- The Ukrainian Museum Of Canada


- The Ukrainian Museum Of Canada
ISSN: 0710-1228
Winter 2011
Museum News
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi³
Ukrainian Museum of Canada • Óêðà¢íñüêèé Ìóçåé Êàíàäè
910 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5
The Museum’s 75th Anniversary Year: A Retrospective of 2011
s we enter a new year we look back in great joy
and pride in the year that was 2011. It was one
filled with the triumph of an anniversary reached,
with tasks completed and accomplishments greeted.
It was one also of saying goodbye to trusted friends
and members and one of welcoming new visitors and
those who are discovering the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada and its Branches for the very first time.
The Museum hosted five exhibitions including
from Here to There the visual art of Parksville, British
Columbia artist Fay St. Marie, the stunning Pysanky
Mosaic work of Winnipeg, Manitoba artist David
Wasylyshen, the return of the superb artifact
collection of Winnipeg, Manitoba collector Leonard
Krawchuk in the Heart and Soul of a Collector, the
multi-media, national collaborative exhibition of Art
by 9 in Self Portraiture, and the final exhibition of
the year which continues until February 20, Picasso
My Way featuring the artwork of Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan visual artist Valerie Borycki.
A lovely spring evening brought a large crowd to
hear author Myrna Kostash do a selection of readings
from her newest book The Prodigal Daughter: a Return
to Byzantium. Spring also saw hundreds of children
and adults visit the Museum to participate in the very
popular Pysanka (Easter egg) workshops.
Summer saw four of the five branches of the
Headquarters, Alberta branch, Calgary Collection,
Manitoba branch, and Ontario branch participate in
meetings at the Biennial conference of the Ukrainian
Self Reliance League held in Edmonton, Alberta.
This summer the Saskatoon Branch was visited by
former Ukrainian Ambassador to Canada, Ihor Ostash
and his delegation celebrating the 120 th Anniversary
of Ukrainian immigration to Canada and other
visitors from every corner of the globe.
Autumn brought great excitement and anticipation
as the Museum prepared for its 75 th Anniversary
celebration in conjunction with the 95 th Anniversary
weekend celebrations of Petro Mohyla Institute. An
overflow crowd filled the galleries of the Museum on
the evening of September 26, 2011 as a blessing was
given by the Very Reverend Taras Makowsky and
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
the Right Reverend ProtopresbyterVictor Lakusta,
Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of
Canada. Four candles were carried to represent: the
original founders of the Museum (Marie Kishchuk),
the volunteers and members (Sonia Mysak), the
donors and supporters (Olga Kaye), and the future
members and donors (Stephanie Ortynsky).
J-A Chabun
The winter months brought our thoughts to
Christmas and all that we are thankful for. The
Yalynka Christmas tribute campaign brought in over
$15,000.00 that will be used towards children’s
programming this spring. The Museum Board
approved the launch of the Tree of Life Fundraising
Campaign, one of the biggest projects of its kind that
we have undertaken in recent years. Earlier in 2011,
a fundraising survey was conducted with a random
sampling of Ukrainian Museum of Canada
stakeholders which helped us plan the fundraising
campaign. We will be implementing and considering
the suggestions that the survey brought us about what
members, donors, and stakeholders wish to see our
Museum be. The initial goal is to raise $500,000.00
to meet immediate infrastructure and operating goals
and $2,000,000.00 in long term legacy gifts and
bequests. We are very excited to announce that
Senator Raynell Andreychuk is the Honourary Chair
of the Tree of Life Fundraising Campaign and Sonia
Mysak is the Campaign Chair. We are honoured and
very excited that these two dynamic women feel that
this Museum and this Campaign are worthy of their
time and energy. The Museum has hired Doreen
(Michayluk) Howlett on a one year contract as
Development Co-ordinator to assist with the
Fundraising Campaign. You will hear more about her
and her work in the next issue of Museum News.
We look to the coming year with great excitement!
The Tree of Life Campaign will bring the Museum
to the forefront of our thoughts as we provide for the
future of this institution and all that it contains, all
that it teaches and all that it learns. We have a
devoted group of board members, volunteers and
employees that are committed to the success of the
Museum’s mission and that are committed to
providing for that future. Our vision has never been
clearer, our hearts never more dedicated and our faith
never stronger.
Join us as we continue on this journey together
committed to the legacy of the first Ukrainian
immigrants to Canada as exemplified by the story that
still needs to be told. We hope that we will see or hear
from you soon!
Janet C. Prebushewsky Danyliuk
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Museum Recipient of Bequest
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada was the grateful
recipient of a bequest from the Estate of Ola Martyn
(Olha Martynyk). We wrote about Ola Martyn in the
summer 2010 Museum News and the collection of
photographs and documents that she had donated to
the Museum at that time. Sadly, Ola passed away
November 6, 2010 but not before generously leaving
the majority of her Estate to the Ukrainian Museum
of Canada which was near to her heart.
Ola was born in Lviv, Western Ukraine in 1924.
Her family was of Ukrainian origin. Her father owned
a small soap making factory which sold its product
through the Ukrainian co-operative movement at the
time. She lost her mother and an older sister at the
age of ten – a traumatic experience for a child. The
grandfather of Ola served as a field chaplain for
Ukrainian soldiers during World War I. Her uncle
became a petroleum engineer, and during the 1920’s
and 1930’s did some pioneering exploration work for
various oil companies in the Middle East and later in
Romania, Germany and Western Ukraine, a
profession and field in which there were practically
no Ukrainians at the time.
Ola grew up in Lviv in a bilingual milieu during
Polish, Soviet and German occupation in the 1930’s
and early 1940’s. She was sent to Ukrainian language
schools and completed her primary education in Lviv
and Peremyshl. In 1944 their house in Lviv was
bombed by Soviet planes, after which they decided
to leave to the West before the second arrival of the
Soviet troops.
Eventually Ola found herself a refugee in the city
of Klagenfurt, Austrian province of Carinthia, where
she stayed until the end of World War II. Ola was
artistically inclined and in 1945-47, she was able to
enrol in the faculty of architecture at the
Polytechnique in the city of Graz, Eastern Austria.
But the post-war circumstances did not allow her to
finish her studies. Early in 1948 she decided to
emigrate to start a new life in Canada.
Arriving in Montreal, she held a number of jobs
which were available to newcomers. In spare time,
she upgraded her knowledge of the official
languages. She worked as comptometer operator in
Museum News
Montreal and Toronto
prior to working for the
Alberta government for
a brief time.
Ola was a private
person. After her arrival
in Saskatoon in 1958,
abilities and time to
Ukrainian and English
and to painting and
ceramics. She joined writers’ and artists’ clubs.
Her other interests were in natural healing,
alternative medicine and healthy living. She was
involved in the anti-smoking movement long before
it was officially recognized as a health hazard. She
corresponded widely, promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Her interest in natural medicine took her to the
Dominion Herbal College from which she obtained
diplomas. Locally, she volunteered for a number of
years to work for Home Care.
Another passion of Ola’s was travel. She travelled
extensively in the United States, Hawaii, Mexico, the
South Pacific, Polynesia, Australia, Tasmania, New
Zealand, the Caribbean, Western Europe and the
Mediterranean. In 1981 she visited Soviet Ukraine
where she was able to connect with former school
friends. She became an amateur photographer and
left many pictures of various exotic places, as well
as many archival photographs to the collection of the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada.
Ola was very proud of her Ukrainian origin and
supported various Ukrainian organizations, cultural
and charitable institutions in Canada and helped her
friends in Ukraine. Her frail health prevented her
from being more active in the Ukrainian community;
however, she willed her entire estate to Ukrainian
cultural and charitable institutions in Canada. Ola
Martyn left the Ukrainian Museum of Canada
approximately $400,000.00 which will be used for
gallery upgrading and partially invested in the
Museum’s Foundation Fund. We are so extremely
grateful for this generous gift and thankful to God for
her life and works.
May Her Memory be Eternal!
Âi÷íà ¢¢ ïàì’ÿòü!
If you would like to consider a bequest to the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada, please contact the Director, Janet
Prebushewsky Danyliuk or Development Co-ordinator, Doreen
Howlett for more information at 1-306-244-3800
Have you ever thought about leaving a bequest to the Ukrainian Museum of Canada?
There are several ways to do so. You may want the Museum to receive all or part of what is left from your estate
after debts, taxes, administrative expenses and other bequests have been paid. A bequest can be a fixed dollar
amount, or a percentage of your total estate or you could leave the residue of your estate to the Museum.
When you make a bequest to the Ukrainian Museum of Canada your estate will receive a charitable tax
receipt and may claim up to a maximum of 100% of income in the year of your death.
Suggested bequest wording follows:
I give and bequeath the sum of $__________ to the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada of the Ukrainian Women’s Association of
I give and bequeath ____% of my estate to the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada of the Ukrainian Women’s Association of
I give and bequeath the residue of my estate remaining to the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada of the Ukrainian Women’s
Association of Canada.
Whether it is a fixed dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or the
residue of your estate, we will ensure your charitable wishes for the Museum are realized.
To receive more information, please contact your personal financial advisor, lawyer, or the Museum’s
Development Co-ordinator:
Doreen Howlett
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
Phone: 1-306-244-3800
Email: developmentumc@sasktel.net
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
On September 23, 2011, the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada celebrated a milestone 75th anniversary.
Approximately one hundred and fifty friends,
members, volunteers and special guests joined to
celebrate the present, and to recognize the foresight
of the original founders and the diligent and
dedicated work of the past 75 years.
J-A Chabun
The festivities began in the foyer of the Museum. A
prayer service and blessing was conducted by Very
Reverend Taras Makowsky and Right Reverend
Protopresbyter Victor Lakusta, Chancellor of the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada after which
Mnohaya Lita and Vichnaya Pamiat were sung.
In the main gallery, UMC Director Janet
Prebushewsky Danyliuk welcomed guests and
introduced the emcee for the evening, UMC Board
President Connie Senkiw. Greetings for the
Anniversary were brought by His Worship Donald J.
Atchison, Mayor of Saskatoon; Andy Iwanchuk,
Member of the Legislative Assembly for Saskatoon
Fairview; Ken Krawetz, Deputy Premier of
Saskatchewan; Zennia Yuzik, Past President of the
National Executive of the Ukrainian Women’s
Association of Canada; and, Steve Senyk, President
of St. Petro Mohyla Institute Board of Directors.
