gras maquis


gras maquis
Volume 2, Issue 3
Oct - Nov 2003
By FADM Gary Davis
• Promotion!
Awards Info
• Online Halloween
Party Wrap-up
Kudos to ADM Mary Kerns
Special Points
of Interest:
Maquis Gras Report
• MFI Academy News
• Farpoint ‘04
MFI Staff Directory
Cell Registry
EC Reports
CC Reports
AC Reports
ZC Reports
Maquis Gras ‘03
Enterprise Review
Book Reviews
Trek in Cyberspace
I wish to extend my thanks and hearty well
done to Admiral Mary Kerns for her efforts
and hard work coordinating the Maquis
Forces Academy over the year and some
months she has held the department. I
have been in contact with Admiral Kerns
and she has agreed to step down as the
Academy Commandant and allow Admiral
Tom Donohoe to take the reigns as Interim
Academy Commandant for the purpose of
reorganization, consolidation, and retooling.
We do not make this move lightly. Admiral
Kerns has worked very hard in her capacity
as the head of one of our more successful
departments, however, due to the failure of the software that we approved
to administer, grade, and report results, it has become necessary for wide
sweeping changes that in conference with Admiral Kerns she agrees she
will not have the time to participate in, or more effectively administer the
Academy in this time of restructuring.
Admiral Donohoe, our esteemed Vice Coordinator, held the position of
Academy Commandant during the laying of the "keel" for the department
before moving to the Chief of Staff position. None of us consider this a
"demotion" for Admiral Donohoe as he will continue in his function as Vice
Coordinator and accept Interim Academy Commandant for the sole purpose of participating in the changes mentioned earlier.
(please turn to page 15)
Badlands is the official newsletter of Maquis Forces International (MFI) and is published bimonthly. All articles are the property of MFI, however, they are the opinions of their authors &
do not necessarily reflect those of the staff of Badlands or MFI. Permission is granted to copy
any part of this newsletter, as long as proper credit is given to the author(s) and Badlands.
Send all submissions to, by the 25th of every even-numbered month.
MFI Logos by Benjamin Kokochak
Star Trek is a trademark of Paramount Pictures, all rights reserved.
Maquis Forces International is an alliance of Maquis clubs and individuals around the world for
the purpose of the free exchange of ideas, information, and friendship. Like our fictional counterparts on Star Trek who went renegade from Starfleet, most of our membership left established fandom organizations in search of a better banner to fly under. Our chapters left such
organizations feeling dissatisfied and not all together comfortable with the politics and infighting that plague many fan organizations. MFI is much different. Being Maquis gives us the
freedom to act and play as we choose without an organization dictating how we run our chapters and eliminates the need for politics. MFI is a breed apart from the standard Star Trek organization in that we are here for fellowship and fun rather than politics and money.
Executive Council
MFI Coordinator
FADM Gary Davis
Vice MFI Coordinator
ADM Tom Donohoe
MFI Chief of Staff
ADM Rob Johnson
MFI Chief Advisor
ADM Laura Casey
Coordinator Council
Naval Operations
VADM Jonathan Cone
Special Forces (SSD/SOC)
BGEN Logan Andrews
Maquis Forces Marine Corps
GEN Christina Doane
Computer Operations
RADM J. William Robertson
Klingon Task Force
BGEN Lenice Dixon
Maquis Academy
ADM Tom Donohoe
COMM Kimara Cha’Suran
Administrative Council
Diplomatic Corps
COMM Warren Price
GEN Christina Doane
Cadet Corps
COL Matt (Koloth) Biggs
Master Chief Petty Officer
Judge Advocate General
Computer Operations Staff
Database Manager
CMDR Taylor Goodwill
CompOps Coordinator
MGN K'moghjIH zantai-Ki'RK
ADM Laura Casey
Graphics Designer
COMM Steven F. Binion
Graphics Design
LTC James Doane
Chief Network Support Technician
LTCDR Arslan Abdusalyamov
Graphics Design
BGN David Allen
Academy Staff
Vice Commandant
COMM Carl Lewis
Entrance Exam
FADM Gary Davis
Cell Command
FCPT Charles Parks
CAPT Ashley Miller
Computer Sciences
CAPT Taylor Goodwill
COMM Anthony Spotts
GEN Christina Doane
Admiral Rob Johnson
CAPTSamuel Cummings
Communications Staff
Badlands Chief Editor
COMM Kimara Cha’Suran
Editorial Staff
LTCDR Ael Farstorm
Editorial Staff
CMDR Maec Gishvind
Marine Liaison
MAJ Kvek
Maquis Cell Registry
ZONE #1 (AL, GA, FL, MS, SC)
MFS Carl Sagan - Lagrange, GA
RADM Jonathan Cone
MFS Sutherland - Melbourne, FL
ADM Rob Johnson
RN Hurricane - Coral Gables, FL
CAPT Frank Baron
LP DarkWind - Largo, Florida
CAPT Darrell Morrison, CO
ZONE #2 (DE, KY, MD, NC, TN, VA, WV)
LP Philliger - Jackson, TN
CAPT Warren Price
MFV Ka’la - Anderson, IN
HoD B'Kai L'Yanaa
KFV Maelstorm II - Kalamazoo, MI
CAPT Lacy Wright
LP Pontiac - Pontiac, MI
Kai/COL Fleis Davies (David House)
MFS Nelson - Cleveland, OH
BGEN Dave Allen
MFS-M Nelson Detachment
MFS-M Nelson - SSD Field Office
MFS Blackfire - North Royalton, OH
FADM Gary Davis
MFS Trinity - DelMarVA
BGEN Logan Andrews
ZONE #5 (IA, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD)
LP ASAR - Springfield, Mo
FCPT Charles T. Parks
MFS Resolute - Kingsport, TN
COMM Kimara Cha'Suran
MFS Excalibur MCC-74214 - St. Louis, MO
CAPT Jeff Weber
MFS Stonewall Jackson - Church Hill, Tennessee
CAPT Eric Larkin, CO
MFS Jagger - Florissant, MO
CAPT Orion Blastar
ZONE #3 (CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT)
ICV Heghnach - Pittsburgh, PA
MGEN K'moghjIH zantai-Ki'RK
MFS Lafayette - Hutchinson, KS
RADM Dennis K, Cross
Gamma Knights - New Kensington, PA
COMM Steven Binion
LP Kiowa - Slater, IA
MAJ Tom Webster
MFS Phantom - Easton, MA
LTC Larry Henderson
ZONE #6 (AR, LA, OK, TX)
MFS Jim Bridger - Perryton, Texas
ADM S. Adam Day
ZONE #4 (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI)
KFV Antares II - Kalamazoo, MI
VADM Chad Etter
LP Starthruster - Arlington, TX
LTCDR Clayton A. Jackson II
Maquis Cell Registry
MFS Texas
FCPT Brad Evans
MFS Amarillo - Amarilo, TX
FCPT Ryan Jackson,
MFS Eddington - Brookston, TX
RADM Steve Bearden, CO
ZONE #7 (AZ, CO, NM, UT)
LP Oro Grande - Alamogordo, NM
SGM Jack Kern
MFS Tiwahe - Denver, CO
"Menage a' Maquis"
Information Officer John-David Childs
ZONE #8 (ID, MT, WY)
ZONE #9 (AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, WA)
MFS Deathstar - Tri-Cities, WA
ADMl Bob Kerns
ADM Mary Kerns
ADM Barry Bolstad
MFS Reformation - Anchorage, AK
ADM Rob Blalock
USS Forrestal CV-59 - Fairbanks, AK
RADM Cameron L. Dingler
MFS Rising Star - Sacramento, CA
ADM Rob Lerman
MFS-M Wraith Detachment - Salem, OR
MFS Nebula - Snohomish WA
