September - FL1-M


September - FL1-M
Suncoast Wings
Chapter FL1-M…..The M&M’s
G old W ing R oad Rid er s As s o cia tion
Region A – Florida District
September 2008
Volume VIII, Issue 9
Chapter FL1-M, Clearwater, Florida
Chapter FL1-M
Officers and Staff
Chapter Directors
Rich & Lucy Schaad
Chapter Educators,
Ron & Kathy Jackson
H-727-523-9074 C-727-433-0549
Assistant Chapter Educators
Ken & Sue Stagner
H-727-442-0526 C-727-698-2302
Bill Zulas
2008 Couple Of the Year
Cathy & Doug Sweeney
Membership Coordinators
Buzz & Betty Probus
Public Relations
Jerry & Nancy Costell
H- 727 784-6127
3rd Thursday @ Stacey’s Buffet
1451 Missouri Avenue North
Largo – Dinner @ 6:00 PM
Meeting @ 7:30 PM
McDonalds at the
corner of Nursery
1 ,2 ,&4
Road and US 19
of e a c h
M o n th
Check Events
Eat at 6:00
Meet at
on the following
7 :3 0
National, Regional and
District Staff
Ride Coordinator
Don & Tina Allen
50/50 Sales
Gary & Jerri Miles
H- 727-530-4526
Goody Sales
Pete & Evona Pawlik
Sunshine Lady
Austine Barbour
Doug & Cathy Sweeney
Phone Tree Coordinator &
“M” Shopper
Sharon Dunn
Activities Coordinator
Debbie Magness
Newsletter Editor & Webmaster
Paul Begin
Chapter Director News…………...………….2
Rider Educators thoughts………………….…3
Our membership…………………………..….4
Chapter Ride Coordinators & Special dates….5
GWRRA Events……………………………...6
Chapter Monthly Calendars……………….….7
Items For Sale…………..…….………………8
Picture of the Month .…. … .. ……………... 9
Advertisement…………………………….. ..10
Executive Director
Melissa Eason
Region “A”
Region “A” Directors
Bob & Nancy Shrader
Region “A” Assistant Director/Webmaster
Ed Porter
Region “A” Assistant Directors
Jim & Sue Jackson
Region “A”Treasurer
Joanne Jacobs
Region “A” Trainers
Dave & Ellen Hamilton
Region “A” Rider Educators
Ron & Pam Lantz
Region “A” Couple of the Year
Gregg & Patricia Harbison
Florida District
District Directors
Ed & Jeanette Carr
Assistant District Directors
Bruce Griffing & Mary Haight
William &Cheryl Smith
Geno & Kathy Jette
Bill & Gina Berry
Nate & Danelle Kinion
Cliff Hotchkiss
Florida District Treasurer
Conrad & Marcia Shad
District Rider Educators
Joe & Jan Mazza
Assistant District Rider Educator
Don & Judy Danburry
Leadership Trainers
Doug & Sandy Gray
District PR
Pat & Judy Seadorf
District MADD &Coy Coordinators
Jim & Linda McGinnis
Florida District Couple of the Year
Rex & Tina Prince
Florida District MAD Coordinator
Jim & Linda McGinnis
District Newsletter Editor
Millie Prince
Florida District Webmistress/Webmaster
Millie Prince
A Thought from our
Chapter Directors
We are just about over the heat of the summer season and hopefully we can get
back to riding our bikes like we love to do so much. There has not been a whole lot
going on so this will be a very short article. The turn out for our events has been
great and we are all having a great time whenever we get together, no matter what
we are doing. We have more bowling, more picnics, and plenty of other fun
activities planned, so be sure to keep an eye on the calendars and join us when
you can.
It was great to see so many members come out for the 5 Chapter Charity Poker
Run that we participated in along with Chapters FL1-A, FL1-D2, FL1-K2 and FL1L2. Together we raised $1600 for the Cookson Hill Toy Run. We will be making the
presentation in October at Chapter FL1-A's general meeting. Hope everyone that
was at the poker run can attend that night. We will also be joining in on the
upcoming Cookson Hill Toy Run, which will be held on December 8th. This is a
very popular toy run and you actually get to hand your present over to a child and
watch them open it at the end of the run!!
