March - VA-B GWRRA Wings By The Sea


March - VA-B GWRRA Wings By The Sea
The Sea
March 2009
Greetings from your CD’s
Inside This Issue
GWRRA, Region N
VA District, Chapter B
Virginia Beach, VA
W e
take this opportunity
to thank all of you that
stopped by and helped
out with our annual Polar Bear
R u n .
We appreciate everyone that donated their
time and helped make it a success. Thank
our Educator John for planning a great ride.
Thank Jackie and Dolores for helping out at
the registration table. Thank Joe and Linda
for helping out with games and mileage board.
Thank Kristen and Ann for driving out and
sitting at the halfway point for another poker
card draw. Thank our Chapter Couple and
Sugar for the 50/50. Thank Dean for heading
up the Games. Thank Paul for helping out with
Poker hands. Thank Nick, David S., Bob L.
Jerry and Jim S. for showing up at the crack of
dawn to help set up. And thanks to all of you
that mingled, greeted and helped out where
needed. Thanks to the chapter we had another
successful run. Jackie did the figures and we
had over 120 people register for our event,
quite a few people played the new games and
the 50/50 went over good as well.
This month kicks off the riding season even
though technically we had our first fun ride last
month. Bob Perkins did the sun dance and we
had a really nice day on that ride. March’s fun
ride lands right on the same day as another
local event so pick what fits in your schedule
and have a fun day. April is approaching and
we have a full month planned. I wont go into
detail as you can read the newsletter or go to
the website and check out the calendar.
I want to encourage everyone to participate in
the “Tour De Cure” again this year on the 18th
of April. Check with Jim Claggett and he will
be happy to take your name down. And yes
your Chapter “thinks he’s Lance Armstrong”
Director is riding in the event again and the
goal is to beat last years time by 40 minutes.
A couple of dates to put on your calendar that
we need some commitments for: May 17th is
our Mall Bike Show at Greenbrier. Ten to 12
volunteers to show their bikes are needed. I
know we have two for sure right now. Please
let our awesome ACD’s Bob and Ann know if
you want to participate. Don’t forget our first
overnight ride of 2009 on the Weekend of June
12-14. Reserve a spot, we will be staying in
the Massanutten area and plan to ride through
West Virginia and Virginia. Fun is planned.
Lastly I want to offer up the opportunity again
to you to give us some suggestions, articles for
the monthly newsletter, anything you may think
would be nice to put on the website or what
we can do to improve our chapter. Remember
what it was like when you first joined GWRRA,
let’s bring that feeling back and share it with
some of the new folks.
As always Ride Safe!
Dennis & Kristen
If something “goes without saying,” why do people still say it?
Rider education corner
Freedom, Excitement, Exhilaration, The Open Road…
Start Now to Plan a Great Rider Education Year!
Catching Up with GWRRA Rider Education News
Aloha! Yes, I’m providing you this article from beautiful Hawaii
(sunny Oahu to be specific). Travel seems to be endless
and, while a tough life, someone has to do it. There are some
recent changes to share with you in GWRRA’s Rider Education
community. On the National level our new Directors of Rider
Education are Mike and Lori Stiger, formerly the Region “D”
(Great Lakes) Educators. In quickly assembling the National
team, Mike and Lori will be assisted by our friends, Jim and Nan
Hall (formerly our Region “N” Educators) and Ron and Pam
Lantz (formerly the Region “A” Educators). A lot of work has
been assigned to these Assistant Directors for Rider Education.
Jim and Nan Hall will be Database Administrators for: Levels
Program, Seminar Presenter, and Rider Course Instructors and
will also head a task force to continually improve the new REP
Database recently established at National. Ron and Pam Lantz
will be focused on:
PLP Facilitator Program, Senior Educator Program, Quarterly
Activity Reports, Survivor Program, and a new program,
called “Give me 5,” designed to archive brief 5-minute topic
presentations as a resource for our Chapter Educators to use at
their monthly meetings. I’m looking forward to that and I’m sure
you are too!
As Jim and Nan Hall have assumed their National duties, our
new Region “N” Directors of Rider Education are Gene and
Betty Knutson of Lebanon, TN who were appointed last month.
Gene and Betty have been GWRRA members since April, 2002.
