2014 Budget - City of Arkadelphia
2014 Budget - City of Arkadelphia
RESOLUTION R-_____ A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS, FOR THE TWELVE (12) MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2014 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014, APPROPRIATING MONEY FOR EACH AND EVERY ITEM OF EXPENDITURE THEREIN. WHEREAS, Section 2 of Act No. 28 of 1959 provides that the City Board of Directors shall adopt an annual budget for operations of the City Government for the calendar year; and WHEREAS, the City Board has made a comprehensive study and review of the proposed budget; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Board of Directors that the schedule and exhibits of financial information prepared and reviewed revealing anticipated revenues and expenditures for the calendar year appear to be as accurate as possible for budgetary purposes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ARKADELPHIA, ARKANSAS: Section 1. This resolution shall be known as the budget resolution for the City of Arkadelphia, Arkansas for the twelve month period beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2014 reflecting estimated revenues and expenditures as hereinafter set forth in the budget attached hereto containing approximately 204 pages. The appropriations made herein include additional pay for holidays for all agents, servants, and employees of the City of Arkadelphia including but not limited to uniformed employees as provided for by the State of Arkansas. All revenues herein are estimated and subject to change and all appropriations are calculated upon available revenues and are also subject to change. Section 2. The following respective amounts for each and every item of revenue and expenditure classification herein proposed in the budget for 2014 are hereby authorized and appropriated for the purposes herein set forth for the calendar year ending December 31, 2014. General Fund Street Fund Water and Sewer Franchise Fee Fund Fireman’s Act 833 Series 2010/2014 Capital Improvement Bonds Administration of Justice Act 1256 Act 988 District Court Cost Re Use Fund $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Revenues 6,930,388 1,234,641 6,984,216 1,244,690 114,816 2,008,000 283,744 35,359 20,742 142,980 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Expenditures 6,532,200 1,211,784 3,800,768 1,020,000 65,000 1,910,000 283,744 30,000 20,000 142,900 Section 3. Whereas, by reason of the fact that the cities of Arkansas are required by law to adopt an annual budget each year beginning January 1, and ending December 31, in order to operate the City Government; NOW THEREFORE, this resolution being necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 17th DAY OF December, 2013 __________________________ C.T. Hollingshead, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Rendi Currey, City Clerk FY 2014 Cash Statement of Revenue and Expenses Revenues General Street Other Fund State aid 291,300 722,000 15,000 Federal aid 447,279 Property taxes 493,000 Franschise fees 0 Sales tax W&S Utilities 52,000 972,651 1,862,000 Fines, forfeitures, and costs Interest 293,344 1,007 Local permits and fees Sanitation fees 15 20 281,260 1,318,500 Water & Sewer Other Total Revenues 8,700 2,844,142 450,000 39,600 5,437,690 813,615 Page 1 of 204 987,671 2,852,842 FY 2014 Cash Statement of Revenue and Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances Expenses General General Government Law Enforcement Water & Sewer Utilities Highway & Streets Public Safety Sanitation Recreation & Culture Airport Debt Service: Street Other Fund 911,541 1,827,058 1,089,678 1,099,485 945,153 424,727 Bond Notes 1,146,181 W&S Utilities 3,405,467 65,000 410,000 395,301 475,000 987,671 512,671 3,800,768 2,852,842 (947,926) 169,559 6,467,200 5,437,690 (1,029,510) 65,603 1,211,784 813,615 (398,169) 815,000 65,000 162,000 65,000 253,500 Fund Balances - January 1 450,698 102,526 312,793 4,131,374 Excess of Revenues and other Financing Sources Over (Under) Expenses and Other Uses 12,490 (79,669) (302,329) (947,926) Fund Balance - December 31 463,188 22,857 10,464 3,183,448 Total Expenditures Total Revenues Excess of Revenues Over (under) Expenditures Other financing (use) Transfer in Transfer out Loan Proceeds Page 2 of 204 (815,000) FY 2014 Other Funds in the Aggregate (Revenues) Act 833 Franchsie 2010 Bond 2014 Bond Total Beginning Balance 58,796 477,039 431,011 1,500,000 2,466,846 State aid 15,000 Acct # 15,000 Federal aid Property taxes Franschise fees 767,651 205,000 972,651 Sales tax 0 Fines, forfreitures, and costs Interest 20 20 Local permits an fees Sanitation fees Airport Other Total 73,816 1,244,690 636,011 Page 3 of 204 1,500,000 3,454,517 FY 2014 Other Fund in the Aggregate (Expense) Act 833 Franchise Cap Bond Total General Government Law Enforcement Highway & Streets Public Safety 65,000 65,000 Sanitation Recreation & Culture Airport Capital Project (YSC) Debt Service: Bonds Notes 205,000 Other financing (use) Transfers out Total Expenditures 1,500,000 1,500,000 205,000 410,000 815,000 65,000 1,020,000 Page 4 of 204 815,000 1,705,000 2,790,000 Other Funds (Restricted) Projected Revenues & Expenditures FY 2014 Fund Revenues Total $58,796 $15,000 $41,000 $20 $114,816 $65,000 Total $477,039 $767,651 $1,244,690 $205,000 $815,000 $1,020,000 2010 or 2014 Series Bond payment Transfer to General Fund $1,500,000 $1,500,000 YSC Design and construction expenses Debt Reserve (Acct # 6603) $98,000 $0 Bond Funding (Acct #6596) $205,000 $205,000 Account used to bank semi annual payments Paying Agent (Acct # 6587) $205,000 $205,000 Used to make semi annual payments (Debt Service) $2,008,000 $1,910,000 Firemen's Act 833 2013 Ending Balance Jan-14 Dec-14 Interest Franchise Fee Fund 2013 Ending Balance Revenue Expenditures $65,000 Series 2010/2014 Capital Improvement Bonds Project Account (Acct # 6612) Total Page 5 of 204 Justification Use funds towards purchasing rescue truck $224,690 - 2014 Ending Balance Reserve account Inter Agency Funds (Restricted) Projected Revenues & Expenditures FY 2014 Administration of Justice Act 1256 Total Act 988 2013 Ending Balance Total $283,744 $283,744 $28,420 $6,939 $35,359 District Court Cost 2013 Ending Balance Transferred from Act 1256 Interest Total $15,351 $5,388 $3 $20,742 Re Use Fund 2013 Ending Balance Repayment from City of Gurdon Interest Total $132,900 $10,000 $80 $142,980 $73,488 $844 $1,281 $4,269 $5,388 $168,823 $29,652 $283,744 Arkadelphia - Supplements Police Dept budget Caddo Valley Amity Gurdon Supplements Mun Court Cost Clark County DF&A $30,000 Hybrid Cruisers down payment $30,000 $20,000 Direct pay to County for District Court operations $20,000 Independent fund. Not part of City financial. $142,900 $142,900 Possible Economic Dev Expenditures Page 6 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Airport Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) State Aid 30,013 0 350,900 351,448 351,448 548 40,000 Federal Aid 116,344 0 280,000 0 0 (280,000) 360,000 Local Permits & Fees 14,428 12,528 80,560 94,701 105,324 24,764 17,640 Totals 160,785 12,528 711,460 446,149 456,772 (254,688) 417,640 Source Acct # Page 7 of 204 Request FY 2014 FY 2014 Revenue Airport Source Acct # 4213 Hanger Deposits 4214 Airport Lease (HSU) 4176 Hanger Leases Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 0 0 200 0 0 (200) 200 3,098 1,228 1,500 246 369 (1,131) 400 11,330 11,300 11,760 6,910 13,940 2,180 17,040 67,100 87,545 91,015 23,915 0 Other SubTotal 14,428 12,528 80,560 94,701 105,324 24,764 17,640 State Aid 30,013 0 350,900 351,448 351,448 548 40,000 Federal Aid 116,344 0 280,000 0 0 (280,000) 360,000 Totals 160,785 12,528 711,460 446,149 456,772 (254,688) 417,640 Page 8 of 204 Revenue Justification Airport Acct# Airport $ 17,640 Hanger Deposits $ 200 A $200 deposit is required for each of the 8 hangers. Staff anticipates one tenant change per year. Airport Leases (HSU) $ 400 Below is a breakdown of how the monthly leases are calculated from Henderson. AV gas Jet Fuel Hanger Rentals Tie Down fees Agriculture Pad Use Hanger Leases Total Monthly sales x 5 % Total Monthly sales x 7 % 50% 10% 50% $17,040.00 Zeagler, Bob - 1 Hanger Zeagler, Oscar - 1 Hanger Davis, Terry Commercial Hangar Eight Hangars 4841 $ 20 x 12 $ 20 x 12 $ 20 x 12 $440 x 12 $115 x 12 $240.00 $240.00 $240.00 $5,280.00 $11,040.00 $17,040.00 Federal Aid $ 360,000 FAA Entitlement Funds- Improvements recomended by airport committee. Fencing and Planning projects State Aid $ 40,000 Arkansas Dept. of Aeronautics Grant(s). Match for FAA projects Other Uncatagorized revenues $0 Page 9 of 204 FY 2014 Department Expense Summary Airport Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Budgeted FY 2014 Airport 151,871 161,351 718,487 433,474 476,302 242,185 424,727 Totals 151,871 161,351 718,487 433,474 476,302 242,185 424,727 Acct # Item Page 10 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Airport Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Budgeted FY 2014 5200 Supplies 1,564 5,203 6,140 3,107 5,576 564 6,140 5300 Maintenance 3,193 3,570 3,300 825 3,225 75 3,300 5400 Miscellaneous 6,396 11,513 11,047 10,194 11,261 (214) 15,287 11,153 20,286 20,487 14,126 20,062 425 24,727 Capital Outlay 140,718 141,066 698,000 419,348 456,240 241,760 400,000 TOTAL BUDGET 151,871 161,351 718,487 433,474 476,302 242,185 424,727 O & M Subtotal 5999 Page 11 of 204 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page Airport Acct # Item 5203 Motor Vehicles 5210 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 0 419 1,260 106 1,075 185 1,260 Other 1,564 4,785 4,880 3,001 4,502 379 4,880 Total Supplies 1,564 5,203 6,140 3,107 5,576 564 6,140 Page 12 of 204 Supply Justification Airport 5203 Motor Vehicle $1,260 Fuel for mowing the airport is charged out of this account. 5210 Other $4,880 This account is for runway lights, taxiway lights, and beacon lights as well as replacement light covers. This is also for the repair, upgrade or purchase of items for airport safety and for uncategorized items. This includes hangar deposit refunds. Page 13 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page Airport Acct # Item 5305 Instruments 5314 Runway/Taxiway Totals Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 2,631 2,609 2,300 825 2,225 75 2,300 562 961 1,000 0 1,000 0 1,000 3,193 3,570 3,300 825 3,225 75 3,300 Page 14 of 204 Maintenance Justification Airport 5305 Instruments $2,300 This is to provide maintenance to the non-directional beacon, including repairs to the antenna, replacement wiring, other required maintenance and papi lights. Testing of radio category has been moved to this line item. 5314 Runway/Taxiway $1,000 This category is for maintenance service on lights and other associated expenses. Page 15 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Airport Acct # Item 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance 5407 Telephone 5408 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 1,604 1,576 1,397 2,687 0 1,397 3,687 565 501 750 345 518 232 600 Electric 4,227 9,435 8,900 7,162 10,743 (1,843) 11,000 Totals 6,396 11,513 11,047 10,194 11,261 (214) 15,287 Page 16 of 204 Miscellaneous Justification Airport 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance $1,397 Coverage per bid / Arkansas Municipal League. Includes Army Reserve Building 5407 Telephone $600 The city provides one line for the airport, fuel system, security system, pilot weather check, and flight plan. 5408 Electric $11,000 This appropriation is based on historical usage. Includes Army Reserve Building Page 17 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Airport Acct # 5999 Item State Aeronatics Grant 5999 FAA Entitlement Funds Totals Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 15,025 0 125,693 140,718 Actual 8 month Year End Projection 428,000 396,228 433,120 141,066 270,000 23,120 23,120 246,880 360,000 141,066 698,000 419,348 456,240 241,760 400,000 Page 18 of 204 Budget FY 2013 (Over) Under (5,120) Request FY 2014 40,000 Capital Justification Airport 5999 FAA Perimeter Fencing and Planning $360,000 Scheduled CIP as recommended by the Airport Advisory Committee; includes engineering fees. 5999 State Aeronatics Grant Provides match for FAA grant. $ 40,000 Page 19 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Animal Control Source Acct # Local permits & fees Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 244 185 300 485 500 15 500 244 185 300 485 500 15 500 Other Totals Page 20 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Animal Control Acct # 4124 Source Actual FY 2011 Animal Control Fees 244 Totals 244 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 185 185 Page 21 of 204 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) 300 485 500 15 300 485 500 15 Request FY 2014 500 500 Revenue Justification Animal Control 4124 Animal Control Fees $500 These are fees collected by enforcing our dog ordinance B-381 on animals impounded from within our city limits. With our new policy pending, I am unsure of what will happen. Page 22 of 204 FY 2014 Department Expense Summary Animal Control Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Budgeted FY2014 Law Enforcement 49,868 44,873 44,873 28,081 43,287 986 $51,191 Totals 49,868 44,873 44,873 28,081 43,287 986 51,191 Acct # Item Page 23 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Animal Control Acct # Item 5100 Personnel Costs 5200 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Requested FY 2014 41,568 41,290 34,881 23,557 35,336 (455) 35,438 Supplies 3,746 4,900 5,400 2,588 4,351 949 5,650 5300 Maintenance 1,647 1,100 1,500 315 1,215 (215) 7,000 5400 Miscellaneous 2,375 2,578 3,092 1,621 2,385 707 3,103 49,336 49,868 44,873 28,081 43,287 986 51,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49,336 49,868 44,873 28,081 43,287 986 51,191 O & M Subtotal 5999 Capital Outlay TOTAL BUDGET Page 24 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Animal Control Full Time Authorized Positions Number 1 Employee Bryant, Victor cell allowance Overtime Total Title Animal Control Base Pay Unemply. 1.50% Workers' Comp 1.36% Retire 14.88% Fica 7.65% Insurance Total 22,655 480 2,000 340 7 30 308 0 0 3,371 0 298 1,733 37 153 4026 32,433 524 2,481 25,135 377 308 3,669 1,923 4,026 35,438 Page 25 of 204 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page Animal Control Acct # Item 5201 Office 5202 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection 0 19 50 20 0 Clothing & Uniform 298 344 300 236 5203 Motor Vehicles 168 358 500 5222 Fuel 3,234 3,759 5205 Janitorial 0 5206 Chemical Supplies 5210 Miscellaneous Totals (Over) Under Request FY 2014 0 600 354 (54) 350 0 500 0 500 4,050 2,332 3,497 553 3,500 0 50 0 0 0 50 46 363 150 0 0 150 150 0 0 300 0 0 300 500 3,746 4,844 5,400 2,588 4,351 949 5,650 Page 26 of 204 Supply Justification Animal Control 5201 Office Supplies $600 For office supplies and for an iPad for AC officer use. 5202 Clothing & Uniform Uniform and personal protective items. $350 5203 Motor Vehicles For supplies other than fuel. $500 5222 Fuel 778 gallons at $4.50 a gallon. 5205 Janitorial $50 This category is reserved for brooms, light bulbs, and other things needed in the shelter. 5206 Chemical Supplies $150 This is primarily for fly bait needed in the summer. 5210 Miscellaneous $500 Costs associated with dog food. Wal-Mart donates a substantial amount of dog food, but can not be considered a permanent arrangement. $3,500 Page 27 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page Animal Control Acct # Item 5303 Motor Vehicle 5304 Radio 5306 Buildings/Facilities Totals Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY2014 1,567 358 500 105 900 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 80 349 500 210 315 185 6,000 1,647 707 1,500 315 1,215 (215) 7,000 Page 28 of 204 (400) 1,000 Maintenance Justification Animal Control 5303 Motor Vehicle $1,000 For maintenance on 2007 pickup. We just spent over $700 on brakes. I am raising amount for unanticipated repairs. 5304 Radio 5306 Building/Facilities $6,000 This item is for maintenance on the shelter. I am putting money for new dog pens for 2014 in this budget. Estimate on pens are $350.00 each. We will build 16 pens. $0 Page 29 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Animal Control Acct # Item 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance 5403 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under 80 78 92 94 94 Special Services 2,295 2,335 3,000 1,527 2,291 709 Totals 2,375 3,092 1,621 2,385 707 2,413 Page 30 of 204 (2) Request FY 2014 103 3000 3,103 Miscellaneous Justification Animal Control 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance Coverage per bid. $103 5403 Special Services $3,000 This is for euthanization of animals. Dr. Bradshaw charges us $200 per month plus medicine. With our new policy we could see more owner euthanization. Page 31 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Aquatic Park Source Acct # Local permits & fees Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 173,597 180,568 177,000 122,404 154,187 (22,813) 157,000 173,597 180,568 177,000 122,404 154,187 (22,813) 157,000 Other Other Financing Sources Transfers In Loan Proceeds Totals Page 32 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Aquatic Park Acct # Source Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 4165 Admissions 98,347 98,240 98,000 70,790 87,509 (10,491) 90,000 4162 Concessions 39,627 36,928 38,000 25,948 31,795 (6,205) 32,000 4168 Fees 35,623 45,400 41,000 25,666 34,883 (6,117) 35,000 173,597 180,568 177,000 122,404 154,187 (22,813) 157,000 Totals Page 33 of 204 Revenue Justification Aquatic Park 2012 year attendance was 22,163. Estimated 40% of patrons are from outside of 71923. 2013 year attendance was 17,751. Estimated 42% of patrons are from outside of 71923. 