Classifieds - Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Classifieds - Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Page 16 Current Classifieds December 16, 2013 Current Classifieds Classified & Display Ad Deadlines The deadline for classified ads for the next issue is Jan. 9, 2014. Display ad space must be reserved by Jan. 6. If your ads are not received by this deadline, they will not be published in the next issue. Please limit ads to 25-30 words. There is a $5 charge for ads over 30 words. Classified Cost Cotton Electric members are entitled to two free ads per membership per month. Additional ads or ads over 30 words can be purchased for $5 per ad. Not a member, but still want to advertise? Ads must be prepaid, so enclose $5 with your ad to guarantee placement. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Clip and Mail to: City _________________________ Zip Code _________________ Cotton Electric Current Phone _________________________________________________ 226 N. Broadway Cotton Electric Account # _________________________________ Walters, OK 73572 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 204 N 22nd St., Duncan. 2 living areas, 2 bedrooms, 1¾ baths, computer room, large covered patio, $59,000. 580-439-5224 or 656-1712. FOR SALE: 1205 West Pecan, Duncan. 1,656 square feet, 2-bedroom, 2-bath home. $29,000. PATTON REAL ESTATE, 580-4676182. Commercial FOR SALE: 69 acres with creek, small pond and pecan trees. Good grazing land for cattle or to build a home on. Close to Central High area. Call Jay, 580-255-0610. FOR SALE: 2 bedroom framed home, approximately 992 sq. ft. with living room, kitchen, breakfast area, and full bath. 240 or 7X20 storage area shop on nice lot. Fenced in back yard. 202 Idaho St., Temple. Asking $15,000 OBO, cash only. Call 580281-3483. Seven-year-old home, great neighborhood in Walters. For SALE: 25 acres, fenced 2,400 sq. ft. of super highwith pond. Excellent hunting. quality home with 3 spacious Near Waurika Lake. 580-467- bedrooms, huge Italian marble master bath. Large corner 0586. MILLER’S CROSSING: lot with incredible outdoor Lighted country community kitchen. Fully fenced big back development, .5-2 acre plus- yard. A gourmet kitchen to die sized lots. Stephens County for with double regular/conwater, underground electric. vection ovens, 6-burner TherCentral High School and fire madore professional cooktop department 5 miles away. with star burners, 2 separate Call for info. Carl Miller, 580- double sinks, each with disposals, Silestone countertops 353-8124. and so much more. You can’t LAND FOR SALE: 36.81 appreciate it unless you see acres, good Bermuda grass it. A real bargain at $220,000. for baling or grazing. Also, 580-450-0681, Harry Carroll platted for acreages or a nice ReMax Professionals. home site. Located in the Bridge Creek – Tuttle, Okla- FOR SALE: 4-bedroom, homa, area. 580-658-9147 or 2-bathroom like new doublewide beautiful home on 6 580-467-6341. acres 10x20 shop with 10x10 FOR SALE: 80 acres, ¼ mile covered area Empire area, of creek. All improved grass, sale by owner. Call 580-467pond, several potential build- 2532 or 580-467-8262. ing sites, rural water meter, five miles from Elgin city lim- FOR SALE: Beautiful 2-bedits. Fastest growing town in room, 2 ½-bath brick home Oklahoma. Price: $76K. Call on Waurika Lake. 3 acres 580-492-4225 or 580-595- more or less. 30x50 metal shop with dog kennel, chick1656. en coop & extra shed. 1,735 FOR SALE BY OWNER: sq. ft. $179,000. Call 580Central High area, 1,960-sq.- 467-1354. ft. efficient home with 1,200 sq. ft. insulated. Morton build- FOR SALE BY OWNER: ing, acreage available. Call 2-bedroom, 1-bath brick attached garage, Jesse Carroll, 580-641-0248 home, 1,200 sq. ft., energy effi cient, or 918-773-8821. central heat and air, 5 corWANTING LAND TO LEASE: ner lot with new fence, huge 320 acres to run 82 cows backyard and many extras. around Comanche or the sur- Chattanooga. 580-649-3542. rounding areas. Please call 580-656-6464. Dale Wampler Homes FOR SALE: 109 East 1st Street, Velma. 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, CH&A, 1,696 sq. ft., 2 storage buildings, 2 acres. $95,000. Listed on or 580-4758100. FOR LEASE: 3BR, 2BA mobile home on 2 acres. Interior and exterior freshly painted, new light fixtures, energy-efficient windows, appliances, Culligan water. Carport, shop, 8 x 10 storage. Near Midway Truck Stop. $650/mo., deposit required. Owner/agent, 580-467-2248, 255-8162. __________________________________________________________________________________ Ads can be sent in the mail or be dropped off at Cotton Electric, 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK 73572. Ads can be emailed to classifieds@ or they can be sent via fax to 580-875-3101 Ads can also be dropped off at the Duncan office, 1101 W. Oak. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom brick home, lots of storage, carports, detached garage/shop and extra lot. Reduced 1408 COLORED MULCH BUSI- E. Chestnut, Duncan. ConNESS FOR SALE: Includes tact Nancy at Patton Real 1993 Farmhand grinder, Estate,580-370-8781. chip tumbler, dye, pump, FOR SALE: Well maintained bag sealer. Local buyer will 3 bedrooms, 2 baths with have weekly supply of wood two-sink vanity. Open floor to grind. Call Nick, 580-467- plan with pull-outs in kitchen and a pantry. 3402 Bates, 7877. FOR SALE: Back Door Bling Duncan. Contact Nancy at – includes three separate Patton Real Estate :580-370established businesses: Gar- 8781. Lots/Land __________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Us Real Estate den center, dog grooming and bling retail store. Located in Duncan. Contact Jo Patton, 580-467-6182. Place Your Ad Classified Ad Policy HOME FOR SALE: In Faxon. 2 bedrooms, two baths, central heat and air, one-car attached garage. For more information, call 940-538GENTLE RED ANGUS: 4150. Registered bulls for sale,12 TRAILER FOR SALE: South months old, vaccinated. Lake Humphreys. 2 BR, 1 ½ Moon Farms 580-476-2442. BA. Furnished with refrigerator, stove, washer/dryer, two FOR SALE: Dugan ground AC, one bed. $12,500. 580- load cattle trailer, $20,500. 940-736-0034. 255-5984. Animals Cattle FOR SALE: 4-bedroom, 2-bath rock home on 8.3 acres, located on Comanche Lake Road. $150,000. PATTON REAL ESTATE, 580467-6182. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom, 2-bath mobile home. New 26-gauge metal roof, new plumbing, and new water heater. Asking $10,000 cash. 580-736-1664. FOR SALE: 307 West Main, Velma. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. CH&A, approx. 1,000 sq. ft. sitting on 2 lots. $40,000. Listed on or 580-475-8100. FOR SALE: $124,900. 226 C Street, Faxon. 42 lots or approx. 3.5 acres.3 bedrooms; 2 baths; shop; 2 detached garages; water well for orchard; pecan trees, lawns, etc. Hwy. 36 frontage; no restrictions or zoning. Fenced; good for show animals; horse. Quick access to Goodyear; Vo-Tech; and the new Target. Call/text Margie Lewis Schlapbach, 580-704-0503. ERA Johnny Owens Residential Real Estate. HERITAGE GENETICS: Red Devon Cattle (American Milking Devon lines) available. Young bulls, young bred cows and young heifers available. Call 580-365-4197 or email GRAZING for 50 cows needed immediately and partial care. Also grazing for approximately 1,200 to 1,500 steers by next April in Loco area. Call 580-656-1207. LONGHORNS FOR SALE: Call 467-1779. Gentle registered black Angus: LBW virgin breeding bulls. Mytty in Focus and Precision bloodlines. Hedrick Angus W. Stephens County. 580-252-2654 or 580-4674168. Beckwards T Ranch: Gentle black Brangus bulls, average weight at birth 73, 696# at 205 days. Guarantee: Not happy with first calf crop at weaning time, I’ll replace the bull. 580-353-4304. Manufactured Homes Dogs FOR LEASE: 3BR, 2BA mobile home on 2 acres. Interior and exterior freshly painted, new light fixtures, energy-efficient windows, appliances, Culligan water. Carport, shop, 8 x 10 storage. Near Midway Truck Stop. $650/mo., deposit required. Owner/agent, 580-467-2248, 255-8162. Rentals MOBILE HOME: for rent at the Garden. Call 580-2558126. FOR SALE: CKC Reg’d Boston terrier puppies. Vet checked, shots current. Call 580-353-4823. :H+DYH%X\HUV )RU/DQG,Q 6:2NODKRPD ,I\RXKDYHODQG )RU6DOH&DOO8V PARR REAL ESTATE RU FOR SALE 119 E. Kansas Walters, OK 580-875-2960 We repair all makes and models Overhauls and safeguard service Ɣ5HDVRQDEOH3ULFHV Ɣ:ULWWHQ*XDUDQW\ Ɣ<HDUV([SHULHQFH Walters, Duncan, Lawton Areas Hours 0RQWKUX7KXUDPWRSP Closed)ULGD\V FR ES TIM 2000sqft brick home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, geo-thermal H&A, 2x6 walls, well insulated, asphalt circle drive with waterfall, storm shelter, 40’x80’ barn, 20’ shed, cattle pens, working chute, 160 acres, 4 ponds, cross fenced. Located 8 West of Comanche, ½ north. 580-467-8610 EE H&S ROOFING AT E S 30 Years Experience RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL )XOO6HUYLFH5RR¾QJ 6+,1*/(6 +277$5 725&+'2:1 023'2:16,1*/(3/< Wind, Lightning, or Hail We’ve got you covered! Mike Hendrix & Trina Hendrix 580-658-5065 or 580-467-0920 KHQGUL[URR¾QJ#JPDLOFRP ZZZKHQGUL[URR¾QJFRP Licensed & Insured CATTLE: FOR SALE: Angus heifers on wheat, Mytty in Focus & Pendleton breeding, herd quality, home raised. Call 580-365-4411. Automatic Transmission Cooler and shift kits installed Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. M w Real Esta arlo te Always Ready WRJRWKH([WUD0LOHIRU\RX 205 W. Main, Marlow 580-658-1177 “Selling our listings, would like to sell yours” Debbie Lynn Benton 580-512-9873 Marlow :$SDFKHPRWLYDWHGVHOOHU :6WHHOH 1%URDGZD\FDUSRUW :6SUXFHJDU 1WK½XSGDWHG 6WKJDUDJHIHQFHG\DUG 6WK½OLYDUHDVVXQURRPJDUDJH :6HPLQROHRU½SRROVKRS Lots 3D\QH+HLJKWV$GGLWLRQEXLOGLQJORWVUHVWULFWLRQV - :3D\QH0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWFHOODU :0F1HHVH0DUORZORWZVKRS :3D\QH0DUORZFRUQHUORWVKRS *DUULVRQ5G0DUORZDFUHV :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'ULQWORW WK3DUN0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWWUHHV :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'UFRUQHUORW Land 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVVKRS 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVSDVWXUH $FUHV&R[&LW\DUHDWUHHVSRQGVZLOGOLIH0+ &$// 65DLOURDG6W0DUORZDFUHV::VPDOOEDUQ (/'<DFUHVSDVWXUHSRQG 1RI0DUORZDFUHVSDVWXUHVRPHFXOWLYDWHGODQG 0RXQWDLQ9LHZ5G(OJLQDFUHVSDVWXUH Commercial Property 1+Z\'XQFDQODUJHRI¿FHEOGJ&DOO 'HEELH/\QQ (+Z\DFUHVODUJHVKRSRI¿FH (0DLQ0DUORZVKRSEXLOGLQJV 1%URDGZD\0DUORZVTIWEOGJ :LOORZ'XQFDQVTIWSURIHVVLRQDOEOGJ&DOO Duncan 1VWFRUQHUORW 1WK&+$ &OHDU6SULQJVJDU 5DQFKZRRGOLYDUHDV)3 Commercial Lots %ORFN1%URDGZD\0DUORZIHQFHGORW :0DLQ0DUORZFRPPHUFLDOORW :0DLQ0DUORZFRUQHUORW0DLQ6WUHHW 1+Z\KZ\IURQWDJHIWDYDLO62/' Rural Properties 5RVH5GDFUHV0+ (*DUULVRQDFUHV0+JDUDJH 6:RRGV'UDFUHV0+ZDWHUZHOOWUHHV 13ODLQVPDQ5GDFUH 55%R[+DVWLQJV:DXULND/DNHDFUHV &5(OPRUH&LW\DFUHVOLY 55%R[(PSLUHDFUHVJDUDJH 65DLOURDG0DUORZOLYLQJDFUH *RDG5G0DUORZDFUH½FHOODUFDUSRUW 6FLVVRUWDLOVKRSZEDWK&+$ 55%R[%DOOSDUN0DUORZDFUHVOLYVKRS +&%R[%UD\DFUHVJDUDJHVKRSZLOGOLIH SRQGV &OHDU&UHHN5GDFUHVJXHVWKRXVHVKRSEDUQ URSLQJDUHQDFURVVHGIHQFHG 3DUNHU5G0DUORZDFUHVKRUVHEDUQVKRSFRUUDOV RU)3YHU\VHFOXGHG Lake Property $UHD(/RW0+EHGOLYLQJFDUSRUW62/' $UHD%/RW0+JDU Always ready to go the “EXTRA MILE” for you Debbie Lynn Benton Broker / Owner December 16, 2013 Current Classifieds ANIMALS ANIMALS ANIMALS AKC German shepherd puppies for sale. Born 01 DEC 2013 available 17 JAN 2014. Call 580-695-2140 to reserve your puppy. $500.00 per puppy. FOR SALE: Butcher pigs and goats. Call 580-704-4949. I BUY, SELL, TRADE: Horses, saddles, trailers & goats. Call 580-514-1223. Horses Horses wanted Also buying saddles, trailers, old bit and Registered Labrador retriev- spur collections. Call Gary, ers: First litter born Nov. 4, 405-226-0630. second litter born Nov. 18, BUY, SELL, OR TRADE: black and yellow. Excellent Horses, goats, saddles, trailblood-lines. Ready by Christ- ers. Also, stallion service. mas. Also, mixed-breed Call 580-512-8923, leave puppies, ½ Lab, ½ German message. shorthair. Ready today. Call MT. VIEW HORSE SALE 4th 580-656-3701. Saturday of every month at 3 FOR SALE: Pomeranian puppies, all colors, 580-4678679. p.m., horses at 7:30. Call to reserve early numbers, 405226-0630. HORSE’S FEET NEED TRIMMING? Call Gary at SAND HILLS FISH FARM: 580-467-5832. No shoeing. Bait & Tackle. Minnows, cat- FOR SALE: Two 3-horse fish, bluegill, and bass. Will trailers with dressing room. deliver to pond. 580-658- $2,200 and $3,400 OBO. Call 6018. 