Mayor Atchison warmly recognized the activity of
J-A Chabun
our community. “You really
are making the city of
Saskatoon in the province of
Saskatchewan of the great
nation of Canada truly a
healthier, more vibrant place –
understanding,” he said.
One of the many people
who contributed to spreading
the understanding of the
significance of the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada and its
place in the heritage of Canada is Jennie Ortynsky,
Canora Saskatchewan. As past Chair of the Museum
Board Saskatoon headquarters and in honour of her
very significant contributions, Jennie was presented
with an Honourary Life membership in the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada.
Unable to attend the
Stephanie Ortynsky,
accepted the special
recognition from UMC
Vice-President Sonia
After the program,
guests mingled while
enjoying wine, cheese,
anniversary cake and
Matthew Gruza and
J-A Chabun
Don Sawchuk.
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada was founded in
Saskatoon in 1936 by the Ukrainian Women’s
Association of Canada. The first gallery space was
opened to the public in 1941 at the St. Petro Mohyla
Institute, located on Main Street in Saskatoon. In
1965, the collection was moved to the Institute’s
current building on Temperance Street. The collection
soon outgrew that space and, in May 1980, the new
home at 910 Spadina Crescent East was officially
As Canada’s first Ukrainian museum, the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada serves as a centre
dedicated to the advancement of the knowledge and
to the preservation of Ukrainian heritage in Canada.
Its commitment to its original vision, heart and faith
remains unchanged. This was a great occasion for
celebration and very fitting that this was at a time in
the cycle and beauty of the seasons that is so close
to Canadian Thanksgiving.
Museum News
All photos this page: J-A Chabun
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
UMC Ontario Branch Feature
Exhibition: CHRIST IS BORN
UMC Alberta Branch presents
This exhibition came about after the Friends of the
Crèche, an international association of people who
study, collect or simply treasure the Christmas
tradition of crèches, invited the Ontario branch of the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada to offer a related field
trip to participants of their 2011 international
convention taking place for the first time in Canada.
Because a highlight of the convention would be
an exhibit of 200 crèches, the Museum decided to set
its own crèches in the context of Ukrainian traditions.
Theirs was an exploration of the celebration of
Christ’s nativity amongst Ukrainians.
The Museum’s crèches are displayed against the
depiction of a 19 th century Hutsul family preparing
to share the Christmas Eve meal (Sviat Vechir).
Traditions that harken
back to pagan times
take a new meaning:
a child awaits the first
star, a reminder of
the star of Bethlehem,
to begin the meatless,
grandson bring in a
sheaf of wheat, a
symbol of the family
and a signal for all to
gather at the table; an
extra place setting
Photo source: www.umcontario.com
invites the departed
to join the festive dinner and complete the family;
hay placed under the white tablecloth reminds all
present of Christ’s humble birthplace.
Four very different crèches are featured in this
exhibition – three from Ukraine and one a Canadian
adaptation of an animated folk crèche with a two level
stage and puppets. Also on display are original icons
and photographs of nativity scenes that adorn the
walls of four area churches. Finally, Christmas Eve
as depicted by noted artists, a postage stamp
featuring an icon of the Nativity and a coin stamped
with joyful carollers was also shown.
The exhibition was featured from November 11,
2011 to mid February 2012. It is hoped that the
exhibit awakens the spirit of Christmas in all who
visit. Christ is Born! Let us Glorify Him!
Submitted by Yvonne Ivanochko,President
Ukrainian Museum of Canada Ontario Branch
In celebration of the 120 years of Ukrainian pioneer
settlement in Canada, UMC Alberta Branch mounted
an exhibition “Remembering Our Roots”, featuring
artifacts from its collection together with photographic
displays depicting life experiences and achievements
of early Ukrainian settlers. The exhibition which ran
from November 2-6, 2011 was viewed by
approximately 700 individuals. Its primary objective
was to present a narrative of early Ukrainian
Canadian life in Central Eastern Alberta.
Displaying artifacts held in the museum collection,
the exhibition featured Ukrainian pioneer clothing,
weaving and embroidery, household and farm
implements, items brought with them and items made
in Canada. In addition to ethnographic materials there
was an extensive photographic display as part of the
exhibition. A major contribution to the photographic
display was “Journey to Canada”, a visual panorama
illustrating the first decade of immigration created by
the Kule Folklore Centre at the University of Alberta.
Drawing upon and collaborating with other major
resource centres enriched the exhibition beyond the
museum resources alone. Given the success of this
venture, the museum is looking to continue
partnering with other organizations in future projects.
The exhibition opened with UMC Alberta Branch
president Elaine Verchomin Harasymiw drawing
attention to the narrative element of this history. She
pointed out that these pioneers have left a lasting
legacy of which all Ukrainian Canadians can be
proud. “Their experiences form a narrative which has
changed the Canadian landscape politically, socially,
economically, and culturally…their stories define our
country and our lives as Canadians.”
Guest speaker, former Premier of Alberta, Ed
Stelmach spoke about stories he heard as a child
growing up in this environment, noting that, in his view,
the four mainstays of Ukrainian pioneer values were
faith, family, community and education. Dr. Andrij
Nahachewsky, Director of the Kule Folklore Centre,
described how social isolation compelled Ukrainian
settlers to band together and establish churches,
schools, community halls and to nurture family bonds.
Radomir Bilash, responsible for the Oleskow display
spoke about the Alberta Ukraine Genealogical Project
and its four major initiatives which are intended
principally to make public and archival records more
accessible to those wishing to research family history.
The Ukrainian Canadian Folk Chorus under the
direction of Lesia Pohoresky expressed the early era
of Ukrainian Canadian history through song.
Museum News
In keeping with the mandate of the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada, the intent of this exhibition was
to make the general public aware of the contributions
and achievements of Ukrainian settlers in Canada.
The exhibit targeted youth, Ukrainian Canadian
youth in particular, to nurture a connection and
appreciation of their historical and cultural roots.
Students studying Ukrainian in the Ukrainian
Bilingual Program and Ukrainian as a Second
Language Program were invited to the exposition to
learn about this period in Canadian history with
teacher-led tours, to view segments of Halya
Kuchmij’s documentary film “Laughter in My Soul”,
and to participate in hands-on educational activities.
Approximately 500 students viewed this exhibition.
Experience with this exhibit has opened up new
ideas and directions for UMC Alberta future exhibitions
in 2016, a benchmark recognizing the 125th
Anniversary of Ukrainian immigration to Canada.
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Alberta Branch
looks forward to working with all interested parties
in launching an even larger, more ambitious venture.
Submitted by Elaine Verchomin Harasymiw, President
Ukrainian Museum of Canada Alberta Branch
From Baba, with Love
features ethnographic material
explaining the spiritual,
descriptions of selected
feast days and sacraments
tested food traditions. It was
published in August 2011
by the Hanka Romanchych
Branch of the Ukrainian
Women’s Association in
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Canada. One thousand copies sold out within six
weeks. A second printing is now available.
The first part, The Spiritual Seasons of Life, is
divided into three seasonal sections: Spring, Autumn
and Winter. Each section describes the traditions
associated with the religious feast days within the
season. Four holy sacraments are also explained.
Food is an essential component of every festive
season and cooking is one of life’s richest pleasures.
The food traditions component is divided in eight
sections: Soup, Salads and Sauces; Breads and Rolls;
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Cereals and Grains; Main Dishes; Vegetables and side
Dishes; Cakes and Cookies; Desserts and Squares and
Preserves. Home tested recipes were provided by
UWAC members, their families and friends. One
hundred and eighty contributors of recipes and
anecdotal information gleaned from oral histories are
Each title page features an original photograph
taken by a professional photographer and food stylist.
Additional photographs are included in several
sections. Fifty-seven selected Ukrainian language
proverbs are featured throughout the book adding a
unique element, the meaning of which would have
been lost in English translation. Easy to follow line
procedures and techniques
to follow when making
particular foods such as
varenyky and festive breads.
Personal anecdotes highlight
the religious and food
traditions. These special
comments recall childhood
memories, the anticipation
of favourite holidays and
the preparation of the varied
foods associated with each
Supplied photo.
holiday or celebration.
A volunteer committee of the Hanka Romanchych
Branch in Saskatoon researched and collected
materials and recipes to compile this 333 page coil
bound book. An eight page index allows the reader
to quickly access required information or recipes. A
list of 70 sources used in the research is included.
The traditions, treasured recipes and anecdotal
information featured in From Baba, with Love were
brought to this country by Ukrainian immigrant
women and were retained by several generations of
descendants. The goal of this publication was to assist
contemporary Canadian families in developing their
own traditions and favourite foods for the celebration
of spiritual and everyday life.
From Baba, with Love sells for $35.00 (plus GST)
a copy. It is available in the Museum Gift Shop,
Ukrainian Museum of Canada, 910 Spadina Crescent
East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 3H5 or by
Mail order is available. Shipping extra.
Packages of blank greeting cards featuring eight
different photographs from the book are also
available through the Museum gift shop for $15.00
plus GST & shipping.
All proceeds from copies of From Baba, with Love
sold through the Ukrainian Museum of Canada are
being generously donated back to the Museum by UWAC
Hanka Romanchych, Saskatoon.
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada
is pleased to host
Friday, March 16, 2012 ~ 7:00 p.m.
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
910 Spadina Crescent East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Meet and Greet the Editorial Committee of the
Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada –
Hanka Romanchych Branch when they present
their 2011 publication From Baba, with Love
In her words,
“I do not paint
like Picasso. I
can’t. But he
said, ‘I am
always doing
the things I
That is how I
get to do them.’
So, I am simply doing this thing I cannot do.
Picasso died on my twenty fifth birthday. He was
92. Now decades later, I am totally absorbed by
the man, his words, and his works.
I am soaking up Picasso…and I imagine that he
is painting with my brush. As he said, ‘everything
you can imagine is real.’ Welcome to Picasso my
way. Imagine and enjoy.”
Borycki, an artist of Ukrainian and Polish heritage,
is currently Artist in Residence at the Museum and
has been working with school children (who created
‘Valerie my way’) and the public during the course of
her exhibition. This is not the first time her work has
been featured at the Museum; in 2003 she created a
virtually sold out exhibition entitled Borycki’s Baba’s.
Picasso My Way continues until February 20, 2012.
Refreshments will be served
The work of Saskatoon artist Valerie Borycki is
currently showing in the feature gallery of the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada. Picasso My Way is Ms.
Borycki’s tribute to master Spanish artist Pablo
Picasso (1881-1973).) She spent over a year
immersing herself in a study of his work and style.
