May - Chapter CA1R
May - Chapter CA1R
May 2016 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Chapter CA-1R - South Orange County, CA Chapter CA1R South Orange County, CA Monthly Gathering Place: Mimi’s Cafe 22651 Lake Forest Dr, Lake Forest, CA 92630 7:00 AM Breakfast 8:00 AM Meeting First Saturday of the Month 1 May 2016 Chapter Miles for 2016 far: 17,898 Chapter CA1R communicates on channel 31 Community Spirit We continue to collect the following at the monthly gatherings: Toiletries Pull Tabs 2 May 2016 Even the flowers are confused; is it winter? Spring? Summer? Fall? It is difficult to say based on the current weather patterns. Lucky for us, on most days, the weather man tells us it will be a great day to ride. However, prior to mounting your trusty steed, consider the environment. The environment is not just about the weather. It about the whole motorcycling experience. 1) Safety Gear, Head to Toe: Owning the right gear is not the same as wearing it. “I have riding pants but I chose not to wear them today” Really? The gear can’t do the job it was designed to do when left hanging in your garage. 2) Mind, Body, and Bike Ready: The bike might be physically sound, but are you? If you are not feeling well, your back is not quite right, you did not get a good night’s rest, you just has a fight with your spouse or significant other, don’t ride. Let’s save the ride and live to ride another day. Never ride when you’re stressed or angry. No one likes an angry rider. 3) TCLOCK, TCLOCK, TCLOCK, every day you ride. “Well, I just checked it yesterday, therefore the tire pressure must be good” Don’t count on it! Perhaps you picked up a nail on your last ride! 4) Remember what you learned at your motorcycle safety class and practice, practice, practice. Riding is a deteriorating skill when not used regularly. Please forgive me for writing a safety moment; our educator, Mr. Bill, can always add insight to a safe ride. As I step down off my soapbox I encourage everyone practice their riding skill on a chapter or other GWRRA event. Let’s get out and ride… All Bikes Welcomed / Cagers welcomed too! Attention! If you have installed something new onto your bike, show it off by riding it to an event or rally. I know many folks got HID lights, Fog Lights, Turn signal Lights, as well as other bling and fun stuff. Show it off to the world, go ahead make me jealous of your new dangle or bling – I dare you! Rally’s! There are many coming up over the year. Other chapters supported us big time in Laughlin. Let’s return the favor and join them for fun. All rally’s are 3 May 2016 listed on our website activity calendar. Check ‘em out and choose which ones you will attend. I would rather attend with me fiends than go solo. It’s always more fun in a group! Final Word All rides, regardless of the length of the journey, require a commitment to ATGATT Life = All The Gear All The Time Kenny and Sharon 4 May 2016 Bill Himebaugh - Chapter Educator FITS LIKE A…. Over the years, we have talked about just about every form of protective gear that riders wear. It occurred to me that we almost never talk about gloves. First, I hope that every rider wears them. I find it interesting that just about everyone does wear gloves when riding. I have seen 19 year old crotch rocketeers in shorts and tank tops, but they seem to wear their gloves. So what kind of gloves should I wear? So, let’s think of what characteristics are important. First in my mind is safety. Let’s face it, if I go down, my first reaction is to use my hands to protect me in the fall. That means sufficient padding/armor. You also want to be sure that they grip well and do not easily come off. Convenience of easy removal will be a disaster should an incident occur. You want your gloves to stay on no matter. When gloves stay on, skin stays on. Most motorcycle gloves today have some type of knuckle armor for protection and I recommend this addition. In my experience, the armor does not affect flexibility. That said, flexibility can be a real issue, especially with winter gloves. If you have trouble squeezing the brake or clutch, then this is probably not the glove for you. They do break in, but I suggest you break them in doing something other than riding until they become sufficiently malleable. My final criterion is insulation. I keep a pair of winter and summer gloves. My summer gloves are significantly lighter and ventilated. Excellent for rides in the desert, but not the mountains. For those rides, I have a pair of moisture resistant, Thinsulate lined riding gloves. Thinsulate provides excellent insulation properties while being thin enough to make the gloves flexible. You will find that just about all winter gloves come equipped with gauntlets to prevent cold air from flowing up your arm. Anybody with suggestions, bring them up at the meetings. Sharing makes us all better and safer riders. 