O - The Badlands Newsletter
O - The Badlands Newsletter
Volume 2, Issue 2 Aug - Sep 2003 Maquis Forces International Benjamin Kokochak 1982-2003 “Gone But Never Forgotten” Special Points of Interest: • Must Haves for a Star Trek Wedding • New Interview With Scott Bakula • Art Imitates Life... Imitates Art • Collectible Star Trek Dolls from Avon INSIDE THIS ISSUE: MFI Staff Directory 2 Cell Registry 4 EC Reports 7 CC Reports 10 AC Reports 17 ZC Reports 18 Maquis Wedding 22 Enterprise Review 24 ST Book Series 26 Maquis Squadron 30 Camp Dover News 35 Maquis Gras 2003 36 Memories of Ben Page 20 & 21 Badlands is the official newsletter of Maquis Forces International (MFI) and is published bimonthly. All articles are the property of MFI, however, they are the opinions of their authors & do not necessarily reflect those of the staff of Badlands or MFI. Permission is granted to copy any part of this newsletter, as long as proper credit is given to the author(s) and Badlands. Send all submissions to badlands@maquis.com, by the 25th of every even-numbered month. MFI Logos by Benjamin Kokochak Star Trek is a trademark of Paramount Pictures, all rights reserved. PAGE 2 BADLANDS Maquis Forces International is an alliance of Maquis clubs and individuals around the world for the purpose of the free exchange of ideas, information, and friendship. Like our fictional counterparts on Star Trek who went renegade from Starfleet, most of our membership left established fandom organizations in search of a better banner to fly under. Our chapters left such organizations feeling dissatisfied and not all together comfortable with the politics and infighting that plague many fan organizations. MFI is much different. Being Maquis gives us the freedom to act and play as we choose without an organization dictating how we run our chapters and eliminates the need for politics. MFI is a breed apart from the standard Star Trek organization in that we are here for fellowship and fun rather than politics and money. Executive Council MFI Coordinator FADM Gary Davis gdavis@maquis.com Vice MFI Coordinator ADM Tom Donohoe tdonohoe@maquis.com MFI Chief of Staff ADM Rob Johnson rjohnson@maquis.com MFI Chief Advisor ADM Laura Casey lcasey@maquis.com Coordinator Council Naval Operations VADM Jonathan Cone jcone@maquis.com Special Forces (SSD/SOC) BGEN Logan Andrews specops@maquis.com Maquis Forces Marine Corps GEN Christina Doane marines@maquis.com Computer Operations COMM J. William Robertson wrobertson@maquis.com Klingon Task Force BGEN Lenice Dixon ktf@maquis.com Maquis Academy ADM Mary Kerns academy@maquis.com Communications COMM Kimara Cha’Suran comm@maquis.com Administrative Council Diplomatic Corps COMM Warren Price wormmy@aeneas.net Membership GEN Christina Doane mfiapps@maquis.com Cadet Corps COL Matt (Koloth) Biggs Master Chief Petty Officer Vacant Judge Advocate General Vacant VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 3 Computer Operations Staff Database Manager CMDR Taylor Goodwill tgoodwill@maquis.com CompOps Coordinator MGN K'moghjIH zantai-Ki'RK ldfsr@yahoo.com Webmaster ADM Laura Casey goody@maquis.com Graphics Designer COMM Steven F. Binion steven.binion@gammaknights.org Graphics Design LTC James Doane darkbehemoth666@yahoo.com Chief Network Support Technician LTCDR Arslan Abdusalyamov xcomb@xcomb.com Graphics Design BGN David Allen mfs_nelson@hotmail.com Academy Staff Vice Commandant COMM Carl Lewis co@ussdominator.org Entrance Exam FADM Gary Davis fadm_davis@hotmail.com Aviation COMM John H Harris kb2izy@alltel.net Cell Command FCPT Charles Parks ussankhco@aol.com Communications CAPT Ashley Miller kathlexi@netscape.net Computer Sciences CAPT Taylor Goodwill tgoodwill@maquis.com Engineering COMM Anthony Spotts spotts1701@hotmail.com MFMC GEN Christina Doane mfmarines@yahoo.com Medicine Admiral Rob Johnson rjohnson@maquis.com Sciences CAPTSamuel Cummings scummings@maquis.com Communications Staff Badlands Chief Editor COMM Kimara Cha’Suran badlands@maquis.com Assistant Editor CAPT Kevin Duong mfs_claymore@yahoo.com Editorial Staff CMDR Maec Gishvind iceman2205@yahoo.com Editorial Staff LTCDR Ael Farstorm bluekitty2205@yahoo.com C O N S U L T A N T S PAGE 4 BADLANDS Maquis Cell Registry ZONE #1 (AL, GA, FL, MS, SC) Flagship MFS Carl Sagan - Lagrange, GA RADM Jonathan Cone MFI_CNO@yahoo.com ZONE #3 (CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) Flagship ICV Heghnach - Pittsburgh, PA MGEN K'moghjIH zantai-Ki'RK ldfsr@yahoo.com MFS Sutherland - Melbourne, FL ADM Rob Johnson maquis53@hotmail.com Gamma Knights - New Kensington, PA COMM Steven Binion zone3@maquis.com RN Hurricane - Coral Gables, FL CAPT Frank Baron DestroFL@Cyberdude.Com MFS Phantom - Easton, MA LTC Larry Henderson drkstr41@MailExcite.com LP Calumet - Kissimmee, FL CMDR Cindy Buxton, CO Rarestspice@aol.com MFS Pequawket - Standish, ME LTC Rob Sargent, CO/ Marine Unit OIC sargent@psouth.net LP DarkWind - Largo, Florida CAPT Darrell Morrison, CO xamot@hotpop.com ZONE #4 (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI) Flagship KFV Antares II - Kalamazoo, MI VADM Chad Etter cdetter159@chartermi.net ZONE #2 (DE, KY, MD, NC, TN, VA, WV) Flagship LP Philliger - Jackson, TN CAPT Warren Price wormmy@aeneas.net MFS Trinity - DelMar, VA BGEN Logan Andrews TrinityCO@maquis.com http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/usstrinity/ MFS Night Dragon - Capital Heights, MD CAPT Garry Hickman rbltrekker@aol.com MFS Resolute - Kingsport, TN COMM Kimara Cha'Suran mfs_resolute@yahoo.com MFS Claymore - Johnson City, TN CAPT Kevin Duong mfs_claymore@yahoo.com MFS Phoenix - Newport News, VA CAPT Robert Jay ktarra@juno.com LP LoneStar - Christiansburg, VA FCPT Richard Campbell mw3child@bellatlantic.net MFS Stonewall Jackson - Church Hill, Tennessee CAPT Eric Larkin, CO Stonewalltn@aol.com MFV Ka’la - Anderson, IN HoD B'Kai L'Yanaa lenice@masterent.com KFV Maelstorm II - Kalamazoo, MI CAPT Lacy Wright eldub67@yahoo.com LP Pontiac - Pontiac, MI Kai/COL Fleis Davies (David House) kai_in_the_sky@yahoo.com MFS Nelson - Cleveland, OH BGEN Dave Allen mfsnelson@hotmail.com MFS-M Nelson Detachment - Cleveland, OH MFS-M Nelson - SSD Field Office Cleveland, OH MFS Blackfire - North Royalton, OH FADM Gary Davis gdavis@maquis.com LP DarkStar - Bolingbrook, IL Commander Mike Morell, Commanding Officer mikeeb1350@aol.com ZONE #5 (IA, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD) Flagship LP ASAR - Springfield, Mo FCPT Charles T. Parks ussankhco@aol.com VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 5 Maquis Cell Registry MFS Excalibur MCC-74214 - St. Louis, MO CAPT Jeff Weber jmweber_mcc74214@yahoo.com USS Shadowhawk - Middleton, ID CAPT Wayne Haning blackknight500@lycos.com MFS Jagger - Florissant, MO CAPT Orion Blastar orionblastar@telocity.com ZONE #9 (AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, WA) Flagship MFS Deathstar - Tri-Cities, WA ADMl Bob Kerns rolan@owt.com ADM Mary Kerns zeenah@owt.com ADM Barry Bolstad teranova@3-cities.com MS Reformation - Anchorage, AK ADM Rob Blalock redeemed@tds.net MFS Lafayette - Hutchinson, KS RADM Dennis K, Cross MFS-LAFAYETTE@cox.net LP Kiowa - Slater, IA MAJ Tom Webster trekfan30@yahoo.com ZONE #6 (AR, LA, OK, TX) Flagship MFS Jim Bridger - Perryton, Texas ADM S. Adam Day admiral-sadamday@shermpublications.com LP Starthruster - Arlington, TX LTCDR Clayton A. Jackson II cjacksonii678@cs.com MFS Texas FCPT Brad Evans bevans-sector47@shermpublications.com MFS Amarillo - Amarilo, TX FCPT Ryan Jackson rjackson-amarillo@shermpublications.com, USS Forrestal CV-59 - Fairbanks, AK RADM Cameron L. Dingler Forrestalcv59@hotmail.com MFS Rising Star - Sacramento, CA ADM Rob Lerman rlerman@calweb.com LP Cobra - Santa Monica, CA LT Peter Picanso n6vdl@mindspring.com MFS Rebel - Las Vegas, NV COMM Anthony Spotts spotts1701@hotmail.com MFS-M Wraith Detachment - Salem, OR MFS Eddington - Brookston, TX RADM Steve Bearden, CO mfseddington@hotmail.com ZONE #7 (AZ, CO, NM, UT) Flagship LP Oro Grande - Alamogordo, NM SGM Jack Kern pjkern@hotmail.com MFS Tiwahe - Denver, CO "Menage a' Maquis" Information Officer John-David Childs info@maquis69.org ZONE #8 (ID, MT, WY) Flagship USS John F. Kennedy - Boise, ID RADM SherryJo Crandall sherryjo@hotmail.com MFS Nebula - Snohomish WA ADM Laura Casey lcasey@maquis.com ZONE #10 Europe Flagship Starbase Essex - Essex, England COMM Duncan Robinson duncan_stuart@hotmail.com http://www.geocities.com/starbaseessex/ LP Omega - Ticino, Switzerland FCPT Patrick Moser moser_patrick@hotmail.com http://www.ticino.com/usr/lpomega/ ZONE #11 Canada Flagship Maquis Forces Starbase 11 - Montreal, Quebec FCPT Mark Drainville Drainer@cam.org PAGE 6 BADLANDS Maquis Cell Registry LP Burlington - Burlington, Ontario CAPT Michael Van Geyn mvangeyn@cgocable.net MFS Aztec - Portland, OR COMM Will Robertson wrobertson@maquis.com ZONE #12 Asia Flagship MFS Redcloud - Korea BGEN Mick Forand MaquisROK@aol.com LP Falcon - Sparks, NV LTCDR Jason Taylor ussfalcon1701@powernet.net ZONE #13 Pacific Zone Commander Unassigned ZONE #14 South America Zone Commander Unassigned ZONE #15 Africa Zone Commander Unassigned ZONE VR Online Internet Chapters Flagship LP Marshal Martz - Jamestown, NY COMM John H. Harris jharris10@stny.rr.com MFS Liberty – Kalamazoo, MI GEN Christina Doane marines@maquis.com MFS