the habitat of leucothrix mucor, a widespread marine microorganism
the habitat of leucothrix mucor, a widespread marine microorganism
NOTES AND persal of some plankton ( Gislen 1948)) they would most likely have been introduced into the Great Lakes and other lakes before now. Now that E. affinis is established in three lakes, it should eventually move into all of the Great Lakes and other nearby watersheds, resulting in a welcome addition to the monotonous entomostracan fauna of North America’s freshwater plankton. DANIEL J. E. G. JERMOLAJEV FABER (r-&e J$. G. KOSSIAKINA) Ontario Department South Baymouth, Ontario. of Lands and Forests, REFERENCES 1959. D. V., AND D. CLAYTON. Plankton in Lake Ontario. Physics Res. Note No. 1, 1959. Div. Res., Ontario Dept. Lands and Forests, Maple, Ontario. ( Mimeo. ) DEEVEY, G. B. 1948. The zooplankton of TisANDERSON, THE HABITAT COMMENT 303 bury Great Pond. Bull. Bingham Oceanog. Collection, 12: l-44. -. 1960. The zooplankton of the surface waters of the Delaware Bay region. Bull. Bingham Oceanog. Collection, 17 : 5-53. ENGEL, R. A. 1962. Eurytemora affinis a calanoid copepod new to Lake Erie. Ohio J. Sci., 62: 252. GISL~N, T. 1948. Aerial plankton and its conditions of life. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Phil. Sot., 23: 109L126. R. 1931. British fresh-water Cope238 p. poda, v. 1. Ray Society, London. JEFFRIES, H. P. 1962. Salinity-snace distribution of the estuarine copepod genus EUTZJtemora. Intern. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol., 47: 291-300. RYLOV, W. M. 1930. The fresh-water calanoids of the USSR. Zn Keys to the determination of fresh-water organisms [in RusSian]. Leningrad, 1930. THIENJZMANN, A. 1950. Verbreitungsgeschichte der Siisswassertierwelt Europas. Binnengewasser, 18: 809 p. WILSON, G. B. 1932. The copepods of the Woods Hole region; Mass. U.S. Natl. Museum, Bull., 158: l-635. FVILSON, M. S. 1953. New Alaskan records of Eurytemora ( Crustacea, Copepoda ) . Pacific Sci., 7: 504-512. -. 1959. Free living Copepoda: Calanoida. Zn Freshwater biology, 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, N.Y. 1248 p. GURNEY, OF LEUCOTHHX MUCOR, A WIDESPREAD MARINE MICROORGANISM Leucothrix mucor (Oersted) is a marine microorganism that has been studied mainly in the laboratory (Harold and Starrier 1955; Pringsheim 1957; Lewin 1959; Brock 1964). The present work points out that this organism is widespread in the marine environment and should be taken into account in any study of the role of heterotrophic microorganisms. L. mucor is excellent for autecological investigation because it is large and has characteristic morphological features that can be recognized in natural collections; it grows as an epiphyte on marine algae, and usually its filaments project perpendicularly from the surface of algal fronds, permitting easy microscopic study; it characteristic morphogenetic undergoes changes that are probably of ecological significance; and it is widespread in marine environments, and a study of its ecology may be expected to have some relevance to broader problems of marine microbiology. It is often the most common marine microorganism when viewed microscopically, but it rarely appears on agar plate cultures unless special precautions are taken. The microscopic identification of an epiphytic filament like L. mucor, although fairly certain, is not unequivocal. In certain cases, the microscopic identification was checked by cultural isolation, but because of the difficulty of its routine isolation, this could not be done for all samples. However, after extensive microscopic examination of pure cultures of L. mucor in many stages of nutritional adequacy and in many morphological condi- 304 NOTES AND tions, I feel certain that I would not make a false positive identification of L. mucor, although I might not recognize a particularly atypical form as L. mucor. Thus, a microscopic survey would lead to underestimates of the occurrence of L. mucor, rather than overestimates. A variety of macroscopic algae was collected. When it became clear that L. mucor occurred most extensively on red and filamentous green algae, collections were concentrated on this group, but attempts were made to take