Inspired by this ingenious artist, Valerie altered his
paintings with her own vision and created her own
version. The more she read about Picasso, the more she
began to admire his skills and the transitions that are
evident in his work.
Museum News
LOVE: Early Saskatchewan
Ukrainian Churches
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada is pleased to
announce the opening of Built with Faith, Hope and
Love: Early Saskatchewan Ukrainian Churches on
March 6, 2012. This exhibition features the sensitive
photography of Wynyard, Saskatchewan photographer
Ed Stachyruk.
The small rural Churches shown in this collection
have seen the extremes of climate and the full range
of human emotion over the past 100 years. They were
built with local materials such as poplar logs, clay,
and stones based on the traditional concepts of
Ukrainian church design. As a result, each Church
developed its own individual character, externally as
well as internally, based on the needs of the people,
the resources available, and the experience and talent
of local builders.
Mr. Stachyruk wished to photograph these interiors
while the Churches are still in an active state, even
if a service is held only once a year. The icons and
related items are still in their usual places, ready to
assist in the roles for which these Churches were
originally built.
The exhibition continues until June 3, 2012
Upcoming Museum
Contemporary Canadian artist
Ron Kostyniuk
June 15, 2012 – September 16, 2012
Edmonton/Kyiv artist Iryna Karpenko
October 1, 2012 – January 31, 2013
Upcoming Museum
Special Events
For Families & Adults in March - See page 12
Friday, March 16, 2012. 7 p.m.
FESTIVAL - Boundary Ensemble
Saturday, June 2, 2012 Doors open 7 p.m.
Concert 8 p.m. Admission.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Friday, December 7, Saturday December 8,
Sunday December 9, 2012. Admission.
Watch for more details to follow!
Supplied photos.
While almost everything around them has
changed, the Churches themselves have remained
much the same. The interior beauty of these sacred
buildings is still there, the same beauty that helped
to comfort and sustain the congregation for so many
years is very evident.
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Visit us online:
Business Manager retired at the end of
December 2010 after ten years of
dedicated service to the Museum.
Beverley was an amazing asset to the
Museum and was known for her keen
ability to multi-task and for lending a
hand whereever she was needed.
Beverley was a mentor to all employees;
and, for members and donors, the direct
source for answers about donations,
memberships and procedures. Beverley’s
wisdom and wit is missed, but we are
excited for this new stage of her life and
wish her great happiness and health in
the years ahead.
It gives us great pleasure to
introduce the employees of the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada,
Saskatoon headquarters. This
photograph taken by JudyAnne Chabun during the
Museum’s 75 th Anniversary
shows from left to right, Sharon
Boyko Morley, Roman Pavlov,
Sylvia Baran, Janet Prebushewsky
Danyliuk, Tatiana Makowsky,
Khrystyna Hudema, and Christine
Spenuk. We’re a happy bunch,
as you can see, that is dedicated and devoted to the
work and mission of the Museum. We love our work
here and are always happy to see our visitors,
volunteers, donors and members come through the
door. If you can’t visit in person, we’re all more than
happy to talk to you by telephone or email.
Sharon is the administrator of the Museum’s gift
shop and is also the manager of Visitor and Donor
services. If you’re not her friend now, you will be by
the time she’s done with you. Roman is originally
from Kyiv. He received his education in cultural
studies at the University of Kyiv and is a very
accomplished photographer. Roman is helping the
employees with their Ukrainian language skills and
is a very sensitive researcher. Sylvia is our new
Business Manager and guru of all things computer
related. She brings a strong background in the
Ukrainian Canadian cultural community and is our
web master. Janet has been the Director and Chief
Executive Officer of the Museum for the last ten years
and has seen great changes and accomplishments at
the Museum during that time. She is blessed to work
with such a strong team of professionals. Tatiana is
our curatorial assistant, a university student and a
very talented graphic designer. You’ll also see her on
the Ukrainian dance floor as a teacher, dancer and
choreographer. Khrystyna is from Lviv and was a
city tour guide there. Khrystyna is a master’s student
in linguistics at the University of Saskatchewan and
works with Museum visitors and tour groups and as
a curatorial and research assistant with the Museum’s
collection. Christine hails from Hamilton, Ontario
and spent her first summer in Saskatoon working with
us as at the
Museum as our Visitor services
receptionist. She is a student in archaeology and
anthropology at the University of Saskatchewan.
Museum News
The Museum was very pleased to add Ukrainian
Museum of Canada Headquarters Past President to
the very special group of recipients of a Honourary
Lifetime Membership in the Ukrainian Museum of
Canada. Jennie began her service to the Museum in
1998 and served as its Chair
from 2002 to 2009.
Jennie was born on May 20,
1927 to George Lys and
Anastasia Blahut in Sheo,
profession, she received her
registered status at St. Paul’s
Hospital in Saskatoon and did
her post-graduate training in
obstetrics, community and public health at Jersey
City Medical Centre, New Jersey. Jennie was
employed by the Yorkton and Canora Hospitals.
She has been extensively involved in her local
Ukrainian community and Ukrainian Orthodox
church. She has devoted her time to teaching Sunday
school, and working with Junior CYMK. A member
of the UWAC for 54 years, she served on the Heritage
Church, Trident Camp, provincial jubilee and
Ukrainian festival committees.
To Jennie, the maintenance of Ukrainian heritage
is paramount. During her time as President of the
Board of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada in
Saskatoon, she endeavoured to inform, educate and
exhibit the best of all that is Ukrainian. The
enhancement of the Museum has made it one of the
most prestigious outlets for Ukrainian heritage and
culture in Canada.
In 2000, Jennie was the honoured recipient of the
Nora Armstrong Award for Health Advocacy from
the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association. In
2005, she was awarded the Saskatchewan Centennial
Medal and that same year the Ukrainian Canadian
Congress of Saskatchewan presented her with the
Nation Builders Award for playing a pivotal role in
the retention of Ukrainian traditions in Canada.
Jennie married Nestor Ortynsky in 1952. They are
blessed with two sons, Evan and Taras, six
grandchildren including Stephanie who received this
award on Jennie’s behalf. Nestor and Jennie continue
to reside in Canora, Saskatchewan.
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Motanky: traditional Ukrainian magical dolls
When we say or hear the
word “doll”, we usually
imagine or imply a modern
child’s toy. However, the
motanky are actually a unique,
complex, and remarkably
cultural phenomenon which
surely deserves our attention.
The art of making motanky
dates back thousands of years,
so we can only imagine how
important it is for Ukrainians as a historic item and
what artistic value it contains. Even more amazing is
the sacral meaning which our forefathers attached to
these handmade dolls, and that deep sense is
concealed inside them. Century after century,
mothers taught their children to make motanka dolls,
not only as a plaything, but also, and primarily, as a
powerful talisman of the whole kin, the symbol of
happiness, welfare and peace.
People have always believed that these dolls can
expel all evil from the house and help overcome
hardships and illnesses. Of course, the contemporary
people’s faith is often times of a different kind: the
world around us does not look as mysterious as it did
to our ancestors. Nevertheless, most of us, despite the
diversity of religious convictions, believe in the
wonderfulness and sacredness of life’s sensory
dimensions; we believe that the energy, directed to
others and received in
return is eternal.
everything about these
dolls were magical; the
colours of thread, the
organic stuffing and its
name. The motanka is
made with a winding
technique which the
word motanka indicates.
Knots were not used
because they “tied
your fate”. Scissors
were not used and
threads were ripped.
Stuffing was made
from grass, grains or herbs such as wild rosemary, a
symbol of prosperity and good health. It was believed
that with the aid of these dolls, people sought
protection from the higher forces or entreated them
for their help. The doll is used as a talisman and
certain rules are always followed by the artist. The
doll cannot have a face just a cross made out of
threads. This is explained by the ancient belief that
the human face is a reflection of the soul- it should
only take in the artist’s truthfulness and good wishes.
The cross is a symbol of the sun, hence – of light,
warmth and joy. Besides, vertical and horizontal lines
of the cross symbolize the masculinity and femininity
respectively, and their harmonic combination ensures
successful continuation of kin.
A variety of motanky which were made in Ukraine
by Zhanna Kapshuk are available in the Museum gift
shop from $20 to $125.
conditions leave her severely malnourished and
emotionally traumatized. Lida and her friends
conspire to sabotage the bombs to help block the
Nazis’ war effort. When her work camp is finally
liberated, she is able to begin her search to learn the
fate of her sister.
A powerful story of hope and courage in the face
of incredible odds.
Source: amazon.ca
Making Bombs for Hitler
by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
at the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
910 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon, SK
In this companion book to the awardwinning Stolen Child, a young girl is
forced into slave labour in a
munitions factory in Nazi Germany.
In Stolen Child, Marsha Forchuk
Skrypuch introduced readers to
Larissa, a victim of Hitler’s largely
unknown Lebensborn program. In this
novel, readers will learn the fate of
Lida, her sister, who was also
kidnapped by the Germans and forced into slave
labour — an Ostarbeiter.
Lida’s small hands make her the perfect candidate
to handle delicate munitions work, so she is sent to
a factory that makes bombs. The gruelling work and
E ast
er Egg W
Participate in the Ukrainian Easter
tradition of “pysanka writing”
Family Workshops: March 11, 18 & 25 at 1:30 p.m.
Adult Workshops (16 & over):
March 10, 17 & 24 at 10:30 a.m.
$25.00 per person + GST
Kistky (writing tools), beeswax, and dyes, are provided.
Each participant should bring a carton to transport
their pysanka home with them.
Call 244-3800 to register
How many times have your children asked you “What do you want for your birthday?
Christmas? Mother’s Day? Father’s Day?”
And how many times have you answered “Anything would be nice”?
Wouldn’t it be nice if a Gift Shop would register all occasion gifts? Well, we thought so too.
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada Gift Shop is now offering a Gift Registry for all
occasions. Simply fill out a form or two and we will keep it on file for a full year.
Ukrainian Museum of Canada Gift Registry
Your last name: ____________________________ First name: ____________________________
Wish list item(s):
Who would you like us to share your ‘wish list’ with? And, when?
Please include their name and contact information.
Museum News
We are pleased to announce an upcoming concert in
the Main Gallery of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada.
Established in 2009 by Carissa Klopoushak and
Ritornello Chamber Music Festival is
an annual event which showcases
young, Canadian musicians who are
careers across the country and
around the globe.
