Newsletters_files/May June 2014


Newsletters_files/May June 2014
Goldwing Road Riders Association
Region H, Oklahoma District
Chapter “N” Norman, OK
2011 International Chapter of the Year
May/June 2014 Newsletter
Get 'N' Together
Monthly Chapter Gathering Third Tuesday of the Month
► 6:00 Dinner ◄ ► 7:00 Meeting◄
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
This will be a double directors corner so we can
get used to putting out the news letters at the
beginning of the month instead of the end. We
have had a great month. Chapter anniversary was
a big success. We had district staff along with 8
chapters present for over 85 people present.
Played a game, gave away lots of door prizes and
some special gifts. Great thanks to all the chapter
for the help, especially Mark and Cindy Hoover
for smoking the meats and coordinating our 26th
anniversary . Their daughter also came along and was non stop workaholic.
Maria made one of her special quilts, and Cindy made 3 clocks for door prizes.
We had a great time. Mr. Ncredible showed up and played "who wantst to be a
millionaire" (we won't say any more) Special rides are in our future so keep
looking to our wings on the go and remember it's time for fun, fun, fun.
During my travels, it never ceases to amaze me the Goldwingers you meet on the
road. There is an everlasting friendship and bond by just having a wing. I've met
friends in Australia, South America, Canada and most states in the U.S. I look
forward to meeting more and continuing my travels throughout this great land.
See you down the road.
We owe Special Thanks to Mark and Cindy Hoover
for making our Anniversary such a success!!
And to all the rest of Chapter N for providing such great
side dishes and contingency prizes.
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
Kenny & Cheryl Cook. former N members from
the Enid area were riding to meet those going to
Perry, and a pickup pulled in front of then and
they hit it. Kenny spent a few days at OU
Medical Center, and Cheryl was at the Stillwater
hospital. Randy & Maria Jones stop to see her,
she's beaten up but no broken bones. Kenny has
some broken bones and also beaten up. Please
keep them in your prayers.
May 26 - Memorial Day
11 of us traveled to Hominy, OK to have a fantastic lunch at Wild Country
Meats. I can honestly say I’ve never had a meal in a cattle trailer before!! The
ride up was fantastic and the ride home was a little more adventurous dodging
some rain drops! Thank you Cindy Andrews for finding a great place for us to
venture out to & thank you Lonnie Young for your expert leading qualities!! Stay
tuned for our next adventure!
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
Motorcycle Awareness Month
Motorcyclists will be once again out in full force now that the
weather is warmer, which is why May is the perfect time for
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.
Let us all join together in urging all road users to look around, check
your mirrors, and consciously watch for motorcycles during
Motorcycle Awareness Month in May 2014. It's the responsibility of
all road users to acknowledge us safely and attentively.
Unfortunately, many road users are not always mindful of those with
whom they share the road, and this annual reminder is helpful for
them to recognize the flow of motorcycles in traffic, and make extra
efforts to watch for motorcycles. One of the leading causes of
motorcycle crashes is the fact that drivers don't see motorcycles.
Simply put, drivers tell themselves to watch for cars, trucks, buses
and pedestrians, but they don't always tell themselves to watch for
motorcycles. We need to change this. Drivers can avoid crashes with
motorcyclists by taking extra care to watch for motorcyclists,
especially at intersections, respecting the motorcyclists' space on the
road and by not following too closely. If all drivers would make a
conscious effort to look twice before turning left across the oncoming
lane of traffic at an intersection, crashes could be prevented and lives
would be saved.
One of the events that occurred this month was Motorcycle
Awareness Day, which was held at the State Capitol on Monday May
5, 2014.
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
from Mark Hoover
If you have any info that needs to be included for a N Mail or anyone
that would like to be included in our N Mail distribution, please send
information to Angie Hines at
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
Please send your newsletter contributions (articles, pictures, stories)
to Sheryl Heinrichs at by the 20th of the month.