4165 Aquatic Park Admissions Actual 2011 Collections: 2012 Collections: 2013 Collections: 4162 $98,347 $98,240 $87,509 Concessions Includes Aquatic Park concession sales. Actual 2011 Collections: 2012 Collections: 2013 Collections: 4168 $90,000 $6 Aquatic Park daily admission. $32,000 $39,627 $36,928 $31,795 Fees $35,000 Includes all Aquatic Park fees including season passes, coupons, reservations, water classes, swimming lessons, etc. Continue family passes at $200. Actual 2011 Collections: 2012 Collections: 2013 Collections: $35,623 $45,400 $34,883 Page 34 of 204 FY 2014 Expense Aquatic Park Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Recreation & Culture 138,950 163,036 173,111 121,103 139,156 33,977 175,689 Totals 138,950 163,036 173,111 121,103 139,156 33,977 175,689 Source Acct # Page 35 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Aquatic Park Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Budgeted FY 2014 5100 Personnel Costs 75,673 75,825 84,923 62,555 63,882 21,041 87,496 5200 Supplies 37,497 53,706 44,300 36,320 39,074 5,226 43,000 5300 Maintenance 6,938 14,352 22,000 9,656 14,690 7,310 20,000 5400 Miscellaneous 18,842 19,154 21,888 12,572 21,510 400 25,193 138,950 163,036 173,111 121,103 139,156 33,977 175,689 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 138,950 163,036 173,111 121,103 139,156 33,977 175,689 O & M Subtotal 5999 Capital Outlay TOTAL BUDGET Page 36 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Aquatic Park Full Time Authorized Positions Number Employee Title Base Pay Unemply. Workers' Comp 1.50% 1 Mike Volz Director Parks and Recreation Director will over see manager of facility Total Full Time Retire Fica 14.00% 7.65% Insurance Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Part Time Authorized Positions Number 18 wks 13 wks Employee To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled Sub Total Part Time Title Manager - $11.00 hr Manager - $11.00 hr Assistant Manager - $8.20 hr Maintenance - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Conc Worker - $7.70 hr Jr Grd/Conc Worker - $6.25 hr Jr Grd/Conc Worker - $6.25 hr Jr Grd/Conc Worker - $6.25 hr Jr Grd/Conc Worker - $6.25 hr Gate Worker - $7.25 hr Total Pay 7,920 2,280 1,279 2,495 5,205 5,205 5,205 5,205 5,205 5,205 5,205 4,225 4,225 4,225 4,225 4,901 Unemply. Workers' Comp Retire Fica 1.50% 3.70% 14.00% 7.65% 72,211 Page 37 of 204 119 34 19 37 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 63 63 63 63 74 1,083 293 84 47 92 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 156 156 156 156 181 2,672 Insurance 606 174 98 191 398 398 398 398 398 398 398 323 323 323 323 375 0 5,524 Total 8,938 2,573 1,444 2,815 5,874 5,874 5,874 5,874 5,874 5,874 5,874 4,768 4,768 4,768 4,768 5,531 0 81,491 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Aquatic Park Special Event or Private Party Number 65 Employee To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled To Be Filled Title Assistant Manager - $8.20 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Life Guard - $7.70 hr Conc Worker - $7.70 hr Junior Guard - $6.25 hr Junior Guard - $6.25 hr Junior Guard - $6.25 hr Sub Total Special Evnt Total Personnel Total Pay 533 501 501 501 501 501 501 501 406 406 406 Unemply. Workers' Comp Retire Fica 1.50% 3.70% 14.00% 7.65% 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 15 15 15 75 Insurance 41 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 31 31 31 Total 676 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 458 458 458 5,255 79 194 75 402 0 6,005 77,467 1,162 2,866 75 5,926 0 87,496 Page 38 of 204 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page Aquatic Park Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 5201 Office & Computer 873 472 1,000 649 938 62 1,000 5202 Clothing & Uniform 737 635 1,000 841 841 159 1,000 5204 Minor Tools 295 145 300 77 95 205 300 5205 Janitorial 482 2,074 1,500 156 1,384 116 1,500 5206 Chemical 20,059 20,574 18,000 16,719 16,719 1,281 18,000 5207 Education & Recreation 1,122 483 1,000 158 172 828 500 5208 Buildings/Facilities 823 5,852 5,000 2,758 3,709 1,291 5,000 5209 Special Events 0 0 200 0 0 200 400 5212 Concession 12,873 23,427 16,000 14,870 15,216 784 15,000 5213 Safety Program 233 43 300 91 0 300 300 37,497 53,706 44,300 36,320 39,074 5,226 43,000 Totals Page 39 of 204 Supply Justification Aquatic Park 5201 Office & Computer $1,000 Office supplies, season pass materials, receipt books, and IT, etc. 5202 Clothing & Uniform Shirts, whistles, etc for staff. 5204 Minor Tools $300 Tools needed for the facility. Facility aging expected needs for nuts, bolts, chains and other similar items. 5205 Janitorial Cleaners, soap, toilet paper, trash bags, etc. 5206 Chemical Chlorine and chemicals for the pool. 5207 Education & Recreation $500 Items to be sold at the kiosk, including t-shirts, goggles, swim diapers, etc. 5208 Buildings/Facilities $5,000 Need deck chairs, some signage, filters, Need umbrellas, Life guard stands etc. 5209 Special Events $400 Planned 2 Radio Remotes, decorations, bands, promotions, etc. for special events. 5212 Concession Concession stand food and drink supplies. 5213 Safety Program $300 First aid supplies including gloves, tubes, CPR certification, sunscreen for the lifeguards, etc. $1,000 $1,500 $18,000 $15,000 Page 40 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page Aquatic Park Acct # Item 5301 Office Equipment 5302 Machinery 5304 Radio & Electronic 5306 Building/Facility 5315 Pool Totals Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 0 0 500 0 0 500 500 217 0 3,000 0 2,890 110 3,000 0 0 500 0 0 500 500 6,221 5,852 10,000 6,200 8,344 1,656 9,000 500 8,500 8,000 3,456 3,456 4,544 7,000 6,938 14,352 22,000 9,656 14,690 7,310 20,000 Page 41 of 204 Maintenance Justification Aquatic Park 5301 Office Equipment $500 Repairs on the computers, cash registers, etc. 5302 Machinery $3,000 Repairs on machinery and equipment. Scheduled motor rewind in 2014 - $1,400, replace clorine pump. 5304 Radio & Electronic Repairs on sound system. 5306 Building/Facility $9,000 Repairs on restrooms, concession stand, permanent structures, etc, diving board repair, paint towers. 2014 includes: replace frog slide landing, netting, ropes and 1 floating feature & Outside lighting. 5315 Pool $7,000 Plumbers, electricians, deck maintenance, minor repairs, etc. to the actual pool. More patching needed then previous years & replacing lights, relay switches/sensors. 2014 includes repainting pool. $500 Page 42 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Aquatic Park Acct # Item 5402 Insurance - Other 5404 Contracts & Special Services 5405 Advertising & Legal 5406 Association Dues & Meetings 5407 Telephone Service 5408 Electric Service 5409 Gas Service 5410 Postage & Shipping 5417 Refunds Totals Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 3,358 2,587 2,524 3,053 3,054 3,054 302 163 735 424 561 5,819 7,842 6,000 3,009 6,626 28 250 300 0 250 50 300 175 403 550 197 312 238 550 9,408 7,797 10,000 5,302 9,849 151 10,000 198 175 250 109 131 141 250 0 0 500 477 477 23 500 325 0 500 0 250 250 500 18,842 19,154 21,888 12,572 21,510 400 25,193 Page 43 of 204 (1) 174 (626) 735 9,000 Miscellaneous Justification Aquatic Park 5402 Insurance - Other Real property insurance. $3,358 5404 Contracts & Special Services $735 Pest Control $60 x 6 = $360 , health permit $125, etc. CPR class $250. 5405 Advertising & Legal $9,000 Radio ads, local news ads, new brochure, employment notices, new rack cards, etc. Increased to advertise in surrounding areas. Includes $1,000 for interstate signs. 5406 Association Dues & Meetings $300 Dues, meetings, and training to meet required pool certifications. CPO class for 1 staff member. 5407 Telephone Service Office phone services. 5408 Electric Service Electricity service. 5409 Gas Service Gas service. 5410 Postage & Shipping $500 Stamps and postal services, postcard direct mail-out. 5417 Refunds Refunds to patrons. $550 $10,000 $250 $500 Page 44 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Aquatic Park Acct # 5999 Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Budgeted FY 2014 Security Cameras 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 45 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Building Source Acct # Local permits & fees Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 9 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 33,048 24,704 23,185 26,971 35,535 12,350 29,620 33,048 24,704 23,185 26,971 35,535 12,350 29,620 Other Totals Page 46 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Summary Page Building Department Acct # Source Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 9 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 4131 Building Permits 16,018 10,347 9,500 12,662 17,310 7,810 14,500 4132 Plumbing Permits 3,963 2,907 3,000 2,846 3,512 512 3,150 4133 Electrical Permits 3,917 3,785 3,500 2,977 3,959 459 3,600 4134 HVACR Permits 2,787 2,264 2,500 2,300 2,500 0 2,400 4135 Land Disturbing Permits 75 76 0 0 50 50 50 4136 Variance Fees 275 55 110 330 385 275 165 4137 Rezoning Fees 100 100 100 200 200 100 100 4138 Nonresidential Construction Permit Surcharge 2,899 2,726 1,500 2,877 3,990 2,490 2,800 4139 Miscellaneous: Land Use Books & Antenna Fees 59 260 0 500 750 750 0 4140 Contractor Permits 1,480 2,060 1,650 1,600 1,800 150 1,780 4845 Demolition Reimbursements 1,200 0 1,200 654 1,054 (146) 1,050 275 125 125 25 25 (100) 25 33,048 24,704 23,185 26,971 35,535 TBA Street Breaking Permits Totals Page 47 of 204 12,350 29,620 Revenue Justification Building Department 4131 Building Permits $14,500 4132 Plumbing Permits $3,150 4133 Electrical Permits $3,600 4134 HVACR Permits $2,400 4135 Land Disturbing Permits $50 Ordinance 0-98-3 set the fee for these permits at $25 each. 4136 Variance Fees $165 We collect $55.00 for each variance application to cover publication and administrative costs. 4137 Rezoning Fees 4138 Nonresidential Construction Surcharge $2,800 Act 474 of 1999, as amended by 785 of 1999, mandated a surcharge be collected at the rate of fifty cents per each $1,000 of non-residential construction. There's a maximum $1,000 surcharge per permit. The City collects these revenues monthly for the Dept. of Finance and Administration. The City retains five percent of these projected revenues. 4139 Misc.: Land Use Book Sales, Antenna Fees, Etc. $0 Under this category, we expect to receive revenue for plats, re-inspections, land use ordinance books, cell tower/antenna review fees, and zoning applications. 4140 Contractor Permits $1,780 Ordinance 0-00-8 set the fee of $20 for contractor's permits. 4845 Demolition Reimbursements Demolition reimbursement payments. TBA Street Breaking Permits We collect $25.00 for each street breaking permit. $100 $1,050 $25 Page 48 of 204 FY 2014 Expense Building Source Acct # General Government Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 106,158 71,965 123,607 83,641 123,363 (756) 131,724 106,158 71,965 123,607 83,641 123,363 (756) 131,724 Other Totals Page 49 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Building Department Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Personnel 92,169 63,386 105,580 74,201 108,121 5200 Supplies 2,280 2,413 8,083 3,964 5,647 2,436 9,840 5300 Maintenance 911 1,042 1,700 346 1,057 643 1,713 5400 Miscellaneous 7,043 5,125 7,244 5,130 8,538 (1,294) 8,862 102,403 71,965 122,607 83,641 123,363 (756) 131,724 0 0 0 0 0 102,403 71,965 122,607 83,641 123,363 O & M Subtotal 5999 Capital Outlay TOTAL BUDGET Page 50 of 204 (2,541) 111,309 5100 0 (756) 0 131,724 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Building Department Full-Time Authorized Positions Number Employee Title 1 2 Wiley, A. Gaither, T. Bldg. Dept. Supv. Building Inspector Sub Total Base Pay Unemploy. 1.50% Workers' Comp Retire 14.88% FICA 7.65% Insurance Total 41,980 29,969 630 450 109 78 6,247 4,459 3,211 2,293 4,026 4,026 56,203 41,274 71,949 1,079 187 10,706 5,504 8,052 97,478 Part-Time Authorized Position Employee 1 2 Hillard, W. Hillard, W. Sullivan, J. Sub Total TOTAL Base Pay Permits Clerk 40 hrs. vacation staffing Building Inspector Unemploy. 1.50% 9,880 148 570 9 2,222 33 12,672 84,621 190 1,269 Page 51 of 204 Workers' Comp 187 Retire 10,706 FICA 7.65% 756 44 170 969 6,473 Insurance Total 10,784 622 2,425 8,052 13,831 111,309 FY 2014 Supplies Summary Building Department Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 1,993 1,741 2,000 1,343 1,800 200 3,260 Clothing 0 0 60 0 50 10 60 5203 Motor Vehicles 0 0 350 0 0 350 350 5222 Fuel 0 0 2,025 306 758 1,267 2,025 5207 Educational Supplies 287 672 2,048 2,032 2,032 16 2,680 5210 Other 0 0 1,600 283 1,007 593 1,465 2,280 2,413 8,083 3,964 5,647 2,436 9,840 5201 Office 5202 Totals Page 52 of 204 FY 2014 Supplies Justification Building Department 5201 Office Supplies $3,260 Includes paper, pens, ink for printers, copier, fax machine, file folders, printing forms, and etc. $2,000 $35.00 per month each for 3 computers = $1,260 5202 Clothing $60 This covers department shirts/protective clothing for new building department staff. 5203 Motor Vehicles Oil and filters 5222 Fuel Estimated use is 450 gallons at $4.50. $2,025 5207 Educational $2,680 $350 This category provides educational training materials, programs and transportation for 2 staff, 2 back-up inspectors and nine planning commissioners. It enables our staff to comply with state inspection licensing requirements by attending required training and maintenance workshops to attain and maintain their certification. This improves our overall ISO rating. APA (1) conference, hotel, meals, mileage $257 ICC zoning inspector recertification: Electrical licenses: 4 @50.00 = $200.00 HVACR training & meals: $60.00 HVACR licenses: 4 @ 25.00 = $100.00 Plumbing training & meals $60.00 Mileage: 1 @ $77.00 Plumbing licenses: 4 @ 25.00 = $100.00 Electrical/IAEI training 2 days: (8) registrations and meals $570 Floodplain training & meals $85.00 hotel: $400 PC training meals & mileage (3) $270.00 COAR/other bldg. training, hotel, meals, registration: $500 5210 Other $1,465 All other necessary items not covered in any other category under supplies. City must adopt NEC 2014 and AFPC 2013 as adopted by Arkansas. Estimated costs to purchase code books for adoption and inspection: AFPC 2013: 3 @ $233.00 = $699 Shipping: $28.00 Tax: $63.00 NEC 2014: (4) $675 Page 53 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Building Department Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 339 352 700 301 563 137 713 0 0 1000 45 494 506 1,000 Building/ Facility Maintenance 572 690 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 911 346 1,057 643 5301 Office Equipment 5303 Motor Vehicle 5306 1,042 Page 54 of 204 1,700 1713 FY 2014 Maintenance Justification Building Department 5301 Office Equipment $713 Maintenance contracts: $562.56 (Sharp copier : $32.70 X 12 = 392.40) Xerox Multifunction Fax: $14.18 x 12 = $170.16 Repair and maintain computers (replacement of hard drives, memory, keyboards or monitors): $150.00 5303 Motor Vehicle Maintenance For necessary repairs and maintenance. 5306 Building Maintenance $0 Cleaning carpet mats in the department office. Moved to Contracts & Special Services. $1,000 Page 55 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Building Department Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Vehicle Insurance 0 0 100 0 100 5404 Contracts and Special Services 0 232 480 494 646 (166) 500 5405 Advertising and Legal 737 517 900 309 630 270 700 5406 Association Dues & Meetings 1,646 1,193 1,200 326 1,140 60 1,200 5407 Telephone 1,481 1,576 2,000 1,308 2,032 (32) 2,172 5410 Postage 325 178 320 0 200 120 300 5413 Certification Exams 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 5415 Nonresidential Construction Permit Surcharge (minus 5% Retention) 2,854 1,429 2,244 2,693 3,790 5420 Condemnation Services 0 0 0 0 0 7,043 5,125 7,244 5,130 8,538 Totals Page 56 of 204 0 100 5402 (1,546) 0 (1,294) 3,690 0 8,862 Miscellaneous Justification Building Department 5402 Vehicle Insurance $100 5404 Contracts & Special Services $500 Cintas contract for Dept. mat cleaning. $37.99 X 12 = $455.88. Moved from Bldg. Facility Maintenance 5306. 5405 Advertising & Legal $700 We expect to publish legal notices in the newspaper for variances, rezoning requests. 5406 Association Dues & Meetings $1,200 This category is for annual membership dues, organizational conferences and meetings for 2 staff and 2 back-up inspectors to remain current. It also includes planning subscriptions. This category also includes dues and subscriptions for nine planning commissioners in the American Planning Association. STAFF PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Engineer/Inspector: Arkansas Natural Resources Commission Int'l Assoc. Electrical Inspectors Anita Wiley: Arkansas Natural Resources Commission American Planning Association ICC/COAR Planning Comm: APA memberships/magazine subscriptions $20 $102 $20 $185 $125 $550 SUBSCRIPTIONS City & Town Daily Siftings Herald Zoning Bulletin Building Law Permits $20 $118 $0 $0 5407 Telephone $2,172 In addition to cellular phones for personnel whose job descriptions require access during all working hours, this appropriation includes a pro rata share of the basic service the city pays for all their lines. 5410 Postage $300 Monthly mailings include Planning Commission and other meeting packets, assorted correspondence to contractors, architects, and developers, etc. A portion is attributed to certified mailings. 5413 Certification Exams $200 This covers the cost of applications/exams to acquire ICC certification. 5415 Nonresidential Construction Permit Surcharge (Minus 5% Retention) $3,690 Act 474 of 1999, as amended by 785 of 1999 mandated a surcharge be collected at the rate of fifty cents ($.50) per each $1000 of non-residential There is a maximum surcharge of $1000 on each non-residential building permit. The City collects these revenues monthly for the Dept. of Finance and Administration and retains a 5% administrative fee. This projection is the difference between the projected revenue minus .05% retention for our administrative cost. 5420 Condemnation Services Grant funding has been exhausted. $0 Page 57 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Fire Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 Other 33,128 35,240 31,250 21,733 22,033 (9,217) 447,000 Transfers In 34,392 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 67,520 35,240 31,250 22,230 22,033 (9,217) 447,000 Source Acct # Page 58 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Fire Department Acct # Source Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) 4195 Outside Fire Protection 25,317 23,589 25,250 21,733 22,033 4809 Transfer from Fireman's Act 833 34,392 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,811 11,651 6,000 496 34,867 28,867 425,000 67,520 35,240 31,250 22,230 56,900 25,650 447,000 Miscellaneous/Other Totals Page 59 of 204 (3,217) Request FY 2014 22,000 Revenue Justification Fire Department 4195 Outside Fire Protection $22,000 This figure represents the gross collections for outside fire protection membership dues and interest income. As per ordinance, and Board action these annual dues are to be transferred to the Firemen's Pension Fund. 4809 Transfer from Fireman's Act 833 $0 Transfer from Fireman's Act 833 in Other Funds section. This is a restricted fund for equipment purchases. 4198 Miscellaneous/Other $425,000 All miscellaneous income. Includes $390,000 FEMA grant- pumper truck. Includes $29,000 LOPFI SITT credit. Page 60 of 204 FY 2014 Department Expense Summary Fire Department Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Budgeted FY 2014 Public Safety 580,261 521,379 613,152 405,144 624,346 24,035 1,089,678 Debt Service 35370 35,229 35,229 0 0 35,229 0 615,631 556,608 648,381 405,144 624,346 59,264 1,089,678 Acct # Item Total Page 61 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Fire Department Acct # Item 5100 Personnel Costs 5200 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Requested FY 2014 477,845 457,098 522,820 357,310 522,715 105 537,736 Supplies 12,079 23,411 29,025 13,358 26,379 2,646 29,200 5300 Maintenance 13,139 5,641 19,000 10,234 21,625 (2,625) 26,400 5400 Miscellaneous 41,828 0 42,307 24,242 53,627 (11,320) 56,342 544,891 486,150 613,152 405,144 624,346 (11,194) 649,678 0 0 0 0 35,370 35,229 35,229 0 580,261 521,379 648,381 405,144 O & M Subtotal 5999 Capital Outlay 5998 Debt Service TOTAL BUDGET Page 62 of 204 0 0 440,000 0 35,229 0 624,346 24,035 1,089,678 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Fire Department Full Time Authorized Positions Num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Employee Title Arnold, R Chief Buckley, O Cpt Still, R Cpt Adair, M Lt Thomason, M Cpt Wade, R Driver Russell, D Lt. Neel, A Rec. Mgr. Rowe, A Driver Thomason, T Driver Car Allowance Arnold, R Cell Allowance Arnold, R Full Time Subtotal Part-time Subtotal Base Pay Uniform *Officer *Fire 0 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 *Training **Adjusted Holiday Unemply. Pay 6.60% 0 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 43,203 34,213 35,500 29,394 31,694 28,666 29,394 30,466 28,666 28,666 2,851 2,087 2,100 1,788 1,920 1,768 1,788 1,768 1,768 1,545 1.50% 43,203 31,617 31,824 27,098 29,098 26,790 27,098 26,790 26,790 26,790 4,800 240 302,138 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 0 720 1,800 420 720 0 420 1,800 0 0 7,200 5,880 6,804 2,880 319,862 19,385 648 513 533 441 475 430 441 457 430 430 72 4 4,874 39,204 0 0 0 0 0 0 588 Workers' Comp Retire Fica 3.55% 18.30% 1.45% Total Salaries *Officer *Fire *Training 1,534 7,906 1,215 6,261 1,260 6,497 1,043 5,379 1,125 5,800 1,018 5,246 1,043 5,379 1,082 5,575 1,018 5,246 1,018 5,246 170 878 9 44 11,534 59,457 1,392 1,112 Insurance 4,026 4,026 4,026 5,556 5,556 4,026 4,026 5,556 4,026 5,556 Total 626 496 515 426 460 416 426 442 416 416 70 3 4,711 46,380 60,795 48,811 50,430 44,028 47,031 41,569 42,498 45,346 41,569 42,876 5,990 282 471,226 568 20,946 66,510 537,736 This description reflects full-time firemans volunteer rank. These employees recieve compensation per run outside their normal hours. This is based on 28 meetings at $22 per meeting when not on duty. They average attending 2/3 of the meetings. Page 63 of 204 FY 2013 Personnel Allocation/Costs Fire Department Part Time Authorized Positions Num Employee Title Base Pay Uniform *Officer *Fire *Training Adjusted Holiday Unemply. 