August 2013
August 2013
The “Y” Connection n of the) (Official Publicatio Wings Heart of Tennessee o, TN ion N Murfreesbor eg R Y” -” N T r te Chap ’s Association er id R d oa R g in W Gold CHAPTER OFFICERS DIRECTORS Ed & Mary Ann Grazier (615) 459-4499 August 2013 Volume 21, Issue 8 In September, the big event for that month is the scheduled two day ride to Shiloh National Battlefield in Corinth, MS. Plans are underway for lodging and a special meal stop as we enjoy this historic ride. Ride details will soon be forthcoming. ASSISTANT DIRECTORS Randy & Delores Galloway (615) 893-0556 EDUCATOR Murray Dunkin (615) 848-5255 Treasurer Robby Roberts (615) 898-0271 MEC Glenn & Debbie Kilgore (615)890-2166 Inside this issue: Assistant Director………….......... 2 Rider Educator ……......................3 Region/District/Chapter Team Directory…………...............4 Team Pages…………………….....5-9 Chapter September Calendar..10 Ride/Member Articles & Photos………………..…......11-15 Tennessee Chapters & District News & Region “N” & National Updates……………..……….….16-22 Gathering Sponsors………...22-23 International Winner June Agee Memorial Newsletter Award Winner 2011 We Are Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge Chapter “Y” captured both the Tennessee District Traveling Plaque and the Region N Wanderer Plaque from Chapter Z on this past Saturday evening. A “special thanks” to those who could make the trip with us (pictured above, along with Charlie and Pam Huffman, Chapter Z Directors) and bring home both pieces of wood. Both plaques will be available for capture by a visiting Chapter at our August Gathering. Don’t forget, the August Gathering is once again stuffed animal collection month. It’s been a HOT and humid summer, however we’ve found many opportunities to ride, some of them drier than others. The Sunday rides have been well attended, as have been the weekly dinner rides. It’s been refreshing to find some new establishments to visit on Thursday evenings, but best of all we’ve had some good evening rides. If you missed the Smoky Hills dinner ride, you missed a good one. The Chapter Picnic is this coming Saturday afternoon at the Jaycees Clubhouse in Murfreesboro (located at Cannonsburgh Village). We have about 60 participants who plan to attend, so we’ll have a good crowd once again. Plenty of food and a few games, along with the camaraderie that accompanies such an event, is in store for everyone. The excitement is building for those who plan to make the Pigeon Forge overnight trip. We have a good group making the event and there will surely be some competitive events during that ride. The Chapter trophy plate will be up for grabs at least once during our time in Pigeon Forge. On August 31st is the Tennessee District Picnic, at the Gladeville Community Center. As you’re sure to know, FUN & games will be the order of the day. Good news, Murray is on the mend from his operation and Glenn has his bike back, repaired and ready to roll. We’ve been missing them both (and Debbie and Cheryl). It will be good to have them riding again. Randy and Delores, and Allen have been doing some serious traveling for the past several days, so we’re sure to hear of their travels in the near future. Until next month, Ride Safe, Ride Often! Ed & Mary Ann Grazier Chapter Directors Monthly Gathering: Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Super Center, Murfreesboro, TN, third Saturday of each month, Breakfast @ 8:00 a.m., Gathering @ 9:00 a.m. August 2013 Page 2 lores e D y & Rand loway Gal rs Y’s ecto r i D r tors apte a h n i C d t or stan e Co d i Assi R d trea e R & Where did July go? It seems like only yesterday it was the fourth of July yet tomorrow is the fourth of August, school starts Monday and summer can’t be over. I remember when I was a kid, and that was a long time ago, summer vacation seemed to last forever and school never started back before Labor Day. Oh well, things change as we grow older and time goes a little quicker, so enjoy every minute of it! Ride Often and ride Safe !!! I hope our Sunday afternoon rides will give more members an opportunity to ride. Our first Sunday afternoon ride on July 28th seemed to be a success; those who attended enjoyed a late lunch at the Center Hill Restaurant and the ride afterwards. Our second Sunday ride will be August 4th. Ed has a plan for a leisurely ride to Lynchburg for a late lunch or early dinner. Delores and I won’t make this one because we are leaving tomorrow for Fort Sill near Lawton, Oklahoma. Our Grandson and Chapter member Dalton McKee is graduating from Basic Training on the ninth of August. After his graduation from Basic Training he will stay at Fort Sill for seven more weeks of Advanced Individual Training, then it’s back to school at Western Kentucky University for his sophomore year. Dalton is a member of the Kentucky National Guard and a Cadet in the ROTC program at WKU. As you might have guessed, we are very proud of him. Don’t forget the overnight rides coming up. About a week after you receive this newsletter the Pigeon Forge Ride will be on the 23rd of August. Following will be the St Jude Children’s Hospital Ride (Wings Across Tennessee) on the 14th of September, the Shiloh National Battle Field Ride on the 27th of September, and last but not least The All Chapters Fall Color Ride to Sweetwater October 25-27. Hotel accommodations for Pigeon Forge and Sweetwater have been announced and several have already made their reservations; the accommodations announcement for the others will be coming soon. Make your plans to attend as many of the rides as you can, we will sure be glad you came, and I’m sure you will be too. As I said earlier, we will be traveling for the next couple of weeks, and by the way we are taking the motorcycle and we are hoping to find some good riding in Oklahoma, Colorado and maybe Utah and Texas. Wish us luck and safe riding. Randy and Delores Galloway Assistant Chapter Directors & Retread Ride Coordinators Mary’s Lake, Montana August 2013 Page 3 n visio i D ation tor c u d a r E Educ Ride r e t in Chap ay Dunk r Mur Unfortunately, I have been “out of the saddle” for a while but July has been another great month of “handle bar therapy” for the rest of Chapter Y. July provided plenty of safe riding miles and dining excellence for all. A tip of the hat with a big “thank you” is extended to all participants, ride leaders and planners who make each ride safe and enjoyable for all of us who participate. Although it has been several months since I took the ARC (Advanced Rider Course), I still find myself musing about some of the techniques discussed in the class. Counter steering like trail braking was taught in the ARC class and the PLP (Parking Lot Practice) event. I would like to take this opportunity to briefly explain the technical term used to turn or swerve a motorcycle. In the simplest terms, it is called counter steering. For an automobile or trike, to turn right, simply turn the steering wheel or handlebars to the right. For a motorcycle, to turn right, just turn the handle bars to the left or counter steer. Many of us learned counter steering while riding bicycles as a kid but never really understood the dynamics. All we knew is that it worked and to think about the phenomenon would only have caused most of us to fall over or miss the turn. So, in more complicated and less understandable terms, a motorcycle stays upright and goes in a straight line due to gyroscopic forces. To make a motorcycle turn, you must lean it into the turn by changing the center of gravity of the bike and rider toward the ground to overcome gravity, centrifugal and gyroscopic forces. Lots of other factors are involved also... but, WOW... “too much thinking” going on here which makes my head hurt and who knows where I would end up trying to make the turn. As complicated as the concept of counter steering is, the actual procedure is easy. Press on the left handlebar to turn left and press on the right handlebar to go right. Using counter steering, trail braking, clutch & throttle control, weight shift, looking where you're turning, speed, entry, apex, exit points, etc., we can all make safe controlled turns. It all sounds very complicated but with time and practice, we all can refine our skills so cornering will become second nature and be one of our favorite parts of motorcycling. It’s a piece of cake but it’s time for some practice as trying to explain counter steering makes me want to switch to a trike. LOL Ride Safe and Y hopes to SEE you on the next ride. Murray Dunkin Y’s Educator August 2013 Page 4 Chapter Team Members GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Motorist Awareness Mac & Janice McGlothlin (615) 969-4746 NATIONAL DIRECTOR Jere Goodman (347) 564-1161 Store Keeper & Sunshine Activities Robby & Lynda Roberts (615) 898-0271 21423 North 11th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (CST) Visitation Coordinators Jeff & Teresa Hill (615) 494-5315 (800) 843-9460 Webmaster Tim Malone (615) 848-0826 REGION N WEB SITE Retread/Ride Coordinator Randy Galloway (615) 893-0556 Trainers Jim & Brenda Sterling (615) 355-1761 Historian Betsy Malone (615) 848-0826 Dinner Ride Coordinators Leonard Costanzo & Mikki Bourland (615) 887-1467 50/25/25 Coordinators Leonard Costanzo (615) 887-1467 Wade Bassett (931) 212-4010 Newsletter Editor Debbie Kilgore (615) 890-2166 TENNESSEE DISTRICT WEB SITE TENNESSEE DISTRICT TEAM DIRECTORS Richard & Becky Griffin (615) 533-4603 WEBMASTER: Jim Lester ASSISTANT DIRECTORS Ron & Darlene Janes (931) 510-9703 Alan & Glenda Keough (901) 494-9053 Bill & Debbie Archer (931) 489-9337 REGION “N” TEAM DIRECTORS Alan & Carolyn Little WEBMASTERS: Tim & Betsy Malone TREASURER Sharon Simonick RIDER EDUCATORS Kyle T. & Mitzela Craig MOTORIST AWARENESS Wayne and Elva Grant LEADERSHIP TRAINERS Tommy & Pam Meador MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATORS Russell & KJ Kimmet REGION N COUPLE OF THE YEAR Tommy & Gayle Wilson TREASURER Cindy & Mike Burkitt (615) 848-0857 DISTRICT EDUCATORS Gary & Patti Hamilton (865) 982-7905 ASSISTANT DISTRICT EDUCATORS Roger & Marie Crowe (423) 892-2976 LEADERSHIP TRAINERS Jim & Beverly Rambo (423) 653-6117 MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATORS Reginald & Kim Seymour (901) 355-5106 2013 TN DISTRICT COUPLE OF THE YEAR Brian & Loretta Richards 865-249-6173 August 2013 Page 5 When you are riding safe with Chapter Y, dressing is easy if you are wearing our Chapter color-purple. If you would like to order a Chapter shirt, jacket, hat, or other chapter apparel, Y will do its best to accommodate your needs. Do you need to update the pins and patches on your Chapter Y vest? Check with Y at the next gathering. Y will see what it can do for you. Think purple while you are riding safely and having FUN! Your Storekeeper, Robby Roberts Robby & Lynda Roberts Storekeeper & Sunshine Activities 2 6 8 9 12 14 21 23 24 27 Janie Mankin Dennis Mankin Donna Gibson Britt Gaffaney Tim Malone Barbara Donnell Amy Jackson Janice McGlothlin David Broadway Betsy Malone Are you able to help? Thanks are extended to all Y participants who assist Bill Sloan in the breakfast room of Sloan’s Supercenter the third Saturday of each month by cooking sausages, serving drinks, general clean up, and greeting fellow motorcyclists present for Y’s Gatherings. Please look for the sign-up sheet at Y’s gathering for 2013 breakfast helpers! August 17 Jeff & Geraldine Jones September 21 Johnny Victory & Brenda Lane October 19 Arnold & Colleen Edgell November 16 Mac & Janice McGlothlin We appreciate YOU!!! THANKS EVERYONE SO MUCH!!! 3 Fred & Shirley Terry 6 Wade & Carolyn Bassett Unscramble the things to the left that get better with age. Solutions, if needed may be found here. Have FUN! Wine memories real estate Antiques savings bonds coin collections Cheese brandy blue jeans Fine art classic cars fruitcake Apple cider literature patience NOCI LECTONNICOLT IWEN GIVNASS SNODB STIQUNAE DRYNAB ESCHEE SLICACS SCRA INFE TAR TRALERUITE LEPAP DICRE LARE TEETAS EROSMIME LUBE SNAJE TRUCKAFIE CAPENITE August 2013 Page 6 Glenn & Debbie Kilgore Y’s Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators New Inquiring Minds Want To Know: Y, what’s a Retread? According to the dictionary retread is defined as... 1) A used tire that has been remolded to give it new treads 2) To