January - GWRRA Chapter CA1-I
January - GWRRA Chapter CA1-I
January 2012 CA 1-I Let’s Ride! www.gwrra-ca1I.org We meet the first Sunday of each month at Covina Bowl 1060 W San Bernardino Rd Covina CA Breakfast: 8:00 am Meeting: 9:00 am Next Gathering February 5, 2012 Table of Contents CA1-I Officers & Staff .................................................................................. 4 GWRRA Abbreviations................................................................................ 5 “Chapter I’s 30th Annual Valentine Run” Chapter Directors ....................... 6 “Happy to Help” Assistant Chapter Directors .............................................. 7 “Musings from the Forums” Chapter Educator ............................................ 8 “Fun-filled 2012” Membership Coordinators ................................................ 9 “Let’s Ride!” Ride Coordinators ................................................................. 10 Preview of February Events ...................................................................... 20 Ride Departure Locations ......................................................................... 21 CA District Ride Calendar ......................................................................... 22 Meeting Times/Locations-S CA................................................................. 30 Meeting Times/Locations-N CA ................................................................ 31 CA District Staff ......................................................................................... 33 Region F Staff ........................................................................................... 34 Newsletter Policy....................................................................................... 35 Advertising Fees ....................................................................................... 35 Extras! Birthdays ..................................................................................................... 3 Anniversaries .............................................................................................. 3 GWRRA Websites....................................................................................... 3 Sudoku Puzzle .......................................................................................... 15 Big Cat Comedy ........................................................................................ 15 Classified Ads ........................................................................................... 16 Tiger Tidbits ............................................................................................. 17 Sudoku Solution ........................................................................................ 33 Advertising Bert’s Mega Mall ....................................................................................... 23 Fashions by Carolyn ................................................................................. 24 Randy Shull Plumbing ............................................................................... 24 La Verne Glass and Screen ...................................................................... 24 Law Tigers................................................................................................. 25 Covina Bowl .............................................................................................. 26 Highland Cycle .......................................................................................... 27 JBJ Cycles ................................................................................................ 28 Wing Stuff.................................................................................................. 29 Shapiro ...................................................................................................... 