18 partime Meetings 9,504 18 partime Fires 29,700 3 Capt. 3 Lt. Officer Pay Retirement $5.15 per month per employee Insurance for Part-Time Total Part-time 39,204 0 0 0 0 0 0 Workers' Comp Fica Insurance 1.50% 3.55% 1.45% City match 143 446 337 1,054 138 431 588 1,392 Retire 2,700 1,112 3,812 568 Total 20,946 10,122 31,631 2,700 1,112 20,946 20,946 66,510 * Avg 75 runs @ 18 each ** 28 meetings @ $22 each for 18 pay-per call 1 2 3 4 5 Part-time Paul Goza Blake Batson David Fenocchi Kate Hawthorn Scott Speights Title Lt. Officer Insurance 2,466 4,620 420 0 Part-time 16 Micheal Shepard 17 Robert Eakin 18 Vacant 6 David Green 7 Justin Kirksey 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Jimmy McNabb Tommy Neel Ken Sparks Russ Walker Lon Ware David Suttle Roger Wingfield Kenny Williams Sub total Capt. Lt. Lt. 720 420 420 4,620 0 4,620 0 0 4,620 0 Page 64 of 204 Title Capt. Officer 720 2,700 Insurance 0 0 0 20,946 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page Fire Department Acct # Item 5201 Office 5202 Clothing & Uniform 5203 Motor Vehicle 5222 Fuel 5217 Outdoor Sirens 5205 Janitorial 5206 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 months Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 156 252 1,000 16 990 10 2,500 3,482 3,139 4,500 12 4,500 0 4,500 160 2,856 3,000 747 2,420 580 3,000 3,858 3,965 5,625 3,033 4,850 775 5,200 377 2,743 2,000 513 750 1,250 1,000 2,569 857 1,500 777 1,350 150 1,500 Chemical Supplies 252 287 1,000 649 948 52 2,000 5207 Educational Supplies 634 1,183 1,600 351 1,500 100 1,500 5223 Equipment 426 7,968 6,500 7,071 7,071 (571) 6,000 5210 Other 165 161 2,300 188 2,000 300 2,000 12,079 23,411 29,025 13,358 26,379 2,646 29,200 Totals Page 65 of 204 Supply Justification Fire Department 5201 Office $2,500 This category is for office supplies. Replace two new computers. 5202 Clothing & Uniform $4,500 This category covers all uniforms for the fire department. 5203 Motor Vehicles $3,000 This is for oil, filters, batteries, tires, gauges, strobe lights, head and tail lights, fuses, etc. 5222 Fuel $5,200 This account is for fuel. Estimated 1250 gallons at $4.50. 5217 Outdoor Sirens $1,000 This category is to purchase accessories for sirens and parts or equipment to repair outdoor sirens. Sirens are 23 years and 15 years old. 5205 Janitorial $1,500 This category is for all cleaning and bathroom supplies. 5206 Chemical $2,000 DE Neutralizer helps take all the smoke odor out of the homes after a fire and we help the home owners get rid of the smell. We also get our fire foam from this category. 5207 Educational $1,500 This account is for training aids, handicap/children stickers for homes, and educational pamphlets for school programs. 5223 Equipment $6,000 This account is to replace fire equipment. 5210 Other $2,000 This account is for coffee supplies for both stations. Any supplies that do not fit in other categories are also posted into this account. Includes grass weed and feed maintenance and pest control. Page 66 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page Fire Department Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Requested FY 2014 5303 Motor Vehicle 8,862 3,717 9,500 4,873 12,225 5305 Instruments 2,481 1,873 5,500 3,423 5,500 0 5,500 5306 Buildings/Facilities 1,796 52 4,000 1,939 3,900 100 11,400 13,139 5,641 19,000 10,234 21,625 Totals Page 67 of 204 (2,725) (2,625) 9,500 26,400 Maintenance Justification Fire Department 5303 Motor Vehicle $9,500 This category is for motor vehicle repair, tires and maintenance; also annual pump test and to have the ladder truck certified. 5305 Instruments-Maintenance $5,500 This category is for maintenance and testing on equipment; i.e.: radios, pagers, SCBA's, PC's, repeater, and copier. Updating radio system. 5306 Buildings/Facilities $11,400 This account is for maintenance on buildings and facilities. This includes overhead doors at both stations, three flags for each station, plumbing, electrical, and painting needs. Yearly replacement of furnishings and various flooring needs. Station 2 repairs on ceiling in bay. Generator for station two and install walls and ceiling in up stairs storage room at station 1. Page 68 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Fire Department Acct # Item 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance 5405 Advertising 5406 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 7,270 7,235 9,482 8,648 8,648 834 9,512 89 95 0 0 0 0 100 Association Dues & Meetings 1,481 583 1,000 1,030 1,030 (30) 1,030 5407 Telephone Service 4,998 5,963 5,200 5,794 9,765 (4,565) 10,000 5408 Electric Service 7,435 3,675 7,400 6,188 8,524 (1,124) 7,400 5409 Gas Service 4,848 2,848 6,400 2,581 3,660 2,740 6,000 5410 Postage 0 290 200 0 0 200 300 5498 Fireman's Pension Fund Transfer 15,707 0 12,625 0 22,000 (9,375) 22,000 Totals 41,828 20,689 42,307 24,242 53,627 (11,320) 56,342 Page 69 of 204 Miscellaneous Justification Fire Department 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance $9,512 Alliance Insurance Group / Arkansas Municipal League. 5405 Advertising $100 Advertising costs due to bids and employment ads. 5406 Association Dues & Meetings $1,030 This account is for any association dues and meetings the firefighters attend. Examples are membership in the Arkansas Firefighters association, Fire Chiefs Association, Annual Firefighters Convention, and Clark County Firefighters Association. 5407 Telephone Service $10,000 This account is for phone service at both stations, our Emergency line at the Police station and at both Fire Stations. This account also covers internet service at both stations. 5408 Electric Service $7,400 This covers electric service at both stations 1 and 2. Adjusted for new station. 5409 Gas Service $6,000 This covers natural gas service at both station 1 and 2. Adjusted for new station. 5410 Postage $300 This account is for postage. Includes 350 Outside Fire Protection invoicing. 5498 Fireman's Pension Fund Transfer $22,000 Revenues from Outside Fire Protection are transferred to Firemen's Pension Fund per ordinance O-93-2 and Board action. Page 70 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Fire Department Acct # Item 5999 Pumper Truck (debt service) 5999 Pumper (pending FEMA grant) 5999 Rescue truck ( act 833 money) Totals Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 months Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 35,370 35,229 35,229 0 0 35,229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 390,000 35,370 35,229 35,229 Page 71 of 204 - - 35,229 0 440,000 Capital Justification Fire Department 5999 Pumper Truck Pending FEMA grant. 5999 Rescue Truck (Act 833) $390,000 $0 Page 72 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue General Government Source Acct # State Aid Federal Aid Property Tax Sales Tax Interest Local Permits and Fees Other Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 174,662 173,550 216,407 173,289 215,328 (1,079) 175,000 0 0 505,000 119,014 374,966 (130,034) 0 453,665 479,351 450,000 205,871 493,163 43,163 493,000 1,853,782 1,925,945 1,913,000 1,243,154 1,862,000 (51,000) 1,862,000 90 123 100 108 149 49 150 7,945 13,361 15,000 16,542 16,542 1,542 16,500 320,656 6,321 4,000 1,982 2,973 (1,027) 3,000 0 Other Financing Sources Transfers In 529,445 359,141 1,000,000 504,794 619,794 (380,206) 815,000 3,340,245 2,957,791 4,103,507 2,264,755 3,584,914 (518,593) 3,364,650 Loan Proceeds Totals Page 73 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue General Government Acct # Source Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 4102 (Property Tax) 453,665 479,351 450,000 205,871 493,163 43,163 493,000 4103 State Turnback (State Aid) 174,662 173,550 174,000 133,181 175,220 1,220 175,000 4104 City Sales Tax (Sales Taxes) 1,853,782 1,925,945 1,913,000 1,243,154 1,862,000 (51,000) 1,862,000 4810 (Transfers In) 529,445 359,141 1,000,000 504,794 619,794 (380,206) 815,000 4812 Transfer from Municipal Court 18,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4201 General Fund (Interest) 90 123 100 108 149 49 150 4198 (Other) Revenue 320,656 6,321 4,000 1,982 2,973 (1,027) 3,000 7,945 13,361 15,000 16,542 16,542 1,542 16,500 3,358,245 2,957,791 Alcohol Permits & Fees Sub Total Federal Aid 4833 State Aid Totals 0 3,556,100 2,105,633 3,169,840 (386,260) 3,364,650 0 505,000 119,014 374,966 (130,034) 0 45,608 42,407 40,108 40,108 (2,299) 0 3,358,245 3,003,398 2,264,755 3,584,914 (518,593) 3,364,650 4,103,507 Page 74 of 204 0 Revenue Justification General Government 4102 Property Tax $493,000 This is the city's five mill property tax based on receipts from 9-1-2012 through 8-31-2013 with no growth projected. 4103 State Turnback (State Aid) $175,000 This budget request based on receipts from 9-1-2012 through 8-31-2013 with no growth projected. 4104 City Sales Tax (Sales Taxes) $1,862,000 Sales tax is based on receipts from 9-1-2012 through 8-31-2013 with no growth projected. 4810 (Transfers In) $815,000 The majority of these transfers are derived from the Franchise Fee Fund as stated in the Other Funds section of this budget. 4201 General Fund Interest Interest from General Fund account. 4198 Other Revenue $3,000 This category is a catchall for irregular, unpredicted or nominal sources of revenue. Examples of some of those collected are: refunds and reimbursements. Non Federal or State Aid grants. Grants/Disaster Recovery $150 Federal Aid State Aid $0 $0 Page 75 of 204 FY 2014 Expense General Government Source Acct # General Government Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 1,059,718 682,802 1,282,592 857,327 1,040,407 171,135 701,102 129,778 350,000 99,778 99,778 250,222 65,000 812,580 1,632,592 957,105 1,140,185 421,357 766,102 Other Financing Uses Transfers Out Totals 87,000 1,146,718 Page 76 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page General Government Acct # Item 5100 Personnel Costs 5200 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 355,864 368,009 309,476 206,737 299,921 9,555 314,796 Supplies 16,413 14,796 15,975 9,751 14,726 1,249 18,500 5300 Maintenance 26,046 19,519 15,600 7,814 9,339 6,261 15,100 5400 Miscellaneous 292,998 280,478 308,541 189,107 294,804 13,737 311,706 87,000 129,778 350,000 99,778 99,778 250,222 65,000 O & M Subtotal 778,321 812,580 999,592 513,187 718,568 281,024 725,102 Capital Outlay 368,397 0 633,000 443,918 421,617 140,333 1,146,718 812,580 1,632,592 957,105 1,140,185 421,357 Transfers Out 5999 TOTAL BUDGET Page 77 of 204 41,000 766,102 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs General Government Full Time Authorized Positions Number Employee 1 2 3 5 6 Bolt, Jimmy Bryant, Jennifer Currey, Rendi Sesser, Deborah Williams, Chama 8 Taylor King Title City Manager City Treasurer City Clerk / Administrative Assistant Grants / Research Assistant Acct/Pay - Payroll City Manager Car Allowance Subtotal Assistant City Attorney Base Pay Unemply. Workers' Comp Retire Fica 1.50% 1.43% 14.88% 7.65% Insurance Total 78,043 41,616 35,600 34,476 26,520 1,171 624 534 517 398 1,116 595 509 493 379 11,613 6,192 5,297 5,130 3,946 5,970 3,184 2,723 2,637 2,029 4,026 4,026 5,556 5,556 5,556 101,939 56,237 50,220 48,810 38,828 0 0 0 0 0 8,976 8,976 7,800 117 112 1,161 597 224,055 3,361 3,204 33,339 17,140 Total Personnel 9,786 33,696 314,796 314,796 Page 78 of 204 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page General Government Acct # Item 5201 Office/Computer 5203 Motor Vehicles 5222 Fuel 5205 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 10,814 8,733 10,000 8,322 12,483 180 394 350 0 100 250 0 1,463 961 1,125 465 697 428 0 Janitorial 907 1,157 1,000 295 443 557 500 5207 Educational 463 415 0 0 0 0 0 5208 Building/Facility 425 1,221 1,000 577 865 135 1,000 5210 Other 2,161 1,914 2,500 92 138 2,362 2,500 Totals 16,413 14,796 9,751 14,726 1,249 Page 79 of 204 15,975 (2,483) 14,500 18,500 Supply Justification General Government 5201 Office & Computer Supplies $14,500 Charges for all copy paper, binders, toner, report folders, pens, anti-virus software, laminating materials etc. needed for administration and accounting come out of this account. Also funded are staff and board meetings, retreats and planning or educational sessions. Needs are driven by the number of requests for special reports or requests for material to be developed requiring supplies and presentations. Includes lease/financing new computers. 5203 Motor Vehicles $0 5222 Fuel $0 5205 Janitorial $500 This category incurs the expenses for toilet tissue, paper towels, air freshener, window cleaner and other specialized janitorial supplies required to maintain Town Hall. 5207 Educational $0 This appropriation fluctuates depending on the resources offered annually. Provides reimbursement for employee education per handbook if funds are available . 5208 Building $1,000 This account funds equipment and supplies for the upkeep of Town Hall. This includes landscaping supplies. 5210 Other $2,500 Coffee is purchased out of this account for all meetings, and daily reception to our public offices. Staff clothing is included in this category. Page 80 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page General Government Acct # Item 5301 Office Equipment 5303 Motor Vehicle 5306 Building Facilities (Town Hall) 5316 Heat & Air Maintenance Totals Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 1,660 471 1,600 543 814 786 1,600 312 394 1,000 0 100 900 0 14,257 15,823 8,000 2,307 3,461 4,540 8,000 9,817 2,831 5,000 4,965 4,965 35 5,500 26,046 19,519 15,600 7,814 9,339 6,261 15,100 Page 81 of 204 Maintenance Justification General Government 5301 Office Equipment $1,600 Repair and maintenance on admin computers, a fax machine, copier, shredder, adding machines and typewriters. 5303 Motor Vehicle 5306 Building Facilities (Town Hall) $8,000 The Town Hall maintenance charges are funded from this account, such as service calls. Includes funds for repainting sections as budgets allows. 5316 Heat & Air Maintenance $5,500 This is for maintenance of Town Hall's heating and air system. $0 Page 82 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Acct # Item 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance 5404 Contracts and Services 5405 Advertising/Legal 5406 Actual FY 2011 General Government Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request 2014 5,424 4,851 5,877 5,011 5,011 866 5,522 24,566 23,027 39,080 25,751 38,627 453 40,000 9,488 5,429 10,000 2,820 4,230 5,770 7,000 Assn. Dues & Meetings 17,688 13,210 20,000 9,737 14,605 5,395 17,000 5407 Telephone 12,523 16,265 16,300 13,200 19,580 (3,280) 20,000 5408 Electric Service 22,864 27,031 23,000 7,926 11,890 11,110 23,000 5409 Gas Service 185 716 185 636 954 5410 Postage 3,523 2,974 4,000 1,072 1,608 2,392 3,000 5411 Miscellaneous 11,194 1,878 2,500 4,587 5,311 (2,811) 2,500 5418 Election Expenses 6,477 0 6,500 0 6,500 5421 Legal Services 48,972 61,475 61,600 52,818 66,618 (5,018) 67,000 5422 District Court Costs 108,407 108,123 104,000 55,216 104,371 (371) 104,500 5423 Advertising and Promotion 6,188 0 0 0 0 0 0 5108 Clerk's Pension 15,499 15,499 15,499 10,333 15,499 0 15,499 Sub Totals 5802 Transfers to Other Funds Totals 292,998 280,478 87,000 379,998 308,541 0 280,478 Page 83 of 204 350,000 658,541 189,107 99,778 288,885 294,804 99,778 394,582 (769) 0 13,737 250,222 263,959 185 6,500 311,706 65,000 376,706 Miscellaneous Justification General Government 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance Alliance Insurance Group / Arkansas Municipal League. $5,522 5404 Contracts & Services $40,000 This account is used for surveys, accounting services hardware, appraisals, studies and new contracts. It covers OBU's recording agreement of $100 per meeting ($1800 annually), pest control, special cleaning services, and the Otis Elevator contract. This also includes $2,400 for the senior adult center contract and Employee Wellness Program. Cleaning services for Depot and Town Hall building and Non CDL Drug Testing program. 5405 Advertising $7,000 The City is required by law to publish ordinances, public hearings, job advertisements and public notices. 5406 Association Dues & Meetings $17,000 Dues, memberships, travel, lodging, and meeting registrations for administrative staff and board members are funded by this item. This category also covers training in conjunction with informational and educational meetings attended by the administrative staff or city board. Meeting attendance and participation fluctuates with the level of board member involvement. Staff anticipated higher level of state involvement to promote Arkadelphia state wide beginning in 2011. This includes City Managers travel to both state and national conferences. 5407 Telephone $20,000 This covers administration telephones, cell phones and DSL for entire building. 5408 Electric Service This figure represents historical usage at 700 Clay St. 5409 Gas Service $185 Pays for gas service to Town Hall for the community living room gas fireplace. It is the only heat source in the building during power outages. 5410 Postage $3,000 This account funds postage for the city administrative offices, accounts payable, meeting packets, mailings and packages. Increased due to postage increase and historical usage. 5411 Miscellaneous $2,500 This account covers any unanticipated costs and refunds throughout the year that will not otherwise fit in any other category. Includes bank charges for General Fund. $23,000 Page 84 of 204 Miscellaneous Justification General Government 5418 Election Expenses $6,500 This item funds the city's portion on any elections to be held. Historically the bill does not arrive until January of the following year. 5421 Legal Services $67,000 City Attorney/Prosecutor legal fees and Arkansas Municipal League Legal Defense Fund fees are charged to this account. Arkansas Municipal League Legal Defense Fund Additional legal fees Ed McCorkle- 3 hrs/week @$150 Taylor King- (Receives health insurance too, see personnel page) $1500 x 12 months $ $ $ $ 22,600 3,000 23,400 18,000 $ 67,000 5422 District Court Costs $104,500 City's share of the total cost. Cost will vary from year to year based on previous year experience. Beginning 2013 funding for full time Judge. 5423 Advertising and Promotion City newsletter and radio advertisements. 