They have been Chapter members in TN-G2 (Pigeon Forge,
TN, New Mexico and, most recently, TN-Y in Murfreesboro, TN.
Gene drives a Valkyrie and Betty drives a GL1800 trike. Gene
and Betty have long served our Rider Education program and
both are Rider Education Seminar Presenters, and Gene is also
an MFA Instructor working toward his Trainer status. Those of
you planning on attending the Tennessee District “Spring Fling”
Rally April 23-25 in Pigeon Forge, TN will be able to see Gene
presenting a Leadership Training class for his certification as
an LTD Instructor. He’ll also be teaching Rider Ed seminars
and instructing an MFA course. Betty will also be receiving her
certification as an LTD Instructor at Spring Fling and she will
also be attending the MFA Instructor course in the near future.
Gene has submitted his application and payment for the ARC
Instructor’s Course is awaiting an opening date to attend.
Additionally, Gene has 32 years of public safety experience and
training with multiple certifications in Law Enforcement, Fire
Fighting, and Emergency Medical Services. He has instructed
in all areas of public safety at the Federal, State, and Local
levels. Betty is retired from a career in Computer Services and
Accounting and they enjoy working as a team in all endeavors.
I look forward to their leadership in Region Rider Education.
Given the contributions of Jim and Nan Hall, they certainly have
some big shoes to fill.
On our local level, I feel like I’ve won the lottery! I’ve worked
so hard at making Nick Knox feel guilty about hoarding all of
his Rider Education talent and experience that he has offered
to assist me with our VA-B Rider Education program. We’re
currently working with Dave Huey of VA-C to arrange a Road
Captain Course for us, as well as members of VA-C and
VA-L. As I’ll be in San Antonio, TX next week, I expect Nick
will share more information about this class with you at our
monthly meeting. I’d also like you to join me in congratulating
Dave Seate on his recently achieving Rider Education Level III
“Certified Tour Rider” status. Dave has done this with distinction
and will also be presented the “60,000 Safe Miles Pin” in addition
to his patches.
Lastly, don’t forget the classes scheduled for next month at the
Portsmouth TCC Campus as follows:
April 17-19 and Sept 18-20 for the Basic Sidecar/Trike
class. They provide sidecars and trikes for the class, however,
students may use their own rigs if they desire. In the Advanced
S/TEP class they encourage students to provide their own rigs.
The 2-wheeled Experience Rider Course is scheduled
for April 4, June 13, Aug 8, and Oct 17th.
Note: All S/TEP classes and ERC classes are taught at
TCC’s Portsmouth Campus. TCC Motorcycle Safety Course
information and online registration may be found at http://www.
Region N Training Calendar
3/14: Intermediate Leadership Skills in Morganton,
NC (Contact John Williams at 828-687-9868 or
3/28: Intermediate Leadership Skills in Kernersville,
NC Contact John Williams at 828-687-9868 or
3/28: Intermediate Leadership Skills in Goldsboro,
NC. Contact John Williams at 828-687-9868 or
Why is the 0 on a phone after 1 and not before 1?
what do bob
& ann have to say about that?
Lets find out...
I have been under the weather lately and haven’t been able to ride as much as I’d like. I think Carol
(aka Sugar) was the one who passed the bug at our last meeting and at the Polar Bear Run. I hope
she didn’t feel as bad as I did. I ended up with a sinus infection and bronchitis.
Turning to the Polar Bear Run, it seemed to go off without a hitch. Thanks for everyone who helped
make the event a success. In my opinion, the area we were able to set up in was 100 percent better
than in the alley. The weather cooperated somewhat, yeah, I know it was cold and everything, but
that’s what polar bear bikers are used too. Right? I stuck with the games and folks seemed to have
a ball since we added some new and challenging ones. I had a lot of people trying to throw quarters
into the glasses. One lady in particular was very good at it, she seemed be able to put a majority
of the quarters into the ones with the higher number of tickets. The wind definitely affected the hoop
shots, ring toss and Frisbee throw. A lot of the ones that were perfect throws were the ones that didn’t count for points. I know on
a scale of one to 10, 10 being the hardest, I give that to the Frisbee throw.
