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read more - Tradebank International
Your Efforts
To Succeed
In this issue...
2.............. Index
3.............. Speaking From Experience
4.............. A Tradebank Broker Replies
Rebecca Harless, Tradebank of Tri-Cities
5.............. 2010 National Trade Volume Awards
6.............. 2010 National Sales Awards
7.............. 2010 National Excellence Awards
9 ............. Authorizations
10 ........... Tradebank Escrow
11 ........... Expanding Your Barter Know-How
12 ........... The Tradebank Experience - Helping Each Other Succeed
13-15....... Welcome New Clients
16............ National Franchise Opportunities
Page 5, 2010 National Trade Volume Awards
Page 4, A Broker Replies - Rebecca Harless, Tradebank of Tri-Cities
Page 6, 2010 National Sales Awards
The Trade Street Journal™
Published by Tradebank International, Inc.
Executive Editor TODD GERRY
Writer and Trade Editor MARCY S. YAFFE
Creative Editor BRENDA L. JAMESON
Graphic Design BRENDA L. JAMESON
Pages 7, 2010 National Excellence Awards
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 2
© 2011 Tradebank International, Inc.
Speaking From Experience
by Marcy S. Yaffe
We often speak of the “dollars and sense” of barter, additional revenue provided by new customers that equates to
improved cash flow. It’s a simple concept that makes a positive impact on the businesses and lives of those who
utilize the barter opportunity to its fullest potential. The dollar benefits are tangible.
The intangible side of barter can be equally valuable, just harder to quantify. Some of the strongest business and
friendship bonds have been formed from initial contact through trading. Tradebank clients connect in order to
share experiences, learn from one another and ensure they are not missing out on any profitable opportunities.
There is an intrisic fellowship that develops amongst clients.
Think about it, when you do business with another Tradebank client, most often the conversation is not limited to
the details of the transaction; it takes the dialogue to the next level. “What do you Trade?” “How long have you
been a part of Tradebank?” “How do you spend your dollars?” and similarly engaging discussions which help
form new, often long-term relationships. It is an implied part of doing business through Tradebank; Tradebank
clients are on the same team, sharing a common goal to help each other succeed. Business owners support one
another with barter as the common denominator above and beyond the client agreement.
Thus, trading relationships foster intense word of mouth discussions above and beyond barter commerce. Positive
experiences with other Tradebank clients and their staff lead to future endorsements to friends, family and other
contacts. A negative experience goes beyond merely telling others not to do business with a particular company.
Clients view poor service, inflated prices or being asked for part cash as a violation of trust; an act of disrespect
and disloyalty.
Fortunately, there are far more
business owners with integrity and
commonality of purpose who are
part of Tradebank than not. In the
isolated instances when something
does go wrong, it proves most
likely to be a miscommunication or
misunderstood expectations rather
than any malicious intent. We can
always re-educate.
In order to preserve these valuable
relationships we must be mindful
of the full scope of the advantages
of working together. We are here
to help each other succeed. It is the
sense of fellowship in Tradebank
that reinforces the dollars.
Marcy S. Yaffe is the Vice President of Trade and National Training
Director of Tradebank International. She has over 26 years’ experience
brokering barter transactions. Contact or
888.568.5680 ext 118.
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 3
A Tradebank Broker Replies
by Marcy S. Yaffe
Rebecca Harless is the Tradebank Broker for Tradebank of Tri-Cities in
MY: Rebecca, you have facilitated millions and millions of dollars in
Tradebank transactions in the four years you have been a Tradebank
Broker. In addition to the obvious benefits of new business and improved
cashflow, how do you see Tradebank being instrumental in helping
businesses succeed?
RH: Over the past several years our region has experienced steady growth
as we have added many new clients and increased trading opportunities for
them as well. A business owner’s goal is to always have success. Tradebank
gives business owners the tools they need to help their businesses grow and
be successful. Tradebank clients have a competitive advantage over other
business owners who are not part of Tradebank. For example, bringing in
a higher volume of cash customers is critical for a business’ success and
advertising can be instrumental in achieving success in today’s economy.
