provided with one (for free). WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens in case I’m arrested? For how long can you be held at the police station/in prison at maximum? A suspect can be held by the police for 6 hours to interview him. The hours between 0:00 and 9:00 a.m. are not taken into account for these 6 hours. After that a suspect can be held in police custody for three days. This period can be extended with another three days once. After these three days a suspect can be brought Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? None. The suspect has an absolute right to remain silent. BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the “black market”? Selling tickets on the black market is not illegal according to national law, but it’s prohibited by terms and conditions of the Dutch FA. A person that sells tickets on the black market can get a stadium ban of 18 months and a fine of € 450 from the Dutch FA. Buying tickets on the black market is legal. Selling objects in the streets without permission is forbidden and could be fined. Am I allowed to make a call? A suspect is always allowed to call his lawyer. During the police custody a suspect is not allowed to call other people. A suspect may ask his lawyer to call his family. WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in The Netherlands? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? There is a national police unit, but football cases will be dealt with by regional police units. Cities that host professional football games have a team that deals with football related crime. The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in The Netherlands and on the basis of which (legal orregulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? The Dutch FA issues majority of the stadium bans on the basis of the terms and conditions of the FA. A judge can also issue a stadium ban as a conditional penalty in criminal cases. A mayor and a prosecutor can hand out an area ban. Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to Name: Christian Visser Chancellery/office: Meijers Canatan Advocaten Herengracht 472, 1017 CB Amsterdam Office address: Phonenumber: +3120 638 36 06 Mobile: +316 46 07 30 04 email: YOUR FAN LAWYER! This legal advice was put together with the help of our European network of fan lawyers. In case you require legal assistance in Netherlands, the members of our fan lawyer network are happy to help: ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? Drinking is allowed during most games, but it’s never allowed to bring your own drinks. If a supporter is caught drinking in the stadium (in most cases) he’ll be ordered to leave the stadium. Drinking in public is forbidden and can be penalized with a fine. It differs from place to place how strict the police will act on drinking in public. 31 DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl intl. dialcode): POLICE: ++31 112 AMBULANCE: ++31 112 ANYTHING ELSE? Anything else I should consider in The Netherlands in any case? Holland might come across as a liberal country because of its soft drugs and prostitution policy, but it’s not on all subjects. Towards football supporters the Dutch police are not very tolerant at all. in The Netherlands KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! DE VERPLICHTING OM EEN ED TE DRAGEN Moet ik een identiteitsbewijs bij me dragen? Is er een verplichting een vorm van Identiteitsbewijs bij mij te dragen? Wat zijn de gevolgen is ik dan niet doe? Er is in Nederland geen plicht om een identiteitsbewijs te dragen, maar onder omstandigheden is er wel een plicht om identiteitsbewijs te tonen als de politie daar om vraagt. Een voetbalwedstrijd is zo’n omstandigheid. Iemand die geen identiteitsbewijs bij zich heeft kan aangehouden