ep08 cataloog
ep08 cataloog
MEDAILLE P.S.A. “BEST OF SHOW” PI Kerekes Istvan - woodcutters home ND Van Bauwel Frans paargedrag PJ De Bruyn Eddy - romein PT Rich Chiou - each other 5 MEDAILLE F.I.A.P. Goud PI Barbarien Robert - oerkracht Brons PJ Reynaert Jozef - twee meisjes Zilver ND Cordy Freddy - hert in bos MEDAILLE B.F.F. MEDAILLE C.V.B Zilver PJ Zilver Goud PI Brons PT Sennesael Patrick - cuban girl Soenen Irene - de kok Van Gilbergen Freddy - teaching MEDAILLE MIN.VL.GEMEENSCHAP PI PI Balogh Laszlo - xgximnhst the ghost Jourdain Roger - marches morning ND Ee Michael - circle of life PJ Dewijn Jacques - tijdrit arras 2004 ND PJ PT PT Huang Chi Lai - melting antarctic Goud Brons PT De Groof Eddy - mursi’s voor de hut Wydoodt Jose - blauwe processie MEDAILLE PROV. W.-VLAANDEREN PI Desmadryl Marc - familiereunie ND Ryngaert Peter - hap PJ Demeulenaere Karin - unhealthy job PI ND Canbozoglu Cetin - to help PJ Martini Andrea - rest in country PT Yaglidere Omer - agil PT Roetynck Maurice - decia grootma PT PJ Noreilde Christian - pearl Van Mensel Dre - verse muis Dobosz Jozef - modderzitten Van Bauwel Frans - kinge foyle Bossuyt Jef - buiten was MEDAILLE W.V.F.D. GOUD PI PI Ho Anh Tien - after the storm Debrael Daniel - sabrina ND Kyndt Daniel - ruzie maken PJ Dequick Luc - hannelore ND PJ PT PT ZILVER Kaeding Wolfgang - mommy is working Kwan Philip - bull rider down Mertens Ludo - going home Vansteelandt Bertrand - river gallop PI Laheye Freddy - grandma’s grocery ND Verwerft Julien - wolf PI ND PJ PJ PT PT BRONS Michiels Jan - geel veld Bervoets Rik - assuring future Liviau Dirk - achtervolgers R.v.Vl T’Kindt Eric - zal ie scoren Aerts Jozef - two charged women Van Coillie Jean Pierre - heilige koe PI Hochhaus Alexander - no doubt ND Casier Robert - rhinoceros blanc 10 za PI ND PJ PJ PJ PJ Ho Shun Kau - happy together Cantrille David - cheetah cub with mother Diana Carlo - the comparision Soens Daniel - jump nr 130 Maene Dorine - columbia Vandaele Ingrid - waterpolo HM F.I.A.P. PI Robson Gaynor - special lady PI Zhu Zhiquan - life PI Senyildirim Zeki Dogan - purple hat MEDAILLE GULDEN SPOREN GOUD PI Casier Geert - lien ND Spegelaere Marie Christine - spiegelbeeld PI ND PJ PJ PT PT ZILVER Mai Bernd - light figures Furniss Sandy - great egret displaying Ho Shu Kua - dashing 2 De Boever Luc - jump 2 De Fraine Jozef - dust Devuldere Doreen - onderonsje PI Couvreur Liz - home less ND Liviau Dirk - Ijsberendouche PI ND PJ PJ PT PT BRONS Laruelle Suzanne - N.d. de bon secours Reynaert Jozef- koningspinguins Demets Jan - start tiegem Vandecasteele Jacques - moeder en kind Joye Marc - lalibela pilgrims Lathouwers Julien - dangerous fall PI Mortier Anette - lavendelreien ND Chambre Marc - femelle et jeunes PI ND PJ PJ PJ PT Durano Carlo - magic of a moment Vanhaute Paul - straatarm Vreye Magda - jens keuckeleire Ingels Eric - beenhouwerij Vandebroek Jhony - sneeuwspetters 118 Everaert Hadewych - onderonsje HM F.I.A.P. PI PI PI Alshaihk Mohammed - land of black gold Tran Phong - sisters 2 Bondaruk Sergiy - warrior EREPRIJZEN STAD IEPER JOZEF DE FRAINE EDDY DE GROOF MAURICE ROETYNCK TROFEE “CENTRUM VOOR BEELDEXPRESSIE” VOOR DE BESTE CLUBINZENDING VAN HET SALON IRIS LEDE TROFEE “PICANOL GROUP” VOOR DE TWEEDE BESTE CLUBINZENDING FODIAC WINGENE TROFEE GOUDEN PENNING VOOR DE BESTE BUITENLANDSE CLUBINZENDING PHOTOCLUB VISION FINLAND TROFEE WVFD WEST-VLAAMSE EOS WEVELGEM VOOR DE BESTE TROFEEEN voor de beste clubs PI Iris Aartrijke ND Candid Munsterbilzen PJ Diafo Harelbeke PT Fotoclub Beringen CLUB JURY : Jan Masyn - beroepsfotograaf BLOSO Ghislain Lindeboom - E.FIAP Etienne Vandenweghe - E.FIAP - F.PSA PI ARGENTINIE FRANKE LUIS ALBERTO - volver al pasado AMLETO F BOCCI - controversy - lanes juntion AUSTRALIE EDWARDS MARG - braid girl HILL YVONNE - claire - speak no evil JENSEN SUSAN - buttons NORTH JOHN - life’s tough - across the valley PHA ANNA - mates(HM) - busy bee PUDNEY JAN - storm cottage REES VAL - whats he thinking ROBSON GAYNOR - special lady(HM) - triple image SMITH JOHN - sky flyer 5 - flish eye STEWART WILLIAM - red wing parrott - rebecca(HM) TSIM WAI MAN - rodeo 1 VEIVERS WARREN - organ formation WATSON GRAEME - balloon rise BAHRAIN ALSHAIKH Mohammed - land of black gold(HM) BANGLADESH AHMED SHEIKI RAIHAN - childhood RANA MAHFUZUL - fly BELGIE ADAM JOHAN - friends AERTS JOZEF - seven on a row(HM) - enjoyment - special smoker ANDRIEN DIEUDONNE - chloé sur canapé(HM) - berger et troupeau - les jambes de chloé BARBARIEN ROBERT - oerkracht(M) - house BARBE HEIN - mooie fiets(HM) - looking in the corner BAUDOUX OLIVIER - la mère et le fils BERVOETS RIK - sidecar 5 - sidecar cross 27 BILLIAU NICOLE - lotus lake - after the visit BLEYEN LIVINUS - olli harri - sidecar 50 BLOMME ELS - ochtendvergadering BOSSUYT JEF - gerimpeld BRACKE LUC - de laatste poort CALLEWAERT RENAAT - in de vlucht - maurice(HM) CASIER GEERT - lien(M) - ismail - skye CASIER ROBERT - modele 004 CASPERS JEAN - passage entre boules - granieten kring CLYNCKEMAILLIE GEORGES - helene por - ik ben dik COSIJNS GERARD - achter het raam - muzikant in bergen(HM) - witte baard COUVREUR LIZ - aan de waterkant - rode roos - home less(M) COX ANDRE - tegen paal CUPPENS IVO - met baby op stap DEBLOCK PIERRE - alles geven DEBOEVER LUC - jump 7 - kuryanovich DEBONDT FRANS - freya21 DEBRAEL DANIEL - mascarade - sabrina(M) DEBRUYN EDWARD - vlucht papegaaiduiker - cheetah op heuveltje - leeuwin met welpje DECLOEDT NICOLE - steltkluut DECROCQ FRANCIS - koolzaadveld DEFAUW AURELE - danseres - lijnenspel - partituur DEFRAINE JOZEF - brothers - verkoopster - familie vietnam(HM) - fanatique DEGROOF EDDY - ethiopie kids(HM) - old dassanetch women - olifant op pad - vlucht over de nijlpaarden DEGUELDRE JAN - rangeerspoor 2 - tien voor zeven DELTOUR ROLAND - gillers DEMETS JAN - tijger - poepsleetje - ontspannen naakt DEMEULENAERE KARIN - bored - himbasmile - multitasking DEPOOTER BART - aileen dolan DEQUENNE GEORGES - sous bois 6 DEREU RITA - in godsnaam - ballon blazen DESCAMPS MICHÈLE - les cabines DESMADRYL MARC - trappenhal - familiereunie(M) - zakenman in 1903 DEVERS CHRISTIAN - wall back - of the end of the file DEVULDERE DOREEN - broer en zus - grijsaard - blauwe kruik - cultuur eigen DEWIJN JACQUES - evy voor de trap - showtime - bleu romance(HM) DEWILDE EDDY - lac d’ailette 7 - tambourin DIANA CARLO - alone with my cup - downstairs DILLES JEAN - in de zandbak DOBOSZ JOZEF - wp 2009 - kamelen DRYEPONDT FRANCKY - reigerkop DUCHATEAU RENE - abdy ERAERTS ROGER - studie 3 EVERAERT HADEWYCH - schimmenspel - liefde tot in de dood FAES RENE - waiting for the boss - you dare not - strong coffee FAUCOMPRE JEAN LUC - le voyageur au chariot - d’arbre en feu FOULON KRIES - kinderbabbel (HM) - kind met krullen - pretoogjes GELDHOF HANS - streepjescode - vluchtige fiets GOOSSENS LEO - vrolijk GOSSELIN ROBERT - oh baby - vene 1 HAERENS FREDDY - ingetogen HASEVOETS