Battalion Commanders Notes…….


Battalion Commanders Notes…….
July 2008
Battalion Commanders Notes…….
Greetings from Camp Striker. As I write this note we are fully engaged in conducting
engineer operations in support of the 10th Mountain Division. It is amazing how much
we’ve accomplished since my note in April. All of you should be very proud of your Soldiers as they have performed magnificently during the deployment and subsequent relief-in-place-operation in Iraq. The actual deployment was nearly flawless from my perspective as we moved all equipment and personnel from Germany through Kuwait into
Iraq. Other battalions were moving into theater at the same time and we were the only
unit that did not have significant issues. That’s not to say it wasn’t challenging because
it was; but the efforts by the Soldiers and leaders resolved these challenges very
quickly and enabled us to smoothly deploy into Iraq. I think all members of the team
would agree that we spent too much time in Kuwait and were glad to arrive in Iraq.
Upon arrival in Camp Striker we expected to conduct a 10-day relief in place with the
479th Engineer Battalion in which we would gradually assume control of operations. In
reality we came in at the moment that the division was about to conduct a major operation in southern Iraq. Where we had hoped to go from 0 -60 in about ten days we actually went from 0 to 60 in about two seconds with platoons moving out almost as soon as
they arrived in Iraq. From the division’s perspective engineer support was uninterrupted during this time and the transition between battalions was largely seamless;
again a testament to the professionalism of your Soldiers. For the 535th Engineer Support Company it is great to have them co-located with the battalion again and the fact
that they have been operating here for some time now helped smooth our transition into
Iraq. We are also engaged with the 541st Engineer Company (Sapper) as they conduct
their mission in Romania. They continue to assist the rest of the battalion even though
they are conducting a different mission in another part of the world. I thank them for the
Over the next 30-60 days I expect this tempo to be very high but begin to taper off towards the end of the summer as we become more familiar with our area and the operations. As we begin to settle into our mission I ask that all of you stay engaged with our
rear-detachment leaders and FRG representatives. If you plan to be away from Warner
Barracks for any period of time it is critical that you keep the rear detachment chain of
command informed of your plans and provide accurate contact details in order to ensure the timely and accurate flow of information. We are in constant contact with the
Rear Detachment and actually conduct a conference with them on a weekly basis; a
conference which includes the 541st from Romania. Through these systems we will
provide accurate information and resolve issues as quickly as we become aware of
them. Take care until our next newsletter.
Daggers In!
LTC Chris Lestochi
Your Battalion Newsletter needs your input. Hails, farewells, births, promotions or anything of
interest. Send your information to
Greetings from the TF DAGGER Chaplain Office!
Well here we are at Camp Striker, Baghdad, Iraq and we are deep into our new mission. In the last
month the battalion moved from Bamberg, Germany, through Kuwait and onto Camp Striker to assume
its mission from the 479th Liberty Sappers who hail from Watertown, New York. As it is with any Relief in Place/Transfer of Authority (RIP/TOA), they were thrilled to see us come and we were just as
equally thrilled to take the mission. Our coming to Iraq was a culmination of great leadership, great
training and great support. It also allowed the BN to reconnect with our 535th ESC (from Grafenwoehr)
and have them once again in the BN family. By coming to Iraq, we have once again added the Mighty
54th Engineer Battalion, known here as TASK FORCE DAGGER, to the scrolls of history. The mission
we have will provide the Iraqi nation with stability, prosperity and hope for their immediate future and
for generations to come. Your Soldiers are doing exceptional work in making this a reality to the people
of Iraq.
There is no question that our service to our nation and to the nation of Iraq comes at a price. It calls for
loved ones to be separated (for many, again) for long periods of time. It is critical that we loved ones,
family and friends do all we can to stay connected during this deployment. Even though we cannot be in
each other’s presence in a physical sense, we can use the myriad of tools available to stay “virtually”
connected. I want to encourage you to do everything possible through letters, e-mail, Skype, VTCs,
phone calls, etc. to stay connected to the ones you love. I know TF DAGGER leadership will provide
every option possible for Soldiers to connect with loved ones back home. Be sure you do your part as
well. When loved ones have a period of “commo separation” it has the ability to create a void and such a
void can create periods of sadness, even depression. If you ever get to a point that you feel this way,
seek help. With CPT Jason Meier, 1SG Haire and Mrs. Sarah Wingard leading the Rear Detachment,
they can provide all the support and information you need to help you through the tough times. CH
(COL) Mike Wilson in Bamberg is a great Chaplain standing by to serve the Dagger Family in a time of
need and is available to you all and is only a phone call away. This deployment is a great time to grow in
your personal faith as well. There are worship opportunities for all faiths back home and I encourage
you to use them and allow them to help you in the months ahead.