The festival’s mandate is to provide Saskatchewan
audiences the opportunity to hear superior quality
musicians, with special attention to those who were
born and raised in the Prairies. They seek to expose
a more diverse audience to chamber music and to
provide educational opportunities, such as master
classes and lessons, to young “up and coming”
Saskatchewan musicians. Ritornello Fest is a nonprofit organization supported by donations, ticket
sales and grants, and the only one of its kind in the
Ritornello Chamber
Music Festival
Boundary Ensemble
One night only
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Ukrainian Museum of Canada Main Gallery
Doors open 7:00 p.m. Concert 8:00 p.m.
For more information, visit:
www.ritornello.ca or call 242-2753
Follow RitornelloFest on Facebook and Twitter.
widowed mother Tsia, and her sister Anne, husband
Alexander Hydichuk and daughter Eva. In Chernivtsi
they boarded the train to the port from where they
sailed on the S.S.Assyria arriving in Halifax on June
18, 1903. From Halifax they went by train to Yorkton
later in July and then arrived by horse and a small
wagon on Olga’s uncle’s farm. They were reunited
with Olga’s grandfather, George Marianchuk. They
lived in a small mud plastered house until autumn
sleeping on dry hay. George and Mary Marianchuk
are buried at Westbrook cemetery near Theodore,
Veronia Yarmie, Olga Kaye’s mother, was the
eldest child in George and Mary’s family and spent
her days looking after her younger brothers and
sisters while her parents worked at clearing the land
and digging seneca roots for a livelihood. She did
not have the opportunity to go to school. At an early
age she learned to do domestic work and was known
for making a five foot by two and a half foot tapestry
at the age of 13.
We are honoured to be the new home for these two
beautiful portraits of a mother and her daughter and
we look forward to being able to share more of their
story in an exhibition at a later date.
Thank you, Olga for this generous donation!
The Museum was the recent recipient of two portraits
from Olga Kaye, Saskatoon. A long time supporter
of the Museum, Olga (and her late husband Ludwig)
have given numerous artifacts to the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada throughout the years and we are
please to add these two items and a poyas (woven
belt) to our permanent collection. In the portrait on
the left, Olga’s grandmother Mary Marianchuk is
depicted. Mary immigrated to Canada in 1903 from
their village of Waliva, Bukovina with her four
children, including Olga’s mother Veronia, Mary’s
We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of
David Alexander Mysak on February 17, 2011 at the
age of 64. A long time friend and supporter of the
Museum, Dave was a devoted volunteer and mentor.
We will miss his advice, his wisdom and his candour.
Dave uncorked many a bottle of wine at Museum
special events and openings, his smile was infectious
and his gentleness, a treasure. He gave of his time
to not only the Ukrainian Museum of Canada and its
numerous committees, but also to the River Heights
Community Association, Vesna Festival, Yevshan
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Dancers, Persephone Theatre, Folkfest, All
Saint’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Parish
Bratsvo (Brotherhood), Mohyla Institute,
Ukrainian Canadian Business Professional
Association, and Ilarion Residence.
Dave was devoted to his family and
especially to his wife, Museum Fundraising
Campaign Chair and Board member, Sonia
(Harasym). Should we all be so blessed to
have someone love us the way Dave and
Sonia loved each other. He was blessed with
three children and four grandchildren for
whom his pride and love knew no bounds.
Dave will be dearly missed and his place in
our community never filled, but his smile and work will live on through his
generous and selfless acts. May his dear family and friends find strength and
peace in the love of each other and in the fact that many people share in your
grief. Memory Eternal. Âi÷íàÿ ïàì’ÿòü!
In the past year, the Ukrainian Museum of Canada has lost several members. We
would like to thank their families for naming the Museum as an important part of these
person’s lives and for designating the Ukrainian Museum of Canada as a recipient of
memorial donations. We thank them for considering the Museum at this difficult time
in their family’s journey and we thank the following people for their moral and
financial contributions to the Museum during their lifetime.
May their Memories be Eternal! Âi÷íàÿ ïàì’ÿòü.
Çi câÿòèìè óïîêîé, Õðèñòå, äóøi ðàáiâ Òâî¢õ,
Äå íåìຠáîëiçíi, íi ïå÷àëi, íi çiäõàííÿ, àëå æèòòÿ áåçêîíå÷íå!
July 18, 2010
August 11, 2010
March 2, 2011
May 19, 2011
August 27, 2010
August 2, 2011
November 6, 2010
December 27, 2011
February 17, 2011
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada is a non-profit organization dependent on membership
fees, admission fees, financial contributions, bequests and donations of artifacts. We
acknowledge all friends who have made memorial donations in memory of loved ones.
Please see “In Memoria” on page 19 of this journal.
Museum News
Every year the Museum welcomes visitors from near and far. All are encouraged to sign
the Guest Book. Over the past months our visitors came from:
Cities & Towns
Fort Qu’appelle
High River
Hudson Bay
North Vancouver
Prince Albert
Red Deer
Sherwood Park
St Catherines
Thetis Island
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories
New Mexico
United Kingdom
United States
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Lovely! True Gem.
Exquisite Collection.
Splendid, succulent.
Amazing Art (paintings)
Rock on!
Excellent exhibits!
Enjoyed the Pysanka experience.
The best I’ve seen.
Fantastic. Inspiring.
Great detail.
Loved it!
A true artist!
Beautiful, Formative Ukrainian Heritage
Love Learning.
Absolutely Wonderful.
Amazing Mosaics.
Way more than expected!
Brings back memories of dear friends!
Absolutely gorgeous display.
What some of our visitors have said:
Modern, classy, and more than beautiful!
So proud!
I love it here.
What wonderful history.
Great to see some of my Baba’s history.
The best museum I have seen.
DONATIONS - ÏÎÆÅÐÒÂÈ - June 1, 2010 to December 31, 2011
The Board of Directors and staff of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada thank the many
donors who have supported the UMC. Ongoing financial support ensures that we
continue to offer exhibits and programming that our community and visitors have come
to expect. No donation is too small or too big - they are all graciously welcomed!
Thank-you for your generosity!
Ìè ãëèáîêî âäÿ÷íi çà âñi ïîæåðòâè, âåëèêi ÷è ìàëi.
Andreas, Gladys
Bashnick, Nick
Beskorovayny, Harry & Olga
Bohonos, Andy (Telus Corporation)
Boychuk, Sylvia; Proceeds from Yarmarok
Burianyk, Kathy & Robert Jarvis; Medieval
Cullimore, Denis Roy
Danyliuk, Richard & Janet; Medieval
Dwernychuk, Debbie; Medieval Cabaret
Fedorak, Rose Marie
Foty, George & Lesya; Proceeds from
Foty, George & Lesya; Medieval Cabaret
Foty, George & Lesya; Bake table proceeds
Haley, Lesia
Harras, Tony & Sharon
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Choir,
(Prince Albert)
Hudema, Ethel
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia; Proceeds
from Yarmarok
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia; Bake table
Karpiak, Grace; Koliada
Kodak, Ihor & Sonia; Medieval Cabaret
Korpus, Raymond & Sonia
Kowaluk, Bohdan & Rachel
Lissey, Allan
Luciuk, from the generosity of Jacob &
Mary Michel; Matt & Eva Luciuk
Mysak, Orest & Mary
Mysak, David & Sonia; Proceeds from
Mysak, Sonia; Bake table proceeds
Muzichuk, Elaine
Pachkowski, Florence & Roy
Pankiw, Mary
Parchomchuk, George
Penteluk, Morris & Lorraine
Petrow, Myron & Doreen; Medieval
Romanyk, Alex & Carole; Koliada
Savisky, Helen
Seneshen, Mary
Senkiw, John & Connie; Proceeds from
Senkiw, John & Connie; Furnace
Shewchuk, Orest & Adele
The donor abbreviations we use:
ICO: In Celebration of.. - ITT: In
Tribute to.. IHO: In Honour of..
- IMO: In Memory of..
Sluzar, Halia & Dr. Roman; Koliada
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia; Proceeds from
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia; Medieval
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia; Bake table
Sorestad, Glen & Sonia; Proceeds from
Starchuck, Ted & Margaret
Sudchak, Senoria
Trojan, Anna & Dr. Oleh
Tymchatyn, Ed & Dorothy
Yurashak, Wally & Irene; Proceeds From
Yuzik, Peter & Zennia; Proceeds From
Yuzik, Anna-Marie; Medieval Cabaret
Yuzik, Peter & Zennia; Medieval Cabaret
W.A. Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Prince
Zoochkan, Elizabeth
Zynych, Ron
Many UMC supporters took the opportunity
to Join US! by generously donating
towards operating funds used to celebrate
the fine work in the Musuem of promoting
Ukrainian culture in Canada and to
providing a wonderful meeting place.
Baran, Walter
Bobick, Edward & Nancy
Bodnarchuk, Walter
Bozyk, V. Rev. Fr. Roman & Dobr. Genia
Broad, Barrie & Linda
Budinsky, Alyce
Cherepuschak, Ernie & Lesia
Chobotar, Martin & Nell
Chunik, Victoria
Ciona, Andrew & Patricia
Cisecki, Carol
Craig, Anastasia
Curniski, Savelia
Danyliuk, Michael & Adele
Danyliuk, Orest
Danyliuk, Gordon
Demko, Mary
Devernichuk, Mary
Dutka, June
Eremko, Pauline
Ewanchuk, Ann
Faryna, Rose
Fedeyko, William & Justine
Fedorak, Rose Marie
Franko, John
Garrity, Patrick & Helen
Greene, Nancy; IMO Sophie Paetsch
Greene, Lucy G.; IMO Sophie Paetsch
Gryba, Eugene & Marusia
Halyk, Bunny
Harasymchuk, Darrel & Olya
Harasymchuk, Sylvia
Harras, Tony & Sharon
Harris, Edward
Hawryshok, Olga
Hobden, Katherine M.; IMO David, David
Eugene & Jordan
Hohol, Alexandra; IMO Dr. H.J. Hohol
Hrycuik, Robert & Ksenia
Hryhor, Taras & Thelma
Ignash, Pauline
Kanigan, Iris
Karpiak, Grace
Karpiuk, Betty
Kereluk-Regehr, Victoria
Kindrachuk, Pauline
Klopoushak, Stan & Anne
Klopoushak, Edward
Kondra, Zenon P.