JEAN - shani HELSEN PAUL - take 2 HUGELIER WILLY - butterfly - madonna - violiste(HM) HUYSMANS BERNARD - vosse paarde - distelvlinder JAHNERT GUNTER - the victum JANSSENS VICTORIA - pappie JOOSTEN LUS - arche rouge - swing JOYE MARC - jie children - toposa girl - dallol soldier KYNDT DANIEL - nekken - verkopen - wild waterpret - wonderlijk LACROSSE JEAN - djembé - douces pensées - jess 2 LAHEYE FREDDY - purple lips 2 - grandma’s grocery(M) LARUELLE SUZANNE - chapelle et lavandes - en éventail - pêcheur à ilay - n.d de bon secours(M) LEIMANN DIRK - natuur panorama - way up LEMAIRE WILLY - blue lines - moon LEMMENS JEF - three on a row - night time walker LEMMENS MON - help mij ! - monte piano LIVIAU DIRK - casino - namen in de herfst - nike jump MAENE DORINE - van de grond - tegenlicht MAHIEU DORIENNE - the dalmatian MAZINGUE FRANCINE - moma(HM) - portevoix MEERTENS JACQUELINE - chemin de planches - maison dieu MICHIELS JAN - heuvel - nevel - geel veld(M) - tussen 2 bomen MICHIELS JOS - tram tunnel MOLITOR ERIC - blue chapel(HM) - in castel - red chair MORTIER ANETTE - na het bad - lavendelreien(M) - duo MUYTERS JEAN PIERRE - annelien - rode sjaal NINANNE SERGE - jennifer NOREILDE CHRISTIAAN - dorintje - pearl(M) OOSTERLYNCK ROGER - mus - zeehondje PEUSTJENS THEO - mali music - back from the market PLOVIE BJORN - paarse vogels - speedway duo - visayan neushoornvogel PLOVIE KEVIN - gekleurde glazen POISSONNIER DANNY - in moedersbuik - vlaggemasten PONCELET BENNY - regenboog te malaga POTTIER PATRICK - lofoten 1 - lofoten 2 PRAAST RICHARD - wachtzaal -druppels en bloemen PUYPE ERIC - tandenknarsend - sprint RENNEN EDDY - leaders III - met viool REYNAERT JOZEF - provence2 - oud dorp - lijnen 2 REYNAERT WILLY - op school - vervoer - vuur ROETYNCK MAURICE - waste lake - regenboog - avondlicht SENNESAEL PATRICK - born - old bathroom - cuban girl(M) - pregnant SIKOSEK ANDRE - op uitkijk - twee vrienden SLAGMOLEN MAURITS - belcanto SOENEN IRENE - my baby - singh(HM) - autoband - grijsaard SOENS DANIEL - het gesprek - weerspiegeling SPEGELAERE M.CHRISTINE - carnavaldame - uitrusten SPEGELAERE WILLY - bosfee - ellen in bed - veel vliegen - vrouw met kalf SPREUWERS LEO - skutari meer STALMANS MARC - wedding night STOLCK JOS - hond op uitkijk SYMONS WIM - nikki in het water SYX YVON - voor de storm - laufeja en jill T’KINDT ERIC - bliksemmeisje - waterpoloduel 05 TEETAERT LUC - le 420 - le declin TEYCK ANDRE - young hurdles -la caleche VAGENHENDE MONIQUE - trois fillettes(HM) - gille VANBAUWEL FRANS - oude vrouw - roerdomp op het ijs VANCLOOSTER FRANS - bol VANCOILLIE JEAN PIERRE - florin - twee uiltjes VANCOMPERNOLLE LUC - canarie 05 - charlien(HM) VANDAELE INGRID - oostende VANDEBROECK JHONY - aandachtige toeschouwers - slaapgebrek - speelvogels in de sneeuw VANDECASTEELE JACQUES - muziek - boten - lijnenspel - wachter VANDEMEERSCHE XAVIER - gardienne de l’enfer VANDENBROUCKE LUC - team guinot 3 VANDENESHOF RIEN - hekwerk - shot down VANDENHOUTE JOZEF - waiting - yellow - city lady(HM) VANDEPERRE THEO - model VANDERBAUWHEDE SYLVIE - houthakker VANDERLINDEN ROGER - helena097 VANDEUN MARC - zonneklopper - gefotografeerd VANDRIESSCHE J.P. - model VANGILBERGEN FREDDY - man in algarve - together - vrouwen aan de praat VANHAUTE PAUL - vergeten kapel - delphine - bibliotheekarchief VANHOVE LUCAS - inge 2 - petra 1 VANLOOVEREN INGE - lijnenspel VANMENSEL DRE - staart omhoog - bonte specht VANMINNEBRUGGEN RIK - phantom train(HM) VANMOLL RITA - lipisaner VANSTEELANDT BERTRAND - de was - rode sjaal VANTENDELOO DIS - pregnant a(HM) - heidi b VERBEKE ROLAND - le bourlingueur - moderato cantabile3(HM) - le laboureur VERCAMMEN WILLY - bokrijk VERCRUYSSE ROB - delphine - hayley VEREECKEN WILLY - vlinder VERLINDE JOHAN - op vliegend - steve ramon VERRAEST PATRICK - gentse sporen - low shoot VERSCHUEREN GUY - magritte VERVLIET LILIAN - mosk - atw metro VERWERFT JULIEN - weeskinderen camboja VREYE MAGDA - begijnhof - vriendinnen WATTENY MARC - bjorn traen - en sainte WATTIEZ AXELLE - melusine sisters - rose vénitienne WYNEN MARC - buren ZUTTERMAN ERIC - fazant vrouw - distelvlinder BOSNIË HERZEGOVINA HUKIC AHMET - bosnian mountains CANADA KWAN PHILLIP T R - snow monkek jumping CHILI EWERT ANA - country market - look of childhood PADILLA GONZALO - conventa en azul VASSELIN MARTINA - dessin dans le lac CHINA HUANG XIAOFENG - sweet JU ZHIGUANG - sunshine girl LIAO XIAOXI - woman carrying wheatgrass - prayings XIE DACAI - make a tour in painting ZHU ZHIQUAN - marseille girl - life(HM) CYPRUS CONSTANTINIDES GEORGE - portrait and sea ROUSSOS YIANNIS - eva at tease DENEMARKEN KJAER MOGENS - stick together MABECK CARL - woman with basket SUSZKIEWICZ OLE - man on bike DUITSLAND FOERSTER HELMUT - close up(HM) FUNK JOSEF - beach volley ball - regio HANISCH RALF - parallelsprung HEIL NORBERT - painter in Rome HOCHHAUS ALEXANDER - doubt(M) - planets - saphira - steady HOFFMANN MARIANNE - nebelschweden KAEDING WOLFGANG - maskenzauber KOEPF ACHIM - arctic art 117 - cathy 4 - denise 53(HM) MAI BERND - light figures(M) - omega house - passage PUSTELNIK BIRGIT - kurve - trial RETELSDORF EKKEHARD - rolli vor dem tunnel ROMISCH HEIKO - fehm gaense 011(HM) - stille rote bank WARLITZ RENATE - lava ZECH TANJA - dragonboatrace ENGELAND BAXTER ANDREW - anchored bef.storm(HM) - winter on shingle bank BROWN SUSAN - alone in the sea BUTLER DAVID - families ties BYRAM JENNY - we tree CANTRILLE MARY - heron pair(HM) COLLIER DENISE - friends COOK STEPHANIE - aerialist 4 COOKE DAVID - the staircase DAVIES GRAHAM - looking at you FORD ROGER - above the game HALL CATHERINE - bedtime reading HARPER RICHARD - beware just dozing HEYWOOD GRAHAM - shigure in blue HOFFMAN PAUL - lady in red JAMES DAVID - bride to be JENKIN MALCOLM - smoking on the dark side - the long march JONES GRAHAM - waiting for mum JONES MELANIE - the game ison LEDGARD IAN - gothic MAGOR BRIAN - mammoth hot springs MAGOR DIANA - grand tetons reflections - rhuddlan castle MEAD BARRY - tangled creek 1 NAYLOR KEITH - triple REYNOLDS CHRIS - dat with dracula RICH LEO - is there a letter for me ROBBINS CHRIS - dance RUDMAN INGRID - daybreak SALTER MICHAEL - study 7 - sat on the stairs(HM) SMITH PETER - beach debris STEVENS PETER - leah STONE MARIE LAURE - swedish fantasy - week end in st.petersburg TOFT MAUREEN - tramp - working hands VERNIMMEN DOUGLAS - red bull WALKER ALAN - thermal forest WEBB GRAEME - tulips stairs WELFORD PETER - power dressing WHITE JOHN - flame runner - shropshire dawn WILLMER KATE - grand prismatic spring WOOD KEITH - stick in the mud FINLAND AALTONEN SOILI - thai boats AHOMAKI ANTTI - flower girl ARONEN KARIPEKKI - white hat BLOMQVIST ANDERS - castle stalker HELIMAKI JUSSI - early in the morning 4 HONKAKOSKI PEKKA - statue HYYPOLAINEN SEPPO - church - dhelter JOKISALO JORMA - tea time JYRA TAPANI - inkula new bridge - new and old KARVONEN RIINA - private dancer - house of old folks KEDRIN MARKKU - lady reading in the train KESKINEN MIRJA - beautification LINDQVIST JARMO - winter landscape LUOJUS HARRI - winter is here(HM) NEUMANN HEIKKI - stairs NIEMI MATTI - trio NIEMINEN KIRSI MARJA - morning glory OIKKONEN TUOMAS - nice couple PAUKKU RAIMO - at the window PELTONEN SEPPO - freezing river PIETILA KARI - akasmylly hut PIIKI JARI - lightning PUTTI ELISA - the grey witch Ranta Teemu JOURDAIN ROGER - marches morning(M) - wild namib desert - saint etienne 1 LAPUJOULADE JEAN - la guerite LOUEDEC JEAN YVES - vue mer MARECHAL YVETTE - zinnia trio 1 - wintry pine MONTAUFIER JACQUES REKIMIES AILA - la defense - thick Frost - ombre et lumiere SIVUNEN KATA RAMPNOUX RÉGIS - smoke in garden - not finished (HM) TUIRE JALASKOSKI - la fille du reverbere 1 - forgotten machine SAMOYAULT GUY B TURINEN EILA - granges de chisteau 3 - autumn colours 3 - il cielo dei sospiri VALKILA LLKKA TREMEAU MICHEL - elina and sir Sansibar - Elina& Wanderstern 2(HM) - sauvetage VALLON SERGE VALTOLA JUHANI - masques bordeau(HM) - full moon - lévres orange - les trois motards FRANKRIJK VORAC ANNIE ANAGNOSTIDIS MARC - miroir - curiosite - mariage d’asie - fenetre meteo - luberon au chouchant(HM) WALLE ERIC - pos 2 - aspiration BACLE JEAN CLAUDE GRIEKENLAND - dog thirst(HM) CHALKIADAKIS KOSTAS - strange world - grandma martha 1 - prise de bec METZAKIS MANOLI CHAB JAN - the labour (HM) - precious illusions 3 - with her eyes CHAPLAIN ANGELIKA NIKIFORAKIS POLICHRONIS - fiesta - towards the light COUCOSH VICTOR SAKKAS KONSTANTINA - haifa cafe - my angel - sortie de secours 2(HM) DUCLOS DENIS HONG KONG - vicotria zone HO SHUN KAU GEUS SERGE - happy together (M) - en balade WONG KIN MING GRANDOVEC OLIVIER - old tree at lake - trompettiste HONGARIJE ATTILA NAGY - dream FOLCZ TOBIAS - eyes LANGH GABOR - wood sculptor 2 PAPP ELEK - let’s go daddy - idyll KEREKES ISTVAN - woodcutters home(M) LAZLO BALOGH - xgximnst the ghost(M) SERGILY CSIGO - fashion art IERLAND LAW WESLEY - clogher beach INDIA ANAND PUSHPAM - telkupi dance 2 BALABATTI SALEEM - desert friends BENIWAL SONA - leaving legacy - yet to retire BISWAS SUBRATA - laughing moment BHATTACHARYA PINAKI - loyalty BHATTACHARYYA SAURABH - lone bird CHAKRABORTY SAURAV -back to home CHANDRASHEKAR CV - large egret landing - sm. blue kingfisher w.fish CHATTERJEE GOUTAM - birth of music CHATTERJEE SUBRATA - garba dance 1 DASGUPTA MRIDUL -speechless DOLUI KAUSHIK - walking in mystery DUTTA KALYAN - kitchen GADE PADMAKAR - three carriers - rhythm of dance GOPARAJU JAYASIVA - joyful KONAR BABITA - fishing net KUMAR MANOJ - lovely couple MAJUMDER KAUSHIK - race begins - clay artists PADMANABA KB - curious girl ROY AVIJIT - puspanjali ROY CHOUDHURY ARUP - god watching SARKAR RAGHU - potter father & his girl SHIVU K - monk boys wheel play - sky is the limit SUR BHASKAR -close watch VADDADI SURYAPRAKASARAO - tribal dance NANDY ABHISHEK - memories ROY NUPUR KUMAR - kalbelia dance 4 - minaksi with a lamp INDONESIE ALEXANDER RICKY - holy prayer (HM) - lunch time IRAN ABDOULRAHIMKHAN MOJTABA - nazri HASANLOO MEYSAM - mother and her child JAFARIAN HOSSEIN - sunflower 1 RAZAVI MAHDI - the look ISRAËL BRUHIS JOSEF - women and men GOLDIN LEONID - i’m going home ITALIE BALLINI ALLESSANDRO - castellina in chianti 3 BANINO FAUSTO - alpes and montgolfieres BECORPI FABIO - portrait nr 7 BUGLI PIETRO - polychrome with flower 1 DAMMACCO ANTONIO - femme gold - femme blanche DURANO CARLO - serenata - magic of a moment (M) ESPOSITO NICOLA - dancing on the beach MARTINI ANDREA - main road - old countryman - long bearded man(HM) MICOL OLGA - venice romantique PRESTA ANTONIO - indians FRESCURA GIOVANNI - white in the fog MARIO BURGIO - valentina NUTI GIOVANNI - the wine boat RAMELLA POLLONE SERGIO - socotra’s beach RIZZATO FEDERICO - venice 1 KOREA IL Tae Lim - fan dance KROATIE JUG RADE - when winter dies VUKIC TOMISLAV - solitude MAROTTI MILJENKO - under hat LETLAND DANELSONE SILVIJA - wine with kiwi PRIEDITE ANITA - dance NEDERLAND BLANKE HELGA - spring eye JONGEWAARD TINEKE - beautiful girl - girl with curls - dancing queen(HM) LANSBERGEN MARISKA - dinnertime NEIJHORST RAUL - lines PEEMAN JAAP - Ieper 01 TEN TUSSCHER ROB - archticteur 01 VAN DEN BERG ANNEMARIE - sunset kiss - whoosh VanDerLaan Ton - on the move VANVLIJMEN J - zondag in de stad VENANT CORNELIA - old building - hello VERMAAT ANNE MARIE - marine NIEUW ZEELAND FOWLER SCOTT - it was a hot summers day PASSUELLO ELIZABETH - fern fantasy NOORWEGEN BERNARDINI KARI - art overdose OEKRAINE BONDARUK SERGIY - adam and eve - warrior (HM) OOSTENRIJK BREIDLER GUENTHER - feuer 5 EISLER ANDREAS - after domestic quarrel HABRINGER WOLFGANG - skyline 98 HOCHHAUS ALEXANDER - no doubt(M) - planets - saphira - steady HRADIL KARL - speedway(HM) KASTNER JOSEF - yellow lamborghini - mara WIESINGER MANFRED - jeans DEZSO LASZLO - holly friday GHEORGHE VASILE PETRILA - nr 3 PODGURCHENKO VITALIY - wayfarer SERVIE BOSKOVIC RADENKO - nuance DJINIC VLADIMIR - blue mirror DJURIC ZELJKO - waiting for a call 2 PAVLOVIC SLOBODAN - old man toma SINGAPORE EE MICHAEL - fun time after rain GHO PENG TJIN - hua’s classroom lesson - helping hand TAN JOSEPH K.S. - girl in red relaxing TAN THOMAS - mothers love SLOVENIE BORKO IVO - horse emotions FISER ZLATKO - big root MAFFI IVAN - hands POLEN NADA CERAR KOWALKOWSKI RAFAL - miror - prijatelja KYCIA DOROTA PODNAR JANEZ - white park - abandoned salt pans PARADOWSKI LESZEK PRAPROTNIK STEFI - awakening - toscana 2 RYBCZYNSKA JOANNA MARIA PRIMOZ HIENG - get out of the shadows 1 - carpets STRZODA KRZYSZTOF VRANC DIKA - trees in winter fog - domingo PAKISTAN SHAIKH AMIN - got it ROEMENIE JAKAB TIBOR - nude 9532 SPANJE ANDERSEN CHRISTIAN - wall ATANCE SALVADOR - connie BUSQUETS JORDI - onyar CHOLIZ SANTIAGO - princesses behind glass 130 GARCIA PITARCH PILI - caresses LOPES PUERMA MANUEL - espartero LOPEZ ENRIQUE - tatoo c PIQUE VERICAT JORDI - crystal blue REIG JORDI - castellers SRI LANKA CHANDRASENA PERERA - girl with violin - coy glance SILVA CHERYL -in a doorway TAIWAN CHENG TIEN - tiger god 2 CHIAN TSUN HSIUNG - no title HO SHU KUA - reverie - tie ballet shoes(HM) - shadow HSU KUEI I - queen head 1 HUANG CHI LAI - dryyellow corn KU MING SHENG - sea farm 2 LEE SUN DON - women is treasure RICH CHIOU - 1 ray of ligh 6 - 3 each other 5 TSJECHIE VYDRA PETR - school window BOSAK JOSEF - brothers and sisters TURKIJE ALTIN ALI FUAT - laleler ACAR GULCAN - prayers ALTINOK TAHSIN - tired AYATAR SEMI - tent window BAKTAAL ULVIYE - energy CANBAZOGLU CETIN - skier OZTURK KEREM - grandma & grandchildren SATI TULUHAN - fishermen SEMA OZEVIN - woman and red SENYILDIRIM ZEKI DOGAN - purple hat girl(HM) TEKIN NEDIM OZAN - the ballerina YAGLIDERE OMER - supurgeci 1 JENKINS BUCK - jun.framed monument JOAQUIN JERRY - four orchids LEONG WING - splash LEWIS WHITE BARBARA - walk a mile in my shoes - immature lynx on perch