Tanjong Katong Primary School
Tanjong Katong Primary School
Tanjong Katong Primary School Semesterly Magazine Principal’s Message Principal’s Message Cover Page Issue no. 1 • June 2014 WhenI Ijoined joinedTanjong TanjongKatong KatongPrimary Primary(TKP) (TKP) September 2013, first impression When in in September 2013, mymy first impression of of the school is that of diversity, vibrancy and warmth. TKP pupils are made up of many the school is that of diversity, vibrancy and warmth. TKP pupils are made up of many nationalitiesand andethnicities. ethnicities.They They are a lively bunch. They confident articulate. nationalities are a lively bunch. They areare confident andand articulate. It It can be seen from the way they greet their teachers that they are also genuine and can be seen from the way they greet their teachers that they are also genuine and sincere. sincere. staff are both towards pupils as well one as towards They TKP staff TKP are warm, bothwarm, towards pupils as well as towards another.one Theyanother. could count could onfor one another for helpisand sharing is aschool. culture Many in theparents school. told Many on one count another help and sharing a culture in the meparents that tell me that their children love to come to school. their children love to come to school. TKP are TKPwould wouldnot notbe bewhat whatit itisisif ifnot notfor forthe thestrong strongsupport supportofofour ourparents. parents,Whether whetherthey they are supporting own children from home in their learning or partorofpart our of Parent SupportSupport Group, supportingtheir their own children from home in their learning our Parent they are always finding ways to partner providing learning experiences Group, they are always finding waysthe to school partnerinthe schoolenriching in providing enriching learning for our pupils. While the school continues to strive to develop our pupils holistically in the various domains through experiences for our pupils. While the school continues to strive to develop our pupils holistically in the various the creation of a conducive environment, we would like to strengthen our efforts fostering partnerships our domains through the creation of a conducive environment, we would like to in strengthen our efforts inwith fostering stakeholders community) in enhancing the student-centric education aim to provide for them. we aim partnerships(parents with ourand stakeholders(parents and community) in enhancing the we student-centric education to provide for issue them.of the semesterly magazine that you hold in your hands is one of the initiatives the school This inaugural has undertaken to establish better communication between the school and its stakeholders through highlighting This inaugural issue of semesterly magazine that you hold in your hands is one of the initiatives the school has activities, events and programmes and to celebrate progress and success as a school community. My heartfelt undertaken to establish better communication between the school and its stakeholders through highlighting appreciation goes to the editorial team led by Ms Sheena Lai, Subject Head/Special Projects, for embracing the activities, events and programmes and to celebrate progress and success as a school community. My heartfelt idea, taking on the challenge and rising up to the occasion by putting together this commemorative issue. appreciation goes to the editorial team led by Ms Sheena Lai, Subject Head/Special Projects, for embracing We will on enjoy read andand joinrising us in up ourtojoy when we seebyhow our children and grown!issue. thehope idea,you taking thethe challenge the occasion putting togetherhave this learnt commemorative We hope you will enjoy the read and join us in our joy when we see how our children have learnt and grown! Mrs Caroline Wu Principal Enhancing Home-school Partnerships Enhancing Home-School Partnerships To strengthen partnerships with our parents, two events were inaugurated at the beginning of 2014 To strengthen our parents, two events were inauguratedtoatthe Parent Support Group (PSG)’s Welcome Teapartnerships for PSG onwith 24 January to express TKP’s