Dominator - Charleston, SC COMM Carl Lewis co@ussdominator.org, MNAS Detroit - Detroit, MI CAPT Samuel Cummings Samuel@TWMI.rr.com MFSS Karag - Kansas City, Missouri MGEN Matt Copple mcopple@kcpathfinder.orgom VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 7 From the Center Seat Force Admiral Gary Davis - International Coordinator Greetings from the Center Seat! Boy, the seat really feels good this month since I had the opportunity to give away one of my "hats", that of the Newsletter Editor! A HEARTY THANKS to Commodore Kim Brooks for volunteering to take on the mantle of Chief of Communications and lending to our organization her vast and awesome newsletter talents. I browsed a few issues of the PHOTORP, newsletter for her SFI chapter, USS MALVERNE and I KNEW that she was the person to take on our fledgling BADLANDS. After the awesome contributions last month, I had hoped to score a "deuce" and get another great issue for the membership to see. I know Kim won't disappoint us now or in the future (no pressure there, Commodore). Its a good thing that her persona is that of a Romulan so she will be cool and collected under fire (big grin). It has been a great few months for MFI, I have to tell you. Our Membership Department is churning out commissioning emails as we are being treated to a flurry of applications from new membership and chapters (some of which are bridging the gap from Starfleet to the Maquis!). This new influx of members is just what the organization needed to generate new ideas, opinions, and activities. I welcome each and every one of you and I hope to "meet" you online in chats and on the listserv. Speaking of the listservs, they are doing great! As one of the few requirements for membership, it looks as if we have a very good presence by our members and chapters in discussions and the passing around of good Maquis, Trek, and general Sci-Fi material. Keep up the chatter folks! What I like about our listservs (and I'm subscribed to EVERY one we have), is that there is not TOO much traffic and just enough to keep you interested in one thing or another. As one of the new duties of our Chief of Communications, Commodore Brooks will act as moderator for the public listserv or appoint someone on her yet to be named staff to accomplish that task for her. We've never actually needed a moderator per se whose function is to ensure that we all behave and act like good officers and ladies/gentlemen but its good to have one nonetheless. On a personal note, thank you to everyone who sent me well wishes and prayers for my spouse Judy on her surgery this month. She was in the hospital for almost a week and is now resting (somewhat uncomfortably) under my care. She is restricted to one floor and under medication for a few weeks, so my days are spent running upstairs for her and downstairs for the kids (groan). I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding when it comes to reaching me. Just know that I check email every night and when I can, I sit down on MSN and catch up with folks about this and that. Well.. that's about all from the Center Seat today. I'm impressed with the DRIVE and determination of our new Chief of Communications. I ask everyone to jump on the motivation train she is running and turn in an article, a book review, a movie review, or a letter to the editor. SOMETHING. This is YOUR newsletter and its your opportunity to share you thoughts, ideas, opinions, etc with the rest of the organization! Until next time. MAQUIS FOREVER. PAGE 8 BADLANDS Second Thoughts Admiral Tom Donohoe - Vice Coordinator Well Maquis, we are making inroads with our continuing effort to bring Maquis Forces International (MFI) and STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association Inc. (SFI) closer together. The SFI Starships USS Nebula and USS Parallax are doing very well, and if any members would like to join either Starship or if you are interested in starting your own SFI Starship please contact me and I will help you get assigned or point you in the right direction at Starfleet Headquarters. The FADM and I are in talks with SFI regarding a more in-depth Maquis presence in SFI and without letting anything out of the bag; our infiltration teams should be departing for Earth very shortly! I am sure you will be hearing more about that very soon. On a more Maquis note, things seem to be running fairly smoothly. MFI HQ has run into a few speed bumps but I believe that the Coordinator Council and ZC’s are handling what has come up very well. There has been some speculation as to why I was recalled to the Fleet from the Maquis Forces Marine Corps (MFMC). I decided that with Christina Doane being promoted to full General, one General around MFI HQ was enough. That way there wouldn’t be any confusion as to who was in charge of the Corps, not that there ever was. (Christina, put that phaser down! ☺ ) All MFI Special Interest Groups still report to the Office of the Vice International Coordinator, and I help and advise them when requested and required. We have had a lot of ups and downs these last few weeks. I would like to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. James Doane on their recent marriage. Where I am sure everyone recognizes Mrs. Doane as our own General Christina Doane, Commandant of the Maquis Marine Corps and Mr. Doane as Lieutenant Colonel James Doane of the Computer Operations Department and Maquis Forces Kalamazoo, Michigan. I would also like to express my sincerest condolences to the family of Commander Ben Kokochak, who was an integral part of the Computer Operations Department and designer of our current MFI logo. His passing was a great shock and he will be greatly missed. VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 From Behind the Curtain Admiral Rob Johnson - MFI Chief of Staff It's nice to see all the renewed interest in the Academy courses. We've had some good participation in both the Aviation and Medical Colleges. For those of you that haven't given them a shot yet, what are you waiting for? All of the colleges have strived to put together courses that are entertaining, as well as educational. The deans try to make the course material based on information that can either be easily found on the web, or in common Trek reference books. If the material can't be found easily through a search engine, we try to make our own reference sites. A good example of Maquis based reference pages is my "Medical Reference Library" for the MACOM Pharmacology, Alien Medicine and Ship's Councilor exams. If you consider opening two Web Browser windows (the term multitasking comes to mind here), one window for the exam and the other window opened to the reference pages, almost every exam in the academy could be considered an "open book" exam. Put our Academy Deans to work. Check out the Academy grounds, chose some exams to take and earn some ribbons in the process! See you on campus. Virtual Advisory Admiral Laura Casey - MFI Chief Advisor No report given. PAGE 9 PAGE 10 BADLANDS Marine Forces Marine Corps General Christina Doane - MFMC Commandant Division 1 Division Commander - MGN K’moghjIH zantai-Ki'RK ldfsr@yahoo.com Division XO - COL Koloth KONDOR1701@aol.com First Brigade Acting First Brigade OIC-COL Koloth KONDOR1701@aol.com First Brigade Deputy OIC-Vacant. Battalion 1 - Alabama Battalion 2 - Georgia Battalion 3 - Florida Battalion 4 - Mississippi Battalion 5 - South Carolina Battalion 6 - Delaware Battalion 7 - Kentucky Battalion 8 - Maryland Battalion 9 - North Carolina Battalion 10 - Tennessee Battalion 11 - Virginia Battalion 12 - West Virginia Second Brigade MGN K'moghjIH zantai-Ki'RK ldfsr@yahoo.com Brigade Deputy OIC-Vacant Battalion 13 - Connecticut Battalion 14 - Massachusetts Battalion 15- Maine Battalion 16 - New Hampshire Battalion 17- New Jersy Battalion 18- New York Battalion 19- Pennsylvania Battalion 20 - Rhode Island Battalion 21- Vermont Battalion 22- Illinois Battalion 23- Indiana Battalion 24 - Michigan Battalion 25 - Ohio Battalion 26 - Wisconsin Third Brigade MAJ Tom Webster floydfan42@aol.com Battalion 27 - Iowa Battalion 28 - Kansas Battalion 29 - Missouri Battalion 30- Minnesota Battalion 31- North Dakota Battalion 32- Nebraska Battalion 33- Arkansas Battalion 34- Louisiana Battalion 35- Okalhoma Battalion 36 - Texas Division 2 Division Commander - Colonel Larry Henderson jestr95@yahoo.com Division XO - TBD Fourth Brigade Brigade OIC:Vacant Battalion 37 - Arizona Battalion 38- Colorado Battalion 39- North Mexico Battalion-40-Utah Battalion 41 - Idaho Battalion 42- Montana Battalion 43- Wyoming Battalion 44- Alaska Battalion 45- California Battalion 46- Hawaii Battalion 47- Nevada Battalion 48 - Oregon Battalion 49- Washington Fifth Brigade-Europe and Canada Brigade OIC:Vacant Battalion 50-Europe Battalion 51-Canada Sixth Brigade -Asia and Pacific Zones Brigade OIC:Vacant Battalion 52-Asia Battalion 53-Pacific Division 3 Division Commander - Kai/Captain Fleis Davies Kai_in_the_sky@yahoo.com Seventh Brigade-South America and Africa Zones Brigade OIC:Vacant Battalion 54-South America Battalion 55-Africa Eighth Brigade Brigade OIC:Vacant Battalion 56 - Online Companies Ninth Brigade Acting Brigade OIC- Kai/Captain Fleis Davies Kai_in_the_sky@yahoo.com Battalion 57-Affiliated Embassies and Member "Exchange" Command Battalion 58-ZONE L Lost in the Delta Quadrant Chapters gone dark VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 11 Executive Order 0930.03 Be in known that on this day the position of MFMC-Reserve Chief on the MFMC Council is hereby dissolved. Instead Force Colonel Liam Collins, ad4489@wayne.edu, will be the MFMC Charity Facilitator. The MFMC Charity Facilitator will be responsible for: 1-Bringing to the attention of the MFMC members or other interested parties, information regarding charity opportunities. 