5 May 2016 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Rider Education Levels Program “The Building Blocks of Rider Education” CO-RIDER Master Tour Co-Rider/Rider “The Pinnacle of our Program” Level 4 “Safety by Enhanced Commitment and Preparedness” 4 Maintains all Requirements and Safe Miles for 1 Year Proper Riding Gear 25,000 Safe Miles Traditional First Aid AND CPR Training Motorist Awareness Seminar Level 3 “Safety by Preparedness” 3 GWRRA MEDIC First Aid (Covers CPR and First Aid) Traditional First Aid OR CPR Training GWRRA Riding Course MSF RiderCourse Other Equivalent Level 2 “Safety by Education” 2 GWRRA Rider Course MSF RiderCourse Other Equivalent Sanctioned GWRRA Motorcycle, Trike, Sidecar, Addon Parking Lot Practice 5,000 Safe Miles Level 1 “Safety by Commitment” 1 Personal Commitment to participate in Rider Education 6 May 2016 TourDirector’sReport Are there Breakfast Rides in our future? The demographics of our chapter members has changed over the past several years, for several reasons. The fact is, there are fewer active Goldwing riders on our roster. This year I launched “Mystery Brunch” in an effort to just get more members out riding for a few hours with friends, see some (hopefully) new areas, and grab a bite to eat, and still make it home early. So far it’s been a good success, but I’m always trying to adjust the recipe a bit to make it even more appealing to the masses and encourage continued participation. So many factors to consider. Which day, Saturday or Sunday is best? What’s the best start time? Are the rides too short, too long or just right? Are the brunch places good? How often should a ride be scheduled? I’m always trying different things to see what combination works best. The name “Mystery Brunch” came about because when I do spontaneous local rides, I often have no clear food (or rest stop) destination in mind – just out having fun. I’ve learned something since beginning this - that when you are leading others, some planning and routing is needed, especially the food part if more than 4 or 5 riders show up. Just “Wingin it” is really hard. Let me bounce an idea off you. Instead of having a Mystery Brunch, let’s change it to “Breakfast Ride”. The concept is unchanged – the format is still a short leisurely ride (2 - 3 hours max including breakfast) and you’re back home by 11:00. The departure spot (for those who want to ride the most indirect route possible) along with the breakfast destination will be posted on the chapter calendar, plus a reminder e-mail will be sent a few days prior. I really like the “Breakfast Ride” because it accomplishes 2 things. 1. Those who want to ride their bike/trike as a group still can (the route will be the new Mystery – not the eating place). 2. It doesn’t exclude our members who prefer 4 wheels. They can drive directly to the restaurant to enjoy breakfast with friends. 7 May 2016 I’d appreciate your feedback and any recommendations. Lets continue to keep it the best Chapter ever. I want to hear from you. Please e-mail me at: Ride safe!! Rob Levig 8 May 2016 Hello California, Riding is definitely back in full swing. With warmer weather, now is the perfect time to get out there and enjoy traveling the countryside. We have been busy doing just that with the added pleasure of spending time with all of you. April started with Happy Days with CA1A Rally, which was a Rockin’ Good Time. Weather caused a bit of a hitch, but thankfully wingers were willing to cage it and all had a great time, good food, and great prizes. Bob & I left soon after for “40 to Phoenix”, where we met up with friends from across the country and served Gold Wingers at headquarters and then continued with them to San Diego where we enjoyed dinner with CA1F at a great pizza place. The last 2 weekends of April ended with 2 great rallies. “Rendezvous with Q” by CA-1Q, great food, games, and prizes, with the added FUN of a “pie-in-the-face” auction was followed by the “Mother’s Day Ride”, by CA-1K, which always offers great riding and wonderful food. It was a full month of FUN. May looks to be just as much FUN. CA-2S has their Garage Sale the first weekend. They would enjoy having you share their FUN, but you can support and get in on prizes without even being there (see flyers on line). Chapter CA-2K follows with the Jelly-Belly Event May 14, which is always a lot of FUN. May 21 was scheduled the rally by CA-2W. This was cancelled as a rally, but they plan a get-together for that