Let me finish this first of many letters by saying that I find myself both humbled and honored to be serving by the side of such amazing professional Soldiers. The commitment of your Dagger Soldier to this
mission is unwavering. The support you give to your Soldier is without a doubt crucial to his or her success. I know that with my wife Amy and my kids behind me, and my personal faith in God, I can do
anything. Just as you stand with your loved one, know that God stands with you and will never leave of
forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6).
God Bless and Daggers In!
CH (CPT) Pete Keough and SPC David Peters
Greetings to the Families and Friends of the 54th Engineer Battalion from Bamberg Germany The rear detachment, known as Golf Company, said goodbye to our battalion as they left in late May for the start of
their 15 month deployment. It was hard to see them leave but we can all rest assured knowing that they are well prepared for their missions in Iraq.
Once our battalion was out of the door, Golf Company took advantage of the free office space and consolidated our
offices on one end of the headquarters building. Although the task required a lot of work, the benefits of working in a
closer proximity made up for it. We still run a
24 hour staff duty so if a Family member
needs to get in touch with us or needs to send a
message to someone downrange, you can always call us at 0951-300-8472 and someone
will answer and assist with your needs.
A large project this past month was cleaning
out the basements in the battalion area.
The Soldiers worked hard to clear out the
basements for eventual remodeling. Pictured
right are some of the Soldiers hard at work.
About the same time as we finished
moving our offices, we said goodbye to
the 541st Engineer Company (Sapper)
as they deployed to Romania for a two
month rotation. Their primary mission is
to support in the training of the Romanian
Army as part of Joint Task Force East. The
company is taking advantage of the unique
training environment and is conducting
drivers training, weapon training, and is
acting as the opposing force during exercises with the Romanian Army.
A large focus for us these past weeks has been submitting numerous work orders and finalizing scopes of work for
various projects the Department of Public Works will complete while the battalion is deployed. Our plans include
the remodeling of some of our maintenance buildings, building 7045 barracks painting and patching, and the remodeling of both basements in buildings7045 and 7046. We are currently working on an additional project that involves the remodeling of the office spaces in the battalion headquarters. Although the plan isn’t finalized yet, we
will not quit until our battalion looks brand new!
Golf Company had
the fortunate opportunity to participate in a unique
partnership event
with two local German Bundeswehr
units. In late May,
17 teams consisting of two US Soldiers and two
Bundeswehr Soldiers participated
in the 20th Upper
Franconia Partnership March in
Viereth Germany
near Bamberg. The
teams participated
in five events that
were spread out over approximately 12-15 kilometers. The events consisted of an obstacle course, weapons assembly and disassembly, pistol and rifle shooting competition, grenade toss, and a boat race. The event allowed for
continued German and American partnership building. One American Soldier remarked that this event was the
most fun he has had during the six months he has lived in Germany.
On Father’s Day, the HSC FRG hosted a barbeque at Friendship Park in honor of the Fathers
in the battalion. The event was very well organized and was well attended. AFN was invited to
the event and videotaped our Dagger Families
enjoying themselves on the chilly and sometimes rainy Sunday afternoon. We look forward
to conducting more FRG events in the future
and encourage more Families to come out and
join the festivities. Our next big event is during
the 4th of July Garrison Party where the 54th
Engineer Battalion has historically run the
Community Jail. Show up for the event and
throw your kids or friends in jail! It’s sure to be
a good time!
Some of our other events in the works are:
- VTCs with Soldiers down range for the Families
- July Cook Out
- Day trips to Tucherland, Pottenstein, and Atlantis Water Park
We’ll put out the exact dates for these events in
the near future.
Again, Golf Company is here to assist our
Friends and Families with any concern you have
while our battalion is deployed. Whether it is
extending your POV registration, signing a
Space-A memo so that you don’t have to purchase expensive overseas airplane tickets, or just
need someone to talk to, we are here for you and
will do what we can so that you know someone is
here to help.
Family Members trying to stay warm at the Fathers Day BBQ.