revive, rework, or reestablish on a new, usually improved basis or make new or like new 3)A person returned to a position or occupation after retirement 4)A reviving or reworking of an old or familiar idea, story, etc. What? You have been invited to join Y’s Retreads on a ride. The ride is usually preplanned with a specific “field trip” destination (tour, museum, unique shop, etc.) in mind or an interesting cafe. After all, Y’s motto is: We ride to eat and eat to ride! All participants please share interesting new places that you would like to explore. Who? Any participant from any Chapter who is free on the first and third Wednesdays during Y’s riding season may join the Retreads. Randy Galloway, nicknamed Randy McNally, is Y’s Retread Ride Coordinator and he is always open for suggestions for a morning or daily ride. Where? The Retreads meet at the Hardee’s Restaurant 2382 Old Fort Parkway in Murfreesboro (next to Sam’s). When? If you plan to eat breakfast at Hardee’s, arrive early enough to be ready to ride by 9:00 a.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month during riding season. Why? The Retread Rides give you a chance during the middle of the week to ride safely and relax with friends without the hustle and bustle of the weekend traffic. Now think about the above definitions of retread in conjunction with motorcycling. Riders are constantly remolding their motorcycles to give them new and improved looks. Some retread riders are retired from various professions but returning to their passion of motorcycling. Riders are continually reworking old ride routes and exploring new venues to create new stories and fun! A few of the interesting rides that the Retreads have enjoyed are pictured below. Come on along and join in the fun! Muddy Pond Beechcraft Heritage Air Museum Fall Creek Falls Remember to always ride safely. The life you save could be your own. Glenn and Debbie Kilgore Y’s Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators August 2013 Page 7 Chapter “Y” Trainers Jim & Brenda Sterling THE IDEALS OF OUR ASSOCIATION *Shared from GWRRA’s website LTP “Take 5”Articles* The most important ingredient for a successful Association is the Member. Where do we find them and how do we make these people interested enough to become one of us? Before anyone can be successful in “selling” GWRRA, they must first sit for a moment and determine the reason they joined. Each of us had our own reasons, but a primary reason to join is to support the ideals of GWRRA. Let’s take a closer look at these ideals: • PROMOTE SAFETY - This will help us continue to enjoy our hobby. We can also enjoy the fact that we are doing something to protect others by teaching them safe riding practices. We are saving lives! • PROMOTE FRIENDSHIP - Among ALL of the biking public. What better way to enjoy our way of life than to make friends and share with them? • PROMOTE THE POSITIVE IMAGE OF THE MOTORCYCLE RIDER - We have come a long way, but we have a long way to go. We must always keep “our best foot forward.” • PROMOTE FUN - This is the glue that holds all our ideals together! • PROVIDE A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - GWRRA will provide a money back guarantee to any Member that is of the opinion the Association has failed to live up to their expectations. THE PURPOSES OF OUR ASSOCIATION 1. GWRRA is an International Association of Gold Wing and Valkyrie motorcycle riders. 2. GWRRA is a social organization formed for the pleasure, recreation, safety, exchange of information, coordination of common motorcycle efforts, promotion of camaraderie and friendship of its Members and chapters, without political or religious affiliations or influence. 3. Other purposes include: assisting all motorcyclists in achieving and/or improving public acceptance of motorcyclists; member support of civic, local, police, charity, and government organizations; education of nonmotorcycling public concerning motorcycling problems; dissemination of safety information relating to motorcycling and motorcyclists; supporting the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF); being a family oriented organization. 4. Promoting and enlarging the Association’s Membership. 5. To publish and distribute Wing World and other media that will inform, entertain, educate and enlighten our Members and Officers. Jeff and Teresa Hill & M Y’s Visitation Coordinators Call us at (615) 494-5315 or e-mail at Hello from Jeff and Teresa. We have enjoyed a great month visiting our sister chapters. We just returned last night from our ride to Columbia. Chapter Y brought home two visitation plaques. WOW! Thanks to all who joined us at Z’s gathering last night. What a truly great time we all have had this month. Last week Teresa and I put over 400 miles on the bike. We went to Chapter L for breakfast and then we led them on a ride in the rain to White Bluff for lunch. After a great lunch at Carl's Perfect Pig we headed to Jackson for Chapter N’s gathering. We did have fun down there. After the gathering we returned on the interstate. Come on out and ride! We are planning another Lebanon to Jackson run the first of September if the weather is good. They are having a Chicken Dinner Fundraiser the first of the month. Let's go visit, and as always ride safe and have a good time! Hope to see everyone soon on the roads riding safe and having a fun time. Jeff and Teresa Hill & M August 2013 Page 8 August & September’s Thursday Dinner Rides August 22 Wendy’s-Smyrna *Appreciation Night* August 29 Hermitage House-Nashville Leonard Costanzo & Mikki Bourland Y’s Dinner Ride Coordinators Len & Mikki invite you to ride with Y! September 5 Backyard Burgers-Franklin September 12 Tom’s Blue Moon BBQ-Lebanon September 19 White Possum Grille-Smithville September 26 Granny Fishes-Wartrace Restaurants welcome large groups if we give them time to prepare for us. Each week e-mail me with a headcount at if you can join Y or call me at (615) 887-1467. Hello. I am Leonard Costanzo, Y’s Thursday Dinner Ride Coordinator. September will be another month of full bellies with some awesome desserts. I am thinking that perhaps GWRRA is actually the Gold Wing Restaurant