5802 Transfers to Other Funds Street Fund Transfer -$65,000 $65,000 5108 Clerk's Pension Required by State Statute (Moved from Personnel Summary page) $15,499 $0 Page 85 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary General Government Acct # Item 5999 Clark County Historical Assn. 5999 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 6,000 6,000 6,000 4,000 6,000 0 6,000 Arkadelphia 2025 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 5999 Arkadelphia Alliance 30,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 30,000 0 30,000 5999 Real Property 247,192 0 0 0 28,950 0 0 5999 Computer System 9,765 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 5999 HSU Small Business 1,875 0 0 0 0 0 0 5999 Streetscape Project 28,400 7,100 497,000 324,166 356,667 140,333 0 5999 Cooling Units 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5999 Administrative Vehicle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5999 Grants - Studies/Plans 20,165 2,380 100,000 95,752 95,752 4,248 5,000 368,397 46,480 633,000 443,918 421,617 140,333 41,000 Totals Page 86 of 204 Capital Justification General Government 5999 Clark County Historical Assn. $6,000 This supplements the Association's maintenance of the Arkadelphia Train Depot. Includes utilities for Amtrak waiting room. 5999 Arkadelphia Alliance $30,000 Economic development. Supplements Chamber budget for Director and provides funding for Visitor Center 5999 Grants $5,000 Funding for downtown events through Downtown Arkadelphia. Page 87 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Grounds Maintenance Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interest 541 0 855 13 855 0 857 Other 100 0 0 300 300 300 0 Totals 541 0 855 13 855 0 857 Source Acct # Local permits & fees Page 88 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Grounds Maintenance Acct # Source 4191 Cemetery Lot Dues 4201 4198 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interest off Cemetery Accts 541 0 855 13 855 0 857 Miscellaneous (Other) 100 0 0 300 300 300 0 Totals 641 0 855 313 1,155 300 857 Page 89 of 204 Revenue Justification Grounds Maintenance 4191 Cemetery Lot Dues $0 Patrons have elected to participate in the one-time fee plan offered by ordinance No. B-488 and B-490. Revenues created by ordinances establishing annual dues of $10 per grave space for grounds keeping or $100 per grave space for Lifetime Care. 4201 Cemetery Acct Interest $857 This is interest from the following accounts * Rose Hill Savings - US Bank Certificate - Southern Certificate Total $46,227.54 $4,469.56 $100,000.00 $150,697.10 0.40% 0.50% 0.65% * interest income rolls back into the account 4198 Miscellaneous This category is a catchall for irregular or nominal sources of revenue. Page 90 of 204 $185 $22 $650 $857 FY 2014 Department Expense Summary Grounds Maintenance Acct # Item General Government Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Budgeted FY 2014 252,645 210,855 73,649 39,802 60,825 12,824 78,716 184,767 99,853 152,595 32,172 197,479 258,416 139,655 216,579 41,837 276,195 Recreation & Culture Total 252,645 210,855 Page 91 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Grounds Maintenance Acct # Item General Government 28.5% Town Hall Fire Station 1 & 2 Cemetery Airport Request FY 2014 78,716 Recreation & Culture 71.5% All parks & trails 197,479 Total 276,195 Page 92 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Grounds Maintenance Acct # Item 5100 Personnel Costs 5200 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 201,924 155,539 174,816 96,593 148,973 25,843 177,670 Supplies 35,860 26,680 31,150 13,653 25,848 5,302 31,200 5300 Maintenance 12,891 8,329 12,500 10,681 12,000 500 12,500 5400 Miscellaneous 1,970 20,308 21,200 4,827 15,858 5,342 21,325 252,645 210,855 239,666 125,755 202,679 36,987 242,695 0 0 18,750 13,900 13,900 4,850 33,500 252,645 210,855 258,416 139,655 216,579 41,837 276,195 O & M Subtotals 5999 Capital Outlay TOTAL BUDGET Page 93 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Grounds Maintenance Full Time Authorized Positions Number 1 2 3 4 5 Employee Buckley, L Scott, A Buckley,C Sabian Ware Vacant Subtotal Title Crew Leader Crew Leader Labor Labor Labor Base Pay Unemply. 1.50% Workers' Comp Retire 14.88% Fica 7.65% Insurance Total 27,492 27,019 23,515 22,656 22,656 412 405 353 340 340 1,017 1,000 870 838 838 4,091 4,020 3,499 3,371 3,371 2,103 2,067 1,799 1,733 1,733 4026 4026 4026 4026 4026 39,142 38,537 34,062 32,965 32,965 123,338 1,850 4,564 18,353 9,435 20,130 177,670 Page 94 of 204 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page Grounds Maintenance Acct # Item 5201 Office 5202 Clothing & Uniform 5203 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY2014 0 0 250 0 250 0 250 3,180 2,040 2,500 1,031 1,546 954 2,500 Motor Vehicles 12,785 8,528 9,500 2,203 7,500 2,000 9,500 5222 Fuel 16,069 11,889 14,000 8,043 12,065 1,935 14,000 5204 Minor Tools 1,522 1,872 2,000 985 1,960 40 2,000 5205 Janitorial 289 0 200 0 200 0 200 5206 Chemical Supplies 1,123 1,376 1,500 1,051 1,577 5210 Other 892 974 1,200 340 35,860 26,680 31,150 13,653 Totals Page 95 of 204 (77) 1,750 750 450 1,000 25,848 5,302 31,200 Supply Justification Grounds Maintenance 5201 Office Supplies $250 This supplies ink and paper for the fuel dispensing system, along with other office supply needs. 5202 Clothing & Uniform $2,500 Uniforms, jackets, coveralls, hats, and a $100 boot allowance for employees. 5203 Motor Vehicles $9,500 This is for routine maintenance, filters, oil, etc. for grounds maintenance equipment. Anticipated higher repair costs due to extended life of equipment. 5222 Fuel $14,000 This is based on historical use at $4.50/gal. 5204 Minor Tools $2,000 Grease guns, screwdrivers, rakes, shovels, hand tools, weed eaters, blowers and push mowers. 5205 Janitorial $200 Bathroom supplies, hand cleaner, hand towels,etc.( Grounds and Street share the same bathroom and shop facilities) 5206 Chemical Supplies $1,750 These chemicals are for grass retardation, (Most of this is used at the Airport) mosquito control and ant killer. 5210 Other $1,000 Page 96 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page Grounds Maintenance Acct # Item 5303 Motor Vehicle 5304 Radio 5306 Buildings/Facilities Totals Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 12,785 8,329 12,000 10,681 12,000 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 0 500 0 0 500 500 12,891 8,329 12,500 10,681 12,000 500 12,500 Page 97 of 204 Maintenance Justification Grounds Maintenance 5303 Motor Vehicle $12,000 This account will include work on all tractors, mowers, and vehicles. 5304 Radio 5306 Buildings/Facilities $500 Maintenance for Grounds Maintenance building located at the Street Department. $0 Page 98 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Grounds Maintenance Acct # Item 5402 Real Property/Vehicle Insurance 5404 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 881 930 900 527 527 373 580 Contracts/Services 0 18,900 19,800 3,960 14,820 4,980 19,995 5406 Association Dues & Training 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5407 Telephone Service 446 366 500 199 298 202 500 5408 Electric Service 643 112 0 142 213 ($213) 250 1,970 20,308 21,200 4,827 15,858 Totals Page 99 of 204 5,342 21,325 Miscellaneous Justification Grounds Maintenance 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance $580 Coverage Per Bid / Arkansas Municipal League. 5404 $19,995 Contract/Services Annual property service contract for cemetery. 5406 Association Dues & Training $0 This account is scheduled to be used for training such as OSHA and safety classes. 5407 Telephone Service $500 This is the phone service for one cell phone. 5408 Electric Service $250 No longer supplying electric service to shop at cemetery but we still have a flood light for the tool sheds. Page 100 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Grounds Maintenance Account Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Requested FY 2014 5999 (2) -Turn 60 inch mowers 0 0 18750 13,900 13,900 4,850 0 5999 1/2 Ton Pickup 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,000 5999 10-Foot Bush Hog 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,750 5999 Tool shed 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,750 Totals 0 0 13,900 13,900 4,850 Page 101 of 204 18,750 33,500 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Grounds Maintenance 5999 1/2 ton Pick Up $21,000 This truck is (NEEDED) to replace a 1992 Ford that was handed down to us from the Water Dept. in June of 2006. 5999 $8,750 10 Foot Bush Hog This is (NEEDED) to replace a 5ft. Bush hog that is to small for our tractor. (We were able to get a bigger tractor in Sept. of 2007) 5999 Tool Shed $3,750 This is (NEEDED) to replace a late 70's (Butler Built) tool shed that we use to store our push mowers, weedeaters blowers etc. Page 102 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Parks and Recreation Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 (25,000) 48,000 68,466 59,696 61,550 49,753 69,628 8,078 60,000 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Loan Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93,466 59,696 86,550 49,753 69,628 (16,922) 178,000 Source Acct # State Aid Federal Aid Local Permits & Fees Other Financing Sources Totals Page 103 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Parks & Recreation Acct # Actual FY 2011 Source Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 4162 Concessions 15,718 5,147 4,300 1,701 3,588 (712) 4,000 4163 Recreation Fees 31,360 36,627 38,500 23,423 37,001 (1,499) 37,000 4166 Center Fees 19,094 17,365 18,000 13,679 18,089 89 18,000 4198 (Other) Miscellaneous 2,294 557 750 10,950 10,950 10,200 1,000 Subtotal 68,466 59,696 61,550 49,753 69,628 8,078 60,000 Federal Aid 0 0 25,000 0 0 (25,000) 48,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Loan Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93,466 59,696 86,550 49,753 69,628 State Aid Other Financing Sources Totals Page 104 of 204 (16,922) 178,000 Revenue Justification 4162 Concessions Recreation Center Rental at $25 per event 4163 Recreation Fees Adult Softball fee Park Reservations Softball Tournament Kickball- 6 Teams - $150 per team Adult Flag Football - $150 per team Youth Football Tackle- $80, not providing equipment Youth Flag Football Fee -$35 Youth Fast Pitch Soft Ball Parks & Recreation $4,000 $1,975 $2,025 $37,000 Pavilion rental $35 Field rental - $100 4163 Center Fees Room Rental $20 per hour for small room rental $30 per hour for medium room rental $50 per hour for large room rental $50 per hour for gymnasium rental $5,500 Picture Commission Youth Volleyball YSC-Little league YSC-Soccer Association - $5 per player 2 Youth Sports Complex Tournament Fees Per field rental fee - $75 Light charge per field, per hour $50 per hour Youth Sports Complex Tournament Parking 4 $5 per car (single); $10 per car (multiple occupancy) Arkadelphia Public School -girls sports Adult Volleyball - City league $150 per team $545 $2,375 $600 $600 $4,760 $3,570 $680 $18,630 $18,000 Daily Admissions $4 Activity Cards: Seniors $40 18-54 $45 to 18 $30 APS Students - $1 per month $4,365 Other Revenue Grants and donations from citizens supporting events. $1,000 Federal Aid Feaster trail - North 10th connector AHTD $48,000 State Aid State GIF for Girls softball fencing (YSC) $70,000 Page 105 of 204 $1,000 $2,750 $2,510 $525 $225 $9,760 $1,000 $600 $18,370 $3,676 $9,959 FY 2014 Expense Parks and Recreation Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Recreation & Culture 392,265 304,697 398,812 226,253 334,705 64,107 571,985 Totals 392,265 304,697 398,812 226,253 334,705 64,107 571,985 Source Acct # Page 106 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Parks & Recreation Acct # Item 5100 Personnel Costs 5200 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Requested FY 2014 194,688 187,898 207,351 128,185 189,946 17,405 207,969 Supplies 43,234 24,439 34,862 21,908 32,836 2,026 40,050 5300 Maintenance 11,383 15,447 21,000 10,434 19,763 1,237 38,000 5400 Miscellaneous 84,710 76,913 85,599 65,727 92,160 (6,561) 97,854 334,015 304,697 348,812 226,253 334,705 14,107 383,873 58,250 0 50,000 0 0 50,000 188,112 392,265 304,697 398,812 226,253 334,705 64,107 571,985 O & M Subtotals 5999 Capital Outlay TOTAL Page 107 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Parks & Recreation Department Full Time Authorized Positions Number 1 2 3 Employee Title Volz, Mike Director Burnside, Melia Administrative Assistant Kenny Evans Sports Supervisor Director - Cell Allowance Director - Car Allowance Subtotal Full Time Salaries Base Pay Unemply. 1.50% 43,199 22,736 26,520 480 4,200 648 341 398 7 63 97,135 1,457 Workers' Comp Retire 14.88% Fica 7.65% Insurance Total 112 59 69 1 11 6,428 3,383 3,946 71 625 3,305 1,739 2,029 37 321 5,556 4,026 5,556 0 0 59,249 32,284 38,518 597 5,220 253 14,454 7,431 15,138 135,868 Insurance Total Part-time Authorized Positions Number Employee Title Total Pay Workers' Comp 3.70% Retire 14.00% Fica 7.65% 8 months 7 months Park Maintenance To Be Filled (20 hr/wk) To Be Filled (20 hr/wk) Unemply. 1.50% Pk Mnt/Field Prep $7.50/hr Pk Mnt/Field Prep $7.50/hr 7,200 4,060 108 61 266 150 1,008 568 551 311 9,133 5,150 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months Recreation Center To Be Filled (15 hr/wk) Desk Aide $7.25/hr (NEW) TBF (20 hrs) Office/Book Keeping 7.25/hr To Be Filled (15 hr/wk) Desk Aide $7.25/hr To Be Filled (25 hr/wk) Laborer $8.00/hr 5,655 7,540 5,655 10,400 85 113 85 156 209 279 209 385 433 577 433 796 6,382 8,509 6,382 11,736 Page 108 of 204 Part-time Authorized Positions (CONT.) Number Title Total Pay Unemply. 1.50% Workers' Comp 3.70% Official at $12/game Official at $12/game Official at $12/game Scorekeeper at $7.25/game 504 504 504 305 8 8 8 5 19 19 19 11 39 39 39 23 569 569 569 344 Referee $12/game Referee $12/game Scorekeeper $6.25/game Scorekeeper $6.25/game 360 360 188 188 5 5 3 3 13 13 7 7 28 28 14 14 406 406 212 212 Umpire $15/game Umpire $15/game Scorekeeper $7.25/game 3,375 3,375 1,632 125 125 60 0 20 258 258 125 0 41 3,809 3,809 1,842 540 51 51 24 0 8 5,075 5,075 76 76 188 188 388 388 5,727 5,727 Subtotal Recreation Part Time 62,495 937 2,312 1,576 4,781 0 72,101 Subtotal Full Time Positions Subtotal Part Time Positions 97,135 62,495 1,457 937 253 2,312 14,454 1,576 7,431 4,781 15,138 0 135,868 72,101 Total Personnel 159,630 2,394 2,565 16,030 12,212 15,138 207,969 Employee Football Football Staff Football Staff Football Staff Football Staff 2 Youth Jamboree (BBall) 30 games Basketball Staff Basketball Staff Basketball Staff Basketball Staff Softball 225 games Softball Staff Softball Staff Softball Staff Volleyball 42 matches Volleyball Staff Baseball 28 weeks To Be Filled (25 hr/wk) 28 weeks To Be Filled (25 hr/wk) 42 games Referee $12/match YSC Grounds $7.25 hour YSC Grounds $7.25 hour Page 109 of 204 Retire 14.00% Fica 7.65% Insurance Total 609 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page Parks & Recreation Acct # Item 5201 Office & Computer 5202 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 3,117 2,484 3,000 2,134 2,407 593 4,000 Clothing & Uniform 467 514 1000 463 663 337 1,000 5203 Motor Vehicle 596 295 1000 43 917 83 2,000 5222 Fuel 570 584 1012 535 643 369 1,000 5204 Minor Tools 507 102 2000 1,042 1,605 395 1,500 5205 Janitorial 2,950 3,389 3,000 542 1,711 1,289 3,000 5206 Chemical 5,465 4,247 6,000 5,738 6,851 (851) 7,000 5207 Education/Recreation 11,694 9,068 12,300 9,361 13,963 (1,663) 14,000 5208 Buildings/Facilities 3,351 1,692 3,500 1,846 3,043 457 4,500 5210 Other/Safety 909 273 300 8 188 112 300 5211 Coffee 170 266 250 146 414 (164) 250 5212 Concession 13,438 1,525 1,500 51 431 1,069 Totals 43,234 24,439 21,908 32,836 2,026 34,862 Page 110 of 204 1,500 40,050 Supply Justification Parks & Recreation 5201 Office & Computer $4,000 Supplies for the operation of the P & R Department and administrative supplies. These expenses include: numbered receipt books, pens, pads, poster boards, legal pads, markers, computer lease and supplies, copy paper, new desktop for front desk, fax machine, printer and software, etc. 5202 Clothing & Uniform Staff hats and shirts used for identification. 5203 Motor Vehicle $2,000 Supplies for the truck, and Gator used by our staff. 5222 Fuel $1,000 This is based on approximately 222.22 gals for fuel at $4.50 per gallon. 5204 Minor Tools $1,500 Tools purchased for the grounds keepers and maintenance of fields, Recreation Center, and other facilities. 5205 Janitorial $3,000 Cleaning supplies, mops, brooms, disinfectants, deodorizers, buffing pads, vacuum bags, paper products, trash bags, etc. Grounds keepers and janitor purchase their supplies from this account. 5206 Chemical $7,000 Category used for fertilizer, seeds, plants, etc. for ball fields and parks. Also athletic field markers and other chemicals such as insect killers: Fertilizer Herbicide, weed killer, oil dry Round - Up Wasp, hornet, fire ant killer $1,000 $200 $400 $200 $1,100 Lining dust Lining paint Seeds Mound Clay and Field Dry Page 111 of 204 $600 $2,000 $200 $2,300 Supply Justification Parks & Recreation Pg 2 5207 Education/Recreation $14,000 Purchase supplies and awards for different programs offered by Parks & Recreation. Adult sports: $2,775 Youth sports: Rec Cntr & Spc Evnt: Softball Kickball Flag Football Volleyball Softball Tournament $1,135 $285 $435 $285 $635 $4,440 Football Basketball Baseball - Tourn. Volleyball $635 $385 $3,135 $285 $6,785 YSC Festival Crusin' In The Park Winter Event Halloween Activity Functions $250 $4,135 $500 $100 $1,800 (PP&K, Pitch Hit & Run, Hershey Track & Camp) 5208 Buildings/Facilities $4,500 Used to purchase building supplies such as signage$500, trash receptacles$500, extra chairs & tables $1000, etc. painting for YSC, park areas. 2 benches for Feaster Trail @ $1000 each. 5210 Other $300 Unexpected uncategorized items. Safety related items moved to this account. 5211 Coffee $250 Purchasing coffee supplies for the Recreation Center office, events, and meetings. 5212 Concession $1,500 Concession will be operated at the Recreation Center. This includes supplies for the Coke machine. Event t-shirts Page 112 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page Parks & Recreation Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Requested FY 2014 5301 Office Equipment 347 42 1,000 118 459 541 1,000 5302 Machinery 777 1,624 1,000 156 914 86 2,000 5306 Building/Facility 10,259 13,780 19,000 10,160 18,390 8,600 35,000 Totals 11,383 15,447 21,000 10,434 Page 113 of 204 19,763 9,227 38,000 Maintenance Justification Parks & Recreation 5301 Office Equipment $1,000 To maintain and repair computer, printers, fax, copy machine, phone, ID maker, and other office equipment. 5302 Machinery $2,000 Repairs to any machinery, equipment. Gator repair front axel and drag lift. 5306 Building/Facility Repairs and maintenance to facilities. Scheduled repairs Tuff management Paint and general upkeep Replace Water Fountian on Trail Repair scoreboard @ Feaster Replace/repair parking lot/park lights Repair Fence/ Dugouts Unanticipated Feaster Trail Overlay $35,000 $5,000 $4,000 $2,200 $700 $2,400 $4,000 $700 $16,000 $35,000 YSC / Feaster Rec Center & Parks Rec Center, River Park Amp. Feaster #3 & #4 Twin Rivers from approx. Cypress to upgraded section near 26th Page 114 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Parks & Recreation Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 5402 Insurance - Other 5,220 4,152 4,899 11,659 13,723 (8,824) 15,094 5404 Contracts & Special Services 3,813 3,277 4,200 3,473 5,379 (1,179) 6,860 5405 Advertising & Legal 2,047 1,945 5,500 625 3,940 1,560 5,000 5406 Association Dues & Meeting 1,627 1,030 2,500 3,353 2,407 93 2,400 5407 Telephone Service 7,153 6,529 7,200 4,878 6,155 1,045 7,200 5408 Electric Service 59,740 56,853 56,000 38,614 55,700 300 56,000 5409 Gas Service 4,552 2,771 4,500 2,725 3,725 775 4,500 5410 Postage & Shipping 243 356 300 0 356 (56) 300 5417 Refunds 315 0 500 400 775 (275) 500 84,710 76,913 65,727 92,160 (6,561) Totals 85,599 Page 115 of 204 97,854 Miscellaneous Justification Parks & Recreation 5402 Insurance - Other $15,094 To purchase accidental, property, and vehicle insurance. Property Annual - Secondary Accident Policy Supplemental Football Policy Vehicle Ins AML 5404 Contracts & Special Services $6,860 This covers the service contract on the elevator $600, security system fees 460 x 4 = $1,840, pest control at the Recr Center, and parks, Professional pre emergence and aeration. Musco Lighting maintenance fees $800 Feaster 3 & 4. **pest control $60x12= $720 for Rec and $25x3x12 =$900 for 3 concession stands $1,620. Tournament umpires $2000 5405 Advertising & Legal $5,000 Classified ads, bidding, promotions, and other required legal notices related to this department, and various educational/instructional/promotional marketing campaigns for Recreation Center and Youth Sports Complex. 5406 Association Dues & Meeting $2,400 Covers dues & meetings of the following: National Recreation Parks Association membership ARPA Membership, State Conference & lodging Fuel/Mileage reimbursement Sports Tournament Fees (District & State) $500 $500 $200 $1,200 5407 Telephone Service $7,200 Phone services at the Recreation Center (Phone, FAX, and DSL - 5 total lines). 