580-475-8096. Fish Fowl FOR SALE: Guineas, 6 months to 2 years old. 580678-7175. Large/Extra large eggs: $3 dozen in the Medicine Park area. Call 580-492-5536 or cell phone 919-0690. Goats FOR SALE: Tack and saddles. Call 580-475-8096. OKLAHOMA HORSE FAIR Feb. 7-9 in Duncan. Taking entries for booth space and Horse, Pony and Mule Sale. Catalog deadline is Jan. 5, 2014. Entry forms available or call 405-226-0630. FOR SALE: New/used saddles, bridles, all kinds of tack and Christmas ideas. Call 580-695-1847 or 580-6950852. Rabbits FOR SALE: New Zealand meat rabbits, 3 months old. $15 for males, $20 for females. Duncan. Please call 580-467-6701. Sheep Mt. View GOAT AND SHEEP SALE First Saturday of every month at 1 p.m. Excellent market on all classes w/buyers from 4 states. 405-2260630 or 580-347-2146 (barn). Swine FOR SALE: Butcher pigs and goats. Call 580-704-4949. BARKER’S Trailer Parts Cache, OK Services DO YOU NEED MONEY? I buy mortgages and promissory notes. 580-736-2468. Call after 6 p.m. WE PAINT: outside or inside, small or big jobs. Call for estimate, 580-467-8679. FARMER DOZER SERVICE: Jody Farmer. No job too big or too small. 22 years experience. Like on Facebook or email at farmerdozer@gmail. com. Located in Marlow. 580641-2475. CASH FOR COINS: Buy or sell. Call 580-475-5132, Duncan. SPIVEY INSULATION CO. - FREE ESTIMATES SPRAY-ON POLYURETHANE FOAM FOR METAL BUILDINGS I BUY, SELL, TRADE: Hors- FOR SALE: 11-year-old black es, saddles, trailers & goats. overo paint gelding, 15.3 hds, gentle for anyone, $1,500. Call 580-514-1223. Reg. 8-yr.-old red roan mare, NUBIAN DAIRY GOATS: if over 12 can ride, no buck, Bucks, show quality, high one-hand neck rein, $1,500. milk-producing bloodline. Call 580-695-1847 or 580Call: 580-429-8877. 695-0852. BLOWN FIBERGLASS - ATTICS - BATTS. COMPLETE INSULATION SERVICES Don Spivey Owner Operated Since 1974 1-800-522-1644 81&20)257$%/(" 'RHV\RXUKRPHKDYHDQ\RIWKHVHV\PSWRPV" 5RRPVWKDWJHWWRRKRWRUWRRFROG" +LJKXWLOLW\ELOOV" 7KHUPRVWDWZDUVZLWK\RXUVSRXVH" +LJKKXPLGLW\LQVXPPHU" +RXVHMXVWQHYHUVHHPVFRPIRUWDEOH" 7KHUHGRHVQ¶WVHHPWREHHQRXJKDLUÀRZ" Page 17 'XVWEXLOGXSZLWKLQGD\VRIGXVWLQJ" 3UREOHPVZLWK\RXUV\VWHPVLQFHLW¶VEHHQ LQVWDOOHG" $Q\RQHZLWKDOOHUJLHVRUDVWKPD" $&VWDUWVDQGVWRSVIUHTXHQWO\RUUXQVDOO WKHWLPHDQGKRXVHLVVWLOOQRWFRRO" +DYHEHHQWROGE\RWKHUFRQWUDFWRUVWKDWWKHSUREOHPFDQQRWEH¿[HG" :H6HUYLFH$OO0DMRU%UDQGV 2I(OHFWULF3RUWDEOH:HOGHUV :DUUDQW\6HUYLFH3DUWV 580-429-3822 Jimmy Barker, Owner ZZZZHOGHUUHSDLUFRP HPDLOZHOGUUSU#VEFJOREDOQHW AARON PARRIS, CPA Bookkeeping & Tax Services Payroll/Tax Planning/ Quickbooks Support 1303 W. Gore, Ste. 5 580-699-5510 fax: 699-5508 Ochsner Dozer-Trackhoe Service Pond, Terraces, Tree Clearing, Building Pads, NRCS Work, etc. For estimate on your job call Jeff 580-704-2226 A Touch of Bliss Hand Painted Furniture, Home Decor & Much More! New Items Weekly! Check Out Our New Items Posted Weekly On Facebook! Gift Certificates Available! Ashlie Magby Massage Therapy 580-641-2275 Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 213 W. Main, Marlow, OK 580-658-9026 ,I\RXDQVZHUHG<(6WRDQ\RIWKHVHTXHVWLRQVZHFDQKHOS 3LSSLQ%URWKHUVKDVVSHFLDOLVWVWKDWFDQSLQSRLQWDQGFRUUHFWWKHVHSUREOHPVDQGLQPDQ\FDVHV\RX GRQ¶WHYHQKDYHWRUHSODFH\RXUHTXLSPHQWZLWKWKHVROXWLRQXVXDOO\EHLQJHDVLHUDQGFRVWLQJDORW OHVVWKDQ\RXPD\WKLQN7KHUHLVQRRWKHUFRQWUDFWRULQ/DZWRQPRUHTXDOL¿HGWKDQ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVDW GLDJQRVLQJDQGFRUUHFWLQJWKHVHDQQR\LQJLQFRQYHQLHQWXQKHDOWK\FRPIRUWFRPSURPLVLQJDQGHQHUJ\ ZDVWLQJFRQFHUQV&DOOXVWRGD\DQGOHWXVPDNH\RXUKRPH)HHO$V*RRG$V,W/RRNV$IWHUDOO \RXUKRPHLV\RXUODUJHVWLQYHVWPHQWDQG\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\GHVHUYHWREHFRPIRUWDEOHGRQ¶W\RX" &DOO7RGD\ ³&RPIRUW:LWKRXW&RPSURPLVH´ ZZZ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVFRP Got travel and outdoor plans? iMap Alert lets you know what to expect. iMap Alert is a free service now available to all Cotton Electric Cooperative members. Be notified wherever you are of severe weather. Alerts for your specific area and emergency announcements from your local co-op will be delivered to your in-box or directly to your cell phone. You’ll also receive an up-to-date 7-day weather forecast for your specific location, delivered daily to your in-box every morning before dawn if you choose the e-mail option. Go to and click on the iMapAlert icon to sign up today. and the Touchstone Energy Cooperatives of Oklahoma are looking out for you! PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, January 18, 2014 10:00AM Estate of Barbara Teakell 801 South Viola Avenue Duncan, Oklahoma Gary Criswell Auction Service & Real Estate, Inc. has been commissioned by the Estate of Barbara Teakell to offer at Public Auction the Real Property and Personal Property located at 801 South Viola Avenue and 416 East Main Street, Duncan, Oklahoma. The Auction includes 2 Tracts of Land - Tract 1 located at 416 East Main Street, Tract 2 located at 801 Viola Avenue. Note: Tract 1 and Tract 2 of the Real Property will be offered at Public Auction from the 801 Viola Avenue location at 10:00 AM Sharp. Tract 1 - 416 East Main Street (known as the Ridley Packing Plant) consists of a Brick/Veneer Building (Approximately 17,057 Square Feet) with a number of Parking Spaces and Loading Docks. The Facility may be used for Storage, Warehouse or Staging. The Real Property is currently Zoned I-3 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT with a number of permitted uses. All situated on 2.18 Acres with Highway/Street frontage. Tract 2 - 801 South Viola Avenue (current site of Quality Electric) consists of a Metal Siding Building (Approximately 5,040 Square Feet) with Metal Roof. Real Property is currently Zoned I-1 RESTRICTED MANUFACTURING AND WAREHOUSING DISTRICT. All situated on a 100’x140’ Lot with Street frontage on Viola Avenue and Cypress. Trucks and Equipment: Ford Pickups F-250 (2), 1982 Chevrolet 4x4Blue with Tan Bed, 1964 Dodge Truck - 2-1/2 Ton, 1985 Semi TruckWestern Star-1 Ton, 1978 Vacuum Truck (no front tires), 1978 C-60 Truck with Boom (no engine), 1981 and 1982 Pup Trailers, 1970 International 2050 Fleet Star (engine bad), GMC 6000 Boom Truck, Chevrolet Custom Deluxe 30 Bucket Truck,1985 Chevrolet Truck - 1 Ton with Utility Bed (no front fender), 1975 F-500 Bucket Truck, 1984 Ford F-250 Pickup with Tool Boxes, 1992 Western Star Semi (engine out), 1978 Dump Truck -17 Yard Bed (no batteries and Drive Line is broken), 1974 C-60 Boom Truck with Texhoma 245 Production (no batteries), 1993 Dodge Pickup -1/2 Ton 4x4 and a 1975 International Fleet Star. Construction Equipment: Scissorlifts (2), Trencher (needs plug wire), Ditchwitch V-30 Trencher, Heavy Duty Pendle Hitch Trencher Trailer-18’, Skid Steer, Ditchwitch Backhoe Attachment, Forklift, Catapillar Backhoe Bucket, Disc - 3pt Hookup, Angle Blade - 3pt Hookup and a Shop Built Trailer with Metal Floor - 16’. Shop Equipment: Variety of Threaders - Up to 4”, Synflex Hydrolic Hose, Aluminum Tool Box, 6 Reel Wire Rack, Standing Chop Saw, Standing Grinder and a Variety of Shop Tools. Miscellaneous: Hoists for Pickups (2), Meters, Parts and Pieces, General Office Equipment, SF Breakers, Work Tables, Military Tires - 20” Rims (200), Hum Vee Tires (100), Miscellaneous Tires (50) Metal Racks - 15’ (2) and a Metal Shelf -7’. Terms of Sale: Sale of Real Property will be contingent upon Court Approval. A Return of Sale shall be filed and legal notices published, listing hearing date for Approval of Sale, Contract Price and Buyer. 