Reviewers Association. Mikki and I look forward to seeing as many Y participants as possible having FUN!!! We always like to hear from all who are planning to attend so that we can give as accurate a head count as possible to the restaurants. That way we do not overwhelm the places we visit. We do realize that sometimes our participants do not know until the last minute if they are available. We understand and still want to see you! Please note my e-mail address and cell phone number listed above. Continue to R.S.V.P if you will be riding and eating with the Chapter each week. If anyone has any new ideas or places to look into for future dinner rides, please e-mail me the information and check your calendar as well as your e-mails. Thank you for your support. Please drive safely and watch out for the hazards. Leonard Costanzo & Mikki Bourland Y’s Thursday Dinner Ride Coordinators Hello from Wade and I. Y’s Pigeon Forge trip is upcoming and we are looking forward to it. Wade is checking out the trike and making sure that it is in great running condition! After all, the ride is definitely part of the FUN! We have been searching out some of the other FUN stuff that Y might enjoy. If anybody has an especially interesting activity, let’s go for it! We have enough thrill-seekers in this bunch that we may make Y history with this trip. What did I hear? Somebody feels “zippy”? Well, we may just have some to check out the Smoky Mountain Zip Lines. That may be the only way to keep Y “in line”! Ride safe! Wade & Carolyn Bassett Y’s Couple of the Year August 2013 Page 9 Mac & Janice McGlothlin Chapter Y’s Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators BIG thanks are once again shared with all Chapter Y participants who polished their bikes and passed the safety word to onlookers at the July Cruise In sponsored by the Murfreesboro Hot Rod Club. A sea of purple once again greeted lots of visitors enjoying the beautiful evening, and yes, the bikes did light up the parking lot when night arrived. Why Double Check? About 3/4 of motorcycle crashes involve another motor vehicle. 2/3 of these accidents were caused by the motorist failing to yield the right-of-way. The most common reason given by the motorist is, “I didn’t see the motorcycle.” Where are accidents most likely to occur? LEFT TURNS-Over 40 % of all motorcycle accidents occur at intersections. CAR’S BLIND SPOT-Motorcyclists are often hidden in a vehicle’s blind spot or missed in a quick look due to their smaller size. Motorcyclists should compensate for unaware motorists by increasing their visibility through lane position, riding with headlights on during daytime and wearing brightly colored/retro-reflective protective apparel. *Shared by GWRRA Motorist Awareness Division (MAD)* Safety Initiatives Federal law allows cyclists to use modulating headlights during daylight hours. They are lawful for use in all 50 states and Canada. Modulators aid motorists in seeing motorcycles. Money doesn’t have to grow on trees. Delores Galloway and Mac McGlothlin won the 50/50 raffle at the July Cruise In. Thanks to Y’s Educator, Murray Dunkin, and Y’s Motorist Awareness Coordinator, Mac McGlothlin, for our MAD information station at the Cruise In. ne Malo n m i T & ria Betsy Y’s Histo ter Chap Webmaster & Paris, France Summer is here and our chapter has a lot of wonderful adventures planned for our participation. Some of us are involved in home projects, tied up at work, or just enjoying family time. As I submit this note Tim, myself, Larry, Sandy, Bob, and Mary Anne are winging our way out west and will unfortunately miss the chapter picnic. No matter what your adventure near or far, be safe and enjoy time with friends, family, and Winging. Along the way don't forget our new photo contest for 2013 is "Winging Round The World!" Visit any location in the USA that has an International City or Country name such as: Paris, TN (like Paris, France) or Lebanon, TN (like Lebanon the Country) and take a picture of yourselves with bikes or trikes with name signs. The winner will receive registration for 2 for any Region N Rally and a great wall hanging featuring the contest winner's pictures. Keep taking those quick snap shots because you never know when you have just captured one of your memories of a lifetime. Kodak, aka Betsy Malone August 2013 Page 10 September 2013 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Janie Mankin 4 9 10 Thu 5 Fred & Shirley Terry (P) Springfield, TN 6:00 pm 8 Wed 15 Sat Cruise In Motorist Awareness Belks @ Avenue 7 Ride to Woodbury. Eat at Chilango’s. Enjoy Drive In Movie. 6 Wade & Carolyn Bassett Backyard Burgers Franklin Dennis Mankin Retread’s Ride 11 12 Donna Gibson Happy Grandparent’s Day! Fri 13 (N) Jackson, TN 6:00 pm 14 Barbara Blue Moon BBQ Lebanon Donnell Wings Across TN-St. Jude’s Hospital Ride Britt Gaffaney 16 (U) Cookeville, TN 6:00 pm 17 Tim Malone 18 Return From Wings Across TN ride. Retread’s Ride 19 (Z) Columbia, TN 5:30 pm 20 Amy Jackson *Bug Run* 23 First Day of Autumn 24 Janice McGlothlin 25 26 (S) Cottontown 12:00 noon 27 Granny Fishes Wartrace David Broadway 21 White Possum Grille Smithville (G) Tullahoma, TN 6:00 pm 22 (L) Lebanon, TN 8:00 am 28 Betsy Malone (H) Franklin, TN 8:00 am (A) Madison, TN 6:00 pm 29 30 Randy says, “Ride Safe!” —— Return From Shiloh. ——Happy Memorial Day! (Q) Clarksville, TN 6:00 pm Encourage Everyone To Look Twice… Save a Life! THURSDAY NIGHT DINNER RIDES (TDR) Meet @ Sloan’s Motor Cycle & ATV Super Center @ 5:45 pm, depart promptly @ 6:00 ( ) Denotes other Middle Tennessee Chapter Gatherings, Locations & Times August 2013 Page 11 Johnny Victory says, “Something is wrong with my plate. It’s empty!” Perfect Evening Ride “You know, Robby, carrot cake counts as a serving of vegetables,” Len shares. Raleigh Marlin and David Barlow agree a waist is a terrible thing to mind. Y rides to eat and eats to ride! Max Thomas was in 3rd place in the Trivia Contest at the River Café. In his next life, he says he’s going to have more memory installed. The sign states: If you are grouchy, irritable, or just plain mean, there will be a $50. fee to put up with you. BIG thanks to Len Costanzo & Mikki Bourland, Y’s TDR Coordinators. They planned a couple of rides to new eating establishments with the suggestions of some Y participants. If you missed Smoky Hills or The River Café, you missed food & fun! “Back up the trike. I’ve found our motor home for the vacation,” Glenn shouts. August 2013 Page 12 The Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) Motorist Awareness Division and Rider Education Program, through a team effort are committed to a goal of establishing the safest motorcycling environment possible. While Rider Education trains and educates motorcycle riders, the Motorist Awareness Division (MAD) focuses on educating other motor vehicle operators, to reduce loss of life and injury. David Barlow at Y’s MAD Event P. J. & Ric Green with CD Mary Ann Grazier at Y’s MAD Event at Belk’s at the Avenue in Murfreesboro Low rider don’t use no gas now Low rider don’t drive too fast Take a little trip and see... Boss Hogs at Y’s MAD Event Millie Porter at Y’s MAD Event September 6th is Y’s next MAD event. Plan to show your bike! DD Becky Griffin looks away as hubby Richard photo bombs Max Thomas with bunny ears! LOL Glenn Kilgore and Cheryl Landwehr MAD does not stand for Mighty Ambitious Dalliance! Did you see Ed & Mary Ann Grazier’s Gold Wing Trike? August 2013 Page 13 Have you had your Vitamin “L” today? *submitted by Glenn Kilgore* Nutritionist and author Pamela Smith takes laughter seriously. That’s because she knows that 100 laughs a day provide a cardiovascular workout equal to about 10 minutes of rowing or biking. And there’s more happy news: Laughter stimulates stress release in the same way exercise does. Laughter, Smith notes, also helps fight infection by sending into the bloodstream some hormones that reduce the immune-system-weakening power of stress. Further, in a study of hundreds of adults, the ability to laugh at oneself and at circumstances-was found to be an important source of life satisfaction. In fact people who enjoy silly humor are 33% more likely to feel happy than those who don’t. *American Behavior Scientist, 1996, 39:249* Punography-Really? Cindy Burkitt, Lynda Roberts, & Colleen Edgell have had their Vitamin Ls today! LOL I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words. I changed my iPod name to Titanic. It’s syncing now. I tried to catch some fog. I mist. When chemists die, they barium. Jokes about German sausage are the wurst. How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it. I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. I can’t put it down. The girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I’d never met herbivore. I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop at any time. A soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran. I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me. They told me I had type A blood, but it was a type-O. A dyslexic man walks into a bra. Randy Galloway and Mac McGlothlin have had their Vitamin L’s today. Why were the Indians here first? They had reservations. Class trip to the Coca-Cola factory—I hope that there’s no pop quiz. The Energizer bunny was arrested and charged with battery. I didn’t like my beard at first. Then it grew on me. Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn’t control her pupils? Chapter Directors Ed Broken pencils are pointless. & Mary Ann Grazier ask, “Have you had your Vitamin L, today? What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A Thesaurus Velcro-What a rip off! August 2013 Page 14 “Super Brace” What is it? What does it do? Why do I need or want one? Is it what Superman needs when he is injured? Well it’s not a brace for Superman, but it is a brace for Superbikes, our Goldwings. I have one on my GL1500 Goldwing now, and after 24 years I am convinced I should have had one from the start. It is not made just for Goldwings but for a lot of other bikes also. Seeing as how we mostly are riding Goldwings, we will talk about them and how this thing called a Super Brace will benefit us and our lovely Superbikes...GL1500 & GL1800. First it’s made from aircraft billet aluminum and is very precise in its fitting on the front forks. Yes, it is a brace for the front forks and will increase so much in stability, handling and tire wear. Let’s discuss the ways it will do this. On the front forks under the front fender there is a small piece of metal that connects the front forks together. Without it the forks would want to twist and not stay stable and trying to drive would be almost impossible. So now that the small piece of metal is there and we put this thicker piece of billet aluminum under the fork cover but yet above the fender, it will place added strength to the front forks staying in place and not allow them to flex when you turn your handle bars to the right and left for slow speed turning. The friction from where the tire meets the road will be much more stable and what I have noticed is that I can turn in a much tighter area, such as a parking lot. As I took the ARC riding course last month I had a hard time making the really tight turning and I also noticed other Goldwingers having the same problem. We almost dropped our Wings and the handling of the front end was very difficult. With the Super Brace I have been able to do the tight turning and I find that wherever I look over my shoulder to turn to, I can do it with so much less effort. It’s as if the Wing knows where I want to go and it just turns and leans like a dream. The same type of thing happens when you are driving down the interstate and you encounter the grooves in the pavement, and the motorcycle wants to wander and follow the grooves left and right. It feels like your Wing wants to dance beneath you. After I installed the super brace, I noticed that the groove problem disappeared and the bike now tracks straight and is no longer dancing. The Wing is now performing as the old saying goes, “This Goldwing drives like a Cadillac.” The way the Goldwing meets the roadway proves to be a much smoother ride. Next, let’s address the dreaded tire wear, “cupping” as we all call it. It makes things crazy as a rider. I am sure you will know what I am talking