32 2 Jerry Danton January 11 David Mark January 12 Don Nunnally January 22 Larry Lieswald January 27 Ray & Jan Russell January 12 Ken & Pat Cheuvront January 22 Dan & Beverly Morgan January 24 CA1-I Website/Activity Calendar California District Southwest Region F National www.gwrra-ca1i.org www.gwrra-ca.org www.gwrra-regional.org www.gwrra.org Ride Flyers are available at www.gwrra-ca.org 3 Chapter Directors Gary & Denece Newman gnewman1878@att.net Assistant Chapter Director George & Norma Mocabee calif_metro@yahoo.com (cell) 626-945-5988 (cell) 626-890-1129 Chapter Educator Rich Mason rvmason@charter.net 562-315-5213 (cell) 562-325-7003 Assistant Chapter Educator Bud Budavari budavari@aol.com (cell) 626-485-5298 Treasurer Lorraine Nygren lorraine_nygren@att.net Membership Enhancement Bill & Bobbie Todd Coordinator wtodd78849@aol.com 951-808-1878 951-371-8323 626-305-0329 Ride Coordinator Joe & Marie Vita paladin4us@gmail.com (cell) 626-914-6461 Assistant Ride Coordinator Don Nunnally rccwdancer@yahoo.com (cell) 626-622-3169 Newsletter Editor Norma Mocabee mocababa@yahoo.com 626-890-1129 Webmaster Larry Jones lljones.lj@gmail.com 909-599-4850 COY George & Norma Mocabee calif_metro@yahoo.com 626-945-5988 IOY Annie Pitt bikerannie3@aol.com 909-596-2175 Camping Coordinator Monte & Lucy Carpenter montecarpenter@rocketmail.com 626-960-3681 Photographer Marie Vita paladin4us@gmail.com 626-914-6461 Store Tami Jones joneslt1961@hotmail.com 626-404-9008 Sunshine Denece Newman two4scuba@att.net 951-808-1878 Charity Committee Pat Cheuvront Becky Klein Lavonne Hillhouse 951-685-6656 Phone Tree Coordinator Marti Winkler martwinkle@yahoo.com 626-969-7486 Phone Tree Committee Bobbie Todd Betty Rauch Shirley De Santiago Willadean Stelmack 50/50 Sales Sheldon Weinbaum 626-969-4168 Door Prize Gals Annie Pitt Shirley De Santiago 909-596-2175 909-590-1266 4 New to GWRRA? Those of us who have been around a while forget what it means to be “new” and not have ANY idea what certain terms and initials mean. Below are some of the most common acronyms and terms you may frequently hear: CD Chapter Director ACD Assistant Chapter Director PLP Parking Lot Practice - Everyone gets together and practices safety drills and of course goes to breakfast/lunch afterwards. SIG Special Interest Group - such as Trikes or Camping Gold Angels Precision motorcycle drill team representing California ERC Experienced Riders Course - put on by Honda or GWRRA ARC Advanced Riders Course - put on by GWRRA One-Up Rider Only Two-Up Rider and Co-Rider COY Couple of the Year - Nominated by the Chapter Members & chosen by the Officers IOY Individual of the Year - Same as COY only is usually a single individual DD District Director ADD Assistant District Director Rider Education & Skill Levels - Educating both the rider & co-rider on bettering their skills on accident avoidance & the group riding concept Buff N Stuff Or Stuff N Buff, whichever you prefer - a social gathering where the bikes are worked on and the stomachs get “stuffed” Poker Run A chapter’s annual fund raising event. This is how many chapters support themselves for the year District Rally Annual Rally for all chapters within a District/State Region Rally Annual Rally for the various Districts within a Region 5 Chapter Directors Gary & Denece Chapter I’s 30th Annual Valentine Run With Christmas and New Years behind us we can concentrate on our 30th Anniversary Valentine Rally. So far, pre-registrations are down when compared to last year at this time. At this time we do not have a count on the door prizes but it almost goes without saying that Chapter I participants will come through with flying colors. Donations for grand prizes are also trailing last year’s which is probably due to the current economic conditions. On a brighter note, our co-host Bert’s Mega Mall has thrown out all the stops in supporting our rally! It should be noted that many of the details are still being worked out but never fear, Chapter I is here! I know, a little hokey. Last but certainly not least, I hope everyone looks forward to having fun, enjoying a great day with friends and no worries…since I will be doing enough of that for all of us! 6 Asst. Chapter Directors George & Norma Happy to Help Chapter I has been very good to us! We have