Olongapo City
Olongapo City
120°28'0"E 228000 230000 232000 120°30'0"E 234000 120°32'0"E 1658000 Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish 236000 Valdez 1658000 226000 ^ GLIDE number: FL-2012-000130-PHL Activation ID: EMSR-017 Product N.: 01Olongapo, v2 Olongapo City - PHILIPPINES Flood - 07/08/2012 Delineation Map - Detail Dental Clinic KK Military Police ^ Station Our Lady 9 Production date: 20/08/2012 Basa Air Base Hospital Palmayo of Loreto Chapel Floridablanca San Nicolas Chapel St. Joseph Florida The Worker 9 Blanca Fire Parish Church Station ^ 1656000 1656000 D in a lu 14°58'0"N p ih an 14°58'0"N -F lo r id a b la nc aA r te r ia lR oa d ^ Cartographic Information 1:15 000 0 0,25 Full color ISO A1, high resolution (300 dpi) 0,5 1 km Map Coordinate System: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 51N Graticule: WGS 84 geographical coordinates Santa Monica Legend General Information Built-Up Area Area of Interest Satellite Footprint Crisis Information Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway Hydrology River Stream Transportation National Motorway Primary Road 1654000 Local Road Carmencita Institutional Medical Religious Other No Driveway I rri g atio Aerodrome nC San Pedro Chapel ana l ^ Farm Irrigation C anal Map Information Data Sources 14°56'0"N Gutad 14°56'0"N Since 12 Jun 2012 heavy rains are affecting the Philippines. The situation has been aggravated by Typhoons Saola and Haiku bringing several days of heavy continuous rains to large parts of the country. The capital Manila and surrounding areas suffered extensive flooding. According to National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), more than 3 million people have been affected. This is a delineation map for the area of Olongapo City. The core users of the map are Humanitarian Aid Operators. The aim of the map production is to support the emergency response activities. De La Paz ^ 1652000 r id ab lan 1652000 ca Ac ce ss Ro ad San Roque Flo San Pablo Chapel nDin alu p iha RapidEye ©RapidEye (acquired on 30/12/2011 and 07/02/2012, GSD 6.5m, approx. 20% cloud coverage). COSMO-SkyMed © e-GEOS (acquired on 15/08/2012, GSD 5m, approx. 0% occlusion). RADARSAT-2 © MDA (acquired on 19/07/2012 and 24/07/2012, GSD 5m, approx. 0% occlusion). All Data provided under ESA GSC-DA DWH License. Base vector layers based on Openstreetmap, Wikimapia and Geonames (approx. map scale 1:5000, extracted on 15/05/2012), refined by SIRS. Population estimates are based on Landscan 2010 © UT BATTELLE, LLC Crisis informations generated by SIRS. All Data sources are complete and with no gaps. Dissemination/Publication No restrictions on the publication of the mapping apply. Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoPDF, GeoJPEG and vectors (shapefile and KML formats). Framework The products elaborated in the framework of current mapping in rush mode activation are realized to the best of our ability, within a very short time frame during a crisis, optimising the available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original data sources. The products are compliant with GIO-EMS RUSH Product Portfolio specifications. ^ Map production Present map shows flood affected areas visible from COSMO-SkyMed image (15/08/2012) excluding permanent or seasonal water bodies observed from archive images (RADARSAT-2 19 and 24/07/2012, RapidEye 30/12/2011 and 07/02/2012). Flooded areas have been derived by semi-automatic image processing techniques. Basic topographic features derive from public datasets, refined by mean of visual interpretation of preevent satellite image RapidEye © RapidEye. Under clouds no further refinement of available base layers had been possible. All satellite images have been radiometrically enhanced and orthoproiected using sensor model and SRTM (90m posting) elevation data. The estimated geometric accuracy of this product is 12.7m or better, from native positional accuracy of the background satellite image. The estimated thematic accuracy of this product is 85% or better, based on previous experience in using high-resolution SAR for flood extent delineation. Please be aware that the thematic accuracy might be lower in urban and forested areas due to known limitations of the analysis technique.. Map produced on 20/08/2012 by SIRS under contract 257219 with the European Commission. All products are © of the European Commission. Name of the release inspector (quality control): e-GEOS (ODO). E-mail: rush@ems-gmes.eu Brgy. Bodega Floridablanca Anon Bataan Police Check Point Humanitarian Aid San Pedro Pacarangan 9 Response Delineation Map - Detail Support to emergency response Area of Interest - Detail 1650000 Flood 1650000 228000 9 K ^ Runway Mother of Perpetual Help Parish Church 120°28'0"E Canal Point of Interest Secondary Road Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway 1654000 Residential Flooded Area Iglesia Ni Kristo Cabangcalan ^ ^ Cabangcalan Chapel Dampe 226000 ± 230000 120°30'0"E 232000 234000 120°32'0"E 236000 COSMO-SkyMed 07-08-2012
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The products elaborated in the framework of current mapping in rush mode activation are
realized to the best of our ability, within a very short time frame during a crisis, optimising the