Aug Newsletter 2014
Aug Newsletter 2014
Gold Wing Road Riders Association Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge 2014 Chapter K Staff Becky Sangster Jonathan Bailey Mike Sangster Maryann Jordan Chapter Director Assistant Chapter Director Chapter Educator Chapter Treasurer Open Position Nancy Hrigora Nancy Hrigora Jonathan Bailey Kent & Alice Lash Cliff Sias Maryann Jordan Membership Chairperson Chapter Newsletter Editor Chapter WEB Master Chapter Ride Coordinator Chapter Store 50/50 Coordinator Event Planning Coordinators Open Position Open Position Open Position Open Position Open Position Sunshine Coordinator Chapter Couple of the Year Chapter Individual of the Year Chapter Historian Chapter Motorist Awareness (520) 229-8670 (520) 404-8345 (520) 306-7574 (520) 299-4440 (8100 923-4117 (810) 923-4117 (520) 404-8345 (520)-289-9840 (520) 297-9462 (520) 299-4440 Open Position Open Position Open Position Open Position Open Position 2014 Arizona District Staff District Director Chuck & Kris Liberty 2951 W. Alaska Dr Tucson, AZ 85746 Ph: 520-883-7883 E-mail: Assistant District Director-South Larry & Gail Howard 520-459-0079 E-Mail: Assistant District Director-North Jim Oliver 623-694-6356 E-mail: District Treasurer Dennie Long District Membership Cindy Kelly m District Educator Rich Sturgeon 102 E. 8th Street Benson, AZ 85361 Ph: 520-720-6207 Asst. District Educator Robert Bray Ph: 614-563-8722 E-mail: Ph: 623-899-3620 Leadership Training Gail & Bob Johnson 27773 N 129th Lane Peoria, AZ 85383 Ph: 623-414-300 E-mail: Asst. District Educator - South OPEN E-mail: District Convention Coordinator Dan & Donna Humphrey AZ-A 520-204-5223 E-Mail: AZ Rally Vendor Coordinator OPEN 520-747-5276 520-240-0373 Email: District MEDIC First Aid OPEN District Motorist Awareness Cliff & Char Simpson 937-232-6483 District Newsletter Editor Kris Liberty 520-883-7883 (underscore between names) Chapter of the Year COY & IOY Coordinator Bill Leach District Webmaster Chuck Ainsworth (AZ-D) Ph: 480-491-5010 E-mail: District Store Sallie & John Baldwin (AZ-D) Ph: 480-983-0823 E-mail: Arizona Chapters Chapter: Meeting Day/Time: Location: Directors: A 3rd Saturday 08:15 AM Breakfast 09:00 Meeting Golden Corral 4380 East 22nd, Tucson Dennis & Debbie Ammons (520) 405-5455 C 4th Wednesday 5:30 PM Pizza Hut Lake Havasu City. Alan Weaver 928-458-7842 D 2nd Saturday 07:30 AM Old Country Buffet 6625 E Southern Ave. Mesa, AZ E 1st Saturday 08:00 AM Breakfast - 09:00 AM Meeting Golden Corral 798 South Highway 92, Sierra Vista G 2nd Saturday 08:00 AM Cow Palace Amado, AZ K 4th Saturday 08:00 AM Breakfast - 09:00 AM Meeting Golden Corral 6865N.Thornydale Tucson, AZ Teena and Ted Prentice 602-438-9660 Larry & Gail Howard 520-459-0079 Dee Baird 1-520-730-6849 Becky Sangster (520) 229-8670 O 1 Saturday 8:00AM Breakfast 9:00AM Ride Perkin’s Restaurant 2250 AZ 95 Bullhead City, AZ Greg Brown 760-500-3084 R 3rd Saturday 08:00 AM Old Country Buffet 17125 N 79th Ave, Glendale, AZ Jim Oliver 623-581-8472 S 1st Saturday 07:30 AM The Egg I Am 10155 E Via Linda Scottsdale , AZ U 3rd Saturday 08:00 AM The Landing Bar & Grill 195 S. 4th Ave Yuma, AZ Chris & Sandy Ward 928-580-2996 4th Saturday 08:00 AM Prescott Golf & Country Club, Dewey, AZ Sandy Gaston 928-759-9719 st P X 4th Saturday 7:30 Meeting 8:15 John Read 480-406-5871 s Golden Corral Mike & Mary Anne Melby Florence Blvd 408-963-8392 Casa Grande , AZ ======================================================================================= GWRRA – Arizona Chapter “K” Kachina Chapter August/September 2014 Director’s Corner By: Becky Sangster Chapter Director Mike and I will not be at the August 23rd meeting as we will be in New York State visiting family and friends. Jon Bailey will in charge of this month’s meeting. October 15th is the last day to register for the Arizona District Convention held October 