Current Classifieds - Cotton Electric Co-op
Current Classifieds - Cotton Electric Co-op
Page 14 Current Classifieds May 12, 2014 Current Classifieds Classified & Display Ad Deadlines The deadline for classified ads for the next issue is June 5. Display ad space must be reserved by June 2. If your ads are not received by this deadline, they will not be published in the next issue. Please limit ads to 25-30 words. There is a $5 charge for ads over 30 words. Classified Cost Cotton Electric members are entitled to two free ads per membership per month. Additional ads or ads over 30 words can be purchased for $5 per ad. Not a member, but still want to advertise? Ads must be prepaid, so enclose $5 with your ad to guarantee placement. Place Your Ad __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Us __________________________________________________________________________________ Ads can be sent in the mail or be dropped off at Cotton Electric, 226 N. Broadway, Walters, OK 73572. Ads can be emailed to classifieds@ or they can be sent via fax to 580-875-3101 Ads can also be dropped off at the Duncan office, 1101 W. Oak. __________________________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Clip and Mail to: City _________________________ Zip Code _________________ Cotton Electric Current Phone _________________________________________________ 226 N. Broadway Cotton Electric Account # _________________________________ Walters, OK 73572 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Rentals Real Estate Commercial COLORED MULCH BUSINESS FOR SALE: $58,000, Includes 1993 Farmhand grinder, chip tumbler, dye, pump, bag sealer, pump and dye. Call Nick, 580-467-7877. Lots/Land FOR LEASE: 15 acres of grassland (Bermuda, native grass, and bluestem) to be cut on shares. From Hwy. 7, 1 mile south on Weaver Chapel Rd., then 200 yards west. Gary Criswell, 580-467-2248. FOR SALE: Lake Lawtonka Lot 4D. Spot with deck over water with ramp going down to water. $30,000. Call Billy, 580-704-9005. FOR SALE: 69 acres with creek, small pond and pecan trees. Good grazing land for cattle or to build a home on. Close to Central High area. Call Jay, 580-255-0610. MILLERS CROSSING: Lighted country community development, .5-2 acre plussized lots. Stephens County water, underground electric. Central High School and fire department 5 miles away. Call for info. Carl Miller, 580591-3333. FOR SALE Four lots on the corner of 3rd and F streets in Elgin. Zoned for up to two houses or up to two duplexes. $32,000. 580-280-0242. Home For Sale: $234K, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 603 W.Plato, Duncan. Call Mike at HISTORIC MEDICINE PARK Patton Real Estate, 580-606- LONG-TERM LEASES, fullyfurnished cabins for rent. 0283. Lovingly restored/updated FOR SALE OR RENT: Twowith modern amenities. Conbedroom house, 115 x 300 tact us at 580-353-5366, lot, $650 a month or $40,000, to buy. 407 East Lake Dr., AHRN or greenleaflivingmp. Medicine Park. Call 580-246com. Referrals paid $100. 3313. Moble home for rent. At the For Sale: 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, Garden between Clear Creek built in 2006, corner lot, 2014 and Humphreys lake. Call W. Beech, Duncan. Patton 580-255-8126. Real Estate. Ron Mulkey, FOR SALE OR RENT: Two467-1281. bedroom house, 115 x 300 FOR SALE: 904 Oak, Waulot, $650 a month or $40,000 rika, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, apto buy. 407 East Lake Dr., prox. 1,200 sq. ft., new CHA, Medicine Park. Call 580-246carport, fenced backyard, 3313. storage, quiet neighborhood, near schools. $38,000 OBO. DUNCAN MOBILE HOME: Park spaces for rent in Dun656-0450. can. Call 580-658-5796 or FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1-580-574-3001. Central High area, 1,960-s.f. efficient home with 1,200 FOR LEASE: 15 acres of square ft. insulated. Morton grassland (Bermuda, native building, acreage available. grass, and bluestem) to be Call Jesse Carroll, 580-641- cut on shares. From Hwy. 7, 1 mile south on Weaver Cha0248 or 918-773-8821. pel Rd., then 200 yards west. Like New. Save thousands. Gary Criswell, 580-467-2248. 2013 Clayton 16 x 76. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Lots of extras. Near Geronimo, must be moved. Payoff $39,400. Financing info available. 580704-6052 or 512-0295. NICE BRICK HOME: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, CH&A, new water heater, plumbing, with workshop, cellar, patio and carport. Move-in ready. $58,000. In Duncan. Call 580-656-7987 or 580-6567320. For Sale: Metal home on 5 acres. 3215 Goad Rd., Marlow. Jo Patton Real Estate. 580-467-6182. Animals Cattle HERITAGE GENETICS: Red Devon Cattle (American Milking Devon lines) available. Young bulls, young bred cows and young heifers available. Call 580-365-4197 or email For Sale: 3 bedrooms, 1 3/4 baths, in-ground pool, 814 Cherry, Duncan. Jo Patton For sale: one used metal aniReal Estate. 580-467-6182. mal gate for horse or cattle in For Sale: 3-bedroom brick fair condition $50.00 OBO. home, lots of storage, carCan email or call 580-429ports, detached garage/shop 8324 fastpitchpitcher@aol. and extra lot. Reduced. 1408 com. Lake Lawtonka Area, minutes E. Chestnut, Duncan. Nancy from Ft. Sill. Very nice 2-bedat Patton Real Estate: 580- VIRGIN BREEDING BULLS room, 2-bath, mobile home Black Angus, gentle, regis370-8781. with central heat & air. No tered, LBW (for cows/heifers). smoking and no pets, $550/ Home For Sale: 2014 W. Mytty-in-Focus and Precision month. Phone 580-492-6776 Beech, Duncan. 2-bedroom, bloodlines. Begin breeding 1-bath home, built in 2006. or 580-215-2192. for spring 2015. Hedrick AnAttached garage, corner lot gus, Duncan, 580-252-2654 Home For Sale: $42K, 2 and circle drive. Nancy at or 467-4168, leave message. bedrooms, 1 bath, 611 CoPatton Real Estate: 580-370manche, Marlow. Call Mike at Time To buy your next herd 8781 Patton Real Estate, 580-606sire. We have black bulls FOR SALE: Beautiful 2-bed0283. for sale. Breeds are Angus room, 2 ½-bath brick home cross, Simmental and Salers. Mobile Home for Sale: 2013 on Waurika Lake. 3 acres We use Al sires with low birth Clayton 16x76. Over 1,200 more or less, 30x50 metal weights. Please call 405sq. ft. 3 BR, 2 baths. Looks shop with dog kennel, chick209-3098. like new! Lots of extras. Asken coop & extra shed. 1,735 ing payoff $38,900. Near sq. ft. $179,000. Call 580- LONGHORNS FOR SALE: Geronimo, must be moved. Call 580-467-1779. 467-1354. Call for showing and pictures. 580-512-0295 or 580704-6052. LOTS FOR SALE: Acreage with city water for doublewide trailers, owner financing, Walters and Randlett area. 580-591-1042. Homes For Sale: 2 acres, 4-bedroom brick home, Empire school district. Patton Real Estate. Ron Mulkey, 467-1281. :H+DYH%X\HUV )RU/DQG,Q 6:2NODKRPD ,I\RXKDYHODQG )RU6DOH&DOO8V PARR REAL ESTATE RU (580) 492-5260 Retirement Farm Auction Saturday - May 31 - 9a.m. I44 Faxon Exit, Hwy 36, 3 West, 3 South, 1/2 West, watch for signs. Selling: 1988 Mercedes 560 SL Roadster, convertible; 1989 Ford Mustang GT, convertible; (2) dirt bikes; 1966 & 1954 Chevy grain trucks w/hoist; livestock equip; farming equip; trailers; shop tools; household; swimming pool & other. View web for complete listing & pictures or call IRUVDOHÀLHU3UHYLHZ$XFWLRQGD\DWDP ANIMALS For sale: Three service-age Angus bulls. Marlow area. 580-583-3239 or 580-4763308. WILCOX & ANGUS BREEDING AGE: Angus bulls registered and show prospect heifers AI sired. Located in Terrall. Call 972-243-1181 or 972-670-9802. JOHNSON RANCH: Black and red Angus, black Maine & Hereford bulls for sale. Extensive 400-cow Al program. Call 580-252-1393 or 580467-7433. FREEZER BEEF available, home grown. Bermuda grass Middleton 99, $80 a bale or current ton rate. Call 580695-3737 or 549-6813. Classified Ad Policy Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. 