Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit State Examinations
Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit State Examinations
2012. S19 Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit State Examinations Commission _________________________ JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2012 _________________________ SPANISH - ORDINARY LEVEL (320 marks) _____________________________ TUESDAY, 19 JUNE - MORNING, 9.30 to 12.00 CENTRE STAMP EXAMINATION NUMBER N.B. FOR USE BY EXAMINER ONLY PART 1. Total of end of page totals SECTION MARK A I B C 2. Aggregate total of all disallowed questions D A II 3. Total mark awarded (1 minus 2) B C D A Note: The mark in row 3 must equal the mark in the Total box on the script. III B C TOTAL ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. N.B. There are three parts in this paper: Part I is a Listening Comprehension Test; Part II is a Reading Comprehension Test; Part III is a Written Expression Test. Candidates should attempt all sections in the three parts of the paper and write their answers in the spaces provided on the Examination Paper. (Extra paper is available if required.) Pay careful attention to the specific instructions as they are given on the recording and/or on the Examination Paper. When you have finished PART I, proceed immediately to attempt the remaining parts. Make sure you write your EXAMINATION NUMBER in the space provided above. The instructions for the LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST, as spoken on the recording, are also given on this Question/Answer Booklet. Page 1 of 16 [Turn over PART I: LISTENING COMPREHENSION (140 MARKS) If you have difficulty hearing the recording, raise your hand now to indicate to the Superintendent that the sound should be adjusted. Once the test proper has started you must not interrupt. The test consists of four sections: - Section A: Dialogues; Section B: Announcements; Section C: News Item; Section D: Descriptive Passages. SECTIONS A, B AND C You will hear each item in these Sections three times. The first recording is to give you a general idea of the content and it is suggested that you listen carefully and do not write the answers. At the end of this recording you will hear two pips. At the end of the second recording you will hear two pips and this will be followed by a forty-second pause during which you should write the answers in English to the written questions in the spaces provided on the examination paper. The third recording is to give you an opportunity to revise your answers. It will be followed by a continuous tone which signals the end of the test on that particular item. There will be a ten-second pause between items. A. DIÁLOGOS 1. Pidiendo direcciones. Asking for directions. (a) Tick the correct box. (Only one answer is correct.) The lady is looking for the: □ Town Hall (b) □ police station □ supermarket. Tick the correct box. (Only one answer is correct.) At the end of the street, the lady must: □ turn left 2. □ turn right □ cross the square. En la clínica. At the clinic. (a) Who does the man want to see? ............................................................................................................................................... (b) Where is that person on holiday? ................................................................................................................................................ (c) What time is mentioned? ................................................................................................................................................ Page 2 of 16 3. En la tintorería. In the dry cleaner’s. (a) What colour is the dress? …………………………………………………………………. (b) Tick the correct box. (Only one answer is correct.) How much will the lady pay in total? €11.70 (c) €16.50 € 9.70 What day can she collect her clothes? …………………………………………………….. 4. En la tienda de regalos. In the gift shop. (a) Tick the correct box. (Only one answer is correct.) The man wants to buy a present for: his son his daughter his wife. (b) Name one item the shop assistant suggests he could buy…………………………………. (c) Where are the hats located? ……………………………………………………………… B. UNOS ANUNCIOS 1. El Parque Zoológico. The Zoo. (a) At what time does the zoo open? …………………………………………………………. (b) Name two animals you can see in the zoo. (i)…………………………..……………….(ii)……………............................................... (c) For which month is the special offer valid? ……………………………………………… Page 3 of 16 [Turn over 2. El tiempo. The weather. (a) What is the weather like in the north of the country? ……………………………………… (b) From what direction is the wind coming? …………………………………………………. (c) What is the minimum temperature for the Canary Islands? ………………………………. 3. Un nuevo restaurante. A new restaurant. (a) Where did they open the new restaurant? ………………………………………………….. (b) Apart from the white chocolate tart, mention one thing on the menu..