ADM Laura Casey
ZONE #10 Europe
Starbase Essex - Essex, England
COMM Duncan Robinson
LP Omega - Ticino, Switzerland
FCPT Patrick Moser
ZONE #11 Canada
Zone Commander Unassigned
Maquis Forces Starbase 11 - Montreal, Quebec
FCPT Mark Drainville
LP Burlington - Burlington, Ontario
CAPT Michael Van Geyn
LP Juno Beach – Toronto, Ontario
MCPT Paul Williams
ZONE #12 Asia
ZONE #13 Pacific
ZONE #14 South America
ZONE #15 Africa
LP Cobra - Santa Monica, CA
LT Peter Picanso
ZONE VR Online Internet Chapters
MFS Dominator - Charleston, SC
COMM Carl Lewis,
MFS Rebel - Las Vegas, NV
COMM Anthony Spotts
MFS Aztec - Portland, OR
COMM Will Robertson
Maquis Cell Registry
LP Falcon - Sparks, NV
LTCDR Jason Taylor
MNAS Detroit - Detroit, MI
CAPT Samuel Cummings
MFS Liberty – Kalamazoo, MI
GEN Christina Doane
MFSS Karag - Kansas City, Missouri
MGEN Matt Copple
From the Center Seat
Force Admiral Gary Davis - International Coordinator
I type this as I have JUST returned from Trick-or-Treating with my
six-year-old daughter (whew). If we ever need a never ending
power source to reach the stars before the onset of the next decade, I am sure that the harnessed energy from just one six year
old would be more than sufficient! She tired her old man
out! "Just one more house" translates to "We'll get this house
and then run to the next uttering the previous statement to get
you to go to 'just one more house'!"
WOW... the THIRD issue of the Badlands in just the span of a
few months! I am so impressed that I can hardly contain myself! My hat is off to our new Chief of Communications for this
publication and yet again corralling us all in again to get our inputs. THAT in itself is an accomplishment! You'll have to pardon
my rambling as I'm operating on fumes myself and even the offering of Halloween treats from my six year old (who STILL wants to do more houses after two
HOURS) isn't making an impact on my energy! OH, the blessed thought of SLEEPING in on
Saturday is the only thing keeping me going (grin)...
Not much going on in the club scene that I can come up with at the moment. We're about to
announce a few promotions (shhhhhh... did I say that), and awards as well (double
shhhhhh). Once in awhile we need to reward those that perform and go ABOVE and BEYOND
what is expected of them as a member of this organization. I get no bigger thrill than I get
when I sign one of these certificates and it is the biggest perk that I can have as the leader of
this organization. To those that will soon receive the tap on the shoulder, a HEARTY congratulations.
The club website should be moving soon and the biggest indication that everything is working
is that you shouldn't even notice the difference (grin)! BIG KUDOS to Commodore Will Robertson and Admiral Laura Casey (seeeeee, we DID have ulterior motivates in giving you a computer) have been diligently preparing a new server to host the site and get everything moved
and operating the same way its been operating for almost a decade. WOW... now THAT is an
accomplishment in itself. Can you name many things that operate UNINTERRUPTED for a
DECADE! Nice Job Will and Laura!
Well... I think I've rambled enough and the sugar buzz from the offered treats is wearing off. I
think it may be time for some shuteye and to start a new tomorrow! Until next time folks! MAQUIS FOREVER!
FADM Gary Davis
Second Thoughts
Admiral Tom Donohoe - Vice Coordinator
Greetings Maquis!
I wanted to take this opportunity to stand down from my
usual Vice International Coordinator spiel to give you an
update on the Academy. Our illustrious Jedi-Webmaster
Laura Casey and Commodore Will Robertson have been
working on getting the exams all converted over and working correctly. That battle is progressing and we will send
out the word that all is in order once it is so.
Very soon I will be trying to place people in the positions
that are currently vacant, notably the Vice Commandant position as well as the Communications Dean position and the
Engineering Dean position. If anyone is interested in those
positions please send the Chief of Communications Kimberly Brooks an email resume. I would appreciate applicants who have a reliable internet connection and applicants who can be reached and can respond daily to emails.
In addition to any regular standards the Chief of Communications generally lists for those positions.
The Academy is coming along, if you have any ideas that you think would make the Academy
a more interesting and exciting place to take courses please drop me a line.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Virtual Advisory
Admiral Laura Casey - MFI Chief Advisor
No report given.
From Behind the Curtain
Admiral Rob Johnson - MFI Chief of Staff
Hello again rebels,
First, I'd like to congratulate our new Badlands editor for a great
looking 1st issue, as well as send a big thanks to everyone who
contributed to making it what it was. The thing is... EVERY
magazine and newsletter has a 1st issue. What we need now,
is everyone's continued support in order to keep the newsletter
The holidays are closing in on us, and with the holidays, come
the holiday movies. It'd be great if someone could do some
movie reviews to submit some reviews for the next newsletter. I've been out of the loop (and book stores) for a while and
just heard that there's a set of books based on the "Lost Era"
involving the 1701-B & 1701-C. I'm looking forward to checking
out "Serpents Among the Ruins" and "The Art of the Impossible". According to "Well of Souls", involving
Capt. Garrett and the Enterprise-C is available for Pre-order. If
anyone's read these, please give us a brief synopsis, along with
your (objective) opinions on the stories! I also see that there's
also a "Gorkon" series coming out (books one & two are in pre-order mode). We could use
some reviews on this series too.
Although New England was a neat place to go for the winter, it's good to be back in the sunny
south (the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area). Even though I tried to do my homework and got a list of
Dial-Up numbers, so I could check email along the way, there are still quite a few campgrounds
that are NOT modem friendly. Looks like I'll be looking into acquiring a USB cable for my cellular. I think I've gotten caught up with all of my COS & Academy duties. If anyone’s still waiting
for members-list access, email me at: If anyone's missing any MACOM
scores, please email me at:
That's it for now,
"Doc" Rob Johnson, Adm (aka Dr. Robert J McCoy)
Chief of Staff, MFI
Marine Forces Marine Corps
General Christina Doane - MFMC Commandant
Marine Quartermaster Available!
