Classifieds - Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Page 16 Current Classifieds September 8, 2014 Current Classifieds Classified & Display Ad Deadlines The deadline for classified ads for the next issue is Oct. 2. Display ad space must be reserved by Sept. 29. If your ads are not received by this deadline, they will not be published in the next issue. Please limit ads to 25-30 words. There is a $5 charge for ads over 30 words. Classified Cost Cotton Electric members are entitled to two free ads per membership per month. Additional ads or ads over 30 words can be purchased for $5 per ad. Not a member, but still want to advertise? Ads must be prepaid, so enclose $5 with your ad to guarantee placement. __________________________________________________________________________________ Ads can be sent in the mail or be dropped off at Cotton Electric, 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK 73572. Ads can also be dropped off at the Duncan office, 1101 W. Oak. Ads can be emailed to classifieds@ or they can be sent via fax to 580-875-3101. Place an ad by phone by calling 580-875-4255. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Clip and Mail to: City _________________________ Zip Code _________________ Cotton Electric Current Phone _________________________________________________ 226 N. Broadway Cotton Electric Account # _________________________________ Walters, OK 73572 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE SOUTH LAKE HUMPHREYS lot lease for sale, $10,000. Trailer furnished with 2 bedrooms, refrigerator, washer and dryer, stove and 2 AC units. Call 580-255-5984. HOME FOR SALE: $155K. 4.54 acres, 3 bedrooms, rural water, RR 5 Box 40, Cherokee Rd. Patton Real Estate, Mike, 580-606-0283. FOR SALE: 69 acres with creek, small pond and pecan trees. Good grazing land for cattle or to build a home on. RESTAURANT with equip- Close to Central High area. ment for sale. 1000 S. 7th Call Jay, 580-255-0610. Hwy. 5, Walters. Turn on the FOR SALE: Good grazlights, buy groceries and start ing land, cross fenced, 130 cooking. Ready to go! Call acres, half north of Corum. Debbie Lynn Benton @ Mar- 580-467-8610. low Real Estate, 580-6581177. 1,250-sq.-ft. Lake Cabin w/ indoor storm cellar, 3 bedFOR LEASE 15 acres of rooms, 1 bath, laundry room, grassland (Bermuda, native carport, shed. Priced to sell grass, and bluestem) to be quick. 580-606-7504 Call to cut on shares. From Hwy. 7, view. 1 mile South on Weaver Cha- FOR SALE by owner: 2 pel Rd., then 200 yards west. acres, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, Gary Criswell, 580-467-2248 fenced. Countyline. Velma Commercial Homes Lots/Land FOR SALE: Approximately 3.5-acre building site or horse pasture. Inside Duncan city limits, near Vo-Tech. All utilities on property. 580-2510103. __________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Us Real Estate FOR SALE Four lots on the corner of 3rd and F streets in Elgin. Zoned for up to two houses or up to two duplexes. $32,000. 580-280-0242. Place Your Ad schools. New stainless steel appliances. Ready to move in. $55,000 firm. 580-4758605 or 475-7298. IN MEDICINE PARK 2-bedroom, 1.5-bath A-frame home with 3 levels of deck. Easy access to Fort Sill. Lots of wildlife, instant access to hiking/ biking trails. 580-512-7580. HOME FOR SALE in Walters: LOTS AT WAURIKA LAKE 108 Lions Cove. 3-bedroom for sale: Several 2- & 3-acre 2-bath brick home, updated lots with water meters, some kitchen and baths, with improvements, ready to build! double carport, 30x30 shop. Call Debbie Lynn Benton @ Fenced-in yard, $109,500. Marlow Real Estate, 580- Call 580-585-2915 or 580585-0169. 658-1177. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 2,268 sq. ft.: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open design. 3 living areas. Home on ¾ acre in Frederick. Two big lots, back to back with a HOME FOR SALE: $234K. 24-tree pecan orchard on the 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. 603 W. back half. Two large barns/ Nicely landPlato, Duncan. Patton Real workshops. scaped on corner lot, quiet Estate, Mike 606-0283. neighborhood. Lots of extras. For Sale: Metal home on 5 Harry Carroll, 580-450-0681. acres. 3215 Goad Rd., Marlow. Jo Patton Real Estate. 580-467-6182. LOOKING FOR SOME LAND to build a home. Preferred locations: West of Marlow, Stephens-Grady county line and Hwy. 7 or Hwy. 81 and 8 Mile Rd. Call 580-591-1244. :H+DYH%X\HUV )RU/DQG,Q 6:2NODKRPD For Sale: 3 bedrooms, 1 ¾ LAKE ELLSWORTH subdibaths, in-ground pool, 814 vision off Tony Creek Rd., 5 Cherry, Duncan. Jo Patton lots with ‘82 model mobile Real Estate, 580-467-6182. home and garage, needs For Sale: 3-bedroom brick work. Electric poles, water home, lots of storage, car- well, septic tank, natural gas. ports, detached garage/shop Appraised at $30k, selling for and extra lot. Reduced. 1408 $25k. 580-641-3034. E. Chestnut, Duncan. Nancy at Patton Real Estate: 580370-8781. HISTORIC MEDICINE PARK Rentals FOR SALE BY OWNER: 3-bedroom brick home, 5 acres, west of Cache in Holsey Acres. Interior renewed, barn, well for pool, white pipe fences. New roof and garage doors in 2013. 580-248-5092. BRICK HOME: 3 bedrooms, 2¾ baths, oversized 2-car garage. 1,808 sq. ft. 602 E. Oklahoma St, Walters. Call 580-875-2426. Home For Sale: 2014 W. Beech, Duncan. 2-bedroom, 1-bath home, built in 2006. Attached garage, corner lot and circle drive. Nancy at Patton Real Estate, 580-3708781. LONG-TERM LEASES, fullyfurnished cabins for rent. Lovingly restored/updated with modern amenities. Contact us at 580-353-5366,, AHRN or Referrals paid $100. FOR RENT: Farm house, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, 2-plus acres, garden plot, southwest Waurika, $425/month plus security deposit. Call 407310-4938, email: mymarket@ BARKER’S Trailer Parts Cache, OK PARR REAL ESTATE 580-429-3822 Jimmy Barker, Owner ZZZZHOGHUUHSDLUFRP HPDLOZHOGUUSU#VEFJOREDOQHW :H6HUYLFH$OO0DMRU%UDQGV 2I(OHFWULF3RUWDEOH:HOGHUV :DUUDQW\6HUYLFH3DUWV 81&20)257$%/(" 'RHV\RXUKRPHKDYHDQ\RIWKHVHV\PSWRPV" 5RRPVWKDWJHWWRRKRWRUWRRFROG" +LJKXWLOLW\ELOOV" 7KHUPRVWDWZDUVZLWK\RXUVSRXVH" +LJKKXPLGLW\LQVXPPHU" +RXVHMXVWQHYHUVHHPVFRPIRUWDEOH" 7KHUHGRHVQ¶WVHHPWREHHQRXJKDLUÀRZ" M w Real Esta arlo te Always Ready WRJRWKH([WUD0LOHIRU\RX 205 W. Main, Marlow 580-658-1177 “Selling our listings, would like to sell yours” Debbie Lynn Benton 580-512-9873 ,I\RXKDYHODQG )RU6DOH&DOO8V RU Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. Manufactured Homes RECENTLY REMODELED: 3-bedroom, 2-bath home in Waurika. Central heat & air, garage, storm shelter. $585/ month. Call 407-310-4938, HOME FOR SALE in Walters: email: 108 Lions Cove. 3-bedroom, MILLERS CROSSING: FOR SALE: 2,938 sq. ft., 4 2-bath brick home, updat- FOR LEASE: 15 acres of Lighted country community bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 living ed kitchen and baths, with grassland (Bermuda, native development, .5-2 acre plus- areas, 3-car garage, geodouble carport, 30x30 shop. grass, and bluestem) to be sized lots. Stephens County thermal heat & air, granite Fenced-in yard. $109,500. cut on shares. From Hwy. 7, water, underground electric. counters. 27.5 acres up to 80 Call 580-585-2915 or 580- 1 mile south on Weaver ChaCentral High School and fire acres. 8287 SE 120th, 580pel Rd., then 200 yards west. 585-0169. department 5 miles away. 678-7427. Gary Criswell, 580-467-2248 Call for info. Carl Miller, 580353-8124 FOR SALE: 40 acres, $2,800 per acre. MOL. 10 minutes east of Lawton. 