Tradebank clients are able to choose from many different avenues of
advertising and promotion for their business and pay for it using Tradebank
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 4
Dollars rather than cash.
Referrals also play a key role in
the success of Tradebank and for
the success of our business owners.
Each referral provides more trading
opportunities for everyone. Not
only that, but many of our clients
refer us to business owners who
provide the goods and services they
want to buy. Recently clients here
have been able to pay for a new roof
on their business, replaced floors,
had routine cleaning done, their
carpets cleaned, windows cleaned,
and even purchased advertisement
for their business using Tradebank
Dollars with people who joined
Tradebank based on a referral. And
each of those new clients received
sales they wouldn’t have made if
not for Tradebank. These are just
a couple of the things that business
owners who are not a part of
Tradebank have had to pay cash for
or eliminate in order to reduce their
cash spending.
While I am working every day to
help our clients succeed, I also see
that Tradebank clients seem to bond
together as a team to make sure that
each one of our businesses have
success within Tradebank. It’s kind
of like the old saying “You scratch
my back, I’ll scratch yours!” That’s
what we do for one another when
we facilitate trades; we are giving
that business owner the opportunity
to preserve their cash flow and have
not only “success” but to be able to
say they “succeeded” while in the
One Million Plus
Pam Cheanult, CTB
Tradebank of Nashville
Faythe Willis, CTB
Tradebank of Atlanta
Vanessa Caja, CTB
Tradebank of Knoxville
(Individual Tradebank Brokers With Over
One Million Dollars in Tradebank Volume)
Faythe Willis, CTB - Tradebank of Atlanta
Cynthia Sasseen - Tradebank of Chattanooga
Deanna Spencer - Tradebank of Columbus
Vanessa Caja, CTB - Tradebank of Knoxville
Connie Caple, CTB - Tradebank of Knoxville
Tonya Wilde - Tradebank of Knoxville
Pam Cheanult,
- Tradebank
of Nashville
Jacquie Oliver - Tradebank of Orlando
Rebecca Harless - Tradebank of Tri-Cities
Trudy Schott, CTB - Tradebank of Wichita
(Offices With Over One Million Dollars in
Tradebank Volume)
Tradebank of Atlanta
Tradebank of Chattanooga
Tradebank of Columbus
Tradebank of
Dollar Club
Tradebank of Knoxville
Tradebank of Nashville
Tradebank of Orlando
Tradebank of Tri Cities
Tradebank of Wichita
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 5
Tait Carson
Tradebank of Orlando
Kyle Walters
Tradebank of Atlanta
(Offices With Over One Hundred
New Account Sales)
Sindo Mayor
Tradebank of Charlotte
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 6
Tradebank of Atlanta
Tradebank of Charlotte
Tradebank of Knoxville
Tradebank of Nashville
Tradebank of Orlando
Ashby Green
Tradebank of Atlanta
Nick Baumgartner
Tradebank of Topeka
Kyle Walters & Ashby Green
Tradebank of Atlanta
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 7
How Do I Find Trading Partners?
Search Goods and Services by:
Company Name
Near Me
Visitor Guide
After you log into
Use the drop down menu for either an online
or printed directory.
Keyword: Enter a general description of the
good or service you are looking to locate.
Avoid plurals.
Region: Search for goods and services both in
your region and in other Tradebank regions.
Who Are You?
Your Client Profile is your identity on Log on to
and review your profile. It is what others see about
your business. Are the products and services you
trade up-to-date and informative? Do you give
clients a reason to do business with you rather
than spend cash with your competitors? Have you
included all the key words that are associated with
what you do so your company appears in the client
directories properly?
Be sure to add:
What You Trade
Trading Contacts
Hours of Operation
Service Area
Other Pertitent Details
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 8
Visitor Guide: When traveling to
another region you can identify
Tradebank clients in that region who
have goods and services you may find
Near Me: Use the address in your
Client Profile, or add a new address and
search for Tradebank clients within a 5
to 50 mile radius.