I’d like to close by sending a personal thanks to the Soldiers in Golf Company. Many of our Soldiers are here temporarily as they prepare to deploy or wait for their dwell time to end. We’ve been working them hard and they have
been doing an outstanding job with every task they are given. Great job Dagger Soldiers! We appreciate your work!
Take care, Stay Safe, and Daggers In!
Jason A. Meier
54th Engineer Battalion
Rear Detachment Commander
CPT Meier and SSG Archibald participate in G Co’s pt.
The 541st Engineer Company “Outlaws!” have continued to build
their reputation as a versatile and reliable force of combat engineers by successfully deploying to Romania at the beginning of
June. The Outlaws deployed in support of Joint Task Force- East
(JTF-E) and will conduct drivers training, non-lethal combat training, ranges, and situational training exercises to help the Romanian
Soldiers prepare for upcoming NATO missions. This mission is
especially important at this time due as it cements support from our
NATO allies in our fight against terrorism. The Outlaw Soldiers have done a fantastic job in every
task assigned to them, including receiving all vehicles and equipment for the Task Force. The 541st
continues to build relationships with weekly soccer games and interaction with the people of Romania. The Soldiers are also training hard to prepare
themselves for future missions. Their time is filled
with Army Warrior Training, Engagement Skills
Training, Hummvee Egress Assistance Training,
and very good physical training.
I would like to thank the families and friends of the
541st Engineer Company for their continued support.
It is never easy being away from home, whether it is
for two months or two weeks.
I would like to remind all of us to keep our brothers
and sisters in the 54th Engineer Battalion in our
thoughts and prayers. The Battalion is never far
from our thoughts and we are willing to provide any support that is needed. Daggers Forward!
As we continue to provide support throughout the European region,
your “Outlaws” continue to lead the way for supporting the Global
War on Terrorism. We continue to build relations with our Romanian
friends as well as our comrades within USAREUR. The Commander
and I could not be more pleased with the performance of each and
every Soldier in the Company.
A hearty welcome to all of our newly arriving Soldiers and their Families. A special welcome to our youngest Sappers in the Company that
have been born since the last newsletter. We are all looking for a much
needed rest and will be taking block leave from the 19th of August until
the 1st of September in order to mirror the time that our children are on break as well. I encourage you to enjoy this quality time with your Family and I cannot begin to tell you how appreciative I am for your continued
support for your service member and the entire OUTLAW Family. Daggers Forward!
Hello ladies! Newsletter time again!
For all those who'd like to help, we need volunteers for the 4th of July celebration being held at Pendleton Field. We need at least three people to help
from 6pm to 7pm and anyone interested in helping longer is more than welcome!
We can actually stay and raise money until the closing of the celebration! I
believe that would be until around 22:00 (10:00pm)
The schedule of events for the 4th of July:
9:00am Golf Tournament
10:30 am Fun run/walk
13:00 Car show
15:00 D.J. and Events begin
18:00 Band
22:00 Fire Works!!!!!
July 6th there is a Meet & Greet being held at Mrs. Omundson's home from 3:00pm
until 6:00pm.
August 15th will be our (rescheduled) Spouse's Day/Cookout! This will be our
day to check out what our spouse's do at work everyday (or pretend they and our way of welcoming them back home. I hope to see you all there!
Lastly, I spoke with quite a few of you about the yard sale. I am trying to
have it scheduled for the end of July to give everyone time to get their things
together. We are hoping that if we have enough people interested we can make
this a yard sale/cookout. Anyone interested in selling stuff, volunteering to
help me on the grill or to donate some food or drink, just give me a call, I'll
be happy to hear from you!
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me.
Teresa Reeves
FRG Leader
Evelyn Grischbowsky
FRG Co-Leader
camp stryker, iraq
Families, Friends and Sappers of the 370th EN CO, we have just completed the 1st month of combat
operations in this 15 month deployment in support of OIF 08-10. The men have preformed brilliantly with
everything mission/task they have been charged with and we are proud of their performance. As we settle
into our new home(s) here in Iraq, wherever it may be, you can rest assured that the men have all the equipment necessary needed to complete their mission. Living conditions are as good as or better than what the
company had during the first and last deployment to Iraq. All of the accommodations that Camp Stryker has
can be found on the many bases that our platoons are located at, in support of task forces and maneuver units.