5408 Electric Service $56,000 Electric Service at 26th Street Fountain, Clark Park, Feaster Park, Recreation Center, River Park, and Youth Sports Complex. 5409 Gas Service Gas services at the Recreation Center. 5410 Postage & Shipping Stamps and post card mail outs. 5417 Refunds $500 Refunds for those who drop out of Parks and Recreation and Recreation Center programs before participating. $4,500 $300 Page 116 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Parks & Recreation Acct # Item 5999 LWCF 09- Outdoor Parks Grant 5999 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Requested FY 2014 53,109 0 0 0 0 0 0 LWCF - Outdoor Parks Grant (Fencing) 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 5999 Feaster tail connector 0 0 0 0 0 0 76,112 5999 Girls softball field fencing (YSC) 85,000 5999 DeSoto Bluff (ALCOA grant) 10,000 5999 Ballfield / bunker utillity maintenance vehicle Totals 0.00 53,109 0.00 0 Page 117 of 204 0.00 50,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 17,000 188,112 Capital Justification Parks & Recreation 5999 Feaster Trail connector $76,112 5999 Girls softball field fencing (YSC) $85,000 5999 DeSoto Bluff Benches and tables $10,000 5999 Ballfield / bunker utillity maintenance vehicle For dressing fields. Includes attacthments: Center rake, front blade, drag and brush. $17,000 Page 118 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Police Department Source Acct # Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) State Aid Request FY 2014 6,300 Federal Aid Fines, Forfeitures & Costs Other 63,014 42,756 73,159 27,096 55,920 4,300 39,279 278,700 319,560 279,476 208,261 295,642 16,166 293,344 17,831 16,133 2,500 5,633 6,633 4,133 0 Other Financing Sources Loan Proceeds Totals 162,000 359,545 378,449 355,135 Page 119 of 204 240,990 358,195 24,599 500,923 FY 2014 Revenue Police Department Acct # 4121 4122 4123 4126 4128 Source Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 131,277 2,305 4,020 71,940 25,000 0 44,158 278,700 173,314 1,727 3,874 72,437 24,050 0 44,158 319,560 140,135 2,500 3,900 72,400 12,500 3,000 45,041 279,476 97,312 2,449 1,764 49,330 6,250 5,876 45,280 208,261 148,354 3,699 3,218 73,777 12,500 8,814 45,280 295,642 4198 Miscellaneous (Other) 17,831 16,133 2,500 5,633 6,633 4,133 0 4833 State Aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,300 4186 Federal Aid DTF Group 6 (NEU) Dept. of Justice JAG grant USDA Hybrid Car Grant 58,014 0 5,000 42,756 0 0 51,620 0 21,539 27,096 0 0 51,620 4,300 0 0 4,300 0 39,279 0 0 Subtotal 63,014 42,756 73,159 27,096 55,920 4,300 39,279 359,545 378,449 355,135 240,990 358,195 24,599 338,923 4183 Totals DTF Group 6 (NEU) Page 120 of 204 8,219 1,199 (682) 1,377 0 5,814 239 16,166 148,000 2,500 3,500 72,500 12,500 8,000 46,344 293,344 Bonds and Fines Parking Accident Act 1256 Dispatching Services Special Services Cops In School - SRO 1 Subtotals Revenue Justification Police Department 4121 Bonds and Fines $148,000 These costs are assessed by Municipal Court. This is a reflection of the economy, people are less able to pay and community service hours are up. 4122 Parking $2,500 Parking ticket revenues are down due to more time spent on traffic enforcement. 4123 Accidents $3,500 Revenue from accident report sales has increased due to increased accident report costs. (was $4.00 now $10.00) 4126 Act 1256 $72,500 Act 1256 established uniform filing fees for the court system. 4128 Dispatch Services $12,500 Revenues from contract with Caddo Valley Police Department. Special Services Fees for hiring officers for special events. $8,000 4198 Miscellaneous (Other) Other unanticipated revenue. 4183 Cops In School - SRO 1 & 2 $46,344 Funded (50%) by City of Arkadelphia and (50%) by Arkadelphia Public School District for SRO. 4833 4186 0 Drug Task Force - Group 6 $45,579 Currently the City is a member of Group 6 - Drug Task Force. Salary and 1/2 benefits are reimbursed under this grant. State Aid $6,300 Federal Aid $39,279 Page 121 of 204 FY 2014 Expense Police Department Source Acct # Law Enforcement 5998 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 1,530,857 1,492,468 1,729,232 1,053,676 1,616,201 113,031 1,775,867 Debt Service Totals 63,979 1,530,857 1,492,468 1,729,232 Page 122 of 204 1,053,676 1,616,201 113,031 1,839,846 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Police Department Acct # Item 5100 Personnel Costs 5200 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 1,316,468 1,328,053 Supplies 88,883 5300 Maintenance 5400 Miscellaneous O & M Subtotals 5999 Capital Outlay TOTAL BUDGET Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under 1,316,439 931,187 1,416,076 37,647 100,100 42,123 70,825 29,275 97,300 26,605 28,141 33,500 22,598 32,226 1,274 34,500 54,404 54,230 81,964 28,170 52,676 29,288 79,832 1,486,360 1,448,072 1,532,003 1,024,078 1,571,804 44,497 44,397 197,229 29,598 44,397 152,832 240,515 1,530,857 1,492,468 1,729,232 1,053,676 1,616,201 113,031 1,839,846 Page 123 of 204 (99,637) Requested FY 2014 (39,801) 1,387,699 1,599,331 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Employee Harris, A Jackson, J Yeagle, K Williams, A Palmer, D Cleek, D Jones, R. Evans, J Burnett, TJ Paull, J Shearin, J O'Brien, D Welch, D Abbott, A Burroughs, R Johnson, A Chaves, B Taylor, A Sayre, W. Burroughs, J Hasley, C Nowlin, C Campbell, J Pierce, D Campbell, K Cogburn, S Whitworth, B Whittle, J Overtime Subtotals Title Police Department Full Time Authorized Positions Base Pay Uniform Holiday 6.60% Chief 57,370 800 3,786 CID -Sgt 37,001 800 2,179 CID -Sgt 37,001 800 2,442 Sgt 33,680 800 Sgt 32,607 800 2,152 Sgt 32,607 800 2,152 Sgt 32,607 800 2,152 Cpl. 30,871 800 2,038 Cpl. 30,871 800 2,038 Cpl. 30,871 800 2,038 Cpl. 30,871 800 2,038 Patrolman 29,381 800 1,939 Patrolman 29,381 800 1,939 Patrolman 29,381 800 1,939 Patrolman 29,381 800 1,939 Patrolman 29,381 800 1,939 Patrolman 29,381 800 1,939 Patrolman 29,381 800 1,939 Patrolman 29,381 800 1,939 800 1,998 Code Enforcement 30,871 SRO1 Goza/Cpl. 30,871 800 1,998 Dispatch/Admin 24,853 800 1,640 Dispatch 24,853 800 1,640 Admin 29,381 800 1,939 Dispatch 24,853 800 1,640 Dispatch 24,853 800 1,640 NEU 40,973 0 0 SRO 2 AHS/Sgt. 32,607 800 2,152 20,400 1,346 905,921 21,600 54,522 Cert. 2,400 1,800 1,800 600 600 600 600 600 1,200 600 1,200 600 0 1,200 600 0 600 600 0 600 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,400 19,200 Page 124 of 204 Unemply. W. Comp Retire 0.75% 1.52% 14.88% 430 872 8,537 278 562 5,506 278 562 5,506 253 512 5,012 245 496 4,852 245 496 4,852 245 496 4,852 232 469 4,594 232 469 4,594 232 469 4,594 232 469 4,594 220 447 4,372 220 447 4,372 220 447 4,372 220 447 4,372 220 447 4,372 220 447 4,372 220 447 4,372 220 447 4,372 227 460 4,504 232 469 4,594 186 378 3,698 186 378 3,698 220 447 4,372 186 378 3,698 186 378 3,698 307 623 6,097 245 496 4,852 153 310 3,036 6,790 13,761 134,711 Fica Ins. 7.65% 4,389 4,026 2,831 4,026 2,831 5,556 2,577 4,026 2,494 5,556 2,494 5,556 2,494 4,026 2,362 4,026 2,362 4,026 2,362 4,026 2,362 4,026 2,248 4,026 2,248 4,026 2,248 5,556 2,248 4,026 2,248 4,026 2,248 5,556 2,248 4,026 2,248 5,556 2,315 4,026 2,362 5,556 1,901 4,026 1,901 4,026 2,248 5,556 1,901 0 1,901 4,026 3,134 4,026 2,494 4,026 1,561 69,257 120,942 Total 82,610 54,982 56,775 47,458 49,802 49,802 48,272 45,991 46,591 45,991 46,591 44,032 43,432 46,162 44,032 43,432 45,562 44,032 44,962 45,801 47,481 37,483 37,483 44,962 33,457 37,483 55,160 50,072 26,806 1,346,703 Personnel Allocation/Costs Police Department Part time Authorized Positions Number Employee Title Base Pay Uniform Holiday Cert. 6.60% 1 2 3 Batson, K - 24 hr/ PT Dispatch - 15.06 hr PT Dispatch -11.46 Billingsly, C Sparks, C PT Dispatch -11.46 Subtotals Total: 19,171 18,235 Unemply. Workers' Comp Retire Fica 1.50% 1.52% 14.88% 7.65% 288 193 291 369 Total 1,467 983 37,405 0 0 0 481 660 0 943,326 21,600 54,522 19,200 7,270 14,421 134,711 Page 125 of 204 Ins 2,450 21,216 19,780 0 40,996 71,706 120,942 $1,387,699 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page Police Department Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Requested FY 2014 5201 Office Supplies 10,062 9,544 10,000 1,675 2,512 7,488 10,000 5202 Clothing & Uniform 12,030 10,075 12,000 7,249 10,874 1,126 12,000 5203 Motor Vehicles Supplies 5,020 819 377 3,179 821 4,000 5222 Fuel 44,611 3,969 54,000 23,532 41,291 12,709 49,500 5204 Minor Tools 2,910 3,940 3,800 0 0 3,800 3,800 5205 Janitorial 2,204 2,312 3,000 1,889 2,833 167 3,000 5206 Chemical 95 302 1,500 225 337 1,163 1,500 5207 Educational 2,374 1,837 2,100 27 27 2,073 3,000 5208 Building/Facilities 4,086 260 3,200 2,042 3,064 136 3,500 5210 Other 5,491 4,590 6,500 5,108 6,709 (209) 7,000 Totals 88,883 37,647 100,100 42,123 70,825 Page 126 of 204 4000 29,275 97,300 Supply Justification Police Department 5201 Office Supplies $10,000 Staff anticipates the replacement of at least two obsolete computers plus normal supply purchases. 5202 Clothing & Uniform $12,000 This category is used to provide trousers, shirts, etc., and the replacement of unserviceable uniforms, as well as jackets and vests. Budgeted amount is lowered due to reduced turnover rate. 5203 Motor Vehicles $4,000 This category includes, oil, etc., for department owned vehicles. 5222 Fuel $49,500 Hybrid/conventional fleet estimated fuel is 11,000 gallons at $4.50 gallon. 5204 Minor Tools $3,800 This appropriation is for ammunition and the city's matching portion of hand gun agreements ($300) customarily come out of this account. Ammunition costs have increased. 5205 Janitorial $3,000 Covers supplies for cleaning of building at 5th and Clay. 5206 Chemical $1,500 Charges for chemical supplies used in criminal investigations comes out of this account. For example: fingerprint dusting powder, chemical spray for development of prints at crime scenes and fingerprint lifting tape and backing. 5207 Educational $3,000 Used for the purchase of materials for drug and alcohol awareness in the public schools. This account is also used for officer training where expenses are not covered by Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy. Additionally, in efforts to enhance public awareness of crime & safety issues, the department is participating in the Clark County Fair and the Recreation Center "Safe Halloween". 5208 Building/Facilities $3,500 Covers cost of supplies for routine maintenance. 5210 Other $7,000 Rechargeable flashlight batteries, portable radio batteries and parts for the radios. Replacing two hand held per year. Page 127 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page Police Department Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under 0 0 1,000 1,675 2,375 25,372 23,380 25,000 16,275 24,753 247 25,000 5301 Office Equipment 5303 Motor Vehicle 5304 Radio 585 4,272 6,500 4,648 4,648 1,852 6,500 5305 Instruments 648 490 1,000 0 450 550 1,000 26,605 28,141 33,500 22,598 32,226 1,274 34,500 Totals Page 128 of 204 (1,375) Request FY 2014 2,000 Maintenance Justification Police Department 5301 Office Equipment $2,000 This covers expenses repairing equipment not covered under service agreements, for example, the typewriters, shredder, adding machines, voice recorders, etc. 5303 Motor Vehicle $25,000 Outsourcing repairs and tires for motor vehicles. 5304 Radio $6,500 Equipment repair. New radios funded by JAG grant -$4,200. 5305 Instruments $1,000 Maintenance on radar, video cameras, shot gun locks, switch boxes, and a portable breathalyzer. Page 129 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Police Department Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance 6,566 6,684 6,684 1,411 1,411 5,273 7,352 5404 Contracts & Special Services 4,142 2,260 21,480 9,075 13,613 7,868 24,480 5405 Advertising & Legal 412 421 1,000 232 347 653 1,000 5406 Association Dues & Meetings 1,400 2,675 4,000 2,280 3,420 580 4,000 5407 Telephone Service 7,589 9,689 10,000 6,528 9,793 207 10,000 5408 Electric Service 9,500 8,784 9,400 447 8,964 436 9,400 5409 Gas Service 550 415 600 482 586 14 600 5411 Miscellaneous 3,194 4,226 6,400 0 160 6,240 600 5412 Equipment Rental 5,734 6,002 6,800 3,288 5,711 1,089 6,800 5419 Prisoner Support 14,782 12,738 15,000 4,060 8,120 6,880 15,000 5410 Postage and Shipping 535 337 600 368 552 48 600 54,404 54,230 81,964 28,170 52,676 29,288 79,832 Totals Page 130 of 204 Miscellaneous Justification Police Department 5402 Coverage per bid / Arkansas Municipal League. 5404 Contracts & Special Services $24,480 This account covers the maintenance contract on the radio console and repeater as well as the service contract on the mobile and portable radios, Employee Wellness Program, building cleaning services and other such needs. 5405 Advertising & Legal $1,000 Advertising for employment opportunities within the PD and requests for bids on equipment. 5406 Association Dues & Meetings $4,000 Arkansas Crime Information Center (ACIC) required training for dispatchers, recertification's, attendance at law enforcement training other than academy Criminal Justice Institute, subscriptions to trade publications and membership in the Arkansas Police Chief's Assn. come out of this account. The 2 SRO's and their training are charged to this account in addition to the Southwest Ark. Tech. English and Spanish courses for certification. Tuition reimbursement. 5407 Telephone Service $10,000 This account includes both telephone and DSL service currently through AT&T, and cell phone service. Cell phone replacements are also charged to this account. 5408 Electric Service This is the estimated cost of electric service. 5409 Gas Service $600 This is annual estimated costs for natural gas service at the department. 5411 Miscellaneous $600 All physicals and psychiatric exams on new hires are charged to this account. 5412 Equipment Rental $6,800 This category covers Arkansas Crime Information Center computer services, two terminals. 5419 Prisoner Support $15,000 These costs are driven by the number of APD arrests incarcerated at the County and other jails by their need for medical attention. 5410 Postage and Shipping $600 This account covers postage and shipping charges. Mailing costs associated with Code Enforcement included. $9,400 Page 131 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Police Department Acct # Actual FY 2011 Item 5999 Police Cars - 6 5998 Debt Service Police Cars (10) Debt Service Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 0 0 44,497 44,397 Police Cars (6) Debt Service Total 44,497 44,397 Page 132 of 204 162,000 Actual 8 months Year End Projection 0 0 17979 29,598 44,397 17250 0 29,598 197,229 (Over) Under Request FY 2014 0 176,536 (26,418) 29,598 0 17,250 34,381 44,397 152,832 240,515 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Police Department 5999 Police Cruisers (Debt Service) 10 Hybrid police cruiser final payment 8-2014 6 Hybrid police cruiser Final payment 12-2018 $29,598 $34,381 $2,865.08 12 months, pay off 1-2019 Police Cruiser 6 Hybrid police cruisers $176,536 $160,000 Financing required ($30,000 direct from 988 Fund) Page 133 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Sanitation Source Acct # Sanitation Fees Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 1,073,139 1,462,044 1,427,000 972,313 1,436,729 9,729 0 0 122,480 122,480 122,480 0 0 1,073,139 1,462,044 1,549,480 1,094,793 1,559,209 9,729 1,318,500 1,318,500 Other Financing Sources Loan Proceeds Totals Page 134 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Sanitation Acct # Source Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection 4371 Residential Collection 415,019 669,672 668,000 444,248 4372 Commercial Collection 414,469 520,865 519,000 345,985 4375 Dumping Fee Revenue 218,498 217,103 220,000 137,704 4198 Miscellaneous Revenue / Bag sales 25,153 54,405 20,000 35,948 666,372 0 518,978 0 206,556 0 36,396 State Aid Totals 1,073,139 Over (Under) Request FY 2014 (1,628) 666,000 (23) 519,000 (13,444) 123,000 16,396 10,500 27,465 0 8,428 8,428 8,428 0 1,462,044 1,427,000 972,313 1,436,729 9,729 1,318,500 Page 135 of 204 Revenue Justification Sanitation 4371 Residential Revenue $15.00 per month. $666,000 4372 Commercial Revenue Commercial rates. $519,000 4375 Dumping Fee Revenue $123,000 This revenue is received from Clark County, Gurdon, Arkansas Highway Department, and other small businesses. Eight month average of $14,748.32. Includes large item pick-fees(trees), tipping fees($44.00/ton), and some businesses billed separately that (Clark Co. is planning to open its own transfer station July 1) 4198 Miscellaneous Revenue - Bags $10,500 This revenue is derived from trash bag sales ($8.00 per roll) and recycling receipts earned through the sale of recyclables. We will not be going to Hot Springs anymore with our recyclables. We have partnered with the Arkadelphia Human Development Center in handling our paper goods and cardboard. Prices are very uncertain right now. Page 136 of 204 FY 2014 Department Expense Summary Sanitation Department Acct # Item Sanitation 5998 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Budgeted FY 2014 1,120,208 1,122,582 1,461,081 919,234 1,291,175 142,989 1,099,485 10,581 68,241 103,434 2,147 105,580 1,471,662 987,475 1,394,609 145,136 1,205,065 Debt Service Total 1,120,208 1,122,582 Page 137 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Sanitation Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Budgeted FY 2014 5100 Personnel Costs 466,803 493,807 510,112 336,067 504,100 6,012 514,470 5200 Supplies 232,765 230,352 230,186 133,387 202,230 27,706 205,260 5300 Maintenance 178,450 157,714 143,500 80,538 119,692 23,808 146,000 5400 Miscellaneous 242,190 240,710 286,555 159,179 219,896 66,659 186,255 1,120,208 1,122,582 1,187,524 709,171 1,045,919 124,184 1,051,985 158,480 141,822 141,822 16,658 47,500 105,581 68,241 103,434 2,147 105,580 1,461,081 919,234 1,291,175 142,989 O & M Subtotals 5999 Capital Outlay 5998 Debt Service TOTAL BUDGET 0 1,120,208 0 1,122,582 Page 138 of 204 1,205,065 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Sanitation Full Time Authorized Positions Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Employee Manning, D Ross, R Hill, T Akers, T Vail, M Brumley, D Rowland, B Summerville, C Brim, R House, D Smith, D Heyward, T Title Supt. Mechanic Driver Overtime Subtotal Number Employee Three days annually Vacant Subtotal Total Personnel Costs: Title Bag Deliverers 20hr/week Base Pay Workers' Comp 9.90% Unemply. 1.50% Retire 14.88% Fica 7.65% Insurance Total 52,758 28,239 27,676 23,036 29,934 25,868 24,698 23,223 22,211 22,655 22,211 22,211 791 424 415 346 449 388 370 348 333 340 333 333 137 2,796 2,740 2,281 2,963 2,561 2,445 2,299 2,199 2,243 2,199 2,199 7,850 4,202 4,118 3,428 4,454 3,849 3,675 3,456 3,305 3,371 3,305 3,305 4,036 2,160 2,117 1,762 2,290 1,979 1,889 1,777 1,699 1,733 1,699 1,699 5556 4026 4026 4026 4026 4026 5556 4023 4026 4026 4026 4026 71,130 41,846 41,092 34,878 44,117 38,671 38,634 35,126 33,773 34,368 33,773 33,773 17,900 269 1,772 2,664 1,369 0 23,973 342,620 5,139 28,833 50,982 26,210 51,369 505,154 Part Time Authorized Positions Workers' Base Pay Unemply. Comp $7.55/hr 1.50% 9.90% 453 0 0 7,540 746 Retire 14.88% 0 Fica 7.65% Insurance Total 0 577 0 453 8,863 7,993 0 746 0 577 0 9,316 350,613 5,139 29,580 50,982 26,787 51,369 514,470 Page 139 of 204 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page Sanitation Acct # Item 5201 Office 5202 Clothing & Uniform 5203 Motor Vehicles 5222 Fuel 5204 Minor Tools 5205 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 996 991 1,000 346 0 7,167 5,188 5,000 3,533 5,299 (299) 5,500 22,514 50,161 23,000 16,673 25,009 (2,009) 25,000 119,011 120,304 127,000 67,520 101,281 25,719 95,000 5 0 250 0 0 0 250 Janitorial 373 415 500 325 488 12 500 5206 Chemical Supplies 897 1,408 1,000 810 1,216 5214 Trash Bags 81,802 51,884 71,936 44,179 68,938 2,998 5210 Other 0 0 500 0 0 500 500 232,765 230,352 230,186 133,387 202,230 27,706 205,260 Totals Page 140 of 204 1,000 (216) 2,000 1,200 75,310 Supply Justification Sanitation 5201 Office $2,000 This category is for all office supplies. I have budgeted for a new computer. The one we have is a hand-me-down of a hand-me-down. 5202 Clothing & Uniform $5,500 This category is for uniforms for 12 employees with 5 changes. All shop towels and mats come out of this account. As a part of our safety program, the City furnishes a boot allowance for steel toe boots for 12 employees whose job description requires protective footwear. 