appreciation the beginning of - Welcome for Parent Support Group (PSG) onas 24the Learning@TKP PSG contributions and2014 to welcome theTea incoming parent volunteers, as well 1 March to Welcome Tea for on January to express TKP’s appreciation to PSG’s contributions and to welcome provide parents with the knowledge and skills on how they can better support their child at home. Another the incoming parent volunteers, welltook as Learning@TKP on 1 March to provideP1 parents with TKP’s approach to event, P1 Curriculum Briefing as also place on 18 January to acquaint parents withour thecurriculum. knowledge and skills on how they can better support their child delivering at home. Another event, P1 Curriculum Briefing also took place on 18 January to acquaint P1 parents withour TKP’s approach to Caroline deliveringWu ourshared curriculum. At the Welcome Tea, Principal, Mrs TKP’s emphasis on partnerships for enhanced home-school communication provide a student-centric At Welcome Tea, our Principal,and Mrsunderstanding Caroline Wu, to shared TKP’s emphasis on and values-driven education. Mrs Maggie Chia,forrepresenting the PSG EXCO, also introduced PSG EXCO members and presented a brief partnerships enhanced home-school communication and the understanding run-through of the school events and programmes that parent volunteers could possibly be involved in. to provide a student-centric and values-driven Mrs Caroline Wu welcoming the ng P1 Curriculum Briefi education. Mrs Maggie Chia, representing the PSG parent volunteers Executive Committee (ExCo), also introduced the PSG ExCo members and presented a brief runMrsprogrammes Caroline Wu that welcoming through of the school events and the Parent Volunteers parent volunteers could possibly be involved in. This year, in response to parents’ feedback, TKP also modified our approach to how we Mrs Maggie Chia addressing conducted the P1 Curriculum Briefing and Mdm Jasmine Lim, Form Teacher of the Parent Volunteers parents’ workshops. To facilitate parent-teacher 1 Diligence, conducting the subjectspecific briefing in her classroom interaction, subject-specific briefings for P1 parents were presented by form teachers in Learning@ TKP the P1 classrooms as opposed to big-group briefings. Workshops for parents were conducted as concurrent sessions on one SaturdayOurtoparent volunteers who attended the event facilitate parental participation. Mrs Maggie Chia addressing the parent volunteers Through these home-school partnerships, we hope that parents will have a better understanding of our approach to delivering a holistic education Our parent volunteers who and consequently empowering parents in Mrs Ivy Teo sharing with parents attended the event supporting their child’s learning and development. at the Mathematics Workshop This year, in response to parents’ feedback, TKP also modified our approach to how we conducted the P1 1 Curriculum Briefing and parents’ workshops. To facilitate parent-teacher interaction, subject-specific briefings ST R E N G T H E N I N G C H A R AC T E R A N D I N C U L CAT I N G VA L U E S Edusave Character Awards (ECHA) 2013 The Edusave Character Award (ECHA) aims to recognise Singaporean students in each school who are exemplary in character, and who can inspire others as role models. The ECHA awards 2013 were presented to our students on 17 February this year to recognise them for demonstrating outstanding personal qualities and character through their behaviour and actions in the past year. The six recipients are identified for consistently demonstrating our school values of integrity, respect, responsibility, Edusave Character Award (ECHA) perseverance, Awardees 2013 excellence, compassion and self-discipline. Niki Alani Hartono – 5C Their parents were also Param Srinivasan - 6C invited to witness the Haidar Rauf - 6C Benjamin Guo Jia Lu - 6D proud moments of them Nooriyah Aliasgar Moochhala - 6D receiving the ECHA Jeremy Loke Tze Han - 6O Our proud recipients of Edusave Character Awards award from the Principal. (ECHA) 2013 and their parents The Boy with a Big Heart He may not stand out from his peers with his petite frame, but Renn Lim (5 