JUNE 2012 - Chapter M
JUNE 2012 - Chapter M
Friends for fun, safety and knowledge GWRRA SOUTH CENTRAL www.chapterlam.com CHAPTER LA-M JUNE 2012 CHAPTER DIRECTORS Mickey and Mary Searels CHAPTER DIRECTORS MICKEY & MARY SEARELS cd@chapterlam.com ASSISTANT CHAPTER DIRECTORS NEWSLETTER EDITORS ROBERT & JOAN PARTIGIANONI acd@chapterlam.com Great Riding is here!! TREASURER TOM & NEVA REED May was a very busy Month with all the rallies and Dinner Rides, Our Rally was a success!! Thank you for all your hard work!! Everybody that came enjoyed it, the WAYS&MEANS COMMITTEE weather was a little bad but we got it off anyway. Thanks to the District Team for WELCOME COMMITTEE coming they brought a big number I asked Merlin if his Team could go ahead and CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP ENHENCEMENT Pre-Register for next year, but that will have to wait. TX N2 really enjoyed the monCOORDINATORS ey all the prizes. I talked to Ricky Frazier after our rally ands he said his Chapter TOM & SANDY WOODS was thrilled with the Rally so you made a great impression on them GOOD JOB!! PHONETREE COORDINATORS LINDA & GORDAN MYRICK phonetree@chaterlam.com Our Dinner Rides have brought out a lot of the Chapter in good numbers, thank you. RIDE COORDINATOR Mickey Searels (Temporary) We will be having a mix of rides and things to do this summer make what you can. ACTIVITY COMMITTEE LISA FLETCHER COODINATOR CHAPTER COUPLE OF YEAR Sherwin “Pops Goins & BJ Berly WEBMASTER CHARLES & CYNTHIA SIMPSON Webmaster @chapterlam.com Good to see Gordon back he has been working a lot. We look forward to a great summer remember out Chapter Appreciation Day at BJ’s and Jimmy’s Ashfields home on the 9th of June Lisa has all the Details. Wing Ding is coming up we will be having a briefing one night this month on Wing Ding thank you for going. We have a lot of people going please make this meeting if you can it will be announced later in the month. Applications have been turned in to our District Educator, and we are working on this for the New Educator, thank you. We look forward to seeing you all at the Gathering soon . Take Care Mickey and Mary Searels La-M Chapter Directors GATHERING 1ST MONDAY OF MONTH AT DOUBLE DD RESTAURANT IN DERIDDER, LA AT 6:30 P.M. LOUISIANA DISTRICT DIRECTORS MERLIN & BEVERLY MAYON Hello Fellow Members Here it is the end of May and the temperature is already in the 90s. I guess we will have to make the most of it unless Honda can figure out how to put AC on a Goldwing. Since our Convention in the middle of April, we have attended several Chapter events and a couple of District Conventions in our Region. We ate brisket with Chapter “J”, we ate crawfish with Chapter “M”, then we ate all day with Chapter “H” for their Chapter events. We attended Texas’s Convention in New Braunfels near San Antonio where we all had a good time; we even had time to attend a couple of seminars. At closing we said farewell to Fred & Mandy Mew as the District Directors and wish them well as they return to Chapter life with Chapter RRRRRR. We congratulated David & Christina Vidrine as the new District Directors and wished them well. The District Team is proud of our new Couple (Tim & Becky Dinnel) for just jumping right in participating in different things. The Mascot competition, dress competition, Pine car races and Simon Says games, plus volunteering to judge different events. While at the Texas Convention, Wendell & Marie Vince and Robert (Red) Roussel became the newest certified Leadership Trainer Seminar Instructors for Louisiana. Congratulations to all 3. After returning home, we were there long enough to wash our clothes and repack the suitcases and load the bike for the Arkansas Convention. Boy did the Louisiana District Team made a great showing in Harrison, Ark. There were 13 out of 17 Team members there participating, plus some other traveling Louisiana members, Wendell & Marie the 2011 Region Couple of the Year, who are going on stage at Wing Ding to become the New International Couple of the Year. Attending also were Louisiana members Gerald & Martha, Mike & Katherine from Chapter “C”, Steve & Faye from Chapter “D”, and Tim and Kathy from Chapter “F”. I apologize if I missed any one. Thank you all for representing Louisiana. . Congrats again to Tim & Becky for jumping right in volunteering in Arkansas, getting their selves seen, taking seminars and participating in competitions, taking home