Classifieds - Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Classifieds - Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Page 16 Current Classifieds June 13, 2016 Current Classifieds Not a member, but still want to advertise? Ads must be prepaid, so enclose $5 with your ad to guarantee placement. Classified & Display Ad Deadlines The deadline for classified ads for the next issue is July 7. Display ad space must be reserved by July 5. If your ads are not received by this deadline, they will not be published in the next issue. Please limit ads to 25-30 words. There is a $5 charge for ads over 30 words. Classified Cost Cotton Electric members are entitled to two free ads per membership per month. Additional ads or ads over 30 words can be purchased for $5 per ad. Place Your Ad Contact Us __________________________________________________________________________________ Ads can be sent in the mail or be dropped off at Cotton Electric, 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK 73572. Ads can also be dropped off at the Duncan office, 1101 W. Oak. Ads can be emailed to or they can be sent via fax to 580-875-3101. Place an ad by phone by calling 580-875-3351. __________________________________________________________________________________ REAL ESTATE __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Clip and Mail to: City _________________________ Zip Code _________________ Cotton Electric Current Phone _________________________________________________ 226 N. Broadway Cotton Electric Account # _________________________________ Walters, OK 73572 ANIMALS Gentle Brangus bulls. Low birth weights, high weaning weight. No dangle. Extra guarantee: Not happy with first calf crop at weaning, I’ll replace the bull. Beckwards T Ranch, Tom Beck, Pumpkin House and 2.5 lots for sale at Center, 353-4304. 102 E. Ohio, Walters. 3 bed- WILCOXSON REGISTERED rooms, 1 bath. AS-IS SALE. ANGUS: Bulls for sale. Virgin, FOR SALE: 1 acre lot at Ivy- Need sold ASAP. Asking 12 months old and up, superiwood Estates off Comanche price $11,000. Call 859-401- or genetics, top quality, range Trail at Waurika Lake. Lot 3 0230 for information or ap- ready, guaranteed fertile. Terral. 972-670-9802. Block 2, adjoining Jefferson pointment. County. Call 909-227-2280 FOR SALE: Beautiful rural LOWLINE ANGUS cattle: home, sitting on 20 acres bulls, heifers, cows. Start at for price. FARM LAND for sale: 320 north of Devol, NS2460. Less $1,250. 580-536-9048 or acres west of Grandfield. Two acreage negotiable. 3 bed- 585-0103. separate parcels, 160 acres rooms, 2.5 baths, detached FOR SALE Lim-flex bulls, each. Will sell both or sepa- garage, storage shed and Angus Limousin cross. Top rate. Call Phyllis at 940-632- cellar. $238,500. 940-867- quality. Very docile. Summer 4146. Hill Cattle. Morris Goodrich. 5781 for details. Real Estate FOR SALE: Brick home on corner lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and sunroom. 2-car garage, storage building, fenced yard and cellar. 1101 W. Choctaw, Marlow. 580251-1233. Lots/Land HORSE LOVERS - For lease: 14 acres with trailer hookups, Wichita Mountain Estate area, 5 miles to center of Fort Sill. $525 per month. 912322-2725 or 580-713-9953. 1,281 Acres of GRASS/ HUNTING LAND. New hunting lodge, deer stands, ponds, creeks, double- wide mobile, barn, water wells, fenced, cross-fenced and more. Loco. See g3landandhome. com for pictures and details. Call Cindy, 580-721-9355. LAND FOR SALE 4.75 acres. Includes brick 2-car garage, electric & water meters, water well, irrigation, fenced garden. In Holsey Acres, Indiahoma. $53,000. 580-5123313. Homes WOW! Updated and move-in ready! Completely remodeled, very pretty 2-bedroom, one-bath home, with dining room, living room, utility room, kitchen with new kitchen appliances, carport and oversized single-car garage, covered deck, security lights, etc. 1208 NW Ferris, Lawton. $69,900. 580-591-6874. LAKE HOUSE: Waurika Lake, Eagle’s Nest Addition. ¾ acre. Octagon shaped, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, doublecar garage. Asking $95,000. Call for appointment. 580355-2243 or 585-3847. HOUSE FOR SALE: Pretty, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath with dining, living, and utility rooms. Carport, oversized single-car garage, covered deck, security lights. 947 sq. ft. Call 580591-6874. FOR SALE: 2-bedroom, 2-bath home on 17.5 acres including a creek. Carport/shop with storage building, cellar. 1.3 miles west from U.S. 81 on Ballpark Road, Marlow. 405-834-8508. FOR SALE or lease: 3 bedroom, 1 bath, in Empire. 580255-8824. FOR SALE: 3-bedroom, 1 ¾-bath house on approximately 4 acres, 2 ¼ miles W. of Comanche on Hwy. 53. $40,000. 580-439-4782. Classified Ad Policy 15 gentle black Angus pairs with calves. 250-300 lbs. Exposed to bull in April. 5 pairs mixed cross- breed cows with calves. Calves 200-300 lbs., exposed to bull in April. 580591-1498 or 591-2856. Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. Dogs Two females, half heeler, half shepherd. 6 months old and 2 years old. Up to date on shots. $25 re-homing fee. 940-636-9533. River Resources LLC Donkeys LOOKING TO ADOPT: 2 jennies. 580-351-7041. Fish WATER WELL DRILLING Pump Installation Pump Service Solar Pumps Manufactured Homes Hoss Burris • 580-264-0619 4631 Arco Rd, Healdton, OK Fowl D L O M Animals BUY, SELL OR TRADE: Horses, trailers, saddles, tack and old machinery. Call for details. 580-512-8923. YEARLING GUINEAS for sale. Pumpkin Center area. 580-353-3078 or 695-8202. Ochsner Dozer-Trackhoe Service Pond, Terraces, Tree Clearing, Building Pads, NRCS Work, etc. For estimate on your job call Jeff Cats Kittens available for adoption. Litter trained. Call 580-6565490. Cattle JOHNSON RANCH: Black and red Angus, black Maine & Hereford bulls for sale. Extensive 400-cow Al program. Call 580-252-1393 or 580467-7433. 580-704-2226 RED RIVER LAND Office - 580-255-5166 Cell - 580-251-0523 Fax - 580-255-4517 205 W. Main, Marlow 580-658-1177 “Selling our listings, would like to sell yours” Debbie Lynn Benton 580-512-9873 Duncan Marlow •310 W. Osage: 3/1, cellar, CONTRACT • 1016 Devonwood: 3/2, garage, $59,000 •801 S. 7th: 3/2, corner lot, $105,000 Rural Properties • 703 S. 9th, 3/2 , garage, $110,000 •3323 W. Woods Dr: 1 Acre, 2 bed, MH, $22,000 Waurika Lake •3511 E. Hwy 29: 2+ Acres, 2/1, small apartment, $80,000 •Lakeview Lot #32, WW, vac land, $24,900 •Lakeview Lot #40,41 & 44, peach & Apple orchard, water, •3102 E. Hwy 29: 2 Acres. 3/2, cellar, $98,000 $41,900 •111 E. Memorial : 2 Acres 3/2, garage, $169,000 •Lakeview Lot #18 Barn, greenhouse, 4 stall horse barn, •2950 N. Plainsman Road: 5 Acres, 3/2, garage, $225,000 $54,900 •1526 Glendon: 2 Acres, 3/3, garage, $295,000 •Lakeview Lots #35,36,37 & 48, fenced, small barn w/ Lots elec, $54,900 •Payne Heights Addition, building lots, restrictions, $17,000- •RR 1 Box 72H2, 8 Acres, 3/2/, MH, shops, pond, SOLD $20,000 Land •607 W. Payne, Marlow, building lot, cellar, $16,000 •McKinley Rd., Marlow: 4 acres, shop., $54,500 •North 1st St., Marlow, 6 City Lots, $18,000 •McKinley Rd., Marlow: 20+ acres pasture. $59,000 •E. LD/Y - 40 acres pasture, pond. $121,000 •Willowbend Addition, Creek Side Dr., int. lot, $34,500 • S Glendon Rd., 20ac., close to golf course, $200,000 •9th & Park, Marlow, building lot, trees, CALL • Rt 4, Marlow: 221 Acres, $381,255 •Willowbend Addition, Creek Side Dr., corner lot, $44,500 Commercial Property HOME-RAISED BUTCHER BEEF: Call 580-284-1597. Appraisals & Sales to go the Extra Mile for you 109 Acres Deeded - SW of Randlett, OK $190,750 w Real Esta arlo te Always Ready S heifers, GAR Predestined blood line. A.I.’ed Feb. 2 to Daylight. 