made great friends, and have learned and have laughed a lot. So, we are happy to step up and do what we can this year to help our Chapter be the best in the west! As new assistant chapter directors we look forward to serving Gary and Denece in their duties as CDs and, just as importantly, serving each one of you, the members of Chapter I. Whether behind the scenes or in front of the action, we will be searching for new ways to enhance our activities, our communications and our FUN! We also look forward to representing Chapter I as your Couple of the Year. As we visit other gatherings, events, runs and rallies, we will deliver all of your smiles and well wishes to our sister chapters. We thank you for the honor. 2011 brought its share of joys and challenges for us, as we are sure that it did for you as well. May the friendships we have forged inside Covina Bowl, on the road, in local restaurants, and within each other’s homes grow stronger through 2012. 7 Chapter Educator Rich Musings from the Forums While not watching a rather boring football game, I began a crawl among various rider forums inhabiting the internet. There’s a lot of information available, some of it even makes sense and can be added to the rider’s repertoire of survival skills. Here are a few I ran across: 1. Never force another driver to do something different to avoid you. Signals and stop signs don’t count. What does this mean? If he or she has to brake or swerve to miss you, you have made an error and are depending on them to keep you upright and riding. 2. Leave yourself an escape route at signals and stop signs. We have all heard of staying in first gear at signals and when stopping to wait out cross traffic instead of shifting to neutral. Why? To make that quick getaway if needed? If you have left enough room behind the car in front, maybe you slide alongside, otherwise you’re the meat in a motorcycle sandwich. 3. When it’s gotten damp, gently does it. Here in Southern California, our highway and street departments use Acrylic paint to mark our roads. That’s plastic, folks! It wears better than asphalt or concrete, does not dissolve in oil or gasoline, and stays white for years. When it gets wet, especially with a film of oil, it’s like riding on greased ball bearings sitting on a plate of glass. All you inputs to your motorcycle need to be gentle, smooth and regulated. Sudden actions may cause loss or traction, and when it goes, it may stay gone. 4. Watch where “they” are. Leave yourself a “space cushion.” Leave enough room around you to see and be seen. All the Hi-Viz clothing on the market is not worth the money if nobody can see behind the SUV or the butcher’s delivery van. Well, enough from me now. Tebow against Brady is starting. 8 Membership Coordinators Bill & Bobbie Fun-Filled 2012 January 2012. Can’t believe 2011 went by so fast! Once again we find ourselves hoping—among other things—for a better year filled with more fun and relaxation, a better economy and personal finances, better relationships, and more fun rides on our bikes. While GWRRA and CA1-I cannot help with the economy or personal finances, we can help a lot in the fun, relaxation, fun rides on our bikes, and maybe even some help with some improved “relationships” around our chapter, and around GWRRA. Some of us had conflicting schedules during 2011 preventing us from maximizing our involvement in chapter rides and events. We hope these problems will be less or an issue in 2012. We will begin the year with our second miniature gold challenge (date TBA.) The last games were big fun and in addition to being a fun activity for us in CA1-I, it will also give us a team to challenge other chapters in miniature golf. This year marks the 30th anniversary of our chapter. Let’s all redouble our efforts towards maximum involvement to make this the best, the most fun-filled year yet. Best wishes for a safe, healthy and happy 2012. 