Another event the chapter did was the dessert night. I had to work that evening and Ann was on her own. Well, she did have all of
you. Here I am (Ann), my turn now. I really enjoyed the evening and it was a great idea of Kristen’s. I don’t eat any desserts, along
with some other members, but the social aspect is too good to pass up. I hear the desserts are good too. If you haven’t been to
one, try it, you’ll like it. The next one is March 25 at our house.
We won’t be at the March meeting because we have family coming in. My mom and sister are flying in that evening from Maine and
staying for a week. They are taking a break from several feet of snow and I’ve already reminded them several times to leave it all
up there. Our middle daughter, her husband and their two sons are coming in the next day from North Carolina for the weekend. It
will be a very full and busy weekend, but it will be great!
Bob & Ann
& enhancement
Stick with us!
As I sit here in front of the computer, the
wind is blowing and there is snow on the
ground. Last week we had two days in the
70’s. I weeded flower beds and we even
took the bike out for a short ride. What
happened? It’s March. That explains everything. It’s typical for this area. Winter
always has the last gasp in early March.
Our Polar Bear Run was a success. The
weather, while it was cold, was also a sunny day and quite a few hardy souls turned
out to support our chapter. We even had a
prospective new member to GWRRA and
thanks to a staff member an application
was available. Our last Sunday breakfast
had a small turn out, just eight members
but we enjoyed it anyway.
There is not much on the schedule for this
month so you have plenty of time to make
plans for all the events that will come up
in April. Make sure you have your visitation cards ready to have signed at all the
events you will attend. Also it would be a
good idea to make a couple of copies of
the application forms for GWRRA to keep
on hand when you are out and about. You
never know
Dave and Dolores Ebmeier
Member Enhancement
If mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes?
C hecking
in with our coy
Spreading the Cheer
Karla and I want to thank everyone again for all the support given
us during the District Couple of the Year selection at Wingless
Weekend. I want to take a moment and thank Karla personally.
She was the one who insisted we apply. I know Karla developed a little stage fright but that doesn’t diminish the amount of
courage it takes just to get up on stage. I’m
very proud of her. We’ve come to appreciate,
even more now, all of the Chapter Couples and
the program as a result of competing.
As everyone knows our Polar Bear poker run
was a huge success. Kudos goes out to Dennis and Kristen. It takes a lot of time, planning,
and patience to pull this off and they make it
look so easy. Of course we all know that is not
the case. Also a big job well done to all the
Chapter volunteers involved with the running
of the event. Without them we could not have
done so well.
Jim and Carol hosted the chapter desert night in February.
Along with a different place to gather everyone brought different
desserts than last month showing their talents for baking. All
the desserts were made from scratch including the éclair cake
Karla and I brought. I’m telling you everything was absolutely
delicious. Those of you who haven’t been able to come out
and share in the fun and just get away for a while really should
come out. This offers the perfect opportunity to get to know
each other in a relaxed setting where any topic of conversation
is possible. If you’re shy about eating sweets that’s ok, come
for the friendship without the meeting atmosphere.
At the end of the month, we ventured to Chapter L’s new meeting
place. There was quite a big turn out with visitors from Chapter
O and District along with a few potential new members for L.
Marty was presented his official Operations Patch and anointed
as Chapter Director. He is growing into
the roll very nicely and I’m sure he will do
the chapter Proud. Kristen’s good luck
rubbed off on us and we won the 50/50.
We were a quarter shy of five dollars and
Karla bummed it from her. It must have
been her lucky quarter.
We are hope for a little change in the
weather for March. We would love to
get back to some riding and get out and
visit with some of our other neighboring
chapters as well as a few of the others
we have yet to get to. We are going to try to go to Leesburg
and visit with Chapter Y. We extend an invitation to anyone that
would like to venture with us.
For those of you whom were brave enough to venture out on
your bikes this past month I applaud you. Continue to ride safe
and stay WARMMMM.
Until next month,
Al & Karla
tech talk with dave hunter
is your bike doing what it’s supposed to?
As the temperature has steadily crept below the freezing mark we have once again been greeted by the annual return of
the GL1800 drip. Coolant leaks from the hoses located all over the GL1800 cooling systems have become a yearly battle.