580-365-4411. DPC-0805 Red Two 2-year-old registered black-mouth cur females. Need someone to hunt them. $600 for the pair. 580-6784518. FOR SALE: Paint jennies. FREEZER BEEF for sale: 580-591-1042. Home raised, on finisher 60 days. Will deliver to Lawton, Walters or Sterling, local. SAND HILLS FISH FARM: Weighed approx. 1,000 lbs. Pond stocking, different types 580-695-3737. of fish, can deliver, 580-658RED ANGUS: Registered 6018. 1995 DOUBLE-WIDE mobile and commercial bulls for sale. home. 28x80, 4 bedrooms, 3 Bray. 580-641-3770 or 580- Edgewood Kwik Mart has fishing bait & tackle plus deli baths, 2 living areas. Utility, 641-1122. food, pizza, beer, drinks, fuel, kitchen includes appliances. Gentle virgin purebred Black and car wash. 2 miles west of 10 acres, 2-year-old 25x30 Angus breeding bulls. Excel- Comanche on Highway 53. barn with water, electriclent bloodlines, LBW, vac- Call or come by! 580-439ity, small pond. Central High cinated, and wormed. Farm- 6688. schools. $117,000. 405-274raised in Stephens County. 5870. Covered FISH-CLEANING Hedrick Angus, 580-252TO BE REMOVED: Two 1972 2654 or 580-467-4168, leave STAND, commercial grade. 5’x6’ heavy iron frame, cor24x56 Fleetwood/Melody mo- message. rugated steel top, table and bile homes located at 10104 LIMFLEX BULLS For sale: foot-stands made of lifetime East Gore Blvd, Lawton. Black and red. At Woodland non-slip deck boards. $450. Contact John Sterling, 580Animal Hospital. Call 580- 580-875-3060. 678-2606. 439-8884 for more details. 2002 Clayton Cheyenne, For Sale: Angus Bulls, 14-18 14X80, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. months old, AI sired and se- FOR SALE: 3-year-old peaAppliances included. New men tested. Pierce Farms. cock pairs. One pair India light fixtures and ceiling fans. 580-583-3239 or 580-467- blue, two pair pied India blue. 2-year-old carpet. TO BE 2987. 580-475-5887. MOVED. 2 miles E. of MarFOR SALE: Purebred Jersey FOR SALE: laying hens, low. $20,000. bull, 3-4 years old. 580-467- guineas, peacocks, turkeys. 2196. Eggs, baby chicks and grown FOR SALE: 10 bred Angus birds. 580-591-1042. PARR Real Estate PO Box 1957 Duncan, OK 73534 580-255-9790 or 467-3150. ANIMALS Commercial Lots •211 & 213 E Main, Marlow, 2 shop buildings, $250,000 •407 W. Main, Marlow, commercial lot, $38,000 1%URDGZD\0DUORZVTIWRI¿FHEOGJ •215 W Main, Marlow, 5500sqft, comm. bldg w/equip, This land is accessible from both the river side as well as the section line road. Ideal for hunting and recreation of all types. For Details & Pictures PARR REAL ESTATE Lynn A. Parr Off. 255-5166 Cell 251-0523 $110,000 Lake Humphreys Property •Area E Lot 19, 2/2, gar, $46,000 Always ready to go the “EXTRA MILE” for you Debbie Lynn Benton Broker / Owner June 13, 2016 Current ANIMALS SERVICES SERVICES Goats PAYNE HEIGHTS Lawnscapes: Professional and NUBIAN DAIRY GOATS: insured services, free esYoung bucks and does. Also timates. Servicing Marlow, available: Raw goat’s milk, Duncan and Chickasha aryogurt, kefir and cheese. Also eas. Office 580-756-7177 goat’s milk soap with essen- or Mobile 580-658-0788 or tial oils. Cox Valley Dairy. Call 580-641-2009 payneheight580-429-8778. Historic Medicine Park longterm leases, fully furnished cabins for rent including all utilities, TV, internet. Lovingly restored/updated with modern amenities. Contact us at 580-353-5366, manager@, AHRN or $100 HOWARD ROOFING AND referrals paid. EXTERIOR PAINTING: Free MURPHY FARMS in Walters BUY, SELL OR TRADE: estimates. All work guaran- sells vegetables and honey Horses, trailers, saddles, tack teed. OK license # 80000742. all year round. If you would and old machinery. Call for Call 580-439-6283 or 580- like our menu: like us on details. 580-512-8923. Facebook: Murphy Farms 467-8606. HORSE LOVERS: For lease: WE BUY: Junk cars and Walters or email: Murphy14 acres with trailer trucks. Call 580-255-3545. ups, Wichita Mountain Estate BabyBundler MARY KAY? Check it out at area, 5 miles to center of Fort FOR SALE: Chiropractic Sill. $525 per month. 912- baby slings. approved, uses your whole I’m also available for person322-2725 or 580-713-9953. back, not across one shoul- al consults and parties. Call der. Easy, discreet nursing, Katy 580-303-8278. great bonding, soft material, GOOD POND DIRT FOR nice colors. Paper & DVD FREE: You supply equipinstructions. Call 580-439- ment. You load and haul. Elgin area. Call 580-919-0267. 6189 (Comanche). Horses PAST LIFE REGRESSION: Conventional healing methods not working? QHHT can help with physical, emotional, or any other questions you have. Call Sandy, 580-7049343. MOUNTAIN MAN FUR HATS and bags. Daniel Boone, raccoon or skunk hats, $125 each. Mountain man coyote drape hat, $200. Call 580919-0267. Classifieds SERVICES WEBBS Limb & Tree Removal: Excellent service, reasonable rates, free estimates. Call Larry, 580-656-7217. ROSE’S CUSTOM LLC: Custom signs, banners, decals, vehicle lettering and magnetic signs, graphic design, business cards, promotional products, embroidery, photo gifts, screen printing. 604 S. 7th, Duncan. 580-252-9633. MAKE MONEY right from home! Selling Avon products. Appointment only takes 30 minutes. Call for more information. 580-536-2020. FOR SALE: Rural water meter for Comanche County RWD #3. 580-351-4986. BILLYS GUNSMITHING: 273050 Ballpark Rd., Marlow. Murray State certified gunsmith, 10 years’ experience firearm repairs, cerakote, duracoat, bluing, threading, stock work and more. Tue.Sat. 10-6. 580-583-3767. J&J CLEANING Services: Residential & commercial cleaning. Weekly, biweekly, monthly, one- time cleanings, TREE B GONE: Tree trim- move ins and outs. Satisfacming, removal and stump tion guaranteed, call Jenn, HOME-GROWN TREES: grinding. Licensed and in- 609-384-4726, or Jammie, Buy 5, pay for 4! Balled & sured. Excellent cleanup. 580-510-9238. Mention this burlapped, bald cypress, Free estimates. Call 580- ad, get 10% off. red oak, lacebark elm, pine, 475-4973. BRICK WORK: ALP brick Bradford pear, crape myrtles, SAND HILLS FISH FARM: work, brick, block, patchwork. silver maple & more. No Pond stocking, different types Call Lonnie, 580-483-6291. taxes. 2116 N. 5th, Duncan. of fish, can deliver. 580-658Will sit with elderly. 26 years’ 580-656-7273 or 656-6373. 6018. experience. Alzheimer’s, PAINTING LESSONS with VOTE! Clarence “Scooter” stroke, and Down syndrome Judy McCombs Wednesdays Bivins for Cotton County clients. Monday-Friday. Preat the Walters Depot. Any Commissioner District #2, fer days. Walters, Hulen, or level, beginner to advanced, Term 2017. Empire area. 580-512-5840. $25 per session. For more inHEARTLAND MEDITATION Looking for wheat to harvest. formation, call Lavonne High, STUDIO: Learn the art of If you need help harvesting 580-875-2144. Sponsored by meditation. Join our drum wheat, call 580-281-0011. Cotton County Art Council. circle. Experience consciousLAWNWORKS LLC: full- ness exploration with group service lawn and landscape hypnosis. Call Sandy, 580- Comanche Co. Rural Water maintenance, installation and 704-9343. www.heartland- Dist. #1 is taking applications tree service. Servicing Law- for a water operator. Applicaton, Elgin, Medicine Park, RED-DIRT FENCING: Farm tions available at CCRWD#1 Lake Lawtonka and surroundand ranch fencing, wire and office, 25560 State Hwy. 58, ing areas. 