10% Earnest Money on the day of Sale. Balance due at closing upon delivery of Title and Deed. Personal Property - Cash, Personal or Company Check accepted. Positive I.D. required. Buyers must provide Auction Company a copy of Sales Tax Permit to avoid Sales Tax. Preview of Real Property and Personal Property will be held Friday afternoon, January 17, 2014 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Announcements made day of sale supersede all other advertisements. To view Real Property prior to Auction, contact Auction Company. Please plan to attend. Auctioneer’s Note: The Barbara Teakell Estate will sell, at Public Auction, to the Highest Bidder (except that Tract 2 of the Real Property shall sell for a minimum of $35,000.00, the GMC 6000 Boom Truck shall sell for a minimum of $1,700.00, and the Chevrolet Custom Deluxe 30 Bucket Truck shall sell for a minimum of $1,500.00), subject to confirmation by said District Court. The Real Property will be offered “As-Is-Where-Is”. Please go to to view photos, to view upcoming Auctions and Like us on Facebook. Stephens County Abstract Co. will serve as Closing Agent on Real Property. Gary Criswell Auction Service & Real Estate, Inc. 580-255-8162 · 806 West Main · Duncan, OK · 580-467-2248 (Auctioneer/Broker) email: (Cell Phone) Powered by Weather Decision Technologies, Inc. | Page 18 Current SERVICES SERVICES HOWARD ROOFING: All types, free estimates. Licensed, insured, OK-Lic # 80000742. Call 580-4678606. WALTERS TIRE AND ALIGNMENT 2-wheel and 4-wheel digital alignments. New and used tires. Here to help farmers with their tire needs. 580-678-8029. Classifieds SERVICES MOBILE PHONIX TINT & TUNES: Car, audio and window tinting. Auto, home and commercial. Save 30% on energy bills. Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, and SatHUGHES & FOGLE CLEANING SERVICE: We do com- WICHITA MOUNTAIN urday 9 a.m.-?. For free estimercial cleaning, general LODGE: 425 E. Lake Dr., mates, call 580-353-0937. cleaning, house cleaning, Medicine Park. Peaceful WATER TESTING: Southern windows & lawn mowing. Call get-away or rowdy reunion! Plains Environmental Labous today! 580-919-0614 or Private cabins, fishing, ratory. Analytical testing for 580-647-9703. group lodging, event center. drinking water, waste water, RED DOOR GALLERY in soil, pools and spas. 8 a.m. Medicine Park, Oklahoma’s Owner, DW Burrus, 580-917- - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 704 SW 11th Street, Lawton. best-kept secret! Western 1834. art, cowboys, cows, oil and MATURE WOMEN SEEK- 580-280-2626. water colors, pottery! Coolest ING POSITION to care for Need your driveway graded? gallery this side of Santa Fe! or assist elderly person or Call 405-658-4159 or 580Wednesday-Saturday 10-5. persons. Will clean and cook 656-0382. 206 East Lake Drive. 580- all day, should need. Please HAMPTON CONSTRUC529-3119. contact De, 979-732-4359. TION COMPANY: Dozer, Do you own oil and gas References available. backhoe, trackhoe. For all SERVICES BARE ARMS LLC: New gun shop in Elgin. Gunsmith available, 90-day layaway, and transfers welcome. TuesdayFriday 10-6 and Saturday 104. 580-492-5347. WE BUY: Junk cars and trucks. Call 580-255-3545. CB EQUIPMENT: All for $420: Pace 1000B with extra channels, can use for base station or mobile; 148 GTL AM/SSB CB radio, tuned and peaked with PR-60 amp; Tripp Lite power supply. 580-467-2463. WILL DO: painting, repairs, lawn care. Reasonable rates. 580-658-9117 or 917-9299. Need a housekeeper in Duncan? I have references and 5+ years’ experience. Flat rates, free estimates. Biweekly, minerals: Interests/royalty J&R’s Bags & Bling: We are your dirt work needs on weekly, one-time jobs, rental interests, working interests located at 1604 W. Gore farm and ranch. Ponds built, cleanups. No job too big or in Oklahoma? Do you have Blvd., Lawton. We have brushed, cleaned and more. small. 580-656-7472. offers to lease or purchase purses, jewelry, clothing, tu- 580-656-8247. Shop the Gems Booth at Butthese minerals that you tus, home decor, Vapor cigs, JUNK IRON REMOVAL. terfields of Duncan, 803 Main have not taken yet? If so, shoes, knives, hats, crochet Farm, ranch commercial and Street. Vintage furniture, mirlet us evaluate your interests items and lots more. rural. Anything metal. In- rors, Betty Boop, wrestling, and help you get the best Will do DIRT AND GRAVEL sured. Call 580-704-4949. art, Native American, Coke, deal. We have a landman and WORK with front-end loader. ALLISON EXCAVATION LLC: beer, advertising, signs, geologist on staff for your free 405-658-4159 or 580-656Excavation backhoe Service sports memorabilia, fishevaluation. Call 58 0 - 6 41- 0382. -- all types of construction ing. Worth the drive! 2036. CURTIS Refrigeration, Heat- work. Pond work, dirt, gravel, FRAMES & THINGS has THE TIRE SHOP: Flats fixed, ing and Air. Good used ap- demolition, dozer, grater moved inside The Trading tire rotation, new and used pliances at affordable prices. work, and roll-off containers. Post, 604 S. Rodeo Dr., Cotires. 1204 Ridley Rd., Dun- Buy and sell. Complete repair 580-695-8338. manche. Come visit us there. can. 580-251-0908. and service. 425 S. 81 Hwy., DAFFERN’S AUTO SER- Wooden crosses signs, SQUARE DANCE LES- Duncan. 580-252-COOL VICE now has WRECKER & Western décor, and home SONS: Sponsored by Solo (2665). TOWING. Factory trained w/ décor. Open 10-6 TuesdaySquares / Star Promenad- JOE ROSEBERRY: Allison over 25 years experience on Friday, 10-5 Saturday, and ers. Starting Jan. 13, 6:30-8 Excavation LLC, Backhoe all makes & models: brakes, 1-4 Sunday. p.m. Monday & Thursday in service, all types of construc- heating/AC, major engine & QUALITY LEATHERWORK. Lawton. First 2 lessons free. tion, dirt, gravel, demolition, transmission repair, fuel inCustom holsters, leather Caller Scott Bennett. Infor- dozer, grater work, roll-off jection service and RESTOrepair/restoration/cleaning. mation, call Duffy, 580-512- containers, 580-695-8338. RATIONS. 