LIANG XIN XIN - friendly ROSENGREN ERIK - cape kiwanda surf SIMONS JOE - cattle egret alerted - red skimmer ascending SOERENS CARL - mustang touchdown - air acrobats SUKUMAR N - desert serenade VANNOY DANA - sossousvlei pottery USA ALTENBURG MARIE - just horsing around - just a glance ANDREY ANTOV - kent falls CHANG WENDELL - eiffel tower in las vegas COWLES LARRY - becky w. scarf looking up - jamilia blue scarf (HM) COWLES SUSAN - julie bl. fur red earrings - shamika in denim - becky green & blue scarf DUNCAN LOUIS - old guilford mill HERNING DENNIS - summer flowers VIETNAM HO ANH TIEN - after the storm (M) - eager TRAN PHONG - sisters 2(HM) - waiting for husbang UKRAINE KOMAROV EUGENI - after rain VER.ARAB.EMIRATEN ENGLISH DEREK - riding the wings NASSOURI SAEED - genie out of the bottel WALES BAXTER JILL - snowdon GAGZOW GUDE - black sisters ZUID AFRIKA DEWITTE ADELE - key note DEWITTE ALFONS - discovery MORRIS JEFF - old wheel NEL THELMA - thinking SCHEEPERS CHRISTINE - water likewaan SMITH PIET - serenity WALKER EILEEN - little girl ZWEDEN BENGTSSON LESTANDER MIKAEL - the bridge GUDMUNDSSON GÖRAN - bathing huts in winter HOLGERSSON NILS OLOF - snowstorm - eagle look JERLEMAR NILS ERIK - couple in motion 2 - holocaust memorial b8(HM) - red cap 2 LESTANDER MARLEENE - white lady STAKE JAN THOMAS - caught by the eyes (HM) - wish you were here ZWITSERLAND BOMONTI BARBARA - apple with hoar frost BOMONTI KARL - autumn fog JENZER URS - peru familie - china reisterassen 2 ND ARGENTINIE FRANKE LUIS ALBERTO - laminas de hielo AUSTRALIE COLLINS TREVOR - territory icons 1 DEAN GORDON - azure kingfisher DIAL TINA - skipper FISHER ERIC - frog in pond JENSEN SUSAN - tigerstalkingwarily HILL YVONNE - rocky foreshore PHA ANNA - time out - wildebeest in shade REES VAL - columbian squirrel - reflections of nature ROBSON GAYNOR - wren takes off SHERIDAN JOHN - caper white eggs 1 SMITH JOHN - cleaner wrasse VEIVERS WARREN - keep away - cobboldcrocodile WATSON GRAEME - great cormorant - galah nest building BANGLADESH NABI RASHID UN - nature 1 RANA MAHFUZUL - dragonfly at rest BELGIE ADAM JOHAN - singe ecureuil AERTS JOZEF - spendid towers - moss garden ANDRIEN DIEUDONNE - altitude 2400 - remous sur la lesse - rouge gorge BARBE HEIN - lonely tree - misty tree BAUDOUX OLIVIER - mon plus beau profil - orgie alimentaire BERVOETS RIK - assuring future(M) - at dawn - waterende mouflon BLEYEN LIVINUS - drinking lynx - puffin on rock BLOMME ELS - bonte vogel BOSSUYT JEF - orange snavels - koppel met nest CALLEWAERT RENAAT - veertje plukken - de landing CASIER ROBERT - rhinoceros blanc 010 (M) - buffles au galop za - singe poseur za CLYNCKEMAILLIE GEORGES - op loer CORDY FREDDY - buizerd 2 - hert in bos(M) - kauwtje 1 COSIJNS GERARD - distelvink - honingzuiger COUVREUR LIZ - zwarte beer - gelada aap met jong COX ANDRE - kalk - kalkplassen DEBLOCK PIERRE - vliegenzwam - landkaartje DEBOEVER LUC - lepelaars 4 - slechtvalk DEBRAEL DANIEL - leeuwin - libelle b DEBRUYN EDWARD - vanavond niet schat - cheetah in avondlicht - kikkersleed - kraanvogel DECLOEDT NICOLE - ijsvogel - reiger met openvleugels - strandloper DECROCQ FRANCIS - vlinder DEFAUW AURELE - drie vissen DEFRAINE JOZEF - depart - retour - jonge jan van gent DEGLIN ROBERT - flying vulture DEGROOF EDDY - maraboe storks op uitkijk - nech sar national park - zeearend ethiopie DEKIMPE BERNARD - koolmees DEMETS JAN - splitsing DEMEULEMEESTER DIRK - jan van gent - scholekster - zeehond snuit DEPOOTER BART - waterfall - wood DEQUICK LUC - libellenparing 1 - blauwe pool DEREU RITA - gletsjermeer DESMADRYL MARC - toilet maken - hongerige reiger DEVOGEL WILLY - oude durme 3 DEWIJN JACQUES - oranje vlinder - meeuw normandie DILLES JEAN - viervlek - porseleinzwam DRYEPONDT FRANCKY - specht met jong - in de vlucht DURNEZ LEEN - Iceland 2 - Iceland 4 EVERAERT HADEWYCH - roodkontje - pelikaanzwerm FAES RENE - alert for a meal FAUCOMPRE JEAN LUC - la libellule FOULON KRIES - onweerswolken GELDHOF HANS - kabouterhuisjes - lantaarntje GOSSELIN ROBERT - grazen HASEVOETS JEAN - uil - wild cat HELSEN PAUL - witte - women HUYSMANS BERNARD - op vetplantje - op hemelsleutel - page op geel INGELS ERIC - olifant met baby - varaan JOYE MARC - kazinga elephant - rothschild crossing KYNDT DANIEL - kopje drukken - opvliegen - ruzie maken(M) LAHEYE FREDDY - mother and son LARUELLE SUZANNE - glaçons à la bonette LEMMENS MON - monte piano 3 LIVIAU DIRK - zeearend - witte wolven - ijsberendouche(M) MEERTENS JACQUELINE - campo grande MICHIELS JOS - zonienwoud MORTIER ANETTE - griekse wimpelstraat - roerdomp - ijsvogeltje MUIZENBEEK RAOUL - verslinden MUYTERS JEAN PIERRE - sperweruil - sneeuwuil - sperweruil op tak NINANNE SERGE - libellule - aux aguets NOREILDE CHRISTIAAN - woestijnratje - bruinvosje OOSTERLYNCK ROGER - gevecht - putter - libelle PLOVIE BJORN - toekan - zebra duo PLOVIE KEVIN - racing ducks - vleugelwijd POISSONNIER DANNY - genieten voorjaarszon - duinen(HM) POTTIER PATRICK - sahara egypte 3 - sahara egypte 4 PUYPE ERIC - opvliegend - paargedrag REYNAERT JOZEF - albatros - koningspinguins(M) ROETYNCK MAURICE - meeuwen - yellow stone terras - op de loer RYNGAERT PETER - wrakwachter - octopusdans - hap(M) SANDERS NOEL - rood bruin - gier SEVERS LUC - seduction - zeehonden in noordzee SIKOSEK ANDRE - twee lynx - twee wolven - vecht arend SOENS DANIEL - aalscholver - in het water - vier diertjes SPEGELAERE M.CHRISTINE - natte pinguin - papegaaiduikers - spiegelbeeld(M) - zeeleeuwen SPEGELAERE WILLY - ijsvogel in wales - likkende cheetahs - sneeuwuil STALMANS MARC - male iguana in pride - walking dinner T’KINDT ERIC - blijdorpvogel 01 VANBAUWEL FRANS - paargedrag(M) - roerdomp - sperwer VANCLOOSTER FRANS - wolf 1 VANCOILLIE JEAN PIERRE - oryxgazelle - voeden - trekken VANDAELE INGRID - ibis met kuiken - nieuwsgierig VANDEBROECK JHONY - starre ogen - takjesdrager - wandelende tureluur VANDECASTEELE JACQUES - jumbo rock - antelope canyon - rock am VANDERBAUWHEDE SYLVIE - tijger VANGILBERGEN FREDDY - olifant - two zebras - neushoorn VANHOVE MIRANDA - curious leopard - heron VANMENSEL DRE - grote prooi - verse muis(M) - vliegende sneeuwuil - paring icarusblauwtje VANMOLL RITA - gele vlinder VANSTEELANDT BERTRAND - paartijd - schuchter - wapiti hert VANTENDELOO DIS - sea eagle 3 - red ibis 1 VERWERFT JULIEN - wolf(M) - zeehond VLAMINCK NADINE - jan van gent - moeder met jongen - rustende zeehonden VREYE MAGDA - zeehondje - gele tenen WATTENY MARC - ijsvogel koppel - op pad WYNEN MARC - aysgarth ZUTTERMAN ERIC - bijeneters - vliegenzwam BOSNIË HERZEGOVINA HUKIC AHMET - heron 5 - owl 3 CANADA KWAN PHILLIP T R - baldeagle catch.fish(HM) - snow owl flying CHILI EWERT ANA - mountain turbulence VASSELIN MARTINA - au milieu de son habitat - poudou cervidé andin CHINA LIAO XIAOXI - seeking a spouse XIE DACAI - scaling ladder ZHOU QI - elephant DENEMARKEN KJAER MOGENS - calotes mysiaceus MABECK CARL - shame on you DUITSLAND FEIGENTRAGER THOMAS - the catch FUNK JOSEF - aufgescheucht - enten famely FUNK KONRAD - regen frosche HABRYKA MAREK - squirrel1 HANISCH RALF - storch schnabelzwicker HEIL NORBERT - clean me KAEDING WOLFGANG - worn out - rubinkehlpieper - look for someth. prey (HM) KOEPF ACHIM - arctic art 129 ROMISCH HEIKO - ausweichman.2308(HM) - schwangruppe sieben 3535 SCHEDIWY GEORG - gorilla 2009 13 TANJA ZECH - whisper 1(HM) WEIGL WERNER R - flaminos ENGELAND ASHTON PAUL - glaucous gulls - kingfisher with catch - red kite BAXTER ANDREW - seal fight 2 - puffin with eels BROWN SUSAN - iceburg in glacial lake BYRAM JENNY - female bower bird CANTRILLE DAVID - springbok with cape dove - cheetah cub w.mother(M) CANTRILLE MARY - great heron heron - white ibis catch. crab(HM) CLARKE SHIRLEY - great tit COLLIER DENISE - avocets mating COLLIER TONY - avocet bathing COOK STEPHANIE - fur seal on the beach - wild dog CUTTING LIZ - kingfisher with catch - spotted flycatcher 1 DAVIES GRAHAM - elephant hawk moth - southern white admiral DEVINE BOB - bl.backed jackal (HM) - sunset kill - at a waterhole in savuti FURNISS SANDY - red squirrel feeding - capercaille 1 - gr. egret displaying(M) GORDON BRAMHAM - white tailed sea eagle - super squirrel HODGES PHILIP - taing the first step JONES MELANIE - family ties MAGOR BRIAN - polar bear svalbard - mouths to feed MAGOR DIANA - follow my leader MARLOW JOHN - namib desert MEAD BARRY - king corm.over colony 3 - martial eagle plucking 5 MEAD ANN - pairing flesh flies NAYLOR KEITH - japanese macaque RADCLIFFE KATE - male redpoll - redpoll on teasel RICH LEO -wh. throat.kingfisher bear - leopard with kill 1 ROBBINS CHRIS - greenfinches sparring SILVESTER IAN - knysna lourie - little bee eater w.insect STONE MARIE LAURE - flamingo TOFT DAVID - spooked zebras TOFT MAUREEN - young elephants WALKER ALAN - alligator and egret - golden eagle in snow(HM) - perigrine on pigeon WEBB GRAEME - egret WILLMER KATE - juvenile bald eagle WITHALL TIM - great spotted woodpecker - fighting dragonflies WOOD KEITH - osprey on nest 1 FINLAND AALTONEN SOILI - winter wonderland AHOMAKI ANTTI - small talk ARONEN KARIPEKKI - tringa totanus HELIMAKI JUSSI - marsh cinquefoil HONKAKOSKI PEKKA - reflection KARVONEN RIINA - dragonfly LAHTINEN SEPPO - silver wings - stretching LAITINEN HARRI - bumblebee NEUMANN HEIKKI - do you hear me NYMAN TUULA INKERI - spring feeling OIKKONEN TUOMAS - uphigh PELTONEN SEPPO - leccinum aurantiacum PIETILA KARI - after a cold spring spell RANTA TEEMU - arctic starflower SAURAMO RIITTA - icelandic landscape(HM) SIVUNEN KATA - anemone nemorosa TUIRE JALASKOSKI - goldenfall(HM) - red Necked Grebes TURINEN EILA - capercaillie 1 VALKILA LIKKA - wwan couple on a field VALTOLA JUHANI - starting acceleration FRANKRIJK ANAGNOSTIDIS MARC - agrion mercuriale - capture de callimorpha - emergence landolti - accouplemenet de mantes BACLE JEAN CLAUDE - para de grebes - love declarition - two lynx CHAMBRE MARC - femelle et jeunes(M) - givre et chamois DUCLOS DENIS - BRAME 2009 GEUS SERGE - vautour chauve JOURDAIN ROGER - little egret and fish no 1 - sea lions lov. in beagle 2 MARECHAL YVETTE - libellula quadrimaculata - Vanessa g VORAC ANNIE - lobelia WALLE ERIC - poe II GRIEKENLAND CHALKIADAKIS KOSTAS - alert METZAKIS MANOLIS - the shark -lions fore play KROATIE -river turn feed to chick Jug Rade SETTI DEVARAJA - jay juggler HONG KONG - langus with young one VUKIC TOMISLAV - kermit JOSEPH C.K. YEUNG SINHA B.K. - no title 2 - booted racket tailed MAROTTI MILJENKO - no title 3 - marine lquana - ngoro valley SUDIP ROYCHOUDHURY - waiking up - mother with child HONGARIJE TAPAN PRAMARIK FOLCZ TOBIAS LETLAND - grasshopper on the cliff - butterfly 4 DANELSONE SILVIJA - rural road KEREKES ISTVAN - deer family PRIEDITE ANITA INDONESIE - ice towers ALEXANDER RICKY INDIA - rope of love - grey day BENIWAL SONA - darter ISRAEL - great white pelikan GEIZLER MOSHE NEDERLAND - flying gull CHAKRABORTY SAURAV LANSBERGEN MARISKA -mother and child - mallard and her chicks - up in a tree CHANDRA VINOD NEIJHORST RAUL ITALIE - blackwinged kite - butterfly BANINO FAUSTO CHANDRASHEKAR CV TEN TUSSCHER ROB - reef heron with feed - linx 4 - marokko 15 - com.kestrel take off(HM) BECORPI FABIO VAN DEN BERG ANNEMARIE CHATTERJEE SUBRATA - criket - a mothers love -coppersmith DAMMACCO ANTONIO VAN DER LOO ANGELIQUE - puffin - follow the leader DASGUPTA TIRTHA - evening walk DURANO CARLO - whats up KUMAR MANOJ - pinguini VAN DER LAAN TON - mating time - stream ben more 2 FRESCURA GIOVANNI - runner - flying down VERMAAT ANNE MARIE MOHITE SAMIR GUERRINI MASSIMO - baboon - information - polyommatus icarus NARAYANASWAMY KM MARCHI FRANCO - paddy bird - help NIEUW ZEELAND PRASSAD DATTA MICOL OLGA FOWLER SCOTT - bluet.beeeater courtship - les jeux petits elephants 1 - yellow eyed penquin - pelican w. nest material - les jeux petits elephants 3 - swan &cygnets RAJENDRA H.B. RAMELLA POLLONE SERGIO PASSUELLO ELIZABETH - cicada drying wings -paria kike with youngone - young lion - nz robin, south island 5 - marsch crocodile w.preg RIZZATO FEDERICO - cheetah jumping down RAMAKANTH ATREYA - pied kingfisher OEKRAINE - lions fighting ROY PRABIR KUMAR BONDARUK SERGIY -motherly care - caretaker KOREA KOMAROV EUGENI SATHYANARAYANA CR IL TAE LIM - kingfisher with feed - love - oktober 2 NIKIFORAKIS POLICHRONIS - octopus 1 OOSTENRIJK BREIDLER GUENTHER - frosch HABRINGER WOLFGANG - tiger 439 - gelbbauchara 181 LANG MANFRED - snow bell WIESINGER MANFRED - krahnen PAKISTAN SHAIKH AMIN - dragon fly at work POLEN KYCIA DOROTA - couple PARADOWSKI LESZEK - the first scene MILAN CERAR - kormoran SIKLIENKA RADIMIR - love of birds VRANC DIKA - altiplano SPANJE ATANCE SALVADOR - bumble bee BUSQUETS JORDI - swim GARCIA PITARCH PILI - japan lotus LOPEZ ENRIQUE - vigilante PIQUE VERICAT JORDI - aiguamolls TAIWAN CHENG TIEN ROEMENIË - drinking 4 DEZSO LASZLO - crossing 17(HM) - the music of the sea CHIAN TSUN HSIUNG - no title 1 SCHOTLAND - no title 2 DURHAM MICK HO SHU KUA - brown hare - dashing 2(M) - go with mom SERVIE - sunrise 1 (HM) DJINIC VLADIMIR HUANG CHI LAI - crash - melting antarctic(M) KU MING SHENG SINGAPORE - steere’s ciocihla EE MICHAEL - struggle - caterpillar RICH CHIOU - wait and see 5 - circle of life(M) GRAEME GUY - contest 3 - tail biting lioness - heart sigh 1 - booted rackettail hum.