Charity) definitely has something that is extraordinary - a big heart. Renn’s family was driving along Opera Estate Road on the third day of Chinese New Year when they stopped to help an elderly man struggling to push an old lady on a wheelchair. They eventually hailed a cab to send the couple home after the tyres of the wheelchair gave way. When Renn’s dad suggested buying a new wheelchair for the elderly woman, Renn and his sister volunteered to pay for the new wheelchair with their red-packet money. News of Renn’s family’s act of kindness went viral on the internet but the boy remains unassuming about it. “To be able to help others in need and to share what we have” was his takeaway from that eventful day. Renn’s display of compassion is heartening and he is indeed a role model to all TKP students. With Values in Action (VIA), formerly known as Community Involvement Programme (CIP), introduced this year to highlight the importance of values to our students, we hope that more of them will be able to emulate Renn’s compassion, and contribute actively to the community. Job Week Launch 2014 The Job Week Launch is an annual ceremony graced by the President of the Republic of Singapore and Chief Scout, Dr. Tony Tan Keng Yam. Our TKP cub scouts take part in this Job Week annually. Job Week trains our cub scouts to realise the dignity in labour and virtue in honest work from a young age. This year, the East Area represented the Singapore Scouts in the Job Week Launch. During the launch, our Chief Scout witnessed a multi-racial contingent of boy and girl scouts from East Area perform simple jobs and tasks at the Jamiyah Home for the Aged. The President then acknowledged their efforts with a nomination donation and his signature in their Job Week cards. One of our Sixers, Matin Ansari, from 6 Charity was selected to represent TKP to perform jobs at the Home. “The Job Week teaches scouts to be independent. After participating in the Job Week for the third time, I also learnt not to take things for granted. I felt immense pride and joy when the President gave me a pat on my back and commended me for being a good scout.” 2 Dr. Tony Tan is all-ears as he listens intently to Matin’s experience Matin sharing a photo moment with our President ST R E N G T H E N I N G C H A R AC T E R A N D I N C U L CAT I N G VA L U E S 师生同庆迎马年 樊诗阅报道 (6 Diligence) 伴着新年的歌声,踏着喜庆的鼓点,马年奔腾而来。二零一四年一 月三十日上午,我校全体师生齐聚礼堂,欢庆春节。 礼堂里张灯结彩,舞台上方悬挂着的红色布幔上,金色的“新年快 乐”四个大字格外醒目。老师和同学都穿上了艳丽的传统服装,为 欢乐的气氛增添了色彩。师生们张张笑脸,映照出新年希望。 舞台上, 华族舞与笛子演奏增添了不少节日的喜庆气氛。马来老师 Madam Uzaimah 高唱《贺新年》,迎来了不少掌声与喝彩。 全校 师生一起唱着贺岁歌曲, 沉浸在喜悦的气氛中。最后,传统的“舞 狮采青”表演,更将庆祝会欢快热闹的气氛推向高潮! 今年的农历新年庆祝会,是新任校长第一次参加。她说:“师生同 庆场面热闹,气氛欢愉。活动既弘扬了民族文化,又增进人与人之 间的感情,这是非常有意义的。能看到不同种族的师生都穿上华族 的传统服装,像家人一样欢聚一堂,庆祝华族传统新年,真令人感 动和高兴。” 盛校长 希望今后能看到更多 同学上台表演,展现 才华。 二月五日,几位校董 会成员也和教职人员 一起“捞鱼生”,庆 祝新春佳节。大家为 彼此献上新春祝福, 在笑声中、祝福声 中,迎接马年新春的 到来。 校董会成员与教职人员“捞鱼生” 华族舞蹈成员呈献《迎新春》 六甲班幼狮舞团 Total Defence Day 2014 This year, the theme for Total Defence Day (TDD) “Because You Played A Part” reminds us that each and every one of us has a part to play in Singapore’s defence. Our teachers, with the help of our Parent Volunteers, carried out a range of activities to commemorate TDD from 14th February to 21st February. The main objective of these activities was to reinforce students’ awareness of the importance of civil defence within the context of Total Defence. TDD kickstarted on 14th February with an assembly programme depicting Singapore’s fall to the Japanese in 1942. Other activities included First Aid Demonstration by St. John’s Ambulance Brigade, Fire-Fighting Demonstration and First Aid Demonstration. Students also underwent a mock emergency exercise on food rationing and electricity shut-down. At the end of the week, students had to pen their thoughts on what they learnt throughout the week. Our very own Operations Manager, Mr Koh, staging a Fire-fighting Demonstration International Friendship Day 2014 International Friendship Day (IFD) is commemorated to sensitise our students towards the geo-political realities inherent to Singapore and to learn and appreciate other cultures. This year, IFD was celebrated on 4th April, focusing on the