samples of all species growing together in a given area. In many cases the algae were identified only to family or genus, but the species of some of the red algae were kindly identified by Dr. Richard Norris or Dr. J. T. Conover. Enrichment cultures were set up following Harold and Stanier ( 1955). Pure cultures were obtained following the procedure of these authors and of Pringsheim ( 1957). Because gram-negative motile bacteria often spread across the agar plates and crowded out the L. mucor colonies, the plates were examined under 125~ magnification 12-16 hr after the initial inoculation. The characteristic L. mucor colonies (Harold and Stanier 1955) could frequently be detected at that time and were picked up using fine sterile insect pins and transferred to fresh plates. A synthetic medium was used containing: NaCl, 11.75 g; MgCl, .6H20, 5.35 g; Na$Oh, 2.0 g; CaC12 .2H20, 0.75 g; KCl, 0.35 g; Tris-hydroxymethyl amino methane, 0.5 g; Na2HP04, 0.05 g; monosodium glutamate, 1.0 g; agar, 15 g; deionized water, 1,000 ml, pH 7.6. Temperature of incubation was 25C. Routine examination of seaweeds at Friday Harbor, Washington, revealed that many of these organisms had epiphytes that greatly resembled L. mucor filaments. Although earlier workers had isolated their cultures in association with seaweeds, it was felt that it was essential to isolate pure cultures that were known to have been derived directly from presumptive Leucothrix filaments seen in natural material. This was accomplished by taking COMMENT red algal fronds containing presumed Leucothrix and washing them extensively in sterile synthetic medium (containing basal salts) to remove any casually associated bacteria. The washed fronds were then laid directly on the surface of agar plates containing basal salts with 0.05% monosodium glutamate and 0.05% sodium phosphate. Immediately after inoculation, the plates were examined microscopically, and the presumptive Leucothrix filaments could easily be seen attached to the algal The plates were incubated at fronds. room temperature and examined at intervals. In some cases, motile gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria, which are quantitatively insignificant on the algal filaments, grew and moved along the moisture channel that formed where algal filament and agar met and crowded out the L. mucot colonies. Such motile organisms have some selective advantage over Leucothrix on agar plates because of their motility and rapid unicellular growth. A Leucothrix filament, unable to fragment, forms a slowly growing colony. The low concentration of glutamate used in the medium helped to retard the growth of motile bacteria. In some cases where contamination was avoided, the Leucothrix filaments grew and formed characteristic whorl-patterned colonies along the edges of the algal frond. Such colonies were transferred to fresh medium and subsequently maintained in pure culture, where they resembled in all respects the L. mucor cultures isolated by other workers. Thus, by microscopic control of the isolation process, it has been possible to show unequivocally that filaments seen in natural material are L. mucor. It was felt that an essential part of the experimental definition of the L. mucor habitat was the establishment of its epiphytic growth in laboratory cultures. In a sense, such an establishment would meet the requirements of Koch’s postulates. Axenic cultures of four marine algae were obtained from Dr. Luigi Provasoli. These were the red algae Antithamnion sarni- ense, Rhodoclmrton sp., Rangia fusco-JJ~Upurea, and the brown alga Splucelaria sp. The A. .sarniense was grown in medium ASP, at IX, the B. fusco-purpurea in ASl’&JTA at 15C, and the Sphncelaria and Rhodlochorton in ASPlrNTA at 2OC. These rncdin are described by Provasoli (1963). All were grown at about 1,000 lux illumination in an alternating cycle of 14 hr light and 10 hr dark. The cultures were grown in 16 mm screw-capped tubes containing 1-2 ml of medium, and the tubrs wcrc slowly rotated on a tissue culture tube rotator. Media were changed every week or two. Samples of the algae wxc inoculated with pure culture of L. muc”r which had bcon grown in the medium described above so that a high