Kormylo, John
Korol, Taras & Dorothy
Koroluk, Nellie
Korpus, Evelyn
Kotyshyn, Orest
Krueger, Katie
Labach, Terry & Vera
Lazaruk, Victoria
Liber, Dorothy
Lyne, Elizabeth
Lysyk, George & Orysia
Maksymiuk, Jean
Manulak, Walter & Evangeline
Markowsky, Anne
Marshall, Elsie
Martindale, Carol; IHO mother’s 80th B’day
Matwichuk, Alice
Mazuryk, Orest & Carolynn
Respecting the privacy of our
donors we will no longer be showing
individual donation amounts or
cumulative totals. For your own
records, that information is shown
on the charity receipt.
Museum News
Mechalski, Anna
Moskaluk, Anne
Muzichuk, Elaine
Nahirney, Nettie
Narepecka, Olga
Nicholaichuk, Alice
Nokony, Vera
Nychka, Walter & Mary
Nychyk, Roman & Elaine
Olineck, Annie
Parchomchuk, George
Perritt, Cliff & Lesia
Pillipow, Steve & Aileen
Pincemin, Rena
Prociuk, S. Alice
Procyshyn, Leona
Romanyk, Alex & Carole
Ruzesky, Olga
Rybalka, Wasyl & Sally
Sakowsky, Zenovia
Samcoe, Emilia
Samcoe, Annie
Sametz, Olga
Sawchuk, Anne
Sawchyn, Jean
Sawyshyn, Sylvia
Scherbluk, Halia
Schulha, Nadia
Semeniuk, William & Pauline
Seniuk, Gerald & Jeralyn
Senkiw, Vera
Shipowick, Michael
Shulhan, Stella
Silcox, Gloria
Siryj, Anna
Smerchanski, Helen
Sopatyk, Rose
Sorby, Olga
Stashuk, Julia E.
Stefaniuk, Eugene
Stefanuk, Ernie & Janet
Sudchak, Senoria
Sugden, Nathalia
Talbot, Bob & Donna
Trojan, Oleh & Anna
Tymchatyn, Pat
UWAC - Manitoba Provincial Executive
UWAC Daughters Of Ukraine Branch
UWAC Kniahynia Olha Branch (Vernon)
UWAC Lesia Ukrainka Branch
(Holy Trinity - Winnipeg)
UWAC Olena Pchilka Branch (Yorkton)
UWAC Sophia Rusova Long Branch
UWAC St. John’s Branch (Edmonton)
Ukrainetz, Peter
Wasylyshen, Evelyn
Werezak, William
Young, Wanda
Zack, Nadia
At UMC we recognize all donations.
If you prefer that yours remains
anonymous please ensure that this
request is clearly noted at the time of
making on your donation.
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
The Yalynka Project was started in 2001
to offer a tribute to someone special in our
lives through a Christmas appeal.
Supporters are invited to put the name of
a loved one on the decoration and return it
to the Museum where it will be placed on
the Gallery tree. Note that this report
covers the 2010 and 2011 campaigns.
Balon, Victor; IMO Michael Balon
Baran, Walter; IMO Andrew Sr & Sofia
Baran, Sylvia: ITT UMC friends
Barnes, Roma; IMO Bohdan Holynsky;
ITT Alexandra Holynsky
Baschuk, Rose; IMO M&J Bayda
Belbas, Wasyl F.
Blysniuk, Valentyna; IMO husband Mykola
Bodnar, Nadeya
Bohonos, Helena; IMO beloved husband,
father & grandfather Nestor Bohonos
Bokshowan, Olga; IMO Paul Bokshowan
Borsa, Olga; IMO Julia Joan Nikiforuk
Boyko Morley, Sharon; ITT B.Ledgerwood;
IMO D Boyko
Bozyk, V. Rev. Fr. Roman & Dobr. Genia
Brayshaw, Audrey
Budinsky, Alyce
Budzak, Nick & Mary; IMO M&M Wm
Budzak; M&M S Wozniak
Bukurak, Metro & Lavina; IMO Frank &
Pauline Lorenz; William & Lena Bukurak
Burianyk, Michael & Edith; IMO Sister
Mary Vereziuk
Burianyk, Kathy & Robert Jarvis
Charko, Louise
Chayka, Robert & Alice
Chayka, Walter & Gloria
Cherepuschak, Ernie & Lesia
Chez, Roman & Gail; IMO Katherine Chyz
Chorney, Bill & Pearl
Choulguine, Lydia
Chucko, Amelia
Chunik, Victoria
Craig, Anastasia; IMO Henry; Nicholas &
Creed, Evelyn J.
Danyliuk, Gordon
Danyliuk, Michael & Adele; IMO Nicholas
& Dorothy Kucey; Wasyl & Helen
Danyliuk, Richard & Janet; ITT
Danyliuk, Orest; IMO Parents, Brother,
Danyliuk, Gordon; IMO Alexander
Darcovich, Isabelle; IMO William
Darcovich & Steve Boyko
Demkiw, John; IMO Walter Demkiw
Dutka, Mabel
Dzuba, Sofie; IMO Alec Dzuba
Eliashevsky, John G.; IMO Olga
Eremko, Pauline
Fansega, Pauline; IMO Michael
Faryna, Rose; IMO Faryna family members
Fedeyko, William & Justine
Feist, Oricia
Festeryga, Doris; IMO Anna & Nicholas
Foty, George & Lesya
Galczyk, Steve; IMO Wife Antonia
Garrity, Patrick & Helen; IMO Ivon &
Elizabeth Shewchuk; ITT our children;
ITT 6 grandchildren
Gauk, Orest & Roma
Gonta, Stephen & Mabel; IMO A &
Stefania Bilous
Gray, James & Sylvia
Greene, Lucy G; IMO mother Sophie
Seneshen Paetsch
Gryba, William & Sylvia; IMO Barbara &
Peter Wasylciw; Wasylena & Alexander
Gryba, Mark & Mona
Halyk, Bunny; IMO Margaret Halyk
Harasymchuk, Sylvia; IMO William &
Mary Zarry; Irene Zary
Harasymiw, Natalie
Harasymiw, Elaine; IMO Emma Verchomin
Hawrysh, Zenia
Haydey, Orest & Zennovia
Hiebert, Curtis & Teresa Bodnar
Hobden, Katherine M.; IMO David, David
Eugene & Jordan Hobden
Holowaty, Myroslawa
Holuk, Jean; IMO mother-in-law Anna
Hope, Jean; IMO Paul Boychuk
Howe, Cathy Crones & Eric; ITT Janet
Prebushewsky Danyliuk
Howlett, Dr. Evan & Doreen; IMO JudyAnne’s mom
Hrycuik, Robert & Ksenia; ITT Ukrainian
Hryhor, Taras & Thelma
Hryniuk, Robert & Annabelle; IMO Metro
Hryniuk; ITT Mary Hryniuk
Huba, Halina; IMO S Huba; Y Huba
Hudema, Ethel
Humen, Mary; IMO Bohdan Humen &
Konstantin & Rozalia Fedeyko
Humeniuk, Petro & Halia; IMO Anna &
Pawlo Humeniuk
Humeny, Eleanor
Ignash, Pauline; IMO husband Walter; ITT
nephew Bill Zuk
Janis, Joana; IMO Walter Janis; Mary
Jones, Lesya
Jost, Frances; IMO Mrs. Annie Babichuk
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia; IMO
Victims of the Holodomor; IMO our
parents & grandparents
Kaminski, Walter & Anna; IMO Ted &
Tekla Naychuk; Michael & Vasylyna
Karpiak, Grace; IMO mother Maria
Karpinetz, Thomas & Zenovia; IMO
Eugenia Sawich & Maria Karpinetz
Kaye, Olga & Constance; IMO Ludwig
Kaye, Olga; IMO Ludwig & Constance
Kereluk-Regehr, Victoria; IMO Steve &
Mary Keryluk; Ed Kereluk
Kindrachuk, Pauline; IMO Peter
Kishchuk, Boris & Marie; IMO John &
Nell; John & Mary; Bohdan
Klopoushak, Edward
Klopoushak, Stan & Anne; IMO deceased
family members; ITT all of our living
family & friends
Klym, Mary; IMO Vosey, Taralyn, Jorden
Kondra, Peter & Rose
Kondra, Peter M. & Dr. Marilyn
Korzekwa; IMO father Peter A. Kondra;
ITT mother Rozalia Kondra
Kormylo, John
Korol, Taras & Dorothy; IMO Nick &
Rosie Duch, Andrew & Mary Korol
Koroluk, Nellie
Korpus, Raymond & Sonia; IMO A&J
Zenchyshyn; L Korpus; M Usilk; Kiciuk
Kostash, Janice; ITT Myrna Kostash
Kostyniuk, William L. & Marta FotyKostyniuk; IMO Mother Verna
Kowalsky, Myron & Olesia
Kowalsky, Alice; IMO Julia Joan Nikiforuk
Kryschuk, Rt. Rev. Meroslaw & Dobr.
Nadia; IMO daughter Natalia Kryschuk
Kucey, Eugene & Nancy; IMO Domka &
Todor Kucey; William & Polly Harbus;
Evangeline Shyluk
Kurczaba, Michael & Olga
Kuryk-Kolabinski, Bessie; IMO John,
George, Alice, Henry, Metro, Effie;
Kuryk-Kolabinski & Sokoliuk families
Kutash, Ihor; IMO George & Annie Kutash
Luchak, Rt. Rev. Dmytro & Dobr. Jane;
IMO Rt Rev Dmytro; Mary
Lysak, Alex & Pauline; IMO Hryhor &
Lysak family members
Lysyk, George & Orysia
Maceluch, Walter
MacPherson, Helen R.
Makowsky, D. Mitch & Marianne; IMO
S&K Makowsky; W&N Baziuk
Maksymiuk, Jean
Marchuk, Olia; IMO deceased of Barbara
& Mastiy Kowalchuk family
Marianchuk, Phyllis; IMO Nick Marianchuk
Markowsky, Anne
Marshall, Elsie
Matwichuk, Alice; IMO Michael &Mary
Mazuryk, Orest & Carolynn
Mischuk, Dmytro; IMO Nellie Mischuk
Myall, David & Sylvia
Mysak, David & Sonia
Mysak, Michael; IMO David Mysak
Mysak, Orest & Mary; IMO David Mysak
Mysak, Sonia; IMO David Mysak & Mary
Negrych, Olenka
Nicholaichuk, Alice; IMO Mike P.