They show up as drops of green coolant on cowl surfaces, puddles on the garage floor or whiffs of a sweet yucky smell
as your engine warms up. It appears that as the temperature drops, the hoses shrink and the coolant sneaks out of the
system by creeping out from under the now slack hose clamps.
Usually the fix is simply to tighten up the clamp on the offending hose. The problem is getting to the hose clamp to tighten
it! Bless Hondas little heart, they have found some well hidden spots to hide these hoses and clamps. My least favorite
spot is a “Y” connector under the gas tank where three hoses come together. It is necessary to remove the tank to tighten three little clamps. Another annoying spot is the front
hose on either the left or right radiator. At the factory Honda assembles the radiators and
tightens the claps pointing out! That’s fine, but then they add the fairing that makes it very
difficult to get to the clamp screws without removing the fairing (bad Honda).
IMPORTANT: Never add stop leak to the coolant!!! You may stop more than just a leak.
Dave Hunter
Why aren’t safety pins as safe as they say they are?
VA-B Riding / Co-Riding Safety Note
It’s not going to be long before those temperatures climb and more of our weekends are dedicated to doing what we love most.
While last month I provided information and checklists to ensure your motorcycle is completely ready to ride, I now want to focus
on our Chapter’s most valuable assets (YOU).
Remember that nearly everyone driving a car is holding a cell phone next to their ear these days and, as difficult as motorcyclists
are for drivers to see, it’s more dangerous now in the era or talking and texting. Please give some extra attention to wearing bright
clothes and using those fog lights to be as visible as you can be on the road. In addition to having difficulty seeing us amidst their
various distractions, drivers don’t appreciate our decelerations if we don’t trigger our brake lights in crowded traffic conditions.
Keep those brightly-colored vests nearby and wear them whenever riding at dawn, dusk or rainy conditions. Stack the deck in your
favor to the maximum extent possible and use your imaginations to be as visible as possible out there!
John Bowles
Rider Education
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
W W W. G W R R AVA B . N E T
We meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month
6:00pm socialize and eat, 7:00pm social meeting.
11 March 2009
8 April 2009
13 May 2009
D & S Pizzeria
1060 Lynnhaven Parkway
Virginia Beach
Can bald men get lice??
What’s Happening in our District?
Words from Our Distinguished leaders Pat & Kathy Hasiak
Time is flying by again.
We had our Wingless Weekend and had a great time. Where
were you?
There were a lot of great costumes and an entertaining evening
from a few chapters in the talent show. We had some great
seminars as well so you had the opportunity to enhance your
knowledge. We also got some Presenters certified so now there
are more available to provide training in the local areas.
This year promises to be a busy one again with all the Chapter
events and other District activities going on. If you have the opportunity, we encourage you to go out and visit as many chapters
as you can. We now have the new Virginia Traveling Plaque and
it is in the possession of VA X in Salem. Going after the plaque
gives you some incentive to make some visits to other chapters.
At the end of the year, we draw a name to see who gets to keep
the plaque permanently.
The more your chapter gets it the better your chances of winning
it. Before you get out and start the active riding season make
sure you check out your bike and get it into good shape so you
can have many safe miles again this year. While you’re getting
your bike ready don’t neglect to get yourself prepared for the
riding season. Make sure you get some parking lot practice in,
attend a MSF class and make sure your health is safe enough
for riding.
The winning entry for the Rally in
the Valley logo contest was created
by Dennis Weston. He wins two
registrations to Rally in the Valley
and two shirts.
Congratulations Dennis!
We have encouraged the Chapter Director’s to compete in the
Chapter of the Year program. There will be a cash award for
the chapter selected and they get to compete against the other
Districts for Region chapter of the year. At Wingless this year
we selected the new District Couple of the Year. They are Pat
& Debbie Koehler from VA-O. Please join us in congratulating
them and look to see them at your events this coming year.
Until next month,
Ride safe and “Keep the Shiny Side Up”
Pat & Kathy Hasiak
District Directors
GWRRA Virginia
Since a running back runs forward, why is he called a running back?
Region N news Meet the New Region N Educators
It is Great to Be a Goldwinger!