worden en 6 uur worden vastgehouden. De uren tussen 0:00 en 9:00 ’s ochtends tellen niet mee voor deze 6 uur. Het niet tonen van identiteitsbewijs wordt bestraft met een boete van € 90,-. worden gesteld. Deze inverzekeringstelling kan eenmalig met 3 dagen worden verlengd. Na de inverzekeringstelling kan een verdachte worden voorgeleid aan een rechter-commissaris. Bij de voorgeleiding wordt de verdachte bijgestaan door een advocaat. Deze advocaat heeft kort daarvoor het dossier ontvangen. De rechter-commissaris bepaalt of de verdachte voor 14 dagen in bewaring wordt gesteld. VUURWERK Is het gebruik van vuurwerk binnen of buiten stadions toegestaan? Het gebruik van vuurwerk is zowel binnen als buiten stadions verboden. Uitzondering daarop is Oud & Nieuw. Mag ik bellen? Een verdachte mag altijd zijn advocaat bellen. Het bellen van familie wordt soms toegestaan. In een huis bewaring mag men in principe iedereen bellen tenzij er beperkingen zijn opgelegd. ALS U GEARRESTEERD BENT Wat gebeurt er als ik wordt aangehouden? Hoe lang mag ik op een politiebureau/gevangenis worden vastgehouden. ? De politie mag een verdachte 6 uur ophouden voor verhoor. De uren tussen 0:00 en 9:00 uur ’s ochtends tellen niet mee bij deze zes uur. Vervolgens kan een verdachte voor 3 dagen op een politiebureau in verzekering Tijdens de bewaring bevindt de verdachte zich in een huis van bewaring. KAARTEN OP DE ZWARTE MARKT Wat zijn de regels voor aan- en verkoop van kaarten op de “zwarte markt”? Het verkopen van kaarten op de zwarte markt is niet verboden, maar wel in strijd met de standaardvoorwaarden van de KNVB. Volgens de richtlijn van de KNVB staat op het verkopen van kaarten op de zwarte markt een stadionverbod van 18 maanden en een boete van € 450,-. Het kopen van kaarten op de zwarte markt is wel toegestaan. Straathandel is niet toegestaan en kan een forse boete opleveren. Welke persoonlijke gegevens of informatie moet ik geven? Geen. Een verdachte heeft een absoluut recht om te zwijgen. Heb ik gelijk recht op een advocaat? Als ik geen advocaat heb, krijg ik er dan een? Een verdachte heeft recht op een advocaat voor het eerste verhoor. Als men geen vaste advocaat heeft zal er een (gratis) advocaat worden toegewezen. WAAR IS DE POLITIE? Wat voor soorten politie-eenheden zijn er? Waar zijn ze verantwoordelijk voor? Is er een speciale voetbaleenheid? De landelijke eenheid houdt zich bezig met zware georganiseerde misdaad. Voetbalvandalisme wordt behandeld door regionale politieeenheden. Ieder korps in een stad waar profvoetbal wordt gespeeld, heeft een team dat zich richt op voetbalvandalisme. De FSE kent uw rechten! Flyers zijn ook te downloaden op: Stadiongids voor invalide supporters: Stadiongids (in English & Polish) Uitgebreide stadiongids (in English) STADIONGIDSEN VAN FANS VOOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! Rapporteer uw ervaringen aan de FSE! Wij zullen uw informatie gebruiken en delen met de desbetreffende partners. Mail uw ervaring naar: Naam: Christian Visser Kantoor: Meijers Canatan Advocaten Kantooradres: Herengracht 472, 1017 CB Amsterdam Telefoonnummer: +3120 638 36 06 Mobile: +316 46 07 30 04 email: UW FANADVOCAAT! Dit juridische advies is samengesteld met hulp van ons Europees netwerk van fanadvocaten. In het geval u juridisch advies nodig heeft in Nederland zullen de leden van ons fanadvocgten netwerk u met plezier helpen: ALCOHOL Hoe zit het met drinken van alcohol in de stadions of in het openbaar? Wat gebeurt er als men drinkt waar het niet mag? Gedurende de meeste wedstrijden mag er alcohol gedronken worden in het stadion. Het is niet toegestaan eigen drank mee te brengen. Als een supporter alcohol consumeert terwijl hij dat niet mag, kan hij het stadion uitgezet worden. Drinken in het openbaar is strafbaar op grond van de APV. Het verschilt per plaats hoe de politie op drinken in het openbaar reageert. Voor drinken in het openbaar wordt een boete opgelegd. ALARMNUMMERS POLICE: 112 AMBULANCE: 112 VERDER NOG IETS? Overige opmerkingen met betrekking tot Nederland: Opvallend is de grote verscheidenheid aan maatregelen die er tegen voetbalsupporters bestaat. 