some certificates too. Thank you all so much for your participation in these Conventions and events. While in Arkansas, Louisiana’s District Educator, Rodd Polk got certified as a Master Instructor; one of two in Region H. Larry Penepent being the other Master Instructor from Arkansas. Congratulations Rodd!!! Larry Cohen & I got certified as an ARC Bike Instructor also. In Arkansas we said goodbye to Chris and Pam De Priest as the District Directors and congratulated John and Mildred Glascock as the new Directors. Beverly and I were personally invited by Bruce and Sherry Watkins, new friends we made at the Region Convention, the Missouri District Directors, to attend the Missouri Convention in Branson the following weekend after Arkansas Convention. It’s just 45 miles north of Harrison, AR. So we are staying to attend their Convention. Beverly and I and the whole District Team are so proud of the Louisiana members; they are taking interest in the GWRRA Leadership Training & Rider Ed Programs. There are more and more people taking the OCP course online, while the seminar instructors have been putting on seminars at the Chapter level. Louisiana is on the move toward more Safety & Knowledge which means more Fun. We will be inquiring about members wanting to attend a Horizons training in the near future. Contact your Chapter Director if you are interested and they in turn will contact the District Trainer (Red) with numbers. We will try to have it nearest to where the most interest is. So if you are interested contact either your Chapter Director or Red the District Trainer. Our next Convention will be Wing Ding in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. We will be there for the Couple of the Year selection to cheer on Marie & Wendell Vince for International Couple of the Year. Then on Thursday at 10 am the District Team and any member that wants to do our yearly parade thru the vendors throwing beads promoting the Louisiana Convention is more than welcome to join in. Either bring Mardi Gras beads labeled with the date & place of the LA Convention on it or share the ones we bring. We will meet up at the GWRRA Goodie booth around 9:30. The dress code will be wear a Mardi Gras shirt & Mardi Gras Mask, if you have a Mardi Gras umbrella bring it to. Then Friday the Louisiana District will share duties with the Region Team and the rest of the Region Districts working the bike show. There is still time and places on the Region website to volunteer. District Educator Rodd Polk Hello, Thank you Chapter Educators for your support and continuing to do a great Job. I cannot believe the great job you are doing. There are some great movements in all levels of Education. OUTSTANDING! Keep up the good work… Don’t forget this Month is Motorcycle Awareness Month. Remember, BEING SEEN keeps you alive! Listed below is an article is an article that one of our chapter educators (Chapter D, Allen Verdick) wrote, because of some questions that he had been ask. I believe a lot of people may want to know this information, so I’m going to high light it. Please read it and pass it on. Rodd Polk District Educator Fact or Fiction – Truths about Motorcycle Laws I was asked the other day by one of our members about certain myths concerning motorcycle laws and riding. One of the things I was asked was about taking the shoulder of the road if the road was backed up due to a wreck or other obstruction. I called the Louisiana State Police and asked them a few questions and I would like to thank them for their time and help: Myth-Under no circumstances is it legal to take the shoulder or side of the road to go around wrecks or other obstructions unless directed to do so by law enforcement. Myth – you can cut between cars in traffic to get out of a traffic jam. Fact – it is not only illegal to cut between cars but very unsafe to do so. Myth – a child must be of certain height or weight to ride on the back of a motorcycle. Fact – a child must be of at least 5 years of age and must sit behind the driver on the seat. Myth – you can place your child in the front of you for a ride. Fact – it is illegal to have a child or any other object in the front of you that will interfere with the operation of the controls. Myth – turn signals are required on all street motorcycles. Fact – turn signals are not required on motorcycle on the street whether it be an endure type motorcycle or a regular street bike. Myth – you can ride a passenger on the back of your motorcycle even if there is no designated seat for them. Fact – it is illegal to ride a passenger on the back of a motorcycle unless there is not only a designated seat for them but you must have passenger foot pegs a well. Myth – you must have rear facing mirrors on all street motorcycles. Fact –in Louisiana you only have to have one mirror on your motorcycle- the left one. There are several other laws in Louisiana that we should be aware of as well – modulating headlights are legal, you can ride 2 abreast in the same lane with another motorcycle but only if you have the other persons permission. There are no restrictions on helmet speakers but you cannot were both ear buds from an MP3 player or other device. Another myth I found interesting is concerning sound levels on motorcycle exhausts and that is there are no restrictions. Last but not least, is that eye protection is required but not if you have a windshield, but I would still recommend you wear some type of protection. If you have any other questions there are all the answers on the DMV website. Remember, in the end, you are responsible for your own safety! So be careful and enjoy your ride. Allen D. Verdick Chapter Educator GWRRA, LA D Gold Wing Road Riders Association Jack Wagner Region H Trainer Are You Having Fun? Once again this month, I'm going to depart somewhat from the 'normal' By the Book' format and talk about another officer resource intended to help provide support for our motto of 'Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge'. If chapter gatherings are nothing more than sharing information that could be obtained by reading the chapter newsletter, then members will loose interest in attending the actual function. Yes, everyone should enjoy the fellowship gatherings provide, and hopefully the food is good enough to bring them back. But if you're looking for a way to spice things up beyond just the routine 'reading of the newsletter', rider ed presentation and 50/50 drawing, then keep reading.. On the Membership Enhancement page of www.gwrra.org, there is a link to the Fun Activities Guide. That guide is a treasure trove of ideas to make your gatherings and rides much more FUN. Just as there are regional cuisines, its not uncommon for regional activities to be commonplace, some of which you may not be aware of in your area. The Fun Activities Guide is by no means meant to be a comprehensive collection. But it is a good place to go for ideas which may be new to your chapter participants. Some of the games may seem silly, but you'd be surprised by how much everyone enjoys them once they get started. There are ice breakers, which really get visitors and new members involved in making new acquaintances or learning something new about old friends. There are games of 'skill' where everyone can take a turn at accomplishing a task. There are couples activities as well as individual activities. Take a cue from the TV show Minute to Win It. There are ideas for recognition awards. After all, who doesn't like to be publicly recognized for their accomplishments – okay, some 'happenings', while deserving of recognition, aren't necessarily enjoyed by the recipient. But remember, we're laughing with you, not at you. Well, sometimes we are laughing at you, but you'll get your turn to get even – which is part of what makes it fun. While these can be mildly embarrassing, they should never be in poor taste and always done in good fun. We all enjoy just riding together – whether it be for food or just to enjoy a nice afternoon out. But there are ways to make rides more than just following each other to the destination. The Fun Activities Guide has ideas for that as well. Some of which can be easily turned into chapter fundraisers if desired. So take a look at the Fun Activities Guide. If you have other ideas, please share them – instructions for doing that are also part of the Guide. Don't loose sight of the first word of why we exist – FUN! Remember, if its not fun, you must not doing it right. Learn Something New…Then Teach Someone! Jack Wagner Region H Trainer ASSISTANT CHAPTER DIRECTORS ROBERT AND JOAN PARTIGIANONI HELLO MUDBUGS, The United States Army has had May as their Motorcycle Awareness Month. Each week they have sent out a newsletter or email reminding us of the need to stay aware of Motorcycles on the road, but also for us the Motorcycle rider to watch