2-Will advise interested parties on the most efficient methods to go about their charity event. 3-Will also advise as to forms of fund raising. 4-Will assist interested units in locating information regarding any local laws or policies regarding their event. 5-Will insure that the news of the event is broadcast 6-Advise as to forms of charity events. Mr. Collins is trusted to implement these in his own manner. Interested persons are encouraged to contact Force Colonel Collins. General Christina Doane MFI Marines Commandant Charity Service Highlight - GEN Christina Doane "We must remember that the promise of tomorrow will not be fulfilled easily. The collective commitment of our nations, as well as the vision, wisdom and hard work of many, many individuals will be required to bring our dreams to fruition. “In a way the Enterprise and the optimistic future in which it exists might be thought of as a reminder of what we can achieve when we really try." -Gene Roddenberry, Aug. 19, 1921 - Oct. 24, 1991 Many Trekkers have taken his words to heart, donating their time, money, and resources to improving the lot of their fellow human beings. For decades fans have conducted fund raisers, volunteered, and for some reason are usually happy to bare their arms for the Red Cross. I have seen this in action more times that I can count. Everything from raising money for a pet charity to sending books to needy students abroad is fair game. No cause or amount of effort is too small or great. Everyone can do something, whether it be recycling, donating old clothes, or even just picking trash up from the sidewalk. Don't feel like you have to save the world (though I certainly wouldn't argue with that *grin*) but could it hurt to take a look around your community? Maybe, just maybe there's a little something you can do? Here's just a couple of examples: “The idea behind Ronald McDonald House is simple: provide a “home-away-from-home” for families of seriously ill children who are receiving treatment at nearby hospitals. Some children need to travel great distances to get the medical attention they need. In-hospital treatment may last one day, one year, or even longer. For the families of these children, accommodations can be hard to come by; options are often limited to costly hotels or unforgiving hospital chairs and benches. The Ronald McDonald House provides a comfortable, supportive alternative for these families. It serves as a temporary residence near the medical facility where family members can sleep, eat, relax and find support from other families in similar situations. In return, families are asked to make a donation ranging from $5 to $20 per day; if that isn’t possible, their stay is free." [as quoted on their website http://www.rmhc.com/mission/rmhs/index.html] There is a donating going on to help with the operating and amenities expenses but not of money. Pop tabs, tiny little pop tabs. Our Allies at the Cha'douw Empire have made this their main charity, if you would like to collect and send the tabs you can use the Ronald website or send them on to me, General Christina Doane [mfmarines@yahoo.com] and I'll be happy to send them on to the Cha'douw Empire Ambassador with the Maquis’ compliments. Another charity taken up by the members of the Maquis comes to us from the members of the ICV Hegnach, under the command of Major General K'moghjIH [Larry French]. The ICV Hegnach is currently participating in the Lee National Denim Day to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The CO is collecting $5 from every participating employee in order to wear jeans at work on October 10, 2003. The CO will be collecting every day from now until the event. To learn more about the event, go to http://www.komen.org/sponsors/lee.asp. These are only two examples and by no means meant to limit what you feel you can do. All one can do is what’s right and what works for them. “Do the best you can, with what you have, where you are." -Teddy Roosevelt PAGE 12 Computer Operations Commodore J. William Robertson Coming soon... BADLANDS VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 13 ...to a PC near you! PAGE 14 BADLANDS Communications Commodore Kimara Cha’Suran - Chief of Communications Hello from your new Chief of Communications! My name is Kimberly Brooks, though I prefer to go by my person, Kimara Cha’Suran, a Rihannsu/Terran hybrid. (For information on the Rihannsu, or Romulan, names, go to www.geocities.com/ ikv_resolute/databanks). This first project, taking over the publication of Badlands, has been a both a joy and a pain. I wanted it to be perfect, and I was worrying myself needlessly over details that most of you won’t give a second thought to. So I hope you enjoy this issue! Communications Staff: It was my plan to bring Ben Kokochak on board, since he and I had worked so well together in the past. He would have enjoyed it so much. Trying to formulate my thoughts on Ben has slowed my down considerably. I miss him so much. I posted about getting applications for staff, and I’m sad to say that I only got three responses. Don’t anyone dare accuse me of nepotism, because anyone could have applied. First up is our new Assistant Editor, Kevin Duong. He’s the CO of the nearby MFS Claymore, and a co-worker, too. Next are Ael Farstorm (Morgan Kirby) and Maec Gishvind (Matt Brooks), my daughter and son respectively. They will be part of the editorial staff and helped out greatly this issue finding interesting things for you readers. Ael is the Resolute’s Chief Science Officer while Maec is the Chief Helmsman. Our crew is multi-raced, and we have a lot of fun with that. Most of us are members of other fan organizations, and this allows us to explore other options. I want to thank everyone that sent in things for this issue of Badlands. It is my goal to bring you the best newsletter, and in a timely manner. In trying to get on a regular schedule, submissions for the October/November issue are due by the 25th of October. Please note the disclaimer that is on the cover. So send us news about you, your cell, both real life and within MFI. Pat yourself on the back, people! See you next issue! Kevin Maec Ael VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 15 From the Academy Grounds Admiral Mary Kerns - Academy Commandant Recent Graduates MFI Entrance Exam Kimara Cha’Suran Cell Command Exam Kimara Cha’Suran COLLEGE of MEDICINE General Practitioner Exam Samuel S. Cummings Kimara Cha’Suran - Honors Christina Doane MACOM Alien Medicine Specialty Chad Etter Kimara Cha’Suran - Honors Samuel S. Cummings MARINE COLLEGE NCO Exam Logan Andrews - Honors Kimara Cha’Suran COLLEGE OF AVIATION Pilot Dennis Cross Flight Leader Dennis Cross - Honors Squadron Leader Dennis Cross - Honors History of Spaceflight Dennis Cross - Honors MACOM Cardiology Specialty Christina Doane Chat Etter Academy News All takers of the NCO or OCS test please note I still cannot access the results of your test. Please either send me proof of your score or send me your answers. Thanks :). General Christina Doane MFI Academy Marine College Dean If anyone is interested in taking the Councilor exam, be aware...We have been having problems accessing the stats page of the automated exams, so, after taking the exam, when the "results" window pops up, capture the information (left click, drag & highlight the entire message, hit [Control] + [C] ), copy it into an email and send it to me at macofm@hotmail.com. Any questions, email me privately. Admrial Robert J McCoy, MD (aka ADM Rob Johnson) Dean, Maquis Academy College Of Medicine (MACOM) Greetings, Fellow resistance fighters! This is just a notice that I've approved and appointed the new Associate Dean of the Sciences College, Force Captain Duncan Robinson of Starbase Essex. Force Captain Robinson comes to the College with an impressive Educational background and is what I believe to be a great asset here at the Academy. Congratulations, and welcome aboard, sir! Captain Samuel Cummings Dean, College of Sciences PAGE 16 BADLANDS I’ve been a fan of Battletech since the late 1990’s it is my hope that others who take this course develop an interest in Battletech, if they’ve not done so already. I hope you find this course informative and fun. It’s recommended that you have the Battletech Master Rules Manual prior to starting this course. For the purposes of design the MFMC Mekks will be base on Battletech 3050 Clan Omni-Mech Technology converted to Star Trek Technology standards. This manual is meant to supplement the Master Rules for conversions to Trek technology, it is not designed as a stand-alone manual. To keep things simple and the manual small I’ll be concentrating on listing the Mekk Types used by the MFMC. Trek Equipment will cover similar Battletech Equipment for which a glossary for cross-referencing