theme, “Stories We Share”. Students had the opportunity to experience the different cultures from countries like Africa, Brazil, Vietnam, Taiwan and Greece. One of the highlights this year was the soccer goal post at the Brazilian booth. At the African booth, girls and boys enthusiastically queued to get their henna tattoos. Our students excitedly tried their hands at Chinese Calligraphy at the Taiwanese booth. The Greece booth intrigued students with the written form of the Greek language. Vietnamese clothing was a hit with our students too - students bravely donned the costumes to take pictures either individually or in groups. Seeing students’ enthusiastic participation and smiles, it was indeed a rewarding day for the Parent Support Group and IFD working committee who had Our ever enthusiastic PSG members giving Mr Imran their put in much hard work to prepare for the event. undivided attention 3 D E V E L O P I N G O U R S T U D E N T S H O L I S T I C A L LY Games On! 2014 The finals of Games On!, our annual games extravaganza, was held on Friday, 14 March, at the Bedok Indoor Sports Hall. With students’ holistic development at the forefront of our minds, Games On! was carefully designed and integrated into the school’s PE curriculum to develop the necessary games skills in our P4-P6 students and to allow them to represent their respective houses in a particular sport. It is our belief that healthy competition will provide students with an experience upon which the values of perseverance, sportsmanship and excellence can be built, henceforth developing character in each and every student. A total of 22 events were contested over the course of the Games On! competition period. Besides the regular invasion games, events such as the Tug-of-War, Best Mascot, Best House Spirit and parent-teacher games were also included. The variety of games ensured that Games On! event was a meaningful one for everyone involved. An unprecedented three-way tie unveiled as Titan, Griffin and Pegasus were crowned joint champions of Games On! 2014, while Unicorn swept away both the “Best House Spirit” and the “Best Mascot” awards. A nail-biting penalty shoot-out in the P4 Futsal Competition Mrs Maggie Chia from our Parent Support Group willing on the Unicorn team in the Tug-of-War competition Mr Hoon Thing Ming, trying to find a way past Ms Tiffany Tan Sports CCA achievements Sport Category / Division Result Football Senior East Zone Championship Champions Junior East Zone Championship 1st Runner-Up Junior National Championship 3rd Runner-Up FAS U-10 Boys Football Fiesta Champion Hockey Senior East Zone Championship 2nd Runner-Up Netball Senior East Zone Championship 1st Runner-Up Netball Junior East Zone Championship 2nd Runner-Up Taekwondo National Primary Schools Taekwondo Championship 1.Poomsae Category Senior Boys Black Belt - Bryan Yap, (6O), 2nd 2.Kyorugi Category • Senior Boys Black Belt Under-34kg - Bryan Yap, (6O), 1st • Junior Girls Red Belt Under-36kg - Shanice Tan, (4O), 1st • Junior Boys Red Belt Under-36kg - Tate Tan, (3A), 2nd • Junior Boys Black Belt Under-28kg - Darren Yap, (4O), 3rd • Junior Boys Red Belt Under-36kg - Zeshawn Tan, (3C), 3rd Rock Climbing National Primary School Sports Council Senior Girls Rock Climbing Competiton Chan Pei Yan (6C) • Top rope category, 2nd • Bouldering category, 6th Swimming National Primary School Sports Council Swimming Competition Luke Tan (6F) • 100m freestyle, 2nd • 50m freestyle, 3rd Football Hockey Boys (Senior) 4 Netball Girls (Senior) Netball Girls (Junior) D E V E L O P I N G O U R S T U D E N T S H O L I S T I C A L LY Football Boys (Senior) Football Boys (Junior) Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation 2014 We are proud to announce the results of the Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation 2014 for the Performing Arts Groups of TKP. Performing Arts Groups Achievement Chinese Dance Certificate of Distinction Malay Dance Certificate of Distinction Choir Certificate of Accomplishment Modern Dance Certificate of Accomplishment String Ensemble Certificate of Commendation Malay dancers presented “Telatah Mami Jarum Junior” Chinese