FYI, we do have one and his name is Force Colonel Jay
Winiecki. He can make MFMC patches and possibly others. Any
interested parties can contact him at to
hammer out the details.
MFMC Patch
Petty Officer Razwana Bhatti has been promoted! Corporal Bhatti is now the Acting OIC for
the marine presence on board Starbase Essex, located in the UK.
Congratulations Razwana!
Naval Operations
Vice Admiral Jonathan Cone
One of the responsibilities of being on the CC is submitting a article for
the newsletter. I really don't know where to start do here goes.
MFI is an international organization with meeting chapters in the USA,
Canada, Great Britain, and Switzerland. We also have Internet chapters available as well.
With over 40 chapters that are listed in the zone locator, we are showing our strength. I hope that number grows and we will someday surpass the other organizations. I hope to have the Zone Locator updated
as soon as possible. Maybe even have MFMC, Special Forces, and
the Klingon Task Force.
With the ending of the Star Trek movie era, we have Star Trek: Enterprise and other great Science Fiction shows to talk about.
Special Forces
Brigadier Logan Andrews
From the Shadows
Special Operations is starting to pick up and
the Department welcomes a new group of
SOC operatives to our ranks. I am still looking
for a web designer of our own so we don’t over
load the already hard working CompOps Dept.
A few ideas have been batted around such as
a RP and maybe some cross “operations” with
other SpecOp groups such as SFI’s and IFT’s.
I’d like some feedback. If anyone has connections inside these groups, let me know and
we’ll hopefully get something started. In addition, be sure to look for
the new SSD school at the Academy, coming soon.
Until then…watch your back.
Computer Operations
Commodore J. William Robertson
=What do you see your responsibilities as Chief of Computer
Operations are?
I see this as a highly dynamic position, you have to adapt
quickly to new suggestions. For example, while working on the
Database, we have run into the problem of how to organize,
how do we store academy information as well as awards information? We then decide on a way of approaching the problem, only to receive new information about how things work
that makes it necessary to completely rework our project.
Organizationally, I have been trying to develop new processes
that will allow us to do things reliably and consistently. The project is one such example. I wanted
to make a central location to put web updates. Then we need
to figure out a policy to keep from tripping over each other
when two people are updating.
We achieve this by taking ownership of an e-mail before starting to work on it. Then we complete the work, and respond to the ticket just before closing it.
=What do you feel is the hardest part about being on the Coordinator Council?
For one, the coordinator council is made up of people all doing work inside of MFI. This is a
small representation of the whole. These are the people willing to give up a good portion of
their own time for MFI; unfortunately, getting a feel for what the membership wants is a completely different field.
General Membership tends not to be involved in the upper happenings of MFI, and even those
we have as a proxy to normal membership are not always voicing their concerns, the COs. MFI
has historically not messed with membership problems, but I feel that we need more contact
with individual members as well as the staff of MFI.
=What are you trying to do about your concerns?
I am doing what I believe Computer Operations is here to do; my staff and I are first providing
the mechanisms to track general membership and second supporting the use of those mechanisms.
Our database is the second of those mechanisms, it will serve as a place to give members a
real feeling that, yes, they are in MFI, and that MFI acknowledges that. Second in later phases
of the database, I want to provide a place of almost instant contact, where a member can contact a council member as easily as clicking on a link.
=How do you bring new people into the Computer Operations department?
The first question should actually be, "Why" so I will answer that first.
I bring people into Computer Operations because we have a large responsibility set that we
have placed on ourselves, and we need more time and manpower to achieve our responsibilities.
Over the last year or so, we have developed a reputation for being slow in responding or
sometimes never responding. I believe that I did a pretty good job of dispelling that reputation when I started working in Computer Operations; that was the easy part for me, the next
task at hand is to retain our newly made reputation. This is almost impossible for one person
to do in this department, so this is where help has come along, often even volunteered.
Now for the "How".
"How" is something I'm learning and developing a process for, it's not as easy as it seems
It is amazing how many people want to help out, but end up overloading themselves with too
much work. The hardest part is to not to feed into that problem. There are two things I am
seeing a need to do. One, I need to slowly work them in, give them a job they can feel responsible for, without that, they are drifters, and will take on too much work, whereas if they
feel they have a REAL responsibility somewhere, they will back off of other projects when
they get behind in their responsibilities.
=Admiral Laura Casey
Well... Laura came to the team, and has been extraordinarily active. The trick to always having something to do on the team is to find stuff to do. She saw the large queue of messages
waiting for reply for Computer Operations and has been working on it since. As such, since
she primarily does webpage updates, she has the title of "Webmaster" or as Gary likes to call
it, "Jedi Webmaster".
=What is the Chief doing then?
Well... I'm working on special projects, just like I like to do, that reads the "MFI Database". As
you may have noticed, you have gotten a split up screen shot of the Census display in the
newsletter. This is one of many pages to be done for the Database.
=What is the Census Team?
Well... it consists of myself and Logan Andrews, you may notice that all the replies come from with the name "Will Robertson". This is because I am using a mail account from the local internet cafe to do this, and their web mail system, although being pretty,
doesn't have the nice features my normal one does. Sadly to say, this will be the last time I
use their box for my work, I really love the features of Element9 Communications Web mail.
=Ack! I have spam coming though my mail forwarder, what are you doing
about it?
Well, let me present the problem here, then I'll present some of the solutions we're working
on. First, there are a numerous amount of e-mail scanners hitting the site. We
have in the past been a great location for them to harvest. As such, we've had so many valid
addresses; it's unlikely they will stop in the near future.
So... what to do about it? Spam is VERY hard to combat, Spammers pay companies to figure
out what spam gets though the filters and read by the readers the most. As such, it's an ongoing combat that may never end. This said, there are some short bursts we can launch at
the Spammers, one that we already have done.
-First, our website contains a lot of out dated information, it's pretty large, so at any given
time it is nearly impossible to have it completely up to date with such a small staff. Instead of
accepting every mail sent to we are now bouncing invalid addresses, this can send a false message to spammers that they we are on the ball when we are not.
-Second, we're working on a system to abstract e-mails away from the page (big words... I
shall explain). Instead of listing the e-mails directly on the page, we will allow anyone to send
to information to an address via a form, but they won't be able to get the address. Now a possibility is to make it so that in order to see the address you are sending to, you need to be
logged into the database.
-Third, an anti-spam system on the mail server. This is the hardest of all the tasks. We are
not in direct control of our mail servers, and even if we were, it's a large pain to maintain. I
don't want to spend all my free time sorting though spam and trying to create new filters for it,
and I don't really see anyone else wanting to either, sort of like asking someone to "do garbage pickup for a month for free". I don't know many people who would say yes to that.
=What are your plans?
Umm... that's a secret.... No really it is... oh alright... alright... I'll let one slip since you made it
this far with me. Remember the old members section? With all that chat stuff and other weird
stuff? Well not only will that be replaced with the MFI Database setup, BUT we will also be
adding some fun things to test out if the membership wants a game or two to play with.