580-6786437 or 678-6436. Classified Ad Policy 'XVWEXLOGXSZLWKLQGD\VRIGXVWLQJ" 3UREOHPVZLWK\RXUV\VWHPVLQFHLW¶VEHHQ LQVWDOOHG" $Q\RQHZLWKDOOHUJLHVRUDVWKPD" $&VWDUWVDQGVWRSVIUHTXHQWO\RUUXQVDOO WKHWLPHDQGKRXVHLVVWLOOQRWFRRO" +DYHEHHQWROGE\RWKHUFRQWUDFWRUVWKDWWKHSUREOHPFDQQRWEH¿[HG" ,I\RXDQVZHUHG<(6WRDQ\RIWKHVHTXHVWLRQVZHFDQKHOS 3LSSLQ%URWKHUVKDVVSHFLDOLVWVWKDWFDQSLQSRLQWDQGFRUUHFWWKHVHSUREOHPVDQGLQPDQ\FDVHV\RX GRQ¶WHYHQKDYHWRUHSODFH\RXUHTXLSPHQWZLWKWKHVROXWLRQXVXDOO\EHLQJHDVLHUDQGFRVWLQJDORW OHVVWKDQ\RXPD\WKLQN7KHUHLVQRRWKHUFRQWUDFWRULQ/DZWRQPRUHTXDOL¿HGWKDQ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVDW GLDJQRVLQJDQGFRUUHFWLQJWKHVHDQQR\LQJLQFRQYHQLHQWXQKHDOWK\FRPIRUWFRPSURPLVLQJDQGHQHUJ\ ZDVWLQJFRQFHUQV&DOOXVWRGD\DQGOHWXVPDNH\RXUKRPH)HHO$V*RRG$V,W/RRNV$IWHUDOO \RXUKRPHLV\RXUODUJHVWLQYHVWPHQWDQG\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\GHVHUYHWREHFRPIRUWDEOHGRQ¶W\RX" Marlow :6WHHOHFHOODU :.LRZDORWV 6$VKIHQFHG\DUG :6HPLQROHFDUJDUDJH62/' :&KRFWDZFDUJDUDJHFRUQHUORW 6WKFDUSRUW 1WKFRUQHUORW Lots 3D\QH+HLJKWV$GGLWLRQEXLOGLQJORWVUHVWULFWLRQV :3D\QH0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWFHOODU +:<%XLOGLQJORWDFUHHDFK :3D\QH0DUORZFRUQHUORWVKRS :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'ULQWORW WK3DUN0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWWUHHV :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'UFRUQHUORW Commercial Lots %ORFN1%URDGZD\0DUORZIHQFHGORW :0DLQ0DUORZFRPPHUFLDOORW Commercial Property 1+Z\'XQFDQODUJHRI¿FHEOGJ&DOO 'HEELH/\QQ 55%R[$$FUHV&DIpEDLWVKRS0+ 6WK+Z\:DOWHUV+DSS\6WRS&DIHDOOHTXLS PHQWUHDG\IRUEXVLQHVV (0DLQ0DUORZVKRSEXLOGLQJV 1%URDGZD\0DUORZVTIWEOGJ 1%URDGZD\0DUORZVTIWRI¿FHEOGJ :0DLQ0DUORZVTIWFRPPEOGJZHTXLS 1+Z\0DUORZVTIWEXLOGLQJIRUPHU UHVWUDXQW Duncan 1WKEGED&+$ Land 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVVKRS 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVSDVWXUH (/'<DFUHVSDVWXUHSRQG 0RXQWDLQ9LHZ5G(OJLQDFUHVSDVWXUH +DOO5RDG%UD\DFUHVJUDVVFUHHNV62/' Rural Properties 55%R[%&HQWUDO+LJKDFUHVROGHUKRPH 13ODLQVPDQ5GDFUH &53HUQHOODFUHVOLY :KDOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVJDUDJHOLY 55%R['XQFDQ)3ZEHGFDELQ 55%R[&)RVWHUDFUHVVKRSSRRO +&%R[%UD\DFUHVJDUDJHVKRSZLOGOLIH SRQGV 6*RRGULFK0DUORZDFUHV Lake Humphreys Property $UHD%/RW0+FHOODU $UHD%/RW0+JDU $UHD(/RWQLFHFDELQ62/' $UHD'/RW0+62/' $UHD(/RW&+$ Waurika Lake /DNHYLHZ/RWZDWHUPHWHUVHSWLFHOHF /DNHYLHZ/RW::YDFODQG /DNHYLHZ/RWSHDFK$SSOHRUFKDUGZDWHU /DNHYLHZ/RW%DUQJUHHQKRXVHVWDOOKRUVHEDUQ /DNHYLHZ/RWVIHQFHGVPDOOEDUQZHOHF 55%R[$$FUHV&DIpEDLWVKRS0+ 55%R[+$FUHV0+VKRSVSRQG Always ready to go the “EXTRA MILE” for you &DOO7RGD\ ³&RPIRUW:LWKRXW&RPSURPLVH´ ZZZ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVFRP Debbie Lynn Benton Broker / Owner September 8, 2014 REAL ESTATE Current ANIMALS DUNCAN MOBILE HOME: Park spaces for rent in Duncan. Call 580-658-5796 or 1-580-574-3001. JOHNSON RANCH: Black and red Angus, black Maine & Hereford bulls for sale. Extensive 400 Cow Al program. NEAR LAKE LAWTONKA, Call 580-252-1393 or 580Nice 2-bedroom mobile 467-7433. home, CH&A, rural water, Gentle Brangus Bulls: Clean, with 4 acres, corral, and shed, no leather, low birth & high $750 per month. No smoking weaning weights. Guarand no pets. 580-492-6776. antee: Not happy with first calves at weaning, I’ll replace the bull. Beckwards T Ranch. Call Tom Beck, 580-3534304. Classifieds ANIMALS SERVICES Horses FOR SALE: One nice fancy custom Simco 15” saddle in good shape, $350. Solid 15” big horn saddle, $200. Call 580 351-2644. $&KXUFK:LWKRXW)HQFHV HOUSEKEEPING: Reliable home cleaning in the Indiahoma/ Snyder areas. Rural areas as well. Free estimates, have references. Call Autumn, 580-595-1237. NOW ENROLLING: Sunshine Station Child Development Center in Randlett has openings for children ages 6 weeks and up. For information about this DHS-approved facility, call 580-281-0764. LOTS AND LOTS OF TACK Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. MonLOWLINE ANGUS cattle. Also keep 15-20 saddles in day-Friday. BOOKS Cows, bulls and heifers. Call stock. We can beat anyone PERSONALIZED for prices. 580-536-9048 or on prices. Call 580-695-1847. Child’s name, hometown, rel585-0103. I BUY, SELL, TRADE: Hors- atives, throughout the story. es, saddles, trailers & goats. Custom-made for your child in just two days. Fun way to Call 580-514-1223. encourage your child to read. DOG GROOMING: In Dun- HORSE’S FEET NEED can, at Ligon’s Dog Groom- TRIMMING? Call Gary at Debbie, 580-492-4672. www. ing. Come meet our new 580-467-5832. No shoeing. FOR SALE: 2 red Angus groomer, Amy. Amy aims to JOE ROSEBERRY: Allison HORSE SHOEING and trimbulls. 5 and 6 years old. Pre- please! Call for your appointExcavation LLC, backhoe ming, will travel. 580-512destined Sons, Fancy, 580- ment today. 580-255-6087. service, all types of construc0563. 365-4411. tion, dirt, gravel, demolition, Registered Mini Aussie Pups: FOR SALE: Horses, trailers, dozer, grader work, roll-off FOR SALE: 12 bred heifers, All colors, males and females, saddles, tack and old machin- containers, 580-695-8338. red Angus Charolais cross- up-to-date on all shots and ery. Call for details. 580-512bred to LBW red Angus bulls, deworming. 580-695-6004. Rusty Buffalo: 18360 Hwy. 8923. for spring calves. Fancy gen49 before Refuge. Rocks, tle heifers will be calf raisers. native American art & crafts, $2,500 each. 580-512-5846 . FOR SALE: Donkeys, all colrustic tables, rocks, baskets, ors, all prices. Call 580-591blankets, rocks, Peru jewelry. FOR SALE: 17 pair, 11 bull 1042. 11-4 Wednesday-Friday; Satcalves, 6 heifer calves, urday-Sunday 11-6. DONKEYS, weighing from 300 to 550 lbs. DONKEYS, DONKEYS: Will deliver. Call Call 580-641-1958. FARMER DOZER SERVICE: 580-326-1913. Jody Farmer. No job too big TIME TO BUY your next herd or too small. 22 years expesire. We have black bulls rience. Like on Facebook or for sale. Breeds are Angus SANDHILL FISH FARM Pond email at farmerdozer@gmail. cross, Simmental and Salers. stocking and bait. Catfish, com. Located in Marlow. 580We use Al sires with low birth ED’S COINS: Buy, sell, trade. bluegill, bass, minnows, gold641-2475. weights. Please call 405I buy silver dollars, 1935 and fish. Delivery available. 580209-3098. earlier, for $20 and up. 580658-6018 or 405-487-6979. Dale Wampler VIRGIN BREEDING BULLS 475-4570 or 252-3818. Automatic Black Angus, gentle, regis- EDGEWOOD KWIK MART DUNCAN COIN SHOW: tered, LBW (for cows/heifers). has fishing bait and tackle Noon to 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. Transmission Mytty-in-Focus and Precision plus deli food, pizza, beer, 12, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat119 E. Kansas bloodlines. Begin breeding drinks, fuel and car wash. 2 urday, Sept. 13. Free admismiles west of Comanche on Walters, OK for spring 2015. Hedrick Ansion, Stephens County Fairgus, Duncan, 580-252-2654 Highway 53. Call or come by! grounds. Contact Ed McGill, 580-875-2960 or 467-4168, leave message. 580-439-6688. 580-475-4570 or 252-3818. We repair all makes and models WILCOXSON ANGUS JUST BETWEEN FRIENDS: Overhauls and safeguard service Breeding age Angus bulls FOR SALE: Guineas & laying Huge children’s consignment Cooler and shift kits installed registered and show prospect sale. Lawton, September hens, 580-591-1042. heifers AI sired. Located for 19 - 21. 