100% satisfaction pipe, corrals and gates. Boyd Lawton. Office hours: 8:30 guaranteed, free estimates. Nunn, owner. Marlow. 580- a.m.-12:30 p.m. weekdays. Call 580-512-7889. No phone calls. 341-0377. BRICK WORK: ALP brick WANDA Central Vac: sales NOW HIRING: Kitchen help, work, brick, block, patchwork. and service, new construc- starting at $9 hour, apply in Call Lonnie, 580-483-6291. tion or existing. Texhoma person only. No phone calls, Edgewood Kwik Mart 2 miles area since 1960. 580-439- serious applicants only. west of Comanche on High- 5550. Meers Store & Restaurant in way 53 has red & clear diesel Meers. Closed Tuesdays and ESSENTIAL OILS: Call today + 100% gas, deli food, pizza, Wednesdays. to hear about the 6,000-yearbeer, & drinks. Call or come old secret to health and HARVEST HELP: Need truck by! 580-439-6688. well-being given in ancient drivers, must have CDL. Must : Weekly scripture. Essential Oils, 580- be willing to leave home for 3 roll-off DUMPSTER RENT- 736-4862. months. 580-281-0011. ALS. 580-215-6577. Services I am looking for individuals to do free Mary Kay appointments with. It is a chance for you to discover Mary Kay products and a chance to use them. Call Katy, 580-3038278. ADVOCARE: Are you tired of being sick and tired? Are you ready to lose weight and feel great? Then the 24-day challenge is perfect for you! Call Rex for more information! 580-512-4748. R & R GUITARS: Buy, sell and trade guitars. Amp and guitar repair. Roger, 580-658-0176. BRICK WORK: ALP brick work, brick, block, patchwork. Call Lonnie, 580-483-6291. LAND FOR SALE 5 Acres & Water Meter, 5 miles S of Lee Blvd on SE 45th, (Corner of 45th & Tinney Rd) then 1/4 east on south side of road. $30,000 Dale Wampler Automatic Transmission 119 E. Kansas Walters, OK 580-875-2960 We repair all makes and models Overhauls and safeguard service Cooler and shift kits installed Ɣ5HDVRQDEOH3ULFHV Ɣ:ULWWHQ*XDUDQW\ Ɣ<HDUV([SHULHQFH Call 580-248-3131 Walters, Duncan, Lawton Areas Find out how the little changes add up to big savings at 0RQWKUX7KXUDPWRSP Closed)ULGD\V Hours Thornton Supply Waterwell Systems, Oilfield Compressors, Injection Pumps, & Accessories!!! -Gaso -Kerr -Wheatley -FMC -Curtis -Aeroquip Hydraulics -Anvil Pipe Fittings -Weld Bend Fittings & Flanges -Petroleum Tank Truck Hose -Matco & Apollo Valves -Quincy -Garden Denver -Jacuzzi -Zoeller -Gates Belts Help Wanted COME BY AND SEE beautiful homemade wooden furniture! We also make archways for weddings or your yard. If you need help moving trees or carpentry work, please call Billy. 580-560-3713. SEEKING DONATIONS of scrap metal to benefit American Legion Post 306 in Fletcher. 580-512-1577. CASH FOR COINS: Buy or sell. Call 580-475-5132 in Duncan. McCLUNG CONSTRUCTION: House and trailer moving, leveling, trailer skirting, concrete and much more. Contact Jim, 580-512-0981. Each office independently owned & operated 1941 W. Elk, Duncan, OK 73533 OF DUNCAN 580-252-7800 SHORTY BROWN / SALES ASSOCIATE 580-467-1468 Specializing in farm and ranch property. CMA’s upon request. Brown Team Auction Co. Real Estate Auctions Shorty Brown Auctioneer - 580-467-1468 DIRT FENCING D E R FARM & RANCH FENCING Wire Fencing Marlow, OK Pipe Fencing Boyd Nunn Corrals OWNER Gates 580-641-0377 HIT A HOMERUN WITH SRTC! During the entire month of June, SRTC is swinging for the fences! When you sign up for a new or additional SRTC service you will receive waived standard installation fees and your name will be entered into a drawing to win a set of 4 tickets to a Texas Rangers game in August! Stop by any SRTC RI¿FHDQGJHWVLJQHGXSWRGD\ Telephone Cooperative INC VERNON OFFICE 7110 US Hwy 287 E Vernon, TX 76384 (940) 886-2217 (888) 886-2217 Page 17 HASKELL OFFICE 113 N Ave. D Haskell, TX 79521 (940) 863-1125 (888) 863-1125 SEYMOUR OFFICE 310 W California Seymour, TX 76380 (940) 889-1125 (877) 889-1125 Some restrictions may apply. Services where available. Up to three (3) connections waived. Additional connections $20.00 each. Three (3) sets of four (4) tickets will be given away to the Texas Rangers game on August 13, 2016. Two Day Public Auction Friday June 24, 2016 -10:00 AM Saturday June 25, - 10:00AM 3150 South 42nd Street Duncan, Oklahoma Gary Criswell Auction Service & Real Estate Inc, has been commissioned by the Estate of Cleo Glen Richards to offer at Public Auction Mr. Richards Real Property and Personal Property. This is a large 2 Day Auction to be held on Friday and Saturday. Please watch for a full Color Brochure for a detailed listing! Please go to to view all photos. FRIDAY: June 24, 2016 is Tractors, Trailers, Vehicles, Boats, Pontoon Boat, Jet Ski’s, Shop Tools and Miscellaneous. SATURDAY: June 25, 2016 is Real Property with Reserve. Household Furnishings, Primitives and over 50 Firearms, a Variety of Knives and 4 Safes, “Absolute.” REAL PROPERTY CONSISTS OF 3 PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY THINK SAFETY DURING HARVEST With the hectic pace about to begin, it’s easy to forget safety. We at the Walters Co-op Elevator wish everyone a SAFE & prosperous wheat harvest. “Use Your Co-op, You Own It!” Walter (580) 875-3344 Ahpeatone Temple (580) 875-3620 (580) 342-6635 PARCEL 1 - HOME PLACE: 3150 South 42nd St. Duncan. Nice 3 Bedroom Brick Home (Approximately 1,946 sq ft) with the Family Room and Fireplace, Dining Area, Kitchen, Utility Room and 1 3/4 Baths. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE: 2 car Garage, a Detached 3 Car Garage/Shop, Sheet Metal Storage with a carport. All Situated on 11 Acres in a Good Location PARCEL 2 - VACANT LOT: 601 South 6th Street, Marlow, Oklahoma a nice vacant Corner Lot (95’x95’). Real Property is Zoned Residential R-1 in a good neighborhood. PARCEL 3 - COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: 803 North Broadway Street, Marlow, Oklahoma 31’x40’ Concrete Block Building with 2 Apartments, Garage/Storage and a 24’x50’ Shop/ Garage. All situated on a Nice C-2 General Commercial Zoned Lot 80’x150’ on North Highway 81. ALL REAL PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED FROM HOMEPLACE Directions: In Duncan, Oklahoma from South Highway 81, go 1-3/4 Miles West on Bois D’Arc Avenue to 42nd Street; Then South on 42nd 1-1/2 Miles to Auction Site. Preview will be held Thursday afternoon, June 23, 2016 from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Note:The Firearms will be on display Friday Afternoon 1:00pm-6:00pm. This is a Two Day Auction, Tractors, Vehicles, Boats and Shop Tools - June 24, 2016. Real Property, Firearms and Household Furnishings, June 25,2016. Home Place, Vacant Lot and Commercial Property in Marlow, OK to be offered at 10:00 AM. Announcements made day of sale supersede all other advertisements. Gary Criswell Auction Service & Real Estate, Inc. 580-255-8162 · 580-467-2248-Cell (Auctioneer/Broker) website: Page 18 Current Farm & Ranch FOR SALE New tractor tire inner-tubes, size 11/12 x 24 with off-center removable brass valve stem for adding fluid. Korean made. Located in Cache. $25 each, 531-6114 or 595-0819. Classifieds FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH FARM & RANCH MERCHANDISE FOR SALE: Westfield new grain auger, 6” x 16’, with hydraulic hoses, only used 1 season. $1,200. 