Deputy Director Article
submitted by: Bill & Dea Ann Gray
GWRRA Deputy Director-Central US
Getting Back to Basics
Do you remember your first gathering? How did you find out about
it? Were you warmly greeted at the door? How many welcomed you
and who did you sit with? Were you invited back? Were you asked to
join them on the next dinner ride? Did you receive a newsletter &
calendar of events? Why so many questions??....because we need to
If you are reading this, you probably understand Chapter life! We've
always spoken of Chapters as our extended families and most of you
have been treated accordingly! During your last gathering, did you
have a visitor? Did you greet them? Did you offer to sit with them?
Were they acknowledged and introduced during the meeting? Did
you thank them for coming and invite them back? Why more
questions??....because we need to GET BACK TO BASICS!
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
to your email and phone tree list immediately! Send them your latest
newsletter and follow up with a phone call to invite them on a ride!
Get them involved now!
Ride safe and remember, let's GET BACK TO BASICS!
Don't Know 11%
From the Apr i l 20 14 e -new s le tte r
http: // a rc hi ve . c ons ta ntc ontac t. c om/ fs1 48 / 110 20 3 34 83 7 03 /a rc hi ve / 111 6 71 26 8 19 13 . htm
Director's Article
submitted by:
Ray & Sandi Garris
This pin started it all!!
"40 to Phoenix"
Five years ago, Greg McKinney and a few friends from Arkansas
decided that they wanted a Visitors Pin from the Home Office. They
shared that thought with a few more people and decided that they
could even take the historic "Route 66" (now known as Interstate 40)
thus..."40 To Phoenix" was born. This ride has now become the
largest Coast to Coast ride in the history of GWRRA.
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
On Thursday, March 13, 2014, about 88 "40 To Phoenix" riders
arrived at the Home Office and were welcomed by another 130
GWRRA Members and Home Office Staff. This all started a great day
filled with FUN, escorted tours locally, great conversation,
camaraderie, a lot of "tire kicking, and pictures of our "extended
family" having FUN. The highlight of the day was for many of our
Members, a tour of the Home Office and a shiny silver pin for their
vest that proudly states " I visited The Home Office."
This was truly a very unique event. Here is another example of what
can happen when a group of "Wingers" get together and rally around
a FUN idea. As we watch this event grow each year with new riders,
it clearly shows us that when our Members are having FUN, "The Sky
is the Limit!" If having FUN is the main ingredient in the recipe for a
great event, then our job as Officers at any level is to be sure to
follow that recipe when we plan any and all of our conventions,
gatherings, events, rides or staff meetings.
A very special thanks go to the following folks: Russ Schaeffer,
(organizer & leader of the ride) Abel Gallardo, Ed Price, Melissa
Eason and all the great crew at the Home Office and most of all, ALL
SUPPORTED THIS EVENT (that includes us!). We really enjoyed this
incredible day and can't hardly wait for next year's ride.
A Big Thank You to all who helped make it all happen!
Ray & Sandi Garris
Your Directors of GWRRA
From the April 2014 e-newsletter
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
Chapter N Sponsor
Deputy Director Article
Submitted by-- Anita and JR Alkire and Denali,
Deputy Dawg
GWRRA Deputy Directors (OCP Certified)
Master University Trainers, LTP, OCP, Rider Ed and
Membership Enhancement
Master Tour Riders, 3650 and 3651
Get Involved in GWRRA!
How do you get involved in GWRRA? It's not hard, just showing up is
the first step and the rest is up to you. What we do know is that
Chapter life is where it's at, and it's the most FUN with new friends,
great rides, education and of course the eats! We showed up at the
Chapter social and before we left we were the Dinner Rider
Coordinators, sound familiar?
I must say that we had a blast doing this job and the next thing you
know we were Chapter Couple 2001, then Assistant Chapter
Directors and then Chapter Directors. The Chapter gave me the
nickname of "Momma Duck" because I was always watching out for
everyone and keeping them involved. We had so much FUN! We've
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
certainly enjoyed each leadership role we've had in GWRRA,
including CA District Directors, Region "F"un Directors and now
Deputy Directors, and that is still true today, but leading closest to
the membership, interacting with the Chapter each week, that's the
We started our journey with GWRRA in 1999 and quickly learned that
leadership is a vital part of GWRRA life. It is the leaders and their
skills that help to shape your Chapter, District, Region and
International GWRRA experience. GWRRA has a fantastic course that
is an introduction to GWRRA leadership called Horizon. If you have a
chance, sign up to take a Horizon class and see what leadership in
GWRRA is all about, even if you don't have plans to become a
"leader". Those who know JR think that he is quiet and stays in the
background. I can promise you that the Horizon class brought him
out of his shell! He may not be as vocal as I am but when he speaks
we all listen.