30% - 90% off retail. Ɣ5HDVRQDEOH3ULFHV in? Terrall. Call 972-243-1181 BOBWHITE QUAIL: Chicks, Don’t miss this sale. Great started birds (ideal for stockƔ:ULWWHQ*XDUDQW\ or 972-670-9802. bargains. Details at JBFsale. ing) and adults. For more info, Ɣ<HDUV([SHULHQFH FOR SALE: 2 young Devon com. visit or call bulls (red, milking Devon Walters, Duncan, Lawton Areas ASME CERTIFIED WELD580-512-6366. lines) of breeding age for sale. ING: 24 hours, portable serHours Breed produces solid-colored 0RQWKUX7KXUDPWRSP vice, all repairs and fabricacalves and improved milk Closed)ULGD\V I BUY, SELL, TRADE: Hors- tion. Call K.D., 580-656-1824. production in their heifers. es, saddles, trailers & goats. 580-917-4593 or klovins@ Call 580-514-1223. Animals Page 17 %QOGLQKPWUHQT YQTUJKRCPFHGNNQYUJKR 5WPFC[UGTXKEGCO 5QWVJQH&WPECPQP 4GHKPGT[4QCF FOR SALE: 8-year-old dun gelding, 15 hands; and, 6-year-old dun mare, 14 hands. Both very gentle, neck rein, sound. $1,250 each. Call 580-695-0852 or 695-1847. 5LGLQ²IRUWKHEUDQG 3RXOWU\ 1HVWLQJ %R[HV $UYHO+LJQLWH 5XVK6SULQJV Dogs Cattle HOLT ELECTRIC Over 30 yEARS eXPERIENCE Services Fowl Goats Puzzle Answers (VWLPDWHV 5HPRGHOLQJ 1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ 5HVLGHQWLDO &RPPHUFLDO ,QGXVWULDO KRXU6HUYLFH Donkeys Fish VLQFH 32%R[6WHUOLQJ2./LF2. AUCTION Saturday, September 13th, 10 am High’s Auction & Real Estate will be offering at public auction the following described real estate: 160 Acres and improvements located in the NW S24 T2S R9W, Stephens Cnty OK To be offered in 2 tracts, then combined. Tract 1: Rt. 3 Box 153, Comanche Ok: Home, Shop, Corrals on 30 acres. Tract 2: 130 adjoining acres, fences well maintained, all utilities available Directions: From Hwy 81 in Comanche, OK go 8 miles West on Hwy 53 to Corum, then 1/2 mile north to property. Auctioneers note: You may wait a lifetime to find such an excellent combination of amenities. Excellent improved quarter with pipe fencing, energy efficient home, well water, shop and working corrals. Seller: Randy C. Montgomery Tract 1: Rt. 3 Box 153, Comanche, Ok 2254 square feet of living area, 1 story, 3 bed 2 bath brick home. Steel roof, tiled floors, textured walls, Anderson thermal windows, geo-thermal heat and air, storm cellar, pipe fencing, well water, wind generator, total electric home. Central vac system, pellet stove, 40 x 80 barn/shop, corrals, 2 ponds, excellent view, paved roads. Tract 2: 130 Acres joining tract 1. Boundary and cross fencing in excellent condition. Improved Bermuda and Blue Stem grasses, 3 ponds, N2740 Rd to the West and Dr. Pepper Road to the North, both paved. Immediate possession of tract 2 upon closing. Additional photos, disclosures at Auctioneers/Brokers Dewayne High Rick High 580-875-6500 HIGH’S AUCTION & REAL ESTATE 210 N. BROADWAY WALTERS, OK 73572 580-875-6500 WWW.HIGHSAUCTION.COM Terms: 5% down day of sale with balance due at closing. Seller to provide clear and marketable title. Property sold as-is where is. Call for scheduling inspections prior to sale. No financing contingencies. See web site or call office for details. Parker Angus Ranch Annual Fall Production Angus Bull & Female Sale Columbus Day • October 13, 2014 • 12:00 pm at the ranch east of Waurika, Oklahoma. LAND FOR SALE $FUHV-HIIHUVRQ&R $FUHV*DUYLQ&RXQW\5XVK&UHHN$UHD /LQGVH\ $FUHVZKRPH/RFR6WHSKHQV&R $FUHV+XQWLQJ3URSHUW\0XG&UHHN $FUHVZLWK1HZ&DELQ%UD\ $FUHVZ+RPHVHDVWRI9HOPD $FUHV 3UHFRQGLWLRQLQJ <DUG/LYHVWRFN )DFLOLW\*UDG\&RXQW\ $FUHVEHWZHHQ'XQFDQ9HOPD $FUHV0RELOH+RPH&RPDQFKH $FUHVZLWK%DUQ6W\OH+RPH*UDG\&R $FUHV'XQFDQ $FUHV'XQFDQ $FUHV Z WZR KRXVHVEHWZHHQ 'XQFDQ 9HOPD Offering 100 bulls; 25 registered bred heifers For sale books, call or text Karen OR email the ranch: For information, contact: Parker Angus Ranch Eddie & Karen Parker • Casey & Ruslyn Ramsey and the bosses: Cody and Caitlyn Ramsey 17114 E. 1940 Rd. • Waurika, OK 73573 Eddie’s cell: 580-313-0248 • Karen: 580-313-0249 • Page 18 Current Classifieds September 8, 2014 Co-op Connections Card Local Participating Businesses Ɣ Great Member Savings! If your business would like to participate in the Co-op Connections Program, call us at 580-875-4277. Visit for a complete list of national discounts Redeem your discounts by showing your Cotton Electric Co-op Connections card at any of the participating businesses. 3B Industries Sue Cabelka, Realtor Lakeside Golf Course Solid Plumbing Free car wash token w/purchase of 10. Wholesale pricing on pressure washers and Dixie Chopper lawn mowers 580-439-8876 Locations: Comanche - 301 S. Rodeo Dr. Duncan - 1606 W. Oak & 2015 W. Elk Jay Kinder Real Estate Experts $500 off seller’s closing costs 1146 NW Cache Rd., Lawton Ɣ $5 green fees all day on Mon. & Tues. Hours: 7 a.m. to dark Walters, OK 580-875-3829 10% off all service calls, $125 sewer camera, $175 slab leak detection 2809 NW Sheridan Rd, Lawton 580-353-2863 Chisholm Trail Heritage Center Lawton Imaging 10% off DPSP0)Ɣ $1.00 off admission per card per visit Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1000 Chisholm Trail Parkway, Duncan 580-252-6692 10% off remaining balance after insurance or an additional 10% off already reduced self pay prices. Mon - Fri 8 - 5 1108 S.W. B Ave. Lawton, OK 580-699-7571 A Touch of Bliss Cool It, Inc. Ligon’s Garden Center Sherri Maxwell - owner 10% off store purchase $5 off hour or 1/2-hour massage 213 W. Main, Marlow Thurs - Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 580-658-9026 $20 off service call $250 off complete system 2407 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-1749 10% off 301 S. Highway 81 Ɣ'XQFDQ Cosmetic Specialty Labs, Inc. Free vacuum cleaner with purchase of $2,000 on Stainmaster carpets 1+Z\Ɣ'XQFDQ 10% off & free shipping when you spend $25 or more. 210 SW Texas Ave., Lawton 580-355-2182 Nancy’s Antiques A&M Appliance Service AA Computer Services, Inc. 20% off service, not to include services already on special 901 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton 580-357-4482 Mon-Fri 8-5 ABC Transmission & Motor Company 10% off any service, not to include any service already on special. 8:30 a.m.-11 a.m. & noon - 5 p.m. 2308 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton 580-353-7725 Addington Station Antiques 10% off all purchases 401 US Highway 81, Addington 7XH6DWƔ Aerola Bombus Children’s Books Educational books: Softcover, e-books, audio books and products. 10% off online orders - Code CE2011 $HUROD%RPEXVFRPƔ American Scents Made in USA 10% discount 1515 N. Hwy. 81, Duncan 580-475-0055 Country Closet Resale Shop 10% off all purchases 1 mi. south of Hwy. 70 on Hwy. 81 :DXULNDƔ Cowboy Opry Music Store 10% off all purchases 300 Oak Main, Comanche 580-439-8111 Dear Friends Awesome Gifts & Fabulous Finds! 10% discount on regular-priced items 1+Z\'XQFDQ Debbie’s Little Books 10% off regular purchase price of personalized books. Ɣ(OJLQ Dino’s Dry Cleaners 10% discount 1015 W. Oak, Duncan Ɣ0)Ɣ6DW Opticians Antique Adventures, Ltd. Duncan 10% off purchase of complete glasses 15% off total purchase 811 SW A Ave. - Lawton Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tue. - Sat. 580-351-0170 Arvest Bank Open new checking account, receive $10 or 1st box of checks free. Valid at Lawton, Duncan, Walters and Chickasha branches. 580-250-4540 Attractive Graphics Custom screen printing & vinyl cutting 10% discount PO Box 1188, Cache, OK 73527 580-678-5786 Baby Glam & Mama Too! Denise Graham - owner 10% off store purchase 226 W. Main, Marlow Tue.- Fri. 10 to 5:30, Sat. 10 to 3 580-658-2000 Billingsley Ford of Lawton, Inc. 