580-3130988. Given the choices, let’s just try 4 years without a president … ’06 750J a/c rippers, $65K. Bruce, 580-641-1952. FOR SALE: 60”-64” round bales, sweet Sudan, tested, sprayed and fertilized. Gary Goodin, 580-678-7619 or Linda 678-2440. FOR SALE: 4-horse slant aluminum gooseneck trailer. Dressing room, ramp load on side, double doors on rear. Pulls straight, good brakes. Asking $5,800 OBO. Call 580-574-6889. Mobil Oil lollipop sign; restorable gas pumps; 4 sizes of windmills; wagons; farm implements; cast aluminum statuaries; patio tables and chair sets; Roseville; Hull; Majolica. SANTA FE TRADERS inside Addington Station Antiques. FOR SALE: WAKO Anhydrous applicator, 8 shank, good condition, always shedded, low acreage, no breaks, no welds, used this year. $9,950. 580-512-9859. John Deere 44 front-end loader, fits 1983 and newer. 316, 318, 322, 330, and 332 tractors. 1995 Thomas activity bus, 115,000 miles, CumRED-DIRT FENCING: Farm mins/Allison. 580-721-9141, and ranch fencing, wire and after 5 p.m. pipe, corrals and gates. Boyd Never buy a shirt that doesn’t Nunn, owner. Marlow. 580have at least one pocket. 341-0377. DOZERS FOR SALE: Bruce CRIME STOPPERS of 580-641-1952. Stephens County offers Case 480F BACKHOE, cab, complete privacy and cash new tires, no leaks, excelrewards for felony crimelent condition. Second owner. solving information! Call or $14,500. 580-591-2603. text 580-252-INFO (4636) or submit anonymous tips online FOR SALE: 3-wheeler SpraCoup, 200-gallon, good conthrough dition. 940-736-0034. FREE: 2 grain bins, hold 10,000 bushels. Marlow. FOR SALE: Turbo saw, 3-point. Like new. 580-313580-641-2438. 0155. Hydraulic cylinder repair. Multi-Power Products LLC., FOR SALE: John Deere 346 602 S. 7th St., Duncan. 580- square baler, uses wire. 580313-0155. 251-0463. Hay FOR SALE: John Deere 535 round baler. Good condition. 580-591-1927. BERMUDA HAY: Small Bermuda square bales for sale. Horse quality. Call 580-6957971 or 695-5683. HAY FOR SALE: Large, round 5 1/2 by 5 1/2 bales of mixed grass hay (100+). Loading available. 580-7560348 (0341) or 658-6223 / 580-450-2524 or 658-6103. Small square bales of BERMUDA GRASS. Fertilized and sprayed for weeds. $6 a bale in barn. 580-512-2764. LARGE ROUND BALES, weighed in at 1,320 lbs. Bluestem and Bermuda. Weed free, net-wrapped, loading available. $60 a bale. 580704-5701. FOR SALE: New one round bale hay hauler. $875. 580467-6694. Large round bales, 5x5, net wrapped. Call 580-656-0365 for types of grass and prices. 2015 HAY CLOSEOUT, mixed grass in large round bales (5 x 5), $40. You load, you haul. Discounts available on 100 bales or more. John Sterling, 580-678-2606. Trail Road & E. Gore, Lawton. Clothing Firearms Merchandise Tractors FOR SALE: 16-ft. TANDEM DISC. $800 firm. 580-6784518. Trailers HORN SANITATION, INC. )URQW5HDU/RDG'XPSVWHUV 5XUDO&RPPHUFLDO7UDVK5RXWHV 6HUYLQJ/DZWRQ6XUURXQGLQJ$UHDV 3OHDVH&DOOIRU3ULFLQJ$QG$YDLODELOLW\ 0,//(5&216758&7,216216,1& 2-horse gooseneck with dressing room, new 14-ply tires, outside needs paint, inside completely redone. $2,000 OBO. 580-252-7381. Red carnival glass Aladdin/ Fenton lamp, very rare, #134 of 250; pie bird collection; 8-WHEEL HAY RAKE in 16-ft. gooseneck livestock honey pot collection; tiger oak great condition. Hydraulic trailer. $950. 15.5-ft. cattle furniture; Morenci candles; power up and down. $1,650 guard with locking gate. several hope chests. SANTA OBO. Call 580-641-2234. $950. Approx. 900 ft. misc. FE TRADERS at Addington Station Antiques. 2016 FRESH OAT HAY, fer- oilfield pipe. $450. Flag pole, WANTED: Antique marbles. tilized and sprayed. Good 26 ft. $25. 580-475-0495. quality, did not get rained on. 1995 Circle D horse trailer, Contact 580-476-3739. 5x6 bales, 1,300 pounds. $50 single axle, gooseneck, slide per bale. Delivery available. door, 2 back doors, padded floors, great condition. Geronimo Free Closet has a Cody, 580-591-3702. large supply of nice children’s Custom HAY BALING: 5X6 $4,000. 580-583-6979. clothing. Taking donations. round bales. Grady, Ste580-585-1754 or 248-3378. phens, Comanche counties. Robbie Sullivan, 580-7210222 or marvinrsullivan@ J&M FIREARMS: We have a great selection of rifles, Large round MIXED GRASS shotguns, pistols, and ARs. HAY, 5X5, $35 for 2015 hay. Great prices. Come check us $45 for 2016 hay, volume disout and have a cup of coffee! counts. You load/haul. John 580-351-6981, 174527 Hwy. Sterling, 580-678-2606. Trail 65, Walters. Road and E. Gore, Lawton. HAY FOR SALE: Easy to hanLOOKING TO BUY: McCordle 4’×4’ round bales, mixed mick Farmall cub tractor with grass, mostly Bermuda. $30. ’07 Deere 200D LC thumb belly mower. In good condi580-248-8062 or 357-3560. digging bucket mesquite tion. 580-467-2248. FOR SALE: White rear tire Grubber, $70K. Bruce 580tiller. 5 HP. $200 firm. 580- FOR SALE: Large round 1972 John Deere tractor 4320 641-1952. DOZERS FOR bales (5x6), various types of 678-4518. model with loader, 6’ bucket, SALE. grass hay as well as wheat quick attach, hay spears. Call Offset disk. 12’ 3-bar miller. hay. Also, small square bales John Deere 44 front-end 580-656-2852. $3,450. 5-bottom semiof Bermuda. Weed sprayed loader. Fits 1983 and newer mounted moldboard, $300. and fertilized. Loading and Kubota tractor, 3 cylinder, 316, 318, 322, 330 and 332 4 antique farm implements, delivery available. 580-467- front grader blade, 20HP, tractors. 1995 Thomas activ$200 each. 580-475-0495. $1,500. 580-252-7381. 0658. ity bus, 115,000 miles, Cum250-GALLON overhead fuel mins/Allison. 580-721-9141, CUSTOM Bermuda grass tank with stand. $150. 580after 5 p.m. sprigging. 580-550-0036. 475-0495. Save $75-$100 on new utilTRACK HOE for sale: Avance Hesston 540 baler, needs a ity trailers. Hwy. 7 and 65, Rhino brush hog, 8-ft., mint model: PC200LC-6LE. little work, $500. 580-585Pumpkin Center. 580-248condition, $800. 580-583Hours: 8842. Call Alexander 0283. 2358. 6979. 830-305-4142. $45,000. Equipment June 13, 2016 Antiques Huge 1930s Indian portrait tapestry; 1950s Wrigley’s Gum wall-hung vending machine; Winston cigarette store display sign; Roseville creamware tankard and 6 mugs; Elk portrait. ADDINGTON STATION ANTIQUES, 10-5 Tuesday through Saturday. 580- 439-5566. Original 1930s double-sided “Bus Stop” sign; Phillips 66 double-sided porcelain sign; 1944 Ma’s Root Beer thermometer; Fire King Jadite; Pyrex; Fenton; forest green Depression glass. ADDINGTON STATION ANTIQUES. Furniture and Appliances Therapeutic massage chair, like new. Zen Awakening with heat, $2,000 OBO. 580-3570730. BARKER’S Trailer Parts Cache, OK 580-429-3822 Jimmy Barker, Owner HOLT ELECTRIC Over 30 yEARS eXPERIENCE 5HVLGHQWLDO &RPPHUFLDO ,QGXVWULDO (VWLPDWHV 5HPRGHOLQJ 1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ KRXU6HUYLFH 6(+$9(/$:7212. 