The 370th EN CO has gained a new mission and has been tasked to provide a convoy escort platoon
which will provide security escort for the many construction units within our area of operation. 4th Platoon,
370th EN CO (formerly known as RCR) will be led by 2LT Takhtovich and SSG Green. Their new mission
will be to provide the 54th EN BN the flexibility needed to move horizontal and vertical assets around Iraq to
support FOB construction and upgrades. This mission is an important part of the overall strategy for Iraq;
rebuilding the nation to allow for stimulated economic growth and eventually Iraqi run government. We look
forward to 4th Platoon, 370th EN CO doing great things and carrying on the traditions of our company.
I trust everyone is staying involved with the Company and BN FRGs through meetings, e-mail,
phone calls and bowling nights. Don’t forget that Bamberg Community (ACS) has many services available
to family member if any issues arise while the Soldiers are deployed. Once this update is published we
should have conducted the first Video Tele-Conferencing (VTC) for this deployment and hopefully many
more to come. If you were unable to tele-conference with your husband, please be sure to contact Maria
Vasquez, Melissa Raisl or SGT Molinar with your interest and we’ll make it happen here in Iraq, regardless
of your Soldiers location.
Wow, can you believe that it is almost time for some of the platoon leaders to move onto staff positions and make room for new 2LTs? I know it will be a bitter-sweet feeling as they leave behind great platoons they trained for combat and look forward to the challenges of a new position. In the case of 1LT
Vasquez, he and Maria will become apart of a new company FRG. Maria Vasquez is applauded for her efforts and hard work as the 370th EN CO FRG Leader and she will sorely be missed. While she will still be
the FRG Leader through August, 2008 we will begin to look for someone to replace her and her duties. Continuity will be provided by Melissa Raisl so the fulfillment of the new FRG leader should be an easy, seamless transition.
My last paragraph will be used to highlight new members (Soldiers and Family) to the Company and
remember the Soldiers who have either PCS’d or ETS’d from the last published FRG newsletter.
New members:
2LT Takhtovich
Ayden Misch, 18JUN08
Soldiers who PCS/ETS; we remember their hard work, dedication and sacrifice to the U.S. Army, 54 EN BN
and 370 EN CO:
Congratulations to SSG Bunce for being selected into the Green to Gold program. SSG Bunce will be redeploying in mid-July and he will continue to serve the Army and this great country. He has done an outstanding job as platoon sergeant for 3/370th EN CO and he and Vern, Emily and little William (et al) will be
greatly missed. Best wishes and good luck in your future endeavors.
Until next time, make the most of your time and make each day count.
Very Respectfully,
Douglas A. Massie
Thomas Biggerstaff
Maintenance/370 EN CO:
SGT Slider prepares for his mission as head
mechanic with 1/370th EN CO’s mission in
support of an operation in the eastern part of
2/370 EN CO:
1/370 EN CO:
SSG Ford gets a ride to Camp Liberty to
attend the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) drivers training course.
As you can see he looks stoked.
PFC Barton inspects the Buffalo Arm
prior to a training mission in Kuwait.
3/370 EN CO:
4/370 EN CO:
SPC Bunn prepares his Husky before a
route clearance mission off of FOB Delta,
Al Kut, Iraq.
From left to right: PFC Guerra, SSG
Jenkins, PFC Hasimoto, PFC
Caicedo, PFC Bordbar, 1LT
Vasquez discuss the upcoming mission at Camp Stryker, Iraq.
PV2 Doyle loaded a BOBCAT on a trailer
prior to a culvert denial mission that happened on the infamous MSR Tampa, just
north of Camp Stryker, Iraq.
From left to right: PFC Sinyard, SPC Davis, SPC Invanov, PFC Ring, SPC Jackson, Instructor, SGT Alexandre, PFC Black, SPC McNutt, SPC Hodsdon,
PFC Treat, SSG Green, SPC Ballinger and PV2
Doyle pose for a picture after graduating from the
Corps of Engineer QA/QC course in Camp Arifijan,
Greetings Wolf pack Soldiers and Family members!
A lot has changed since our last update. Since then we finished all of our final preparations, training and
packing for our deployment. We started with our final battalion run and going away organizational day. We all
got together and had one final blow out which could never have happened had it not been for the outstanding
efforts of our FRG. I want to thank every family member, Spouse, and Soldier for making our deployment party a
very memorable one.
We all met up in the 7000 parking lot for final good byes and load up. This is an experience that none of
us will forget anytime soon. Whether this is your first deployment or you have been through three or more, deployment day never seems to get easier. We said our good-byes and rolled out to Ramstein and there awaited
our flight to Kuwait. Once in Kuwait we settled into our temporary home for the next two weeks. This was a time
for final training such as test firing our weapons, practicing roll over drills, and overall acclimating to the heat.