proportion of gonidia (Harold and Stanier 1955) were prrscnt. Onr small loopful of this suspension was then used t” inoculate l-2 ml of cnltnre medium containing a few mm11 algal fronds, zmd the t~nbrs wcw placed back in the light. Controls containing the ASPc and ASPIs media without algae present were also inoculated. When axonic cultures of seaweeds were inoculated with gonidial suspensions of L. ~UC”T (about IO” gonidia/ml), rapid nttachmcnt to the algae occurred, so that after two days of incubation extensive epiphytic growth had taken place on A. sarnienxz, B. fusco-pwpurea,and Sphacelaria sp. Attachment did not occur with Rhorlochorton sp., hut the L. ~UCOT filaments grew close to the algal filaments and were seen wrapped around them in profusion. Conceivably, the surface of Rhodochorton sp. is not suitable for attachment by L. 1lzuc0r. Fig. 1 shows a photomicrograph of L. nzucor growing epiphytically on a pure culture of Sphacclarin sp Fig. 2 shows for comparison a photomicrogvaph of L. nwco~ growing on a frond of the leafy red alga CaZZophyZZis hacnoplzylln taken dircctlp from nature. There is il close resemblance in the two photographs. A purr culture of L. ~UCIJT was is&&cd directly from a portion of the algal frond ndjacerrt to that shown in Fig. 2. L. mucw does not grow alone in either of the media in which alga” were cultured. In addition, if sterile, washed cotton fibers are added to these media, L. ~UC”T will not grow attachrd to their surface, although it will grow attached to cotton fibers when cultured in the glutnmate-Tris medium described previously. It can he concluded that the alga not onl>provides a substratum for the attachment “t the bacterium but also nutrients for the growth of the bacterium. The algal cultures do not seem to be harmed in any way by the attachment and growth of I,. mucor and have been maintained through succrssixvz transfrrs made over several months. Thus, by “hservation and expcrimcnt, it has been shown that at least one natornl habitat of L. mucor is the surfaw of scawccds, where it grows as a firmly attached epjphyte. In nature, n wide variety of filamrntous heavily covered with I,. mumr filaments. Pure cultures of L. mucor grow well in liquid medium only when rapidly shaken. and this is consistent with the requirement of water movement for good growth in nature. It is not clear whether the requirrment of water movement is for aeration or for some other purpose. Geographically, L. nwcor is widely distributcd in temperate waters. I ha>e iholatcd pure cultures from seaweeds callccted in Puget Sound, Washington, Loug Island Sound, Connecticut, Karragansrtt Bay, Rhode Island, and Cape Rcykjanes and Faxafloi Fiord, Iceland. Harold and Stan& (1955) ‘isolated it from Cnlitomia waters, Molisch [ 1912) and Plingsheiln (1957) observed it in Adriatic waters, and Lcwin (1959) isolated clones from the rep gion of Woods Hole, hlassnchixetts. Other regions from which it has hern reported (Berger and Bringmann 1953) are the Arctic Ocean (Murmansk, USSR), Baltic Sea (Sweden, Schleswig-llolstein, Latvia!, North Sea (Helgoland), Meditrrrancan (Gulf of Kaples), and Rlack Sea (Bay of Sevastopol). Berger and Rringmann (1953) consider L. mucm to he 3 characteristic organism of polluted mariw environments and state (p, 328), “Fiir die Abwasserbiologie der Mecrc stcllt sic ein .md Ic:af>~ red algae has been fowd tu be diagnostisch vbllig sich dcckcndes Gegencolonized with L. rnm~~. The r~son that stiick zu SpAaemtilus ntltans da.” red algae are so readily colonized may he To date, all isolates in pure culture the nature of the algal sarfaco. Red algae have been remarkably similar in physiodo not produce large amounts of mucus or logical and morphogenctic behavior. The! slime, and it would be expected that their all have similar temperature optima and surfaces would provide a reasonable denutritional requirements, and six strains gree of stability. Because L. rnuc~r will isolated from both Pacific and Atlantic attach to glass or cutton, it does not seem waters (including one strain each isolated likely that any specific surface propertics by 1,ewin 1959 and Harold and Stania arc required tor attachment. Further, the 1955) have identical DNA base composired