Hello, from the Knutson household. Betty
and I have happily accepted the position
as Region N Educator. We could not be
happier for the opportunity to serve our
fellow members in this capacity. Since
our very first gathering in Pigeon Forge,
TN, our goal has been to be the very best
members we can be. Our appointment
as Chapter Educator with TN-G2 started
us on a path that led us to where we are
We have been married since November
of 2001, and have been members of
GWRRA since May of 2002. Our very first
Goldwing was a 1992 1500SE Trike. We
had it only 2 months when we set off for
our very first Wing Ding, in Fort Wayne.
We literally exhausted ourselves trying
to do all of the events possible that first
Coming home from that first Wing Ding,
we knew that we wanted to be as active as
possible, as there was just too much fun
to be had! Since then, we have attended
training in Leadership, and Riders
Education, and sought to be supportive of
GWRRA in every possible manner. Over
the years, prior to our finding GWRRA,
Betty and I had led very successful
professional careers. Betty had served as
Vice-President in a manufacturing firm,
prior to completely moving her interest to
systems analysis. Having been born and
raised in New York City, her subsequent
residences included Cleveland, Ohio and
the New Orleans area before settling in
Nashville TN. It was there that we met.
I was born in South Dakota, but grew up in
Ohio. My career has been in Public Safety,
having served in 7 foreign countries, and
41 of our great states. My duties have
covered those of Law Enforcement,
Firefighting and Emergency Medical
Services. My motorcycling experience
began at the age of 14 with aCB305 and
carried into my adult life for the next 44
years. I have served as a Police Motor
Officer and instructed at two separate
Law Enforcement Academies. I will soon
be seeking certification as a Rider Coach
in the civilian arena and look forward to a
lot of range time with my fellow wingers.
Currently, Betty rides a 2008 Honda
Goldwing Trike, and I ride a 2001 Honda
Valkyrie Interstate. We have traveled
vastly with our fellow Goldwingers, having
attended rallies and Wing Ding’s at every
opportunity. It never ceases to amaze us
how friendly everyone is that we meet,
and makes us believe in the old saying, “
A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met
Having made an attempt at letting you
know us a little, we will soon be hitting the
road in an effort to meet a lot of you.
If you have an event taking place in your
area we would like to know about it and,
if possible, we will be there. Also, be
watching in the near future for a separate
Rider Education Newsletter and updated
links on the Region N Website for more
direct downloading of Rider Education
Ride Safe, Ride Often
Gene and Betty Knutson
Region N Rider Educators
Group Discount for Wing Ding Still Available
The $5 registration discount offered to Members who preregistered for Wing Ding 30 ended on January 31, 2009. However, there’s
still time to take advantage of the preregistration for ten Members. Preregister at least ten Members for Wing Ding 31, and receive $5 off the registration fee for the Officer and the delegates. Any Officer of GWRRA is eligible to participate. All applications,
minimum of ten delegates, must be attached together to be eligible for the discount and must be submitted to the Home Office by
the Officer. Please submit only one application per household, and attach the payment (check or credit card) to each application
separately. The program begins November 1, 2008 and will end May 18, 2009. All applications must be postmarked by May 18,
2009 to be eligible.
Why not plan on riding to Tulsa as a group? What a great way to see the country, enjoy the company of our Gold Wing family and
save money all at the same time!
For more information, call Member Services at 800-843-9460 or in Phoenix 623-581-2500. You can also email customerservice@
Why can’t you get a tan on your palms?
Motorist Awareness -
Hello, Don’t you see me?
You know, even if all GoldWings looked like this one, I think the
non-motorcycling public would still turn left in front of us!
One of the ideas that has been batted around for a while, is to
make motorcycles appear wider than they really are. This has
been tried in various ways but to no benefit when it comes to
keeping the public looking out for us. But in the Motorist Awareness Division, there are now two new presentations that can be
made to groups in your local communities.
Access to these presentations is secured but will be available to
those members that are actually presenting the material.
Don’t forget, Chapter Directors, that your MA Coordinator has
a monthly report to make to be included in the Chapter Educator’s report. The Tax-Exempt status of GWRRA is founded on the
amount of teaching that we do through Rider Education, Leadership Training and Membership Enhancement. The Motorist
Awareness Division is specifically targeted at the motoring public
and teaching that public about how to watch out for us two (and
three) wheelers, is a great additive not only for us staying tax free,
but also to keep the public aware of us on the road.