32%R[6WHUOLQJ2./LF2. Apache Auction Market Puzzle Answers Thursday 8 a.m. Stockers, Feeders, Cows, Bulls & Pairs Apache Video 5RFN 6DQG )LOO %DFNKRHV 'R]HUV 7UXFNV Wednesday 10 a.m. 800-926-9696 580-588-3840 12-2%722%,*2560$// Do You Have To Wrestle With Your Insurance Company? Insurance, it’s probably the only thing you keep paying for that you hope you never have to use. But when an unfortunate situation does occur, you shouldn’t have to fight with your insurance provider to get the claim award you deserve. At Bartling, we’re always on your side and we’ll do everything we can to expedite any claim you make in a timely manner. We’re also proud to say that we offer the finest coverage for your health, your home, automobile and commercial property. Put the strength of a solid performer behind you. Call us now for a free, no obligation, price quote assessment of your current insurance needs. INSURANCE Comanche 580-439-8809 Waurika 580-228-2085 Livestock Marketing, Inc. 0,'&217,1(175(%8,/',1& $OWHUQDWRU6WDUWHU *HQHUDWRU)RUNOLIW 6WRS3D\LQJ 1HZ3ULFHV 6$9(72'$< L&L FARM & TIRE HEADQUARTERS Fertilizing & Spraying for Weeds on Grass and Pastures Available!! /HW8V5HEXLOG<RXU8QLW We have all your fertilizer and chemical needs available along with custom application. 5HEXLOGLQJ)RUƔ7UXFNƔ7UDFWRU Ɣ2LO)LHOGƔ,QGXVWULDOƔ)RUNOLIW Call 597-2522 for Current Pricing Goodyear - Titan Tires 5LFKDUG.HFN5HEXLOG7HFKQLFLDQ Tractor*Implement*Truck*Pickup*Car %RLV'¶$UF'XQFDQ2. Thanks for your business! Leroy and Mark Geis 597-3316 or 1-800-716-1759 June 13, 2016 Current MERCHANDISE TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION COME BY AND SEE beautiful homemade wooden furniture! We also make archways for weddings or your yard. If you need help moving trees or carpentry work, please call Billy. 580-560-3713. Cars FOR SALE: 1999 Acura, 2-door, only 112,000 miles. Excellent condition. $3,800. 4X8 utility trailer. 2007 Acura MDX, excellent condition. 580-255-8881. FORD F150 292, V8, dump bed, needs work. 580-3570370. 2000 F-250, crew cab, great condition. 580-875-2297 or 405-818-0545. Vans Classifieds Page 19 MISCELLANEOUS Shorty Brown NUBIAN DAIRY GOATS: Young bucks and does. Also available: Raw goat’s milk, yogurt, kefir and cheese. Also goat’s milk soap with essential oils. Cox Valley Dairy. Call 580-429-8778. Thompson Cattle, Inc. Cattle bought, sold and forward contracted. Stocker cattle, feeder cattle and replacement cattle bought and sold. Cattle appraisals available. Bonded cattle buyer. LAWNWORKS LLC: fullservice lawn and landscape maintenance, installation and tree service. Servicing Lawton, Elgin, Medicine Park, Lake Lawtonka and surrounding areas. 100% satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates. Call 580-512-7889. Shorty Brown • 580-467-1468 HD Cable TV and High-Speed Internet Now Available in Miscellaneous FOR SALE: New military grade lay-flat discharge hose, 2” x 50’ with double banded aluminum cam and groove couplings with cap and plug. In Cache. $45 each. 5316114 or 595-0819. BEST-KEPT SECRET in Duncan? Stockman’s Clearance Room! Discounted name-brand jeans, boots, shoes, OU & OSU gear, dresses, jewelry and accessories! 2115 N. Hwy 81. Find us on Facebook! AIRPLANES for sale, Luscomb and Bonanza.1927 touring Model T Ford. Volvo 18-wheeler truck and race car trailer. Building for rent, No. 1 Honda Lane, Chickasha, 5,000 sq. ft. 580-5125550. CHISHOLM TRAIL COW2005 DENALI 27’ fifth-wheel. BOY CHURCH OF SOUTHTwo air conditioners, one ERN OKLAHOMA: 10 a.m. slide, non-smoker, well-kept. Sundays, Bible study at 6 $12,000. 580-251-0012. p.m. Wednesdays. New locaLAWNWORKS LLC: full- 1993 Highline 5th wheel, has tion, 2.5 miles west of Hwy. service lawn and landscape hail damage, $500 OBO. 81 on Terry Road, south of maintenance, installation and 940-636-9533. Duncan. 580-470-8200. A tree service. Servicing Law- FOR SALE: 27’ Wildwood Church Without Fences - Riton, Elgin, Medicine Park, travel trailer, bumper pull, ex- din’ for the Brand since 2007. Lake Lawtonka and surround- tra clean, call for more info. Open Range COWBOY ing areas. 100% satisfaction 580-467-8827. CHURCH, meeting at 10 a.m. guaranteed, free estimates. TOP OF THE LINE 2007 Sundays, Stephens County Call 580-512-7889. Open Road, 5th wheel. 37’, 3 fairgrounds. Pastor Robert Vermeer MC840 DISC MOW- slides, sleeps 4 comfortably. Bohn. 580-704-4692. ER, 10-ft. cut width and steel 2 ACs, Arctic insulation pack- OUTDOOR & TRAIL GUIDE rollers. Very nice mower that age, lots of storage, many ex- to Wichita Mountains: Feais field ready. $13,500 OBO. tras. Extra clean, non-smok- tures hiking trails, auto-tours Call 580-641-2234. ing. Pay off. 940-781-9819. to historic, interesting places CRAFTSMAN 42” lawnmow- Wichita Falls. $15.95 ea. $2 postage. Send FOR SALE: Flail mower & brush hog, and lawn sweep. New, in box. LOOKING FOR: Commercial icemaker, trailer house steps, storm windows, electric lap blanket, electric toothbrush. 580-512-5550. FOR SALE: Two washing machines, dryer and 60” TV. 580-492-5707 or 284-1063. 1994 Buick LeSabre, good work car, $800. 1981 Big 20 Miller gas welder on trailer, as is, $1,250. Two Simpler railroad jacks, $175 each or both for $300. 580-444-3718. 2001 GMC Safari van, 4.3 V6, tilt, cruise, good tires, air conditioner. 580-581-1451. Leave message. Cycles & ATVs Lawn & Garden LAWNWORKS LLC: full service lawn and landscape maintenance, installation and tree service. Servicing Lawton, Elgin, Medicine Park, Lake Lawtonka and surrounding areas. 100% satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates. Call 580-512-7889. Mowers 27-speed Trek downhill mountain bike, 10” travel triple clamp bomber forks, Shimano LX shifters, XT derailers and XTR hollow tech crank. All tricked out, custom built. 580-656-1824, Kurt. Golf Carts GOLF CARTS for sale, new and used. Parts and service. Trailers available as well. 580-656-2314. Recreational Vehicles I BUY newer model, nonworking riding lawnmowers. 580-470-8001, if no answer, please leave a message. er, like new. Can’t use it due to health reasons. 580-8752297 or 405-818-0545. Tools WANTED: Anvils, forge, hammers and primitive metal working tools. 100 percent disabled veteran looking to keep busy. 580-695-6058. 1995 5th wheel Holiday Rambler Imperial, 3 axle. One slide. Very clean. $11,000. 580-251-1962. Trucks & SUVs FOR SALE: 2003 GMC Z71 4x4 club cab pickup. 252,000 miles. Very clean. New transfer case, radiator, belts and hoses. Runs smooth. $7,000 firm. 580-704-2858. FOR SALE: 2001 GMC Sierra 1/2 ton, 2WD, dependable, daily driver, 220k miles. Asking $4,000. Call 580-2510999. Four 17” CHEVY TRUCK RIMS. Like new. 580-6561824. Transportation Boats/Watercraft 1978 fiberglass SAILBOAT, comes with trailer and tags are up to date. $500 OBO. 580-585-7937. Melvin Copeland. 2007 Bass Tracker Pro-Team 170TX, 50HP Mercury, depth finder, trolling motor, shade, live well, ladder, and cover. Very clean, garage kept. $7,500. 580-656-3690, no calls after 9 p.m. FOR SALE: 1996 F150, 173,000 miles, 4.9 liter straight 6. $2,500. 580-3130516. FOR SALE: Restored 1965 F100, 351 Windsor. $12,500. For information, call 580-3130516. 1982 GMC crew cab dually, new transmission, strong 454 motor, $1,800 OBO. 580475-8096. FOR SALE: Ford 400 motor. Rebuilt on engine stand. WANT TO BUY pontoon boat Asking $400 OBO. 580-583in need of repair. Needs to 1269. have good platform and pon‘96 KW 18-wheeler, 700,000 toons to use for temporary miles. 2 trailers, one is alumiboat docking. Good motor is num, 48’. Air ride, split axles. a plus. To sell yours, please 940-736-0034. call 580-215-2192. 