algx: comprise many filamentous spctions (ht. Mandel, personal communicaties, and filaments provide a greater smThus, the species as defined morn face area for attachment than would a tion). phologically comprises a homogeneous similar volume of leafy material. group of strains physiologically and bioWhere the water is still or slow moving, chemically. Id. mucw is rare, hut it occurs at exL. muuw is far more common in marinr tremely high densities on red algae growenvironments than would he apparent ing in rapidly moving water. Thus, rocky from quantitative hactcrial counts on agal areas with much wave action or tidal plates. This discrepancy may current always provide senwecds that arc cxisl NOTES AND because L. mucor (because of its filamentous growth habit) may be at a competitive disadvantage on agar plates; although because of its ability to attach to surfaces, it may be at a competitive advantage in natural environments having much water flow. Now that the precise microenvironment of L. mucor has been defined, it is possible to examine its physiological ecology. The collaboration of M. Louise Brock was a great benefit to this work. The work at San Juan Island was done during two summers as a visiting investigator at the Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington. The work in Iceland was supported by the Surtsey-Iceland Research Committee. THOMAS D. BROCK Department of Bacteriology, Indiana University, Bloomington 47405. 307 COMMENT REFERENCES H., AND G. BRINGMANN. 1953. Die Scheidenstruktur Abwasserbakteriums des Sphaerotilus nutuns und des Eisenbakteriums Leptothrix im elektronmikroskopischen Bilde und ihre Bedeutung fur die Systematik dieser Gattungen. Zentr. Bakteriol., Parasitenk., Abt. II, 107: 318-334. BROCK, T. D. 1964. Knots in Leucothrix muCOT. Science, 144: 870-872. HAROLD, R., AND R. Y. STANIER. 1955. The genera Leucothtix and Thiothrix. Bacterial. Rev., 19: 49-58. LEWIN, R. A. 1959. Leucothrix mucor. Biol. Bull., 117: 418. MOLISCH, H. 1912. Neue farblose Schwefelbakterien. Zentr. Bakteriol., Parasitenk . , Abt. II, 33: 60-61. PRINGSHEIM, E. G. 1957. Observations on Leucothrix mucor and Leucothrix cohaerens nov. sp. Bacterial. Rev., 21: 69-81. PROVASOLI, L. 1963. Growing marine seaweeds, p. 9-17. In Proc. 4th Intern. Seaweed Symp., Biarritz, France, Sept. 1961. Pergamon, New York, N.Y. BERGER, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARBON CONTENT, CELL VOLUME, AND AREA IN PHYTOPLANKTON~ Because of the difficulty in assessing the carbon content of living phytoplankton in the sea, due to the presence of detritus and the variability of phytoplankton carbon : chlorophyll ratios, we have sought a relationship between cell carbon and cell volume which could be used to estimate the phytoplankton carbon in seawater from preserved phytoplankton samples. Previous investigators have noted a proportionality between organic matter or ash-free dry weight and cell volume (Riley 1941; Wright 1959; Cushing 1958; Strickland 1960). But Lund ( 1964) noted that the ratio ash-free dry weight : cell volume is not constant but varies about fivefold in magnitude. We observed similar variation in the carbon : cell volume ratio and l Supported by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract No. AT( ll-l)-34, Project 108, and by a National Science Foundation Fellowship to M. M. Mullin. found that it varies predictably with cell volume. The data reported were gathered independently by Mullin at Woods Hole and Sloan and Eppley at La Jolla without collaboration until after the measurements were made. The following organisms were grown in axenic cultures, unless otherwise indicated: tertiolecta Butcher Chlorophyceae : Dundiella Coccolithus huxleyi ( Lohm. ) Chrysophyceae: Kamptner, Syrucosphuera (Hymenomonus) elonguta Droop Bacillariophyceae : Skeletonema costatum (Greville ) Cleve, CycZoteZZa nuruz: Hustedt, Thalassiosira rotula Meunier (unialgal), T. fluviatilis Hustedt, Striate& unipunctutu Agardh, Rhizosolenia setigeru Brightwell, Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow, Coscinodiscus sp. ( unialgal), C. concinnus W. Smith (unialgal) Dinophyceae : Peridinium trochoideum ( Stein ) Lemm., Gonyuulax po2yedra Stein (unialgal).