33 STADIONVERBODEN Wie legt er in Nederland stadionverboden op en op basis waarvan? Veruit de meeste stadionverboden worden in Nederland opgelegd door de KNVB op basis van de standaardvoorwaarden. Ook een strafrechter kan een stadionverbod opleggen in de vorm van een voorwaardelijke straf. Een officier van justitie en een burgemeester kunnen een gebiedsverbod en meldingsplicht opleggen op grond van respectievelijk het Wetboek van Strafvordering en de Gemeentewet. DOWNLOAD DE FSE FAN STADIONGIDS APP! Verkrijgbaar in het Engels voor Android en iPhone via je App Store of via In Nederland Ken uw rechten! OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? Yes, you have to carry an ID with you. It is an obligation to carry ID with you, and if you don`t you are taking a risk to get a fine and then you are obligated to pay the fine. WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens in case I’m arrested? For how long can you be held at the police station/in prison at maximum? You can be held at police station for 48 hours at most, then you have to be taken to the judge who could put you in prison for 30 days. BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the “black market”? There is a regulation about buying/selling tickets on the “black market”, it is a misdemeanor if you selling tickets on the black market, but you are not going to be fined if you buy ticket on the “black market” Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? You are obliged to give just your personal information. Am I allowed to make a call? Yes, you have a right to one call. PYROTECHNICS Is the usage or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? It is not legal at all. Am I allowed to contact a lawyer immediately? If i don’t have one in the country, will i be provided with one? Yes, you are allowed to contact a lawyer immediately, but if you don`t have one you will be provided with one, If you are suspected of a crime for which you could get a prison sentence of 5 years or more. WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in Serbia? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? In Serbia we have a lot of different kind of police units with areas of responsibility in traffic, order, criminal, narcotics...but we don`t have a special football police unit, that job goes to a special police unit called “Gendarmerie”, who also do everything that is required from them. The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in Serbia and on the basis of which (legal or regulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? In Serbia only Courts issue stadium banning orders on the basis of judicial decision issued by the Court. Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to Name: Bojan Buha Chancellery/Office: Advokat Bojan Buha Office address: Augusta Cesarca 15, Novi Sad, 21000 Phonenumber/s: +381 63 83 63 150 E-mail: YOUR FAN LAWYER! This legal advice was put together with the help of our European network of fan lawyers. In case you require legal assistance in Serbia, the members of our fan lawyer network are happy to help: 35 DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl intl. dialcode): POLICE: ++381 192 AMBULANCE: ++381 194 ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? You are not allowed to consume alcohol inside the stadium and in public around stadium within a radius of 1 kilometre. If you get caught you could get a fine or be taken to