31st – November 2, 2014 at the Tucson EL Conquistador. There will also be a Horizon Program offered on October 30th. “This program provided fun interactive sessions to learn and discuss ideas that enable participants to succeed in a leadership role within GWRRA.” RSVP to Bob & Gail Johnson at or call 623-414-3003. The Chapter will pay for its members the $10.00 fee which includes lunch and training materials. October 25th San Diego Chapter (CA1F) is having their “ HalloweenFun Run” event in Pauma Valley, where the “Fun Run” will start and end. Some of the CA1F members are willing to open their homes and/or have campers on their property to overnight quests. If you want to stay at a member’s home, please give the Chapter 3 or 4 weeks notice and they will try to accommodate you. There are a couple of casinos and motels close by Pauma Valley. There will be flyers for this event at the meeting or use the website Please contact Rich or Michele Kelley at or call 619-749-6456, for more information. There is a Trike Course being held on October 5th in Phoenix. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Chapter A of Las Vegas, NV is having their “Jackass Run & Shootout” October 17th& 18th. See the attached flyer. Well, it happened again, Mt Lemmon cannot be trusted when there are clouds in the sky. Mike and I with Jon & Liz Bailey, Stu & Beth Teichner, and Jerry (Birthday) & Maryann Jordan had a sunny beautiful picnic with cupcakes for desert (thanks, Maryann). We split up coming home. Mike and I went straight home while the rest went on up to Summerhaven. We got rain and hail and enough hail to leave the road partly covered. Fortunately, it only lasted about 10 minutes. The rest of the party got a lot of rain. THERE WILL NOT BE A FORMAL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 27TH, AS MOST OF THE MEMBERS WILL BE IN PINETOP. RIDE OFTEN, RIDE SAFE AND HAVE FUN!!!!! REMEMBER TO UTILIZE OUR SPONSORS. Chapter Educator’s Corner Do You Know the Law? By Bob Berry You come to a 4-way stop at the same time as another bike arriving at the left cross street. Who has the right of way? You get caught going 62 in a 55 mph zone. You get a ticket (not a warning), but there are no points and nothing on your record. How did that happen? You’re the tail gunner on a group ride. As the group begins to merge onto I-10 you protect the lane by crossing the space marked with white lines between the ramp and the right lane of I-10. A Highway Patrol officer flags you down and writes you a 3point ticket and sends you to traffic school. What happened? Good for you if you know the answers. If not, then it might be time to review AZ traffic laws at Title=28. There is some pretty good stuff there, especially if you are having trouble going to sleep. But, kidding aside, we should know the basics to stay safe. OK. The answers: The answer to the 4-way stop situation is no-one has the right-of-way. Yes, the rider at the left cross street must yield to you as the rider on the right, but if he/she fails to do so and you proceed into the intersection at the same time resulting in a crash, both riders can be cited costing you 6 points on your license. There are no traffic laws that give “unofficial” vehicles and even most “official vehicles” the right-of-way at any time. The second situation is one in which it pays to be nice to the officer talking to you. He/she has the option of not writing you a speeding ticket, but a ticket for “Waste of Finite Resources.” This is only applicable on 55 mph highways with your speed under 65. So, be polite and ask for that one since it will not go on your driving record. The tail gunner in the third situation crossed a “gore area” costing him 3 points. A Gore Area is the space between a through roadway and an exit or entrance ramp. And it’s not only for the interstate. You can see gore areas next to