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 8209 NW Quanah Parker Trailway 580-510-0925 Billingsley Ford L-M of Duncan, Inc. 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 3505 NW Hwy. 81 580-255-5500 Bluff Creek Lodge 10% discount on all bookings Eastern Stephens County 580-255-9592 580-470-5976 Lyndel Strain, owner Burton Meat Market 10% off meat purchases over $20 1206 N. Hwy. 81 (Chisholm Mall) Duncan 1619 W. Elk, Duncan, OK 0RQ)UL 580-255-1172 Eastside Sod Farm Free estimates and 10% discount Ɣ/DZWRQ Gene Burk Auto Glass 10% off 2302 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-3890 Linda’s Carpet 20% discount storewide Hwy. 70, west side of railroad tracks Waurika, OK 580-228-2575 or 228-2011 Nita’s Flowers Helen Thomas - owner 10% discount 1%URDGZD\0DUORZƔ 0RQ)ULƔ6DW On The Hill Gypsy Horses Horse Breeding & Sales $100 off of breeding fee, or purchase of horse. By Appointment: 580-641-2022 or 580656-2475: Osage Animal Hospital $5 off professional examination :2VDJH'XQFDQƔ Mon.-Fri. 7:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Rose’s Custom LLC 10% discount on purchases over $200 580-252-9633 Fax: 580-255-6897 Mon - Fri 8 -5 Red Dirt Bar & Grill $1.00 off appetizers 6425 NW Cache Rd., Lawton 918-720-3739 Ringtail USA Monogramming, screen printing Buy 12 caps or T-shirts, GET ONE FREE P.O. Box 1763, Duncan, OK 73534 KWWSULQJWDLOXVDFRPƔ The Salt Cellar 15% off non-sale items, excluding boxed cards and gift cards 3801 NW Cache Road, #23, Lawton DPSP0RQ6DWƔ Horse Sense Trading Post Shane Burk Glass & Mirror Jamon Kelley - owner 15% off orders over $100 580-512-7047 ,QÀQLW\&RPSXWHU Systems 10% off all labor. 2322 W. Gore Blvd. Ɣ/DZWRQ Johnson & Johnson Locksmith, LLC Free mobile service in Stephens, Comanche, Grady, Jefferson, Caddo or Cotton counties or 15% off any residential or business windows or in-shop glass replacement. 580-252-5939 Showman’s Choice 10% off Professional’s Choice M-F 8-5:30, Sat. 10-2 1205 SW Sheridan, Lawton 580-355-7469 Southern Maid Donuts 10% off donut & pizza purchases 101 Thoma Dr. #A, Elgin, OK Open 5 a.m. - noon & 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Tue. - Sat. 580-492-6123 Southern Trophy 10% off items in Gifts to Treasure shop 9-5 Mon.-Fri. 101 N. 10th St., Duncan 580-252-7866 Stephens County Humane Society $10.00 off adoption fee 714 Martin Luther King Blvd. 580-252-7387 Steppin’ Outdoors 15% off all guides & tours. 20% off sponsorship rates. 580-450-1599 Studio 17 Salon & Gifts 15% off products or retail purchases 8176 State Hwy. 17, Elgin 580-492-4744 Sharla Spencer, owner Sylvan Learning Tutoring/Education Schedule an assessment and $60 will be deducted from the cost. This is a lifetime assessment fee, no charge for further testing at our center. 2603 NW Cache Rd., Suite 2, Lawton 580-351-9100 Tans Plus Tanning salon, gifts and accessories 10% off monthly tanning packages 1 mile N. of Comanche on Old Hwy. 81 580-439-5767 The Branded Bear 5% discount on $100 purchase Medicine Park 580-529-3656 The Vine & Fig Tree Event center with catering & tea room. 5% off Food/ Up to $25 off in-house catering and 5% off Rentals. Regular prices only & must present card. 1304 W. Hwy. 7, Marlow 580-658-3377 Walters Super Stop 2 slices of pizza & 20-oz. fountain drink for $1.99 + tax 311 W. Missouri, Walters 580-875-2001 Waurika QuikMart All fountain drinks & all coffee $0.82 South Main & Hwy. 70 Waurika 580-228-2560 Wichita Furniture 10% off new purchases 1127 NW Cache Rd, Lawton 580-355-7524 9am-9pm: Mon-Sat 10% discount, present card prior to service and ordering of parts. 1913 NW Cache Rd., Lawton 580-355-KEYS (5397) or 580-355-8749 Just Bling It 10% discount 1302 W. Bois d’Arc, Duncan, OK 580-251-9641 Just Between Friends Children’s Consignment Lawton FREE Admission to events & $5 off purchase of $25 or more. 2 Sales A Year, Spring & Fall 580-656-3073 Keep up with all the local and national discounts by downloading the Co-op Connections Card phone app at Cotton Electric Co-op members get extra relief by presenting their Co-op Connections Card ZKHQJHWWLQJSUHVFULSWLRQV¿OOHGDWSDUWLFLSDWLQJ pharmacies. In 2013, members used their cards for discounts on 1,715 prescriptions not covered by insurance. A total of $42,690 was discounted for an average savings of $24.89 per use. The card is free to all members and can be obtained by calling 580875-3351. 7R ¿QG D SDUWLFLSDWLQJ SKDUPDF\ FDOO Member Services at 800-800-7616 or visit www. Type 22203 into the Group ¿HOGDQGFOLFNµORJLQ¶WRVWDUW\RXUVHDUFK September 8, 2014 Current SERVICES ROSE’S CUSTOM LLC: Custom signs, banners, decals, vehicle and window lettering, graphic design, business Brush Hogging and mowing, cards, promotional products, priced by the job. I will come embroidery and sublimation. inspect the site and quote a Call 580-252-9633. price. 580-656-2632 or whar- ADVANCE FENCING & CONSTRUCTION: Metal HOWARD ROOFING & EX- building, roofs and corral. TERIOR PAINTING: Free es- Handyman Services. Best timates. All work guaranteed. quality and cheapest prices. OK license # 80000742. Call Call 580-512-3697. SERVICES TASTEFULLY SIMPLE! Offers wide selection of convenient, easy-to-prepare foods to help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying their lives. Interested in a party or selling it yourself? Call Donna, 580585-2022. CHILDREN’S SALES EVENT upcoming sale. Now accepting consigners. Register online at Lawton sale, Sept. 19 through 21. FOR SALE: BabyBundler baby slings. Chiropractic approved, uses your whole back, not across one shoul580-439-6283 or 580-467- HOWARD ROOF & EXTE- der. Easy, discreet nursing, 8606. RIOR PAINTING Free esti- great bonding, soft material, nice colors. Paper & DVD SANDHILL FISH FARM Pond mates, all work guaranteed. instructions. Call 580-439stocking and bait. Catfish, OK license #80000742. Call 6189 (Comanche). bluegill, bass, minnows, gold- 580-439-6283 or 467-8606. fish. Delivery available. 580- Vinyl siding, replacement HUGHES & FOGLE CLEAN658-6018 or 405-487-6979. windows, remodeling, room ING SERVICE We do general cleaning, windows, office HOME-RAISED BUTCHER additions, painting, roofing & repairs. Call Sunrise Con- buildings and dealerships BEEF: Call 580-284-1597. struction, 580-281-3522 or within 10-mile radius of LawWICHITA MOUNTAIN ton and Walters. Call 580620-6752. LODGE: 425 E. Lake Dr., 919-0614. READING! Medicine Park. Peaceful ENCOURAGE ALLISON EXCAVATION LLC: getaway or rowdy reunion! Custom made books. Your Excavation backhoe service. Private cabins, fishing, group child is the star of their very All types of construction lodging, event center. www. own story. Choose from 75 work. Pond work, dirt, gravel, different titles. Your child’s demolition, dozer, grader Owner, DW Burrus, 580-917- name, relatives throughout story. Debbie, 580-492-4672, work, and roll-off containers. 1834. 580-695-8338. Circle E RC Hobby Shop & TREES: TREES: HOME-GROWN Raceway - Races every Sat- HOME-GROWN Buy 5, pay for 4! Balled & urday evening. Track opens at Buy 5, pay for 4! Balled & burlapped, bald cypress, 2 p.m., races at 5 p.m. Family burlapped, bald cypress, red oak, lacebark elm, pine, fun, spectators welcome! 801 red oak, lacebark elm, pine, Bradford pear, crape myrtles, W. Main St., Duncan. 10-6:30 Bradford pear, crape myrtles, silver maple & more. No M-F, 9-2 Sat. 580-252-0862. silver maple & more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, Duncan. taxes. 2116 N. 5th, Duncan. SEASONED FIREWOOD: 580-656-7273 or 656-6373. 