police station. ANYTHING ELSE? Anything else I should consider in Serbia in any case? I think that everybody who comes to Serbia to watch football matches should consider leaving a fan’s tags and props at home, just for their own safety. KNOW Y O U R RIGHTS! in Serbia ALKOHOL Sta sa upotrebom alkohola unutar stadiona ili u javnosti? Ako nije dozvoljena upotreba alkohola a budete uhvaceni da pijete, sta se sve moze dogoditi? Nije dozvoljena upotreba alkohola na stadionu niti u javnosti oko stadiona, u zoni od 1 kiometar. Ako vas uhvate kako pijete mozete dobiti kaznu ili biti privedeni u policijsku stanicu. NEŠTO DRUGO? Da li postoji bilo sta drugo o cemu bi trebao da razmislim Ili obratim paznju u Srbiji, za svaki slucaj? Mislim da svako ko dolazi u Srbiju na fudbalski mec treba da raszmisli da ostavi navijacke oznake i rekvizite kod kuce, zbog sopstvene sigurnosti. ZNAJTE VAŠA PRAVA u SRBIJI VAŽNI TELEFONSKI BROJEVI POLICE: 192 AMBULANCE: 194 37 TERENSKI VODIČI OD NAVIJAČA ZA NAVIJAČE Sve informacije su obezbeđene od strane FSE članova i dostupne su bez naknade. Informacije o sveobuhvatnom terenskom vodiču (na Engleskom) Stadionski vodič (na Engleskom i Poljskom) Informacije o terenskom vodiču za navijače sa invaliditetom: VAŠ NAVIJAČKI ADVOKAT Ovi pravni saveti sastavljeni su uz pomoć naše Evropske mreže navijačkih advokata. U slučaju da vam je potrebna pravna pomoć u Srbiji, članovi naše navijačke advokatske mreže su spremni da pomognu: Ime: Bojan Buha Kancelarija: Advokat Bojan Buha Adresa kancelarije: Augusta Cesarca 15, Novi Sad, 21000 Telefon: +381 63 83 63 150 E-mail: IZVESTITE FSE O VAŠIM ISKUSTVIMA! Mi bismo bili sigurni da ga koristimo sa relevantnim institucijama ili partnerima. Pošaljite nam e-mail sa vašim iskustvima na Da li mi je dopusteno da pozovem advokata momentalno? Ako nemam advokata u zemlji, da li ce mi biti obezbedjen advokat po sluzbenoj duznosti? Mozete odmah da kontaktirate advokata, ako nemate advokata, po sluzbenoj duznosti ce vam biti dodeljen, ako ste osumnjiceni za krivicno delo za koje moze da se izrekne kazna preko 5 godina zatvora. STADIONSKE ZABRANE Ko u Srbiji izdaje preventivne mere kojima ce se odredjenim licima zabraniti putovanje na fudbalske meceve I na bazi cega I kojeg propisa imaju to pravo? U Srbiji preventivne mere kojima ce se odredjenim licima zabraniti putovanje na fudbalske meceve moze da izrekne samo sud na bazi sudske presude. PIROTEHNIKA Da li je koriscenje ili posedovanje pirotehnike legalno unutar ili izvan stadiona? Nije dozvoljeno posedovanje i koriscenje pirotehnickih sredstava kako na stadionu tako i van stadiona. U pitanju je prekrsaj. GDE SU POLICAJCI? Koje razlicite policijske jedinice postoje u Srbiji? Koje su njihove zone odgovornosti? Da li postoji neka posebna, specijalna policijska jedinica? U Srbiji imamo vise razlicitih policijskih jedinica, sa razlicitim zonama odgovornosti, kao sto su saobracaj, red, kriminal, narkotici, itd. ali nemamo posebnu jedinicu za fudbalske meceve, taj posao obavlja specijalna jedinica “Zandarmerija”, koja je zaduzena i za druge stvari. FSE Znajte vaša prava! Leci / Flajeri su takođe dostupni za preuzimanje na PREUZMITE APLIKACIJU ZA NAVIJAČKI VODIČ! Dostupno na Engleskom za Android i IPhone putem APP Store ili Da li mi je dopusteno da obavim telefonski poziv? Da, mozete da obavite jedan poziv. OBAVEZA NOŠENJA IDENTIFIKACIJE (ID)? Da li moram da nosim Licnu Kartu sa sobom? Da li postoji obaveza nosenja Licne Karte? Ako nemam licnu kartu sa sobom koje su posledice? Svako je u obavezi da nosi dokument na osnovu kojeg moze da se identifikuje, ako se lice zatekne bez identifikacije, nadlezni organi ce mu u prekrsajnom postupku izreci novcanu kaznu. Koje licne podatke sam u obavezi da saopstim? U obavezi ste da date samo licne podatke. KADA