0,'&217,1(175(%8,/',1& $OWHUQDWRU6WDUWHU *HQHUDWRU)RUNOLIW 6WRS3D\LQJ 1HZ3ULFHV Dogs DOG GROOMING: In Duncan, at Ligon’s Dog Grooming. Come meet our new groomer, Amy! Amy aims to please! Call for your appointment today! 580-255-6087. AKBASH & PYRENEES/ ANATOLIAN PUPPIES from working parents. Raised with sheep. Had first shots. Call 580-479-5216 or 940-6318466. YORKIE BABIES: Ready May 22. Four male, one female. Home-raised pets. Very sweet. Call 580-439-6574. 6$9(72'$< /HW8V5HEXLOG<RXU8QLW 5HEXLOGLQJ)RUƔ7UXFNƔ7UDFWRU Ɣ2LO)LHOGƔ,QGXVWULDOƔ)RUNOLIW 5LFKDUG.HFN5HEXLOG7HFKQLFLDQ %RLV'¶$UF'XQFDQ2. ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES: For sale, born Feb. 16, 2014. Very healthy, great dogs. Call 580-284-6427 or 580-695-4167. WELSH CORGI PUPPIES for sale. Will be ready May 31. Tails and dew claws taken off. Wormed. $150 each, no checks. 580-252-2898. FOR SALE: Pomeranian puppies, all colors, 580-4678679. FOR SALE: Registered German shepherd puppies. Black & tan all shots. Call 580-3052738. FOR SALE: Registered mini Australian shepherds. Up-todate on vaccinations. Born Dec. 1. Call 580-512-6384. BARKER’S Trailer Parts Cache, OK 580-429-3822 Jimmy Barker, Owner Dale Wampler Automatic Transmission 119 E. Kansas Walters, OK 580-875-2960 We repair all makes and models Overhauls and safeguard service Cooler and shift kits installed Ɣ5HDVRQDEOH3ULFHV Ɣ:ULWWHQ*XDUDQW\ Ɣ<HDUV([SHULHQFH Walters, Duncan, Lawton Areas Hours 0RQWKUX7KXUDPWRSP Closed)ULGD\V M w Real Esta arlo te Always Ready WRJRWKH([WUD0LOHIRU\RX 205 W. Main, Marlow 580-658-1177 “Selling our listings, would like to sell yours” Debbie Lynn Benton 580-512-9873 Marlow :6SUXFHJDU :6HPLQROHRU½SRROVKRS 65DLOURDGIHQFHG\DUG (&DGGR0+ :6WHHOHFHOODU :&KLFNDVDZFDUSRUWFHOODU 1QGVKRS 6WKFDUJDU8SGDWHG Lots 3D\QH+HLJKWV$GGLWLRQEXLOGLQJORWVUHVWULFWLRQV :3D\QH0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWFHOODU +:<%XLOGLQJORWDFUHHDFK :3D\QH0DUORZFRUQHUORWVKRS :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'ULQWORW WK3DUN0DUORZEXLOGLQJORWWUHHV :LOORZEHQG$GGLWLRQ&UHHN6LGH'UFRUQHUORW Commercial Lots %ORFN1%URDGZD\0DUORZIHQFHGORW :0DLQ0DUORZFRPPHUFLDOORW :0DLQ0DUORZFRUQHUORW0DLQ6WUHHW Commercial Property 1+Z\'XQFDQODUJHRI¿FHEOGJ&DOO 'HEELH/\QQ (0DLQ0DUORZVKRSEXLOGLQJV 1%URDGZD\0DUORZVTIWEOGJ :LOORZ'XQFDQVTIWSURIHVVLRQDOEOGJ&DOO 1%URDGZD\0DUORZVTIWRI¿FHEOGJ :0DLQ0DUORZVTIWFRPPEOGJZHTXLS 6FRWW5G0DUORZ[VKRSRI¿FHEOGJ:LOO/HDVH Duncan 1WK&+$ (&HGDUFHOODUJDUFDUSRUW ::DOQXWIHQFHG\DUG :%HHFKOLNHQHZ 1WK&+$QHZURRI 5DQFKZRRGOLYDUHDV)3 Land 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVVKRS 0F.LQOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVSDVWXUH $FUHV&R[&LW\DUHDWUHHVSRQGVZLOGOLIH0+DFUH (/'<DFUHVSDVWXUHSRQG 0RXQWDLQ9LHZ5G(OJLQDFUHVSDVWXUH Rural Properties 13ODLQVPDQ5GDFUH &53HUQHOODFUHVOLY +&%R[%UD\DFUHVJDUDJHVKRSZLOGOLIH SRQGV 55%R[%&HQWUDO+LJKDFUHVROGHUKRPH :KDOH\5G0DUORZDFUHVJDUDJHOLY 55%R[0DUORZDFUHVGHWDFKHGJDUFHOODU Lake Property $UHD%/RW0+FHOODU $UHD%/RW0+JDU Waurika Lake /DNHYLHZ/RWZDWHUPHWHUVHSWLFHOHF /DNHYLHZ/RW::YDFODQG /DNHYLHZ/RWSHDFK$SSOHRUFKDUGZDWHU /DNHYLHZ/RW%DUQJUHHQKRXVHVWDOOKRUVHEDUQ /DNHYLHZ/RWVIHQFHGVPDOOEDUQZHOHF 55%R[:DXULND/DNHDFUHJDUIHQFHGFDELQ Always ready to go the “EXTRA MILE” for you Debbie Lynn Benton Broker / Owner May 12, 2014 Current ANIMALS ANIMALS Donkeys FOR SALE: Donkeys, all colors, all prices. Call 580-5911042. Fish SANDHILL FISH FARM Pond stocking and bait. Catfish, bluegill, bass, minnows, goldfish. Delivery available. 580658-6018 or 405-487-6979. SERVICES SERVICES I BUY, SELL, TRADE: Hors- HOWARD ROOFING AND es, saddles, trailers & goats. EXTERIOR PAINTING: Free Call 580-514-1223. estimates. All work guaranMT. VIEW HORSE SALE 4th teed. OK license # 80000742. Saturday of every month at 3 Call 580-439-6283 or 580p.m., horses at 7:30. Call to 467-8606. reserve early numbers. 405226-0630. FOR SALE: New/used saddles, bridles, all kinds of tack. 580-695-1847 or 580-6950852. SANDHILL FISH FARM Pond stocking and bait. Catfish, bluegill, bass, minnows, goldfish. Delivery available. 580658-6018 or 405-487-6979. RED RIVER CREDIT Loans FOR SALE: 10-year-old, 14 from $168 to $1,440. 1220 FOR SALE: Guineas & laying 1/2 hands tall paint geld- NW Sheridan Rd. in Lawton. ing. Good trail riding horse, Call 580-353-1000. hens, 580-591-1042. MOUNTAIN L A R G E / E X T R A - L A R G E gentle. $1,200. Call 580-695- WICHITA 1847. LODGE: 425 E. Lake Dr., EGGS: $3 per dozen. MediMedicine Park. Peaceful cine Park area. Call 492- FOR SALE. Two-horse trailgetaway or rowdy reunion! er, $900. 14-foot cattle trail5536 or 919-0690. Private cabins, fishing, group WANTED: Game hens or er, $500. 580-342-6930. lodging, event center. www. game pullets. Call 0593. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. For Sale: Team of mules, Owner, DW Burrus, 580-917John and Molly, with har- 1834. Fowl Mules Goats I BUY, SELL, TRADE: Hors- ness. Harness has brass es, saddles, trailers & goats. spots. Both have four stocking legs. Approx. 13 years Call 580-514-1223. old. $2,500.00 for all. 580NUBIAN DAIRY GOATS 585-7280. FOR SALE: Young bucks and does. Raw goat’s milk also available. Cox Valley Dairy. GOAT AND SHEEP SALE in Call 580-429-8877. Mountain View. 1 p.m. first FOR SALE: Fresh goat’s Saturday of every month. Exmilk. Central High area. 580- cellent market on all classes 252-7381. w/buyers from four states. 405-226-0630 or 580-3472146 (barn). I BUY, SELL, TRADE: Horses, saddles, trailers & goats. Call 580-514-1223. FOR SALE: Butcher pigs and Sheep Horses Classifieds Circle-E RC Hobby Shop & Raceway Races every Saturday evening. Track opens at 2 p.m., races at 5 p.m. Family fun, spectators welcome! 9 N. 6th Street, Duncan. 10-6:30 M-F, 9-2 Sat. 580-252-0862. For all your HOME REPAIRS, call C&M Roofing and Remodeling. 580-439-4793. CUSTOM-CUT MESQUITE wood for cooking, smoking and home heat. 580-2813522 or 620-6752. EDGEWOOD KWIK MART has fishing bait and tackle plus deli food, pizza, beer, drinks, fuel and car wash. 2 miles west of Comanche on Highway 53. Call or come by! 580-439-6688. Page 15 )PNF(SPXO5SFFT ĻŁŀ Ķŀİļł #ĶĴıƈļĿĺļĿIJ IJ Ɖ Ļ ĺ ļ IJŀĮ ļijŁĵĿĶIJŁņŘ ŃĮ ŅIJŀŘ Nļ5Į Balled & Burlapped t#BME$ZQSFTT t3FE0BL t-BDF#BSL t1JOF t&MN t4JMWFS.BQMF t#SBEGPSE1FBS t(PMEFO3BJO t4XFFU(VN t$SBQF.ZSUMF t$IJOFTF1JTUBDIF 580-656-7273 - 580-656-7383 2116 N 5th, Duncan, OK Puzzle Answers Vinyl siding, replacement windows, remodeling, room additions, painting, roofing & repairs. Call Sunrise Construction, 580-281-3522 or 620-6752. DAFFERN’S AUTO SERVICE NOW HAS WRECKER & TOWING. Factory trained with over 25 years experience on all makes & models: brakes, heating/AC, major engine & transmission repair, fuel injection service and RESTORATIONS. 580-3531600 or 580-512-8661. CLIP ‘N’ DIP pet grooming, reasonable rates. 4471 SE Lee Blvd. in Lawton. Give us a call today. 580-357-8155 or visit us on Facebook! STORAGE UNITS for rent near Lawton/Duncan Y. 12’x40’ units, electricity, FOR SALE: Golf carts, gas and electric, parts, services concrete floors. Perfect for and accessories, Marlow. storing boats and RVs. Make room in your garage so you Call 580-656-2314. can park. $90/month. 405MURPHY FARMS is build818-5315. ing a store near the intersection of Highways 281 and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE: goats. Call 580-704-4949. 5 for customers to enjoy Can haul gravel for your USDA-certified organic pro- driveway or fertilizer for your duce. You can keep up with garden. Also, offer trash and our progress at www.murphy- debris removal. No job too big or small. Call Tom, 3810. Brown Custom Baling & Swathing: One JD 946 SPRINGTIME IS COMING: swather and one JD 567 Will do roofing, interior and baler. Twine only. Call Parker exterior painting at $50 a room, fence repairs, mowing Brown, 580-281-0991. and much more! Call 580MICHEALS LAWN SER695-2133 or 580-647-0905. NOW ENROLLING: Sun- VICE: Marlow-Duncan area. shine Station Child Develop- Hauling, edging, tilling, and PURPLE TIGER ENERGY PILL, Energy like a tiger, apment Center in Randlett has misc. Call 580-255-8126. openings for children ages 6 DUNCAN MOBILE HOME: petite like a bird! 1-580-252weeks and up. For informa- Park spaces for rent in Dun- 0533 or 1-580-695-3792. tion about this DHS-approved can. Call 580-658-5796 or Seasoned Pecan Firewood: At least 12+ ricks that still facility, call 580-281-0764. 