Please look into recruiting an MA Coordinator for your Chapter. Talk it up at
your monthly gatherings and take a survey of how your Chapter members feel
about keeping the motoring public informed and watching out for you on the
road. Look into the seminars for yourself and ask for volunteers to look into
the seminars themselves and see the emphasis and value placed on looking
out for motorcyclists. Once you’ve done some research and decided to make
a presentation, then call on local civic groups and school groups to set up a
time to present the material. It should take about 20 to 30 minutes of your
time. Take your Chapter banner or flag and use it in your set-up. Hey, maybe
even include your own bike in the presentation. Have it available for your audience to look at. You’ll be surprised at the number of questions that folks will
ask; everything from how easy is it to steer to how quickly can you get out of
the way of some driver bearing down on you! It won’t take but just one or two
presentations for you to see the value of getting these presentations in front of
as many people as possible.
When you begin the program, have your Coordinator write articles for your
Chapter news-letter and submit articles to the District newsletter. Generate
as much interest as you can. This program is designed to make the motoring
public genuinely aware of motorcycles on the road and I can assure you, any
information you show to them is going to make a difference in how they watch
for us!
Frank Albert, Region N MA Coordinator, pro tem
What do vegetarians feed their dogs?
National News -
Keeping us one big happy family
A Simple Explanation of Rider Education Levels & Personal Choices…
As Nan & I continue to visit old friends & make new one by visiting and participating at different chapter meetings and events,
we are continuing to hear the question what do all these levels mean? Most of us already know, however in order to keep the
Rider Education Program growing we have to remember our new members and remind our old members as well. So, “Just what
is Level I”, a new member might ask. You might say, “It is just a commitment to ride safe.” Or you could explain in a little more
detail by saying, “It’s purpose is to obtain and reward a conscious commitment on the part of the rider or co-rider to work toward
enhancing their riding experience by striving for reduced risk and therefore creating a greater level of safety for all members.” You
might go on to say, “We encourage all members that ride with us to make this commitment.”
So just what is Level II? You might say, “It is Safety by Education.” You could say, “It is a level to encourage the rider & the co-rider
to get as much education as possible through formal education by attending Rider Education Seminars and Riding Courses.” You
should also explain where they can find these seminars & courses.
So now what is Level III? You might say, “It is Safety by Preparedness.” And what does that mean? You say, “It is the level that
prepares the rider and co-rider for the unexpected incident by training them in CPR & First Aid. You could even explain that
members can receive this training at the very low cost of only $20.00 which is four times cheaper if they were to take this same
training outside our organization.
Now what is Level IV? What could be left? You could say, “It is Safety by Enhanced Commitment.” Or you could say, “It is the
Total Package which allows a member to Consciously decide to SET THE EXAMPLE for others by combining all the above with
additionally wearing the Proper Riding Gear. Remember we are not dressing for the ride but protecting ourselves and loved ones
from what could happen. Do you really want to gamble on your life or a loved one’s life?”
There’s an old saying among motorcyclists; cover up what you would like to keep! Some say Experience is the Best Teacher. We
hope that is one saying you never Experience! You may go on to explain they can purchase patches to wear on their vests to
show their commitment to reducing risk in our chosen sport. You should also explain where they may get these patches. They
may even ask, ‘What is the proper riding gear?” You could say, “It is a Personal Choice.” However, if you really care about your
members you will say something like, “It consist of an approved DOT/ Snell Helmet with proper chin strap.” If you really care you
will explain the different styles of helmets and which provides the best protection. Explain about the long sleeves, long pants,
over the ankle boots and gloves with fingers. Don’t forget to talk about dressing in layers and different types and styles of jackets,
pants and gloves. Remember back to when you first started riding, did you have someone to show you the ropes or did you have
to figure it all out on your own? Hopefully you were given some pointers.
We understand that motorcyclists are independent people, set in their ways and many other things that we probably should not
mention. Because riding is an extension of their individual freedom they tend to object, especially when it comes to telling them
what to wear while riding.