We did have the great opportunity to promote two very fine NCOs. SSG Emanuel Williams was promoted to
SFC Williams and SPC April Clayton was promoted to SGT Clayton. They both have proven themselves outstanding Non-Commissioned Officers.
It finally came time to head North to Iraq. We were all ready to get here and begin our long hard work in
support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 08-10. We replaced the 479th Engineer Battalion from Watertown, New
York. 479th Engineer Battalion Soldiers were very receptive in sharing critical knowledge ensuring we were
learning information necessary to be successful during our deployment. Every day Soldiers got an opportunity to
travel to different camps on Victory Base Complex to learn where their counterpart conducted business in order
to keep the unit functioning efficiently. With twice the amount of people in the battalion area things got a little
crowded but we all managed to gain as much knowledge from the unit that we replaced and after two weeks, it
came time for us to take the lead in operations. On the 19th of June, the 54th Engineer Battalion officially took the
reins and we uncased the Battalion colors.
For some of the Soldiers, things here were not what they
were expecting and for others things were close to the way they remembered them from previous deployments. The biggest adjustment for most of us is getting used to the idea that the Iraqis are, for
the most part, taking the lead on most of the operations here. Although most of us don’t interact directly with the locals for now, the
majority of our missions support Iraqi missions. We have started a
partnership with the one of the Iraqi units that is being led by Captain
David Lenzi and SSG Robert Williams. Once real progress in made
with partnership events more information will be provided for Soldier
and family members to see the positive progress that we have made
here in Iraq over the last five years.
Shane R. Masters
First Sergeant
SFC Williams Promotion by SFC Prendergast
Gerald D. Pummill
LTC Lestochi and CSM Omundson uncase the Battalion colors.
Hello to the Wolfpack and Families!
This is my first entry into our Newsletter. I’m Patty Sahli and I am your FRG leader for HSC. My family and I arrived in
Bamberg in September 2006. My husband, Ryszard , works in the S-3 shop. We have four children, Michelle, David,
Renee and Karina. Michelle didn’t move with us to Germany. I have been around the military since 1989, when I
enlisted. We have spent the majority of our military lives at Fort Hood, with a brief assignment to Fort Polk. Having said
that, I have never been involved in the FRG role and I’m trying to pick up as much as I can so that I can serve you well. I
feel I still haven’t met everyone, but that is my goal. I would like to be able to connect with all of you and provide any
support that I am able, as well as to keep you informed during this deployment. Please feel free to contact me at or by calling me anytime (0951-297-3679/01511-011-0006). Of course, please feel free to contact our
FRSA, Sarah Wingard or the Rear Detachment also. I do care about everyone in our unit and look forward to meeting
more of you in the upcoming months around the community and at any of our scheduled meetings and events.
I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer despite the departure of our soldiers. As I write this, we are getting ready
for the VTC sessions this weekend. I hope that you were able to take advantage of this opportunity to speak with your
loved ones.
In the past few months we have had several fundraisers that turned out to be successful ones for our Company. We had a food stand at the Basics building prior to the
departure and we also held a quilt raffle. THANK YOU to everyone who helped
support our fund raising events, by working at the booths or by donating! It is much
appreciated. Raffle tickets for the quilt were available for sale to the entire community, so we were quite (happily) surprised to see that the winner came from our Battalion after all! Carla Asbery won the quilt and it was awarded at the Father’s Day
picnic sponsored by HSC on June 15.
The Father’s Day picnic was a nice time for everyone to come out and fellowship.
Each month we are trying to organize events like this to just come out and see each
other, let the kids play and touch base with everyone. Next month we will be having
another picnic sponsored by FSC on July 13. It will have a Water Fun theme, so
let’s hope for a nice hot day!
The garrison will be having the 4th of July celebration
at Pendleton Field and 54 EN BN will again put up the jail and arrest our local “criminals”.
Of course, it’s all in fun, to raise money for our FRGs. HSC will man the booth from 1500
– 1630. Please volunteer to help us with our time slot!
HSC is also hosting a sewing workshop for sew a Service Star banner for your home on
July 15. Even if you can’t sew, you can help cut the material, or help lay it out for the
sewers in our group. Or you can
also take this opportunity to learn to
sew. It is a simple project, suitable
to beginners.