1-580-574-3001. need cutting and splitting. Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. MonADVANCE FENCING & Seasoned pecan wood is day-Friday. CONSTRUCTION: Metal FOR SALE: Crocheted building, roofs and corral. piled up, some has been split, names: These names are Handyman services. Best some needs finished. $500. available for $5.00 per letter quality and cheapest prices. 580-875-3158 or 580-3517140. and can be mailed to you. Al- Call 580-512-3697. bert, Borden, Connie, Dunn, Fritz, Harrison, Hatfield, Mosley, Porter, Rogers, Trout. 580-591-1056. Swine For Sale: Older 32-ft. gooseneck trailer with living quarters. 3 horse slant. Living quarters are beautiful but outside needs painting bad. $5,000.00 580-585-7280. FOR SALE: Fully rigged Ammerman lightly used team penning saddle, $500. One fully rigged Hereford saddle, $250. One American-crafted slightly used roping saddle, $250. Other tack for sale, also. 580-281-3675. FOR SALE: Trojan horse walker, four horse, two-belt pulley, 300-HP electric engine, variable speed. $2,950. 580-251-1490. FOR SALE: Green broke gray gelding, good potential ranch horse. Call 580-704-7015. HORSES WANTED. Also buying saddles, trailers, old bit and spur collections. Call Gary, 405-226-0630. Services BUY, SELL, OR TRADE: Horses, goats, saddles, trailers. Also, stallion service. HOME-RAISED BUTCHER Call 580-512-8923, leave BEEF: Call 580-284-1597. message. SALESPERSON NEEDED: FOR SALE: Buckskin mare. Not delivery, to call on estabGood all around ranch horse lished customer base, flower -- pasture roping, heeling, shops, chain stores. Paid trail riding. 580-574-0068. salary while training. Travel Gypsy Warlock standing at 4 nights a week, vehicle furstud. Gypsy horses, Gypsy nished, credit card and gas sport horses, and foals for and motel, evening meal sale. Contact On The Hill paid. Company-paid profit Gypsy Horses. 580-641-2022 sharing, many other benefits furnished. Commission paid HORSE’S FEET NEED on sales once a month, plus TRIMMING? Call Gary at salary three times a month. Age is no barrier, 25 and up. 580-467-5832. No shoeing. Clean driving record, neat HORSE FOR SALE. 4-yearappearance. No phone calls! old thoroughbred gelding, Marlow Floral Products, 119green broke, lots of spunk. 121 Main St. Marlow. $1,000. 580-342-6930. Special Days CAKE BOUTIQUE 580- Walters Co-op Elevator Association 580-875-3345 We Appreciate Your Business Consignment Auction Saturday, May 31, 2014 10:A.M. Corner of Highway 81 and Osage Road Duncan, Oklahoma (See Directions Below) Chisholm Mall, Duncan, OK (580) 251-1047 Visit Us On Facebook! 'RHV\RXUKRPHKDYHDQ\RIWKHVHV\PSWRPV" 5RRPVWKDWJHWWRRKRWRUWRRFROG" +LJKXWLOLW\ELOOV" 7KHUPRVWDWZDUVZLWK\RXUVSRXVH" +LJKKXPLGLW\LQVXPPHU" +RXVHMXVWQHYHUVHHPVFRPIRUWDEOH" 7KHUHGRHVQ¶WVHHPWREHHQRXJKDLUÀRZ" Come see us at the Walters Co-op Elevator for all of your farming & yard chemical needs! LLC 81&20)257$%/(" Unwanted Weeds?? 'XVWEXLOGXSZLWKLQGD\VRIGXVWLQJ" 3UREOHPVZLWK\RXUV\VWHPVLQFHLW¶VEHHQ LQVWDOOHG" $Q\RQHZLWKDOOHUJLHVRUDVWKPD" $&VWDUWVDQGVWRSVIUHTXHQWO\RUUXQVDOO WKHWLPHDQGKRXVHLVVWLOOQRWFRRO" +DYHEHHQWROGE\RWKHUFRQWUDFWRUVWKDWWKHSUREOHPFDQQRWEH¿[HG" ,I\RXDQVZHUHG<(6WRDQ\RIWKHVHTXHVWLRQVZHFDQKHOS 3LSSLQ%URWKHUVKDVVSHFLDOLVWVWKDWFDQSLQSRLQWDQGFRUUHFWWKHVHSUREOHPVDQGLQPDQ\FDVHV\RX GRQ¶WHYHQKDYHWRUHSODFH\RXUHTXLSPHQWZLWKWKHVROXWLRQXVXDOO\EHLQJHDVLHUDQGFRVWLQJDORW OHVVWKDQ\RXPD\WKLQN7KHUHLVQRRWKHUFRQWUDFWRULQ/DZWRQPRUHTXDOL¿HGWKDQ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVDW GLDJQRVLQJDQGFRUUHFWLQJWKHVHDQQR\LQJLQFRQYHQLHQWXQKHDOWK\FRPIRUWFRPSURPLVLQJDQGHQHUJ\ ZDVWLQJFRQFHUQV&DOOXVWRGD\DQGOHWXVPDNH\RXUKRPH)HHO$V*RRG$V,W/RRNV$IWHUDOO \RXUKRPHLV\RXUODUJHVWLQYHVWPHQWDQG\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\GHVHUYHWREHFRPIRUWDEOHGRQ¶W\RX" &DOO7RGD\ ³&RPIRUW:LWKRXW&RPSURPLVH´ ZZZ3LSSLQ%URWKHUVFRP Gary Criswell Auction Service & Real Estate, Inc. has been commissioned to offer a variety of items in a Consignment Auction situated at the Southwest Corner of Highway 81 and Osage Road. Consignment Items include a TD14 142 Series Bulldozer, 1150 Case Dozer, MF Skidsteer Loader, a 2006 Komatsu 4x4 Extendable Backhoe and a John Deere 430 Tractor with a 430 Front End Loader. Dozers and Backhoe: International TD14 142 Series Dozer, Case 1150 Dozer, 2006 Komatsu 4x4 Extendable Backhoe WB 140 - 4 Wheel Drive and a Massey Fergusson Skidsteer Loader. Tractors and Equipment: John Deere 430 Tractor with 430 Front End Loader - 4 Wheel Drive - Sync Reverse - 325 hours, attachments to be offered seperately include John Deere 47 Bucket/ Backhoe, John Deere 360 Tiller (good condition),John Deere Big Wheel Rake - Model 704 - 14 Wheel, John Deere 1020 Tractor, Ford F-350 Bucket Truck - Bucket Model TLSTA A28C, John Deere Utility ATV - ATM 600, 1990 TS 2210 ISEKI Bulldog Tractor with a 285 Front End Loader - 1804 Hours, BELARUS 405 AN - Tractor Angle Blade and a Box Blade. Power Washing Equipment: CBARC Trailer - 2011 Model Pressure Washer. Units have Kohler 27 Gas - 2 Cylinder Engine and a 9 Gallons per minute General Pump and Diesel Burners. each Unit feeds 2 Wands - may be used as a 4 Wand Unit for 2 at 9 Gallons per minute, or 4 wands at 4.5 Gallons per minute. Units have 525 Gallon Water Tanks (like new). Units have Approximately 800 Hours. 5 Wheeler: John Deere AMT 600 - 5 Wheeler with 4’ Dump Bed. Shop Equipment: Miller Portable Welder - Gasoline, Air Compressor-Portable-Electric-6HP, Miller AC/DC Welding Generator. Miscellaneous: Fishing Boat with Trailer (2), 8’x24” Concrete Coverts (4) and a Variety of Large Landscape Rock. Directions: From New Highway 81 North, go West on Osage and turn an immediate South and follow road to Auction Site. Terms of Sale: Personal Property - Cash Personal or Company Check accepted. Positive I.D. required. Buyers must provide Auction Company a copy of Sales Tax Permit to avoid Sales Tax. Preview and Pre-Registration will be held Friday afternoon, May 30, 2014 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Announcements made day of sale supersede all other advertisements. Please plan to attend this Public Auction. Auctioneer’s Note: All Equipment will be offered “As Is-Where Is,” without any warranty expressed or implied. Loading of items purchased at Auction is responsibility of Buyer. Auction Items sold shall be removed from premises by 5:00pm Monday June 2, 2014. Gary Criswell Auction Service & Real Estate, Inc. 580-255-8162 · 806 West Main · Duncan, OK · 580-467-2248 (Auctioneer/Broker) email: (Cell Phone) Page 16 Current SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES WE PAINT outside or inside, small or big jobs. Call for estimate. 580-467-8679. SHOP THE GEMS BOOTH AT BUTTERFIELDS: 803 Main in Duncan. Purses, mirTREE B GONE: Tree trim- rors, Betty Boop, archery, ming, removal and stump jewelry, Coke, beer, ephemgrinding. Licensed and in- era, advertising, guitars, sured. Excellent cleanup. musical instruments, sports, Free estimates. Call 580- fishing, Western wear, boots. JUNK IRON REMOVAL. 475-4973. SUPER BLUE STUFF OTC Farm, ranch commercial and w/emu oil 4.4 oz. & Super rural. Anything metal. InWhite Stuff roll-on, 3 oz. (no sured. Call 580-704-4949. RESALE HAVEN: Large selection name-brand clothing, handbags, shoes, costume jewelry, household accessories. Benefits Women’s Haven, agency for domestic violence victims. 10-5:30 Tue.-Fri., 10-5 Sat. 324 S. Highway 81, Duncan. 580475-0009. color or fragrance) for natural pain relief of muscles, joints, headaches, cramps, etc. Discount for multiple purchase. 