will be provided at the end of the Manual. This will list the appropriate Equipment Rules in the Battletech Manual relating to the conversion. Good Luck Students. Marine Captain Paul Williams Listening Post Juno Beach VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 17 Membership Recently Commissioned Cells Zone 1 LP Calumet Kissimmee, FL CMDR Cindy Buxton, CO Rarestspice@aol.com Zone 3 MFS Pequawket Standish, ME LTC Rob Sargent, CO/ Marine Unit OIC sargent@psouth.net First Sgt. Chris Turner, XO/Marine Unit DOIC tetsu_ashi@hotmail.com ChapEMail: leonello_g@hotmail.com LP DarkWind - Largo, Florida CAPT Darrell Morrison, CO xamot@hotpop.com Zone 4 LP DarkStar Bolingbrook, IL Commander Mike Morell, CO mikeeb1350@aol.com Zone 2 MFS Stonewall Jackson Church Hill, Tennessee CAPT Eric Larkin, CO Stonewalltn@aol.com CMDR John Kane, XO kiwikane@earthlink.net Zone 5 LP ASAR - Springfield, Mo FCPT Charles T. Parks, CO MFS Resolute Kingsport, TN COMM Kimara Cha’Suran, CO mfs_resolute@yahoo.com CAPT Charles D. McDaniel, XO cdjames32@charter.net Cell URL: www.geocities.com/mfs_resolute MFS Claymore Johnson City, TN CAPT Kevin Duong, CO mfs_claymore@yahoo.com CMDR Elizabeth Duong, XO Cell URL: www.geocities.com/mfs_claymore ussankhco@aol.com Captain Loretta Parks, XO Zone VR Maquis Space Station Karag MGN Matthew Copple, CO/Marine Unit OIC mcopple@kcpathfinder.org CAPT Joe Brouhard, XO jbrouhard@ussproxima.org Cell URL: http://www.kcpathfinder.org/sskarag/ Star Trek Classic Figures Exclusive set of three action figures from the Starship Enterprise. Figures (Mr. Spock, Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy) feature technically superior articulation. Plastic. 6 1/2" H. Ages 3 and up. Figures wear their Star Trek uniforms. Mr. Spock comes with a science tricorder. Captain Kirk comes with a phaser. Dr. McCoy comes with a medical tricorder. www.avon.com PAGE 18 BADLANDS Zone Coordinator Reports Zone 3 K'moghjIH, Zone Coordinator CO - ICV Heghnach Greetings one and all, Well, this month, I am a few days late again. I always very busy with activity and things. Wow, another month just flew by! The crew wasn't that busy this month with ship business, but the XO and I were very busy. I completed my sixth course for my MBA Technology Management, but have not received my grade yet. I start the seventh course, Legal Environment of Business on Thursday. Ksimka and I are now both active in the Loyal Order of Moose. Debbie is Senior Regent (President) for the Women of the Moose. Larry is Lodge Sergeant at Arms, Picnic Committee Chairman, and Publications Chairman. He is the webmaster for both Lodge and District and does the newsletter for the Lodge. We had been very involved planning fundraisers, writing the newsletter, and planning the annual picnic. For more information concerning the websites that I've designed and my background, go to: http://www.angelfire.com/trek/heghnach/webmaster.html . I know that many of the House Ki'RK and other Klingons participate in an organization called SCA (the Society for Creative Anachronism) which is basically reenactors of the middle ages (early 17th and 18th centuries). K'moghjIH and Ksimka are now involved with reenactors, but not so far back in time. We are talking about the Civil War era of the 19th century. We are deep into researching the ways and means of these people to participate with these reenactors. The group that we are with is called the 9th PA Reserves, Company A ( http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/ ~jw3u/9th.htm ) where I’m assigned as a Company Chaplain and Ksimka is a Chaplain's wife. Ksimka got interested in this venture from her friends in KAI back in Chicago and she got me interested as a family activity. Maquis Update I have just been assigned as the Zone 3 Coordinator and MFMC 3rd Brigade OIC (basically the same job) for the Maquis Forces International. Zone 3 (naval) and 3rd Brigade (marine) covers all the personnel in the Northeast USA (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont). I have begun to determine who is active in this area and gaining information for reporting and coordination purposes. Klingon / STARFLEET Joint Operations Update The ICV Heghnach/USS Inferno will have their formal meeting this month near the home of the Inferno's CO tomorrow. We recruited the last remaining member for the USS Inferno to get commissioned in STARFLEET International. We will continue to discuss how the new House Ki'RK warrior trainee is progressing, and begin making plans for Beach Bash and the Inferno's Commissioning Party. Community Service Project The ICV Hegnach is currently participating in the Lee National Denim Day to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The CO is collecting $5 from every participating employee in order to wear jeans at work on October 10, 2003. The CO will be collecting every day from now until the event. To learn more about the event, go to: http://www.denimday.com/ Upcoming Events The only upcoming events that we know of right now are: Civil War events 25 September 2003--Carnegie parade 4-5 October 2003--Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall encampment 28 October 2003--Bloomfield parade 11 November 2003--Pittsburgh Veterans Day parade 15-16 November 2003--Remembrance Day, Gettysburg, PA (VB event) Ship events Maquis Gras Light, Valparaiso, Indiana on October 11, 2003 http://www.maquis.com/mfa/gras1.htm Beach Bash, Compass Cove Oceanfront Resort http://www.compasscove.com/, Myrtle Beach, SC on November 710. http://beachbash.virtualave.net/ Qapla! VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 19 Zone Coordinator Reports Zone 5 FCPT Charles Thomas Parks, Zone Coordinator MFI Cell Command College Dean CO, LP ASAR Greetings: All chapters have reported in with the exception of the MFS Jagger. Congratulations to Rear Admiral Cross of the MFS-Lafayette whom has taken and passed all the Maquis Aviation College exams (all with honors except one). We also congratulate Rear Admiral Cross on his new position as the Assistant Dean of the Maquis Academy Aerospace College. The new LP ASAR in Springfield Missouri has been approved by the Chief of Naval Operations and submitted to the Chief of Computer Operations. The Commanding Officer of the LP will be Force Captain Charles Thomas Parks and the Executive Officer will be Captain Loretta Parks. That is what is happening in Zone 5. Zone 2 COMM Kimara Cha'Suran, Asst. Zone Coordinator CO, MFS Resolute Congratulations to our new ZC, COMM Warren Price, a longtime MFI member. ZC Price asked me to give the report for this issue, and though it is sparse, here goes: I’m proud to say that our zone has three, count ‘em THREE new cells. They are the MFS Resolute, MFS Claymore, and MFS Stonewall Jackson. I’m sure we all plan to make Zone 2 one of the most active in MFI. Happy 19th birthday to CMDR Maec Gishvind, Chief Helm Officer on the Resolute, September 28th. He received his own personal shuttle as a gift from his mom. There’s a couple Slanted Fedora Conventions in the are in early November. I know, I’ve heard the rumors about financial trouble. We’re so starved for anything sci-fi related in my part of the world, that I don’t worry. As long as we’re able to promote our ship, see some guests, and have fun, that’s all I care about. That’s all this time. Watch for COMM Price next issue! PAGE 20 BADLANDS Benjamin Leighton Kokochak Kimberly Brooks I first met Ben in an online chat room. He was so sweet, wanting to meet everyone and make new friends. We were both members of SFI, though he didn’t have a chapter yet. I invited him to join the one I was on at the time and he agreed. Even though we ended up leaving for other chapters, we still stayed good friends. Eventually, since we both were always looking for something new to do, we founded the Resolute. Ben developed his own persona, which you can read on the next page. He was so talented, and even now I catch myself saying, “I need to show Ben this.”, or “Ben will LOVE that.” Ben was like a surrogate son to me, and it thrilled me to find out he called me his ‘Phone Mom’, to others. I will miss him always. Matt Brooks Like most of us, I only knew Ben online, and the plan was to go visit him one day. You think you have all the time in the world, then it’s too late. Ben ‘ol buddy, I miss you and our talks, and I hope you know what a good friend I considered you. Pic from Ben’s HS Thespian Group Morgan Kirby Ben gave me my first “grown-up” job, as assistant editor for our chapter’s newsletter. Though I was only 13, he felt I could do the job. I’ll always be grateful for him giving me a chance, and for being my friend. Like my family, I’m sorry that I never got to meet Ben in person, though I’ll never forget him. Rahadyan Sastrowardoyo "We are those who visit Time but belong to Eternity...." True Trek Fan - Ben’s mom gave him this haircut. Jentala’s Honor Blade VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 21 CMDR Jentala Jentaro Krintami, Chief Engineer (Terran Persona: Ben Kokochak) Home World: Telmank Place of Birth: Domanu, Capitol City Date of Birth: 2345 in the year of Hinal Age: 25 Physique/Build: Heavyset, but muscular Weight: 200 standard lbs. Height: 6 standard feet 3 standard inches Eye Colour: hazel to dark green (depending on mood) Hair Colour: dark