9 Ride Coordinators Joe & Marie Let’s Ride! Hello Fellow Road Riders! Happy New Year! We are honored to be the new Ride Coordinators for 2012. We believe you don’t fix something that is running just fine. However, with new people in new positions come new ideas. We will continue to maintain the current sign-up sheet for scheduling our monthly meet and eats, our monthly dinner rides, and our after gathering rides. We look forward to working with Larry and Norma to post them online and in our newsletter, so there will be no surprises. Something new for 2012 — a competition for the most miles in a year! The prize will be suggested and voted on at our next business meeting. All who are interested in competing will have their odometers checked and recorded at the January Chapter Gathering. They will be rechecked in January 2013 and we’ll see how wins!! If you have selected and signed up for a month, you will determine our after gathering ride, a meet and eat and a dinner ride that month. Something to consider when making your selection: The weather for that month; check weather history at weather.com and go to “history”. There may be a holiday in that month that you want to incorporate into the theme or destination. Be creative and use your imagination to make it a fun as well as safe ride. There are some great rides in Southern California, the only difference in going to Marie Callender’s in Upland for pie and Orange County or the High Desert is the gas in your tank, so it’s only about a $10 difference. If you have questions, or need help in planning, please feel free to call us. LET’S RIDE!!! 10 Holiday Party 2012 Cont’d on Page 16-17 11 District Director Review December 2011 Bill & Rene Johnson Happy 2012 Everyone!! The buzz is all about the resolutions, the rides, the Dairy Queens we'll visit and, of course, the fantastic Region "F"untasic Convention in St. George , UT on May 25th through the 27th. We will kick off the convention season in style and FUN! We will celebrate America 's Hero from our Military to our First Responders once again this year as your Region TEAM feels we can never say “thank you” enough to those who protect us. We are planning some fun activities to celebrate so you won’t want to miss out! Our Drill Teams will entertain us with their special presentations and as they get better and better you just can’t miss a single performance, although sometimes I feel I just can't hold my breath that long! We'll give away $1000 in cash and wonderful prizes in the Grand Prize drawing. We'll celebrate and honor our Master Tour Riders and Co-Riders with a luncheon. If you aren't a Master Tour Rider or Co-Rider, ask your Educator how to become one. Getting involved in Rider Education is really easy and the rewards are great, so put your Educator to work and ask to be signed up today. The t-shirt design should soon be on our website and it will take your breath away and you'll just have to have one. Don’t worry, even if you've already registered you'll be able to add a shirt onto your order. The bike show and light show will be run just like they do at Wing Ding. So if you want to enter the bike show, see the categories on our website and sign up to compete. It is always amazing to see the bikes in the show and dazzling to see all the bikes with lights! We'll have special offerings as well with the Officer Certification Course (OCP) being offered on Thursday and Friday. We will also offer the Seminar Presenter Class that will certify you to teach Rider Education AND Leadership Training Course. We're looking into another special course so stay tuned for more information. As always you can expect that we'll offer many Rider Education and Leadership Training classes during the convention. We’re working on the schedule and should have it up by the end of January. We tried something in Pueblo that we are going to do again and we'd love to get your support to assist in making these a success. The first is the judging 12 of mascots. We want all chapters and Districts to bring their mascots to be put on display (don’t worry we have guards) and everyone will get a chance to help choose the winner. We’ll also display the chapter banners, so don’t forget to bring