completed Big Story


completed Big Story
The Mystery of the
abandoned tent
On Saturday evening, Lizzie, Lola,
Marcus and Michael arrived on the
island. They were very cold and tired,
so they lit the fire, had their tea and
went to bed. During the night, they
heard some very strange noises and
were a little bit scared. Lizzie and Lola
cuddled their polar bear tightly whilst
Michael and Marcus let Patch, their pet
dog, sleep on their sleeping bags. They
got up, crept out of the tent and saw
some footprints leading to the woods….
Year R
Chapter 1
It wasn’t clear what creature might have made
the smudgy footprints or made the strange
noise, but the children decided to investigate.
Lizzie (the 2nd oldest girl) said “Why don’t we
go to Brown Bear Rock which is so high up that
we can see anything that might have left the
footprints and made the noises!?”
“Don’t worry about the footprints” said Marcus
“Whatever it was has eaten bits out of our
sandwiches! We will have to find things to eat
on the way if we are hungry…”
Lola looked around her. “We should take the
mushroom book so we know what NOT to eat!”
They all looked round at their campsite, there
were lots of things there…..a flask, a lantern,
a head torch, wellies, a mini lighthouse, a
compass, all the sleeping bags, more books,
shells, a rug, the dog bowl and biscuits, the
life jackets, the cuddle toys….the children
were wondering what they should take with
them, when…..
Year 1
Chapter 2
The actual ground under their feet
seemed to be shaking!!!!
The four children looked at each other
…there was a vicious, red, scaly dragon
staring at them. The children screamed
loudly as the dragon breathed fire at
them. In a flash the greedy dragon
snatched Patch out of Lola’s hands and
flew away into an enormous cave in the
far away, snow-capped mountains. Patch
whined and howled, and scratched at the
hard scales of the dragon as he beat his
wings and looped-the-loop. Lola burst
into tears and Michael fainted. Lizzie
looked at Marcus and said……
Year 2
Chapter 3
“What are we going to do?”
“Quickly, we must follow that dragon!” Marcus replied.
Just then there was a rustling from bushes behind them.
“There’s something in there,” Michael whispered.
“Let’s circle around and see what it is,” Lizzie replied in a
very soft voice.
Very carefully, without making a noise, the children made
their way around the bush, until they had surrounded it.
Suddenly there was another rustling, and something hairy
appeared and tried to run away. However, Michael and
Marcus leapt onto it, joined by Lola, and wrestled it to the
ground. The creature struggled, but wasn’t strong enough for
them, and eventually stopped trying to escape.
“What are you?” Lizzie asked.
“I am a troll” the creature replied in a low, gravelly voice.
“What are you carrying with you?” Lola asked, seeing a
brown leather bag slung across the troll’s shoulders.
“Nuffing, I aint got nuffing in there!” the troll growled
“I don’t think so!” said Marcus grabbing hold of the bag. The
troll tried to pull away, but a bright shiny goblet fell out.
“Wow, would you look at that!” Michael exclaimed. “It’s
made from solid gold and is covered in jewels. It must cost a
“Give it back! GIVE IT BACK!” shouted the troll.
“Just tell me whose this is!” Marcus ordered, tugging at the
troll’s arm as he tried to escape again.
“Ow, you’re hurting me!” the troll complained. “Alright it
isn’t mine, it’s the dragons, and I was taking it from him. I
thought I had escaped, which is when I stopped for some of
your food, but he had followed me, and he saw me, so I hid,
which is when…”
Year 3/4
Chapter 4
“The dragon swooped and took Patch, our dog!” Lola finished his
“Poor Patch!” Lizzie joined in, “What is going to happen to him
“Dragon fodder,” the troll sighed with satisfaction.
“No way,” Marcus answered. “We are going to get him back, and you
are going to show us the way!”…
The troll growled, “Not on your life, I’m going nowhere near that
dragon again!”
The children thought about what to do.
“How about we give you one of our magic shells?” Lola suggested.
The troll’s greedy eyes glinted. He had always wanted a magic shell.
He rubbed his warty nose and wiped his greasy hands down his
grubby trousers.
Marcus said “Don’t imagine for one minute you are getting a magic
shell before we get to the dragon.”
Michael began to take charge, “We need to rescue Patch!”
He slipped one of the magic shells into his pocket, “This is yours
when we get to the dragon’s terrifying lair.”
The adventurers set off, following the troll. Fortunately, Lizzie had
remembered to pick up the magic lighthouse. She knew they would
need it when they entered the frozen cave.
After hours of exhausting climbing, they eventually arrived at the
dark forbidding cavern. Lizzie whipped out the lighthouse and shone
its powerful beam into the darkness. They could hear the dragon’s
thunderous snoring deep in the distance. The ground vibrated.
Between the snores, a tiny whimpering Patch could be heard.
“Okay,” said Michael to the troll, who was trembling at the sound of
the snores, “Now, here’s your shell, leave us alone!”
The children looked at the goblet that they had taken from the troll;
they knew it was the dragon’s most prized possession, maybe he
would exchange Patch for it.
Suddenly, the children’s hearts pounded at the sound of the
enormous scaly claws of the dragon approaching the entrance of the
Year 4/5
Chapter 5
Shaking in their boots, the children cautiously made their
way towards the dragon’s lair, Michael leading the way.
The earth began to tremble beneath the children’s feet as
the pounding noise grew gradually louder. When the
colossal dragon finally appeared at the entrance to the
cave, he had Patch the dog cradled gently in his arms.
The dragon peered down at the children and held onto
Patch tightly.
“We’ve come to get Patch back – he’s our dog!” stuttered
Marcus. “Look, we got your precious goblet back from the
troll for you!”
The dragon shielded Patch protectively with his wings as a
single tear trickled down his face. “I’m really sorry I took
your dog, but I was really lonely and wanted a friend to
play with,” he sobbed.
The children felt sorry for the dragon and tried to think of
an idea to cheer him up.
“I know what we could do!” blurted out Lola.
Everyone else looked at her, puzzled about what she was
going to suggest.
“The lighthouse, it’s magic after all! We could try using it
to shrink you down to Patch’s size!” Lola continued.
The children clambered onto the dragon’s still large wings
and he flew them back to the campsite, where they
hurriedly packed up. Into the distance, the dragon
swooped over the forests and seas, villages and towns,
cities full of skyscrapers until he reached the children’s
Lola pointed the Magic Lighthouse at the dragon and he
gradually shrunk, first to the size of an elephant, then a
hippo and finally shrunk down to dog size until he was eye
to eye with his new best friend, Patch.
The children looked on as the two new best friends
frolicked about playing together in the garden.
Year 5/6
Chapter 6