Nikiforuk, Nick & Helen; IMO M & M
Nokony, Vera; ITT the UMC
Nychka, Walter & Mary; ITT Mario &
Marie Nychka; Mejia & Adam Blocka;
Ochitwa, Miroslaw & Beatrice
Oleksyn, Steve & Sylvia; IMO Adam &
Anne Wojcichowsky; Bill & Bessie
Oleskiw, Myron; IMO Albert, Rose &
Christine Oleskiw
Ostryzniuk, Jerry & Natalie; IMO Elizabeth
& John Shewchuk; ITT Anya & Timothy
Pachkowski, Roy L. & Florence
Penzie, Jennie; IMO Sheldon
Petrow, Myron & Doreen
Who gives $1.35 to the
A recent first time visitor to the
Museum enjoyed herself so much
that she pulled all the pennies
and quarters from her pocket
and left it with Gift Shop staff.
Our little friend
is eight years old!
Petrow, Mary; Joyful Tribute To Mary;
IMO Mary B. Petrow; Anton & Annie
Sawchuk; John & Annie Petrow
Piasta, Ostap & Olga R.
Pillipow, William & Sonia; ITT Christmas
Pincemin, Rena; IMO Paul Boychuk
Pitts, Olecia; IMO husband Peter
Prociuk, S. Alice; IMO mother, sisters &
Prokopiw, Peter & Mary
Prokopiw, Mary; IMO Peter, Myron &
Marusia Prokopiw; Luka & Anna
Chomiak Rohachuk, Doris; IMO Wasyl
& Katie Franko
Romanyk, Alex & Carole; IMO sisters
Marie Hobbs & Joan Nakonechny
Ruzesky, Olga; IMO husband
Sawchuk, Anne M
Sawchyn, Jean
Sawyshyn, Sylvia
Schulha, Nadia
Sears, Alice
Semeniuk, William & Pauline; ITT William
& Pauline Semenuik
Senkiw, John & Connie; IMO Michael
Senyk, Steve & Sandra
Serray, Andrew & Claudia; IMO Nicholas,
Walter, Jean
Sherban, Joseph & Olga
Shewchuk, Alexandra; IMO mother Mary
Shewchuk; ITT dad Sam Shewchuk
Shipowick, Michael; IMO Irene Shipowick
Shulhan, Stella; ITT my family
Shutiak, Marion; IMO mom Annie; dad
Sluzar, Roman & Halia L.
Sojonky, Audrey; IMO Margaret Remenda;
ITT Lukas & Alexa Sojonky
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia; IMO Petro &
Anastasia Stanicki
Sopatyk, Rose; IMO William Sopatyk
Sorby, Olga; IMO mother Anne Iwanchysko
Sorestad, Glen & Sonia
Sowa, Mike; IMO Stella
Sowtis; Alex & Mary; IMO Paul Sowtis
Stefaniuk, Rev. Eugene; IMO Fred & Mary
Stefaniuk, Ernie & Janet
Stefanuk, Elsie
Strickland, Helen; IMO Polly Cameron
Sulyma, Lelia; ITT Robert & Iris Sulyma &
Anastasia Goddard; IMO Mary Sulyma;
Sushko, Halia; IMO Emilia Stepoway &
Makar Sushko
Tenning, Leslie & Lorraine; Jim
Topolnisky, Eugene
Trimpolis, Peter
Trischuk, Bernie & Maryann; IMO Paul &
Doreen; Bill & Anne
Trojan, Oleh & Anna; IMO mother Sophia
Stepaniuk; ITT daughter Lada Trojan
UWAC Dominika Ohienko Branch (Lac La
UWAC Hanka Romanchych Branch
UWAC Olena Pchilka Branch (Yorkton)
UWAC Olha Kobylanska Branch
Ukrainian Museum Of Canada - Alberta
Ukrainian Orthodox Men’s Association
Ungarian, Hope; IMO Mother Doris
Van Iderstine, Louise
Wachniak, Olga
Waliduda, Sylvia; ITT Fr. Michal
Warnyca, Orest & Gwen; IMO John,
Annie&Peter Moleski;&Tyler Smith; ITT
G&A Warnyca; J&S Shiplack
Wasylyshen, Evelyn; IMO all Matiowsky
Webster, Vera
Wingerchuk, Mike W. IMO Olga
Wingerchuk;Woje, Peter & Sylvia; IMO
Peter, Katherine & Walter Billous; Ann
& Adam Wojcichowsky
Woloschuk, Dr. Wayne & Lesia; IMO
Museum News
Dianne, Paul, Doreen Ortynsky; Dave
Woron, Mykola & Pearl
Wozimirsky, Myron & Shirley
Yakimow, Gord; IMO John & Agnes
Yasinowski, Nancy; ITT B.Ledgerwood;
IMO husband J.Yasinowski
Yuzik, Peter & Zennia
Zack, Nadia; that the Ukrainian language be
used more because it is dying
Zaleschuk, Michael
Zenchyshyn, Boris & Anne
Zenchyshyn, Anne; IMO Julia Badowich;
Boris Zenchyshyn
Zoochkan, Elizabeth
Zukiwsky, Victoria
Zwak, Bonnie; IMO parents Michael &
Janet Swenarchuyk
Zymowec, Mary; IMO Kornel & Ahafia
Peter & Rose Kondra’s 71st Anniversary
Foster, Robert & Marusia
Congratulations to Karen & Brian
Seneshen, Mary
Judge A.A.Sarchuk’s 80th Birthday
Bohonos, Helena
Ann & Tony Bilokury’s 60th Anniversary
Chayka, Robert & Alice
Kowalsky, Alice
Olena Garrity’s 75th Birthday
Evans, Darcia
Met & Olga Michalchuk’s 50th Anniv.
Kaminski, Wally & Anna
Dr. Peter A. Kondra’s 100th birthday
Foster, Marusia & Robert
Justice Richard Danyliuk
Kaye, Olga
Mary Charuk’s 65th birthday
Slusarchuk, Pat & Barry
William & Sylvia Gryba’s 60th Anniversary
Gould, Larry & Ethel
Wasylciw, Ernest & Helen
Bohun, Garry & Darlene
Cochrane, Dean & Christine
Fyfe, Ken & Zennie
Gryba, William & Sylvia
Gryba, John & Sharon
Holowaty, Lily
Kaiser, Bob
Scherbluk, Halia
Gryba, Nestor & Renetta
Wasylow, Gary & Judy
UMC 75th Anniversary
Iwanchuk, Adrew & Ann
Klopoushak, Stan & Anne
Kodak, Ihor & Sonia
Labach, Terry & Vera
Makowsky, V.Rev. Taras & Dobr. Joanne
Pillipow, Steve & Aileen
SUS Foundation of Canada
Ukrainian Orthodox Mens Assoc (TYC)
of Regina
UWAC Lesia Ukrainka Branch (Holy
Trinity, Winnipeg)
Kowalsky, Allice; IMO husband Peter
Perritt, Lesia; IMO Clifford
Samcoe, Emelia
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Nell Burianyk
Burianyk, Michael & Edith
Burianyk, Kathy & Robert Jarvis
Pauline Cameron
Debusschere, Sandy & Donna
Eugene Charko
Charko, Louise
Vlas Darcovich
Sametz, Olga
Walter Demkiw
Demkiw, John
Dora Essar
Senkiw, John & Connie
mother Erinka
Ewanchuk, Ann
Margaret Ezak
Sadownick, Orest & Pauline
Mary Harasym
Sorestad, Glen & Sonia
Klopoushak, Edward
Danyliuk, Richard & Janet
Shewchuk, Orest & Adele
Shrubsole, Orysia
Duchscherer, Diane
Kishchuk, Boris & Marie
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia
Didula, John & Cindy
Syrnick, Syl
Mysak, Bernice
Mysak, David & Sonia
Klopoushak, Larry & Alicia
Mysak, Joanne
Trischuk, Bernie & Maryann
Gryba, William & Sylvia
Coady, Scott & Jillian
Yaworski, Eileen
Kucey, Eugene & Nancy
Humen, Mary
Cockwill, Janet
Boyko, Adrian & Sonia
Bohdan Hawryliw
Murray, A. Ruth
Discovery Park, Teresa Reynolds
Budzak, Nick & Mary (& IHO 85th
Harach, Ernie & Jean
Boryski, Eileen
Nijman, Charlotte
Phaneuf, Ray & Joanne
Gray, Yev & Natalie
Pryhitka, Ernest
Hawryliw, Fred
Sack, Irene
Booy, Jerry & Joan
Olga Hawrysh
Chayka, Robert & Alice
Ann Hluchaniuk
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia
Boychuk, Sylvia
Nicholaichuk, Alice
Lancer Portreeve Donors Choice
Ewanyshyn, Lawrence & Marie
Kozun, Olga
Yates, Don
Kozun, Ernest & Olga
Karpiniak, Bernie & Trudy
Rudy, Steve & Mary
Kachkowski, Albert & Cecilia
Klopoushak, Stan & Anne
Marion Hobbs
Kalenchuk, Rick & Anne
Annie Hunchak & Annie Wasylyk
Gryba, William & Sylvia
Katie Karmazniuk
Senkiw, John & Connie
Connie Kaye
Danyliuk, Adele & Michael
Gryba, William & Sylvia
Samcoe, Annie
John & Faye Keller
UWAC Olha Kobylanska Branch
Dr. Peter A. Kondra
Kondra, Zenon P.
Kondra, Rose
Pawlik, Nellie
Prokipchuk, John
Peter Kotelko
Trembach, John & Anne
Sopatyk, Irene
Wowk, Jerry, Laverne, & Odessa
Peter Kotyk
Gryba, William & Sylvia
Stephania Kushniruk
Senkiw, John & Connie
H.Maksymiuk & Dmytro Maksymiuk
Maksymiuk, Jean
Clinton Morley
Danyliuk, Adele & Michael
David Mysak
Hawryliw, Stan & Pat (Library Fund)
Zaleschuk, Donna
Hoehn, Brenda
Korol, Taras
Korol, Dorothy
Danyliuk, Michael & Adele
Klopoushak, Stan & Anne
Ortynsky, Terry & Linda
Boychuk, Sylvia
Chayka, Robert & Alice
Sokyrka, Harold & Sonia
Kishchuk, Boris & Marie
Souter, Betty-Lou
Powalinsky, Jim & Ilaria
Vermette, Linda
Dagnone, Tony
Kucey, Eugene & Nancy
Vesna Festival
Chometsky, Bonita
Hoehn, Ron & Audrey
Mysak, Orest & Mary
Mysak, Danny & Terra
Didula, John & Cindy
Pillipow, William & Sonia
Ortynsky, Nester & Jennie
Sorestad, Glen & Sonia
Dr Bernie Trischuk Dental Prof. Corp
Harasym, Les & Lorri
Shrubsole, Orysia
Shrubsole, William
Perritt, Cliff & Lesia
Marshall, Elsie
Potts, Tom & Nadine
Talpash, Josephine
Carr, Mariann
Yuzik, Patricia
Petrow, Myron & Doreen
Baran, Sylvia
Danyliuk, Richard & Janet
Facca, Geoff & Jocelyn
Woloschuk, Catherine
Mysak, Lawrence
Mysak, Mary
Lissel, Margaret J.
