Classifieds - Cotton Electric Co-op
Classifieds - Cotton Electric Co-op
Page 14 Current Classifieds April 15, 2013 Current Classifieds Classified & Display Ad Deadlines The deadline for classified ads for the next issue is May 2. Display ad space must be reserved by April 29. If your ads are not received by this deadline, they will not be published in the next issue. Please limit ads to 25-30 words. There is a $5 charge for ads over 30 words. Classified Cost Cotton Electric members are entitled to two free ads per membership per month. Additional ads or ads over 30 words can be purchased for $5 per ad. Not a member, but still want to advertise? Ads must be prepaid, so enclose $5 with your ad to guarantee placement. Place Your Ad __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Us __________________________________________________________________________________ Ads can be sent in the mail or be dropped off at Cotton Electric, 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK 73572. Ads can be emailed to classifieds@ or they can be sent via fax to 580-875-3101 Ads can also be dropped off at the Duncan office, 1101 W. Oak. __________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Clip and Mail to: City _________________________ Zip Code _________________ Cotton Electric Current Phone _________________________________________________ 226 N. Broadway Cotton Electric Account # _________________________________ Walters, OK 73572 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE House for sale: to be moved. 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, living room, dining and kitchen, central heat and air with wood stove. $10, 000. 580-6585995. Real Estate Commercial COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE: 701 W. Main in Duncan. Utilities paid. Call 580-281-0318. 6,000-sq.-ft. building for sale: 2416 SW I Ave. in Lawton near Cameron. $60,000. 580-585-2562. For Sale: Back Door Bling: Includes three separate established businesses: Garden center, dog grooming and bling retail store. Located in Duncan. Contact Jo Patton Real Estate. 580-467-6182. FOR SALE: Brick home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. CH/A, extra-large garage with heat and air, central vacuum. Covered patio, cellar, storage building, in-ground pool. 205 HOME/BUSINESS for sale. S. Eighth, Marlow. $91,000. 3-bedroom, 2-bath home, 580-467-4799. on 5 acres with established nightclub of 18 years on site. UNITS FOR Also, equipped barber shop. STORAGE RENT: Waurika Self Stor$195,000. Serious inquiries age. Units are 10x10, 10x20 only. 580-351-4154. and 11x30. Boat storage also 4520 EL RANCHO, Dunavailable. Call Janie Willmon, can. 4 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, manager, 580-228-2816, or 30x40 shop, near Lawton/ 940-733-2181. Duncan Y. Lots of updates, new windows, roof, carpet FOR RENT: Mobile home at etc. $119,500, all serious The Garden. Between Clear offers negotiable. Contact Creek and Humphreys lakes. Christi, 580-251-0494 or 580-255-8126. BUILDING FOR RENT: Shop CABIN FOR SALE on one building, tall garage doors acre, 1,300-sq.-ft. living quar- and office space. Suitable for ters, central heat and air. Call oil field or mechanic’s shop. 580-673-2538 or 580-229- Located 2 ½ miles E. Velma, Old Hwy. 7. Old Mahorney 3057. Building. 580-444-2589. BRANSON TIME SHARE: For sale or rent. 1 or 2 bedrooms. Call 580-704-6877 or 580-704-7877, leave message. LAWTONKA RV PARK: Full hook-ups, Internet and cable, at Lake Lawtonka near the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, beautiful view. Visit us on the web, or call 580HOME FOR SALE: 224 North 492-6553 or 580-678-9323. Ridge Road, Elgin. 2,111 square feet.3 bedrooms, 2 LOTS FOR SALE: For dou- baths. $225,000. Call 580ble-wide, owner financing, 704-5420 for an appointment. Walters and Randlett area. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom, 580-591-1042. 2-bath home on 9 acres, at- Rentals Lots/Land ANIMALS JOHNSON RANCH: Angus, black Maine & Hereford bulls for sale. Extensive 400-cow Al program. Call 580-2521393 or 580-467-7433. FOR SALE: 35 Corrientes cows, 35 Longhorn bred to Angus bulls. ½ of the calves on the ground. 580-6412778. FOR SALE: Cattle guard, 16-foot, made from 4” pipe. $800. 580-467-1043. Dogs GREAT PYRENEES puppies. Raised with goats. $50 each. 580-704-7035. AKC Registered RARE chocolate Labradors. National Champion pedigrees/ award-winning hunting backgrounds. 5 males, 3 females. Taking deposits, puppies available April 18 with first round of shots, de-wormed, and dewclaws removed. 580.647.2625. 0,'&217,1(175(%8,/',1& $OWHUQDWRU6WDUWHU *HQHUDWRU)RUNOLIW 6WRS3D\LQJ 1HZ3ULFHV 6$9(72'$< /HW8V5HEXLOG<RXU8QLW 5HEXLOGLQJ)RUƔ7UXFNƔ7UDFWRU Ɣ2LO)LHOGƔ,QGXVWULDOƔ)RUNOLIW 5LFKDUG.HFN5HEXLOG7HFKQLFLDQ %RLV'¶$UF'XQFDQ2. Animals Cats Cattle Rt 3 Box 54-2 Comanche, OK 73529 Large with 5 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 2 living areas, 3 car garage! 2907 sq. ft. with both levels, underground could be used as an apartment or other family living! Great 23’6x63’3 shop that could be used for a business! Sits on almost an acre! Reduced to $149,900. Comanche School district! Listed with RE/MAX OF DUNCAN 580-252-7800 Call Bryan Fisher for more info and to see at 580-251-1195 Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. AKC POMERIAN PUPPIES: rare and exotic parti collars. Charming manners make the Pomeranian breed a welcome family member. Ideal house and watch dogs, intelligent, eager to please. 580281-3260 or 281-0075. FOR SALE: English shepherd puppies, great kid/watch/ cattle dogs, $100. Call 580FOR SALE: 4405 West Fuller tached double garage, cellar. REWARD – LOST DOG: 658-6235 or 641-2791. Road, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, New air, roof and carpeting, Adult male Italian mastiff REWARD – LOST DOG: 2 living areas, Pergo floors, West Elk across from The strayed from home 4 miles Adult male Italian mastiff 2-car garage, cellar, 1,720 sq. Territory golf course. Call east of Geronimo. Tan, 180- strayed from home 4 miles 200 lbs., tame, last seen east of Geronimo. Tan, 180feet/.86 acres. 1 ½ miles west 580-786-0321. of Hwy. 81. $99,000. 580- FOR SALE: 4405 West Fuller wearing a red collar. 580- 200 lbs., tame, last seen 591-2176 or 585-2170. wearing a red collar. 580467-7823. Road, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, MILLERS CROSSING: 2 living areas, pergo floors, FOR SALE: Eleven-shank 591-2176 or 585-2170. Lighted country community 2-car garage, cellar, 1,720 sq. big ox on Laney carrier. Call: AKBASH/PYRENEES pupdevelopment, .5-2 acre plus- feet/.86 acres. 1 ½ miles west 580-536-7415 or 580-917- pies. Born in goat pen Valentine’s Day. Parents on premsized lots. Stephens County of Hwy. 81. $99,000. 580- 5607. ises $50. 580-512-6819. water, underground electric. 467-7823. Central High School and fire FOR SALE: Two-bedroom, FOR SALE: AKC Siberian department 5 miles away. one-bath home, 1,100 sq. ft., FOR SALE: Beautiful seal Husky puppies, 5 male, 1 feCall for info. Carl Miller, 580 CH/A , single-car garage on point and blue point Siamese male, blue eyes. Four black kittens. Parents on premises. 353-8124. 4 lots, in Sterling area. 580and white, and two all white. First shots, wormed, litter $800-$1,500. 