Okay... time to shut my trap. I think I've said enough for this run around.
With a bit of work, the web based IRC Client works again! To find out where
it is, feel free to access
We also have a quick URL for those of you who just want to get to it and get going. Point
your browsers to
From the Academy Grounds
Vice Admiral Tom Donohoe - Interim Academy Commandant
Recent Graduates
MFI Entrance Exam
Maec Gishvind
College of Communications
Kimara Cha’Suran, with Honors
College of Communications
Kimara Cha’Suran, with Honors
College of Engineering
Kimara Cha’Suran
Marine College
NCO Exam
Razwana Bhatti
Kimara Cha’Suran
College of Sciences
Mary Kerns
Tom Donohoe
College of Medicine
Alien Medicine
Christina Doane, with Honors
Christina Doane
Kimara Cha’Suran
Cardiology Specialty
Kimara Cha’Suran
Academy News
Computer Science Assistant Needed
Want to help in creating tests? Have some ideas on making the college better? If so, please
contact CAPT Taylor Goodwill, Computer Operations Dean. Send her a blurb about yourself,
your skills, and resume (if you wish, not required) to Make sure to
include Computer Science or MFI in the subject line.
Marine College Deputy Dean Appointed
CMDR Maec Gishvind, otherwise known as Matt Brooks, has been selected as the new Deputy
Dean, to assist in the running, adding, and operation of the Marine College as needed. Maec
is the Chief Helm Officer on the MFS Resolute.
Entrance Exam Help Wanted
The FADM is in DESPERATE need of an Assistant for the New Member Entrance Exam
"College". He took control of the New Member Exams for a lack of someone to devote their attention to it full time. You can either consider yourself an assistant, help him with grading the
exams and he’ll take care of issuing the certificates, or you can take the whole ball of wax. If
you are interested, email the FADM (, or the Interim Academy
Commandant (, with your desire to fill the position.
(continued from cover)
As he did for the Maquis Forces Marine Corps, he will serve as the driving force to get the department back on track, then will dutifully step aside for a permanent Academy Commandant.
We will re-examine the candidates for a new permanent Academy Commandant when it is decided that the Academy is back on track and running at full steam. We do not consider this a
demotion for ADM Kerns nor look at this in a negative light in regard to her service to MFI. We
will invite her to be considered for the position when the time comes and we'd be very fortunate
if she would take it when the opportunity presents itself. This is merely an administrative measure to appoint a commandant who can more effectively administer the Academy in this time of
restructuring. ADM Donohoe will be issuing a recall for Deans to start the process of restructuring. Please pay him the courtesy of returning his recall with your intention of remaining on
the Academy Staff and give him whatever help and assistance he requires. Thank you.
Greetings from the Academy!
I am Captain Samuel Cummings, Dean of the Academy’s College of Science. Part of my responsibilities
of this position is to come up with coursework for the students of this College – which has kept me
VERY busy for awhile!
One of my first ideas when I was appointed Dean was to try a somewhat new approach in running the
College by offering college-style degrees to denote one’s knowledge in the Maquis, similar to how business professionals denote their knowledge in the business world by adding their degree suffix to their
name, like MBA or DBA, etc. The current courses the College of Science offers are as follows:
Bachelor of Science, Majoring in Warp Theory (BSc)
Master of Science, Majoring in Xenobiology (MSc)
Doctor of Science, Majoring in Cosmology (DSc)
Each level requires the “student” to read through the courses (three or four webpages) and complete a
final exam of roughly 20 questions. On successful completion of the tests, the corresponding title/
“degree” is granted by the College of Science. To move onto the next highest level, a student must
have completed the preceding test with passing results. However, waivers for academic advancement
are granted as follows: A Maquis officer holding the grade O-5 (Naval Rank: Captain; Marine Rank:
Colonel) may apply directly for the MSc course after approval from the Dean – and Maquis Flag officers
(Force Captains/Colonels, Commodores, Admirals and Generals) may apply directly for the Doctoral
program after approval of the College Dean. For more information regarding this, please contact me at I do plan to implement Associate (ASc) and Specialist (SSc) programs in the
near future. Keep your eyes peeled! Myself and my newly appointed Associate Dean, Force Captain
Duncan Robinson have been quite busy getting our courses completed.
For now, until we get the pages up and working properly, you may request the course syllabi through
Email, study the pages that I include, then return the exam questions after you have answered them.
It should also be noted that these titles are not academic and does not qualify you for general public acceptance – just as your MFI Rank does not entitle you to military “perks,” so don’t expect your boss to
call you “Doctor” just because you have a certificate from the MFI. These do, however denote your education within the Maquis Forces, your knowledge of Treknology is crucial to our function – so why not
show off your knowledge?
If you have any questions, or would like a copy of a course syllabus, please feel free to contact me via
the Academy at
Semper Lea! (Always Learning!)
Commodore Kimara Cha’Suran - Chief of Communications
What’s new in Communications? Not a whole lot this month, I’m still
getting my feet wet, so to speak. What exactly am I supposed to be
doing for you, general member of MFI?
Overall responsible for communications within the organization
Moderator for the MFI Mail Listserv (CoS is doing that for now)
Announce vacancies of positions in MFI (watch for news on that)
Serve as liaison with cell communications officers
Coordinate periodic chats and moderate CC Chats (coming soon)
Head the team which publishes the bi-monthly newsletter by coordinating input from the
cells for addition to the publication.
Due to circumstances beyond my control, we lost Badland’s assistant editor. I will be posting
for applicants soon. On the plus side, we have a new staff member. MAJ Kvek, of the MFS
Resolute, has been appointed as the ‘Marine Liaison’ for Badlands. It will be up to him to acquire information on MFI’s marine activity, search out victims, I mean volunteers, for interviews.
You can reach MAJ Kvek at
I want to thank everyone that sent something in for this issue of Badlands. Reading about what
other cells are doing is informative and interesting, and I hope that more will contribute next
time. Remember, all submissions are due by the 25th of each EVEN numbered month.
On a personal note, my beloved Grandmere Lillian Beatrice Gilliam, or Lilly Bee as I sometimes
call her, was stricken with illness and had to be admitted to the hospital. It was a nervewracking 9 days for us, and though she’s now home, she’s still not out of the woods yet.
Hence my not being around for the last week or so. In all her 89 years, she’s only been seriously ill one other time and she’s not taking this quietly. We’re taking turns staying with her, so
if it takes me a couple of days to answer an email, let me apologize now in advance.
Keep those hailing frequencies open!
Maquis Diplomatic Corps
COMM Warren Price
Greetings from the Diplomatic Corps,
Needless to say I regretfully have to say that there has not been any activity
in the Corps in a few months. We are here and alive and well (I think?) and
my diplomats are still ready to serve. If you have sent communication to
this department and didn't receive a reply, please resend it. I do not want to overlook anyone
and I want to make sure you get a response from me. If you have any comments, questions
or suggestions please ask.
End report.
That's it...