580-439-6189, Comanche. CORUM BAPTIST CHURCH is prayerfully seeking a bi-vocational pastor. Please send resume to Rt. 1 Box 84, Comanche, OK 73529. For information, call 580-591-3363 and ask to speak with John. TASTEFULLY SIMPLE! Offers wide selection of convenient, easy-to-prepare foods to help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying their lives. Interested in a party or selling it yourself? Call Donna, 580585-2022. PAINTING LESSONS with Judy McCombs Wednesdays at the Walters Depot. Any level, beginner to advanced, $25 per session. For more information, call Lavonne High, 580-875-2144. Sponsored by Cotton County Art Council. Farm & Ranch HAMPTON CONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY: Dozer, backhoe, trackhoe. For all of your dirt work needs on farm and ranch. Ponds built, brushed, cleaned and more. THE TIRE SHOP: Flats fixed, 580-656-8247. tire rotation, new and used HERB’S LAPIDARY ROCK tires. 1204 Ridley Road, Dun- SHOP: Petrified wood, Copelite, diamond saw blades, can. 580-251-0908. THE RUSTY BUFFALO: 365-million-year-old fossils, 18360 Hwy. 49 before Ref- rough finish turquoise salt uge. Rocks, Native American lamps, too much to list. 907 art, rocks, baskets, blankets, S. Highway 81, Comanche. rocks, jewelry. Open Wed-Fri Open Wed.- Sat. or by appointment. 580-439-4186 or 12-4, Sat. & Sun. 11-6. 580-439-5347. HUGHES & FOGLE CLEANTREES: ING SERVICE: We do gener- HOME-GROWN Balled & burlapped, bald cyal cleaning, house cleaning, press, red oak, lacebark elm, windows & lawn mowing. Call us today! 580-919-0614 or pine trees, Bradford pear, crape myrtles, silver maple & 580-647-9703. more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, WILL DO: painting, repairs, Duncan. Call 580-656-7273 lawn care. Reasonable rates. or 580-656-6373. 580-658-9117 or 917-9299. May 12, 2014 SHOWMAN’S CHOICE FARM & RANCH FOR ALL YOUR HORSE TACK & SHOW SUPPLY NEEDS. Balers FOR SALE: Square baler for parts only, small square bale loader, and assorted other equipment. Call EJ Crow at 580-641-0820. HOURS MON-FRI 8:00-5:30 SAT 10:00-2:00 1205 SW SHERIDAN RD LAWTON, OK 73505 580-355-7469 Equipment FOR SALE: 1978 NEW HOLLAND 1034 bale wagon. 105 small bale capacity. Very good condition. 580- 5121110. FIND US ON FACEBOOK! $&KXUFK:LWKRXW)HQFHV %QOGLQKPWUHQT YQTUJKRCPFHGNNQYUJKR 5WPFC[UGTXKEGCO 5QWVJQH&WPECPQP 4GHKPGT[4QCF FOR SALE: 150-gallon propane tank. $150. 580-4500681. WANT TO BUY: 500-gallon propane tank: 580-365-4470. ALLISON EXCAVATION LLC: Excavation backhoe service. ROSE’S CUSTOM LLC: Cus- All types of construction tom signs, banners, decals, work. Pond work, dirt, gravel, vehicle and window letter- demolition, dozer, grader ing, graphic design, business work, and roll-off containers. FOR SALE: Hardy, wine/ cards, promotional products, 580-695-8338. TREES: table grapes, and trees. Piedembroidery and sublimation. HOME-GROWN Balled & burlapped, bald cy- montese Nursery & VineCall 580-252-9633. yard. 580-583-5573. CASH FOR COINS: Buy or press, red oak, lacebark elm, pine trees, Bradford pear, NEED TRACTOR WORK sell. Call 580-475-5132, Duncrape myrtles, silver maple & DONE? 50-hp, 4WD, 6-ft. can. more. No taxes. 2116 N. 5th, bucket, 7- ft. box blade, gravel RED DOOR GALLERY in Duncan. Call 580-656-7273 work, brush work, deer plots, Medicine Park. Oklahoma’s or 580-656-6373. reasonable rate and free esbest-kept secret! Western timates. Call 580-656-1645. art, cowboys, cows, oil and DO YOU NEED MONEY? I water colors, pottery! Coolest buy mortgages and promis- FOR SALE: Santa Fe railroad gallery this side of Santa Fe! sory notes. 580-736-2468. refrigerated car. $5,500. Duncan. Call 580-656-4978. Wednesday-Saturday 10-5. Call after 6 p.m. 206 East Lake Drive. 580- MACHINE QUILTING: $55. FOR SALE: 6X6 CreekfeedAny size quilt, many designs er, $125., 5X9 trailer, $200., 529-3119. SQUARE DANCE LESSONS: to choose from. Many years deer feeder, $125. Will trade Sponsored by Solo Squares/ of experience. Call 580-606- O.B.O. on all items. Call 580475-8096. Star Promenaders. 6:30-8 3001 or 580-381-3490. p.m. Mondays & Thursdays in Lawton. First two lessons free. Caller is Scott Bennett. For information, call Duffy, 580-512-7876, or Dale, 580355-3480. Classifieds HOME-RAISED BUTCHER BEEF: Call 580-284-1597. FOR SALE: Hardy wine/ table grapes, and trees. Piedmontese Nursery & Vineyard. 580-583-5573. DUMP TRUCK SERVICE: Can haul gravel for your driveway or fertilizer for your garden. Also, offer trash and debris removal. No job too big or small. Call Tom, 580-7363810. FOR SALE: 1972 John Deere 4320 115-hp. Koyker bucket front end. Good rubber. $9,500 OBO. Please call 580-678-0211. ADVANCE FENCING & CONSTRUCTION: Metal building, roofs and corral. Handyman services. Best quality and cheapest prices. Call 580-512-3697. USED CHAIN LINK FENCE: 4ftx300ft. Includes a 10-ft. drive-through gate, 3 walkthrough gates, all posts and hardware. Everything in good condition. $200. Call 580529-2406. Thornton Supply FOR SALE: Pair of fenders for “A” or “B” model John Deere tractor. Call 405-4763057. Waterwell Systems, Oilfield Compressors, Injection Pumps, & Accessories!!! FOR SALE: Small baler, grinder mixer, spring tooth 16-ft. offset disc, chisel plow, 2-,3- and 5-bottom turning plows. Call EJ Crow at 580641-0820. ARGUING WITH BRUCE PRATER about bulldozers is like wrestling a pig in the mud, soon you realize the pig likes it. Give me (Bruce) a call and let’s argue! 580-641-1952. FOR SALE: 956 Hesston baler, $15,000. Has made 12,500 bales. Call Dave, 580536-7675. 5LGLQ²IRUWKHEUDQG -Gaso -Kerr -Wheatley -FMC -Curtis -Aeroquip Hydraulics -Anvil Pipe Fittings -Weld Bend Fittings & Flanges -Petroleum Tank Truck Hose -Matco & Apollo Valves Slaughter & Processing Foster & Lorre Morris a Park Pglaez Villa We Specialize in Custom Processing We Now Offer Vacuum Packing 401 School Rd. - Temple, OK Beef and Pork Apartment Homes TDD 1-800-833-7741 (580) 342-6802 Newly Remodeled, 1, 2 or 3 Bedroom Apartments Extra Storage, Central H&A, Stove & Refrigerator, Carpet & Mini Blinds, Washer/Dryer Hookups & On-Site Laundry. Rental Assistance HUD Section 8 Accepted. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. Call 580-342-5031 521 W. Central-Temple 8 am to 5 pm Mon-Thur / 8 am to 4 pm on Fri. HERE’S SOMETHING THAT WILL REALLY WAKE YOU UP. ELECTRICITY FOR ALL YOUR TOWING NEEDS! Services Include: Unlock Cars Jump StartsAll Towing Aspects Marlow Kwik Lube & Kwik Kleen Car Wash Your Full Service Automotive Care Facility 6%URDGZD\0DUORZ PUBLIC AUCTION 6DWXUGD\0D\DP3UHYLHZ)ULGD\0D\SPSP /RFDWLRQ 10th & Walnut, Duncan, OK. 1 block north of Main Street on 10th. Scroggins Auction Service has been commissioned to offer at public auction the personal property of Mr. Charles Hunt, owner of Honey Do’s by Charles. For photos log onto: Enter Auctioneer ID #17788 0,6&,7(06 Doors /DGGHUV Old Fans 7UHDGOH6HZLQJ0DFKLQH Hand Drills 2OG&%DU0LVF&ODPSV %ODFN/\Q[&HPHQW0L[HU 7UR\%LOW7LOOHU(GJHU7&,, 0LVF5RXWHU%LWV 6KRS9DFV 1DLO*XQV1DLOV /DZQ7RROV .LQJ&XWWHU$QWLTXH0HDW*ULQGHU *DV&DQV /LYH7UDSV 6WDSOH*XQV6WDSOHV ASM Zip Spray 1700 6SHHG%LF\FOH <HOORZ-DFNHW$UFKHU\7DUJHW $LU7RROV 3LFNV3RVW+ROH'LJJHUV /HYHOV5XOHUV MUCH MUCH MORE! TOO MUCH TO LIST! 7HUPV&RQGLWLRQVRI6DOH&DVK3HUVRQDO&KHFNDQG&RPSDQ\&KHFNDFFHSWHGZLWKSRVLWLYH,' %X\HUV0867SURYLGHDFRS\RI6DOHV7D[3HUPLWGD\RIVDOHWRDYRLGVDOHVWD[ SCROGGINS AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneer - Parker Scroggins 580-656-4416 or 580-255-4135 1936............................ 2013............................ 5¢ 11¢ INCREASE..................... 