Until Next Month,
Rich & Lucy Schaad
Chapter Directors
It is late for my article again! This is nothing new for me and Paul has been very understanding
about this. We are recently back from our two week vacation in PA with our son, daughter-in-law, and
most importantly our four grandchildren. We did not take our motorcycle on the trip, but drove the 4wheeled cage instead. This does not mean that we did not look at the bikes on the trip. Some of them were
hiding under overpasses (wonder why?).
Some of the bikers were dressed in full gear even though the temperatures were high; others wore
shorts, tank tops, etc. The latter group may be the coolest on the ride, but may have wished for more
coverage if something happened.
I have always thought that leather was a very safe option for us. This is despite the fact that we
would probably sweat to death during the hot months. The Motorcycle Consumer News had an article
recently that indicated that the mesh jackets that many of us wear are actually better in an accident. This is
due to two reasons. One is the padding provided in strategic locations that protect vulnerable points of our
bodies. The second, that I found particularly surprising, is that they actually do better if you are sliding
along the pavement. Leather is not made to be abrasion resistant, however the mesh on the armored
clothing is. Now I know the mesh clothing is much cooler to wear than leather, plus most of these have
reflective material incorporated while the leather typically does not. We do notice an increase in
temperature while sitting still, when you finally move it is almost like an air conditioner is turned on.
Unfortunately this cooling effect does not last long in our summer.
The type of clothing/gear we wear on the bike may not be important to many of us, however when
the unforeseen happens it could become life saving. Helmets were another issue; some riders were wearing
full-face helmets with their shorts and tank tops. These riders might maintain their brains, but might need
to grow new skin and or limbs. Other riders had on long pants and shirts, but no helmets. Guess their
brains are not important to them!
A final note is on a small blurb that appeared in the Saint Petersburg Times. It was reported that
traffic fatalities involving alcohol have decreased in the US, including here in FL. The distressing part of
this is that alcohol involved fatalities involving motorcyclists has increased! This is not a trend that
improves our image. Most of us like to have a drink or two at times, just not when we are going to be
driving or, more importantly, when we are on our bikes.
This is all for the month. Just remember we have to live with the choices we make, so make them
Ron & Kathy Jackson
Senior Chapter Educators
This past twelve months have seen a good membership increase for CHAPTER M.
The following are new members and their motorcycles:
Earl & Susan
1500 Goldwing
Don & Dawn
1800 Goldwing Trike
Frank (Mailman)
1800 Goldwing
Arthur & Lori
1500 Goldwing Trike
Roy & Connie
1800 Goldwing
John & Shirley
1500 Goldwing Trike
Gary & Sue
1800 Goldwing
Wendell & Alice
1800 Goldwing Trike
Danny & Linda
1800 Goldwing
Roy & Jean
1800 Goldwing Trike
Harold & Donna
1800 Goldwing
1800 Goldwing
Let's all get to know these fine folks, if you haven't already, and continue to welcome
all new members to our CHAPTER M family.
Remember: A stranger is just a friend you haven't met.
Buzz and Betty Probus
Special Days
----------- September ---------Birthdays
Ginger Hart 2,Pat Sorensen 8, Betty Brobus 14, Sue Stagner 17, Cliff Hardesty 18,
Frank hardy 21, Peg Cushman 22, Wendell Roberts 23
Danny & Linda Stevens 4, Austine & Bill Barbour 12, Debbie & Ray Zurenda 13,
Nancy & Jerry Costell 16, Janet & Jack Holzer 16, Curtis & Kim Palmore 19,
Brenda & Al Houston 25
-------------October ----------Birthdays
Donna Wurtz 2, Dawn Dillon 5, LeRoy Dibble 6, Slinger Sanderson 9, Maxine Jackson 12,
Bill Zulas 12, Nancy Costell 17, Laurel Henderson 26
Margie & Bill Miller 13, Karen & Glen Lintermuth 20,
Lori & Arthur Hirsch 28, Anne & Bill Zulas 30
A Note from our Ride Coordinators
Hi Gang,
Thank you to everyone who made the ride to Bradenton to drop off the hot potato.
We know it was short notice and wanted you to know we appreciate all of you who were
able to make it.
The 5 chapter poker run was a success. Unfortunately we were not able to attend,
but from what we hear everyone had a good time and $1600 was raised for Cookson Hills
Home. Thank you to Buzz, Betty, Jerri & Gary for placing the signs, picking up the
water, and passing out the cards at the park.