Remember that as we interact with our fellow Members, each one of
us shows leadership. We may lead a ride, plan a fun event or help
staff at an event or just promote the Chapter, you see leadership
comes in many sizes and shapes. If you catch that leadership "bug"
we have other courses through Leadership Training that you can take
at many of our events including Wing Ding.
You may find your calling as a Director, Educator, Trainer or as
Membership Enhancement; each leadership role is critical to a FUN
environment. You see, the more Members who are involved the
stronger we become and together we are a TEAM! So are you a
leader or a strong TEAM mate? We need both, so come on out and
see where your leadership fits within GWRRA, your Chapter and
maybe more. It all revolves around FUN and it can be the best time
of your life, just ask any one of us in leadership!
From the April 2014 e-newsletter
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
April through October: Meet at the Saint Mark Evangelistic Catholic
Church parking lot in Norman (just west of 36th NW & Tecumseh Road)
unless otherwise instructed. We depart promptly at 6:00 p. m. We hope
to see you there! If you have planned the rides for the month and are
unable to be at the church, please find a volunteer to lead the ride to
the restaurant. Thank you! November through March: Meet at the restaurant.
June Dinner Rides Neil and Susan Drucker
June 17 - Libby’s,122 E. Center Rd., Goldsby, OK (405) 288-2418 - Eat at 6
p.m., Meeting starts at 7 p.m.
June 24 - Harry Bears, 2113 Riverwalk Dr., Moore (405) 799-2327
GoldWing For Sale
It is a white, 2012 with only 7000 miles, navigation, intercom, hitch and
floor boards, I know that I am leaving out something. The bike is beautiful
from the back at night with all the lights and what Gary calls 'Safety
Chrome" We are asking $18,250.
Hope to see ya'll soon,
Renea & Gary Dellinger
405-650-3796 & 405-550-6661
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
Upcoming Events
June 21 – Scavenger Hunt
Come celebrate the first day of Summer June 21st with us on our first
motorcycle scavenger hunt! You will be given a list of questions regarding a
location to ride your motorcycle to. The hunt will be between Norman, Guthrie,
Shawnee, and El Reno. First bike out at 9am, last bike out 10am. All bikes need
to be back at 3pm. Entry is only $5 per bike. Grand prize will be determined by
how many entries there are.
July 2-5, WingDing 2014
July 19 - Work N Saturday at the Flemings
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
August 28-31 "GWRRA's Weekend at the Opry" at the Opryland Resort &
Center preregistration is going very
well. As we mentioned, this event
will be a purely social, FUN event
for our Members. We have
negotiated an incredible rate at the
Opryland Resort beginning at $110,
including their resort fee. If you
were at Wing Ding in 2006 and
remember the Opryland Hotel, you
will remember how much FUN we
had! If you have never been there,
this is one property you need to visit
at some time in your life! It is an
incredible facility with everything
you can imagine under one roof.
Not only your room, but multiple
restaurants, gardens, shops,
fountains, pubs, convention center, multiple seminar rooms, the world famous WSM radio
station and a river with boats you can ride on inside the hotel!
The event registration fee is ONLY $15 for Members and includes a T-shirt and a pin. The
weekend includes a dinner/dance, opening/closing ceremonies, fun events, seminars,
optional tickets for the Grand Ole Opry and optional tours in and around Nashville. One
update is that we have been able to reduce the rate of the General Jackson Showboat tour on
the Cumberland River from $106 to $65 per person. We will also be offering some free
seminars at the Opry, one of which will be "Meet with our GWRRA President & Director" and
another will be "GWRRA Benefits."