580-353-1600 or Saddlery, reproductions 7876/ Dale, 580-355-3480. Circle E R/C Hobby Shop& 580-512-8661. (military, Western). Quality The Rusty Buffalo: 18360 Raceway, 801 W. Main St., HOME-GROWN TREES: beyond expectations. No BS Hwy. 49 before Ref- Duncan. . Large selection of Balled & burlapped, bald cy- business. Contact Rod @ uge. Rocks, Native American R/C cars, planes, helicopters, press, red oak, lacebark elm, 580-647-0045. art, rocks, baskets, blankets, parts, accessories. Come pine trees, Bradford pear, FIREWOOD: For sale or rocks, jewelry, Open Wed.- shop with us! 580-252-0862 crape myrtles, silver maple & trade. Call 580-255-8126. Fri. 12-4. Sat.-Sun 11-6. S&S Dozer Service, Inc. more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, BZB EMBROIDERY, ComanHUGHES & FOGLE CLEAN- 580-439-5815. Dozer and Duncan. Call 580-656-7273 che. Custom embroidery and ING SERVICE: We do gener- backhoe service, all farm or 580-656-6373. monogramming Call Vickie, al cleaning, house cleaning, and commercial needs. Call DO YOU NEED MONEY? I cell 405-823-1674 or leave windows & lawn mowing. Call for pricing and quote: Mobile buy mortgages and promismessage at 580-439-5242. us today! 580-919-0614 or phone: 816-210-2440 or 580- sory notes. 580-736-2468. 580-647-9703. 475-7055. Call after 6 p.m. $&KXUFK:LWKRXW)HQFHV %QOGLQKPWUHQT YQTUJKRCPFHGNNQYUJKR 5WPFC[UGTXKEGCO 5QWVJQH&WPECPQP 4GHKPGT[4QCF 5LGLQ²IRUWKHEUDQG Apache Auction Market Thursday 8 a.m. & Friday 10 a.m. Apache Video Wednesday 10 a.m. 800-926-9696 580-588-3840 Lawton Meat Processing 353-6448 Custom Butchering and Processing In Business Since 1911 (formerly Lud Mieling) 603 East “F” - Lawton, OK (Across Street from Sears Service Center) Find out how the little changes add up to big savings at Puzzle Answers TEMPLE CUSTOM Slaughter & Processing Foster & Lorre Morris We Specialize in Custom Processing We Now Offer Vacuum Packing Beef and Pork Call 580-342-5031 521 W. Central-Temple 8 am to 5 pm Mon-Thur / 8 am to 4 pm on Fri. CHERRY INDUSTRIES Only Locally Owned Welding Supply Company In Lawton 3 0 Ye a r s E x p e r i e n c e Welding Gases & Supplies t)IJĹĶłĺ t0ŅņĴIJĻ t"İIJŁņĹIJĻIJ Check Out Our Friendly Pricing Livestock Marketing, Inc. VLQFH December 16, 2013 Trailer Repair ńIJńļĿĸļĻĮĹĹ ŁņĽIJŀļijŁĿĮĶĹIJĿŀ tijłĹĹĿĮĻĴIJļijŀŁļİĸt 1ĮĿŁŀ"ŅĹIJŀ #ĿĮĸIJŀ8ĶĿĶĻĴ (9(5<'$<6$9,1*6 7+$7 67+(32:(52)&2230(0%(56+,3 0=REJCOKJARANU@=UEPAIO)EGAQLPKKBBLNAO?NELPEKJ@NQCO =PL=NPE?EL=PEJCLD=NI=?EAOJ=PEKJSE@A 4&4JNQTPOt-BXUPO0, 580-355-8890 ),1'$//7+(:$<6726$9($7 &211(&7,216&223 Dv(>DDG; 2C[OGPVOGVJQF 2C[OGPVFCVG 2C[OGPVCOQWPV (KPFQWVOQTGCVEQVVQPGNGEVTKEEQO December 16, 2013 Current SERVICES SERVICES Need rock or gravel? Call David Gildon, Dry Creek Express, 405-823-7495 or Comanche, 580-439-5242. Also have 40-ft. flatbed for pipe and hay hauling. FARM & RANCH MACHINE QUILTING: $55. FOR SALE: 55-gal. barrel of Any size quilt, many designs muriatic acid. Never opened. to choose from. Many years $300. 580-583-5573. of experience. Call 580-6063001 or 580-381-3490. TASTEFULLY SIMPLE! Of- HAY FOR SALE: Round bales SOUTH WEST RV: Get your fers wide selection of conve- Bermuda, weed killed & fertilSWRV on!, nient, easy-to-prepare foods ized $70. Blue stem, weed email: dougparrish@goswrv. to help people spend less killed, $60. Hay, grazer excelcom. Ask about our mobile time in the kitchen and more lent, $65. Can deliver. Dennis RV service. 580-695-9560. time enjoying their lives. In- Haxton, 580-429-3700 or 580-591-1786 or 1787. Installed in-ground STORM terested in a party or selling SHELTERS starting at it yourself? Call Donna, 580- FOR SALE: Wako grass anhydrous applicator, 8-shank, $3,295.Holds 6-8 people. 585-2022. 100-year warranty, meets ROSE’S CUSTOM LLC: Cus- always shedded. Perfect conFEMA guidelines. Field Con- tom signs, banners, decals, dition. $9,000. 580-512-9859. crete & Construction. Over vehicle and window letter- WANTED: E.Z. Flow grass 25 years experience in south- ing, graphic design, business seeder. Call 580-333-1064. west Oklahoma. 580-465- cards, promotional products, FOR SALE: John Deere tan1304. embroidery and sublimation. dem disk. Good condition, CURTIS Refrigeration, Heat- Call 580-252-9633 $1,400 firm. Call 580-641ing and Air. Good used appliances at affordable prices. Buy and sell. Complete repair and service. 425 S. 81 Hwy., Duncan. 580-252-COOL (2665). FOR SALE: Firewood seasoned and unseasoned. You load and haul. 580-467-1779. Equipment PAINTING LESSONS: with Judy McCombs Wednesdays at the Walters depot. Any level, beginner to advanced, $25 per session. For more information, call Lavonne High, 580-875-2144. Sponsored by Cotton County Art Council. MOBILE PHONIX TINT & MATURE WOMEN SEEK- TUNES: Car, audio and winING POSITION to care for dow tinting- auto, home and or assist elderly person or commercial- Save 30% on persons. Will clean and cook energy bills. Open Mondayall day, should need. Please Friday 9 a.m. -5 p.m. and Satcontact De, 979-732-4359. urday 9 a.m.-?. For free estimates, call 580-353-0937. References available. DO YOU NEED MONEY? I Vinyl siding, replacement buy mortgages and promis- windows, remodeling, room sory notes. 580-736-2468. additions, painting, roofing & repairs. Call Sunrise ConCall after 6 p.m. struction, 580-620-6752. HAMPTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Dozer, backhoe, trackhoe. For all your dirt work needs on farm and ranch. Ponds built, brushed cleaned and more. 580-656-8247. 3913 or 580-641-1469. Classifieds Page 19 SHOWMAN’S CHOICE FARM & RANCH ROUND BALES of hay: Wheat hay, $65, Grass hay, $75. Bluestem & Bermuda mix, $80. Bermuda grass, $95. Call Larry Wilson, 580704-3994. HOURS MON-FRI 8:00-5:30 SAT 10:00-2:00 1205 SW SHERIDAN RD LAWTON, OK 73505 580-355-7469 FIND US ON FACEBOOK! FOR SALE: Bumper-pull hay bale buggy. Call 940-4467999. %,*5281' %$/(+$8/,1* 6HOI/RDGLQJ8QORDGLQJ +ROGV%DOHV3HU/RDG )URP)LHOGWR'HVLUHG/RFDWLRQ HAY FOR SALE: 5x5.5 foot round bales of prairie and premium Bermuda and small square bails of premium Bermuda. Call Dave for pricing, 580-536-7675. 3KRQH &DUO*X\6KLSOH\/HDYH0HVVDJH FOR SALE: 2” & 2 1/2” struc- FOR SALE: Clean meadow tural oilfield tubing. Call 580- grass hay for horses and cattle. Large 5 1/2 by 5 1/2 255-5400. FOR SALE: 1952 Ford Dear- ft. bales. Loading available. 