5203 Motor Vehicles $25,000 This account is for all supplies needed for our vehicles except fuel. 5222 Fuel $95,000 With the purchase of new transfer and disposal trucks and trailers our fuel consumption has fallen considerably. Fuel prices are, however, still unstable. (Clark Co. is planning to open its own transfer station July 1) 5204 Minor Tools This is for any tools needed. 5205 Janitorial $500 All purchases of brooms, mops, toilet paper, and mop buckets are charged to this account. 5206 Chemical $1,200 This account is for car wash soap and any other chemicals needed. 5214 Trash Bags $75,310 Bid was for $74,175.59 per thousand for 850,000 bags. I also included one pallet of oversize bags for the parks. Cost for these was $1,132.80. 5210 Other $500 Ice supplies, door stickers, advertising for recycling promotion, and other items not listed above. $250 Page 141 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page Sanitation Acct # Item 5303 Motor Vehicle 5304 Radio 5306 Buildings/Facilities 5310 Dumpster Maintenance Totals Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 161,419 135,569 125,000 63,062 94,592 30,408 100,000 16 0 500 0 0 500 0 1,484 2,665 2,000 12,775 (11,100) 30,000 15,531 19,480 16,000 4,702 13,100 0 12,000 4,000 16,000 178,450 157,714 143,500 80,538 119,692 23,808 146,000 Page 142 of 204 Maintenance Justification Sanitation 5303 Motor Vehicle $100,000 With new equipment our maintenance expenditures have decreased steadily over the past three years. With the addition of a new front loader compactor truck this year costs should go down even more. 5304 Radio We don't use radios anymore. 5306 Buildings/Facilities $30,000 Staff is requesting more money to add on to our maintenance shop. We began this a couple of years ago with the pouring of the concrete floor. We also need to place more concrete on our grounds to help drainage as required by ADEQ. 5310 Dumpster Maintenance $16,000 The city has over 200 containers that we maintain by replacing rusted out bottoms and other repairs and painting them. We won't have to purchase any new ones in 2014. 100 85 31 $0 - 4 yd containers 6 yd containers 8 yd containers Page 143 of 204 FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Sanitation Acct # Item 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance 5404 Special Services/Association Dues 5407 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under 6,255 6,732 6,255 6,732 6,732 175 1,260 1,500 1,260 80 Telephone Service 2,282 2,522 2,800 1,952 2,928 5408 Electric Service 6,755 5,801 6,500 3,164 4,747 1,753 6,000 5409 Gas Service 2,126 1,710 2,500 1,606 2,409 91 2,500 5416 Landfill Fees 224,597 222,684 267,000 144,464 203,000 64,000 167,000 Totals 242,190 240,710 286,555 159,179 219,896 66,659 186,255 Page 144 of 204 (477) Request FY 2014 1,420 (128) 6,255 1,500 3,000 Miscellaneous Justification Sanitation 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance $6,255 Alliance Insurance Group / Arkansas Municipal League. 5404 Special Services $1,500 Licenses for the transfer station operators, Southwest Central Solid Waste Management District permits and fees. Combined associasion dues and meetings with the account. Employee Wellness Program. 5407 Telephone Service $3,000 This appropriation covers two phone lines, 246-1803, 246-1804 and 246-5212, and a cell phone for use in the transfer truck that makes 2-3 trips daily to Little Rock. Also, this category covers the Superintendent's cell phone. 5408 Electric Service This is based on historical usage. $6,000 5409 Gas Service This is based on historical usage. $2,500 5416 Landfill Fees $167,000 This amount is determined by the tonnage transported to both the Jefferson County landfill qt $18.60/ton and the Clark County landfill at $25.75/ton. Amount this year projects to be substantially less than the budgeted amount. Due to much uncertainty in this category, I am leaving this amount in the budget. (Clark Co. is planning to open its own transfer station July 1) Page 145 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Sanitation Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 5999 New transfer station (turn key) 0 61248 0 0 0 0 0 5999 Transfer trailers-3 0 204447 0 0 0 0 0 5999 Transfer truck (new) 0 113640 0 0 0 0 0 46565 79827 53218 79827 0 79827 5998 5 year financing-Annual payments 5999 Transfer truck (used) 0 23400 0 0 0 0 0 5999 Pick-up truck (three quarter ton) 0 0 18000 0 0 18000 0 5999 0 0 122480 122480 122480 0 0 5998 Knuckleboom Truck Knuckleboom Truck 5 year financing-Annual payments (12 mnths) 25754 15023 23607 2147 25753 5999 Pick-up truck (One ton) recycle 0 0 0 0 0 0 20500 5999 Pick-up truck (half ton) 0 0 18000 19342 19342 (1342) 0 5999 Front load compactor truck (lease) 0 0 0 0 0 0 29700 5999 Side Load Compactor Truck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5999 Backhoe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5999 Forklift 0 6000 0 0 0 0 0 5999 E-WasteRecyle Building 31965 0 0 0 Totals 0 487,266 Page 146 of 204 264,061 210,063 245,256 0 18,805 0 155,780 FY 2014 Capital Justification Sanitation Acct # Item 5999 5999 5999 New transfer station Transfer trailers-3 Transfer truck (new) Required financing 5 year financing-Annual payments Knuckleboom truck 5 year financing-Annual payments Total debt service 5998 5998 5998 5999 Pick-up truck (one ton) Front load compactor truck (lease) Total capital purchase 0 0 0 0 0 79,827 (2012- 12 months) 25,753 (2013- 12 months) 105,580 20,500 29,700 50,200 Page 147 of 204 Replacing 2000 Dodge 3,300 9 month lease of 24 months. Replacing 2000 Mack Street Fund Projected Revenues & Expenditures FY 2014 Street Fund Revenues Street Fund Ending Balance 2013 Projected Revenues Projected O&M Debt Service $102,526 $1,132,115 Street Fund Totals $1,234,641 Balance Remaining $22,857 Page 148 of 204 Expenditures $1,146,181 $65,603 $1,211,784 FY 2014 Revenue Street Department Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 Property Tax 49,912 52,157 52,211 20,985 52,609 (1,211) 52,000 Federal Aid 10,939 0 0 0 0 0 0 State Aid 510,465 490,011 557,204 330,204 562,000 4,796 722,000 13 15 14 9 13 (1) 15 Permits & Fees 2,897 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other 29,539 48,364 15,600 15,600 15,600 0 39,600 87,000 110,000 100,000 99,522 99,522 (478) 65,000 Source Acct # Interest Other Financing Sources Transfer In Loan Proceeds Totals 253,500 690,765 700,547 725,029 Page 149 of 204 466,319 729,744 3,106 1,132,115 FY 2014 Revenue Street Department Acct # Source 4202 Road Tax (Property Tax) 4103 State Turn back (State Aid) 4819 Transfers In 4201 Interest Earned 4230 4198 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 49,912 52,157 52,211 20,985 51,000 (1,211) 52,000 510,465 490,011 557,204 330,204 562,000 4,796 722,000 100,000 99,522 99,522 (478) 65,000 87,000 110,000 13 15 14 9 13 (1) 15 (Local Permits & Fees) 2,897 0 0 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous (Other) 29,539 48,364 15,600 7,881 15,600 0 39,600 Federal Aid 10,939 0 0 0 0 0 0 690,765 700,547 Totals 725,029 Page 150 of 204 458,600 728,135 3,106 878,615 Revenue Justification Street Department 4202 Road Tax (Property Tax) $52,000 This figure is based on historical taxes collected. 4103 State Turnback (Aid) $722,000 Street Turn back revenues. Amounts vary from $38,000 to $45,000 per month. Also includes State assistance from Presidential and or Governor declared disasters. Act 1 is estimated to produce an estimated $190,000 annually beginning July 1 2013. Staff anticipates $15,833 per-month for last 4 months of 2013. 4819 Transfers In Transfer from General Fund. 4201 Interest Earned Interest income from the Street Fund. 4230 Local Permits & Fees $0 Revenues from repairs to streets from utility companies. Utilities now making own repairs. 4198 Miscellaneous (Other) $65,000 $15 $39,600 Revenues in this category come from cell tower lease ($15,600/year), and other unanticipated revenue. Includes estimated revenue from sales of used equipment $24,000. Federal Aid 0 Federal assistance during a Presidential declared disasters. Loan Proceeds Funding to purchase (3) 5yd Dump Trucks for hot mixing. Page 151 of 204 FY 2014 Department Expense Summary Street Department Acct # Item Highway & Streets 5998 Actual FY 2011 707,250 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 691,074 Debt Service Total 707,250 691,074 766,142 Actual 8 month 446,554 Year End Projection 627,218 (Over) Under Budgeted FY 2014 138,924 48,632 36,474 48,632 0 814,774 483,028 675,850 138,924 Page 152 of 204 1,146,181 65,603 1,211,784 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Street Department Acct # Item 5100 Personnel Costs 5200 Supplies 5300 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 324,581 336,837 329,600 220,097 324,791 4,809 336,343 71,725 76,426 96,000 36,874 63,742 32,258 104,000 Maintenance 139,578 133,216 194,500 72,166 95,053 99,447 289,500 5400 Miscellaneous 118,224 95,963 97,410 80,944 95,000 2,410 140,338 5999 Capital 53,142 48,632 0 0 0 0 276,000 707,250 691,074 717,510 410,080 578,586 138,924 1,146,181 0 65,603 138,924 1,211,784 SUB TOTAL BUDGET 5998 Debt Service TOTAL BUDGET 48,632 707,250 691,074 Page 153 of 204 766,142 36,474 446,554 48632 627,218 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Street Full Time Authorized Positions Number Employee Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Myers, K Middelton, F Jensen, M Jester, B Taylor, R Williams, T Vacant Vacant Vacant 0ver time Total full-time costs Supervisor Crew Leader Mec/Crew Ldr Operator Operator Laborer Laborer Laborer Laborer Number 1 Employee Wilson, W Title Operator Total part-time costs Base Pay 50,927 37,503 32,220 26,930 23,515 23,515 23,515 0 0 16,000 234,125 Unemply. 1.50% Workers' Comp 4.25% 764 563 483 404 353 353 353 0 0 240 3,512 2,164 1,594 1,369 1,145 999 999 999 0 0 680 9,950 Part Time Authorized Positions Workers' Base Pay Unemply. Comp 1.50% 4.25% Retire 14.88% 7,578 5,580 4,794 4,007 3,499 3,499 3,499 0 0 32,457 Retire 14.88% Fica 7.65% 3,896 2,869 2,465 2,060 1,799 1,799 1,799 0 0 1,224 17,911 Fica 7.65% Insurance 4026 4026 4026 4026 4026 4026 4026 0 0 28,182 Insurance Total 69,355 52,135 45,358 38,571 34,191 34,191 34,191 0 0 18,144 326,137 Total 9,000 135 383 689 10,206 9,000 135 383 689 10,206 Total Personnel Costs 336,343 Page 154 of 204 FY 2014 Supply Summary Page Street Department Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 5201 Office 1,273 1,282 1,000 542 813 187 1,000 5202 Clothing & Uniform 6,748 3,647 3,500 1,153 1,730 1,770 3,500 5203 Motor Vehicles 22,569 15,804 20,000 2,721 15,500 4,500 20,000 5222 Fuel 21,346 24,983 31,500 17,946 26,919 4,581 40,000 5204 Minor Tools 5,197 5,375 7,500 2,552 5,250 2,250 7,500 5205 Janitorial 2,018 1,048 1,000 271 500 500 1,000 5206 Chemical Supplies 2,283 4,172 4,000 4,883 4,883 (883) 5,000 5207 Education/Training 0 0 500 0 0 500 500 5208 Building/Facilities 352 228 500 0 0 500 500 5210 Other 6,373 9,729 10,000 1,148 2,500 7,500 7,500 5220 Signage 2,932 9,408 10,000 2,863 4,500 5,500 7,500 5221 Streetlight/Traffic Control 634 752 6,500 2,795 5,795 705 10,000 71,725 76,426 96,000 36,874 68,390 27,610 104,000 Totals Page 155 of 204 Supply Justification Street Department 5201 Office Supplies $1,000 The account is for office supply items for the Street Department such as paper, toner, work orders, notebooks, etc. 5202 Clothing & Uniform $3,500 This covers change outs of shirts, pants, $100 steel toe boot allowance, jackets, t-shirts and winter coveralls for seven employees. 5203 Motor Vehicles $20,000 This account is for supplies such as freon, filters, tires, belts, grease, oil, and other necessary items for vehicle service. 5222 Fuel $40,000 Estimated 7000 gallons of fuel usage at $4.50 a gallon plus $10,000 increase for hot mixing program. 5204 Minor Tools $7,500 This account is for tools for the City trucks to operate on the streets: shovels, brooms, hammers, sledge hammers, loops for hot-mix, squeegees for slurry seal, and other items. This will include a one time purchase of mist cooler for shop. 5205 Janitorial $1,000 Annually items charged to this account are glass cleaner, hand cleaner, gojo cleaner, bathroom spray, roll towels, hand towels, brooms, toilet paper, and etc. 5206 Chemical Supplies $5,000 Detars and weed control are charged to this account. 5207 Education/Training $500 Staff has appropriated $500 for training and shop manuals. One example is CDL certification. Arkansas T2 programs are available at no cost. 5208 Building/Facilities For unanticipated repairs. 5210 Other $7,500 This account is for water coolers, nuts, bolts, sprayers, gloves, safety glasses, and other assorted supplies that doesn't fit in other categories. Beaver control is also paid for out of this account. Employee Wellness Program. Includes request for a new printer in 2014. 5220 Signage Replacement/Upgrades of signs. $7,500 5221 Streetlight/Traffic Control Upgrade to LED Lights at Goza. $10,000 $500 Page 156 of 204 FY 2014 Maintenance Summary Page Street Department Acct # Item 5301 Office Equipment 5303 Motor Vehicle 5304 Radio 5306 Buildings/Facilities 5316 5311 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under 0 0 500 438 919 34,930 43,311 35,000 18,013 27,500 7,500 55,000 778 289 6,500 0 0 6,500 6,500 9,276 6,362 7,500 2,732 5,228 2,272 7,500 Streetlights/Traffic Control 12,957 1,897 10,000 5,627 11,727 (1,727) 15,000 Street/Drive/Parking 81,637 81,357 135,000 45,356 89,610 45,390 205,000 139,578 133,216 194,500 72,166 134,984 59,516 289,500 Totals Page 157 of 204 (419) Request FY 2014 500 Maintenance Justification Street Department 5301 Office Equipment $500 This account is for the unanticipated repairs of the computer, printer, and copier at the Street Department. 5303 Motor Vehicle $55,000 This account is for maintenance of the Street Departments vehicles. Items repaired were water pumps, transmissions, motors, injectors, turbos, etc. Includes installation of new flat dump bed for 1999 Ford, $20,000. 5304 Radio $6,500 Start upgraging. 6 digital radios. Includes $2,500 GPS tracking software. Unable to fund in 2013. 5306 Buildings/Facilities Unanticipated repairs to facilities. 5316 Streetlights/Traffic Control Unanticipated repairs and upgrades. 5311 Street/Drive/Parking $205,000 $40,000 is required for the day to day maintenance of the streets and storm drainage.$165,000 is available for projects (see next page). $7,500 $15,000 Page 158 of 204 2014 Proposed Street Improvements Hot Mix NAME LENGTH(FT) LENGTH(YD) WIDTH(FT) WIDTH(YD) AREA SQ YDS Est. Price Forrest Park- Millcreek to 26th N15th-MH Russell to Country Club 23rd- Crawford to Caddo Crawford-22nd to 24th 2425 3209 1310 520 808 1070 437 173 29 22 30 28 10 7 10 9 7814 7844 4367 1618 Down Town Mirco Seal Main- 6th to 9th Clinton- 6th to 10th 7th- Clinton to Main 8th- Clinton to Main 9th- Clinton to Main 10th Clinton to Caddo 875 1150 225 225 225 210 292 383 75 75 75 70 42 39 33 28 28 30 14 13 11 9 9 10 4083 4983 825 700 700 700 11,992 $ Total Patching/Parking Walnut St. & Caddo St. Sidewalk Improvements Crack Sealing (down town area) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16th Street prep between Crawford and Main (pending availible funds) Walnut and South 10th (Main to Walnut) Pending appoval a state aid grant $250,000 The above list is recommended by the Street Supervisor for 2014. Page 159 of 204 49,853 50,046 27,859 10,321 BOARD APPROVED Staff recommends for 2014 Staff recommends for 2014 Pending availible funds Pending availible funds Estimated cost of $3.25 per sq yds 38,973 Staff recommends for 2014 25,000 5,000 Staff recommends Staff recommends FY 2014 Miscellaneous Summary Page Street Department Acct # Item 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance 5406 Association Dues & Meetings 5407 Telephone Service 5408 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY2014 8,767 8,862 10,620 17,808 17,808 193 80 250 80 120 2,421 2,738 3,000 2,199 3,298 (298) 3,500 Electric Service 95,940 80,700 80,000 58,288 87,432 (7,432) 90,000 5409 Gas Service 10,887 3,438 3,500 2,488 3,732 (232) 15,000 5412 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 5426 Miscellaneous 16 145 40 81 122 (82) 0 118,224 95,963 97,410 80,944 112,511 (15,101) 140,338 Totals Page 160 of 204 (7,188) 130 0 19,588 250 12,000 Miscellaneous Justification Street Department 5402 Property / Vehicle Insurance $19,588 Alliance Insurance Group / Arkansas Municipal League. 5406 Association Dues & Meetings $250 This account is for attending meetings and paying dues for any professional organization pertaining to the Street Department. 5407 Telephone Service $3,500 Currently this appropriation covers the Street department mainline (246-1802), FAX line, internet provider service and three cell phones. 5408 Electric Service $90,000 This account is primarily for streetlights as well as the Street Department electrical service and traffic signals. 5409 Gas Service $15,000 This is primarily gas service for the hot mix plant, as well as Street Department shop. 5412 Equipment Rental $12,000 Undetermined projects within the course of next year that may require rental of unspecified equipment. Includes up to four months lease for front end loader for hot mixing season. 5426 Miscelaneous Bank account service fees $0 Page 161 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary Street Department Acct # Item 5999 (3) 5yd Dump Trucks (Hot Mix) 5999 1/2 Ton Pickup Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 253500 22500 Backhoe 5999 0 One Ton Truck & Bed 27241 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 27241 0 0 0 0 0 276000 5999 Side arm mower & Sweeper (Debt Srv) 48632 48632 48632 0 48632 0 24608 5999 (3) 5yd Dump Trucks (Hot Mix)(Debt Srv) 40995 Page 162 of 204 Capital Justification Street Department 5999 Side arm mower and Sweeper (Debt Service) $ 24,608 These two items are vital in the operations of the street department. (Debt Service) Pay-off 4-2014. 