580-656-7273 or 656-6373. Will deliver $75 a rick with a PAINTING LESSONS with 2-rick minimum or you pick up Seasoned Pecan Firewood: Judy McCombs Wednesdays for $55 a rick. Located in Cot- At least 12+ ricks that still at the Walters Depot. Any ton and Comanche county. need cutting and splitting. Seasoned pecan wood is level, beginner to advanced, 580-326-1913. piled up, some has been split, $25 per session. For more inDUNCAN MOBILE HOME: some needs finished. $500. formation, call Lavonne High, Park spaces for rent in Dun580-875-3158 or 580-351- 580-875-2144. Sponsored by can. Call 580-658-5796 or Cotton County Art Council. 7140. 1-580-574-3001. Chisholm Trail Farm Credit Central Oklahoma’s Leading Ag Lender Page 19 SERVICES SERVICES SEEKING donations of scrap metal to benefit American Legion Post 306 in Fletcher. 580-512-1577. Classifieds HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION CO. IMMY owwner/operator ner/operator Cell: 580-585-2562 Steel Buildings, Driveways, Sidewalks, Tractor Work, Mowing, Dirt “Built the way I’d build my own!” Elect Farm & Ranch Brantley Rhonda NEED TRACTOR WORK DONE? 50 hp, 4WD, 6-ft. bucket, 7-ft. box blade, gravel work, brush work, deer plots, reasonable rate and free estimates. Call 580-656-1645. Comanche County TREASURER Tired of your FIELDS NOT DRAINING? This can help: JD 4200 roll-over moldboard. Plow your fields back to the middle, I fixed my fields. 4 bottoms left and right. $4,900. 580-658-5052. Lawton Meat Processing 353-6448 Wanted: Local fruit including melons, pumpkin, etc. to make wine with, need large amounts. Contact: Simply Italy Winery, 580-583-5573. GOOD POND DIRT FOR SALE: You supply equipment. You load and haul. $15 per load. Elgin area. Call 580919-0267. Custom Butchering and Processing ANTIQUE HORSE-DRAWN GRAIN DRILL: With wood spoke wheels and has wooden box. Will send pictures. Call 405-476-3057. In Business Since 1911 (formerly Lud Mieling) 603 East “F” - Lawton, OK 75 Chevy grain truck - $5,999 16’ bed, 350, 4/2 speed, new paint, fair rubber 580-3538124. (Across Street from Sears Service Center) Eclectic Echo ȱęȱ¢ȱǰ ȱȱȱ¢ȱȱǯȱ URCH METAL BUILDINGS METAL ROOFING PURLIN TUBING FURNITURE CONSIGNMENT Gallery 825 West Main Street Duncan, OK 73533 580-255-ECHO (3246) 1706 N. 2nd Street, Marlow, OK Over 4,000 sqft of Quality Furniture & Accessories New Items Arriving Daily Follow Us On Facebook Farm & Ranch Land . Livestock & Equipment .Operating Expenses Open: Tues-Sat 10am-5pm Metal Building Components Let Us Showcase & Sell Your Home Furnishings! Gary Kafer & Wayne Harris for Commercial, Residential, Farm, & Ranch 580-658-1156 -BZBXBZ"WBJMBCMFt"MM.BKPS$SFEJU$BSET"DDFQUFE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH 10 AM OK LA HO MA LAND AUCTION 3 5th 35th International Festival 2014 Sellers: Elizabeth & Kenneth Weir Tract 1: 160 Acres located in the NW S20 T2S R8W, Stephens County, Directions: From Comanche, OK go 5 miles West on Highway 53 to Empire Road, then 1 mile North, then 1/2 mile West on Dr. Pepper Road to tract 1. Tract 1: 160 Acres m/l 42 acres cultivation, balance in grass/timber South Boundary 2 new ponds, ground water Tract 1: 160 ac. 2” water line and electricity along north boundary Panoramic views for possible future home site Sale to be conducted at tract 1 Dr. Pepper Road/N. Boundary Tract 2: 25 Acres located in the SW S6 T4S R8W, Jefferson County Directions: West of Comanche to Corum Road, go South 7 miles, then East 1 mile toward September 26, 27, & 28 3RD & NW FERRIS AVE - ELMER THOMAS PARK • LAWTON, OK TWO STAGES OF NONSTOP ENTERTAINMENT Kiowa Park 1, then South just past Waurika Lake Marina Road to property. Watch for signs!!! All utilities are available Joins Waurika Lake Corps land FOOD, SALES, AND DISPLAY VENDORS INTERACTIVE & CHILDREN’S AREA Excellent hunting or home site “Park & Ride” Free Shuttle Service from McMahon Memorial Auditorium parking lot to festival site and back during festival hours: Friday: 5:30pm-10pm Saturday: 10:30am-10pm Sunday: 11:30am-5pm PLEASE, NO PETS, SERVICE ANIMALS ONLY Sale to be conducted at tract 1 Minutes from Kiowa Park I and marina Auctioneers/Brokers Dewayne High Rick High 580-875-6500 HIGH’S AUCTION & REAL ESTATE 210 N. BROADWAY WALTERS, OK 73572 580-875-6500 WWW.HIGHSAUCTION.COM Terms: 5% down day of sale for tract 1, 10% down for tract 2 with balance due at closing. Seller to provide clear and marketable title. Property sold as-is where is. Call for viewing prior to sale. See web site for pictures and additional details. Page 20 Current FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH FOR SALE: 6X6 Creek feeder, $125. 5X9 Trailer, $200. Deer feeder, $125. Will trade OBO on all items. Call 580475-8096. FOR SALE: 2 Goodyear 11.00x24 Dyna-rib tractor or combine tires and a 30ft. Crustbuster hoe drill. Call Jim, 580-704-7755. 1969 FORD GRAIN TRUCK 250 Cummins, 20’ bed, twin screw, 10-speed, fair rubber, runs good. $4,799. 580-5830193. 2002 GMC C6500, 3126 Cat diesel, 6-speed, 16-foot grain bed, new pump with remotes, new rollover tarp, cold AC. $14,000. 580-695-3439 or 695-5649. FOR SALE: 1992 Great Plains 30’ no-till drill. 2SNT30, 7.5” 1997 GMC C6500, 366 LPG, spacing. 580-585-0686 or 5+2, 18-foot Mabar with Westfield tailgate auger, new 580-597-2271. 1994 L9000, Rockwell tan- rollover tarp, $10,000. 580dems, 3406 B Cat., 9-speed, 695-3439 of 695-5649. HOME-RAISED BUTCHER BEEF: Call 580-284-1597. 18-foot grain bed, tailgate FOR SALE: Real nice Ford ADVANCE FENCING & auger, new tarp, AC. $11,000. 8N tractor. Also have an auger, brush hog and a disc. CONSTRUCTION: Metal 580-353-5011 or 704-6132. building, roofs and corral. 1994 GMC TopKick, 16-foot Phone 580-512-1536. Handyman services. Best steel bed, twin telescoping quality and cheapest prices. cylinders, LPG. 1972 F700 Call 580-512-3697. Ford, 18 Mabar grain bed, gasoline. Choice $4,750. 580-351-8018 or 353-5011. ARGUING WITH BRUCE NICE 2001 IHC 4700 2-ton PRATER about bulldozers is diesel truck with DT466E, like wrestling a pig in the mud, 6-speed plus, with PTO and soon you realize the pig likes AC. Will take a 16-foot grain it. Give me (Bruce) a call and bed. $7,900. 580-351-8018 or let’s argue! 580-641-1952. 574-0103. Equipment Hay BERMUDA HAY: Small Bermuda square bales for sale. Horse quality. Call 580-6957971 or 695-5683. Classifieds FARM & RANCH September 8, 2014 FARM & RANCH 5 x 5½ BALES: Bermuda FOR SALE: Single bale grass, good clean hay. $50 hauler, good condition $450, bale. Hauling available. Mike, Cache. Call 580-919-0917 580-467-1946. Tractors FOR SALE: 1980 Ford 3600 tractor with front-end loader $9,500. 100 series grass catcher and buggy top for John Deere 110 mower, $250 OBO. Call 580 351-2644. FOR SALE: Individual has Ford tractors, starting at $2,500. Call 580-357-2349. FOR SALE: 1966 JD 110 lawn tractor, 8-HP Kohler, runs, needs restoration. $450. 580-658-5052. FOR SALE: Real nice Ford 8N tractor. Also have an auger, brush hog and a disc. Phone 580-512-1536. Garage Sales YARD SALE! Sept. 12, 13, 14. 11 miles north of Lawton on Hwy. 62, then 6 miles west of Porter Hill. Boat, mower, musical instruments, generator, tools, household, men’s clothing, shoes, miscellaneous. FOR SALE: 12% stock cow cubes, $230 bulk, $7/bag for pallet of 40. Banded alfalfa, $365 or $12/bag. Call 580492-4169. FOR SALE: Carry-on trailer, FOR SALE: 6-ft. disc, 3-point FOR SALE: Pair of fenders FOR SALE: Banded stock model 5X8SP, utility land\ hook-up, weighted, $350. Lo- for “A” or “B” model John cow alfalfa, $320 or $10/bale. scape, like brand new, used cated near Cache, 580-429- Deere tractor. Call 405-476- Banded wheat straw, $4.50. once. All steel with rear gate. 3109. Banded orchard, $345 or $600 cash. 580-439-5216. 