658-6223, born shank cultivator. $125. 580-756-0348, 450-2524, 658-6103. Call 580-439-2468. FOR SALE: Reese disk mower, $600. 580-439-2468. FOR SALE: 1600 JD twin knife swather with 8’ crimper, $2,250. Also, 15 ½’ offset plow, good shape, new hoses, good tires. $3,500. Call 580-313-0155. FOR SALE: John Deere hay rake, $700. Call 580-4392468. FOR SALE: International offset disk, $2,000. 405-7795812. FOR SALE: 14% stock cow cubes, $230 bulk, $7 bag for pallet of 40. Banded alfalfa, $365 or $12 bale. Banded teff, $350 or $9.50 bale. Call 580-492-4169. Wheat FOR SALE: 10 large round bales for $30 each, or 100 small square (rained on a couple times) for $3/bale. 580-583-5573. Plows FOR SALE: 12-shank Graham chisel plow. 14-ft. John Deere model 340 offset disc, two-head gauge. Call 580512-8884 or 439-2327. Tractors FOR SALE: 1929 Farmall regular, on full steel, runs. $1,250. Farmall M, $750. 405-779-5812. FOR SALE: John Deere 4010 tractor, diesel, good condiFOR SALE: Banded stock tion. 24-foot Dugan stock cow alfalfa, $320 or $10 bale. trailer, needs some work. Banded wheat straw, $4.50. Marlow, 580-583-3239. Banded orchard, $345 or $10 FOR SALE: Top soil/fill dirt Farm & Ranch equipment HERB’S LAPIDARY ROCK mix from silt in from pond. $17 a bale. 50# loose salt, $4. auction: Friday and Saturday, SHOP: Petrified wood, Co- a load. You must supply truck 4-point 12-gauge wire, $55 a Feb. 21 & 22. Ad deadline, pelite, diamond saw blades, and loading tractor. Call: 580- roll. Call 580-492-4169. Feb. 1. Call Consignment FOR SALE: SA 200 Lincoln Bridges Auction & Sales Co. 365-million-year-old fossils, 919-0267. welder red face $2,100. And a 580-492-5260. rough finish turquoise salt FOR SALE: Hardy, wine/ 20 ft. oil field cattle guard with lamps, too much to list. 907 table grapes, and trees. Piedbar gate $1,800. Call 580S. Highway 81, Comanche. montese Nursery & Vineyard. 251-0012. Open Wed.- Sat. or by apFOR SALE: Dugan ground 580-583-5573. pointment. 580-439-4186 or load cattle trailer, $20,500. FOR SALE: We have 17% 580-439-5347. 940-736-0034. premium cubes $30 bulk, FOR SALE; Large round HOME-GROWN TREES: $10 bag for pallet of 40. All- bales of Sudan and mixed- FOR SALE: 16x6 stock trailer, Balled & burlapped, bald cylike new $3,750. 580-512purpose grass/alfalfa cubes, grass hay. 580-467-0586. press, red oak, lacebark elm, 8923. $330 bulk, $9.50 bag for palpine trees, Bradford pear, HAY FOR SALE: Small let 40. Call 580-492-4169. FOR SALE: Peanut dryer crape myrtles, silver maple & square bales of wheat, $6.50 trailer with blower, $2,150. more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, FOR SALE: Bumper-pull hay per bale. Bermuda grass Also, 6x20 gooseneck trailer, Duncan. Call 580-656-7273 bale buggy. Call 940-446- hay, $7.50 per bale. 580-512$2,150. Call 580-313-0155. 7999. or 580-656-6373. 2764. Vinyl siding, replacement windows, remodeling, room additions, painting, roofing & repairs. Call Sunrise Construction, 580-620-6752. FOR ALL YOUR HORSE TACK & SHOW SUPPLY NEEDS. HAY FOR SALE: Round bales Bermuda, weed killed & fertilized $70. Blue stem, weed killed, $60. Hay, grazer excellent, $65. Can deliver. Dennis Haxton 580-429-3700 or 580-591-1786 or 1787. Farm & Ranch Trailers Hay NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED CONCRETE FINISHERS & EXPERIENCED CONCRETE LABORERS 2 YEARS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED VALID DRIVERS LICENSE PREFERRED WE PROVIDE BENEFITS! (CTO 5GTXKEGU 6TCEVQT(CTO 'SWKROGPV4GRCKT &16+PURGEVKQPU 5GTXKEG %CNNU Blackburn Concrete e Construction Co. From Our Family To Yours! Walters Co-op Elevator (580) 875-3344 k Phone: 580-255-7164 Fax: 580-255-5371 1102 South 13th Duncan, OK 73533 Merryk Christmas & Happyk k New Year! Jerry Blackburn Justin Blackburn HORSE & CATTLE SHOW STOCK PURINA FEEDS BULK FEED DELIVERY AVAILABLE Winter Contracts Coming Up! Commercial & Farm Fuel Delivery Office/Feed Store 580-444-2573 24 HOUR PAY AT THE PUMP Convenience Store CONVENIENCE 580-444-2172 STORE 657 MAIN ST VELMA, OK Page 20 Current FARM & RANCH MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: Gooseneck trailer 2 axles. Call 580-4677647. Furniture & Appliances TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION FOR SALE: 2005 Cadillac Deville, 2001 GMC four-door pickup, 1994 Fleetwood Brougham Cadillac. 580FOR SALE: 10’ pipe trailer, FURNITURE FOR SALE. 656-7918. $250. 16’ utility trailer, $1,200. Divan, recliner, refrigerator, 16’ gooseneck utility trailer, dishwasher, clothes washer, FOR SALE: 1960 Ford Star$1,200. Will trade for 4-door dryer, dining set, two china liner, 292 engine, runs good, 3/4- or 1-ton truck. 580-606- cabinets, bedroom suite, needs brakes, solid floor 0600. miscellaneous tables, lamps, pans, trunk pan needs rerugs, much more. $4,000 for placed, minor rust. Needs all. 580-365-4503, 512-8350 some interior work. $4,950. Call 580-591-2923. or 365-4483. Merchandise Antiques 1940s Mickey and Donald rubber toys, metal gasoline signs, oak icebox, oak secretary w/display, 1940s Duncan Phyfe hutch w/secretary. SANTA FE TRADERS inside Addington Station Antiques. 10-5 p.m. Tues. – Sat. 580439-5566. FOR SALE: Coffee table, 2 matching end tables, 2-piece dresser with mirror. China hutch, antique pedal sewing machine, oak Broyhill, kitchen table with 6 chairs, sewing machine, large end table. 580-248-5074. Musical Instruments FOR SALE: 5-string banjo, $150. Slivertone electric guitar in Fender hard case, $175. Small Fishman electric guitar with amp, $60.Mirage accordion and case, $100. Lanikaiuke, $60. High-lift jack, $20. Small air conditioner, $40. OAK: Square library table, Violin with two bows, $85. hall trees, early 1900s ornate 1-405-243-6883. sideboard, Hoosier cabinets, dining tables. Singer featherweight sewing machine in case, Roseville, Fenton, & Hull pottery. SANTA FE TRADERS. WWI, WWII memorabilia, Navajo pottery, Aladdin lamps, many types of butter churns, Tom’s candy case, rare Crocket/Kelly handcuffs, 1950s ranch oak coffee/end table set. ADDINGTON STATION ANTIQUES. 10-5 Tues. - Sat. 439-5566. FOR SALE: 14’ Newman fi WWII Marine-captured Japa- berglass V-hull fishing boat, nese battle flag, coins, De- 3 pedestal seats, live well, pression glass, Majolica, 50-HP Mercury, and trailer, Jadeite, CHRISTMAS SHOP $1,850. New 10’ Aluma Craft at ADDINGTON STATION john boat with trailer, $750. ANTIQUES. 