2X BASED ON AVERAGE COST PER KILOWATT HOUR &RPH9LVLW0DUORZ·V We Offer: Oil Changes Transmission Flushes Best Automatic Car Wash, New & Used Tires Flats Fixed 6HOI6HUYH%D\V9DFXXPV Brake Jobs 7XQH8SV Carpet Shampooer 0LQRU0HFKDQLFDO:RUN )UDJUDQFH0DFKLQH 9DULDEOH6SHHG'U\:DOO'ULYHU KS*DOORQ$LU&RPSUHVVRU 3RUWHU&DEOH3ODWH-RLQHU *DOORQ$LU&RPSUHVVRU 0LOZDXNHH6KHHW6DQGHU ´+HDY\'XW\%HQFK*ULQGHU *DOORQ2LOOHVV$LU&RPSUHVVRU1(: ´'ULO0DVWHU7ULP5RXWHU *UDFR3URVKRW9ROW3DLQW6SUD\HU 0LOZDXNHH´9ROW'ULOO .ZLN6HW'HDGEROW/RFN,QVWDOODWLRQ.LW KS3RUWDEOH*HQHUDWRU KS6XEPXUVLEOH3XPS 'H:DOW3ODQHU 6XUHERQGHU&RLOHG5RR¿QJ1DLOHU &UDIWVPDQ´7LOH:HW6DZ &UDIWVPDQ6DQGHU ´'RXEOH%HYHO6OLGLQJ&RPSRXQG0LWHU6DZ 'UHPHO0XOWL0D[:RRG'U\:DOO6DZ 6SHHGKS+HDY\'XW\'ULOO3UHVV &UDIWVPDQJDOORQ3RUWDEOH$LU&RPSUHVVRU -Quincy -Garden Denver -Jacuzzi -Zoeller -Gates Belts TEMPLE CUSTOM Barton Recovery & Wrecker VEHICLE &KHYUROHW&DUJR9DQ 6+23(48,30(17 ´7DEOH6DZ 'HZDOW´965'ULOOV &UDIWVPDQ´%DQG6DZ +LWDFKL´7DEOH6DZ 0LQL*ULQGHU &UDIWVPDQ´5DGLDO6DZKS 0LOZDXNHH´+DPPHU'ULOOV +LOWL';$1DLO*XQ &RUGOHVV&LUFXODU6DZ9ROW ´3DFNDUG3UHFLVLRQ'LVF6DQGHU 'H:DOW´&LUFXODU6DZ ´&XW%ODFN'HFNHU5DGLDO6DZ 5HPLQJWRQKS´'ULOO KS$PS6NLOVDZ 5RWR]LS6SLUDO6DZ ´-DPE6DZ &UDIWVPDQ´-RLQWHU3ODQHU )RUQH\0RGHO),:HOGHU &UDIWVPDQ´:RRG/DWKH VLQFH POUND OF COFFEE 1936............................ 14.5¢ 2013............................ $7.43 INCREASE.................... 51X We know how you like your electricity…affordable. And for the past 75 years, we’ve helped to keep it that way. Learn more about the power of your co-op membership at May 12, 2014 Current FARM & RANCH FOR SALE: John Deere 535 round hay baler, large tires and pickup gauge wheel; and, John Deere 1214 swather with crimper, 12-foot, hydraulic driven. Both stored inside, excellent condition. 580-5128884 or 439-2327. SEVERAL WELL-BEHAVED BULLDOZERS: I’m trying to find a home for and some rowdy ones! Call 580-6411952. FOR SALE: Santa Fe railroad refrigerated car. $5,500. Duncan. Call 580-656-4978. FARM & RANCH Classifieds FARM & RANCH Trailers LOOKING FOR WHEAT AND CANOLA to harvest. New JD combines. Heid Bros. Har- FOR SALE: 16x6 stock trailer, like new $3,750. 580-512vesting. Call 320-221-3789. 8923. We have 17% premium alfalfa cubes, $350 bulk, $10/bag for FOR SALE: 32-ft. gooseneck pallet of 40. All-purpose 15% trailer, two 750-pound axles, grass/alfalfa cubes, $330 new LED lights, brakes and bulk, $9.50/bag for pallet of tires. $4,000. Call 580-7868736. 40. Call 580-492-4169. Wheat FOR SALE: 10 large round bales for $30 each, or 100 small square (rained on a couple times) for $3/bale 580-583-5573. STUMP GRINDER for sale: Woods TSG50, 1 year old and used 4 times. PTO-driven. FOR SALE: 9 shank plows, $4,000. Call 580-351-7140. John Deere 3-16 Moldboard FOR SALE: Wako grass an- discs, grain drills 5’ Pasture hydrous applicator, 8-shank, Renovator 10’ Drag Harrow. always shedded. Perfect con- Call 580-357-6575. dition. Call for details. 580512-9859. Plows Tractors Hay FOR SALE: New trailer, 6 x 13, metal floor, $1,800. 6 x 16, new trailer, metal floor, dove-tail, $2,500. 580-4676694. Garage Sales MAY 16-17 & 23-24 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Kids clothes, toys, dishwasher, kitchen accessories, inkjet cartridges, school supplies, gun, motorcycle gear, much more. 4.1 miles east of U.S. 81 on Osage Road. for sale: 24’ Dugan stock trailer. Needs repairs. John Deere 4010 diesel tractor. Marlow area. 580-583-3239 or 580-476-3308. FOR SALE: Single-axle 12’x5.5’ utility “rocking bed” trailer. Bulldog hitch, hand winch on bed front, railing around trailer. $550. 580-2511490. FOR SALE: 1972 John Deere 4320 115-hp Koyker bucket FOR SALE: 1998 Hitch Hiker FOR SALE: Banded stock front end. Good rubber. II, 30.5-ft. Fifth Wheel Trailer. cow alfalfa, $320 or $10/bale. $9,500 O.B.O 580-678-0211. 2 slides, good condition. Call Banded wheat straw, $4.50. 580-656-7199 After 4:30 p.m. FOR SALE: Tractor with Banded orchard, $345 or ‘til 8:00 p.m. brush hog $3,800 OBO. Also, $10/bale. 50 loose salt, $4. 12 utility trailer, $375. Call 580- FOR SALE: 1984 Prowler, 4-point 12-gauge wire, $55/ 19-ft. bumper-pull travel trail704-8320. roll. Call 580-492-4169. er, good condition. $2,500. FOR SALE: A Farmall tractor. Large round bales of mixed580-641-3300. Parade ready 580-365-4470. grass hay, $50. You load, FOR SALE: 18-hole gooseyou haul. John Sterling, 678- 1969 CASE 930: 3 pt. PTO, neck dog trailer. We quit raisfair condition, good rubber. 2606, east of Lawton. ing dogs. Trailer comes with $4,000. O.B.O. Call 580-704BERMUDA HAY: Small 5 A/Cs, is still in good con7015. square Bermuda bales for dition. Asking $6,000. Call sale. Horse quality. Call 580- FOR SALE: 8N Ford trac- 580-695-3737 or 549-6813. tor, 23-HP, gas engine, good 695-7971. shape. Call 580-512-1536. Wheat straw/mulch, 10 large round bales $25 each, or FOR SALE: Massey Fergu50 small square for $2/bale son 65 tractor, 40-HP, gas ag. 55-gal. barrel of muriatic engine, good shape. Call acid, never opened. $300. 580-512-1536. 580-583-5573. NEW HOLLAND TRACTOR: FOR SALE: 12% stock cow TL-80 2-wheel drive, 60-hp, cubes, $230 bulk, $7/bag for 658 hours, 12X12 transmispallet of 40. Banded alfalfa, sion, 2 remote valves, can$365 or $12/bag. Call 580- opy, good rubber. Excellent condition. Call 580-357-6575. 492-4169. Merchandise Page 17 MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE ADDINGTON STATION ANTIQUES Hull pottery; accent lamps; barn wood hutch; tiger oak furniture; Franciscan Desert Rose; butter churns; oak wall phones; cedar benches; metal oil & gas signs; Aladdin lamps. 10-5:30 Tue.-Sat. 580-439-5566. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Divan, recliner, refrigerator, dishwasher, clothes washer, dryer, dining set, two china cabinets, bedroom suite, miscellaneous tables, lamps, rugs, much more. $4,000 for all. 580-365-4503, 512-8350 or 365-4483. ADDINGTON STATION ANTIQUES Singer featherweight sewing machine; oak secretary; oak rocker; Texaco Sky Chief gas pump; 1920s Rush gas pump; ranch oak coffee/ end table set; Roseville; Fenton; Fire King Jadeite; Pyrex. SANTA FE TRADERS at Addington Station Antiques: Windmills; wagons; cast aluminum statuary; chain saw-carved cedar Indians; anvils; farm machinery; old gas pumps; outdoor furniture; longhorn street lamp; metal wheels. Antiques $SDUWPHQW+RPHV 7'' &KLSSHZD*HURQLPR2. RU%HGURRP$SDUWPHQWV ZLWKFDUSHWPLQLEOLQGV FHQWUDOKHDWDLUODXQGU\IDFLOLW\ ZDVKHUGU\HUKRRNXSVFHLOLQJIDQV 3OD\JURXQGRQVLWH 5HQWDO$VVLVWDQFH$YDLODEOHWR 4XDOL¿HG$SSOLFDQWV 7KLVLQVWLWXWLRQLVDQHTXDO RSSRUWXQLW\SURYLGHUHPSOR\HU SANTA FE TRADERS inside Addington Station Antiques. Green kitchen cupboard w/ red knobs; retro red plastic canisters & bread keeper; white Hoosier cabinet; aluminum milk bottle caddy; Knox Blue Eagle Indian glasses, reverse painted lamps. Need energy-saving tips. Find out how the little changes add up to big savings at 0,//(5&216758&7,216216,1& 3RXOWU\ 1HVWLQJ %R[HV $UYHO+LJQLWH 5XVK6SULQJV Ochsner Dozer-Trackhoe Service Pond, Terraces, Tree Clearing, Building Pads, NRCS Work, etc. For estimate on your job call Jeff 580-704-2226 5RFN 6DQG )LOO %DFNKRHV 'R]HUV 7UXFNV 12-2%722%,*2560$// ǰȱȱȱȱ ȱȱȱǯǯǯ Lawton Meat Red Wing Shoes DON’T MISS Processing THIS DEAL! 353-6448 11” ” Pull-On Custom Butchering and Processing #2231-Red Wing Safety Toe Footwear. *UHDW%RRW)RU2LO¿HOG,QGXVWU\ 0653 In Business Since 1911 (formerly Lud Mieling) Our Price: $170.00 LAWTON SHOE STORE RED WING, WORX, IRISH SETTER BRANDS 603 East “F” - Lawton, OK (Across Street from Sears Service Center) HORSE & CATTLE H SHOW STOCK P PURINA FEEDS 6506 NW Cache Rd - 580-536-7001 Store Hours M-F 10-5:30 Sat 10-2:00 BULK FEED DELIVERY AVAILABLE WE CARRY: MUCK BOOTS, LUBE OILS & BLING! Commercial & Farm Fuel Delivery Office/Feed Store 580-444-2573 24 HOUR PAY AT THE PUMP Convenience Store CONVENIENCE 580-444-2172 STORE 657 MAIN ST VELMA, OK ȱȱ¡ȱǻǼȱȱȱȬǰ ȱȱȱ£ȱȱȱŗşŞŘ ȱȱȱȱȱȱ¡ ȱǰȱȱȱ ȱ ȱȱȱǯȱȱȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱǯȱȱȱ ǰȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ¢ ȱȱȱȱȱǰȱ ȱ¢ ȱȱ¢ȱȱȱ ǯ ȱ¢ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ¡ǰȱȱȱȱ ȱ DZȦȦ ǯǯȦȱ ȱȱȱȱǻśŞŖǼȱŘŘşȬśřŘŗȱȱ ŖŖŝȓǯǯ Page 18 Current Classifieds May 12, 2014 Co-op Connections Card Local Participating Businesses Ɣ Great Member Savings! If your business would like to participate in the Co-op Connections Program, call us at 580-875-4277. Visit for a complete list of national discounts Redeem your discounts by showing your Cotton Electric Co-op Connections card at any of the participating businesses. 