Again, I wish you well in the upcoming months and I look forward
to seeing you at our upcoming
Kaleb Wingard and Cory
Lestochi being interviewed by
AFN at the BBQ.
Even the Babies enjoyed the Father’s Day BBQ.
Greetings Spartans!
The past month has been, as usual, very busy for the Forward Support Company, from our departure from Bamberg
to our train up in Kuwait to our transfer of authority from the outgoing unit, FSC, 479th Engineer Battalion. It has so far
been a hot and dusty time, but everyone is motivated and working hard driving all over Iraq, making sure the fleet is
running, and keeping the company operations running smoothly. Read on:
Keeping their fingers on the pulse of the company:
The Headquarters (HQ) Platoon did a remarkable job of establishing the company foundation at both Kuwait and Camp Striker, Iraq. The ops team began
the deployment by sending a five Soldier advance party (ADVON) into Kuwait
to begin preparations to receive the rest of the company. Upon the FSC’s
arrival in Camp Buehring Kuwait, the ADVON ensured that everything was
ready as the company transitioned into the two week training period prior to
the company’s move up north. As the training in Kuwait continued, the ops
team sent another advanced party forward into Camp Striker Iraq. The ADVON worked closely with the battalion staff and other organizations to ensure
the seamless integration of the company into life at Camp Striker. When the
FSC main body arrived in Camp Striker, the ops team immediately began
working with their counterparts from FSC, 479th Engineer Battalion. Within a
week of their arrival the ops team had established the procedures necessary
to track all company missions. The HQ Platoon has a strong team dedicated
to ensuring mission success. As the mission continues HQ Platoon will continue to improve the quality of life and the mission readiness of the FSC.
FSC trains on a HEAT trainer,
which simulates a vehicle rollover. All occupants of the
HMMWV have to get out of the
vehicle and pull security in order to pass the exercise.
Down in the motor pool:
The Maintenance Platoon journey began in the middle of the night in Bamberg, Germany. It has taken us from the comforts of home in Europe, to
the dry and windy cradle of Kuwait. From there we have traveled to our destination and what most of us will call home for
the next 15 months or so at Camp Striker. We were able to
move right into our rooms and begin unpacking. All of us were
very grateful for that. Following that, we took a couple of days
to orient ourselves around our new home and prepare ourselves to begin the mission ahead. Setting up shop has been
no easy task, but we work together and a lot has been accomplished so far: recovery section has already had to put its skills
to use on the road hooking up and troubleshooting brokendown trucks, maintenance section meets each returning convoy
SSG Frank runs the Father’s Day 5k race
to check the vehicles and fix the broken things before they roll
out again, and maintenance control section has been keeping
the parts flowing and the paperwork straight. So to our families and friends, we say thank you for all your love and
support, without which this job would be unendurable.
On the road with Dagger 6 and 7:
The Personal Security Detachment (PSD) has performed outstanding in the first month of the deployment. Upon arrival in Camp Beuhring, Kuwait the PSD participated in numerous training events during the company’s Kuwait training
phase. This training culminated in a three day PSD course designed to hone the skills required to accomplish the
mission. As the Kuwait training came to an end and the company arrived in Camp Striker, Iraq the PSD began to
work closely with the outgoing unit’s PSD in order to learn the techniques needed to be successful; we’ve already
finished a half dozen missions escorting the commander and command sergeant major to the various Dagger units in
Iraq. Also during this time PFC Sturdivant attended the MRAP advanced driver’s training course which made him an
invaluable asset to the PSD. All members of the PSD have done a remarkable job preparing their team for the missions ahead.
Delivering supplies through sand, dust, wind and flies:
The Distribution Platoon is off to a strong and successful start with our deployment. While in Kuwait,
the platoon sharpened their combat logistic patrol
skills on multiple ranges, a few lasting as long as
three days. The platoon then deployed to Iraq and hit
the ground running, learning and working with the
479th FSC Riptide, the unit we replaced. Once the
platoon completed the Relief in Place with the 479th,
we adopted the platoon mascot, Ghost Riders, and
are always on the go, never staying at one location for
too long. This has kept the Soldiers busy, sustained
morale, and already developed some outstanding
leaders and logistical warriors. Already with several
combat logistics patrols successfully accomplished,
Distribution Platoon Ghost Riders have definitely exemplified FSC’s motto, ‘Best Supports the Rest!’