…………………….. (c) Tick the correct box. (Only one answer is correct.) How much does the white chocolate tart cost? €4.90 4. € 3.40 € 3.90 En la estación de autobuses. At the bus station. (a) What is forbidden on the bus? ……………………………………………………………... (b) Mention one thing passengers can do in Valencia…………………………………………. C. UNA NOTICIA 1. Inauguración del museo de Dalí Opening of the Dali museum. (a) When did Princess Cristina open the museum? …………………………………………… (b) What did Dalí’s sister Ana María do? ……………………………………………………... (c) Tick the correct box. (Only one answer is correct.) The museum is designed to withstand: earthquakes tsunami Page 4 of 16 hurricanes. D. DESCRIPTIVO You will hear each of the passages three times. The first and third readings will be uninterrupted; during the second reading, there will be an internal and final pause, each lasting 40 seconds. These pauses will allow you to answer the relevant questions. The continuous tone which follows the third reading of the second passage signals the end of the Listening Comprehension Test. 1. Los Juegos Olímpicos en Europa. The Olympic Games in Europe. (a) When exactly do the Olympic Games begin in London?………………………………… (b) For how long were the Olympic Games suspended in Munich? ………………………… *PAUSE (c) Spain won gold medals in several sports. Name one of them…………………………….. (d) What nationality is Juan Antonio Samaranch? …………………………………………… 2. El Canal de Panamá. The Panama Canal. (a) Tick the correct box (Only one answer is correct.) The canal between the Atlantic and the Pacific is described as the: longest route shortest route deepest route. *PAUSE (b) How long is the canal? …………………………………………………………………….. (c) Tick the correct box (Only one answer is correct.) How has the canal benefited remote regions of the world? increased tourism better accessibility economic expansion. *PAUSE *N.B. 40 seconds during second reading only. Page 5 of 16 [Turn over PART II: READING COMPREHENSION (120 MARKS) SECTION A (10 MARKS) Answer each of the following, 1 – 5, by placing a tick (√) in the appropriate box. 1. 2. Which of the following would you eat? MESA JABÓN QUESO FALDA Where do you usually go to wash your clothes? LA PANADERÍA CORREOS EL ESTADIO 3. 4. 5. LA LAVANDERÍA How do you say I don’t know in Spanish? NO TENGO NO ME GUSTA NO CREO NO SÉ UNA REVISTA is: A MAGAZINE A NEWSPAPER A BOOK A COPYBOOK UN PEZ is: A CAT A PARROT A FISH A MOUSE Page 6 of 16 SECTION B (45 MARKS) Read the following items, 1 to 6, and answer in English the questions in each case. 1. Read the following information and answer the questions in English. Iker Casillas Fernández tiene treinta años. Es futbolista y juega con Real Madrid. Debutó con el primer equipo con tan sólo quince años. Tiene un hermano menor que se llama Unai. Su madre es peluquera y su padre trabaja en el Ministerio de Educación. En su tiempo libre le gusta ir al gimnasio y salir con amigos. También le interesa la moda y siempre luce un look deportivo. Vive en un apartamento grande con su perro. (a) How old was Iker when he first played for Real Madrid? ____________________________________________________________________ (b) Tick the correct box. (Only one answer is correct.) Iker’s mother is a: □ hairdresser (c) □ pharmacist □ physiotherapist. What does he like to do in his spare time? (Give one detail.) ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Read the following article and answer the questions in English. Oficina de objetos perdidos La oficina municipal de objetos perdidos de Barcelona recibió un total de cincuenta mil objetos el año pasado. Se separan y se guardan hasta un año. l Incluyen: ropa paraguas móviles tarjetas de crédito Name three items left in the Lost and Found. Answer in English. (i) __________________ (ii) __________________ Page 7 of 16 (iii) __________________ [Turn over 3. Read the following article and answer the questions in English. Consejos para perder el miedo a volar El avión es el medio de transporte más seguro del mundo. Sin embargo el miedo a volar es un problema que tiene mucha gente. Por eso es importante seguir los consejos de los expertos. Durante el vuelo es aconsejable: Jugar a algún videojuego. Escuchar música. Ver una película. Hablar con otros pasajeros. No mirar por la ventanilla. (a) Give three pieces of advice to people who are afraid of flying. Answer in English. (i) __________________________________________________________________________ (ii) _________________________________________________________________________ (iii) _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Read the following advertisement and answer the questions in English. Cursos Gratuitos para Desempleados Informática Inglés Básico Dibujo Cocina Primeros Auxilios. Name three courses offered free to unemployed people. Answer in English. (i) ________________________________________________________________________ (ii) ________________________________________________________________________ (iii) ________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 of 16 5. Read the following article and answer the questions in English. MÉXICO ES EL PAÍS CON MÁS OBESOS DEL MUNDO México ocupa la primera posición del mundo entero en obesidad. Hay cuatro millones de niños