dancers presented “孔雀飞来” (A Peacock Dance) String Ensemble presented “1. March Momentous 2. March from the Nutcracker Suite” Modern dancers presented “Electrolyte” Choir presented “1. Die Meere 2. Furusato 3. Laugh Kookaburra” Dwi Minggu Bahasa 2014 îI› ªñ£N õ£ó‹ Pada tahun ini, Jabatan Bahasa Melayu telah mengadakan sambutan Dwi Minggu Bahasa pada tanggal 24 Mac – 4 April 2014. Untuk tahun ini, sambutan yang diadakan bertemakan ‘Makanan Tradisional Melayu’. Sepanjang dua minggu, murid-murid telah diperkenalkan kepada makananmakanan tradisional Melayu. Pameran makanan-makanan tradisional juga telah diadakan supaya murid-murid mengenali rupa dan asal-usul makananmakanan tersebut. Selain itu, murid-murid darjah 1 dan 2 telah berpeluang mempelajari cara-cara membuat epok-epok. Murid-murid darjah 3 dan 4 pula telah diajarkan cara-cara membuat ondeh-ondeh. Manakala muridmurid darjah 5 dan 6 pula telah diperkenalkan kepada tradisi memakan Nasi Ambeng. Pengalaman yang diraih ketika mempelajari tentang makanan tradisional Melayu dan cara-cara membuatnya ini sudah pasti tidak akan dapat dilupakan Murid-murid darjah 6 sedang menikmati oleh murid-murid kami! hidangan Nasi Ambeng. Þšõ£‡®¡ îI› ªñ£N õ£óˆF¡ î¬ôŠ¹ ‘àí«õ ñ¼‰î£°‹’. àíM™ è£íŠð´‹ ñ¼ˆ¶õˆî¡¬ñè¬÷Š ðŸP ºîL™ ñ£íõ˜èÀ‚° M÷‚èŠð†ì¶. Hø° Ý«ó£‚Aòñ£ù àí¾ ðö‚般î âšõ£Á «ñŸªè£œõ¶ â¡ðî¬ù 冮 ñ£íõ˜èœ ðô ïìõ®‚¬èèO™ ß´ð†ìù˜.â.è£. õ°Š¹ 1 & 2 裌èPè÷£èŠ ð£ˆFó‹ ãŸÁ ﮈ¶ ÜõŸø£™ CÁõ˜èœ ܬ컋 ñè¬÷ â´ˆ¶‚ÃPù˜. õ°Š¹ 3 & 4 Ý«ó£‚Aò ãE à¼õ£‚A Ý«ó£‚Aò àí¾è¬÷»‹ ÜõŸø£™ â¡ù ñ â¡ðî¬ù»‹ M÷‚Aù˜. õ°Š¹ 5 & 6. Ý«ó£‚Aòñ£ù àíM¡ îò£KŠ¬ð»‹ Üî¡ õN Üõ˜èœ ܬ컋 ñè¬÷Š ðŸP»‹ ð¬ìˆîù˜. 5 Our Young Entrepreneurs - P5 Inno entrepreneurs met up with th plan their design, carry out create prototype applying that is creative, create a prototype that is creative, original and apractical, the s period of six weeks. unleashing their innovative Five students were give DOur E V EPrimary L O P I N G Five O U Rstudents S T U D E Nwere T S H given O L I S Ta I Cshot A LOur L YatPrimary electricity they hadas learnt Our Young Entrepreneurs - P5 Innovation Programme concepts of electricity they had learnt. Thereconcepts was soofmuch excitement ou entrepreneurs met to up brainstorm with their instr entrepreneurs met uptheir with their instructors teammates fo DEVELOPING STUDENTS HOLISTICALLY Our Primary Five students were given a shot OUR at unleashing innovative spirit to createand plan their design, carry out research a prototype that is creative, original and practical, applying the scientific concepts of plan their design, carry out research and finally put their creation together electricity they had learnt. Thereperiod was so much our students met up with theirperiod of six weeks. of Innovation sixexcitement weeks. as Our Young Entrepreneurs - P5 Programme instructors and teammates to brainstorm for ideas, plan their design, carry out research and finally put their creation together over a period of six weeks. Makingspirit the connections…. Our Primary Five students were given a shot at unleashing their innovative to At the end of the six weeks, students were given an opportunity create a prototype that is creative, original and practical, applying the scientific to showcase their products to the rest of their schoolmates concepts electricity had learnt. was so much excitement as our young and fellow of teachers. Withthey confidence and There well-honed entrepreneurs met up with their instructors and presentation skills, the students “advertised” and convinced teammates to brainstorm for ideas, planschoolmates their design, carry ofout andproduct. finally put their creation together over a their and teachers the research benefits of their The best two designs of each class were selected to take part period of six weeks. in an inter-class competition where the best three designs in the level were awarded with prizes. Making the connections…. The instructors were impressed and delighted to work with such motivated students. The teachers were also heartened to see how the students had learnt to overcome many challenges in their product-making and take the initiative to try new designs. Our d Although not every design was awarded, the