580-251-9806. LAND FOR SALE & AUC- 512-7611. trained. Call 580-429-8778. TION: Your farm/ranch & land HOUSE IN WALTERS FOR specialists. Land Pros Real SALE: As is, three bedrooms, Estate & Auction Co. www. one bath, large kitchen, FOR SALE: Donkeys. Call BECKWARDS T RANCH FarmsRanchesLand.c om. three lots, one block south of 580-591-1042. Gentle Angus bulls, low birth, Join our online mailing list, schools. Price is negotiable. high weaning, clean under- Mini Donkeys: $200 each. never miss a sale! 580-252- Call 580-248-6475. side. Guarantee: Not happy One 5-year-old male paint; 3880. For Sale: 103 Elk Dr. located with first calf crop at weaning one 2-year-old male paint; FOR SALE: Acreage with in Cache 3 bedrooms, 2 bath- time, I’ll replace the bull. 580- one 7-month-old female city water, owner finance for rooms. Brick home, 1,494 sq. 353-4304. paint; one 3-year-old black double-wide trailers. Call ft., clean, well maintained. female and one 3-year-old FOR SALE: 4 registered An580-591-1042. gray female breed. 580-606Call Molly, 512-0924. gus bulls and 2 non-regisFOR SALE: 5 acres on Lake FOR SALE: 305 E. Nevada, tered 4-5 years old. 580-641- 0390. Road. Has well, septic and Walters. 3 bedrooms, 2 0197. electricity. Close to Clear baths, nice corner lot, 1,400 Creek Lake. Contact 580- sq. ft. For more information, King Industries, a full service heavy truck and trailer shop. 467-6182. call 580-595-0514. DOT, preventive maintenance, Sale/Rent: 327 NW 65th, welding and fabrication, service Lawton. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, calls, hydraulic cylinder repair FOR SALE: 4 + acres home and fabricate hydraulic hoses CHA, large living room, kitch,I\RXKDYHODQG site. Inside Duncan city lim ¿WWLQJV :H VHOO LQGXVWULDO GHen/dining with appliances, its. Southwest side near VoWHUJHQW DQG RLO ¿HOG VXSSO\ )RU )RU6DOH&DOO8V washer/dryer connections, Tech. All utilities and sewer almost every kind of vehicle we large fenced backyard. $800 can repair A/C systems and offer available. Secluded and priPARR REAL ESTATE month with lease or $92,000. tire service and sales. NO CITY vate area, zoned agricultural. RU 580-591-1941. Appointment 6$/(6 7$; 6: %LVKRS 580-251-0103. only. Rd. Lawton. Call 580-536-7675. Homes Classified Ad Policy Donkeys :H+DYH%X\HUV )RU/DQG,Q 6:2NODKRPD M w Real Esta arlo te Always Ready WRJRWKH([WUD0LOHIRU\RX 205 W. Main, Marlow 580-658-1177 “Selling our listings, would like to sell yours” Debbie Lynn Benton 580-512-9873 Marlow (:KLWDNHU :6WHHOH :6WHHOHVKRS :&RPDQFKH 6WKODUJHFRUQHUORW 6WK :3D\QH³DVLV´ :.LRZDVKRS :*UDQGWRWDOUHPRGHO&2175$&7 6WKFRUQHUORW :6HPLQROHVKRSSRROORWVRIH[WUDV &2175$&7 6WKWRWDOUHPRGHO Commercial Lots %ORFN1%URDGZD\0DUORZIHQFHGORW :0DLQ0DUORZFRPPHUFLDOORW :0DLQ0DUORZFRUQHUORW0DLQ6WUHHW 1+Z\KZ\IURQWDJHIWDYDLO62/' Commercial Property 1+Z\'XQFDQODUJHRI¿FHEOGJ&DOO 'HEELH/\QQ (+Z\DFUHVODUJHVKRSRI¿FH Rural Properties (*DUULVRQDFUHV0+JDUDJH 6:RRGV'UDFUHV0+ZDWHUZHOOWUHHV 10LOH5G&HQWUDO+LJKDFUHV *RDG5G%UD\DUHDDFUHV 5W%R[$)RVWHUDFUHVVKRSFHOODU62/' &65XVK6SULQJVDFUH &R[&LW\5GDFUHVEDUQSRQG 6FLVVRUWDLOVKRSZEDWK&+$ 5W%R[$'XQFDQDFUHVVKRS62/' &50DUORZDFUHVVKRS 10F.LQOH\0DUORZDFUHV)3&$// &OHDU&UHHN5GDFUHVJXHVWKRXVHVKRS EDUQURSLQJDUHQDFURVVHGIHQFHG&$// Duncan 1VWFRUQHUORW 1WK&+$ 1WK&+$ :%RLVG¶$UFQHZUROODZD\KRXVH&2175$&7 1VWOLYLQJDUHDV)3JDUDJH Lake Property $UHD(/RW0+EHGOLYLQJFDUSRUW Land 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVVKRS 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVSDVWXUH 6*RRGULFK5G0DUORZDFUHVZDWHUZHOO 65DLOURDG6W0DUORZDFUHVZDWHUZHOOEDUQ (/'<DFUHVSDVWXUHSRQG 1RI0DUORZDFUHVSDVWXUHVRPHFXOWLYDWHGODQG 0RXQWDLQ9LHZ5G(OJLQDFUHVSDVWXUH 3RWWV+Z\DFUHVWUHHV&$// 3RWWV5GDFUHV0+WUHHV&$// DFUHV5XVK6SULQJVJUDVVEDUQZDWHUZHOO %UD\$UHDDFUHVSDVWXUHVEDUQVFRUUDOVSRQGV Lots 3D\QH+HLJKWV$GGLWLRQEXLOGLQJORWVUHVWULFWLRQVNk :3D\QH0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWFHOODU 0HDGRZYLHZ'XQFDQYDFDQWFRUQHUORW WK&KH\HQQH0DUORZFRUQHUORWWUHHV :3D\QH0DUORZFRUQHUORWVKRS :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'ULQWHULRUORW WK3DUN0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWWUHHV :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'UFRUQHUORW Always ready to go the “EXTRA MILE” for you Rt 1 Box 68C2 Hastings, OK 73548 Walker Creek Estates at Waurika Lake! 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, open living-dining-kitchen area! New vinyl windows, nice home on a very pretty setting with trees and on big lot! Reduced to $64,900 Listed with RE/MAX OF DUNCAN 580-252-7800 Call Bryan Fisher for info and to view at 580-251-1195. Debbie Lynn Benton Broker / Owner April 15, 2013 Current Classifieds Page 15 ANIMALS ANIMALS SERVICES SERVICES FOR SALE: Laying hens, guineas and donkeys. Call 580-591-1042. Horses wanted. Also buying saddles, trailers, old bit and spur collections. Call Gary, 405-226-0630. TRACTOR FOR RENT: 50-hp 4WD 6’ bucket, 7’ box blade, 7’ brush hog, $250 for 10 hrs. plus diesel. Meter in 24 hrs., will deliver. 580-656-1645. Origami Owl Living Lockets. Build your own locket with charms that tell your story. Book your party today! Linda Estes, independent designer 580-467-7429. Visit my website www.circleecharms. or email Fish POND STOCKING: Minnows, catfish, bluegill, bass. Will deliver to pond. Sand Hills Fish Farm and bait dealer. 580658-6018 or 405-487-6979. Fowl FOR SALE: Laying hens, guineas and donkeys. Call 580-591-1042. FOR SALE: White doves, 20 for $4.50 each. Tangerine pied doves, 20 for $3.50 each, unsexed. Cash only. 580-252-8598. Leave number if no answer. NEW & USED SADDLES Whole container full of tack. We’ll beat the competition. Call 580-695-1847. COMANCHE ELECTRICAL RESOURCES LLC: Industrial, residential, commercial. WANTING TO BUY: Child’s Over 40 years of experience, pony, very gentle. Would con- License #OK13954. comansider buying saddle and ac- or cessories. Call 467-2248 or call 580-597-2442. 255-8162. WHY STRESS YOUR PET? Your pet is most comfortable in its own home. For routine RABBITS FOR SALE at 17 vaccines and check-ups, we Robinson Road, Lawton come to you. By appointment only. Call 580-583-4693, 580-492-6346. leave message. Rabbits BE PREPARED when the rain finally returns: Lawson Aerator opens tight-packed ground to reduce run-off and loosen tight soils. Call Keith Prater, 580-641-0198. NEW MACHINE SHOP: Santa Fe Machine, LLC 25 years experience, pump jack repair, general oil field machine APPLIANCE REPAIR. Ex- work. Hwy. 7, 3 miles west of FOR SALE: St. Croix ewes perienced, in-home service. Velma. 580-444-7282. with lamb, $150-$175. 580- Richard Gunn, 580-255- NEEDED: neat, honest, 467-1713 or 658-2164. 8563. friendly, non-smoker, drug I BUY, SELL, TRADE: HorsBRUSH HOGGING, $45/hr., free, high-energy person to es, saddles, trailers & goats. one-hour minimum. 580-606- work in family atmosphere. Call 580-514-1223. FOR SALE: Laying hens, No beer sold. Closed Sunday. 2031. FOR SALE: Purebred Nubian guineas and donkeys. Call Part time or full time. Apply BILL SKEEN FENCING: Rudairy goats, excellent show- 580-591-1042. KwikServ, 719 South Hwy. 81, quality bloodline. Bottle- For Sale: Peacocks. India ral fencing corrals. Home, Duncan. raised sweethearts. Regis- blue, cameo, white & pied. 580-252-0035 or cell, 580Marlow Rock and Fence: Oftered bucks. I can help 4-H Two very nice breeding pairs 467-7670. fering aluminum, vinyl, wood, or FFA kids prepare for goat available. 580-475-5887. FOR SALE: Crack and shelled vinyl-dipped chain-link fence shows. Reasonably priced. pecans. 1-pound bags, $8 and railing along with many FOR SALE: Laying hens and Call 580-429-8778. each. 580-313-0698. styles of decorative rock and guineas. 580-450-1837. FOR SALE: Healthy, beautiful SERVICES, BUILDING, or boulders. 580-658-6133. FARM EGGS: Cage free for pygmy goats. Babies, nanREMODELING: We can meet UGLY MUG PHOTOGRAsale. Geronimo. Call 580nies and billies. $40 and up. your needs. That includes PHY in Cache. I would love to 357-0370. 580-252-5850. tractor work, metal buildings, put my skill and creativity to cabinetry, and garden tilling. Buy, sell or trade goats. 580work for you. Let me preserve Jimmy Burch, 580-585-2562, 475-8096. your story in photos! Like me or Larry Galvin, 580-695on Facebook. 580-699-1026. 