STE UHAPŠENI Sta se desava u sucaju da budete uhapseni? Koliko maksimalno dugo mozete biti zadrzani u policijskoj stanici? U policiji mozete biti zadrzani najvise 48 casova, zatim vas moraju/mogu izvesti pred sudiju koja moze da vam odredi pritvor do 30 dana. CRNO TRŽIŠTE KARATA Sta su propsi koji regulisu kupovinu ili prodaju karata na “crnom trzistu”? Postoje propisi koji regulisu oblast nedozvoljene trgovine ulazinicama, takodje se radi o prekrsaju, medjutim bice kaznjeni samo oni koji prodaju ulaznice “na crno” dok oni koji kupuju ne podlezu odgovornosti. be a regulation that local authorities could insist on combined tickets (travel and match) during these travels alcohol could be forbidden. But until now we haven’t got practical experiences with these regulations. EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS (incl. intl. dial code): Police: ++ 41 117 Fire service: ++ 41 118 Ambulance: ++41 144 Name: Kanzlei: Adresse: Telefon: e-mail: Manuela Schiller Anwaltsbüro Delphinstrasse Delphinstr. 5, 8008 Zürich (0041) (0) 44 251 80 17 YOUR FAN LAWYER! This legal advice was put together with the help of our European network of fan lawyers. In case you require legal assistance in Switzerland, the members of our fan lawyer network are happy to help: In some cities this ban then also applies to shops in a certain radius around the stadium. Within the upcoming tightened „Hooligankonkordat“ there will ALCOHOL What about the consumption of alcohol inside stadia or in public? If it is not allowed and you’re caught drinking, what can happen? Consuming alcohol in public places is allowed nearly everywhere. Though some county laws enable the Police to banish persons who could “disturb security for the public“ or “harm or harass other parties” from public places. Depending on the county this could be done verbally. If failing to comply you could be reported. There’s a ban on alcohol at high-risk and international games inside the ground, sometimes there will be only light beer. REPORT BACK YOUR EXPERIENCES TO FSE! We make sure that we use it with relevant institutions and / or partners. Send us an email with your experiences to STADIUM BANS Who issues stadium banning orders in Switzerland and on the basis of which (legal orregulatory) framework are they issued and by whom? There are binding guidelines by the Swiss FA in existence for every club. These guidelines are regulating if a club or the FA is responsible for the imposition of a nationwide ban, which offenses lead to the ban and the length of the ban. The ban will also be registered on the national hooligan database. 39 WHEN YOU ARE ARRESTED What happens if I’m arrested? How long can I be held at the police station at maximum? If arrested, Police have to tell you the reason for the arrest. (Art. 219 Abs. 1 StPO). Police will take you to the Police station, will question you and potentially show photographs to you. After questioning the Police GROUND GUIDES BY FANS FOR FANS All info is provided by FSE members and available for free! The FSE Know Your Rights! Flyers are also available for download via in Switzerland KNOW Y O U R RIGHTS! likely only get a fine, they might also ask you about your financial situation. In Switzerland there is the so-called lawyer of the „first hour“. Means that you have the right to demand a lawyer even for the first questioning. In bigger cities there’s an emergency lawyer service (Pikettdienst). Police have to tell you about it and help you establish a contact there. Police have to wait for a „reasonable“ period of time until the lawyer arrives. Depending on the offenses or county you have to pay for the lawyer yourself. Comprehensive Ground Guide Info (in English) BLACK MARKET TICKETS What are the regulations about buying/selling tickets on the “black market”? Buying and selling tickets on the black market is an intermediate trade, which is generally not forbidden. But it could be a breach of the common conditions of contract of the company you bought the tickets from. If you just sell tickets “on the fly” it is allowed. On the other side, organised black-marketing of tickets and merchandise could lead to a stadium ban for 3 years through the guidelines of the Swiss FA. The national Hooligan concordat defines carrying and usage of pyrotechnics in the stadium or on the way to the stadium as violent behaviour, which could lead to a ban and a prohibition to go to certain areas (such as around grounds or in certain cities) and an obligation to report to a police stadium during matches. Police can then apply a nationwide stadium ban with the Swiss FA. There will be automatically an entry onto the hooligan database. Which personal details or information am I obliged to give? What else should I consider? Name, date of birth, hometown, registered address and sometimes even profession (but not your employer). As for first and minor offences you’ll most Stadium Guide (in English & Polish) Police are organised cantonally (in counties) in Switzerland. Depending on the size of the county there could be a city as well as a county police. At high-risk matches there will be several different units present. In case of infringement there will be a fine. decide if you’re free to go or being presented to the prosecution services. Not later than 24 hours they have to let you go or present you to the prosecution services. (Art. 219 Abs. 4 StPO). The prosecutor listens to your case then. At the latest 48 hours after your arrest the prosecutor has to decide if he will bring you in front of a court and apply for investigative custody (Art. 224 StPO). The court decides during 48 hours after you have been presented there if you have to go to investigative custody or are free to go. (Art. 226 StPO). Ground Guide info for disabled supporters: WHERE ARE THE COPS? What different kind of police units are there in Switzerland? What are their areas of responsibility? Is there any special football police unit? PYROTECHNICS Is the use or possession of pyrotechnics legal inside and/or outside the stadia? The national law on explosives forbids the import and firing of pyrotechnics, which are only allowed for industrial purposes (flares, smoke bombs) for amusement purposes (in the stadium or on the way to the ground instead of in case of danger). Possession of pyrotechnics is no offensive crime, but if caught while trying to smuggle them into the ground this will be seen as attempted usage. There could be a fine or even imprisonment. The respective municipal laws approve usage of fireworks and other pyrotechnics without permission only at New Year’s Eve and the national holiday (August 1st). DOWNLOAD THE FSE FAN GUIDE APP! Available in English for Android and iPhone via your App Store or via OBLIGATION TO CARRY ID? Do I have to carry an ID Card on me/with me? Is there an obligation to carry a form of ID? If I don’t what are the consequences? There’s no obligation to carry an ID in Switzerland. But if you fail to identify yourself or there’s no possibility of verifying your identity on-site the police have the right to take you to the stadium to verify your identity there. Within the upcoming tightened „Hooligankonkordat“ there might be an obligation to carry ID or to implement identity controls through the clubs. AUSWEISPFLICHT? Wie ist die Ausweissituation im Land? Bin ich verpflichtet, ein Ausweisdokument mitzuführen? Was passiert wenn ich das nicht tue? Es gibt keine Pflicht, einen Ausweis auf sich zu tragen. Kann man sich aber bei einer Kontrolle nicht ausweisen, bzw. kann die Identität vor Ort nicht