about. As the tire starts to “cup”, you have noticed a bumpy feel when you are going really slow. It feels like the front end is driving on pebbles. Or what about that awful “singing” noise that the tire makes when getting up to speed. It makes us want to buy new tires when it looks like it has more than enough tread left. Well, with the Super Brace on the front forks and holding the tire straight and not allowing the “flex” of the forks, the tires will last a lot longer without that added wear. Now you still have to keep in mind that tire air pressure will affect the wear of the tire too. And if your tire has already started to “cup” and then you put a Super Brace on, it will continue to cup out …. But once you replace the tire and keep your air pressure at the correct pressure then the tire life will be extended and will provide a much smoother ride. What all this means is, the super brake will 1) improve the stability in tight cornering 2) reduce the low and high speed wobbles 3) improve the tire life and reduce cupping 4) improve steering precision and handling 5) decrease sensitivity to rough road surfaces. I for one am glad that I have a Super Brace on a Super Bike. I highly recommend any Goldwinger to have a Super Brace installed on their Goldwing. I have checked the price and there is a big price difference between the GL1500 and the GL1800, as well as the F6B Goldwing. A little research has led me to a company web site Their prices are very reasonable and I can’t say enough about how much better you will love riding your Goldwing. Thank you for reading. Ride Safe and watch out for the Hazards! Leonard Costanzo, Y’s TDR (Thursday Dinner Ride) Coordinator August 2013 Page 15 Stuffed Zucchini *shared by Y’s Sunshine Lady Lynda Roberts* 3 zucchini 5 links Archer Farms Roasted Pepper Asiago Cheese Chicken Sausage (bought at Sams) 1 cup Italian style bread crumbs 1-2 tablespoons minced garlic 1 jar (32 ounce) spaghetti sauce 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella 1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2) Slice zucchini in half lengthwise. Scoop out seeds and put in bowl. Mix seeds with minced sausage, garlic, bread crumbs, and parmesan cheese. Place zucchini in 9 inch x 13 inch baking dish and stuff with sausage mixture. Pour sauce over squash and cover pan with foil. 3) Bake for 45 minutes or until zucchini is tender. Remove foil and cover with mozzarella cheese and place back in oven and bake it until cheese is melted. Quick Chick Trick *shared by Debbie Kilgore* 4 chicken breasts 1 cup sour cream 1 (10 1/2 ounce) can cream of chicken soup 40 Ritz crackers, crumbled 1 stick butter Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Boil and debone chicken. Cut into bite-size pieces and place in the bottom of a greased baking dish. Mix sour cream and cream of chicken soup in a saucepan and heat. Pour mixture over chicken pieces. Crumble crackers over mixture. Melt butter and pour over crackers. Bake for 20 minutes. Enjoy! Do you have any motorcycle parts or riding gear that you want to sell, or trade. Bring it along with you to the Chapter Picnic. We’ll have a corner of the room set aside for these items. Please clearly mark your asking price on each item that you wish to sell! August 2013 Page 16 *Adapted from Wingin” It GWRRA’s e-Newsletter August 2013* GREETINGS! Wing Ding 35 has come and gone with 9,243 delegates enjoying GWRRA's convention, or as we call it, "GWRRA's Family Reunion." Greenville was a great host city and the facility did an awesome time taking care of all of our Vendors, Members and guests who attended. A special "THANK YOU" to all our Officers, Event Management Team, Rider Ed folks, and Volunteers who worked so hard to take care of all our Wing Ding attendees. If you have a story, travel tip, or fun share from your trip to Wing Ding, please send them to me here! Also remember, if you did not go to Wing Ding, but had a great trip someplace else and would like to share your travel story, Gold Book story, travel tip, or unique Chapter Fund-Raising event, send them to me also. We are always looking for Member articles for your e-Newsletter-keep them coming! As you probably know, the next Wing Ding, Wing Ding 36, 2014, will be returning to Madison, Wisconsin. Madison is one of our Member's favorite cities and everyone becomes a "cheesehead" when they get there! You can register for Wing Ding 36 at All the other details about Wing Ding 36 will be coming soon! It is great to read such a variety of our Chapter, District and Regional newsletters as they are sent in to us. Reading about all the different activities, rides, events and fund-raising activities that our Members and Officers organize is inspiring! Just to name one, I want to compliment the New York District staff for representing GWRRA so well at Americade. Thank You! Your newsletter is so full of wonderful information, including great Rider Education materials to keep our Members thinking about rider education and safety. Great newsletter! In last month's e-news there was a broken link on where you can locate your local Chapter. We apologize for that error and hopefully this is the correct link and correct address. Please click here or go to this address to find your nearest Chapter. Remember to check out GWRRA's website for all the latest news, benefits, updates and information. One more request: please forward this copy of Wingin' It to all your friends who ride! THANKS!! Thanks for all your continued support! Ride safe and FIND-A-FRIEND! Ed Price GWRRA Events Manager | Wingin' It Editor Gold Wing Road Riders Association | "Friends for FUN, Safety & Knowledge" 800-843-9460 | 623-581-2500 (in Phoenix) | Fax 877-348-9416 OZARK HUMOR THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH: You oughta overlook others faults az easily as ya’ do yore own. August 2013 Page 17 Alan & Carolyn Little Region N Directors *This article is shared from July 2013 The Appalachian Gazette.