10-5 Tues. - Sat. 580-492-6776. Lay-away available. Transportation Boats/ Watercraft Cars Classifieds 2004 Toyota Corolla, 182,000. Runs great, great gas mileage. Dark blue outside, light gray inside. I can email pics. Call or text 580660-1257. This is a good starter car. $4,000. FOR SALE: 2010 Ford Lariat. All the goodies, great Christmas present. 52,000 miles. $28,000. Call 580-704-9650. 2000 EXCEL 33-FT. FIFTH WHEEL Built-in 5500 Generac generator, 2 slides, plumbed washer and dryer; very good condition. Lots of storage, large closet. Price reduced, $15,000. 580-6563690. Trucks and SUVs TRUCK TIRES FOR SALE: 6-10r 22.5 mounted on Dayton rims and 6-920’s tube type mounted on Dayton rims. Mid ‘90s Ford 2-ton truck brake system. Rear ends and front axles. Call 580-721-9141. FOR SALE: 1938 Chevy street rod. Call for details and price, 580-252-3066 or 580786-9006. Farm & Ranch equipment FOR SALE: ‘71 Camaro drag auction: Friday and Saturday, car, $10,500. Ladder bars Feb. 21 & 22. Ad deadline, and tubbed, runs 6.50’s in Feb. 1. Call Consignment 1/8th, on methanol. 400 tur- Bridges Auction & Sales Co. bo trans., 350 bored to 385, 580-492-5260. fresh rebuild, 4.56 rear end. 580-353-8124. Cycles and ATVs FOR SALE; 2003 Honda Rebel. Good starter bike for teenager or smaller person. 10,000 miles, black, body in good shape. I can email pics. Call or text 580-660-1257. $1,600. FOR SALE: 2003 HD FLHTCUI Ultra Classic 100th Anniversary, one owner, 53,376 miles, cruise control, AM/FM/ WB/CD/CB, lower fairings, King Tour-Pak luggage components. $12,000. Call after 4 p.m. 870-500-4497. FOR SALE: Large 4-wheel ATV or small auto trailer. 580658-6223 or 756-0348. Recreational Vehicles FOR SALE: 1987 Winnebago WALTERS TIRE AND Lesharo self-contained, roof FOR SALE: 14-gauge rifle, ALIGNMENT: 2-wheel and AC, electric water heater, new 22 cal.; guitar, 6 string and 4-wheel digital alignments. refrigerator, generator and A-hot Fence transformer with New and used tires. Here to good gas mileage. 580-439help farmers with their tire 5901 or 580-251-1648. wire. Call 580-492-5707. needs. 580-678-8029. SOUTH WEST RV: Get your For Sale: 2006 black Ford SWRV on!, PAINTING LESSONS: with Mustang, tan convertible, with email: dougparrish@goswrv. Judy McCombs Wednesdays rear spoiler, tan and black in- com . Ask about our mobile at Walters depot. Any level, terior. Automatic, AC, Shaker RV service! 580-695-9560. beginner to advanced, $25 500 AM/FM radio, 6-CD FOR SALE: 2003 5th wheel per session. For information, player, power locks, windows, Holiday Rambler, 2 slide outs, call Lavonne High, 580-875- mirrors, and driver side seat. kitchen and bedroom fully 2144. Sponsored by Cotton Keyless entry. $8,500. Call furnished excellent condition County Art Council. 580-353-4304. 30+ ft. $18,000. 580-656- Firearms Entertainment 7095. WE ARE ALL UP TO THE CHALLENGE. Using technology to better serve every member helps your electric co-op achieve energy efficiency. And when we work together to use energy wisely, we all save money together. Learn more about the power of your electric co-op membership at December 16, 2013 December 16, 2013 Current TRANSPORTATION MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: 2006 Ford F 350 diesel, 4 WD, 105,000 miles, hay bed, excellent condition. Call 580-512-9859. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Divan, recliner, refrigerator, dishwasher, clothes washer, dryer, dining set, two china cabinets, bedroom suite, miscellaneous tables, lamps, rugs, much more. $4,000 for all. 580-365-4503, 512-8350 or 365-4483. 65 Stepside pickup. All original with title. Two ‘66 Ford pickups. $1,500 for all 580353-8124. FOR SALE: 99 F250 CNG pickup, 55,200 miles, $7,800. ’61 Chevy Viking grain truck, $2,900. ’04 Chevy Suburban w/TV, 141,400 miles, $6,800. Camper shell for ’83 Chevy, $150. 580-606-0600. 2002 Dodge Ram 1500. Joe Martin 22” wheels, Nitto tires. Pioneer CD/DVD, amp, 18” Rockford Fosgate speakers. Electric windows/locks, remote starter, bed cover. 104,900 miles. $5,000 OBO. 580-483-2021. FOR SALE: 2002 GMC Sierrra SLE, 8 cyl., 4-dr., extended cab, power locks & windows, air, tilt cruise, tow package, AM/FM radio/CD, 71,088 miles. By appointment only. Call 580-467-2530. FOR SALE: 235 Chevy, fresh overhauled, $1,700. Call 580439-2468. FOR SALE: 1985 Ford 3/4 ton, 6.9 diesel, 4-speed, brand new clutch, new tires on the back. $1,500 OBO. 580-475-0144. FOR SALE: Classic 1986 Jeep CJ7 Renegade, 4-speed, 6 cyl., Hard and soft top excellent shape. $10,200 OBO. Call 580-656-6464. Miscellaneous TASTEFULLY SIMPLE! Offers a wide selection of convenient, easy-to-prepare foods designed to help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying the rest of their lives. Interested in a party or selling it yourself? Call Donna, 580585-2022. Registered Labrador retrievers: First litter born Nov. 4, second litter born Nov. 18. Black and yellow. Excellent bloodlines. Ready by Christmas. Also, mixed breed puppies, ½ Lab, ½ German shorthair. Ready today. 580656-3701. ED’S PROCESSING We are not a check station. Deer, elk & wild hogs. Oct. 1 through Jan 15. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. daily. 580-658-5796. FOR SALE: Split oak firewood, $65. Call or text 580693-0069. FOR SALE: Coffee table, 2 matching end tables, dresser 2-piece with mirror. China hutch, antique pedal sewing machine, oak Broyhill, kitchen table with 6 chairs, sewing machine, large end table. 580-248-5074. FOR SALE: Pro-Com 30,000 BTU heating stove open flame, wall mount. Extension cord. Call 580-251-0837. FOR SALE: Bowflex $450 OBO. Cast iron wood stove, never been used, $100. Electric stove, 3 ½ years old $50. Electric dryer, $50. Call 2558214 or 656-1407. FOR SALE: 10 new brown aluminum windows, various sizes. Also have a new 3-ft. fiberglass door with Texas stars in glass. 580-246-3513 or 678-0299. SQUARE DANCE LESSONS: Sponsored by Solo Squares / Star Promenaders. Starting Jan. 13, 6:30–8 p.m. Monday & Thursday in Lawton. First 2 lessons free. Caller Scott Bennett. Information, call Duffy, 580-5127876/ Dale, 580-355-3480. FOR SALE: Free standing heavy-duty fireplace with pipe in grate. $200. 580-4924016. FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Seasoned pecan and oak, $60. 580-483-3503. Speeco Quick Hitch Cat, $100. Four 15-inch wheels, 6-hole, white, Toyota pickup, $40. Four tires, LT 285/75 R16 $45. Small electric heater, 220 volt, $20. 