(HM) TSAI CHI CHANG - long tailed sylph - to prey on 14 - to prey on 11 SLOVENIE YEH CHINGLUNG - harvest BORKO IVO - clouds reflection FISER ZLATKO TURKIJE - laguna colorada ACAR GULCAN - trunk - sea gulls ANARAT RUKSAN - dragon fly OZTURK KEREM - dark river USA ADHIKARI AMIT - summer tanager 5 sp CHANG WENDELL - circuit COWLES SUSAN - pelican open beak DAVID JIM - gambel quail rooster DUNCAN LOUIS - buck elk at west thumb HERNING DENNIS - feeding male house finch JENKINS BUCK - dolphin power8 JOAQUIN JERRY - nesting egret JOHNSON NORMAN - staying close to mom - the Lunge - nap time LEWIS WHITE BARBARA - who s the boss ROSENGREN ERIK - bighorn sheep ram - nesting ritual 2 SALIM MOHAMMAD ALI - snow leopaed 2 SIMONS JOE - reaching for the nest SUKUMAR N - great egrets courting VANNOY DANA - immature little blue - wood stork competition WEINSTEIN MARVIN - canary springs YORK DON - grasshopper on stem ZINNEMAN THOMAS - green violetear - fawn breasted brilliant VER. ARABISCHE EM. ENGLISH DEREK - waiting to feed NASSOURI SAEED - seagaul at sea VIETNAM PHAM TRUNG THANH - cigone & bihoreau WALES BAXTER JILL - landing gear down ZUID AFRIKA DEWITTE ADELE - african dune - ground squirrel DEWITTE ALFONS - thirsthy KATZKE RIA - boskoning - bromvoelvlug NEL THELMA - reflections SCHEEPERS CHRISTINE - new york - ma en baba SMITH PIET - satisfaction WALKER EILEEN - hitching a ride PJ ARGENTINIE FRANKE LUIS ALBERTO - destreza correntina AUSTRALIE DEAN GORDON - hand wash - ready for impact EDWARDS MARG - move over FISHER ERIC - air bourne HILL YVONNE - flying high - landing gear down NORTH JOHN - fire eater REES VAL - focused concentration - the lancer has landed SMITH JOHN - extreme moto 4 STEWART WILLIAM - steer wrestler WATSON GRAEME - little ballerinas BAHRAIN ALSHAIKH MOHAMMED - top secret ZWEDEN BENGTSSON LESTANDER M. BANGLADESH NABI RASHID UN - swan chasing swan - artist LESTANDER MARLEENE RANA MAHFUZUL - swan - reading me - fire pray ZWITSERLAND BOMONTI BARBARA BELARUS - butterfly 16 YANCHEUSKI PETR JENZER URS - moment operation - wespe 2 - friendly meeting BELGIE AERTS JOZEF - chinese market - monks in action BARBE HEIN - cheninivrouw - de krantenman - meeting at soltane - velomaker BERVOETS RIK - red shoe - trio speedway - sidecar 3 leading BILLIAU NICOLE - alessandro - david - octopus BLEYEN LIVINUS - professionals - c2 world cup - icespeedway BLOMME ELS - nieuwsgierig - confrontatie BOSSUYT JEF - komen ze - intervieuw BRACKE LUC - wind op kop - girl power 2 CALLEWAERT RENAAT - kapotte helm CLYNCKEMAILLIE GEORGES - parijs roubaix 1(HM) - parijs roubaix 2 - parijs roubaix 3 COUVREUR LIZ - el corida de santarem - horse race COX ANDRE - werken CUPPENS IVO - fietslading - naar de markt - wassen DEBLOCK PIERRE - tanden stuk bijten - stybar zdenek DEBOEVER LUC - kuryanovich 2 - expressie - jump 2(M) DEBRAEL DANIEL - beringen a - race 3 DEBROYER WILLY - steeple 666 - klop DEBRUYN EDWARD - romein(M) - skeeleren3 - rode zandduivel DECROCQ FRANCIS - redders - meisjes DECUYPERE JOKE - le buisson en flammes 3 - le buisson en flammes 4 DEFAUW AURELE - ikoon schilderen - newline DEFRAINE JOZEF - orange - twee veteranen - krachtmeeting DEGEETER FRANK - kneeslide 2 - carlsson - vouilloz DEGROOF EDDY - huid bewerking - klei kneden - koffie ceremonie - water bijvullen DEGUELDRE JAN - groene blouse - smakelijk 4 - wachten DELTOUR ROLAND - surfer DEMETS JAN - E3 prijs - start tiegem (M) - flecha - devolder parijs roubaix DEMEULEMEESTER DIRK - goal DEMEULENAERE KARIN - cleaning fish - unhealthy job(M) DEPOOTER BART - elegantie 1 DEQUICK LUC - sg 81 - blue yellow skater - hannelore(M) - leif op kof DEREU RITA - net gecastreerd DESMADRYL MARC - op een lijn - restauratie abdij tongerlo DEVULDERE DOREEN - draagster(HM) - verkoopsters - varen - wasbeurt DEWIJN JACQUES - burghardt V - tijdrit arras 2004(M) DEWILDE EDDY - boule de crystal DIANA CARLO - the comparison(M) - how is your boss DISCART CHRIS - trapped - fens DISTER RICHARD - footbath - razettor 1 - jump2 DOBOSZ JOZEF - mb women - sneeuwhonden - modderzitten(M) DRYEPONDT FRANCKY - repsol - boonen co - pozzato co(HM) EVERAERT HADEWYCH - gele muts - sadhu rookt hasj - zegening - boottrekkers GELDHOF HANS - op het ijs GOSSELIN ROBERT - tootsi en band HAERENS FREDDY - brandweer INGELS ERIC - winkelier - beenhouwerij(M) KYNDT DANIEL - raboduo - raftingteam - rekken - speedwayongeluk LAHEYE FREDDY - double headed - one for both sides LATHOUWERS JULIEN - sarah - dangerous fall(M) LEMMENS JEF - kitzbuhel - zugspitze 28 LEROY LEON - street pleasures - hungry - supporters in de regen LIVIAU DIRK - achtervolgers R.v.Vl(M) - vlinderslag - hockey duel II - com back kim MAENE DORINE - francaise des jeux - mtb - quad - columbia(M) MUYTERS JEAN PIERRE - kattevenne 4 - kattevenne 3 NOREILDE CHRISTIAAN - successprong - no 344 OOSTERLYNCK ROGER - inspanning(HM) - cyclo - klimmers PLOVIE BJORN - papko aksana - speedway rood(HM) - vliegende start - speedway trio PLOVIE KEVIN - racing red - inline skating POTTIER PATRICK - bahariya oasa 1 - treinchauffeur PUYPE ERIC - horden - tom boonen - projob QUAGHEBEUR FREDDY - diepe gedachten REYNAERT JOZEF - rondedans - horden - meisje met duiven - twee meisjes(M) ROETYNCK MAURICE - de vangst - nieuw kleurtje - semana sancta - rustig etentje SIKOSEK ANDRE - helzold - sledenhonden 121 SOENEN IRENE - stenen - voedselbereiding - de kok(M) SOENS DANIEL - de valpartij - jump nr 130(1M) - paris roubaix 2009 SPEGELAERE M.CHRISTINE - nr 3 - nr 71 - paarden 228 SPEGELAERE WILLY - helpen - leurder - mengelen - schrokkerig Stolck Jos - hoogte werkers 2 T’KINDT ERIC - 001 baksketdribbel 01 - rode polsstokspringster - twee raftingboten - zal ie scoren(M) VANBAUWEL FRANS - geng 09 - kinge foyle(M) - spiderman - stof bijter VANCLOOSTER FRANS - houtland koers - tom boonen VANCOILLIE JEAN PIERRE - segaert kint - zware last(HM) - sprong 1 VANCOMPERNOLLE LUC - beachpolo - carnaval - in ‘t stof VANDAELE INGRID - start - waterpolo(M) VANDEBROECK JHONY - buiteling - randy - sneeuwspetters n°118(M) VANDECASTEELE JACQUES - moeder en kind(M) - memorial VANDERBAUWHEDE SYLVIE - badje - spinnen - wegenwerken VANDRIESSCHE J.P. - lekker ijsje VANHAUTE PAUL - schoenpoetser - gepofte kastanjes - straatarm(M) VANHOVE LUCAS - stijn - columbia VANSTEELANDT BERTRAND - kubon tempel - straatbabbel VEKEMAN MICHEL - speed - carrera 49 - wakerboard - aggression VERLINDE JOHAN - hand los - kopje onder VERSCHELDE DIDIER - voeten parijs VERSCHUEREN GUY - zwerversleven VERVLIET LILIAN - zak - dorst VLAMINCK NADINE - etenstijd - tienermoeder - waterpret VREYE MAGDA - jens keuckelaere(M) - nys in herzele - cancelarea WATTENY MARC - junquiera - quinziato - volderke rvb WYDOODT JOSE - babbeltje - gele processie - paarden affiche - casa santiago WYNEN MARC - hordenloper - longjump CANADA KWAN PHILLIP T R - morning walk - bull rider down (M) CHILI EWERT ANA - stopping the run VASSELIN MARTINA - lavage de la laine DUITSLAND BOHM GERHARD - hurdle race - windsurfer (HM) - tennis BUSSE JUERGEN - waiting for the ball HEIL NORBERT - start 02 KAEDING WOLFGANG - n°15 in font - biker 71 in curve - much water RETELSDORF EKKEHARD - wasser fur f 103 ROMISCH HEIKO - backsite - galopper endspurt 02 - gleitschirmtrio SCHEDIWY GEORG - triathlon 2008/15 - tirathlon 2008/2 WEIGL WERNER R - neugier - rodeo ENGELAND HIRSCHFIELD BRIAN - tourists 4 JONES GRAHAM - in hot pursuit MAGOR DIANA - clenched fist MASLIN D.M - pigeon fancier RUSS DENNIS - the finishing touches SMITH PETER - steam plant WALKER ALAN - no photos WEBB GRAEME - sand trap - public transport WILLMER KATE - taking advantage WOOD KEITH - tough guy 8 2010 - touch guy 9 2010 - tough guy 10 2010 FINLAND AALTONEN SOILI - muslim girls in ocean ARONEN KARIPEKKI - waterway KARVONEN RIINA - exciting trip - tough race KEDRIN MARKKU - lighthouse renovators KESKINEN MIRJA - at apple time LINDQVIST LEENA MAIJA - beautiful & dangerous 2 NIEMINEN KIRSI MARJA - falling down NYMAN TUULA INKERI - welcome finnish friends OIKKONEN TUOMAS - i want you (HM) - over fire SAURAMO RIITTA - days outcome TOLVANER KIRSI - race VALTOLA JUHANI - speedway FRANKRIJK JOURDAIN ROGER - boucle de la marne 10 - bmx race 5 SAMOYAULT GUY B - rugby minimes - barnstormers - reprise acrobatique(HM) VALLON SERGE - courchevel 75 c - polo megeve 27(HM) - courch 76 GRIEKENLAND METZAKIS MANOLIS - workers 2 HONGARIJË KEREKES ISTVAN - tranylvanian family - city in balkan INDIA BISWAS SUBRATA - innocent children - expectation BUTTA BISWANATH - love with colours KUMAR MANOJ - been dance MAJUMDER KAUSHIK - waterfestival - firefest MUKHOPADHYAY BHASKAR - offerings - woman power ROY PRABIR KUMAR -naceng reni 4 SANDEEP KUMAR THAKURTA - lost in crowd SUDIP ROYCHOUDHURY - waterlogged varanasi SUR BHASKAR - chatt ritual - may god bless you TAPAN PRAMARIK - charak 3 INDONESIE ALEXANDER RICKY - struggle of life - collecting IRAN RAZAVI MAHDI - the rain of birds - no war - the sense ISRAEL GEIZLER MOSHE - split four(HM) - gymnastic act GOLDIN LEONID - difficult conversation ITALIE BALLINI ALLESSANDRO - fuc. 36 mad.della stella - madonna della stella 13 BANINO FAUSTO - first start BECORPI FABIO - david 1 (HM) - sara 1MARTINI ANDREA - sicilian paintertif - the slaughterer DAMMACCO ANTONIO - sport estremo b - sport 18 MICOL OLGA - ottorino sur la routte 2 PRESTA ANTONIO - jamping tape RAMELLA POLLONE SERGIO - yemen 6 KROATIË MAROTTI MILJENKO - ceremony - lilihip MALTA Baldacchino Agostino - oops - 7 red arrows NEDERLAND PEEMAN JAAP - gommert VAN DER LOO ANGELIQUE - their own world VERMAAT ANNE MARIE - on the way NOORWEGEN BERNARDINI KARI - pick your chicken OOSTENRIJK HABRINGER WOLFGANG - start frei - burning ktm LANG MANFRED - hoppala PAKISTAN SHAIKH AMIN - ready for action - on target ROEMENIE JAKAB TIBOR - nomades with tent (HM) RUSLAND PODGURCHENKO VITALIY - spetsnatz SPANJE PIQUE VERICAT JORDI - crepuscle ZAMARBIDE FERNANDO - full contac 01(HM) - full contac 04 TAIWAN HUANG CHI LAI - fly crossing motor LEE SUN DON - thanks to buddha RICH CHIOU - resplendent 1 - lu gou dream 2 TSJECHIË BOSAK JOSEF - hospital karabagh(HM) - hospital the karabagh 3 - hospital the karabagh 4 TURKIJE ACAR GULCAN - mayis 1 AYATAR SEMI - message BAKTAAL ULVIYE - just basket - searching food CANBAZOGLU CETIN - excavation site - to help (M) USA BULLOCK ROBERT WARD - what to do - bull up cowboy down CENTENO WALTER - fighting the current COWLES SUSAN - ride that bull cowboy - surfin hb style(HM) - yee haw DAVID JIM - armored bull rider - wheelchair racers 1 JOAQUIN JERRY - waiting for the throw JOHNSON NORMAN - the bull wins - both are down SOERENS CARL - quinton hurdles - it hurts coach(HM) ZUID AFRIKA KATZKE RIA - tight fit NEL THELMA - wage protest WALKER EILEEN - where are you doing ZWEDEN BENGTSSON LESTANDER M. - and christmas came LESTANDER MARLEENE - vegetable market PT ARGENTINIE FRANKE LUIS ALBERTO - en la pulperia de cacho - fritz AUSTRALIE DIAL TINA - kinderdijk EDWARDS MARG - school’s in thailand FISHER ERIC - sydney harbour - twin towers CASPERS JEAN - broadway 4806 - waterpipe - rest in blue CLYNCKEMAILLIE GEORGES - spellewerk 3 geo COSIJNS GERARD - berustend - biddend - zes gebedsmolens COUVREUR LIZ - primitief vissen - bij de kookpot - take a walk CUPPENS IVO - gepakt naar markt BANGLADESH - karren AHMED SHEIKI RAIHAN - hongkong night DEBLOCK PIERRE - glenfinnan viaduct 2 - madina night DEBRAEL DANIEL RANA MAHFUZUL - happiness - himba familie - himba girl(HM) BELGIE - masai people AERTS JOZEF DEBRUYN EDWARD - two charged women(M) - aan de oever - indian white turban - fiere moeder - sneaking child - silent bar and lodging BARBE HEIN - mijn broertje(HM) - rushmore usa DEFRAINE JOZEF BERVOETS RIK - geladen - at the omo river 2008(HM) - vrouwtje met paard - ethiopian mother & child - dust (M) - red cap - desertdonkey BILLIAU NICOLE DEGROOF EDDY - at the schoolgate(HM) - benda aan het werk - to the market - murci stam - walker - mursi”s voor de hut(M) BLEYEN LIVINUS - sidama’s - havana ecoliers DEMETS JAN BLOMME ELS - slede in medebach - coca cola - schakers in bern zwits. - op wandel DEMEULEMEESTER DIRK - man met pijp - fishing boat BOSSUYT JEF - slikken - aandacht 2 DEREU RITA - buiten was(M) - ochtendgloren - busvervoer - jonge monikken CASIER ROBERT DEVULDERE DOREEN - belle provence - onderonsje(M) MURRAY JANET - long reef NORTH JOHN - out for a walk PHA ANNA - namibian landscape SHERIDAN JOHN - virga l SMITH JOHN - white fan dance VEIVERS WARREN - heading homewards WATSON GRAEME - burano - hangmat - blauwe jurken - fruit DIANA CARLO - little feet - blue church DISCART CHRIS - ladies DISTER RICHARD - young rabari(HM) - khampa riders - no network DOBOSZ JOZEF - muziekkanten 2 - roken - hond - zwarte wasvrouw DRYEPONDT FRANCKY - heiligenblut - maisveld - paardenvisser DURNEZ LEEN - macchu picchu EVERAERT HADEWYCH - spoorlijn - gekeuvel gujarot - gadaba onderonsje(M) - openluchtkeuken FOULON KRIES - de golf - op wandel - rukwind GOOSSENS LEO - make up(HM) - op stap GOSSELIN ROBERT - heilige man - vene 3 INGELS ERIC - rusten - badtijd JOYE MARC - nyangatom wedding - lalibela pilgrims 1(M) - lalibela priest 1 LAHEYE FREDDY - on yhe rice field LATHOUWERS JULIEN - charros LEMMENS JEF - faded glory - three holy men LIVIAU DIRK - bali kok - manade - torro III MERTENS LUDO - going home(M) - feeling save MORTIER ANETTE - alpen NOREILDE CHRISTIAAN - aalscholver visser - ping an girl OOSTERLYNCK ROGER - bloemenveld - spaans binnenland PEUSTJENS THEO - three young monks - old monk PLOVIE BJORN - shanghaan dancers - vrouwtje die bidt PLOVIE KEVIN - taurusgebergte POTTIER PATRICK - cairo 2 - witte woestijn REYNAERT JOZEF - stad der kunsten 2 - cappadocie3 - spinnen(HM) ROETYNCK MAURICE - bond vrouwen - going home - onukude markt - decia grootma (M) SANDERS NOEL - roze en wit SIKOSEK ANDRE - drie kameeldrijven - aan waterkant - lachen 2 SOENEN IRENE - heilige koeien - schaapjes - indische vrouwen SPEGELAERE M.CHRISTINE - dorpsbeeld - achter de draad SPEGELAERE WILLY - afwas aan taj mahal - draagster in nepal - nepalees - tempel monikjes STOLCK JOS - baadsters T’KINDT ERIC - gele saddhu - groetende saddhu - in de woenstijn 05 TEYCK ANDRE - lessive VANBAUWEL FRANS - klimmen(HM) - naaister - oude vrouw 08 - vietnam 08 VANCOILLIE JEAN PIERRE - heilige koe(M) - gluurder(HM) VANDAELE INGRID - wassen - huwelijk - handelaar VANDECASTEELE JACQUES - kleuren - boerin(HM) - wachter VANDERBAUWHEDE SYLVIE - crematie - orissa dorp VANDRIESSCHE J.P. - vitas VANGILBERGEN FREDDY - tickets please -couple - teaching(M) - sacrifice VANMOLL RITA - campany VANSTEELANDT BERTRAND - geitenhoeder - river gallop(M) VANTENDELOO DIS - beggar - kalaw kids VERSCHELDE DIDIER - 2 jongens lesotho VERSCHUEREN GUY - op wandel VERVLIET LILIAN - de geit - jeryca - trio VERWERFT JULIEN - ossekar VLAMINCK NADINE - visser WATTENY MARC - molen lesbos WYDOODT JOSE - masai thuiskomst - blauwe processie(M) - masai praatje - kindje bij hut WYNEN MARC - pink house CANADA KWAN PHILLIP T R - bagan in mist CHILI PADILLA GONZALO - en familia - abuelita en altiplano VASSELIN MARTINA - atttelage traditionnel - costumes du chili CHINA DALANG SAO - pull on the cloud lake JU ZHIGUANG - distance of the church LIAO XIAOXI - greetings(HM) - misty morn ZHOU QI - white bride ZHU ZHIQUAN - pig festival DENEMARKEN KJAER MOGENS - children’s heritage MABECK CARL - a barbershop goa - good children DUITSLAND BUSSE JUERGEN - pyramid way - karnak HANISCH RALF - cusco brunnen HEIL NORBERT - corredi KAEDING WOLFGANG - mommy is working (M) KOEPF ACHIM - svalbard 520 - antigua MAI BERND - strandgut ROMISCH HEIKO - seebrucke sellin 01 - texel leuchtturm 01 TANJA ZECH - minard castle WARLITZ RENATE - nordfriesland WEIGL WERNER R - drehorgeln ENGELAND BROWN SUSAN - modern singapore COLLIER DENISE - bringing them home - back street johdpur - the sweep bikaner COLLIER TONY - camelman pushkar - old man jaisalmer COOK STEPHANIE - young monks sheltering FORD ROGER - desert duo al dhafra JONES GRAHAM - moroccan schoolroom JONES MELANIE - leading the way LEDGARD IAN - reynisfajall MAGOR BRIAN - cathedral iceberg MAGOR DIANA - calv.glacier hornsund MARLOW JOHN - leaving puskar - insaf hotel REYNOLDS CHRIS - the conversion RICH LEO - stilt walkers havana ROBBINS CHRIS - bathing in the ganges - family worship RUDMAN INGRID - urban cuba SMITH PETER - valley two trees SOUTHWELL PATSY - misty bridges prague TOFT DAVID - bathtime senegal - brewing tea TOFT MAUREEN - train stop - apprehensive WALKER ALAN - cigarette seller WEBB GRAEME - mormon row WHITE JOHN - lighthousemull galloway WILLMER KATE - madag. riceterraces FINLAND AALTONEN SOILI - dead desert tree - up to the hill AHOMAKI ANTTI - heawy transport JOKISALO JORMA - traveller’s bag KARVONEN RIINA - castle of olav KEDRIN MARKKU - lovers in rome LAHTINEN SEPPO - welcome to ski - winter cottage LINDQVIST JARMO - roofs of Florence - house in Tivoli LINDQVIST LEENA MAIJA - butchers shop NIEMI MATTI - the colours of a grey day NYMAN TUULA INKERI - news -festivity PELTONEN SEPPO - foggy river in january PIIKI JARI - sunshine in the montain TURINEN EILA - luxor 2008 VALTOLA JUHANI - fishermen’s traps FRANKRIJK BACLE JEAN CLAUDE - barque a benares - lumiere au camp - falkland CHAB JAN - benin fidjrosse beach COUCOSH VICTOR - toilet for tourist JOURDAIN ROGER - nepalese girl 1 - serveto in sunset 2009 LOUEDEC JEAN YVES - orchaa fountain - the newspaper - women at work MONTAUFIER JACQUES - lacets SAMOYAULT GUY B - dead vlei - benediction GRIEKENLAND CHALKIADAKIS KOSTAS - old cookhouse METZAKIS MANOLIS - rice field - pray to god SUDIP ROYCHOUDHURY - prayer ROY NUPUR KUMAR - study at monastery HONGARIJE GERGELY CSIGO - cesky krumlov at night KEREKES ISTVAN - in rodnei mountains IRAN HEYDARZADEH MARZIYEH - aftern.walking in village HONG KONG JOSEPH C.K. YEUNG - no title 4 IERLAND LAW WESLEY - caherdaniel INDIA BISWAS SUBRATA - surya pronam CHAKRABORTY SAURAV -lama ii DASGUPTA MRIDUL - shekhawati DASGUPTA TIRTHA - superannated DOLUI KAUSHIK - we friends GADE PADMAKAR - ship breaking KUMAR MANOJ - durga pooja MAJUMDER KAUSHIK -going to fishing MOHITE SAMIR - parivahan bhavan ROY PRABIR KUMAR - in a foggy morn SANDEEP KUMAR THAKURTA - the saviour SATHYANARAYANA CR - desert journey SHIVU K INDONESIE ALEXANDER RICKY - smiling - golden night ISRAEL GEIZLER MOSHE - russian church ITALIE DAMMACCO ANTONIO - crocodile thailand MARCHI FRANCO - savannah boys MARTINI ANDREA - the woman cook - rest in country(M) - the family MICOL OLGA - desespoir NUTI GIOVANNI - a daily work(HM) - banna shepherd RAMELLA POLLONE S. - unicef fountain cambodia - reading in the desert KOREA IL TAE LIM - lones heart desire KROATIE KASAL BOZIDAR - childhood in havana MAROTTI MILJENKO - corn house - brothers(HM) MALTA BALDACCHINO AGOSTINO - to my love - play time(HM) NEDERLAND PEEMAN JAAP - lingreville 3 TREFFERS CHRIS - writing in venice VAN DEN BERG ANNEMARIE - cobbler VANVLIJMEN J - roma familie onderweg VERMAAT ANNE MARIE - shepperds NOORWEGEN BERNARDINI KARI - natural segregation OEKRAINE BONDARUK SERGIY - coco taxi OOSTENRIJK BREIDLER GUENTHER - joekulsarlon 6 - koeln HABRINGER WOLFGANG - little india 347 KASTNER JOSEF - old farmer LANG MANFRED - st.anton PAKISTAN SHAIKH AMIN - drum players POLEN PARADOWSKI LESZEK - on the trail ROEMENIE JAKAB TIBOR - bukowina TEODOR RADU PANTEA - dervish dance DEZSO LASZLO - the farmer GHEORGHE VASILE PETRILA - nr 2 - nr 4 SERVIE BOSKOVIC RADENKO - forseful - herb PAVLOVIC SLOBODAN - elsewhere 4 SINGAPORE EE MICHAEL - let’s go home GHO PENG TJIN - my loving kids - shoes maker SLOVENIE BORKO IVO - masaic rain - berber drummers band FISER ZLATKO - koranti MAFFI IVAN - egyptan smoker PODNAR JANEZ - the red castle PRAPROTNIK STEFI - banana driver PRIMOZ HIENG - salt fields 3 VRANC DIKA - dal in the morning SPANJE GARCIA PITARCH PILI - gurus of orcha LOPES PUERMA MANUEL - orsay LOPEZ ENRIQUE - edinburgh 2a TAIWAN CHENG TIEN - looking - doing his best HSU KUEI I - mak.dries persimmon1 - the rhythm of sand KU MING SHENG - brace canyon 4 LEE SUN DON - to move with sakura RICH CHIOU - each other 5(M) HUANG CHI LAI - mountain morning - antarctic scene THAILAND ROEKPORNPIPAT MALEE - buddhist ceremony - candle field 2 TURKIJE ACAR GULCAN - street ANARAT ALI - nevsky cath. in yalta ANARAT RUKSAN - a castle in crimea AYATAR SEMI - lunch time BAKTAAL ULVIYE - blacksea women CANBAZOGLU CETIN - smile KIRAC BIROL - little girl of the poor... - pepper workers OZALP MEVLUT - kaz YAGLIDERE OMER - agil(M) - kocerler 4 - kocerler 6 USA ANDREY ANTOV - my dream villa - connecticut beaches COWLES SUSAN - horsehoe bend cloudy JOAQUIN JERRY - midway geyser JOHNSON NORMAN - lupines & mountains LEONG WING - new york city at night OU GUO JIANG - feeding SOERENS CARL - river reflection - pecos ruins -the cavalry SUKUMAR N - laundry day BARNETT WILLIAM - moroccan meat market VER. ARABISCHE EM. ENGLISH DEREK - sunrise with camels - camel catcher NASSOURI SAEED - a walk in the mosque VIETNAM PHAM TRUNG THANH - labourer une riziere TRAN PHONG - childhood - enjoying 2 ZUID AFRIKA DEWITTE ALFONS - st andrews NEL THELMA - geographical diggings WALKER EILEEN - lesotho hapiness ZWEDEN BENGTSSON LESTANDER M. - the fjord LESTANDER MARLEENE - desert walk - salesman
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