day, so look for up-coming announcement so we can go have FUN with the Wolfpack. May 26-29 is Region F Rally in Albuquerque, NM. We look forward to seeing many of you there. Our District Couple of the Year, Bob & Linda Harmon, will be in the selection process on Friday. Let’s get out there and support them. If you haven’t registered for CA District Rally, Sept 23-25, 2016, get those registrations in. We plan on having great FUN. You won’t want to miss it. Get your hotel registrations in early to be sure you get one of the discounted rooms. If you haven’t noticed…the word FUN is appearing all through this article. One of our goals this year was to have MORE FUN (if that’s even possible) and it looks like we are achieving our goal. Come have FUN with us. See you around California! Nancy & Bob Clark CA District Directors 9 May 2016 Guy Lefebvre 5/2 Tom & Vicki Lorenz 5/15 Judy Trevour 5/9 Bill & Gay Himebaugh 5/24 Mike Davis 5/11 Mona Levig 5/18 10 May 2016 April Monthly Gathering At a Glance Monthly Chapter Get-together Meeting Date: April 2, 2016 Chapter Members GWRRA Visitors Non GWRRA Visitors Bikes Trikes 23 0 2 3 0 50/50 Winners Judy Trevour Vicki Lorenz $33 $34 Birthday/Anniversary Bill Himebaugh George Neuman $5 $5 Donation raffle None due to White Elephant Exchange Door Prize Donors: None due to White Elephant Exchange 11 May 2016 MemberSpotlight Jim&MaryKayWilson It all started in 1990 when Jim came to run the business where Mary Kay worked. The owner was about to have lung transplant surgery, experimental at the time. Jim knew the owner, knew the business and very soon thereafter knew Mary Kay. We worked together for four years, and dated for one. When we knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, Mary Kay told Jim and she was “a package deal”. There were two earlyteen boys and an ex-family. On July 5, 1995 Jim came over for dinner, said he had an announcement, handed Matt a small package to view the contents, Matt handed it to his brother Nathan, who did the same. Jim opened the package, took out an engagement ring, got down on one knee and proposed to Mary Kay in front of the boys. Everyone was excited. Mary Kay cried. We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary last year. In addition to Matt and Nathan, plus two wonderful daughters-in-law, we also have Jim’s son, Larry who has four adult children. The most recent addition are three great-grandsons. We luckily are close to everyone. Jim is from Portland, Oregon. His background includes a stint in the Air Force, an IT career and developing his own IT business. He is now retired and enjoys more time to ride. Mary Kay is from Chicago and has degrees from Grinnell College in Iowa and Claremont Graduate School here in California. She has worked in property management, sales and marketing, and project management. She became a key program manager for Southern California Edison, retired recently, but is back helping them in a consulting capacity. Jim was introduced to riding in 2001 while working at American Honda, attracted each day to the shiny new motorcycles in their lobby. Dave Clark was with Jim at Honda and introduced Jim to CA1R. Dave raved about how friendly the people were. Later, Ray Martin found a great deal for Jim on a 2003 Wing, so he became an official member. Jim and Mary Kay both have their M1 Licenses and now ride a 2013 Gold Wing F6B. We both enjoy GWRRA and Chapter events and have been happy to serve as RIV coordinators for the past 3 years. We were honored as Couple of the Year for 2015, and now serve as Treasurer and MEC. 12 May 2016 May 2016 Observances 5/1 - Mother Goose Day 5/2 - Brothers and Sisters Day 5/3 - National Teachers Day 5/4 - Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you!) 5/5 - National Hoagie Day 5/6 - Military Spouses Day 5/7 - National Tourism Day 5/8 - Mother’s Day 5/9 - Lost Sock Memorial Day 5/10 - Clean up Your Room Day 5/11 - Eat What You Want Day 5/12 - Limerick Day 5/13 - Blame Someone Else Day 5/14 - National Train Day 5/15 - Police Officer’s Memorial Day 5/16 - National Sea Monkey Day 5/17 - Pack Rat Day 5/18 - No Dirty Dish Day 5/19 - Boy’s Club Day 5/20 - Pick Strawberries Day 5/21 - Armed Forces Day (Thank you to all that have served!) 5/22 - Buy a Musical Instrument Day 5/23 - Lucky Penny Day 5/24 - National Escargot Day 5/25 - National Wine Day 5/26 - Sally Ride Day 5/27 - Sun Screen Day (This is everyday for some of us) 5/28 - International Jazz Day 5/29 - Learn About Composting Day 5/30 - Memorial Day (it’s more than the unofficial day of Summer: ) 5/31 - World No Tobacco Day 13 May 2016 14 May 2016 15 May 2016 16 May 2016 17
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