5999 (3) 5yd. Hot Mix Trucks (Loan Proceeds) $253,500 These trucks are vital to the Hot Mix Program and have gone past there usefull life.They will replace a 1975, 1980 and 1981model. We plan to use the five year payment option that is allowed by state law. (Debt Service) 5999 1/2 Ton Pickup $22,500 This truck is needed to replace a 1992 model that was handed down to us from the Water Dept. 5999 Backhoe This is needeed to replace a machine that is 14 years old. $0 Page 163 of 204 FY 2014 ARKADELPHIA WATER & SEWER UTILITIES Ending Balance 12/31/13 $ 4,131,374 Anticipated Water & Sewer Revenues Total Funds Available $ 2,852,842 $ $ $ 2,208,375 205,312 189,989 $ 6,984,216 $ 2,603,676 $ 1,197,092 TOTAL EXPENSES AND CAPITAL ITEMS/ PROJECTS $ 3,800,768 12-31-2013 ESTIMATED ENDING BALANCE $ 3,183,448 EXPENSES: Operation & Maintenance Requests Bond Payment for 1992 RLF Issue (Sewer - retires 2015) Bond Payment for 2004 RLF Issue (Water - retires 2027) SUBTOTAL OF EXPENSES CAPITAL ITEMS AND DEPRECIATION Capital Expenditures Depreciation Expenditures $ $ 944,050 253,042 SUBTOTAL OF CAPITAL ITEMS AND DEPRECIATION NET CHANGE IN CASH BALANCE DEPRECIATION ALLOCATION PER AUDIT ESTIMATE NET INCOME (LOSS) Page 164 of 204 $ (947,926) $ (738,264) $ (1,686,190) FY 2014 RESTRICTED & UNRESTRICTED CASH BALANCES AUGUST 31, 2013 RESTRICTED CASH BALANCES: Depreciation Fund Depreciation Reserve - C.D. 2004 Filter Project Fund – C.D. Customer Deposit Fund Customer Deposit Fund - C.D. 2004 Construction Fund $ $ $ $ $ $ 201,674 400,000 100,000 125,480 100,000 66,957 Committee Action Reserve - C.D. $ 500,000 TOTAL RESTRICTED CASH BALANCES $ 1,494,111 $ $ $ $ $ $ 250,170 1,750,000 5,666 294,756 253,623 31,048 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED CASH ASSETS $ 2,585,263 TOTAL CASH BALANCES $ 4,079,374 UNRESTRICTED CASH ASSETS: Combined Revenue Fund Checking Combined Revenue Fund - C. D. Construction Fund Checking Combined Savings Operation & Maintenance Checking Depreciation Fund Checking Page 165 of 204 FY 2014 Revenue Water & Sewer Utilities Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 0 0 0 0 0 Water Revenue 1,696,531 1,780,553 1,795,524 1,079,665 1,669,229 Sewer Revenue 1,042,128 1,020,023 1,016,660 665,143 997,715 (18,946) 1,023,412 Penalties 46,552 46,859 46,100 32,566 48,849 2,749 48,765 Tie Ons 21,625 20,855 24,780 16,510 24,053 (728) 23,000 Other 89,850 24,626 82,967 65,344 95,612 12,645 20,800 2,896,686 2,892,916 2,966,031 1,859,228 2,835,457 (130,574) 2,844,142 14,356 9,043 13,000 4,106 5,310 (7,690) 8,700 Source Acct # Federal Aid Subtotal Interest Budgeted Actual 2013 Year End FY 2013 8 month Projection Sub total Over (Under) Request FY 2014 0 0 (126,295) 1,728,165 2,852,842 Other Financing Sources Transfers In * 0 Loan Proceeds Totals 2,911,042 2,901,959 2,979,031 1,863,334 Page 166 of 204 2,840,767 (138,264) 2,852,842 FY 2014 Revenue Acct # Source Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budget Actual 2013 FY 2013 8th Month Year End Projection Over (Under) Request FY 2014 301 302 303 304 305 306 WATER DEPT. Water Sales Tie-Ons Street Cuts RH/CG Surcharge FSDW Fee Miscellaneous WATER TOTAL 1,696,531 15,100 3,000 12,300 14,351 22,816 1,764,098 1,726,508 13,930 1,750 12,440 14,407 25,448 1,794,483 1,795,524 14,880 2,625 12,480 14,400 24,300 1,864,209 1,079,665 9,035 2,000 9,320 9,612 18,810 1,128,442 1,669,229 13,553 3,000 13,660 14,418 28,215 1,742,075 (126,295) (1,328) 375 1,180 18 3,915 (122,135) 1,670,000 12,500 2,500 12,960 14,760 27,945 1,740,665 321 322 323 325 326 327 328 SEWER DEPT. Sewer Revenue Tie-Ons Sewer Street Cuts N. 15th St. Surchg. Miscellaneous Hauled Liquid Waste Friendship Dr. Surchg. SEWER TOTAL 1,042,128 6,525 6,500 2,880 0 0 720 1,058,753 1,011,099 6,925 4,500 2,679 0 1,025 720 1,026,948 1,016,660 9,900 5,000 2,592 100 500 720 1,035,472 665,143 7,475 6,500 1,728 0 2,375 460 683,681 997,715 10,500 9,000 2,592 0 3,200 690 1,023,697 (18,946) 600 4,000 0 (100) 2,700 (30) (11,776) 1,008,000 10,500 9,000 2,592 100 3,000 720 1,033,912 46,552 14,356 608 18,700 475 7,500 0 46,859 9,043 4,474 19,430 722 0 0 46,100 13,000 1,000 18,650 600 0 0 32,566 4,106 580 13,625 334 0 0 48,849 5,310 736 19,600 501 0 0 2,749 (7,690) (264) 950 (99) 0 0 48,765 8,700 750 19,500 550 0 0 ADMIN. TOTAL 88,191 80,528 79,350 51,211 74,996 (4,354) 78,265 TOTAL REVENUE 2,911,042 2,901,959 2,979,031 1,863,334 2,840,767 (138,264) 2,852,842 370 371 372 373 374 376 377 ADMINISTRATIVE Penalties Interest Income Miscellaneous Service Charges Bad Debts Collected Gain on Sale of Equip. Federal Aid (Grants) Page 167 of 204 FY 2014 WATER REVENUE JUSTIFICATION 301 Water Sales $ 1,670,000 This amount is the estimated revenue from the sale of water. All steps of the last rate increase have been implemented. 302 Tie-Ons -Water $ 12,500 The estimated amount generated by new taps or connections to the water system. Residential taps cost $325. Other taps range in cost depending on the size and the cost of the parts. Our most expensive tap is $2000 for a six-inch tap. There are also tie on fees that are charged when a developer installs a line and the utility does not make a physical tap. The tie on fee per meter is $35. 303 Street Cuts $ 2,500 Estimated amount collected from customers when a street cut is necessary for a water tap. Street cuts are $500 each. 304 Red Hill Road/Cedar Grove Surcharge $ 12,960 These charges are collected to repay the cost of extending the water line to the Red Hill Road and Cedar Grove residents. The charges will be discontinued when the cost of the line is recovered. Each customer pays $20.00 per month in addition to their monthly bill. Currently averaging $1,080.00 per month, 54 customers. 305 Federal Safe Drinking Water Fee $ 14,760 This fee is 30 cents per meter. It is collected and passed through to the Arkansas Department of Health for drinking water testing. The testing as required by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. Estimate is based on 4,100 customers per month. 306 Miscellaneous (Other) $ 27,945 Income generated from any other source, including income from the cell tower space lease with Verizon, which is now $2,328.75 per month. Page 168 of 204 FY 2014 SEWER REVENUE JUSTIFICATION 321 Sewer Revenue $ 1,008,000 This is the estimated revenue for sewer service. Sewer charges are calculated yearly based on an average of the four winter month's water usage. The new calculated amount each year is assessed beginning in April. All steps of the last rate increase have been implemented. 322 Tie-on Fees $ 10,500 Amount projected to be collected from new connections to the sewer system. Sewer taps cost $325 for a four or six-inch residential tap. Sewer tieon fees are charged when a developer installs the sewer tap. The Utility collects $25 for each unit being connected in this manner. 323 Street Cuts $ 9,000 Projected amount to be collected from a customer when a street cut is necessary for a new sewer tap. Street cuts are $500 each. 325 N. 15th Street Surcharge $ 2,592 Based on the number of customers currently connected to the North 15th Street sewer line. Repays the utility for the cost of installing the main. Currently it is $216 per month. Nine homes are currently receiving service that are connected with the surcharge being $24 per month per bill. 326 Miscellaneous Income generated from any other source. 327 Hauled Liquid Waste $ 3,000 New program started in 2012 where the utility will be accepting septic tank waste from licensed haulers in Clark County. The annual permit per hauler is $250. Each load dumped is $75. 328 Friendship Drive Surcharge $ 720 This is another project installed by the City to an area with no sewer. Residents pay a $20 surcharge on their monthly bill until the cost of the materials is recovered. Three customers are paying the surcharge at this time. $ 100 Page 169 of 204 FY 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE REVENUE JUSTIFICATION 370 Penalties $ 48,765 Income generated from late fees that are charged when the customer does not pay their bill by the 10th of the month. The penalty for paying the bill late is 10% of the bill. 371 Interest $ 8,700 Income received from interest bearing bank accounts; CD's, savings, and checking accounts. The CD's are placed by competitive bidding. We have varied the maturity terms of the CD's in an effort to get better interest rates. Current terms are from 12 to 36 months. 372 Miscellaneous Any other source of income. 373 Service Charges $ 19,500 Reconnect fees and returned check charges make up this service charge. Reconnects are collected when a customer is turned off for non-payment. The fee for Collection/Disconnect is $25. The fee for returned checks is also $25. 374 Bad Debts Collected $ 550 Bad debts are the bills left unpaid when a customer moves and does not pay their bill. If they return and desire service again, staff collects the bad debt before service is restored. $ 750 Page 170 of 204 FY 2014 Expense Water & Sewer Utilities Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 2013 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 2,561,773 1,869,203 2,583,263 1,268,188 2,218,470 364,793 3,405,467 Debt Service 395,300 395,301 395,300 395,300 395,300 0 395,301 Depreciation* 744,231 716,184 766,751 766,751 766,751 0 738,264 3,701,304 2,980,688 3,745,314 2,430,239 1,817,681 589,850 4,539,032 Source Acct # Water & Sewer Utilities Other Financing Sources Loan Proceeds Totals *Estimated from Auditor Page 171 of 204 Acct. # Expense Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budget FY 2013 Actual 2013 8th Month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 400 Water Treatment 556,677 560,671 693,552 377,557 593,497 100,055 694,675 500 Sewer Treatment 155,909 187,666 225,305 116,793 197,282 28,023 236,962 600 Water Distribution 327,407 308,239 373,057 227,168 348,709 24,348 369,381 700 Sewer Collection 227,437 216,538 289,006 140,980 232,931 56,075 219,078 800 Common 251,127 243,554 326,487 199,243 285,515 40,972 355,481 900 Administration 278,139 299,845 330,241 198,902 301,481 28,760 332,798 1,796,696 1,816,513 2,237,648 1,260,643 1,959,415 278,233 2,208,375 O & M Subtotal 991 Capital 377,382 40,133 314,500 5,903 244,575 69,925 944,050 992 Depreciation Expenditures 387,695 12,557 31,115 1,642 14,480 16,635 253,042 2,561,773 1,869,203 2,583,263 1,268,188 2,218,470 364,793 3,405,467 TOTAL Page 172 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Water Treatment Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 2013 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Personnel Costs 186,254 197,677 207,309 138,040 207,060 249 211,075 Supplies/Maint/Miscellaneous 365,536 362,994 486,243 239,517 387,592 98,651 483,600 TOTAL 551,790 560,671 693,552 377,557 594,652 98,900 694,675 Acct # Item Page 173 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Water Treatment Full Time Authorized Positions Title Base Pay Unemply. 1.50% Workers' Comp 1.88% Retire 14.88% Fica 7.65% Cert Pay Insurance Total Supervisor Treatment Operator Treatment Operator Treatment Operator Treatment Operator 37,975 26,550 24,758 22,210 22,759 570 398 371 333 341 714 499 465 418 428 5,651 3,951 3,684 3,305 3,387 2905 2,031 1,894 1,699 1,741 1,750 1,750 1,750 0 0 5,556 4,026 4,026 4,026 5,556 55,120 39,205 36,949 31,991 34,212 Overtime 10,800 162 203 1,607 826 0 0 13,598 Total Personnel 145,052 2,176 2,727 21,584 11,096 5,250 23,190 211,075 Number 1 2 3 4 5 Employee Dale Box Roy Springer Cory Johnson Chad Russell Thomas Fagan Page 174 of 204 FY 2014 Supply/Maint/Miscellaneous Summary Water Treatment Acct # Item 400 Treatment Chemicals 401 Supplies 402 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 2013 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 0 156,369 155,000 62,771 116,000 39,000 150,000 142,884 5,874 10,000 9,518 14,277 (4,277) 15,000 Line Maint. & Repairs 7,135 9,780 14,000 4,043 9,471 4,529 10,000 403 Equipment Repair 9,658 8,571 10,000 4,184 6,276 3,724 10,000 404 Pump Maint. & Repairs 6,152 7,095 72,843 35,209 41,700 31,143 20,000 405 Instrumentation 6,236 1,350 20,000 710 1,065 18,935 20,000 406 Contract Services 30,189 449 5,000 2,586 3,879 1,121 58,800 407 Utilities 140,324 151,552 155,000 98,421 159,900 (4,900) 165,000 408 Communications 4,143 4,435 5,500 3,247 4,871 630 5,500 411 Miscellaneous 4 159 350 40 60 290 350 420 Cross Connection Prog. 303 158 400 0 400 0 400 421 FSDW 14,400 14,400 14,400 9,600 14,400 0 14,400 422 Safety 323 494 850 249 700 150 850 426 Building/Facility Maintenance 2,940 998 21,700 8,929 13,394 8,307 12,000 440 Permit Fee 510 1,310 1,200 10 1,200 0 1,300 449 Contingency 335 0 0 0 0 0 0 365,536 362,994 486,243 239,517 387,592 98,651 483,600 Total Page 175 of 204 Water Treatment Justification 400 Treatment Chemicals $ 150,000 Chemicals used in the process of treating the raw water in the finished product. Prior to 2012, chemicals were combined in #401 with supplies. This split has allowed the water plant personnel to more accurately track costs of production. 401 Supplies $ Assorted items necessary for water plant operations. 402 Line Maintenance & Repairs $ 10,000 Repairs to lines and appurtenances at the Treatment Plant. There are lines from the river to the plant and from all treatment processes through the plant to the clearwells and from the high service pumps into the system. Most are 10 inches or larger. 403 Equipment Repair Repairs to lab equipment, or other equipment. 404 Pump Maintenance & Repairs $ 20,000 Maintenance and repairs to all versions of critical pumps at the Water Plant - raw water, backwash, and high service pumps. #3 intake pump and electric motor upgrade Board approved is $33,843. Includes $2,150 for spare motors for pumps at two water tanks. 405 Instrumentation $ 20,000 Covers cost of instruments used in lab and treatment plant. Again, includes $17,500 to replace turbidimeters as needed on Raw water, Finished water, #1 filter, and #2 filter with LED ones, only to be replaced as current ones malfunction. The finished water one would include a degasser that would be more efficient in that spikes caused by air in the lines would be eliminated. 406 Contract Services $ 58,800 This pays for work to be done that staff cannot do "in house" such as professional calibrations of meters and lab equipment, work on controls, etc. Includes $53,800 to clean our filter backwash ponds, normal three to five year maintenance. 407 Utilities $ 165,000 Electrical costs and gas costs are paid from this fund. 408 Communications Telephone, radios, and cell phones. $ $ 15,000 10,000 5,500 Page 176 of 204 Water Treatment Justification 411 Miscellaneous $ For expenses that are not budgeted in other categories. 350 420 Cross Connection Program $ 400 This covers the cost of monitoring and testing all the domestic and non-commercial backflow prevention devices in the City. This is a cost-saving service to our customers as they don't have to have their equipment tested independently. 421 FSDW $ 14,400 This fee is collected and passed through the department and paid to the Arkansas Department of Health to cover drinking water testing at the State lab and assures compliance with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. Currently paying $1,200 per month. 422 Safety $ 850 Money to be used to insure employee safety. May be used for equipment or other safety related needs. 426 Building/facility Maintenance $ 12,000 Painting and repairs of buildings at the water treatment facilities. 440 Permit Fee $ 1,300 Paid to Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality for backwash ponds permit. This fee is paid annually in November. Page 177 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Sewer Treatment Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 2013 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Personnel Costs 113,497 117,686 132,055 81,211 121,817 10,238 139,212 Supplies/Maint/Miscellaneous 42,412 69,980 93,250 35,582 72,254 18,630 97,750 TOTAL 155,909 187,666 225,305 116,793 194,070 28,868 236,962 Acct # Item Page 178 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Sewer Treatment Full Time Authorized Positions Number 1 2 3 Employee Vacant Christi Daniel Wes Lemons Overtime Total Title WW. Supt. WW Operator WW Operator Unemply. 1.50% Workers' Comp 1.88% 37,975 26,458 26,456 570 397 397 714 497 497 5,651 3,937 3,937 2,905 2,024 2,024 4,500 68 85 670 344 95,389 1,431 1,793 14,194 7,297 Base Pay Page 179 of 204 Retire 14.88% Fica 7.65% Cert Pay Insurance 2,000 1,750 1,750 Total 4,026 5,556 4,026 53,840 40,619 39,087 0 0 5,666 5,500 13,608 139,212 FY 2014 Supply/Maint/Miscellaneous Summary Sewer Treatment Acct # Item 500 Treatment Chemicals 501 Supplies 502 Maintenance & Repairs 503 Equipment Repair 504 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budget Actual 2013 FY 2013 8th Month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 0 12,152 7,500 3,422 5,133 2,367 7,500 10,964 13,453 13,000 10,131 15,197 (2,197) 15,000 2,515 3,847 5,500 459 1,250 4,250 5,000 669 2,719 7,500 9,229 13,844 (6,344) 15,000 Pump Maint. & Repairs 1,426 5,856 8,000 1,786 6,909 1,091 8,000 505 Instrumentation 2,123 1,367 2,500 329 494 2,007 2,000 506 Contract Services 4,896 7,084 8,000 6,403 8,447 507 Utilities 4,667 2,705 5,500 1,607 3,007 2,493 5,000 508 Communications 2,455 2,674 3,100 1,911 2,867 234 3,100 511 Miscellaneous 14 121 150 0 150 0 150 520 Industrial Pretrmt. Prog. 0 0 10,000 0 0 10,000 10,000 522 Safety 279 491 2,500 305 458 2,043 2,000 526 Building Maintenance 0 10,011 10,000 0 4,500 5,500 6,000 540 Permit Fee 7,000 7,500 10,000 0 10,000 0 10,000 549 Contingency 1,480 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,488 69,980 93,250 35,582 72,254 18,630 97,750 TOTAL Page 180 of 204 (447) 9,000 Sewer Treatment Justification 500 Treatment Chemicals $ 7,500 Chemicals used in the operation and maintenance at the Wastewater Plant. Prior to 2012, chemicals were combined in #501 with supplies. This split allows personnel to more accurately track costs. Recently changed chemicals at oxidation ponds for a safer zone. 501 Supplies $ 15,000 Assorted items necessary for wastewater treatment - lab/testing supplies, pipe, fittings, etc. 502 Maintenance and Repairs $ 5,000 Covers repairs on the lines inside the treatment facility and on the discharge line that runs from the Treatment Plant to the river. Also includes valves, weirs, and other equipment on site. 503 Equipment Repair $ 15,000 Equipment repair in the Treatment system, flow meters, baffles, injectors, Harvester and other equipment. 504 Pump Maintenance and Repairs $ 8,000 Five pumps are maintained within the treatment system. Two are at the industrial waste pond, two are chemical feed pumps and one is on the effluent and is used to recirculate water to the chemical feed pumps. 505 Instrumentation $ 2,000 For Wastewater Lab and plant, includes sampling device repairs, batteries, portable ph meters, etc. 506 Contract Services $ 9,000 Contracts for lab services, priority pollutant scans, and other services to meet permit requirements. Revised permit from ADEQ includes new testing parameters for Phosphorus and Nitrites. We are now outsourcing this testing as well. 507 Utilities $ 5,000 Electricity at Wastewater Treatment Plant. The pumps, aerators, flow monitoring equipment, and heat all run off electricity. 508 Communications $ 3,100 Includes telephone, radios, and cell phones for the Treatment Plant and lab. Some of the monitoring controls are connected by telephone lines. Page 181 of 204 Sewer Treatment Justification 511 Miscellaneous $ 150 This covers items that do not fit into other budget areas. 520 Industrial Pretreatment Program $ 10,000 This program will be used to monitor industrial discharges and develop a full pretreatment permitting and testing program if required by the State. Currently, staff samples, tests, and works with the industry to maintain compliance. 522 Safety $ 2,000 To ensure employee safety and compliance with State and Federal Safety guidelines. 526 Building Maintenance $ 6,000 Covers the lab building and sewer pump buildings at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 540 Permit Fee $ 10,000 Paid to ADEQ for NPDES permit on the ponds at the Wastewater Treatment Facility. This fee is paid annually in November. Page 182 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Water Distribution Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 2013 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Personnel Costs 205,418 201,048 207,957 149,987 224,981 (17,023) 211,531 Supply/Maint/Miscellaneous 121,989 107,191 165,100 77,181 122,419 42,682 157,850 Total 327,407 308,239 373,057 227,168 347,399 25,658 369,381 Acct # Item Page 183 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Water Distribution Full/Part Time Authorized Positions Number 1 2 3 4 5 Employee David M. Green Ryan Arnold Vacant John Rutherford Brad Williams Overtime Total Title Field Supt. Field Foreman Field Oper. Field Oper. Field Oper. Unemply. Workers' Comp Retire Fica 1.50% 1.88% 728 610 470 488 426 14.88% 5,762 4,830 3,721 3,864 3,371 7.65% 3,200 48 60 148,019 2,220 2,783 Base Pay 38,726 32,460 25,009 25,968 22,656 581 487 375 390 340 Cert Pay Insurance Total 2,963 2,483 1,913 1,987 1,733 1,250 1,250 0 500 500 4,026 5,556 4,026 4,026 4,026 54,036 47,676 35,515 37,222 33,052 476 245 0 0 4,029 22,025 11,323 3,500 21,660 211,531 Water Distribution and Sewer Collections personnel work between both deaprtments depending on workload. Page 184 of 204 FY 2014 Supply/Maint/Miscellaneous Water Distribution Acct # Item 602 Line Maint. & Repairs 603 Equipment Repair 604 Pump Maint. & Repairs 605 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budget FY 2013 Actual 2013 8th Month 76,610 62,951 610 493 1,200 0 0 Instrumentation 658 606 Contract Services 607 Utilities 608 Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 63,850 31,150 95,000 0 1,000 200 1,200 1,000 0 750 250 1,000 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 1,000 135 2,526 14,500 6,504 9,756 4,744 9,500 28,666 37,790 40,000 24,882 37,323 2,677 40,000 Communications 1,410 1,484 2,000 1,033 1,550 451 2,000 610 Street Repair 7,991 1,096 7,500 2,800 5,400 2,100 7,000 611 Miscellaneous 0 167 150 18 90 60 150 622 Safety 660 684 2,750 2,433 2,700 50 1,000 649 Contingency 3,016 0 0 0 0 0 0 107,191 165,100 77,181 TOTAL 119,756 95,000 Page 185 of 204 39,511 122,419 42,682 157,850 Water Distribution Justification 602 Line Maintenance and Repairs $ 95,000 Water line repairs, valves, taps, etc. Includes pipe, valves, repair parts, hydrants, meters and all other materials and supplies necessary to maintain the water distribution system. 