Kalenchuk, Rick & Anne
Ortynsky, Evan & Brenda
Gryba, William & Sylvia
Senkiw, John & Connie
Labach, Terry & Vera
Rose Oleskiw
Ferbey, Orysia L.
Katie Ostapovich
Senkiw, John & Connie
Nick Ostapowich
Senkiw, John & Connie
Anna Papish
Labach, Terry & Vera
Peter Plishka
Gryba, William& Sylvia
Russell Sawchyn
Senkiw, John & Connie
Linda Senkiw
Senkiw, John & Connie
Walter Sopatyk
Sadownick, Orest & Pauline
Stella Sowa
Senkiw, John & Connie
Janet Swenarchuk
Achtemichuk, Mervyn C.
Chayka, Dr. Robert & Alice
Yasinowski, Nancy
Michael Swenarchuk
Chayka, Robert & Alice
Kishchuk, Boris & Marie
Yasinowski, Nancy
Achtemichuk, Mervyn C.
Joanne Symchych
Korpus,Raymond & Sonia
Klopoushak, Stan & Anne
John Trembach
Bukurak, Metro & Lavina
Evans, Adele M.
Evoniuk, Christopher & Marian
Gryba, William & Sylvia
Hydamka, Wayne & Karen
Lazarowich, Sally & Ted
Nystuen, Linda M.
Oleksyn, Steve & Sylvia
Romanchuk, Katherine
Sadownick, Orest & Pauline
Shewchuk, Marge
Trembach, Anne
Werezak, Kotelko, Jarman
Rose Jarman
William Woroniuk
Danyliuk, Michael & Adele
Mike Yurkiw
Yurkiw, Dolly N.
John Zaozirny
Sadownick, Orest & Pauline
Zazelenchuk, William
Zazelenchuk, Alice Maxine
Ernest Zemianski
Bohonos, Helena
Pestrak, James & Margaret
Boris Zenchyshyn
Kishchuk, Boris & Marie
Korpus, Raymond & Sonia
Appl Custom Woodworks, Gunther Appl;
Medieval Cabaret
Butler Byers; Fundraiser
Daymart Coatings Ltd., Willi Germs;
Royal Bank Of Canada (College Dr);
Medieval Cabaret
Sask Teachers Superannuated
SUS Foundation of Canada; Grant For
Ukrainian Canadian Professional & Business
Ukrainian Orthodox Men’s Association
“Steppe” Club-TYC (Saskatoon); Koliada
Ukrainian Society Of Prosvita (Regina);
Ukrainian Tryzub Society; Folkfest 2010
Friesen, Beverly A.
Mysak, Marlene
National Executive
Daughters Of Ukraine Branch
Hanka Romanchych Branch (Saskatoon);
IHO Doris Setka, Pauline Sawchyn,
Minnie Lemko
Hanka Romanchych Branch
Kniahynia Olha Branch (Gronlid) $1,330
Kniahynia Olha Branch
(Prince Albert)
Kniahynia Olha Branch (Toronto) $3,628
Kniahynia Olha Branch (Vernon) $6,681
Lesia Ukrainka Branch
(St. Elia’s-Edmonton)
Lesia Ukrainka Branch
Lesia Ukrainka Branch of Sich Kolomea
Lesia Ukrainka Branch (Windsor) $4,415
Maria Markovych Branch (Canora)$24,477
Olena Pchilka Branch (Yorkton) $19,461
Olha Kobylanska Branch –
Mazeppa Ladies Assoc.
St. Andrew’s Branch (Edmonton) $19,980
St. Anna’s Branch (Fort Frances) $3,200
St. Olha Branch (Vegreville)
UMC - Calgary Collection
UMC - MB; IMO Adeline Klock $28,252
Franko, Stefan & Roma; ITT UMC 75th
Hlynka, Tricia
Potts, Nadine & Tom; ITT UMC 75th
Prokipchuk, John; IMO wife Elizabeth
Baran, Sylvia
Boyko Morley, Sharon
Chrones Cathy & Eric Howe
Howlett, Dr. Evan & Doreen
Hudyma, Khrystyna
Makowsky, Tatiana
Mysak, Sonia
Pavlov, Roman
Pillipow, Steve & Aileen
Estate of Felix Tesarski
Estate of Bella Dobni
Estate of Ola Martyn
UMC gratefully acknowledges
funding received from:
UMC Mission Statement:
The purpose of the Ukrainian
Museum of Canada is to
acquire, preserve, study
and interpret, on a
national basis, representative
artifacts which depict the
Ukrainian heritage and its
contribution to Canada.
Museum News
* denotes new member
Olga Alexandruk* • Fort Saskatchewan
Elaine Holowach-Amiot • Calgary
Gladys Andreas • Surrey
Ewhenia Babiy • Mississauga
Irka Balan • Winnipeg
Geraldine Balaura • Toronto
Natalie Ball • Burlington
Brett Balon* • Saskatoon
Sylvia Baran • Saskatoon
Emily Bazylo • Winnipeg
Sonija Bejzyk • Winnipeg
Marla Belsheim • Calgary
Elsie Bilan* • Yorkton
Nancy Bobick • Saskatoon
Donald Bodnar • Cudworth
Bernice Bodnarchuk • Mississauga
Evan Bodnarchuk • Mississauga
Helena Bohonos • Winnipeg
Zena Bohonos • Winnipeg
Stephanie Boucher* • Saskatoon
Mary Boychuk (LM) • Saskatoon
Sylvia Boychuk • Saskatoon
Sonia Boyko • Saskatoon
Dobr. Genia Bozyk • Winnipeg
Leona Bridges • Edmonton
Xenia Bubel* • Edmonton
Alyce Budinsky • Winnipeg
Jen Budney • Saskatoon
Kay Budzinski • Winnipeg
Kathy Burianyk & Robert Jarvis • Regina
Lillian Cebryk • Edmonton
Shannon Cebryk Kelly* • Spruce Grove
Christine Chayka • Saskatoon
Robert & Alice Chayka • Saskatoon
Ernie & Lesia Cherepuschak • Regina
Gloria Chewchuk • Richmond Hill
Gail Chez • Coldstream
Nell Chobotar • Vita
Anne Cholod • Saskatoon
Mary Ann Chubey • Carlowrie
Amelia Chucko • Surrey
Patricia Ciona • Blaine Lake
Carol Cisecki • Saskatoon
Irene Cord • Toronto
Adele Danyliuk • Saskatoon
Daria Darewych • Mississauga
Stella Demchenko • Winnipeg
Victor Demchenko • Winnipeg
John Demkiw • Saskatoon
Barbara Derbawka* • Richlea
Daria Diakowsky • Toronto
Cindy Didula • Saskatoon
John Didula • Saskatoon
Marge Dumanski • Regina
Sonia Duranovich* • Toronto
Mary Dymianiw • Edmonton
Sofie Dzuba • Winnipeg
John G. Eliashevsky • Dundas
Oksana Ensslen • Edmonton
Darcia Evans • Saskatoon
Ann Ewanchuk • North Battleford
Clara Ewasiuk • Saskatoon
Mary Fedak • North York
Emil Fedak, Q.C. • Burlington
Doris Festeryga • Hamilton
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Stephanie Fielding • Saskatoon
Carolyn Foster • Toronto
Marusia Foster • Winnipeg
Alexandra Foty • Toronto
Marsha Frankiw* • Calgary
Jennie Franko • Saskatoon
Roma Franko • Toronto
Stefan Franko • Toronto
Helen Garrity • Winnipeg
Alicia Gayowsky • Hamilton
Elsie Gaziuk • Etobicoke
Maura Gillis-Cipywnyk • Saskatoon
Elsie Gniazdowski* • Toronto
Mabel Gonta • Oshawa
Melvina Gowda • Edmonton
Eya Greenland Donald • Toronto
Joanne Gregg • London
Bill & Calla Gryba • Saskatoon
Sylvia Gryba (LM) • Saskatoon
William Gryba (LM) • Saskatoon
Irene Gudzowsky • Toronto
Bunny Halyk • Melville
Dr. Elaine Harasymiw • Edmonton
Dr. Tony & Sharon Harras • Regina
Pat Hawryliw • Saskatoon
Stan Hawryliw • Saskatoon
Zennovia Haydey • Calgary
Curtis & Teresa Bodnar Hiebert • Saskatoon
Marianne Hladun* • Saskatoon
Elizabeth R. Holinaty • Edmonton
Stephanie Holowach • Calgary
Anne Hryhor-Mosquin • Winnipeg
Violet Hubic • Regina
Mary Humen • Saskatoon
Stan & Anne Humenuk • Calgary
Eleanor Humeny • Eatonia
Valerie Hyduk* • Toronto
Dr. Sandra Hyduk • Scarborough
Pauline Ignash • Winnipeg
Yvonne Ivanochko • Toronto
Larissa Jablonsky • Islington
Olia Janschula* • Etobicoke
Rose Jarman • Saskatoon
Diane Jurychuk • Burlington
Rosaline Kaminsky • Yorkton
Grace Karpiak • Winnipeg
William & Adele Kereliuk • Mississauga
Alice Kindrachuk • Saskatoon
Helen Kindrachuk • Abbotsford
Pauline Kindrachuk • Vernon
Carol Kindrachuk • Saskatoon
Slawko Kindrachuk • Saskatoon
Boris Kishchuk • Saskatoon
Marie Kishchuk (LM) • Saskatoon
Anne Klopoushak (LM) • Saskatoon
Edward Klopoushak • Regina
Larry & Alicia Klopoushak • Saskatoon
Tamara Koczarny* • Oakville
Zevin Korpus* • Regina
Evelyn Korpus • Regina
Raymond & Sonia Korpus • Regina
Anna-Marie Koszarycz* • Calgary
Halyna Koszarycz • Calgary
Carol Kowalchuk • Winnipeg
Michelle Kowalchuk • Winnipeg
Olga Kowalchuk • Winnipeg
Shelley Kowalchuk • Winnipeg
Maryann Kowalsky* • Calgary
Bohdan & Rachel Kowaluk • Saskatoon
Olga Kowcz • Montreal
Mike N. Kozakevich • Melville
Nina Kozy • Toronto
Irene Krawchuk • Winnipeg
Leonard Krawchuk • Winnipeg
Ernie Krebs • Scarborough
Chester Kuc • Edmonton
Eugene Kucey (LM) • Saskatoon
Nancy Kucey • Saskatoon
Mary Kuciuk • Melville
Orycia A. Kurczaba • Calgary
Olga Kurczaba • Calgary
Eugenia Kuryk • Winnipeg
Valentina Kuryliw • Toronto
Ihor Kutash • Montreal
Lena Kuzenko • Winnipeg
Terry & Vera Labach • Saskatoon
Zonia Lazarowich • Edmonton
Beverley Ledgerwood • Saskatoon
Dorothy Liber • Etobicoke
Dobr. Jane Luchak • Winnipeg
Gerald & Cathy Luciuk* • Regina
Halia Lypka • Hamilton
Orysia Lysyk • Oshawa
Helen R. MacPherson • Burlington
Dobr. Joanne Makowsky • Saskatoon
V.Rev. Taras Makowsky • Saskatoon
Jean Maksymiuk • Prince Albert
Rosanne Maluk • Saskatoon
Evangeline Manulak • Winnipeg
Carol Martindale • Winnipeg