nachgeprüft werden, hat die Polizei das Recht, die Person zur Identitiätskontrolle auf den Polizeiposten mitzunehmen. Im verschärften „Hooligankonkordat“ ist jedoch vorgesehen, dass die Ausweispflicht, bzw. die Identitätskontrolle als behördliche Auflage von den Clubs verlangt werden kann. WO IST DIE POLIZEI? Eine Auflistung der verschiedenen Polizeieinheiten der Länder und ihrer Verantwortungsbereiche. Die Polizei ist in der Schweiz kantonal organisiert. Je nach Größe des Kantons kann es sowohl eine Kantonsals auch eine Stadtpolizei geben. Bei Hochrisikospielen helfen sich die diversen Polizeikorps aus. SCHWARZMARKT TICKETS Wie sehen die Bestimmungen für den Verkauf / Kauf von Tickets auf dem „Schwarzmarkt“ aus? Der Verkauf und Kauf von Tickets auf dem “Schwarzmarkt” ist eigentlich ein Zwischenhandel. Dieser ist strafrechtlich nicht verboten. Allenfalls verstößt man gegen die Allgemeinen Vertragsbedingungen des Veranstalters, der die Tickets ursprünglich mit Auflagen verkauft hat. Solange man als Verkäufer die Tickets fliegend verkauft, gilt es in der Schweiz auch nicht als “gesteigerter Gemeingebrauch” und ist deshalb erlaubt. Hingegen sehen die Richtlinien des Schweizerischen Fußballverbandes vor, dass Schwarzhandel mit Tickets oder Fanutensilien mit 3 Jahren Stadionverbot sanktioniert werden. PYROTECHNIK Wie sieht es mit der Legalität von Pyrotechnik innerhalb und außerhalb der Stadien aus? Das nationale Sprengstoffgesetz verbietet die Einfuhr und die zweckwidrige Verwendung (sprich das Zünden) von pyrotechnischen Gegenständen, welche nur zu gewerblichen Zwecken zugelassen sind (z.B. Bengalen und Rauchtöpfe), zu Vergnügungszwecken (im Stadion oder auf der An- oder Abreise, statt in See- oder Bergnot). Das bloße Mitführen ist noch nicht strafbar. Wird man bei der Einlasskontrolle erwischt, gilt dies aber als versuchte strafbare Verwendung. Es droht eine Geldoder eine Freiheitsstrafe. Die jeweiligen kommunalen Polizeiordnungen erlauben die Verwendung von sonstigem Feuerwerk und pyrotechnischen Gegenständen zu Vergnügungszwecken ohne Bewilligung nur an Silvester und am Nationalfeiertag (1. August). Zuwiderhandlung wird mit einer Busse bestraft. Das nationale Hooligankonkordat definiert das Mitführen oder Zünden von pyrotechnischen Gegenständen im Stadion und auf der An- und Rückreise als eine gewalttätige Handlung, welche mit einem Rayonverbot, mit einer Meldepflicht oder Ausreisesperre geahndet wird. Die Polizei ist gestützt darauf befugt, beim Fussballverband ein Schweiz weites Stadionverbot zu beantragen. Es erfolgt automatisch ein Eintrag in der nationalen Hooligandatenbank. IM FALLE EINER VERHAFTUNG Was passiert, wenn ich festgenommen werde? Wie lange darf man auf der Wache festgehalten werden, ohne einem Haftrichter o.ä. vorgeführt worden zu sein? Wirst du festgenommen, müssen dir die Polizisten den Grund der Festnahme nennen (Art. 219 Abs. 1 StPO). Die Polizeibeamten bringen dich auf einen Posten, ein Kommissariat etc. Sie werden dich befragen, dir evt. Fotos vorlegen. Nach dem „Verhör“ entscheiden die Polizeibeamten, ob du gehen kannst, oder ob sie dich der Staatsanwaltschaft zuführen. Spätestens nach 24 Stunden muss dich die Polizei entweder entlassen oder der Staatsanwaltschaft zuführen (Art. 219 Abs. 4 StPO). Der Staatsanwalt hört dich an. Spätestens innert 48 Stunden seit der Festnahme durch die Polizei hat der Staatsanwalt zu entscheiden ob er dem Zwangsmassnahmengericht einen Antrag auf Untersuchungshaft stellen will (Art. 224 StPO). Das Zwangsmassnahmengericht entscheidet spätestens innert 48 Stunden, nachdem ihm der Haftantrag vorgelegt wurde, ob du in U-Haft kommst oder freigelassen wirst (Art. 226 StPO). Welche Daten sollte ich auf der Wache auf jedem Fall angeben? Was habe ich noch zu beachten? Der Polizei muss