If you missed Italian Night and bingo, well I’m sorry. You missed really good
food. Sharon bought some great gifts for the bingo winners. Thanks Sharon, you’re really
good at your shopping job.
As always watch your calendar for upcoming events and rides. As the weather
starts to cool off a little we’ll be getting back on the bikes. Keep getting those ideas to us.
We’re always open to suggestions.
Don & Tina Allen
Ride Coordinators
Sept. 6
Sept 11-13
Oct 5
Oct. 16 – 18
Oct. 25
Oct. 31 – Nov.1
Nov. 2
FL1-A Picnic/Auction
Region “A” Rally
Chapter Fl1-H Charity Bike Show
Mississippi District Rally
FL2-E Chapter Picnic & Benefit
Panhandle Getaway
Ride For Kids,
Dothan, AL
Daytona Beach
Biloxi, MS
Panama City
Sarasota County Technical Institute.
Nov. 8
Nov. 8
Nov. 15
Nov. 22
Dec. 6
FL2-A 30th Anniversary. “Buzzard Run”
Florida District Rider Ed Fair
FL1-L2 Poker Run
FL1-X Spaghetti Social
FL1-S Mingle Jingle
West Palm Beach
St. Petersburg
Orange Park
Jan. 10-11
Jan. 17
Jan. 25
CD Conference
FL2-L Chapter Rally
FL2-D 4 Chapter Breakfast
Feb . 08
Feb. 14
Mar. 12 – 14
March 26-28
March 29
April 4
April 18
April 30- May 2
May 9
June 11-13
Nov. 14
South Florida Ride For Kids
FL1-T Poker Run
Florida District Rally
Alabama District Rally
FL1-E2 America Diabetes Assoc. Poker Run
FL1-B Road Rally & Fun Day
FL1-W Green Eggs & Ham Poker Run
South Carolina District Rally
FL1-F2 Poker Run/Motorcycle Rally
Georgia District Rally
Florida District Rider Ed Fair
Pompano Beach
Pelham, AL
Fort Walton Beach
Myrtle Beach, SC
St. Petersburg
Hiawassee, GA
St. Petersburg
To put ads in this newsletter, you must be a member of Chapter M or GWRRA. Space permitting
– New ads will be allowed to have a short paragraph of about 2-5 lines describing the item for
sale, plus up to 3 colored pictures. The editor may adjust wording, and size of pictures will be
adjusted to fit space available. If you want to continue running the item for sale, you must let
the editor know and it will be edited to 1 or 2 lines and no pictures. Ads may be e-mailed or
given directly to the editor. Once the item sells, please let the editor know so it can be removed.
Chapter M Wearable Art
Chapter M Shirts
(Long Sleeved, short sleeved, golf, & tee’s)
10” GWRRA Patch, Black & Gold
Flags - “M” & American
Chapter “M” Patch
Visitation Bars
Visitation Bar Hangers
If you want a Chapter M shirts or patches, flags, decals, please call us ahead of
time at 727-517-3552 . We will bring them to the kick-tire or General Meetings.
A limited number of Chapter helmet hangers are available. Please contact
Pete Pawluk @ 727 517-3552 for details.
1993 GL1500 with 2004 MotorTrike Coupe conversion. 60k miles, 10k since triked. Too many
accessories to list, but it’s well appointed. $15,900. Call Doug Gray 386-246-9335 or
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1993 Red Goldwing 1500 Interstate Original owner with 26,652 miles on the bike. Sale includes
helmets, heavy duty lift and service manual. There are many extras on the bike. Asking $6,000. Please
call 727 532-0927
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nice Trailer for Bike Transport or Utility Use 6 1/2 foot Wide 8 feet long Electric Jack and Winch
Rear Stabilizing Jacks Ranps & Ratch Tie Downs Spare Tire and Rim $ 500.00
Ask for Jim 727 524-7695
Please phone any changes in your address, telephone
home/cell phone numbers or e-mail address to
Rich Schaad – Cell-727-421-6083.
We would like to keep our records up to date.
Picture of the Month
Chapter members doing the 5 Chapter Charity Poker Run for the Cookson Hills Toy Run
Chapter “M” checkpoint crew
Margie, does “I dropped my bike” come to mind?