The Tradebank authorization number is issued when funds are transferred from the buyer’s account into
the seller’s account. The seller obtains authorization at the point-of-sale. It is the seller’s responsbility
to ask the buyer for their 16-digit account number. For buyers, providing that account number conveys
that the buyer is in agreement and accepts the terms of the transaction and is authorizing the transfer
of funds. Your 16-digit account number is for buying purposes only. Only those authorized to make
purchases on your account should have access to your account number. When you are on the selling
side of the transaction, please use your merchant number. Your merchant number enables funds to be
deposited into your Tradebank account but not withdrawn.
What you will need to obtain an authorization number:
Seller’s Merchant Number: Provided to seller during
orientation and in the welcome packet. We suggest the
merchant number be posted near the cash register (or
payment station).
Buyer’s Account Number/Expiration Date: Obtained
from the buyer’s Tradebank card.
Description: Can be a detailed description, a generic
description or an invoice and/or purchase order
number. The description entered will show on both the
buyer’s and seller’s monthly Tradebank statement.
How to transfer funds and obtain the
authorization number:
Only the seller is able to obtain an authorization for
a Tradebank transaction. There are several ways
for the seller to process a transaction and obtain an
• Online at under Authorize
• Under the Account Services tab at
• By calling (800) 899.8111 for the automated
authorization center
Securing funds through Escrow is
necessary for all transactions that are
not completed at point-of-sale.
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 9
Tradebank Escrow Offers
Protection to Both
Buyer and Seller
Escrow should be used for all transactions that are not completed at the time of sale. Escrow
freezes the funds in the buyer’s account on behalf of the seller, but funds are not transferred until
satisfactory delivery of the product or service from the seller.
Escrow lets the seller know the funds are available for the transaction and will be available to be
transferred once the transaction is complete. Escrow also protects the buyer from pre-paying for
work not yet performed.
To place funds in Escrow contact your local Tradebank Broker.
Examples of when funds should
be placed in Escrow:
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 10
All construction work
Vehicle repairs
Extended contracts
Anything that is not
delivered at time of sale
First and foremost your
business has to be strong
enough to barter. The ability
to turn a nickel into dime is no
doubt advantageous, but you
have to have the nickel in order
to consider turning it into a
dime, quarter or even a dollar.
The ideal trader has a business
foundation established and
is looking for the opportunity
to leverage what they have
in place to reduce overhead
expenses and be more
Remember you don’t trade
instead of cash, you trade
in ADDITION to cash. Once
you determine your business
is healthy enough to barter,
identify the areas where you
have excess capacity and room
for growth; identify everything
you have available to trade.
Keep your profile and pertinent
information updated at
Consider your primary goods
and services, as well as any
secondary products and
services you can trade. What
subcategories of business can
you offer? Unused warehouse
space, graphic design service,
consulting, catering, etc. All
provide additional purchasing
power for you.
What one-of-a-kind items do
you have that can generate
additional barter revenue?
Coin and stamp collections,
equipment, boats, jet skis,
vehicles, antiques, shelving,
even vacation homes are all
excellent sources of “found
money” to supplement your on
going trading.
What do you want to purchase?
Think in terms of short term
and long range planning. What
are you spending cash for now
that you could be purchasing
with Tradebank Dollars? What
would you like to purchase but
Keep your Tradebank Broker
and Regional Owner updated
on what you have and what
you want. Each piece of
knowledge they know about
you adds to their awareness
and recognition for future
trading possibilities for you and
Promote your business
nationwide with advertising in
the Trade Street Journal and
post items you are looking for
on the Tradebank Classifieds at
Stay “top of mind” with your
Tradebank Broker through
emails, personal visits, copies
of your newsletters, advertising
and phone calls. Participate in
networking events.
Look for what other Tradebank
clients want, and try to supply
it to them. Review the client
directories for potential new
customers who may need
what you offer. Your Tradebank
Broker can introduce you.
Get to know other Tradebank
clients. Find out their interests
and objectives and discuss
how they can mesh with
yours. Establish long term
relationships with your
Tradebank trading partners.