right turn only lanes and pretty much anywhere lanes divide to separate traffic moving in different directions. There is also the “5-car rule” that says vehicles travelling at speeds “less than normal traffic” on two-lane roads must pull to the right to let following vehicles pass if there are five or more backed up behind them. I can think of a few situations while following an RV around Strawberry and Pine that I muttered into the intercom “where is a Cop when you need one.” Title 28 covers headlight modulators, motorcycles in HOV lanes, definition of an “intersection” (for those of you who have been caught by the intersection cameras), prima facie speed limits (did you know the speed limit on rural roads in AZ is 65 unless otherwise posted), and a host of other laws with which you can impress (or bore) your friends with at the next ice cream run. Be smart. Be safe. Have fun. Chapter Safe Miles Program Please remember to submit your miles each month at the chapter meeting on the “sign in sheet” or email them to Nancy Hrigora at by the end of each month. Please put ‘SAFE MILES AZ-K ‘ in the subject line. This makes it easier to identify your email. CHAPTER AZ-K 2014 SAFE MILES GOAL 160,000 MILES per YEAR Birthdays and Anniversaries 3 8TH 23RD 31ST AUGUST BIRTHDAYS BUZZ DEHOOGHE JERRY JORDAN RON NORRIS FRANK BEAVEN 1 13TH 21ST 24TH AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES CLIFF & DIANA SIAS JOHN & ELLEN MCVAY RANDALL & GLORIA DAVIS KENT & ALICE LASH RD ST 2 26TH 30TH SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS GLORIA DAVIS ELLEN MCVAY DIANA SIAS 11 11TH 22ND SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES ANTHONY & LOUISE PROWELL MIKE & BECKY SANGSTER JERRY & SANDRA MCKINNEY 4 9TH 19TH October BIRTHDAYS KENT LASH JULIE WITHAM LOUISE PROWELL nd TH th OCTOBER 8TH ANNIVERSARIES BOB & althea berry VEGAS CHAPTER A The Las Vegas Chapter A “Vegas Wings” is having it’s annual “Jackass Convention” on October 17 -18 ( Friday Evening and all Day Saturday). Our Host site is the Longstreet Inn/Casino and RV Resort in Amargosa, NV which is on the border of “Death Valley”. Friday night events start at 7 PM Some highlights: Participant Dollars to win additional prizes 2 routes for Poker run Door prizes Auction Used parts for sale Seminars Poker Shoot out-(You will be able to pick the last card you need of your choice but you may not be able to keep it!) Go on line to look at “Longstreet" or to tour Web site to download our Registration Form, “”. Hope to see you at our Las Vegas Chapter Convention (Poker run). It will be Fun! Thank you. Randy Bolsinger ACD OVERNIGHTERS ANYONE ???? BY: Dennis Ammons Chapter Director, AZ-A Hello everyone. Many of you have expressed an interest in "overnighters". Here's your chance. Why not join me on these? Colorado District Rally 8/21-8/23 Breckenridge, CO (high of 70 & low of 41) Registration info at (mail in only at this late date) We will be leaving 8/20 early. California District Rally 8/29-8/31 Agoura, CA Registration info at Departure date & time open New Mexico District Rally 9/25-9/27 Carlsbad, NM Registration info at Departure date & time open There are other "day" events coming up in the next couple of months. I'll have more info on them later. If you're interested, call me. Dennis Ammons Chapter Director, AZ-A (520) 405-5455 THOUGHTS from MIKE Submitted by Mike Hrigora Remember, you are as happy as you think you are. Every day is a gift. Every ride is a joy. Every friend is a celebration. No matter what kind of bike you ride , it’s the same wind. Phillips Screwdriver – normally used to stab the lids of old style oil cans and splash oil on your shirt. Classifieds – For Sale Do you have a Motorcycle or riding related items that you would like to sell?? Contact for further information. 2001 GL1800 Gold Wing Trike (Yellow) 73,375 miles. 