out for the cars that are on the road also. This paragraph below is their final entry for the month of May 2012 “The Army's Motorcycle Safety Month campaign is winding down, but rider's should strive to make every month motorcycle safety month. Accidents happen quickly, please watch out for each other on the road. “ We preach ATGATT (All the gear all the time). The PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is a requirement while riding on post. For the Active Duty members, it is a requirement no matter if you are on post or not. If they have an accident even off post and they do not have the PPE on they are Line of Duty NO and the government will not pay for their medical care. GWRRA promotes us to wear our protective gear all the time for our safety. This is the beginning of the summer riding season and we will put on a lot of miles during this time, so let’s be safe on our trips and have fun doing it. Robert and Joan Partigianoni Assistant Chapter Directors Chapter M Rider Education Safety is for life. This is the time of year many ride at night. Because it is cooler. So some thought to riding at night. Also there is a Seminar out about Riding AT Night it is a good one to take. 1. Use only clear eye protection (not tinted), and keep it clean and free of scratches. 2. Always allow your eyes to adjust to low light levels after leaving a brightly lit restaurant or gas station. 3. Practice avoiding bright light while riding. When approaching oncoming traffic, shift your vision from their headlights to the white line along the edge of your lane. 4. Fatigue is a common problem at night, especially on longer rides. Take frequent breaks, including getting off the bike and performing some stretching exercises or walking briskly for a few moments. 5. Wild animals are more likely to roam at night, especially in the spring and fall. Animals’ eyes reflect light like glass reflectors which is a visual cue riders should look for. 6. Be sure your headlight is bright and aimed properly (factoring your weight sitting in the seat). If you ride frequently at night you may want to consider an accessory light kit. 7. Wear reflective clothing and add additional running lights/ reflectors. This allows other motorists to see you sooner. 8. Allow more space around you when riding in traffic at night. Flash your brake light often while slowing or stopped to get the attention of other motorists approaching from the rear. Thanks Mickey Searels Chapter Director Just a few pictures on our Rally, and a few Rides.. Enjoy!!! CHAPTER LA-M June 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JUNE Rides 4 June Mon.– Chapter gathering 6:30 p.m. Double D’s Deridder June Birthdays 9 June Sat.– Chapter Appreciation Day at BJ and Jimmy Ashfield home 10 am Games food and more 4 Jun– Linda Myrick 12 June Tues– ride to Pineville for Chapter E gathering Leaving DQ at 5:30 meeting Leesville group at 6 pm 28 June– Joan Partigianoni 16 June Sat– CPR-FIRST AID FIRST 20 to sign up Time and Place TBA 8 June– Rodd Polk 29 June– Tom Reed Those that don’t need CPR-First aid there will be 2 other classes offered.. Riding in the Heat and a new LTP class Anniversaries 19 June Tues– Visiting Chapter J at their gathering in Sulphur 13 June– Robert and Joan Partigianoni 23 June Sat– Meeting Chapter N2 Humble Tx at the Picket House in 23 June– Richard and Susie Davis Woodville TX leaving DQ Deridder at 8 am 28 June Thurs– Chapter Gathering and Watermelon social TBA at 6 pm 30 June Sat Downtown Deridder Watermelon Festival FLO’S CAFÉ 118 NORTH CEDAR LN. BURKEVILLE, TX 75932 SUPER Y RESTAURANT & GROCERY 7635 LA 26 DERIDDER, LA 70634 TEL#337-328-8453 Bailey’s Café Hwy 190 West Deridder, La 70634 We would like to take this opportunity to Thank all the businesses Who supported our “Mudbug” Rally/Convention held last month on the 12th of May. DERIDDER CURIOUS CARGO GLASS FLOWERS BIG D CORRAL IDEAL DRUGS LOS MAYAS RESTAURANT PENNEY GLASS SHERWIN WILLIAMS AUTO ZONE RADIO SHACK DERIDDER OPTICAL DAIRY QUEEN SOUTH MOTIONCYCLE SPORTS TREASURE CITY LEESVILLE FOX’S PIZZAS DEN AUTO ZONE ADVANCED AUTO O’REILLY’S AUTO PARTS BILL’S DISCOUNT FURNITURE RADIO SHACK FAT BOY’S AND SKINNY’S KFC SAWGIE BOTTOM POWER SPORTS LEESVILLE DONUTS Friends for fun, safety and knowledge REGION H www.chapterlam.com GWRRA SOUTH CENTRAL LA-M CHAPTER DIRECTORS MICKEY & MARY SEARELS 404 HARRISON STREET
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