* Tires and Tire Inflation *NOTE: This is an update of an Rider Education Safety Article that I wrote in February 2005 as the Chapter Educator of NC-K2 (The Cape Fear Wings). Kyle T. Craig* This article is an attempt to provide some information and knowledge on tires and tire care. The history of the tire industry has an unending stream of innovation in tire technology. The lists of tire manufacturers are many. The GL1800 comes with Dunlop D250F, 130/70R18, upfront and D250, 180/60R16 on the rear as standard equipment. Also, the GL1800 comes with Bridgestone Exedra, G709, 130/70R18 M/C on front, and Exedra, G704, 180/60R16 M/C on the rear. These two manufacturers designed these tires explicitly for the GL1800. These are Radial tires and not Bias-Ply. Some tire models can be used on various motorcycles and others are designed for a particular motorcycle model. Contrary to some beliefs, all motorcycle tires are not the same. There are just so many types of tires, Super Sport/Race, Hyper Sport, Highperformance Street/Sport-Touring, Cruisers, Sports Bias, and Touring and many more. This means you can’t install a Bias-Ply tire on a GL1800. The GL1800 was designed for Radial tires only. The manufacture or model is your choice, as long as you install a Radial tire on the GL1800. The GL1500 uses Bias-Ply. Accordingly tire pressure on the GL1800 is different than that on other Gold Wings. Dunlop recommends 38 psi upfront and 41 psi on the rear. Your GL1800 Operators Manual calls for 36 psi upfront and 41 psi in the rear. Whether you run 36 psi or 38 psi this is up to you. Don’t put 41 psi in the front tire of a GL1800. The tire manufacture does not recommend this. I say this because there’s various information concerning tire mileage and running your front tire at 41 psi on the internet. The Dunlop representative explained to me firsthand that D250F is designed to have flex. This design is to help absorb extra road shock. Consequently running at 41 psi does not provide the necessary flex. Checking tire pressure is the most important tire maintenance function you can perform. Under-inflated tires can result in imprecise cornering, higher running temperatures, irregular tread wear at the edge of the contact patch, fatigue cracking, overstressing and eventual failure of the tire carcass. While over-inflating tires does not increase load carrying capacity, it will result in a hard ride and accelerated tire wear in the center of the contact patch. Check cold tire pressure frequently with a good quality gauge that holds a reading, and always before extended trips. Loss of pressure may occur due to worn out or badly seated valve cores, so be sure to check your tires’ value cores periodically. If necessary, tighten for the correct seating, or remove and replace them. A metal or hard plastic valve cap with an inner gasket should be used and installed finger tight to protect the valve core from dust and moisture, and to help maintain a positive air seal. Visually inspect your tires before, during, and after your trip for the following: punctures, cuts, abrasions, cracks, bulges, blisters, or knots. If you suspect damage has occurred, it may be necessary to dismount the tire to complete an inspection for internal damage and any need for repair. Only certain punctures in the tread area may be repaired, and only if no other damage is present. Tires with non-repairable damage must not be used again. New Tire Run-In Periods are vital. Replacements of worn, differently patterned or constructed tires will not react the same. When new tires are fitted, they should not be subjected to maximum power, abrupt lean-over or hard cornering until a reasonable run-in distance of approximately 50-100 miles has been covered. This precaution is also necessary because new tires have a protective silicon coating placed on them before shipping and storage. The choice of motorcycle tire manufacturer is up to you. Always, check to the recommended tire pressure from the manufacturer of your choice of motorcycle tires. Always remember your life is riding on only Two Tires and not four. Kyle T. & Mitzela Craig Region N Educators Region N Raffle—2013 Our 2013 Fund-Raiser has begun! Region N does not have a region rally to raise operating funds because we feel like it would take away from the district rallies. Therefore, we must hold a fundraiser each year. This year we are holding a technology raffle. With the purchase of a $5.00 ticket, you have a chance to win either a Dell Laptop computer, an apple iPad, or a Kindle Fire HD. See any Region N Team Member to purchase your ticket. (If your chapter would like to sell tickets and keep $1 for each ticket sold, contact Carolyn at to get more information!) August 2013 Page 18 RICHARD AND BECKY GRIFFIN What: TN District Picnic-FREE TO ATTEND! Where: Gladeville Community Center 95 McCreary Road Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 When: August 31, 2013 Hours are 10 am-4 pm. How: Meet us back at the Gladeville Community Center, Gladeville, TN. It is just off State Route 840 at exit 70 (Stewart’s Ferry Pike). Note: We will have Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Drinks, Baked Beans, and Potato Salad. We ask that each Chapter brings a dish and a dessert. We will have awards, games, music and fun, fun, fun. Make plans now to attend. ***Important***We need to know how many will be attending so we can have enough food and drinks.*** TN Chapter Directors, Please get a count of how many of your Chapter members are planning to attend and send the information to Richard at If you are not a member of the TN District and plan to attend, please contact the TN District Director at Thanks, Richard and Becky Griffin TN District Directors August 2013 Page 19 TENNESSEE CHAPTER GATHERINGS Chapter A ---- Last Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Golden Corral 315 Old Lebanon Dirt Road, Hermitage, TN CD: Troy & Vickie Hurt; 615-351-6629 Chapter A2---- 4th Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm Ryan’s Buffet, 1053 Hunters Crossing, Alcoa, TN 37701 CDs: Dale & Ernest Hall ; 423-836-8635 Chapter B ----1st Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm: Shoney's 2405 Andersonville Hwy, Clinton, TN 37716- exit 122 east on Rt. 61 off I-75 North of Knoxville at the Museum of Appalachia exit next to the new Tommy's Motorsport Cycle Store. Sr. CDs: Tom & Kathy Peck; 