Awarding Experiences - Awards Department Report
BGN Logan Andrews
Director, MFI Awards Department
Well this has been an interesting year so far. We’ve given out more awards this year then the
year before. I credit this to more CO’s being aware that we have such things now. And the
time is upon us again to start considering End of Year Awards. Commanding Officers should
be submitting write-ups to their ZC’s for Rebel of the Year and Volunteer of the Year awards.
Zone Coordinators, you decisions for the Zone level awards of these people and your write-up
for the Unit of the Year will allow the CC to select the international winners of these awards.
In addition the Dept has decided to open up the Silver Starburst to anyone who was a part of
the rescue efforts at Ground Zero and at the Pentagon for the 9-11 rescue efforts. Please
make sure that anyone wishing to wear this ribbon submits your documentation to the awards
dept via
The Awards page is undergoing a make over and should be easier to understand the information contained there in. I’m waiting on some graphics but hopefully it will be done soon. Till
then feel free to send me any questions to
Zone Reports
Greetings from Zone 2,
I hope all you Maquis out there are all in good health and are prospering. I for one am very
busy not only in real life but in fandom as well. I am very pleased to be a part of this fine organization called Maquis Forces International. Since I have taken over the duties of Zone 2,
we have had a recall and a reorganization of the zone. We have had to say farewell to a few
inactive cells and have added a couple new cells. I have, with the help of CompOps, had the
cell locater updated to reflect the changes. At this time we do not have any goals or next
steps to where I and/or we (Zone 2) on which to proceed. But we will in the near future have
the vision to proceed. More on this later. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have
concerns or questions, at
Thanks for your time.
COMM Warren Price
Zone 2 Coordinator
MFS Trinity
MFS Trinity is on the move again. In October the crew held a movie night, viewing The Matrix
Reloaded. Since most of those in attendance have seen the film many times already in the
theater many comments a’ la MST3K were thrown about, as well as many details that were
missed before being found. Discussion also abounded about the nature of the Matrix and
what different AI’s meant by what they said. With membership currently low, the crew has decided to hold only events for the present and will start back up on meetings and charity works
once interest increases once again.
BGEN Logan Andrews, CO
MFS Resolute
Things have been quiet on the Resolute this past month. We
only managed to make two Away Missions, which is slow for us.
First was a trip to Dollywood for the fall festival. Next was a trip
back to our childhood, for some of us anyway, <G> at the Autumn
in Oz Festival. Though the park has been closed for years, every
fall it reopens for a trip down the yellow brick road.
Food Drive
Our crew collected 364 cans of food for our local food bank. We
will be having another drive soon. Another project we finished up
recently was the “Coats for Kids” program. We were able to donate 14 coats this year, 2 more than last year.
Congratulations to David Breland, of Kvek as we know him, on his promotion to Major!
COMM Kimara Cha’Suran, CO
Zone Reports
Greetings one and all,
Well, this month, I am actually on time. I am always very
busy with activity and things. Wow, another month just flew by! The
crew was somewhat busy this month with ship business, but the XO
and I were very busy. I was very disappointed with my grade
for the sixth course of my MBA Technology Management, but I am
halfway finished with the seventh course, Legal Environment of Business. After this course, I am done until after the first of the year.
Ksimka and I are now both active in the Loyal Order of Moose. Debbie is Senior Regent
(President) for the Women of the Moose. Larry is Lodge Sergeant at Arms and Publications
Chairman. He is the webmaster for both Lodge and District and does the newsletter for the
Lodge. For more information concerning the websites that I've designed and my background,
go to: .
Last weekend, we went to Wheeling Island (Wheeling Downs) for a WOTM bus trip. We had
fun at the dog races and casino.
I know that many of the House Ki'RK and other Klingons participate in an organization called
SCA (the Society for Creative Anachronism) which is basically reenactors of the middle ages
(early 17th and 18th centuries). K'moghjIH and Ksimka are now involved with reenactors, but
not so far back in time. We are talking about the Civil War era of the 19th century. We are
deep into researching the ways and means of these people to participate with these reenactors. The group that we are with is called the 9th PA Reserves, Company A ( http://www. ) where I am assigned as a Company Chaplain and
Ksimka is a Chaplain's wife. Ksimka got interested in this venture from a few of her friends in
KAI back in Chicago and she got me interested as a family activity. I developed a new website for my Chaplain's impression that you may review at: . We attended the Civil War encampment at Soldiers & Sailors Hall on Oct. 4th & 5th. It was enjoyable.
National Denim Day News
This is the final update on the Lee National Denim Day. Larry (K'moghjIH) personally collected $45 and the Department of Human where he works was able to raise $969 to fight
Breast Cancer. I am sure that they Susan G. Komen Foundation will be very appreciative of
our gift.
Maquis Update
I have just been assigned as the Zone 3 Coordinator and MFMC Division 1 Commander (basically the same job) for the Maquis Forces International. Zone 3 (naval) covers
all the personnel in the Northeast USA (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont), but Division 1 (marine)
covers the entire Eastern half of the United States. I have begun to determine who is active in
this area and gaining information for reporting and coordination purposes. Two of the Zone
ships are accounted for and the third has been incommunicado since the CO resigned as
Zone 3 Coordinator. The two Massachusetts units listed on the Zone Cell locator are one
and the same. I heard from the former CO of the MFS Tsunami, but she is a lone survivor in
Eastport, Maine. The MFS Phantom and the LP Kiowa are the only two Marine units to contact
me so far.
The Command Staff of the ICV Heghnach (K'moghjIH, Ksimka. and Ferber) attended Maquis
Gras Lite 2003 on October 11th. Ktrean of the House Ki'RK was also there. It was a very good
time had by all. K'moghjIH was officially promoted to Lt. General by MFA FADM Be'jen and
ADM To'PiQ at the Saturday night Pizza Party. This promotion was given in recognition for all
of the Community Service efforts made by K'moghjIH and his crew and given the responsibility
to train and advise other Maquis on how to organize/run Community Service projects.
We were informed at Maquis Gras Lite that you should start watching the website ( http://www. ) for upcoming details on Maquis Gras 2004 to be held October 13, 2004. It will be held in Valparaiso, Indiana again. Starting November 1st, 2003, you can start
rooms with the goal of completely booking all 74 rooms before September 1st, 2004.
Klingon / STARFLEET Joint Operations Update
The ICV Heghnach/USS Inferno will had their formal meeting this month near the home
of the Inferno's CO on September 24th, October 1st, and October 12th. Now
that we've recruited the last remaining member for the USS Inferno to get commissioned
in STARFLEET International, we are in the process of getting the ship designs approved so
that we can commission. We will continue to discuss how the new House Ki'RK warrior
trainee is progressing, and continue making plans for Beach Bash and the Inferno's Commissioning Party.
Upcoming Events
The only upcoming events that we know of right now are:
Civil War events
28 October 2003--Bloomfield parade
11 November 2003--Pittsburgh Veterans Day parade
15-16 November 2003--Remembrance Day, Gettysburg, PA (VB event)
Ship events
Ø Beach Bash, Compass Cove Oceanfront Resort, Myrtle
Beach, SC on November 7-10.