them. Don't have one, you have time to have it made. The other opportunity is a swap meet. We didn't really explain it last year so we didn't have much participation. Here is the idea. Bring gently used motorcycle items, apparel, parts, chrome, and you will set the price that you would like to get for the item and put your phone number and then the item(s) will be put on display on Saturday. You leave the item and then watch your cell phone for callers wanting to buy. They will call you and you will handle the transaction. It’s between the seller and the buyer, Region just provides the space, we don’t take any cut. It’s just a nice way for you to sell to appreciative buyers items you no longer have a use for and want to see go to a good home. So as you can see we are planning some fun stuff but there is a lot more we are working on so keep reading each month to see what else we are up to. We are going to amaze you with vendors and that will be in an upcoming issue. So this January as you are looking around your chapter, reach out and welcome a new face to our family. Make them feel welcome and share the fantastic experiences that we have all had with our GWRRA family. Let's work this year to be the best in the west by always having the welcome mat out and smiling faces to greet our members. If you have a change in Chapter Director, let them know that they can count on your support. Change is never easy and your Director is new to the position so make them feel comfortable and supported in their new task and that will go a long way to enjoying a successful and FUN year. Have a great start to the New Year and we'll see you along the way, and of course, at the Region Convention in St. George , UT ! 13 Well a Goldwing isn't the only thing Joe Vita rides on two wheels. Joe recently competed in the annual “Muddy Buddy” at Puddingstone Park. A Muddy Buddy is 6-mile obstacle course, two team members with one mountain bike. At the start of the race one team member will run and one will ride the bike. At the 1st obstacle the rider will drop the bike, complete a muddy obstacle, and begin running. The runner will arrive, complete the obstacle, find their bike and begin riding. Teams will continue leapfrogging each other through the entire course. Needless to say, at the end of the race you are covered in mud tire to tire, head to toe… There were approximately 500 teams, various categories of runners/riders, categorized by age, sex, experience, hard-core competitors, to those who just wanted fun and finish. The Muddy Buddy is a nationwide event that occurs in 16 cities throughout the country. Funds raised through this meaningful program benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation and empowers individuals with physical challenges to fund success in sports — and in life. 14 7 Sudoku Puzzle Solution on page 33 Complete the grid so that every row, every column, & every 3 x 3 block contain the numbers 1 to 9. Each number can appear only once in any column or row. 3 8 5 4 2 2 4 8 4 6 1 3 5 2 5 8 5 6 9 3 7 2 6 Easy 6 7 2 8 1 3 5 9 6 15 FOR SALE - Price Reduced! 2006 Gold Wing Trike w/ Champion kit and custom made trailer Trike----$28,000 OBO Trailer---$500 2010 Region “F” Best Trike & Trailer Winner Loaded with extras. Must see to appreciate. 626-960-3681 See full flyer at http://ca1i.bizland.com/Classified.html 16 Tiger Tidbits December’s meeting included 43 Chapter 1I participants and 1 guest, 9 bikes and 1 trike. Nick Cassel won the Attendance Drawing. Joe Bender won the Spiffy Bike award. John Butler was chosen for a Tiger Tale award! Tami Jones won the 50/50 drawing. The Photo Contest will return next month. Thanks to everyone who attended Chapter I’s December gathering, with extra thanks to those who participated in our monthly wreath opportunity! Each month a wreath made by Shirley Clark (Marti’s mom) is given away. The lucky winner of the December wreath was Sandy Bascom. Congratulations, Sandy! Do you have information you would like to share? Email mocababa@yahoo.com December 17th Food Fun Laughter 17 DATE EVENT & LOCATION RIDE SITE &/OR TIME Sunday February 5 Chapter Gathering Covina Bowl Breakfast 8:00 Meeting 9:00 Sunday February 5 Travel the Valentine Ride After meeting Saturday February 12 30th Annual Chapter 1-I Valentine Run Bert’s Mega Mall 7:00 a.m. Wednesday February 15 Meet & Eat Location TBA 6:00 p.m. Bring Valentine Run Door Prizes to the Gathering. (Hint: Gift cards make great prizes!) 