580-6412265. Marlow area. FOR SALE: 7x10 mini lathe, excellent condition, many extras. $475. 580-591-2923. FOR SALE: Leather Lane motion furniture set, $2,750. Dining table with 8 chairs, $500. GE profile radiant selfcleaning oven, $175. Call 580-251-0476. Classifieds +$0021' 9HWHULQDU\ +RVSLWDO 6PDOO/DUJH$QLPDO8OWUD6RXQG +RXU(PHUJHQF\6HUYLFH -HII+DPPRQG 0LOH6RXWKRI(%,$2$6 0RQWKUX)ULWR 6DWXUGD\WR Starlite Welding Supplies Wishes You a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Torch Kit Specials & Welder Generator Specials 1 Yr. Cylinder Lease $40.95 SPECIALS on Welders/Generators 506 Industrial Ave.--By Duncan Cemetery Mon.-Fri., 7:30 am -5:30 pm; Sat., 7:30 am -1 pm Home-owned by Kenneth/Jeff Golay Since 1991 580-252-8320 Page 21 Classified Ad Policy Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. Thornton Supply Waterwell Systems, Oilfield Compressors, Injection Pumps, & Accessories!!! -Gaso -Kerr -Wheatley -FMC -Curtis -Aeroquip Hydraulics -Anvil Pipe Fittings -Weld Bend Fittings & Flanges -Petroleum Tank Truck Hose -Matco & Apollo Valves -Quincy -Garden Denver -Jacuzzi -Zoeller -Gates Belts Page 22 Current MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Paragon kiln, excellent condition, approximately 100 pieces greenware, paints, brushes, 75 to 100 molds. Will sacrifice all for $650. 580-492-4813. FOR SALE: Wedding accessories from One Stop Wedding shop in Faxon. Brass candelabra, archways, 3 sizes white Roman columns, spring-loaded candles, unity candle stand, much more. Call 580-597-2338. OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE to Wichita Mountains. Hiking trails, auto-tours to historic, interesting places. $15.95 ea. $2 postage. Send check: Valley of the Wichitas, P.O. Box 6741, Lawton, OK 73506. FOR SALE 2 sets of plates “Gone with the Wind” Golden Anniversary Series $360 per set. Also, one frame that holds 12 plates, $50. You must pick up. 580-704-2160. PAINTING LESSONS: with Judy McCombs Wednesdays at the Walters depot. Any level, beginner to advanced, WICHITA MOUNTAIN $25 per session. For more inLODGE: 425 E. Lake Dr., formation, call Lavonne High, Medicine Park. Peaceful 580-875-2144. Sponsored by get-away or rowdy reunion! Cotton County Art Council. Private cabins, fishing, FOR SALE: SA 200 Lincoln group lodging, event center. welder red face $2,100. And a 20-ft. oil field cattle guard Owner, DW Burrus, 580-917- with bar gate $1,800. Call 1834. 580-251-0012. FOR SALE: ’93 F250 7.3 diesel truck, 208,000 miles, $1,100. Misc. used steel pipe, 2 3/8 and 2 7/8, $0.80/ft. Also, some 2 7/8 fence posts, different pricing. 580-6060600. FOR SALE: Seven 2-way FM radios, business band, base antenna, 2-wheel hay turner, and a fence row mower. Call 580-512-8884 or 439-2327. LOOKING FOR: TV antenna, router needs controls and HOME-GROWN TREES: conversion box. Older model Balled & burlapped, bald cy- US Cellular phone, preferably press, red oak, lacebark elm, Motorola Razr or LG Wine. pine trees, Bradford pear, 580-512-5550. crape myrtles, silver maple & WILL TRADE: Epiphone more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, AJ100CE acoustic-electric Duncan. Call 580-656-7273 guitar, Cecilio CVN200 handor 580-656-6373. carved violin-fiddle, and FOR SALE: Franklin Mint Yamaha YPT330 61-key, Dolls, limited edition, all por- 497-voice keyboard, with celain, large selection. Also KT108 amplifier, stand, bench have antique dresser with & more FOR boat, guns, tracmirror and small chest of tor or trailer. 580-492-6776. drawers. More information, FOR SALE: 25-ft. side-bycall 580-704-2160. side Whirlpool refrigerator. FOR SALE: Ceramic mold Older model, using now. and kiln. Beauty supplies, Want to buy a black fridge. one hydraulic chair and 3 dry- 580-512-5550. ers. 580-656-7918. OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE FOR SALE: Two new belt to Wichita Mountains. To orbuckles. 1987 Chickasha der trail guide and other pubTrain Depot. SN 161 and 162. lications about the Wichita Make offer. Call 580-252- Mountains, see www.wichita3066 or 580-786-9006. JOE ROSEBERRY: Allison Excavation LLC, Backhoe service, all types of construction, dirt, gravel, demolition, dozer, grater work, roll off containers, 580-695-8338. FOR SALE: Mountain man fur hats, Daniel Boone raccoon or skunk hats, $100 each. Custom-made to fit you! Ammonite fossils also available, $25 and up. 580-919-0267. SEEKING donations of scrap metal to benefit American Legion Post 306 in Fletcher. 580-512-1577. CACHE CREEK COWBOY CHURCH (4C): Gatherin’ at Shining Spur Stables, 1 mile south, ¾ mi. east of TV7, 6902 SE Bishop Rd, Lawton. 10 a.m. Sun & 7:30 p.m. Wed. Church of second chances. or 580351-7046 or 580-512-2125. FOR SALE: Old cast iron bath tubs, $40 each. New 5’ white Whirlpool tub, in crate, $680. Wagon wheel table & stools, $150. Sofa & loveseat, $75 pair. Baby bed & changing table, $25 each. 606-0600. FOR SALE: 10’ sheet metal brake, $1,100. 580-439-2468. News December 16, 2013 1813 N HWY 81, DUNCAN, OK WE HAVE MADE THE MOVE! Now Open At Our New Location 2115 N Hwy 81 - Old Honda Dealership (Between Arvest and Sonic) I WANT TO BUY: Older nonrunning grain truck with steel bed. Charles, 580-353-5011. FOR SALE: 15-foot 4-wheel wagon trailer, spring ride, shiplap oak box holds grain or veggies or hay. $750. 580353-5011 FOR SALE: Chevy TH350 transmission, $250. Chevy truck big block carbureted engine, $1,000. 5-speed H.D. Std. transmission and 7.3 Ford diesel engine, $500 each. Andy, 580-574- 0103 Don’t Miss The Deals At The Old Store! Still Functioning As Our Clearance Center! FOR SALE: Large round bales of mixed-grass hay, $50. You load, you haul. 580678-2606, east of Lawton. SHOP THE GEMS BOOTH AT BUTTERFIELDS: 803 Main Street in Duncan. Purses, mirrors, Betty Boop,, archery, jewelry, Coke, beer, ephemera, advertising, guitars, musical instruments, sports, fishing, Western wear, boots. All Boots At The Old Store Are 1/2 Original Price! Clothing And Accessories Are Buy One at Marked Price, Buy Second Item ½ Off and Receive a 3rd Item for Free! ALL Furniture, Indoor & Outdoor, & Outdoor Decor 40% Off SOFAS: START AT $399 RECLINERS: FROM $199 BUNKBEDS: START AT $299 BEDROOM SETS: WICHITA FROM $799 FURNITURE MATTRESS SETS: 1127 NW Cache Rd Hours: 9am-6pm, Monday-Saturday START AT $199 *With Manager’s Approval. **Pictures for illustration purpose only. CASH DISCOUNTS! 12 MONTHS SAME AS CASH AVAILABLE! $0 DOWN! W.A.C.
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