man Name, Geburtsdatum, Heimatort, Meldeadresse und evt. den Beruf (nicht aber den Arbeitgeber) angeben. Da bei Ersttätern und kleineren Delikten meistens eine Geldstrafe ausgesprochen wird und sich diese nach den finanziellen Verhältnissen richtet, wird man auch dazu befragt. In der Schweiz gibt es den Anwalt der ersten Stunde. Man hat also schon bei der ersten polizeilichen Einvernahme das Recht, einen Anwalt beizuziehen. In den grösseren Städten haben die Anwälte einen Pikettdienst eingerichtet. Die Polizei muss darauf aufmerksam machen und den Kontakt ermöglichen. Sie muss eine angemessene Zeit warten, bis der Anwalt kommen kann. Diesen Anwalt muss man aber je nach Ausgangslage und Kanton dann selber bezahlen. Der FSE Kenne Deine Rechte! Flyer ist auch als Download erhältlich unter Stadion Guide für behinderte Fans: Stadion Guide (auf Englisch & Polnisch) Verbot auch für alle Verkaufsstellen in einem Radius rund um das Stadion. Im verschärften „Hooligankonkordat“ ist vorgesehen, dass die Behörden Kombitickets (Reise und Spiel) vorschreiben können und bereits bei der Anreise Alkoholverbot gilt. Diese Bestimmungen sind neu und es gibt noch keine Praxis dazu. In den Stadien gilt bei Hochrisikospielen und bei internationalen Spielen ein Alkoholverbot oder es wird nur Leichtbier ausgeschenkt. In gewissen Städten gilt das Der Alkoholkonsum auf öffentlichen Plätzen ist fast nirgends verboten. Hingegen erlauben mehrere kantonale Polizeigesetze der Polizei, Personen oder Personengruppen, bei welchen der Verdacht besteht, dass sie die öffentliche Ordnung und Sicherheit stören könnten, Dritte gefährden oder belästigen, von diesem Ort wegzuweisen. Je nach Kanton kann diese Wegweisung formlos oder nur mündlich erfolgen. Leistet man dieser Wegweisung nicht Folge, kann man verzeigt werden. ALKOHOL Wie sieht es mit Alkoholkonsum auf öffentlichen Plätzen und im Stadion aus? Wenn er nicht erlaubt sein sollte, was könnten die Konsequenzen sein? Stadion Guide Info (auf Englisch) STADION GUIDES VON FANS FÜR FANS Sämtliche Informationen wurden von FSE Mitgliedern gesammelt und sind umsonst erhältlich! TEILT FSE EURE ERFAHRUNGEN MIT! Wir werden sicherstellen, dass wir diese mit den zuständigen Institutionen und/oder Partnern teilen werden. Schickt uns eine Mail mit Euren Erfahrungen an Name: Kanzlei: Adresse: Telefon: e-mail: Manuela Schiller Anwaltsbüro Delphinstrasse Delphinstr. 5, 8008 Zürich (0041) (0) 44 251 80 17 DEIN FANANWALT! Diese Rechtshilfetipps wurden mit der Hilfe unseres Europäischen Fananwälte Netzwerkes zusammengestellt. Im Fall, dass Ihr anwaltliche Vertretung in der Schweiz benötigen solltet, wendet Euch an unsere Mitglieder des Netzwerkes, die Euch gerne helfen werden: 41 LADE DIE FSE FAN GUIDE APP RUNTER! Erhältlich für Android und iPhone bei Deinem Appstore oder über Polizei: ++ 41 117 Feuerwehr: ++ 41 118 Krankenwagen: ++41 144 NOTRUFNUMMERN (inkl. internat. Vorwahl) Es gibt für alle Clubs verbindliche Richtlinien des Schweizerischen Fußballverbandes (SFV). Sie regeln, ob der Club oder der SFV für die Aussprechung des nationalen SV zuständig ist, welche Tatbestände zu einem SV führen und wie lange dieses dauert. Die SV werden auch in der nationalen Hooligandatenbank eingetragen. STADIONVERBOTE Wer verantwortet Stadionverbote in der Schweiz. Und welches sind die rechtlichen Grundlagen, von wem, dafür? KENNE DEINE RECHTE! In der Schweiz You can also download this Fanzine as pdf from our website via Copyright © 2013 Football Supporters Europe e.V. All rights reserved. Print Design puschel Photos provided by: Arthur Tarnowski, PM Cheung, Editors The members of the FSE Committee 2012 / 2013 Publisher 'PPUCBMM4VQQPSUFST&VSPQF'4& t$PPSEJOBUJOH0óDF 10#PYt)BNCVSH Germany 'PPUCBMM4VQQPSUFST&VSPQF'4& Ç$PPSEJOBUJOH0ŪDF 10#PYÇ)BNCVSH (FSNBOZ