18 Chapter CA1-I has five ride departure locations and a PLP location. The six locations are designated #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and PLP. They are included on the calendar for planned rides/events. Below are brief descriptions with maps of the locations. # 1 - Union 76 - West Covina # 2 - Shell Gas Station - Azusa Interstate 10 W Garvey Ave S E W E S 1st Ave Citrus St S 106 S Azusa Ave From I-210 exit Azusa. Station is on the southeast corner of Azusa Ave & 1st Ave. Azusa Ave 150 S Citrus Street From I-10 exit Citrus. South on Citrus to Garvey Ave. Station is on east side of Citrus. Park on east side of station. Interstate 210 # 3 - Shell Gas Station - Pomona # 4 - McDonald’s - Phelan 3177 W Temple Ave From I-57S take Temple Ave exit. At stop light head south. Straight across intersection to Shell Station. Park on west side by vacuums. Hwy 138/ I-15 From I-15 travel north to Hwy 138-Silverwood Cutoff. Take exit and turn east on Hwy 138. Travel short distance to Wagon Train Rd and turn south. McDonald’s is on west side. Interstate 10 57 S Freeway E W Rd Wagon Train # 5 - Denny’s - La Verne E S PLP @ Park & Ride - San Dimas 919 Foothill Blvd From I-210 W take Foothill Blvd exit. Turn right onto Foothill Blvd/CA-66 W/Historic Rte 66. Follow Foothill Blvd to Denny’s on N side. Baseline Rd W W Fairplex Foothill Blvd Interstate 10 & Fairplex From I 10W to Fairplex exit. Turn right at the light (heading North) and right again on Gillette. Park & Ride is on south side of Gillette E S Interstate 210 Damien Ave Hwy 138/Silverwood S Interstate Temple Ave W Gillette E S Park & Ride Interstate 10 19 DATE CHAPTER EVENT 1/20-22/12 – Fri-Sun District Officers Conference—Bakersfield, CA 2/11/12 – Sat CA1-I 30th Annual Valentine Run 3/23-25/12 – Fri-Sun CA1-R Rally in The Valley 3/31/12—Sat CA1-S Convention, Auction & Bake Sale 4/14/12– Sat CA1-L Pirate Run 4/21/12 – Sat CA1-K Mother’s Day Run 4/22/12 – Sat CA1-A Craft & Bake Sale 4/29/12 – Sun CA1-Q Rendezvous with Chapter Q 5/12/12—Sat CA1-M TBA 5/19/12 – Sat CA2-W Runnin’ with the Pack 5/25-27/12 – Thur-Sun Region F Region F Convention—St. George, UT 6/2/12 – Sat CA1-D Western Dawg Daze 6/23/12 – Sat CA2-N Party at the Barn 7/4--7/7/12 – Wed-Sat GWRRA Wing Ding, Fort Wayne, IN 7/21/12 – Sat CA-C Harvest Run 8/4/12 – Sat CA2-K Camping with the Krows 8/31-9/2/12 – Fri-Sun CA District District Rally—Mammoth Mt Roundup 9/29/12—Sat CA1-Z BYOB Picnic 10/6/12 – Sat CA1-V The “V” Run 10/20/12 – Sat CA1-F Halloween Fun Run 11/15/12 – Sat CA1-N Toys for Tots Ride as of 1/5/2012 20 21 22 23 Brunswick Covina Bowl 1060 W San Bernardino Rd • Covina, CA 626-339-1286 Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. 9:00 am to Midnight 9:00 am to Midnight 9:00 am to Midnight 9:00 am to Midnight 9:00 am to 2:00 am 9:00 am to 2:00 am 7:00 am to 2:00 am Hours are subject to change. Please contact us with any questions. Good times and open lanes await you! Bowling at Brunswick is family fun at its best. There’s something for everyone – bowling, billiards, video games. It’s a great way to get out, cut loose and grab some smiles. 