2011 F-350 super-duty Ford 2000 Yamaha WaveRunflatbed, 153,000 miles. ner: GP1200R, 2 seater, 132 $18,000. 580-467-6694 or hours, good condition, runs 580-467-6693. good. 580-281-0027. 60,7+&$77/(&2,1& %21'('&$77/(%8<(56 &$77/(%28*+762/'$1'&2175$&7(' )UHVK1DWLYH&DWWOH %RXJKWWR\RXUVSHFL¿FDWLRQ *XDUDQWHHGWR\RXUVDWLVIDFWLRQ ,ILWLQYROYHV6WRFNHUDQG )HHGHUFDWWOHZHGRLW 2I¿FH 0RELOH check: Valley of the Wichitas, P.O. Box 6741, Lawton, OK 73506. REPAIR WORK: Commercial sewing machine repair, quilting machines and more. Guaranteed work. 580-5601323. Hilliary Communications Rush Springs! $58.95 - Cable $69.95 - 50 mps Internet $28.95 - Phone (unlimited long distance ) $50 - Installation 580-529-5000 800-218-1856 Lawton Meat Processing 353-6448 SEEKING DONATIONS of scrap metal to benefit American Legion Post 306 in Fletcher. 580-512-1577. FOR SALE: Pecan and hickory firewood. Hunting rights for lease on 565 acres. 580-4705966. Custom Butchering and Processing NEW MOBILE HOMES Below Market Price If you have the land, we have a NEW manufactured home built especially for you. We deliver and set up on your property! In Business Since 1911 (formerly Lud Mieling) 603 East “F” - Lawton, OK SYCAMORE HOMES (Across Street from Sears Service Center) 580-357-1850 Absolute Public Auction on Tractors, Boats, Cars, Pickups and Tools Friday June 24, 2016 - 10:00 AM - 3150 South 42nd Street, Duncan, Oklahoma 1. Allis Chalmers 1931 Model E 25-40 2. J.D. 720 Diesel Pony Start 1957 3. J.D. 430 Crawler 1958 Runs good 4. Farmall H-1953 Very Complete 5.Ford 2000 w/Brushhog 1972 6.Farmall C 1951 with Cultivator 7.J.D. 2010 Propane Parts Tractor Only 8.J.D. 970 Diesal Front Leader Tires 60% 9.J.D. M. Process of being Rebuilt 10.Farmall F-20 1937-38 Complete Engine Stock 11.J.D. “D” 1935 Complete Engine Stock 12.J.D.“D” 1927 90% Complete Rare- with Power Take Off 13.J.D. “B” 1948 Parts Tractor Only 14.J.D. Model “60” 1954 Parts Only 15.J.D.“B” 1950 Parts 16.Oliver “70” Orchard 1948 Wide Front 17.J.D. “D” 1938-37 Parts 18.J.D. “AR” 1936-1937 Parts Only 19.Cletrac-Crawler-1936 20. Farmall “M” 1944 Wide Front 21.J.D.-”D” 1929 Rare Rack/Pinion 22. Case “C” 1944 95% Complete 23. J.D. “D” 1937 80% Complete 24. J.D.“60”-1953 70% Complete 25. J.D. “G” 1952 Runs 90% Complete 26. J.D. AR-1937 Engine Free 27. J.D. “B” 1947-1948 28. J.D. “A”-1948 95% Complete 29.Allis Chalmers “B” 1937 95% Complete 30. J.D. “H” 1939-1940 Parts Only Note: For more information, Please Call Mr. Tommy Anthony (Tractor Man) at 580-786-8320 Auction Also Includes: A large variety of Boats, Cars, Pickups, Tools and a Pontoon Boat, Storage Container. Directions: In Duncan, Oklahoma from South Highway 81, go 1-3/4 Miles West on Bois D’Arc Avenue to 42nd Street; Then South on 42nd 1-1/2 Miles to Auction Site. Preview of Personal Property: will be held Thursday afternoon, June 23, 2016 from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Announcements made day of sale supersede all other advertisements. This is a Two Day Auction, Tractors, Vehicles, Boats and Shop Tools - June 24, 2016. Real Property and Firearms, Household Furnishings, June 25,2016. Auctioneer’s Note: Estate of Cleo Glen Richards. Friday, June 24, is Tractors, Vehicles, Boats, Large Variety of Tools. Saturday, Auction of Real Property with Reserve; Household Furnishings and over 50 Firearms, a Variety of Knives “Absolute.” FIREARMS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PREVIEW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! Gary Criswell Auction Service & Real Estate, Inc. (Auctioneer/Broker) website: 580-255-8162 · 580-467-2248-Cell 81&20)257$%/(" 'RHV\RXUKRPHKDYHDQ\RIWKHVHV\PSWRPV" 5RRPVWKDWJHWWRRKRWRUWRRFROG" +LJKXWLOLW\ELOOV" 7KHUPRVWDWZDUVZLWK\RXUVSRXVH" +LJKKXPLGLW\LQVXPPHU" +RXVHMXVWQHYHUVHHPVFRPIRUWDEOH" 7KHUHGRHVQ¶WVHHPWREHHQRXJKDLUÀRZ" 'XVWEXLOGXSZLWKLQGD\VRIGXVWLQJ" 3UREOHPVZLWK\RXUV\VWHPVLQFHLW¶VEHHQ LQVWDOOHG" $Q\RQHZLWKDOOHUJLHVRUDVWKPD" $&VWDUWVDQGVWRSVIUHTXHQWO\RUUXQVDOO WKHWLPHDQGKRXVHLVVWLOOQRWFRRO" +DYHEHHQWROGE\RWKHUFRQWUDFWRUVWKDWWKHSUREOHPFDQQRWEH¿[HG" ,I\RXDQVZHUHG<(6WRDQ\RIWKHVHTXHVWLRQVZHFDQKHOS 3LSSLQ%URWKHUVKDVVSHFLDOLVWVWKDWFDQSLQSRLQWDQGFRUUHFWWKHVHSUREOHPVDQGLQPDQ\FDVHV\RX GRQ¶WHYHQKDYHWRUHSODFH\RXUHTXLSPHQWZLWKWKHVROXWLRQXVXDOO\EHLQJHDVLHUDQGFRVWLQJDORW OHVVWKDQ\RXPD\WKLQN7KHUHLVQRRWKHUFRQWUDFWRULQ/DZWRQPRUHTXDOL¿HGWKDQ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVDW GLDJQRVLQJDQGFRUUHFWLQJWKHVHDQQR\LQJLQFRQYHQLHQWXQKHDOWK\FRPIRUWFRPSURPLVLQJDQGHQHUJ\ ZDVWLQJFRQFHUQV&DOOXVWRGD\DQGOHWXVPDNH\RXUKRPH)HHO$V*RRG$V,W/RRNV$IWHUDOO \RXUKRPHLV\RXUODUJHVWLQYHVWPHQWDQG\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\GHVHUYHWREHFRPIRUWDEOHGRQ¶W\RX" &DOO7RGD\ ³&RPIRUW:LWKRXW&RPSURPLVH´ ZZZ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVFRP Page 20 Current Classifieds June 13, 2016 Great Plains Kubota Power Packages with 6 YEAR WARRANTY WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? You deserve more this summer! Shop Great Plains Kubota and get a 6-Year limited powertrain warranty, savings on performance matched implements, generhnlk^[Zm^l%Zg]ehp&kZm^(ehg`&m^kfÛgZg\bg`'OblbmZ@k^ZmIeZbglDn[hmZg^Zk you before July 31st to get more on B, BX, and L Series Tractors! Kubota L3301DT Power Package: Kubota L3301DT Tractor Kubota LA525 Loader/Bucket Land Pride RCR1260 Cutter Land Pride BB1260 Box Blade 18ft Light Duty Trailer 6 Kubota B2320DT Power Package: Kubota B2320DT Tractor Kubota LA304 Loader/Bucket Land Pride RCR1248 Cutter Land Pride BB1248 Box Blade Light Duty Trailer $21,999 6 $17,999 YEAR WARRANTY % 0 A.P.R For Financing YEAR WARRANTY 60 *** Months Kubota BX1870 with 54” Belly Mower and Land Pride Box Blade $9665 WAYS TO SAVE ON KUBOTA BALERS Up To Limited-Time Exclusive Offer ffer $4500PLUS$ 1000 Customer Instate Rebate on the purchase of a new Kubota BV Series Round Baler. AND Huge Trade-In Rebates Loyalty Cash On Select Models Offer ends 6/30/16 for Kubota M Series Tractor Owners Offer ends 6/30/16 Offer ends 6/30/16 $42500 $9910 Kubota DM2028 9Ft Cash** Kubota M7060HDC Great Plains Kubota :::*3.8%27$&20.8%27$ Great Plains Duncan 1+Z\ &XVWRPHULQVWDQWUHEDWHVRIDUHDYDLODEOHRQFDVKRUVWDQGDUGUDWH¿QDQFHSXUFKDVHVRIQHZ.XERWD%91HW7ZLQHHTXLSPHQWIURPSDUWLFLSDWLQJGHDOHUV¶VWRFN5HEDWHLVQRWDYDLODEOHZLWK$35RUORZUDWH¿QDQFLQJRIIHUVRUDIWHUFRPSOHWHGVDOH'HDOHUVXEWUDFWVUHEDWHIURPGHDOHU¶VSUHUHEDWHVHOOLQJSULFHRQTXDOLI\LQJSXUFKDVHV6RPHH[FHSWLRQVDSSO\2IIHUH[SLUHV 2SWLRQDOHTXLSPHQWPD\EHVKRZQ&XVWRPHULQVWDQWUHEDWHVRIDUHDYDLODEOHRQFDVKRUVWDQGDUGUDWH¿QDQFHSXUFKDVHVRIQHZ.XERWD'0'0HTXLSPHQWIURPSDUWLFLSDWLQJGHDOHUV¶VWRFN5HEDWHLVQRWDYDLODEOHZLWK$35RUORZUDWH¿QDQFLQJRIIHUVRUDIWHUFRPSOHWHGVDOH'HDOHUVXEWUDFWVUHEDWHIURPGHDOHU¶VSUHUHEDWHVHOOLQJSULFHRQTXDOLI\LQJ SXUFKDVHV6RPHH[FHSWLRQVDSSO\2IIHUH[SLUHV'RZQ$35¿QDQFLQJIRUXSWRPRQWKVRQSXUFKDVHVRIQHZ.XERWD%;%/H[FOXGLQJ//0;0*;00005%'0&'05$7(6HULHV(TXLSPHQWLVDYDLODEOHWRTXDOL¿HGSXUFKDVHUVIURPSDUWLFLSDWLQJGHDOHUV¶LQVWRFNLQYHQWRU\WKURXJK([DPSOH$PRQWK PRQWKO\LQVWDOOPHQWUHSD\PHQWWHUPDW$35UHTXLUHVSD\PHQWVRISHU¿QDQFHG$35LQWHUHVWLVDYDLODEOHWRFXVWRPHUVLIQRGHDOHUGRFXPHQWDWLRQSUHSDUDWLRQIHHLVFKDUJHG'HDOHUFKDUJHIRUGRFXPHQWSUHSDUDWLRQIHHVKDOOEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKVWDWHODZV,QFOXVLRQRILQHOLJLEOHHTXLSPHQWPD\UHVXOWLQDKLJKHUEOHQGHG$35$35DQGORZUDWH¿QDQF LQJPD\QRWEHDYDLODEOHZLWKFXVWRPHULQVWDQWUHEDWHRIIHUV)LQDQFLQJLVDYDLODEOHWKURXJK.XERWD&UHGLW&RUSRUDWLRQ86$'HO$PR%OYG7RUUDQFH&$VXEMHFWWRFUHGLWDSSURYDO6RPHH[FHSWLRQVDSSO\2IIHUH[SLUHV6HHXVIRUGHWDLOVRQWKHVHDQGRWKHUORZUDWHRSWLRQVRUJRWRZZZNXERWDFRPIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ6L[\HDURU KRXUZKLFKHYHURFFXUV¿UVWOLPLWHGSRZHUWUDLQZDUUDQW\RQQHZ%%;DQG/6HULHVWUDFWRUVH[FOXGLQJ%///PRGHOV)RUQRQFRPPHUFLDOKRPHDQGUHVLGHQWLDOXVHRQO\(OLJLEOHXQLWVPXVWEHSXUFKDVHGDQGUHJLVWHUHGIURPGHDOHULQYHQWRU\EHJLQQLQJ-XQHWKURXJK-XO\$YDLODEOHWRFXVWRPHUVLQFRQWLJXRXV8QLWHG6WDWHV$ODVNDDQG+DZDLL2QO\WHUPVDQG FRQGLWLRQVRI.XERWD¶VVWDQGDUG/LPLWHG:DUUDQW\DSSO\)RUZDUUDQW\WHUPVVHH.XERWD¶V/LPLWHG:DUUDQW\DWZZZ.XERWDFRPRUDXWKRUL]HG.XERWD'HDOHUV June 13, 2016 MISCELLANEOUS Historic Medicine Park longterm leases, fully furnished cabins for rent including all utilities, TV, internet. Lovingly restored/updated with modern amenities. Contact us at 580-353-5366, manager@, AHRN or $100 referrals paid. FOR SALE: 3-year-old peacock pairs. 