3B Industries Burton Meat Market Lakeside Golf Course Solid Plumbing Free car wash token w/purchase of 10. Wholesale pricing on pressure washers and Dixie Chopper lawn mowers 580-439-8876 Locations: Comanche - 301 S. Rodeo Dr. Duncan - 1606 W. Oak & 2015 W. Elk 10% off meat purchases over $20 1206 N. Hwy. 81 (Chisholm Mall) Duncan $5 green fees all day on Mon. & Tues. Hours: 7 a.m. to dark Walters, OK 580-875-3829 Sue Cabelka, Realtor Lawton Imaging 10% off all service calls, $125 sewer camera, $175 slab leak detection 2809 NW Sheridan Rd, Lawton 580-353-2863 Jay Kinder Real Estate Experts $500 off seller’s closing costs 1146 NW Cache Rd., Lawton Ɣ 10% off remaining balance after insurance or an additional 10% off already reduced self pay prices. Mon - Fri 8 - 5 1108 S.W. B Ave. Lawton, OK 580-699-7571 A&M Appliance Service 10% off DPSP0)Ɣ Chisholm Trail Heritage Center A Touch of Bliss $1.00 off admission per card per visit Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1000 Chisholm Trail Parkway, Duncan 580-252-6692 Sherri Maxwell - owner 10% off store purchase $5 off hour or 1/2-hour massage 213 W. Main, Marlow Thurs - Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 580-658-9026 Cool It, Inc. AA Computer Services, Inc. 20% off service, not to include services already on special 901 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton 580-357-4482 Mon-Fri 8-5 ABC Transmission & Motor Company 10% off any service, not to include any service already on special. 8:30 a.m.-11 a.m. & noon - 5 p.m. 2308 SW Lee Blvd. Lawton 580-353-7725 Addington Station Antiques 10% off all purchases 401 US Highway 81, Addington 7XH6DWƔ $20 off service call $250 off complete system 2407 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-1749 Cosmetic Specialty Labs, Inc. 10% off & free shipping when you spend $25 or more. 210 SW Texas Ave., Lawton 580-355-2182 Educational books: Softcover, e-books, audio books and products. 10% off online orders - Code CE2011 $HUROD%RPEXVFRPƔ American Scents Made in USA Attractive Graphics Custom screen printing & vinyl cutting 10% discount PO Box 1188, Cache, OK 73527 580-678-5786 Baby Glam & Mama Too! Denise Graham - owner 10% off store purchase 226 W. Main, Marlow Tue.- Fri. 10 to 5:30, Sat. 10 to 3 580-658-2000 Debbie’s Little Books 10% off regular purchase price of personalized books. Ɣ(OJLQ Billingsley Ford L-M of Duncan, Inc. 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 3505 NW Hwy. 81 580-255-5500 Dear Friends 10% discount on regular-priced items, excluding tubes, tanks & tights 1+Z\'XQFDQƔ Bluff Creek Lodge 10% discount on all bookings Eastern Stephens County 580-255-9592 580-470-5976 Lyndel Strain, owner Eastside Sod Farm Free estimates and 10% discount Ɣ/DZWRQ Gene Burk Auto Glass 10% off 2302 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton 580-355-3890 GT Designz Embroidery & Gifts 10% discount 1206 N. Highway 81, Suite 13, Duncan ƔZZZJWGHVLJQ]QHW Horse Sense Trading Post ,QÀQLW\&RPSXWHU Systems 10% off service department repairs up to $40 per visit. 8209 NW Quanah Parker Trailway 580-510-0925 Nita’s Flowers Horse Breeding & Sales $100 off of breeding fee, or purchase of horse. By Appointment: 580-641-2022 or 580656-2475: Jamon Kelley - owner 15% off orders over $100 580-512-7047 Billingsley Ford of Lawton, Inc. 20% discount storewide Hwy. 70, west side of railroad tracks Waurika, OK 580-228-2575 or 228-2011 Cowboy Opry Music Store 1619 W. Elk, Duncan, OK 0RQ)UL 580-255-1172 Open new checking account, receive $10 or 1st box of checks free. Valid at Lawton, Duncan, Walters and Chickasha branches. 580-250-4540 Nancy’s Antiques On The Hill Gypsy Horses Opticians Antique Adventures, Ltd. Duncan 10% off purchase of complete glasses Arvest Bank Free vacuum cleaner with purchase of $2,000 on Stainmaster carpets 1+Z\Ɣ'XQFDQ 10% off all purchases 1 mi. south of Hwy. 70 on Hwy. 81 :DXULNDƔ 10% discount 1015 W. Oak, Duncan Ɣ0)Ɣ6DW 15% off total purchase 811 SW A Ave. - Lawton Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tue. - Sat. 580-351-0170 Linda’s Carpet Country Closet Resale Shop Dino’s Dry Cleaners 10% discount 1515 N. Hwy. 81, Duncan 580-475-0055 10% off 301 S. Highway 81 Ɣ'XQFDQ Helen Thomas - owner 10% discount 1%URDGZD\0DUORZƔ 0RQ)ULƔ6DW 10% off all purchases 300 Oak Main, Comanche 580-439-8111 Aerola Bombus Children’s Books Ligon’s Garden Center 10% off all labor. 2322 W. Gore Blvd. Ɣ/DZWRQ Johnson & Johnson Locksmith, LLC Osage Animal Hospital $5 off professional examination :2VDJH'XQFDQƔ Mon.-Fri. 7:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Rose’s Custom LLC 10% discount on purchases over $200 580-252-9633 Fax: 580-255-6897 Mon - Fri 8 -5 Red Dirt Bar & Grill $1.00 off appetizers 6425 NW Cache Rd., Lawton 918-720-3739 Ringtail USA Monogramming, screen printing Buy 12 caps or T-shirts, GET ONE FREE P.O. Box 1763, Duncan, OK 73534 KWWSULQJWDLOXVDFRPƔ The Salt Cellar 15% off non-sale items, excluding boxed cards and gift cards 3801 NW Cache Road, #23, Lawton DPSP0RQ6DWƔ Shane Burk Glass & Mirror Free mobile service in Stephens, Comanche, Grady, Jefferson, Caddo or Cotton counties or 15% off any residential or business windows or in-shop glass replacement. 580-252-5939 Showman’s Choice 10% off Professional’s Choice M-F 8-5:30, Sat. 10-2 1205 SW Sheridan, Lawton 580-355-7469 Southern Maid Donuts 10% off donut & pizza purchases 101 Thoma Dr. #A, Elgin, OK Open 5 a.m. - noon & 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Tue. - Sat. 580-492-6123 Southern Trophy 10% off items in Gifts to Treasure shop 9-5 Mon.-Fri. 101 N. 10th St., Duncan 580-252-7866 Stephens County Humane Society $10.00 off adoption fee 714 Martin Luther King Blvd. 580-252-7387 Steppin’ Outdoors 15% off all guides & tours. 20% off sponsorship rates. 580-450-1599 Studio 17 Salon & Gifts 15% off products or retail purchases 8176 State Hwy. 17, Elgin 580-492-4744 Sharla Spencer, owner Sylvan Learning Tutoring/Education Schedule an assessment and $60 will be deducted from the cost. This is a lifetime assessment fee, no charge for further testing at our center. 2603 NW Cache Rd., Suite 2, Lawton 580-351-9100 Tans Plus Tanning salon, gifts and accessories 10% off monthly tanning packages 1 mile N. of Comanche on Old Hwy. 81 580-439-5767 The Branded Bear 5% discount on $100 purchase Medicine Park 580-529-3656 The Vine & Fig Tree Event center with catering & tea room. 5% off Food/ Up to $25 off in-house catering and 5% off Rentals. Regular prices only & must present card. 1304 W. Hwy. 7, Marlow 580-658-3377 Walters Super Stop 2 slices of pizza & 20-oz. fountain drink for $1.99 + tax 311 W. Missouri, Walters 580-875-2001 Waurika QuikMart All fountain drinks & all coffee $0.82 South Main & Hwy. 70 Waurika 580-228-2560 Wichita Furniture 10% off new purchases 1127 NW Cache Rd, Lawton 580-355-7524 9am-9pm: Mon-Sat Sign Dynamic 10% discount on purchases over $200 301 SW B Avenue, Lawton 580-353-2522 10% discount, present card prior to service and ordering of parts. 1913 NW Cache Rd., Lawton 580-355-KEYS (5397) or 580-355-8749 Just Bling It 10% discount 1302 W. Bois d’Arc, Duncan, OK 580-251-9641 Keep up with all the local and national discounts by downloading the Co-op Connections Card phone app at Cotton Electric Co-op members get extra relief by presenting their Co-op Connections Card ZKHQJHWWLQJSUHVFULSWLRQV¿OOHGDWSDUWLFLSDWLQJ pharmacies. In 2013, members used their cards for discounts on 1,715 prescriptions not covered by insurance. A total of $42,690 was discounted for an average savings of $24.89 per use. The card is free to all members and can be obtained by calling 580875-3351. 7R ¿QG D SDUWLFLSDWLQJ SKDUPDF\ FDOO Member Services at 800-800-7616 or visit www. Type 22203 into the Group ¿HOGDQGFOLFNµORJLQ¶WRVWDUW\RXUVHDUFK May 12, 2014 Current MERCHANDISE RESALE HAVEN Large selection name-brand clothing, handbags, shoes, costume jewelry, household accessories. Benefits Women’s Haven, agency for domestic violence victims. 