Help each other prosper by
cross-marketing products and
Continually review what is for
sale throughout the Tradebank
network from the Classifieds
and Tradeflashes from your
region and other regions. What
can you purchase through
Tradebank that you can
parlay into something else of
value to you. (For a refresher
course on the true power
of trading, view the Utube
video OneRedPaperClip ABC
20/20, the story of a young
man who, through a series
of transactions, traded a red
paperclip for a house.)
Be flexible and open minded.
That means letting your
Tradebank Broker and
Regional Owner know what it is
you want to accomplish rather
than a requesting a specific
busines, item or service.
Be willing to “seize the
opportunity” to buy or
sell something when the
opportunity presents itself.
Never was there a more
accurate application of “when
you snooze you lose” than
when bartering. The flip side
of that is also applicable. Be
patient when you are looking
for something. What may not
be available today may come
along tomorrow as someone
else expands their trading.
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 11
The Tradebank Experience...
Helping Each Other Succeed
We are a referral based business.
Introductions are a two-way street. We
provide you with introductions to new
trading opportunities and would like
you to do the same for us. Who do you
know who owns a company and is in a
position to accept new business? Who
has what you want? Who do you want
as a customer? Who is currently doing
business with a competitor and could be
doing business with you? Introduce us
to them and vice versa. The result will
be more trading opportunities for you.
Respect and follow the Tradebank
calling statuses of “Client Call Direct”
and “Broker Only” as listed in the
Client Directories and Visitor Guides in Tradebank provides
barter services to a diverse group of
business owners offering a myriad of products and services with various methods of distribution. Each
requires different methods of client contact. When you see Client Call Direct it means the client wants
you to speak to the trading contact listed. When you see Broker Only, that means the client does not
want to be contacted directly (via telephone, email or personal visit) by other Tradebank clients and has
indicated to Tradebank that they want their Tradebank Broker initiating all trading contact.
It is important to Tradebank that everyone is paid for services rendered. Therefore, Tradebank’s business
model is such that our clients only pay their brokerage fees when the trading cycle is complete. This
means you have made both a trade sale and purchase. Other barter exchanges ask for payment up
front. We want you to profit before paying your brokerage fees.
As defined in your Client Agreement, gratuities paid to restaurant servers must be paid in cash at
a minimum of 18%. Generous cash gratuities are also applicable and appreciated in other service
industries such as limousine service, massage therapy, hair care, etc.
Tradebank Brokers are not travel agents. The trading opportunities we have are based on our
independent relationships with hotels and other accommodations such as time-share owners, private
individuals with rental properties and area attractions. Our reservation process is usually done through
one or two barter contacts managing the property. Successfully facilitating your travel request requires
that you have filled out the Tradebank Travel Request form (found in the Client Library at myTradebank.
com) and provide us with a minimum of 48 hours notice. However, many Tradebank clients use barter
to fill unsold inventory so each has established their own time frame for advanced booking which must
be considered when making a travel request. (Please consult your Tradebank Broker for specifics.)
Posting your travel requests in the WANTED Section of the Tradebank Classifieds on
and working through your Tradebank Broker are your best resources for traveling through Tradebank.
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 12
Tradebank Welcomes New Clients
Athens & NE, GA
Five Star Day Cafe
Atlanta Metro. GA
4 UR Cruise
Anderson Home Inspection &
Home Improvement
Around About Acworth
ASAP Floors
Best Price Plumbing
Bob Travis, Attorney
Boyles Equipment Service
Buckhead Bottle Bar
Corey Companies, Inc.
Daisy Deals
Fonix Entertainment
Generations Media
Glass World
Got Rot? Handyman Services
Gwen’s Gourmet
Hair By Michelle
Handy Randy
Hardright Bakery
Hollywood Cleaners
Innovative Woodworks
JPR Public Relations
Lisa’s Natural Home Cleaning
Luxor Tile & Stone
Madison Self Storage
Magic Man
Magical Nails & Tan
Mckiever Embroidery & Screen
Printing, Inc
Montgomery and Company
Nanny on Demand
Northeast Chiropractic PC
Pot Hole Zapper
Questview Church of SDA’s
Southern Sign Systems, Inc.