24 25 California’s oldest independent Goldwing facility Full Service Maintenance - Suspension upgrades - Tune-ups - Trike Conversions - Electrical - Accident repairs - Lighting - Trailer sales - Oil change - XM Radio install - GPS hookup - Audio systems - Brakes - Tire installation - Safety Check No motorcycle too old here!! 1018 E. Chestnut Avenue Unit I Santa Ana, CA 92701 26 www.jbjcycles.com 27 Chapter Date/Time Meeting Location Chapter Director CA1-A 1st Saturday Greenhouse Café 661-723-3522 8:30 am Breakfast 1169 Commerce Center Dr 9:15 am Meeting Lancaster, CA 93534 Gary & Dee Bowers 661-435-6526 gd.bowers@verizon.net CA1-C 3rd Saturday Burger Time 8:00 am Breakfast 78365 Varner Rd 9:00 am Meeting Palm Desert, CA 760-202-4322 Sherman & Dorie Jared 760-989-7138 shermanjared@yahoo.com CA1-D 3rd Sunday Paramount Elks Lodge 8:00 am Breakfast 8108 E. Alondra Blvd 8:30 am Meeting Paramount, CA 90723 562-633-1804 Tim McShane 562-920-6564 timmcshane90706@verizon.net CA1-F 2nd Saturday The Broken Yolk Café 858-270-9655 8:00 am Breakfast 1851 Garnet Ave 8:30 am Meeting San Diego (Pacific Beach) 92109 Dana & Carol Rowley 619-921-5419 akadmyster@gmail.com CA1-I 1st Sunday Covina Bowl 626-339-1286 8:00 am Breakfast 1060 W San Bernardino Rd 8:30 am Meeting Covina, CA 91722 Gary & Denece Newman 951-808-1878 gnewman1878@att.net CA1-K Last Saturday Home Town Buffet 8:00 am Breakfast 6705 N Fallbrook Ave 9:00 am Meeting Canoga Park, CA 91307 Nadine Galli 818-398-0763 gwrraca1k@aol.com CA1-L 2nd Saturday IHOP Restaurant 805-547-9140 8:00 am Breakfast 212 Madonna Road 8:30 am Meeting San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Fred “Rusty” & Janey Angleton 805-345-8776 itsawingthing@hotmail.com CA1-M 2nd Sunday Hidden Valley Golf Club 8:00 am Breakfast 10 Clubhouse Dr. 9:00 am Meeting Norco, CA 92860 Steve & Sandy Damico 909-391-4021 ca1m.chapterdirector@gmail.com CA1-N 3rd Saturday Gramma BBs Café Pie Shoppe 760-757-8777 Len & Carolyn Foley 7:30 am Breakfast 539 Vista Bella 760-476-9450 8:30 am Meeting Oceanside, CA 92057 gwrra-ca1n@dslextreme.com CA1-Q 2nd Sunday Hof’s Hut Restaurant 7:30 am Breakfast 7005 Knott Ave 8:00 am Meeting Buena Park, CA 90620 714-521-3920 Pat & Ellen O’Donnell 714-525-3993 PDOPEK@aol.com CA1-R 1st Sunday Home Town Buffet 7:30 am Breakfast 4822 Lori Ann Lane 8:00 am Meeting Irvine, CA 92604 949-551-4896 Cathy & George Diaz 949-551-4896 geocatdiaz@sbcglobal.net CA1-S 3rd Saturday Carrow’s Restaurant 8:00 am Breakfast 2401 Harbor Blvd 9:00 am Meeting Ventura CA 93003 805-643-1390 Jo Jolitz 805-216-6661 GL1800JO@yahoo.com CA1-V 3rd Sunday Maxwell’s 760-242-5504 7:30 am Breakfast 17772 Wika Rd (Hwy 18 & Apple Valley Rd) 8:00 am Meeting Apple Valley CA 92307 Mike & Barri Critzman 760-486-3405 dodgecpe36@hotmail.com CA1-Z 1st Saturday Home Town Buffet 8:00 am Breakfast 40390 Margarita Road 9:00 am Meeting Temecula, CA 92591 John & Linda Boman 951-440-0657 jdboman@yahoo.com 28 818-988-0707 951-278-3393 951-694-1116 Chapter Date/Time Meeting Location Chapter Director CA-C 3rd Sunday 7:30 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting Maloney’s Grill 916-808-2283 6801 Freeport Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95822 Bob & Nancy Harris 209-744-8560 sashadad@softcom.net CA2-A 1st Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Old Salles Cafe 2082 North J Street Tulare, CA 93274 559-684-9600 Greg & Kay Boyajian 559-638-4937 gwboyajian@comcast.net CA2-J 2nd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting Hometown Buffet 2050 Diamond Blvd. Concord, CA 94520 925-685-1886 Alex & Marcy Ageev 925-497-4480 goldwingalex@gmail.com CA2-K 4th Sunday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Jack & Linda’s Café 2390 N. Texas Street Fairfield, CA 94533 707-425-1442 Steve & Karen Palatino 707-426-4847 STVNKRN@pacbell.net CA2-N 2nd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Pine Tree Restaurant 19601 Hess Ave Sonora, CA 95370 209-536-6065 Lee Spencer & Barbara Smith 209-996-4664 triker08@att.net CA2-Q 3rd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:30 am Meeting Coco’s Restaurant 7505 Dublin Blvd Dublin CA 94568 925-828-9725 Steve & Jacque Foster 925-829-3747 sgoldwing@comcast.net CA2-S 3rd Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 8:45 am Meeting Hometown Buffet 408-935-0893 212 Ranch Dr (McCarthy Ranch Shopping Ctr) Milpitas CA 95035 Charlie & Deborah Porzio 408-710-6227 chabragoldwing@gmail.com CA2-W 1st Saturday 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Meeting Yosemite Falls Cafe 4020 N. Cedar Ave. Fresno, CA 93725 Jim & Caren Moody 559-974-9193 