SGT Juarez and SGT Bradley prepare to
clear a room during the train up in Kuwait.
As always, I wish to close with a few congratulations: SSG Bishop reenlisted while we were still in
Kuwait, the first one to take advantage of tax-free status for bonuses, SGT Tulensru, SPC Southern,
PFC Lane, and PFC Williams all received well-earned promotions. Then Shane Willis, Eric Hernandez, and Duane McClurg families all welcomed healthy little ones into their lives. It has been an exhausting, full month and we have many more ahead of us. Each Soldier in the company is critical to
our mission to support the battalion in everything it does (and we truly do that); more important,
though, is the family left behind. Your support, dedication, and perseverance are critical to the wellbeing of every Soldier. Like the uniformed members of the FSC, you also epitomize the company
Penny Bloedel
Spartan 6
Hello Spartans!
Here is a little recap of what we have been doing:
Sunday, June 15th, we had a very nice Father’s Day Picnic. AFN Bavaria showed up
and the food & fellowship was superb.
Monday, June 16th we had a delicious Italian meal at Venezia Pizzeria. Remember,
½ Pastas, Pizzas, & Salads every Monday. If this is something you want to do again, let me
know, as reservations are necessary!
Thursday, June 19th we had a blast with FREE Bowling, send me any pictures you
have for the NEW FSC FRG Website (see below).
Upcoming Events:
The Battalion FSC will sponsor, in collaboration with all company FRG’s, a Hawaiian
Luau/Summer Splash Party, Sunday July 13th. We will have Hawaiian Baked Hams /
Smoked Turkeys, a 9ft. Water Slide for the kids (and grown-ups – I am definitely on it!),
Wading Pools, & Sprinklers. More information will follow through your FRG POC’s.
GOOD NEWS ~ FSC goes Virtual
We can establish our own FSC FRG website, separate from the vFRG website!
I will be working on it this weekend and should have the first stages of it up and running
by next-week. I want to know what you want to see on this website i.e. Blog Areas to leave
“Hi Honeys” and “Happy Birthdays,” Upcoming Events, Downrange Events (remember OPSEC). I need PICTURES from everyone! You are our eyes and ears.
Access to the website will NOT be public, it will be by webmaster invite only, so if you
would like your deployed soldier to have access to this website please send me their email
address. Soldiers downrange, if you have someone special back home that is not in contact
with the FRG; a spouse, family member, brother, sister, girl/boy-friend and would like
them to see what is going on here in the Rear as well as Downrange, please send me their
email address.
Well that about sums it up for FSC.
You can contact me at the FRG email (, my personal email
(;, or call me anytime 0151-111-85-888.
I look forward to meeting more of you as the deployment continues.
Until then,
Jo Washington
Update from Iraq
First Plt on the Euphrates River
Second Plt compacting roads
The passing of another month brings 535 ESC soldiers over the hump of our deployment and another month closer to seeing loved ones. June has brought about many
things: extreme temperatures exceeding 110 degrees; the mid-month arrival of 54th
EN BN; and a few other unit level changes. Through it all, the soldiers of 535 have
continued to drive on, working as hard as before. No mission has been too big or too
much for the troops to handle, and our success over the past eight months has even
been commended by General Rick Lynch, Commanding General of 3RD Infantry Division. He said that he is able to distinguish a 535 ESC soldier from any other, because
when other soldiers rush over to "see the General", 535 soldiers continue to work.
First Platoon has continued its standard of excellence doing FOB construction. Their
tireless efforts have made it possible for US and Iraqi forces to live and work together. SFC Carter was welcomed aboard as the new Platoon Sergeant, and with his
Platoon Leader LT Jordan, he is ready to lead the platoon in current and future missions. With the support of squad leaders SSG Thompson and SSG Phillips, the soldiers
have adjusted well to the change, and are charging ahead with construction. Their
pride in what they do is visible in everything they have done and continue to do.
Second Platoon bid farewell to 1LT Sarvis, who has moved on to bigger things. Their
new Platoon Leader is 2LT Bradwick, who was warmly welcomed in Second Platoon
style along with SSG Guardo on their latest route repair mission. However, SSG
Guardo's stay will be a short one as he is headed to the Green to Gold program. With
all the personnel changes they have endured, the soldiers and NCOs have kept a positive attitude and have not allowed anything to hinder their repair of roads constantly
traveled by our military personnel.