6 cylinder, fuel injected, 5 speed transmission with electric reverse and cruise control. California Sidecar Cobra Trike kit with EZ Steer installed March 2005. New rear tires and like new front tire. Intercom, AM/FM, weather band, and CB radios. Also wired for satellite radio. Hands free cell phone operation through Garmin nuvi 885T GPS (included). Accessories: Custom seat, driver backrest, highway pegs, passenger armrests, air wings w/uppers, hand and leg air wings, wind bender windshield, headlight guards, Kuryakyn trunk lights, K&N air filter, super brace, back off brake light, centramatic wheel balancer, truck rack and fender bras. A gorgeous bike excellently maintained. Price: $18,500 Location: Tucson, AZ Phone: Lloyd @ 520 789 0111 Classifieds – For Sale(cont) Do you have a Motorcycle or riding related items that you would like to sell?? Contact for further information. 2013 Goldwing (Blue) 3,500 miles Options include GPS, ABS, trailer hitch, CB, extended factory warranty and custom diamond seat. asking $28,000 obo Bike is located in Prescott, AZ If interested please call or email Joel Duvall 928.499.9887 2007 GL1800 (Silver) with Navigation and Air Bag. 10,000 plus miles on it. Some goodies go along with the sale of the bike. Bluetooth stereo iPad 4 helmets Armored Riding Gear for 3 people Asking $13,500 C# 312-504-5197 Contact John Balevic H# 520-529-7461 2010 Honda Gold Wing 1800 with a Roadsmith HT 1800 trike conversion. Some features are heated seats and grips, custom luggage rack that fits into the trike hitch, easier steering, reverse, radio/CB audio system, cruise control, passenger seat with back rest, arm rests with cup holders, passenger audio volume control. The red color contrasts nicely with the chrome. Kept inside and treated like an only child. Mileage is 42,500 miles. The 2010 Royal trailer which was customized for the trike has two axles and motorcycle tie downs. Price for the trike is $26,900. Price for the trike with the trailer is $29,900. Come drive this bad boy home. For further information, please call Tony at (317) 537-7142 . (I miss going on the rides with the group and seeing you all at the meetings. - Sandi Burns) Pictures of the trike and trailer are on CycleTrader: Let’s support our great sponsors Chapter K Ride Schedule (updated 8/16/14) Chapter K-sponsored events are in bold AUGUST August 8th , Friday , MT Lemmon for picnic, bring your lunch. Leave from McDonalds at Catalina Hwy and Tanque Verde at 10 am. Jerry Jordan’s birthday . Bring crazy hats. August 23rd Saturday , CHAPTER MEETING 8am. Enjoy breakfast with your friends and find out what is going on with the chapter. SEPTEMBER September 6th: Saturday, Mt. Graham: Leave at 8:00am from the Chevron Gas Station at I-10 & Wilmot – picnic lunch. Bring your own food and Beverages. (Costs $10.00 to picnic on the mountain) Mt Lemmon Oktoberfest is the last two week-ends in September (20st-21st, 27th& 28th) and the first two week-ends in October (4th -5th, 11th -12th) cost is $5.00 for parking, free admission. 576-1400 or 576-1321 Sept Meeting & Ride Sept 26-28 Over-nighter ( two nights) to Pinetop, AZ for the “Run of the Pines Car Show We have reserved rooms under the name of Jon Bailey* for Friday September 26 th and Saturday September 27th at the Timber Lodge in Pinetop (928-367-4463/1078 E. White Mountain Blvd). The cost of the rooms are $79.99 before taxes. If you are not interested in a car show, there are great roads to ride. Please join us. Call and reserve your room under your name BUT Make sure you reference Jon Bailey to get the group rate. Contact Jon Bailey if you are planning on going (520) 229-8670 OCTOBER October 4th Saturday, Chiricachua National Mon.: Leave at 8:00am from the Chevron Gas Station at I-10 & Wilmot. ***** Please RSVP to the Sponsor if planning to make the ride **** Free Seminars Win a Prize – Attend all of the training