3265. Sheep Goats Swine Horses Gypsy Warlock Standing at Stud: Gypsy horses, gypsy sport horses, and foals for sale. Contact On The Hill Gypsy Horses at 580-6412022. ROBINSON PLUMBING: Commercial & residential, bonded, & insured. LIC# OK 117671. Call 580-313-0599. Services HORSES: 17-year-old registered paint mare. Well-trained ranch horse. 580-467-5496. BULLDOG EXPRESS: 580252-2928, Formerly Empire Country Store, 7 - 7 Mon.FOR SALE: AQHA 4-year- Sat. Homemade cinnamon old dun stud. Colts on site. rolls, Monday & Tuesday. 2-year-old AQHA stud colts. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, Buckskins and duns. Colts hot links, chili dogs, $350 each.580-492-5190 or pulled pork sandwich. Come 580-512-4893. see us! BEAUTIFUL 8-year-old Palomino gelding. Good for experienced rider. $500. AQHA mares and colts, all colors AQHA yearling pearlino, white with blue eyes. 580492-5190 or 580-512-4893. BEDROCK NURSERY: Custom Landscape Design and installation. Trees, shrubs, water features, sprinkler system installation and repair. Perennial and annual flowers, hanging baskets, veggies and BUY, SELL, OR TRADE: herbs. “Come see the differHorses, goats, saddles, trail- ence!” East of McCoys on ers. Also, stallion service. Lee Blvd. 580-248-6337. Call 580-512-8923, leave 36 years in Real Estate Johnmessage. ny Kinder Coldwell Banker 2013 HARVESTING WANTED. Will pick up canola. Peter, 320-221-3789. MICHAEL’S LAWN SERVICE, Duncan and Marlow area. Tilling, mowing hauling, misc. 580-255-8126. Dale Wampler Automatic Transmission $SDUWPHQW+RPHV $SDUWPHQW+RPHV 7'' 7'' &KLSSHZD*HURQLPR2. 9+PFKCPC9CNVGTU1- RU%HGURRP&HQWUDO+HDW $LU6WRYH5HIULJHUDWRU:DVKHU 'U\HU+RRNXSV&DUSHW0LQL %OLQGV/DXQGU\)DFLOLW\2Q6LWH 5HQWDO$VVLVWDQFHLV$YDLODEOHWR 4XDOL¿HG$SSOLFDQWV +8'6HFWLRQ$FFHSWHG 7KLVLQVWLWXWLRQLVDQHTXDO RSSRUWXQLW\SURYLGHUHPSOR\HU RU%HGURRP$SDUWPHQWV ZLWKFDUSHWPLQLEOLQGV FHQWUDOKHDWDLUODXQGU\IDFLOLW\ ZDVKHUGU\HUKRRNXSVFHLOLQJIDQV 3OD\JURXQGRQVLWH 5HQWDO$VVLVWDQFH$YDLODEOHWR 4XDOL¿HG$SSOLFDQWV 7KLVLQVWLWXWLRQLVDQHTXDO RSSRUWXQLW\SURYLGHUHPSOR\HU Starlite Welding Supplies Cylinders Available For Making Bells - Call Us! We Appreciate Your Business 1 Yr. Cylinder Lease $40.95 SPECIALS on Welders/Generators 506 Industrial Ave.--By Duncan Cemetery Mon.-Fri., 7:30 am -5:30 pm; Sat., 7:30 am -1 pm Home-owned by Kenneth/Jeff Golay Since 1991 580-252-8320 // )$507,5( +($'48$57(56 ,W¶VWLPHWRWKLQNDERXW 119 E. Kansas Walters, OK )HUWLOL]LQJDQG6SUD\LQJIRU:HHGV RQ*UDVVDQG3DVWXUHV 580-875-2960 We repair all makes and models Overhauls and safeguard service Cooler and shift kits installed PURPLE TIGER energy pills. Energy like a tiger, appetite like a bird! Retail or wholesale. Looking for distributors. 580-252-0533 or 580-6953792. Ɣ5HDVRQDEOH3ULFHV Ɣ:ULWWHQ*XDUDQW\ Ɣ<HDUV([SHULHQFH BARB’S SPECIALTY ADVERTISING: Thousands of items to help promote your business. “You name it we got it.” 580-467-2800. 0RQWKUX7KXUDPWRSP Closed)ULGD\V Walters, Duncan, Lawton Areas Hours :HKDYHDOO\RXUIHUWLOL]HUDQGFKHPLFDOQHHGV DYDLODEOHDORQJZLWKFXVWRPDSSOLFDWLRQ &DOOIRUFXUUHQWSULFLQJ *RRG\HDU7LWDQ7LUHV 7UDFWRU,PSOHPHQW7UXFN3LFNXS&DU 7KDQNVIRU\RXUEXVLQHVV /HUR\DQG0DUN*HLV RU FOR SALE: Bermuda grass sprigging, 580-550-0036. 2013 HARVESTING WANTED: Will pick up canola. Call Peter, 320-221-3789. FOR SALE: 45’ Trojan fourhorse walker, forward and reverse, great condition, low hours. $5,000 OBO. Call or text 580-704-4957. Crossroads, We can asCircle E R/C hobby sist in land sales, advertisshop Moved to new location, ing worldwide and providing 801 W. Main, Duncan. R/C sale comparisons for your cars, helicopters, airplanes, listing.580-248-1200 Associtrains, parts, and more! Open ATTENTION GOOD QUAL- ates, Judy Collins, 580-704- Mon-Sat. Lonnie Estes, 580ITY HORSE TRAINING: I 5839. 786-6988. have 10-plus years’ experience with breaking and training young horses. I believe in establishing a solid foundation when it comes to young 6ODXJKWHU3URFHVVLQJ horses. I also believe 100% ground work before I ever step on. I will start a young -HUU\&ODUN5RQQLH&ODUN horse from day one or put fine tuning on one that has already been started. For more :H6SHFLDOL]HLQ&XVWRP3URFHVVLQJ information, please call: 580:H1RZ2IIHU9DFXXP3DFNLQJ 704-9347. 7(03/(&86720 WILL RIDE horses for $600 a month. Lots of miles, gentle training. Call 580-475-8096. I BUY, SELL, TRADE: Horses, saddles, trailers & goats. Call 580-514-1223. HORSE & BUGGY: 5-yearold black gelding; black buggy, red wheels, convertible top, includes harness $2,500 firm. 580-786-0321. %HHIDQG3RUN &DOO :&HQWUDO7HPSOH DPWRSP0RQ7KXU DPWRSPRQ)UL %DUWRQ 7KHDUHD¶VQHZHVWZUHFNHUVHUYLFH &DOOXVIRUDOO\RXUWRZLQJQHHGV 5HFRYHU\ :UHFNHU 6HUYLFHVZHRIIHU 8QORFN&DUV-XPS6WDUWV$OODVSHFWVRIWRZLQJ 0DUORZ.ZLN/XEH.ZLN.OHHQ&DU:DVK <RXU)XOO6HUYLFH$XWRPRWLYH&DUH)DFLOLW\ :HRIIHU 2LO&KDQJHV 7UDQVPLVVLRQ)OXVKHV 1HZ8VHG7LUHV )ODWV)L[HG %UDNH-REV 7XQH8SV 0LQRU0HFKDQLFDO:RUN &RPH9LVLW0DUORZ¶V %HVW$XWRPDWLF&DU:DVK 6HOI6HUYH%D\V9DFXXPV &DUSHW6KDPSRRHU )UDJUDQFH0DFKLQH 6%URDGZD\0DUORZ ALWAYS OPEN FOR BUSINESS. GET BIG SAVINGS AT HUNDREDS OF LOCAL BUSINESSES WHEN YOU SHOW YOUR CO-OP CONNECTIONS CARD. FIND ALL THE WAYS TO SAVE AT WWW.CONNECTIONS.COOP Page 16 Current Classifieds April 15, 2013 Co-op Connections Card Local Participating Businesses Ɣ Great Member Savings! If your business would like to participate in the Co-op Connections Program, call us at 580-591-1714. Visit for a complete list of national discounts 3B Industries Free car wash token w/purchase of 10. Wholesale pricing on pressure washers and Dixie Chopper lawn mowers 580-439-8876 Locations: Comanche - 301 S. Rodeo Dr. Duncan - 1606 W. Oak & 2015 W. Elk A&M Appliance Service 10% off DPSP0)Ɣ A Touch of Bliss Sherri Maxwell - owner 10% off store purchase $5 off hour or 1/2-hour massage 213 W. Main, Marlow Tue.-Fri. 10-5:30 Sat. 10-3 580-658-9026 Addington Station Antiques 10% off all purchases US Highway 81, Addington 7XH6DWƔ Aerola Bombus Children’s Books Educational books: Softcover, e-books, audio books and products. 10% off online orders - Code CE2011 $HUROD%RPEXVFRPƔ American Scents Made in USA 10% discount 1515 N. Hwy. 81, Duncan 580-475-0055 Antique Adventures, Ltd. 15% off total purchase 811 SW A Ave. - Lawton Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tue. - Sat. 580-351-0170 Arvest Bank Open new checking account, receive $10 or 1st box of checks free. Valid at Lawton, Duncan, Walters and Chickasha branches. 580-250-4540 Attractive Graphics Custom screen printing & vinyl cutting 10% discount PO Box 1188, Cache, OK 73527 580-678-5786 Baby Glam & Mama Too! Denise Graham - owner 10% off store purchase 226 W. Main, Marlow Tue.- Fri. 10 to 5:30, Sat. 10 to 3 580-658-2000 Backdoor Bling Chambers Heat & Air $20 off service call 2407 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-1749 Chisholm Trail Heritage Center $1.00 off admission per card per visit Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1000 Chisholm Trail Parkway, Duncan 580-252-6692 Cosmetic Specialty Labs, Inc. 10% off & free shipping when you spend $25 or more. 210 SW Texas Ave., Lawton 580-355-2182 Country Closet Resale Shop 10% off all purchases 1 mi. south of Hwy. 70 on Hwy. 81 :DXULNDƔ Cowboy Opry Music Store 10% off all purchases 300 Oak Main, Comanche 580-439-8111 Debbie’s Little Books 10% off regular purchase price of personalized books. Ɣ(OJLQ Dino’s Dry Cleaners 10% discount 1015 W. Oak, Duncan Ɣ0)Ɣ6DW Eastside Sod Farm Free estimates and 10% discount Ɣ/DZWRQ Flowers, Etc. Florist, antiques & gifts Sally Wass - owner 10% discount 7831 US Highway 277, Elgin Mon.