3057. 2004 F350 dually, diesel FOR SALE: Four-post hy- $10/bale. 50 loose salt, $4. 12 FOR SALE: 1997 W-W Supeauto, AC, 11-foot steel flat draulic automotive lift. See 4-point 12-gauge wire, $55/ rior Steel two-horse straight trailer, dual-axle bumper hydraulic dump bed, receiver it operate. Also, 16’x7’ dual roll. Call 580-492-4169. hitch, $8,500. 580-353-5011 axle trailer with metal floor. We have 17% premium alfalfa pull. Some rust, minor re- FOR SALE: 1875 pump oror 483-3132. cubes, $350 bulk, $10/bag for pairs needed. Tires are good, gan, excellent condition, 580-251-0103. $700. Call 580-919-0917. $1,000 OBO. 580-355-4343. FOR SALE: 3-point turbo saw LADIES! Buy your man a bull- pallet of 40. All-purpose 15% with extra teeth. Used about dozer. When he gets finished grass/alfalfa cubes, $330 FOR SALE: Covered stock- FOR SALE: Antique free4 hours. Like new, works with his work, maybe he’ll sell bulk, $9.50/bag for pallet of trailer, 5’x16’, good tires, standing closet armoire. Othneeds floor. 4-wheel peanut great. 15½ Kraff offset plow, it and buy you a sports car. 40. Call 580-492-4169. er antiques also available. real good shape, new hoses, Several to choose from. Call BUYING: 4x4 bales of long- trailer with blower. Open top Call for more information. good tires- two new. 580- 580-641-1952. stem wheat straw. Call 580- stocktrailer, 6’x20’, goose- 580-574-0620. neck. 580-313-0155. 313-0155. 492-4169. Trailers Merchandise Antiques SHUR-SHOT Special Days CAKE BOUTIQUE GUNS LLC Kevin Smith 15$&HUWL¿HG,QVWUXFWRU MERCHANDISE Heavy barley twist oak accent table; Fire King tulip bowls & salt and pepper shaker set; McCoy grape ewer; Hoosier cabinets; Pyrex bowls; hull, Roseville; Fenton at Addington Station Antiques. Layaway for Christmas. Tiger oak tables & buffets; Aladdin lamps; windmills; gas & oil signs; gaming machines; WWI & WWII memorabilia; Crockett/Kelly handcuffs; ranch oak coffee/end table set. Addington Station Antiques, 580-439-5566. 105:30 Tues.-Sat. Oak ice cream table/chairs; neon signs; oak double-door display cabinet; oak hall tree; featherweight Singer sewing machine/case; 1895 National cash register; 1940s Duncan Phyfe china cabinet. Santa Fe Traders at Addington Station Antiques. 1939 Golden Gate Exposition World’s Fair ferris wheel, handmade builders model; Gone With the Wind lamp. Coca-Cola items: general store sign; advertising buttons; party box w/tray. Santa Fe Traders at Addington Station Antiques. Clothing Geronimo Free Closet has a large supply of nice children’s clothing. Taking donations. 580-585-1754 or 248-3378. Apache Auction Market Thursday 8 a.m. & Friday 10 a.m. Apache Video Wednesday 10 a.m. 5LIOH6KRWJXQ &RQFHDOWR&DUU\&ODVVHV )LUHDUPV$PPR(WF 800-926-9696 580-588-3840 )LQGLWFKHDSHULQRXUDUHD"%ULQJLQDGRUTXRWH DQGZHZLOOPDWFKLILWLVWKHVDPHLWHP* *Local area prices only, no internet sales. +RXUV 6KRS DPWRSP0RQ)UL &HOO &ORVHDWSP:HG )D[ 6DWDPWRSP (0LVVRXUL6W:DOWHUVVKXUVKRWJXQV#PDUWLQHHUQHW HORSE & CATTLE H SHOW STOCK P PURINA FEEDS Chisholm Mall, Duncan, OK (580) 251-1047 Visit Us On Facebook! Livestock Marketing, Inc. BULK FEED DELIVERY AVAILABLE WE CARRY: MUCK BOOTS, LUBE OILS & BLING! Commercial & Farm Fuel Delivery Office/Feed Store 580-444-2573 24 HOUR PAY AT THE PUMP Convenience Store CONVENIENCE 580-444-2172 STORE 657 MAIN ST VELMA, OK Dv(>DDG; 2C[OGPVOGVJQF 2C[OGPVFCVG 2C[OGPVCOQWPV (KPFQWVOQTGCVEQVVQPGNGEVTKEEQO September 8, 2014 Current Classifieds MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE RESALE HAVEN Large selection name-brand clothing, handbags, shoes, costume jewelry, household accessories. Benefits Women’s Haven, agency for domestic violence victims. 10-5:30 Tue.-Fri., 10-5 Sat. 324 S. Highway 81, Duncan. 580475-0009. FOR SALE: 4 wooden Drexel Heritage desk chairs with rollers and padded seats, $20 each. 580-585-7937. FOR SALE: Flatbed, fits 2000 model Chevy or Dodge 1 ton. Asking $800 OBO. Call or text 580-656-2249. FOR SALE: Natural gas wall furnace with blower, used 3 months. Includes vent pipes and thermostat. $300. 580439-2457. Boats/ Watercraft FOR SALE: Queen-sized bed, never been used, headboard, footboard, mattress. WANT TO BUY gun safe. $950. 2 matching antique so580-251-0103. fas, $1,500. 2 matching living FOR SALE: TC Omega, room chairs, $300. Large an50-cal. black powder, camo tique coffee table, $200. Sofa stock, ss. barrel/ scope, $400 & loveseat, like new, $825. . TC Thunderhawk black More furniture, call for details, powder, 50-cal., 209 primer, 580-439-2266. ss barrel/scope rings, $150. MR HEATER, vent-free in580-467-7533. frared, 4 plaque, natural gas FOR SALE: Reloading sup- heater, 30,000BTU/HR, $175. plies for 25-06, 270, 7mm ProCom, 2 plaque vent-free Mag, & 30-cal. brass , bullets, infrared, space natural gas dies. New spotting scope, heater. Heats 300 sq. ft. No new pop-up hunting blind. outside venting. Used one Various other items. Call year, $50. Call for details, 580-467-7533. 580-658-5350. Firearms Page 21 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Lawn & Garden Mowers FOR SALE: Kubota riding mower, #TC 1860, 60” cut, diesel. $2,500. 580-2511020. Portable Buildings and Sheds FOR SALE: 1988 Ranger bass boat, 375V, 150 V6 GT Johnson motor, garage-kept, $5,000. 580-656-3690. FOR SALE: 2013 Polaris RZR S, 800efi, $9,850, 405863-4537. FOR SALE: 4-wheel off-road Yamaha, 349CC engine, model 350. Good tires, new battery, runs great. $1,000. 580-585-7937. FOR SALE: 2014 Indian Chief Classic motorcycle. Asking $17,500. Red, only 2 miles. Title in hand. 5-year transferable warranty. Text or leave FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1972 message at 580-467-3667 or Chevy Camaro. V8, auto., email speciak1davis@gmail. black on black, driven daily. com. 1979 Chevy Luv, V8, auto project. Please call 580-4672011. Cars Recreational Vehicles FOR SALE: 1991 Holiday Rambler Class A motorhome, $11,999. Excellent condition. Less than 50K miles. New carpet. All the bells and whistles. Call Bill for particulars, 925-864-9428. FOR SALE: 1987 Winnebago Lesharo, self-contained, roof AC, electric water heater, new refrigerator, generator and good gas mileage. 580-4395901 or 580-251-1648. Trucks and SUVs FOR SALE: ’73 Chevy ¾-ton pickup. 4-speed transmission, 292 engine, needs work FOR SALE: 3,000-sq.-ft. 1966 THUNDERBIRD: 428 Q 2008 Heartland 3400RE Big- on fuel system. 580-658round top Quonset hut build- Code, good interior, runs and horn 5th wheel travel trailer. 3 6738. ing and all hardware. Never drives, very nice car. 580- slide outs; CH&A w/2nd AC; FOR SALE: 1999 S10 4-cyl., erected. Also, 40’x100’x14’ 512-4463. Kenmore heavy-duty washer red iron building frame on FOR SALE: Buick Century & dryer, 42” wide-screen 5-speed, $1,800. 2002 S10, V6 auto, $3,600. 2007 Rangground. 580-251-0103. Custom, $1,000. 580-606- TV, king-size bed, sofa bed, er, V6, auto, $5,800. All with microwave convection oven, 2817. A/C. 695-3439 or 951-0989. FOR SALE: 1967 4-door Ford electric fireplace, outside FOR SALE: 1979 Chevy FOR SALE: Poulan 18” chain Falcon, new interior, 6 cylin- shower, electric front & rear 1-ton, new air, cruise, everyjacks, large storage. Excelsaw. Like new. $50. 580-251- der, asking $2,800. 580-492thing works and runs great! lent condition. $29,950. Call 1490. 