and be eligible for a special Prize! July 19 after Chapter R Gathering – Riding in the Heat (sponsored by Chapter R) July 20 at the Holiday House in Mesa 2:00 Pm- Motorist Awareness (sponsored by Chapter D) August 3 at the Holiday House in Mesa 2;00Pm- CPR/First Aid renewal (sponsored by Chapt D) August 16 after Chapter R Gathering- Accident Scene Response (sponsored by Chapter R) September 20 after Chapter R Gathering- Riding with a New or Inexperienced Rider October 17th & 18th, 2014 Targets, Road Captain, Co-Rider, Chapter A of Las Vegas, NV Motor Awareness Seminars & Gently Used market. “Vegas Wings” Events: 2 Death Valley Poker Rides,Games, Longstreet Inn*Casino & RV Resort, 4400 Nevada 373, Amargosa Valley, Nevada 89020 Registrations Codes & Room Rates: GWRRA, Vegas Wings #85624 $49.00, #85626 $59.00, #85625 $69.00 RV Resort: #87035 $18.00 (full hook ups) Rooms & RV Spaces Held until September 21, 2014 Rider:___________________________________________GWRRA#: ______________________ Master#:______________ Co-Rider: ________________________________________GWRRA#: ______________________ Master#:______________ Address: _______________________________________________ City: _______________ ___ State: _______ Zip: _______ Phone:________________________________Email:_______________________________________________ Chapter: __________________ (Indicate State + Chapter: e.g. Nv-A) Pre- Registration ($15.00 Per member; $20 for Non-members (Post marked by September 21, 2014) # ____X $_________.00 (On site Registration is $5.00 more) Dinner Saturday Night ($20.00 Per person, Pre-Registration only) # ____X $20.00 =$_________.00 (Dinner selection deadline: October 9, 2014)______Steak; ________Broiled Halibut; ___________BBQ Chicken Full CPR/First Aid ($20 person, First 12 Sign ups) # ____X $20.00 = $_________.00 Pre-Registration 2 Drawings: One Winner will get their Registration & 2nd Winner will get their Dinner paid for (Drawing at Opening Ceremony Friday Night) 50/25/25 $5.00 = 7 Tickets; $10.00 = 20 Tickets; $20.00 = 40 Tickets $_________.00 Door Prizes: $5.00 = 7 Tickets; $10.00 = 20 Tickets; $20.00 = 40 Tickets $_________.00 Grand Prizes Bidding: $5.00 = 7 Tickets-Sold at the Event Only Total Enclosed: $_________.00 I/We agree to hold harmless the GWRRA, the sponsoring organization and property owners for any loss or injury to myself or my property by reason of participation in this event. Rider: ______________________________________ Co-Rider: ____________________________________ Make Checks Payable to: Chapter A-Vegas Wings Mail Registration and payment to: Carl & Lynn Jaumotte, 2709 Tumble Brook Dr., Las Vegas,Nv 89134 Questions Call: Randy Bolsinger, ACD, 702-487-8057, NEW MEXICO DISTRICT RALLY Wingin’on the Pecos Sept 25-27 Pecos River Conference Center 711 Muscatel Avenue Carlsbad NM Thursday 9/25 10:00 pm - 6:00 pm 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Vendor Area Room #3 Room #4 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm On Site Restaurant 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Room #3 Room #4 Vendor Set Up Co-Rider Seminar Motorist Awareness Seminar Baked Ziti w/sausage or meatballs - free TRC Classroom ARC Classroom Friday 9/26 *7:00 am – 11:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am – 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Range Off Site Vendor Area Lobby Vendor Area 9:00 am - 10:00 am Room #3 10:00 am - 11:00 am 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Room #2 Carousel House 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Carousel House *1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Range 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Front Parking Lot 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:30 pm 5:00 pm Vendor Area Room #3 Front Parking Lot On Site Restaurant - 4:00 pm - 