423-907-9712 Chapter C ---- 3rd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Mama's House Buffet , 2608 North John B Dennis Hwy, Kingsport, TN. CDs: Richard & Connie Pendleton ; 423-245-8484 Chapter C2— 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am/Meet 9:00 am : Ryan’s Steak House 2854 North Main, Crossville, TN CDs: Alex & Diane Alenitsch; 239- 542-0452 Chapter F ---- 2nd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:30 pm/Meet 7:30 pm : Golden Corral, 2905 West Andrew Johnson Highway, Morristown, TN. CDs: George & Lenora Baker ; 423-231-7948 Chapter G ---- 3rd Thursday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Damron’s Restaurant, 714 E Lincoln Tullahoma, TN. CDs: Dennis & Ann Greer; 931-728-1463 Chapter G2 ----1st Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : IHOP , 1802 Parkway, Sevierville, TN. CDs: Roland & Peggy Groleau 865-313-0428 Chapter H---- 4th Saturday ~ Eat at 8:00 am / Meet at 9:00am : Honda of Cool Springs, 1096 West McEwen Dr, Franklin, TN. CDs: David & Barbara Jordan; 931-607-5836 Chapter L ---- 1st Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am./Meet 9:00 am : Ryan's, 405 S. Cumberland , Lebanon, TN. CDs: Andrew & Debbie Smith; 615-784-9772 (615-78GWRRA) Chapter M ---- 2nd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : 550 Fort Loudon Medical Center Drive, Lenoir City, TN 37772. CDs: James Whitener; 423-836-1590 Chapter N ---- 1st Saturday ~ Eat 5:00 pm/Meet 6:00 pm : Old Country Store, 56 Casey Jones Lane #A, Jackson, TN. Sr. CDs: Tony & Lori Douglas; 731-676-9917 Chapter O ---- 1st Saturday ~ Eat 9:00 am/Meet 10:00 am : Golden Corral, 350 Stuart Rd. NE (I-75 Exit 27), Cleveland, TN. 37312. CDs: Brenda & Randy Perkinson; 423-339-9669 Chapter P ---- 1st Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Catfish House, 3424 Tom Austin Highway Springfield, TN 37172. CDs: Gary & Donna Warfield; 615-384-1872 Chapter Q ---- Last Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Golden Corral 2811 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Clarksville, TN. 37040-5002. CDs: Dennis & Jan Peterson; 931-302-5283 Meet M’s new purple friend. Let the good times roll, Sugar! Mac & Janice’s Gold Wing After Dark WOW! Why is it called “after dark” when it is really “after light”? August 2013 Page 20 Chapter S ---- 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 2:00/Meet 3:00 pm : Johnson’s Crossroads Café & Market 3200 Highway 25 Cottontown, TN. CDs: Ronny & Dee England; 615-428-4611 Chapter T ---- 4th Tuesday ~Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : IHOP 5604 Merchants Center Blvd. Knoxville TN 37918 CDs: Brian & Loretta Richards; 865-332-3966 Chapter U ---- 2nd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Nicks 895 South Jefferson, Cookeville, TN. CDs: Glenn & Vickie Stockton ; 931-260-6513 CDs: Chapter V ---- 2nd Saturday ~ Eat 9:00 am/Meet 10:00 am: Honda Southern Power Sports, 1394 Workman Road, Chattanooga, TN CD: Gary Boyd ; 423-718-6807 Chapter W2 ----3rd Saturday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Perkins, 1340 S. Germantown Pkwy, Memphis, TN. CDs: Ivan & Leesa Coburn; 870-739-1079 Chapter Y ---- 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am/Meet 9:00 am : Sloan's Motorcycle, 2233 NW Broad St. (Hwy 41) , Murfreesboro, TN. CDs: Ed & Mary Ann Grazier; 615-459-4499 Chapter Z ---- 2nd Saturday ~ Eat 5:30 pm/Meet 6:30 pm : Bonanza Steak House, 800 S. James M. Campbell Blvd (at the Columbia Mall), Columbia, TN. CDs: Charlie & Pam Huffman; 931-215-1650 Help Us Keep The Visitation Program “Alive & Well” In Tennessee Bob Buckley, Tony Neely, Chuck Madison, Cathy Land, Cody Smith, Teresa & Jeff Hill, Len Costanzo, Mikki Bourland, Ken Brown, Ed & Mary Ann Grazier, Larry & Sandy Tipton, and Michelle Chatman enjoyed a pleasant Sunday afternoon trip to Lynchburg. The day was great for riding, eating, exploring and visiting! “Got those highway blues, Can’t you hear my motor running? Flying down the road with my foot on the floor All the way into town they can hear me coming Motor’s about to drop, she won’t do no more. Oh, rocking down the highway… The Doobie Brothers “Rockin’ Down the Highway” District Director Becky Griffin might be in the mood for a tropical island visit after winning one of Y’s door prizes-a pineapple Smoothie glass-at the July Gathering. Z’s CD Charlie Huffman and Y’s Sandy Tipton ask, “Can we go?” August 2013 Page 21 Are you looking for something to do? Look no further. There's always something going on in Tennessee, or nearby. August 2013 31 TN District Picnic-Gladeville Community Center-Mt. Juliet, TN September 2013 7 2nd Annual Chicken Dinner Cookout-Jackson, TN 14-15 Wings Across TN-St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Ride St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 2012 October 2013 5 TN-N Fun Day- Parkers Cross Roads, TN Sweetwater Bound 2012 25-27 TN Multi-Chapter Fall Color Ride-Sweetwater, TN November 2013 9 TN-Q’s Veterans Day Parade-Clarksville, TN 23 TN District Operations Meeting-Patterson Park Community Center-Murfreesboro, TN Chapter Y rides with Chapter Q in the 2012 Veterans Day Parade. August 2013 Page 22 Don’t forget to visit and support our sponsors that have advertisements in our newsletter. Their support is very Important to us and your support is very Important to them! 2013 REGION N CONVENTION SCHEDULE SPRING FLING Tennessee District Convention Camp Jordan Arena, East Ridge, Tennessee 25 - 27 April, 2013 DOWN HOME RALLY 2013 THE WEST VIRGINIA DISTRICT CONVENTION SUMMERSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA 13 - 15 June 2013 THE GWRRA NATIONAL OFFICE PRESENTS WING DING 35 TD Convention Center, Greenville, South Carolina 3 - 6 July 2013 THE BLAST THE KENTUCKY DISTRICT PRESENTS Frankfort Convention Center, Frankfort, Kentucky 8 - 10 August, 2013 The North Carolina District Presents WINGS OVER NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS ARENA & EVENTS CENTER, Concord, NC 26 - 28 September, 2013 RALLY IN THE VALLEY THE VIRGINIA DISTRICT CONVENTION THE SALEM CIVIC CENTER, SALEM, VIRGINIA 10 - 12 October, 2013 August 2013 Page 23
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