Ø Camp Dover Peace Conference on March 26-28, 2004 at the Holiday Inn, New Philadelphia, OH
Ø Maquis Gras on October 1-3, 2004 in Valparaiso, Indiana.
Ø Camp Dover Peace Conference on April 29 and 30/May 1st, 2005 at the Holiday Inn, New
Philadelphia, OH
Ø Camp Dover Peace Conference on April 28-30, 2006 at the Holiday Inn, New Philadelphia,
CO, ICV Heghnach
Zone Reports
The main changes with Zone 4 involve its Coordinator, VADM Chad Etter.
(For details please see the Starbase Kalamazoo website at http://www.
As far as Zone 4 Staff are aware all other ships are correctly listed, if not Zone
4 ships are instructed to please contact the Zone 4 Coordinator or myself. The Antares, as listed on
the site is incorrect. There are now five ships in the Kalamazoo area so we've upgraded.
VADM Etters' listing of the Antares shall be as follows:
Starbase Kalamazoo
And once someone clicks on the Starbase Kalamazoo icon, there will be:
Starbase Kalamazoo
Commanding Officer-VADM Chad Etter
Executive Officer- COMM Matt Gumpper,
KFV Antares II
Commanding Officer-VADM Chad Etter,
KFV Stealth
Commanding Officer-COMM Matt Gumpper,
KFV Ma'veq-Official Flagship of the MFMC Commandant
Commanding Officer-MAJ Tim Krason,
KFV Maelstorm II
Commanding Officer- CAPT Lacy Wright, email pending
KFV Outlaw
Commanding Officer-COL J. Doane,
Please note if you know of anyone wishing to join any Zone 4 or Kalamazoo unit please contact VADM
Etter. Also, elements of Zone 4, including crew of the VR Zone cell MFS Liberty, did attend Maquis
Gras Lite as an event.
Greetings from Zone 5
All Chapters accounted for except the MFS Jagger. Nothing new to report for
the Zone.
FCPT Charles Thomas Parks
MFI Zone 5 Coordinator
Zone Reports
Greetings from Listening Post Juno Beach
Just dropping a note to say that the Toronto Canada area will again be active in the MFI/MFMC.
I’m Marine Captain Paul “Artful Dodger” Williams Officer Commanding Listening Post Juno Beach.
I’ve named the Listening Post in honor of the Canadian Soldiers who fought there in June 1944.
I myself am a former Canadian Forces Reserve (Militia) soldier, served with the Governor General’s
Horse Guards for 2 years. I’ve also served with St John Ambulance as a volunteer medic for 3 years.
I have many hobbies from war gaming, sci-fi movies and shows to singing karaoke and playing pool in
the local CPA team. My main war gaming interest is Battletech and I’ve played this game since 1999.
In April 2000 I G.M. ed a one day Battletech Tournament at Orion 2001 Gaming Convention in Toronto
Canada. I’m also a member of SFI’s SFMC Mecha Branch. I’m currently in the process of introducing
a Mekk Course for the Marine Academy.
Current Projects for Listening Post Juno Beach will involve a website, volunteering at Toronto Conventions and recruiting to form a larger Greater Toronto Area Chapter. Other endeavours will cover fundraising and community service as the chapter grows. Currently I have a Café Press store selling Clothing and Household items. I.e. coffee mugs with the Listening Posy Juno Beach logo on them, Twenty
Five cents from each sale will go towards the Juno Beach Memorial Centre in France . The shop is
on the web at stop in and have a look around. The chapters website is at. the website is up but will be undergoing updates and improvements from time to time, feel free to visit. I’m hoping to participate as best I
can in MFI and the MFMC, hopefully I’ll make a difference. That’s it for now, see ya all later.
MCPT Paul Williams, CO
LP Juno Beach
The VR Zone has a new coordinator. The MFS Dominator’s commanding
officer, COMM Carl Lewis, has been selected to take over coordinator
Congratulations, Carl!
Did Somebody Say Party? - A Convention Report
GEN Christina R. Doane - Zone 4 Deputy Coordinator
Before I explain our weekend here, I'd like to explain a little about the conventions history.
Every year Maquis Gras is put on by our fellow Maquis of the Maquis Freedom Alliance, led
by FADM Be'jen zantai-minn'hor (Cindy Faraone), otherwise fondly known as 'Stick'. All profits from this convention, including entrance fees, auctions, etc. are donated to their charity of
assisting a family in need in South Dakota.
According to Stick, “This year was different from the normal convention, it was decided that a
‘Seventh Inning Stretch’ was needed. So instead of Maquis Gras, we had Maquis Gras Lite,
whose motto became ‘Less Expensive, Great Fun!’” And fun it was! Zone 4 had for at least
four years held their Zone 4 Conference here. This year there were no stars, no fancy convention badges, no dealers’ rooms, but we didn't need all that to have a good time. Zone 4
was well represented this year as members of the Starbase Kalamazoo ships Antares II,
Stealth, and Outlaw, and the VR Zone ship Liberty were in attendance. There were VADM
Chad Etter, Blood Talon, our favorite Gorn, aka Matt Gumpper, one of our top doc’s Trianna,
our sneaky sniper is 1st SGT Heather Scott, our resident 'maquis kitty' and all around useful
crewmate 2LT JacQuline "The Q" Kleinsmith, COL James Doane our resident chaos factor,
and myself :).
The Liberty crew hitched a ride with Outlaw, and Stealth had a very important job, as it was to
sneak VADM Etter, the Zone 4 Coordinator, in under the radar. Well it worked out, all personnel arrived safe and sound.
First order of business was the 'Meet and Greet' this involved a calendar looking piece of paper with questions on it that could only be signed by one person once. Everything from the
"Never attended a Maquis Gras before" to "Carries a picture of Worf in their wallet" was on
this list. It was a great ice breaker as attendees to the party started jumping likely looking
people in the hallway to cries of "Can you sign this?" *grin*. Anyone else feel sorry for Sci-fi
stars yet? And for those that were worried that there was going to be no charity this year
there were some very well done T-shirts in addition to a silent auction for charity plus I am
sure they would not argue if you just handed them some money *grin*.
Then Zone 4 attended the big dinner, which just wasn't any dinner. For this party had a focus
and that was the fact that it was the birthday of two of its members, FADM Cindy 'Stick'
Faraone, and the always vital ADM Ed Garza (To'piQ zantai-minn'hor). There was much fellowship to be had and there was a promotion for MGEN Larry (K'moghjIH zantai-Ki'RK)
French, Sr. of MFA is who has dual membership in MFI as Zone 3 Coordinator. And of
course a day we've waited for, for a long time Joe Faraones' [from MFA] Rite Of Ascension,
complete with pain stick. We were all happy to see him join the ranks of the adults, good luck
to him.