As Educators and members of this great organization, it is our responsibility to focus on educating and training as many as our
members as possible. We can do this by offering Seminars, scheduling Riding Classes and offering CPR & First Aid at the chapter
REMEMBER! If a member is committed to reducing the risk and wants to ride safe they will wear the proper gear. If they choose
not to, all we can do is offer the education and SET THE EXAMPLE.
Until next Time, Ride Safe & Never Faster than your Guardian Angel Can Fly,
Jim & Nan
Assistant Directors- Rider Education
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
ensure you’re on the right path
Dear Rider,
If you’re lucky enough to have someone you care for on the back of your motorcycle,
you should consider it a gift in trust. Even if you are an experienced rider, there is
much to know about carrying a passenger. I’m not speaking solely of how riding
double affects the behavior of your machine, I’m also talking about simple comfort
and convenience factors that will make any ride more pleasant for both of you.
Dear Passenger,
First things first. Do you really trust this guy? That’s the number-one thing we
want passengers to mull over before they accept a ride on the back of a motorcycle.
It doesn’t matter if he’s your father, a first date or your husband of 20 years; you
must not take this question lightly. You’re gambling your very life on faith in his
skill. If you doubt it, say no.
By Jamie Elvidge.
Chapter Chatter
ongratulations to Mike
Skelton who retired 27
February after serving 31 years
in the Navy. He will begin a
new job with CNIC N7 as the
Senior Analyst starting 1 June.
Welcome to the civilian world.
et your name in to Ann and
Bob as soon as possible
and reserve a spot for you at
the condo for the weekend ride
coming up 12-14 June. There
are only eight spots remaining.
n the cover this month is
Kristen & Delena ready
for a winter ride in 2007. We
have officially run out of cover
model shots now, so you’ll see
us creeping around with the
camera again soon. Just say
that participated and or
volunteered your time to help
out with our annual Polar Bear
Ride. We had a great turn out
with GWRRA Chapters from
Virginia and North Carolina as
well as non-GWRRA Chapters
in attendance.
It’s always
nice when you can get local
Chapters to participate. It tells
us that our support of them
and their causes are not going
im Clagget has put on his
Tour De Cure hat and is
once again soliciting volunteers
to marshal the ride this year.
The course will be new this
year as well as an addtional
smaller ride for families. The
various rides should allow you
to volunteer as much or as little
time as you have available.
his month we start the ride
for the prize. For each ride
we have the names of all attendees (cars or bikes) will be
collected and a ticket given
for each. At the end of the
year all tickets will be placed
together and a winner drawn.
The more tickets you have
your name on, the better your
chance of winning.
on’t forget your ride card!
Get it signed everytime
you attend an EVENT (Not
chapter ride) sponsored by
GWRRA or others. This is a
point system award where the
person with the most points at
the end of the year wins. This
year we’ve extended it to encompass non-GWRRA events
as well. Now that we’re offering “awards” for riding you really have no excuse!
What happens if you say “hi” to your friend on an airplane who’s name is Jack?
Upcoming Calendar of Events
• March 08 - VA-C monthy social. Join Dennis & Kristen
and venture with us or meet us there. Eat at 6:00, meet
at 7:00. Angelo’s Steak and Pancake House, Newport
• March 11 - Monthly Social. Eat & greet at 6:00, meeting
at 7:00. D & S Restaurant, Lynnhaven Parkway.
• March 14 - VA-B fun ride: Virginia Plantation, Settlement
and Battlefield tour.
• March 25- *****DATE CHANGE**** Dessert Night!
Everyone attending brings a dessert to share. 7:00 - 9:00
pm at Bob and Ann’s house. Don’t worry Dave E., you
can be home and in bed by 9:30.
• March 28 - End of the Month Breakfast, 9:00 at the
Golden Coral on Independence. If you’d like to suggest
an alternate place, let us know. Next month we will begin
“riding to breakfast.”
• March 28 - Memorial Service for Ken Plopper, 3:00 pm at
Christian Embassy Church on Centerville Turnpike. (across
the street from Atlantic Shores High School).
• April 04 - VA-B Fun Ride: location and destination
• April 08 - Monthly Social. Eat & greet at 6:00, meeting at
7:00. D & S Restaurant, Lynnhaven Parkway.