1 pair India blue, 2 pair pied India blue. 580475-5887. WANTED: Anvils, forge, hammers and primitive metal working tools. 100 percent disabled veteran looking to keep busy. 580-695-6058. Current MISCELLANEOUS Nice electric wheelchair with charger, needs batteries, $100. New mandolin, $100. Open to trades. 405-2436883. Plastic trash barrels with lids. Clean. $8 each. Canning jars, $3.50/dozen. 580-606-0620. STARTER HOUSE PLANTS: Aloe vera, spider plants, purple wandering Jew, succulents, violets. 3.8 mile west on Beech St. from bypass, left on RD 2770 on Empire Rd. Half mile south. White brick house. Four 205-75/15 mounted on new white steel rims. 6 on 6 hole. $200. 580-678-4518. FOR SALE: used brick. 580656-5559. Concrete blocks, used, $0.50 each. 580-475-0495. MACHINE QUILTING, $55 per quilt, any size. Your choice of color or thread. 580-606-3001. 1994 Bombardier SeaDoo SPX in good condition, with trailer. New battery. Lake ready. Runs great. Lots of fun. Tagged thru 2017. Located near Faxon. $1,000, 405488-5390 VOTE! Clarence “Scooter” Bivins for Cotton County Commissioner District #2. Term 2017. WANDA Central Vac: sales and service, new construction or existing. Texhoma area since 1960. 580-4395550. ADVOCARE: Are you tired of being sick and tired? Are you ready to lose weight and feel great? Then the 24-day challenge is perfect for you! Call Rex for more information! 580-512-4748. TIME TO START thinking about gardens! Woodchips for sale, $2 a pickup load, you load. 580-281-0596. FOR SALE: 85 construction grade 7/8 sucker rods. $8 each. 580-251-1689. ESSENTIAL OILS: Call today to hear about the 6,000-yearold secret to health and well-being given in ancient scripture. Essential Oils, 580736-4862. ROSE’S CUSTOM LLC: Custom signs, banners, decals, vehicle lettering and magnetic signs, graphic design, business cards, promotional products, embroidery, photo gifts, and screen printing. 604 S. 7th St., Duncan. 580-2529633. CRIME STOPPERS of Stephens County offers complete privacy and cash rewards for felony crimesolving information! Call or text 580-252-INFO (4636) or submit anonymous tips online through WANTED: Antique marbles. Contact 580-476-3739. FOR SALE Gondola shelving, double and single sided. Also, custom gun shelves with displays. Call 580-3517140. FOR SALE: Rural water meter for Comanche County RWD #3. 580-351-4986. NOW HIRING: Kitchen help, starting at $9 hour, apply in person only. No phone calls, serious applicants only. Meers Store & Restaurant in Meers. Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. ½-ton pickup, Kobalt, aluminum toolbox, like new. New $300, asking $150. 1980 Yamaha QT50cc scooter, rebuilt, real nice, $850. 3-point, 200-gallon pasture sprayer, nice, $400. 580 351-2644. FOR SALE: 1,000-gallon propane tank, $1,000 OBO. 40-gallon propane water tank, $100. 580-475-5132. WANT TO BUY handicapscooter lift for bed of pickup. Also, want to buy receiver hitch carrier for wheelchair/ scooter with ramp. To sell yours, please call 580-2152192. FORD 2-ton parts, complete hydraulic brake system, front and rear axles, radiators, bumpers, hoods, 1994-5 GM transmission, oil part #12345724 synthetic. 580721-9141 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE: 2 Firestone 18.4xR46 radial all traction 23 tractor tires. Call Jim, 580704-7755 Classifieds SHOWMAN’S CHOICE FOR ALL YOUR HORSE TACK & SHOW SUPPLY NEEDS. HOURS MON-FRI 8:00-5:30 SAT 10:00-2:00 1205 SW SHERIDAN RD LAWTON, OK 73505 580-355-7469 FIND US ON FACEBOOK! Page 21 Classified Ad Policy Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. STALLINGS AUCTION SERVICE: BANK OWNED REAL-ESTATE AUCTION-2 PROPERTIES 203 E Kansas, Walters, OK - 6:00pm Very unique victorian home with lots of character 2 story 5 bedrooms, 2 IXOOEDWKVOLYLQJDUHDVRUQDWH¿UHSODFHPDQWHORUQDWHVSLUDOVWDLUFDVH Parlor pocket doors, stain glass windows wrap around porch. (Porch needs some roof repair) basement,1 bedroom/1 bath apartment, alley VWRUDJH/RFDWHGRQORWV6PDOOWRZQOLYLQJDWLWV¿QHVW-XVWPLQXWHV from Lawton/Fort Sill or Wichita Falls. If you want one with character this is your chance. Super unique property. •Built in 1910. •Legal: Lots 17-20 Block 62 Walters Addition Cotton County Ok •Estimated Taxes: $2,121.00 •10% Buyers Premium •Suggested Starting Bid: $28,000 Call for private showing 580-248-6676 More photos @ 310 W Ohio , Walters, OK - 6:30pm Approx 988sqft, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, large kitchen & nice back yard. Large picture window. Privacy fence. Would make a great rental or ¿UVWKRPH<RXZLOOZDQWWRFKHFNWKLVRQHRXW • Built in 1955 •Legal: lot 6-7 blk 5 walters heights addition cotton county, ok Estimated taxes: $387 •Suggested starting bid: $10,000 Both will be sold on site, Tuesday, June 28th 2016 Find complete List of Terms and more photos @ Down Payment: 5% of contract Sales price due day of auction, balance at closing on or before 30 days from auction. Buyers Premium: %X\HUV3UHPLXPZLOOEHDGGHGWRWKH¿QDOELGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHFRQWUDFWVDOHVSULFHPossession: At closing on or before 30 days from auction. Conditions: Auction is open to the public. Property sells in its AS IS condition with good Announcements made at the auction supersede all oral and printed information. All information contained in this PDUNHWDEOHWLWOH:DUUDQW\GHHGDQGXSWRGDWHDEVWUDFW3URSHUW\VHOOVVXEMHFWWRRZQHUFRQ¿UPDWLRQFinancing: Property brochure was derived from sources believed to be correct but is not guaranteed. All measurements are approximate. VHOOVIRU&$6+%X\HUQHHGVWRKDYH¿QDQFLQJDUUDQJHGSULRUWRDXFWLRQ June 13, 2016 Current News Page 15 Co-op Connections Card Local Participating Businesses Ɣ Great Member Savings! If your business would like to participate in the Co-op Connections Program, call us at 580-875-4277. Visit for a complete list of national discounts 3B Industries Free car wash token w/purchase of 10. Wholesale pricing on pressure washers and Dixie Chopper lawn mowers 580-439-8876 Locations: Comanche - 301 S. Rodeo Dr. Duncan - 1606 W. Oak & 2015 W. Elk A&M Appliance Service Cosmetic Specialty Labs, Inc. 50% off open stock products. 