real winners were those who put their hearts, minds and hands to work together as a team! A group of students from 5 Faith had this to say: We need not be smart to be creative ~ innovation is thinking out of the box, accepting ideas that are different from yours. It is a display of our responsibility, respect, cooperation, perseverance and talents too! Our design, the materials & possible benefits Our design, the materials & possible benefits Ha Happy faces…will we win? Making the connections…. Happy faces…will we win? At the end of the six weeks, student Hearing from our students…. Our design, the materials & products to the rest of their schoolm P5 Leadership Experiences And Discovery (L.E.A.D) 2 sixskills, well-honed presentation the possible benefits At theCamp end of the weeks, teachers of the bene The three-day two-night annual P5 Camp LEAD 2 was held from 13 to 15 February 2014 schoolmates products and to the rest of their selected to take part in an inter-class at MOE Jalan Bahtera Campsite. Prior to the camp, we were briefed by our teachers on westudents win? At the end Happy of the faces…will six weeks, were given an opportunity to showca well-honed presentation sk were awarded with prizes. our packing list and expectations for the camp. We were excited and looking forward to level products to the rest of their schoolmates and fellow teachers. With confiden schoolmates and teachers of the camp day. well-honed presentation skills, the students “advertised” and convince instructors and selected to were takeimpressed part in an intd On the first day, we assembled in the school hall before boarding the bus with our The schoolmates and teachers of the benefits of their product. The best two desig The teachers were also heartened to luggage. Our spirits were high as we sang and cheered along the way. Upon reaching level were awarded with prize challenges in their product-making an selected to take part in an inter-class competition where the best three design our destination, we were led to the multi-purpose hall for a short briefing before we were shown our sleeping areas, whichwere were awarded huts on raised on the open ground! level withstilts prizes. The instructors werewas impress not every design award Mealtimes were equally interesting as we had to do a “Hungry Cheer” before we could Though minds and hands to work toge eat! us hungrier the timestudents all of us had completed Thus, most At That the made end of the sixbyweeks, were givenourancheers. opportunity to hearts, showcase their The teachers weremotivated also hear The instructors were impressed and delighted totowork withneed such s food were wolfed down with not a single crumb left on the plate! this say: We not be smart to products to the rest of their schoolmates and fellow teachers. With confidence and their to product-m The teachers were also heartened to see howchallenges the studentsinlearnt overcom box, accepting ideas that are different well-honed presentation skills, inthe students “advertised” andas convinced their Over the next two days, we participated the high-low elements activities, such challenges in their product-making and take the initiative to try new designs. an respect, cooperation, perseverance Our designs sleeping huts for two nights! abseiling, rock-climbing, zip liner, of according to schedule. Many of us managed schoolmates and teachers the benefits of their product. The besttotwo were Though not every design wa overcome of heights confidence through team where games. Even nights selectedour tofear take part inand anbuild inter-class competition the the best three designs in the hearts, minds andthose hands to w were packed with fun-filled activities as wenot played “Kidnap” and attended debriefings to Though every design was awarded, the real winners were who p level upon wereour awarded with prizes. reflect adventures andhearts, camaraderie among our teammates. to A say: Weofneed beP minds and hands to work together as athis team! group pupilsnot from For many of us, the highlightthis of the camp We was need not be smart to be creative to say: innovationideas is thinking ou box,~students. accepting