brown with blond highlights on sideburns Skin Tone: light red Distinguishing Marks: slight indentations under ears, where the Ferkan gills used to be... now decorated with glowing blue jewel strips Marital Status: single Mother: Nemanuq Lopqun Father: Kroteal Mqunat Brother: Oputnai Cwuvalr Talents/Abilities: ability to adapt to any situation, and to blend in a crowd... is able to use this talent to observe and use what he sees and hears to the advantage of his friends, family, and shipmates. Strengths: Excels in quantum mechanics and computational subspace flux dynamics. Also is able to scrounge up any needed part or anything else needed. Limitations/Weaknesses: Beautiful women, allergic to plomeek soup, and Romulan ale Likes: Beautiful women, glop on a stick, parisees squares, Klingon opera, Andorian Sweet Breads... Dislikes: Orions, bureaucracy, Romulan Sitar Ballads Quirks: Likes to hang upside down from the quantum converter in the engine room while quoting Ferengi Interest Calculations and listening to Klingon Opera... Hobbies/Interests: Beautiful women, parisees squares, Klingon opera, Buddhist sand art.... Ambitions: to one day have his own privateer vessels and give space tours to wealthy Federation citizens Education: Starfleet Academy School of Engineering * Warp Field Theory * Subspace Reactor Management * Space Frame Design Empirucus Romulus Academy of Engineering * Quantum Mechanics * Military History * Centurion Academy Vulcan Academy of Science * Temporal Mechanics * Subspace Flux Dynamics * Xenoarchaeology Promotion History: 1 year Starfleet cadet 1 year Uhlan 2 year Spaceman 1st class 2 years Centurion Service Record: 2 years aboard the Federation trainer ship Xerxes 3 years on the Romulan ship Delania 2 years Engineer apprenticeship on the spaceline Britannia 3 months on the ship Resolute Personal History and Origin: Jentala was born to middle class parents on the Ferkan homeworld of Telmank. His father was a manager of a government power generating plant when there was a catastrophic meltdown and his father was severely injured. Jentala was forced to go to work as a Diplomatic aide to the Federation ambassador to Telmank. Due to his excellent work as an aide for two years the ambassador offered him a spot in Starfleet Academy, which his parents urged him to take. Jentala served with excellence in his two years at the Starfleet Academy, but dropped out due to the fact he was upset with the Federation's policies of not giving aide to the Ferkan government in their time of need. Jentala then spent 2 years as an Engineers apprentice on the passenger spaceliner Britannia. He was urged by the captain and the chief engineer of the ship to attend Vulcan Academy of Science for further study in engineering. Jentala attended the VAS for 3 years but found that the Vulcan's were too "stuffy", and he decided to move on. He wondered about for about a year before he was recruited by a Romulan Tal-Shiar operative on the Risa colony. Due to the fact that she was the most gorgeous woman he had beheld, he soon found his way to Empirucus Romulus Academy. After three years of study he served a year as an Uhlan aboard the Delania as Engineers mate, then two years as a Centurion as Assistant Engineer. He was then transferred to the Resolute, where he still serves today. PAGE 22 BADLANDS Maquis Wedding James Doane & Christina Runewicz September 13, 2003 Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Doane! VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 23 Must-Haves For Your Star Trek Wedding • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Four pips on the officiator. Lirpas, for the people who know why these two may not be wed. A prenuptial agreement that children won't be named "Wesley", "Naomi", "Icheb," or any name on B'Elanna's baby list. A copy of Men are from Q'nos, Women are from Trill A guide to dealing with alien in-laws Health/Accident insurance with optional "Klingon sex" rider A bachelor/bachelorette party thrown by a Talaxian several weeks before the wedding. Guests from a minimum of four planets other than Terra, preferably from more than one quadrant. A red-alert scattering field (which also disrupts cell phones and beepers). DNA, chroniton, and quantum-level scans to make sure your intended is exactly who s/ he/it claims to be, from the right universe and the right timestream. Fully paid life insurance premiums, especially if someone in the wedding wears a red shirt to work. Personalized vows which include the lines, "Will you assimilate this life form, in carbon, silicon, or photon; in space and planetside; in gravity and in zero-gee; for starship, freighter, or shuttlecraft; for promotion or demotion; in reruns and in syndication; until low ratings do you part?" A Klingon attendant whose sole function is to march over to anyone who pipes up during the "if anyone objects to this union" part of the ceremony, rip out his/her/its tongue, and wear it as a belt. A money-back guarantee if your intended is an ensign and dies within thirty days of the wedding. Not applicable to the future spouse(s) of Harry Kim, since he's recyclable. A Trill at the reception. (Guaranteed to liven up the party.) A Borg bouncer. Romulan ale, kanar, bloodwine, and Saurian brandy; but a Ferengi bartender. (Open bars are expensive.) Designated shuttlecraft pilots, to make sure everyone gets home from the party. Subcutaneous alcohol inhibitor for certain in-laws. A best-man speech written by a Vulcan (to avoid the stupid "May all your ups and downs be between the sheets" kinds of jokes). A court order forbidding the use of leola root in any consumable substance. Lead-free Lobi crystal flutes for the champagne toast. Guidance and tracking system for the bouquet and garter tosses. A DJ who will play "The Time Warp”, but not "The Chicken Dance”. A changing room for the newlyweds to shuck the dress uniforms and slip on the cozy and stylish neutrally colored unitards everyone seems to prefer for off-duty wear. PAGE 24 BADLANDS “The Xindi” - Enterprise Episode Review by Mike Dunham - www.section31.com It’s been a long summer waiting for Enterprise to return, but tonight the wait finally ended. I went into this episode with what I called “cautious optimism” in the review I wrote for “The Expanse”, last season’s finale. And it is still too early to tell, but there may be justification for that optimism in the third season of Enterprise. There was a lot of good in this episode, and there were also a few things that were most definitely bad. To start, I’ll talk about some of the good, and what review of this series would be complete without mentioning the graphics and special effects? The scenes with the Xindi ruling council were spectacular; you really couldn’t even tell that some of them were computer-generated. Those scenes are some of the best special effects I have ever seen on television, and that is saying a great deal considering how wonderful the special effects are every week in Enterprise. Also, the scenes with the shuttlepods in the fog on the surface of the mine were shot beautifully, in a way that greatly enhanced the sense of danger that this season is trying to convey. Another thing that I enjoyed in this episode was the beginnings of conflict between Reed and the MACOs. First of all, it will give Reed a much more substantial part than he has had in the past, which is good because he is a character with a great deal of potential. But beyond that, it adds a layer of conflict to the series that probably couldn’t be achieved with only Starfleet personnel onboard. Reed has had signs of self-confidence issues in the past, and having a team of military personnel onboard will almost certainly lead to feelings of confusion, bitterness, and possibly eventually betrayal on the part of Reed. I look forward to this aspect of the season; it should prove to be very interesting. Now, the “breast scene,” as I like to call it. I’m sure you know what I mean, but just to clarify, I’m talking about the scene where T’Pol starts to help Trip sleep by teaching him Vulcan neural pressure, and ends up with her top off. I have to admit, when I saw a glimpse of a topless T’Pol in the trailer, I was not happy at all. But after watching it, I just don’t think it was all that bad. It was quite unnecessary, the scene could have been just as effective without it, but it just wasn’t all that bad, they didn’t dwell on it or make it seem outrageous like they often did with the decon chamber scenes, it just felt natural. In fact, the entire scene felt natural, and very well done. Speaking from a purely platonic point of view, Trip and T’Pol have a great on-screen chemistry. They work well together, the two characters enhance each other, and there is a bantering-type relationship between the two of them that, at times during this scene, reminded me of Spock and McCoy. I’m still a little bit worried they will try to make this relationship into more than they should, and might try to push it beyond the natural evolution it should take, but at least for this one episode, I enjoyed it, and I think it was well-written and acted. One other thing that I really liked about this episode was the sense of mystery and danger present in the Expanse. At the end of the episode, they have no idea what to make of the destroyed planet, and