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Carousel House Front Parking Lot 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Front Parking Lot Range portion of the TRC Self-Guided Poker Run Jenga Game Registration Vendors Open for Business Motor Awareness Seminar COY Interviews Lunch (pre-registration only) $10 per person OpeningCeremonie /Pre-registration Cash Prizes Range portion of the ARC (May run later than 5:00) Bike/Light Show classification and Safety Inspection Prize Booth/Swap Meet Team Riding Seminar Bike Show & Judging Chicken or Beef Enchiladas Thrifty Styles Ice Cream Social/Daily Cash Prizes Bike Light Show & Judging Saturday 9/27 NM DISTRICT RALLY (cont) 8:00 am – 9:00 am Room #3 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Vendor Area 8:00 am - 11:00 am Lobby Region, District, Chapter Educator Discussions Vendors Open for Business Registration 8:00 – 12:00 am & 1:00 – 3:00 pm 8:00 am – 3:00 pm 8:00 pm - 4:00 pm 9:00 am – 10:00 am Room #5 First Aid/CPR Course Off Site Vendor Area Room #3 9:00 am – 11:00 am 10:00 – 11:00 am 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Room #4 Room #3 Room #3 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm On Site Restaurant Vendor Area Room #3 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Dock Vendor Area 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Vendor Area Room #3 Carousel House 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Carousel House Self-Guided Poker Run Jenga Game High Side Scenarios Seminars Scrap Booking class Co-rider Seminar Motorcycle Crash Scene Response Seminar Hamburgers & Hotdogs Prize Booth/Swap Meet Motorcycling for the Mature Rider Pecos River Boat Ride Prize Booth/Swap Meet Pick up Poker Run Turn-in Cell Phone Class Dinner (pre-registration only) $20 per person Closing Ceremonies/Awards/Pri zes Arizona GWRRA Rider Course Registration Form 2014 The Phoenix area is proud to announce a GWRRA Trike course to be held on Sunday October 5th at GOAZ located at 15500 N. Haydon Rd in Scottsdale. It will start promptly at 9:00Am and should finish at approximately 5:00Pm . All Arizona GWRRA Classes may be ridden 2-Up. Riders/Co-Riders must wear full protective Gear. Riders must have valid operator's license with motorcycle endorsement and proof of insurance for the motorcycle. THESE DOCUMENTS WILL BE ASKED FOR AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CLASS. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THEM YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CLASS. Courses will take place rain or shine. NO refunds due to weather. Cost for all courses is $20.00 per bike or trike. Make checks payable to “GWRRA of Arizona” Please return form 2 weeks prior to your chosen class. Cancellations will be accepted up to 7 days prior to course. All classes are subject to cancellation. In the event of a cancellation by GWRRA of Arizona, fees will be refunded. Riders must complete the class to receive a completion card. Rider_____________________________________________ GWRRA Membership #_____________________ Co-Rider__________________________________________ GWRRA Membership #_____________________ E-Mail__________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ City ___________________________ State ____ Zip ____________ Chapter _____________________________ Phone ______________________________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: GWRRA of Arizona Please do NOT send cash! MAIL COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM AND FEES TO: Robert Bray PO Box 2529 Sun City, Az 85372 Questions? 614-563-8722, Received __________________________________ Check # _______________________
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The next few months will be the last few months
that it is not HOT, HOT. So let‟s ride. We need
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