210 SW Texas Ave., Lawton 580-355-2182 Country Closet Resale Shop 10% off DPSP0)Ɣ 10% off all purchases 1 mi. south of Hwy. 70 on Hwy. 81 :DXULNDƔ A Touch of Bliss Cowboy Opry Music Store Sherri Maxwell - owner 10% off store purchase $5 off hour or 1/2-hour massage 804 N Broadway, Marlow Thurs-Fri. 10 am - 6 pm Sat 10 am-3 pm 580-658-9026 AA Computer Services, Inc. 20% off service, not to include services already on special 3801 NW Cache Rd #22. Lawton 580-357-4482 Mon-Fri 7:30-7:00; Sat 10:00-2:00 ABC Transmission & Motor Company 10% off all purchases 300 Oak Main, Comanche 580-439-8111 Dear Friends Awesome Gifts & Fabulous Finds! 10% discount on regular-priced items 826 W. Main, Duncan • 580-475-0577 Debbie’s Little Books 10% off regular purchase price of personalized books. Ɣ(OJLQ 10% off any service, not to include any service already on special. 8:30 a.m.-11 a.m. & noon - 5 p.m. 2308 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton 580-353-7725 Dino’s Dry Cleaners Aerola Bombus Children’s Books Edward’s Family Vision Educational books: Softcover, e-books, audio books and products. 10% off online orders - Code CE2011 $HUROD%RPEXVFRPƔ American Scents Made in USA 10% discount 910 W Main, Duncan 580-475-0055 Antique Adventures,Ltd. 15% off total purchase 811 SW A Ave. - Lawton Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tue. - Sat. 580-351-0170 Arvest Bank Open new checking account, receive $10 or 1st box of checks free. Valid at Lawton, Duncan, Walters and Chickasha branches. 580-250-4540 Attractive Graphics Custom screen printing & vinyl cutting 10% discount PO Box 1188, Cache, OK 73527 580-678-5786 Billingsley Ford of Lawton, Inc. 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 8209 NW Quanah Parker Trailway 580-510-0925 Billingsley Ford L-M of Duncan, Inc 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 3505 NW Hwy. 81 580-255-5500 Bluff Creek Lodge 10% discount on all bookings Eastern Stephens County 580-255-9592 • 580-470-5976 Lyndel Strain, owner Burton Meat Market 10% off meat purchases over $20 1711 N Hwy 81, Duncan 580-255-1421 • 8:30-6 M-F; 8:30-3 Sat Chisholm Trail Heritage Center $1.00 off admission per card per visit Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1000 Chisholm Trail Parkway, Duncan 580-252-6692 Cool It, Inc. $20 off service call $250 off complete system 2407 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-1749 10% discount 1015 W. Oak, Duncan Ɣ0)Ɣ6DW 10% off of complete glasses 1619 W. Elk, Duncan, OK Mon - Fri • 9:00-5:30 580-255-1172 Nita’s Flowers Helen Thomas - owner 10% discount 1%URDGZD\0DUORZƔ 2714 0RQ)ULƔ6DW On The Hill Gypsy Horses Horse Breeding & Sales $100 off of breeding fee, or purchase of horse. By Appointment: 580-641-2022 or 580-656-2475: Osage Animal Hospital $5 off professional examination :2VDJH'XQFDQƔ 4200 Mon.-Fri. 7:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Red Dirt Bar & Grill $1.00 off appetizers 6425 NW Cache Rd., Lawton 918-720-3739 Rick Wylie Construction 5% discount on 8x10 & 6x8 storm shelters; 10% discount on 8x12 and larger. 580-656-5031 • 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Ringtail USA Monogramming, screen printing Buy 12 caps or T-shirts, GET ONE FREE P.O. Box 1763, Duncan, OK 73534 KWWSULQJWDLOXVDFRPƔ Rooster’s Kwik Mart Free estimates and 10% discount Ɣ/DZWRQ FREE bag of ice with purchase of 12 pack of beer. 185960 N. 2470 Rd., Hastings, OK 3 miles south of Corum 580-439-6444 • 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Gene Burk Auto Glass Rose’s Custom LLC Eastside Sod Farm 10% off 2302 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-3890 Horse Sense Graphics Jamon Kelley - owner 15% off orders over $100 580-512-7047 ,QÀQLW\&RPSXWHU Systems 10% off all labor. 2322 W. Gore Blvd. Ɣ/DZWRQ Johnson & Johnson Locksmith and Door 10% discount, present card prior to service and ordering of parts. 1913 NW Cache Rd., Lawton 580-355-KEYS (5397) or 580-355-8749 Just Bling It 10% discount 1302 W. Bois d’Arc, Duncan, OK 580-251-9641 Just Between Friends Children’s Consignment Lawton FREE Admission to events & $5 off purchase of $25 or more. 2 Sales A Year, Spring & Fall 580-656-3073 Lakeside Golf Course $5 green fees all day on Mon. & Tues. Hours: 7 a.m. to dark Walters, OK 580-875-3829 Redeem your discounts by showing your Cotton Electric Co-op Connections card at any of the participating businesses. 10% discount on purchases over $200 580-252-9633 Fax: 580-255-6897 Mon - Fri 8 -5 rosescustom@yahoo. com Shane Burk Glass & Mirror Free mobile service in Stephens, Comanche, Grady, Jefferson, Caddo or Cotton counties or 15% off any residential or business windows or in-shop glass replacement. 580-252-5939 Showman’s Choice 10% off Professional’s Choice M-F 8-5:30, Sat. 10-2 1205 SW Sheridan, Lawton 580-355-7469 Solid Plumbing 10% off all service calls, $125 sewer camera, $175 slab leak detection 2809 NW Sheridan Rd, Lawton 580-353-2863 Southern Maid Donuts 10% off donut & pizza purchases 101 Thoma Dr. #A, Elgin, OK Open 5 a.m. - noon & 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Tue. - Sat. 580-492-6123 Stephens County Humane Society $10.00 off adoption fee 714 Martin Luther King Blvd. 580-252-7387 Steppin’ Outdoors 15% off all guides & tours. 20% off sponsorship rates. 580-450-1599 Studio 17 Salon & Gifts 15% off products or retail purchases 8176 State Hwy. 17, Elgin 580-492-4744 Sharla Spencer, owner Sue Cabelka, Realtor Jay Kinder Real Estate Experts $500 off seller’s closing costs 1146 NW Cache Rd., Lawton Ɣ Sylvan Learning Tutoring/Education Schedule an assessment and $60 will be deducted from the cost. This is a lifetime assessment fee, no charge for further testing at our center. 2603 NW Cache Rd., Suite 2, Lawton 580-351-9100 The Branded Bear 5% discount on $100 purchase Medicine Park 580-529-3656 The Salt Cellar 15% off non-sale items, excluding boxed cards and gift cards 3801 NW Cache Road, #23, Lawton DPSP0RQ6DWƔ 5443 The Vine & The Fig Tree Event center with catering & tea room. 5% off Food/ Up to $25 off in-house catering and 5% off Rentals. Regular prices only & must present card. 1304 W. Hwy. 7, Marlow 580-658-3377 Walters Super Stop 2 slices of pizza & 20-oz. fountain drink for $1.99 + tax 311 W. Missouri, Walters 580-875-2001 Waurika QuikMart All fountain drinks & all coffee $0.82 South Main & Hwy. 70, Waurika 580-228-2560 Wichita Furniture 10% off new purchases 1127 NW Cache Rd, Lawton 580-355-7425 9am-6pm: Mon-Sat Southern Trophy 10% off items in Gifts to Treasure shop 9-5 Mon.-Fri. 101 N. 10th St., Duncan 580-252-7866 Ligon’s Garden Center 10% off 301 S. Highway 81 Ɣ'XQFDQ Linda’s Carpet Free vacuum cleaner with purchase of $2,000 on Stainmaster carpets 1+Z\Ɣ'XQFDQ Keep up with all the local and national 20% discount storewide discounts by downloading the Co-op Hwy. 70, west side of railroad tracks Connections Card phone app at Waurika, OK 580-228-2575 or 228-2011 Nancy’s Antiques Cotton Electric Co-op members get extra relief by presenting their Co-op Connections Card ZKHQJHWWLQJSUHVFULSWLRQV¿OOHGDWSDUWLFLSDWLQJ pharmacies. In 2015, members used their cards for discounts on 1,007 prescriptions not covered by insurance. A total of $29,691.52 was discounted for an average savings of $29.48 per use. The card is free to all members and can be obtained by calling 580-875-3351. 7R ¿QG D SDUWLFLSDWLQJ SKDUPDF\ FDOO Member Services at 800-800-7616 or visit www. Type 22203 into the Group ¿HOGDQGFOLFNµORJLQ¶WRVWDUW\RXUVHDUFK
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