the scene in Cargo Bay 2 suggests that there are all sorts of danger waiting for them as they continue on their mission. It should prove to be very interesting. The producers said they were going to change Archer’s character this year, and it is already evident in this episode. It was evident in one of the first scenes, when he yelled at Reed about no longer having the “luxury of being safe or cautious”. It was evident when he expressed no scientific curiosity at all for the anomaly in cargo bay 2, just annoyance and irritation. And it was evident when he didn’t even give a second thought to giving the leader of the mine the platinum. He didn’t seem to care at all what he wanted it for; he just did it because he was willing to do almost anything to get access to the Xindi. I realize that it is too early to make a judgment about the new and improved Archer, but at least so far I’m not impressed. This was the one aspect of the episode that felt very forced to me. I’ve been saying all along that Archer needs to find his voice a bit more, he needs to step up and be a Captain. And it felt like he was starting to do that in the second half of last season, but still not enough, so I was excited to hear that his character would be changing more this season. But it needs to feel natural, like this is how the character really would behave, and it doesn’t yet feel that way with Archer. He is almost too bitter, too angry, VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 25 to the point of being unrealistic. Hopefully that will improve as the season goes on, because at least right now I’m not happy with the character. I was also extremely disappointed with the amount of material given to Hoshi and Mayweather. This is a problem that has existed right from the very start, and will only get worse as more recurring characters are introduced in the form of the MACOs. The writers either need to give the more material, or just write them off the show. One last thing before I end this review. I hate the new opening, even more than I hated the old one. I don’t feel as though a pop song belongs in the opening credits to a Star Trek series at all, and this new remix of “Faith of the Heart” sounds even more “poppish” than the old. I understand what they were trying to do, they wanted a more upbeat version of the song to go with a more upbeat, quicker-paced season. But it just sounds worse in my opinion. Bottom Line: It was a good episode, but not great. The fact that this review hasn’t really mentioned the main story at all, I think, is indicative of the one problem with that story – it was forgettable. There were some nice storylines set up in this episode, there was good acting, good writing, and excellent special effects, but the story itself, while not actually being bad in any way, wasn’t something to remember. There is an immense amount of potential that this series has built up, but they now need to actually start writing episodes that follow through with that potential instead of always just building it more and more. All the potential in the world means nothing if it isn’t developed. And the potential to be a great series IS there. Grade: B Interview with Scott Bakula "There are great changes in my character, but I believe we were starting to see the seeds of that in the last five or six episodes last year," Scott Bakula said in a chat with fans. The chat with StarTrek.com, transcribed at the Scott Bakula Fan Forum, reveals some of Bakula's offscreen hobbies and interests as well as his hopes for next season and his desire to do a musical over hiatus. Though he said that Jonathan Archer would not become vengeful this season in the wake of the Xindi attack, Bakula said that the captain would become "more focused, more driven, less willing to compromise." "There's a great sense of purpose that surrounds the whole show right now," he added. "It's very energized and very exciting." In terms of Archer's relationship with Trip Tucker, Bakula said, "I see us continuing as friends, I think in all friendships you hit rocky spots and it's the strength of the friendship, really, comes out of how you deal with the tough times. Obviously I was upset with the choices he made in the 'Cogenitor' episode but we all had to move on." Bakula labeled himself a fan of the history of flight and the space program, "especially if it's a space program that can proceed in a peaceful fashion, i.e. keeping weapons out of space." He noted that executive producers Rick Berman and Brannon Braga had been open to pitches and ideas for his character, though he complained, "Doesn't look like Captain Archer will ever get laid in space. And I'm okay with that, I just plan on taking it out on the Xindi." Bakula named Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek IV: First Contact and "the whale movie" as his favorite Trek feature films. He said that seeing his action figure in stores makes him laugh. To learn about Bakula's former aspirations to become a professional athlete, his plans for Enterprise: The Musical and why he calls "Lord Dominic Keating" a "tyrant" for wanting to direct, see the full transcript at http://pub64.ezboard.com/ fscottbakulafanforumfrm1.showMessage?topicID=3500.topic. PAGE 26 BADLANDS The Lost Era There is a new six-volume series of novels spanning the seventy-year period between Captain Kirk's disappearance aboard the Enterprise-B in Star Trek Generations, and the beginning of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Collectively entitled THE LOST ERA, this book series will chronicle the adventures of known characters and the unfolding of some of the historical events established during this period. Readers can look forward novels focusing on the Starship Excelsior, the Enterprise-B, the Enterprise-C, and the latter-day adventures of several Original Series characters as well as early adventures in the lives of TNG/DS9/VGR-era characters. Like 2001's SECTION 31 series, THE LOST ERA will be comprised of standalone novels--giving readers the option to read as many or as few of the stories as they choose, in any order, while at the same time collectively offering an historical tapestry of this largely unknown period of Star Trek history. The Lost Era: The Sundered by Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin - August, 2003 THE YEAR IS 2298 - Five years after the presumed death of Captain James T. Kirk, the USS Excelsior, commanded by Captain Hikaru Sulu, is at the forefront of exploration, diplomacy, and the defense of the Federation. Unprecedented peace talks with the violently xenophobic Tholian Assembly trigger a deadly confrontation aboard the Excelsior. Now Sulu and his crew--including Chekov, Rand, Chapel, Tuvok, and Akaar--are thrust into an unexpected conflict between the Tholians and a mysterious new enemy, the Neyel... whose origins, if revealed, could lead to war with Earth itself. As the Tholians weave a web of vengeance, the Excelsior is flung beyond the galaxy to discover the hidden truth about the alien Neyel, forcing Sulu to question where his responsibilities lie--with the fragile peace he must preserve, or with the victims of his own world's tragic past. The Lost Era: Serpents Among the Ruins by David R. George III - September, 2003 THE YEAR IS 2311 - It is a year of infamy, a year that later generations will remember as one that altered the course of history at the cost of thousands of lives. It is the year of the Tomed Incident, and its tale can at last be told. In the midst of escalating political tensions among the Klingons, the Romulans, and the Federation, Starfleet goes forward with the inaugural flight of Universe, a prototype starship that promises to revolutionize space exploration. But the Universe experiment results in disaster, ravaging a region of space dangerously close to the Romulan Star Empire, apparently confirming suspicions that the Federation has begun testing a weapon of mass destruction. As the military buildup accelerates on both sides of the Neutral Zone, Captain John Harriman of the Federation flagship USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-B, is fated for a final confrontation with his oldest enemy at a flashpoint in history--with the Beta Quadrant one wrong move from the outbreak of total war. The Lost Era: The Art of the Impossible by Keith R.A. DeCandido - October, 2003 THE YEARS ARE 2328-2346 - To the Cardassians, it is a point of pride. To the Klingons, a matter of honor. But the eighteen-year cold war between these two empires--euphemistically remembered in later years as the Betreka Nebula "Incident"--creates a vortex of politics, diplomacy, and counterintelligence that will define the age, and shape the future. What begins as a discovery that would enable the Klingon Empire to reclaim a lost piece of its past becomes a prolonged struggle with the rapidly expanding Cardassian Union, which has claimed dominion over a region of space that the Klingons hold sacred. Enter the Federation, whose desire to preserve interstellar stability leads Ambassador Curzon Dax to broker a controversial and tenuous peace--one that is not without opponents, including Lieutenant Elias Vaughn of Starfleet special ops. But there are wheels within wheels to the drama unfolding in the Betreka Nebula. Within the shadowy rooms of the Cardassian