that are The instructors were impressed and delighted to work with such motivated definitely the campfire. Although we had a mini box, accepting ideas different from It is many acooperation, display of our respo respect, perseve Thelast teachers were also heartened to see howthat the are students learnt to yours. overcome one year during our P4 camp, the P5 campfire respect, cooperation, perseverance and talents too! was an experience we product-making thoroughly enjoyed.and Theretake the initiative to try new designs. challenges in their was loud music and cheers to accompany dance performances from every class. We were thrilled Though not every design was awarded, the real winners were those who put their when our camp teacher-in-charge, Mr Ashiq, had hearts, andforhands to work together to performminds his dance competitors to imitate. It as a team! A group of pupils from P5F had this toonsay: We laughter need not brought so much and be fun! smart to be creative ~ innovation is thinking out of the box, accepting that toare from yours. It As all good things ideas must come an different end, we felt respect,tocooperation, and reluctant break camp on perseverance the final day. Much as talents too! we were exhausted and looked forward to going home, the P5 camp would certainly go down our minds with many fond memories of our friends and teachers who had spent the wonderful time with us. Contributed by 5 Altruism 2014 6 is a display of our responsibility, Trying our hands at rock-climbing!! Exhibiting excellent teamwork =) PA RT N E R I N G during the conversation I had with him, I realised Minis approachable.” S T A K E H O L D E R S F O R A S T U D E N T- C E N T R I C E D U C A T I O N TKP@MOE ExCELOther Festthan sharing their learning learning experiences with me ambassadors also had fun visiting and from tothe MOE ExCEL Fest is an annual event that celebrates innovative school practices and is also learning platform for parents find other e out more about the latest educational developments. This year, TKP showcased our Chinese Language curriculum at the exhibition. In line with our mission to ignite students’ passion of learning in pursuit of excellence, TKP’s Chinese curriculum programmes seek to create an enriching, supportive and fun environment for our students to acquire the language. At the exhibition, TKP’s exhibition booth student ambassadors shared the key elements in our curriculum approach, such as interactive classrooms, school-based learning, learning journeys as well as our Mother Tongue Fortnight activities that create opportunities for students to use the language in a purposeful manner. at MOS T Tammy Lam from 5 Altruism shared her experience of presenting to the Minister of Education, Mr Heng Swee Keat: “Initially when I knew I was going to present to Minister Heng, I was very nervous. However during the conversation I had with him, I realised Minister Heng is very approachable.” Other than sharing their learning experiences with members of the public, our student ambassadors also had fun visiting and learning from the other exhibitions. Student ambassadors explaini TKP’s CL curriculum to visitors S M TKP’s exhibition booth at MOE ExCEL Student ambassadors explaining TKP’s CL curriculum to visitors Seizing a photo moment with Minister Heng at the TKP booth Tanjong Katong Fest 2014 at Goodman Art Centre As part of our partnership efforts with the School Advisory Committee (SAC) and our community, TKP participated in the Tanjong Katong Fest 2014 at Goodman Art Centre on 15 March 2014, organised by the Tanjong Katong Neighbourhood Committee. Seizing a photo moment with Minister Heng at the TKP booth Our Art Club members set up a booth, PebbleArt, where participants could design their very own pebble pieces. Pebble painting was introduced to the Art Club members as their first lesson for 2014. Students first sketched their designs on drawing papers before painting them onto the pebbles. Their art pieces were then brought to the TK Fest as samples. The following are student helpers’ reflections of their experiences: “My day at the booth was fun. I enjoyed decorating those pebbles