10-5:30 Tue.-Fri., 10-5 Sat. 324 S. FOUND: Good Lariat rope Highway 81, Duncan. 580- on Highway 65. Found March 22, 2014. 580-591-1135. 475-0009. Lost & Found FRANKLIN AUTO SALES: Buy, sell, or trade. 10 miles south of Lawton. Call 580585-3828 or 580-357-9000. FOR SALE: 1938 Chevy street rod. Call for details and price. 580-252-3066 or 580786-9006. FOR SALE: ‘71 Camaro drag car, $10,500. Ladder bars and tubbed, runs 6.50’s LOST 3-YEAR-OLD BOR- in 1/8th, on methanol. 400 DER COLLIE: Black and turbo trans., 350 bored to REUNION If you worked for white, some brown, male, 385, fresh rebuild, 4.56 rear Koch Oil Industries and are no collar, answers to “Sully.” end. 580-353-8124. interested in attending a re- Marlow area, around Cherounion from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. kee and Tucker Road on Hwy. May 31 at Stephens County 7. If found, call Mica Barnett, Fairgrounds, call 580-606- 580-475-8641. FOR SALE: 2006 HONDA 0706, 251-0741 or 606-0065. 1300 Retro. Lots of extras, always garaged, 9,500 miles, nice! $4,500. 580-429-4549. Entertainment Cycles and ATVs Furniture & Appliances FOR SALE: Two large matching La-Z-Boy boy recliners, clean, blue-gray, $300 for both. Matching end tables & coffee table, oak slate top, storage underneath, perfect condition, $375. Glider rocker, $75. 580-512-5550. WANTED! Old pickups, cars, Side-by-side Roper refrig- 1900s to 1970s gas pumps, erator, works great except ice convertibles, hardtops, othmaker, $350. Yard Machine ers. 580-658-3739. riding mower, drive slips, FOR SALE: 1965 stepside needs work, $100. 8’ North pickup, all original with title. Pac Aquarius hard-bottom Two 1966 Ford pickups. inflatable boat, w/oars and $1,500 for all. 580-353-8124. pump, new, $429. $150. 918FOR SALE: ‘71 Camaro drag 448-1073. car, $10,500. Ladder bars and tubbed, runs 6.50’s in 1/8th, on methanol. 400 turbo trans., 350 bored to 385, FOR SALE: Upright pia- fresh rebuild, 4.56 rear end. no. Old-timer. Keys, ham- 580-353-8124. mers, felts are good. Dark finish. Will need tuning. $65. 580-757-2561. Transportation Musical Instruments Boats/ Watercraft Honda Pacific Coast motorcycle 800 cc, pearl white, 16,000 miles, new rear tire, cruise control, looks like Honda Aspencade, always shedded, new tag. Sacrifice for $2,500. Bob Davis, 580529-3733 or 580-351-7052. FOR SALE: 1987 Winnebago Lesharo, self-contained, roof AC, electric water heater, new refrigerator, generator and good gas mileage. 580-4395901 or 580-251-1648. 2000 EXCEL 33-FT FIFTH WHEEL. Built-in 5500 Generac generator, 2 slides, plumbed washer and dryer; very good condition. Lots of storage, large closet. Price reduced, $14,000. 580-6563690. Trucks and SUVs FOR SALE: 1996 Ford F150, 6-cylinder, standard transmission, short bed, good condition, new tires and battery. 580-606-8774. FOR SALE: 2008 Chevy Colorado, red, single cab, 4-cylinder, 4WD. About 98,000 miles. Call 580-512-2256. Recreational Vehicles FOR SALE: 16-ft. boat, 35-hp force, trailer, troll motor, live well, kept inside. Low hours. FOR SALE: 14’x 94’ green- Call 580-467-6930 house. Comes with cover, shade cloth, three 4x8 working tables, heater, and fan to 1991 OLDSMOBILE: older keep plastic apart. To be torn lady, one owner, scratches down and moved. 580-439- and dents, 71,000 miles, dependable, everything works, 5488. $2,950. 1997 Honda Accord, black, nice. New paint and tires. Air needs repair. $3,450. 580-512-5550. Lawn & Garden Cars SPIVEY INSULATION CO. - FREE ESTIMATES SPRAY-ON POLYURETHANE FOAM FOR METAL BUILDINGS BLOWN FIBERGLASS - ATTICS - BATTS. COMPLETE INSULATION SERVICES Owner Operated Since 1974 1-800-522-1644 L&L FARM & TIRE HEADQUARTERS Fertilizing & Spraying for Weeds on Grass and Pastures Available!! We have all your fertilizer and chemical needs available along with custom application. Call 597-2522 for Current Pricing Goodyear - Titan Tires Tractor*Implement*Truck*Pickup*Car Thanks for your business! Leroy and Mark Geis 597-3316 or 1-800-716-1759 5HVLGHQWLDO &RPPHUFLDO ,QGXVWULDO MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: 2 older style 25” TVs, Sony DVD player, books, purses, luggage, and much more. Call 580-2810318 for more information. FOR SALE: “Antique” gas logs $65. Antique wood planer, belt driven. Call 580-5603071. FOR SALE: Heat Surge Fireless Flame® fireplace with genuine Amish oak mantle. Never used. $200. By appointment only. 580-4672530. Miscellaneous SQUARE DANCE LESSONS: Sponsored by Solo Squares/ Star Promenaders. 6:30–8 p.m. Mondays & Thursdays in Lawton. First two lessons free. Caller is Scott Bennett. For information, call Duffy, 580-512-7876, or Dale, 580355-3480. FOR SALE: Trek Navigator 300 adult bicycle. Excellent condition, barely used. Shocks on the front and seat. Asking $200. I also buy bikes. 580-585-1631. FOR SALE: Bike carriers. Have 2 that strap to the rear of the car, $25 each. Have one that slips into a tow hitch. This holds 4 bikes. $50. 580585-1631. FOR SALE: New Canon printer, $35, Netgear or Belkin routers, $15 each. IP 1600 Canon printer, new in box, $35. Ceiling fan w/light, $20. 918-448-1073. Wanted: I. H. Cub Cadet for parts. Will pick up – Duncan. 580-467-4284. FOR SALE: Nice Pride Jazzy select Power Wheel Chair. New batteries, very good condition. $500. Call 580351-8891. 60,7+&$77/(&2,1& 2002 GMC SIERRA SLE 8-cyl., 4-door, extended cab, power locks & windows, air, tilt, cruise, AM/FM/CD, ABS, tow package. 71,088 miles. By appointment only. 580467-2530. FOR SALE: 2008 5th wheel FOR SALE: Boat prop blocks 33’ Alumascap, 2 slide outs, for repairing bent or bad pro- new tires, fully furnished, heat pellers on your boat motor. and air. Must see. $16,500 580-475-6116. OBO. Call Jimmy, 580-656FOR SALE: 1987 Rajun Ca- 0795. jun bass boat. 88-HP Evinrude 24V trolling motor. Solid boat! Lake ready. $3,500 Call: 580-429-4549. Over 30 yEARS TWO-MAN BASS BOAT in good condition. For more details, call 580-658-1084 or 580-467-2870. FRANKLIN AUTO SALES: Buy, sell, or trade. 10 miles south of Lawton. Call 580585-3828 or 580-357-9000. FOR SALE: New 7500-KW diesel generator, like new, $3,000. New 8-HP 3000 PSI FOR SALE: 2000 Lincoln power washer, $400. New Navigator $20,000. Runs 8-HP 3-inch trash pump, great. Brother sewing ma$500. 10X22.5 tires, make ofchine, sews great, $60. Small fer. Call 580-429-8504, leave FOR SALE: 2007 Harley 883 rototiller, used once, $80. Call message. Low miles, excellent condi- 580-444-2653. BRUNO SCOOTER CHAIR tion. $5,300. 2007 Goldwing Used 2011 Chevy 2500HD LIFT: Good condition, instructrike and trailer, like new bed and bumper, $800. Long tion book included. Call for $29,500. Call 580-429-8504, bed and rear bumper, spray more details. 580-658-1084 on bed liner, tailgate has a Leave message. or 580-467-2870. FOR SALE: ATV 4-wheeler, couple small dents. Small FOR SALE: Playseat Evo2-wd, 1996, Yamaha Breeze, hole for gooseneck in bed. lution with Logitech Driving 200 cc, kept inside. Call 580- 580-353-8124. Force GT. For Playstation 3. FOR SALE: 1979 Chevy 467-6930. $475. Firm. Call 580-281FOR SALE: 2002 Harley- 1-ton, new air, cruise, every- 0318. Davidson, RS body type, L12 thing works and runs great! model, garage kept. Call 580- $2,650 OBO. Might trade. Two owners. Call 580-475512-2256. 