-Fri. 9 to 5, Sat. 9 to 12 580-492-4880 Freeman Appliance 5% discount on any purchase over $500 4325 N. Hwy. 81 Ɣ'XQFDQ Gene Burk Auto Glass 10% off 2302 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-3890 Gilmore Feed & Supply Blue Eyed Girls – Dear Friends 10% discount on regular-priced items, excluding tubes, tanks & tights 1+Z\'XQFDQƔ Bluff Creek Lodge 10% discount on all bookings Eastern Stephens County 580-255-9592 580-470-5976 Lyndel Strain, owner Burton Meat Market 10% off meat purchases over $20 1206 N. Hwy. 81 (Chisholm Mall) Duncan Sue Cabelka, Realtor Jay Kinder Real Estate Experts $500 off seller’s closing costs 1146 NW Cache Rd., Lawton Ɣ Lakeside Golf Course $5 green fees all day on Mon. & Tues. Hours: 7 a.m. to dark Walters, OK 580-875-3829 Linda’s Carpet Free vacuum cleaner with purchase of $2,000 on Stainmaster carpets 1+Z\Ɣ'XQFDQ Medicine Creek Gallery 10% discount 206 East Lake Drive, Medicine Park )UL6XQ6DWƔ Nancy’s Antiques 20% discount storewide Hwy. 70, west side of railroad tracks Waurika, OK 580-228-2575 or 228-2011 Nita’s Flowers Helen Thomas - owner 10% discount 1%URDGZD\0DUORZƔ 0RQ)ULƔ6DW On The Hill Gypsy Horses Horse Breeding & Sales $100 off of breeding fee, or purchase of horse. By Appointment: 580-641-2022 or 580656-2475: Osage Animal Hospital $5 off professional examination :2VDJH'XQFDQƔ Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Red Dirt Bar & Grill $1.00 off appetizers 6425 N.W Cache Rd., Lawton 918-720-3739 Ringtail USA 10% discount 1206 N. Highway Suite 13, Duncan ƔZZZJWGHVLJQ]QHW Horse Sense Trading Post Jamon Kelley - owner 15% off orders over $100 580-512-7047 InÀnity Computer Systems 10% off all labor. 2322 W. Gore Blvd. Ɣ/DZWRQ Johnson & Johnson Locksmith, LLC 10% discount, present card prior to service and ordering of parts. NEW LOCATION! 1913 NW Cache Rd, Lawton 580-355-KEYS (5397) or 580-355-8749 10% off items in Gifts to Treasure shop 9-5 Mon.-Fri. 101 N. 10th St., Duncan 580-252-7866 Stephens County Humane Society $10.00 off adoption fee 714 Martin Luther King Blvd. 580-252-7387 Steppin’ OUTdoors 15% off all guides & tours. 20% off sponsorship rates. 580-450-1599 Studio 17 Salon & Gifts 15% off products or retail purchases 8176 State Hwy. 17, Elgin 580-492-4744 Sharla Spencer, owner Sylvan Learning Tutoring/Education Schedule an assessment and $60 will be deducted from the cost. This is a lifetime assessment fee, no charge for further testing at our center. 2603 NW Cache Rd., Suite 2, Lawton 580-351-9100 Tans Plus Tanning salon, gifts and accessories 10% off monthly tanning packages 1 mile N. of Comanche on Old Hwy. 81 580-439-5767 TGR Construction LLC 5% off tractor services & 5% off on home construction. Ɣ(OJLQ the 18th block 10% off regular-priced merchandise (cannot combine with other discounts) 331 SW C Ave., Lawton 73501 580-595-9682 The Branded Bear The Salt Cellar The Vine & Fig Tree Free mobile service in Stephens, Comanche, Grady, Jefferson, Caddo or Cotton counties or 15% off any residential or business windows or in-shop glass replacement. 580-252-5939 Showman’s Choice 10% off Professional’s Choice M-F 8-5:30, Sat. 10-2 1205 SW Sheridan, Lawton 580-355-7469 Sign Dynamic 10% discount on purchases over $200 301 SW B Avenue, Lawton 580-353-2522 Solid Plumbing 10% off all service calls, $125 sewer camera, $175 slab leak detection 2809 NW Sheridan Road, Lawton, OK 580-353-2863 Keep up with all the local and national discounts by downloading the Co-op Connections Card phone app at Cotton Electric Co-op members get extra relief by presenting their Co-op Connections &DUGZKHQJHWWLQJSUHVFULSWLRQV¿OOHGDWSDUticipating pharmacies. In 2012, members used their cards for discounts on 2,381 prescriptions not covered by insurance. A total of $71,964.29 was discounted Southern Trophy Monogramming, screen printing Buy 12 caps or T-shirts, GET ONE FREE P.O. Box 1763, Duncan, OK 73534 KWWSULQJWDLOXVDFRPƔ Shane Burk Glass & Mirror GT Designz Embroidery & Gifts 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 3505 NW Hwy. 81 580-255-5500 10% off donut & pizza purchases 101 Thoma Dr. #A, Elgin, OK Open 5 a.m. - noon & 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Tue. - Sat. 580-492-6123 Gourmet Gadgetré Billingsley Ford of Lawton, Inc. Billingsley Ford L-M of Duncan, Inc. Southern Maid Donuts 10% discount 1302 W. Bois d’Arc, Duncan, OK 580-251-9641 5% off all items Highway 70 Ɣ:DXULND 10% off regular-priced merchandise 1105 NW Ferris Ave., Lawton 10 - 5:30 M-F, 10 - 3 Sat. 580-248-1837 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 8209 NW Quanah Parker Trailway 580-510-0925 Just Bling It 15% off non-sale items, excluding boxed cards and gift cards 3801 NW Cache Road, #23, Lawton DPSP0RQ6DWƔ 10% off 301 S. Highway 81 Ɣ'XQFDQ Redeem your discounts by showing your Cotton Electric Co-op Connections card at any of the participating businesses. for an average savings of $30.22 per use. The card is free to all members and can be obtained by calling 580-875-3351. 7R¿QGDSDUWLFLSDWLQJSKDUPDF\FDOO0HPber Services at 800-800-7616 or visit Type 22203 into the Group ¿HOGDQGFOLFNµORJLQ¶WRVWDUW\RXUVHDUFK 5% discount on $100 purchase Medicine Park 580-529-3656 Event center with catering & tea room. 5% off Food/ Up to $25 off in-house catering and 5% off Rentals. Regular prices only & must present card. 1304 W. Hwy. 7, Marlow 580-658-3377 Walters Super Stop 2 slices of pizza & 20-oz. fountain drink for $1.99 + tax 311 W. Missouri, Walters 580-875-2001 Waurika QuikMart All fountain drinks & all coffee $0.82 South Main & Hwy. 70 Waurika 580-228-2560 Wichita Furniture 10% off new purchases 1127 NW Cache Rd, Lawton 580-355-7524 9am-9pm: Mon-Sat April 15, 2013 Current Classifieds Page 17 SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES COTTON ELECTRIC SPECIAL: $25/hour, 4-hr. minimum. Brush hogging and dirt work with front-end loader & box blade. Regular charge is $35 hour, 4-hour minimum. 405-658-4159 OR 580-6560382. HOME-GROWN TREES: Balled & burlapped, bald cypress, red oak, lacebark elm, pine trees, Bradford pear, crape myrtles, silver maple & more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, Duncan. Call 580-656-7273 or 580-255-1892. TGR CONSTRUCTION LLC.: General contractor for new residential construction, offers highest quality with best prices. Tractor services including driveways, house pads, leveling yards, etc. Cotton Electric members get 5% discount. Tracy Rowe, 580512-2567. TASTEFULLY SIMPLE! Offers convenient, easy-toprepare foods to help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying their lives. Interested in a party or selling it yourself? Call Donna, 580-585-2022. NEEDED: Neat, honest, friendly, non-smoker, drug free, high-energy person to work in family atmosphere. No beer sold. Closed Sunday. Part time or full time. Apply KwikServ, 719 South Hwy. 81, Duncan . Farm & Ranch ALLSTAR PEST CONTROL. Marlow Rock and Fence: OfMurphy Farms has a new lo- ROSE’S CUSTOMS LLC: General pest control, termite fering aluminum, vinyl, wood, cation: 1 mile north on Hwy. Custom signs, banners, decontrol and tree spraying ser- vinyl-dipped chain-link fence Freckles the clown’s crazy 281 from Hwy. 5 in Walters. cals, vehicle and window vice. Serving Stephens and and railing along with many critters petting zoo: Booking 20 acres of vegetables com- lettering, graphic design, Grady counties. Licensed styles of decorative rock and parties. Wagon rides, clown, ing soon, MurphyFarmsOr- business cards, promotional products, embroidery and and insured. “Hired killers,” boulders. (580) 658-6133. petting zoo & souvenirs. Call sublimation. Call 580-252in business since 1986. 580- BILL’S TRACTOR REPAIR: 580-355-9525. HONEST & DEPENDABLE: 9633 658-3773. 35 years experience. Call PAINTING LESSONS: Lady seeking houses to 52 ACRES OF GRASS: avail- 580-355-6010. Wednesdays at the Walters clean, no job too big. Ste- CASH FOR COINS: Buy or able between Walters and BECKWARDS T RANCH - depot. Any level, beginner phens County only. Refer- sell. 580-475-5132, Duncan. Geronimo. You cut and bale. 8-month-old heifer bull for to advanced, $25 per ses- ences available on request. PAINTING LESSONS: Call 580-875-3677. sale, BW 73 lbs., 7-month- sion. For more information, 33 years’ experience. 