Obsidian Order, Klingon Imperial Intelligence, and even the Romulan Tal Shiar, secret scales are being balanced--and for every gain made for the sake of peace, there will come a loss. VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 27 The Lost Era: Well of Souls by Ilsa J. Bick - November, 2003 THE YEAR IS 2336 - For twelve years, she was captain of the Federation's flagship. But while her exploits as commander of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-C are legend, little has been revealed about Rachel Garrett, her vessel, or the unusual men and women of her crew. Until now. When the archaeological find of the decade offers possible hints about an earlier Cardassian civilization, it attracts not merely those seeking to quench their thirst for knowledge, but parties with far less noble interests. Among the latter is the Asfar Qatala, a notorious criminal cartel with a disturbing connection to one of the Enterprise's highest-ranking officers. Now Captain Garrett and her crew are swept into a maelstrom of kidnapping, extortion and murder--as well as a desperate, secret struggle between the Qatala and its chief rival, the Orion Syndicate. And beneath the surface of the frozen world on which the proto-Cardassian discovery was made, another drama is playing out that will force Garrett to make the most difficult decision of her career... amid ruins reputed to link the living with the ancient dead. The Lost Era: Deny Thy Father by Jeff Mariotte - December, 2003 THE YEARS ARE 2355-2357 - Two men. Both defined by the personal tragedy that drove them apart. Both driven by their desire to serve, and their devotion to duty. Both haunted by the past, and uncertain of the future.... And both unable to reach across the chasm that separates father and son. In the wake of the Tholian attack that nearly cost him his life, civilian strategic consultant Kyle Riker becomes the target on an apparent conspiracy within Starfleet Command, forcing him off Earth and beyond Federation territory to defeat the attempts on his life. But danger is never far off, even on a backwater world where Kyle's very name brings the promise of death. At the same time, the Starfleet career of Kyle's estranged son William Riker is underway in earnest, from his turbulent formative years at the Academy to his first perilous missions as an ensign aboard the Starship Pegasus. And even as Kyle searches for the truth behind the events that have made him a fugitive, Will is pursued as well-by a family legacy he fears he will never escape. The Lost Era: Catalyst of Sorrows by Margaret Wander Bonanno - January, 2004 THE YEAR IS 2360 - She was trained to be a killing machine. Abandoned as a child, without home or family, past or future, Zetha survived only by her own cunning in the back alleys of Romulus before being taken by the Tal Shiar and remade into one of its deadliest weapons. But Zetha is about to undertake a mission unlike any in her experience. The mysterious return of a virulent scourge thought to be long extinct threatens devastation on a scale almost too horrific to contemplate. Zetha's only hope of stopping it is across the Neutral Zoneamong the enemies of Romulus. Now Admiral Uhura, centenarian chief of Starfleet Intelligence, must decide what to do with the knowledge Zetha has risked her life to bring to her. In order to stop the spread of the disease that is already ravaging the Romulan Empire, Uhura must assign a handpicked team of Starfleet officers to covertly trace the contagion to its source-and do whatever is necessary to contain it. But the world awaiting Lieutenant Benjamin Sisko, Lieutenant Tuvok, Dr. Selar and Zetha herself is a hot zone of secrets, deceptions and subtle machinations, revealing an imminent holocaust beyond anything the away team expected, or what they could hope to combat. PAGE 28 BADLANDS Art Imitates Life...Imitates Art? by ADM Robert J McCoy, MD (aka Rob Johnson, Fire-Medic) I remember many instances in the fire service when my Battalion Chief would tease us about watching the TV show ER while on duty. We would always get away with watching it by replying: "It's Training, Sir!! Medic Training!!” Actually, ER has excellent medical advisors and although the techniques are always "accelerated" to make it fit into the 1 Hr time slot, they are very accurate. Every once in a while, you see some very strange techniques used to overcome very strange problems... I'm here to say that my hours of watching ER paid off this summer. This summer I'm working in the office of a CT campground. One morning, an Arts & Crafts teacher came in with a young girl saying that the girl had something stuck in her ear. Being one of the campground's 2 medically trained employees, people always come to us before calling 911. After visualizing the ear canal, I found that the object was a necklace bead tucked very snug into the ear. Although it was within reach of standard tweezers, it was too slick to get a grip on it without causing pain to the girl. After a few idle attempts to rotate the bead to where I could get a grip on the string hole that runs through it, the CD-ROM inside my head accessed an old ER episode with a similar situation! I received some really strange looks from the staff (and the girl's mom) when I asked for a Q-Tip and Super Glue. I figured it was worth a shot & it worked... I put a drop of Super Glue on the Q-Tip, carefully touched the Q-Tip to the bead (without making contact with the ear canal), waited a few seconds for the glue to dry, and hey! It really worked! I was able to extract the bead without causing more discomfort (or injury) to the child. Thank you, Mark Green (aka Anthony Edwards... aka "Goose" from Top Gun) & the staff of ER, for all your years of interesting and entertaining solutions. Is life the key to new tech? By Nick Easen for CNN Years have been spent trying to crack life's genetic code with high-powered computers. Now scientists are looking at things from the opposite angle, and are harnessing life itself to generate a new strain of computer devices. Unleashing the activity and properties of DNA -- life's basic building block - as well as biologically-inspired computing, could soon form the basis of new devices. "DNA computing has the potential to perform trillions of calculations at once," Peter Bentley from University College London, told CNN. "Life is massively more powerful, and able to compute far more than anything we have created," says Bentley. Although the convergence of biology and technology is in its nascent stages, it is increasingly regarded as the next frontier for science, with potentially endless commercial possibilities. Scientists have already been trying to find ways of getting DNA -- the information-rich code in every living cell -- to calculate the way conventional computers do. Recently the first game-playing bio-molecular device was revealed -- an enzyme-powered tic-tac-toe machine, which could not be beaten. Here organic building blocks act identically to digital logic circuits that we see in everyday electronic computers. In February of this year the smallest biological comput- VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 29 ing device was announced -- a microliter of salt solution containing three trillion self-contained DNA computing devices. It would have had the capacity to perform 66 billion operations per second. Their size, and the ease by which DNA computers could interface with living material, may make them an ideal for use in medicine. "The ultimate application would be a 'doctor in a cell,' where a bio-molecular computer operates in the body," Udi Shapiro of the Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science told CNN. "It would diagnose the disease by analyzing the data available in its biochemical environment, e.g. the tissue or organ in which it resides, and cure it by synthesizing and delivering the appropriate drug molecules," adds Shapiro, who's team made the world's smallest biological computing device. But at present, DNA computers are little more than experimental toys, their power is on par with that of pocket calculators, and there is also no real life application in the market place. And Shapiro believes that for DNA computers to be successful, they would have to go beyond one single application. "Like conventional computers, DNA computing would need to be flexible and useful for a million different things," he said. Scientists' caution that carbon-based or organic computers are unlikely to outdo their silicon-cen tered cousins, or microchips, anytime soon. "I do not believe that any of the current (biological) technologies will ever be able to compete with silicon in serious computational problems," Milan Stojanovic, of Columbia University told CNN. "However, in the control of biological processes, biological computing has its place," adds Stojanovic, who designed the enzyme-powered tic-tac-toe machine. Interfacing biology with silicon computers and getting neurons -- or nerve endings -- and cells to talk to chips maybe the most practical application, but at this stage the main stumbling block for bio-molecular computers is their production. Currently there is a huge gap in the construction of hardware for the semiconductor and the biotechnology industry. An advance in bio-molecular computers must