Spehar & Associates,
Sturges Heating & Air
The Productivity People
The Silver Diner
TLC Dance Studio
Women with Brushes
Atlanta Southeast, GA
TLC Carpet Care
Atlanta Southwest, GA
Eco Green Auto Parts
Birmingham, AL
AHI Corporate Housing
Ark Insurance Agency
Cartridge World Vestavia
Costa’s BBQ
Detail Your Way
Elite Audio Visual & Information
Jazzi B’s Accessories
Quality Inn
Ramey Painting
Red Mountain Pet Salon
The Hutch Touch
The Sign Guy
Charlotte, NC
AMC Elite Fitness
Budget Business Solutions
Budokan USA - Charlotte
Carolina Moped Delivery
Comfort Suites
Comfort Suites Bluffton
Cornerstone Construction
Eyes Eyes Baby
Gaston Wilson CPA, PA
H2O Drying Solutions
Hampton Inn & Suites
Holiday Inn Express
Holiday Inn Express Arrowood
Homewood Suites
Howelling Moon Artworks
Kidzart Charlotte
KLKish Consulting
Lorie McDonnell
Media Arts Collective
MJ Painting
OC Home Improvement
Reign Fine Apparel
Rev. Jym’s Karaoke &
Entertainment Services
Southern Charm Gift Baskets
Total Carpet Care
WS Guitar Lessons
Chattanooga, TN
9round Chattanooga
Agape Construction
By Design Direct Marketing
Girls Incorporated of Chattanooga
Marketing 4 U
Portofino Pizza Express
Quality Inn
Signature Audio Systems
Waye Design Group
Colorado Springs, CO
AAA Best Vacuum
Carpet Clearance Warehouse
Citystar Group
Computer Cats
Engine-IUS Marketing
Frankie’s Bar & Grill
Hanson Hot Spring Spas
Plato’s Closet
Ramada Limited East Airport
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 13
Tradebank Welcomes New Clients
Columbus, GA
Alpha Pritchard Restaurant
Brother’s General Store
City Market and Bakery
DCR Sports
Pat’s Backwater Steaks & Seafood
Traci Kuechenmeister
Denver, CO
A Touch of Class Limousine
Comprehensive Marketing
Denver Magazine
Eco Plumbing and Boiler
Feng Shui Design International
GTD Electric
Newport Coast Securities
Tal Marketing
Gadsden, AL
Extreme Customs
Gadget Deal Electronics
Greenville, SC
Best Price Printing
Foothills Carpet Care
Grease Monkey
Indianapolis, IN
Biz on Fletcher, Inc.
When Quality Matters Home
Knoxville, TN
Caring Touch Therapeutic
Family’s First Gourmet Foods
Get Slim
Hayes Family Dentistry, PC
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 14
Innovative Restorations
Invisible Fence of Huntsville
KNC Distributon Group
Lambert Acres Golf Course
Mid State Termite & Pest Control
Ott’s Bar B Q
RNfit Weight Management
Shea Chiropractic, PC
Sweet P’s Barbeque and Soul
The Stokes Group
Woodlawn Landscaping &
Louisville, KY
Los Aztecas - Prospect
Touch of Relief Massage Therapy
Memphis, TN
Ciao Bella
Hollywood Disco
Midtown Acupuncture
Mister Company
Middle Georgia, GA
The Lawn Ranger
Nashville, TN
Auto Brokers
Ballyhoo Arts
Berger Family Chiropractic
Cool Water Orthodontics
D. Smith Salon
Ergobuddy Shoe Inserts
Exit In
Frog King Konfections
Holland House
Holmes Pest Control
Kundalini Rising Yoga
Mike & Candy Worsham
Morgan’s Passion
Nashville Symphony Association
Rose Sculptures
Southern Billboards
The White Orchid
Twisted Sisters Art
Wayne Salyers Carpentry
Omaha, NE
Response Catalyst, Inc.
