AGAR - Universidade de Aveiro
AGAR - Universidade de Aveiro
ALGAR Lda. – Algae and Agar production Utilization and Improvement of “Ria de Aveiro” Natural Resources ALGAR Lda. The Team Team Members Cláudia Nunes Isabel Correia Jorge Duarte José Carlos Santos Mónica Amorim Susana Loureiro R&D unit CESAM - Amadeu M.V.M. Soares QPNA - Manuel António Coimbra Mentors Rui Escaleira – Change Partners Value Proposition ALGAR will be the first Portuguese company with controlled culture of macro algae (Gracilaria). We pretend to use the sub-valorised “Ria de Aveiro” natural resources. Agar will be extracted from algae using a improved method that will provide a high quality with a better yield and lower costs. In the first 5 years we intend to cover 5% of the agar market estimated in 153 millions € and 1% of the algae market estimated in 300 millions €, which has a predicted increase rate of 2 % per year for both markets. The Product ALGAE - Gracilaria - Raw material to agar extraction Healthy natural product authorized to human consume. Fertilizer properties Suitable properties to cosmetic AGAR - Polysaccharide with gelling capacity - Medicinal, pharmaceutical and biological properties The Market Collection of algae Culture/Commercialization algae Algae consumer Agar Producer Agar 780 Algae 200 Agar 7630 Algae 37000 P.I. P.I. Algae Markets: Morocco Marrocos Agar Markets : Food México Mexico Cosmetics Agriculture Biofuel Aquaculture Europe (T/year) World (T/year) Food Japan Microbiology Scientific Research Pharmaceutic Cosmetics Japão The Company Culture/Extraction (“Ria de Aveiro”) ALGAR Lda. Algae Food/Cosmetic Agar Food Market Critical Success Factors Advantages -First Portuguese controlled culture of macroalgae -Ideal algae growth conditions in Ria de Aveiro -Higher quality agar at low cost -Multidisciplinary team Disadvantages -Unavailable salines Economical, cultural and social benefits -No patentable technology Unique Geographic features -Products already in market New products development Economical and Financial Analysis Total Investment: 250 000 € Time to Market: 5 years ROE: 10 % IRR: 6.6% NPV: 83 400 € Payback: 3 years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 % of Market 0.1% 1.0% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% Unit price (€) 20 20 20 20 20 Sales (€) 152 600 1 526 000 6 104 000 6 867 000 7 630 000 Net Profit (€) -219 862 359 378 1 977 297 2 256 867 2 510 757 Cash-flow (€) -363 424 1 601 548 7 665 693 8 699 522 9 673 433 Next Steps 1 step Large scale algae production 2 step Agar international distribution chain 3 step Direct selling of agar to national companies 4 step Launch sales in international market 5 step New products development in order to spread out the markets Contacts Cláudia Nunes ( Tlm - 965057488 Isabel Correia ( Jorge Duarte ( José Carlos Santos ( Mónica Amorim ( Susana Loureiro (