Please see the website at for all the details, registration and
schedule information, or call 800-843-9460 for more information. There are limited rooms
available, so register early! This event will sell out quickly. See you there.
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
August 16 -- Chapter P Anniversary 1-4 p.m., Senior Citizens Center, 116 N.
Missouri Ave., Claremore - Theme: “Green Acres”
September 12-14 (Fri-Sun) Kansas District Rally— Abilene, KS
(Details to be provided)
September 25-27 (Thurs-Sat) Oklahoma District Convention,
Shawnee, OK
GWRRA Values (from
• Friends - GWRRA Members are men
and women from all walks of life with
varied interests and backgrounds. We
have Gold Wing and other touring
motorcycle riders of all age groups.
Some ride solo and many ride with
small and large groups! New Members
join GWRRA especially for the
technical information we share; some
of our Members join for the enjoyment
of riding with friends and also meeting new friends. Find your
future riding friends with your Region Map.
Fun - As a family organization, GWRRA has certain fun groups
to include restaurant, picnic and campout runs. We also have
GWRRA groups to include charities, parades, and small or large
events across the country. GWRRA Members
can participate in live or video seminars
through Rider Education Programs.
• Safety - We strive for improvement through
GWRRA safety workshops. We will share
technical expertise, news and tips about
riding, maintenance and the best touring
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
routes in the world. Safety is for Life on our GWRRA Rider
Education Programs page.
 Knowledge - While generalization about a group of individuals
as large as today's GWRRA is difficult, GWRRA Members are
likely to be independent thinkers, fun-loving, generous,
adventuresome, cooperative and unfazed by the natural
challenges of riding in the rain, temperature extremes or
highway uncertainties. Many Members have completed CPR and
first aid training, making them the best-prepared motorcycle
riders on the world's highways! Find " CPR and First Aid
Training " on our GWRRA Medic First Aid International®
Oklahoma Grand Tour
The 23rd Oklahoma Grand Tour is now available at Oklahoma
The Oklahoma Grand Tour originally ran from 1977 to 1984.
In 1998 Ride Oklahoma took up where the Grand Tour left off
and ran for 10 years.
It was decided the name needed to be changed back to The
Oklahoma Grand Tour in honor of its beginnings.
Ride your motorcycle to each location and get proof of your visit. The most popular form of
proof is a picture of your motorcycle in front of a sign or something at the location. A
signature of an official, park ranger, or receipt of purchase will also work.
All brands motorcycles are welcome! You can ride to any of the locations any time. Grand
prize will be determined by number of participants.
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
If you have any questions or would like an entry form e-mailed to you contact Wayne at:
Oklahoma Honda-Suzuki
3400 S Sunnylane
Del City, OK 73115
Chapter N Sponsor
Educating the Motorist Community...
International Directors - Motorist Awareness
Joe and Jan Mazza
Phone: - (352) 746-9030
Our Motto... "Share the Road!"
Our Mission... "To Facilitate A Reduction In Motorcycle Crashes With
Other Motor Vehicles."
Use this link to watch a Video on Motorist Awareness produced by
the Oklahoma Dept of Safety Invisible Motorcycle PSA it is a real eye
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
opener! Feel free to distribute it to the members. The Oklahoma
Department of Safety has graciously given us permission to do so.
(found on
Rider Education
Proper Equipment: The March Lion was pretty rough on many of
us, especially those in the northern states and Canada. Now that
Spring is upon us, we will begin to see some motorcycles coming out
of hibernation to share the road with those who haven't seen us for a
while. Preparing the motorcycle, trailer, trike, or sidecar should have
been accomplished in the "off" season, but if you waited until now,
don't give in to temptation to go for a short ride until you have
performed the pre-rider checks you were used to last riding season.
Make the first ones more detailed than your typical TCLOCS
inspection. Check for loose components, especially those highway
boards and foot rests. Tire condition: don't wait until Wing Ding to
buy a new set of tires if you know they won't last that long this year.
The best chance for tires to fail is at the end of useful lifetime or
when initially used (e.g. manufacturing defects).