4016. $2,650 OBO. Might trade. 580-467-1591. FOR SALE: 1938 Chevy Two owners. Call 580-475FOR SALE: Table with 4 FOR SALE: New mandolin, street rod. Call for details. FOR SALE: 2002 31’ Sports- 8096. swivel chairs, $150. 2 sets of $80. Clarinet, $40. 405-243- CAR PARTS FOR SALE: 580-252-3066 or 580-786- men gooseneck travel trailer. matching end-tables, 1 twin- 6883. Good condition, good tires, 2009 Chevrolet Silverado 1990 Chevy short bed, 9006. sized bedroom set, dresser large slide-out, queen-sized 2500 long-bed crew cab. 5-speed transmission, new PIANO, studio size, good chest, nightstand and matand double bunk beds, 2-wheel drive, 6.0 V8, gas pressure plate, throwout condition, light finish. Keys, tress set. 1 child’s desk and sleeps 8. $9,500 OBO. Call with HD 6-speed auto., HD bearing and clutch, clutch hammers and felts are all chair, $50. 1 antique buffet, tow package. Many options, 580-228-4887 after 5 p.m. pedal, bracket with fly wheels good. Needs tuning but plays 2008 SUZUKI GSX 650F: or$175. Call for details, 580Bluetooth, etc. 15K fifthand steering column. $500 fine. Yours for the hauling ange and black, 5,000 miles, Find out how the little chang- wheel hitch. 24,300 miles. 439-2266. OBO. Also have a 1989 es add up to big savings at away. 580-757-2561. $21,250. 580-450-3166. Chevy bumper. Call 580-228- runs excellent, good tires and FOR SALE: Leather queenFOR SALE: Epiphone eleccomes with cover. $3,800. 4272. sized sofa with hide-a-bed, tric bass guitar, dark cherry Walters. Call 806-790-8847 excellent condition. $300. finish, $125. Great condition. 16-gallon auto LPG tank: or 580-875-2402. 580-439-2457. $199. 10”x60” propane tank 405-829-0016. for injection into a diesel (air FOR SALE: 2004 Honda Two Frigidaire high-efficiency OLD UPRIGHT PIANO: keys, intake) system. Gauge, safety Rancher 350, 4-wheeler. Model FRA126CT1 room hammers and felts are all fill valve, vent, hose, etc. Over In good condition. Call Jim, window air conditioners with good. Tan finish. Plays well. 580-704-7755. $850 new. 580-583-5573. temperature-sensing remote Heavy. Needs a new home. control. $250 each. Used for Haul away and it’s yours. only about two months. 580580-757-2561. 351-2644 FOR SALE: Silvertone elecFOR SALE: 29-ga. Richmond tric guitar with NASCAR’s Insole:Texon® natural gas water heater, used Jimmy Johnson, $75. Great Upper: Brown Cordura only 3½ months. Switched to condition. 405-829-0016. propane. Paid $325, asking MSRP: 18499 $200. 580-658-5350. 00 Furniture & Musical Appliances Instruments Tools Transportation Cycles and ATVs Red Wing Shoes Built to Fit Built to Last Starlite Welding Supplies Torch & Regulator Repair Welder-Torch Kit Specials “Like” Us On Facebook! 1 Yr. Cylinder Lease $40.95 SPIVEY INSULATION CO. SPECIALS on Welders/Generators - FREE ESTIMATES SPRAY-ON POLYURETHANE FOAM FOR METAL BUILDINGS Don Spivey Owner Operated Since 1974 1-800-522-1644 506 Industrial Ave.--By Duncan Cemetery Mon.-Fri., 8 am -5 pm; Sat., 8 am -12 noon Since 1991 0,//(5&216758&7,216216,1& 6506 NW Cache Rd - 580-536-7001 Store Hours M-F 10-5:30 Sat 10-2:00 TEMPLE CUSTOM Slaughter & Processing Foster & Lorre Morris We Specialize in Custom Processing We Now Offer Vacuum Packing General & Vascular Surgery 1607 Brookwood Duncan, OK 73533 (580)-255-2122 RED WING, WORX, IRISH SETTER BRANDS 580-252-8320 Richard M. Albertson, MD Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Gallbladder Colonoscopy HIDA Scan Dysphagia 12” Pull-On LAWTON SHOE STORE Home-owned by Kenneth/Jeff Golay BLOWN FIBERGLASS - ATTICS - BATTS. COMPLETE INSULATION SERVICES Our Price : $149 St l #249 Style #2499 99 Safety Boot 5RFN 6DQG )LOO %DFNKRHV 'R]HUV 7UXFNV Beef and Pork 12-2%722%,*2560$// Call 580-342-5031 521 W. Central-Temple 8 am to 5 pm Mon-Thur / 8 am to 4 pm on Fri. WALTERS BANK & TRUST L&L FARM & TIRE HEADQUARTERS includes small pond, water meter, & 37’ x 67’ concrete slab with plumbing. Located 3 miles north of the HWY 5 - 281 Junction Call Walters Bank & Trust for more information. (580)875-3396 Walters Bank & Trust Company Investing in the future. Investing in you. Your Choice To Meet Your Operation’s Tire & Agriculture Supply Needs. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you! Goodyear - Titan Tires TIRES FOR EVERYTHING! Thanks for your business! Leroy and Mark Geis 597-3316 or 597-2522 Page 22 Current Classifieds September 8, 2014 BIG PACKAGES SMALL PRICES at Great Plains Kubota $14478 $268 OR *per month Package Includes: Package BX1870 Kubota 4WD/18HP Tractor Kubota Loader/Bucket 48” Land Pride Box Blade 14’ Utility Trailer Package L3800DT $23428 $417 OR ***per month Package Includes: Kubota 4WD/38HP Tractor Kubota Loader/Bucket 60” Land Pride Box Blade/Rotary Cutter 6 18’ Trailer w/3500lb Axles/1 Brake $25232 $439 OR ****per month Package MX5100F Package Includes: Kubota 2WD/51HP Tractor Kubota Loader/Bucket d Pride Box Blade/Rotary Cutter 72” Land w/520 00lb 18’ Heavy Duty Trailer w/5200lb Axles & 1 Bra ake Brake $21921 $409 OR *****per month Package Includes: P Ku Kubota 4WD/33HP Tractor Kubota Loader/Bucket K 60” 6 0” Land Pride Box Blade/Rotary Cutter 18’ T ra Trailer w/3500lb Axles/1 Brake CCheck heck Out Ou These Other Low Kubota Prices: L4600 Pac Package - $29,187 or $513 **per month M7040 - $32,500 or $561 ******per month M704 M996 M9960 - $51,793 or $899 *******per month Great Plains Duncan The Brand That Works 3445 N. Hwy. 81 Duncan 580-255-1117 WWW.GREATPLAINSKUBOTA.COM *Payments of $268 per month on new Kubota BX1870 Package based on sales price of $16,098 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 60 months. ** Payments of $513 per month on new Kubota L4600 Package based on sales price of $30,806 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 60 months. ***Payments of $417 per month on new Kubota L3800DT Package based on sales price of $25,048 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 60 months.**** Payments of $439 per month on new Kubota MX5100F Package based on sales price of $26,340 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 60 months. ***** Payments of $409 per month on new Kubota L3301 Package based on sales price of $24,541 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 60 months. ******Payments of $561 per month on a new Kubota M7040SUHD based on a sales price of $33,660 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 60 months. *******Payments of $899 per month on a new Kubota M9960 based on a sales price of $53,940 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 60 months.Financing available from Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503; subject to credit approval. Payments include implements, set up, and do not include delivery, or local taxes where applicable. Customer Instant 5HEDWHVPD\QRWEHDYDLODEOHZLWKSURPRWLRQDOUDWH¿QDQFLQJ6RPHH[FHSWLRQVDSSO\2IIHUH[SLUHV6HHGHDOHUVKLSIRUGHWDLOVDQGRWKHUORZUDWH¿QDQFHRSWLRQV September 8, 2014 Classifieds Page 23 Classified Ad Policy MISCELLANEOUS Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. Grain truck $4,799. 20’ bed, FOR SALE: Child’s playtwin screw, 10 spd., 250 house, 5½ feet wide, 8 feet Cummins, fair rubber, runs long, 2-foot front porch. Sold good. 580-583-0193. with or without furniture. 580FOR SALE: 1996 Chevy S10, 439-2787. automatic, AC, cruise control, CD, sliding back window, tonneau topper & bedliner. $1,500. 