Tender Life, Inc. - The TenderLife Maternity Home
Tender Life, Inc. - The TenderLife Maternity Home
Tender Life, Inc. �������������� ������������ ���� ��������������� ���������� 1584 E. Thompson Blvd. Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 653-7474 - Fax (805) 643-1540 ������������������ Address Service Requested Tender Life Board of Directors Terry Hazen Dave DiTomaso ������������������������������ Karen Clemow Glen Nelson ������������ ������������� Advisory Board �������������� ������������� Gary Erickson Jerry Hickenbottom Patricia Logan VOL. 10, No. 1 Spring 2009 New Babies Program Manager ����������������� Kelly Kennedy ������������� ������������ House Manager ���������������������� ������������������ Mary DeAvilan ������������ ����������� ������������� �������������� MAIN COURSE �� �� M C A L I F O R N I A restaurant catering personal chef services M 1363 donlon street ste11 / ventura, ca 93003 p. 805.658.8900 / f. 805.658.8982 / www.MainCourseCa.com Thank Yous Thank you all for your support through, prayers, finances, clothing, meals and service. Pauline Reindeau and friends at Our Lady of Assumption Ventura Missionary Lighthouse Fellowship Knights of Columbus Mr. Frank Whitney, Pam Pecarich and our Soroptomist friends ������������������ Crystal gave birth to Hannah Marilyn on April 20. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. RoseAnn Hill Associate Broker “From Mobiles to Mansions...” When you think Dr. Kenyan Tew and friends REAL ESTATE, think ROSEANN! 1500 Palma Dr. “I amDirect: only(805) one,798-1460 Ventura, CA 93003 Office: (805) 339-3532 hilldr@msn.com Fax: (805) 676-1544 Barry Hickenbottom, e-mail: Chelsea Reimers, www.venturacountyagent.com but I am one. Joel Hickenbottom & Engaged Media Dave DiTomaso and ����������������������� ����������������� ������������������������ Pacific Beverage, Carl Metzger with Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Camarillo Gold Coast Realtors Teiera gave birth to baby Asia Desiree on May 22. She weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. Subway I cannot do everything, but I can do something. Noah’s Bagels I will not let what I cannot do, All of the golf tournament committee, volunteers and sponsors interfere with what I can do” Edward Everette Hale Milgard through Cabrillo Economic Development Community Presbyterian Church 4 ��������������������� Jennifer gave birth to Laylah Lee on April 23. She weighed 6 lbs. 11oz. Araceli gave birth to Alexandria Gloria on April 15. She weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. Walk-a-thon Philanthropy in America On March 14, 2009 Tender Life hosted our 10th annual Walk for Babies event. This year I would like to focus on two special girls. Grace Myers and her friend Morgan Glinski joined efforts and baked goodies, which they sold to raise money for the walka-thon. Now that’s pu�ing your heads together girls! This is what grass roots philanthropy is all about. I foresee a career in business in these girls future as well! In 2007, $306 billion in private money was given to nonprofits. This does not include government funding or earned income. Where does it come from? 12% Foundations 04% Corporations 76% Individuals 08% Bequests More than half of this money came from middle class, working class, and poor people—in other words, people like you and me. It doesn’t take a last name of Gates, Winfry or Rockefeller to make a difference. You can make a difference with even the smallest contribution. All it takes is the dedication to help a li�le every month. The newest addition to our website is a recurring option on our donation page. You can choose any amount. If each of us does this we can make a huge difference together. h�p://www.tenderlife.org/help_donate.htm Planned Giving Have you ever considered donating to Tender Life through your Will or Trust? Each person has a different reason for giving to charities, but the common denominator is a sincere desire to give back to society or to aid a specific cause. When you add this bequest to a Will or Trust, it is called Planned Giving. This type of giving is easy. You can give a dollar amount, a specific item or a percentage of your estate. You can change this bequest anytime while you are living. This gi� will be made a�er you pass away. You will have the comfort of knowing that you are leaving a legacy and a meaningful gi� to Tender Life. Talk to your Estate Planning A�orney or call us for more information. Sources: Giving USA, American Association of Fund Raising Counsel, www.aafrc.org; Grassroots fundraising Journal, www.gr assrootsfundraising.org: National Center for Charitable Statistics, nccsdataweb.urban.org Benefit Dinner The KNGHTS OF COLUMBUS generously offered and hosted a benefit dinner for Tender Life Maternity Home on June 30, 2009 from 4:00 - 7:30pm. Participants enjoyed a Mexican dinner, Mexican music, and all had a great time. We had a wonderful turnout, and are so grateful to The Knights of Columbus for supporting Tender Life. Lori Mahoney, Certified Citadel Estate 805-484-1011 x117 770 Paseo Camarillo, Suite 130, Camarillo, CA 93010 lmahoney@sagepointadvisor.com WISH LIST Positive Parenting Class Starting June 22 Van: In recent months it has become clear that Tender Life Maternity Home would benefit from owning a van for transporting the mothers and babies. There are often church and other events that ALL the girls want to attend. The last time they had such an event it took 3 cars with volunteers to transport. And this didn’t include two of the mothers. Diapers: With 5 newborns at Tender Life Maternity Home you can imagine the number of diapers we go through. Diapers in sizes newborn, size 1 and 2 are greatly needed on an ongoing basis. The “Redirecting Children’s Behavior” class is designed to help parents become more creative in dealing with children and the many challenges they present. You will learn how to discipline without yelling; ways to build and enhance your children’s self-esteem; how to develop a strong sense of responsibility in your children; and how to create an encouraging family environment. The next class begins on Monday, June 22 at Ventura Vineyard, 1956 Palma Drive in Ventura. The class continue for the following 5 Mondays, completing on July 20. The class teaches parents and professionals how to discipline children in a way that enhances self-esteem, guides behavior, teach children self-responsibility and cooperation. Adults learn to respond effectively to a child rather than react emotionally. The class teaches parents how to redirect children who can’t play peacefully together, teenagers who ignore the rules, and toddlers who demand all the a�ention. Knights of Columbus Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Soroptomist of Ventura County Major topics include: Reducing the yelling and nagging, replacing fighting with negotiation and cooperation, building a child’s self-esteem, praise vs. encouragement and how the results differ, applying natural and logical consequences, promoting agreement on discipline and resolving family conflicts. The exercises, demonstrations and role playing help the parents feel confident as they learn to prevent inappropriate behavior and establish effective and lasting changes. Linda McCarthy of BNI Dave DiTomaso and Subway Pacific Beverage Noah’s Bagels Daniell Brinkman new carseat Dianna Lauber - Valentines Day makeovers, Mary Kay The class meets once a week for 5 weeks from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The fee for the class is $295 per person or $395 for two. The class includes 15 hours of instruction, a copy of the book Redirecting Children’s Behavior book and a workbook of exercises and handouts. Justine Winn Baby gifts for Teiera Wendy Potloff Layettes for girls, Baby Angel Threads Group WHO: The instructor is Deborah Fox, Parent Educator and editor and owner of positiveparenting.com. Deborah teaches parenting skill’s classes and workshops worldwide. Last April she worked in India for one month, teaching workshops in 8 different schools around the country. She recently returned from teaching parenting workshops in China. She is the mother of three children ages twentythree, nineteen and eigh�een. Mr. Whitney Kimberly Rivers child birth class Sana Peckham Post partum doula services NOTE: For more information and to reserve a spot in the workshop, visit www.positiveparenting.com or call Deborah Fox at (805) 648-6846. Please address email requests to info@positiveparenting.com. Cheryl at Eastminster womens group - baby shower Becky Warren - group shower Deborah E. Jurgensen Attorney services 2 3 Dr. Eckerson ongoing Chiropractic care Ladies of Krafters Korner at horizon 4 square knitted baby items Dea Boehme - child care Everyone who has provided meals Marie at OLA - a generous donation of new baby items, diapers, wipes, carseat, some tummy time toys Rene Modella - Lactation information for residents The Women’s group at The Place Christian Fellowship group baby shower Of course all donations and help provided to TL The River Community Baby Bottle Drive The Place Christian Fellowship - Baby Bottle Drive Horizon 4 Square Church Baby Bottle Drive John Lawrence - Graphic design