mexicanos de 5 a 11 años con sobrepeso. Además, el setenta por ciento no realiza ningún tipo de deporte. En los colegios se ha prohibido la comida rápida. Los alumnos pueden comer ensaladas, arroz y verduras. Para beber se ofrecen zumo de naranja o leche. (a) What is said about 70% of Mexican children? ____________________________________ (b) What has been banned in schools? _____________________________________________ (c) Which drinks are available in schools? (i)_________________________________ (ii) _________________________________ 6. Read the following article and answer the questions in English. El blog de una chica española Durante la semana me despierto a las siete. Después de levantarme me ducho. Me pongo el uniforme escolar que es muy feo. Luego desayuno. Salgo de casa a eso de las ocho y voy al colegio a pie. Al llegar al colegio charlo un poco con mis amigos. Mis clases empiezan a las nueve menos cuarto. Hay un recreo a las once y comemos a las doce y media. Odio las ciencias porque mi profesor es muy aburrido. El instituto termina a las tres y media. En casa hago mis deberes y luego tengo que limpiar mi dormitorio. A las nueve ceno con mi familia. (a) What does this Spanish girl do before leaving her house? (Give one detail) _________________________________________________________________________ (b) How does she go to school? _________________________________________________________________________ (c) What does she do after school? (Give two details) (i)___________________________________ (ii) _________________________________ Page 9 of 16 [Turn over SECTION C (35 MARKS) Read the following items, 1 to 4, and answer the questions in English. 1. Descubre Salamanca Declarada la Capital Europea de la Cultura, Salamanca posee mucha historia. En realidad es conocida en todo el mundo por su universidad que es la más antigua de España. Es ideal para pasar un fin de semana. A través de visitas guiadas descubrirás palacios, iglesias y museos. Vienen muchos turistas a la ciudad en busca de la actividad cultural. Podrás disfrutar del arte, de la arquitectura, de las rutas históricas y de la vida nocturna. (a) Why is the University of Salamanca famous? ______________________________________________________________________ (b) What can you discover during a guided tour of Salamanca? (Mention two details) (i) _______________________________ (c) (ii) ________________________________ Mention two attractions tourists can enjoy on a visit to Salamanca? (i) ________________________________ (ii) ________________________________ 2. Los mineros de Chile suben a la realidad Los mineros pasaron sesenta y nueve días atrapados bajo tierra. Después del rescate estos chilenos afrontaron otros problemas. En la actualidad la mayoría de los treinta y tres mineros no tiene trabajo. Algunos tienen puestos inestables. Víctor Zamora vende frutas y verduras en el mercado. Franklin Lobos entrena a los jóvenes del club local. Los superviventes de la mina San José también preparan unos proyectos como la publicación de un libro y la preparación de una película. (a) Name one problem facing the Chilean miners since their rescue? ________________________________________________________________________ (b) What is Víctor Zamora’s job? _______________________________________________ (c) What does Franklin Lobos do? ______________________________________________ Page 10 of 16 3. El Club de Lectura y Steve Jobs El club de lectura se reune hoy en La Plaza de España para compartir impresiones sobre la biografía de Steve Jobs. El inventor tiene millones de admiradores en España. El genio de la tecnología murió a los cincuenta y seis años. Jobs fundó Apple en el garaje de su casa junto con su amigo Steve Wozniak. El empresario estadounidense inventó el primer ordenador personal El Macintosh y fue el creador del iPod, iPhone y iPad. Sus ideas revolucionaron los hábitos de millones de personas durante más de cuatro décadas. Jobs y Laurene Powell se casaron en 1991. Vivieron en Palo Alto con sus hijos. (a) When is the book club meeting? ________________________________________________ (b) Where exactly was Apple first established? ______________________________________ (c) What nationality was Steve Jobs? _______________________________________________ (d) Why is Palo Alto mentioned? __________________________________________________ 4. Hazte Voluntario de la Cruz Roja La Cruz Roja es un movimiento humanitario que ayuda a las víctimas en situaciones de conflicto y en los lugares más pobres del mundo. Al mismo tiempo, la organización realiza programas que apoyan la educación, la salud y la agricultura. En España es cada vez más popular ser voluntario porque la gente tiene más tiempo libre para participar en actividades benéficas. Por ejemplo, Jordi, un abogado, acompaña a Manuel a su sesión de rehabilitación. Silva, un profesor, da clases a los niños enfermos en el hospital. Maite, una ama de casa, llama por teléfono a una señora mayor todas las noches. (a) Where does the Red Cross work? (Give one detail) __________________________________________________________________________ (b) What programs does the Red Cross support? (Give two details) (i)____________________________________(ii)__________________________________ (c) In her role as a volunteer, what does the housewife do? __________________________________________________________________________ Page 11 of 16 [Turn over SECTION D (30 MARKS) Read the Dialogue, 1, and the Passage, 2, and answer the accompanying questions in English. 