580- Wednesdays at the Walters depot. Any level, beginner Vinyl siding, replacement old, 648 lbs. - $1.80. Prior call Lavonne High, 580-875- 444-2169. windows, remodeling, room customers, $1.60. Dam 2144. Sponsored by the Cot- R&B HANDY MAN SERVIC- to advanced, $25 per sesadditions, painting, roofing is a 14-year-old Summit ton County Art Council. ES: We can do it all! Free es- sion. For more information, & repairs. Call Sunrise Con- cow. 580-353-4304. FOR SALE: Cut standing and timates. Do not hesitate, call call Lavonne High, 580-8752144. Sponsored by Cotton struction, 580-620-6752. Cosmetic Specialty Labs felled wood on my land. You now! Rob: 580-656-5908, or County Art Council. Bill: 580-251-0199. keep 9 of every 10 ricks. 405PROBLEM SKIN? Take ac- FACTORY OUTLET: Fea640-7382. tion, no obligation. Call 800- tures hydroponically grown THE RUSTY BUFFALO PROBLEM SKIN? Free dem364-2182. aloe-vera based products, OTASCO: Mike’s Small TOO: Hwy. 49, Medicine onstration, no obligation. Call 800-364-2182. HERB’S LAPIDARY ROCK muscle rubs, hand/foot care, Engines. Authorized Stihl Park. Rocks, geodes, fossils, rocks, blankets, baskets, juices, aromatherapy. 210 dealer, parts & service for 40 WATER TESTING: Southern SHOP: Petrified wood, Copelite, diamond saw blades, SW Texas, Lawton, 580-357- years. Also, authorized Snap- rocks, rustic tables, Native Plains Environmental Laboper dealer, parts & service, American art, rocks. Week- ratory. Analytical testing for 365-million-year-old fossils, 1260, M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. drinking water, waste water, rough finish turquoise salt OCHSNER DOZER SER- on sale now. In Marlow since ends 11-6. lamps, too much to list. 907 VICE: Pond, terraces, tree 1963. 308 W Main, 580-658- Vinyl siding, replacement soil, pools and spas. 8 a.m.S. Highway 81, Comanche. clearing, building pads, 2518. windows, remodeling, room 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 704 Open Wed.- Sat. or by ap- NRCS work, etc. For estimate CASH FOR COINS: Buy or additions, painting, roofing pointment. 580-439-4186 or on your job, call Jeff, 580- sell. Call 580-475-5132, Dun- & repairs. Call Sunrise Con580-439-5347. struction, 580-620-6752. 704-2226. can. +$0021' 9HWHULQDU\ 7KH1HZ VWDJHVWDQGGHYHORSPHQWFRP Wednesday 10 a.m. 800-926-9696 580-588-3840 FOR SALE: Older trencher, runs and digs great. Has a boom from a 6510 and fairly new chain. Top end was rebuilt a couple years ago. $3,500 OBO. 580-353-8124. (Strong Desire to Please) 580-658-3462, home 0RQWKUX)ULWR 6DWXUGD\WR 580-641-1952, cell Bruce Prater, owner Lawton Meat Processing 353-6448 (580) 492-5260 REAL ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, April 20, 10 A.M. Goucher Family Trust Apache, OK - Hwy. 62/281 - 6 North to CR 1400 (Broxton), 1 West, 1 North. Watch for signs. Custom Butchering and Processing Selling: 2300 Sq. Ft. (+/-) home, barn, spring-fed fishing pond on 5 acres (+/-) and adjoining 154 acres (+/-), 3 ponds, Bermuda grass & cultivated land. Real estate first at 10 A.M. followed by tractors, truck, construction equip., livestock equip., trailers & other items. View web for complete listing & pictures or call for sale flyer. In Business Since 1911 (formerly Lud Mieling) 603 East “F” - Lawton, OK Real Estate Preview: Sunday, April 14, 1:30 to 3 P.M. Livestock Marketing, Inc. Equipment Modern Equipment -- Talented Operators Apache Auction Market Apache Video Combine: 1983 88 20 John Deere combine with header. Good condition. 1-580-5851433. Marshall Tree Saw mounted on CAT Skid Steer Loader +RXU(PHUJHQF\6HUYLFH Thursday 8 a.m. & Friday 10 a.m. Combines Bulldozers -- Scrapers --Trackhoes -HII+DPPRQG 0LOH6RXWKRI(%,$2$6 WANTING TO BUY: Child’s pony, very gentle. Would consider buying saddle and accessories. Call 467-2248 or 255-8162. Don Prater Dozers, Inc. 6PDOO/DUJH$QLPDO8OWUD6RXQG !!$ Accessories SW 11th Street, Lawton. +RVSLWDO *)//$ *)/ * )//$ )./*)$ )/ “ANDY”S BIG TRACTOR, TRUCK, CONSTRUCTION, AND DIESEL REPAIR, Geronimo, is now open on South 11th Street. We will try to repair your diesel pickups and equipment, and will fix them with new parts if necessary. 580-695-3439, 3518018, or andysbigtractor@ (Across Street from Sears Service Center) 81&20)257$%/(" 'RHV\RXUKRPHKDYHDQ\RIWKHVHV\PSWRPV" 5RRPVWKDWJHWWRRKRWRUWRRFROG" +LJKXWLOLW\ELOOV" 7KHUPRVWDWZDUVZLWK\RXUVSRXVH" +LJKKXPLGLW\LQVXPPHU" +RXVHMXVWQHYHUVHHPVFRPIRUWDEOH" 7KHUHGRHVQ¶WVHHPWREHHQRXJKDLUÀRZ" 'XVWEXLOGXSZLWKLQGD\VRIGXVWLQJ" 3UREOHPVZLWK\RXUV\VWHPVLQFHLW¶VEHHQ LQVWDOOHG" $Q\RQHZLWKDOOHUJLHVRUDVWKPD" $&VWDUWVDQGVWRSVIUHTXHQWO\RUUXQVDOO WKHWLPHDQGKRXVHLVVWLOOQRWFRRO" +DYHEHHQWROGE\RWKHUFRQWUDFWRUVWKDWWKHSUREOHPFDQQRWEH¿[HG" ,I\RXDQVZHUHG<(6WRDQ\RIWKHVHTXHVWLRQVZHFDQKHOS 3LSSLQ%URWKHUVKDVVSHFLDOLVWVWKDWFDQSLQSRLQWDQGFRUUHFWWKHVHSUREOHPVDQGLQPDQ\FDVHV\RX GRQ¶WHYHQKDYHWRUHSODFH\RXUHTXLSPHQWZLWKWKHVROXWLRQXVXDOO\EHLQJHDVLHUDQGFRVWLQJDORW OHVVWKDQ\RXPD\WKLQN7KHUHLVQRRWKHUFRQWUDFWRULQ/DZWRQPRUHTXDOL¿HGWKDQ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVDW GLDJQRVLQJDQGFRUUHFWLQJWKHVHDQQR\LQJLQFRQYHQLHQWXQKHDOWK\FRPIRUWFRPSURPLVLQJDQGHQHUJ\ ZDVWLQJFRQFHUQV&DOOXVWRGD\DQGOHWXVPDNH\RXUKRPH)HHO$V*RRG$V,W/RRNV$IWHUDOO \RXUKRPHLV\RXUODUJHVWLQYHVWPHQWDQG\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\GHVHUYHWREHFRPIRUWDEOHGRQ¶W\RX" &DOO7RGD\ ³&RPIRUW:LWKRXW&RPSURPLVH´ ZZZ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVFRP 7UDFNXVDJHFRQVHUYHHQHUJ\VDYHPRQH\ )LQGRXWPRUHDW &RWWRQ(OHFWULFFRP &RWWRQ <RXU4XDOLW\(OHFWULF8WLOLW\ <RXU4XDOL Page 18 Current Classifieds FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE CB EQUIPMENT: Pace CB1000B w/extra channels, can use for base station or mobile; 148 GTL AM/SSB CB radio, tuned & peaked with PR-60 AMP, Tripp-Lite power supply. $420 for all. 580-4672463. FOR SALE: 14% stock cow cubes, $230 bulk, $7 bag for pallet of 40. Banded alfalfa, $365 or $12 bale. Banded tiff, $350 or $9.50 bale. Call 580492-4169. SANTA FE TRADERS inside Addington Station Antiques. Fenton hobnail cranberry opalescent, Fenton cranberry swirl vase, Watling balancedweight drugstore scales, free-standing oak mirror, metal tobacco signs, 1950s Roy Rogers kiddie horse ride. FRIDAY COUNTRY DANCE at the Legion Building.Features “Killin’ Time” band. 7 to 10 p.m. every Friday. Snacks. No alcohol, no smoking. I-44, Exit 45. Info: FOR SALE: Small square bales mixed grass hay, $5.50 TUBING AND ROD FOR per bale. Small square bales SALE: 2 3/8 inch construc- wheat hay, $6.60 per bale. tion tubing, 80 cents a ft. Lots Call 580-512-2764. of ¾-inch sucker rods, $7.50 FOR SALE: 1,000 round and each. Lots of ¾-inch sucker rye grass large round bales. rod, good for shallow wells 4x6 100 corn bales. Call Juat $10 each. East of Duncan. nior Ledford, 580-251-0173. 580-467-4976. 7/13 FOR SALE: Horizontal dry boring machine, Ditch Witch 150, 5’ long augers, at least 50’ of: 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” and 16’ tandem axle trailer, (car hauler), $2,500. 580-353-8124. FOR SALE: Banded stock cow alfalfa, $320 or $10 bale. Banded wheat straw $4.50. Banded orchard $345 or $10 a bale. 50# loose salt $4. 4-point 12 gauge wire $55 a roll. Call 580-492-4169. ADDINGTON STATION ANTIQUES 1940s lawyers cabinet pair, tiger oak dressers, Dr Pepper case, Dr Pepper sign, American Thread Co. display case, floor lamps, accent tables. Tuesday-Saturday 10-5:30. 