cmoody6252@comcast.net 559-485-6951 29 30 CALIFORNIA DISTRICT STAFF District Director Bill & Rene Johnson 707-429-2920 Bill.Johnson.GWRRA@gmail.com Asst. (N) Dist. Director Nick & Terri Riolo sheriff.riolo@gmail.net Asst. (S) Dist. Director Vincent & Pam Puterbaugh 951-453-6000 vincentputerbaugh@gmail.com District Educator Dennis & Julia Kunter djkunter@sbcglobal.com 360-929-4753 District Webmaster Vince Johnson vince.johnson@me.com 707-362-6384 District FA/CPR Coordinators Mike & Ruth Burke mburke24@sbcglobal.net 209-536-1318 District Store Bob & Barbara Dowdy mcbob2@att.net 805-226-9175 District COY Mike & Ruth Burke mburke24@sbcglobal.net 209-536-1318 District IOY Thomas Rocco procco3@comcast.net 916-743-2358 209-462-6122 Solution to Sudoku puzzle (page 15) 1 3 6 4 7 2 9 5 8 7 8 9 1 3 5 4 6 2 5 2 4 6 9 8 7 3 1 4 5 8 7 2 1 6 9 3 9 1 2 3 5 6 8 4 7 6 7 3 9 8 4 2 1 5 2 6 5 8 4 3 1 7 9 8 4 7 5 1 9 3 2 6 3 9 1 2 6 7 5 8 4 31 REGION ‘F’un STAFF Region F Director Anita & JR Alkire (CA) jralkire@cox.net 619-741-8893 Asst. Region Director Larry & Donna Pickens (CA) res0r1sy@verizon.net 661-726-5145 Asst. Region Director Garry & Karry Woo (AZ) gwoo225@comcast.net 520-883-7155 Asst. Region Director Joyce & Rick Elmore (CO) Jelmore16@gmail.com 858-735-8684 Treasurer Crystal Richardson (CA) crystal@infinite-healing.net 858-541-1176 Region F Educators Dave & Dee Gormley (AZ) ddfroggy@aol.com 520-749-5653 Asst. Region Educator John Garrett (CA) john@garrett.bz 951-679-4987 Asst. Region Educators Medic First Aid Training Marti & Joel Winkler (CA) jwinkler2@verizon.net 626-969-7486 Asst. Region Educators MAD Program Coordinators Dave & Sandie Novitt (AZ) dnovitt@yahoo.com 520-296-7369 Asst. Region Educators Seminar Presentations Ray & Sandi Garris (AZ) raygarris@gmail.com 602-404-6875 Membership Enhancement Coordinators Lisa Capano & Bill Weiss (CO) lisacapano@aol.com 720-890-8122 Region Store Gay & David Redline (CO) gredline@me.com 303-420-0477 Public Relations Co-Coordinator Ken Freeland (CA) kjfreeland@aol.com 818-403-6729 Public Relations Co-Coordinators JoAnn & Jim MacLean (CA) COY & IOY Coordinators ka6vjf@pacbell.net 661-251-5420 COY & IOY Asst. Coordinators Bill Leach (AZ) rvmason@charter.net 520-747-5276 Region F COY Dave & Dee Gormley (AZ) ddfroggy@aol.com 520-749-5653 Region F IOY Rich Mason (CA) rvmason@charter.net 561-315-5213 Webmaster Tom & Lisa Evans (NM) http://gwrra-regionf.org/contact 575-652-3144 32 Chapter I Newsletter Advertising Fees 1/4 Page/Business Card Ads for CA1-I members are FREE! Full Page Ad—$15.00 an issue OR $150.00 a year 3/4 Page Ad—$12.50 an issue OR $125.00 a year 1/2 Page Ad—$10.00 an issue OR $100.00 a year 1/4 Page/Business Card—$7.50 an issue OR $ 75.00 a year Fee includes Free advertising on CA1-I’s website for ALL GWRRA members to view Please Note: The above rates are effective immediately for new ads. For existing ads, these rates will be effective with the next billing cycle. Newsletter Policy Chapter CA1-I’s newsletter is distributed free of charge to Members in Good Standing of GWRRA or GWRRA Boosters who participate in Chapter “I” activities. The newsletter is also distributed free to all advertisers and certain motorcycle related businesses or interests. Remember, the newsletter is what you make it. Please submit articles that you think will be of interest or informative to other Chapter members. The articles can be about your favorite ride, bike accessory or just a funny story. All articles submitted may be edited at the discretion of the Chapter Director. Controversial material may be edited at chapter staff discretion and not be printed. Please submit your typed article by e-mail to the Chapter Director by the 20th of the month to be included in the following month’s issue. Material may not be reprinted without permission. Newsletter Editor: Norma Mocabee mocababa@yahoo.com The staff of CA1-I would like to acknowledge and thank the staff of KANDID GRAPHICS in Covina for their help with printing our newsletters each month. 33 34
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