603 Equipment Repair Pumps, saws, mowers, etc. 604 Pump Maintenance and Repairs $ 1,000 Water pump station repairs and repairs to pumps used in the construction and repair of the water system. 605 Instrumentation $ 1,000 For line locating equipment and other devices used in mapping and location of lines. 606 Contract Services $ 9,500 Pays for hiring of services that cannot be performed with "in-house" crews. Includes road bores that might be necessary. Includes money to install valves on lines that cannot be shut down if repairs are needed. Such valves are installed on "hot" lines while in service. 607 Utilities Gas and electricity to the water pumping stations and water tanks. $ 40,000 608 Communications Radio, phones, and cell phones. $ 610 Street Repair $ 7,000 Pays for repairs when streets are cut for line maintenance or repair. Utility crew is now repairing street cuts and projects, rather than the Street department doing the work. Concrete costs and cold mix will be in this category. 611 Miscellaneous This covers items that do not fit into other budget areas. 622 Safety $ 1,000 Items to ensure employee safety and compliance with State and Federal Safety standards. $ $ 1,200 2,000 150 Page 186 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Sewer Collection Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 2013 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Personnel Costs 130,648 141,097 174,156 96,802 145,203 28,953 119,678 Supplies/Maint/Miscellaneous 96,789 75,441 114,850 44,178 72,174 42,676 99,400 TOTAL 227,437 216,538 289,006 140,980 217,377 71,629 219,078 Acct # Item Page 187 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Sewer Collection Full Time Authorized Positions Number 1 2 3 4 Employee Title Armando Munoz David P. Long Michael Shepherd M. Jeffery King Field Foreman Field Oper. Field Oper. Field Oper. Base Pay 32,460 33,520 24,840 22,214 Unemply. Workers' Comp Retire Fica 1.50% 1.88% 14.88% 7.65% 487 503 373 333 610 630 467 418 4,830 4,988 3,696 3,305 Cert Pay Insurance 2,483 2,564 1,900 1,699 1,250 1,750 750 250 0 Overtime 2,700 41 51 402 207 Total 83,274 1,209 1,515 11,989 6,164 2,750 4,026 4,026 4,026 4,026 0 12,078 Water Distribution and Sewer Collections personnel work between both departments depending on workload. Page 188 of 204 Total 46,146 47,981 36,052 32,246 3,400 119,678 FY 2014 Supply/Maint/Miscellaneous Sewer Collection Acct # Item 701 Chemicals 702 Line Maint. & Repairs 703 Equipment Repair 704 Pump Maint. & Repairs 705 Instrumentation 706 Contract Services 707 Utilities 708 Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budget Actual 2013 FY 2013 8th Month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 1,327 325 4,000 0 2,500 1,500 2,500 21,430 19,920 29,000 14,436 17,000 12,000 25,000 522 1,267 2,000 0 100 1,900 2,000 9,431 2,542 10,000 0 0 10,000 8,000 0 0 1,000 0 1,000 0 1,000 162 9,165 6,500 258 6,500 0 6,500 40,402 39,310 50,000 23,781 35,672 14,329 45,000 Communications 1,410 1,432 2,000 1,035 1,553 448 1,800 710 Street Repairs 5,980 782 7,500 2,217 5,000 2,500 6,500 711 Miscellaneous 0 45 100 18 100 0 100 722 Safety 670 653 2,750 2,433 2,750 0 1,000 749 Contingency 3,016 0 0 0 0 0 0 84,350 75,441 114,850 44,178 72,174 42,676 99,400 TOTAL Page 189 of 204 SEWER COLLECTION JUSTIFICATION 701 Chemicals $ 2,500 These chemicals are for odor control and sanitation when a manhole overflows and for grease dissolving chemicals in mains. 702 Line Maintenance and Repairs $ 25,000 Includes pipe and all parts and materials used to maintain the sewer collection system. 703 $ 2,000 Equipment Repair Repairs to any equipment used in the sewer collection system; could include pumps, rodding machine, tractors, or other. 704 $ 8,000 Pump Maintenance and Repairs The Utility has thirteen sewer pumping stations. Cost to maintain the pump stations is expected to increase due to aging equipment. 705 $ 1,000 Instrumentation Instruments used for line locations and equipment repair. 706 $ 6,500 Contract Services Repair on lines that are more dangerous or are larger repairs than we have equipment or expertise to accommodate. Includes $5,000 for root control contract for sewer lines. Includes cost of pouring manholes if needed. 707 Utilities $ 45,000 Electrical for pumping stations, etc. Decreased due to less load from industrial park. 708 Communications Telephone, radios, and cell phones. 710 Street Repairs $ 6,500 Pays for repairs when streets are cut for line maintenance or repair. Utility crew is now repairing street cuts rather than the Street Department doing the work. Concrete costs and cold mix will be in this category. 711 Miscellaneous $ 100 This covers items that do not fit into other budget areas. 722 Safety $ 1,000 Items necessary for employee safety and compliance with State and Federal Safety guidelines. $ 1,800 Page 190 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Common Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 2013 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Personnel Costs 107,856 119,770 133,289 83,586 125,379 7,910 144,501 Supplies/Maint/Miscellaneous 143,271 123,784 193,198 115,657 169,986 23,212 210,980 TOTAL 251,127 243,554 326,487 199,243 295,365 31,122 355,481 Acct # Item Page 191 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Common Full Time Authorized Positions Number 1 2 3 Employee Scarlett McClure Chuck Fitzsimmons William A. Harris Title Meter Reader IT/GIS Cust. Service Overtime Part Time Salary Upgrades Total Utility Wide Unemply. Workers' Comp Retire Fica 1.50% 1.88% 487 607 577 14.88% 3,852 4,804 4,563 7.65% 750 11 14 10,200 153 5,000 104,790 Base Pay 25,884 32,288 30,668 Cert Pay Insurance Total 1,980 2,470 2,346 750 1,250 0 4,026 4,026 4,026 37,367 45,930 42,640 112 57 0 0 944 192 0 780 0 0 11,325 75 94 744 383 0 0 6,296 1,572 1,970 14,075 8,016 2,000 12,078 144,501 388 484 460 Page 192 of 204 FY 2014 Supply/Maint/Miscellaneous Summary Common Acct # 801 Item (Over) Under 2,860 Request FY 2014 2,500 Employee Wellness Prog. 802 Vehicle-Rep., Maint., Supplies 14,173 11,461 17,000 10,610 19,000 (2,000) 20,000 803 Equip.-Rep., Maint., Supplies 8,253 10,623 14,000 6,960 10,440 3,560 14,000 805 Instrumentation 0 0 150 0 0 150 150 806 Contract Services 310 3,336 25,000 0 12,000 13,000 25,000 807 Utilities 7,705 6,919 8,500 5,377 8,066 435 8,500 808 Communications 7,351 7,973 8,000 6,214 9,321 811 Miscellaneous 1,006 677 1,100 64 500 600 1,000 822 Safety 70 0 250 0 100 150 250 823 Travel, Training, & Educ. 11,349 9,158 20,000 10,487 15,731 4,270 20,000 824 Clothing/Uniforms 13,662 11,954 15,000 9,217 13,826 1,175 15,000 825 Fuel (Vehicles & Equip.) 41,912 38,681 51,138 27,551 41,327 9,812 52,380 826 Building Maintenance 265 0 1,000 0 500 500 1,000 827 Vehicle Insurance 7,897 7,802 8,000 7,833 7,833 167 8,000 828 Property Insurance 13,034 12,818 17,700 15,389 15,389 2,311 17,700 829 Worker's Comp/Unempl. 10,253 2,382 3,500 15,955 15,955 (12,455) 16,000 849 Contingency 5,190 0 0 0 0 0 0 142,430 123,784 193,198 115,657 169,986 23,212 210,980 TOTAL Actual FY 2011 0 Actual FY 2012 0 Budget Actual 2013 FY 2013 8th Month 2,860 0 Page 193 of 204 Year End Projection 0 (1,321) 9,500 COMMON JUSTIFICATION 801 Employee Wellness Program $ 2,500 Costs for professional testing, training, education and other expenses covered in the EWP. 802 Vehicle Repairs, Maint. & Supplies $ 20,000 Expenses for maintenance and repairs to all vehicles driven by the Water and Sewer Utilities. Vehicles are aging, increasing costs. 803 Equipment Repairs, Maint. & Supplies $ 14,000 Includes tires, belts, hoses, etc. on tractors, backhoes, vac-truck, and other equipment. 805 Instrumentation $ 150 Includes electronic line locators, the GPS unit and any expenses related to the various pieces of instrumentation that are shared between water and wastewater. 806 Contract Services $ 25,000 Includes security, janitorial services, etc. Economic development projects moved to this category 807 Utilities $ 8,500 Electric and gas. Includes the shop at 16th and Caddo. 808 Communications Telephone, radios, and cell phones. 811 Miscellaneous $ 1,000 This covers items that do not fit into other budget areas. 822 Safety $ 250 Tools, equipment, or training and other related expense related to employee safety. 823 Travel, Training, & Education $ 20,000 This includes travel and training expenses for all utility employees. Most positions require licenses. New employees will be sent to school and tenured employees will be sent to maintain the required licensing hours. Some will attend state and possibly national water and wastewater seminars. GIS/IT included in this budget item. Increase to help with inspection services for City. $ 9,500 Page 194 of 204 COMMON JUSTIFICATION 824 Clothing/Uniforms $ 15,000 This includes required uniforms and weekly uniform service for all employees. Also includes allowance for steel-toed boots. 825 Fuel (vehicles & equip.) $ 52,380 This covers all vehicles, tractors, backhoes, pumps, generators, etc. Estimated fuel consumption for 2014 is 11,640 gallons (which includes diesel and gasoline.) Fuel is budgeted at $4.50 per gallon. 826 Building Maintenance 827 Vehicle Insurance $ 8,000 Vehicle coverage through the Arkansas Municipal League. 828 Property Insurance $ 17,700 Alliance Insurance Group in 2013. Will be bid before the end of the year. 829 Worker's Comp/Unempl. Based on previous year's expenses. $ 1,000 $ 16,000 Page 195 of 204 FY 2014 Department Summary Page Administration Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budgeted FY 2013 Actual 2013 8 month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 Personnel Costs 207,139 229,741 243,991 160,343 240,515 3,477 247,648 Supplies/Maint/Miscellaneous 71,000 70,104 86,250 38,559 60,966 25,284 85,150 TOTAL 278,139 299,845 330,241 198,902 301,481 28,761 332,798 Acct # Item Page 196 of 204 FY 2014 Personnel Allocation/Costs Administration Full Time Authorized Positions Number 1 2 3 4 5 Employee Brenda C. Gills Deborah A. Brown Lisa L. McNeese Karla Steel Tammy McMurry Overtime Total Title Base Pay Unemply. Workers' Comp Retire Fica 1.50% 1.88% 992 659 678 454 418 14.88% 7,849 5,213 5,370 3,590 3,305 7.65% 791 526 541 362 333 Cert Pay Insurance Total 4,035 2,680 2,761 1,846 1,699 1,750 1,750 1,750 0 0 4,026 5,556 4,026 4,026 4,026 72,191 51,420 51,213 34,407 31,996 Utilities Manager Office Manager Acct. Clerk/Adm. Asst. Clerk I/Cashier Clerk I/Cashier 52,748 35,036 36,087 24,129 22,214 Mgr. Auto Allowance 4,200 63 79 625 321 0 0 5,288 900 14 17 134 69 0 0 1,133 175,314 2,630 3,296 26,087 13,412 5,250 21,660 247,648 Page 197 of 204 FY 2014 Supply/Maint/Miscellaneous Administration Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budget Actual 2013 FY 2013 8th Month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 901 Office Supplies/Equip. 12,804 11,510 17,300 5,819 8,729 8,572 12,000 902 Maint/Repairs/Supplies 500 477 750 125 188 563 750 905 Instrumentation 48 0 100 0 100 0 100 906 Contract Services 6,908 5,619 5,000 2,029 4,900 100 5,700 908 Communications 720 480 1,200 400 1,000 200 1,000 910 Bank Fees 5,799 6,373 6,200 5,258 8,050 911 Miscellaneous 1,694 915 1,500 705 1,058 443 1,500 926 Building Maintenance 98 200 500 85 400 100 500 931 Engineering 9,651 14,844 10,000 1,827 2,741 7,260 10,000 932 Legal & Prof. Services 10,740 10,795 15,000 10,630 15,945 933 Postage 14,722 15,307 17,500 10,547 16,156 1,344 18,000 934 Mbrshp., Dues, Prof. Organ. 1,087 481 1,200 301 452 749 1,000 935 Advertising & Promotion 3,682 3,103 10,000 833 1,250 8,751 10,000 949 Contingency 2,137 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,590 70,104 86,250 38,559 60,966 25,284 85,150 TOTAL Page 198 of 204 (1,850) (945) 8,600 16,000 ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE JUSTIFICATION 901 Office Supplies/Equipment $ 12,000 Provides for all office supplies within the Utility and includes printer cartridges, paper, cost of water bills, shut-off notices, office forms that are used daily such as disconnect orders, connect orders and deposit receipt books. Includes $1,500 for miscellaneous computer supplies such as RAM chips, network cabling, network cards, etc. 902 Maintenance, Repairs & Supplies This covers all office equipment. $ 750 905 Instrumentation Covers costs of repairs to instruments. $ 100 906 Contract Services Janitorial, copy machine maintenance contract. $ 5,700 908 Communications Telephone, radios, and cell phones. $ 1,000 910 Bank Fees $ 8,600 Fees paid to banks for drafting and credit card services. The bank charges approximately 10 cents for each draft that is submitted. The Utility has 1,000 customers on automatic draft. Credit card charges are based on the volume of cards processed and the total dollar amounts processed. Also, includes additional charge for processing online payments. 911 Miscellaneous $ 1,500 This covers items that do not fit into other budget areas. 926 Building Maintenance Includes repairs to Town Hall. 931 Engineering $ 10,000 Used to pay engineering fees not included in major projects. $ 500 Page 199 of 204 ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE JUSTIFICATION 932 Legal & Professional Serv. $ 16,000 City Attorney fees, auditor expenses and other professional services. 933 Postage $ 18,000 The Utility mails about 4,200 bills per month and about 800 shut-off notices per month. Postal costs continue to rise. 934 Memberships, Dues, & $ 1,000 Professional Organizations Dues to Arkansas Water and Wastewater Manager's Assoc., American Waterworks Assoc., Southwest Section AWWA, Arkansas Rural Water Assoc., and Water Environment Federation. 935 Advertising and Promotion $ 10,000 Covers all advertising and promotional expenses such as purchasing bottled water with City logo and possibly adopting an I-30 gateway area. Page 200 of 204 FY 2014 Depreciation Summary Page Acct # Item Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budget FY 2013 Actual 2013 8th Month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 492 Water Treatment 4,887 6,220 9,634 0 0 9,634 158,954 592 Sewer Treatment 3,924 1,325 2,055 882 1,000 1,055 4,789 692 Water Distribution 411 3,267 380 0 792 Sewer Collection 13,545 0 9,782 380 10,080 892 Common 0 4,601 4,652 0 1,700 2,952 7,110 992 Administration 410 0 1,725 0 1,700 25 6,656 792 Bar Screen 33,817 0 0 0 0 0 0 692 Submersible & Trash Pump 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,500 692 Wacker Packer 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,300 792 Vac Truck 270,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 892 Tractor 29,595 0 0 0 0 0 0 492 Water Plant Truck 16,445 0 0 0 0 0 0 892 GPS/GIS 11,731 0 0 0 0 0 0 592 Wastewater Truck 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,000 992 Office Computers 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 387,695 12,557 31,115 1,642 14,480 16,635 253,042 Total 3,341 Page 201 of 204 3,267 7,388 (298) 25,345 DEPRECIATION JUSTIFICATION 492 Water Treatment $ 158,954 Used to replace equipment after the useful life has expired. 2% of this department's total expenses, used only if necessary. Includes $120,000 for replacing filter media in #1 and #2 filters that is not functioning effectively. #2 raw water pump rebuild and possible electrical motor upgrade estimated $25,000 to $35,000. 592 Sewer Treatment $ 4,789 Used to replace equipment after the useful life has expired. No specific request at this time. 2% of this department's total expenses, used only if necessary. 692 Water Distribution $ 7,388 Used to replace equipment after the useful life has expired. No specific request at this time. 2% of this department's total expenses, used only if necessary. 792 Sewer Collection $ 25,345 Used to replace equipment after the useful life has expired. No specific request at this time. 2% of this department's total expenses, used only if necessary. Includes $20,000 to replace two sixteen inch valves at the south pump station that were installed in 1969 that are no longer working. 892 Common $ 7,110 Used to replace equipment after the useful life has expired. No specific request at this time. 2% of this department's total expenses, used only if necessary. 992 Administration $ 6,656 Used to replace equipment after the useful life has expired. No specific request at this time. 2% of this department's total expenses, used only if necessary. 692 Submersible & Trash Pumps $ 11,500 Two pumps to be used on leak sites to aid in moving blowing water from work area 692 Wacker Packer/Vibrating Rammer $ 3,300 Packer/Rammer to assist in compacting soils at repair sites 592 Wastewater Truck $ 23,000 To purchase a heavy duty, 4x4 truck. Replacing a 2004 with over 168,000 miles that needs many repairs. Heavy duty vehicle needed to handle all the areas of travel and the equipment hauled. Pumps weigh from 800 to 2,000 pounds and are transported to and from repair in this truck. Considerable amount of weight hauled from tools that are kept on the truck in order to repair & maintain lift stations in system. 992 Office Computers $ 5,100 To replace 3 aged computers in the front office. The computers are outdated and operating systems will no longer be supported by Microsoft. Will need increased capabilities to support on-line customer transactions. Page 202 of 204 FY 2014 Capital Summary Page Acct # Item 991 Master Plan Upgrades/Line Work Actual FY 2011 Actual FY 2012 Budget FY 2013 Actual 2013 8th Month Year End Projection (Over) Under Request FY 2014 0 31,453 100,000 5,903 92,500 0 500,000 9,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 991 Radio Systems for Pump Station 0 8,680 9,500 0 0 0 0 991 Water Tank Painting 0 0 175,000 0 152,075 0 0 991 Malone Tank Painting 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 268,050 991 Mini-excavator for field operations 0 0 0 0 0 0 55,000 991 Fencing at Water Plant 991 Large Dump Truck (12-15 yard) Total 121,000 9,000 40,133 314,500 Page 203 of 204 5,903 244,575 0 944,050 CAPITAL JUSTIFICATION 991 Master Plan Upgrades/Line Work $ 500,000 Upgrades and replacements of water distribution and sewer collection system. Includes Master Plan upgrades. Also includes $37,500 for engineering of Sewer Master Plan authorized in 2013. 991 Water Tank Painting To overcoat/paint the exterior and interior of the 1,000,000 gallon tank on Malone Drive. Includes engineering and tank inspection for the work. $ 268,050 991 Mini-Excavator for Field Operations $ 55,000 Mini-excavator would allow crews to work in much smaller, tighter areas with less intrustion and lessen the area of road/lawn repairs. 991 Large Dump Truck Replace 1980's street department truck used to haul track-hoe and materials Page 204 of 204 $ 121,000
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