580-439-5566. SANTA FE TRADERS inside Addington Station Antiques. Mission-style tiger oak deacons chair pair, 1974 Jack Stevens “Cathedral of the Plains” oil painting, 1940s FOR SALE: 14’ Krause chisCoca-Cola 10-cent gum el. 20-hole 8” drill. Chevrolet vending machine, aluminum pickup bed trailer.14’ flatbed trailer.300-gallon diesel fuel “ANDY”S BIG TRACTOR, Coca-Cola box. tank.1-ton flatbed for Ford TRUCK, CONSTRUCTION, WANTED: Will buy “Good” or Chevrolet with a hydraulic AND DIESEL REPAIR, used furniture and will take hay spear. 580-512-3024. Geronimo, is now open on antique pieces on consignFOR SALE: John Deere 4440 South 11th Street. We will try ment. Call: 580-252-0880. good condition 158 loader, to repair your diesel pickups 7,000 hours. John Deere and equipment, and will fix 4020 new paint Schafer post them with new parts if nec- NEED CLOTHES? Marlow driver. 8-bale hay hauler. 28’ essary. 580-695-3439, 351- Samaritan Clothing House is Krause chisel plow. 580-512- 8018, or andysbigtractor@ open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the first Saturday of every 3024. month. Anyone can come DOZER FOR SALE: D3C FOR SALE: 2-19.9 x 24 tracfill their clothing needs free Caterpillar series 2, working, tor tires mounted on 8-hole of charge. 214 West Main in in good condition. $25,000 wheels. 6-row International Marlow. 580-658-6017. OBO. Call Randy, 580-931- planter, and 50 press wheels (Came off JD Combine) for 6371. a grain drill. Call Jim at 580OLD FARM EQUIPMENT: FOR SALE: CVA 50 cal., 704-7755. Grain pasture John Deere inline 209 primer, all nickel square baler, new Holland steel, mossy oak stock. New swather. Hamey 8-ft.adjustFOR SALE: 6x20 covered w/box $250.00 firm. Call able tandem disc, and cutler stock trailer. 580-512-8884 or 580-252-3066 or 580-786packer. East of Duncan. 5809006. 439-2327. 467-4976. FOR SALE: New, 13 x 16 FOR SALE: CVA 50 cal. inutility trailer, metal floor, drop line 209 primer, nickel steel, mossy oak stock new w/box WHEAT HAY for sale. Call gate. $1,800.00. 580-467$250 firm. Call 580-7866694. Dave, 580-536-7675. 9006 or 580-252-3066 before HAY FOR SALE: Maternal 9:00 p.m. wheat and rye grass, net wrap, brown bales. 580-2285189. LEGION BUILDING ballroom/ April 15, 2013 Musical Instruments New Yamaha YPT330 61key keyboard with stand, 110 adapter, sustain pedal, Roadrunner case, $299.New Behringer Ultratone KT108 keyboard amplifier, $99. 580458-0208. Ochsner Dozer Services Pond, Terraces, Tree Clearing, Building Pads, NRCS Work, etc. FOR SALE: Norman Lab Model 11 speakers. Look and sound great. Wood veneer, in excellent condition. $175. 580-585-1631. For estimate on your job call Jeff 580-704-2226 Tractors Clothing Firearms Trailers Hay Lawn & Garden Mowers I BUY certain riding lawn mowers and chain saws. Working and not working. 580-470-8001. Portable Buildings and Sheds Carports start at $595: Metal buildings, barns & animal shelters. Best prices anywhere, free installation. Visit our display yard, South Hwy. 81 across from fairgrounds, Duncan. 580-252-3880 or visit &RPH6HH8V)RUDOO<RXU )HUWLOL]HU&KHPLFDO 1HHGV :HDOVRRIIHUDIXOOOLQH RI)HHGDQG3HW6XSSOLHV :DOWHUV&RRS(OHYDWRU 8VH<RXU&RRS<RX2ZQ,W :DOWHUV&RRS Entertainment FOR SALE: 4x5 bales. 580467-1713 or 658-2164. Hay for sale: 2010 & 2012 4x4 round bales of mixed Bermuda, fescue, etc.some weeds. Duncan Lake area. $15. Call 580-252-4466. FOR SALE: We have 17% premium cubes, $30 bulk, $10 bag for pallet of 40. Alpurpose grass/alfalfa cubes, $330 bulk, $9.50 bag for pallet of 40. Call 580-492-4169. FOR SALE: One round bale hay hauler, new. $600.580467-6694. Merchandise Antiques EASTER SPECIALS. Addington Station Antiques. Cranberry Aladdin lamp with cranberry hobnail Fenton shade 1991, Carnival glass marigold Ray’s dinnerware, Fire King jadeite swirl bowls. Tuesday-Saturday 10-5:30. 580-439-5566. :H$SSUHFLDWH<RXU%XVLQHVV dining room, near Lawton, available for public use. Reasonable fees by hour or day. No alcohol, no smoking. I-44, Exit 45. Info: 580-574-1942 or PAINTING LESSONS: Wednesdays at the Walters depot. Any level, beginner to advanced, $25 per session. For more information, call Lavonne High, 580-8752144. Sponsored by Cotton County Art Council. Saving energy is a learned behavior. Find out how your local electric cooperative can help you lead by example at (YHU\GD\LV DW &RWWRQ(OHFWULF&RRSHUDWLYHRIIHUVDQXPEHURISURJUDPV FHQWHUHGDURXQGHQHUJ\HI¿FLHQF\DQGDZDUHQHVV GOOD HABITS START YOUNG. (QHUJ\DXGLWV±0HPEHUVFDQJHWDIUHHDQDO\VLVRIWKHLU KRPHWKDWVKRZVKRZWRVDYHPRQH\RQSRZHUELOOVE\ PDNLQJHQHUJ\HI¿FLHQWLPSURYHPHQWV 5HEDWHSURJUDP±0HPEHUVFDQUHFHLYHUHEDWHVZKHQ WKH\LQVWDOOHQHUJ\HI¿FLHQWKHDWSXPSVDQGZDWHUKHDWHUV 0\8VDJHFRP±7UDFNGDLO\HQHUJ\FRQVXPSWLRQWR LGHQWLI\WKHEHQH¿WVRIORZHULQJXVDJHDQGEHDOHUWHGWR VSLNHVWKDWPD\LQGLFDWHDSUREOHP 7RJHWKHU:H6DYHFRP±)LQGRXWKRZWKHOLWWOHFKDQJHV DGGXSWRELJVDYLQJV 0\&KRLFH±&RQWUROWLPHVDQGPHWKRGVRISRZHUELOO SD\PHQWZKLOHVDYLQJPRQH\±QRGHSRVLWVRUODWHIHHV %HDWWKH3HDN±6LJQXSIRUDOHUWVRQKLJKFRQVXPSWLRQ GD\VDQGSDUWLFLSDWHLQFRQVHUYDWLRQPHDVXUHVGXULQJ SHDNGHPDQGKRXUV )LQGRXWPRUHE\YLVLWLQJFRWWRQHOHFWULFFRP RUFDOOLQJRU TOGE THERW E S AV E .COM April 15, 2013 Current Classifieds Page 19 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION FOR SALE: Crystal clean ’94 Buick Park Avenue, white, blue leather interior, $1,800, 193,000 miles, good tires. 580-597-2501. Transportation Boats/ Watercraft FOR SALE: 2000 18’ Party Barge by Tracker Marine. Great condition, 50-HP Mercury outboard, AM/FM radio, fish/depth finder, Bimini top, mooring cover. Good trailer & tires, $8,500, OBO. 580-5042263 or 504-5892, after 5. 2005 Cadillac Escalade: ESV, 6L, every option available, AWD, sunroof, rear entertainment center, 18-20 mpg avgerage,176,000 miles, $16,000. Call 580-585-0595 FOR SALE: Restored 1954 Chevy Bel Air, pearl white, dove gray interior, 350 V8, power steering and brakes, new Michelin tires. Runs great, drive anywhere. $15,250. 940-632-5690. MOBILE HOME: 14x56, 2 bedrooms, needs work. You move, it’s yours. 580-4671043. FOR SALE: Nice 2006 Jayco 20-foot travel trailer bumper pull. $6,000 firm. Call Jim Bailey at 580-736-9022. FOR SALE: 2010 Wildcat 31TS, fifth-wheel. A lot of amenities. $28,500. Call 580704-4101. FOR SALE: 1984 Holiday Rambler Motor Home, two central heat and air units. Lake ready. 580-439-2787. FOR SALE: 28’ 1997 Chateau Class C motor home. Ford Triton v-10 motor, fiberglass body, Queen island bed, cenFOR SALE: 24-ft. pontoon tral heat/air, TV, big refrigeraboat, $3,200. Flat-bottom I BUY MOTORCYCLES: tor, microwave. Sleeps 7, lots boat with trailer and motor, Tom’s Motor Sales Company, of storage, electric step, aw$900. 580-512-4345. LLC. Call 580-756-0037. ning, generator, trailer hitch, FOR SALE: Blue Finn 15-ft. FOR SALE 2008 Can-Am attached rear stabilizer jacks, open boat, 9.8 Nissan outSpyder GS Roadster mo- 23,775 actual miles, kept unboard motor. Has fish finder, torcycle, Millennium yellow, der cover. See to appreciate. anchors and trailer. Very 8,900 miles, one owner, like $13,900. Walters, 875-3060. good shape.$1,850. 580new. $13,500 OBO. 580-658- FOR SALE: 48’ 2007 en492-5174 or 512-1536. 0644. closed gooseneck trailer, Cars WANTED: Classic & antique old vehicles, 1910 thru 1975; also old gas pumps & half-ton pickups 1911 thru 1958. Call 580-658-5751 or 658-3739. 2001 CADILLAC DEVILLE: 70,000 miles, new Goodyear tires, looks and runs like new. A joy to drive.$7,500. 580439-5066. WANTED: 1959 Cadillac; 1956 or 1957 Lincoln Continental; 1955-57 T-bird, 196163 T-bird; 1953-63 Corvette; 1955-60 Chevy. 1964-68 Mustangs; 1960s-70s Pontiac, Chevy, Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth, Oldsmobile, Buick or Ryleys. Call 580-6585751. 1981 Corvette : 55K miles. 4-speed. power S/B/W/DL, T-tops, A/C. Nice interior. Needs paint and minor things. Starts, runs, drives, shifts and stops as it should. $7,500 OBO. 580-585-1631 after 4 p.m. Cycles and ATVs FOR SALE: 2002 Honda 1800 motorcycle. Excellent condition. 580-439-2787. FOR SALE: 2006 HarleyDavidson Custom soft tail custom. Garage kept. 5,000 miles. Black with 3-D flames. Sharp. $9,000. 