await a breakthrough in designer enzymes, but this maybe a decade or more away, according to scientists. "We have many ideas for designing biomolecular computers, but current biotechnology has no way of producing them," says Shapiro. Grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) have been forthcoming for this kind of work. NASA, notes Stojanovic, is also interested in futuristic approaches that could be used to follow astronauts' health on long space flights. In the future there may also be a market for biologically-inspired computers. Although the science involved sounds similar to bio-molecular computing, they do not rely on real live DNA or any form of life to perform calculations. Instead the technology analyzes how biology computes, and makes computers think in the same way. By studying biological phenomena such as brains, swarming insects, evolution and immune systems, scientists are able to make computers do the same sorts of things. PAGE 30 BADLANDS Question: Have you ever wanted to be a pilot? With modern computers, direct 3d video, and force-feedback joysticks, the experience of flying a virtual aircraft is closer to the real thing than ever, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: “A Century of Flight” is once again on the leading edge of bringing the experience of flight to one’s desktop. One can even take flying lessons from veteran instructor Rod Machado, get tips from John and Martha King of King Schools, and explore the first century of powered flight with Flying magazine editor Lane Wallace. Based on the successful FS2002 engine, FS2004 highlights a number of historically significant aircraft, from the 1903 Wright Flyer to the modern 747-400. And, since it’s compatible with FS2002 pro edition, new aircraft can be imported and flown. With a good graphics program, one can even repaint an airplane, such as this Beechcraft Starship: There is even a multiplayer mode, where pilots can fly formations and even form virtual airlines or air forces. So what does this have to do with the Maquis? Not a whole lot, I admit, but with a little imagination and some planning, virtual flights can be integrated into Maquis simulations. That is the mission of the Maquis Squadron, a new Virtual Air Force now being organized. For instance, you have a situation where you need to move cargo out of Maquis Headquarters. In FS2004, a Boeing C-17 from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (the closest major airport to FAdm. Davis’ home) is the functional equivalent: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 Or say you need to move several hundred people to Risa. A 747-400 to Tahiti ought to fit the part: PAGE 31 PAGE 32 BADLANDS Want to simulate being based at a backwater colony? Just pick a small airport (such as Jamestown/Chautauqua County, my home field), and a correspondingly small plane: Of course, just flying from place to place isn’t all that can be done. With the multiplayer capabilities of FS2004, virtual airshows are possible, with a dozen pilots all flying together. And with GMAX, new planes can be designed and built, making it possible to fly airplanes that have been seen only in fiction: Airwolf: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 An X-Wing from Star Wars: The Hammerhead fighter from Space: Above and Beyond: PAGE 33 PAGE 34 BADLANDS And even the classic Enterprise (albeit with the flight characteristics of a 737): It also means that such craft as the Maquis Raider, type 9 and 11 shuttlecraft, the captain’s yacht, and even the Danube-class runabout can be made (though, like the Enterprise, they’ll be given flight characteristics of presentday aircraft). Unfortunately, I, personally, am all thumbs when it comes to the GMAX interface (which is a lite version of 3D Studio MAX)… Of course, FS2004 isn’t just about flying new aircraft. Default aircraft include: HISTORICAL MODERN * Wright Flyer #1 * The Curtiss JN-4D “Jenny” * Vickers F.B.27A Vimy * Ryan NYP "Spirit of St. Louis" * Ford 4-AT-E Tri-Motor * Lockheed Model 5B Vega * Douglas DC-3 * deHavilland DH-88 "Comet" * Piper J-3C-65 "Cub" * Beechcraft Baron 58 * Beechcraft King Air 350 * Bell 206B Jetranger III * Boeing 737-400 * Boeing 747-400 * Boeing 777-300 * Cessna Skyhawk SP Model 172 * Cessna Skylane Model 182S * Cessna Caravan C208 Amphibian * Cessna Grand Caravan C208B * Extra 300S Aerobatics Aircraft * Bombardier Learjet 45 * Mooney M20M "Bravo" * Schweizer SGS 2-32 Glider More information about these aircraft and FS2004 can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/games/flightsimulator/ And with its commonality with FS2002 Pro edition, most aircraft made for FS2002 will work in FS2004, making it possible to fly nearly every airplane ever made (and many that never were or have yet to be). Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: “A Century of Flight” is priced between $50-60 (US version) or £40-50 (UK version) Maquis-specific files (including the aircraft shown above) will be made available as soon as webspace can be secured. If you’d like more information on the Maquis Squadron and its activities, email me at jharris10@stny.rr.com. COMM John Harris Dean, College ofAviation VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 PAGE 35 DOVER DATES ARE LOCKED IN!!! Fwd by BGN Lenice Y. Dixon Johnson HEY EVERYBODY! Good news coming your way. Jon and I had a meeting with Erik Haines, General Manager of the Holiday Inn in New Philadelphia today and we think we have come out of that meeting with some very good news. So good in fact, we were able to negotiate a 3 year contract with them for Camp Dover. Yes, that's right, I said 3 year contract. Here's what we got..... Dover 2004 will be held on March 26-28 at the Holiday Inn with a room rate of $64.00 plus tax. We couldn't get the dates we wanted in April for 2004, but we sure got our original April dates for 2005 and 2006 (our 15th anniversary) The March dates are the last weekend in March. IMPORTANT: the Holiday Inn will begin accepting reservations for Camp Dover, 2004 beginning on October 6, 2003. DO NOT CALL before October 6th. Some more good news....Erik Haines of the Holiday has offered us a room rate of $70.00 plus tax for the years 2005 and 2006. These rates will be "locked in" as part of our 3 year contract with the Holiday Inn. Even if the Holiday Inn changes general managers, our rates will still be enforced. They will be bound by contract to give them to us. ALSO....and are you ready for this?.....the dates for Dover 2005 will be...<drum roll here> APRIL 29-30 AND MAY 1st. The dates for Dover 2006 will be April 28-30. We will have our original dates for Camp Dover in 2005 and 2006. Jon and I and the rest of the Dover committee feel that the March dates in 2004 are acceptable and better than what we had this year. These dates don't conflict with any holidays or other major cons that we know of. We are asking that you bear with us for one more year before we return to our original dates. I feel the sacrifice is worth the wait. For Dover 2004 the Banquet will be limited to the first 200 that purchases banquet tickets. The reason for this is quite simple....I plan on using one of the banquet rooms for the Dealer's Room. NO MORE CLOSETS!!! It's time to expand the Dealers Room and let them enjoy some of the "breathing space" most of us have enjoyed in the past. We are still negotiating for the swimming pool to remain open all night so our security team can benefit from its use after hours. We may not get it, but we have been assured it will be addressed with the Holiday Inn's owner. We should have our contract ready for signatures in a week. Dover 2004: March 26-28, 2004. Place: Holiday Inn, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Reservations: (after 10/6/03) 330/339/7731 Room rates: $64.00 plus tax Dover 2005: April 29 and 30/May 1st Place: Holiday Inn, New Philadelphia, Ohio Room Rates: $70.00 plus tax Dover 2006: April 28-30, 2006 Place: Holiday Inn, New Philadelphia, Ohio Room Rates: $70.00 plus tax Holiday Inn can accept reservations for 2005 and 2006 two (2) weeks after the end of the current con. Most hotels are set up on a 50 week basis for room reservations. I hope we have done well and our efforts to secure good dates and a good hotel have been satisfactorily met for all delegates who have attended Camp Dover in the past. I am very happy to report this to you, the delegates of Camp Dover, and I am satisfied with what I have managed to secure from the Holiday Inn. I look forward to seeing you all in 2004, our 13th year. Joe Manning PS: Those of you who were married at Dover would always celebrate your wedding anniversary with all of us no matter what dates Camp Dover might fall on, for it was here that you married surrounded by your friends and all of us. The actual date of your wedding varied by year attended but is a date that you and your wife should celebrate privately. Ma quis Forces International 9496 Madison Lane North Royalton, OH 44133 We’re on the web! www.maquis.com Maquis Gras 2003 will be M.G. Light -- the Party!!! October 11, 2003 in Valparaiso, Indiana We're taking a "seventh-inning stretch" to bring you a Maquis Gras that is "Less Expensive!" & "Great Fun!" So join us for a Pizza Party, Birthday Party, Pool Party, and more! http://www.maquis.com/mfa/gras1.htm