580-606-2817. FOR SALE: 2 3/8 & 2 7/8 inch structural pipe. 31-33 feet. $30 joint. Cash. 580-6412741 2008 CHEVROLET Trailblazer LT3, 89,000 miles, metallic gray, leather interior, automatic 6-cyl. Vortec with Stabilitrak, AM/FM/CD, power and heated front seats, loaded, factory premium wheels, new tires, $11,500 OBO. 580-4674803. FOR SALE: Single horse drawn buggy, 2-seater with top and complete new harness. 580-313-0155 FOR SALE: 2003 ¾-ton white Chevy pickup bed. Also have available, bumper, tow package and gooseneck hitch. 580-246-3513 or 678-0299. Vans 2000 MERCURY VILLAGER 3.0, good tires, motor needs work, CD player, good title, tag good until January. $650 or will take guns in trade. 405-243-6883. Two Frigidaire high-efficiency Model FRA126CT1 room window air conditioners with temperature sensing remote control. $250 each. Used for only about two months. 580 351-2644. MOUNTAIN MAN FUR HATS: and bags Daniel Boone, raccoon or skunk hats $100 each. Mountain man coyote drape hat, $200. Call 580919-0267. SEEKING donations of scrap metal to benefit American Legion Post 306 in Fletcher. 580-512-1577. WANT TO BUY gun safe. 580-251-0103. CHURCH ITEMS: Weird Animals logo on plywood and six Weird Animal characters, some large. If you are thinking of a Weird Animal VBS next year, please contact me. 580-281-0496. FOR SALE: 2 3/8” and 2 7/8” tested tubing. $1.75. 580656-0346. WATER WELL PUMP: with pre-charged tanks, one 16”x29” and one 20”x32” in operation, complete, $300. Call 580-467-7705. Open Range COWBOY CHURCH, meeting at 10 a.m. Sundays, Stephens County fairgrounds. Pastor Robert Bohn. 580-704-4692. FOR SALE: 10 new brown aluminum windows, various sizes. Also have a new 3-ft. fiberglass door with Texas stars in glass. 580-246-3513 or 678-0299. HISTORIC MEDICINE PARK long-term leases, fully-furnished cabins for rent. Lovingly restored/updated with modern amenities. Contact us at 580-353-5366,, AHRN or Referrals paid $100. FOR SALE: 2 3/8” through 5 ½” structural tubing and casing. 580-606-0346. CASH FOR COINS: Buy or sell. Call 580-475-5132 in Duncan. OUTDOOR &TRAIL GUIDE: to Wichita Mountains. To order trail guide and other publications about the Wichita Mountains: see www.wichita Barton Recovery & Wrecker FOR ALL YOUR TOWING NEEDS! Services Include: Unlock Cars Jump StartsAll Towing Aspects 401 School Rd. - Temple, OK Marlow Kwik Lube & Kwik Kleen Car Wash (580) 342-6802 Newly Remodeled, 1, 2 or 3 Bedroom Apartments Extra Storage, Central H&A, Stove & Refrigerator, Carpet & Mini Blinds, Washer/Dryer Hookups & On-Site Laundry. Rental Assistance HUD Section 8 Accepted. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. Your Full Service Automotive Care Facility &RPH9LVLW0DUORZ·V We Offer: Oil Changes Transmission Flushes Best Automatic Car Wash, New & Used Tires Flats Fixed 6HOI6HUYH%D\V9DFXXPV Brake Jobs 7XQH8SV Carpet Shampooer 0LQRU0HFKDQLFDO:RUN )UDJUDQFH0DFKLQH 6%URDGZD\0DUORZ just relax and FREE: electronic PDF copy of reference guide to common local beetles. 22 pages, 54 photos. Contact author at ALLISON EXCAVATION LLC: Excavation backhoe service. All types of construction work. Pond work, dirt, gravel, demolition, dozer, grader work, and roll-off containers. 580-695-8338. Apartment Homes TDD 1-800-833-7741 OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE: to Wichita Mountains. Features hiking trails, auto-tours to historic, interesting places. $15.95 each. $2 postage. Send check: Valley of the Wichitas, P.O. Box 6741, Lawton, OK 73506. Miscellaneous WANTED: Red hollyhock flower seeds. Will pay postage. Call 580-252-3066. a Park Pglaez Villa let us build it! STANDARD RD FEATURES: UÊÓÝ{ÊÜ>Ê}ÀÌðÊÊÊÊUÊÓÝ{ÊÀvÊ«ÕÀðÊÊÊ ÀÌà U ÓÝ{ Àv «ÕÀà UÊ{½ÊÌ>ÊVÊL>À`Ê>ÀÕ`ÊÌiÀÀÊÊ ÊÊÊ«iÀiÌiÀ°ÊÊÊ UÊ/Ài>Ìi`Ê«ÃÌðÊÊ UÊ}iiÀi`Ê/ÀÕÃÃiÃÊx½ÊÊ iÌiÀ°ÊÊÊ UÊ/Ài>Ìi`ÊÓÝÈÊë>à L>À`° UÊ{xÊ9i>ÀʵÕ>ÌÞÊ«>Ìi`ÊÃÌiiÊÀv}Ê ÊÊ>`ÊÃ`}°ÊÊ UÊ À>ÌV i`ÊÀv}Ê>`ÊÃ`}ÊÊ ÊÊÃVÀiÜð prices good thru Sept. 30, 2014 *Built pricing 20’ x 16’ SUBURBAN HORSE SHED $ built 3,129* (8’ sidewall) shown #$]#$] 40’ x 16’ SUBURBAN HORSE SHED built 4,999* (8’ sidewall) $ STANDARD FEATURES: UÊÓÝ{ÊÜ>Ê}ÀÌðÊÊÊÊUÊÓÝ{ÊÀvÊ«ÕÀðÊÊÊ UÊ{Ý{ÊÌÀi>Ìi`Ê«ÃÌðÊÊÊ UÊÓÝÈÊÀ>vÌiÀÃÊ-«>Vi`ÊÎvÌÊÊ iÌiÀ®°ÊÊÊ UÊ/Ài>Ìi`ÊÓÝÈÊë>à L>À`° UÊ{xÊ9i>ÀʵÕ>ÌÞÊ«>Ìi`ÊÃÌiiÊÀv}Ê>`ÊÃ` }°ÊÊ UÊ Sutherlands works hard and takes pride in our extensive line of high quality buildings that will last for generations. $ built 1,899* STANDARD FEATURES: UÊx½ÊÊ iÌiÀÊÌÀÕÃÃiðÊÊÊ UÊÕLiÊÌÀÕÃÃÊV>ÀÀiÀð UÊ9ÊLÀ>V}ÊvÀÊÃÌÀi}Ì ÊÊi>Ûið UÊÊÀvÊ«ÕÀÃÊEÊÜ>Ê}ÀÌÃÊÊÓ½Ê iÌiÀ° UÊÀÌÊ«iÊi>ÛiÊVÛiÀi`ÊÜÌ ÊiÌ>Ê>`Ê ÊÊÊÌÀÊÌÊii«Ê>ÊÌÀÕÃÃÊV>ÀÀiÀÃÊVÛiÀi`ÊÊÊ ÊÊÜÌ ÊiÌ>°ÊÊUÊ>ÛiÊÌÀ°Ê UÊ"ÕÌÃ`iÊVÃÕÀiÊÃÌÀ«ÃÊvÀÊÀ`}iÊV>«° Other options include: Dirt Work, Concrete Work, Drive Aprons, Insulation, Horse Stalls & Skylights 18’ x 30’ x 10’ $ 24’ x 30’ x 10’ ÎÊL>ÞîÊÊ sky kyliligh lig gh httss {ÊL>ÞîÊÊ 4,199* $5,979* $8,299* built gates ates at es an nd d she hed 30’ x 40’ x 10’ ÎÊL>ÞîÊÊ built built ovveerrh haan ng other options available- FREE ESTIMATES! WE BUILD PRICES ARE BUILT ON CUSTOMER PREPARED AND LEVEL SITE All Built prices are for within 30 miles from the store, additional chargers will apply over 30 miles. Delivery and tax based upon location. Customer is responsible for all permits. See store for details. STANDARD FEATURES: $&]%,] D*] STANDARD FEATURES: $ 9,999* UÊx½ÊÊ iÌiÀÊÌÀÕÃÃiðÊÊÊ UÊÕLiÊÌÀÕÃÃÊV>ÀÀiÀð UÊ9ÊLÀ>V}ÊvÀÊÃÌÀi}Ì ÊÊi>Ûið UÊÊÀvÊ«ÕÀÃÊEÊÜ>Ê}ÀÌÃÊÊÓ½Ê iÌiÀ° UÊ>ÛiÊÌÀ°ÊÊUÊ,>ÌÊ}Õ>À`°ÊÊUÊ"ÕÌÃ`iÊVÃÕÀiÊÃÌÀ«ÃÊvÀÊÀ`}iÊV>«° UÊÃ`iÊVÃÕÀiÊÃÌÀ«ÃÊvÀÊi>ÛiÊÌÀÊ>ÌÊi>Ûi°ÊÊUÊ{xÊÞi>ÀÊÓÊ}>Õ}iÊiÌ>° UÊ£ä½ÊÃ`iÜ>°ÊUÊ£ÊÜ>Ê`À°ÊÊUÊÓÊÊÃÕ>Ìi`ÊÜ`Üð NEED A CUSTOM SIZE? FREE BRING THEM TO US FOR built 18’ x 30’ x 10’ 24’ x 30’ x 10’ £½ÊÝÊǽÊ"ÛiÀ i>`ÊÀÊEÊ£Ê7>ÊÀ® 5,899* Ó½ÊÝÊǽÊ"ÛiÀ i>`ÊÀÃÊEÊ£Ê7>ÊÀ® 11,199* Ó£ä½ÊÝÊ£ä½Ê"ÛiÀ i>`ÊÀÃÊEÊ£Ê7>ÊÀ® $ UÊx½ÊÊ iÌiÀÊÌÀÕÃÃiðÊÊÊ UÊÕLiÊÌÀÕÃÃÊV>ÀÀiÀð built UÊ9ÊLÀ>V}ÊvÀÊÃÌÀi}Ì Ê ÊÊÊi>Ûið 30’ x 40’ x 10’ UÊÊÀvÊ«ÕÀÃÊEÊÜ>Ê Ó½ÊÝÊǽÊ"ÛiÀ i>`ÊÀÃÊEÊ£Ê7>ÊÀ® ÊÊ}ÀÌÃÊÊ ÊÊÓ½Ê iÌiÀ°ÊUÊ>ÛiÊÌÀ°ÊÊ UÊ,>ÌÊ}Õ>À`° UÊ"ÕÌÃ`iÊVÃÕÀiÊÃÌÀ«ÃÊ built ÊÊvÀÊÀ`}iÊV>«° UÊÃ`iÊVÃÕÀiÊÃÌÀ«ÃÊvÀÊi>ÛiÊÌÀÊ>ÌÊi>Ûi°Ê UÊ{xÊÞi>ÀÊÓÊ}>Õ}iÊiÌ>° $ $ 7,800* built 30’ x 50’ x 12’ $ 13,999* built prices good thru Sept. 30, 2014 ASK US ABOUT LAWTON, OK (580) 248-7437 DELIVERY & Toll free (800) 339-4035 1011 S.E. First St. INSTALLATION! Travel charges may apply on installed buildings. Delivery charges may apply. See store for details. FT. SMITH, AR WICHITA FALLS, TX (940) 766-0153 Toll free (800) 339-4035 1401 Southwest Pkwy. 1801 South Zero (479) 646-7858 Toll free (800) 494-3551 ESTIMATES! Visit us online @ for FEATURES, options, photos & videos of other building packages! 7013 CRE TRANSPORTATION Current Page 24 Current News September 8, 2014 Parting Shot .(VX} GAME TIME! Norman Condit and his truck seem small among the structures inside the Comanche substation. The line operations superintendent for the eastern portion of the Cotton Electric service area visits the sub monthly to take readings and inspect equipment. This farm is more than land and crops. It’s our family legacy. Join John Deere Financial and protect your family’s future with John Deere crop insurance. Stockman’s Has YOUR Fan Gear! OSU Scherler Insurance Agency LLC. Walters, OK 202 W. Missouri OU Find Us On Faceb o ok! Contact Staci Turner 580-875-6000 YOUR ELECTRICITY ISN’T SOMETHING WE TAKE LIGHTLY. Before you switch on the lights, we’ve already put up the poles, connected miles of wire and flipped more than a few switches of our own. All to make sure your life is always “on.” Learn more about the power of your co-op membership at
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