580-4674635. Recreational Vehicles FOR SALE: 2008 Side by Side Yamaha, Model 400. $6,500. Call 580-704-4101. FOR SALE: 2006 Prowler by Fleetwood 5th wheel camper. 32-foot with one slide-out, kitchenware and sheets, tote tank and sewer connections included. Almost new tires. $15,000. 580-658-3832. FOR SALE: 2009Jayco Jay Flight 26-ft. bumper pull camping trailer , used 5 times, stays covered under awning when not at lake, like new. $9,500 OBO. 580-4299816 or 309-3057. PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, May 4, 2013, 10:00AM Bowles Freeway (Route 1-Box 205) Comanche, Oklahoma (See Directions Below) Real Property: consists of 2 Bedroom Brick/Frame Home (approximately 1,896 square feet) with a Large Family Room with Fireplace and Dining Area, Living Room, Study/Office (may be used as Bedroom), Kitchen with Maple Cabinets, Utility Room and 1-3/4 Bath. Additional Improvements: Include an Attached Car Port (20’x24’) and a Large Covered Patio. Also included with the Home is a Storage Building (8’x9’), a Storage Building (6’x12’) and Storm Shelter (10’x12’). Additional features include a nice Sheet Metal Shop (30’x41’) with a Concrete Floor, (110 volt and 220 volt), Overhead Door (10’x8’), Sliding Door (10’x9.5’) and a Built-in Work Bench. Directions: In Downtown Comanche, Oklahoma, from the Intersection of New Highway 81 South and State Highway 53, go 2.3 miles West (Edgewood Store); go South on Bowles Freeway 1 mile. Auction on East side of road. Terms of Sale: 10% Earnest Money on Real Property on the day of Sale. Balance due at closing upon delivery of Title and Deed. Preview of Real Property will be held Friday afternoon, May 3, 2013 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Announcements made day of sale supersede all other advertisements. Please plan to attend this Public Auction. Auctioneer’s Note: This Home will require repair and maintenance. The best features of the Public Auction are 1) The Location of the Property 2) Nice 2 Acre Corner Lot and 3) a 30’x41’ Sheet Metal Shop Building. The Estate of Royce Daniel and Hazel Daniel reserves the right to accept or reject final bid. The Real Property will be offered “As-Is, Where-is.” Stephens County Abstract Company will serve as the Closing Agent on the Real Estate. Gary Criswell Auction Service & Real Estate, Inc. 580-255-8162 · 806 West Main · Duncan, OK · 580-467-2248 )$0,/<2:1('23(5$7(',1685(' &52667,0%(5 '2=(56 FOR SALE: 35-ft. Vogue motor home, ice maker, 2 roof ACs, 2 central heating units, 3-way refrigerator, conventional oven, microwave, 2 TVs, sleeps eight, 34K miles, new engine, $10,500. 580439-5901 or 580-251-1648. 580-444-7297 580-467-7070 /(6/,((5,&(2:1(523(5$725 CAR”S 1988 LINCOLN LIMO STRETCH: with 1929 Excalibur Rolls Royce kit, double divider, 2 dvd screens, bar with ice chest, intercom, sunroof and more. 580-658-2234. FOR SALE 1946 Ford convertible, rust-free, restored. Will take some trades. 580658-2234. 2000 Monte Carlo SS Pace Car: Number 305 of 2,222 made, red, heated leather seats, loaded, 79k miles, original owner, non-smoker, ALWAYS garaged, excellent condition, $8,500. 580-4676971. Duncan. HOLT ELECTRIC Over 30 yEARS eXPERIENCE (VWLPDWHV 5HPRGHOLQJ 1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ 5HVLGHQWLDO &RPPHUFLDO ,QGXVWULDO KRXU6HUYLFH 32%R[6WHUOLQJ2./LF2. Puzzle Answers FOR SALE: 1976 Dodge motor home. $500. 580-6560233. Trucks and SUVs $12,000. Insulated, power, lights, A/C, heat strip, clear vinyl curtains, fits two-door FOR SALE: 1938 Chevy cars plus golf cart. Low miles, street rod. 252-3066 or 786Three 7,000-lb. axles. 580- 9006. No calls after 9 p.m. 583-5573. Home Grown Trees Balled & Burlapped Bald Cypress - Red Oak Lace Bark Elm - Pine Trees Bradford Pear - - Silver Maple Sweet Gum - Golden Rain Big unt Pine Trees - Crape Myrtles o Chinese Pistache Disc N Tax o es On 10 or More of the Same Variety 656-7273 -- 580-255-1892 2116 N 5th, Duncan, OK *RWWUDYHODQGRXWGRRUSODQV" L0DS$OHUWOHWV\RXNQRZZKDWWRH[SHFW L0DS$OHUWLVDIUHHVHUYLFHQRZDYDLODEOHWRDOO &RWWRQ(OHFWULF&RRSHUDWLYHPHPEHUV %HQRWLILHGZKHUHYHU\RXDUHRI VHYHUHZHDWKHU $OHUWVIRU\RXUVSHFLILFDUHDDQGHPHUJHQF\ DQQRXQFHPHQWVIURP\RXUORFDOFRRSZLOOEH GHOLYHUHGWR\RXULQER[RUGLUHFWO\WR\RXUFHOOSKRQH <RX·OODOVRUHFHLYHDQXSWRGDWHGD\ZHDWKHU IRUHFDVWIRU\RXUVSHFLILFORFDWLRQGHOLYHUHGGDLO\ WR\RXULQER[HYHU\PRUQLQJEHIRUHGDZQ LI \RXFKRRVHWKHHPDLORSWLRQ *RWRFRWWRQHOHFWULFFRPDQG FOLFNRQWKHL0DS$OHUWLFRQWRVLJQXSWRGD\ DQGWKH 6QWEJUVQPG'PGTI[ %QQRGTCVKXGU QH1MNCJQOC DUHORRNLQJRXWIRU\RX (Auctioneer/Broker) email: (Cell Phone) 3RZHUHGE\:HDWKHU'HFLVLRQ7HFKQRORJLHV,QF_ZZZZGWLQFFRP Dv(>DDG; 2C[OGPVOGVJQF 2C[OGPVFCVG 2C[OGPVCOQWPV (KPFQWVOQTGCVEQVVQPGNGEVTKEEQO Page 20 Current TRANSPORTATION MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 1985 Chevrolet long-bed pickup, 350 motor, asking $1,700 OBO. Call 580-5911913 or 580-591-3446. TASTEFULLY SIMPLE! Offers a wide selection of convenient, easy-to-prepare foods designed to help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying the rest of their lives. Interested in a party or selling it yourself? Call Donna, 580585-2022. FOR SALE: 10,000-BTU air conditioner, $50. One old sewing machine in cabinet, $25. 580-439-6403. FOR SALE: 2003 Nissan Frontier 4x4 crew cab 169,000 miles, good condition. $7,000. 580-467-4799. FOR SALE: Ford 1-ton flatbed, 1,800-lb. feeder, good farm truck. Call 580-658- 4-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: April 19, 20, 21, Eight miles 6217 or 641-0820. west of Comanche, 2 ½ miles 1989 Nissan Pathfinder, runs south on COCO road. Some good, asking $2,500 or better furniture, Cinch, Wrangler, offer. Call 580-591-1913 or Levis, kids to adults. Dishes, 580-591-3446. bedspread, all kinds of jewelFOR SALE: 1990 silver ry and more. 580-467-6098. ext. cab truck. Needs moBEDROCK NURSERY: Custor. Clean body and interior. tom Landscape Design and $1,000. 580-252-5850. installation. Trees, shrubs, 1976 C-60 winch truck, runs water features, sprinkler sysgood, asking $3,500. Call tem installation and repair. 580-591-1913 or 580-591- Perennial and annual flowers, 3446. hanging baskets, veggies and FOR SALE: 12-cyd. dump herbs. “Come see the differbed for tandem axle truck ence!” East of McCoys on with cylinder PTO pump and Lee Blvd. 580-248-6337. controls. $2,500. Bruce Prater, 580-641-1952. CPR Class for your home or business: RN OU medical grad, ready to teach and certify you in CPR. Call Crystalfor availability and price. 580-595-1473. FOR SALE: 1993 S10 Chevy pickup, $1,050. 33’ pipe trailer, $1,400. 16x6 gooseneck utility trailer, $1,200. 38 Special S&W pistol, $525. Other miscellaneous items. Call 940-704-3495. TERRITORIAL WAGON TRAIN and trail ride: Gathers May 3 at Cooperton, Okla., at Kenneth & Arlene Boyd’s place. Ride dates: May 4 - 8. Ride your horse/mule or drive your wagon/buggy. Information: Lisa Wright, 580-5857280. Miscellaneous April 15, 2013 <RXFDQJHWMXVWDERXW HYHU\WKLQJ\RXQHHGIRU VSULQJSODQWLQJDW %DFNGRRU%OLQJ *DUGHQ&HQWHU H[FHSWWKHVXQVKLQHUDLQ 2QLRQSODQWV )ORZHUV 6HHGSRWDWRHV )UXLWWUHHV 6KUXEV *DUGHQSODQWV $OO\RXUODZQJDUGHQVXSSOLHV 6+Z\'XQFDQ CANNING JARS wanted. Mason type. 580-606-0620. FOR SALE: Gibson commerWORK BOOTS for sale. cial freezer, upright, heavySteel-toe, new. Red Wing Tow Truck Sale: 1967 duty, like new. $250. 580Pecos, sizes 7 ½ and 12. Ford F350 sling/winch, 350-0577. Rocky lace-ups, size 8 ½. $2,500.1994 Dodge 3500 CANNING JARS for sale. $80 each. 580-656-5365. recovery boom & wheel lift, 580-606-0620. FOR SALE: Restored 1954 $9,000. 1997 International FOR SALE OR TRADE: Five Chevy Bel Air, pearl white, 4700 Jerr-Dann rollback with wild hog traps and one hog dove gray interior, 350 V8, wheel lift, $18,500. 580-656trailer. 