8096. HOLT ELECTRIC Don Spivey Page 19 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Clothing U-HAUL: Studio-size piano. Tan finish needs help. Keys, hammers & felts are good. Needs tuning. Free if you haul it. Call for info, 580512-8736. Classifieds eXPERIENCE (VWLPDWHV 5HPRGHOLQJ 1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ KRXU6HUYLFH %21'('&$77/(%8<(56 &$77/(%28*+762/'$1'&2175$&7(' )UHVK1DWLYH&DWWOH %RXJKWWR\RXUVSHFL¿FDWLRQ *XDUDQWHHGWR\RXUVDWLVIDFWLRQ ,ILWLQYROYHV6WRFNHUDQG )HHGHUFDWWOHZHGRLW 2I¿FH 0RELOH 32%R[6WHUOLQJ2./LF2. SHUR-SHOT G UNS Kevin Smith 15$&HUWL¿HG,QVWUXFWRU 5LIOH6KRWJXQ &RQFHDOWR&DUU\&ODVVHV )LUHDUPV$PPR(WF Apache Auction Market Thursday 8 a.m. & Friday 10 a.m. Apache Video Wednesday 10 a.m. 800-926-9696 580-588-3840 (0LVVRXUL6W:DOWHUV VKXUVKRWJXQV#PDUWLQHHUQHW &DOORUFRPHE\WRUHJLVWHUIRU 0D\&RQFHDO&DUU\&ODVV 6KRS +RXUV &HOO DPWRSP0RQ)UL )D[ &ORVHDWSP:HG 6DWDPWRSP Livestock Marketing, Inc. Page 20 Current LET’S MOW Classifieds May 12, 2014 Kubota Z7255 Kubota Z723 Kubota Z724 $7799 $165 $8299 $176 *Cash *Per Month *Cash $8799 $186 *Cash ***Per Month ntth **Per Month All New Kubota 700 Series Zero Turn Mowers 'HVLJQHGDQGPDQXIDFWXUHGLQWKH 86$7KHFRPPHUFLDOJUDGH.XERWD =WDNHVRQWRXJKMREVZLWKDFF DLUFRROHGJDVROLQHHQJLQH´FXWWLQJ ZLGWKDQG´GHHSPRZHUGHFN &RPIRUWDQGFRQYHQLHQFHPHHWUXJJHG FRPPHUFLDOJUDGHTXDOLW\LQ.XERWD¶V =IHDWXULQJDKHDY\GXW\FF DLUFRROHGJDVROLQHHQJLQH´FXWWLQJ ZLGWKDQG´GHHSPRZHUGHFN .XERWD¶VWRSRIWKHOLQH=LVWKH FOHDUFXWFKRLFHIRUFRPPHUFLDOJUDGH TXDOLW\IHDWXULQJDFFDLUFRROHG JDVROLQHHQJLQH´FXWWLQJZLGWKDQG ´GHHSPRZHUGHFN Great Plains Duncan d n a r B e h T h it W e id R 1+Z\' 11-2 35,=(6 )5(()22' $7( 5 : 2 / 6 < $ *,9($: $1&,1* ,1 ) $ 7 2 % 8 /21*7(50. 621$// / $ ( ' 7 $ ( 5 * 1725< .8%27$,19( Kubota L3200 Premium Package /:'+3.XERWD/RDGHU%XFNHW /DQGSULGH´%R[%ODGH5RWDU\&XWWHU ¶8WLOLW\WUDLOHUZOED[OHVEUDNHV L3200 Package $19989 $352 *Cash *********Per Month Kubota’s Top Selling Kommander Series Z122E 48” 22HP Briggs & Stratton Z121S 48” 21HP Kohler Kubota Z121S $4979 $142 Kubota Z122E *Cash $4529 $130 *Cash *****Per Month ****Per Month Kubota Z125E Kubota Z125S $5329 $152 $5779 $164 *Cash ******Per Month *Cash Z125E 54” 25HP Briggs & Stratton *******Per Month Z125S 54” 25HP Kohler 3D\PHQWVRISHUPRQWKRQDQHZ.XERWD=EDVHGRQVDOHVSULFHRIDWGRZQ$35IRUPRQWKV.3D\PHQWVRISHUPRQWKRQDQHZ.XERWD=EDVHGRQVDOHVSULFHRIDW GRZQ$35IRUPRQWKV3D\PHQWVRISHUPRQWKRQDQHZ.XERWD=EDVHGRQVDOHVSULFHRIDWGRZQ$35IRUPRQWKV3D\PHQWVRISHUPRQWKRQQHZ.XERWD=(EDVHG RQVDOHVSULFHRIDWGRZQ$35IRUPRQWKV3D\PHQWVRISHUPRQWKRQDQHZ.XERWD=6EDVHGRQVDOHVSULFHRIDWGRZQ$35IRUPRQWKV3D\PHQWVRISHU PRQWKRQDQHZ.XERWD=(EDVHGRQVDOHVSULFHRIDWGRZQ$35IRUPRQWKV. ******* 3D\PHQWVRISHUPRQWKRQDQHZ.XERWD=6EDVHGRQVDOHVSULFHRIDWGRZQ$35 IRUPRQWKV3D\PHQWVRISHUPRQWKRQQHZ.XERWD/'73DFNDJHEDVHGRQVDOHVSULFHRIDWGRZQ$35IRUPRQWKV)LQDQFLQJDYDLODEOHIURP.XERWD&UHGLW&RUSRUDWLRQ86$ 'HO$PR%OYG7RUUDQFH&$VXEMHFWWRFUHGLWDSSURYDO3D\PHQWVLQFOXGHLPSOHPHQWVVHWXSDQGGRQRWLQFOXGHGHOLYHU\RUORFDOWD[HVZKHUHDSSOLFDEOH6RPHH[FHSWLRQVDSSO\2IIHUH[SLUHV6HH GHDOHUVKLSIRUGHWDLOVDQGRWKHUORZUDWH¿QDQFHRSWLRQV May 12, 2014 Current MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Kenmore heating and cooling unit, 22 volt. $350 OBO. McCormick Farmall 230 tractor with brush hog. $1,300 OBO. Bowflex, $200 OBO. 580-255-8214 or 6561407. OUT-OF-BUSINESS WEDDING SALE One pair brass heart and two pair invertedV candelabras, all w/spring loaded candles; 14 brass aisle candelabras w/globes & candles; heart-shaped table, 3-point table candelabras & other items. 580-5972338. FOR SALE: Washburn acoustic guitar, $100. Ruger air rifle with scope, new. $100. 580641-3300. BRAY & BRAY-DOYLE AllFOR SALE: 19 T-posts used Classes Reunion: Comefor electric fence. $2 each. and-go reception, 4-7 p.m. One Red Snap’r solar fence June 28 in the Bray Commucharger, $50. 580-281-3675. nity Center. For information, call 580-656-0868. WANT TO BUY: Propane gas cook stove and wood burning FOR SALE: 2 3/8” through 5 stove/heater. New or used. ½” structural tubing and casing. 580-606-0346. Call/ text 580-695-1962. FOR SALE: 14’x 94’ green- FOR SALE: Boathouse, Lake house. Comes with cover, Ellsworth. 20’x40’; furnished shade cloth, three 4x8 work- living/kitchen area, $29,000. ing tables, heater, and fan to Call 580-583-0353 keep plastic apart. To be torn PUPPIES Registered mini down and moved. 580-439- Aussie pups for sale, all 5488. colors, male & female, upFOR SALE: In-ground pool to-date on all shots and deequipment: Call 580-529- wormings. 580-695-6004. 2491. FOR SALE: Two consecutive numbered belt buckles for the Chickasha Train Depot. Call 580-252-3066. FOR SALE: Les Paul, TV yellow, electric guitar w/ case, $229. Epiphone PR150 Dreadnought acoustic guitar w/case, $199. Cecilio CVN200 flamed maple violin, bow and case, $199. 580492-6776 or 580-215-2192. FOR SALE: 150-gallon propane tank. 580-450-0681 FOR SALE: 2 3/8” and 2 7/8” tested tubing. $1.75. 580656-0346. SHAMPOO & STYLING CHAIR and shampoo bowl, $100 for both. Call 580-5740620. FOR SALE: Dinette set, 6 chairs, solid oak. $300. Good condition. Call 580-656-7987. FOR SALE: Five old school desks, $150 for all. 18-foot aluminum ladder, one side is 12 feet, $75. 1950 Ford pickup bed trailer, new tires, $500. Bob Davis, 580-5293733 or 580-351-7052. FOR SALE: Frigidaire window air conditioner, 120-volt, 15,000 BTU, with remote, used 30 days, absolutely like new, still installed so you can see it work. $300. 580-3559214. FOR SALE: Fresh goat’s milk. Central High area. 580252-7381. FOR SALE: 7 straps Autumn Lane brick, 135 per strap, $40.50 per strap. 580 5310131. FOR SALE: Large tan 3-cushion sofa, mint condition, $400. Dining table with 4 oak chairs, $200. End table w/glass top, $75. 580 5310131. HISTORIC MEDICINE PARK LONG-TERM LEASES, fullyfurnished cabins for rent. Lovingly restored/updated with modern amenities. Contact us at 580-353-5366,, AHRN or greenleaflivingmp. com. Referrals paid $100. FOR SALE: BabyBundler baby slings. Chiropractic approved, uses your whole back, not across one shoulder. Easy, discreet nursing, great bonding, soft material, nice colors. Paper & DVD instructions. Call 580-4396189 (Comanche). FURNITURE FOR SALE Divan, recliner, refrigerator, dishwasher, clothes washer, dryer, dining set, two china cabinets, bedroom suite, miscellaneous tables, lamps, rugs, much more. $4,000 for all. 580-365-4503, 512-8350 or 365-4483. WANTED! Old pickups, cars, 1900s to 1970s gas pumps, convertibles, hardtops, others. 580-658-3739. JOE ROSEBERRY: Allison Excavation LLC, Backhoe service, all types of construction, dirt, gravel, demolition, dozer, grader work, roll off containers, 580-695-8338. Classifieds AARON PARRIS, CPA Bookkeeping & Tax Services Payroll/Tax Planning/ Quickbooks Support 1303 W. Gore, Ste. 5 580-699-5510 fax: 699-5508 Starlite Welding Supplies Torch & Regulator Repair Welder-Torch Kit Specials “Like” Us On Facebook! 1 Yr. Cylinder Lease $40.95 SPECIALS on Welders/Generators 506 Industrial Ave.--By Duncan Cemetery Mon.-Fri., 7:30 am -5:30 pm; Sat., 7:30 am -1 pm Home-owned by Kenneth/Jeff Golay Since 1991 580-252-8320 Page 21 Classified Ad Policy Cotton Electric Cooperative offers many special services to its members. Among them are the classified ads in The Current. Members are entitled to two free classified ads per membership account per month, regardless of the number of meters on the account. Members are asked to limit ads to 30 words. Ads over 30 words may be purchased for $5. Non-members may also purchase ads for $5. Richard M. Albertson, MD General & Vascular Surgery Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Gallbladder Colonoscopy HIDA Scan Dysphagia 1607 Brookwood Duncan, OK 73533 (580)-255-2122 Page 22 Current News May 12, 2014 Parting Shots .(VX} FATHER’S DAY SALE Men’s Wrangler Shirts Buy One : Get One Half Off Men’s & Women’s "DKSR@MC7@KKDSR% Off Heavy equipment operator Chuck Ballard always keeps a close eye on the boom of the digger truck. Building Farm Ponds & Private Lakes In the Cotton Electric Service Area -Farm Pond and Lake ConstructionAlong With )HQFH5RZV %XLOGLQJ3DGV /DQG&OHDULQJ6KHDULQJ Serving the Southwest Area %XOOGR]HUV Trackhoes Call Bruce At- 580-641-1952 30 Years Experience ʀ Sales ʀ Construction ʀ Service Pool Cleaner with installation of an above-ground or in-ground pool. FREE! Automatic (*RUH%OYG/DZWRQƔƔZZZ6SODVK3RROQ6SDFRP DPSP0)ƔDPSP6DW Text “SPLASH” to 411247 “Like” Us On Facebook! They Think We’re Just Fishin’!
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