There was much gift giving for Stick and Ed, with themes that are usually involved with being
over the hill. The whole dinner was like that the balloons were even black, I've said it before
and I'll say it again...Maquis are an odd bunch *grin*. Afterwards we invaded the pool. I defended myself against many would be splashers of doom while other members of zone 4
where to water combat to the others and each other. VADM Etter was
going to do music at this but the hotel vetoed the idea so later after a few of us had already
hit one room gathering we then took it to upstairs where Chad had TOS episodes and Dr. Demento just waiting for us, in addition to very excellent musical selections.
We talked, sang, and generally stayed up to the wee hours of the morn. It was only when
people started falling asleep mid conversation that we called it quits. The next day was pretty
loose, but we actually got stuff done. Vice Admiral Etter and I started talks with representatives of MFA to make plans for Starbase Kalamazoo to host the official video room of Maquis
Gras Next year. Also we are in talks to assist in running the Friday night charity gambling
and prize room with a possible Babylon 5 Zocalo theme. This would possibly include an area
for clubs to display and sell their wares to raise money for their charities or the club itself.
And since everything is subject to change and approval we will endeavor to keep interested
parties updated.
It all ended with an invasion of a nearby Asian restaurant where those that attended had a
very silly time but unfortunately all to soon it was time to return to our mundane lives to await
the next installment of the Maquis Gras Series, The Return of the Party.
Until next time remember, this is General Christina Doane, aka MD, the Mad Doctor saying
remember to Pillage Before you Burn! *Grin*
Promotion for CC Member
Will Robertson, please step forward!
For your outstanding service to Maquis Forces International (MFI),
as of this date assume the title, rank, and responsibilities of a Rear
Admiral in the Maquis Resistance Forces.
Your dedication, service, and extreme hard work has made MFI a
premiere Star Trek club and a true joy to be a part of. Your work as
the Chief of Computer Operations has been nothing less than spectacular. The website hasn't looked this great in years both in format
and function. Your current work on the Maquis Database is living up
to your reputation and will be a cornerstone for the organization for
years to come.
For the Executive Council and your fellow Coordinator Council
members who voted for your promotion, I salute you, sir! Congratulations and may God have mercy on your soul (grin)...
NOW WE'RE REALLY expect more for you (BIG GRIN).
Force Admiral Gary Davis
Maquis Forces International
Stardate 0311.05
MFI’s Online
Christina Doane - Pirate
Duncan Robinson - Harry Potter
Rob Johnson - Godzilla
Logan Andrews - Orion Slave Trader
Will Robertson - Q
David Breland - Kvek
Kimberly Brooks - Witch Hazel
Costume Contest
9pm Winner - Harry Potter
10pm Winner - Q
Enterprise Episode Review
Linda Park and Rick Berman both described this episode as a
Beauty and the Beast storyline, which made me quite fearful
as I loathe that tale, particularly in its Disney incarnation. I am
delighted to report that Hoshi Sato comes across as a much
stronger character than Belle, however, and that my entire
family enjoyed both storylines of "Exile", despite some snorting
at the great shuttlepod skid.
Superficially "Exile" reminds me of Voyager's "Alter Ego", in
which a lonely alien made herself appear as a hologram on the ship to lure Tuvok to her ship
as a companion. But Tarquin is a much more interesting character than Marena, a pathetic
lonely woman looking for love. A victim of ancient prejudice, he is also cursed with a relatively long humanoid life span, doomed to spend centuries imprisoned in a castle and experiencing life only vicariously. He reminds me a bit of Flint from "Requiem for Methuselah”.
I am tempted to wonder about the things this episode doesn't deal with — how his replicators
work, how much equipment he owns, why he's never used his powers to get the specs to
build a rocket, why he didn't ask Enterprise for help getting off his rock instead of trying to
make Sato stay — but they're not what "Exile" is about. I won't ask why Sato spends all her
time sitting around in lingerie, nor whether she packed it or Tarquin provided it; it's irrelevant
to the plot, and there's really no indication that Tarquin is interested in her sexually, for if he's
pulled her preferences out of her memory, he doesn't bother to mention them to her, and let's
be serious: if I were a telepath that's one of the first things I'd want to know about a potential
life mate, and something I'd likely mention pretty early on as a reason for bonding.
Instead we get a neat combination of magical castle where Hoshi can
have anything she wants to eat and scary high-security prison where
she can't run if she tried because there's no place to go. Just like the
Beast in the Disney film, Tarquin lures her with his book collection, and
he sits around in a smoking jacket, offering to teach her new things.
Much as Archer did when he first saw Daniels' 29th-century database,
she is overwhelmed with information, some of which looks like a bad
science fiction disaster movie preview, and some of which is familiar to
us but not to her, most notably the reptilian Xindi who appears briefly.
She refuses his offer to let her try again, suspecting that she is distracting him from finding the Xindi, which she is; but Tarquin has no real intention of finding the Xindi anyway, as we already suspect even if she's
giving him the benefit of the doubt, and it's a pity she doesn't see what
else her mind can pick up with such enhancements.
Despite Tarquin's accusations, and despite the fact that Sato doesn't dispute them, she appears to be quite attached to her shipmates; she has nice scenes discussing her fears with
Reed and Phlox at the start of the episode, and she wants to say goodbye to Mayweather so
badly at the end that faux-Archer reveals himself by mentioning Travis' name. We also learn
that she was very attached to her grandfather, that she's good at telling little white lies, and
that she enjoys feeling vital to the crew (as evidenced by her scenes with both the real Archer
requesting to visit Tarquin and the fake Archer agreeing to stay). The writers do a great job
with character continuity recalling how she was fearful of life on Enterprise at the beginning; it's
also a nice reminder of how much stronger she is now, how much she's grown. We need to see
this Hoshi a lot more often.
Visually the fireplaces and candelabras are evidently meant to evoke a gothic castle despite the
presence of high-tech equipment. Yes, there are derivative elements, but they work well here as
archetypes and the mood-setting is very effective. Kudos to Roxann Dawson, who played Torres
in similar isolated situations and directed a great performance from Linda Park. She's wonderful
as Sato informing Tarquin that he's misinterpreted her needs and desires, even though he can
read her mind; she's even better telling off the fake Archer and threatening Tarquin when he
holds the lives of her crewmates in the balance.
So the mystery of the Expanse and why we've
never heard of it on later Treks seems to be that
it's not there anymore, because someone or
something will disable or destroy the spheres
that bring it into being. Xindi? Suliban? Dark
Future Guy? Someone we don't know about
yet? More information will be forthcoming later,
apparently, and the slow building of suspense on
this matter is working quite well.
ST: The Lost Era - The Sundered
Book Review by Rob Johnson
Even if you're not a fan of TOS/TMS era of Trek, you may enjoy this book,
just for the chance to fill in the gaps between ST6 and TNG. If this
1st installment is any indication of what the rest of the Lost Era books will be
like, this book is a perfect example of what TPTB could have accomplished
as a TV series if they'd had listened to the fans.