Orlando, FL
A.B. Griggs Photography
Abaco Cartwheels
ACR Computers
Affordable Signs of Clermont
B Sharp Design
Banana Bay Tour Company
Barney Beard Golf
Black Bass Fishing Resort
Blue Zoom! Courier
Brazilian Convenience Store
Broward County Chamber of
Bryan Griggs Land Care, Inc.
C4 Architecture
Carol’s Clip-N-Carry
Christina Brant Davis
Dress for Success Palm Beaches
Express Garage Doors
Florida Fountain & Lawn
Florida Golf Central Magazine
Gene Smith Properties
Grand Seas Resort
Mission Inn Resort & Club
Nature’s Touch
Palms West Chamber of
Parenting Plus
Preferred Guest Resorts
Quantum Integrative Health
Red Eye BBQ
Robata Japanese Steakhouse
Sheila Honney, RN
Sit.Stay.Doggie Spa
Spillway Grill and Marina
Superior Virtual Office
Tri-Cities, TN
Fun Expedition
Johnson City Bedding Company
Stairway Solutions
Topeka, KS
After Hours Computer Care
Dad The Family Shepard
Firekeeper Hood Cleaning
Massage by Tammi
Quiznos Subs Soups and Salads
Sunflower Fun
Wichita, KS
Economy Lock
Embellished Fun
JH Industries
Quality Construction &
Rod’s Cooling & Heating
VIA Fone
We Do Windows
Hansen’s Hideaway at the
My Job Finder
Koutouki Taverna
Stitches Tailor Shop
Flock Marketing
Kat Vaillancourt - Floral Design
Oakville Windows & Doors
Checkers Fun Factory
Chocolate Tales
Faith Gospel Church
G.D. High & Associates
H.M. Courier Service
Majestic Cleaning & Construction
Making $ense Bookkeeping
MissionFest Toronto
Spinning Gear Productions.
Sportsxpress Hamilton
T.B. Landscape Construction
Wendy’s Yoga Studio
Medicine Hat
Rey de Reyes
There She Glows Pampering
Boston Pizza – Grimsby
Central Community Church
Flat Rock Cellars
Freedom Developments
Hi Tech Window & Door Systems
Innovative Kitchen Design
Johnston Tutorial School
Niagara Getaway Wine Tours
Runners Edge
Trirae Cleaning Services
Steven J. Wong Films
Teen Ranch Charity Foundation
Simcoe County
Clear Cut Kitchen & Bath Inc.
Steven VanderSchee Embroidery
Canadian Custom Textiles
Cleaning Wave
SRS Smile
Direct Leap Technologies Inc.
Coldwell Banker - Lise Anderson
Family Movers
Soul Balance
The Trade Street Journal • Volume 12 • 15
1000 Laval Blvd.
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Presorted STD
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No 165
Lilburn, GA
Tradebank Franchise Opportunities Available
Are you or someone you know looking for a new career opportunity?
Tradebank is a leader in
the barter industry with a
proven track record of
success. Barter is both
recession proof and
timeless. Those with
previous barter
experience know the
value of trading and
have an intrinsic desire
to continually increase
trading opportunities for
themselves as well as others.
A Tradebank Franchise
provides an opportunity to own
your own business and be part of
one of the fastest growing, most dynamic
industries in the world.
The ideal Tradebank franchise owner is someone with previous
business ownership experience, deep community roots and the
desire to build their own business and control their own destiny.
Todd Gerry, President of Tradebank International Franchising Corporation, announces the availability of franchise
opportunities in several key markets throughout the United States including:
San Antonio, TX
Jacksonville, FL
New Orleans, LA
Cincinnati, OH
Raleigh, NC
Phoenix, AZ
Kansas City, MO
Detroit, MI
Savannah, GA
Chicago, IL
Montgomery, AL
Charleston, SC
For more information on these markets, as well as others that may be available, contact Todd Gerry at
678.533.7119 or email To download the franchise brochure, go to
and click on Franchising.