Third Platoon welcomed 2LT Haag as the new Platoon Leader, as 1LT Benz took on
the position of unit Executive Officer. Within a matter of days, the platoon was transitioned and ready for their next mission with 1LT Haag. It just goes to show that no
matter what, SFC Cleveland and the soldiers of third platoon will do what it takes to
make the mission a success, and they are always ready to adapt to any changes that
Maintenance Platoon welcomed Chief Warrant Officer Washington, who has come
from 54th EN BN to help streamline things. Maintenance continues to work hard back at
the home base while they have a lot of soldiers out on mission with the platoons. With
one of the largest amount of equipment of any unit in Iraq, maintenance is surely a huge
source of support to the unit.
Headquarters Platoon continues to be a well-oiled machine, making sure that issues
from personnel, commo, supply, and medical are taken care of. The team effort creates
the perfect atmosphere for providing mission support. SSG Armstead was welcomed back
as OPS sergeant and 1LT Benz has taken charge as XO at full speed. Things are running
even more smoothly now that SPC Moretz, SPC Silva, and PV2 Lugo are back from leave.
535th is moving right along, and certainly providing a standard for other engineer units to
follow here in Iraq. We will continue to put forth our best efforts in every mission we take
on, no matter how small, as we push towards the end of this deployment. Congratulations
to this month's promotees!
Second Platoon playing volleyball
SSG Speelman
2LT Haag, 2LT Bradwick & SSG Guardo in Kuwait
SGT Garrett
Happy Birthday
SPC Neuens
PFC Manninen
SGT Aruviereh
SPC Kunard
SPC Sifuentes
SGT Gomes
SPC Aalry
Aleylah Fernandez
Denise Potts
Patricia Hoke
Elizabeth Mojica
Kaydenlantz Benefield
Volksfest Food Handling Classes
PVT Hoke
The following are the dates for the food handling
SPC Patrick
classes. Anyone volunteering for the Volksfest
must attend one class.
PV2 Ramirez
July 9th Building 539 at 1800
2LT Sarvis
July 30th Building 4124 at 1800
PV2 Wilson
Anyone who has not signed up to volunteer there
Corinna Bing
is still time. Contact Simone Imber or sign up at
Timothy Post
the next FRG meeting. We need all the help we
Cindy Speelman
can get.
Iloka Lewis
Christina McConnell
Jerisse Taule
Just as a reminder
Upcoming Events
If there is anything that you need please use the FRG
We are planning a trip the Nurenburg
Zoo at the
chain of support. They can assist you with anything
end of the summer. Also,
a trip to a German pottery
that you need. Please do not contact the Rear D, your
market. If you
have any ideas for trips or activity
POC will take care of that for you.
please contact Mary Lou Price, 0964703584. We
are always looking for new ideas.
FRG Leader Marylou Solorzano 09642703642
HEAD POC & 2nd PLT Simone Imber 09641454179
1st PLT Billie Thompson 09644689714
3rd PLT Blair Benz 096413917951
MAINT PLT Janette Christensen 09641924933
HQ PLT Yvonne Boone 09641931994
YEAH!!! Our half way BBQ is finally here on Saturday, July 19th. This will be our FRG meeting for July.
The FRG will provide the meat, desserts and soda. Please bring your favorite BBQ side dish. We will
meet at the company at 11:15 and drive to Decauter Lake together at 11:25. Everyone in the family
should wear their platoon’s color. The colors are HQ- black, Maint- red, First- yellow, Second- blue and
Third- green. Come join us and celebrate the half way point of the deployment. We will have games
and activities all day.
The morning of the Farewell Party the Battalion kicked the day off with a Battalion Run. When the Battalion returned from their run the families were welcome to run a lap around the track with their soldier.
Later that same morning the Battalion stood in formation on Summerall Field for the Casing of the Battalion Colors.
Then that afternoon there was a Barbeque and Organizational Day for the soldiers and family members. It was a fun
afternoon with 370th taking home the trophy.
LTC Lestochi addresses the
soldiers, families, and
friends of the 54th Engineer
Dodge Ball anyone??
I got it!!
Tommy is helping his
Dad, 1SG Biggerstaff
supervise all the events.
Families and Friends Come Out to Bid
Farewell to the Battalion.
The Advance party preparing to leave.
The Battalion Soldiers and
Family members spending
some tine together before
boarding the buses.
Soldiers from the 54th Engineer Battalion board the
plane at Ramstein Air Force Base.