1. Rodrigo and Paco Celebrate. Paco: ¿Dígame? Rodrigo: Hola, Paco, soy Rodrigo. ¿Qué tal estás? Paco: Hola, Rodrigo, muy bien ¿y tú? Rodrigo: Estupendo. Mañana será mi cumpleaños. Paco: ¡Genial! ¿Cuántos años cumples? Rodrigo: Cumpliré diesciséis. Tengo planeado organizar una fiesta en casa este fin de semana. Paco: ¿Viene María, tu novia ? Jesús: Espero que sí. Tiene un exámen de francés a las tres pero viene más tarde. Paco: ¿Puedo ayudarte en algo? Jesús: Muchas gracias. ¿Te apetece ir al supermercado más tarde? Voy a comprar algunos caramelos, helados y palomitas. Sara: Perfecto. Entonces, ¿quedamos a las tres enfrente del ayuntamiento? (a) What is happening tomorrow? ______________________________________________________________________________ (b) What is Rodrigo planning to do this weekend? _______________________________________________________________________________ (c) Who is María? _______________________________________________________________________________ (d) What do they plan to buy at the supermarket? (Give two details) (i)_____________________________________ (ii)____________________________________ (e) Where have they arranged to meet? (Give full details) ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 12 of 16 2. BUENOS AIRES Buenos Aires, la capital argentina, es una ciudad animada con muchos edificios modernos. Igualmente, tiene una larga tradición que data del siglo quince. La Plaza de Mayo es el sitio del gobierno argentino que se llama La Casa Rosada. También es el lugar donde se organizan muchas protestas. A un par de minutos a pie de la Plaza de Mayo se situa la Calle Florida. Esta calle es popular porque es la zona de compras. Aquí se encuentran muchos centros comerciales y tiendas. Una de las calles más famosas de la capital es Caminito, en el barrio de La Boca. Esta zona está llena de vida gracias a los espectáculos de tango, teatro y música. Se recomienda también una visita al estadio del Club Atlético Boca Juniors. Puerto Madero está cerca del centro. Es una zona residencial y de negocios. Es uno de los barrios más exclusivos de Buenos Aires. Van muchos turistas allí para sacar fotos de los parques, plazas y puentes. (a) Give three details about Buenos Aires? (i) ________________________________________________________________________ (ii) ________________________________________________________________________ (iii) ________________________________________________________________________ (b) Give one detail about La Plaza de Mayo? _____________________________________________________________________________ (c) Why is La Calle Florida popular? ____________________________________________________ (d) Why do tourists go to Puerto Madero? ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 13 of 16 [Turn over PART III: WRITTEN EXPRESSION (60 MARKS) SECTION A (10 MARKS) Write the Spanish words for the numbers in each of the following: Example: 10 perros: diez perros (a) El año 2014 ______________________________________________________ (b) 600 chicos ______________________________________________________ (c) A las 2.15 ______________________________________________________ (d) 40 libros ______________________________________________________ (e) El 13 de enero ______________________________________________________ SECTION B (25 MARKS) Write what you would say in Spanish in each of the following cases: (a) Say that you play football. __________________________________________________________________________ (b) Say you don’t like school. __________________________________________________________________________ (c) Say you went to the beach last summer. __________________________________________________________________________ (d) Ask your sister what time it is. __________________________________________________________________________ (e) Say you are tall. __________________________________________________________________________ Page 14 of 16 SECTION C (25 MARKS) Your Spanish pen-pal, Carmen, has written to you. Write a reply in Spanish including four of the following points in your letter/e-mail. - Thank her for her letter/e-mail. Tell her two details about your sister. Mention two details about your house. Tell her two details about your favourite television programme. Give her two details about what you did yesterday. Tell her two details about what you are going to do next year. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 15 of 16 [Turn over ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 16 of 16
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Mention one aim of this campaign. ___________________________________________________