Proper Gear: Most likely you have been prepping your motorcycle
specific apparel for the riding season. If not, give it a once over to
see if there is any maintenance needed. This time of year can be
unpredictable for weather, so that a day ride might require both cold
and warm gear. If you haven't considered it yet, recognize that who
you pack the gear can change the dynamics of the vehicle you are
riding. Too much up high can shift the center of gravity in ways you
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
need to think about before it impacts the operation of your ride. Keep
it low and balanced left to right if at all possible. This is a go od time
of the year to ensure you are wearing all the gear all the time
(AGATT) because it is a bit cooler. Establish go od habits from the
start. If you gear gets too warm, look for alternative materials
designed for the hotter temperatures. Don't let you co-rider ride any
less protected than you are - they often look to you r example. Is
what you are wearing what you want your spouse or riding
companion to wear if something happens?
Proper You: Think about what you can do to get your own mind and
body out of motorcycle hibernation mode. Those objects in the road
you were used to straddling to miss present a different challenge on
two wheels, and even three. Do your riding skills need a tune up?
Work with your Educator to find out what training is available to not
only practice riding skills, but practice properly. Somehow we tend to
develop problems in techniques due to a lack of practice. Begin your
ride well rested.
Don't bite off too much for the first few rides. Short rides should
build up to longer rides before you attempt a 1000 or so mile ride.
Are you listening? Motorcycles do talk! Listen to what your
motorcycle is telling you.
Every time we have received a feeling that something isn't quite right
while on the bike, it has become an issue. Ignoring it and hoping it
will go away is an accident waiting to happen. It might mean you are
out of practice and need a refresher course to regain proper riding
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
techniques. In many cases, there is a mechanical problem with the
bike that you need to address soon before it becomes dangerous.
Mechanical problems don't check with us to see if we can afford to fix
them when they occur.
A recent example was when a tire began to provide feedback like
there was a small bump or ridge in it. After a thorough hand-overhand inspection of both tires, and checking pressures failed to
identify the cause, a rider and co-rider rode off while keeping an eye
on it. About 50 miles later they arrived at their destination for the
day, a GWRRA Chapter event. They again put the bike up on the
center stand for a hands-on tire inspection.
This time they found a very small ridge in the center of the tire. You
could just begin to feel it. The ridge was barely perceptible by
watching the hand spun tire and the ground clearance as it rotated.
During the ride home, the co-rider was switched to a different bike as
a precaution and the rider rode in front of another bike rather than
alone on the return trip.
About 20 miles later, the rider had to pull off, sensing the problem
was getting worse. It was time to tow it or get a tire change. Here is
what was found when the tire was finally removed that day: a 12 inch
long strip of tire diagonally across the rear tire raised more than an
inch off the normal tread. Had this been allowed to continue much
longer, a more catastrophic result would have occurred. (Bridgestone
radial) This is tread separation on a tire that
had approximately 8000 miles on it. Using
tread depth alone, this tire still had a few t
thousand miles left on it, with a likely
replacement coming due by the end of the year.
A Chapter Educator had a spare tire and rim
which was used as a temporary replacement
(changed by laying the bike over in a parking
lot) until a new tire could be mounted on the
original rim. What could have been done
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014
different? Knowing what the result was makes that discussion easier
of course. After a number of miles without a change, it could be
reasonable to continue while monitoring the situation. The tire could
have failed suddenly, in which case a more conservative decision
would have been to come back for the bike later. A motorcycle trailer
was available at their home if needed. GWRRA friends were ready to
bring it. The Gold Book was another option. What was learned? Keep
looking until you find the reason the bike is talking to you! Otherwise
this might have been you.
Remember, Friends don't let Friends Learn by accident.
Tony & Michele
Tony & Michelle Van Schaick
Team GWRRA Rider Education
(919) 346-1433 Home
(919) 830-4658 Tony’s Mobile
from the April Insight newsletter (
Special Thanks to Mark Hoover, Angie Hines and Larry Letarte
for their contributions to this newsletter!
M A Y is Motorcycle Awareness Month
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Chapter “N” Newsletter – May/June 2014