580-512-0113. power steering and brakes, 2475. FOR SALE: Admiral 18-cu.- new Michelin tires. Runs FOR SALE: 1985 Vogue II ft. refrigerator, stainless steel, great, drive anywhere. Motorhome. New engine clean, minor dings on outside, $15,250. 940-632-5690. 15,000 miles, new cooling $200. GE washer & dryer, 2 WANTED: Will buy good used system, new air-ride system, yrs. old, $450 both. Norcent furniture and will take antique steel-belted tires. Make offer, 27” LCD TV w/antenna con- pieces on consignment. Call: consider trade for 5th wheel. verter, $100. 580-875-3677. 580-252-0880. 580-439-5901 or 251-1648. FOR SALE: Ford Ranger TUTOR FOR ALL GRADES: FOR SALE: 1958 Chevy flatcanopy, black, $200. Propane All subjects, except upperbed truck, have kept up nonheater KeroHeat, 23,000 level math. Driver’s ed speoperational tags, does run BTU, $45.Two ceiling fan cial. 580-591-2921. and has new seat covers. lights, $20 each. Canon printCall 580-704-9570 or 580FOR SALE: GE 26.7-cu.-ft. er, new, $35, LexMark printer 704-8320. refrigerator/freezer, no frost, w/ink, $25. Two flip-out comside by side. $300. 580-875puter desk stands, $20 each. 2213 or 284-5884. 580-875-3677. FOR SALE: 2002 GMC SaFIREWOOD for sale. $65 vannah van, Asking $4,000. Turkey hunting, Waurika. Call rick. 580-656-6966. Also have a 1986 Chevy Alexander-830-305-4142. SEEKING donations of scrap 1-ton diesel box van, asking COME WORSHIP with us. metal to benefit American $1,800, OBO on both. Both Jubilee Full Gospel TabernaLegion Post 306 in Fletcher. run good. Call 580-467-1535. cle. 2 ½ miles west of Hwy. 81 580-512-1577. on Seminole Road, Duncan. Sunday school and worship UGLY MUG PHOTOGRA1:30 p.m. Bible study, 7 p.m. PHY in Cache. I would love to put my skill and creativity to Friday. work for you. Let me preserve FOR SALE: Antique fire truck your story in photos! Like me pedal car, $300. Wooden on Facebook. 580-699-1026. wagon with side brands, $40. 10-ft. fiberglass child’s slide FREE 30-page guide to common local spiders, includes $30. 580-439-6403. 60 photos, available from FOR SALE Park Ave Buick author. If interested in elecwhite leather, extra clean, FOR SALE: Gas stove, wash- no accidents, 193,000 miles. tronic copy (PDF, about 4.5 er, coffee table. 580-333- Asking $1,800. Good tires, MB), please contactaachiri@ 0037. 2011. Call 580-597-2501. Vans Classifieds SCHERLER INSURANCE AGENCY Auto - Home - Farm - Boat - Motorcycle C Crop - Commercial Comanche 205 Oak Main 580-439-8823 Walters 202 W. Missouri 580-875-6000 GLC REAL ESTATE Feature Of The Month: Possibly The Best Deer Hunting In The State! t NE ¼ Section six T3S R10W, 153 acres more or less with Cache Creek going through the middle. Abundance of deer, turkey,hogs and every kind of wildlife imaginable. Why pay for a hunting lease when 4 0r 5 hunters can go together and purchase this farm and own your own lease? t 225 acres more or less next to Waurika Livestock Barn. Land is good enough to grow corn. 60 acres can be irrigated. This farm will cash lease for enough to return 6% first year and 3% for the next 3 years. You get a better rate then a CD plus and increases in land value. We have other listings in Cotton and Jefferson County. Give us a call today @ 940-733-2773 Gerald Collier Broker. Check out our website @ Email April 15, 2013 Current Classifieds Page 21 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Classified Ad Policy DOMINOES, 42, and other table games.Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Senior Center. Lunch. Legion Bldg.; I-44, Exit 45 East & bear south. 580-574-1942. QUILTING BEE: Each Tuesday at Senior Center.Other crafts. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Lunch. All welcome. Legion Bldg.; 1-44, Exit 45, east & bear south. Info: 580-574-1942. w w w.w i c hi t a m o unt ai ns e Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. FOR SALE: Mountain man fur hats, Daniel Boone raccoon or skunk hats, $100 each. Custom-made to fit you! Ammonite fossils also available, $25 and up. 580-919-0267. HERB’S LAPIDARY ROCK SHOP has new gift items. Estate sale behind Rock Shop.907 S. Highway 81, Comanche. Open Wed.- Sat. or by appointment. 580-4394186 or 580-439-5347. WALTERS COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., second and fourth Saturdays in old City Hall, 131 ½ W. California Street. Serves anyone with identification. For information, call 580591-6826. FOR SALE: Hardy wine, table grapes, and trees. Vidal Blanc $2; Traminette $5.Piedmontese Nursery & Vineyard. COTTON ELECTRIC SPE- 580-583-5573. CIAL: $25/hour, 4-hr mini- PAINTING LESSONS: mum. Brush hogging and dirt Wednesdays at the Walters work with front-end loader & depot. Any level, beginner box blade. Regular charge is to advanced, $25 per ses$35/hour 4-hour minimum. sion. For more information, 405-658-4159 or 580-656- call Lavonne High, 580-8750382. 2144. Sponsored by Cotton WE BUY & SELL: Gold & sil- County Art Council. ver coins and supplies. 113 W. Main, Duncan. 580-2519818. OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE: to the Wichita Mountains To order trail guide and other publications about the Wichita Mountains: see SPLIT OAK wood for sale. $60 rick. 580-658-5193. HOME-GROWN TREES: Balled & burlapped, bald cypress, red oak, lacebark elm, pine trees, Bradford pear, crape myrtles, silver maple & more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, Duncan. Call 580-656-7273. OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE: to the Wichita Mountains New 8th Edition features 25 hiking trails and 20 autotours to historic & interesting places. $15.95 each $2 postage. Send check: Valley of the Wichita’s, P.O. Box 6741, Lawton OK 73506. PAINTING LESSONS: Wednesdays at the Walters depot. Any level, beginner to advanced, $25 per session. For more information, call Lavonne High, 580-8752144. Sponsored by Cotton County Art Council. DRIVER’S ED INSTRUCTION. Beginning drivers or refreshers. 580-591-2921. Stephens County Combined Honor Guard provides services at all military veterans’ funerals. Uniformed guard furnishes 21-gun salute, plays taps, folds flag. Serves Stephens, Cotton, Comanche and Jefferson counties. No charge. Call L.D. Williams at 580-439-8244. CACHE CREEK COWBOY CHURCH (4C): Now gatherin’ at Lo Ranch House (Lawton Rangers) ½ miles south of Hwy. 7 at 2102 SE 60th. 10 a.m. Sunday & 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. A church of second or call 580585-3443. Cross Creek Cowboy Church: Meeting at 313 W. Main in Marlow. 10 a.m. Sunday mornings. Pastors Butch & Cheryl Swanson. Bible study at 6:30 p.m. Monday. Call 580-251-0629 or 251-1208. CHISHOLM TRAIL COWBOY CHURCH: Meeting south of Duncan on Refinery Rd. For info, 580-656-4373. FOR SALE: NATIONAL billiard pool table: $550. 2002 HD 1200 Custom Sportster, 12,000 miles, $6,800. 2007 Cub Cadet lawn & garden tractor1554, $1,700. 10-hp Coleman Power-mate generator: $450. 580-467-2463. FOR SALE: 8M Ford tractor, good rubber, starts right up. $1,950, 580-492-5174 or 5121536. Super Blue Stuff, OTC with emu oil, 4.4 oz. & Super White Stuff, OTC roll-on 3 oz., no color or fragrance, for natural pain relief of muscles, joints, headaches, cramps, etc. Discount for buying more than one. 580-439-6189. Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ (CTO 5GTXKEGU 6TCEVQT(CTO 'SWKROGPV4GRCKT &16+PURGEVKQPU 5GTXKEG %CNNU Thornton Supply Waterwell Systems, Oilfield Compressors, Injection Pumps, & Accessories!!! -Gaso -Kerr -Wheatley -FMC -Curtis -Aeroquip Hydraulics -Anvil Pipe Fittings -Weld Bend Fittings & Flanges -Petroleum Tank Truck Hose -Matco & Apollo Valves -Quincy -Garden Denver -Jacuzzi -Zoeller -Gates Belts
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Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to
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