0316 - Longboat Island Chapel
0316 - Longboat Island Chapel
Longboat Island Chapel Non-profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL Chapeletter PERMIT NO. 1035 6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 34228 jdanner@longboatisladchapel.org www.longboatislandchapel.org Office Phone: Current Resident or Let Music Fill the Air 941 - 383 - 6491 Pastor Carroll: 941 - 544 - 0950 MiMi Horwitz: 941 - 527 - 7733 Aging in Paradise Resource Center : 941 - 383 - 6493 Our Staff: Lord’s Warehouse Thrift Shop: 941 - 383 - 4738 The Rev. Dr. V. Carroll, Senior Minister MiMi Horwitz, Pastoral Care Assistant SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:00 a.m. Adult Education 9:45 a.m. Healing and Communion The Rev. Bill Friederich Minister of Music Sura Charlier, Organist/Pianist and Choir Director (2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sundays) 10:00 a.m. Worship Service (1st Sunday Communion) W. Joy Danner, Church Office Manager Susan Schaefer, Accounting Clerk Donna Dunio Executive Director, AIPRC Mary Ann Brady Admin. Assistant, AIPRC Mark your Calendars!! Say “Goodbye” to our “snowbird” friends The Lord’s Warehouse Fashion Show & Luncheon Wednesday, April 6 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, march 8, 2016 Arrivederci Italian Dinner Preview at 10 a.m. Luncheon at 11 a.m. Door Prizes, Raffles, Silent Auction Tickets Available AT The Lord’s Warehouse, Or the Office $25 Each Homemade meatballs and sauce, salad, garlic bread, and a very special dessert. Beverages will also be available. Tickets are $15 each. March/April 2016 Laurie Shuttleworth, Wedding Coordinator Jerry Schaller, Custodian Have you noticed the wide selection of music filling the air this year during our Sunday worship services? In merely two months time, we have experienced opera, jazz, and African spirituals, just to name a few. We have been blessed with an acoustical guitarist, harpist, chamber music, and several exceptional soloists. “We’re doing something very different now in music with our choir blending percussion and rhythm that introduces more ethnic and cultural diversity”, reveals the Rev. Bill Friederich in his new role as Minister of Music. Rev. Bill has taken on various duties assisting Rev. Carroll and handling special music events, as well as continuing to perform his unique percussion accompaniment during Sunday’s worship service. Music, especially drumming, has been part of his life since the age of 5. In fact, it has been part of his family for generations including his grandfather, father, sister, brother-in-law and his many friends growing up in the same neighborhood. Rev. Bill favors diverse styles and tastes in music that enable everyone to feel a comfort zone. “I think that suits our Chapel family nicely, which is Rev. Carroll’s desire as well”, he comments. Rev. Bill is complimented by our new Pianist/Organist/Choir Director, Sura Charlier.“Sura has dedicated her many musical skills to seamlessly integrate into the current, exciting culture of our music program at the Chapel”, Rev. Carroll shared. Thanks to Al Hixon, our remarkable organizer and drummer, the world of jazz returned on Valentine’s Day, February 14 for the 23rd Annual Jazz Worship Service and received a standing ovation by the congregation. We also got a broader taste of Sura Charlier’s accomplishments during this service revealing her sax and vocal talents. More exceptional jazz will arrive at the Chapel on St. Patty’s Day, March 17, when Al and fellow starstudded musicians entertain us at 3 p.m. LOVE was the theme of this year’s Jazz Worship. for a great afternoon concert. The Chapel’s worship services during Lent will be full of outstanding music. Sura will be at the keyboard during the Easter Sunrise Service at daybreak in the Friendship Garden. The Jensen Trio will return for the traditional Easter worship service at 10 a.m. You can expect a continuation of many enlightening music specialties incorporated into the services to come. There is not only Spring in the air, but music as well! Our new music worship group consists of the Rev. Bill Friederich, Sura Charlier and the choir. Page 7 Page 2 Aging in Paradise Resource Center Chapel Calendar/from the Register LBIC BOARD OF TRUSTEES Margaret Noble President Dick Pelton Vice President Aging in Paradise Endowment Bruce Schaefer Secretary Stewardship Barbara Koetsier, Treasurer Administration & Personnel Finance & Budget Memorials Aging in Paradise The Rev. V. Carroll Senior Minister Music, Worship, Education, and Pastoral Care Richard Engel Buildings Steven Fuller Member - at - large Cindy Kuehnel Charitable Outreach Gordon Lyons Mark Your Calendars MARCH 8 - Tuesday at 10 a.m. Lord’s Warehouse Fashion Show and Luncheon 18 - Friday at 9:15 a.m. Charitable Outreach Committee Field Trip 20 - Sunday at 10 a.m. Palm Sunday 24 - Thursday at 5 p.m. Maundy Thursday Supper and Communion Service 27 - Sunday at 7:30 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service 27 - Sunday