with the little children. Two things that I have learnt from this experience… I feel that communication and cooperation are important in order for us to achieve our goals. Finishing the pebble painting was not an easy task for those little ones. But they persevered!” – Lee Ann (6 Benevolence) Our TKP student helpers taking charge of the PebbleArt Booth “I had an enjoyable experience at TK Fest, interacting with the little children and helping them with the painting of the pebbles made me a more patient individual. Watching the children use their creativity to draw their favourite cartoon characters was interesting too!” – Ethan Lancelaut Quiambao (6 Diligence) Besides the Art Club members, and our staff and family members who came by to lend their support, our student leaders also supported the event as helpers manning the booth. A total of 55 pebbles were sold at $3 each. Proceeds from the event were channelled to SAC fund to help our needy students. A family affair… Their lovely creations… 7 P A R T N E R I N G S T A K E H O L D E R S F O R A S T U D E N T- C E N T R I C E D U C A T I O N 台湾健康国小来我校交流访问 林燕燕报道 (6 Diligence) 二零一四年一月十八日至二十六日,台湾健康国小的杨士贤校长带领三十名学生到我校进行交流访问。我校也选出三十 名小五、小六的学生与他们一对一结成伙伴,平时一起上课;周末的时候,来访的台湾同学就由各自伙伴家庭接待,一 起出外游玩。 在交流的这段时间里,台湾同学参观了新加坡的旅游胜地,如:植物园、 飞禽公园、牛车水、鱼尾狮公园、乌节路、小印度、圣淘沙和环球影城。 他们玩得非常开心,这令我们无比欣慰。台湾伙伴谢宜廷说,她第一次到 新加坡,感到既紧张又兴奋。来到这里后,她发现不同国家的人讲英文口 音都不同。刚开始,她不太听得懂新加坡人说的英语,过了几天,她就慢 慢习惯了。她说她最喜欢的地方是环球影城。 我们与台湾同学一起去东海岸游玩时,还一起练习绕口令,大家玩得不亦 乐乎。在那几天里,我们和台湾伙伴一起学习、玩乐、生活,度过了一段 欢乐时光。 时间过得非常快,我们都非常珍惜这难得的学习机会。在惜别会上,两校 同学都表演了节目,也互相交换纪念品。离别时,大家都依依不舍,场面 感人。我们希望健康国小的同学把美好的回忆带回台湾。 我的台湾伙伴 健康国小欢迎礼 冯风恺报道 (6 Charity) 我的台湾伙伴叫埕宥。他个子很高,比我班最高的同学还高。上英文课时,我看见埕宥在 读英文故事书,感到非常惊讶。他告诉我说,他在台湾也上英文课,可是,因为新加坡英 语口音与台湾的有差别,我们上英文课时,他不能完全听懂老师在说什么。埕宥的数学能 力很强,上数学课时,他很快就能解答出难题。 埕宥每天都会告诉我他前一天参观了什么地方。他和台湾同学们参观了牛车水、摩天轮、 植物园、 乌节路、 环球影城等。大多数的台湾伙伴都说, 他们最喜欢的是环球影城。 星期六,爸爸妈妈带着我、埕宥、和表妹到水上乐园玩。 一到那儿,我和埕宥兴奋不已, 连忙去溜水滑梯。那些滑梯都很高,我们只溜了几次就累了。水上乐园里还有漂漂河和埕 户外学习 宥最喜欢的人造浪。欢愉的时光过得特别快,我和埕宥都留下了难忘的回忆。 Visit by Elyon International Christian School (EICS), Surabaya, Indonesia TKP played host to our partner school from Indonesia, Elyon International Christian School (EICS), for the third consecutive year. The Indonesian students, teachers, Principal and Director of Training visited us from 24 to 27 February. Selected NE Ambassadors and members of Performing Arts CCA were appointed as buddies to EICS students. In TKP, we believe in leveraging partnerships to expand the educational opportunities for the benefit of our students. The sustained partnership between EICS and TKPS provides an authentic opportunity for our students to cultivate 21st century skills such as global awareness and cultural sensitivity. During their 4-day stay, EICS students experienced Singapore’s schooling life as they participated in classroom activities. Our TKP students expressed that they had benefitted from this cultural exchange as ambassadors of the school: “The experience helped me live out respect, responsibility, compassion EICS and TKP students bonding over breakfast! and self-discipline. Michelle was shy so I had to wait patiently in respect for her. I saw it as my responsibility to take good care of her as a very good friend.” – Jasleen (5 Benevolence) This experience has clearly piqued our students’ interest in wanting to learn more about the Indonesian culture. “ I would like to learn the culture and history of Indonesia.” – Jaysri (5 Diligence) Come September 2014, selected P5 NE Ambassadors and Performing Arts members will have the opportunity for further cultural exchange when they visit The EICS students presenting a farewell item for their buddies EICS in Surabaya. Editorial Team: Ms Sheena Lai (SH/Special Projects), Ms Arlinah Arsad (SH/Malay Language), Mdm Anissa Ferdaus (HOD/English), Mr Mohammad Ghazi (SH/PE/CCA), Mrs Eunice Lee, Mrs Vijay, Mr Mohamad Nizan, Mrs Ella Ong, Ms Phang Shiak Chien, Mrs Chen Seow Huey, Mdm Shairah Bte Sulaiman, Mr Mohamed Faizal, Ms Khan Chen Yee, Ms Cheng Hsing Mei Special Thanks: All staff and students for their contributions to this publication. 8 10 Seraya Road Singapore 437259 T: 6344 4728 / 6344 1489 F: 6344 5370 E:tkps@moe.edu.sg