Even if you don't consider the books CANON, this book does stick as
closely as one could get. It utilizes many CANON reference points from
ST6, where we 1st see Tuvok, Rand & Dr. Chapel together, past episodes
of TOS, as well as points and incidents referred to in TOS & DS9.
The storyline is good, although sometimes a bit slow, but hey... I was still
able to read it in four sittings spanning 2 days. The writing is very well
done, capturing the characteristics and dialog styles of all our favorite main
players. For the techno-geeks, even the research into current day artificial
gravity principles was equally well done.
Whether you find it in download form, find it at a 2nd hand bookstore, the library or plunk out the entire
$6.00 for a new copy, give it a read.
Title: Star Trek: New Frontier: No Limits
Release Date: October 2003
In his introduction to No Limits, an anthology of eighteen short stories involving the New Frontier characters, Peter David notes that
when this volume was first announced some fans expressed reservations at the idea of having authors other than David himself dabbling in the New Frontier sandbox. If you've got doubts, you can
put them to rest. This is an excellent collection of rewarding stories
by authors who amply demonstrate that they know the characters
they are writing about.
It's fitting that stories devoted to New Frontier's two main characters, Mackenzie Calhoun and Elizabeth Shelby, bookend the anthology. The first story, "Loose Ends" by Dayton Ward, is a follow
up of sorts to the Next Generation episode "The Pegasus" and is
set while Calhoun was working in an unofficial capacity for Starfleet
Intelligence. "All that Glitters" by Loren L. Coleman features Elizabeth Shelby, but a different Shelby than the officer most fans know
in the pages of New Frontier. Set before the events of the TNG
episode "The Best of Both Worlds", Shelby is serving as the chief
engineer of the USS Yosemite and she's not exactly a happy camper.
"A Little Getaway" by Peter David, the story of Calhoun and Shelby's honeymoon on Xenex, is the final tale
and the only story set during the New Frontier novel era. The rest of the stories are set before the characters become one big happy family aboard the Excalibur. Fans have been waiting a long time for this story
and it doesn't disappoint. Quintessential Peter David is how I'd sum up this hilarious recounting of the honeymoon from hell.
"Waiting for G'Doh, or How I Learned to Stop Moving and Hate People" by David Mack. It is an extremely
amusing Zak Kebron story and details the longest day in the Brikar's life. It also goes a long way toward
explaining Kebron's fondness for goldfish.
Coming back to back in the volume are two stories that offer quite a bit of contrast. Robin Lefler chronicles
her unhappy childhood in the poignant vignettes that comprise "Lefler's Laws" by Robert Greenberger.
The source of much of that childhood anguish, her mother Morgan Primus, tells her side of the story in the
creepy tale "Alice, on the Edge of Night" by Ilsa Bick.
The USS Excalibur herself has quite a history and under the command of Calhoun's predecessor Captain
Morgan Korsmo was one of the numerous vessels to face off against the Borg during the events of Star
Trek: First Contact. "Making a Difference" by Mary Scott-Wiecek is the absolutely spellbinding recitation of
that fateful encounter.
Soleta has two entirely different types of stories devoted to her in No Limits. The first, "Revelations" by
Keith R.A. DeCandido, is set during the first year of Soleta's graduation from Starfleet Academy while she
is serving aboard the USS Aldrin and tells the tale of a mission that will change the direction of the young
Vulcan's life. The second Soleta story, "Out of the Frying Pan" by Susan Shwartz, has a much lighter tone.
Both of these character pieces expand significantly on events New Frontier readers already have some
familiarity with, namely the disclosure of Soleta's heritage and her escape from Thallon.
The Arex tale, "The Road to Edos" by Kevin Dilmore, is utterly delightful, especially if you are a fan of the
animated series. Allyn Gibson's "Performance Appraisal", which features Commander Kat Mueller is another highlight that offers the added bonus of being set on Calhoun's old ship the USS Grissom, but before
Calhoun's posting to that vessel.
The archetypal Vulcan, Doctor Selar, finds herself called upon to aid the Q in a clever and involving story
that has numerous continuity nods" "'Q'uandary" by Terri Osborne. Burgoyne 172, like Soleta, has two stories. In both "Oil and Water" by Robert Jeschonek and "Through the Looking Glass" by Susan Wright, the
authors attempt to take full advantage of the Hermat's duel nature in their stories.
The eccentric and gifted pilot Mark McHenry takes center stage in "Singularity" by Christina F. York, while
the Si Cwan story "Turning Point" by Josepha Sherman gives us a look at a young nobleman growing up in
the Thallonian court and goes a long way toward explaining the ambassador he is to become.
Two more stories round out this diverse volume, Peg Robinson's story of Calhoun's brother D'ndai, "A
Lady of Xenex", and the slightly bizarre but strangely compelling Xant story, "Redemption" by Glenn Haumam and Lisa Sullivan. As an added bonus for diehard fans the timeline to the major events of New Frontier makes a great reference.
One of the pleasures of reading a large collection such as this is that the order you read the stories in
doesn't matter, as every time you pick the volume up there is something new and different to look forward
to. Some stories will capture your imagination more than others but within the pages of No Limits the
reader gets to experience a little bit of everything: comedy, drama, action and adventure. The various authors effectively use their individual storytelling styles to explore key moments in the characters' lives, and
every story adds to the overall tapestry of New Frontier to some degree. Anyone reading No Limits should
find plenty to satisfy.
Trek in Cyberspace
Totally Kate! has a transcript of Kate Mulgrew's press conference at the
Galileo Double 7 Convention in Germany on October 4th.
Kathy Krantz Stewart has an updated version of her
Klingon Cookbook &
Everything that has a beginning has an end.
The machine army continues to drill towards Zion. Within hours,
they will overrun the population of the Zionites and lay extinction to
human kind. Meanwhile, Neo is held captive by the Merovingian at
a train station. Trinity & Morpheus set out on a journey to release
him from a mysterious train operator.
Smith resumes his quest to kill "Mr. Anderson" as he reveals his
identity into the real world and resumes to replicate his program
inside the system of The Matrix, causing it to decay. All hope is
placed in the freed Neo, who must travel to the city of the machines in the Logos ship with Trinity and bargain to save each
kingdom from destruction by finishing Smith once and for all. But
even with his new powers over the sentinels, will he be able to
fight them off?
Ma quis Forces International
9496 Madison Lane
North Royalton, OH 44133
We’re on the web!
February 13 -15, 2004
Farpoint is a Baltimore-based, Science Fiction Media Convention, held each February
at Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn. We're a Fan-Run, Fan-Friendly Con, with a lot more to
offer than your basic Autographs-And-A-Dealers-Room "Show."
If you're a long-time Fan, Farpoint is a return to Fandom the way it "used" to be -producing plays, writing fan fiction, building and showing costumes, displaying your
SF-inspired artwork, arguing about -- er -- discussing our favorite fandoms.
If you're a new Fan, welcome! We're glad you're one of us. Come meet actors you've
watched and authors you've read, and make a lot of new friends who have the same
interests your 'other' friends may not appreciate.
Please go to for more information

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