at 10 a.m. Easter Service and Children’s Egg Hunt APRIL 6 - Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Arrivederci Italian Dinner ONGOING PROGRAMS WEEKLY Mondays 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Lord’s Warehouse Thrift Shop 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Choir Rehearsal (as of March 21) Tuesdays 11:30 a.m. Shifting Sands Support Group Wednesdays 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Lord’s Warehouse Thrift Shop 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Choir Rehearsal (through March 14) Betty Rahm Thursdays 11:30 a.m. Shifting Sands Support Group 12 p.m. Men’s Lunch Lord’s Warehouse Congregational Life Saturdays 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. The Lord’s Warehouse Thrift Shop Grounds NEEDED! for the Fashion Show & Luncheon Gift Items and Gift Certificates for the Silent Auction & Raffle Baskets MONTHLY Second Monday of the month 3:30 p.m. Book Club Second Thursday of the month 5 p.m. Dine Out Club Third Thursday of the month 10 a.m. Board of Trustees Meeting First Friday of the month 9:30 a.m. Church Women United (offsite) Third Friday of the month 12 p.m. Women’s Lunch BI – WEEKLY First and Third Wednesdays of the month 10 a.m. Memoirs Writing Class Birthdays this March: 1 Gordon Lyons 3 Marv Herpel 4 Tom Reese 12 John Chalmers Michael Russell 13 Nancy Ledding 15 Cindy Kuehnel 18 Martha Miller 19 Laurie Shuttleworth 20 Hemma Fraser 21 Betty Hoff 29 Peggy Sloan Birthdays this April: 1 Alan Hazley Bill Wipperfurth 2 Diana Wipperfurth 3 Liz Yerkes 5 Linda Dias 6 Marlies Black 7 Valarie Evanko 9 Lavern Mikesell 10 Ellen Zimmerman 13 Alan Ackerman 15 Don Zimmerman 17 Donna Dolan Lynn Walker 19 Chris Fearing 22 Betty Johnson 25 Claudia Mann 26 Betty Rieger 27 Sue Allen Claire Skerrett 29 Bruce Schaefer Anniversaries this March: 7 Valarie and Bill Evanko 9 Molly and Vince Carroll 10 Pat and Hugh Joyner 15 Diane and Dale Andrews 26 Sue and Tom Reese Anniversaries this April: 7 Michelle & Tom Giannico 9 Doreen and Gus Sclafani 19 Lynn and Morris Walker Condolences to Kate Nothacker on the death of her husband, Jack, February 3, 2016. Chapeletter Production -Joy Danner Editor - Sue Reese Next issue’s deadline April 22, 2016 UPCOMING The Longboat Island Chapel Foundation WORKSHOP Established in 2009, the Chapel Foundation recognizes friends and members of the Chapel who have provided special gifts and provisions to the Chapel of $10,000 or more. AIPRC A plaque on the wall to the left of the elevator provides a list of the many outstanding supporters of the Chapel. Thursday, March 10th from 1 to 3 p.m. “Protecting Your Wealth From Healthcare Costs in Retirement” and “2016 Market Outlook” $10 fee per class Presenters are Johanna Gustafsson, Wealth Management Advisor, First Vice President & Portfolio Manager; and Christopher Pinckney, Senior Financial Advisor with Merrill Lynch, The Gustafsson Pinckney Group in Sarasota. This year we are honored to have two new additions to The Chapel Foundation: Anonymous Jeff & Chris Johnson We welcome these honorees to The Chapel Foundation with grateful thanks. The Charitable Outreach Committee asks you to remember the Food Bank – please drop non-perishable food in the barrel in the Shook Fellowship Hall. There are baskets under the sign-up table to donate rice and beans and another for children’s books (Stillpoint House of Prayer) toiletries basket (One Stop Center for the homeless) and used eye glasses basket. Page 6 Chapel’s Bulletin Board Fellowship Events Chapel Reading Group The Book Club meets on the 2nd Monday of the month, November through May, in the Ruth Cushing Room at 3:30 p.m. Palm Sunday March 20 - 10 a.m. March 14 - MY NOTORIOUS LIFE by Kate Manning - it starts out like Orphan Train, but a totally different story. March 24 - 5 p.m. April 11 - THE LITTLE PARIS BOOKSHOP by Nina George - a bookseller has his shop on a barge in Paris and then embarks on a journey in pursuit of his own hapNew Chapel member, Ingred McCellan is being fitted by piness and love. Sue Reese and Cindy Kuehnel for an outfit she’ll model Join us for a light supper followed by a Communion Service. Easter Sunday March 27 Nathalie Treonis The Rev. Bill Friederich Preaching 10 a.m. Easter Worship at the Chapel The Rev. Dr. V. Carroll Preaching Special Music by the Jensen Family Trio 10 a.m. - Garden Children’s Egg Hunt Dedication of the Upper Room to the Rev. Vince Carroll Upper Room. Introduction by Margaret Noble, President. for the Lord’s Warehouse Fashion Show. Charitable Outreach Committee Community Outreach Tour is on Friday, March 18. It will be an active day for the Charitable Outreach Committee and others interested in an enlightening trip. This trio of visits to non-profit charitable organizations will give a first hand look of how each one works and how significant are their needs. All members of the congregation are welcome to join the committee for this most informative trip. Schedule of events for 3/18 are: 9:15 a.m. - Meet at the Chapel parking lot for car pooling 10 a.m. - Stillpoint House of Prayer 11 a.m. - Turning Point 12 p.m. - Mt. Carmel Resource Center. 