Vickie Martinuk* • Edmonton
Peter Maruschak • Winnipeg
Zena Marusenko • Winnipeg
Ksenia Maryniak* • Edmonton
Nadiya Matiyash • Toronto
Elaine Mazier Maksymiuk • Saskatoon
Carolynn Mazuryk • Melbourne
Jean A. Mekitiak (LM) • Calgary
Natalka Melnychuk • Edmonton
Cheryl Moisey* • Andrew
Vallery Mokrytzki • Wasaga Beach
Dr. Irene Moroz* • Toronto
Anne Moskaluk • Toronto
Pauline Mudry • Edmonton
Marion Mutala • Saskatoon
Bernice Mysak • Saskatoon
Marlene Mysak • Calgary
David & Sonia Mysak • Saskatoon
Andriy Nahachewsky* • Edmonton
Geraldine Nakonechny • Edmonton
Anne Nazarevich • Winnipeg
Tania Nedilski • Toronto
Maria Netchay • Hamilton
Halya Newediuk* • Edmonton
Alice Nicholaichuk • Saskatoon
Caroline Nimeck • Saskatoon
Vera Nokony (LM) • Vancouver
Valerie Noseworthy • Winnipeg
Elaine Nychyk • North Battleford
Roman Nychyk • North Battleford
Iris Nykoluk • Saskatoon
Miroslaw & Beatrice Ochitwa • Canora
Jean Ochrym • Etobicoke
Jennie Ortynsky (LM) • Canora
Halyna Ostapchuk • Toronto
Natalie Ostryzniuk • Regina
Florence Pachkowski • Burnaby
George Parchomchuk • Saskatoon
Cathy Paroschy-Harris* • Thunder Bay
Nettie Parsons • Burlington
Nellie Pawlik (LM) • Winnipeg
Sylvia Pawlik • West St. Paul
Nadia Pelensky • Toronto
Jennie Penzie • North Battleford
Lesia Perritt • Edmonton
James Pestrak • Winnipeg
Mary Petrow • Winnipeg
Olga R. Piasta • Ituna
Jennie Pidwysocky • St. Laurent
Aileen Pillipow • Regina
Steve Pillipow • Regina
Olecia Pitts • Yorkton
Olga Poliszczuk • Toronto
Nadine Potts* • Saskatoon
Rev. Fr. Patrick Powalinsky • Warman
Janet Prebushewsky Danyliuk • Saskatoon
Leona Procyshyn • Yorkton
Mary Prokopetz* • Yorkton
Maria Prokopiw • Edmonton
Danylo Puderak* • Saskatoon
Victoria Rak • Saskatoon
Mary Romanko • West Vancouver
Alex Romanyk • Winnipeg
Carole Romanyk • Winnipeg
Wasyl & Sally Rybalka* • Prince Albert
Zenovia Sakowsky • Sherwood Park
Rose Sametz • Richmond Hill
Connie Sarchuk • Winnipeg
Alexandra Semeniuk • Scarborough
William & Pauline Semeniuk • Yorkton
Mary Seneshen • Saskatoon
Gerald & Jeralyn Seniuk • Saskatoon
Nellie Seniw • Edmonton
John & Connie Senkiw • Foam Lake
Vera Shevchuk • Willowdale
Adele Shewchuk • Wakaw
Anna Siryj • Winnipeg
Lessia Slipchuk-Mulka • Edmonton
Pat Slusarchuk • Calgary
Halia L. Sluzar • Mississauga
Helen Smerchanski • Winnipeg
Arlene Smetaniuk • Toronto
Oksana Sokolyk • Toronto
Harold & Sonia Sokyrka • Saskatoon
Olga Sorby • Winnipeg
Sylvia Sorochka • Saskatoon
Michael & Loraine Sovyn • Saskatoon
Stephania Spytkowsky • Beamsville
Linda Stachyruk • Wynyard
Ted Starchuck • Melville
Zenia Stechishin • Toronto
Vera Stechyshyn • Toronto
Katrusia Stefaniuk • St. Catharines
Annie Stefanow* • Saskatoon
Elsie Stefanuk • Saskatoon
Elizabeth Stefanyshyn-Alonso • Saskatoon
Nadia Strathdee • Burlington
Emily Strutinsky • Winnipeg
Nathalia Sugden • Palgrave
Dr. Lelia Sulyma • Toronto
Halia Sushko • Lloydminster
Irene Sych • Brantford
Bob Talbot • Ste. Anne
Don Taschuk* • Melville
Dobr. Halia Teterenko • Winnipeg
Larissa Tkachenko • Toronto
Eugene Topolnisky • Edmonton
Adele Trischuk • Saskatoon
Dr. Bernie & Maryann Trischuk • Yorkton
Anna Trojan • Mississauga
Olga Tyne • Peterborough
Hope Ungarian • Edmonton
Patricia Vereschagin* • Saskatoon
Olga Wachniak • Saskatoon
Sylvia Waliduda • Prince Albert
Millie Walkovich • Pickering
Evelyn Wasylyshen • Winnipeg
Hanya Welykanycz • Etobicoke
Anne Welykholowa • Regina
Marusia Wenger • St. Leonard
Mari White • Toronto
Catherine Woloschuk • Yorkton
Shirley Wozimirsky • Edmonton
Gerald Yaholnitsky • Yorkton
H.Eileen Yewchuk • Edmonton
Irene Yurashak • Saskatoon
Wally Yurashak • Saskatoon
Peter Yuzik • Cudworth
Zennia Yuzik • Cudworth
Darcia Zemianski • Winnipeg
George & Gerry Zerebecky • Saskatoon
Elizabeth Zoochkan • Winnipeg
UMC Membership is effective for the calendar year of January 1 to December 31.
Benefits of Ukrainian Museum of Canada membership:
• Unlimited free admission to the Saskatoon Museum and any of its branches in
Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg and Toronto.
• 10% off Gift Shop purchases in Saskatoon.
• “Museum News” newsletter
• Voting privileges according to the Museum’s constitution.
• The satisfaction of supporting the Museum’s vital work!
Cost per year:
Individual: $20 per person
Family (2 parents & dependent children 18 & under): $45
To become a new Member of the UMC, or to renew your current membership, please complete the form below and
forward it along with payment to:
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
910 Spadina Crescent E
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5
Please print all information.
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Museum News
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We value and are extremely grateful for every donation received.
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Donation amount: _____________
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Method of Payment:  Cheque (enclosed, and made payable to Ukrainian Museum of Canada)
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910 Spadina Crescent E
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Thank-you! A charitable tax receipt will be issued and your gift will be acknowledged in a future newsletter. Äÿêóºìî!
Museum News - Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
A Publication produced by the
Ukrainian Museum of Canada (UMC).
Circulation: 1500
Janet Prebushewsky Danyliuk
Sylvia Baran
910 Spadina Crescent East
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5
Tel: (306)244-3800 - Fax: (306)652-7620
E-mail: ukrmuse@sasktel.net
Web site: www.umc.sk.ca
Director • Janet Prebushewsky Danyliuk
Business Manager • Sylvia Baran
Visitor and Donor Services; Gift Shop
Administration • Sharon Boyko Morley
Museum Assistant • Tatiana Makowsky
Curatorial Assistant • Roman Pavlov
Visitor & Guest Assistant • Khrystyna
Visitor & Guest Assistant • Christine Spenuk
• The Museum’s 75th Anniversary Year:
A Retrospective of 2011
• UMC Recipient of Bequest
• How you can leave a Legacy
• UMC celebrates 75th Anniversary
• UMC Ontario Exhibition: Christ is Born
• UMC Alberta presents: Remembering
Our Roots
Ìóçåéíi Âiñòi
Past President: Jennie Ortynsky
President: Connie Senkiw
1st Vice President: Mary Seneshen
2nd Vice President: Sonia Korpus
Board Secretary: Aileen Pillipow
Treasurer: Debbie Dwernychuk
Ted Starchuck
Helen Savisky
Elaine Nychyk
Fundraising Campaign Chair
Sonia Mysak
Fundraising Campaign Liason to the Board
Zennia Yuzik
British Columbia • Lydia Huzyk
Calgary Collection • Jean Mekitiak
Edmonton • Elaine Harasymiw
Toronto • Yvonne Ivanochko
Winnipeg • Margaret Pestrak
• UWAC Hanka Romanchych releases:
From Baba, With Love
• Gallery Exhibits & Events: Picasso My
Way; Built with Faith, Hope and Love;
Architectural Sojourn; Ritornello
Chamber Music Festival; Ukrainian Day
Pancake Breakfast
• Long term Museum employee retires
• Introducing UMC employees
People in photographs are identified
left to right.
All photos are UMC supplied
unless otherwise noted.
Photos and text used in this journal are
the property of the Ukrainian Musuem of
Canada (UMC). No duplication or
reproduction is allowed without written
permission from UMC.
We make every attempt to ensure
accuracy of spelling of names and
reporting. We aplogize for any errors.
Please notify us of the necessary change.
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• If you prefer to receive the
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• If you wish to have your name
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Honourary Lifetime Membership
What’s new in the Gift Shop
Recent acquisition
Farewell ~ Memory Eternal
Museum Donors
Museum Members
Membership ~ Donation forms
Pysanka workshops
Museum News