• April 18 - Tour De Cure. This is our “charity” event where
we provide motorcycle escorts to the cyclists raising money
for this worthy charity. Please make sure you sign up with
Jim Claggett for your assignment.
• April 18 - also this date is VA-C’s annual Spring Thaw.
For those of you that will not be escorting the Tour De Cure,
please attend this event and support our friends at VA-C.
• April 19 - VA-L’s after Tax Day Poker Run. Meet at
Hardees on George Washington Hwy at 9:30 and we’ll ride
together as a group.
• April 22 - Dessert Night! Everyone attending brings a
dessert to share. 7:00 - 9:00. Scheduled at Jackie and
Duane’s house.
• April 25 -Patrick Henry Boys Home – VA-J, South
Boston - Great event from last year, fun with the kids, lunch
provided, great ride up and back. Meeting location & time
• April 26 - End of the month breakfast and NC-E2 annual
poker run. Meet at Golden Corral on Independence at
8:00 to eat and we will depart from there. Not interested
in eating breakfast? Meet us in the parking lot. Kickstand
up at 9:30.
• May 09 - VA-B fun ride. We’re gonna ride to Roanoke
Festival Park, Manteo for a picnic in the park. Plenty of
attractions within walking distance of the park or just sit
and enjoy. Bring a picnic lunch. No special restaurant stop
will be planned. Ride time down is approx 2.5 hours. We’l
hang a bit and then head back. Meet at Angie’s Restaurant,
kickstands up at 9:00 am.
• May 13 - Monthly Social. Eat & greet at 6:00, meeting at
7:00. D & S Restaurant, Lynnhaven Parkway.
• May 17 - Mall Show, Greenbrier Mall, Chesapeake.
Names of members wanting to display their bikes will be
taken by Bob L or Dennis. More info to follow.
• May 27 - Ice Cream Ride. Location TBA.
• May 31 - End of the Month Breakfast. We will try a “ride
to breakfast” morning. Suggestions of where we can ride
to for a great breakfast are welcome.
A note from Mary Lou Plopper
There will be a memorial service for Ken March 28 at 3 pm at Christian Embassy Church on Centerville
Turnpike. It is just across the street from Atlantic Shores High School. There will be food after the memorial
in the fellowship hall (where they had the “Meet and Greet”). If it’s a nice day, hope you can ride and please
wear your colors.
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
February we held our annual Polar Bear Run. We were
really pleased so many groups attended to show their
support. It was great to see so many brave the cold and
come on their bikes as well as ride the route.
Happy Birthday to our
March Babies:
Mike Skelton
Nick Knox
Ann Lutton
Dale Miller
If March is your birth month and you’re too
shy to admit it, we wish you a happy birthday
from Your Chapter Members!
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Meet the staff
Eric Mark. . . . . . . . . . General
Dave Hunter . . . . . . . Service
Linda B . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts
Jake Poland. . . . . . . . . . Sales
Darlo Niles . . . . . . . . . . Office
Frequent one o
saw their Ad in
5 a.m. to 9 p.m.
8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
1024-D Centerbrooke Lane
Suffolk, Virginia
Cal Vander Molen
and more...
Chapter VA-B Staff
Dennis & Kristen Weston
Ass’t Chapter Directors
Chapter Couple
Technical Director
Ride Coordinator
Web Master
John Bowles
Bob & Ann Lutton
Al & Karla Dobbins
Dave Hunter
Dave & Dolores Ebmeier
Jackie Worley
Kristen Weston
Dennis Weston &
Interested? give us a call
Region N Staff
Frank & Kathy Albert
Leadership Training
Member Enhancement
Motorist Awareness
2008 Couple of Year
Betty & Gene Knutson
Pam & Tommy Meador
Bruce and Terri Stanley
Alan & Carolyn Little
Pat & Kathy Hasiak
George Craddock / Isabel Grey
Joe & Sheila Bowles
Jim Sharkey & Renee Starkweather
Ken & Georgia Siadak
Dave & Norma Miller
Evelyn Hicks
Debra & Patrick Koehler
VA District Staff
Asst. Director (North)
Asst. Director (Central)
Asst. Director (East)
Asst. Director (West)
Asst. Educator (East)
Motorcycle Awareness
2009 COY