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Service in the Garden Page 3 Lunch at Riverview Cafe on the Manatee River. For reservations: Please contact Marilyn Johnson at 351-6022 or Anne Summers at 383-1334 by March 16. Once Is Not Enuf!!! That’s the theme of this year’s Annual Lord’s Warehouse Fashion Show and Luncheon set for March 8 in Shook Fellowship Hall. Since the luncheon offers the same menu (by request) and the fashion show features retired items from donors (some are brand new, never used), “Once Is Not Enuf” seemed like an appropriate title. It may be a bit of a challenge to coordinate one-of-a-kind clothing pieces and accessories into complete outfits (three per model), but the results are amazing and end up being sold quickly at the end of the show. This year’s style show will include three handsome men. You won’t want to miss their dashing outfits! Cindy Kuehnel and Sue Reese have returned to co-chair this event and coordinate fashions. The luncheon is again chaired by Valarie Evanko. Silent auction chairs are Anne Summers and Molly Carroll, while raffle baskets are handled by Kate Nothacker and 50-50 raffle by Dorothy Gordon. Joan Partridge and Peg Lammers are chairing publicity and music will be provided by our new Chapel pianist Sura Charlier. It takes great teamwork to make this event work and we’re fortunate to have many wonderful gals and guys helping to make it another success. Marina Jack Cruise - February 2, 2016 On the left: During the Super Bowl Lunch Donna Dolan is checking her team - on the right: Jazz Worship Service - musicians in action. Be sure to buy your tickets now as it’s always a sell out! Kate Nothacker and Anne Summers are preparing the raffle baskets for the Fashion Show. Some of the 39 people on the Bok Tower Bus Tour February. Page 4 From Our Professional Staff Dear Friends of HOINA, We have had the honor to watch HOINA grow over the past 40 years, creating a loving family home environment for abandoned, handicapped and destitute children in India. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors of Homes of the Indian nation, we thank you for sharing our vision and making a difference. Thank you for allowing us to bring hope, for your generosity, and faith. Dear Emily Dabio and LBIC, The Salvation Army, Manatee County would like to extend our heartfelt thank you for making the Christmas wishes of 1,507 children come true. This year 73 locations hosted an Angel Tree. We assisted with over 11,000 toys and clothing to children in our community. Major Dwayne Durham Regional Coordinator Longboat Island Chapel, On behalf of the Salvation Army we would like to thank you for your support of our Teddy Bear Dressing Program during the Christmas season. We greatly appreciate all of the time spent into making each teddy bear special and unique. Jennifer Underwood From the Board of Trustees Greetings from the President of the Board From our Pastor February has come and gone - whew! Tempus Fugit! But, what a month. With our chapel at full capacity, programs coming and going, it has felt a bit like a whirlwind! Our new choir master, Sura, has integrated her skills into our overall music program in an exemplary fashion. Her rich past has been successfully transplanted into the Longboat Island Chapel culture with skill and dedication. With the Super Bowl Parties over, the chills of February passing, we look forward to March and our celebration of Passion Week and Easter Sunday. On Sunday February 14, we celebrated the 23rd Jazz Service with Al Hixon and his Band. In addition the Fashion Show, Cinema Paradisio (AIP Gala) and Al Hixon’s Jazz Concert and St. Paddy’s Day Dinner will round out an exceptionally busy month. Our traditional Maundy Thursday service on March 24 will begin with a soup supper followed up with a Communion service and the ringing of the Apostle Bells again this year. The Easter Sunrise service will begin at 7:30 a.m. in the Friendship Garden. As usual our men’s luncheon has experienced another great year meeting at Cedar’s East. There are about a dozen from the chapel community that meet and have informal fellowship every Thursday noon, all men are welcome to this group. I am looking forward to celebrate this Easter Season with all of our Chapel members and families...blessings from Rev. Vince and Molly Listen to Pastor Carroll’s sermons (updated weekly to include the last 4 sermons) and others now available on our website, www.longboatislandchapel.org. From the Pastoral Care Assistant I often reflect on our Affirmation of Faith. It truly is an interfaith proclamation. Members of many different faith traditions could, without reservation, recite the words. Coming to Chapel each Sunday to hear the wit and wisdom of Reverend Carroll, reciting our Affirmation of Faith, along with being your Pastoral Care Assistant makes my life meaningful. Recently, I came across a quote by Albert Einstein that sounds like he could have attended our Chapel and joined right in. He wrote: “Strange is our sojourn here on earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life however, there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake of others; above all, for those whose smile and well-being our own happiness depends, and also for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built upon the labors of others, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received and am still receiving”. MiMi New Members Pictured are the new members welcomed on February 7, 2016. from left to right second row are: Karen Graham, and Ingrid and Rusty McClellan. Front row from left to right are Marilyn Inman, and Shirley Bretches. This is a wonderful time of the year for the Chapel as all of you “Northerners” are back with us again! The church parking lot and pews are full on Sundays, and it is great to get “caught up” on all your news. Please stay as LONG as you can – perhaps extend your time with us! The revisions to our By-Laws were approved at the special meeting on January 20. By reducing the size of our Board, we now have the option to operate under procedures for small boards. Your Board voted at their meeting on Febuary 18 to do so, thus reducing some of the formality that occurs in larger boards. One exception is that all motions will still require a second. Copies of this procedure are available in the church office or may be requested by E-mail. Your Board has been busy studying the security measures that are in effect at the Chapel. I am pleased to tell you that all of the key locks have now been updated, the safe deposit box has been examined and reorganized, and the list of people with the combination to the safe has been revised. Some of these items have not been reviewed for several years, and your Board felt it was the time to do so. There are many activities and events happening at the Chapel this spring. They require much effort and time from the different committees and many volunteers are needed for assistance. Please consider seeking out ways you can help by giving of your time and talents. It is a great way to meet new people and you will reap the joy of being part of our wonderful fellowship that exists! Remember that our Board meets on the third Thursday of the month. Our minutes are on record in the church office for you to review if you so desire. Margaret Noble Building Committee Progress: The exterior renovation of the Lord’s Warehouse is essentially complete. A pair of shutters and a new exterior sign are all that remain for completion. Work has now begun to redo the interior. Engineering drawings are being prepared for changes needed to make the existing space more useable. Lighting, repainting, and a new floor covering are on the list for change. The Shook Fellowship Hall renovation work has begun. The first major item is to replace the window on the East end of the room. Bids are currently being received for this work. Replacing the ceilings, modifying the Page 5 serving window and counter into the kitchen, new floor covering, new doors between the large and small rooms, the hall, and the sanctuary and several other minor items are being considered for the total job. As a result of a recent power outage, emergency lighting has been installed in the bathrooms, emergency flashlights have been placed in the AIP area and the church office, and the emergency call list has been revised and posted by all telephones. Re-keying of the church building and administration offices is complete. Anyone who believes they require a key needs to contact Richard Engel or Bruce Schaefer. Richard Engel, Chair STEWARDSHIP SUCCESS The 2016 Longboat Island Chapel Stewardship Campaign was set in motion on Sunday, December 27, 2015 with a goal of $153,785 which was established by the 2016 proposed budget, as received from the Budget and Finance Committee. On three successive Sundays, the congregation continued to be advised of Stewardship benefits and progress toward our goal through reports presented by committee members Tom Reese, Valarie Evanko, and Tom Sabow. Once again, the Chapel family responded in a remarkable manner. I am honored to report that as of February 17, 2016, 80 pledges have been received totaling $160,745. This is truly a wonderful tribute to the confidence our Chapel family has in the ministry of the Longboat Island Chapel. We have truly shown that we are a church on the GROW. Our thanks to all. Bruce Schaefer, Stewardship Chair 2016 Sue Reese completes two terms on the Board: During the Members Annual meeting on February 28, Sue Reese was recognized for her service on the Board serving two full terms in different capacities. In appreciation, she received a picture of the chapel (ironically one that she took) with a plaque. Sue served as President, VicePresident, and will continue as Communication Committee Chair. Photo by Larry Steagall, article by J. Danner